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A16536 A cleare forme of catechising, before the giving of the sacrament of the Lords Supper to this are subjoined two compends of the catechisme, fit for little children ... / by M. Zacharie Boyd ... Boyd, Zacharie, 1585?-1653. 1639 (1639) STC 3446; ESTC S1824 26,583 130

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his person Q. Esteemest thou that the infinite merite of Christs death is from the dignitie of his person A. I understand so Of the dueties which man owe to GOD for his Redemption The twelfth Sunday Q. WHat owe we to God for so great a Salvation A. We owe to him service Q. How many parts are they of God's service A. Foure faith obedience prayer and thanks Q. What is faith A. It is an assured knowledge of Gods mercy in Christ particularly apprehended by these whom God hath elected to salvation Q. Is not Sathan said to beleeve A. He hath knowledge but not that assurance which is the life of faith Q. Thou understandest that Sathan knoweth that God is infinite in mercy but that he hath no assurance of any mercy for himselfe A. I understand so Q. Who worketh this true faith in our hearts A. The holy spirit Q. By what meanes worketh he the same A. By the preaching of the Word Q. Is our faith perfect A. As long as we are here we must pray God to increase our faith The thirteenth Sunday Q. BY what meanes is our faith strengthned A. By the continued hearing of the word by earnest prayer by receiving of the Sacraments and by a good life Q Wherefore are we said to be justified by faith A. Because by faith we apprehend Christ and all his merites whereby wee appeare just in Gods presence Q. Is not man justified by his good works A. Before men he may be but not before God Q. Wherefore not before God A. Because God hath denounced a curse against him that fulfilleth not perfectly the whole law Q. Can not a man perfectly fulfill the law of God A. No not Q. How provest thou that A. Because there is no man but he sinneth and sin is the transgression of the law Q. Thou beleevest that it is Christ onely who by his works and sufferings hath made full satisfaction for all the faithfull A. I beleeve so The fourteenth Sunday Q. MAY not a man bee saved without Faith A. There is no salvation without faith Q. Give a reason wherefore not A. Because without faith it is impossible to please God Q. Where is the summe of our faith to be found A. In the Creede Q. Into how many parts may the Creede be divided A. Into four parts Q. What doeth the first part containe A. Concerning God the Father and our Creation Q. What doeth the second part containe A. Concerning God the Son and our Redemption Q. What is in the third part A. Concerning the holy Ghost and our sanctification Q What doth the fourth and last part of our Creed containe A. Concerning Gods Church and his gifts bestowed upon her The fifeteenth Sunday Q. WHat have we in the Creed concerning God the Father A. Three things his name his attribute his work Q. What is his name A. He is called Father Q. Whose Father is he A. He is Christs and ours Q. How is he Christs Father A. By generation he hath begotten him from all eternitie Q. How is he our Father A. By adoption especially Q. What callest thou Adoption A. That is God of his free mercy and grace hath chosen us to be his heires in Christ. Q. What is the Fathers attribute A. Almighty Q. What understandest thou by the word Almightie A. That he hath all power to doe what he pleaseth in Heaven and in earth Q. What is his worke A. Hee hath created the Heavens and the earth that is by his infinite power hath made them all of nothing Q. What doth he now to these things which he hath created A. Hee still upholdeth and governeth them by his providence The sixteenth Sunday Q. WHat have wee in the Creede concerning God the Sonne A. Four chief things Q. What bee these A. His titles his incarnation his passion and his exaltation Q. What are his titles A. They are foure to wit Jesus Christ his Son our Lord. Q. What callest thou his incarnation A. He was incarnate when the word was made flesh Q. How many things hast thou to consider concerning his incarnation A. Three chiefly the personall union the sanctification of that masse whereof Christs body was made and the efficient cause that wrought that work Q. Wherein did that personall union consist A. In the joining of the divine and humane nature together in one person The seventeenth Sunday Q. HOw many natures are they in Christ Iesus A. Two the Divine and the humane nature Christ God and man Q. Is not Christ God and man two persons A. No not but the two natures are joined into one person Q. How was this great worke wrought A. By the unspeakable power of the holy Ghost Q. What sayest thou of Christs birth A. Hee was borne of the Virgine Mary Q. Wherefore behooved it him to be borne of a Virgine A. That hee might be conceived without sin and so might bee a perfect Saviour Q. Hast thou no other reason A. It was so foretold that the seede of the woman and not of the man should tread down the head of the Serpent The eighteene Sunday Q. I have heard of Christ's titles and of his incarnation now let me heare what befell unto him after his birth A. He was first humbled and thereafter exalted Q. How many parts are they of his humiliation A. Foure Q. What was the first A. He suffered many sorrowes Q. What was the second A. He died on the cursed tree of the crosse Q. What was the third A. He was buried Q. What was the fourth A. He descend unto hell Q. What sorrowes suffered he A. Hunger and thirst and wearynesse revilings scornings and fearfull persecution Q. Wherefore dyed he A. For our sins Q. Might not satisfaction be made without death A. No not Q. What is the reason A. Because the wages of sinne is death Q. What sort of death dyed he A. The cursed death of the Crosse. Q. Wherefore was the death of the Crosse more cursed then any other death Q. Because GOD had said cursed be that hangeth on a tree A. Wherefore was that hanging called cursed A. Not for the punishment it selfe but for sinne the cause of that punishment Q. For what other reasons was that death called cursed A. There be two other reasons Q. What is the first reason A. It was called cursed because of the excessive paine and shame that was in that death Q. What is the other reason A. Because by that death God in manner of a Prophesie did designe Christ who by dying on a tree should redeeme us from the curse of the law Q. What needed Christ to be buried A. For to assure the world of his death Q. What is that to say that he descended into hell A. That is he suffered in his soule unspeakeable torments for our sinnes Q. When chiefly suffered he these paines A. When he cryed My God my God why hast thou forsaken me The ninteene Sunday Q. FRom Christs humiliation let us come to his
A cleare forme of Catechising before the giving of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper To this are subjoined two compends of the Catechisme fit for little Children JOHN XVII vers 3. This is life eternall to know thee the onely true GOD and Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent By M. Zacharie Boyd Preacher of Gods Word at Glasgow Printed at Glasgow by George Anderson 1639. AUGUST Quòd Lex operum minando imperat Lex Fidei credendo impetrat TO THE READER I Have studied to make all the answers short in these three Catechismes for the helpe of thy memorie First to know and then to doe is perfect Christianitie TO The most Religious and Noble Ladie the Countesse of Argyle c. MADAME THis world is full of people whose religion is compounded like the TURKISH in part CHRISTIAN in part IEVV in part WORLDLING in part ATHEIST in part as A grippa almost Christians Only these are happie who according to the Apostle his wish are altogether Christians A time of tryall will come which shall discerne almost from altogether Happie shall these professours bee to whom the Lord shall say Yee are these which have continued with me in my temptations and I appoint unto you a kingdome as my Father hath appointed unto me that yee may eate and drink at my table in my kingdome of all honours this shall be found the greatest GOD Madame hath highly honoured your La. both with grace and place As for grace yee may without flatterie with S. Iohns Lady be called the ELECT LADY As for place Yee both by birth and marriage are high but highest in this that your La. art humble I will not heere enter into a large discourse concerning the Noble and Potent Earle your La. Husband whose vertues have most Oriently shined in our generall Assembly which his Lordship did much honour with his presence and help with his counsell That which the Apostle did require for the house of Onesiphorus that I most heartily wish to his Lordship to your La. and to all your noble Line and Familie that the Lord grant that yee may finde mercy of the Lord in that day Let it please your La. graciously to accept of this little labour and to honour it with your favour it shall bee but an EARNEST of more if I live and if God permit From Glasgow the 14. of Ianuar 1639. Your Ladiships in all humble duety and observance M. ZACHARY BOYD The Summe of this Catechisme 1. Of GOD. 2. Of mans Creation 3. Of his Fall 4. Of his Redemption 5. Of the dueties which man owe to God for his Redemption 6. Of the Sacraments which are the seales of the Covenant betweene God and man I. OF GOD. 1. SUNDAY Question WHat is God Answere An infinite Essence that hath his being from himself and is the fountaine of all being Q What things are to bee considered in God A. The essence and the persons Q. What sayest thou of his Essence A. It is spirituall simple incomprensible unchangeable Q. What difference is betweene the essence of God and the person A. The essence is the Divine substance which is commoun to the three persons the person is a subsistence in the Divine nature Q. How many Gods be there A. Only one God Q. How many persons are they in the Godhead A. Three the Father Son and holy Ghost THE SECOND SUNDAY ARE not these three persons divided one from another so that it may be said here is the Father and there is the Son A. No not Q. How then A. The persons of the Trinitie are diverse one from another but not separate Q. How can that bee A. The Father in an unspeakable manner is in the Son and the Son in the Father and the holy Spirit in them both Q. How are the persons distinguished one from another A. By their inward properties order of their outward working Q. How are they distinguished by their inward properties A. By the works which they work within themselves Q. What sorts of workes are these which are wrought with in the Trinitie A. They are not commoun to all the three persons but every person hath his owne particular work proper to himself The third Sunday Q. WHat is that propertie of the Father that is not common to the Son and holy Ghost A. In that he hath begotten the Son from all eternitie of the same substance with himselfe Q. What is that speciall propertie of the Son A. That in the unitie of essence he hath from all eternitie beene begotten of the substance of the Father Q. What is the propertie of the Holy Ghost A. He inseparably proceeds from the Father and the Son Q. Is this a reall distinction which is betweene the Father Son and Holy Ghost A. It is but we can not be capable of the same Q. I have heard how the three persons are distinguished one from another in their inward properties now tell me how they are distinguished by their outward working A. In that the Father is the Creator of all things the Son the Redeemer the holy Ghost our Sanctifier The fourth Sunday Q. ARE not the outward works of all the persons common to every person of the Trinitie A. They are common indeed Q. How are they distinguished A. In respect of the order of their working Q. Let me heare of the distinct order of their working A. The Father hath created us the Son hath redeemed us the holy Ghost sanctifieth us Q. Wherefore is the Father particularly called our Creator A. Because our creation proceeds from the father first in order Q. Wherefore is the Sonne called our Redeemer A. Because our redemption was performed by the Son Q. Wherefore is the holy Ghost called our Sanctifier A. Because our sanctification is immediatly wrought by the holy Ghost Q. Thy meaning is that in every one of those outward workings all the three persons concurre together A. I understand so Q. Esteemest thou that the Father is greater then the Sonne and holy Ghost A. They are equall in dignitie power and Majestie Q. How then differ they A. They differ in number and in order Q. What sayest thou of the Father A. He is first not in dignitie but in order Q. What sayest thou of the Son A. Hee is second not in dignitie but in order Q. What sayest thou of the holy Ghost A. He is the third not in dignitie but in order Q. What sayest thou of the three persons of the Trinitie A. These three are the one eternall God blessed for ever 2. Of Mans Creation The fifth Sunday Q. WHat is it to create a thing A. To create properly is to make something of nothing Q. How hath God made all things of nothing A. By his infinite power Q. How governeth Hee all things that hee hath made A. By his infinite wisdome Q. Whereof was man made A. Of the dust of the earth Q. What learnest thou thereby A. I learne to be
to the church A. The resurrection of the body Q. What is the cause of the resurrection of the faithfull A. The resurrection of Christ. Q. Is Christs resurrection the proper cause which effecteth the resurrection of the faithfull A. It is the true cause indeed Q. Give me the reason A. Christ is the head and the godly are his members which must follow their head Q. What then shall bee the cause of the resurrection of the Wicked Shall they not rise by the vertue of CHRISTS resurrection A. No not Q. By what power then shall they rise A. By the power of Christs justice constraining them to come out of their graves Q. What is the last benefite that GOD shall bestow upon His Church A. Life everlasting Q. What a life shall that be A. A life perfectly happy in the heavens Q. What things shall wee enjoy in the heavens A. Fulnesse of joy and pleasures for evermore The twentie seven Sunday Q. WE have heard of the first part of Gods service which is to believe in God Now let me hear what is the second part of Gods service A. It is to obey God Q. Where learne we what obedience we owe to God A. In Gods law whereof the summe is the ten commandments Q. How are the ten commandements divided A. Into two tables Q. How many commandements are there in the first table A. The first foure Q. How many in the second A. The last six Q. What is the summe of the first foure A. Our whole duetie towards our GOD. Q. What is the summe of the last six A. Our whole duetie towards our neighbour The twentie eight Sunday Q. WHat is the first Commandement A. Thou shalt have no other Gods before my face Q. What is there forbidden A. All atheisme and giving of Gods honour to any thing beside God Q. What is there commanded A. The worship of the true God Q. What is the second commandement A. Thou shalt not make to thy self any graven image c. Q. What is there forbidden A. That we represent not God by any outward shape or figure Q Wherefore that A. Because God is invisible and can not by any image be represented truely Q. What difference is between the first commandement and the second A. In the first the inward worship of GOD is commanded in the second the outward forme which is fittest for the worshipping of GOD is enjoyned Q. What is the third commandement A. Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy GOD in vaine Q. What is heere forbidden A. All blasphemies all unreverent speakings or thinking of God or doing of his worship otherwise then he hath ordained Q. What is heere commanded A. That we both thinke and speake with all reverence of his titles words and workes The twentie ninth Sunday Q. GOE to the fourth commandement A. Remember thou keepe holy the Sabboth day c. Q. What is heere commanded A. That we consecrate the seventh day unto his service Q. What is forbidden A. All worldly businesse also all the words and thoughts which concerne the affaires of the earth Q. May we neither thinke nor speake of things concerning the earth on the Sabboth day A. No not As in that day we are forbidden to speake our own wordes So also to thinke our owne thoughts Q. What signifieth the word Sabboth A. Sabboth day that is a day of rest or of ceasing from worke Q. What callest thou to sanctifie the Sabboth A. It is to seperate it from common workes such as pertaine to this naturall life and consecrate it to God and to holy workes such as concerne the spirituall life Q. What are the workes of the Sabboth day A. To preach the word to heare it to meditate to confer to visite the sicke to give almes to the poore Q. What time must be observed in the observation of the Sabboth A. From evening to evening said the Lord you shalt celebrate your Sabboth Levit. 23.32 The thirtie Sunday Q. WHat is the fifth commandement A. Honour thy Father and thy mother c. Q. What is heere commanded A. That all inferiours reverence both in heart and outward gesture their Superiours and that also Superiours do their duty to their inferiours Q. What is heere forbidden A. All contemning of superiours and all disdaining of inferiours in thought word or worke Q. What is the sixt commandement A. Thou shalt not murder Q. What is heere forbidden A. To hurt any way our neighbours person Q. VVhat is heere commanded A. To do what we can for the preservation of the life of our neighbour Q VVhat is the seventh commandement A. Thou shalt not commit adulterie Q. VVhat is heere forbidden A. All sortes of filthinesse either in thought word or work Q. VVhat is heere commanded A. That we keepe our vessels cleane in sanctification and honour The thirtie one Sunday Q. WHat is the eight commandement A. Thou shalt not steale Q. VVhat is forbidden there A. To greedily cover reave seeke or take by fraud that which is not our owne or to spend our owne lavishly Q. VVhat is there commanded A. That we carefully keepe our neighbours goods as though they were out owne and also to manage well that which GOD hath given us Q. What is the ninth commandement A. Thou shalt not beare false witnesse Q. What is heere commanded A. To love the trueth and to maintaine it Q. What is the tenth commandement A. Thou shalt not cover thy neighbours house nor his wife c. Q. What is the summe thereof A. That we keepe our hearts from the least inclination to sinne Q What is heere forbidden that was not forbidden in the other commandements A. In the other commandements the stronger evill desires which are fostred with consent are forbidden but in this commandement the least evill thoughts is disallowed though as soone as it in our heart we abhorre it Q. Thou willest then that in the other commandements these evill thoughts are forbidden which are entertained and made welcome but that in the tenth commandement the least motion of the heart to sinne is forbidden though it want a full consent or likeing A. I understand so Q. What is the summe of the whole law A. That we love the Lord our God with all our heart with all our soule and with our whole strength and that wee love our neighbour as our self The thirtie two Sunday Q. WEE have heard of faith and obedience the two first parts of Gods service now let us heare what is the third part of Gods service A. To pray to God Q. What is prayer A. A putting up of our requests to God in the name of his Sonne Q. For whose sake must we seeke from God the things we stand in neede of A. For Christ Jesus his sake Q. May we not desire the Saints of heaven to pray for us A. There is but one Mediator Jesus Christ. Q. Doe wee know how to pray as we should A. Not but the Spirit
The bread of the Sacrament is given for to be a seale of the food of the soule Other bread is but for the belly Q. Let me understand more clearely who is said to discerne the Lords body A. He is truely said to discerne the Lords body who trembling in all reverence cometh to the table and receaveth the bread not as common bread for the belly but as consecrate for to be a seale of the spirituall food of the soule Q. What is the punishment of these that communicate unworthily A. The punishment of the godly is sore sicknesse great sorrowes and sometimes death of body Q. What is the punishment of the wicked A. Death both of soule and body Q. Thinkest thou that the godly will whiles communicate unworthily A. Yea verily and for that the Lord will fearfully chastise them in this life The fourtie foure Sunday Q. IS it not good for the godly that they be so chastised for their negligence A. It is most certaine Q. How knowest thou that A. The Apostle sayeth when wee are judged wee are chastened of the Lord that wee should not bee condemned with the World 1 Cor. 11.32 Q. I see that there is great difference betweene the unworthie communicating of the godly and of the wicked A. Yea verily for God chasteneth the godly for their negligence but hee condemneth the wicked for their contempt Q. But will not this make many of the godly the more carelesse in their preparation seeing that though they communicate unworthily they shall not be condemned A. The chastisement of their negligence is to great that it should make the best of us to tremble divers calamities as sicknesse death losse of goods terrours of conscience are appointed for such The fourtie five Sunday Q. WHat should we thinke upon when we are come to the Lords table A. We should lift up our hearts to Christ in the heavens Qu. When thou seest the bread of the Sacrament broken what should thou remember A. That even so the body of Christ was broken upon the crosse with unspeakable dolours for my sinnes Q. When thou seest the wine povvred out vvhat shouldest thou remember A. That even so the blood of Christ was powred out upon the crosse for me Q. When thou eatest that bread of the Sacrament what sayeth thou in thy self A. I say Lord so feed my soule with Christs body the bread of life Q. When thou drinkest the wine what sayeth thou in thy selfe A. I say Lord quench the thirst of my soule with the vertue of Christs blood The fourtie sixth Sunday Q. DOE we eat with our teeth the flesh of Christs body at the Sacrament A. No not Qu How then eat we his body A. In a spirituall manner Q. How is that done A. While we believe that his body was broken for us we are said to eate his body Q. Wherefore is our believing called a eating and a drinking A. Because as our bodies live by eating and drinking so our souls live by believing that Christs body was broken and his blood powred out for our sins Q. What is the chiefest end of this Sacrament A. That the Lords death may thankfully be remembered Q. What is our duty after wee have received the Sacrament A. To give GOD most humble thankes Q. How should we thanke him A. We must declare the Lords death untill he come againe Q. What is that to declare the Lords death A It is to publish to solemnize to have in honour and estimation to spread abroad and make famous all the sufferings of the Lord. The fourtie seven Sunday Q. WHat more is required in our thankes then to declare the Lords death by publishing the same by word A. It is required that by a holy and reformed life wee glorifie God that others seeing our godly conversation may praise our heavenly Father Q. What wordes of thankes hast thou for God after thou hast received the Sacrament A. My soule praiseth God for his love which moved him to send his Son to the world to die for me I glorifie the Son of God for dying so willingly for the salvation of my lost soule Q. How concludest thou thy thanksgiving A. I say now unto the King eternall immortall invisible the only wise God be glory for ever and ever Amen 1 Tim. 1 vers 17. Q. What is thy exercise the rest of that day A. I with a thankfull heart meditate the mercies of my God who sent his Son to die for me and by his death to deliver me from hell fire Q. What doest thou more A. I call to memorie all the paines and dolours which Christ my Saviour suffered from his Cratch to the Crosse and praise him for the same To whom with the Father and the holy Spirit the Comforter be glory power and praise for evermore Amen TO THE NOBLE LADY D. Anne Campbell Daughter to the Noble and Potent Earle the Earle of Argyle c. MADAME I Heere humbly dedicate unto your Ladiship now of tender yeeres these two compends of the Catechisme Saint Iohn the Cusin and beloved Disciple of Iesus Christ who for his high doctrine was compared to an Eagle that mounteth very high disdained not to write unto Children In one chapter of a short Epistle hee hath I write unto you little children and againe in the same words I write unto you little children of that his writing hee giveth two reasons the one is in these words because your sins are forgiven you for his Names sake the other reason is in these words because yee have knowne the Father For this end Madame have I written unto you these two compends that yee may know the Father whom I most humbly intreat to increase his graces begun in your Ladyship in a good measure From Glasgow the 19. of Ianuar 1639. Your Ladiships most humble Servant M. ZACHARY BOYD. A short compend of the Catechisme needfull for little Children I. OF GOD. Question HOW many Gods be there Answer Onely one God Q. How many persones be there in the Godhead A. Three the Father the Son and the holy Ghost Q. What hath God the Father done for thee A. He hath created me Q. What hath God the Son done for thee A. He hath redeemed me Q. What hath the holy Ghost done for thee A. He hath sanctified me Of Mans Creation Q. WHereof was this world made A. Of nothing Q. Whereof was man made A. His body was made of the dust of the ground Q. How was his soule made A. The Lord breathed into his nosthrils the breath of life Q. How was man created at the first A. According to Gods own image Q. What is that image of God A. Holinesse and happinesse Of Mans Fall Q. DID man keepe that image A. No not Q. How lost he it A. By sinning against God Q. What was his sinne A. He did eate of the forbidden tree Q. What other sinnes did goe before that A. Pride unbeliefe a miscontentment with his own estate Q. What