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A17144 An apologie for religion, or an answere to an vnlearned and slanderous pamphlet intituled: Certaine articles, or forcible reasons discouering the palpable absurdities, and most notorious errors of the Protestants religion, pretended to be printed at Antwerpe 1600. By Edvvard Bulkley Doctor of Diuinitie Bulkley, Edward, d. 1621?; Wright, Thomas, d. 1624. Certaine articles or forcible reasons. 1602 (1602) STC 4025; ESTC S106873 145,731 186

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to beleeue must be vninersall for all time comprehending allages and vniuersall for place comprehending all nations but that Church which the Protestants beleeue was interrupted all the ages betwixt the Apostles and Luther which was 1400. yeares or in very deede was neuer seene before Luthers dayes therefore that Church they beleeue cannot be Catholike Neither is it vniuersall in place being contained within the narrow bounds of England which is accompted but as a corner of the world for the Lutherans in Germanie the Hugonites in Fraunce and the Guines in Flaunders detest their religion as much as the Catholikes neither will they ioyne issue with them in diuers essentiall points And therefore the Protestants Church which they beleeue can no more be called Catholike or vniuersall then England the vniuersall world or Kent the Kingdome of England or a pruned bough a wheate tree or a dead finger a man or a rotten tooth the whole head The second article is the communion of Saints the which they many wayes deny First by not beleeuing that Christ hath instituted seuen Sacraments wherein the Saints of his Church communicate and specially the true and real presence of our Sauiour Christ in the Eucharist by which all the faithfull receiuers participating of one and the selfe same bodie are made one bodie as all the parts of a mans bodie are made one liuing thing by participating one soule Secondly they denie the communion of the Church militant and triumphant by exclaming against inuocation of Saints by which holy exercise the blessed Saints in heauen and we in yearth communicate we by prayer glorifying them and they by meditation obtayning our request Thirdly they deny the communion of the Church militant and the soules in purgatorie bereauing them of that Christian charitie which charitable compassion and mercifull pitie requireth and by naturall affection the members of one bodie helpe one another The third article is remission of sinnes for they acknowledge no such effect in the Sacrament of Baptisme but onely count it as an externall signe or seale of a prereceiued grace or fauour of God by his eternall predestination against the expresse word of God which therefore calleth this Sacrament the lauer of regeneration for that in it the soule dead by sinne is newly regenerate by grace Moreouer they allow not the Sacrament of penance wherein all actuall sinnes committed after Baptisme are cancelled and that which exceedeth all in absurditie is to deny that our sinnes are all perfectly forgiuen but onely not imputed and as it were veiled or couered with the passion of Christ all the botches and biles the filth and abomination of sinne still remaining and as it were exhaling a most pestiferous sent in the sight of God For let them shift themselues as they list and scarfe their ●ores according to their fancies yet no veile nor mantell can couer their deformitie of sinne from the pearcing eyes of Gods perfit vnderstanding from which nothing can be concealed Fourthly the puritanes in effect deny that Christ is the sonne of God for they peremptorilie affirme that Christ is God of himselfe and not God of God So that he receiued not his diuinitie from his father The which position flatly taketh away the nature of a sonne for the nature of a sonne is to receiue his substance of his Father and it implyeth contradiction that the sonne receiueth his person of his Father and not his substance and essence for the substance of God is essentiall to euery person in trinitie Fiftly finally they deny the descension of Christ into hell and desperately defend that he suffered the paines of Hell vpon the Crosse whereby they blaspheme most horribly that sacred humanitie as if Christ had despaired of his saluation as if God had hated him and he had hated God as if he had been afflicted and tormented with anguish of minde for his offences for which he was depriued of the sight of God and eternally to be depriued all which horrible punishments are included in the paines of Hell and whosoeuer ascribeth them to Christ blasphemeth more horribly then Arius who denied him to be God for lesse absurditie it were to deny him to be God then to make God the enemie of God Answere IN this fourth article the syllogisme promised is not performed But in steede thereof here is an accusation that we know not what we beleeue nor why we beleeue Your proofe before I haue examined and what we beleeue I haue declared whereof the rule is not our owne fancie as you say and shew not as the rule of your faith and life is the Popes folly as hath been in part shewed You say we haue no rule whereby to know what is the matter of faith We haue the word of God contained in the canonicall Scriptures of the old and new Testament and is that no rule I pray you what doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifie but a rule and why be the Scriptures called canonicall but because they be the rule of our faith and life Thomas Aquinas saith Doctrina enim Apostolorum prophetarum dicitur canonica quia est regula intellectus nostri that is The Doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets is called canonicall because they be the rule of our vnderstanding Dauid when he said Thy word is a light vnto my feete and a lanterne vnto my pathes what did he but make that same the rule direction and guide of his faith and life when Moses said Now therefore hearken O Israel vnto the ordinances and to the lawes which I teach you to doe that ye may liue and goe in and possesse the land which the Lord God of your Fathers giueth you ye shall put nothing to the word which I commaund you neither shall take ought therefrom that ye may keepe the commaundements of the Lord your God which I commaund you what did he but make Gods word declared to him and written by him the rule of their faith and life When God said to Iosua Let not this booke of the law depart out of thy mouth but meditate therein day and night that thou maist obserue and doe according to all that is written therein for then shalt thou make thy way prosperous and then shalt thou haue good successe What did he but make his written word the rule of his faith and whole life When Abraham said to the rich man condemned in Hell They haue Moses and the Prophets let them heare them what did he but shew that the writings of Moses the Prophets were the onely rule which his brethren should follow to auoyd damnation and consequently to attaine eternall saluation Chrysostom saith Ne igitur multorum opiniones habeamus sed resipsas inquiramus Quomodo autem non absurdum propter pecunias alijs non credere sed ipsas numerare supputare pro rebus autem amplioribus aliorum sententiam sequi
so plentifully that God can aske no more of them And in his Latin booke against Luther he hath these words Secundo supponimus quod quanquam nemo sit cui non cumulatius praemium in coelis Deus largiatur quàm hic in terris ipse meruit innumeri tamen sunt qui longè grauiores aerumnas pertulerunt quàm adsuorum suffecissent delictorum expiationem that is Secondly wee make this supposition that although there is none to whom God doth not giue a greater reward in heauen then hee hath merited and deserued yet there be many which haue suffered farre more grieuous griefes and punishments then would haue sufficed to the expiation and purging away of their sinnes This is their doctrine and is this to beleeue the forgiuenes of sinnes or is it not rather to denie the Lord Iesus that hath bought vs For I may say with S. Paul that if righteousnes come by the law or by our satisfaction then Christ died in vaine And with what face can these men accuse vs of denying this article The forgiuenes of sinnes themselues teaching such blasphemous doctrine so manifestly opposite and contrarie vnto it Againe they denie the forgiuenes of the punishment due for sinne saying that Christ hath deliuered vs à culpa from the fault or offence but not à poena from the punishment or at leastwise he hath deliuered vs from eternall punishment but not from temporall which must be sustained in Purgatorie whereby our sinnes or soules must be purged and Gods iustice satisfied And yet the Popes Pardons Masses and Dirges may discharge and deliuer from it Wherein first what doe they but extenuate and greatly diminish the vertue and power of Christs death For if our Sauiour Christ haue not deliuered vs from the punishment due to our sinnes what great good hath hee done vs And if he haue discharged vs from eternall punishment in hell but not from the temporall in Purgatorie then is he not a full and perfect Sauiour but an halfe Sauiour Haue you the testimonie of all Antiquitie for this doctrine Tertullian saith Exempto scilicet reatu eximitur poena that is The guiltines of sinne being taken away the punishment is also taken away And Chrysostome saith Vbi enim gratia ibi venia vbi verò venia illic nulla erit poena that is Where grace is there is forgiuenes where forgiuenes is there shall be no punishment S. Augustine saith Ablato ergo peccato auferetur poena peccati The sin being taken away the punishment of sinne shall also be taken away By this let it be discerned who they be that denie this article of the forgiuenes of sinne Moreouer let the Christian reader consider how they attribute first that to their Purgatorie which is proper to the blood of Christ which as S. Iohn saith clenseth vs from all sinne and secondly more to their Dirges Masses Pardons and such paltries then they doe to the death and passion of Iesus Christ For they may deliuer from the paines of Purgatorie but Christs death doth not O coelum non sudas ô terra non tremes c. But now let vs come to your proofe of this your accusation of our denying of this article Your first reason is that wee acknowledge no such effect in the Sacrament of Baptisme c. We acknowledge that baptisme is a Sacrament of the forgiuenes of our sinnes by the death and passion of our Sauiour Iesus Christ whereby our faith is confirmed and wee assured that as water washeth away the filth of the bodie so all the filth and guiltines of our sinnes is so purged in the blood of Christ that wee be accepted for iust and righteous before God But we do not acknowledge that Baptisme or any other Sacrament do conferre grace of themselues or haue grace included in them as in a vessell but wee affirme that they be seales of Gods promises and instruments whereby God worketh in his elect and chosen people those graces which he hath in his word promised and Iesus Christ hath purchased for them But all that be outwardly baptized be not inwardly clensed as Simon Magus who being baptized was yet still in the gall of bitternes and in the bond of iniquitie For the spirit of God worketh by them in whom when and how much it pleaseth him Neither doe we beleeue that Baptisme serueth onely for the remission of sinnes committed before it as you say here but that the vse and benefit of it pertaineth to our whole life continually to assure vs and confirme our faith in the forgiuenes of al our sinnes by Iesus Christ And whereas you say that this our doctrine is contrarie to the expresse word of God which calleth this Sacrament the lauer of regeneration for that in it the soule dead by sinne is newly regenerate by grace I answere that Baptisme is so farre from being in this place of S. Paul expressed that it is not mentioned neither necessarily to be vnderstanded Saint Pauls sweet words be these When the bountifulnes and loue of God our Sauiour towards man appeared not by the workes of righteousnes which wee had done but according to his mercie he saued vs by the washing of the new birth and renewing of the holy Ghost which he shed on vs aboundantly through Iesus Christ our Sauiour Where is baptisme here mentioned or expressed to be the lauer of regeneration Saint Paul doth here attribute this washing whereby wee be regenerate and renewed to the holie Ghost alluding as it were to the words of God by the Prophet Ezechiel Then will I powre cleane water vpon you and ye shall be cleane yea from all your filthines and from all your Idols will I clense you By this cleane water is vnderstood the spirit of God as it is expounded in the two next verses following I confesse that Baptisme is a Sacrament and pledge vnto vs of this washing and clensing of the holie Ghost to whom this washing is to be attributed and not to baptisme as though it were included in it or affixed to it for as I said many be outwardly baptized which be not inwardly clensed but only the faithfull children of God in whom Gods spirit inwardly worketh that which by the word of God is promised and in baptisme sealed and confirmed And therefore this lauer is the spirit of God by whom we be regenerated and renewed Saint Augustine saith well Ea demum miserabilis est seruitus signa prorebus accipere supra creaturam corpoream oculum mentis ad hauriendum aeternū lumen leuare non posse that is This is miserable seruitude to take the signes for the things signified and not to be able to lift vp the eye of the minde aboue the corporeall creature to receiue eternall light Your second proofe is that we allow not the sacrament Penance wherin all actuall sins committed after Baptisme are cancelled Your popish
were indued with it for els he would not haue acknowledged the effectuall faith the diligent loue and patient hope of the Thessalonians and that they were elected of God Which gifts of Gods spirit could not be in them without the grace of God Now by this mans diuinitie what a madnesse was it for him to pray for grace vnto them whom hee did beleeue to bee endued with Gods grace alreadie And where as Saint Iohn saith These things haue I written vnto you that beleeue in the name of the sonne of God that yee may know that yee haue eternall life and that ye may beleeue in the name of the sonne of God By this mans deepe doctrine it might seeme madnesse for Saint Iohn to write vnto them that did beleeue in the name of the sonne of God that they should beleeue in the name of the Sonne of God But it seemed not so to S. Iohn who writeth to them that as they had blessedly begunne to beleeue in the name of the Sonne of God so they might still continue grow and increase in the same faith Moreouer also I would aske of this man and his fellowes whether they praying do beleeue the forgiuenes of their sins if they doe not then are they Infidels and deny the article of the creede I beleeue the forgiuenes of sinnes which before he falsely obiected to vs. If they doe beleeue the forgiuenes of their sinnes why doe they then by this mans doctrine pray for it If he say that he beleeueth that there is in generalitie a forgiuenes of sinnes but particularly he is not assured by faith of the forgiuenes of his owne sinnes then what doth his faith differ from the Diuels faith who beleeueth and trembleth as Saint Iames saith and what is this his doubting but as he himselfe here saith flat infidelitie And no meruaile though these men feele in their harts no assurance of faith for that they ground it not vpon the vnmoueable rocke of Gods promise but vpon the vnsure sand of their owne workes and satisfactions by the which indeede neither can their faith be assured nor their consciences quieted The which false doctrine while they beleeue I would know how they can aske forgiuenes of their sinnes for whosoeuer maketh satisfaction to God for them needeth not to aske forgiuenes of them But the Papists maintaine that they make full satisfaction to God for them as I haue before shewed therefore I may much more iustly say then he doth here that it is madnes to aske forgiuenes of them For what man not being mad owinge a summe of money and paying it will desire the same to be forgiuen him Concerning your scoffing in the proofe of your Minor or second proposition we indeede beleeue that we are iustified by faith without the workes of the law and that Christ dwelleth in our hearts by faith and that by this hand of a true and vnfained faith in Iesus Christ we apply the plaister of his precious bloud shed for our sinnes to cure all the sorances and sores of our soules And take you heede that you trusting in your owne workes and merits in your Masses agnus deis holy water pardons and manifold other such paltries fall not into the ditch of damnation And this shall suffice for this article which is so absurd that it deserueth not so much The Pamphlet The Protestants are bound in conscience to auoyde all good workes 2. Article EVery man is bound vpon paine of eternall damnation to auoyde all deadly sinnes But fasting praying almes deedes and all good workes according to the Protestants religion are deadly sinnes Ergo according to the Protestants religion all men are bound vpon paine of eternall damnation to auoyde fasting praying almes deedes and all good workes The Maior is manifest for the wages of deadly sinne is death Stipendium peccatimors The Minor is euident for according to the Protestants religion and common exposition of this text of Scripture Factisumus vt immundi omnes nos tanquam pannus menstruatae omnes iustitiae nostrae We are made all as vncleane and all our iustices are as stayned cloth That is to say the best workes we can doe are infected with deadly sinne and consequently deserue eternall damnation and therefore to be auoyded Answere AS Hannibal said of Phormio that he had heard many doting fooles but he neuer heard any that so much doted as did Phormio so may I say that I haue heard and read many foolish disputers but any that did so foolishly disoute and reason as this man doth I neuer heard nor read For what man in his wits will reason thus that because the corruptions of men doe creepe into these workes of fasting praying and almes giuing therefore the workes themselues bee deadly sinnes Our doctrine is first that these workes and such other being done by vnfaithfull hypocrites and wicked men be turned into sinne as Dauid saith for they be so corrupted and defiled with their infidelitie and wickednes that they be but splendida peccata that is glittering sinnes before God as Saint Augustine tearmeth them For euen as most pure water flowing through a filthie sinke or priuie is made foule filthie and stinking euen so these workes prayer fasting c. which be good workes commaunded of God flowing from their faithles and wicked hearts and bodies be so defiled that they be but filthie sinnes in the sight of God Salomon saith the sacrifice of the wicked is abomination to the Lord but the prayer of the righteous is acceptable to him God saith by the Prophet Esay Bring no moe oblations in vaine incense is an abomination vnto me I cannot suffer your new moones nor Sabboths nor solemne dayes it is iniquitie nor solemne assemblies My soule hateth your new moones your appoynted feasts c. He that killeth a bullocke is as if he slew a man he that sacrificeth a sheepe as if he cut off a dogges necke c. These sayings shew that euen the sacrifices commaunded in the law of God were wicked and abominable when they were offered of wicked and prophane persons voyde of true faith and repentance So it is in the prophet Haggai Thus saith the Lord of Hostes Aske now the priests concerning the law If one beare holy flesh in the skirt of his garment and with his skirt doe touch the bread or the pottage or the wine or ale or any meate shall it be holy And the priests answered and said no. Then said Haggai if a polluted person touch any of these things shall it be vncleane and the priests answered and said it shall be vncleane Then answered Haggai and said so is this people and so is this nation before me saith the Lord and so are all the workes of their hands and that which they offer here is vncleane Agreeable to this is that which Saint Paul saith Vnto the pure are all things pure but vnto them
was Bernards iudgement concerning our keeping of Gods commandements and fulfilling of the law Ferus also a late Frier but yet a man of better iudgement in many matters then many others were or be hereof writeth thus Per Christum implenda erat omnis iustitia per quem solum lex poterat impleri nam maledicta erat natura humana legemque implere non potuit iuxta illud neque nos neque patres onus hoc portare potuimus that is All righteousnes was to be fulfilled by Christ by whom onely the law could be fulfilled For mans nature was accursed and could not fulfill the law according to that saying neither we nor our Fathers were able to beare this burden Againe the same Ferus saith Si nemo potest gloriari se á peccato immunem nec quisquam gloriari potest se legem seruasse cum peccatum nihil aliud sit quàm transgressio legis that is If no man can glorie that hee is free from sinne neither can any man glorie that he hath fulfilled the law seeing that sinne is nothing else but the transgression of the law Hence from it followeth that zealous Protestants want neither a liuely faith in Gods mercies nor true obedience to Gods commaundements although they vnfainedly confesse their manifold imperfections and sinnes by which they bee farre from perfectly fulfilling the law of God And now pro coronide I will requite you with another Syllogisme They that thinke they can fulfill the law of God be proud Hypocrits and Pharisees but the Papists thinke that they can fulfill the law of God yea can doe superarrogant workes I should say workes of Supererogation aboue them that the law requireth Ergo the Papists be proud Hypocrites and Pharisees The Pamphlet The most points wherein the Protestants dissent from the Catholikes tend to loosenes of life and carnall libertie 4. Article His article may be proued by a generall induction in all such matters as now the Protestants call in question First say they that man hath not free will to doe good but all goodnesse proceedeth so from grace that it lyeth not in his power neither to haue it nor resist it but of necessitie it must haue effect To what other ende tendeth this senceles doctrine and fatall fancie but to make men negligent in disposing and preparing their soules to receiue Gods grace and to rouse it vp and put it in execution after they haue it making man not much vnlike a sicke asse who neither can dispose nor prepare himselfe to seeke for his medicine but of necessitis must expect till his master thrusteth it into his throate neither after hee hath drunke it can cause it cure his disease but carelesly letteth it worke as it will Secondly they defend that men be iustified by faith alone the which solifidian portion ouerthroweth flatly true repentance sorrow for sinnes mortification of passions and all other vertues which tend to perfect reconciliation of the soule with God causing men only to procure a certaine false fantastical apprehension of Christs death and passion the which faith although they erroniously auerre cannot be seuered from charitis vertues and good workes yet both experience teacheth that it may for also few or none haue faith because few or none of them haue these workes and the Scriptures plainely proue that all faith yea and the most noble faith which hath force to remoue mountaines may be without charitie Thirdly they assure vs that faith once had can neuer be lost the which vaine securitie openeth the gap to all libertine sensualitie for if a man be certaine that he hath true faith if it be impossible he should lose it if he be secured that by it alone he shall be saued why may be not wallow in all licencious pleasures in this life and neuer doubt of glorie in the other could euer Epicurus haue found a better ground to plant his Epicurisme could euer Heliogabalus haue better patronized his sensualitie could Bacchus or Venus euer haue forged better reasons to enlarge their dominion Fourthly they say a man cannot keepe all the commaundements for what other cause I pray you but thereby to make men negligent in keeping of them to pretend an excuse of impossibilitie whensoeuer they transgresse them Fiftly why deny they the Sacrament of penance but to make men careles how they liue and neuer regard the auoyding of sinnes as though they were neuer to render an account of them to hinder that shame and blushing which men conceiue in discouering their sinnes the which are most excellent meanes to deter them from sinning another time to shuffle vp restitution and satisfaction of iniuries committed against our neighbours to draw men from remorse of conscience by burying their sinnes in eternall obliuion the sores whereof confession rubbeth and causeth Sixtly why exclude they the true and reall body of Christ from the blessed Sacrament of the altar but for that they perceiued how by the presence thereof they were deterred from sinne and wickednes for they knew well that sinfull liues consorted not with those sacred mysteries and therefore they rather resolued to banish Christ from the Sacrament then sinnes from their soules Finally for what other cause haue they ioyned a new negatiue religion wholy standing vpon negation of Sacraments ceremonies rites lawes customes and other practicall points of the catholike Church but for fasting to bring in feasting for praying playing for deuotion dissolution for religious feare of God vaine securitie for zeale and mortification a number of vaine verball sermons and to conclude for a positiue working a flat deniall almost of all points of faith and religion Answere COncerning this article I will first answere these cauils which this cauiller obiecteth to the slaundering of our doctrine as tending to loosenes of life and carnall libertie Secondly I will shew to what loosenes and wickednes of life the doctrine of the Church of Rome tendeth and what fruites or rather weeds of wickednes it hath brought fourth euen in Popes their clergie and namely in Rome that holy Citie where that holy Father resideth and whereupon he especially breatheth and blesseth He beginneth with free will wherein he neither setteth downe truely our doctrine nor the state of the controuersie which is a vsuall customewith his companions to peruert and alter the state of the question as Doctor Whitakers sheweth that Bellarmine vseth to do I wil therefore lay downe our doctrine truely as we teach concerning this matter wee beleeue that although in worldly matters concerning this life man haue wit reason and vnderstanding to know and will for the choise of good and euill iust and vniust yet in spirituall matters pertayning to eternall life and the worship of God we beleeue that mans reason is so darkened and will so corrupted that he can neither truely know loue nor couet much lesse doe and performe those things which be agreeable to Gods will and acceptable vnto his Maiestie vntill God
Hereof S. Paul speaketh Refuse the younger widowes for when they haue begun to waxe wanton against Christ they will marrie hauing damnation because they haue broken the first faith The which is to be vnderstood of the first profession of faith in Baptisme and not of the latter vow of single life as the Papists falsely and foolishly expound it From this faith all they doe fall which turne either on the right hand to false doctrine or on the left hand to wicked life Many other waies faith is taken but this question is of that true liuely and iustifying faith which is the faith of Gods elect whereby Christ dwelleth in their hearts and they receiue nourishment and life from him This faith may be couered by temptations and falles as fire in the night with ashes but neuer vtterly extinguished For they in whom this true faith is are like a tree planted by the riuers of waters that will bring forth her fruite in due season whose leafe shall not fade And they that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Sion which cannot bee moued but remaineth for euer They that by this faith are built vpō the rocki Iesus Christ hell gates shall neuer ouercome them Christ saith He that beleeueth in the Sonne of God hath euerlasting life He that heareth my word beleeueth in him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life He that beleeueth in me shall neuer thirst Saint Paul saith Wherein after ye beleeued ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance for the redemption of that libertie purchased vnto the praise of his glorie These places sufficiently shew that that faith which is common to all Gods elect and proper onely to the elect can neuer perish nor be vtterly lost in them And this true comfortable doctrine bringeth no vaine securitie nor openeth the gap to any libertine sensualitie For they that by this faith haue tasted how sweete the Lord is cannot but loue and feare God and greatly delight in his commaundements And that faith which swimmeth in mens lips but is not printed in their hearts nor shineth by godlines and good workes in their liues is a dead faith and is no more that true faith whereby we liue vnto God then a dead man is a man To conclude this matter although we distinguish betweene iustification and sanctification yet we acknowledge that they be inseparable and the one doth necessarily follow the other For whosoeuer are iustified by Gods grace and mercie through faith in Christ Iesus be also sanctified with Gods holy spirit to abhorre that which is euill and to cleaue to that which is good and to serue God in true holines and righteousnes all the daies of their life And therefore we teach that they which without repentance persist in sinne wallow in wickednes and commit vngodlines with greedines haue no faith nor haue any assurance of the remission of their sins but may be assured that the wrath of God hangeth ouer them and if they doe not truly repent and bring foorth fruites worthie amendement of life will fearefully fall vpon them So that you might haue spared your vaine and foolish exclamations concerning Epicures Heliogabalus Bacchus and Venus which are more honoured in Rome as hereafter I will shew then allowed of vs. For of whom did Mantuan the Italian Carmelite Frier an 100. yeeres past write this but of your Popes and his fauourers Neglecto superum cultu spretoque tonantis imperio Baccho indulgent Venerique ministrant that is Neglecting the worship of God they serue Bacchus and Venus Concerning the fourth point of doctrine of keeping Gods commaundements I haue spoken sufficiently before Onely now I say that our doctrine tendeth hereunto to shew vs our miserie by transgressing of them that wee may thereby bee moued to hunger for Gods mercie in Christ and although we cannot perfectly fulfill them for in many things wee sinne all yet wee ought according to the measure of Gods grace giuen to vs haue a care and conscience to walke in them and to frame our liues to the obedience of them Whereas fiftly you charge vs that wee deny the Sacrament of Penance thereby to make men careles how they liue I answer that although we deny your penance to be a Sacrament because it hath no outward visible signe and reiect your clancular confession your absurd absolution and your superstitious or rather blasphemous satisfaction thereby to answere Gods iustice and discharge your sins yet we truly teach y e doctrine of repentance as it is deliuered vnto vs in the word of God We teach men to come to the knowledge of their sins by y e law of God which is the glasse to shew vs our spots and the first step to repentance then to lament their sinnes whereby they haue offended their gracious God and mercifull father to confesse their sinnes with remorse of conscience both to God and men whom they haue offended and especially wee call vpon men for amendement of life in bringing forth fruits worthie of repentance without the which there is no repentance One part of which amendement is satisfaction to our brethren for iniuries committed and restitution of goods vnlawfully and vngodly gotten As touching our iniuries against God we plead not our owne satisfaction but craue Gods mercie in Christ Iesus who is our only satisfaction and by whom only we seeke to haue remission of them Whereas you say that your confession rubbeth the sores of sinne and causeth remembrance of them I say that this more truly and effectually is wrought by the preaching of Gods word whereby sinne is more shewed and the wrath and iudgements of God against sinne are more threatned and thereby the conscience more pricked and wounded then by your confession So Dauid was brought to repentance for his foule sinnes of adulterie and murther by Nathans preaching and thundring Gods iudgements against him and not by his secret confessing So the people hauing heard Peter preach the word of God were pricked in their hearts and said vnto Peter and the other Apostles Men and brethren what shall we doe This is Gods holy ordinance the other a plant which God hath neuer planted but an inuention of man as euen your own Canonists against your Schoolemen do confesse And what wickednes hath come of it the ecclesiasticall historie partly sheweth and God who seeth al secrets knoweth To your sixt accusation I answer that we exclude and banish our Sauiour Christ neither from the Sacrament of his supper nor from the hearts of the faithfull but acknowledge that as by faith he dwelleth in the one so by the same he is receiued of the godly in the other Your false and grosse doctrine of Transsubstantiation which the Greeke Church neuer beleeued and the Latine Church lately defined as
surely for to attribute remission of sinnes or any part of saluation to the merits of any other but only of Iesus Christ crucified is to coine a new and false gospell for it is not that gospell of God which he promised afore by his Prophets in the holy scriptures which is concerning his Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord c. To conclude this point I say woe woe vnto them that accept or affect any new coined gospell And whereas you wonder that men indued with iudgement and a religious conscience could affect or accept the gospell that we preach which you falsely call a new coined gospell we may well wonder that any man that hath any sparke of knowledge or conscience should beleeue these foresaid false gospels We may also wonder that men indued with reasonable soules and senses being the handy worke of God should bow downe and worship a stone and stock which hath neither soule nor life hath eyes and seeth not eares and heareth not c. and is the workemanship of mans hands especially being so plainely and expresly forbidden in Gods commaundements infinite places of the scriptures We may wonder that any man should be so mad as to worship and thinke that which he doth eate to be his God and maker which is so absurd that euen Tully not without reason could say sedecquem tam amentem esse putas qui illud quo vescitur deum credat esse Doest thou thinke any man so mad as to beleeue that to be his God which he doth eate yet into this madnes by a spiritual phrensie be these men fallen We also may wonder that they should beleeue such false fables and lying miracles as abound in poperie as for example to cast the dung of their abominations vpon their faces That Images did speake did sweate did roll their eyes did bleede that the head of a dog being cut off from the body by theeues which vpon Saint Katherines day came to rob a Priest who was a deuout worshipper of her did still barke That the virgin Mary did for many yeares in a Nunnery keepe the keyes and supply the place of one Beatrix whilest she went away and played the whore These and many such absurd fables were preached published printed and beleeued as may appeare by Sermones discipuli Antoninus the Archbishop of Florence stories Mariale Summa praedicantia the festiuall Vitas patrum and that monstrous booke the Legend written by Iacobus de Varagine Archbishop of Genua Which yet was in so great reputation with them that it was published in print in the English tongue when the holy Bible was suppressed and had this title set before it The golden Legend for as gold excelleth all other mettals so this booke excelleth all other bookes to the which title that worthy and right worshipfull Knight Sir Andrew Corbet of blessed memory did adde these words In lying and so of a false and blasphemous title made it a most true title Yea I haue a booke in English in Folio translated out of French and printed in London in King Henry the 8. dayes Anno 1521. intituled The flower of the Commaundements fully fraighted with such sottish and worse then old wiues fables which yet in those dayes were preached and beleeued And we may wonder that men of any wisedome knowledge or iudgement should be deluded and mocked with such false fained reliques as were and are in Popery as with Saint Peters finger at Walsingham as big as if it had been of some Giant and also the virgin Maries milke there which seemeth by Erasmus to haue been the white of an egge and chalke mingled together and a vessell of the same at Rome as writeth Blondus the bloud of Hales the which was proued and declared at Paules Crosse by the Bishop of Rochester in King Henry the 8. dayes to haue been clarified honey coloured with saffron In Geneua there was worshipped for the arme of Saint Anthonie that which afterward was proued to be the pisle of a Stagge for a peece of S. Peters scull that which was found to be a pumish stone But this will not be beleeued of this writer and of his fellowes because Caluin did write it But why Caluin should write and publish euen in the French tongue in Geneua such a thing of Geneua vnlesse it were true which the Inhabitants thereof might know to be false I see no reason it could purchase no credit to him or to his doctrine But why might not that as well be true as the things before alleaged or as that which Gregorius Turonensis who liued sundry hundreth yeares past writeth that there was found in a boxe of reliques of a certaine Sainct rootes of trees the teeth of a Mole the bones of Mice and the clawes of Beares which were worshipt for holy reliques But of these iuglings I will write no more at this present God may giue occasion hereafter more largely to intreate of them At these things we may wonder but yet we do not ouermuch meruaile and wonder at them for that the spirit of God by Saint Paule hath foreshewed vs that the time would come when men should turne away their eares frō the truth and be giuen to fables and that the comming of Antichrist should be by the effectuall working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders and in all deceiueablenes of vnrighteousnes among thē that perish because they receiued not the loue of the truth that they might be saued therefore God should send them a strong delusion to beleeue lyes that all they might be damned which beleeued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes Whereas you request that he that shall answere this your pamphlet will do it briefely orderly and seriously I will indeuor to do the two last as God shall inable me But concerning breuitie I will vse my libertie and peraduenture more largely lay downe your absurdities then you would be willing I should do But whereas you say that you make this request for that you perceiue that the Protestants cannot answere with breuitie because their religion lacketh both certaintie and perspicuitie I say that with one breath you do vtter two vntruthes or to speake plaine English lyes The first that we cannot answere with breuitie which how vntrue it is let it be tried first by the briefe and pithie answeres of that great learned man Doctor Fulke who answering many of their bookes which yet to this day stand vndefended how briefely and pithily he answered the same let any man that hath but a graine of indifferent iudgement consider and iudge And particularly I referre them to his answere to Rishtons challenge and to Allens booke of Purgatorie both in one volume yea many times in his writings he called them from long and impertinent discourses to short syllogismes whereunto he could neuer bring them How closely that pretious Iewel and excellent ornament of this
Church of England did hold himselfe to the matter and how vnlike he was to Doctor Harding in his long discourses and digressions who in his booke intituled A detection of lyes c. discoursed two hundred and sixe whole sides of paper onely in preambles and prefaces before he once stept into his matter as Maister Iewel truly told him let the vpright reader indifferently iudge The like I may say of that worthie man of famous memorie Doctor Whitakers who how briefely soundly and learnedly he hath answered Campion Saunders Duree Stapleton William Reynolds and Bellarmine any man that hath an incorrupt eye may see and discerne And if T. W. be the author of this pamphlet as I nothing doubt but he is he may remember that one which had conference with him did write a briefe epistle vnto him and did therein set downe short syllogismes concerning the controuersies of prayer to Saints and the sacrifice of the Masse and required to haue the like short syllogismes set downe of him for the defence of his assertions and could not receiue one but a long tedious discourse concerning prayer to Saints which was confuted and neuer defended But whether answers be briefe or long it maketh no matter so that they be learned sound and true to the effectuall confuting of the errour and satisfying of the reader Now as touching certaintie which you say but do not shew that our religon lacketh I answere and auonch that out Religion is farre more certaine consonant and agreeable to it selfe then the doctrine of the Church of Rome is the which if I do not effectually proue hereafter in place more conuenient I will not require any man to vse your owne words to accept or affect it But with what forehead can this man charge our doctrine with want of perspicuitie seeing he cannot be ignorant how obscure darke and intricate the popish religion and doctrine is as may appeere by their manisold both turious questions and intricate distinctions which be their chiefe shifts to elude the plaine truth And if any would see how darke the doctrine and writings of Papists are let him looke into the Schoolemen Tho Aquine Io. Scotus Alexander de Hales Gabriel Biel and many such other amongst whom he may finde as much certaintie vnitie and perspicuitie of doctrine as he may in holl But how we study for perspicuitie and seeke to make all matters plaine both in our preachings and in our writings auoyding all curious questions and intricate and needles distinctions we appeale to the consciences of all that reade and heare vs. As touching your method concerning errours in doctrine and inordinate affections in maners if you can prooue that our wits be inueigled with them and our liues stained with these more then we can prooue euen your holy Fathers the Popes forsooth Peters successors and Christes vicars haue been you shall winne the victorie You seeme to attribute too much to our very naturall faculties to the iudging and discerning of truth proposed not considering the corruption of our naturall faculties by sinne how both the minde is blinded and the will peruerted Our Sauiour Christ saith The light shineth in darknes and the darkenes comprehendeth it not Saint Paul saith that animalis homo the naturall man perceiueth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishnes vnto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discorned But of this I forbeare to speake any more and also will leaue the other wait words in your letter and do come vnto your articles of faith The Pamphlet The first article concerning knowledge and faith The Protestants haue no faith nor neligion THe Protestants haue no faith no hope no charitic no repentance no justification no Church no altar no sacrefice no Priest no Religion no Christ the reason is for if they haue then the world was without them for a thousand yeeres as they themselves must needs confesse vid elicet all the time their Church was eclipsed and 1500. as we will proue by all records of antiquitie as Histories Councels monuments of ancient Fathers Whereby it plainely appeaneth that the synagogue of the Iewes was more constant in continuance and more ample for place then the Church of Christ For they haue had their s●nagogue visible in di●ers countries e●en since Christ's death and passion euen vntill his day which is the very path to lead man into Atheisme as though Christ were not as yet come into the world whose admirable promises are not accomplisheds whose assistance hath failed in preseruing his Church vnto the worlds end whose presence 〈◊〉 absent many hundred years before the finall consummation and consequently they open the gap to all Machiuillians who say that our Sauiour was one of the deceiuere of the world promising so much concerning his Church and performing so little Answere LOoking in this first article to haue found a syllogisme which this worthie writer vseth in some articles following but heere for want of a good medium as it may seeme to frame one by hath omitted I found a false assertion and a foolish probation The assertion that we haue no faith Haue we no faith The Deuils haue some faith Saint Iames saith The Deuils beleeue and tremble and haue we no faith we are much beholden vnto you for your charitable opinion of vs. You are by the doctrine of Saint Paule not to thinke so euill but to hope the best of them that professe Iesus Christ and his holy Gospell But to this your false and slaunderous assertion I will oppose a true affirmation and confession We beleeue all that God hath deliuered to vs by Moses the Prophets and Apostles in the old and new Testament yea we beleeue the contents of the Creeds of the Apostles Nicene and Athanasius and yet haue we no faith We hope to passe hereafter from death vnto life and to be partakers of that kingdome of glory which God hath promised and Iesus Christ hath purchased for all those that truly beleeue in him We trust that we haue charitie and loue both towards God and man although we confesse not in such full and perfect measure as we ought to haue we with Saint Iohn say He that loueth not his brother abideth in death We acknowledge repentance to be one of those chiefe heads wherein the summe of Christianitie is comprised Saint Marke setting forth the summe and substance of Christes doctrine comprehendeth it in these two Repent and beleeue the Gospell so did Saint Paule witnessing both to the Iewes and to the Grecians the repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Iesus Christ We beleeue to be iustified not by our owne works of righteousnes which we vnprofitable seruants and prodigall children haue done nor by the merits of any Saints in heauen or in earth but by the mercies of God purchased vnto vs by the blessed and bloudy merits of Iesus
Chrysostom Omnibus vnum corpus proponitur poculum vnum One body and one Cuppe is propounded to all So saith Theophilactus Tremendus calix pari cunctis conditione traditus est The fearefull Cup is in like sort deliuered vnto all Yea this absurd exposition of theirs is contrarie to the practise of the Primitiue Church and to all antiquitie as might be shewed and of some Papists is confessed But to proceede and to shew how they handle other places I will ioyne two places together because they doe often alleage them together to proue the Popes supremacie ouer the whole Church of God dispersed ouer the whole world The one Hosea 1. 11. Then shall the Children of Iudah and the Children of Israel be gathered together and appoynt themselues one head The other place is Iohn 10. 16. There shall be one fold and one shepheard These places be alleaged by Pope Pius the second epist 288. by Iohannes de Parisijs by D. Harding c. expounding the same not of Christ but of the Pope to be this one head and one shepheard The which what a priuat and false exposition it is I neede not greatly to shew it is so plaine and apparant The first place of Hosea Saint Hierome expoundeth thus Haec omnia fient quia magnus est dies seminis Dei qui interpretatur Christus i. All these things shall come to passe because it is the great day of the seede of God which is expounded not the Pope but Christ so also doth Frier Lira Congregabuntur filij Iudae id est Apostoli c. There shall assemble together the Children of Iuda that is to say the Apostles and the Children of Israel that is to say the heathen conuerted together that is to say in one Church and shall appoynt vnto themselues one head that is to say one Christ So doth S. Augustine de ciuitate Dei lib. 18. cap. 28. Whose words for shortnes sake I omit The other place is so plaine that a Cobler by hearing or reading of it may perceiue that our Sauiour Christ spake it of himselfe and not of the Pope He saith I am the good shepheard and knowe mine and am knowne of mine I lay downe my life for my sheepe Other sheepe I haue also which are not of this fold them also must I bring and they shall heare my voyce and there shall be one sheepefolde and one shepheard Therefore doth my father loue me because I lay downe my life that I might take it againe Who is so blind as seeth not these words to be spoken of our Sauiour Christ himselfe and not of the Pope Yet that doughtie or rather doltish Doctor Iohannes de Parisijs is not ashamed to say that it is not to be vnderstoode of Christ but of some other Minister which should rule in his place His words be these Congregabuntur filij Iuda filij Israel vt ponant sibi caput vnum Ioan. 10. fiet vnum ouile vnus pastor Quod quidem de Christo intelligi non potest sed de alio aliquo ministro quipraesit loco eius i. The Children of Iuda and the Children of Israel shall be gathered together and shall appoynt themselues one head and Ioh. 10. There shall be one fold and one shepheard which cannot be vnderstoode of Christ but of some other minister that must rule in his place Behold the absurditie of this saying and exposition and let this cauiller who in his questions and challenge so disdainefully despiseth our learning consider what a blind ignorant and vnlearned Doctor and writer this was that so absurdly expoundeth this place and contrarily to the plaine words denieth them to be vnderstoode of our Sauiour Christ and blasphemously attributeth y t vnto the Pope which is only proper and peculiar to Iesus Christ Frier Lira was of better iudgement who writeth thus Fiet vnus pastor id est Christus i. There shall be one pastor that is to say Christ I will shew another place or two in like manner expounded for the proofe of the same matter In the booke of the ceremonies of the Church of Rome the which I wish were in English that our English Catholikes might see the goodly ceremonies and orders of that Church it is thus written Papa in nocte natiuitatis domini benedicit ensem quem postea donat alicui principi in signum infinitae potentiae pontifici collatae iuxta illud data est mihi omnis potestas in coelo in terra Item dominabitur à mari vsque ad mare à flùmine vsque ad terminos orbis terrarum i. The Pope in the night of the feast of Christs Natiuitie blesseth a sword for a signe of the infinit power giuen to him which hee afterward bestoweth vpon some Prince according to that saying All power is giuen to me both in heauen and in earth also He shall rule from the sea vnto the sea and from the stood vnto the ends of the world Are not these sayings thinke you finely expounded of the Pope whereof the one our Sauiour Christ himselfe spake and the other the Prophet Dauid prophesied of Iesus Christ himselfe And the former of these places Stephen the Archbishop of Patraca applied vnto Pope Leo the 10. in the Councell of Lateran in the audience of the Pope himselfe who thankefully accepted it and suffered it to be published and printed and so to this day was neuer by any Papist disliked By these places any man may discerne and iudge whether this Romish prelate be not that man of sinne and sonne of perdition an aduersarie that exalteth himselfe against or aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped sitting as God in the temple of God shewing himselfe that he is God of whom S. Paul before prophecied in taking these things vnto himselfe which Gods spirit spake properly and peculiarly of Iesus Christ The place of Saint Peter 1. chap. 4. Loue or charitie couereth the multitude of sinnes they expound in this sense that charitie maketh satisfaction for our sinnes and couereth and hideth our sinnes before God Iohn Fisher the Bishop of Rochester writeth hereof thus Tertius modus est per vehementis charitatis affectum Nam vehemens vtique charitatis affectus peccatorum etiam expurgat reliquias quum dicat diuus Petrus Charitas operit multitudinem peccatorum i. The third meanes to purge away sinne is by the affection of vehement charitie for surely the vehement affection of charitie doth also purge out the remnants of sinnes for S. Peter saith Charitie hideth the multitude of sinner That this is a priuate and false exposition a simple and meane man may see especially if he looke vpon the place in the Prouerbs chap. 10. 12. from the which Saint Peter doth alleage it and is commonly quoted in the margent Hatred stirreth vp contention but loue or charitie couereth all trespasses Where Salomon sheweth that
the mother of vs all which is the holy Catholike Church that we beleeue Hereunto I will adde a few sayings of the Fathers to them which I haue before alleaged Saint Augustine saith Corpus huius capitis Ecclesia est non quae hoc loco est sed quae hoc loco per totum orbem terrarum nec illa quae hoc tempore sed ab ipso Abel vsque ad eos qui nascituri sunt vsque in finem credituri in Christū totus populus sanctorum ad vnam ciuitatem pertinentium quae ciuitas corpus est Christi cui caputest Christus that is The bodie of this head is the Church not which is in this place onely but that which is in this place and through the whole world neither that Church which is at this time but that of them which from Abel shall be borne vnto the end and shall beleeue in Christ euen the whole companie of Saints pertaining to one citie which citie is the bodie of Christ whereof Christ is the head And in another place Ille caput est nos membra sumus tota ecclesia quae vbique diffusa est corpus ipsius est cuius est ipse caput Non solum autem fideles qui modo sunt sed qui fuerunt ante nos qui post nos futuri sunt vsque in finem seculi omnes ad corpus eius pertinent cuius corporis ipse caput est qui ascendit in coelum He is the head wee are his members the whole Church which is dispersed euery where is his bodie whereof he is the head And not onely the faithfull which be now but also they which haue been before vs and which shall be after vs vnto the end of the world all pertaine to his bodie of which bodie hee which hath ascended into heauen is the head Againe Caelestis Hierusalem ciues sunt omnes sanctificati homines qui fuet unt qui sunt qui futuri sunt that is All sanctified men which haue been which are and which shall be citizens of the heauenly Ierusalem Cyprian saith Ecclesia nunquam à Christo discedit ijsunt ecclesia qui in domo Dei permanent that is The Church neuer departeth from Christ and they be the Church which continue in the house of God Againe Adulterari non potest sponsa Christi incorrupta est pudica vnam domum nouit vnius cubiculi sanctitatem casto pudore custodit Haec nos Deo seruat haec filios regno quos generauit assignat that is The spouse cannot be defiled she is vncorrupt and chast she knoweth one house and keepeth with chast shamefastnes the holines of one chamber she keepeth vs to God she assigneth the children whom she hath borne vnto his kingdome Saint Hierome saith Ipsa ecclesia quae est Sanctorum omnium congregatio pro aeterna sibi in Domino stabilitate columna fundamentum dicitur veritatis The Church which is the congregation of all Saints by reason of her eternall stedfastnes in God is called the pillar and ground of truth Chrysostome saith Ecclesia est tabernaculū à Deo fixum non ab homine ab vno loco in aliū fugit sednon à pietate ad impietatē fugit that is The Church is the tabernacle which God hath pight and not man she flieth from one place to another but she neuer flieth from godlines to impietie and wickednes Ambrose Apostolus omnem ecclesiam dicens summatim totum comprebendit quod in coelo est interra that is The Apostle meaning all the Church briefly comprehendeth the whole which is both in heauen and in earth Bernard saith Electi Dei sunt ecclesia Dei The elect of God be the Church of God So saith Clemens Alexandrinus as I haue before alleaged Non nunc locum sed electorum congregationem appello ecclesiam I call not now the place the Church but the congregation of the elect Yea Frier Lyra saith Ex quo patet quod ecclesia non consistat in hominibus ratione potestatis vel dignitatis ecclesiasticae vel secularis quia multi principes summi pontifices alij inferiores inuenti sunt apostatasse à fide propter quod ecclesia consistit in illis personis in quibus est notitia vera confessio fides veritatis that is Whereby it appeareth that the Church consisteth not in men in respect of their ecclesiasticall or secular power or dignitie for many Princes and Popes and others of lower degree haue bin found to haue bin Apostates and to haue fallen away from the faith Wherefore the Church consisteth in those persons in whom is true knowledge and the confession of faith and truth This is that holy Catholike Church which we in the Creede confesse and beleeue euen the whole number of them whom God hath elected and chosen to eternall life whom God hath had in all ages and of all nations of which Church euery true and faithfull man and woman must beleeue himselfe to be a true and liuely member whereof he may be assured if he finde and feele that God hath lightened his minde with the knowledge of his truth hath wrought in his heart an vnfained faith to trust in his mercies and to beleeue that his sinnes be forgiuen him for Christs names sake and that God hath sanctified his soule and bodie to hate sinne and to haue a care and conscience to serue him in true holines and righteousnes all the daies of his life This being our confession and beliefe with what conscience and truth can this man say that the Church which the Protestants beleeue hath been interrupted all the ages betwixt the Apostles and Luther and in very deede was neuer seene before Luthers daies or that wee imagine the same to be comprehended within the narrow bounds of England I can say nomore but that a false witnes shall not be vnpunished and he that speaketh lyes shall not escape But now let vs see what this man and his fellowes hold beleeue and call the Catholike Church forsooth the companie of all them that receiue and professe the religion and doctrine of the Church of Rome and submit themselues to be ruled and gouerned by the Bishop and Pope of Rome They that doe not this be Heretikes Schismatikes out of Noahs Arke and out of the Catholike Church And hereupon it followeth that the Christians in Graecia Muscouia Armenia Aethiopia c. where Christianitie hath continued vnto this day and among whom no doubt but some haue been of Gods elect and chosen people yet be they no Catholikes nor of the Catholike Church nor in the state of salnation And why because they neither haue been nor be subiect to the Pope of Rome For so it is with many words solemnely defined and determined by that holy and vertuous Pope Boniface the 8. Subesse Romano pontifici omni humanae creaturae
are they then baptized for dead To picke Purgatorie pickpurse out of this place passeth my skill Here is mention made of baptisme for the dead but neither of Purgatorie nor of prayer for the dead I am not ignorant that there be sundrie expositions of this place yet I doe not remember that euer I read it expounded of Purgatorie or applied vnto it And therefore I will write no more at this present of it but wil expect a syllogisme to be made of it for the proofes of Purgatorie and then I shall further consider what to say vnto it We doe beleeue that they onely be members of that bodie whereof Christ Iesus is the head which be either triumphing with him in heauen or be fighting for him against Satan sinne and the world here vpon earth Saint Paul saith that Christ came to make peace by the blood of his crosse and to reconcile the things which are in earth and the things which are in heauen That is to say his whole vniuersall Church whereof part was alreadie in heauen and part remained behinde vpon the earth They therefore that be in Purgatorie be no members of his bodie nor are to be deliuered by him but being the Popes creatures are either by him who can at his pleasure emptie and scoure Purgatorie to be deliuered or else still in that fained fire to be tormented Neither hath true Christian charitie so much as the cursed couetousnes of Priests been the bellowes to blow that forged fire for the heating of their kitchens Now that I haue answered your reasonlesse reasons of our denying this article of Christian faith the communion of Saints I will briefly shew what is our beleefe of it We beleeue that al the Saints of God and members of the holie Catholike Church haue communion and fellowship with Iesus Christ and are partakers of all his benefits Of this communion Christ speaketh I am the vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruite Of this speaketh S. Paul God is faithfull by whom ye are called vnto the fellowship of his sonne Iesus Christ our Lord. This communion or fellowship is wrought by faith by the which Christ dwelleth in the hearts of all his elect and faithfull people and by which wee be graffed into him to receiue all grace and goodnes from him as the branch doth from the vine or stocke And we beleeue that all the faithfull and godly be knit together in loue as the Apostle speaketh whereby they are to communicate those graces and gifts which God hath bestowed vpon them to the edifiyng and helping of others in such sort as God hath appointed Yea we beleeue that all the faithfull haue communion and fellowship together in that they haue all one heauenly father one Iesus Christ their redeemer and mediatour one holy Ghost their sanctifier are iustified by one faith common to all the elect dedicated to God by one baptisme called by one Gospell to be partakers of one kingdome of glorie This is the summe of our beleefe concerning this article wherein wee would know what fault you can finde But your communion and vnion consisteth in being vnder one Pope of Rome vnder whose obedience whosoeuer is not you think he cannot be saued as is before shewed neither will you haue communion with him And therefore whereas Christianitie hath continued as I said before in Greece Russia Aethiopia Armenia and other countries amongst whom no doubt but God hath had and now hath his elect and chosen people yet you haue no communion or fellowship with them because they be not vnder your owne Pope And much lesse haue you communion with the Saints in heauen because you haue not the faith of Gods elect For did the faithfull Patriarkes Prophets Apostles and others beleeue to be deliuered from the fire of hell by the merits of Nicholas or to ascend into heauen by the blood of Thomas Becket Nay Iesus Christ is the onely mercie seate into the which the two Cherubinis did looke that is as I take it both the faithfull before his comming in the flesh and they that be after doe looke onely vpon Christ in him onely to seeke and finde mercie Now let vs see the third article of our Creed which you say we denie which is Remission of sinnes Here I beseech the Christian reader to consider who they be that denie this article containing a principall point of Christian religion and saluation whether wee or this accuser with his partners Wee beleeue that whereas wee be children of wrath vnprofitable seruants and prodigall children that haue sinned against heauen and our heauenly father and are so deeply indebted to God that wee be neuer able to make payment for the which he might iustly throw vs into the dungeon of damnation for euer wee I say beleeue that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life by whom wee haue redemption through his blood euen the forgiuenes of sinnes according to his rich grace and that our sinnes are forgiuen vs for his names sake And we beleeue that God of his great mercie in Iesus Christ doth forgiue vs not onely our sinnes but also the punishment due vnto them and which wee haue deserued by them accepting vs for vessels of his mercie and heires of his glorie Now this accuser of vs and his companions doe first beleeue that they doe make satisfaction to Gods iustice for their sinnes which is a flat deniall of the forgiuenes of our sinnes For whereas our sinnes be called debts and satisfaction is a paiment it followeth that if we doe make satisfaction for them then we neither need nor can haue forgiuenes of them For our satisfaction and Gods forgiuenes cannot stand together For euen as if I owe a man a hundreth pounds and I pay him he doth not forgiue it and if he forgiue it I doe not pay it So if we by satisfaction make paiment to God for our sinnes then hee doth not forgiue them if hee forgiue them then wee doe not make satisfaction for them Now let vs see what is the doctrine of these men concerning this their satisfaction whereby they make paiment themselues to God for their debts Bishop Fisher whom I suppose the Pope hath sainted for standing so stifly in his cause writeth hereof thus Thirdly some there be which by grace in this life haue so punished themselues for their offences that they haue made a sufficient recompence for them Againe So doth heartie weeping for sinne expell sinne and is a sufficient and iust recompence for it And againe But whereas any creature haue made due satisfaction in this life he neuer after shall suffer more paine and also is cleane out of debt and nothing after that shall euer be claimed of him Againe They be called recti corde that haue made satisfaction
c. If any shall say that it is necessarie for euery man to the obtaining of remission of sinnes to beleeue certainly and without doubt of their owne infirmitie and indisposition that their sins be forgiuen them be he accursed But more plainly and pregnantly doe the Doctors of Louaine lay downe this doctrine of doubting Fides qua quis firmiter credit certò statuit per Christum sibi remissa esse peccata seque possessurum vitam aeternam nullum habet in Scripturis testimonium imo eisdem aduersatur that is The faith whereby a man doth firmely beleeue and is certainly assured that his sinnes by Christ be forgiuen him and that he shall possesse eternall life hath no testimonie in the Scripture yea is contrarie vnto them Hereupon I conclude by this writers owne reason that the Papists in maintaining this doctrine of doubting teach infidelitie But whereas these Louainian Doctors say that this doctrine of the certaintie of forgiuenes of our sinnes by Christ and of our possession of eternall life is not testified in the Scriptures but contrarie to them how false this is I referre it to be tried by these places here following They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Sion which cannot be moued but remaineth for euer Being iustified by faith we haue peace towards God through our Lord Iesus Christ by whom also through faith we haue had this accesse vnto his grace wherein wee stand and reioyce vnder the hope of the glorie of God Ye haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare againe but ye haue receiued the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father The same spirit beareth witnes with our spirit that we are the children of God Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen it is Christ that iustifieth Who shall condemne c. Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ shall tribulation or anguish or persecution or famine or nakednes or perill or sword c. I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come neither height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. It is God which stablisheth vs with you in Christ and hath annointed vs who hath also sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirit in our hearts In whom also ye haue trusted after that ye heard the word of truth euen the Gospell of your saluation wherein also after ye beleeued ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance c. Let vs therefore goe with confidence or boldnes vnto the throne of grace that wee may receiue mercie and finde grace to helpe in time of neede So God willing more abundantly to shew vnto the heires of promise the stablenes of his counsell bound himself by an oth that by two immutable things wherein it is impossible that God should lie we might haue strong consolation which haue our refuge to lay hold vpon that hope that is set before vs which hope we haue as an ancre of the soule both sure and stedfast and it entreth into that which is within the vaile c. Let vs draw neere with a true hart in assurāce of faith our hearts being pure from an euill conscience and washed in our bodies with pure water let vs keepe the profession of our hope without wauering for he is faithfull that promised Therfore by faith that by grace the promise might be sure to all the seede And he not weake in the faith considered not his owne bodie which was now dead being almost an hundred yeeres old neither the deadnes of Saraes wombe neither did he doubt of the promise of God through vnbeleefe but was strengthened in the faith and gaue glorie to God being fully assured that he which had promised was able to doe it and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousnes Hereunto I will adde to the confuting of this doctrine of doubting two or three sayings of the Fathers Chrysostome saith Spes humana subinde intercidit sperantem pudore afficit Nostra verò eiusmodi non est sed firma immobilis perdurat c. that is The hope that is had in man sundrie times falleth away and shameth him that hopeth but our hope is not such but abideth firme and vnmoueable Augustine saith Gaudium ergo nostrum fratres nondum est in●e sed iam in spe Spes autem nostra tam certa est quasi iam res perfecta sit 1. Our ioy O brethrē is not as yet in possession but in hope And our hope is so certaine as though the thing were alreadie done Bernard saith Ergo aut dixi fides ambiguum non habet aut si habet fides non est sed opinio Faith hath no doubting or if it haue it is not faith but an opinion Hereby the indifferent reader may see both how false this desperate doctrine of doubting is against the which Ambrosus Catherinus an Archbishop a great doer in the Councell of Trent did earnestly write and also that the Papists by this principle of their doctrine teach infidelitie And withall let him consider whether is a more true godly and comfortable doctrine to beleeue by faith our saluation or to be vncertaine and to doubt therof as they teach But now let vs see how S. Paul exhorteth vs as this man saith to doubt of our saluation He saith Cum timore tremore salutem vestram operamini which is thus translated With feare and trembling worke your saluation This text was alleadged by hearesay and not by sight For this worthie writer who so highly thinketh of himselfe and so greatly disdaineth others quoteth in the margent 1. Cor. 2. whereas it is not in that chapter nor in all that Epistle but it is Philip. 2. 12. But the fault hereof will be laid vpon the Printer Yet that the Printer should so much erre and set 1. Cor. 2. for Philip. 2. it is not likely And that this error is not of the Printer but of this mans fine memorie it may hereby appeare y t it is not in the vulgar editiō which they both do and are bound to follow cum timore but cum metu Hereby the reader may see with what care these men alleage the Scriptures not looking vpon the words nor considering the simple sense and meaning but snatching at the words and wresting them contrarie to the purpose and meaning of the Apostle Whose intent is not to teach the Philippians that they be saued by their workes which is contrarie to his doctrine in many other places but to disswade them from carelesse securitie and to exhort them to walke in good workes and to runne on the race of their life in the feare of God vntil they
prosecute the particularities that here you name I will say vnto you as Tullie said to Tubero Habes Tubero quod est accusatori maxime optandum confitentem reum c. Thou hast O Tubero that which an accuser would most wish for the partie accused confessing himselfe guiltie yet so confessing that hee was on the same side that thou Tubero and thy Father were So we say and confesse that there is lesse deuotion and more dissolution lesse religious feare and more vaine securitie lesse zeale and mortification then there ought to be but I trust hereafter to shew that these vertues haue as much or more wanted these vices abounded among Papists as they doe with vs. Now I will come to the second part of my answere promised to this article To shew to what loosenes wickednes of life the popish doctrine doth tend and what weedes of wickednes it hath brought forth First their doctrine of keeping Gods word in a strange tongue and restrayning Gods people from reading and hearing of it hath been and is a great cause both of error in doctrine and wickednes in life Our Sauiour Christ saith You erre not knowing the Scriptures and the power of God Dauid saith That the law of God giueth wisedome to the simple it lightneth the eyes it maketh Gods seruant circumspect and that it is a light vnto our feete and a lanterne vnto our steppes He sheweth also that it is a meane to preserue men from sinne For speaking of the righteous man hee saith The law of his God is in his heart and his steppes shall not slide And againe I haue hid thy words in my heart that I might not sinne against thee That good Father Chrysostome who was a most earnest exhorter of all men to the reading of the Scriptures saith Magna aduersus peccatum munitio Scripturarum lectio magnum praecipitium profundum barathrum Scripturarum ignoratio Haec haereses peperit haec vitam corruptam inuexit haec sursum deorsum omnia miscuit that is The reading of the Scriptures is a great sauegard against sinne the ignorance of the Scripture is a slipperie meanes to fall into sinne and a deepe gulfe of sinne This hath bred Heresies this hath brought in corruption of life this hath turned all things vpside downe Againe Hoc omnium malorum causa est quod Scripturae ignorantur that is This is the cause of all euils that men be ignorant of the Scriptures Saint Hierome who exhorteth Ladies to bring vp their young daughters being but seuen yeares old in the reading of the holy Scriptures saith Ama scientiam Scripturarum cartis vitia non amabis that is Loue the knowledge of the Scriptures and thou shalt not loue the vices of the flesh Many such other sayings might bee alledged out of the Fathers which plainely shew that the keeping of the holy Scriptures in an vnknowne tongue and the restrayning of Gods people from reading hearing of them is a doctrine tending to loosenes and great wickednes of life Their doctrine of vowing chastitie and single life and prohibiting matrimonie what an occasion it hath been of horrible filthines and wickednes of life I will briefly declare Chrysostome of some women in his time which vnder a profession of virginitie liued wickedly saith thus Virginitas ista cum viris plus ab ominibus argultur quàm stuprum ipsum that is This virginitie of women with men is more reproued of all men then whoredome it selfe Saint Hierome in his time complained of the like women Sanctum virginum propositum c. that is The euill name of some which behaue not themselues well doth slander the holy purpose of virgines Saluianus the Bishop of Massalia who liued in the yeare of our Lord 480. writeth thus Nouum est prorsus religionis genus Licita nō faciunt illicita committunt Temperant à concubitu quamuis nec hoc faciunt nisi à licito non temperant à rapina c. i. This is a new kinde of religion They do not things lawful and commit things vnlawfull They abstaìne from copulation although they abstaine not from that neither but frō that which is lawfull and refraine not from rape What doest thou O foolish perswasion God hath forbidden sinne and not mariage your deeds agree not with your studies or profession You ought not to bee fauorets of vices There is extant an epistle of Huldricus Bishop of Augusta who liued about the yeare of our Lord 860. vnto Pope Nicholas the first concerning the forbidding of Priests marriage wherein is declared that Gregorie the Pope hauing giuen forth a decree for the single life of Priests vpon the finding of 6000. childrens heads in ponds of water where they had been drowned did reuoke the same decree and commended the saying of the Apostle It is better to marrie then to burne adding thereunto that it was better to marrie then to giue occasion of murther Of this epistle Pope Pius the second maketh mention intreating of Germanie and it was found in a librarie in Holland before Luthers time Bernard the Abbot who liued Anno domini 1150. complaineth of the wicked life of the clergie in these words Episcopi sacerdotes huius temporis castitatis sanctimoniam sine qua nemo videbit deum tam in corde quam in corpore quomodo student obseruare traditi in reprobum sensum facrunt quae non conueniunt Quae enim in occulto fiunt ab episcapis turpe est dicere that is How doe the Bishops and Priests of this time keepe holy chastitie both in heart and bodie without which no man shall see God Being giuen vp into a reprobate minde they doe the things that are not conuenient for what things bee done of Bishops in secret it is a shame for to speake Againe Tolle de ecclesia honorabile connubium c. Take from the Church honorable marriage and the bed vndefiled and thou shalt fill it full of whoremongers incestuous persons buggerers and all kinde of vncleane ones Againe hee sheweth that there were very many who abstayning from the remedie of marriage fell afterwards into all kinde of wickednes About that time the Pope sent a Cardinall called Ioannes Cremensis into England to dissolue Priests marriages who in a synod hauing inueyed against their marriage saying that it was a shamefull thing that a Priest should rise from his wife to consecrate the body of Christ was the same night after taken with a whore as Fabian and other writers doe witnes And I reade the same storie in an ould written booke which I thinke was the storie of Henrie Huntington where these words were added Celari non potuit taceri non debuit .i. It could not bee kept secret and it ought not to be suppressed in silence In the glosse vpon Gratians decrees it is said that a Priest for simple fornication is not to be
declare out of the words of the Princes and estates of Germanie in their 100. grieuances exhibited to the Popes Legate at Norenberg anno 1522. and printed at Colen anno 1533. In the third grieuance be these words Illud importabile tam olim increbuit Romanarum indulgentiarum onus c. That importable burden of Romish pardons hath now a long time increased when vnder pretence of pietie either for the building of Churches in Rome or that the Bishops of Rome promised avoyage against the Turke they sucked all the marrow of money from the simple and ouer eredulous Germanes And that which is much more to be regarded by these deceits and the publishers and Preachers of them the true godlines of Christians is abolished whilest they to broach the sale of these their buls and pardons giue praise vnto their wares that by these bought pardons great and strange offences both which be past and that are to come not onely of the liuing but also of the dead being in the fire of Pargatorie as these publishers of pardons call it be pardoned so that money be paide and that it tingle in their right hand And by the sale and merchandise of this ware both Germanie of money is spoyled and Christian godlines is extinguished when euery one according to the quantitie which he bestoweth vpon this ware doth take vnto himselfe libertie and impunitie to sinne Hence whoredome incest adulteries periurie murther theft robberies vsurre and an whole heape of mischiefes haue proceeded and taken their beginning For what mischiefes will men be afraid to commit when they be once perswaded that they obtaine by money of these brokers and pardoning pediers licence and impunitie to sinne not onely in this life but also after their death c. By these words it doth euidently appeare to what loosenes of life and manifold mischiefes this doctrine did tend which some Papists themselues confesse to haue no warrant of the Scriptures and other some affirme such pardons as be graunted for twentie thousand yeeres to be supersitious and foolish I might speake much of this matter but at this time I will conclude it with two sayings the one contained in a booke printed at Colen anno 1531. intituled Omio Ecclesiae wherein after great complaint of these pardons and of the wickednes that proceeded of them be these words Illi autem indulgentiarum buccinateres omnimodumpromittunt securitatem quae paritnegligentiam negligentia offensum Dei that is These publishers of pardons doe promise all manner of securitie which breedeth negligence and negligence the offence of God The other is in the treatise I named before in the second Tome of the Councels called Opusculum Tripartitum in these words Item habent breuia quae relinquunt in singulis parochijs in quibus continentur tot indulgentiae quod mir antur boni viri Si vnquam de conscientia Papae vel etiam alicuius boni viri potuerunt illa procedere that is They haue also briefes which they leaue in euery parish in which such pardons be graunted that good men doe maruell that euer they could proceede from the conscience of the Pope or of any good man The doctrine of the Popes dispensations to what loosenes and wickednes of life did it tend First hereby incest was committed as before I shewed how Pope Martin 5. gaue a dispensation to one to marrie his owne Sister Ferdinandus a King of Naples married his Annt and lately Maximilian the Emperors daughter was married to King Philip of Spaine her Vncle of whom he begat this present King These and many such other were not done without the Popes dispensation So Bonifacius a Bishop of Germanie in one Epistle to Pope Zacharie sheweth how a great man by the Popes dispensation maried his Vncles widow Fabian our English Chronicler who liued somewhat before Luther writeth that Charles the fift the French King did by the dispensation of Pope John 22. put away Blanch his wife because her mother was his Godmother and afterward was by the same Pope dispensed with to marrie his Cosin Germaine Many Kings by meanes of such dispensation bought of the Pope for money haue put away their lawful wiues married others as Vladistaus King of Hungary Ludauicus the 12. the French King c. Yea I am ashamed to expresse what a horrible sinne Pope Sixtus 4. did dispense with to be vsed in the hote moneths of Iune Iuly and August as writed Veselus Groningensis in his treatise of Pardons They did dispense to keepe as many Benefices as one could get so that Cardinals of Rome had some 200. some 300. Benefices as I haue out of Io. Gerson and Nicholaus Clemangis before declared Hereof also that learned Earle of Mirandula Io. Franc. Picu complained in an Oration to Pope Leo 10. in these words Sanctissime cauetur ne multa ab vno Saoerdotia quibus annexa sit animarū cura possideantur dispensatio ita solet appellar● effecit vt iam non multa non plura sed innumera teneant multi qui ne diaconi quidem mererent ur officio defungi at eiusmodi rerum dissipationem non ego sed Bernardus tot ante see●lis appellauit It was most godly prouided that one man should not haue many Benefices whereunto cure of soules is annexed But dispensation for so it is called hath brought to passe that many men haue not some and many but innumerable Benefices which are not worthie to execute the office of a Deacon This not I but Bernard many ages past called a dissipation Io. Gerson hauing made mention of Bernards complaint addeth these words Quid modo dicendum putabimus de tam facill vt appellant dispensatione per Papam Praelatos super iuramentis licitis super votis rationabilibus super immensa beneficiorum pluralitate super generali conciliorum non obstantia super priuilegiorum exemptionum commune ius priuantium concessione Quis omnia denumeraret per quae nune vigor ecclesiasticae imo Euangelicae disciplinae totus vere elanguit emareuit euanuit 1. What shal we think is to be said now of such easie dispensing by the Pope and Prelates concerning lawfull othes reasonable vowes infinite pluralitie of Benefices the generall infringing of Councels and the graunting of priuileges and exemptions which take away common rights Who can number vp all by which the whole strength of Ecclesiasticall and Euangelicall discipline is languished withered and perished Hereby it may sufficiently appeare what dissolution and loosenes of life hath proceeded from the doctrine of the Popes power in dispensing What great mischiefes and calamities haue comen of their doctrine concerning the Popes power in deposing Emperours Kings and Princes from their Crownes and dignities no pen can expresse nor any minde sufficiently conceiue Hereupon infinite bloudie battels haue beene fought Cities sacked Countries wasted and millions of people consumed As appeareth by y e histories
of Henry 4. Henry 5. Fredericke 1. and Fredericke 2. Ludouicus Bauarus and many others From hence came that fearefull faction of the Gibellines holding with the Emperour and the Guelfes holding with the Pope whereby not onely the Cities of Italy were distracted and in a manner wasted but also the inhabitants of singular Cities were diuided amongst themselues expelling killing and murthering one another So that euen in Rome it selfe those two great families the Columnes being Cibellines and the Vrsines being Guelfes haue fought one with another daily three moneths together Here by the way the Christian Reader may consider how vainly and falsely the author of that other lying and slanderous Libell intituled A Quartron of reasons c. glorieth that peace and tranquillitie finde harbour and intertainment onely in Catholike Realmes and Common-wealths and that their Catholike religion euer bringeth with it peace quietnes loue friendship plentie and all kind of happines Whereby he sheweth his grosse ignorance in histories which most plainly and plentifully shew the contrarie and that it was with Christian countries in time of Poperie as Azaria said There was no peace to him that did go out and in but great troubles were to all the inhabitants of the earth For Nation was destroyed of Nation and Citie of Citie for God troubled them with all aduersitie But of this I will speake no more at this present hereafter God may giue an occasion more largely to handle it Moreouer their doctrine of easie expiation and purging of sinnes by a Priests absolution by buying the Popes Pardons by hearing Masses by procuring Dirges Trentals by sprinkling holy water by bearing Agnus Dei and many such other paltries whereunto did it tend but to loosenes and wickednes of life by incouraging them to commit that which might by such easie meanes be discharged Whereunto did their doctrine of worshipping Images tend but to Idolatrie whereof what calamitie hath come to the Christian Common-wealth by weakening and renting asunder the Empire and thereby strengthening Infidels I will not at this present shew Whereunto doth their doctrine of keeping no oth nor faith with Infidels and Heretikes tend but to cause periurie and to take peace and tranquilitie from Countries What fearefull plagues of God haue ensued hereof might easily bee shewed I will onely note one namely that great ouerthrow which the Christians receiued at Varna by Amurathes the Turk with whom Vladistaus the king of Polonia and Ioannes Huniades hauing made an honourable and profitable peace and confirmed the same with othes and writings Pope Eugenius 4. vrged them first by Francis the Cardinall of Florence and afterward by Iulianus the Cardinall to breake peace and to renew warre Whereat the Turke wondred and in the heate of the battaile as Bonslnius writeth Amurathes tooke out of his bosome the writings of the peace and leagui and looking vp to heauen said This is the league O Iesus Christ which thy Christians haue made and confirmed by thy name who haue falsified their faith giuen by thy name If thou be God as they say auenge thy miurie and punish these false abusers of thy name After which words the victorie fell to the Turke there Vladislaus the King was slaine all the Poionians killed the Nobles of Hungarie destroyed Iulianus the Cardinall the Popes Messenger and causer of that mischiefe in flight murthered By which great ouerthrow the power of Hungarie was so weakened that afterward it was the easilier conquered by the Turke This great calamitie came of their doctrine of keeping no oth nor league with Infidels and Heretikes and of the Popes power in dispensing therewith And what a hindrance of stablishing peace among Christian Princes it is at this day any man of meane vnderstanding may easily consider Now for as much as this man maketh so much of their deuotion and our dissolution and loosenes of life I will according to my promise before made shew what holinesse the Popes haue inspired and breathed into the Citie of Rome where they reside and into their owne Court Bernard writeth of Rome in these words Quid iam notum seculis quam proteruiae fastus Romanorum gens insueta paci tumultui assueta Gens immitis intractabilis vsque adhuc subdi nescia nisi cum non valet resistere that is What is so well knowne vnto ages as the frowardnes and pride of the Romanes A people vnacquainted with peace accustomed to tumult and trouble A people cruell and vntractable which will not as yet be subiect but when it is not able to resist And of the Court of Rome those Curia bonos facilius recipere magis quàm facere consueuit c. The Court rather receiueth good men then maketh them good But if wee haue proued that moe good men haue become naught in it then euill men haue become good then such are to be sought as neither decaying in them is to be feared nor amending is to be wished as being alreadie perfect Franciscus Petrarch who liued in Rome greatly cōplassneth of the abominations of Rome and the Popes Court Quicquid vspiam perfidiae doli quicquid inclementiae superbiaeque quicquid impudicitiae effraenataeque libidinis audisti aut legisti quicquid denique impietatis morum pessimorum sparsim habet aut habuit orbis terrae totum istic cumulatim videas 〈◊〉 reperias c. i. What other treacherie and deceit whatsoeuer crueltie and pride whatsoeuer vncleannes and vnbridled lust thou hast heard or read finally whatsoeuer impietie the world now hath or hath had thou maist see it and finde it wholy in full heape and measure there For I neede not to speake of couetousnesse and ambition of the which the one hath there set the throne of her kingdome from whence she might rob be and spoile the world and the other dwelleth no where but there I would the learned reader would reade the rest of that 19. Epistle and the next Epistle following and see how hee painteth forth the a bominations of Rome and the Popes Court which would be too long and tedious for me to write F●●er Mantuan of whom I made mention before writeth thus of Rome St quid Roma dabit nugas dabit accipit aurum Verba dat Heu Romae nunc sala pecunia regnat Exilium virtus patitur If Rome giue any thing it giueth trifles it receiueth gold and giueth words Alas onely money doth raigne in Rome vertue is banished out of Rome Againe Viuere qui sanctie cupitis discedite Roma Omnia cum liceant non licet esse pi●●● i. You that desire to liue godly depart ye from Rome whereas all things are lawfull there it is not lawfull to be a godly man there Againe I pudor in villat si non patiuntur easdem Et villae vomicas vrbs est iam tota Lupanar i. Depart honestie into villages if they also be not