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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16095 Here begynneth the Pystles and Gospels, of euery Sonday and holy day in the yeare; Bible. N.T. Epistles. Selections. 1540. 1540 (1540) STC 2972; ESTC S1204 97,658 125

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here in is the loue perfyte in vs / the we shuld haue truste in the daye of iudgemēte / for as he is / euen so are we in this world There is no feare in loue but perfyte loue casteth out all feare / for feare hath paynefulnes he that feareth is not perfyte in loue We loue hym for he loueth vs fyrst Yf a man sayd I loue god / yet hateth his brother he is a lyer How can he that loueth not his brother whom he hath se loue god whō he hath not sene And thys commaundemente haue we of hym that he which loueth god shuld loue his brother also ¶ The Gospell on the fyrst Sondaye after Trynite Sondaye The .xvj. Chapyter of Luke D IEsus put forth a parable vnto his disciples saying there was a certayne ryche mā which was clothed in purple lyne raynes fared delyciously euery day And ther was a certayn begger named Lazarꝰ which lay at his gate full of sores desyrynge to be refresshed with the crōmes which fell frō the rych mānes borde Neuertheles the dogges came lycked his sores And it fortuned that the begger dyed and was caryed by the angels in Abrahās bosome The rych man also dyed was buryed / being ī hel in tormētes / he lyft vp his eyes sawe Abrahā a far of and Lazarus in hys bosome cryed and sayd Father Abraham haue mercy on me sende Lazarus that he may dyp the typpe of his fynger in water and cole my tonge for I am tormented in thys flambe but Abraham sayde vnto hym sonne remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme receyuedest thy pleasure cōtraryewyse Lazarus payne Nowe therfore is he comforted and thou art punysshed beyonde all this betwene you and vs there is a great space set / so that they which wolde go from house to you can not neyther maye come frō thens to vs. Then he sayd I pray the therfore father / sende hym to my fathers house for I haue fyue brethren for to warne them / lest they also come in to this place of tormente Abraham sayde vnto hym they haue Moses the prophetes / let thē heare thē he sayd naye ●a●her Abrahā but yf one came vnto them from the deade they wolde repēt He sayd vnto hym Yf they here not Moses the prophetes nether wyll they beleue though one rose frō death agayne ¶ The Pystle on the seconde Sondaye after Trynite sondaye The fyrst Pystle of Iohn̄ and the thyrde Chapyter C MEruayle not my brethrē though the worlde hate you / we know that we are translated frō death vnto lyfe because we loue the brethrē He that loueth not his brother abideth in death Whosoeuer hateth his brother / is a mansleer and ye knowe that no māsleer / hath etrrnal lyfe abydynge in Hereby perceyue we the loue of god in that he gaue hys lyfe for vs. And therfore ought we also to giue our lyues for our brethrē Whosoeuer hath this worldes good seeth his brother haue nede shutteth vp hys compassion from him how dwelleth the loue of god in hym My babes let vs not loue in worde nether in tonge but in dede and in veryte ¶ The Gospell on the seconde Sonday after Trynite sondaye The .xiiij. Chapyter of Luke D IEsus put forthe a symilytude to his disciples sayenge A certayne mā ordeyned a great supper bad many sente his seruaunte at supper tyme to saye to them that were bydden to me for all thynges are nowe redy and they all at ones began to make excuse the fyrst sayd vnto him / I haue bought a towne and I must nedes go and se it / I praye the haue me excused And another sayd I haue bought fyue yoke of oxen I go to proue them I praye the haue me excused The thyrde sayd I haue maryed a wyfe therfore I can not come And the seruaunt went and brought his mayster worde therof Then was the good man of the house dyspleased and sayd to his seruaunt Go out quyckely into the stretes and quarters brynge in hyther the poore and the maymed and the halte / and the blynde And the seruaūt sayd / lorde it is done as thou commaūdest yet there is roume And the lorde sayd to the seruaunte go out into the hye wayes and hedges / and compell them to come in / that my house maye be fylled / for I saye vnto you that none of these whiche were bydden shall taste of my supper ¶ The Pystle on the thyrde Sondaye after Trynite Sonday The fyrste pystle of Peter and the .v. Chapytre B BRethren submyt youre selues vnder the myghtye hande of god that he may exalte you when the tyme is come cast all youre care to hym for he careth for you Be sobre watche for your aduersary the deuyll as a rorynge Lyon walketh about sekyng whom he may deuoure whō resyst stedfaste in the fayth remembryng that ye do but fulfyll the same afflyctions whiche are apoynted to your brethren that are in the worlde the god of grace whych called you vnto his eternal glory by Christ Iesus shall his owne selfe after ye haue suffered a litel affliccion make you perfyte shall setle strengthe and stablyshe you to hym be glory dominion for euer whyle the worlde endureth Amen ¶ The gospel on the thyrde sonday after Trinite Sonday The ●v chapiter of Luke A. THe Publycan● the sinners resorted vnto Iesus to heare hym and the ●haryses and Scribes murmured sayeng He receiued to hi●●ompany sinners eateth with them Then put he forth thi●●ymylitude to them sayeng What man of you hauynge an hondrethe shepe yf he lose one of them dothe not leaue nyntye nyne in the wyldernes and go after that whiche is loste vntyl he fynde him And whē he hath foūde him he putteth him on hys shulders with ioy and as sone as he commeth home he calleth to gyther hys louers and neygbours sayeng vnto them reioyse with me for I haue founde my shepe which was loste I say vnto you the lekwyse ioy shall be in heauen more then ouer nynety nine iust persons which nede no repētaūce Eyther what woman hauynge .x. grotes if she lose one dothe not lyght a candel and swepe the house and seke diligently tyl she finde it And when she hath founde it she calleth her louers her neyghbouers sayeng Reioyse with me for I haue founde the grote which I had loste lyke wyse I saye vnto you ioye is made in the presēce of the angels of god ouer one sinner that repēteth ¶ The Pistle on the .iiij. Sonday after Trinite sonday The .viij. chapiter to the Romayns D BRethren I suppose that the afflictions of this lyfe are not worthy of the glory to come which shal be shewed vpō vs. Also the feruēt desyre of the creatures abydeth lokyng whē the songes of god shall appere because the creatures are subdued to vanyte agaynst theyr wyl but for his wyll
.j. sōdaye after Easter daye called lowe Sōdaye The .j. Pystel of Iohn̄ the .v. cha E MOste dere beloued brethren all that is borne of god ouercommeth the worlde and this is the victorye that ouercommeth the worlde euen our fayth who is that ouercōmeth the world but he which beleueth the Iesus is the sonne of god This Iesus Christ is he that came by water and blode not by water only but by water and blode it is the spirite that beareth wytnes because the spryte is trueth for there are .iij. which beare recorde in heuē the father / the worde the holy ghost these .iij. are one for there are .iij. whiche beare recorde in earth The spirite the water / and bloude and these .iij. are one / if we receyue the wytnesse of mē the witnesse of god is greter for this is the wytnesse of god which he testyfyed of his sonne He the beleueth on the sonne of God / hath wytnesse in hym selfe ¶ The Gospell on the .j. Sonday after Easter day called lowe sonday the .xx chapiter of Iohn̄ E THe same daye at nyght whiche was the morowe after the Saboth daye when the dores were shut where the discyples were assembled togyther for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stode in the myddes and sayde to them Peace be with you and when he had so sayde he shewed vnto them his hādes and his syde Then were the discyples glad when they sawe the Lorde Then sayde Iesus to them agayne Peace be with you As my father sent me euen so sende I you when he had sayde that he brethed on them and sayd vnto them Receyue the holy ghost who soeuers synnes ye remytte they are remytted vnto them who soeuers synnes ye retayne they are retayned but Thomas one of the twelue called Didimus was not with thē when Iesus came the other discipl●s sayd vnto hym We haue sene the lorde and he sayd vnto them excepte I se in his handes the prynte of the nayles and put my fynger in the hooles of the nayles truste my hande into hys syde I wyll not beleue And after .viij. dayes agayne his disciples were within Thomas with thē Then came Iesus when the dores were shut stode in the myddes and saide Peace be with you after that sayde he to Thomas brynge thy fynger hyther and se my handes and brynge thy hande and thruste it into my syde and be not faythlesse but beleuyng Thomas answered and sayd vnto hym my lorde and my god Iesus sayd vnto him Thomas because thou haste sene me therfore thou beleuest Happy are they the hath not sene yet beleue And many other sygnes dyd Iesus in the presence of his discyples which are not wrytē in this boke These are wryten that ye myght beleue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of mā and that in beleuynge ye myght haue lyfe thorowe hys name ¶ The Pystle on the .ij. Sondaye after Easter day the .j. pystle of Peter the .ij. chapiter C. MOoste dere beloued brethren Chryste suffered for vs leuynge vs an ensample that ye shulde folowe his steppes which did no synne neyther was there gyle foūde in his mouth which when he was reuyled reuyled not agayne whē he suffered he threatened not but commytted the cause to hym the iudgeth ryghtouslye which his owne selfe bare our synnes in his body on the tree that we shulde be delyuered from synne shulde lyue in right wisnes by whose strypes ye were healed for ye were as shepe goynge astraye but are nowe returned vnto the shepeherde and byshop of youre soules ¶ The Gospel on the .ij. Sonday after Easter daye The .x. chapiter of Iohn̄ C. IEsus sayd to his disciples I am the good shepherde the good shepherde gyueth his lyfe for his shepe an hyred seruaunte which is not the shepherd neyther the shepe are his owne seyeth the wolfe comming and leueth the shepe and flyeth and the wolfe cascheth them scattereth the shepe The hyred seruaunt flyeth because he is an hyred seruaūte careth not for the shepe I am the good shepherd and knowe myne and am knowen of myne As my father knoweth me euen so knowe I my father And I giue my lyfe for the shepe and other shepe I haue which are not of this folde them also must I bryng that they may heare my voyce that there maye be one floke one shepherde ¶ The Pystle on the .iij. Sonday after Easter day The .j. Pystle of Peter the .ij. chapiter C. MOst dere beloued brethren I beseche you as straungers pylgrymes abstayne frome flesshlye lustes whyche fyght agaynst the soule and se that ye haue honest conuersaciō amonge the Gentyles that they whiche backebyte you as euyll doers maye se your good workes and prayse God in the daye of visitacyon submyt your selues vnto all maner ordynaunce of man for the Lordes sake whether it be vnto the kynge as vnto the cheyfe heed eyther vnto the rulers as vnto theym that are sent of hym for the punysshemente of euyll doers but for the lande of theym that doo well for so is the wyll of GOD that ye put to sylence the ignorauncy of the folyshe men as free not as hauyng the libierte for a cloke of malycyousnes but euen as the seruauntes of god honour al men loue brotherly felysshyp feare god honour the Kynge seruauntes obey your masters with all feare not onely yf they be good curteous but also though they be froward for it cōmeth of grace in Christ Iesus our lord ¶ The Gospell on the .iij. Sondaye after Easter daye the .xvj. Chapiter of Iohn̄ D. IEsus sayde to hys dyscyples after a whyle ye shall not seme agayne after a whyle ye shall se me for I go to the father then sayd some of hys discyples betwene thē selues what is this that he sayeth vnto vs. After a whyle ye shal not se me and agayne after a whyle ye shall se me and that I go to the father They sayd therfore what is thys that he sayd sayth after a whyle we can not tell what he sayeth Iesus perceyued that they wolde axe hym sayd vnto them This is it that ye enquyre of betwene your selues that I said after a whyle ye shal not seme agayn after a whyle ye shal se me Verelye verelye I saye vnto you ye shall wepe and lamēte and the worlde shall reioyce ye shall sorow but your sorowe shall be turned to ioy A woman when she trauayleth hath sorowe bycause her houre is come but as sone as she is delyuered of the chylde remembreth no more the anguysshe for ioye the a man is borne into the worlde And ye nowe are in sorowe but I wyl se you agayne And your hertes shal reioyce and your ioye shall no man take from you ¶ The Pystle on the .iiij. Sondaye after Easter daye The .j. Chapyter of Iames. C MOst dere beloued brethren euery good gyfte euery perfyte gyfte is frome aboue
¶ The Gospell on Wytson sonday the .xiiij. chapi of Iohn̄ E. IEsus sayd vnto his disciples yf any man loue me / wyll kepe my saynges My father also wyl loue hym we wyl come vnto hym / wyl dwel with him He that loueth me not kepeth not my saynges the wordes which ye heare are not mine but the father which sente me This haue I spoken vnto you beyng yet p̄sent with you but the cōforter whiche is the holy ghost whom my father wyl gyue in my name shall teache you all thynges brynge all thynges to your remembraunce what soeuer I haue told you Peace I leaue with you my peace I giue vnto you not as the worlde giueth gyue I vnto you let not your hertes be greued neyther feare ye ye haue herde how I sayd vnto you I go come agayn vnto you / if ye loued me ye wold verely reioyce because I sayd I go vnto the father for the father is greater then I. And now haue I shewed you before it come that whē it is come to passe ye myghte beleue Here after wyll I not talke many wordes vnto you for the cheyfe ruler of the worlde cōmeth hath naught in me but that the world may knowe that I loue the father and as the father gaue me cōmaūdement euen so do I. ¶ The Pystle on the Monday in the Wytson weke the .x. cha of the Actes of the Apostles F. PEter opened hys mouthe and sayde Iesus commanded vs to preache vnto the people and to testifie that it is he that is ordeyned of god a iudge of quycke dead to him gyueth al the ꝓphetes witnes that thorow his name shal receyue remissiō of synnes all that beleue in him whyle Peter yet spake these wordes the holy ghost fell on all thē which herde his preachynge And they of the circūcision whiche beleued were astonied as many as came with Peter because that on the gentyls also was shede out the gyfte of the holy ghost for they herde them speake with tonges and mangnyfy god Then answered Peter can any man forbyd water that these shulde not be baptysed whiche haue receyued the holy ghost as wel as we And he commaunded thē to be baptised in the name of oure Lorde Iesus Christe ¶ The Gospel on the Mondaye in the Wytson weke the the .iiij. Chapiter of Iohn̄ B. IEsus sayde vnto a ruler amōge the Pharyses God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely sonne for the entente that none the beleue in him shulde perysshe but shulde haue euerlastyng lyfe for god sent not his sonne into the worlde to cōdēne the worlde but that the worlde thorowe hym myght be saued he that beleueth on hym shall not be condempned but he that beleueth not is condempned al redy because he beleued not in the name of the onely sonne of God And this is the condempnacyon That lyght is come in to the worlde and the men haue loued darkenes more thē light because theyr dedes were euyl for euery man that doth euyl hateth the light neyther commeth to lyght least hys dedes shuld be reproued but he the doth the trueth commeth to the lyghte / that hys dedes myght be knowen howe that they are wrought in god ¶ The Pystle on the Tewysday in the Wytson weke the .viij. Chapiter of the Actes of the Apostles B. WHen the Apostles whiche were at Ierusalem herd saye the Samaria had receyued the worde of god / they sente vnto thē Peter Iohn̄ whiche when they were come prayed for thē that they might receyue thy holy ghost for as yet he was come on none of them but they were baptysed onely in the name of Chryste Iesu Then layed they theyr handes on them and they receyued the holy ghoste ¶ The Gospel on the tewysday in the Wytson weke the .x. chapiter of Iohn̄ A. IEsus sayde vnto his discyples Verely verely I saye vnto you whosoeuer entreth not in by the dore into the shepe folde but clymmeth vp some other waye / he is a thefe a robber He that goeth in by the dore is the shepeherde of the shepe To this man the Porter openeth the dore the shepe here his voyce / he calleth his owne shepe by name he ledeth thē out when he hath sent forth his owne shepe / he goeth before thē the shepe folowe hym / for they knowe his voyce / A straūger they wyll not folowe / but wyll flye frō hym / for they know not the voyce of straūgers This maner of sayeng spake Iesus vnto thē they vnderstode not what thīges they were which he spake vnto them Thā sayd Iesus vnto thē agayne Verely I say vnto you that I am the dore of the shepe All euen as many as came before me are theues robbers but the shepe dyd not here them I am the dore by me yf any man entre in he shal be safe shal go in out and fynd pasture The thefe cōmeth not but for to steale / kyll / and destroye I am come that they myghte haue lyfe / and haue it the more habundantly ¶ The Pystle on the wednysdaye in the Wytson weke The .ij. Chapyter of the Actes Apostles C PEter stepte forth with the eleuen and lyfte vp his voyce sayde vnto them / ye men of Iewry all ye that in habyte Ierusalem be this knowē vnto you / and with your eares heare my wordes These are not drōken as ye wene for it is yet the thyrde houre of the day but this is that which was spokē by the prophet Iohel It shall be in the laste dayes sayth god of my spyryte I wyll powre out vpō all flessh your sonnes your doughters shal prophesye your yonge men shal se visiōs your olde mē shal dreame dreames on my seruaūtes / on my hād maydēs I wyll powre out of my spyrite in those dayes they shall prophesy I wyll shewe wōders in heuē aboue tokēs in the earth byneth bloude fyre the vapoure of smoke The sonne shal be turned into darknes the moue into bloude before the great notable daye of the Lorde shall come and the tyme shall come / that whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde shal be saued ¶ The Gospel on the Wednysdaye in Wytson weke The .vj. Chapiter of Iohn̄ E IEsus sayd vnto his disciples to the cōpany of the Iewes No man can come vnto me excepte my Father whyche hath sente me drawe hym I wyll rayse him vp at the laste day It is wryten in the prophetes And they shall all be taught of god euery mā which hath herde lerned of the father cōmeth vnto me not that any man hath sene the father saue he which is of GOD the same hathe sene the father Verelye verelye I saye vnto you he that beleueth on me hath euerlastynge lyfe I am the breade of lyfe your fathers dyd eate Manna in the