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A15000 A godlie treatise, intituled the view and down-fall of pride Wherein is declared the cause of Babylons destruction, and Nabuchadnezzars subuersion. Set forth by William Wheatley Maister of Art, and preacher of Gods word. Whately, William, 1583-1639. 1602 (1602) STC 25304; ESTC S113244 73,130 192

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better to conuey it vnto a Presbytery The Officers thereof and their number and what their office should be in an established Common-wealth cannot be prooued by any scripture neither can our new reformers tell themselues For they chaunge their opinions as the Camelion doth his colours Or as the wise man saith Like a foole that chaungeth as the Moone (e) Eccl. 27 11. And their writings as wel as their words declare what these men haue in their heart (f) Eccl. 27.6 Now name Pride harnessed with discontentment and thou hast found the souldiers that fight their battles and their scoldings are grieuous for to heare c. (g) Eccl. 27 15. Furthermore you know that Haman could not be contented with all his promotion being preserred by King Ahasuerus to be the chiefe man vnder him in all the Prouinces of his dominion but he obtained a Commission to kill all the Iewes onely of spight vnderserued of any but by Gods prouidence they were deliuered and Hamans discontented Pride was discharged by his owne gallowes (h) Ester 3. 7. This made Ahab he could not be quiet without Naboth his vineyard (i) 1. Reg. 21.15.16 Pride is neuer contented like her sister Conetousnesse I would our coat were without this stain But with Balaam I am afraid many follow the reward of iniquitie May wee not pray that the Fullers sope might get this spot out of theyr cloath If they could silkes and veluets would not be in so great request nor the Countrie cloyed with so many singlesolde gentlefolke carrying more vpon their backes needlesse at once then would comfort the poore at theyr boordes a whole moneth And thinke you that you bee none of these schismatickes of Martins crew If they were well looked vnto it may bee you should finde theyr tables in theyr Farme-houses as mouldie as many Pulpets are full of copwebbes for want of vsing Dooth not this keepe mens pittie from the poore ●ow they lament I will not speake but I would from God exhort the rich ●n time for to take compassion on them (k) Gal. 6.10 And though of many their hearts ●re hardned yet because the crye of ●he poore is knowne to her Maiestie ●nd to the wisedome of her Maiesties honourable Councell doubt not beloued but that speedie remedie and helpe is appointed Onely this I say that whole Countries and Nations by this sinne of minde malecontent rise one against an other fewe content with their owne Patrimony only our dread soueraigne and most gracious Queene dooth hold the garland from them all God saue her life for euer Amen What needs further proofe where experience is plaine She ioyeth more most renowmed Queene in sauing one drop of her subiects blood then in winning of a whole Kingdome and therefore shee is content with her owne long ô Lord let her enioy it to the great example of all other O pray for the peace of Ierusalem euen litle England Christ saith Learne of me and if any would learne of her Maiestie what need either ioyning of house to house or laying of field to field till there be no place for the poore that ye may bee placed by your selues on the middest of the earth (l) Esa 5.8 Why should there bee such racking of rents such colde hospitalitie dearth of corn and all other things since there is plentie But it is easie to shewe that where Pride once setteth her foote vpon discontentment or ingrafteth this feather into her wing there God is forgotten and fewe contented with that which is Aequum iustum nor with their owne then away with equitie yea and equalitie too euery churle must be a gentleman Pride will be like God These be foure sicke feathers in Prides wings vnder which who so shrowdeth himselfe is couered from the fauour of God Away from him all ye workers of iniquitie Goliah said I defie the hoast of Israel this day (m) 1. Sam. 17.10 But God doth defie the house of Pride for euer that will not turne For it is written Hee that hath high lookes and a proud stomacke doth his soule abhorre And wise Salomon saith These sixe things doth the Lord hate yea his soule abhorreth seuen the haughtie eyes a lying tongue c. Loe Pride is the first as captaine of the rest (n) Pro. 6.16.17 And thus much of this matter But peraduenture it may be thought that I haue a grudge to some of you as Salomon had to Shimei (o) 1. Reg. 2.36 c because I tell you the truth so boldly and plainly Now beware you grudge not me as as Saul did Dauid (p) 1. Sam. 18.9 I can wash my hands in innocencie and cleare my selfe of this matter Innocentia est vbi non est nocendi voluntas (q) Amb. li. de bono Mor. ca. 1 That is innocencie which is without desire to hurt Augustine saith Duo sunt genera persecutorum vituperantium adulantium Nam plus persequitur lingua adulatoris quàm manus persequentis (r) Aug. in Ps 69. There are two kindes of hurting or persecuting enemies that is backbyters and flatterers for the tongue of the flatterer woundeth or hurteth more then the hand of a sworne enemie for so the meaning is Againe hee saith Nemo peritorum aut prudentium putet c. There is no man of vnderstanding and wisedome but seeth more danger or harme to be by a lying and flattering rongue then by the hands of a murtherer (ſ) Aug. ad Casul 4. ad Demet. Ep. 14● For Dauid still fled from Saul when he came to kill him and so was saued (t) 1. Sam. 18.11 But Absolom by flattery caught his brother Ammon and slew him (v) 2. Sam. 13.28 29 So Ioab murthered Abner and Amasa (w) 2. Sam. 3.27 Againe Augustine saieth that Flatterie makes men colde in Religion (x) Aug. in Ps 69. Therefore Iesus Christ saith Feare not them that kill the body (y) Math. 10.28 And the Prophet Isay saith Feare not crye aloud spare not lift vp thy voyce like a Trumpet and shewe my people their transgression (z) Isay 43.1 51.1 And the holy Apostle S. Paul saieth Rebuke not an Elder but exhort him as a father and the younger men as bretheren (a) 1. Timot. 5.1 Put both together and this lesson may be learned not to doo the worke of the Lord negligently (b) Ier. 48.10 and yet patiently to rebuke and to be instant in season and out of season but yet in loue (c) 2. Timot. 4.2 That wee may bee blamelesse and pure as the sonnes of God without rebuke in the middest of a noughtie and crooked Nation in the which we shine as lights in the world holding foorth the word of life c. (d) Phil. 2.15.16 Therefore I know what to doo I tell you the truth why doo you not beleeue me I cannot speake with glosing words of mans wisedome (e) 1.
Iren. Euse Iustino And when he liued hee said himselfe that he was some great man (g) Act. 8 9. But his end mard al as we shewed before Like wise whē Herod had made an oratiō before the people they cried Vox dei non hominis It 〈◊〉 the voice of God not of man (h) Act. 12.22 And hee was most proud of it We find also that one Hanno of Carthage sometime brought vp birdes and taught them to whistle Deus est Hanno Hanno is God and so let them flye (i) Text. Offic. And euen much after this maner came Mahomet the Turkes God into his first fauour and credite Manes the heretike preached that hee himselfe was borne of a Virgin Deitatisque numen sibi vindicabat and challenged vnto himselfe the maiestie of a God (k) Charl. Step. Text. Euseb Menecrates a Phisitian would take nothing for his cures but desired of his Patients Vt eius seruos esse fateātur eumque Iouem dicerent (l) Text. Ibid. That they would acknowledge themselues to bee his seruants and call him their Iupiter or God And the heretike Manicheus called himselfe the holy Ghost I might shewe you how the Emperours yet tyrants haue called themselues Gods as diuers other but I will stay at the Pope who is not behinde any of them Some haue called him an earthly God Some disdaining that haue called him God without an Epitheton Some our Lord God the Pope Others being besotted with the spirit of Pride are so wrapt that they cannot tell what to make of him and do affirme that hee is neither God nor man It may bee these cunningly intend to inuest vpon him The man of sinne (m) 2. Thes 2.3 as hee is indeed But to be briefe come to our owne dayes and their late Champion D. Stapleton in the Preface to his booke called Principiorum sidei doctrinalium demonstratio besides many false and blasphemous titles there giuen to the Pope to grease his haughtie humour the more easily to flie into his fauour as many do by bribes when their hearts are farre peraduenture behinde hee calles him Basim fiundamentum columnam firmamentum totius orthodoxae religionis The root and foundation the pillar and chiefe stay of all right and true Religion Omnium Ecclesiarum caput The head of all Churches Supremum in terris numen The highest godhead vpon earth And M. Harding doth allow him to be in some certaine sence as he saith Terrenum quendam deum A certaine earthly God And we know their cloakes of Heads and Foundations and Gods not absolute but Ministring to couer their blasphemies as a playster doth a sore from the odious sight of men But put the Popes person his blasphemous titles or names his life or practises against the members of Christ Iesus his bodie mysticall in a bundle together laie them to the touchstone of Gods truth and sacred word and they are of so much force to confirme or approue their follie 1. Reg. 18.26 Psal 82.1.6 as the crying of Baals priests preuailed to obtaine fire of their Idoll And yet we know what gouernors are righteous Gods vpon earth that is euen such as are noursing fathers and noursing mothers in the Church of Christ like the Queene of England But as one saith God neuer called the Popes gods his godhead is base borne and yet for all that because the Popes Deitie should not be thought to bee without power as they haue fained him a false name so they doo counterfait him as true authoritie least hee should bee without credite as those which say and doo not are without honestie Therefore they say but all vntrue that Christus beato Petro c. commisit Clem. li. 2. de appel pastor distinct 32. Christ hath committed to blessed Peter the key-bearer of eternall life Iura c. the right or authoritie both of the earthly heauenly Empire-dome and so they say Papa totius orbis obtinet principium the Pope hold the Princedome of the whole world 1. Sam. 18 11. 2. Sam. 15.2 Yet by their leaue it is but in wil it is neither indeed nor right though lie haue as bad a mind to it as Saul had to kill Dauid or Abso lō to depose his father And yet with the Papists who but the Pope Card. Cusau ad Boh. Epist 2. Epist 3. One of their Cardinals saith Veritas aahaeret Cathedrae Petri. And again the same man saith Dico nulla esse Christi praecepta nisiquae per Ecclesiā pro talibus accepta sūt The truth cleaues to Peters chaire then burn the chaire and where is their truth Nay I say quoth he there is no commaundement of Christ he meanes of force except it be allowed so go for currāt by the Church of Rome An other saith A doctrina Romanae Ecclesiae Syl prier cōtra Luthe Dan. 3.16.18 Romani Pontificis sacra scriptura robur authoritatem trahit The sacred scripture hath her truth or strength and authoritie of the church and Pope of Rome Ah blasphemous liers But who beleeue them surely none that tries them And the scriptures of God may cry to the Pope Who made thee a Iudge and Ruler ouer vs we will not obey thee as the three children said to Nabuchadnezzar yet to blinde the world and to keepe them from trying of spirits whether they be of God or no they thunderout (t) Consil Ro. cap. 3.5.12 Praesul summus non iudicabitur a quopiam The highest Prelate 1. The Pope must not be iudged of any body perhaps least the Pope be found a woman againe Hee is like vnto Pharao that said Who is the Lord that I should heare his voyce (v) Exod. 5.2 And beloued this is the cloud that darkens all their light Forsoothe the Pope cannot erre And their fortresse to withstand all gun-shot is In matters of faith and yet in the chiefe point thereof which is Iustification they erre heretically and are infinitely ouercome by the holy scriptures though they would ouercome them and writings of the auntient and learned Fathers Yet to keepe their standing some of them are not ashamed to tell the world and to accuse those that reprooue the heresie and tyrannie of the Hope of blasphemy and sinning against the holy Ghost (w) R. Bristo in his Repl. to Ful. art 35. part 2. fol. 9. Hard. to Iewel 4. part fol. 438. Printed 1571. But let God be true and euery man a lyer and hee that is filthy let him be filthy still if Gods iudgement be such Thus we see into what height of wickednesse Pride driues men euen because they would get them a name like the builders of the Tower of Babell (x) Gen. 11 4. Now to come to our selues I know not who would tread in this styrrope and mount except it be such as in their owne conceit do say Touch mee not I am holyer then thou