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A17649 The comentaries of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the first Epistle of Sainct Ihon, and vpon the Epistle of Iude wherein accordyng to the truthe of the woordes of the holie Ghost, he most excellently openeth and cleareth the poinct of true iustification with God, and sanctification by the Spirit of Christ, by the effects that he bryngeth forthe in the regeneration. Translated into Englishe by W.H.; Commentaire sur l'épistre canonique de S. Jean. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. Exposition sur l'épistre de S. Jude. aut; W. H. 1580 (1580) STC 4404; ESTC S107184 123,116 300

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mindes because God doth establish our faith by his owne authoritie Neither dooth he say that God dooth speake outwardly but that euery one of the godly doth féele him the Authour of his faith inwardly in himselfe Whereby it appeareth how much an inconstant opinion which hangeth vppon some other thing doth differ from faith 10 He that doth not beleeue As the faithfull haue this commoditie that they know themselues to be without daunger of errour because they are grounded vppon God so he maketh the vngodly guiltie of great blasphemie because they accuse God of a lie Truely nothing is more precious vnto God then his truth wherfore no greater iniury cā be done vnto him then when he is spoyled of this honor Therfore that he may stur vs vp to beléeue he taketh an argument frō the contrarie For if it be an horrible and cursed wickednesse to make God a liar because then that which is most proper vnto him is taken awaie who would not feare to abase the credit of the gospell wherein God will especially be accounted true and faithfull This is dilligently to be noted Some meruaile why God doth so much commend faith why vnfaithfulnesse is so sharply condemned But héere the infinit glorie of God is in question For séeing he woulde giue forth a speciall shew of his truth in the Gospell they leaue him nothing whosoeuer refuse Christ therein offered Wherefore that we may graunt that some man maye in some other partes of his lyfe be equall vnto an Angell yet his holynesse is diuellish so long as he reiecteth Christ As we sée certaine in the Papacie much to flatter themselues with I know not what visor of holinesse when as yet they resist the Gospell most obstinatly Therefore let vs holde that this is the beginning of godlynesse obediently to imbrace that doctrine which hee hath so faythfullye auouched for a witnesse 11 That hee hath giuen eternall lyfe Nowe hée allureth vs to beléeue by setting before vs the profite thereof This reuerence indéede is due vnto GOD that whatsoeuer hée sayeth to vs it be by and by without controuersie But whereas he offereth vs lyfe fréelye it is an vnthankfulnesse intollerable if we doo not receyue so louing and swéete a doctrine with a most stedfast and ready faith And truly the words of the Apostle haue this drift that we must not onely reuerently obeye the Gospell least wée doe iniurye vnto God but also that it is to bée beloued because it bringeth vnto vs eternall lyfe From whence also wée doo gather what is chiefely and most of all to be sought for in the Gospell of Christ to wit the free guift of eternall redemption and saluation For séeing God of his goodnesse dooth there exhorte vs vnto repentaunce and feare it ought not to be separated from the grace of Christ And that the Apostle maye staye and detaine vs whollye in the eternall grace of Christ he repeateth vnto vs again that euerlasting life is contained in him alone as if hée shoulde haue sayde that there is no other meanes at all set downe vnto vs by GOD the father to obtaine life And indéede the Apostle hath briefly héere comprehended thrée things to wit that we are all appoynted vnto death vntill God of his frée goodnesse doo restore vs to life For he plainly sayth that lyfe is giuen by God Whereby also it followeth that we are disappoynted of it and that it cannot be gotten by deserts Further he teacheth that this life is giuen vnto vs by the Gospell because there is layde open the goodnesse and fatherly loue of God towardes vs. Lastly he saith that we are by no other meanes made pertakers of that lyfe then when we are ingrafted into Christ by faith 12 He that hath not It is a confirmation of the sentence going before Indéed that ought to suffice that God hath placed lyfe no where els but in Christ that it maye be sought for frō thence But least any man should decline another way he shutteth out all men from the hope of life which séeke it not in Christ We knowe what it is to haue Christ for he is possessed by faith Therefore he depriueth all men of life which are not of the bodie of Christ But this séemeth not to agrée with reason For histories doo shew that there haue bene excellent men and indued with noble vertues which notwithstanding haue ben altogether strangers from Christ And it séemeth vnfit to giue no honour vnto so great excellencie I aunswere that we are farre deceiued if we thinke that whatsoeuer dooth excel in our eyes is allowed of God Yea rather as it is in Luke 16.15 that which is excellent in the sight of men is abhominatiō before God Foe because the vncleannesse of the heart is vnknowen vnto vs we are content with the outward shew But God dooth sée most filthy wickednesse lying hid vnder the same Therfore it is no meruaile if those vertues which beare an outward shew doo stink before him which both procéede from an vncleane heart and also tende not to a good ende Further whence is the cleannesse of the heart whence is a good indeauour of godlinesse but from the spirite of Christ Then nothing is worthie of praise but in Christ Although ther is another reason which taketh away al doubt For the righteousnesse of men consisteth in the forgiuenesse of sinnes If thou take away this the vndoubted cursse of God and euerlasting death remaineth for vs all and it is onely Christ which reconcileth the father vnto vs as he hath once pacified him by the sacrifice of his death Whence it followeth that God is mercifull to man but in Christ and that there is no righteousnesse but in him If any man obiect Cornelius whō Luke witnesseth to be acceptable vnto god before that he was called to the faith of the gospel I aunswere briefely that God dooth somtimes so work in vs that the séede of faith dooth not by and by the first day appeare Cornelius had not a cléere and plaine knowledge of Christ but séeing hée was indued with some féeling of the mercy of God he must withall holde some thing of the mediator But because God hath secrete and wonderfull meanes to worke by let vs passing by the shewes that profite not holde fast only the plaine way to saluation which he sheweth vs. 13 I haue written these things vnto you which beleeue in the name of the sonne of God that ye may know that you haue eternall life and that you may beleeue in the name of the sonne of God 14 And this is the trust which wee haue in him that if we shall aske anye thing according to his will he heareth vs. 15 And if we know that hee heareth vs when we shall aske any thing we know that we haue the petitions that wee haue asked of him 13 I Haue written these thinges vnto you Because there must bée a continuall going forward in faith therefore he saith that he writeth
of the other he saieth by his owne example Rom. 7.15.17 That that I would not do that I doe yet not I but sinne that dwelleth in me Where he meaneth by sinne the remnaunces of corruption whiche yet were sinne albeit he laboured against it and was so farre from taking delight therein that he euen groned vnder the burden thereof Rom. 7.24 saiyng O wretched man that I am who shal deliuer me from this bodie of death But who seeth not that fewe there are who striue to giue obediēce vnto the Lord and to shew forth the effectual cognizaunce and badge whose people thei be by true regeneration and sincere loue to the bretheren Infinite in deede are the thousandes of men who beare an outward face to the Gospell of Christ that yet doe wholly prophane them selues in the obedience of sinne not knowyng or not regardyng 2. Cor 5.17 that iustification and sanctification are inseperable companions who can not bee sondred or put aparte Yet the olde complaint of the Prophet is in vse at this daie that men seeme to saie in their hartes Esa 28.15 Wee haue made a couenaunt with death and with hell are wee at a greement though a scourge run ouer and passe through it shall not come at vs for we haue made falshood our refuge and vnder vanitie are we hidd Moises commaunded the Israelites carefully to auoide the roote of bitternesse Deut. Heb. 12.15 and sheweth what it is and the daunger thereof that is an harte hardened at the iudgementes of the Lorde and saiyng Tushe I shall haue peace although I walke according to the stubbornnesse of myne owne harte The Lorde saieth Moises will not be mercifull to suche a soule c. And who maie not see the many yea infinite thousandes of suche as haue in their profession succeeded Esawe as prophane as he Heb. 12.16 who contemned and solde his birthright for one messe of meate but thei thinke thei shall safely retourne in conuenient tyme yet thei are greatly deceiued Gen. 25.32 Esawe thought not his birthright worth a strawe if he perished with hunger that is except it might serue hym in this life These contemne the truth of Gods word the honor of his name and care of true obedience vnto his will in regarde of their pleasure or profite the least that maie Heb. 12.17 Esawe founde no place to repentaunce although he sought the blessing with teares and who can assure them that their portion wil not be as his For howsoeuer thei outwardly pretende to agree with vs in one and the same truthe of God yet we continually see to our intollerable greefe how in the practize of their life thei runne headlong to all prophannesse cast the glorious power of the worde of God whiche should continually bynde them to the obedience of his will out of their sight 2. Tim. 3.2.5 2. Pet. 2.3 whilest thei accompt more of gaine then of Godlinesse and wallowe in their vaine pleasures and fleshly delightes as is infinitly seen at this daie Who maketh not a tushe in his owne soule to giue obediēce to the Lorde in all the actions of his life If outwardly to bragge that we are children of the righteous to glorie in our titles Ihon. 8.3.3 if not rightly to accompt of the excellencie of our high callyng with God if to be hardly drawen to any good waie and to goe swiftly to the waie of sinne if our filthie gaine though but in a vile thyng or beastly delightes bee of force to carie vs against the obedience of the will of God bee to holde an estate with Esawe as it is in deede if onely thei haue sealed vnto them the fauour of the Lorde who by the power of the Spirite of Christ are chaunged in their whole beeyng and cherefully led in the obedience of the wil of God then is there iust cause that all carnall Gospellers Libertines carelesse professors and prophane men should intollerably feare before the anger of the Lord. And although thei be infinitly drunken with this vile conceapt that so thei bee no Papistes whiche vncleane beastes in deede remaine in their sinnes so thei professe the Gospell alowe of the truthe and doctrine thereof as common men doe in all thynges that touch not themselues that for the rest God is mercifull and thei shall doe well enough howsoeuer thei liue yet let them remēber alwaies the example of Esawe He though not the excellencie of Gods callyng to be as it was in the tyme of his vanitie nor yet doe thei He wept for a blessing and it maie be some of them would gladly be saued But true repentaunce Luc 24 47. the waie whereby it is had was farre from him and who shall promise it vnto them It maie bee if the Lorde doe not conuert them thei maie haue suche a repentaunce as Judas had a sight of the righteous iudgementes of GOD and their owne sinne but suche a power in their owne soules as maie soundly applie the free promises of God in Christ and his whole righteousnesse vnto them selues it is onely from the Lorde and resteth not in the power of any childe of man as maie well be seen in Esaw who is saide to haue founde no place to repentance though he sought the blessing with teares Againe seing the Lorde maketh it knowen in some acceptable measure who doe rightly profite in the profession of his name vnto the assuraunce of his grace free discharge from al daunger in the daie to come As doeth appeare in the visitation of the greate Citie spoken of in Ezekiel 9.4 commaundyng that all thei onely shall be sealed to a sure escape that mourne crie for the wickednesse of men How shall these impure Macheuilles Atheistes Papistes Libertines beastly professors and carnall Gospellers be put in hope of the fauour of God who are so farre of from mournyng in their owne soules for the euilles of men that their owne life is nothyng els but a Sea of sinne and daiely proceedyng in continuall transgression against the Lorde And albeit it is moste true that whom the Lorde of glorie hath called from the death of sinne to the life of righteousnesse and caused that they walke not as thei did before Ephe. 2.2 seueryng his people from the curse of the worlde and the vsuall waies of men yet very fewe there are found that make conscience of any chaunge in them selues into those waies whiche bee accordyng to the Lorde And though it be infinitely vrged vnto the myndes of men that who soeuer is in Christ is a newe creature ● Cor. 5.17 that is begunne to be chaunged in his whole soule and bodie from corruption and sinne to the light and willing obedience of the will of God Yet who maie not see that the most wilfully ignoraunt of this waie and that it is true in experience that the Prophet saieth that who so withdraweth himself frō euill must be spoiled
For where are not thei held commonly for the best mē that beare an outwarde face to the Gospell while their liues are moste full of euill that sticke at nothing but at that which is good Who sweare lye and commit all abhominations and yet saie thei are good Christians and of many it is saide of them that thei are very good Protestants But who so careth in all his life to yeeld vnto the Lorde the fruites of an acceptable obedience from the grounde of a pure harte and to square his thoughts words works after the rule of the worde of God is made a praie to the rest And beyng accompted as the skumme of the worlde is set forthe to the shame and reproche of all men whose vnbridled lippes and bloudie handes doe besoyle and waste them from daie to daie So that the poore Sainctes of the Lorde Psalm 124.1.2 maie still renewe the song of the Churche in Dauids tyme Except the Lorde had beene on our side thei had long agoe swallowed vs vp quicke And euen as of all the enemies that Iuda had the tenne Tribes of Israell that were their bretheren and gaue an outwarde profession of the name of GOD with them were the greatest and moste daungerous Euen so amongst all the enemies that Syon Gods Churche hath the moste vehement and bitter are the falsharted and counterfaite Israelites Papistes and other Heretiques and prophane men Yet of all the rest as one enemie within the Citie is more daungerous then ten without so carelesse professors and prophane men as thei haue moste power to hurte so are thei furiously enraged against the truthe of the waies of God and beeyng set on fire to remaine in their sinne and euen sell them selues to woorke wickednesse but in vaine for he that sitteth on hight shal laugh them to scorne Psalm 2.4 The Lord shall haue them in derision For can thei make any accomptes that euer thei that haue beene iniurious to the Churche of GOD and to his people haue escaped the iust hande of the Lorde Gen. 4.10.11 Did not Abels bloud vniustly shed by Caine when he thought hym self to bee safe crie vengeaunce on hym and his posteritie for euer Gala. 4.29 Psalm 137.7 Did Jsmaell or Esawe go free for their iniuries done to the Lordes seruantes Went the reprochfull taunts for nought that the olde and euill worlde did vse against righteous Noe 2. Pet. 2.5 2. Pet. 2.8 Dan. 6.8 Or Sodome for their sinnes and iniuries against Lott Or the Princes against Daniell Was there euer Nation Kingdome or People so mightie in power so surpassing in policie or wise in their generation that haue set themselues against God his truth and people and haue not tasted of his indignation in due time and can these tyme scruers hypocrites and prophane men perswade themselues that thei shall be the first Doe thei not remember that the Lorde saieth to his Churche who soeuer in thee shall set himself against thee shall surely fall Are not Nimrod Pharao Ieroboham Nabuchadnezer Darius and Alexander and many moe gone their Kyngdomes laied waste and their great and famous names raised from the earth Is not their Religion chaunged from euill to worse their Cities Townes and Temples made dennes for wilde beastes and vncleane birdes as the Lordes Prophets tolde long before Can thei be more cruell then Nero Dioclesian Domitian or suche like Can thei passe Iezabell Antiochus or suche beastly tormentors And yet in spite of them all and all thei could doe the Lord hath defended his and powred vppon them the recompence of their waies in his due tyme. If the wicked that now liue could passe all these in madnesse and them selues in crueltie yet shall this be iustly taken vp against them Psalm 2.5 Why do the heathen rage and the people murmure in vaine For he is infinitely more strong that is with vs then any that can be against vs. And though the wicked bende them selues and runne together against the Lorde and his annointed yet if wee weigh the cause well wee shall euer finde it moste true that 2. Kin. 6.16 There are moe with vs thē with them Iob. 19.29 Let the vngodly therefore haue their momentany ioye that shal ende with shame And let vs striue to be mynded as he who saied Psal The Lorde is my strength saieth my soule therefore will I trust in hym and vnder the shadowe of his winges shall be my refuge c. For as the Lorde our moste good and mercifull father doeth according to his infinite wisedome and endlesse compassion prepare his people vnto hymself triyng what thei wil beare for his names sake euen so he doeth not assaie them aboue that he makes them able to beare ● Cor. 1● 13 but armes them beyonde the thoughtes of the harte of man till he sende them full deliueraunce of all euill In these miserable daies wherein we liue as God in greate mercie hath staied the rage of our enemies that thei can not so spoyle and make waste of the bodies and liues of the godly mynded and suche as daiely labour and profite in the true feare of GOD as is like thei would so yet thei remaine themselues euen men vowed and giuen ouer to the will of Sathan hauyng their hartes sett on those thynges that are euill and their feete swift to commit sinne Prou. 1.16 What their bloudie hands dare not attempt their poisoned tongues spare not to spue out where soeuer thei come Now that fire and faggot cease their slaunderous liyng lippes are opened wide and their vncleane mouthes made Brothelhouses of all vntruthe against the seruauntes of the Lorde And where thei dare not openly blaspheme the doctrine for feare of shame thei secretly seeke to vndermine it by inueighyng against the teachers and true professors thereof railyng liyng and slaundering without care or conscience what thei speake so that thei maie doe the mischeefe that thei labour for This kinde of persecution is not lesse greeuous to a godly mind then the other and yet it is euer true Prou. 28.1 the righteous are bolde as a Lyon and a iustified mynde will tourne it self vnto God will beare his crosse thankefully Iames. 1.2 Phil. 1.29 accompting it for exceedyng ioye to be called out of the Lorde to stande in his cause and to suffer somewhat for his names sake confessing that the seruaūt is not aboue his Lord. Math. 10.24 If Christ our Lorde escaped not the venome of suche impoisoned tongues Ihon. 8.48 but thei called him Samaritane and saide that he had a Deuill let no true Christian looke to be free For if thei haue called the Maister of the house Beelzebub Math. 10.25 what will thei call them of the housholde Dauid Psalm 52.2 a paterne of the Church of God felt those euilles when he compared slaunderous tongues to Rasors and sharpe swordes and when he praied Psalm 120.2 Deliuer my
the realmes of obedience in this case for my whole desire is quite contrarie First that bothe the housbande and the wife should obey the Lorde bothe as Christians and in their seuerall place thei that are to gouerne to gouerne in and accordyng to the Lorde Collo 3.17 and thei that are to obey to obey in and accordyng to the Lorde Acts. 4.19 If any intende otherwayes their authoritie will bee without the Lorde and deserueth to bee so taken Againe I aske seyng the Lorde hath appointed this vnto all his children 1. Thes 4 1.2 that whatsoeuer thei haue gained of knowledge practize in the worde of God 2. Pet. 3.18 Psalm 84.7 thei still grow and goe forwarde to full perfection whether thei be men or women who shall prescribe a sufficiēcie or dare saie that thei haue enough J wish we maie in this cleare light of knowledge leaue winking as it were at noone dayes and tremble thus to dallie or thus to deale vniustly with the most holie truth of the Lorde and to presse vniust iniuries vppon the soules of our poore bretheren least in carelesse greeuyng the consciences of the Lordes annointed we violently bryng vpon our selues the heauie wrathe and indignation of God If we in the truth of an humble soule do weigh the seuerall testimonies of the worde of the Lorde to the right guiding of his seruaunts to the assuraunce of his grace in the obedience of his will we shall easily be made able to meete with all these mischeefes and many moe that might otherwaies preuaile to turne vs out of the waie And as the Spirite of God hath amongst infinite other places of Scripture to that effect by the Apostle Sainct Ihon in his first Epistle proued that true iustification and eternall life is onely by Iesus Christ and shewed further that there is no assuraunce of this grace of the Lorde where is not the effectuall power of the Spirite of the Sonne of God in the iustified who are vnited vnto hym as the members vnto the head and receiue of his fulnesse to leade them in a continuall true obedience of his will reuealed in his worde and in the truthe thereof that thei might stand out immouably vnto the end exhorted to beware of false teachers and all that deceiue and reasoning from the effect to the cause he proueth the truthe of the loue of God towarde vs by our loue to the bretheren Which beyng well considered of vs and applied to our seuerall vse in the direction of the Spirite of Christ will not onely arme vs against Sathan in the former euilles but make vs effectuallie wise in the waie of life And as the same Epistle of Sainct Jhon is most sweete and plentifull in it self being full of plaine witnesse of the grace of God and effectuall testimonies who bee his So is it most clerely profitably opened and made plaine by the reuerende and moste worthie seruaunt of Iesus Christ M. Caluin in his tyme. Whiche his labours in regarde of the greate good thei might doe to many fearing the Lorde that want the knowledge of the tongue wherein he wrote I haue as my other occasions haue giuen me leaue translated into the Englishe tongue and offryng my poore labours therein to the Churche of GOD I haue been bolde to commende the first fruites as it were vnto you right hartely praiyng that whatsoeuer the Lord shall therein open vnto you that maie concerne you through conuersion continuaunce or cherefull constancie in the Lorde that you will applie it nere vnto your soules and that you maie so alwaies profite in the same as may more more seale vp vnto your seuerall consciences the effectuall assuraunce of the eternall grace of God in Iesus Christ and make you able to stand vnder the burthens that you do or shall indure from tyme to tyme for the honour of his name Maister Caluin also vpon Iude and an Epistle of his owne written to a freend J haue as I might translated likewise and deliuered withall to the Printe praiyng that the one and other maie doe that good to Gods Churche and namely to your selues that I hartely wishe and that you maie euer remaine together in the vnitie of truthe and in all holy fellowship among your selues and with the whole Church of God growing vp from strength to strength to a full measure of perfection in Iesus Christ to whose mercies I shall not cease by his grace to cōmend you and the whole Church of God for euer Yours assuredly in the Lorde W. H. THE COMENTAries of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the first Epistle of Iohn The Argument THis Epistle is most agréeable to his spirit who before others was therfore beloued of Christ that he might make him familiar vnto vs. Further it contayneth Doctrine mixt with exhortations It disputeth of the eternall deitie of Christ together also of the incomparable grace which being made manifest to the world he brought with him generally of all his benefits and chiefly it commendeth and extolleth the inestimable grace of the adoption of the Lord. Thence it taketh the occasion to exhort Sometimes it doth generally admonish to religious and holye lyfe and againe by name it giueth preceptes of loue but none of these it doth prosecute in continuaunce For euerie where in teaching and exhorting he is diuerse but especially he is plentifull in vrging to brotherly loue It also toucheth other thinges briefly as of taking héede of seducers and such other lyke But euerie thing maye be obserued in his place CHAP. 1. 1 THat which was from the beginning which we haue heard which we haue seene with our eies which wee haue looked vppon which our hands haue handled of the word of lyfe 2 And that life was made manifest and wee haue seene and beare witnesse and doo shewe vnto you that eternall lyfe which was with the Father and is made manifest vnto vs. HEe sheweth that in the beginning lyfe was giuen vnto vs in Christ which thing as it is an incomperable good so it ought to rauish and inflame all our sences with a wonderfull loue and desire of it Indéede this is spoken in fewe and simple wordes That lyfe is made manifest But if wée doe account howe miserable and horrible the condition of death is and agayne of what worthynesse the kingdome of GOD and his immortall glorye is we shall héere perceiue some more excellent thing then can bée expressed with anye wordes This therefore is the purpose of the Apostle when hée hath shewed the most excellent good thing yea the chiefe and alone happynesse which GOD hath vouchsafed vs in his Sonne to lighten our mindes But because the greatnesse of the maker did require that the truth should be certaine and approoued hée tourneth much in this part For all these Which wee haue seene which wee haue hard which wee haue looked vppon c. are effectuall to establish the credite of the Gospell Nor indéed doeth hée adde
so greate a desire to affection without cause Séeing that our safetie doeth consist in the Gospell the certaintie thereof is a thing more then necessarie And how vntowarde wée are to beléeue euerye one of vs by his owne experyence doeth knowe too well I call to beléeue not lightly to imagine or in only assenting to alow that which is spoken but to imbrace it with a certaine vndoubted perswasion so that we dare subscribe as to a knowen truth By this occasion the Apostle doth multiply so many things héere in confirmation of the gospell 1 That which was from the beginning Because it is a broken and confused speach that the sence maye bée giuen more plaine so the words are to be resolued We declare vnto you the word of life which from the beginning hath by all meanes bene truly testified vnto vs how life was made manifest in it Or if you had rather otherwise Whatsoeuer we shew you of the word of life it was from the beginning and it was openly shewed to vs because life is made manifest in it But this member That which was from the beginning is vndoubtedly referred to the diuinitie of Christ for God was not manifested in the flesh from the beginning but hée who alwayes was life and the eternal word of God in the fulnesse of time became man Againe those things that follow of the beholding and féeling with handes doe more béelong to the humane nature But because two natures make one persō that one is Christ who came out from the father that he might take vppon him our flesh the Apostle doth worthely shewe foorth in common together that he hath ben alwayes inuisible and afterwards séene Wherby is refelled the rotten cauill of Seruetus that there is one nature and being of the deitie with the flesh and moreouer that the word is transformed into flesh because that liuing word was séene in the flesh Let vs remember therefore that this doctrine of the Gospell is auouched that he who in the flesh did truly proue himselfe to be the sonne of God was acknowledged for the sonne of God was alwaies the inuisible word of God And yet he doeth not héere assigne the beginning of the world but ascendeth higher Of the word of life The Genitiue case is taken in the place of an Epithite for quickening because as he teacheth in the first chapter of the Gospell In it was life albeit this title doth belong to the Sonne of God by a double right both because he hath plentifully poured life vpon all creatures and because he now repaireth life in vs which was put out and perished by Adams sinne Yea moreouer the name it selfe of the word may be expounded two manner of waies either of Christ or of the doctrine of the Gospel for by that also health is brought vnto vs. But because the substaunce thereof is Christ and it doth not contayne anye other thing then that hée at length was manifested vnto men who alwaies was with the Father the first Exposition séemeth to me more simple and more naturall Further that the wisedome which dooth remayne in God is called the word is euidently séene by the Gospell That which wee haue heard That which wee haue seene This hearing was not of anye spread reporte whereto small creditte vseth to bée giuen but Iohn meaneth that of those things which hée taught hée was first effectually taught of his master so that hée set foorth nothing rashly And in truth no man shall bée a profitable Teacher in the Church who hath not first himselfe bene a Disciple of the Sonne of GOD and rightlye instructed in his Schoole séeing that his authoritie alone ought to bée of most force Whereas hée sayeth that hée Did see it with his eyes it is not a Pleonasmos but a greater expressing for amplification sake Yea not being contented wth a simple sight hée addeth Wee ●ooked vppon and our handes haue handeled By which wordes hée dooth testifie that hée taught nothing which hée had not throughlye approued Yet the approouing of the senses séemeth smallye to be profitable to the present cause For the vertue of Christ cannot bée comprehended with eyes or handes I aunswere that the same thing is spoken héere which is in the first Chapter of his Gospell We haue séene his glorie that is glorie worthye the onely begotten Sonne of GOD. For the Sonne of GOD was not acknowledged according to the outwarde forme of his bodie but by that whereas he shewed foorth famous experiences of his diuine power so that in him as by a liuely and expresse Image did shine the maiestie of the Father Whereas the wordes are of the plurall number and the matter doth most indifferently appertaine vnto all the Apostles I doo willyngly interprete it of them especiallye because the question is of the authoritie of the testimonye But no lesse friuolous as I lately touched and to be shamed at is the lewdnesse of Seruetus who vrgeth these wordes whereby to prooue that the worde of GOD hath bene visible and palpable Hée dooth wickedlye either destroye the two Natures which is in Christ or mingle them confusedly together He therefore doth imagine I wot not what lie so deifying the humanitie of Christ that he doeth vtterly take from him the truth of mans nature denying in the meane time that Christ is any other way the sonne of God except because he was conceiued of his mother by the power of the holye Ghost and taking from him his proper abiding in God Wherevpon it followeth that he is neither God nor man albeit he séeme to forge a cōfused Masse of both But because the minde of the Apostle is vndoubted vnto vs let vs passe by that Dogge 2 And the life was made manifest This note of ioyning together is héere put in stéede of shewing plainly As if he should haue said We do giue witnesse of the word that giueth life euen as life were made manifest Albeit the sence maye be double either that Christ was giuen who is life and the fountaine of life or that life was plainely offered to vs in Christ And this later doth necessarily follow of the first As much yet as doth belong to the signification of the words these two differ betwéene themselues as the cause and the effect Where secondly he rehearseth Wee shew eternal life I doubt not but that he speketh of the effect that is that we attaine vnto life by the benefite of Christ Wherevppon wée ●ather that Christ cannot bée preached vnto vs but the kingdome of heauen is opened vn●o vs that béeing raised from death we might ●iue the life of God Which was with the Father This is true not onely since the worlde was made ●ut also from the first eternitie For God was alwayes the fountaine of life but the power and abilitie of quickening was in his eternall wisedome which yet he did not shew forth before the creation of the worlde And ●ince God beganne to giue his
pacified towardes them by the Sacrifice of the death of Christ Wherefore the power and effect of all these resteth in the onely bloude of Christ Whereby is refelled the Papists most horrible inuention of Indulgences for as if the bloud of Christ were not sufficient they require also the bloud and merites of Martyrs to be an help And yet this blasphemie amongest them spreadeth further for when their keyes in which they holde that remission of ●ins is included are coyned partly of the bloude and merits of martirs and partly of the works of superrogation with which euerye sinner ●oth redéeme himselfe there remaineth to thē no remission of sinnes which doth not derogate from the bloude of Christ For if theyr doctrine should haue place then shall not the ●loud of Christ purge vs but shal onely con●urre as an help in part And by this meane ●he consciences shal hang in doubt which the Apostle commaundeth héere to rest in a we●●●ssuraunce 8 If we say that wee haue no sinne wee deceiue our selues and the Truth is not in vs. 9 If we confesse our sinnes hee is faithfull and iust that hee maye forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnesse 10 If we say we haue no sinne we make him a lier and his word is not in vs. NOW he commendeth that grace by necessitie For because no man is frée from sinne he sheweth that we are all cast away and without hope of remedie except the Lord doo help vs by the way of forgiuenesse This is the reason why he so vehemently vrgeth that no man is innocent that all maye the better knowe that they haue néede of mercye which maye deliuer them from banishment and so they might the more be stirred vp to the obtayning of this same so necessarye a good By the name of sinne is noted not onelye a wicked and defiled inclination but the fault which doth truely make vs guiltie before GOD. Further séeing the speach is generall it followeth that none of the Saints which are which were or which shall be are exempted from this number Wherefore Augustine dooth excéeding fitlie refell the cauill of the Pelagians with this testimonie and dooth also wiselye weigh that the confession of guyltinesse is required not for humilities sake but lest in lying we deceiue our selues When he addeth The truth is not in vs. After his manner he confirmeth the former sentence by rehearsing it againe albeit it is not a simple rehearsing as other where but he sayth they are deceiued because they glorie in lying 9 If wee confesse Againe hée promiseth the faythfull that GOD will be fauourable vnto them so that they acknowledge themselues to be sinners For it is a most excellent thing that wée bée certainlye perswaded that there is a readie and prepared Reconciliation for vs with GOD when we haue sinned otherwise wée continually beare Hell shutte vp within vs. Few indéede doo weigh this howe miserable and vnhappie a thing the wauering and vnquietetnesse of mans conscience is But so the case standeth with vs that hell dooth raigne where ther is not peace with God How much more ought we to imbrace this promise with all our heart which offereth assured forgiuenesse to all that doe confesse their sinnes Further he teacheth that it is founded vppon the faith and righteousnesse of God because God who hath promised is true and plaine for they that thinke he is called iust because he doeth iustifie vs freely in my iudgement do reason too subtilly For this iustice depēdeth of faith but each of them is anexed to the promise for otherwise God may be iust yet deale with vs in most high iustice but because he hath bound himselfe to vs by his word he will not be taken for iust except hée doe forgiue But this confession when it is referred to God requireth a sincere affection of the heart and the heart cannot speak to God without newnesse of lyfe Therefore it doeth containe in it true repentance God indéede forgiueth fréely but so that his easines to mercie be not an intisement to sinne Shall cleanse vs. The word of purging séemeth to be taken in another sence then before For he said we were cleansed by the bloud of Christ because by his benefit our sins are not laid to our charge But now after that he hath spoken of forgiuenesse he addeth also the God doth purge vs from vnrighteousnes that this second member may be diuers from the ●●rst So he signifieth that a double fruit doth arise to vs of confession that God being pacified with the sacrifice of Christ doth forgiue vs and the he doth correct and amend vs. If anie man obiect the while we are in this world we are neuer purged frō all vnrighteousnesse as much as belongeth to reformatiō it is true indéede but Iohn doth not teach what God doth now perfect in vs. He is faithful he saith that he may make vs cleane that is not to day nor to morow For as long as we are cōpassed about with flesh we must be in continual going forward But that which he hath once begun he doth dayly proceede to do till at the last he doth performe it So Paule saith That we are elect that we may appeare before God wtout reproofe Eph. 1.4 and else where that the church is cleansed that it may be without spot or wrinkle Eph. 5.27 Albeit if anie had rather interpret this place otherwise as if he spake one thing twice I leaue it frée 10 Wee make him a lyar Hée goeth further that they blaspheame GOD which claime purenesse vnto themselues For we sée howe that euerie where hée condempneth all mankinde of sinne Wherefore hée entereth battayle with God whosoeuer séeketh to shunne this determination and doth reproue him of a lye as if he did presse them that deserued it not For confirmation sake he addeth that His word is not in vs. As if he shuld haue sayde that we cast aside that his so excellent doctrine which includeth all vnder guiltinesse Wherevpon we gather that then we haue rightly profited in the worde of the Lord when we are truely humbled that mourning vnder the burden of our sinnes we learne to flye to the mercie of God and rest our selues no other where then in the fatherly frée mercie of God Chap. 2. 1 LIttle children these things I write vnto you that you sinne not but if any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous 2 And hee is the propitiation for our sinnes and not for ours onelye but also of the whole world THis is not onely a briefe rehearsing of the former doctrine but almost a sum of the whole Gospell That we abstaine from sinne and yet because we are alwaies subiect to the iudgement of GOD wée are certaine that Christ doth make intercession with the sacrifice of his death that he maye reconcile the Father vnto vs. In the meane also he vseth a predication least anie man
perfectly loued god I answere that it sufficeth so that euery one for the mesure of the grace the is giuen him doo aspire vnto this perfection In the meane time the definitiō is manifest that the perfect loue of God is the due obseruing of his word We know that in him He cōmeth again to the fruit of the gospell wherof he had made mētion that is felowship with God and with his son And so he cōfirmeth the former sentēce by things that folow For if the end of the gospel be that we may haue felowship with god ther cā be no felowship wtout loue no mā cā truly profit in faith but he the cleueth to god frō his hart 6 He that saith he abideth in him As before he proposed vnto vs the light of God as a pattern to folow now also he calleth vs to christ that we may becōe folowers of him Yet he doth not simply exhort to the imitatiō of Christ but by the vnitie which we haue with him he proueth that we ought to be like him The likenes of life works he saith wil proue vs to abide in Christ Further by these words he maketh himselfe an entrance vnto the loue of our brethren which he will immediately adde 7 Brethrē I write no new cōmādemēt to you but an old cōmandemēt which you haue had frō the beginning this old cōmandemēt is that word which ye haue hard frō the beginning 8 Againe a new commandement write I vnto you which is the truth in him and also in you for the darknesse is past and that true light now shineth 9 He that saith he is in that light hateth his brother is in darknesse vntill this time 10 He that loueth his brother abideth in that light there is none occasion of euil in him 11 But he that hateth his brother is in darknesse walketh in darknesse knoweth not whether he goeth because that darknes hath blinded his eyes 7 AN exposttion of the former doctrine that is that to loue God is to kéep his commandements And he doth not with mo words tarie in this without cause First we know that newnes is alwaies hated or suspected Then we do not easely take vp an vnwonted work Moreouer when wée haue imbraced some certain kind of doctrine it is gréeuous vnto vs that any thing therin be changed or innouated For these causes Iohn sheweth that he techeth nothing of loue but that which the faithful hauing heard from the very beginning hath waxed old in the verie vse Others doo expound oldnes otherwise that is that Christ prescribeth now no other rule of life in the gospel then god did once vnder the law that is most true Neither do I gainsay but in this sense a little after he calleth the word of the gospell the old cōmandement But now I take it that he meaneth onelye this That these are the first rudiments of the gospel that they haue ben so trained from the beginning that there is no cause why they shuld shun that as vnwoonted wherewith they ought to haue ben indued lōg ago For it is plain that the relatiue is put in the place of the cause Therefore he calleth it Old not because before many worldes it was deliuered to the fathers but wherin they wer instructed immediatly from their first entraunce of Religion And that auaileth much to the confirmati●n of faith because the readers ought to take ●t to haue procéeded from the same Christ of whom they haue the Gospell The olde commandement is It is pro●able that the name of oldnesse in this place ●s extended further For the speach is more full when he saith The woorde which you heard from the beginning is that old commandement And verily in my iudgement it signifieth that the gospell ought not to be taken as a doctrine newlye sprong vp but which came out from God and is his eternal truth As if he should haue sayde ye ought not to measure the antiquitie of the Gospell by the space of time wherin it is brought vnto you for therein is manifested vnto you the eternall will of God God therefore did not giue vnto you this rule of godlye lyfe when you were first called to the faith of Christ but the same was alwayes firme and approued with him And indéede this finally ought to be accounted antiquitie and deserueth account and reuerence which hath his beginning of God For the counterfait deuises of men by how long prescription of yeares so euer haue not so much authoritie that they shuld ouerthrow the truth of God 8 Againe a new cōmandemēt The interpreters séeme to me not to haue vnderstood the Apostles mind for he calleth that New which g●● by instruction doth as it were dayly renew the faithful may all their life long exercise thē selues therin because they cā require nothin● more excellent For the beginnings which childrē learne afterwards giue place to higher more soūd doctrine Cōtrarily Iohn denieth the doctrine of louing the brethren is such that i● time waxeth out of vse but that it doth perpetually flourish that the highest perfection be no● lesse then the first entrance Further this wa● néedful to be added because as men are more curious thē is méet a great part do euer gréedily desire some new thing Hence commeth that irkesomnes of true doctrine that it begetteth infinit wōders of errors whilst euerie one gapeth a fresh after new quiddities But where this is once set down that the Lord procéedeth in one maner that in all our life he may hold vs in that which we haue lerned ther is giuē a bridle to such desires therfore who so desireth to rech to the point of wisdōe because it belōgeth to the right gouernmēt of life let him profit in loue Which is the truth He proueth that which he hath sayd by reason because in this one commandement of loue which belongeth to the direction of life the whole truth of Christ doth consist Further what other more great reuelation is to be waited for For Christ is in truth the end accōplishment of al things therefore the name of truth hath regard vnto this that they rest as in the point For it is taken for the fulnesse or absolute estate He ioyneth Christ vnto them as the head to the members As if he should haue sayd that the body of the church hath no other perfection or that they shall be soundly knit vnto Christ if an holy loue do mutually flourish among themselues Others expounde it otherwise That which is truth in Christ is also in you But I sée not to what end it serueth Because the darknesse is past He putteth the time present in place of the time past For hée noteth that as soone as Christ hath shined we haue the brightnesse of vnderstanding not the euery of the faithfull vnderstandeth the first daie so much as he ought For Paul also Phi. 3.11 saith that he laboreth to apprehēd that which yet he
in him puryfieth himselfe euen as hee is pure 1 THE second Argument is from the dignitie and excellencie of our calling Our heauenlye Father sayth hée hath vouchsafed to dignifie vs with no small honour séeing hée hath adopted vs to bée his sonnes This so greate fauour ought to kindle in vs the studie of godlynesse that wée maye bée lyke vnto him and it canne no other way be done except he which confesseth himselfe to bée one of the sonnes of GOD doe purifie himselfe And the more vehement the exhortation is the more is set foorth vnto vs the grace of almightie God For wheras he sayth that loue is giuen vs hée sheweth that this commeth of méere liberalitie that God accepteth vs for his children For whence become we of such account but by the loue of God Furthermore his frée loue is héere manifestlye spoken of It is indéede an vnproper kinde of spéech but the Apostle had rather speake vnproperlye then not to expresse that which was of necessitie to bée knowen Briefelye hée signifieth that the more plentifull the loue of GOD is shewed vppon vs the more wée are bound vnto him as Paule to the Romanes the 12.1 beséecheth the Romanes by the mercies of God that they would offer themselues vnto him an holye Sacrifice In the meane time we are taught that as I sayde the adoption of all the godlye is frée and dependeth not vppon anie respect of workes For that which the Schoole men say that they are adopted whom god did foresée to be worthie is plainely made of none effect by these wordes For by this meanes the gift of God should not haue bene frée This chiefe point of doctrine is principally néedfull to holde For séeing that the onely cause of our saluation is adoption and that the Apostle witnesseth that the same doth issue from the méere and alone loue of God there is nothing remaineth to our owne worthinesse or the desert of works For why are we sonnes Verily because God hath begunne to loue vs fréely when we were more worthie of hatred then of loue And séeing that the spirit is the pledge of our adoptiō hence it followeth that if there be anie good thing in vs it must not be so set against the grace of God that rather it must be ascribed vnto it as receiued from it The Name whereof he speaketh cannot be a vaine title For it is God who pronounceth vs with his owne mouth to be his sonnes as he gaue a name to Abraham according to the thing it selfe Therefore the world This temptation doth vehemently assayle our faith that wée should not so be accounted for the children of God or haue anie note of such excellencie séene in vs that rather the whole world almost doth hold vs for a mocking stocke Therefore by the present condition it can hardly be gathered that God is our Father for the diuell inuenteth all wayes to darken his blessing He giueth a remedie to this offence when hée saith That it is not yet knowen What manner of men we are because the world knoweth not God therefore it is no meruaile if it contempne his children Of which thing ther was a notable paterne in Isaac Iacob For when each of them was elected of God the one Ismael scoffed and iested at Gen. 21.9 27.41 the other Esau persecuted which threatenings with swoord Therfore howsoeuer we séeme to be oppressed in the world our saluatiō remaineth neuertheles founde in good state 2 We are now the sonnes of God Now he descendeth to euery ones proper feeling For albeit the wicked doe not intice vs to cast away our hope yet our present estate is far frō the glory of the childrē of God For in respect of the body we are dust a thing of nothing death is euer before our eies we are in danger of many miseries the soule is subiect to infinit euils so that we alwaies find hel in our selues How much more néed is ther that al our sences be drawen frō the beholding of things present least the miseries wherwith we are compassed doeth driue vs out of the hope of the happinesse that yet appeareth not For this is the Apostles counsell that wée shall doe foolishlye if we measure what God hath giuen vnto vs by our present condition but that we must holde fast by an assured faith that which yet appeareth not And we know that when we shall be made manifest This condition must be chaunged into an Aduerb of time where or when Further this worde shall appeare is taken otherwise then before The Apostle sayde a lyttle before that it appereth not yet what we shal be since the fruit of our adoption is hid because our felicitie is in heauen and we are straungers farre from thence in the earth because this fraile life that is subiect to an hundreth deaths is farre vnlike to that eternall glorye which belongeth to the children of God because being shut vp after a slauishe manner in the prison of flesh we are farre distaunt from the frée dominion of heauen and earth But nowe he referreth this note to Christ When hee shall appeare For hée teacheth the same thing that Paule doeth vnto the Collos chapter 3. verse 3. where he sayth Your life is hidde with Christ but when Christ which is your lyfe shall appeare then shall yée also appeare with him in glory And indéede our fayth can no other waye remaine stedie then while it looketh vnto the comming of Christ For this is the cause why God doeth deferre the manifestation of our glory because Christ is not yet made manifest in the power of his kingdome This I say is the onely prop of our faith that we may paciently waite for the life that is promised vs. So soone as any one dooth turne aside but a lyttle from Christ it cannot be chosen but hée shall faint By the word Knowe he noteth out the certaintie of Faith that he maye discerne it from opinion Neither is héere noted a simple and vniuersal knowledge but that which euery one ought to apply to himselfe that he may know of a truth that he shall once bée made lyke vnto Christ Therefore howsoeuer the giuing forth of our glorie is deferred to the cōming of Christ yet the knowledge of it is most excellently assured Like He dooth not meane that we shall be equall but there must néedes be some difference betwéene the head and the members but we shall be like him because hée shall make our vile bodie like to his glorious bodie as Paule teacheth Phil. 3.21 For the Apostle goeth about to shew that this is the last end of our adoption that that which by order went before in Christ be at the last fulfilled in vs. Yet the reason that is added séemeth to bée weake For if the beholding of Christ shall make vs lyke vnto Christ the wicked shall haue the same glorie with vs who also shall sée him I aunswere that this is
cōmit whoredome ●o steale to kill because there can be no sin ●her the spirit of God raigneth But the Apostle meaneth far another thing For the Apostle ●enieth that the faithful can sin because God ●ath written his lawe in their heartes as it ●s in the Prophet Iere. 31.31 By this are knowne In few words he con●ludeth that they do in vaine challenge to them●elues a name amōgst the childrē of God which ●o not approue thēselues to be such by a godly 〈◊〉 holy life forasmuch as by this marke they ●iffer from the children of the Diuell Further he doth not so meane that they 〈◊〉 made manifest that they may be openly knowen to all the world but this onely he meaneth that the fruit and effect of the diuine adoption doth alwaies shew forth in the lyfe Hee that doeth not righteousnesse is not 〈◊〉 God nor he that loueth not his brother 11 Because this is the preaching which you haue heard from the beginning that we lo●● one another 12 Not of Caine which was of that wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore slew●● he him Because his owne workes were euill and his brothers good 13 Meruaile not my brethren if the worl● hate you HE that doth not righteousnes To do righteousnesse and to commit sinne are héere set one against another Therfore to do righteousnesse is nothing else then from the heart to feare God and to walke in his preceptes as farre as mans frailtie will beare For albeit that righteousnes if it be takē precisely is no other thing then the full obseruing of the lawe from which the faithfull are alwayes farre of yet because God doth not lay theyr ●●fences faultes to their charge this percel ●f obedience which they performe vnto God ●s called righteousnesse And Iohn sheweth plainly that they are not of God whosoeuer ●ine not righteously because whosoeuer God ●alleth he doth renue thē by his spirit Therefore the newnesse of life is a perpetuall witnesse of Gods frée election And which loueth not his brother He applyeth a generall doctrine to his purpose For hetherto he hath exhorted the faithfull to brotherly loue Now by the same he sheweth the summe of true righteousnesse wherefore this part is added in stéed of an exposition But I haue sayd before after what sort whole righteousnesse is comprehended vnder brotherlye loue The loue of God indéede hath the first place but because of that dependeth brotherly loue amongst men oftētimes by a Sinadoch that is contained vnder this this again vnder that Therefore as euerie one is giuen to humanitie and well doing so he saith that he is iust and so accounted because loue is the fulfilling of the law He cōfirmeth this sentence when hée sayeth that the faithfull haue ben so taught frō the beginning for by these words he sheweth that this definition which he giueth ought not to séeme straunge vnto them 12 Not as Caine. Another confirmati●● is taken of the contrarie because hatred rai●●neth in the reprobate and children of the d●uell and holdeth as it were the chiefetie 〈◊〉 their life of which thing he setteth dow●● Caine as an example In the meane time 〈◊〉 maketh to their comfort as he concludeth at 〈◊〉 last Meruaile not if the world hate you This exposition is to be diligently noted for in the manner of life men are alwaies deceiued because they place holinesse in figured workes while they tormēt themselues with trifles they thinke they are twice acceptable to God Euen as Monkes doe proudly tearme theyr kinde of life the state of perfection And in Poperie there is not thought anie other worship of God then that filth of superstitions But the Apostle doth especially shew that we are approued of God if we loue o●e●●●other Againe that the diuell raigneth where hatred grudge enuie and displeasures dooeth raign Yet it is together to be kept in memorie that I touched of late that brotherly loue because it ariseth of the loue of GOD as the effect of the cause is not separated from it but rather is commended of Iohn for this cause for that it is an approouing of our holynesse before GOD. When he sayeth that Caine was by this cause enforced to the slaying of his Brother because his owne works were euill Hée meaneth that which I haue noted alreadie that where wickednesse beareth the swaie hatred possesseth all the partes of life Hée maketh mention of the iust works of Abel that we may learne to beare it paciently if the world prouoked with no iniury doe hate vs without cause 14 Wee knowe that wee are translated from death to life because we loue the bretheren He that loueth not his brother abideth in death 15 Euerie one that hateth his brother is a manslayer you know that no manslayer hath eternall life abiding in him 16 By this haue wee knowen loue because hee layde downe his lyfe for vs and we ought to lay downe our liues for the bretheren 17 If anie man haue this worldes good and seeth his brother haue neede and shutteth vp his compassion frō him how dwelleth the loue of God in him 18 My little children let vs not loue in word and tongue but in deede and truth 14 HE commendeth loue vnto vs by an excellent speach because it is a testimonie of our being deliuered from death to lyfe Wherevpon it followeth that if wée loue our bretheren we are happie and if wée hate them we are miserable Ther is no man that dooth not desire to escape and to be delyuered from death therefore they must néede be more then blinde who by fostering of hatred doo willingly pamper their own death Further when the apostle saith that by loue it is knowen that we haue passed into life he meaneth not that man is his own deliuerer as if by louing the bretheren hée deliuered himselfe from death obtained life for himselfe For he dooth not dispute héere of the cause of saluation but séeing loue is the principall fruite of the spirite it is also a certaine note of regeneration Therfore the Apostle reasoneth from the signe and not from the cause For because no man doth truely loue the brethren except he which is regenerate by the spirit Hence it is rightly gathered that the spirite of God which is lyfe dooth dwell in them that loue the bretheren But one should therevpon preposterously inferre that lyfe is attained vnto by loue séeing loue by order is the later This Argument should haue more coulour if loue make vs more assured of our life that then the assurance of saluation doth consist in act But the answere therof is also easie For albeit that faith is confirmed by al the graces of god as by helps yet it ceaseth not to haue his foundation in the onely frée mercie of God For example when we inioy the light we are sure that the Sunne shineth if the Sunne giue his beams into the place wherin we are we haue a certaine more cléere sight
vnto vs if we leane vnto workes which haue nothing in themselues but matter of trembling Therefore the faithfull come to the throne of God no other waies then trusting in the mediation of Christ But because the loue of God is euer ioyned with faith to the end that the Apostle may the more dazle the hypocrites he depriueth ●hem of this singuler priueledge which God ●ouchsafeth his children that is least they ●hould thinke to haue entrance to God with ●heir praiers When he saith Because wee keepe his commandements he dooth not mean that our confidence in praying is grounded vpon our workes but this onely he vrgeth that godlinesse and the sincere worshippe of God cannot be seperate from faith And it ought not to séem absurd that he vseth a causall note albeit he dooth not reason of the cause for an inseperable accident vseth sometimes to be put for the cause As if one should saye because the Sun at noonetide doth shine aboue vs that there is then more heat yet it dooeth not followe that heate ariseth of the light 23 And this is his commaundement that wee beleeue in the name of his sonne Iesus Christ loue one an other as he gaue vs commaundement 24 Hee that keepeth his commaundements abideth in him and hee in him And by this we knowe that hee abideth in vs by the spirite which he hath giuen vs. 23 ANd this is his commandement Againe he applieth a generall sentence to his purpose The effect is that wée are at such disagréement with God that wée are driuen from his presence excepte we are knit together by brotherly loue among our selues Albeit he dooth not héere commende loue alone as before but he ioyneth it as a companion and handmaide of Faith The schoolemen depraue these wordes with theyr own deuices as if we obtained fréedome to pray partly by faith and partly by works Wher Iohn requireth this to the right manner of praying that we kéepe the commaundements of God and after teacheth that this perfourmaunce standeth in faith and Loue they gather that the assurance of praying must be gathered of these two But I haue sundry times already shewed that héere is not handled from whence or by what means men get this vnto themselues that they dare call vpon God For héere the question is not of the cause or dignitie Iohn onely sheweth that God vouchsafeth the honour and priuiledge of his conference to none but to his children and those that indéede are regenerate by his spirite Therfore this is the course of spéech where the reuerence and feare of God doth not beare the swaie it cannot be the God shuld heare vs. But if our purpose be to obey his precepts we must consider what hée commandeth But he doth not separate fayth from loue but he requireth each of vs as if it were in one fellowship And this is the reason why he hath put Commandement in the singular number But this place is verie excellent because he sheweth as plainely as briefly wherein consisteth the whole perfection of an holy lyfe There is no cause why we shuld alleadge hardnesse when God doth not carie vs about by long by walks but setteth down vnto vs simple and in one word what pleaseth him Adde moreouer that in this shortnesse there is no darknesse bicause he sheweth vs plainly the beginning end to liue wel and because héere is onely mention of brotherly loue passing by the loue of God the reson is as we haue sayd els where that brotherly loue as it issueth from the alone loue of God so is it a certaine and true proofe thereof In the name of his son The name hath respect to the preaching this relation is to be noted because few vnderstād what it is to beléeue in Christ By this spéech is easie to gather that this onely is a true faith which imbraceth Christ for such a one as he is preached in the Gospel Whereon also it commeth to passe that there is no fayth without Doctrine as Paule also teacheth Rom. 10.14 And this also together is to be noted that the Apostle includeth faith in the knowledge of Christ For he is the liuely image of the father and in him are hid all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge Wherefore so soone as euer we decline from him wée canne doe nothing but wander in errour 23 He that keepeth his commaundements He confirmeth that which he had sayd before That the fellowshippe which we haue with God is manifest by that meanes if we loue one another Not that the fellowshippe beginneth there but because it cannot be idle and without his effect whersoeuer it doth begin to haue a being And he proueth that by a reson annexed because God doth not abide in vs except his spirit doe dwell in vs. But his spirit wheresoeuer he is it is of necessitie that he shew forth his force power in working Whence it is easie to gather that no other remaine in God and are vnited vnto him except such as kéep his commandements When therfore he saith And in this we know And the note of coupling together for that it is put for the rendering of a cause is as much as for or because But the circumstaunce of the present cause must be weighed For albeit this sentence agrée in words with that of Paule Rom. 8.15 where he saith that the spirite beareth witnesse in our hearts that wée are the Children of God and that by him we crye Abba Father yet in the sense there is some difference For Paul speaketh of the assuraunce of frée adoption which the Spirite of God sealeth vp in our heartes and Iohn héere hath respect to the effects which the spirite dwelling in vs dooth bring foorth As Paule also himselfe when he saith that they are the Children of God which are ledde by the Spirite of God For there also he disputeth of the mortifieng of the flesh and newnesse of life This is the effect that thereby it is manifest whether we are the Children of God if his Spirite doo rule and gouerne our life In the meane time Iohn teacheth whatsoeuer good workes is in vs that it commeth from the grace of the Spirite and that this Spirite is not gotten by our own righteousnesse but is fréely giuen vnto vs. Chap. 4. 1 BEloued beleeue not euery spirite but trie the spirits whether they be of God or no because many false Prophets are gone out into the world 2 In this knowe ye the spirit of God euerie spirite which confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God 3 And euerie spirite which confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is of that Antichrist of whom ye haue heard that he should come and euen now he is in the world HE commeth againe to the former doctrine which he had handeled in the seconde Chapter For manye as vseth to bée done in newe matters did abuse the name of
towards vs we are neuer altogether delyuered from feare I aunswere that albeit that feare is not perfectly done awaye yet when we flye vnto God as vnto a quyet hauen safe and frée from all daunger of shipwracke fea●e is truly done awaye because it giueth place to Faith Therefore feare is not so cast out but that it dooth mooue our mindes but it is so cast out that it maye not molest nor hinder our peace which we perfectly obtaine by Faith Feare hath painfulnesse Héere also the Apostle dooth set out the greatnesse of the grace whereof he speaketh For séeing it is almost miserable condition to suffer continuall torments there is nothing more acceptable then with a quiet conscience peaceable minde to present himselfe into the sight of God Where others saye that seruants feare because they set before their eyes punishment and scourges and doo not theyr dutie but constrained it is nothing to the Apostles meaning as is sayde alreadye So in the nexte parte when they ●pounde that he is not perfect in loue which feareth because he submitteth not himselfe willinglye to God but would rather ridde himselfe out of bondage Which dooth not agrée with the text For the Apostle dooth rather teach that this is a mistrust wheras a man fea●eth that is hath an vnquiet minde because the loue of God béeing well knowen dooth quiet the mindes 19 We loue him because hee loued vs first 20 If a man saye I loue God and hate his brother he is a liar For he that loueth not his brother whome he hath seene howe can he loue God whome he hath not seene 21 And we haue this commaundement of him that he which loueth God do loue his brother also 19 THis word Agappoumen that is we loue may be read as wel in the indicatiue moode as in the imparatiue yet the former sense dooth farre better agrée For the Apostle in my iudgement dooeth repeate the former sentence because GOD dooeth preuent vs with frée loue we doo yéelde vnto him our duetie that he may straight waye gather that hée is to bée beloued in men or the loue which we ought of duetye to yéelde vnto him is to be testified by vs towardes men Yet if any man like the imparatiue moode the speach shall haue the same sense Because God hath loued vs fréely let vs nowe loue him agayne But that loue cannot be found except it bring foorth a brotherly loue among vs. Therefore he sayth that they doo lye who bragge that they loue God when as they hate theyr bretheren But the reason which he addeth séemeth to be weak for it is a comparison of the lesse and the greater If sayth he we doo not loue our brethren with whom we liue much lesse can we loue God who cannot be séene There is a double exception at hande For both the loue wherewith wée loue God dooth spring of Faith and not from sight as it is 1. Pet. 1.8 And also there is a farre other respect to be had of God then of men because when as God dooth drawe vs of his great goodnesse to loue him men are often worthie to be hated I aunswere that the Apostle which no doubt ought to be amongest vs dooth take héere as a thing confessed that God dooth offer himselfe vnto vs in men which doo expressely beare his Image and that hée dooth requyre of vs that we performe those dueties towardes them which he himselfe doeth not stand in néed of as we read in the Psalme 16.1 My goodnes hath not reached vnto thée O Lord my loue is towards the Saintes which are in earth And truely the fellowshippe of the same na●ure the vse of so many things the mutuall ●ommunication would intice vs vnto loue ●nlesse we were verie hard harted But Iohn ●eant nothing els but that it is a deceitfull ●oasting if a man saye that he loueth God ●nd neglecteth his image which is before his ●yes 21 And this commaundement A stron●er argument from the authoritie and doc●rine of Christ for he doeth not teach of the ●are loue of God but commaundeth also to ●ue our bretheren Wherefore we must so ●egin with God that together there may be 〈◊〉 proceeding vnto men Chap. 5. 1 EVerie one that beleeueth that Iesus is Christ is borne of God and euerye ●ne that loueth him which begot loueth him ●lso which is begotten of him 2 In this we know that we loue the chil●ren of God if we loue God ●epe his com●aundements 3 This is the loue of God that we keepe ●is commandements and his commandements are not greeuous 4 Because all that is borne of God doet● ouercome the worlde and this is the victori● which ouercommeth the worlde euen yo●● faith 5 Who is he that ouercommeth the world but he which beleeueth that Iesus is the sonn● of God 1 BY another reason he confirmeth that faith and brotherly loue are things ioyned together For séeing God doth regenerate vs by fayth it is of necessitie that wée loue him as a Father But that loue comprehendeth all his children Therefore faith cannot bée separated from loue The first sentence is That they are borne of God whosoeuer beléeue that Iesus is Christ Where thou féest againe that Iesus alone is sette forth to bée the scope of faith euen as it findeth in him righteousnesse and lyfe and whatsoeuer good thing canne bée wished and God wholy Wherefore this is the right waye to beléeue when wée direct our mindes vnto him But to beléeue that hée is Christ is to hope for from him whatsoeuer thinges are ●romised of the Messia For indéede the bare ●tle of Christ is not attributed vnto him in ●his place but rather the office which is in●oyned him of the Father And like as in the ●awe the full restoring of all things righte●usnes and felicitie is promised by the Mes●ia so at this daye all the same is more ●léerely expressed in the Gospell Therefore ●esus cannot bée receiued as Christ but that ●aluation bée asked of him séeing that to this ●nde he is sent of the Father and dayly of●ered vnto vs. Wherevpon the Apostle doth worthely pronounce all them to be borne of God which doe truly beléeue For fayth is ●et far aboue the capacitie of the wit of man ●hat it behooueth vs to be drawen of the hea●enly Father vnto Christ because that neuer anie of vs could of our owne indeauour ascend vnto him And this is that which the ●ame Apostle teacheth in the first chapter of his gospel That they are not borne of bloud neither of flesh which beléeue in the name of the onely begotten And Paul saith that we are not indued with the spirit of this world but with the spirit which is of God that we may knowe what things are giuē vnto vs of him because neither eie hath seene nor eare hath heard nor vnderstanding conceiued what rewar● is laide vp in store for them that loue God but onely the spirite hath attained to that
be added I sée that it is had in the best and most allowed copies I doo willingly receiue it the sence shal be the god to the end he may more plentifully confirme our faith in Christ doth by a thrée fold means witnesse that we must rest in him For as our faith doth acknowledge three persons in one being of God so it is called vnto Christ by so many means that it may rest it selfe in him Whereas he saith that thrée are one it is not referred vnto the beeing but rather vnto the consent As if he should saye that the Father and his euerlasting worde and the Spirite doe with one consent equallye approue Christ Therefore some bookes haue Eis En that is Into one But although thou readest En Eisen that is Are one as it is in other Copies yet there is no doubt but that the Father the Word and the Spirite are sayd to be one in the selfe same sence in which afterwards Bloud Water and the Spirite But whereas the Spirite which is one witnesse is twice rehearsed the repetition séemeth to be vnfit I answere Seing he doth witnesse diuersly of Christ that a double place of witnessing is fitlye giuen vnto him For the Father with his euerlasting wisedome and the Spirite doeth pronounce from heauen as by his absolute power that Iesus is Christ Therefore in the place the onely maiestie of his diuinitie is to be considered of vs and bicause the spirit dwelling in our harts is the earnest pledge and seale to seale vp that decrée by this meanes he speaketh againe in earth by his grace But because it may be that all men will not receiue this reading I will so expound those words that follow as if the Apostle had named these only witnesses on earth 8 Are three He applyeth nowe that sentence of water and bloud to his purpose namely that they haue no excuse which refuse Christ forasmuch as he hath prooued with sufficient strong and plaine witnesses that it is he which was promised long before For bloud and water séeing that they are pledges and effects of saluation brought by him doo truly witnesse that he is sent of God Further the Holy Ghost is added as a third witnesse whome notwithstanding hath the first place because otherwise water and bloude shoulde haue issued without profit For it is he which doth seale vp in our hearts the witnesse of water and bloud it is he which bringeth to passe by his power that the fruite of the death of Christ dooth come vnto vs yea rather that bloud being shed for our redemption dooth pearce euen vnto our soules or that I may speake all in one worde it causeth that Christ with all his benefits is ours So Paule Rom. 1.4 After that he had sayd that Christ was shewed to bée the sonne of God by the power of his resurrection doeth immediatly adde by the sanctifieng of the Spirite Because whatsoeuer tokens of the heauenly glorie doeth shine in Christ they shoulde bée neuer the lesse darke vnto vs and should bée farre from our sight vnlesse the spirite did open vnto vs the eyes of faith Now the readers doo vnderstand why Iohn hath brought the spirite as witnesse with water bloud namely because it is the proper office of the Spirite to make cleane our consciences by the bloude of Christ and to cause that the cleansing brought by him is effectuall in vs. Of which thing ther is something spoken in the beginning of the first Epistle of Peter chap. 1. verse 22. where Peter vseth almost the same speach to wit that the holy Ghost dooeth purge our soules by the sprinkeling of the bloud of Christ But by these words we may gather that faith dooth not take holde of Christ bare or naked but with all his quickening power For what profite were it that Christ was sent into the earth vnlesse he had pacified God by the sacrifice of his death vnlesse the office of cleansing had bene inioyned him of his father yet it may be obiected that the distinction is superfluous which is héere set downe because Christ by putting awaye sinne hath made vs cleane Therefore the Apostle nameth one thing twice I graunt indéede that in the putting awaye of sinne there is also included a washing Therefore I haue not set a difference of water and bloud as though they wer diuers things But if euery one of vs doo weigh his owne weakenesse he shall easelye acknowledge that bloud is not in vaine or without cause discerned from water Further as it hath bene alreadie saide the Apostle alludeth vnto the Rytes of the Lawe But God did in times paste institute not onely Sacrifice but also washings because of the weaknesse of man The Apostle woulde plainelye expresse that the truth of both parts was offered vs in Christ By which reason he sayde a little before Not in water onely For hee dooth signifie that not onelye some parte of our saluation is founde in Christ but also all partes full so that nothing more is to be sought otherwhere 9 If the witnesse of men He reasoneth from the lesse to the greater howe vnthankfull men are if they refuse Christ approued from heauen so as he hath said For if in mens affaires we doo rest in the wordes of men which can lye and deceiue how vnséemly shall it be that God hath losse credit with vs in his owne matters wherein he is the cheefe Iudge Therefore onely iniquitie doth let that we receiue not Christ when as hée giueth creditte to his power by a lawfull proofe Further he calleth the witnesse of God not onely that which the Spirite dooth giue into our harts but that also which we haue from water bloud For that power of purging and putting away sinne was not earthly but heauenly Wherefore the bloud of Christ is not to be estéemed after the common manner of men but we must rather respect the purpose of God wherein it was ordained to put awaye sinne and that heauenlye power which hath flowed from thence Further this is the witnesse of God which he hath testified of his sonne 10 He that beleeueth on the sonne of God hath the witnesse in himselfe Hee that beleeueth not God hath made him a lyer because he beleeued not the witnesse which god hath testified of his sonne 11 And this is the witnes that God hath giuen vs eternall life And this life is in his sonne 12 He that hath the sonne hath life He that hath not the sonne of God hath not life 10 THis is the witnesse The note Oti doth not note heere a cause but is onely taken in the way of exposition For after that the Apostle had taught that God doth deserue much more credite then men now he addeth that we can giue no creditte vnto God but by beléeuing in Christ because God dooth set him onely before vs and dooth stay vs in him Hence he gathereth that we doo beléeue in Christ safely and with quiet
to them which haue alreadie beleeued that they may more stedfastly and certainly beléeue and so may enioye the full assuraunce of eternal life Therfore this is the vse of the doctrine not onelye that he may beginne the ignorant in Christ but also that he may more more cōfirm those which are alredie taught Therfore we must euery day diligently indeuour to learn that our faith may increase all our life long For both many remnaunts of vnbeléefe doo as yet remaine in vs and also our faith is so weak that euen this that we doo beléeue is not yet to beléeue soundly vnles there come a greater confirmation Furthermore it is woorth the labour to note what is the true meanes to confirme faith to wit when the office and power of Christ is declared For the Apostle saith that he did write these things namely that eternall life is not to be sought anye wher els but in Christ that they which are now faithfull may beléeue that is may profitte by beléeuing Wherefore it is the duetie of a godly techer that he may confirme his hearers in the faith to set forth as much as he can the grace of Christ that being content therewith wée desire nothing els Séeing the Papists doo hide and abase this by all meanes they doo bewray by this one thing sufficiently that they haue care of nothing lesse then of the right doctrine of Faith Yea for this cause their schooles are more to be auoyded then al rocks or quick-sands because a man can scarce enter into them without vndoubted shipwrack of faith Moreouer the Apostle teacheth in this place that Christ is the proper scope of faith and that the assurance of saluation is ioyned with the faith which we haue in his name For this is the ende of beléeuing that we may be the children and heires of God 14 This is the trust He commendeth the faith whereof he spake by the fruite or he dooth shewe wherein our trust dooth chiefely consist to wit that the godly are bolde to call vpon God with a bolde courage as Paul also speaketh Ephe. 3.12 That by faith wée haue accesse vnto God with boldnesse And Rom. 8.15 that the Spirite dooeth open our mouths that we doubt not to crye Abba Father And truly if we be kept from comming to God nothing is more miserable then wée Againe so this sanctuarie may be opened for vs we shal be neuerthelesse blessed in all our miseries Yea this one thing maketh all our miseries happie that we are certainlye perswaded that God will be our deliuerer and trusting in his fatherly good will towardes vs we flye vnto him Let vs therefore holde this sentence of the Apostle that calling vppon God is the especiall triall of our faith and that God is not called vpon a right neither according vnto faith but when as wée are perswaded that our prayers shall not be in vayne For the Apostle dooth denie that they are indued with confidence which hang in doubt Whereby it appeareth that the doctrine of faith is buried and almost quenched in the Papacie where all certaintie is taken away Indéede they murmure manye prayers there and they prate much of calling vpon God but they pray bid to pray with doubtfull and wandring mindes yea they condemne this trust which the Apostle dooth necessarily require According to his will By this note hée would briefely teach what is the true rule to pray to wit when men submit their praiers vnto God Neither indéede when as the Lord did promise that he would doo whatsoeuer his should require did he graunt vnto them an vnbridled libertie to aske whatsoeuer came into their minde but he gaue thē withall a lawe to praye aright And truely there is nothing more profitable for vs then this bridle because if it be lawfull for euerie one of vs to aske whatsoeuer he list and God doo fauour our prayers we shall be very ill prouided for For we know not what is profitable yea we doo boyle with wicked and hurtfull desires But God dooth giue a double remedie that we pray not otherwise then according to the precise rule of his wil because he dooth both teach vs by his worde what he wil haue vs to aske and also he doeth appoynt his spirite our guide and gouernour which may stay our affections and not suffer them to wander without theyr boundes For we know not saith Paul what and how we ought to pray but the spirite helping our infirmities dooth stirre vp in vs vnspeakable sighings Rom. 8.26 In the meane time also we must aske at the mouth of the Lord that he will direct our praiers For God in his promises dooth set down vnto vs the lawful meanes to pray as hath ben said 15 And if we knowe The repetition is not néedlesse as in shew it séemeth For the Apostle now speciallye affirmeth that which he generally pronounced of the successe of praier that the godly do wish or desire nothing of God which they do not obtaine and when as he saith that all the prayers of the faithfull are heard he speaketh of sound and modest prayers and which are framed according to the rule of obedience For the faithfull do not runne headlong with loose raines or graunt themselues any thing but they alwayes in their praiers regard what God commandeth Therefore this is the applying of the generall doctrine to the spirituall and priuate vse of euery man that the faithfull doo not doubt that they haue God fauourable in all and euery their praiers that they may with quiet mindes waite vntill the Lord perfourme those things which they haue prayed for and so being eased of all griefe and care they cast their cares vpon God Neither yet this quietnesse and assuraunce ought to quench in vs the zeale of prayer that he which is assured of an happie successe should therefore abstaine from calling vpon God For the certaintie of faith dooth not bring foorth vntowardnesse or slacknes But the Apostle onely meaneth that euerye man be quiet minded in his necessities when he hath laid downe his gronings in the bosome of God 16 If any man shall see his brother sinne a sinne not vnto death let him aske and hee shall giue him life I say to him that sinneth not vnto death There is a sinne vnto death For that I say not that a man should pray 17 Euery vnrighteousnesse is sinne And there is a sinne not vnto death 18 We knowe that whosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not but hee that is borne of God keepeth himselfe and that wicked one toucheth him not 16 THe Apostle now extendeth further the fruite of faith whereof hée had made mention that our prayers also bée auaileable for our bretheren That was a great matter that so soone as we are in distresse God dooth louingly call vs vnto himselfe and is readie to giue vs helpe but in that he vouchsafeth to heare vs praying for others also there ariseth no small confirmation vnto
our faith that we maye be assured that in our owne cause we shal neuer take the repulse In the meane time the Apostle dooth exhort vs that one of vs be mutuallye carefull for the safetie of another And again he willeth that the falls of our bretheren be vnto vs prouocations to pray And in truth this hardnesse were passing great to be touched with no sense of compassion when wée sée the soules which are redéemed with the bloud of Christ perish And he sheweth that there is a remedie at hand whereby bretheren may helpe their bretheren He shall giue life he saith to him that is readie to perish that shall pray for him Albeit the word He shall giue may be referred to God as if it had bene sayde God shall graunt the life of our bretheren to our prayers But the sense shall be one still that so farre foorth the prayers of the faithfull are auaileable that they maye deliuer a brother from death If thou doost vnderstande it of man that he dooth giue life vnto his brother the speach will be hyperbolicall yet it will containe no vnseemly thing For that which is giuen vnto vs by the free grace of god yea that which for our sake is graunted vnto others we are sayd to giue vnto others So great a profite ought not to mooue vs a lyttle to pray that our bretherens sins may be forgiuen them And when the Apostle cōmendeth vnto vs Sumpathian a compassion he dooth withall admonish how much we are to take héede of crueltie in condemning our bretheren and too much sharpnesse in despairing of their safetie A sinne not vnto death Least immediately we cast away all hope of their safetye which sinne he sheweth that God dooth not so seuerely punish their faults that therfore he dooth vtterly cast them off Wherevppon it dooth follow that we must take them for bretheren séeing the Lord dooth receiue them in the accompt of children But he denieth that they are sinnes vnto death not onelye wherein the Saints doo daily offend but also if at any time it come to passe that they grieuously prouoke the wrath of God For so long as there remayneth place to forgiuenesse death dooth not yet wholly raigne And yet the Apostle dooth not héere distinguish betwixte veniall and deadly sin as afterwards was commonly done For that distinction which preuayled in the Papacie is most vnsauorie The Sorbonnists acknowledge almost no sinne to be deadly except wherein there appeareth such grose vncleannesse that it may be felt with hands So amongst veniall sinnes they accompt the most horrible filthinesse which lurketh in the minde Finally all the fruites of originall sin so that they breake not out into externall acte they thinke to be done away with a light sprinkling of holy water And what maruell when they doo not accompt the blasphemous doubtings of the grace of God and whatsoeuer lusts and concupiscences to be sinne so that the consent be not withall If the minde of man be shaken with vnbeléefe if impatience doo prouoke him that he murmure agaynst God how much soeuer monstrous lusts doo mooue him all this is lighter with the papists then that he be ouertaken in sinne at the least after baptisme Therefore it is no maruel if of greuous offences they can make venial sins for they weigh thē with their own not with the ballance of god But among the faithful this principle must be vndoubted that whatsoeuer is cōtrary to the law of god is sin that deadly by his own nature For where the trāsgressiō of the law is ther is sin death Then what shall be the sense of the apostles words He denieth those sinnes to be deadly which albeit they are worthie of death Yet God dooth not so seuerely punish them Therefore he dooth not weigh the sinnes in themselues but he iudgeth of them according to the fatherly kindnesse of God which pardoneth the guiltinesse where yet there was offence Finally he dooth not giue thē ouer to death that God hath restored to life by raising them againe albeit they letted not why they should not haue ben shut out from life There is a sinne vnto death I haue sayd alreadie that sinne is called so whereto there is lefte no hope of forgiuenes But it is demaunded what manner of sinne that is For it must néedes be very gréeuous which God so seuerely punisheth It may be gathered by the course of the text that the fall was not in part as they say nor the transgression of one precept but a generall falling away where by men doo vtterlye estraunge themselues from God For the apostle addeth afterwards that the sonnes of God doo not sinne that is that they forsake not God and giue ouer and imbondage themselues whollye vnto Sathan It is no meruaile if such a fallyng awaye be a deadly sinne For God dooth neuer so depriue his children of the grace of his spirite but that they receiue some sparke of godlynesse Therefore they must néedes be reprobates and giuen ouer vnto death who so fall awaie that they cast away the feare of God If anie aske whether the waie of saluation be shut vp against their repentaunce The answere is readie That séeing they are giuen ouer vnto a reprobate sence and destitute of the holy Ghost they can doe no other thing then runne headlong into worse and adde sinne vnto sinne Further séeing sinne or blasphemie against the Spirit doth continually drawe with it such a falling awaie there is no doubt but it is noted heere But it is asked againe by what markes we may know that the fall of man is deadly For except there were certaine knowledge of that thing the Apostle shuld except in vaine that we must not praie for that kinde of sinne Therefore it shall bée lawfull sometimes to determine whether he be past hope that hath falne or that there be yet place to recouerie I graunt indéed that that is true and it is proued without controuersie by this place But because this cōmeth but seldly to passe god commending the infinit riches of his grace commandeth vs by his example to be merciful the iudgement of eternall death is not rashly to be giuen vppon anie man rather loue dooth incline vs to hope well But if the desperate wickednesse of some men doo appeare vnto vs no otherwise then if the Lord did poynt it out with the finger there is not why we shoulde striue with the iust iudgement of God or desire to be more fauorable then he 17 Euery vnrighteousnesse This place may be expoūded diuersly for if thou resolue it into the contrarie part the sense shall not be amisse thus Albeit all vnrighteousnesse is sinne yet ther is some sin not vnto death Another sense would also likewise agrée Because sinne is all vnrighteousnesse therevppon it followeth that there is some sinne not vnto death Others take All vnrighteousnes for whole vnrighteousnesse as if the Apostle should haue said that the sinne whereof
worde that power which before was hid hath dispearsed it selfe into the creatures Nowe this was ●ome manifesting but the Apostle respecteth another thing that is that thē life was made manifest in Christ when he being clothed with our flesh did performe the partes of redemption For albeit the Fathers vnder the lawe were fellowes and pertakers of the same lyfe yet we knowe they were shut vp vnder the hope which afterwarde shoulde bée reuealed It was of necessitie vnto them that they should seeke lyfe from the death resurrection of Christ But the matter was not onely farre separate from theyr eyes but it was also hidde from theyr mindes They therefore depend vpon the hope of the Reuelation which at the last in his time did followe They coulde not indéede obtaine lyfe except by some meanes béeing made manifest vnto them But betwixt them and vs there is a great difference because whom they sought darkly in figures being promised vnto them we nowe apprehend him béeing giuen as it were with our handes But the purpose of the Apostle is to take awaye the opinion of newnesse which might impayre the dignitie of the Gospell By which occasion he sayth That lyfe did not now beginne of late as if it hadde latelye appeared because it hath bene for euer with the Father 3 That which we haue seene and heard doe we shew vnto you that you also may haue fellowshippe with vs and that our fellowship may be with the father and with his sonne Iesus Christ 4 And these things we write vnto you that your ioye may be full 5 And this is the promise which wee declare vnto you that GOD is lyght and in him is not any darknesse 6 If wee saie wee haue fellowshippe with him and walke in darknesse we lie and doe not the truth 7 But if wee walke in light as hee is in light wee haue fellowshippe one with another and the bloude of Iesus Christ his sonne doth cleanse vs from all sinne 3 That which wee haue seene Now hée doeth the third time repeate his hauing séene and hearde least anie thing might bée wanting to the effectuall certainetye of his Doctrine And that is dilygentlye to bée noted that the Preachers of the Gospell are chosen of Christ who might be fit and faithfull witnesses of all those thinges which they shoulde speake Together also hée witnesseth the affection of his minde because hée sayeth hée is not mooued with anye other reason to write but that hée maye prouoke and incite them to whome hee writeth to approch to the fellowshippe of an inestimable good whereby it well appeareth howe much care he hath of their saluation which auayleth not a little to procure other good and vertuous thinges for we are too too vnkind if we refuse to heare him who desireth to communicate with vs parte of that happinesse which he himselfe hath gotten He then expresseth the fruit which is attained vnto by the gospell that is that we might be made at one with God with his sonne Christ wherin consisteth the chiefe goodnesse This second member ought to haue bene added not onely that he might make the doctrine of the Gospell precious and delightful but also that he might shewe that he desired them to be his fellowes to no other ende but that he might bring them to God and so all might be one in him For the wicked also haue their mutual coniunction among themselues but without God yea that they may more and more estrange themselues from God which is the vttermost poynt of all the wicked But this as was said euen now is our onely happinesse to be receiued into fauor of God that we may be truly knit vnto him in Christ of which Iohn 17. chapt In conclusion Iohn pronounceth that like as the Apostles are adopted of Christ to be his bretheren that being gathered into one bodie they may remaine fast vnto God that so he with the rest of his fellowes in that businesse doth performe this that of this sacred and blessed vnitie there may be many copartners 4 That your ioye By the name of full ioye he doth more fitly expresse the full and perfect happinesse which we attaine vnto by the Gospel He doth withal admonish the faithful where they ought to haue all their affections fixed True is that prouerbe Where our tresure is there is our heart Mat. 6.21 Whosoeuer therefore doth truly perceiue of what worthinesse that fellow 〈◊〉 is with God hée doth wtall sufficiently satisfie himselfe with this alone doth not further boyle with sundrye desires The Lord is my cup saith Dauid and mine inheritaunce The Lot is falne vnto me in pleasant places Psal 16.5.6 After the same manner Paule sheweth that all thinges wer vnto him as dunge that he might possesse Christ alone Phi. 3.8 Wherefore in fine he hath profited in the Gospel who estéeming himselfe happie in the fellowship of god doth rest himselfe in it alone and so prefer it before all the worlde that for it he be prepared to forsake all 5 And this is the promise I doo no lesse allow that which the olde interpreter hath yéelded This is the declaratiō For albeit Epaggeha with the Grecians doth often signifie a 〈◊〉 promise yet because Iohn speaketh héere of the testimonie whereof he had made mention a little before the text séemeth rather to require the other sense except possiblye you may resolue it thus The promise which wée bring vnto you doth draw this with it or hath this condition knitte vnto it By this meanes we shal vnderstand the minde of the Apostle Neither indéede dooth hée héere comprehende the whole doctrine of the Gospell but sheweth that this is requyred if we will inioye Christ and his benefittes that we become lyke vnto GOD in righteousnesse and holynesse lyke as Paule saieth Tit. 2.11 That Grace of GOD which bringeth saluation to all men hath appeared and teacheth vs to denye vngodlynesse and worldly lustes and teacheth vs to lyue soberlye iustlye and godlye in this present worlde Excepte because hée teacheth by a Metaphore that wée must walk in the light because God is lyght Further whereas sometimes hée calleth GOD lyght and sometimes sayeth Hée is in the lyght the wordes are not to be vrged too much Why Sathan shoulde bée called the Prince of darkenes it is euident inough Therefore when GOD on the contrarye parte is called the Father of light and light it selfe first wée may vnderstande that there is nothing in him but that which is cleare pure and sincere then that he dooth so lighten all things with his brightnesse that hée suffereth nothing that is defiled or vnéeuen no blemishes or vncleannesse no hypocrisie or deceipt nor any other euill to lye close or hidde Therefore this is the Summe Séeing there is no agréement betwéene lyght and darkenesse that while wée walke in darkenesse wée are at enmitie with GOD. Therfore that that societie which hée mentioned cannot otherwise stande then if wée also