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A16831 Gods treasurie displayed: or, the promises, and threatnings of Scripture, &c. Methodically composed, for the helpe of weake memories: and contrived into question, and answere, for the comfort of Sions mourners, and for the awakening of the Laodicean-like secure. Bridges, Francis, fl. 1630.; Bunny, Francis, 1543-1617. 1630 (1630) STC 3733; ESTC S106572 191,335 607

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before vs wh●ch hope we haue as anker of the soule both sure and stedfast and which entreth into that which is within the vaile whether the fore-runner is for vs entred Heb. 6.17 Q. Shew me then some marks wherby I may discerne whether or no my selfe am one of that number which shal be saued A. 1. This is life Eternall that wee know him to be the onely true God and IESVS CHRIST whom he hath sent Ioh. 17.3 2. GOD so loued the world that hee gaue his onely begotten Son that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Io● 3.16 These things I write vnto you that beleeue in the name of the Son of God that ye may know that ye haue eternall life 1. Ioh. 5.13 Ioh. Acts 16.31 3. It shall be that whosoeuer shal call on the name of the Lord shall be saued Act. 2 21. 4. We know that we are passed from death to life because we loue the brethrē 1. Io. 3.14 5. Whosoeuer shall humble himselfe and become as a little child the same is great in the Kingdome of GOD. Mat. 18.4 Mat 6 The Kingdome of Heauen suffereth violence and the violent take it by force Mat. 11.12 and for ioy thereof depart and sell all that they haue to purchase it Mat. 13.44 5.10 7. There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth nor whosoever worketh abomination or that maketh a lie Reu. 21.27 For without are dogs and Sorcerers and Whoremongers and Murtherers Idolaters Reu. 22.15 Neither shall any that worketh abhomination enter into the Kingdome of GOD. Reu. 21.27 The sinners in Zion are afraid fearefulnesse shall surprise the Hypocrites Who among vs shall dwell with the devouring fire who among vs shall dwell with the everlasting burnings He that walketh righteously and speaketh vprightly he that despiseth the gaine of the oppressions that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes and stoppeth his eare from hearing of blood and shutteth his eyes from seeing of euill hee shall dwell on high Isa 33.14 And to him that ordereth his conuersation aright will I shew the salvation of GOD. Psal 5● Math. 5.19 Ier. 17.13 Ob. These things in some measure I doe find to be in my selfe yet my griefe is that I can be no more sencible of this happinesse A. 1. Now wee see through a glasse darkly but then face to face Now wee know in part But then shall wee know even as also wee are knowne 1. Cor. 13.12 2. We are saved by hope but hope that is seene is not hope For what a man seeth why doth hee hope for it But if we hope for that we see not then doe we with patience waite for it Rom. 8.24 As well as IACOB who said I haue waited for thy salvation O LORD Gen. 49.18 1. Pet. 1.9 3. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seene Heb. 11.1 Whom hauing not seene you loue in whom though you see him not yet beleeuing you reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and full of glory receiuing the end of your faith the saluation of your soules 1. Pet. 1.8 4. For this end pray saying Restore vnto mee the ioy of thy salvation and vphold me with thy free spirit Psal 51.12 And then with ioy shall you draw water out of the wels of saluation Isa 12.3 Ob. I am beset with so many enemies that my feare is I shall fall short of Heauen A. We are kept by the power of GOD through faith vnto saluation ready to bereuealed in the last times 1. Pet. 1.5 When Christ shall put downe all rule and all authority and power For he must reigne till he haue put all his enemies vnder his feet the last whereof that shall be destroyed is death For hee hath put all things vnder his feet but when hee saith all things are put vnder him it is manifest that he is excepted which did put all things vnder him 1. Cor. 15.24 Q. Seeing GOD ha●h prouided for vs such an inheritance what therefore are we to doe A. 1. We are bound to giue thankes alwayes to GOD because GOD hath from the beginning chosen vs to saluation through sanctification of the spirit and the beliefe of the truth Whereunto hee called vs by the Gospell to the obtaining of the glory of the Lord IESVS CHRIST 2. Thes 2.13 1. Pet. 1.3.4 2 Because the Scriptures are call●d the Word of the Kingdome Mat. 13.19 Search the Scr●ptures for in them ye thinke to haue eternall life Ioh. 5.39 In which because some things are hard to be vnderstood 2. Pet. 3.16 Let euery man be swift to heare Iam. 1.19 For after that in the Wisedome of GOD the World by Wisedome knew not GOD it pleased GOD by the foolishnes of Preaching to saue them that beleeue 1. Cor. 1.21 3. Seeing wee here haue no continuing City but we seeke one to come Heb. 13.14 And the time here being short it remaineth that both they that haue Wiues be as though they had none and they that weepe as though they wept not and they that reioyce as though they reioyced not and they that buy as though they possessed not and they that vse this world as not abusing it for the fashion of this World passeth away 1. Cor. 7.29 And wee according to his Promise looke for new Heauens and a new earth where dwelleth Righteousnesse 2. Pet. 3.13 Ioh. 6.27 4. Make you friends of the Mammon of vnrighteousnesse that when yee faile they may receiue you into everlasting habitations Luk. 16.9 Sell that yee haue and giue Almes and prouide your selues Bags which waxe not old and treasures in Heaven that faile not Luk. 12.33 Matth. 6.19 5. Hauing therefore these promises let vs cleanse our selues from all filthines of flesh and spirit perfecting holinesse in the feare of GOD 2. Cor. 7.1 And let vs feare left a promise being left vs of entring into his rest any of you should seeme to come short of it Heb. 4.1 Wherein we ought to giue the more earnest heed to the things which wee haue heard least at any time wee should let them slip For if the Word spoken by Angels was stedfast and every transgression and disobedience receiued a iust recompence of reward how shall wee escape if wee neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the LORD and was confirmed to vs by them that heard him Heb. 2.1 Wherefore the rather brethren giue diligence to make your calling and election sure for if yee doe these things yee shall never fall For so an entrance shall be ministred to you abundantly into the everlast ng Kingdome of our Lord and Saviour IESVS CHRIST 2. Pet. 1.10 11. R●u 22.14 Heb. 12 28. 1. Cor 15 34 R●m 13.11 1. Cor. 6.9 Tit. 2.11 Q You tell me of Heaven and if these bee the cond●tions of attaining it how shall I ●e animated to come there A. If any man will come after me let
of the sheepe Ioh. 10 1 2. 2 By their Doctrine For heereby know yee the Spirit of GOD every spirit ●hat confesseth that IESVS CHRIST is ●ome in the Flesh is of God And every spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God and this is that Spirit of Antichrist whereof you haue heard that it should come and e●en now is already in the World 1 Ioh. 4 2.1 2 22 23. 3 By their opposing of faithfull Ministers For as IANNES and IAMBRES withstood MOSES so doe these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the Faith 2 Tim. 3.8 4 By their euill liues vngodly men they are turning the grace of God into wantonnesse and doe defile the flesh Iude 4 8. 5 If thou say in thine heart how shall wee know the Word which the LORD hath not spoken When a Prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord if the thing follow not nor come to passe that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken but the Prophet hath spoken it presumptuously Deut. 18.21 Ob. Some of these men haue foretold vs of things which haue come to passe A. If there arise among you a Prophet or dreamer of dreames and giueth thee a signe or wonder and the signe or the wonder come to passe wherof he spake vnto thee saying let vs goe after other Gods which thou hast not knowne and let vs serue thē thou shalt not harken vnto the words of that Prophet or that dreamer of dreames for the Lord your God prooveth you to know whether you loue the Lord your God w●th all your heart and with all your soule Deut. 13.1 Therefore to the Law and to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light in them Isa 8 20. Q. What is the danger that such Heretiques doe expose themselues vnto A. As they haue sowne the wind so they shall reape the whirlewind Hos 8 7 For they being before ordained to condemnation Iud. 4. Their iudgement now a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not 2 Pet. 2 3 Gal. 5 10. Reuel 22 18. Mat. 23 ●5 Ier. 28 16.17 ver 29 31 32. Q. These Heretiques being a people so dangerous what may thence bee learned A. Ye therefore beloved seeing ye know these things before beware least you also being led away with the errors of the wicked fall from your owne stedfaslnes 2 Pet. 3 17. And be taken in a snare after them Deu● 12 30. By beeing carried about with divers and strange Doctrines for it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace but not with meats which haue not profited them that haue beene exercised in them Heb. 13 9. But hath occasion●d them to erre concerning the faith 1. Tim. 6 20. 1 Cor. 3 11. 1 Ioh. 5 21. Prou. 19 27 30 6. 2 Tim. 2 1 2 2.1 13 14. Col. 2 6. Math. 24 26. Q What doe you account Heresie Is every little swaruing from the truth damnable A. If any man buildeth vpon Christ the foundation gold silver precious stones wood hay stubble every mans worke shall be made manifest For the day shall declare it because it shall be revealed by fire and the fire shall try every mans worke of what sort it is If any mans worke abide which he hath built therevpon he shall receiue a reward If any mans worke shall he burnt he shall suffer losse but he himselfe shall be save yet so as by fire 1 Cor. 3.12 Gal. 5.9 Q. You haue then said enough for my setling but because the time will come when other men will not endure sound doctrine but after their owne lusts shall heape to themselues Teachers hauing itching eares and shall turne away theyr eares from the truth and shall be turned to Fables When these things come to passe what am I to doe 2. Tim. 4 3. A. Say vnto such a one I marvaile that you are so soone removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ vnto another Gospell which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the Gospell of Christ But though we or an Angell from Heaven preach any other Gospell vnto you than that which we haue preached let him be accursed 〈◊〉 1 6. Q. What if such a one shall yet not onely persist in his errour himselfe but shall seeke to pervert others also A. Then set thine eyes vpon him and say O full of all subtilty and all mischiefe thou child of the Divell thou enemy of all righteousnes wilt thou not cease to pervert the right wayes of the Lord Now therefore the hand of the Lord shall be vpon thee Act. 13.9 Q. What if hee shall yet continue to despise my admonitions and these fearefull menaces of Iudgement A. A man that is an Heretike after the first second admonition reiect knowing that het●●● is such is subverted and sinneth being condemned of himselfe Tit. 3 10. And if such a one come vnto you receiue him not to house neither bid him God speed Iob. 2. Epist 10. But he shall be slaine because hee hath spoken to turne you away from the Lord your GOD to thrust thee out of the way wherein the LORD thy GOD commanded thee to walke so shalt thou take the euill away forth of the middest of thee Deutrinom 13 5 27 18 13 14 15 18 20.7 2. Hos 8 7. Iosh 23 12. Ob. Though I haue not proceeded against such Heretiques after this manner yet haue I kept my selfe found in the faith A. Notwithstanding I haue a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Iezabel which calleth her selfe a Prophetesse to teach and to seduce my Servants to commit fornication and to eate things sacrificed vnto Idols Reu. 2 20. Ob. Shall I in this my neglect of dutie bee as sorely punished as they in these their damnable Heresies A. N● for behold I will cast her into a Bed and them that commit Adultery with her into great tribulation except they repent of their deeds c. But vnto you I say and vnto the rest of them of Thiatira as many as haue not this doctrine and which haue not knowne the depths of Sathan as they speake I will put vpon you none other burthen Reu. 2 22. CHAP. XXXI Of Temptations by Prosperity Q. I Doe now see there is much danger to bee feared from earthly men but is the like danger to be expected from earthly things A. Yea for Vzziah when he was strong his heart was lifted vp to his destruction 2. Chron. 26.16 And the Israelites assembled themselues for Corne and Wine and they rebelled against the Lord Hos 7 14. For because they did ride on the high places of the earth did eate the increase of the fields and did suck the hony out of the Rocke oyle cut of the flinty Rocke butter of Kine and milke of Sheep with fat of Lambs c. Therfore
That so for the gift bestowed vpon vs by the meanes of many persons thankes may bee giuen by many on our behalfe 2. Cor. 1.11 4 That they may be deliuered from vnreasonable and wicked men because all men haue not faith 2. Thess 3.2 Rom. 15.30 5 That their seruice may bee acceptable to the Saints Rom. 15.31 6 Finally pray that the word of the Lord may haue a free course and bee glorified 2. Th●ss 3 1. 4 Let him that is taught in the word communicate vnto him that teacheth in al● good things Gal. 6.6 For the scripture saith thou shalt not mousle the mouth of the Oxe that treadeth out the co●ne And the laborer is worthy of his reward 1. Tim 5.18 If ye be made partaker of their spirituall things your duty is also to minister vnto them in carnall things Rom. 15 27. For will a man robbe GOD Mal. 3.8 Be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reape For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reape corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reape Life everlasting Gal. 6 7 8. 1 Cor. 9.7 Mal. 3 9 10. Gen. 47.22 Deut. 12.19 2 Chron. 31 4 5. 5 Let the Elders which rule well bee ●ounted worthy of double honour especi●lly they who labour in the Word and Do●trine 1 Tim. 5.17 And let no man desp●se such 1 Cor. 16 11. but esteeme ●hem very highly in loue for their workes sake 1 Thess 5 12. 6. Obey them that haue the rule over you and submit your selues for they watch for your Soules as they that must giue an account that they may doe it with ioy and not with griefe for that is vnprofitable for you Heb. 13.7 1 Cor. 16.16 Therefore doe according to that thing which they shew you according to the Law which they shall teach you and according to the iudgement which they shall tell you shall you doe you shall not decline from the thing which they shall shew you neither to the right hand nor to the left Deut. 17 10. Heb. 13 7. Q. What is the danger of such as doe not honour but doe offer wrong and dishonour to their Minister A. If any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their Enemies And if any man will hurt them hee must in this manner bee killed For these haue power to shut Heaven that it raine not in the dayes of their Prophesie and haue power over Waters to turne them to Blood and to strike the Earth with all plagues as often as they will Reu. 11.5 Ob. I would bee loath to hurt our Minister but yet what if his life be not answerable to his Doctrine A. Though hee be as wicked as were the Scribes and Pharises yet hee sits in MOSES seate all therefore whatsoever hee bids you obserue that obserue and doe but after his workes doe not because hee saith and doth not Math. 23 2. Ob. But hee is also so vnlearned a man that in one Sermon of many you shall not heare one word of Latine or Gre●ke to come out of his mouth A. Brethren if your Minister come vnto you speaking with tongues what shall he profit you except hee shall speake to you eyther by Revelation or by Knowledge or by Prophesying or by Doctrine And even things without life giving sound whether Pipe or Harpe except they giue a distinction in the sounds how shall it be knowne what is piped or harped For if the Trumpet giue an vncertaine sound who shall prepare himselfe to the battell So likewise wee except we vtter by the tongue words easie to be vnderstood how shall it be knowne what is spoken For we shall speake into the ayre There are it may bee so many kindes of voyces in the world and none of them are without signication Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voyce I shall bee to him that speaketh a Barbarian and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian vnto me 1. Cor. Ob. It seemes you are an English Preacher you plead so much against tongues A. I thanke my GOD I speake languages more then they all yet in the Church I had rather speake fiue words with my vnderstanding that by my voyce I might teach others also then ten thousand words in a strange tongue 1. Cor. 14.18.19 Ob. Whatsoeuer you alledge against the vse of tongues yet as I hope you will not deny vnto such Ministers the greatest praise as are most eloquent A. The things of GOD we speake not in the words which mans wisedome teacheth but which the holy Ghost teacheth comparing spirituall things with spirituall 1 Cor. 2 1● that your faith should not stand in the wisedome of men but in the power of God 1. Cor. 2.5 For CHRIST ●nt mee to preach the Gospell not with wisedome of words least the crosse 〈◊〉 CHRIST should bee made of none ●fect 1. Cor. 1.17 But seeing the ●orld by wisedome knew not GOD 〈◊〉 pleased GOD by the foolishnesse of ●reaching to saue them that beleeue ●1 Cor. 1.21 Wee haue therefore re●●unced the hidden things of dishone●ie not walking in craftinesse nor ●●ndling the Word of GOD deceitful●● but by the manifestation of the ●ruth commending our selues to every ●ans Conscience in the sight of GOD. ● Corinth 4.2 Not Preaching our ●●lues but CHRIST IESVS the LORD and our selues your ser●●ants for IESVS sake 2. Cor. 4.5 ● 2.1 Ob. Then as it seemes to you euery Minister as well for matter as manner of ●eaching must suite himselfe to the capacity of his auditorie c. A. True For we haue many things to say and hard to bee vttered Not because wee cannot speake them but because you are dull of hearing For when for the time you ought to be Teachers you haue need that one teach you againe which bee the first principles of the Oracles of God and are become such as haue need of milke and not of strong meate For every one that vseth milke is vnskilfull in the word of Righteousnesse for he is a Babe Heb. 5 11. And I brethren could not speake vnto you as vnto Spirituall men but as vnto Carnall even as vnto babes in CHRIST I haue fed you with Milke and not with Meate for hitherto yee were not able to beare it neither yet now are yee able 1. Cor. 3 1 2. Q. Are wee therefore alwayes to be dea●t withall like Children and to bee fed like Babes A. No longer than while yee become vnto full age and are such as haue your sences exercised to d●scerne both good and evill Heb. 5.14 Whereby it appearing that you are become strong men then leaving the principles of the doctrine of CHRIST let vs goe on vnto perfection not laying the foundation of Repentance from dead workes and of faith towards GOD of the Doctrine of Baptismes and of laying on of hands and of the Resurrection from the dead and of eternall Iudgment
GODS TREASVRIE DISPLAYED OR The promises and threatnings of Scripture c. Methodically Composed for the helpe of weake Memories And contrived into Question and Answere for the comfort of SIONS mourners and for the awakening of the Laodicean-like secure DEVT. 30.15 See I haue set before thee this day Life and Good Death and Evill LONDON Printed by B. ALSOP and T. FAVVCET for F. Clifton and are to be sold at his shop on new Fishstreet-Hill 1630. TO THE RIGHT honble ROBERT GREVILL Lord BROOKE of BEAVCHAMP-COVRT Grace and Peace RIGHT HONORABLE YOur Goodnesse as the timely Spring sprouting foorth into the buds and blossomes of pious resolutions and so Honourably at●ended is as a Citie set on a hill which cannot bee hid But promiseth a farre off vnto all honest passengers to bee a hiding place from the wind and a covert from the Tempest Isa 32.2 Wherefore this insuing Treatise hauing now receiued its birth being and as a Pilgrim being to passe abroad into the world to seeke entertainment doth conceiue hope of safety vnder your shadow and of good acceptation in the Church and among others of the houshold Faith and heires of Promise through your fauourable acceptance And therefore I haue made bold humly to present it vnto your Honourable protection and noble admission to doe your selfe its first service that from this hill of SION unto the valleyes of the same the streams therof running downe as a riuer of still waters may refresh and make glad the City of GOD. Which preasent as it is mine can promise no more vnto your Lordship than could the Carkeis of a dead Lyon vnto SAMPSON or than IEREMIAH his girdle which was profitable for nothing Iere. 13.7 And therefore as a thing vndesired to be buried out of your sight Yet if you shall vouchsafe to waye the contents and the matter whereof it consisteth you may be mooued to thinke the same meete to attend your most retyred pres●nce But not to detaine your Lordship in the gate because of wisedomes voyce Prou. 8.1 Wh●ch is as the noise of many waters Reu 1.15 Crying from within and saying Eate O friends drinke yea drinke abundantly O beloued Cant. 5.10 Yea come buy Wine and milke without money and without price Isa 55.1 Therefore humbly taking my leaue and leving your Lordship a● this feast of fat things which the Lord of hosts hath made vnto all people I●a 25.6 there well to fare And with my vnfained and fervent desire and prayer vnto God for a daily grouth and increase of all grace in your Lordship so happily begunne I doe rest and shall for euer remaine Your Lordships most humbly devoted F. B. TO THE READER THough the Lord in Heaven of his infinite goodnes and mercy hath left vnto vs his poore people on ea●th his holy blessed word to be a light to our feet and a Lanthorne to our paths which is able to make vs wise to Salvation and absolute to every good worke to guide vs well and safely through this dangerous world and to bring vs home to himselfe at the last in peace And hath given vs charge to search the Scriptures as they that testifie of Ch●rist Iesus and in wh●ch wee looke to haue Eternall life and that it should dwell plenteously in vs in all wisdome and hath given vnto vs in this Land peaceable and happy times affording vs leaue and opportunity to exercise our selues in the same yet such is the extreame folly and sinfulnesse of the heart of man that the most part of people cumber themselues about many things profits pleasures lusts or any thing and neglect that one thing that is necessary few chusing the good part that neuer shall bee taken from them that haue it but spend their time and strength of affection vpon fading vanities that will leaue them without comfort in their greatest need having a price in their hand to get wisedome which is farre beter than all pearles but haue no hart nor doe vnderstand the things that belong to their peace in this day of their visitation Wherefore as the Lord may take vp the l●ke complaint against vs as hee did against his Israel long agoe Hos 8.12 That hee had written vnto them the great things of his Law but they had counted them a strange thing so may he also haue a Controversy against vs as against them Hos 4.1.2 For that there is no mercy nor truth nor knowledge of God in the Land for the generality being too true with vs. And therefore he may iustly take away the Gospell of the Kingdome frō vs giue it to thē that will more highly esteeme it make better vse bring forth more fruit of the same Math. 27.43 And send vs a Famine ●ot of bread and thirst of water but of that bread of life the good word of God that Spirituall Manna so much loathed or at least so little regarded Amos 8.11.12 Yet as our gracious and good God forbeareth this sinfull and vnthankfull Nation with admirable and vnspeakable patience beyond expectation so ceaseth he not by many meanes to bring vs to a greater care and Conscience of our duty in this behalfe of exercising our selues I meane in his most blessed and good word partly sending vs of later yeares many Afflictians and Crosses and dayly threatning more that finding trouble and sorrow in the world we might be glad to seeke Comfort in God and in his blessed word He calles on vs also heereto by the daily Ministery of his Servants the Prophets together with their holy bookes and writings And that no meanes might be left vntried to doe vs good or leaue vs without excuse loe here to you which are the people of God how hee hath raised vp one from among your selues of the common order of men a priuate Christian I meane for your Conviction for your Instruction To convince you how much wisedome and vnderstanding may be obtayned euen of priuate pe●sons by a constant and painefull Reading of the Scriptures ioyned with a diligent attendance on the publike ministery of the word as may well appeare by this worthy worke that this Author presenteth vnto you whereby the humble and wellminded Readers may be whetted on to the like diligence in the Scriptures which heere they shall see and that not without hope of attaining that which may be worthy of Iheir paines that so they may become wise and vndtrstanding Christians For want of which it proves a great fault euen among the better sort of people that they hold the points of their Religion from the mouth of their Ministers and not from the voice of God in the Scriptures and so build as if but a Foxe runne vpon it hee shall breake downe their stony wall If one of like parts and place shall teach the contrary they will bee shaken and ready to bee removed especially if hee bee backt with Authority whereas if every Truth he holds in Religion hee had it well grounded
Rom. 3.23 by the Law comes the knowledge of sinne Rom. 3.20 Whereby s● many as are of the workes of the Law ar● vnder the curse Gal. 3.10 Whereupon the Gentiles which followed not righteousnes haue attained to righteousnes euen the righteousnesse which is of faith But Israel which followed after the Law of righteousnes hath not attained the Law of righteousnes wherefore because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the workes of the Law For they stumbled at the stumbling stone Rom. 9.30 And if Abraham were iustified by workes he hath whereof to glorie but not before GOD Rom. 4.2 Seeing then it is one God which shall iustifie the circumcision by faith and vncircumcision through faith Rom. 3.30 Therefore wee conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the deeds of the Law Rom. 3.28 1 Cor. 4.4 Rom. 3 21 22. Gal. 2.16 Ob. But there rose vp certaine of the sect of the Pharises which beleeued saying That it was needfull to circumcise them and commanded to keepe the whole Law of Moses Acts 15.5 A. Men and brethren you know how that a good while agoe God made choyce among vs that the Gentiles by my mouth should heare the Word of the Gospell and beleeue now therefore these men did but tempt God in putting a yoke vpon the necke of the Disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to beare Acts 15.7.10 Ob. Moses himselfe describeth the righteousnesse which is of the Law that the man which doth those things shall liue by them A. But the righteousnesse which is 〈◊〉 faith speaketh on this wise Say no● thou in thine heart Who shall ascen● into Heauen that is to bring downe CHRIST from aboue Or who shal● descend downe into the deepe that is to bring CHRIST from the dead But what saith it The Word is nigh thee euen in thy mouth and in thine heart that is the Word of faith which wee preach And which with the heart wee beleeue vnto righteousnesse Rom. 10.6 Q. Is the Law then against the promise A. GOD forbid For if there had beene a Law giuen which could haue giuen life verily righteousnesse should haue beene by the Law but the Scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne that the promise of the faith of IESVS CHRIST might bee giuen to them that beleeue Gal. 3.21 Q. If righteousnesse be not by the Law why was it exhibited The Law was added because of transgressions till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made Galathians 3.19 And it was our Schoolemaster to bring vs to Christ Gal. 3.24 Moreouer the Law entred that the offence might abound but where sinne abounded grace did much more abound that as sinne had reigned vnto death so might grace reigne through righteousnesse vnto eternall life by IESVS CHRIST our Lord Romanes 5.20 21. Ob. But if while wee seeke to bee iustified by CHRIST wee our selues are found sinners Is therefore Christ the minister of sinne Gal. 2.17 A. GOD forbid For if I builde againe the things which I destroyed I make my selfe a trespasser For I through the Law am deade to the Law that I might liue vnto GOD Gal. 2.17 You therefore are as free an● not vsing your liberty for a cloke of maliciousnesse but as the seruants of God 1 Pet 2.16 But if ye are lead by the spirit ye ar● not vnder the Law Gal. 5.18 The fruit● whereof is loue ioy peace long-suffering gentlense goodnes faith meeknes tēperance against such there is no Law Gal. 5.22 Q. You haue well satisfied me in the article of iustification tell me therefore what vse I am to make thereof A. 1 Let the wicked forsake his way and the vnrighteous man his thoughts and let him returne vnto the Lord for hee will haue mercy vpon him and to our God for hee will abundantly pardon Isai 55.7 and will blot out their sinnes when the time of refreshing shall come Acts 3.19 But if they will not obey his voyce let them beware of him for hee will not pardon their transgressions Exo. 23.21 But the soule that doth presumptuously shall be cut off from among his people Numbers 15.30 31. 2. Take vnto you words and turne vnto the Lord and say vnto him Take away all iniquity and receiue vs graciousty Hosea 14.2 Pardon I beseech thee mine iniquities according to the greatnesse of thy mercies Numb 14.19 And enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iustified Psal 143.2 and c. 25.11 3 Because when you haue thus praied the Lord wil say I haue pardoned according to thy words Num. 14.20 therfore hope in the Lord for with the Lord there is mercy and with him is plentifull redemption● Psal 130.7 131.3 4 Say Who is a God like vnto thee that pardoneth iniquity and passeth by the transgresions of the remnant of his heritage he retaineth not his anger for euer because he delighteth in mercy Micah 7.18 Psal 103.1 c. Isa 44.23 5 Say Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods children It is God that iustifieth who is he that condemneth It is Christ that is dead yea rather that is risen againe who is euen at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for vs Rom. 8.33 For in the Lord shall the seed of Israel be iustified shall glory Isa 45.25 61.10 6 Account therefore all things but losse for the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus your Lord. For whom Paul also suffered the losse of all things and did account them but dung that he might winne Christ and be found in him not hauing his owne righteousnesse which is of the Law but that which is through the faith of Christ the righteousnesse which is of GOD through faith Phil. 3.8.9 and 3.3 c. 7 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free and be not intangled againe in the yoke of bondage Gal. 5.1 8 What shall wee say then shall wee continue still in sinne that grace may abound God forbid Rom. 6.1 2. And shall wee sinne because we are not vnder the Law but vnder grace God forbid For brethren you haue beene called vnto liberty onely vse not your liberty for an occasion to the flesh Gal. 5.13 Romanes 7.5 6 2 Cor. 5.14 15. 1 Peter 4.1 c. Rom. 7.1 c. 8.12 9 Be ye kind one to another tender hearted forgiuing one another euen as God for Christs sake hath forgiuen you Eph. 4.32 For if you forgiue men their trespasses your heauenly Father will also forgiue ●ou But if you doe not forgiue men their trespasses no more will your heauenly Father forgiue you your trespasses Math. 6.14.15 Col. 3.13 Mat. 18.22 Math. 18.33 CHAP. VI. Reconciliation Q. YOu hauing thus dispatched the promise of iustification tell me what grace is that which doth next and immediately flow from it A. Beeing iustified by faith wee haue peace towards God through our Lord Iesus Christ
iudgement Eccles 11.9 2. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolued what manner of persons ough● yee to be in all holy conuersation and godl●nes Looking for and hasting vnto the comming of the day of the Lord. And seein● yee looke for such things be diligent th● ye may be found of him in peace witho●● spot and blamelesse 2. Pet. 3.11 12 14. And seeing the day of the LORD shall come as a Thiefe in the night 1. Thes 5.2 Blessed are those Seruants whom the Lord when he commeth shall fir● watching Luk. 12.37 Watch ye therefore and pray alwayes that yee may bee counted worthy to escape all things whic● shall come to passe and to stand before th● Son of man Luk. 21.36 1. Thes 5.4 Reu. 3 11.16.15 Mar. 25.19 2. Thes 13.5 3 Therefore iudge nothing before the time vntill the Lord come who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkenesse and will make manifest the Councels of the hearts and then shall euery man haue praise with God 1. Cor. 4.5 And say not I will recompense evill but wait on the Lord he shall saue thee Pro. 20.22 Mat. 7.1 Eccl. 3.17 Rom. 12.19 CHAP. XVII Of Eternall Life Q. YOu haue said that after the day of Iudgment GOD will giue Eternall life vnto his children But is ●here any certaintie thereof A. This is the promise that he hath ●romised vnto vs euen Eternall life and ●his life is in his Sonne Ioh. Vnto whom he hath giuen power ouer all flesh that he should giue Eternall life to as many as GOD his Father hath given him Ioh. 17.2 That whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in him should neuer die Iob. 11.26 For this corruptible shall put on incorruption and this mortall shall put on immortalitie 1. Cor. 15.53 That as sinne had ●aigned vnto death euen so might Grace ●aigne through Righteousnesse vnto E●ernall Life by IESVS CHRIST our Lord. Rom. 5.21 Ioh. 6.40.47 ● 14.15 Rom. Heb. 9.12 ● 24 Reu. 20.6 Mark 16.19 Psal 133 ● Gen. 5.24 2. King 2.11 Pro. 14 2● 15.24 Q. Whereunto shall wee bee th● like A. Wee shall then be as the Angels GOD. Mat. 22.30 And be made co●formable to the Image of his Sonne Ro● 8.29 When he shall first haue change our vile bodies and made them like vn● his glorious body Phil. 3.21 For as the earthly such are they that are earthly and as is the heauenly such are they th● are heauenly And as wee haue borne t● image of the earthly we shall also beare the image of the heauenly 1. Cor. 15 48. Hauing bodies shining as the brigh●nesse of the Firmament and as the starre● Dan. 12.3 Yea as the Sunne for ev●● and ever Matth. 13.43 Exod. 3● 30.35 Q What manner of dwelling sha● we then haue A. Full glorious things are spoken of this Citie of GOD. Psal 87.3 For it is such a City as Abraham looked for whose builder and maker is GOD. Heb. 11.10 The same is a great Citie hauing the glory of GOD whose light is like vnto a stone most precious euen like a Iasper stone cleere as Christall It hath a wall great and high with twelue Gates and at the Gates twelue Angels And the wall of the Citie hath twelue foundations and the Citie lyeth foure square and the length is as large as the breadth twelue thousand furlongs and the length and the bredth and the height of it are equall And the building of the wall it is Iasper and the Citie pure gold like vnto cleere glasse and the foundations of the wall of the Citie are garnished with all manner of precious stones Reuel 21.10 c. Q. What good company shall wee there haue A. 1 All the faithfull for wee shall sit downe with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the Kingdome of Heauen Maht 8.11 Luk. 13.28 2 CHRIST with whom wee sh● appeare in glory Col. 3.4 and sh● for euer be with the Lord 1. Thes 4 17● who dyed for vs that whether we awake or sleepe we should liue together with him 1. Thes 5.10 And therefore hee gone to prepare a place for vs who w● come againe and receiue vs vnto himself to the end that where he is there we m● be also Iob. 14.3 to behold his glor● Ioh. 3 GOD himselfe for I heard great voyce from Heauen saying behol● the Tabernacle of GOD is with man an● he will dwell with them Reuel 21.3 ● Who shall be as Moses vnto whom th● Lord spake face to face as a man speaket● to his friend Exod. 33.11 Matth 5.8 Q. But is this house large enough to hold so much company A. In my Fathers house are many mansions if it were not so I would haue tol● you I goe to prepare a place for you Ioh 14.2 Q. Shall we then and there be subiect to any more miserie A. The voyce of weeping shall be heard no more there nor the voyce of crying Isa 65 19. For God shall wipe all teares from your eyes Reu. 21.4 You shall hunger no more nor thirst any more neither shall the sonne light on you nor any heate Reuel 7.16 For there is the tree of life the leaues whereof are for the healing of the nations and there shall be no more curse Reu. 22.2 Isa 54 4. Reuel 7.17 14.13 Heb. 4 6. Q. Shall we then haue the benefit of all our earthly comforts and delights we now inioy A. In the resurrection they neither marrie nor are giuen in marriage Math. 22.30 Moreouer there is no temple there Reu. 21.22 they need no candle neither light of the Sunne Reuel 22.25 The Sunne shall be no more a light by day neither for brightnesse shall the Moone giue light vnto them Isa 60.19 Q. What then shall our prouisio● bee A. Since the beginning of the world men haue not heard nor perceiued by th● eare neither hath the eye seene what GOD hath prepared for them that waiteth fo● him Isa 64.4 For the Lord GOD Almighty and the Lambe are the Templ● in it R●u 21.22 Who also shall giu● them light R●u 22.5 and shall bee their glory Isa 60.19 And the● shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatnesse of his house and shall bee made t● drinke of the Riuers of his pleasures Psal 36.8 For in his presence is fulnesse of ioy and at his right hand there are pleasures for euermore Psal Reuel 22.1.2 1. Cor. Ob. This were a large Patrimony if there were any assurance to bee has thereof A. He which stablisheth vs with you in CHRIST and hath anointed vs i● GOD who hath also sealed vs and giuen vs the earnest of the spirit in our hearts 2. Cor. 1.21 Wherein GOD willing more aboundantly to shew vnto the heires of Promise the immutability of his Counsell confirmed it by an oath that by two immutable things in which it was not possible that GOD should lye we might haue strong consolat●on who haue fled for refuge to lay hold on the hope set
Deut. 9 19 Iob. 1.1 But the transgression of the wicked saith within my heart that there is no feare of GOD before his eyes Psal 36 1 2 For the feare of the Lord is to hate evill as pride and arrogancie and every evill way Prou. 8 13. Deut. 5 29. Q. What would you hence inferre A. Therfore feare the Lord ye his Saints for there is no want to them that feare him Psa 34 9. Yea let all the Earth feare the Lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in aw of him Psa 33 8.85 9. Ier. 10.7 For 1. There is Mercy with him that hee may be feared Psa 130 4 2 With GOD is terrible maiestie Iob. 37 22. Hee is a consuming fire even a iealous God Deut. 4 24. The Pillars of the earth tremble and are astonied at his reproofe Iob. 26 11. The foundations also of the Hils mooved and were shaken because he was wroth Psal 18 7 97 5 104 32. Nahum 1 3.1 Sam. 6 20. Heb. 10 31. Hab. 3 16. Iob. 9 5.37 1. Exod. 24.17 Deut. 5 25 26. Isa 2 10. Ier. 5 2● 22 10 10. Of godly Sorrow Ob. If the feare of the Lord bee to hate euill then wofull is my condition who haue againe crucified CHR1ST by my sinnes A. Notwithstanding you shall looke on him whom you haue pierced and you shall mourne for him as one mourneth for his onely Sonne and bee in bitternesse for him as one that is in bitternesse for his first borne Zach. 12 10. And you shall remember your owne euill wayes and your doings that were not good and you shall loath your selues in your owne fight for your iniquities and for your abhominations Ezek. 36 31 20 43. Ezek. 6 9. Ier. 31 19 51 4. Zach. 13 4 1. Sam. 7.2 Thus Gods people gathered themselues together at Mizpeh and drew water and powred it out before the Lord and fasted and said we haue sinned against the Lord. 1 Sam. 7 6. 2 Sam. 2.24 10 17 Ier. 3 25 Iob. 40 4 5. But as for the wicked were they ashamed when they had committed abhomination Nay they were not at all ashamed neyther could they blush Ier. 8 12 But were Brasse and Iron Ier. 6.28 29 8 5 6 2 ●5 Isa 22 12 3 9. Of Humilitie Ob. The pride of my hart is also so great as that I feare I shall not stoop vnto this A. There is indeed a generation O how lofty are their eyes and their eye lids are lifted vp Pro. 30 13 as if they were rich and stood in need of nothing Reu. 3 17. We haue heard also of the pride of Moab Isa 16 6 And of such which say stand by thy selfe come not neere to me for I am holier than thou Isa 65 5. Numb 12 1. But as for me my heart is not haughty nor mine eyes lofty neyther doe I exercise my selfe in great matters or in things too high for mee Surely I haue behaued and quieted my selfe as a Child that is weaned of his Mother My soule is even as a weaned child Psal 131 1. And APOLLO was willing to submit himselfe unto the teaching of AQVILA and Priscilla Acts. 18 26. And therefore whosoeuer is wise and of knowledge amongst you let him also shew out of a good conversation his works with meekenesse of wisedome Iames 3 13 Psal 75 4 138 6 147 6. 2. Cor. 10 17 18. Prou. 25 27 27 2 25.6 7 16 5.6 16 18 18 12. Galath 6 3. Luk. 14 11. Rom. 12 16 12 3. Mat. 11 29. Ezek. 21 26. Ier. 9 23. 48 29. 50 ●1 32. Isa 2 12 3 16. Acts. 12.21 Of Repentance Ob. But what is confession of sinne without conuersion from sinne A. Hee will also heale thy backslidings Hos 14 4 For vnto you G●D hath raised vp his Sonne IESVS and sent him to blesse you in turning away every one of you from your iniquities Acts 3 26. And hath also to the Gentiles granted repentance vnto life Acts 11 18 Who were as sheepe going astray but are now returned vnto the Shepheard and Byshop of their soules 1 Pet. 2 25. Isa 17 7 8.19 18.19 19 21.23 18. Zach. 13 4 5. Ier. 50 5. For Zachaeus stood and said to the Lord behold Lord the halfe of my goods I giue vnto the poore if I haue taken any thing from any man by false accusation I rerestore him foure fold Luk. 119 8. But the Reprobates they returne but not to the most high Hos 7 16. They will not frame their doings to turne vnto their God Hos 5 4 For their bones are full of the sinnes of their youth which shall lye downe with them in the dust Iob. 20.11 CHAP. XXII Of Zeale Q. WHat other Grace will GOD worke in vs A. Zeale and that first of liking affections 1. To CHRIST For Paul and Barnabas hazarded their liues Acts 15.26 being ready not to be bound onely but also to dye at Ierusalem for the name of the LORD IESVS Act. 21 13 Deut 33 9. 2 To his word for saith David I haue reioyced in the wayes of thy testimonies as much as in all riches Psal 1●9 14 Mine eyes preuent the night watches that I might meditate in thy Word 119 148 My soule breaketh for the longing that it hath to thy Iudgements at all times 119 20 Thy Statutes haue beene my Songs in the house of my Pilgrimage 119 54 O how loue I thy Law It is my Meditation continually 119 97 122.1 Not to be daunted by any But hee will speake of GODS testimonies before Kings and will not bee ashamed Psal 119 46. Who though they doe speake against him yet will he meditate in Gods word Psal 119 23 51 69 83 143 157 161 ver But is increased by opposition It is time saith he for the Lord to worke for men haue made voyde thy Law Therefore loue I thy Commandements aboue gold yea aboue fiue gold Psal 119 126 And I will yet be more vile than thus and will be base in mine owne sight 2. Sam. 6.22 Acts 21 13. 3 To his workes I haue not hid saith David thy righteousnesse within my heart I haue declared thy truth and thy salvation I haue not concealed thy louing kindnesse and thy truth from the great congregation Psal 40 9 10. Seaven times a day I will praise thee because of thy righteous iudgements Psal 119 164.119 62. 4 To the worship of God For David prepared with all his might for the house of his God 1. Chron. 29.2 ver 8 9. And the free guifts of the people for the Tabernacle were more than enough and therefore were restrained from bringing any more Exod. 36.5 2 Sam. 24 24.1 Chro. 29 21.29 13 14. 2 Chro. 29.32 33 30 24. 2 Chro. 35 7. Neh. 4.17 21 23 6 11.7 7● Ezra 2.68 Hag. 1 14. Though the wicked say the time is not come the time that the Lords house should he built Hag. 1.2 5 By reioycing in the good they see in others Hauing no greater ioy than
against you yet he shall purge them away Psa● 65 3● Moreover every valley shall be exalted and every mountaine and h●ll shall be made low and the crooked things shal be made straight and the rough places plaine Isa 40 4. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnall but mighty through GOD to the pulling downe of strong holds casting downe imaginations and every high thing that exalteth it selfe against the knowledge of GOD and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of CHRIST 2 Cor. 10 4. Acts 9 20. Ob. But doe not you as PAVL did of himse fe say of your selfe that what I would doe that I doe not but what I hate that doe I Rom. 7 15 23. Gal. 5.17 A. If I doe that I would not I consent vnto the law that it is good Now then it is no more I that do it but sinne that dwelleth in me Rom. 7 16. And though I walke in the flesh yet doe I not warre after the flesh 2 Cor. 10.3 For the Lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty 2 Cor. 3 17 Therefore I thanke GOD through IESVS CHRIST our Lord hat with the mind I serue the Law of GOD though with the flesh the Law of sinne Rom. 7 25. Q. What is required of vs to be done for the furthering of this Grace in our selues A. Dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and Pilgrims abstaine from fleshly lusts which warre against the Soule 1 Pet. 2 11. 2 Pray saying keepe backe thy Servant from presumptuous sinnes let them not haue dominion over me then shalt thou be vpright and innocent from the great transgression Psal 1● 13. Ob. Notwithstanding doe what I can this burthen of sinne presseth me very sore A. Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauy laden and I will giue you rest Mat. 11.28 For I am not come to call the Righteous but sinners to repentance Mat. 9.13 Ob. Behold we come vnto thee for thou art the Lord our God Ier. 3 22. But we haue gone astray like lost sheepe Psal 119 176. And the way of man is not in himselfe neither is it in man that walketh to direct his steps Ier. 10 23. A. I am not sent but to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel Mat. 15 24. Therfore I am come to saue that which was lost Mat. 18 11. and to bring againe that which was driven away Ezek. 34.16 For how thinke you If a man haue an hundred sheepe and one of them be gone astray doth he not leaue the ninety and nine and goeth into the Mountaines and seeke that which was gone astray c. Even so it is not the will of the Father which is in Heaven that one of these little ones should perish Mat. 18 12 10 6. Luk. 15 8 c. Ob. The worst as yet remaines for though I see my way before me yet can I not walke therein A. The Spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weake Math. 26 41. Yet a bruised reed will he not breake and smoaking flaxe shall he not quench till hee send forth Iudgement vnto victory Mat. 12 20. And hee said vnto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weaknesse 2 Corinth 12 9. Ob. All this while my appetite after 2Grace is not alayed A. I will powre waters vpon him that is thirsty and flouds vpon the dry ground Isa 44 3 For as the Scriptures haue said out of his belly shall flow Rivers of liuing water which bee spake of the spirit which they that beleeue on him should receiue Ioh. 7 38 39. I am also the bread of life he that cōmeth vnto me shal neuer hunger and he that beleeueth on me shall never thirst Iohn 6 35 4 13. Luke 1 53. Ob. It is not meet to take the Childrens bread and to cast it vnto Dogges Mat. 15 26. A. True yet the Dogs eate of the crums which fall from the Masters table Mat. 15 27. And therefore if any man thirst let him come vnto CHRIST and drinke Ioh. 7 37. And hee that hath no money come yea buy and eate yea come buy wine and milke without money and without price Wherefore doe you spend money on that which is not bread And your labour for that which satisfieth not Hearken diligently vnto me and eate that which is good and let your soule delight it selfe in fatnesse Incline your eare come vnto him heare and your soule shall liue Isa 55 1. And the spirit and the bride say come and let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him take of the Waters of life freely Revel 22 17. Ioh. 4 10. Q. But in comming shall I not bee rejected A. All that the Father giveth mee shall come to mee and him that commeth to me I will in no wise cast off Ioh. 6.37 Ob. Sir giue mee then this water that I thirst not Ioh. 4.15 For notwithstanding all you haue said It is the very breaking of my heart to thinke that I can serue GOD no better A. The Sacrifices of GOD are a broken Spirit a broken and a contrite heart God will not despise Psal 51 17. For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth Eternitie whose name is Holy I dwell in the high and holy place with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to reviue the spirit of the humble and to reviue the heart of the contrite ones Isa 57.15 To open the blind eyes to bring the Prisoners from the prison and them that sit in darknesse out of the prison house Isa 42.7 That they might bee called the trees of Righteousnesse the planting of the LORD that hee might be glorified Isa 6● 2 3. Therefore turne yee to the strong holds ye prisoners of hope for even to day doe I declare that I will render double vnto thee Zach. 9 12. Isa 49.8.61 1. Psal 34.18.147 3. Ob. These are sweet promises I confesse but yet I want comfort still A. The Lord God hath given CHRIST the tongue of the Learned that hee should know how to speake a word in season to him that is wearie Isa 50 4 Blessed therefore are you that mourne for you shall bee comforted Math. 5.4 Ob. Yet for all this the distresses of my soule are such as bee intollerable to beare and how to bee deliuered I know not A. Who is among you that feareth the Lord that obeyeth the voyce of his servant that walketh in darknesse and hath no light let him trust in the Name of the Lord and stay vpon his GOD Isa 50.10 and seeke vnto him that maketh the seaven Starres and Orion and turneth the shadow of Death into the morning and maketh the day darke with night that calleth for the waters of the Sea and powreth them ●●t vpon the face of the earth the LORD ●his name Amos 5 8. CHAP. XXVI Of the Temptations of the Devill Ob. THough I should preuaile
lesurum waxed fat grew thick was covered with fatnesse c. Then he forsooke God which made him and lightly esteemed the rocke of his Salvation Of the Ro●●e that begat them they were vnmindfull and did forget him that formed them Deut. 32 13. Wherby it appeares to be more easier for a Camell to goe through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdome of Heaven Math. 19 24. Isa 26 10. Hosea 4 7 4 11 10 1.13 6. Daniel 5 4. Iob. 21 14 21 7. Iam 2 6. Prou. 23 29. Eccl. 3 11. Ob. Who then can bee saved Math. 19 25. A. With men this is impossible but with God all things are possible Math. 19 26. For by faith Moses when he was come to yeeres refused to be called the Sonne of Pharoahs daughter chusing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season esteeming the reproaches of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Aegypt Heb. 11 24. For the heart of the wise is in the house of mourning though the heart of the foole is in the house of mirth Eccl. 7 4. Isa 32 5. Gen. 24.35.22 12. Iob. 1 1. Dan. 1 12. Q. Because of this and such like examples are we altogether to be without feare in the inioyment of earthly things A. When thou hast eaten and art full beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping his Commandements and his iudgements D●ut 8 10. For which en● remember Lots wife Luk. 17 32. Gen. 19.26 Deut. 6 10 11. Q. How may wee then bee preserved from the danger of earthly things A. 1. Loue not the world neither the things that are in the world 1 Ioh 2 15. For wilt thou set thine eyes vpon that which is not Prou. 23 5. 2. Vse this world as if you vsed it not 1. Cor. 7 31. For no mā that warreth intangleth himselfe with the affaires of this life that hee may please him who hath chosen him to bee a Souldier c. 2 Tim. 2 4. Iam. 1.10 11. Cant. 2 10. Gal. 6 14. Prou. 23 1 2 3. 3 Pray saying Turne away mine eyes ●●om beholding vanity and quicken thou ●●t in thy way Psal 119 37. Two things ●●ue I required of thee deny me them ●ut before I dye remoue farre from me va●itie and lyes giue mee neither Povertie ●●r Riches feed me with food convenient for mee least I be full and deny thee and ●●y Who is the Lord Or least I be poore ●nd steale and take the name of my God in ●aine Prou. 30 7. Q. What further incouragement can ●ou giue me to stand out against these ●o many Temptations of the Flesh the Deuill and the World A. He that indureth to the end shall it saved Math. 10 22. And to him that overcommeth will I giue to eate of the ●ree of Life which is in the middes of the Paradise of GOD Reuel 2 7. And to ●●te of the hidden Manna and I will giue ●im a white stone and in the stone a new ●ame written which no man knoweth saving hee that receiueth it Reuel 2 17. He shall also bee cloathed in white rayment and I will not blot out his Name out of the booke of Life but I will confesse his name before my Father and before his Angels Reu. 3.5 And will grant him to sit with mee in my Throne even as I also overcame and am set downe with my Father in his throne Reuel 3.21 3 12.21.7 Luk. verses Q. What should this so rich and plentifull a reward moone vs vnto A. To walke circumspectly not as fooles but as wise Ephes 5.15 And to ponder the pathes of thy feete that thy wayes may be establ●shed and turne not to the right hand nor to the left but remooue thy foot from evill Prou. 4 26 27. 2. Pray that you fall not into temptation Math. 26 41. But that hee would grant vnto vs that wee being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies might serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the dayes of ●●r life Luk. 1.74 CHAP. XXXII Of the Word of GOD. IN the middes of so many Temptations on the right hand and on ●e left what one meanes of vpholding ●●th GOD left vnto his Church A. When all Israel is come to appeare ●●fore the Lord thy GOD in the place ●here hee shall chuse thou shalt reade this ●●w before all Israel in their hearing ●oth of Men and Women and Chil●●n and thy Stranger that is within ●y Gates that they may heare and that ●●y may learne and feare the Lord your ●OD and obserue to doe all the words 〈◊〉 this Law and that their Children ●hich haue not knowne any thing may ●●re and learne to feare the LORD ●●r GOD as long as yee liue Deut. ● 11. Exod. 24 7. Ios 8 34 35. Q. Why what excellencie is there in this law of GOD more than in other writings of men whereby to worke such a feare of God in our hearts A. The law of the Lord is perfect converting the Soule the of test●mony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple the statutes of the Lord are right reioycing the heart the Commandement of the Lord is pure inlightening the eyes Psal 19 7. Not comming vnto you in Word only but also in Power and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance 1 Thess 1 5. Being able to make thee wise vnto Salvation through Faith which is in Christ Iesus and is profitable for Doctrine for reproofe for correction for instruction in Righteousnes that the Man of GOD may be perfect throughly furnished vnto all good workes 2 Tim. 3 15. For as the raine commeth downe and the snow from Heaven and returneth not thither but watereth the earth and maketh it to bring foorth and bud that it may giue seed to the Sower and Bread to the eater so shall my Word bee that goeth forth out of my ●outh it shall not returne to me voyd ●●t it shall accomplish that which I ●ease and it shall prosper in the thing ●hereto I send it Deut. 32 2. Isa 55 10. ●9 2. Iob 6 25. Eccles 12 11. Act. 26 ●8 Heb. 4 12. Rom. 10 17. Thus the Churches were by the Word established in the Faith Acts 16 5. And I am sure also that when I come vnto you I shall come in the fulnesse of the blessing of the Gospell of CHRIST Rom. 15 29. Col. 1 6. Acts 4 4.18 8. 17 11 12 34. verses 12 24 17 4 15 32 8. 12 24 25. Ioh. 15 3. Q. Whence hath the Scripture this power and efficacie A. Thus saith the Lord thy Redeemer the holy One of Israel I am the Lord thy GOD which teach thee to profit which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest goe Isa 48 ●7 I create the fruit of the lips peace peace to him that is farre off and to him that is neere Isa 57 19. It is
written in the Prophets and they shall be all taught of God Every man therefore that heard and hath learned of the Father commeth vnto me Ioh. 6 45. Who then is PAVL And who is APOLLO But the Ministers by whom yee beleeved even as the Lord gaue to euery man I haue planted APOLLO watered but GOD gaue the increase So then neither is hee that planteth any thing neither hee that watereth but God that giueth the increase 1. Cor. 3 5. So that your Faith standeth not in the wisedome of men but in the power of God Howbeit wee speake wisedome among them that are perfect yet not the wisedome of this World nor of the Princes of this world that commeth to nought but we speake the wisedome of God in a mysterie even the hidden wisedome which God ordayned before the World vnto our glory ●● Cor. 2 4. Whereunto I also labour ●●●iving according to his working which 〈◊〉 ●●th in me mightily Col. 1 29. For 〈◊〉 ●use also thanke wee God without cea●●●cause when ye received the Word of God which yee heard of vs yee received it ●ut as the word of men but as it is in truth ●●e word of God which effectually also wor●●th in you that beleeue 1 Thess 2 13. ●lessed therefore art thou Simon Bar-lo●●● for flesh and blood hath not revealed 〈◊〉 vnto thee but my Father which is in Heaven Mat. 16 17. Mark 17 20. 2. Tim. ● 16. 1 Cor. 1 18. Act. 15 17.10 44. Gal. 2 ● 1.11 12. M●cha 3 8. Q. But is euery part of the Word for ●he working of grace of like efficacie A. This onely would I learne of you received you the Spirit by the workes of the Law or by the hearing of Faith Gal. 3 ● For which cause I am not ashamed of ●he Gospell of CHRIST for that is the ●ower of God vnto Salvation to every one that beleeueth Rom. 1 16. For if the ministration of death written and ingra●●n in stones was glorious so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold th● face of MOSES for the glory of his countenance which glory was to bee done ●way how shall not that ministration of the Spirit bee rather glorious For if the ministration of condemnation bee glory much more doth the ministration of Righteousnesse exeeed in glory For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect by reason of the glory that excelleth For if that which was done away was glorious much more that which remaineth is glorious 2. Cor. Q. What in lieu of this Word doth God require of vs A. Because he hath shewed his word vnto Iacob and his Statutes and his iudgements vnto Israel and hath not dealt so with every Nation and for his iudgments they haue not knowne them therfore praise ye the Lord Psal 147.19 Q. Why doe all such as haue the Word reape benefit thereby A. No for GOD shall smite the Earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips hee shall slay the wicked Ia. 11.4 And we are vnto God a sweet savour of CHRIST in them that are saved and in them that perish To the one we are the savour of death vnto death and to the other the savou● of l●fe vnto life 2 Cor. 2.15 Q. Hath the word one and the same entertainement among all them that perish A. No for when PAVL disputed of Righteousnesse and Temperance and of the Iudgment to come Faelix trembled Acts 24 25. 2 Herod he heard Iohn gladly and did many things Mark 6 20. Vnto others the Word of the Lord is a reproach they haue no delight in it Ier. 6.10 3 The Princes and people of Israel when they heard the Word of the Lord let their Servants goe free but afterwards repented Ier. 34 10 11. 4 When IEREMIAH preached the Word of the Lord to the Iewes that went downe into Aegypt to soiourne there they would not at all hearken to him Ier. 44 16. And from the preaching of Zachariah they pulled away the shoulder and stopped their eares that they should not heare yea they made their harts as an Adamant stone least they should heare the Law and the words which the Lord of Hosts hath sent in his spirit by the ministery of the Prophets Zach. 7 11. Ier. 6 16.44 2 Chron. 24 19 2 33 10. Hos 7 1. Ezek. 33 30. 5 O●hers mocking said these men are full of new wine Act 2.13 And with their mouthes make Iests Ezek. 33.31 Ier. 20.7 8 9. Acts. 17 32 17 18.2 Chron. 36 16. 6 And the multitude of the Iewes when they heard PAVL cryed and said Away with such a fellow from the earth for it is not fit that he should liue and as they cryed out they cast off their cloathes and threw dust in the Ayre Acts 22 22. And when PAVL sent into Macedonia Timothius and Erastus there arose no small stir also about that way Acts 19 22 And when the Iewes heard Steven they were cut to the heart and they gnashed on him with their teeth Acts 7.54 7 Others make a man an offender for a word and lay a snare for him that reprooveth in the Gate and turne aside the iust for a thing of nought Isa 29 21. Mat. 10.34 Q. What are the reasons of so much prophane and vnprofitable hearing of the Word A. Some it profiteth not because it is not mixed with faith in them that heare it Heb. 4 2. Acts 28 24 19.9 2 Herod would not part with Herodias and therefore IOHN touching him vpon that sinne he cast him into prison Mark 6 17. And so every man that evill doeth hateth the light neyther commeth to the light least his deeds should bee reprooved Ioh. 3 20. Ezek. 33 31. 3 They are but naturall not having the spirit Iud. 19. And the naturall man perceiveth not the things of the spirit of God because they are spiritually discerned 1 Cor. 2 14.1 Cor. 2 11.1 2 6 7.8 Hos 8.12 Ier. 6 10. Act. 17 20. Math. 11 27 13.11 11 25 26. 4 God hath given them the Spirit of slumber eyes that they should not see and eares that they should not heare vnto this day Rom. 11.8 For it is written I will destroy the w●sedome of the wise and will cast away the vnderstanding of the prudent saith the LORD 1 Cor. 1 19. Isa 6 10 44.18 5 If our Gospell be hid it is hid to them that are lost whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them that beleeue not that the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ which is the image of God should not shine vnto them 2 Corinth 4 ● 6 Some are hindred by the pride of theyr outward greatnesse and therefore not the rich but the poore receiue the Gospell M●t 11.5 For saith Amazia vnto Amos O thou Seer goe flee thee away into the Land of Iudah and there eate bread and Prophesie there But Prophesie not againe any more at Bethel for it is
that ●well in the land of the shadow of death ●pon them hath the light shined Isa 9.2 For God who commanded the light to shine out of darknesse hath shined in your hearts to giue the light of the knowledge of God in the face of IESVS CHRIST 2 Cor. 4 6. I haue indeed spoken vnto you in Proverbes but the time commeth when I shall no more speake to you in proverbes but I shall sh●w you plainely of the Father Ioh. 16 25. In that day shall the deafe heare the words of this Booke and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscuritie and out of darknesse Isa 29 18 35 5 32 2 50 4. Prou. 1 1 4 8 9. 1 Cor. 2 10 12. Nehem. 8 8. Luk. 24 45. Tit. 1 3. Mal. 2.7 Deut. 17 8.9 Reu. 5.5.8 Now therefore thankes bee vnto God which alwayes maketh manifest the sauour of his Knowledge by vs in every place 2 Cor. 2.14 For there is Gold and a multitude of precious Stones but the lips of Knowledge are a precious iewell Prou. 20.15 Neh. 8.12 Math. 11.25 Ob. But I am so hard-hearted that I can not be affected with the Word A. I will put a new Spirit within you and I will take the stony heart out of thy flesh and I will giue thee an heart of Flesh Ezek. 11.19 As well as to the Iew●s who wept when they heard the words of the Law Neb. 8.9 For is not my Word l●ke a fire saith the Lord and like a hammer that breaketh the Rockes in pieces Ier. 23 29.26.18 Ioh. 5.25 Act. 2.37 16.29 2 His wordes were found and I did eate them and they were vnto me the ioy and reioycing of my heart Ier. 15 16. I will therefore delight my selfe in his Statutes Psal 119.16 How sweet is his Word vnto my taste Yea sweeter then honey to my mouth Psal 119.103 Therefore my Sonne eate thou honey because it is good and the honey combe which is sweet to thy tast So shall the knowledge of wisedome be vnto thy soule when thou hast found it Prou. 24.13 Act. Iob 23.12 Act. 2.41 Psal verses Luk. 24.32 Ob. I am no sooner gone from the Word but all is forgotten A. The Comforter which is the holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoeuer I haue said vnto you Ioh. 14.26 Wherby MARY kept all those things in her heart which were told her by the Shepheards Luk. 2.19 Neither did I forget Gods word Psal 119.16 2. Pet. 1.12.13 Ob. The hardest taske is yet behind to wit to put in practise what we heare A. I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not I will leade them in the pathes that they haue not knowne I will make darknesse light before them and crocked things straight saith the LORD Isa 42.16 Who hath opened mine eares and I was not rebellious neither turned away backward Isa 50.5 Yea I haue refrained my feet from every evill way that I might keepe his word Psalm 119.101 So that when hee said seeke yee my face my heart said vnto him thy face LORD will I seeke Psal 27.8 For this is the loue of GOD that we keepe 〈◊〉 Commandements and his commandements are not grievous 1 Ioh. 5 3. Hag. 1 12. Psalm 119 15 48 57 104 ● 68. Math. 13 8.23 Col. 1 6. Luk. 1.5 ● 2. Chron. 17 6. CHAP. XXXIII Of Ministers Ob. YOu tell me of the Word and the great benefit thereof but how ●●ould I either know or doe what the Word teacheth without a guide Act. ● 31. A. When CHRIST ascended vp on high he gaue guifts vnto men c. and he gaue some Apostles and some Prophets ●nd some Euangelists and some Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the worke of the Ministerie for ●he edifying of the Body of CHRIST till we all eome in the vnity of faith and of the knowledge of the Sonne of God vnto a perfect man vnto the measure of the stature of the fulnesse of Christ Eph. 4.8.11 And therefore though the LORD giue you the bread of Adversitie and the water of Affliction yet thy Teachers shall not be removed into a corner any more but thine eyes shall see thy Teachers Isa 30.20 For the Lord giveth the Word great is the company of Preachers Psal 68.11 Ier. 33.18 Leuit. 10 11. Isa 41.27 Isa 62.6 Q. But shall wee haue such Pastors as will deale faithfully with vs A. I will giue you Pastors according to mine owne heart which shall feed you with knowledge and vnderstanding Ier. 3 15. Who will very gladly spend and bee spent for you 2. Cor. 12.15 As Moses who was faithfull in all his house Heb. 3.5 And as of Leui it was said the Law of truth is in his mouth and iniquity was not found in his lips he walked with me in peace and equitie and did turne away many from iniquitie Mal. 2 6. Moreover yee know from the first day that Paul came into Asia after what manner he hath beene with you at all seasons serving the Lord with all humblenesse of mind and with many teares and temptations which befell him by the lying in wait of the Iewes and how he kept backe nothing that was profitable vnto you Act 20.18 And you know the proofe of Timothie that as a Sonne with the Father he hath served with Paul in the Gospell Phil. 2 22. And for the worke of Christ he was nigh vnto death not regarding his life Phil. 2 30. And dayly in the Temple and in every house the Disciples ceased not to teach and to preach IESVS CHRIST Acts 5 42. These are not as many which corrupt the Word of God but as of sincerity but as of God in the sight of God speake they in Christ 2 Cor. 2 17 11 23 1 9 27 1 9.19.2 Chron 17 9 8 13. Col. 4 7 10 11 1 7. Act 20 23.30 31 18 24. Ezek. 34 23. Hag. 1 13. 1 Thes 5 6 7. Ier. 23 4 4 19. 8 21 9 1 3 17. Ezra 7 6 10. 1. Sam. 3 21. Q. Wherefore are these promises recorded in Gods word concerning his Ministers A. 1. That they may be apt to teach 1 Tim. 3.2 And therefore giue attendance vnto reading 1. Tim. 4 1● And study to shew ●hēselues workmen that need not to be ashamed dividing the Word of truth aright 2 Tim. 2 ●5 For every Scribe taught vnto the Kingdome of Heaven is like vnto a man that is a housholder which bringeth forth out of his treasurie things both new an old Math. 13 52. 2 That they be diligent to know the state of their flockes and to looke well to their heards Prou. 27 23. Taking the oversight thereof 1 Pet. 5 2. For they are set for a defence and fortresse among the people that they may know and try their wayes Ier. 6 27. 3 That they feed the flocke of GOD which is among
Heb. 6 1. Q It neyther the frequent vse of tongues nor humane eloquence nor deepe and profound teaching bee of esteeme with you I pray tell me wherein you Ministers are in your teaching most praise worth● A. Doe we begin againe to commend our selues or need we as some others Epistles of commendations to you or letters of commendations from you Ye are our Epistle written in our hearts knowne and read of all men For as much as ye are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ ministred by vs written not with Inke but with the spirit of the living God not in tables of stone but in the fleshy tables of the heart And such trust haue wee through Christ to Godward not that we are sufficient of our selues but our sufficiencie is of God who hath also made vs able Ministers of the new Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit for the letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life 2 Cor. 3 1. And are not you my worke in the LORD If I be not an Apostle vnto others yet doubtlesse I am to you for the Seale of my Apostleship are yee in the LORD 1 Corinth 9 1 2. Q But why should GOD vse the Ministrie of men and not of Angels A. Wee haue this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of GOD and not of vs 2 Cor. 4 7. 2 Every high Priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God that he may offer both guifts and sacrifices for sins who can haue compassion on the ignorant and of them that are out of the way for that hee himselfe also is compassed with infirmity Heb. 5 1 2. Ob. The case so being Christ Iesus himselfe being both God and Man had beene a Minister without all exception A. I tell you the truth it was expedient for you that hee goe away for if hee had not gone away the Comforter would not come vnto you but in that hee departed he hath sent him vnto you c. Who beeing come hee doth guide you into all truth c. Ioh. 16 7 13. Let men therefore teach to obserue all things whatsoever hee commandeth you and loe hee is with you even vnto the end of the World Mathew 28 20. CHAP. XXXIIII Of the Sacraments Ob. IF the Ministrie of the Word be no lesse efficatious then as you haue said it is what further need is there of the Sacraments A. Circumcision verily profiteth Rom. 2 25. For Abraham received the signe of Circumcision a Seale of the righteousnesse of Faith Rom. 4.11 Act 7 8. In whom you also are circumcised with the Circumcision made without hands in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the Circumcision of CHRIST Col. 2 11. Deut 10 16. Q What promise hath GOD made to B●ptisme A. Tha● he will baptize thee with the Holy Ghost and with fire Math. 3 11. For by one spirit we are all baptized into one body whether wee be Iewes or Gentiles whether we be bond or free 1 Cor. 12 13. Whereby Baptisme doth now saue vs not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience towards God by the Resurrection of IESVS CHRIST 1 Pet. 3 21. Acts 16 14. Luk. 7 29 30. Q. Vnto whom doth this belong A. 1 To the Ministers that they teach all Nations baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost Math 28 19. 2 To the people to doe as the publicans who iustified GOD being baptized with the baptisme of Iohn And not to ●o as the Pharisies and Lawyers who reiected the counsell of God against themselues being not baptized of him Luk 7 29.30 Gen. 17 14. Q. See th●n here is water what doth hinder me to be baptized Acts 8 36. A 1 If thou beleevest with all thine heart thou mayest Act 8 37 For can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized who haue received the Holy Ghost as well as we Act● 10.47 2 You must amend your liues Act. 2 38. And circumcise the fore-skin of your heart Deut. 10.16 And then be baptized every one of you in the name of IESVS CHRIST Acts 2 38. Ob. If Faith and Repentance bee necessary vnto Baptisme seeing Infants cannot actually beleeue nor repent are they therefore to bee excluded from this Sacrament A. Suffer little Children to come vnto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdome of God Math. 19.14 And if the root be holy so are the branches Rom. 11 16. For the promise was made to Abraham and his seed Gal. 3 16. Gen. 17 2 7 17 12 21 4. Acts 2 39. Q Doth the efficacie of Baptisme depend on the worthinesse of the Minister A. No but on whom thou shalt see the Spirit descend and remaine on him the same is he that doth Baptize with the Holy Ghost Ioh. 1 33 Iohn in deed baptized with Water but yee shall bee baptized with the Holy Ghost Math. 3 11. Q. What need then is there of the Supper of the Lord A. The Cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the Communion of the bloud of Christ The Bread which we breake is it not the Communion of the body of Christ For we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread 1 Cor. 10 16. Therefore saith Christ take eate this is my body and of the Cup drinke yee all of it for this is my bloud of the new Testament which is shed for many for the Remission of sinnes Math. 26.26 This doe as often as yee doe it in remembrance of me For as often as yee eate of this bread and drinke of this Cup yee doe shew the Lords Death till hee come 1 Corinth 11 25 11 23. Q. May any prophane person bee admitted vnto the Supper of the Lord A. No for if any shall eate of this bread and drinke of this Cup of the Lord vnworthily he shall be guiltie of the body and Bloud of the LORD and he eateth and drinketh Iudgement to himselfe not discerning the Lords body 1 Cor. 11.27 29. Moreover they cannot drinke the Cup of the Lord and the Cup of Divels they cannot be partakers of the Lords Table and the Table of Divels 1 Cor. 10 21. For thus saith the LORD GOD no stranger vncircumcised in heart nor vncircumcised in flesh shall enter into my Sanctuary that is among the Children of Israel Exek 44 9. Ezod 12 48. Leuit. 2 13. Q. What is then to bee done before our comming vnto this Sacrament A. Let a man examine himselfe and so let him eat of that bread and drinke of that cup 1 Cor. 11 28 Also if a stranger shall soiourne among you and will keep this Supper vnto the Lord according to the ordinance and according to the manner thereof so shall he doe Numb 9 14. Who if he doe also iudge himselfe he shall not be iudged 1
that yee may command them vnto your Children that they may obserue and doe all the words of this Law For it is no vaine word concerning you but it is your life by this word yee shall prolong your dayes Deut. 32 46 47 4 40.6 1 2 16.20 Q. Why doth God for the sinnes of his owne Children shorten theyr dayes also A. Yea for Moses because hee trespassed against the LORD died in the Mount Nebo Deut 32 50 For this cause also many of the Corinthians were weake and sicke and falne asleepe 1 Cor. 11 30. 1 Sam. 2 30 31. But yet when they are thus iudged they are chastened of the Lord that they should not be condemned with the world 1 Cor. 11 32. And be taken away from the evill to come Isa 57 1. For Iosia was gathered to his Fathers in peace that his eyes might not see all the evill that was to come vpon the Nation of the Iewes 2 Chron. 34 27. CHAP. XXXVIII Of preservation from Dangers Ob. THough my dayes vpon earth should bee many yet the many dangers attending them will make my life without comfort A. Who so hearkeneth vnto me shall dwell safely and shall bee quiet from the feare of evill Pro. 1.33 Remember I pray thee who euer perished being innocent or where were the righteous cut off Iob. 4.7 The humble person shall deliuer the Iland of the innocents and it is deliuered by the purenesse of thine hands Iob. 22.30 Whereby thou shalt walke in thy way safely and thy foote shall not stumble when thou lyest downe thou shalt not be afraid yea thou shalt lye downe and thy sleepe shall bee sweet Prou. 3 23. Surely thou shalt not be moued for euer Thou shalt not be afraid of evill tidings thy heart is fixed trusting in the Lord. Thy heart is established thou shalt not be afraid Psal 112 6. But shalt bee as Mount Zion which cannot bee removed but abideth for ever As the Mountaines are round about Ierusalem so the Lord is round about his people from henceforth even for ever Psal 125.1 Therefore hearken vnto me O house of Iacob and all the remnants of the house of Israel which are borne by me from the belly which are carryed from the wombe and even to your old age I am hee and even to your hoarie haires I will carry you and so will deliver you Isa 46 3. Psal 34 4 4 8 27 5.121 3 4 8 16 8 63 8 7 10.11.3 4. Zach. 10 12. Acts 2 25. Prou. 18 10. Deut. 33 12. Isa 4 5. Ob. I know the rage of our enemies to bee such as they will leaue no meanes vnattempted for our hurt A. The wicked watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him but the Lord will not leaue him in his hands nor condemne him when hee is iudged Psal 37 32. Hee shall hide him in the secret of his presence from the pride of men he shall keepe them secretly in a pavilion from the strife ●f tongues Psal 31 20. As Birds ●y flying so will the Lord of Hosts defend Ierusalem defending also he will deliver it and passing over hee will preserue it Isa 31.5 Whereby no man shall set ●n thee to hurt thee Acts 18.10 Neither shall one haire of your head perish Luk. 21 18. For the Lord will deliver ●ou from every evill worke and will pre●erue you to his heavenly Kingdome 2 Tim. 4 18. Therefore feare you not stand still and ●ee the Salvation which the Lord will shew ●●u Exod. 14 13. And be not afraid of ●heir faces for I am with thee to deli●er thee saith the Lord Ier. 1 8. Behold I haue grauen thee vpon the palmes of my ●ands thy walles are continually before ●e Isa 49 16 54 17 27 2 3. Exod. 14 10 23 22. Ier. 1 18 15 20. Psal 12 8 108. ●3 Acts. 9 24 25.9 29 30 31. Numb 22 12 18 24 1. 2 King 6 10. Neh. 4 15. Deut. 20 3. Isa 31 4. Ob. My enemies doe so much ouermatch mee as that before the combate they doe promise vnto themselues the conquest saying Let her be defiled let our eye looke vpon Zion Micha 4 11. Exod. 15 9. A. Who hath despised the day of the small things Z●ch 4 10. Let not him that girdeth on his harnesse boast himselfe as hee that putteth it off 1 King 20 11. Wee haue heard of the pride of Moab he is exceeding proud his loftinesse and his arrogancie and his pride and the haughtinesse of his heart I know his wrath saith the LORD but it shall not be so Ierem. 48 29. But because ●hey rage against mee and thei● tumult is come vp into mine eares therefore will I put my hooke into their nose and my bridle into their lippes and I will turne them backe by the way by which they come Isa 37 29.29 8. For hee powreth contempt vpon Princes and causeth them to wander in the Wildernesse where there is no way yet setteth hee the poore on high from affliction and maketh him families like a flocke Psal 107.40 Hee frustrateth the tokens of lyers and maketh Diviners mad and turneth wise men backward and maketh their Knowledge foolishnesse Isa 44 25. Therefore bee strong and of good courage feare not nor be afraid of them for the Lord thy GOD he it is that doth goe with thee he will not faile thee nor forsake thee Deut. 31 6. With them is an arme of flesh but with you is the Lord your GOD to helpe and to fight your battels 2 Chron. 32 8.20 15. Ios 1 5. Isa 50 1.44 25 18 7.9 15 16. 2 Sam. 16 23. 17 14. Ierem. 1 18.15 26. Iob 41 34. 2 K●ng 19 32. Zach. 12 7. Examples 1 Sam. 18 11.1.21 1.1.25 10.1.23 14.1.23 25.14 44. 2 Sam. 21 16.2.20 22. Acts. 14 5.14 19 20. 26 21. Psal 105 12. Ob. Though GOD should preserue vs once and againe from our Enemies yet if they bee suffered to stand in their strength ours is the feare and theirs is the hope of their preuailing at the last A. But they know not the thoughts of the LORD neither vnderstand they his councell for hee shall gather them as the sheaues into his floore Micha 4.12 Behold they shall gather together but not by me whosoeuer shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake Isa 54.15 Now will I arise saith the LORD now will I be exalted Now will I lift vp my selfe they shall conceiue chaffe they shall bring foorth stubble their breath as fire shall deuoure them And the people shal be as the burning of l●●e as thornes cut vp shall they bee burnt in the fire Isa 33.10 And as ashes vnder the soles of your feete in the day that I shall doe this saith the Lord of hosts Mal. 4.3 Thus when SIHON gathered all his people together to fight against Israel Israel smote him with the edge of the sword Num. 21.23 Also OG the King ●f Bashan with his sonnes and all his peo●le vntill none was left
shall bee as with the people so with the Priest as with the Servant so with the Master as with the Maid so with the Mistresse as with the buyer so with the seller as with the Lender so with the Borrower as with the taker of vsurie so with the giver of vsurie Isa 24 2. Iudg. 18 18.19.22 Q. What benefit doth the Church receiue by the government of Kings A. When the Earth and all the Inhabitants thereof are dissolved he will beare vp the Pillars of it Psal 75. 3. He is the light of ISRAEL 2 Sam. 21 17. And the beautie thereof 2 Sam. 1 19 23 4. The very breath of your nosthrils and vnder his shadow you shall be preserved Lam. 4 20. And a man shall bee as a hi●ing place from the Wind and a covert from the Tempest as Rivers of water in a dry place and the shadow of a great Rocke in a weary land Isa 32 2. Kings shall bee your nursing Fathers and Queenes your nursing Mothers Isa 49.23 For the Iewes and all ISRAEL dwelt safely every Man vnder his Vine and vnder his Figge-tree from DAN even to BEER-SHEBA all the dayes of SOLOMON 1 King 4 25. And GOD saved ISRAEL by the hand of IEROBOAM 2 King 14 27. 2. Sam 8 3. Q. By what meanes doth a King become so blessed an instrument of our good A. Because by GOD it is that Kings Reigne Prou. 8 15. He shall giue him another heart 1 Sam. 10.9 And hee shall be turned into another man 1 Sam. 10 6. And the wisedome of God shall be in him to do Iudgement 1 King 3 28. For it shall be when he sitteth vpon the Throne of his Kingdome that he shall write him a Copie of the Law in a booke And it shall be with him and he shall reade therein all the dayes of his life that hee may learne to feare the Lord his God to keepe all the words of this Law and the Statutes to doe them Deut. 17.18 Whereby a divine sentence shall be in the lips of the King and his mouth transgresseth not in Iudgment Prou. 16 10. But hee shall raigne in Iustice and your Princes shall rule in Iudgement Isa 32 1. For David raigned over all Israel and executed Iudgment and Iustice among all his people 1. Chron. 18 14. And iudged vprightly Psal 75 2. And that was because the Lord loved Israel 1 King 10.9 2 Chron. 2 11. For as when the Righteous are in authority the people reioyce so when the wicked beare rule the people mourne Prou. 29 2.4 Prou. 28 15 16.29 12. Eccl. 10 17. 1 Sam. 28 3 2 5.12 1 Kings 15 1● 2 10 28 2 14 5 6 2 23 3. 2 Chron. 14 3 29 3 34 3 2 36.22 2 Because the worke will bee too heauie for one man neyther is he able to performe it alone Exod. 18 18. He af●er the wisedome of his GOD that is in his heart shall set vp Magistrates and Iudges which may iudge all the people Ezra 7 25. And place such over them ●s are able men such as feare GOD ●en of truth hating covetousnesse to bee ●ulers of thousands and Rulers of hundreds and rulers of fifties and rulers of ●●nnes to iudge the people at all seasons Exod. 18 21. And the King shall charge them say●●g Thus shall yee doe in the feare of ●he LORD faithfully and with a perfect ●eart So that whatsoever cause shall come to you of your Brethren that dwell in their Cities c. You shall warne them that they trespasse not against the LORD 2 Chron. 19 9. Yee shall not wrest the Iudgement of the poore in his ●ouse Exod. 23 6. But yee shall iustifie the Righteous and condemne the wicked Deut. 25.1 Which that yee may the better doe yee shall take no gift for the guift blindeth the wise and perverteth the words of the Righteous Exod. 23.8 Neither shall you respect the person of the poore nor honour the person of the mighty Leuit. 15.19 You shall take heed what yee doe for yee iudge not for men but for the LORD who is with you in the Iudgement Wherefore now let the feare of the Lord bee vpon you Take heed and doe it for there is no iniquitie with the Lord our God nor respect of persons nor taking of guifts 2 Chron. 19.6 Thus shall you iudge the people at all seasons and it shall be that every great matter you shall bring vnto me but every small matter you shall iudge so shall it be easier for me when you shall beare the burthen with mee Exod. 18.22 1 Sam. 7 15 16. Deut. 16 19 1 17. Ier. 22 3.21 12. Amos 5 15. Micha 3.1 Psal 82 2. Prou. 18.5 2 Sam. 23 3. Q. What good shall come to vs by these substitutes in Gouernment A. As the Mountaines shall bring peace to the people so the little Hils by righteousnes Psal 72 3. For God led his people like a flocke by the hand of Moses and Aaron Psal 77.20 And Mordecay sought the wealth of his people and spake peace vnto all his seed Esth 10.3 Psal 72.4 Iob. 29.12 2 King 8 6. Q. What may the promise of good Rulers teach vs A. To pray saying Let the Lord the GOD of the spirits of all flesh set a man ●ver the Congregation which may goe out before them and which may goe in before them and which may leade them out and which may bring them in that the. Congregation of the LORD ●●e not as Sheepe which haue no Shepheard Numb 27.16 But that wee may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godlinesse and Honestie 1 Tim. 2 2. Q. When wee haue a King and others sent of him to gouerne vs what is required of vs A. 1 Feare the LORD in truth and with all your hearts because if you shall doe wickedly you shall bee consumed both you and your King 1 Sam. 12.24.25 2 I exhort that supplications and prayers with giving of thankes bee made for Kings and for all that are in authority 1 Tim. 2 1. Wherein because the Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord as the Rivers of water he turneth it whethersoever he will Prou. 21 1. Pray giue the King thy Iudgments O Lord and thy Righteousnes vnto the Kings Sonne that so he may iudge the people with righteousnes and the poore with Iudgment Psal 72 1. And as thou hast set thy Servant over thy people giue him an vnderstanding heart to iudge thy people that he● may discerne betweene good and bad for who is able to iudge this so great a people 1 King 3 9 And take away the wicked from the King that his Throne may be established in righteousnes Prou. 25 4. Blesse Lord his substance and accept the worke of his hands smite thorough the loynes of them that rise against him and of them that hate him that they rise not againe Deut. 33 11. Let him abide for ever before thee O prepare mercie and truth which may preserue him so
any of you should seeme to come short of it Heb. 4 1. For hee that commeth to GOD must beleeue that GOD is and that hee is a rewarder of them that diligently seeke him Heb. 11 6. Here mee therefore O IVDAH and yee inhabitants of Ierusalem beleeue in the Lord your GOD so shall yee be established beleeue his Prophets so shall yee prosper 2 Chron. 20 20. For these things are written that yee might beleeue that IESVS is CHRIST the Son of GOD and in believing yee might haue life through him Io● 20 3● Now the GOD of hope fill you with all ioy and peace in believing that yee may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost Rom. 15 13. 2 Having therefore these Promises dearely beloved let vs cleanse our selues from all filthinesse of the Flesh and Spirit perfecting holinesse in the feare of GOD 2 Corinth 7.1 And bee not conformed to this World but bee yee transformed by the renewing of your mind that yee may prooue what is that good that acceptable and perfect will of GOD Rom. 12 2. And he that will loue Life and see good dayes let him refraine his tongue from evill and his lippes that they speake no guile Let him eschew evill and doe good let him seeke peace and pursue it 1 Pet. 3 10. For this is a faithfull saying and these things I will that thou affirme constantly that they which haue beleeved in GOD might bee carefull to maintaine good Workes for these things are good and profitable vnto Men Titus 3 8. Obserue therefore and heare all these things which I command thee that it may be well with thee and with thy Children after thee for ever when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the Lord thy GOD Deut. 12 28.6 17 18 4 39 40. 10 12 13. Iosh 3 5. Therefore giue diligence to adde to your Faith vertue and to Vertue knowledge and to Knowledge temperance and to Temperance patience and to Patience godlinesse and to Godl●nesse brotherly kindnesse and to Brotherly kindnesse Charitie 2. Pet. 1 5. And let vs heare the conclusion of the whole matter feare GOD and keepe his Commandements for this is the whole duty of Man Eccles 12 1● Which if yee doe yee shall never fall 2 Pet 1.10 Now if it seeme evill vnto you to serue the Lord choose you this day whom yee will serue c. But as for me and my house wee will serue the LORD I●sh 24 1● For all people every one w●ll walke in the name of his GOD and wee will walke in the name of the Lord our GOD for ever and ever M●cha 4 5. O house of IACOB come yee also and walke in the light of the Lord Isa 2 5. Provoking one another vnto Loue and good Workes Heb. 10 24 And exhorting one another daily while it is called to day Heb. 3 13. CHAP. LI. Of the Wicked and of their Reward Q MAy it bee expected that all should be mooued by these promises vnto the exercise of faith and new obedience A. Nothing lesse for there are some who walke after their owne vngodly Lusts these be they who seperate themselues sensuall having not the Spirit Iud. 18. Of whom I haue told you often and now tell you even weeping that they are Enemies to the Crosse of CHRIST Phil. 3 18. For as they that are after the spirit doe mind the things of the Spirit so these being after the flesh the things of the flesh Because their carnall mind is enmitie against GOD for it is not subiect to the Law of GOD neither indeed can be Rom. 8 5.7 But are wicked and sinners before the Lord Gen. 13 13. Rebelling against the Commandement of the LORD their GOD not beleeving nor hearkening to his voice Deut. 9 23. They are corrupt and haue done abhominable works Psal 14 1. I haue called them transgressours from the wombe Isa 48.8 A perverse and crooked generation Deut. 32 5.20 Their vine is of the vine of Sodome and of the fields of Gomorah their grapes are the grapes of gall their clusters are bitter their wine is the poyson of Dragons the cruell venome of Aspes Deut. 32 32. Behold their sinne is come before mee Iona. 1 2. And I am pressed vnder them as a Cart is pressed that is full of sheaues Amos 2 13. And their sinnes are written with a pen of Iron and with the point of a Diamond and it is graven vpon the tables of their hearts and vpon the hornes of their Altars Ier. 17 1. They haue a whorish fore-head they will not be ashamed Ier. 3 3. But are obstinate and their necke is an iron sinew and their brow brasse Isa 48 4. For they haue sold themselues to worke wickednesse in the sight of the LORD 1 King 21 20. GOD is not in all theyr thoughts Psal 10.4 And though I earnestly protested vnto their Fathers rising early and protesting saying Obey my voice yet they obeyed not nor enclined their eare but walked every one in the imagination of their owne evill heart Ier. 11 7. Ezek. 16.49 Ier. 44.9 16 11. Gen. 38.7 Exod. 5 3 Iudg. 2.11 Psal Prou. 21.10 Hos 10 4. Q. Is there no reward for such men as these from God A. Is not destruction to the wicked and a strange punishment to the workers of iniquitie Iob. 31 3. The great God that formed all things both rewardeth the foole and rewardeth the transgressours Prou. 26 10. According to his wayes and according to his doings will hee recompence him Hos 12 2. The transgressours shall bee destroyed together and the end of the wicked shall be cut off Psalm 37.38 GOD shall raine snares fire and brimstone and an horrible tempest this shall bee the portion of their Cup Psal 11 6. And the heritage appointed vnto them by God Iob. 20 ●9 For is not this laid vp in store with mee and sealed vp among my treasures saith the Lord Deu. 32 34. Even as I haue seene they that plow iniquity and sow wickednesse reape the same Iob. 4.8 Trouble and anguish shall make them afraid they shall prevaile against them as a King ready to the battell Iob. 15.24 And I will feed them with wormewood and giue them water of gall to drinke Ier. 9.15 Yea I will bring such evill vpon them that whosoever heareth of it both his eares shall tingle 2 King 21 11. And if they will not for all this hearken vnto me then I will punish them seven times more for their sinnes Leu. 26 18. And if they walke contrary vnto mee and will not hearken vnto me I will bring seven times more plagues vpon them according to their sinnes c. And if they will not be reformed by these things but will walke contrary to me then will I also walke ●●ntrary to them and will yet punish them ●ven times more for their sinnes Leu. ●6 21. Terrours shall take hold of them 〈◊〉 waters a