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A15970 The vvhole Psalter translated into English metre, which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes. The first quinquagene; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Parker. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575.; Tallis, Thomas, 1505 (ca.)-1585. 1567 (1567) STC 2729; ESTC S102297 215,780 544

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voyces eyght Right statutes olde precepts decrees cōmaundemēts word law Known iudgemēts domes witnesses al rightous wais thei draw Enuie no man Gods worde to painte in arte by such deuise Reade Hebrue tonge the tong so sainte and causeles be not nise Upfolde be here Gods truthes discust right sure vs all to teache So lies of man all low be thrust full false in glosing speache ¶ The Argument Psalme CXIX This Psalme dewrayth good mens desire Gods law to know so milde Which Dauid prayth whom men in ire Did curse from home exilde Aleph 1. ̄̄ 1 A Rightvp man of perfect wayes ▪ is blest and blest agayne As blest be they which walke their dayes in gods true law so playne 2 And yet I speake so blest they be who kepe his witnesses All whole in hart which will agrée to search Gods promises 3 Admit they do no sinfulnes who walke his pathes alwayes At wil who worke but wickednes they tread not these his wayes 4 Aduisedly thou gauest in charge thy hests that we should kepe Approued so by thée at large ▪ for vs most due to leke 5 Ah then O lord ▪ where the wilt so would God my wayes were steyd Affected right in hart to go thy statutes iustly leyd 6 Ashamed then I shall not shrinke in hart or visage cold Abacke to stand what tyme I thinke thy lawes and them behold 7 Ascribe will I to thée my thanke in hart most right and clene Assoone as I shall learne so franke thy iudgements iust besene 8 Agayne I vow withall my hart to kepe thy true decrées A far then Lord do not depart from me thy grace to léefe In quo corigit 1 By what or how can yong man clense ▪ or yet reforme his way Best word of thyne if he the sence will warely kepe I saye 2 Betymes where I thy word haue sought with all my harts entent Be guyde lest I might erre in thought from thy commaundemēt ▪ 3 By lowe I hyd thy word in hart thy willes inspird to kepe Blasphemingly lest might I start from thée in sinne to déepe 4 Both blest and praysed thou doost remayne O lord of secrecye Bestryde my hart and teach my brayne thy statutes inwardly 5 Bold haue I bene and euer shall by thée with tong to tell Before all men thy iudgements all which once thou spakst so well ▪ 6 Blith whole my hart did ioye to trace ▪ thy testimonyes wayes Beholding them more glad in face than riches gaynfull prayse 7 Bestowe I will my tyme and talke in thy precepts to muse Beside to note thy wondrous walke no tyme I will refuse 8 Besport me still I purpose me in thy decrées whole set Beleue I haue thy wordes decrée no tyme I shall forget Retribue 1 Confirme O lord thy seruantes will with thy good grace so meke Consist that I in lyfe may still so iust thy wordes to kepe 2 Cleare thou mine eies both darke thral reforme my sprite afresh Consider then thy law I shall what meruels they expresse 3 Cast here on earth as Pilgrimes be I am poore traueler Conceale not Lord thy law from me depart not thou to fer 4 Consume do I afflict in sprite for loue to know thy worde Comprise I would alwayes aright thy iudgements hye O Lorde 5 Correct thou doost the proud therfore which thy precepts despise Curst be they all from thy good lore who wander wyll to nyse 6 Contempt and shame frō me remoue which proud men cast on me Content for that in lyfe I loue thy lawes to testifie 7 Chiefe Princes lo in counsell sate and me they hie controld Chaunge yet my choyce so would I not I vsed thy statutes bold 8 Cause why to me thy witnesses are whole my hartes delites Close counsellers they be no lesse agaynst these cursed wyghtes Adhesit 1 Deare Lord to dust my soule is knit nye dead I ligh for griefe Draw nye my life and quicken it with thy swéete wordes reliefe ▪ 2 Detect I haue my wayes to thée thou aunswerdst me agayne Declare thy will that I may sée in hart thy statutes playne 3 Due sence geue me to vnderstand the wayes of thy preceptes Demure I will then take in hand to talke thy wondrous steppes 4 Distemperd cares dyd melt my hart to note the worldes despite Deale then some ease in gentle part as thy true worde hath hight 5 Deliuer me from lying wayes from suttle glosing sect Delite my hart in all thy layes vouchsaue this good effect 6 Do this for why right path of lyfe I haue now chosen due Deteyne I will myne eyes so rife to vew thy iudgements true 7 Directly Lord where hold I haue thy testimonyes fast Defame me not of thée I craue to fall by shame agast 8 Deliuerly runne shall I light thy lawes the perfect gate Dilated large ▪ when thou in sprite shalt make it ioy in state Legem pone 1 Eternall God teach me the way of thy most iust decrées Euen then I shall kepe them all day in all their full degrées 2 Employ my wits to perfectnes so hold thy law I may Effect therof I shall expresse wyth all my hartes assay 3 Eke lead me strayt to sée the path of thy preceptes most right Elect for why my hart themhath wherin I most delite 4 Egge thou my hart to magnifie thy testimonies all Escape that I may vtterly foule auarice thée gall 5 Erect myne eyes not down to cliue by lustes to things most vayne Encleare my sight and me reuiue thy wayes to loue the trayne 6 Establish Lord thy worde all sure thy seruaunt lo I am Els could not I thy feare procure to reuerence thy name 7 Eftsoones remoue the brute vnswete of shame that I do feare Espy I do thy doomes discrete all mixt with mercy deare 8 Enforst I haue lo all my minde thy statutes iust to sue Encourage me soone them to finde I craue thy iustice true Et veniat 1 First Lord I craue thy grace deuyne thy mercyes swéete to féele Fence thou my soule with health of thyne as thy true word doth deale 2 Fynd thus I maye to answere right and dul blasphemers slent● Fast that my hope is wholly plight to thyne aduertisments 3 Farre driue not lord thy word most sure frō out my mouth to stray Full still for why I will endure to wayte thy iudgements way 4 Ferme will I kepe thy laye and lore sith thou wilt teach the way Fayth still to beare I wyll the more from age to age for aye 5 Fayre walke and large thus shall I hold in conscience vpright Forth on where I do séeke so bolde thy cleare precepts in light 6 Frée shall my tong thy witnes tell before both Lord and king Foule shame shall not my hart debell to shrinke for manacyng 7 Fro thence I shall my comfort fynd thy lawes shall me delyte Fresh loue I beare to them in mynde no tyme
did disdayne How the very right way he mought attayne 4 I noted eke so by night what he thought When Gods men vsen to recount their trespas ▪ But his head in his bed all mischiefe sought Imagening all goodnes to deface To banyshe all truth and that to disgrace In no godly way set was his busy brayne For all wicked wayes he toke for hys gayne 5 The wicked thus heaping his sinne on hy● Where by desert he might be forsake How meruelous O Lord is than thy mercy That from this world thy care thou dost not take Hye vp to heauen and clouds his course doth it make All men to féede both good and eke the bad Such faythfulnes euer thy promyse haue had 6 Thy prouidence O God most meruelous To all men mortall is inscrutable More stable and hye then mountaynes hideous More déepe then sea botomles vnsearcheable Be thy secret iudgements insuperable For not man only of thy power doth tast But brute beasts of thée also hath their repast 7 Man might muse much O God this to expēd But what earthly man could this matter tell How thou by thy hand doost all things defend In what bounty thy mercy doth excell How profound eke thou art in thy counsell Well Adams childern may well in thée trust Under thy good wings to be shadowed iust 8 Who wil thy blessed word trust in faith sure They shal be filled with all plenteousnes For thy store house is full of all pleasure For thou geuest them to tast of thy sprits goodnes Whose swete welles they shall drynke by thy larges From whose bellyes shall lyuely water spring Others to refreshe to thy gloryfyeng 9 For with the only be these welles of lyfe Of frayle men spring but podels of myre From whom sourdeth errour croked strife In the only is that we can require Both lyght truth and lyfe to fill our desire For in thy lyght truely lyght must we sée Or els in all darkenes wrapt shall we dée 10 Thy gentle goodnes O Lord impart To such as faythfully thy word do kepe Who know thée both wyse merciful in hart That from day to day they may thy face seke For they to thée beare aright their hartes meke Thy righteousnes they know thy iudgements Thy holy worde eke thy commaundementes 11 Since than the meke of hart be so at ease And proude be out of fauour all exilde Kepe me O Lord from pride their foule disease For they haue both thée and thy worde reuylde Let not my foote be in theyr steps begylde Kepe away from my soule their violence That they lay no hand vpon my pacience 12 Thus depe musing with my selfe in a trance Callyng to mynde the endes of good and bad Though they tweine here lead a life in distance How the bad for hys myrth shall once be sad And the good for theyr woe shall once be glad How the nought shal be cast on the worse hand then déemd I in fine that truth shal sure stand ¶ The Argument Psalme XXXVI Here playne do ye see how the earthly man All sinne do commit in his hart that he can No loue can him moue of the Lord for to see No feare can him stay from hys errour to flee 1 THe wycked in hart as I gesse is he bent All sinfull abuse in hys lyfe to frequent Of God hath he not any feare in hys eyes So wilfull he goes in hys awkly deuyse 2 For blyndly he vseth for to flatter himselfe So pride hath hym puft by his waltering wealth Untyll that his sinne so behated of God Found out by his search be dewrayed by his rod. 3 The wordes of hys mouth be vnrightfully wayed In sleyghty deceyt be they craftely layed Quyte ceased he hath to behaue hym aryght Good déed for to do hath he driuen from hys syght 4 All mischiefe he dreames to deuise in his bed From godly desertes hath he turned hys hed No way that is good hath he ●leaued vnto No euill can he hats but in it doth he go 5 Thy mercy O Lord to the heauen doth ascend Styll hym to abide so to make hym amend Thy faythfulnes eke to the cloudes doth amount Though graceles he be not hys lyfe to recount 6 Thy righteousnes standeth like the mountayns on hye Most stable it is how so vaynly he lye Thy Iustice in domes to the déepes be they lyke Frayle man with the beast with thy helth for to séeke ▪ 7 How wondrous O God is thy pityfull hart Thus man to relieue in hys lyfe ouerthwart More suerly trust may the chyldren of men Thy wynges shall them kéepe as her birdes doth y● hen 8 Full fed shall they be by thy plenteous store Thy grace is so large to thy prayse euermore Swéete drinke shall they haue by thy deinty repast As floudes do ▪ we sée fro the sprynges to be cast 9 For truly with thée is the fountayne of lyfe All vertue in whom may we spye to be rife No doubt in thy light shall we light euer sée And blynd shall we be if we vary fro thée 10 Continue to them O thy fatherly grace Who knowe thy renome who thy bounty embrace To them do we craue so thy iustice impart Who serue thée aright in a purified hart 11 One bone for my selfe do I hartely pray No foote of the proud that against me he laye And let not the hand of the wickedly wight Confound me by sleight ▪ so to vanguyshe my might 12 Euen there are they fallen in their crafty deuise These workers of euyll be they neuer so nyse And cast be they downe by thy powerfull hand Not able to ryse neuer able to stand The Argument Psalme XXXVII Here taught we be our selfe in hart to hang of God That we deny our selfe in hart to hang of God How good shall well at last in state haue their abode And euill shall euill at last in state haue their abode 1 ENsue thou not men obstinate Ne fret in hart ne stryue wyth them Enuy thou nat theyr wycked state A tyme but short to row the streme 2 For soone as hay they shall away as witherd grasse cut downe I say So swiftly fade as herbe the blade how gréene and fresh so euer it lay 3 Trust thou the Lord hold fast hys worde be doyng still good righteous déede Dwell thou in land hold still thy hand in truth and rest thy fayth to féede 4 Thus thy delyte shall God be ryght to hym than set thyne eare and hart What mynde can craue or wyshe to haue God wyll it iust ryght soone impart 5 Commit thy way thy state and stay to Gods most strong all louyng grace Trust hym in fayth for what he sayth he bringth it well to redy passe 6 He will expresse thy ryghteousnes at length of tyme as sunne so bryght And will endue thy iudgement true wyth lyght as noone doth shyne in sight 7 Be still in God abyde hys rod let
myne heritage to sée 7 The Lord to blisse I wyll not mysse who gaue me counsayle so My reynes by nyght yet shewd me lyght in thought to God to go 8 In face I set my God so great he alwayes was my marke For strong he standth on my ryght hand how can I fall in darke 9 For helpe thus had my harte was glad my glory ioyed his fill My flesh in graue though earth it haueth yet rest in hope it will 10 For why in hell my soule to dwell thou wilt not leaue it there The holy one corruption to sée thou canst not beare 11 Thou shalt shew mée lyues path 〈◊〉 sée and ioy in thy good sight Thy ryght hand hase all ioyfull grace to stand for aye in might ▪ ¶ The Collecte PReserue O mighty Lorde all them whiche trust in thee graue in our hurtes to fulfill 〈◊〉 holy will that whyle we be recomforted with the ioyfull remembraunce of thy resurrection we may attayne to sitte on thy right hande wyth thy blessed sayntes in ioy euerlasting through Christ c. The Argument Psalme XVII That fayth myght stand the iust man praythfull fayne In vpper hand the iust man praythfull fayne And museth in part thus should be vext in payne That iust in hart thus should be vext in payne 1 HEare thou the right O Lord my might consider my complaynt My lippes be streight and hate deceight geue eare to my constraynt 2 Geue thou assent to myne entent in hand my right to take Let thy good eye my cause discrye for thée my iudge I make 3 My hart thou tridst by nyght thou sp●dst thou scorndst me nye in déed Thou foundst not yet my fault so great my thought to mouth agréed 4 Mens workes ful nought by them so wrought agaynst thy worde and wyll Made me to marke theyr wayes most darke thy lawes who do but spill 5 O stay my féete of lyfe most méete thy worde to holde the path Least wrong I walke thy truth to balke to slip in thy great wrath 6 O God of all on thée I call for thou my sute wy●● heare Enclyne to mée thy face so frée my wordes in hearyng beare 7 Thy mercies great extend thou yet saue them whych trust in thée From such as stand agaynst thy hand and vayne resisters bée 8 As ball of eye O tenderly kepe me my Lord and kyng And shadow me so close to be hyd vnder thy good wyng 9 Defend me quyte from all the spyte of them that me molest My foes I sée round compasse me my soule to haue opprest 10 So fat and fed they iet so redde in wealth they stand full hye Proud spéeche to séeke euen what they léeke they walke disdaynfully 11 In wayes they wayte to note our gate so set on euery side They bend theyr eyes as crafty spies on ground to cast vs wyde 12 Lyke Lyon slye they priuy lye which gréedy séekth his pray As close it were fierce wolfe or beare or Lyons whelpe they lay 13 For thy renowne ryse cast hym downe destroy hys spyte O God My soule O saue from wycked ●laue who is thy sword and rod. 14 From men so fond that be thy hond O Lord from worldly beast Who make good chere thou filst them here they leaue theyr babes the rest 15 And I shall bold thy face beholde in righteousnes so bryght I shall in déede be satisfide thy glory brought to lyght ¶ The Collecte COnuert the eyes of our faith O dere father to beholde the truth of thy iudgement that when wee be tryed by the spirituall fire of probation we maye haue at the last fruition of thy glorious presence to be satisfied wyth the fruite of thy righteousnes Thorough Christ our Lorde Amen The Argument Psalme XVIII Christ here in this geueth thankes to God aright For hym and his geueth thankes to God aright For that they bee from all vngodly spight Deliuered free from all vngodly spight 1 I Will loue thée most inwardly O Lord my strength thou art Thy mercies all both great and small do comfort much my hart 2 My Lord is hence my rocke and fence my sauyng God I say My myght and shield my trust in field my horne of health my stay 3 The Lorde alwayes most worthy prayes on hym I mynde to call So safe shall I most stedfastly escape myne enemies all 4 The greuousnes of deadly stresse dyd compasse me about The streames of sinne so whelmd me in they troubled me full out 5 The paynes of hell that were so fell dyd me inclose full fast The trappes and snares of deadly cares preuented me in hast 6 In troublous wo I cald vnto my Lord my God in feare To heare my case his will it was my cry euen toucht hys eare 7 The earth did shake for feare did quake the hils theyr bases shooke Remoued they were in place most faire at Gods ryght fearefull looke 8 Darke smoke rose so hys face there fro hys mouth as fire consumde That coales at it were kyndled bryght when he in anger fumde 9 The heauens fullow he made to bowe and downe dyd he ensue And darkenes great was vnder set his féete in clowdy hue 10 He rode on hye and dyd so flye vpon the Cherubins He came in sight and made hys flight vpon the wyng of wyndes 11 His place he set In darkenes great as secret there to byde Wyth cloudes about he set it out wyth waters blacke beside 12 At hys great light of present sight the cloudes past ouer quight As stones of hayle do melt and quayle by coales in fire light 13 The Lord from heauen sent down his leauen and thundred thence in ire He thunder cast in wonders blast wyth hayle and coales of fire 14 With arrow dartes he gald theyr hartes and scatterd them about And forth he bringes hys lightnyngs the Lord destroyd theyr rout 15 When he dyd thret the waters set theyr springes to be dewrayed The blastyng breath of hys great wrath the worldes déepe bo●tome shewd 16 From heauen aboue his grace and loue to fetche me he dyd send From waters déepe he dyd me kéepe he dyd me strong defend 17 He dyd represse I saw no lesse my foes that strongest be And rid me quite of all theyr spite to strong they were for me 18 They dyd preuent with troublement the day of my great stresse Yet Gods good hand dyd them wythstand preuentyng theyr excesse 19 In libertie he placed mée and led me strayght thereto He brought me out of stresse no doubt hys grace dyd loue me so 20 The Lord dyd thus most gracious my dealyng he aloude He dyd me quite as he in sight me innocent approued 21 For Gods true wayes I kept alwayes Hys law I trustd therto Wyth my Lord God I still abode the wycked do not so 22 I haue an eye hys law to spye from mans tradition Nor hys precept dyd I reiect to my destruction 23 And pure I went wyth true
this my Lord He was my helpe so trustelie Let méeke men heare wyth one accorde Let wofull men ioye willingly That God hath done so louingly From whom all grace doth downe distill Geue thankes I will 3 Prayse ye the Lorde wyth hart and voyce With me ye sée hys gentlenes Together come let vs reioyce To laude hys name in faythfulnes Lyke ayde to you he wyll expresse To kéepe from you all troublous ill Geue thankes I will 4 I sought the Lord he sent me ease He hard my griefe and all my payne He pluckt me forth of all disease That deadly gript my hart the vayne He rid my feare he turnd agayne For I hym sought with all my skill Geue thankes I will 5 I fledde to hym and sawe his light Who eye did cast to his good grace All lightened were with visage bright Confounded not were they in face No payne no spite could them disgrace God them defendes none can them spill Geue thankes I will 6 God hard my crye as sweete incense I poore man lo felt this in part He geueth all blisse he quith offence He bade all wo from me depart Of troublous paine to quench the dart Right sone he did his worde fulfill Geue thankes I will 7 Gods host stode by to strength my fight For angels power most glorious About the iust lie strong in myght To make hym goe victorious To scape theyr foes so quarilous Hys power in grace endureth still Geue thankes I wil. 8 O taste and sée he none forsakth Gods goodnes smelleth most fragrantly To whom who wyll themselfe betake O blest they go ryght happelie Who trust in hym assuredlie To them all helpe shall downe distill Geue thankes I will 9 O feare the Lord in childelie feare Ye saintes of hys in holines Serue hym in truth your hartes him beare For who hym dredth in singlenes Can féele no want in baronnes No hurt no harme nor other ill Geue thankes I will 10 The Lyons lacke in hunger fret The ryche I meane and gluttons vayne To seke theyr pray though they be set No foode wyth rest can they obtayne Who séekes the Lord shall misse no gayne Of all mens néede he hath the skill Geue thankes I wil. 11 I saylde full sure the seas at length Ye children come and heare the case I wyll you teach Gods feare and strength By that I scapte so doubtfull place For God me kept in all my race From all theyr hate which would me spill Geue thankes I will 12 Swéete lyfe is good it makth men glad Who loueth it well wyth all hys hart He shall not néede to be adrad From dayes eterne who would not start Kéepe ye hys tong from ouerthwart And all good wordes let hym fulfill Geue thankes I wyll 13 Fast truthfull worde confoundth all blame Inure thy tong in truth to lose Truth may be shent yet feare no shame Forbeare all wordes opprobrious All craft all curse most odious For God of myght wyll strength thée still Geue thankes I will 14 Flée euill do good and haue good rest Olde Adam kill thou formerlie So Adam newe wyll follow best Then séeke thou peace most busilie But it ensue most earnestly For peace from God doth full distill Geue thankes I wyll 15 God séeth the iust in prouidence Hys eyes them marke in tendernes He them relieueth in indigens Hys eares he bendes in redines When they do pray in carefulnes He heares theyr voyce that worke none ill Geue thankes I wyll 16 God hateth the proude and them beshenth With irefull face to daunt theyr brayne Hys vysage grim on them is bent Theyr gay renowne he wyll distayne Whych aye to lyue they would so fayne Where they reiect all truth and skill Geue thankes I wyll 17 The iust opprest to God they cryed He heard them soone in tyme and place In stresse and néede he them espyed Wyth all defence he them dyd brace To make them safe he hyed hys pace For ryghtfull men no spyte can spyll Geue thankes I wyll 18 God loueth the méeke theyr ghostes be swéete To them soft sprites he doth impart Wyth faythfull teares who here doth gréete He wyll them ease of all theyr smarte To scape their foes theyr spytefull arte Who would theyr wrecke on them fulfill Geue thankes I will 19 The iust felt payne they yet indurde In woes though wrapt all dolorous Great gayne to them is death assured God them so stayeth most meruelous They ioye in lyfe most troubelous The rage therof to quenche and still Geue thankes I wyll 20 The iust be strong they neuer quayle Theyr bones in strength kept totallie Theyr constant hartes can neuer fayle Theyr heyres be numbred seuerallie No bone to breake can possiblie Such helpe from God doth most distill Geue thankes I wyll 21 The euill dyeth euyll to death full loth To late he spyeth hys wyckednes He must feare death that hated troth He must for swéete féele bitternes He harmde the iust he sinnd no lesse As euill he lyued so dyeth he ill Geue thankes I wyll 22 Thanke thou the Lord who kéepes thée still All helpe from hym doth ay distill Poore soules he ridde from bondage ill Of wo and thrall none shall haue skill Whych trust in hym nought shall them spill O then hys prayse looke ye fulfill Geue thankes I wyll ¶ The Argument Psalme XXXV Christ prayth in this for recompence his foes to reape agayne theyr part So man for wrong done hym agens doth yet no spite in hatefull hart 1 PLead thou O Lord my ryghtfull case O iudge thy selfe my hurtfull foes Oppugne thou them in open face which me all day impugne to lose 2 Lay hand O Lord vpon the sworde and eke take so the buckler to Stand vp to helpe in thy good worde to kéepe from me my wrathfull fo 3 Bryng forth the speare and stop the way of them so fierce which me would harme To my poore soule good Lord oh say I am thy health and stable arme 4 Let them be driuen and put to shame that séeke by craft my soule to spill Put them abacke to shamefull name that me wyth griefe would deadly fill 5 Make them to bée as dust we sée before the wynde so lightly blowne In hast let Gods swift aungel nie them dryue in chase wyth power knowne 6 Make way to them all slippery let it to them be blynd and darke Gods aungel so mought dryue them by to féele thy myght and handy warke 7 For they close net and snare haue layd euen causeles me to kil and stroy Yea causles sure euen as I sayd my soule in pit and graue to cloy 8 Let sodayne wo take hym vnware hys crafty net hymselfe to trap Let mischiefe fall wyth payne and care ryght soone into hys onely lap 9 My soule I say I bid thée leape wyth ioye all glad in thys thy Lord It shall no doubt hys health so reape that ioy he shall alway recorde 10 My
and lore Both hye and low all whole in row the ryche and eke the poore 3 My mouth shall splay all wisdomes way that will man kepe and saue My hart doth muse most godly truthes all vnderstandyng graue 4 I wyll incline these eares of myne to parable full méete Déepe wordes in harpe my mouth wil carpe the sence though shall be swéete 5 Why should I feare euill dayes to beare to set on mucke my hart That euen my héele of lyfe so euill at last myght bryng me smart 6 For some there bée whose hartes agrée in goodes to put theyr trust And boast themselues as carkyng elues of ryches store vniust 7 No brother can redeme a man from death though fayne he would Or God to go to offer to agréement who so should 8 The pryce to great herein is set from death a soule to bye That must he leaue to gods owne leaue for aye in hym to lye 9 That is to say that he should aye byde here in mor●all state That he no graue ▪ should euer haue but lyue in pleasant ra●e 10 For he may spy that wyse men dye and peryshe all the fort As well the wyse as mad and nyse to others leaue theyr port 11 And can they thynke that neuer sinke theyr houses shall and fames That they here still shall dwell theyr fill and landes to beare theyr names 12 It will not be that euer he shall last in glory gay But forth must go as beastes they do in britle state and way 13 Lo this theyr way is folishe stray they blunder blyndly thus And yet theyr broode prayse this for good as fooles obliuious 14 They shall lye déepe in hell lyke shéepe and death shall gnaw theyr mawe But clere in lyght of mornyng bryght the iust shall be their awe 15 Theyr beauty gay shall wast away in graue with stinche on swéete Theyr housee clene shal not be sene for them so after méete 16 But as for me my God euen be my soule he iust will saue From hell the power in blessed hower my sprite to hym to haue 17 But feare thou nat ne deare thou that though one be welthy made Though now hys house shyne glorious in honours portly trade 18 For nought he shall of riches all hence cary whan he dyth Nor yet hys pryde hys pompe so wyde in graue wyth hym shall lye 19 Whyle here he dwelt hys soule he delt all ease wyth pleasures wealth Such men will thée prayse wyse to bée if thou so helpst thy selfe 20 That thou also wyth them myghtst go theyr fathers steps to sue Where they no lyght shall sée in syght for theyr excesse vndue 21 Man lyuyng thus all gorgious who vnderstandyng wanth Is lyke to beast wyth them to rest whose fame is short and scant ¶ The Collecte REplenish our mouthes O Lord with thy heauenly wisdom that we may remēber the mystery of thy blessed incarnation wherby thou redemest vs frō the power of hell graunt that we may be found meete to be presented to thy blessed face through c. The Argument Psalme L. Here is reproued the sacrifice of Iewes for foolishe trust And taught here is wyth sad aduise that thankes be yet more iust 1 THe God of Gods the lord of myght one God in persons thrée He bidth and calth the earth in sight from East to West to sée 2 Thys God appeard from Zyon hill as God of beauty most From whence he would should spring his wil and law to euery coast 3 Our God is come in tyme of grace he wyll no silence kéepe Wyth wastyng fire before hys face about hym tempest déepe 4 The heauen aboue the earth below he doth vpon them call Hys people all to iudge and know to helpe them that be thrall 5 Collect ye now my sayntes sayth he in one before my sight Who stand in leage and pact wyth me by sacrifices ryte 6 The heauens shall sprede hys iustice cleare that all the world may spy That God himselfe wyll iudge appeare the good from bad to try 7 My people heare for thus I say thy selfe to wytnesse iust O Israell thy God alway thy God I am to trust 8 For sacrifice or burnt incence I wyll not thée reproue To blame therin thy negligence to send them me aboue 9 From out thy house I wyll not craue Bull Bullocke Oxe or calfe Of thy folde els he goates to haue to ioy of theyr behalfe 10 The beastes that grase the wood so wyde they be all myne at wyll On thousand hyls the beastes that stryde I made them thée to fill 11 On mo●ataynes foules that vse theyr flyght I know them all and some Wylde beastes of field be nye my sight as made for my renoume 12 If hungers stresse though myght I fele I would not tell it thée The world all whole euen euery dele is myne and all ye sée 13 And thinkst thou thus so grosse in wit that I buls flesh would eate Or bloud of Goates to drynke of it as bloud to spill were swéete 14 Na this it is that I allow to God aye offer thankes And pay to God of lyfe thy vow and séeke none other crankes 15 In all thy wo call thou on mée when troubles thée do thrust I wil no fayle deliuer thée thus shalt thou prayse me iust 16 But God thus chect vngodly man what meanst to preach my lawes My pact in mouth why takest thou than where lyfe hath wycked sawes 17 To be correct by discipline thou hatest to heare the worde So thou doost cast at backe of thyne my law of swéete recorde 18 When the●e thou spiest wyth him thou goest to part the spoyle in hast Who wedlocke breake with them thou boast thy lot wyth them is cast 19 To cursed speche thy tonge thou dightst to clout all crafty guile The iust thou wringst the bad thou quytest by lawes pretense and style 20 Thou sitst as iudge thy brothers name by sleit to ouer runne Thou quarell pikst in crafty frame agaynst thy mothers sonne 21 Whyle thus thou doost I sayeng nought thou iudgest me nought lyke thée But yet I shall what thou hast wrought detect before thyne eye 22 O ponder this I do you pray all you that God forget Lest I in hast plucke you away in wo to sée you set 23 Who offer me the sacrifice of thankes he honorth mée And thys the way wherby I vyse Gods helth to let hym sée ¶ The Collecte ALmighty God God of all Gods we humbly pray thee to take and accepte our sacrifice of thankes geuyng in good parte So that after we be discharged of the burden of sinne we maye declare wythout hypocrisie that we walke in the way that leadeth to saluation Through Christ. FINIS ¶ The ende of the first Quinquagene ¶ The Seconde Quinquagene of Dauids Psalter translated into Englishe Metre The Argument Psalme LI. A prayer pure and forme full good for penitentes so meeke Thus Dauids hart
man opprest by might May pray this psalme with Christ hys head Who lawdes to God did pay aright In desert set where lyfe he led 1 O God to thée my God so strong From mornyng watch I cry in stresse My soule and flesh for thée they long In desert land dry waterlesse 2 Thus thée I trust to sée in place Where resth thy grace in holynes That I myght sée thy mighty face Thy glory hye and noblenes 3 For better is thy goodnes yet Than is thys lyfe the blessednes Wherfore my lips shall still beset To sing thy prayse and worthines 4 Thus all my lyfe Lord thée shall blisse And render thankes obeysantly To lyft my handes I wyll not misse Thy holy name to glorifye 5 Lo thus my soule full frankt shall bée As fed wyth fat and marow swéete When that my mouth in landes so frée Shall ioyous breake to Carols méete 6 Euen thus of thée I myndefull was When that in bed I tooke my rest As watches all the nyght dyd passe Of thée I musde in gratefull brest 7 Because thou wart my helpe at néede as helpe thou couldst and so thou hast Therfore I wyll reioyce in déede Wythin thy winges thus safely plast 8 For when my soule was set to thée As fast to ioyne in feares assaut Thy mighty hand then leande to mée And stayd me vp wythout defa●t 9 Now these which séek● my soule to spyll To bryng me downe to sée my graue In vayne I trust they worke in wyll Theyr wynding shéete they first shall haue 10 Wyth edged sworde they shall be threst As they deuisde to me full flye They shall be prayes to sauage beast In Foxes lyues lyke Foxe to dye 11 The kyng in God yet shall reioyce For hys defence ▪ in suertie Who swerth to hym shall ioy the choyce For glauering lips all stopt shall bée ¶ The Collecte O God the author and fountayne of the light euerlasting graūt we besech thee vnto vs which early do watche before light vnto thee that our lips maye sownd out thy prayse and that our lyues maye sanctyfye thee so that our whole medita●ion and conuersation may glorify thee both euen and mo●ne through Christ. c. ¶ The Argument Psalme LXIIII. Here Dauid blamth hys foes attempt and telth how dye they shall So Christ reprouth the Iewes contempt and prophecieth theyr fall 1 O Heare my Lord ▪ my voyce and cry in tellyng thus my woes And kepe my life in suertie from feare of all my foes 2 And hyde me Lord from all the trayne of cursed men in close From all theyr rowte conspired agayne in wycked lyfe so lose 3 Which wheth theyr tonges as sword so sharpe and poyson dartes they shoote Euen bitter wordes in tonge they carpe to bring me vnder foote 4 To shoote at hym in stelth they lye who lyfe intiere doth beare On hym vnwares theyr dartes they wry and haue therin no feare 5 They strength themselfes in wycked pryde theyr crafty fetch to ply They do conferre theyr snares to hyde they say who them can spy 6 They searche all spite and do it round that is by search comprisd What hartes most depe or wit profound can fynde is hye deuisde 7 But God shall shoote at them agayne hys arrowes sodenly Wyth sundry woundes he them shall payne all vn●ewares to spye 8 He then shall make theyr proper tonge theyr owne confusion That who them sée how they be wrunge shall shake as wo begone 9 All men shall sée thys worke ryght well and much commend this acte As wrought by God they shall it tell and wisely note the facte 10 The ryghteous man shall ioy in God in hym to put his trust Yea all true hartes shall ioy abrode that God kept me so iust ¶ The Collecte ALmighty God sauegarde of all them whiche put their trust in thee preserue thy Church from the conuenticles of all her malignant aduersaryes which so busely assault her with their crafty engynes that she maye still retayne thy presence in the true vnderstandyng of the worde through Christ. c. ¶ The Argument Psalme LXV For foyson thankes to God the letter doth aforde the sprite for that the church encreasth by dews of his swete worde 1 AL laudes be due to thée O God in Zyon hil with harty vowes of thāks to thée all Sa●ē shal we fil 2 Which hearst requests so light in faith made fast to thée all men for this to thée ful glad shal come in eche degrée 3 Ungodly dedes preuaild on me so lowd they cryde but thou our sins wilt purify as oft we haue if tryed 4 O blest is he in all whom thou doost chose and take in thy courtes he shall dwel full fed where he al ioy shall make 5 O God most drad in ryght heare vs thou art our health To them that dwell by sea or land thou art theyr onely wealth 6 Which mountains didst prepare by theyr own strēgth to rest So gyrt he is with fortitude of all the worthyest 7 Which swagth the ragyng seas wyth all theyr roring dinne So all vprores of multitudes to stowage he doth winne 8 And they that furthest dwel in earth thy signes shall dread Theyr goinges forth at nyght morne thy laudes shall duely spread 9 Thou vewst the earth for good thou makest it rich in store Gods fluds be ful men food thou geuest thou framdst the earth therfore 10 Her forowes thou doost moyst thou breakst the clods in two Thou makest thē soft wyth rainy drops her fruites thou blest euen so 11 Thou crownst the earth full whole wyth thy riche gentlenes thy cloudes as waynes do cary showers they drop fat plenteousnes 12 Theyr fatnes eke distilth on desert pastures wyde The little hils depe wet by them shal ioy on euery side 13 The playnes wyth flocks bespred the vales with wheat ful clad Thus shal reioyce and mercy sing for fruitefulnes so glad ¶ The Collecte O God and king euerlasting graunt that we may so be watred wyth the plenteous dewes of grace to escape the droutes of deadly siune and to grow in spirituall increase of sprite to be able to sing hymmes laudes alwayes to thy honor and glory Through c. ¶ The Argument Psalme LXVI An hymne of thankes to God for helpe in tyranny With sacrifice the Iewes it song in feastes most solempnely 1 REioyce to God wyth ioy how wyde the land ye dwell Expresse your ioyes to shew how hie his Godhed doth 〈◊〉 2 And loke wyth song ye prayse hys name most glorious And thynke it is your glory most hys fame most hye to rowse 3 Say thus before the Lord how workst thou dreadfully Thy power shall make thy foes to stoupe therin though fal●● they 〈◊〉 4 The earth all whole full low shall worshyp thée as God And sing in psalmes they shal to thée to sound thy name abrode 5 O come and note Gods workes how wonderfull
the decachord vpon the pleasant lute On sounding good swéete instruments with shaumes with harpe with flute 4 For thou hast ioyed my fearefull hart O Lord thy workes to sée And I with prayse will iust reioyce these handy workes of thée 5 How glorious O blessed Lord be these the factes of thyne Thy thoughts be depe thy counsayles hye inscrutable deuyne 6 The brutish man that is vntaught is nought of this beséene The foole as is the carnall man perceyueth not what it meanth 7 When euill men flour as doth the grasse wicked workers bud Then shall they all come downe at once for euer drownd in mud 8 But thou art hye full hye aloft as Lord and president For euer standst vnmoueable and wyse in regiment 9 For lo thy foes O Lord so strong thy foes shall perishe all And such as worke all wickedly shall haue a shamefull fall 10 My horne and power shall yet be raysd as Unicornes is séene Euen now I seme as swetely dewd with oyle of Oliue gréene 11 Myne eyes full out theyr lust shall haue of all my waityng spyes Myne eares the same of crafty men who vp at me dyd ryse 12 The true elect and ryghteous man shall florishe lyke the palme As Ceder trée in Lybanus hymselfe shall sprede wyth balme 13 Depe planted they in rootes alway in gods swete house to byde Shall florish lyke in both the courtes of this our God and guyde 14 In age most sure they shall encrease theyr fruite aboundantly Well likyng they and fat shal be to beare most fruitfully 15 That is to say they out shall preach this lordes true faythfulnes Who is my strength mighty rocke who hateth vnryghteousnes ¶ The Collecte ALmighty God which art the contynuall ioye and perpetuall felicytye of all thy saynts whom thou doost inwardly water with the dew of thy heauenly grace wherby thou makst them to floryshe like the Palme tree in the celestial courts of thy church we besech thee that thou would so discusse from vs the burdenous weight of sinne that we maye enioye their felowship Through c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XCIII This praith in faith when stormes aryse in trust of helpe full sure But here in raigne is Christ bewrayde and how his church shall dure 1 THe Lord is kyng in hys aray the Lord is clad wyth strength He girt hymselfe the world is sure it cannot réele at length 2 Thy throne is strong prepared sure from tyme all out of mynde Thou art that art all durably which neuer ende shalt fynde 3 The flouds haue lift aloft O Lord the fluds haue lift their voyce The stremes ●●●●rge wyth griefly waues thy foes to hie reioyce 4 But far aboue all rage of fluds or dreadfull stormes of sea Doth God surmount more excellent hys enmies all to slea 5 Thy worde is sure thy testament is tryed in all assayes All holines doth decke thy house O Lord for yeares and dayes ¶ The Collecte MOst maruelous God which art begirt round about withall godly maiestye and power as thy handy workes in the creation and situation of heauen and earth do manifestly declare heare vs we beseeche thee thy humble suters and inspire into our hartes fast fayth to beleue thy worde perfect our soules to confesse it in tonge and cōfirme vs to shew the holynes therof in our life to the glory of thy name Through Iesus Christ. c. ¶ The Argument Psalme XCIIII The poore opprest doth helpe implore agaynst proud iudges myght As Christ and hie long heretofore be paternes good in sight 1 O God and Lord reuenger ryght of sinne reuenger God Now shew thy selfe declare thy might make hast to shake thy rod. 2 Be thou set vp in maiesty thou iudge of all the land Requite the proud accordingly and let them féele thy hand 3 How long O Lord these wycked men how long tryumphe shall they Thy people thus to ouer renue wythout both stop and stay 4 They blatter out euen what they list sore wordes they be and proude All wycked ympes wyll not desist to vaunt and boast aloude 5 Thy people Lord full sore they flyte thyne heritage they vexe Their poore estates wyth wronges they smyte and threates therto annexe 6 The widow lo the straunger eke they murther craftely The fatherlesse they quell alyke though deare to thée they ligh 7 Theyr mouthes thus speake as hartes deuise tush God séeth nought of this Nor Iacobs God shall thys aduise in thys he is remysse 8 Ye doltes of all most brute to sée betyme yet vnderstand When prudent wise when will ye bée ye fooles I say so fond 9 Can he be deafe which made the eare how harken should not hée Who made the eye can ye hym bleare that he should nothyng sée 10 Or he that checkes the heathen els shall he not you reproue And he that man all wisdom tels shall he not you remoue 11 The Lord doth know the thoughtes of man to be both fond and vayne Your open wronges how can they than escape deserued payne 12 Then happy is that man and blest whom thou doost chastise here And whom by loue in law thou teach est O blessed Lord most deare 13 To make hym sit wyth patience in dreadfull dayes at rest Whyle that to men of violence theyr pit be digd and drest 14 For God no dout wyll not reiect hys people them to fayle Nor yet forsake hys lot elect to make them long to wayle 15 Untill that ryght be turnd agayne to dome as iust it ought And follow it shall they full fayne whose harte hath iustice sought 16 O who wyll vp for me to stand agaynst malignant spies Or wyll wyth me conioyne hys hand at wycked men to ryse 17 If soone the Lord had sent none ayde to me in myne vnrest It had not faylde my soule dismayde had dwelt in graue opprest 18 But when I sayd my foote doth réele to note the worldes disdayne Then helpe O Lord thou didst me deale thy grace dyd me sustayne 19 As carefull thoughtes in store dyd ryse when thus my hart dyd boyle Thy comfort so dyd me repryse my soule to scape the foyle 20 Shall wycked seates of tyranny cleaue fast to thée as thence That thou should fayne to scourge therby the poore by lawes pretence 21 They cloyne in one in companies agaynst the iust mans lyfe The giltles soule of wycked vyce they whole condemne in stryfe 22 The Lord yet was to me in stresse a refuge strong of fence My God was rocke as inaccesse my trust and confidence 23 He shall them quite their crafty guiles as they dyd others cloy God shall them slea for all theyr wyles our Lord shall them destroy ¶ The Collecte NVrture vs O Lord with the sincere doctrine of thy blessed worde be thou to vs a refuge in time of tribulation so guide vs by true knowledge and vnderstanding of thy word that we neuer fall from thee Through Iesus
hys fame Hys worthy deedes recorde 44 And last he gaue them whole the gentils landes by met They all possest for heritage for which the people swet 45 To th end that they should kepe hys statutes true and ryght That they should aye obserue his lawes prayse ye this lord of might O prayse in voyce the Lorde Syng out wyth iust accorde Exalt hys name searche out hys fame Hys worthy deedes recorde ¶ The Collecte WEe sue vnto thee most louyng Lorde besechyng thee by the power of thy name that where our fathers were conducted therby to the ministration of thy heauenlye aungels foode that thou would so vouchsaue to feede and comfort vs wyth thy misticall nourishment of thy body bloud to whome with the father and holy ghost be The Argument Psalme CVI. The Iewes which dwelt in Babilon thus sang their thankes in harte They do confesse gods onely grace they blame their owne desarte \ \ THe Lorde so good with thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men bee then Lord teache mee Thy seruauntes state to see 1 The Lord so good with thanks confesse sing prayse laud him hie All good he is for why hys grace for euer standth full nie 2 Who fully can his power expresse wyth tong he Lord so great Or cause be harde hys prayses all who can hys grace extreat 3 Wel true men be in hart most blest who iudgemēt true performe Which worke alway that righteous is in iust and lawfull forme 4 Thē lord I craue teach me ful kind haue mind to work my welth As friendly thou thy people mindst to me resort wyth helth 5 Thy seruauntes state O Lord to sée shew me their blisse at eye ▪ That I reioyce wyth thy good folke and thanke thée ioyfully The Lord so good wyth thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men be then Lorde teach mee Thy seruauntes state to see 6 We all to thée haue sinned sore as oft our fathers dyd We haue gone wrong and done amisse most wickedly in déede 7 Thy noble faytes in Egipt done our fathers noted seald Of thy great loues no mynd they had at red sea they rebeld 8 Yet he full kynd dyd them preserue for loue of his great name To make hys power so notable the world to feare the same 9 The sea so red he dyd rebuke then soone vp dryed it was And through great déepes he led them dry as desert men do passe 10 And he by strength defended them from aduersaries power He ryd them sure from enemies hand they could not them deuour 11 The waters depe so whelmed such as them dyd vexe and greue That none remaynd not one of them he them dyd quite remeue 12 Hys stable word they then beleued to spy theyr foes distresse And then they sung an hymne of thankes to prayse hys worthines The Lord so good with thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men be then Lorde teach mee Thy seruauntes state to see 13 In their great heat though hast they made his works they soone forgot No tyme they would his counsailes byde no tary would they not 14 They fondly longd in wycked lust for meat in wyldernes ▪ They tempted God in desert hye wyth shamefull sturdines ●5 And there euen there he gaue them full their asking redily But yet theyr bane they tooke therin theyr lyues destroyd therby ●6 And Moses guide yet they prouokt with wrath in their own tentes Yea Aaron eke Gods holy priest wyth foolish brablementes 17 Wherfore in hast the earth dyd ryue swalowd Dathon quyte It couerd whole the route and band of Abyram in sight 18 The fyre frō heauen fell whote and fierce amids their company The flame dyd burne those wycked men wyth all theyr familie 19 Eftsoones as God a calfe they made at Horeb mount most fond They worshipped this moltē worke which made theyr proper hand whole 20 And thus they turnd Gods onely glore who was their worship To shap of calfe but eatyng hay which they did hye extoll 21 They God forgot and left full soone who them to grace dyd take Who wrought as god in Egipt land ▪ strange dedes for al their sake 22 Great thyngs to sée O wonderfull in land of Cham I say And thynges of power most terrible at red sea there in way 23 To stroy them he then full decréed if Moses his elect Had not in sight vp start to treate his wrath to stay vnwreckt 24 And they despisde and lightly scornd that land delicious No fayth they gaue vnto hys word but went contrarious 25 They did in hart eke grutch and moyne in all theyr tents vnkynd They heard no tyme gods holy word it was to them but wynd 26 By liftyng vp his irefull hand God sware vnto them all That he would them in wildernes destroy wyth shamefull fall 27 And that he would cast shortly out their séede where gentils byde And sparple them as runnegates in countries farly wyde 28 Yea yokt they were and knit in hart to Baal Peor fast They glad dyd eat the sacrifice to dead men which was cast 29 Thus they all out dyd him prouoke to wrath by filthy vyce So hie that néedes Gods heauy plage on them did sharply ryse 30 Then Phinées stoode vp in zeale as iudge he vengeaunce tooke And strait the plage did stay cease gods wrath so them forsooke 31 Which godly zeale reputed was to hym for righteousnes From age to age Gods prest to be wyth all hys séede no lesse 32 They also greued and angred God at waters namde of stryfe That Moses meke gate harme for them for God abridgd hys lyfe 33 For they prouokt hys gentle sprite wordes doubtfull out to lashe Wherby he spake without aduise with lips to swift and rashe The Lorde so good wyth thankes confesse Who can hys power expresse Well true men be then Lorde teach mee Thy seruauntes state to see 34 They did not eke in warre destroy the Heathen peoples sect As God them bad most earnestly that they should them reiect 35 But myxt and ioynd they were full nye among the gentils sort And learnd their workes outragious wherof they made but sport ●6 Wherby full soone they honoured and serued theyr idols gay Which were a snare so sought by them to brede their own decay ●7 So far as blynd they doted than vnnaturall and mad That they to diuels did sacrifice their sonnes daughters glad 38 Much giltles bloud they spild shed● of their own childers brood To Idols slayne of Canaan the land foule staynd wyth bloud 39 Thus foule to foule with their self workes they were defild staind A whoryng far their fancies straid no fayth to God remaind 40 Thē iustly gods most dreadful wrath his own good people brent That he abhord his heritage where stoode hys regiment 41 So that he gaue them wholy vp to Gentils cruell handes That they them ruld which hated them before
of hym to stand Which turnth moist soyle to wildernes dryeth vp springs to land 34 A fruitefull earth he makth as salt and barren ground The dwellers sinnes be cause therof where in their liues be found 35 So he the desert makth to flow wyth water springes And soyle most dry from barennes by runnyng brookes he bringes 36 And there he setth to dwell all hungry nedefull men To build themselfe a city strong as Forte therto to renne 37 And there the fieldes they sowe and vineyardes large they plant Swéete frutes to beare of yeres increase to féede their néede want 38 All them he blessth wyth store they then increase most hye And suffreth not theyr cattell once to droupe or yet to dye 39 But when they fall to sinne he them decayth agayne By cruell powers he bringth them low with cares opprest payne ¶ The Rectors 40 When thus afflict they feele decay By Princes great abuse Though out of way a tyme they stray At last he them reduce 41 For he the poore returnd by smart Doth rayse from misery His householdes yet he makth in part As flockes of sheepe to ligh ¶ The Quiere God graunt that they would prayse hartely then The Lorde for hys grace so to sing in their quiere The wonders he doth for the chylder of men Whose mercy so neare to them did appeare 42 That tymely they may this ponder aryght As righteous man in his duety so glad Is prest to reioyce wyth a godly delyte Where mouth of the bad shall dumly be sad The conclusion Mans hart that is wise these things wil aduise Pure thankes to procure ▪ to hys God for his cure And thus hys deuise may he iustly comprise Ryght oft is hys vre by loue to allure Kynde mercy so sure in hym doth endure Extoll hym I say both by night and by day Ren neuer astray from his mercifull way ¶ The Collecte WE do acknowledge O Lord thy manifolde mercies which thou doost daily bestow vppon our miserable necessities beseching thee as thou sittest in heauen on the ryght hand of thy father in throne of equall glory with him that we may worthely cōceiue and vnderstand this great mystery of thy inestimable mercies duely to laude the same to the glorye of thy name who with the father and the holy gost art worthy all prayse Amen ¶ Certayne verses of the sayd Psalme otherwise translated 6 When thus they cryed to God thus set in woes excesse Ryght soone he dyd deliuer them from all theyr hard distresse 7 For he led them the way both ryght and prosperous Wherby they did a citie fynde to dwell commodious 8 O that men would then prayse the Lordes benignitie To tell what actes ful strange he doth to mans posteritie 9 For that he doth refresh the soule in thyrst so dry And filleth the soule that hungry is wyth goodnes largely 13 When thus they cryed to God thus set in woes excesse Ryght soone he dyd deliuer them from all theyr hard distresse 14 For he then brought them forth from darke and dedly shade He brake theyr bondes and fetters strong to fréedom sure to wade 15 O that men would then prayse the Lordes benignitie To tell what actes ful strange he doth to mans posteritie 16 For he the gates of brasse hath all to shiuers broke And burst the barres a sunder quite in yron forgd by stroke 19 When thus they cryed to God thus set in woes excesse Ryght soone he dyd deliuer them from all theyr hard distresse 20 For he then sent hys worde he them restord by might Wherby they scapte destruction from peryll saued quite 21 O that men would then prayse the Lordes benignitie To tell what actes ful strange he doth to mans posteritie 22 That they would offer hym of thankes the sacrifice And full tell out hys workes so great in glad and thankfull wyfe 28 When thus they cryed to God thus set in woes excesse Ryght soone he dyd deliuer them from all theyr hard distresse 29 For he dryueth down the stormes and makth them soone to cease So that the waues be still agayne wherby they winne release 30 Then are they glad at hart because at rest they bée He bringth them thus to that theyr hauen which they so glad wold sée 31 O that men would then prayse the Lordes benignitie To tell what actes ful strange he doth to mans posteritie 32 That they would hym exalt when people most be met And prayse hym due where Elders bée together ioyntly set 40 Though he doth beare a whyle that tyrantes them oppresse And suffer them to go astray in wandryng wyldernesse 41 Yet he doth helpe the poore from hys great misery Hys householdes yet he makth in part as flockes of shepe to lye 42 The righteous man wyll this expend and eke reioyce Where that the mouth of wickednes shall whole be stopt in voyce 43 Who that is wyse I say will ponder all these thynges They shall so know what mercies frée the Lord in sorow bringes ¶ The Argument Psalme CVIII When Dauid kept Odollan caue Where Saule he scapte for all hys raue Thus thankes in song he dyd extende To God who did hys lyfe defende 1 MY hart to God is ready found Thy worthy laudes deuout to sound For sing I will and Psalmes recorde With glory due in tong and worde 2 Lyft vp thy selfe thou Psaltrye swéete Thou harpe euen so with tunes most méete For I my selfe will early ryse Newe songes to sing I wyll deuise 3 I thée wyll prayse O Lord in songe In peoples sight euen them among Yea Psalmes to thée I wyll arrect Among all folke of euery sect 4 For farre aboue the heauen we sée Standth firmly thy benignytie Thy fayth and truth as proufe doth teache Most nye the cloudes doth wholy reach 5 Be thou exalt O God on hye Aboue the heauens in maiestye Aboue all earth thy glory set That men may know thy power so great 6 That thy beloued from wretchednes Whole rydde may be in stablenesse Let thy right hand than vs preserue O aunswere me my turne to serue 7 God spake his word in holynes Wherein I ioy and shall no lesse All Sychem iust in partes I set And Sucoth vale I also met 8 All myne no doubt is Gilead And so is myne Manasses had And Ephraim my reigne the strength And Iuda is my guyde at length 9 Land Moab is my water pot And Idumye my conquerd lot Wheron my sho extend I wyll On Philistyne ioy shall I still 10 Who hath me brought to be so nye ▪ That cytye great ▪ so walled hye Who led me forth so iust to come To Id●mye to wynne renome 11 Was it not thou I say O God Which vs forsokst cast wyde abroade Which didst not walke as God with vs With our mayne hostes victorious 12 O geue vs helpe and that at hand Of all our griefe of troubles band For weake the helpe
wrath all them confound By fearefull sound 12 He iudgement true shall exercise As iudge among the Gentile sect All places he shall full surprise Wyth bodies dead on earth proiect Abrode he shall in sunder smyte The heds of realmes that him wyll spyte Or scorne hys myght 13 Though here exilde he strayth as bond And shall in way but water drynke Of homely brooke as comth to hand Pursued to death and wysht to sinke Yet he for thys humilitie Shall lift hys head in dignitie Eternally ¶ The Collecte O Lord the eternall sonne of the father which wart begotten before the world was made and art the first of all creatures we lowly beseche thee that where by the session of the ryghte hande of thy father thou subduest thy enemies so make vs to subdue all the dominion of sinne rising against vs to be made meete to serue thee in all godlines who liuest and raignest one God wyth the father and the holy ghost Amen ¶ The Argument Psalme CXI This laudatory is and thankth Gods gentlenes Who made all thyng and vs redeemd from sinne and wretchednes 1 WIth all my hart I will the Lord commend on hye Met secretly with faythfull men in church eke openly 2 Full greate be all the factes of this hye Lord in name Most exquisite and may be found of them that loue the same 3 His déede is worthy prayse most worshipfull I say It Glory is and comlynes his iustice lasts for aye 5 Of all his wondrous workes remembraunce hath he made The Lord is good and mercifull to Israell in trade 5 For meat and spoyle he gaue to them that feard hym due So myndfull he will euer be his pact and league to sue 6 His actes great power shewd to all his peoples sight In geuing them the heritage of Gentils landes for right 7 His workes of hands be séene all truth and equytye And his precepts all faythfull be in iust conf●rmytye 8 Upholde they stand most firme and euer wyll remayne For made they are by verytye and equytye agayne 9 He sent hys people guydes which them to fréedome lad His pact he bad should euer stand whose holy name be drad 10 The feare of God is sayd of wisdome first the way Who kéepe hys hests haue wisdome cleare whose prayse shal ner decay ¶ The Collecte GOd whose glory all thy saints most gladly delight to confesse graunt vs to haue the feare of thy holy name wherin consist the beginning of all wisdome that wee beyng enstructed in thy will and pleasure may be fedde wyth the heauenly nourishment of thy worde through Christ c. This doth recite of hym that feareth the Lorde The prayses right of hym that feareth the Lorde Whose constancy in God by faythes accorde Lyeth perfectly in God by faythes accorde ̄̄ 1 THat man is blest and liueth at rest that fearth the Lord most pure Who hath delyte most exquisite to worke hys byddinges sure 2 No doubt hys séede shall firmly spéede in all felycitye These regents hye theyr progenye most blessed shall they be 3 He riches store in house the more wyth plenty shall possesse Hys righteousnes in stablenes shall last and still increase 4 And light shall spred from darknes drede to godly mens reliefe The Lord benigne aye pitiyng and iust to ease their griefe 5 This blisfull man he pitye can and lend with diligence His word and déede by wisdoms réede he rightly shall dispence 6 For moued he can neuer be Gods arme shall hym defend The iust shall sure in fame endure till all the world doth ende 7 At tydyngs euyll no tyme he wyll stand dreadfully hymselfe Hys hart for why stands stedfastly he trustth the Lord of health 8 His hart so great is stable set to feare nothyng aduerse Untyll hys eyes their lust espies on all hys foes peruerse 9 He spredth hys store he geueth the poore hys iustice yet abidth His power shal be exalted frée with glory large and wyde 10 The euyll shall sée and fret shall he shall gnash his teth and lowe● ▪ The wicked lust of men vniust shall wast and turne full sower ¶ The Collecte GRaunt we beseech thee O God which art the light euerlasting and guyde of our hartes that we may loue and feare thee aboue all thinges to delight only in thy praise and so to deale to the necessitie of ou● neighbour in thys prcsent lyfe that in the next we heare not that sharpe word of reprobatiō for vnmercifulnes through Christ. c. The Argument Psalme CXIII This praisth Gods grace on hie therto it doth inuite His dignitie and prouidence it doth in part endight \ \ 1 YE seruauntes all ye children méeke prayse ye the Lorde of all Prayse ye hys name extoll ye due hys power potentiall 2 Gods worthy name be blest frō hence tyl all the world haue ende To dread and loue his power aboue God graunt we all contende 3 Frō time the Sunne doth shine in rise til downward fallth the same From East to West O blessed be the Lords swéete holy name 4 For why no fayle the Lord doth rule on Gentils all that be Yea heauens he passth in glory bright thys Lord of maiestie 5 For who is lyke this God the Lord in glory fame or power Who hath set vp himselfe aboue as chiefe and gouernour 6 And yet he bowth himselfe full low of hys great gentlenes All thynges that be in heauen and earth to sée in carefulnes 7 And he it is at will alone that liftth the poore from dust The nedy man he doth promote in dong that low was thrust 8 To make hym hye and equall sit wyth Princes rule to beare Yea that wyth Péeres of age most graue of his own people deare 9 And he alone the baren makth in fruitfull house to dwell As mother glad to ioye in babes O prayse the Lord then well ¶ The Collecte WE geue all prayse most due to thy blessed name almighty god beseching thee so to preserue vs in the lappe of thy welbeloued spouse thy church that we maye encrease and be stablished in the perpetuall knot of charitie and vnitie Thorough Christ. c. ¶ The Argument Psalme CXIIII Here ioy is made that Iacobs seede Did Aegipt scape in luckie speede That led they were by Gods great might To Canaan land to them behight ̄̄ 1 WHen Israell from Egipt went Where God them held in chastisment When ryd from thrall was Iacobs house Of people fierce and barbarouse 2 Then Iury land was consecrate True God to serue full dedicate Than Israell was hys Empire Hys subiect made to rule intyre 3 Which thing whan that the sea did spye She fled to sée Gods power so nye And Iordan floud reuersed was As geuyng place hys arke to passe 4 The mountaynesleapt as Rammes full light Aboue the waues th'appeard in sight The Hillockes eke did skip full glad As Lambes in grasse all fat bestad 5 What meanst thou
to slyde to lighte 8 Fold vp my hands I will full hye to thy commaundements For them I loue and muse shall I thy stable testaments Memor esto 1 God call to mynde thy promise graue to me thy seruaunt frayle Good hope therin thou madest me haue to my poore soules auayle 2 Greate comfort this gaue me in thought in payne whē I did lye Glad hart for why thy word me wrought as whole reuiued therby 3 Grym stately men though one by one most hye do me deryde Gone yet a backe I haue not done from thy true lawe aside 4 Graue thoughts had I cast in mind thy iudgemēts lord frō first Gat so I did my comfort kynd to stake my wofull thirst 5 Greued sore I am most horribly at wicked mens ententes Glyde fast they do so shamefully from all thy lawes contentes 6 Grate songes in verse I do deuise of thy swéete statutes lore Gest when I am in wandryng wyse abrode afflicted sore 7 Grauen depe in mynd thy name by night O Lord ful oft I had Glue fast to hart that so I myght thy law that I had rad 8 Grace thus dyd grow to me so gréene for that thy law I kepe Graunt then O Lord I may be séene thy wyll alway to seke Portio me 1 Hole portion Lord thou art of myne to thée alone I clyue Hold will I iust thy law deuine though men for lies do striue 2 How déepe in hart thou séest all day I haue thy face be sought Haue mercy then on me I pray such trust thy worde hath taught 3 Here how I liue what wayes I lead I haue discust full nere Home so to turne thy lawes to pleade my féete I did retire 4 Hast made I fast my fault espied no tyme then troyted I Hart hand and tong I straite applied to kepe thy lawes more nye 5 Ha●t wicked men on heapes they met to robbe from me my trust Hard yet in hart thy law I kept though sore at me they thrust 6 Hye midnight iust my tyde is set to rise thy name to blesse Harke so I shall and spie the bet thy iudgements righteousnesse 7 Hoste me I will with them to dwell which thée do duely feare Hyd who do kepe thy hestes full well in hart to mynd them cleare 8 Hyll dale and vale the earth is full thy mercies Lord to tell Helpe thou therfore my wits so dull teach me thy statutes spell Bonitatem fecisti 1 I Lord confesse thou dealst full kynd with me thy seruaunt frayle In thy good worde such grace I fynde thy promise neuer fayle 2 Inspire right tast of discipline and me sound knowledge teach Iust haue I hold the lawes of thyne most firmly them to seach 3 Inuegeled foule awry I went before I was correct Imprint I now thy testament in hart thus gently checkt 4 Intirely good and liberall thou art who can deny Illumine then my senses all ▪ thy statutes well to spy 5 Ill men and proud theyr traps haue set to spot my truth with lyes Inure my hart I purpose yet all whole thy lawes to vise 6 Inlarded is their hart with pride they swell in fat and grease Inuy I not their ioyes so wide thy lawes can me refresh 7 It wrought me wealth so good it was that troubles me did strayne Indued was so my soule with grace to learne thy statutes playne 8 Ioy more I do the law of thyne which thy swéete lips pronounce Infinitely then siluer fine or gold a thousand ounce Manus tuae 1 King Lord God thou art to me thou madst formdst my shape Kerne depe my hart with knowledge frée thy word in mind to wrap 2 Kynd louyng men that worship thée wyll ioy at me right soone Keyd fast thy word was so to me in hope that I haue done 3 Know well I do in thys thy rod thy iudgements all be iust Know worthy is thy truth O God ▪ which humbled me to dust 4 Kysse thou my soule by louing grace some comfort swéete to féele Knyt iust thy word though I be base thy man yet euery deale 5 Knéele lowe I will to aske full sad thy mercyes all in sight Kéepe than my life I shall full glad for I thy lawe delyte 6 Kil down the proud confound their lies they me wold vayn peruert Koole thou their heate and I will ryse to preach thy lawes apart 7 Kenne they thy lawes as turnde to me who duely thée do feare Known right who haue thy dignitie thy word with me do beare 8 Knocke aske and séeke I will and wéepe in hart thy word to spie Knead els in mire of error déepe I should most shamefully Defecit 1 Longd hath my soule and languished while I thy helth expect Lord yet thy word me comforted for hope dyd me erect 2 Lo both myne eyes did faynt and wast thy promise still to wayte Lowd thus I spake when wilt thou cast thy helpe to ease my strayt 3 Lyke though I was to bottle dryed in smoke so was my skyn Leaue would I not thy statutes tryed I kept yet mynd therin 4 Leafe Lord my dayes how lōg to go thy seruaūt fayn would know Long wilt thou slake erre thou my foe wilt iudge who thrust me lowe 5 Lyme pittes full slye these lurdens proud did digge in crafty sort Lyes lowd they made not well auowed by thy true lawes report 6 Life truth and way thy lawes contayne though words they prate vntrue Lend me thy helpe where men so vayne do falsly me pursue 7 Large sautes they made to make me sinke well nye they had me spent Loth yet I was in hart to shrinke from thy commaundement 8 Let then thy grace and gentlenesse refresh and me reuiue Loue so I shall and wil expresse thy wordes of mouth belyue In eternum domine 1 Meke Lord thy word most stable lieth as heuen is permanent Most strong it is as testefieth the starry fyrmament 2 Man trust may thée thy fayth so standth in truth from age to age Marke wel we do the earth lond how fyrme thou madst the stage 3 Made fast they bide by thy decree vntil this present day Meete seruice all do yeld to thee In all theyr course and sway 4 My chief delyte and ornament onlesse thy law had ben More deepe in wo I had ben shent whole quenched quite cleane 5 Mind stil I will thy lawes precept and neuer it forget Me still in life it dayly kept by thee this grace I get 6 Maineteyn my life for thine so wrought I am most congruent Midst whole in hart for why I sought thy true commaundement 7 Mad men in harte vngodly men awayted me to kill Muse yet I did full oft agayne thy testimonyes wyll 8 Moch noted I things finest tried drue fast to brittle ende Meere infinite thy law I spied whose bredth no time could spende Quam dilexi 1 Nye loue in hart thy law I beare such hope therby I
winne No day doth passe but that I steare my mind to muse therein 2 Now hast thou made my wit excell my foes by thy precepts No time there is but that I mel with them in my concepts 3 Note this I do I am more wise then all my teachers be No dout for this that I aduise thy testimonies free 4 Not aged men haue knowlege like I them exceede to far No question for that I kepe thy lawes familier 5 Nedes must I stey and so I do my feete from path of vice No witherward aside to go but keepe thy words deuise 6 Nought do I shrinke one ynch awry from thy decrees amisse No prayse to me doth rise therby for thou hast taught me this 7 New fragant tast by thy sweete word O how my pallat felt No hony combe set on my bourd such swetenes euer delt 8 Notorious my wisdome grew by thy commaundements No wicked wayes then will I sue I hate all crafty flents Lucerna 1 O Lord thy word a lanterne is full cleare to guide my féete Ondoubted light that will not misse to rule my pathes most méete 2 Oth once I spake and promise made in hart I full decréed Obserue that I should whole in trade thy iust and righteous réede 3 Opprest I am O Lord to hye in soule in sprite in flesh Of this sore crosse reuiue thou me thy worde pretendth no lesse 4 Oh let my mouthes frée sacrifice please thée O Lord at will Ope thou my wits in ghostly wyse teach me thy iudgementes skill 5 Onsure my lyfe all day I sée my soule lyeth in aye hand Obliuious yet thy law to flée I will not so be bond 6 Onrightfull men and obstinate for me a snare haue layd Offend thy law yet will I not to renne from it astraid 7 Obtaynd I haue thy witnesses in iust fée simple state Oblected so my fansy is with them most delicate 8 One thing in hart inclynde I to to worke thy statutes lore Once this to misse I will not so to ende for euermore Iniquos 1 Presumpteous men which guiles deuise I hate as hypocrites Pure law of thine most hie I prise for that all truth behightes 2 Protectour thou thou art my bower thou art my trusty shield Persist I will in thy good power I trust thy word so mylde 3 Part ye from me malignaunt men your by pathes wrong I hafe Performe I shall more iust and playne my Gods precepts in gate 4 Plucke vp my hart O me sustayne by thy swéete worde to lyue Pinche not my hope with shames disdayn to make my hart to rine 5 Preserue me still in sure defence so safe I shall remayne Promoote thy wordes intelligence I shall alway full fayne 6 Presse downe thou wilt all thē to nought which erre frō thy decrées Playne lies they forge in crafty thought they frame but fallacies 7 Proud men lyke drosse thou wilt remoue which iet in earth so stout Precellently therfore I loue thy witnesses full out 8 Perplext with feares my flesh doth shake when I thy power do marke Profound afrayes my soule haue take thy iudgements be so darke Feci iudicium 1 Quite out my life I delt with that which lawfull was and right To Quarelers vp geue me not my soule with wrong to spite 2 Queynt thou my hart delightfully in things of perfect name In Quire ellys will the proud therby Some cause my life to shame 3 Quicke sight I lost Mine eyes wer wast for wayting long thy helth I Quothd and sight and longed fast thy rightwise worde of wealth 4 Quit me O Lord thy seruaunt poore from sinne and mercy reatch So Quicken me in all thy lore and me thy statutes teach 5 Quire out the truth that right I may O vnderstanding graunt In Quiet mind to thee I pray as seruaunt suppliant 6 Qualms ouerwhelmd my wofull hart for men haue stroyd thy law O Quel them Lord as iudge thou art the time doth aske thine aw 7 Quench not my sprit with these thy foen for I thy lawes do loue No Querry geuyth such gold or stone which I would prise aboue 8 Quake might my hart if all thy lawes I held not all the best No Question I loue thy sawes all false wayes I detest Mirabilia 1 Right wonderfull set hy aloft thy testimonies are Reuolue therfore then will I oft my soule shall kepe them nar 2 Resort who doth thy law the doore winth light as shewth the profe Ripe wisdome riseth therby in store to simple mens behoue 3 Rayse vp my mouth I did apert for wind my breth I drew Refresht for that I wisht my hart with thy sweete statutes vew 4 Respect me Lord not me refuse my strength were els but lame Rue than on me as thou dost vse on them that loue thy name 5 Rule thou my steps thy word to tread forme them to lyue therby Reigne can no pride in all my head to vanity to fly 6 Redeme me Lord from iniury of men in quarels vayne Retayne I may more constantly thy constitutions plaine 7 Reueale to me thy seruant true thy louely face so bright Renue my sprite my soule endue teach me thy statutes right 8 Ran down my cheekes did water streames for that thy law they balke Rough cheare I made to note all realms against thy law to walke Iustus es Domine 1 Séene right thou art full good and iust O Lord in veritie So righteous be thy domes discust all iudged in equitie 2 Strayt hast thou chargd that mē should haunt thy testimonies réede Still fayth to speake still truth to graunt most vehement at néede 3 Sower zeale fret me in gelousie for ire nye spent I was Set whole for that my foes I spy from all thy wordes to passe 4 Skord cleane full out thy word is séene fine tride frō drosse vnpure Sticke fast to it thy seruaunt meanth in hart to loue it sure 5 Smal though I séeme and vile at eye to vaunting insolentes Slide yet shall not my memory from thy commaundements 6 Sound righteousnes thy iustice is and that which still will last Sure truth thy law is so iwiffe I trust therto full fast 7 Smart woes sharpe when they did presse I by spite abused Swéete comfort yet did me refresh thy hestes when I perused 8 Stand euer shall thy witnesses in ryghteousnes to stay Send wisdome then well teach me this that euer lyue I may Clamaui 1 Thy grace to winne cried loud I haue from hart effectuall Then aunswere me O Lord with saue thy statutes kepe I shall 2 To thee I suyd O saue me thou I sued to none beside That iust I may in life avow thy testimonies tried 3 The dawning day ▪ preuentingly I cried most earnest than Trust fast I did thy words for why my hope therby I wan 4 Tyme watch of night mine eyes preuent so rath I then awoke Thus that I might some thing commēt of thy true
word on booke 5 Tourn Lord thine eare my voyce to heare thy mercies aske euē so Touch thou my hart reuiue me cleare as thou doost vse to do 6 They tread full nye that would on me their malyce execute Twind far they be thy law to fle O Lord be my refute 7 Tread thou as nye O Lord with ayde for God thou art at hand True be thy lawes all iustly layd their wayes be mad and fond 8 Taught am I sure earst long ago of all thy witnesses Through thee were set most groundly so that they wil neuer misse Vide humilitatem 1 Uyse thou my wo and rid my smart thou seest exild I am When yet thy law from inward hart forgotten neuer cam 2 Uphold my cause and me release so free redeamd to ryse Wast not my life but me refresh in thy words warantise 3 Ungodly men from health ren far and health ren far fro them Wyde fle they foul for why they erre thy words they search not thē 4 Use still thy grace O Lord of might thy mercies great be seene With life and ioy refresh my sprite as earst thy wont hath bene 5 Uaine men there be right many one ▪ which me pursue and presse Ware yet I am to swerue to sone from thy sweete witnesses 6 Uyle men I spied transgresse thy law for grief therof I quoke Which was because at eie I saw thy lawes how they forsooke 7 Uew thou my hart O Lord see how thy precepts I loued Wherefore by grace reuiue thou me not whole frō thee remoued 8 Uouch this I may thy word in chiefe in some is truth most pure Wast can no time thy lawes relief thy domes aye Iust will dure Principes 1 Xtremly Lord I am pursued of princes vndeserued Xactly yet thy woord I vewd I them with feare preserued 2 Xteme I do ▪ thy word so glad and ioy therof as mich Xceding Ioy as he hath had that spoyles hath found most rich 3 Xcesse of lyes I haue abhorde I haue them aye defied Xtend I haue my loues accord to all thy lawes so tried 4 Xprest I haue thy lawdes most deare seuen times a day no lesse Xpending iust thy domes so cleare full wrought in southfastnes 5 Xcellent peace in conscience haue they which loue thy lawe Xchew they can all light offence no harme to them can draw 6 Xpect I do thy helpe and health O Lord to thee I pleade Xcited so I haue my selfe thy iust preceptes to treade 7 Xquisitly In soule I kept thy testimonies hye Xpert by vse I them accept in loue exceedingly 8 Xalt I haue thy statutes right and eke thy witnesses Xempt from thee to scape thy sight I can no secrecies Appropinquet 1 Yeld Lord assent with eares vnshit to heare these lawds I sing Yt mought please the to graunt me wit as thy word vse to bringe 2 Yet once I pray myne sute euen so admit before thy face Yll mens despites O take me fro thy word so worketh in grace 3 Ymnes Psalms songs my lips shal sound such cōmēdatiōs braue Yf thou wilt teach my hart the ground thy lawes in hart to graue 4 Yea sure my tong shall still expresse thy word deseruingly Yokt so with truth and rightwisenesse thy whole precepts I spy 5 Yere after yere me then vpshore with thy good helping hand Yong did I chose thou knowst thy lore to thy decrees to stand 6 Yearnd hath my hart and wished long thy health to féele so meete Yies head and hand haue loued as strong thy law to me so sweete 7 Yeld still I will O life prolonge my soule shall prayse thee then Yane shall I wide for ayde among for thou dost ayde all men 8 Youth made me erre as sheepe but lost seeke vp thy seruant Lord Yes seeke him Lord bestow the cost thy law me not abhord ¶ The Collecte ALmighty God the onely paterne meede of all felicity which by thy wholsom directiō informst thy faythfull seruauntes to walke vpright in thy law to search thy pactes and promises to obserue thy preceptes and commaundementes graunt vnto vs so to vnderstand thy iustifications and wyth whole hart to searche thy wylles and pleasures and to preache out thy great actes done to our behoofe that when wee were as loste sheepe wandryng in our wayes of ignoraunce we myght be brought home to thy shepefold to be placed on thy ryght hand wyth thy shepe in thy kyngdome through Christ our Lord c. ¶ Obseruations These fiftene Psalmes next followyng Be songs de●amd of steps or stayers For that the quiere on them dyd sing The peoples vowes to blisse by prayers For lucky spéede in theyr affayres As néede and tyme ▪ as case dyd bryng In wedlocke warre or house begonne For peace for ayde for fréedome wonne ¶ The Argument Psalme CXX When Dauid felt all spite of man All helpe of God he then optaynd By whome alone reliefe he wan From hard disease that hym constraynd Well trust we than When we be paynd 1. Canticum graduum ̄̄ 1 TO God when I was vext wyth smart By wrongfull meanes of man opprest I cryed in voyce I cryed in hart He aunswerd me at my request In gentle part He gaue me rest 2 For thus I sayd and still will say O Lord my soule deliuer frée From lying lips saue me I pray From crafty tonges that double bée But set all day To vanitie 3 What shalt thou winne what gayne or gift Thou crafty tong with all thy spyte Or what may that increase thy thirst False tong to vse in such delyte What is thy drift What winst in sight 4 Euen this thou wynst sharpe dartes and fell Of Gods strong hand in dreadfull feare Whose strength shall send thy spite to hell As whote as coales of Iuniper And marke it well In mynd it beare 5 O wo is me that myne abode Is still prolongd in hard exile Thus forst to dwell as cast abrode In Ceder tentes both blacke and vyle O helpe me God Me reconcile 6 Ah long to long my soule abydth Wyth such as hate good loue and peace With people rough of hawty pryde Which fierce in hart on me do preace O cast them wyde Their magre cease Whan peace I seeke they cry to warre Whan fayre I speake they threat the more Whan them I sue they driue me farre Thus gall for loue I gaine in store O God be narre Help me therfore ¶ The Collecte O God the onely pacifier of all manner of angwishe and trouble deliuer we pray thee the souls of thy true seruants from slaunderous and lyeng lippes to be neuer ouercome by the malicious assauts of the euill but to stand by the assistence of thy grace wholye in thy protection to the lawd of thy name throughe Christ c. ¶ The Argument Psalme CXXI As Dauid here so other king Nie toward warre ought thus beginne The people than hym following Should wishe hym spede Gods ayde to winn Thus
Who made great lightes in firmament 8 The sunne for day in regiment 9 The moone and starres on night to glent The Quiere Who dyd all thys in hys good cure For euer standth hys mercy sure The Meane His grace to vs doth still endure Which will in ioy our hartes assure Rectors 10 Who Egipt smote with their first borne 11 And brought fro thence the Iewes forlorne 12 By mighty strength both night and morne The Quiere Who dyd all this in hys good cure For euer standth his mercy sure The Meane His grace to vs doth still endure Which will in ioyes our hartes assure Rectors 13 Who sea so red dyd whole deuide 14 And Iacob made through it to slide 15 But Pharo drownd his host beside The Quiere Who dyd all this in hys good cure For euer standth hys mercy sure The Meane His grace to vs doth still indure Who will in ioyes our hartes assure Rectors 16 Who led his flocke by wildernes 17 Who slew great kinges of Heathennes 18 The strongest kings he put to stresse The Quiere Who dyd all this in hys good cure For euer standth hys mercy sure The Meane His grace to vs doth still endure Who will in ioyes our hartes assure Rectors 19 As Seons brags and Ogs despites 20 Of Basan kinges and Amorites 21.22 Whose landes he made true Iacobs rightes The Quiere Who dyd all thys in hys gyod cure For euer standth hys mercy sure The Meane Hys grace to vs doth still endure Who wyll in ioyes our hartes assure Rectors 23 Who mynded vs in trouble set 24 And vs redeemd from them vs fret 25 Who heapeth all flesh with heaped met The Quiere Who dyd all thys in hys good cure For euer standth hys mercy sure The Meane His grace to vs doth still endure Who will in ioy our hartes assure Rectors 26 Then prayse and thanke the God of heauen With hart with tonge with lyfe most cleane The Quiere For euer standth hys mercy sure Hys grace to vs wyll styll endure The Meane So redy bendth hys loue so pure Which wyll in ioy our hartes assure Rectors O thinke and thanke the Lord of Lordes His thoughtes his actes hys louely wordes The Quiere For euer standth his mercy sure To thankefull hart it wyll endure The Meane So redy bendth hys loue so pure Which will in ioy our hartes assure The Collect. BE myndfull O Lord of our misery whych art Lord of all mercye and graunte that as thou leadest the fathers into the lande of promyse so to restore vs to the heauenly land of all felicitie through Christ c. The Argument Psalm Cxxxvij When Babilon the Iewes supprest they tell how they did playne From whence well rid they her detest to wishe her spoylde agayne ̄̄ 1 AT water sides of Babilon euen there we sate and wept ▪ While Syon mount ▪ we thought vpō remembring Gods precept 2 We hong among the Salow trées our Harpes and Organs all No ioy we had with wéeping eyes to matters musicall 3 They craued of vs who thrald vs wrong Some dyties melody In scorne they sayd sing vs some song Of Syon merely 4 How can we syng sayd we agayne The Lordes swéete songes deuyne In land so strange ▪ who vs constrayne we must all mirth resigne 5 If I should thee cast out of mynde O good Ierusalem I would my hand went out of kinde to play to pleasure them 6 Yea let my tonge to palate sticke if that I minde thee not If Syons prayse I should not seeke ▪ as chiefe to ioy in that 7 The Edomits O Lord requite for Sal●ms heauy day Who cryed wast her spoyle her in sight euen flat on ground to lay 8 O Babilon thou doughter light which waylst thy spoyling déepe Well mought he spéede that thee did quite as thou madst vs to weepe 9 And well fare him that toke thee ones which vs downe fiercely threwest Who slong thy babes agaynst the stones as ours in rage thou flewest ¶ The Collect. ALmighty God the strong deliuerer of al them that be bound in captiuity graunte vs so to rebounde thy praise in agreable consent of spiritual songs that where out lyues harts hath hetherto bene in a discord from thy holy wils and as outlawes haue wandred astraye nowe restore vs againe by thy mightye power in one vnitye to glorifye thy name throughe Christe The Argument Psalm CXXXVIII Whan Dauid skapt much wo on kynde Thus thanks to God he dyd extende So taughte by proofe he vowed in mynde That he of God would styll depende As he entendth 1 I Wyll O Lord geue thankes to thée My hart therto doth wholy bende Before the powrs as Gods they bée So sing I will my voyce to spend Els God forfend 2 I knéele to thy right regal cell To prayse thy name for truth and loue Thy word and name thou madst excell Aboue all thinges the déede doth proue As men expende 3 For this I sawe what day I cryed Thou answerdst me most louingly To my poore soule thou lentst I spyed More grace so strength to multiply Thus didst thou lende 4 All kings of earth prayse thée they must O Lord most true as right allowth When they shall here performed iust Thy word to me which spake thy mouth They will contende 5 Loe they shall sing with harts most free Of all the Lords most rightful wayes That great is God in maiesty So they his name shall euer prayse and thanks repend 6 And that the Lord though placed hye Who glory hath as God aboue Yet he the meke respecth full nye And knowth the proud from far aloofe him low to bend 7 What though I walke in midst of woe Yet wilt thou me reuiue and ease And stey by power myne Irefull foe Thy right hand strong shall me release Thy helpe to send 8 The Lord shall this performe for me That is begon to bringe to ende Thy grace benigne Lord aye shal be Thy handy woorke thou wilt not blende But still defend ¶ The collect MVltiplye thy strength in vs O Lorde and enlarge the powers of our soules ' that while we worship thee dayly in thy holy temple at the last we may glory with thy elect angels in heauen through Christe ¶ The Argument Psalm Cxxxix When Dauid mysreported was that he would Saul subuert He thus appeald to God hymself who knew hys giltles hart ̄ 1 O God thou hast ful searcht me out Thou knowst my harte and reines Accused I am to compasse in Both king and realme wyth traynes 2 My sitting downe my rising vp my Actes thou knowest echone Thou vnderstandst my thoughts a far before I thinke them on 3 My walks thou knowst my rests steys my bed thou goest abcute Yea al my wayes thou hast contriued all sercht by the no doute 4 No secret word in all my tonge so whispered closly in But thou O Lord it knowst at whole although it make no dinne 5 For
deuyse in counsayles met therto Agaynst the Lord wyth false accord agaynst hys Christ they go \ Psalm 95. The fourth Tune Meane O Come in one to prayse the lord him recount our stay health All harty ioyes let vs record to this strong rocke our Lord of health His face with prayse let vs preuent his factes in sight let vs denounce Ioyne we I say in glad assent our psalmes hymnes let vs pronounce Contra tenor O Come in one to prayse the lord him recount our stay and health All harty ioyes let vs record to this strong rocke our Lord of health Hys face wyth prayse let vs preuent hys factes in sight let vs denounce Ioyne we I say in glad assent our psalmes hymnes let vs pronounce The fourth Tune Tenor. O Come in one to praise the lord him recount our stay helth All harty ioyes let vs record to this strong rocke our Lord of health His face wyth prayse let vs preuent his factes in sight let vs denounce Ioyne we I say in glad assent our psalmes and hymnes let vs pronounce Base O Come in one to praise the lord and him recount our stay and health All harty ioyes let vs record to this strong rocke our Lord of health Hys face wyth prayse let vs preuent his factes in sight let vs denounce Ioyne we I say in glad assent our psalmes hymnes let vs pronounce Psalme 42. The fift Tune Meane EUen lyke the hunted hynd the water brokes desire Euen thus my soule that faintie is To thee would fayne aspire My soule did thirst to God to God of lyfe and grace It sayd euen thus when shall I come to see Gods liuely face Contra tenor EUen lyke the hunted hynd the water brokes desire Euen thus my soule that faintie is to thee would fayne aspire My soule did thirst to God to God of lyfe and grace It sayd euen thus when shall I come to see Gods liuely face The fift Tune Tenor. EUen lyke the hunted hynde the water brookes desire Euen thus my soule that faintie is to thee would fayne aspire My soule did thirst to God to God of lyfe and grace It sayd euen thus when shall I come to see gods liuely face Base EUen lyke the hunted hynde the water brookes desire Euen thus my soule that faintie is to thee would fayne aspire My soule did thirst to God to God of lyfe and grace It sayd euen thus when shall I come to see gods liuely face \ Psalme 5. The sixt Tune Meane EXpend O Lord my plaint of worde in griefe that I do make My musing mynd recount most kynd geue eare for thyne owne sake O harke my grone my cryeng mone my king my God thou art Let me not stray from thee away to thee I pray in hart Contra tenor EXpend O Lord my plaint of worde in griefe that I do make My musing mynd recount most kynd geue eare for thine owne sake O harke my grone my crying mone my kyng my God thou art Let me not stray from thee away to thee I pray in hart The sixt Tune Tenor. EXpend O Lord my plaint of worde in griefe that I do make My musing mynd recount most kynde geue eare for thine owne sake O harke my grone my crying mone my kyng my God thou art Let me not stray from thee away to thee I pray in hart Base EXpend O Lord my plaint of worde in griefe that I do make My musing mynd recount most kynde geue eare for thine owne sake O harke my grone my crying mone my kyng my God thou art Let me not stray from thee away to thee I pray in hart Psalme 52. The seuenth Tune Meane WHy bragst in malice hie O thou in mischief stout God 's goodnes yet is nye all day to me no doubt Thy tongue to muse all euill it doth it selfe in vre As rasor sharpe to spill all guile it doth procure Contra tenor WHy bragst in malice hie O thou in mischief stout God 's goodnes yet is nye all day to me no doubt Thy tonge to muse all euill it doth it selfe in vre As rasor sharpe to spill all guile it doth procure Psalme 52. The seuenth Tune Tenor. WHy bragst in malice hie O thou in mischief stout God 's goodnes yet is nye all day to me no doubte Thy tonge to muse all euill it doth it selfe in vre As rasor sharpe to spill all guile it doth procure Base WHy bragst in malice hie O thou in mischief stout God 's goodnes yet is nye to me all day no dout Thy tonge to muse all euill it doth it selfe in vre As rasor sharpe to spill all guile it doth appeare ̄ Psalme 67. The eight Tune Meane GOd graunt with grace he vs imbrace in gentle part blesse he our hart With louing face shyne he in place his mercies all on vs to fall That we thy way may know al day while we do saile this world so fraile Thy healthes reward is nye declard as playne as eye all Gentils spy Contra tenor GOd graunt with grace he vs imbrace in gentle part blesse he our hart With louing face shine he in place his mercies all on vs to fall That we thy way may know al day while we do saile this world so fraile Thy healthes reward is nye declard as playne as eye all Gentils spy Psalme 67. The eight Tune Tenor. GOd graunt with grace he vs imbrace in gentle part blesse he our hart with louing face shine he in place his mercies all on vs to fall That we thy way may know al day while we do saile this world so fraile Thy healthes reward is nye declard as playne as eye all Gentils spy Base GOd graunt with grace he vs imbrace in gentle part blesse he our hart with louing face shyne he in place his mercies all on vs to fall That we thy way may know al day while we do saile this world so fraile Thy healthes reward is nye declard as plaine as eye all Gentils spy Meane COme holy ghost eternall God which doost frō God procede the father first and eke the Sonne one God as we do rede Contra tenor COme holy ghost eternall God which doost from God procede the father first and eke the Sonne one God as we do rede Tenor. COme holy ghost eternall God which doost from God procede the father first and eke the Sonne one God as we do rede Base COme holy ghost eternall God which doost from God procede the father first and eke the Sonne one God as we do rede The Table 65 AL laudes be due to thée 85 Against thy laude 92 A ioyfull thyng it is ̄ 103 Aryse my soule ̄ 119 A right vp man ̄ 137 At waters sides ̄ 145 Arise I will 43 Ah iudge me God B. 40 By silent watch ̄ 72 Bestow O God 86 Bow downe thyne eare ̄ 101 Both mercy méeke 124 But God himselfe C. \ 136 Confesse and prayse \   Come