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A14707 Antichrist, that is to saye: A true reporte, that Antichriste is come wher he was borne, of his persone, miracles, what tooles he worketh withall, and what shalbe his ende: translated out of Latine into Englishe. by I.O.; Antichristus. English Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Old, John, fl. 1545-1555. 1556 (1556) STC 25009; ESTC S119373 149,758 392

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so must al they nedes be false Christes that set out who is a false Christ them selues for redemers and saueours of men And than also they are false prophetes shewe a false Christ as many as teache men to seke saluacion and redempcion forgeuenesse of synnes the waye of lyfe the grace of God and the true eternall blessednesse any wher elles than at the fole and only sonne of God our redemer and saueour Iesus Christ Wherof it is in this place to be noted that this worde Christ is vsed for redemer saueour and reuenger so that the meanyng of our Lordes wordes is this Whan the destruction of the temple citie begynneth to drawe nere O brethren ther shall ryse many that shall boast them selues to be saueours of the people shall wythdrawe many of the people vnto their partes for asmuche as they also shal haue Apostles Prophetes of their owne that shall praise thē vnto the symple rude people And in like case ther shall not a fewe in the later tymes goo before my glorious commyng which shall boldely take vpon them to be that thing that none is but only I that is to saye they shall crepingly insinuate them selues in mennes consciences to be suche through false setting furthe and wicked arrogauncie as thoughe they hade in their handes the grace of saluacion redempcion forgeuenesse of synnes euerlasting life Beleue not these maner of men yea although they sende furthe preachers of their name and doctrine neue● so many to praise them most highly wyth wordes and studious diligence yea and though they do miracles and suche wonders as haue hitherto ben scarcely sene or knowē of For they are deceauours most falselyeng seducers of the simple rude cōmon people Beholde therfore I haue tolde you before and forewarned you Learne you this lesson at least waye to remembre my warninges and to beware and to escape so great a mischief Now thā like as Christ faithfully admonished those that his were of these thinges euen so the mater it self beareth recorde that he was a true prophet the veritie of the dedes afterwarde proued hys sayeng true For if a man cōsidre the destruccion of the citie and temple and the thinges that went before it he maye fynde that ther were many of this kynde of guydes and rulers connyngly sene in craftie deceates that is to wete a sorte of magical philosophers cōnyng in deuillishe sciences other wicked knackehardye felowes amōg the nombre of whom a certain Egipcian is chiefly reckoned than Caphedon Theodas and others which like as through their false ꝓmises allured the people that were of them selues to muche inclined to sediciō euē so were they Autors vnto many of most depe miseries and extreme sorowes Loke for these maters in Iosephus the 20 boke of antiquities the 11. 1● and 14. chap. Furthermore in case False Christes in the primatiue churche we marke respectiuely the apostles tymes and the thinges that chaūced about the primatiue churche it shall euidently appeare that euen at that tyme also many rose which partly toke vpon them the office to geue the grace of God and the giftes of saluacion and partly which declared that they must be hade som wher elles thā at our sole and only redemour Iesus Christ For to this meanyng the texte ought to be applied that we reade in Act. 8. the actes of Symon magus which was so sawcye as to name him selfe the mightie power of God To this sayeng also the swarmes of heretikes are to be accōpted which by by euen in the apostles tymes or sone after arose withdrewe mēnes myndes from Christ Iesus miserably disquieted mennes consciences with their doctrine Herevnto shal worthily be referred the blaspemous helhoūd the deuilles owne mynion that deceauour Mahomet Mahomet who as he is the autor of a new lawe hath with his abominable entreprise feined also a new kingdome of heauēs not hearde of before newe blessednesse newe waye of saluacion and a newe secte To be short vnto this purpose belong they that from the lippes forewarde as touchyng the title aduaunce the religion and faith of Christ and for al that they commonly set furthe remission of synnes the grace of God the father eternall lyfe and saluacion not in the only merite of our saueour Iesu Christ but trayne awaye mennes simple rude myndes to other purposes Of this sorte we saye that all the Popishe doctours are which in dede Teachers of Popery professe Christ wyth their mouthe but yet the maner of thē is to teache the folowers of their doctrine religion to put their trust partly in their owne workes and merites partly to trayne them vnto Saintes merites vnto Saintes intercession vnto Popes pardones vnto Saintes ymages and finally vnto many suche sortes of trifles and fantasies of mānes brayne or rather supersticion and also to seke comforte of mynde peace and quietnesse of cōsciences in suche gaire For it shal appeare more clear than the daye lyght that euen these sortes of men are no lesse ment by Christes wordes than the other sortes are in case the thinges that are spoken of in this place be compared with their tradicions For they are not afrayde to declare not only that remission of synnes and saluacion of soules must be atteyned by som other meanes than at our saueour Christ but also to set furth euē that same our Lorde him selfe in sondry places contrary to the autoritie of the scriptures and of the worde of God For as concerning Christ which was hanged on the crosse and dyed and after that whan he was raised vp agayne from deathe caried his very owne true bodye into the heauens in the sight of his disciples they teache contrary besydes the plaine articles of our catholyke faithe and besydes the truthe of the holy scriptures that he is conteyned without all doubte in the sacramēt of the aultare corporally also in the same substaūce as he was hanged on the crosse and offred vp him selfe for vs and that he lieth enclosed in the churches or boxes as they call them that are consecrate to that ende and so they shewe him in those same places to the sely rude people whom they haue wyth their tradiciones fātasies brought in to suche a madnesse that they forgette the faithful admonicion of this our Lorde Iesu Christ and put their confidence in these mennes tryfling toyes a great parte of mē folowing these deceauours goo about to seke the Lorde Christ the saueour of the worlde in breade in boxes in the aultare in other sōdry sortes of places And how great and how farre out of square this errour of the world is it shal be declared in other places more plenteously God so willing And forasmuche than as we heare that the Lorde Christ him self in this place nameth false Christes And seing that mencion is made of suche maner of deceauours which by theyr false prophetes
than in heauen cursed be they and let them not be beleued how gaye felowes so euer they be how fynely so euer they cā tell their tale and of how high autoritie so euer they are But if sō be so wilfully stubburne and blinde that they will rather beleue them thā Christ our saueour geuing vs so faithfull monicion we must nedes let them alone to doo after their owne lust They shall fele like wretches one day to their owne great payne what a guyde it is that they haue folowed Secondarily the Lorde warneth Goo not furthe vs that we goo not out if they either teache a false Christ or shewe Christ any wher elles thā in heauē Which wordes although they may be expoūded to meane concerning the bodie that the Lorde forbiddeth all stacions and pilgrimages that are done for saluacion and religion yet they ought chiefly to be applied to our soule mynde so that the soule goo not out from Christ our Lorde and saueour nor seke saluation any wher elles but sattle it self in him wyth an assured and vndoubting faithe And herein verily are all thinges closed that make vnto our saluacion For like as a man may fynde the fauour of God the father the remission of synnes and saluacion in Christ alone euē so as many as go out frō Christ thīke scorne to beleue stedfastly in him can not chose but goo out quyte from life and saluacion Therfore it is very muche profitable for vs to knowe louing brethren in Christ after what sorte we may abide in the Lorde and tary with him still vnto the ende specially seing we heare him saye Not euery one that saithe Lorde Lorde shall Math. 7. entre into the kingdome of heauen but he that dothe the will of my father which is in heauē These same wordes teache men what becometh them to doo that are desirous to abide in Christ and entre wyth him in to the kingdome of heauen We must nedes doo God the the heauenly fathers wil Mary what that is we may knowe by the wordes of Christ him self and the Apostles And furst in dede the Lorde him self speaketh of the will of the father Io. 6. chap. and saithe This is the wil The will of God is that we beleue in his Sonne of him that sent me that al that see the sonne and beleue in him haue euerlasting life Therfore the will of God is good holsom vnto vs which hathe this appointed ende that we shall haue euerlasting saluacion but with this condicion that we should knowe the sōne and beleue in him whom he vouchedsafe to sende in to the worlde for our sakes Thā the furst point of Goddes wil requireth of vs a very a certain a perfite and an vnwauering faithe in Christ our Lorde saueour to cleaue fast vnto him withall and to seke in him alone for those thinges that are necessary to com to eternal saluacion And this faithe requireth a certain a perfite knowlage of Christ to thintent that least while we make boast of our faithe we carye in our hearte nothing but as it were a bare and a vayne fātastical opiniō but we must beleue faithfully and without al doubting those thinges that are set furthe vnto vs in the worde of euerlasting truthe by Christ our Lorde This worde describeth our saueour How the scriptures describe Christ vnto vs after this sorte Iesus Christ is the true and natural sonne of God the father of all one substaūce nature maiestie with the father frō euerlasting And at the tyme appointed he became mā for our sakes not by layēg awaye his godhead but by receauing of Māhead so that he which was God from euerlasting is now bothe very God very mā in one inseperable persone And forasmuche as he became man he suffred all thinges that a man may do synne only except For he was borne as man growed waxed strong in body streynght processe of age He was weary with trauailīg he rested he suffred bothe hongre thyrst he also wept for sorowe of hearte Yea he was afrayde of deathe of the paynes of deathe yet he abode them paciētly strongly for our sakes But before the tyme of his deathe approched his will was to haue his diuinitie knowen to men not only by miracles wonderous signes but also opening the wil of his father he gaue vs a certain and an absolute doctrine of saluacion and blessednesse He chosed disciples also that after he had instructed them with his spirite in the doctrine of the truthe he might at his ascēding in to heauē sende them furthe in to all the wyde worlde And whan he dyed he satisfyed his fathers righteousnesse by his deathe and offring him selfe for vs once for all he made a sufficient sacrifice for the clensyng of the synnes of the worlde For by his deathe he brake the olde serpentes head all to clattred his power and toke his streynght from hym and than by his glorious resurrection he ouercame deathe it self At last whan he went vp in to heauen he set heauē gates wyde open for vs again the which synne hade locked vs out of and wolde haue the fleshe which he toke of vs to be the earnest peny and pledge of our resurrection and saluacion in heauen And now he sitteth in heauen and is our only and supreme bishop which as he offred his body a sacrifice for our synnes euen so dothe he make intercessiō for vs continually before our heauēly father so as we as muche endaungered with synne as we are may safely approche to the throne of grace Such a maner Christ I saye and suche a maner saueour the oracles of the scripture purporte vnto vs and the will of God the father is that we stedfastly beleue him to be such a one and that we goo not about to seke any wher elles those thinges that are geuen vs in him Now the faythe that we talke of is not a certaine bare and a vayne fantastical opiniō that consisteth in bare wordes and in nothing elles but in the speche of the mouthe but it is a quicke lyuely strong power whiche beyng by the spirite of God graffed in mennes consciences conteyneth all the hole mater of saluacion and religiō For it is necessary for vs also to know God the father that we maye be truly and faythfully grounded in Iesus Christ Goddes owne sonne If we acknowlage him rightly to be suche a one as he is we shall feare him also and not that only but also we shall loue him aboue all other thinges beyng boūden to him with suche feare and loue as children owe to their natural parentes we shal willingly obeye him in al thinges Out of the spowte of the same foūtayne shall spring what so euer can be required also vnto externall religion For in this faythe we shall not heare the ymaginacions of our owne reason but haue respecte onlye vnto
kyng Pipine beyng bewitched wyth the persuasion of this errour gaue Rauenna and all the Exarcheship wyth many other places which he hade taken from the Emperour of the Grekes vnto the churche of Rome to make amended for his synne that he hade done bothe in wrongfully taking the kingdome vpon him and in muche effusion of blood which he hade vniustly spilte After that Pipines sonne Carolus magnus being deceaued with the like errour confirmed that his father had geuen and gaue more also of his owne And that made him without any other consideracion to leaue so many churches enriched so many colleges and monasteries excedyng rychely endued wyth his substaunce Than his sonne Lewis which was called Pius succeding his father vouched safe vpon the same persuasions not only to confirme the gifte of his graundfather and of his father but also to geue the citie of Rome and all the liberties therof frely vnto the bishoppes of Rome Other princes also folowed their example and so did lordes and gentilmen Yea citezines and vplandishe menne as many as were somwhat wealthie gaue wonderfull muche treasure of golde and siluer to serue the God Mayzim withall and so they furnished Antichrist his with exceading great abundaunce of richesse In the meane space ther crept out Cloisterer● fratres in vnum knaues all quod william Somer a newe kynde of men Cloistre men and of them ther became diuerse ordres which were the actiuest men alyue in scraping of rychesse together For they get not only great treasures of ready money but also very large possessions of lādes in a shorte space Herein I wil be reported to the wealthe of them that lyued after the most beggerlye sorte among them euen the fraūcisce friers the Dominike friers whom they called by an other name Friers preachers For albeit their ordres were confirmed by autoritie of the bishoppes of Rome with in these LLC. yeares past that is to saye the yeares of our Lorde M. LLXX and. M. CCxxiij yet they haue goten so muche substaunce and richesse with in so shorte a tyme as were ynough to fynde many thousauntes a lyuing Besides this we see that they haue builded so many monasteries muche fairer than kinges and princes palaces so as a man can not fynde either any king or emperour that were hable to beare the costly charges therof And yet not content with these they haue gotē together so many ymages of great wedges of golde and siluer so many chalices so many patines so many candlestyckes so many dishes and infinite other suche kynde of vesselles of golde and siluer yea and so many copes and vestmētes broudred with golde set with precious stones that if they were laide all vpon an heape they were hable to excede the wealthe of Craesus and Myda This we maye saye furthermore as the truthe of the mater it selfe appeareth that these holy theues that are the chiefest braggers of pouertie are come to so highe wealthe that a poore greasy graye frier may walke all the worlde ouer almost and cost him neuer a peny bicause he may fynde euery daye a house of graye friers and ther lyue as it were of his owne among his brethren And indede these mē are the most beggerly of al the mēbres that Antichrist hath I speake not now of mytred bishoppes and swashing abbottes which wil be called and regarded as princes and kepe astate as if they were Lordes I speake not of Cardinalles and popes which goo farre beyōde worldly princes in wealthe in streynght of reignyng Tushe the deuil is so muche these mennes good Lorde and they haue so muche dominion ouer the treasures of the earthe that those thīges be euē their owne good which other men haue the possession of and are not yet deliuered vnto their handes For assone as their desire is to enlarge their substaunce they haue an hundred knackes in their budget to pike mennes secrete treasures out of their priuie coafers For the helpe of this mater serue their oft chaungeing and encreaceing of their pardon bulles their newe staciōs newe foūde reliques and preaching of the crosse against the inuasions of the Turkes and other suche like trickes wherw t their custome is lyke vnsaciable cormoranes to rauine deuoure vp all to them selues These be the sixe workes of Antichrist which are mencioned in the. 11. chaptre of Daniel Now remayneth the seuenth and 7. Antichrist moueth batail agaīst the Sayntes last worke of Antichrist which is specified in fewe wordes by Daniel in his 7. Cha. where he writeth that the litel horne that is to saye Antichrist made batail against the saintes preuailed against them And in dede this is his owne right natural worke for wtout it he could in no wise be Antichrist For seing Antichrist is the aduersary of Iesus Christ our Lorde only saueour bothe in name and mater he must nedes make warre against all them that faithfully beleue in Christ are sanctified by his merite death For they are not only called saintes in who be called Saintes in the scriptures the scriptures which ar departed this lyfe and reigne in heauē as the rude sorte of popishe people are wont to thinke but al suche also as are sanctifyed clensed washed by the blood of the sonne of God yea all maner of faythfull people that knowe that they are scoured cleane from the filthe of their sinnes by the only merite of Christes death passion and stedfastly beleue that they are made righteous before God the father shall lyue after this lyfe for euer and enioye the benefites of suche a ioyous felicitie as neuer shall ende And these sayntes hathe the B. of Rome alwayes made bataile against with the violent force of his tirannie as one that could neuer abyde the faith religiō that they were of For yf men holde of none but only Christ yf they put their hole trust in the merite of his death yf they confesse him to be the sole only saueour and redemer of al the hole world thā maye the B. of Rome put vp his pypes thā may he take his leaue of his great gainyng money marte thā his pardone marchaundise stynketh thā his Bulles are not sette a strawe by than gothe his great gaynes of golde and siluer awaye that hade wonte to come in for the soules that lye pewling in the paynles paynes of his pikepurce purgatoire Than may he pisse out the flamyng fire of that colde scalding house for any more vaūtage it bringeth But how wold ye haue mē to abyde this that are all together geuen to delices voluptuoussnesse and pride Therfore ther is clashing of olde harnesse and batail is a brewing against the Lordes sayntes wherunto the B. of Rome bothe geueth the on sette and taketh vp the mater As for this gaire we may see it to be true more clearely thā the daye light if we note what hathe happened wtin the space of this one age
this sentēce conteyned in the worde of God and in the holy articles of our faithe For we learne by bothe that our Lorde Iesus Christ is the only waye the only doore and gate of saluacion wherby we may entre in to the kingdome of heauen Furthermore they teache vs that Christ Iesus is the only head of his churche the only and chief priest the only sacrifice for the synnes of the worlde and the only mediatour and aduocate vnto God the father for mākinde so that as many as vouchesafe to beleue in him shall lyue for euermore and as many as will not receaue and acknowlage him to be their saueour shal be vtterly cast awaye Hereof we haue testimonies occurraunt in euery place of the scriptures For Christ our Lorde speaketh alowde saieth with plaine wordes I am the life the light and the truthe No mā cometh to the father but by me Io. 14. Also Io. 10. Verily I saye vnto you I am the dore of the shepe Al euen as many as came before me are theues and murtherers but the shepe hearde them not I am the dore by me if any man shall entre he shal be saued and go in and come out and shal fynde pasture And a litel after I am that good shepheard A good shepehearde geueth his life for his shepe To the same purpose are many other such like sayenges in other places as these Come to me all ye that labour and are heauy laden and I shall geue you rest Math. 11. If any man thirst let him com to me drinke He that beleueth in me as the scripture saithe ther shal flowe ryuers out of his bely of lyuing water Io. 7. Also This is the worke of God that you beleue in hym whom he hathe sent I am the bread of life He that cometh to me shal hongre no more and he that beleueth in me shall thirste no more Io. ● To the same effecte we must referre the wordes that we reade the apostles spake and wrote by the inspiracion of the same spirite Petre speaking of Christ before the priestes Act. 4. saithe This is the stone that was refused of you builders which is the chief of the corner and ther is saluacion in non other For ther is nō other name vnder heauen geuē vnto mē wherin we most be saued And the apostle Paule iudgeth hym self to knowe nothing but Iesus Christ euē him that was crucified 1. cor 2 And in an other place God forbyd that I should reioyce but in the crosse of Iesu Christ Gala. 6. Also Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners of whom I am chief 1. Tim. 1. And agayne For Christ was not offred vp often but once for all to take awaye the synnes of many Hebr. 9 Ther is one God and one mediatour betwene God and men the man Iesus Christ 1. Timo. 2. c. And what doo all these places reporte els but that Iesus Christ alone is geuen vnto vs of God the father that we might be saued in hym setting all our hole fayth assuredly on him seyng by only fayth we haue free accesse vnto hym Hereof than this must nedes folowe that we must recken them vndoubtedly cast awaye from saluacion and as Iohan baptist sayeth vnder the wrathe of God that will not beleue in him Finally yf we will beleue in Christ Iesus we must of necessitie acknowlage hym to be the only saueour of the worlde after suche sorte as the scriptures purporte hym to be But that shalt thou neuer doo nor neuer shalt be hable to doo yf thou wilt folowe the bishop of Rome and receaue his faythe and doctrine For howe shalt thou acknowlage Christ to be the only heade of the churche yf thou say the bishop of Rome is the heade of the same also How shalt thou also confesse Iesus Christ truly to be the chief highe Priest of all the hole worlde yf thou wilt acknowlage the bishop of Rome also to be the head and vniuersall bishop or priest of all churches How shalt thou beleue Christ to be thy only righteousnesse and satisfaction yf thou seke to be saued by the ryghteousnesse of thyne owne workes merites How shalt thou be hable to beleue Christ to be the only sacrifice for the synnes of all the hole worlde and that he beyng offred vpon the aultare of the crosse made full satisfaction vnto his fathers righteousnesse yf thou wilt confesse that he in his owne naturall humane body is offred vp daily by dronkē hooremōging filthy varlettes I meane the greasy masse priestes for the synnes both of the quicke of the dead How shalt thou beleue that Christ Iesus is the only mediatour and aduocate of al men if thow praye and call vpon the sayntes departed cōtinually to be mediatours for thee Finally with what faithe shalt thow acknowlage Christ to be the only waye of saluaciō and the doore of true blessednesse if thou stryue to goo to heauen by the merites of thyne owne workes that is to say by fasting shryuing masses staciones and by the protectiō and aide of popishe bulles and pardones or by broiling in the burnyng colle pitte of the popes purgatorie Doest thow not see that this gaire is cleane contrary repugnaūt to that faithe which teacheth vs to sticke to Christ alone Therfore thow must of necessitie confesse that thow cannest not chose but be most farre of from beleuing faithfully in Christ if thow wilt folowe the doctrine of the B. of Rome and embrace the faithe that he setteth furthe And if thow be voide of faithfull beleuing in Christ doubtles the wrathe of God abideth vpon thee in that thow wilt not geue credence to the sonne of God So that in case thow goo on still in thy infidelitie once receaued and contynue still a membre of the popishe faith and of that popishe churche thow cannest loke for non other iudgement but to be cast with thy head Antichrist at the last daye in to vnquēceable fire For here appeareth no maner of meane for vs but either we must be saued by him which only hathe saluacion in him felf or be excluded from him and be damned for euer more Therfore the papistical faithe and religion must not be reckoned a certain light ignoraunce and tryfling errour which thow maiest easily excuse nother must we beleue that any man in all the world can be saued in case he sticke stubbernly vnto it In this behalf most louing brethren in Christ our soules are in hasarde it is their cause that is in hande yea and so in hande that we may make them bounde slaues through our wilfull stubburnesse vnto eternall damnacion And therfore the mercifull and most gentill harted doctour of all the worlde Iesus Christ as he instructeth vs in al other thinges so he geueth vs faithfull warnyng in this behalf For in Matthewe he biddeth Matth. 7. vs beware diligently of these false ꝓphetes that we should obserue them and note them in
suffre them to rushe in and to haue his churche somwhat exerciced therwithall For that cause the Lorde calleth the Kyng of Assiria the rodde of his furie Esa 10. Psal 17. and Dauid calleth the wicked Goddes hande and Goddes sweorde where as nother the Kyng of Assiria hade any respect vnto the wil of God nother do the wicked regarde the coūsail of Goddes prouidence But thys louing brethren is ful of comforte that nother the aduersaries haue of them selues any power against vs nor that any thing befalleth vs without the wil of God For seyng the holye scriptures declare vnto vs that Psal 11. 2. Corin. 1. God is not only a ryghteous Lorde but that he is also a most merciful father certainly what aduersitie so euer chaūceth vnto vs through his coūsail it threatteneth not to destroy or vndo vs but promiseth vs saluacion For how can he mynde the vndoing of mē which is the maker of mākynd wold a father haue his owne children destroyed wolde he be content to haue them vtterly destroyed slayne No. But forasmuche as that propertie is most farre frō the nature of a mortal mā that is a father doubtles we may Luce. 11. not thinke God which is the fountayne of mercie and grace to be more vngentil and harder harted than a mortall man Why than saye they suffreth he most merciles enemies to fall vpon vs by heapes so why dothe he cast vs in to their handes and vpon their we apones than But what are you good folkes that grunt at this gaire Thinke ye it a wondre or neuer hearde you that a father shaketh the rodde at his children yea Hebre. 12. and that he clappeth them on the buttockes to for their correction Let vs rather loke vpon our selues and we shall sone see the causes of all this gayre For where we being Psal 51. conceaued and borne in synne coulde not chose but be lyke our owne original state and therfore shoulde be the slaues of deathe and damnation the father of heauen tendring vs wyth mercie by his owne sonne hathe takē awaye our sinnes chosē vs to be his childrē hathe made vs heires of his grace kingdome This ioyfull gracious prouidē● of our saluatiō euen the doctrine of the gospell bringeth vs worde of And that is it that telleth vs how we are endetted to god again therfore It enformeth vs how we must beleue it teacheth vs howe to frame our life and it correcteth our naughtie corrupte maners Howbeit forasmuche as our fleshe can not abide to be corrected nourtured it wolde not in this case be monished rebuked corrected nor founde fault at no it abuseth the doctrins of the gospell to clooke his licencious libertie and lust wythall the more careles securitie and libertie it hathe to liue at pleasure so muche the more it foloweth his owne affections and renneth wilde wythout bridling Than therfore it standeth wyth the heauenly fathers iustice that they which wolde not amende wyth courteous warnyng of wordes must be corrected with stripes And yet he sendeth not them for any cause but that we shoulde cast awaye our careles necligēce turne in to the right way again As for examples or testimonies of scripture ther nedeth none in this case seing euery one of vs f●leth in our selues this corrupt disposiciō of our owne nature Neuertheles I thinke it not amysse to note suche thinges as haue fallen in our tyme. The worde of the gospell hathe by the fauourable grace of God ben reuealed and preached to the people of Germanye now about fyue twentie yeares and more Ther hathe ben disclosed the fraudes the false sleightes subtil wiles and blasphemous deuises of Antichristes tyrannye All darkenesse hathe ben scowred awaye by the light of the truthe The endles knottes that befor tyme were indissoluble and the most sorowfull bōdes Hebre. 4. of deathe were let lose and cutte in pieces wyth this most kene two edged sweorde the Gospell And whan this gaire was ones losed all that euer Antichrist hade buylded in mennes consciences fell sodaynly downe and the vayne dredes of conscience vanished away like smoke That made the Bishop of Rome sory for it straight at the furst begynnyng And right myghty Emperours Kinges Princes and people were greued at that Yea they laide their heades together at sondry counsailes wherby they wolde fayne haue troden downe the corne of the gospell which was than but grene newly sprongen vp But al wolde not serue No. we haue sene thē fall out among them selues and horribly torne and arayed wyth making warres one against an other which intended to make warre against Christ And now euen the same are at hande ready to cheoppe of our neckes now they set vpon vs wyth fyre and sweorde now they make hauocke of euery thing wyth murthering and smothering But what is the cause Is Christ more weake and lesse skilfull in his science than he hathe ben before tyme Is it bicause he is not hable to restrayne that he hathe restrayned and kepte of all this while vnto these dayes No That is not the mater But we haue deserued this miserie through our owne synnes We haue prouoked him vnto wrathe through our vnthankefulnesse Our aduersaries are weaponed wyth our owne wickednesses and therwith they make batail against vs. And bicause we haue synned in that we haue shamefully abused the quiete rest that God hathe geuen vs now a great while he loketh vpō vs his necligēt naughty children wyth this his present sharp rodde Howbeit this we maye comforte our selues in that seing he is our father he desireth not the destrucciō nor the death nother the vndoing of vs his childrē but wold haue vs to amēde to be saued and to lyue And the very cause of the warres and persecutiō which the Bishop of Rome him selfe pretēdeth in euery place by his bulles is an vndeniable proofe of this mater For he crieth out to haue vs burned bicause he saithe we are heretikes But what heresie is it Mary Sir this bicause we will none of the Romishe supersticion we trust not to what is heresy wyth the Papistes our owne merites we layne to none but only Christ Him we acknowlage to be our head our king our Bishop our only sufficiēt sacrifice bicause we accordingly as the Apostle Paule did knowe nothing sauing Christ Iesus and that he was crucified And although by reasō of our wickednesses which forasmuche as we are infected wtall we frame not our selues according to the ꝓfession of our faith our heauenly father suffreth vs to be plagued yet that is not the mater that they which are a great deale wickeder thā we are angrye with vs for but for this only cause they are horne woode against vs that we holde vs to Christ alone are gone quite frō their filthy faithles God seruice For where som fynde fault at vs for a disobedience I wotte not what it is a most
vaine tittle tattle euen the bishop of Rome him selfe ꝓueth thē lyers by his owne Bulles Let vs behold therfore the exceding Da. 3. 9. goodnes of God in this behalf we hade deserued to be destroyed for our synnes that are bothe haynous many for cōtēning the worde of God for our vnthākfulnes bycause we haue lyued carelesly we hade nede to be scourged but yet the Lorde wil not haue our payne slaūdred with that title Act. 5. but reputeth vs worthye of this honour that his pleasure is to haue vs put in perile for his names sake for the true faithe for religion which is a mater of most excellēcie and of most high honour so to compt vs among the company of his holy martires O what a fatherly louīg kīdnes is this O most abundaūt pleynteous mercy O most riche treasures of goddes gratious fauour he is cōtent to make vs vessels of his grace which had alredy Ro. 9. made our selues vesselles of his wrathe and he voucheth safe to haue his glory set vp the vineyarde of his churche watred and his faithe and truthe testified in that blood of ours which deserued to be sheadde for our owne exceding great synnes Who is it therfore that coulde be weary of this crosse who cā be sory to suffre afflictiōs In dede our most cruel blood thirstye enemies are not ware of this glorie of our persecutiō and therfore it is meate and drinke to them whā our bodies are destroyed murthered They knowe not that iudgemēt abydeth them that whan our Lorde God hathe chastifed vs ynough wyth theyr furious madnesse they must be cast into euerlasting fyre lyke an vnfruteful rodde that is good for no vse any more But as for vs it is our parte to saye nowe with the Apostle Paule who shall separate vs from the loue of God shal affliction shal straite Rom. 8. keping shal persecutiō shal hōgre shal nakednesse shall perile shall sweorde naye in all these thinges we haue the victorie by him that hathe loued vs. Yea Christ the sonne of God hathe loued vs and like as he gaue him selfe vnto deathe for our sakes euen so dothe he loue vs and putteth vs to honour now at the last caste after suche wise that he turneth the infamie of the payne which we hade deserued in to the most glorious honour of the crosse which we must beare for his sake Notwithstāding his mynde ●s not that we shoulde be so tormēted and afflicted that al must perishe in his persecuciō suffring but he requi●eth this that we shoulde abandon fleshely securitie expresse that faithe in our conuersacion that we professe in our communicacion And as sone as we doo so he receaueth vs which are now vnthriftie children and clippeth vs harde in his armes and so he maketh his wordes to be ꝓued true which he spake long agoo As surely as I doo lyue I wolde not the deathe Ezech. 18. of a synner but that he shoulde repent and lyue These thinges therfore it is cōuenient for vs to warne and teache the ●ongregations committed vnto our charge that the weake be not afrayde of persecucion that they be not offended whā any thing chaūceth amysse and that they esteme not our faithe and religion therby but let them remēbre them selues of those thinges that they haue deserued the wrathe of God by amende them that they being turned to the Lorde God maye see him also turne vnto them Let the wordes sounde in mennes eares yea let them sounde continually that the Lorde speaketh by the prophete O that my people wolde haue harkened vnto me for yf Israel hade Psal 81. walked in my wayes I shoulde sone haue put downe their enemies and turned my hāde against their aduersaries The haters of the Lorde shoulde haue fallen like slaues vnto their fete but their tyme shoulde haue endured for euer If men wolde take hede to these sayenges with attētyue godly hartes they shoulde not be offended at persecuciō but should haue most presēt redresse of al their miseries But what want ther is euery where in this behalfe I thinke you see it not without greuous sorowes of your hartes louing brethren and felowe ministers Mē haue not yet layde awaye their pernicious securitie of synfull life We are not yet weary of our wickednesse we are not yet sory for our synnes And lyke as wicked obstinate mē haue not suffred them selues as yet to take curteous warning by the worde euen so it is not possible for them to be afrayde whan plagues come vpon them And forasmuche as we se perforce that kynde of vnbrydled licenciousnesse in our people we se also our aduersaries waxe dayly stronger and strōger our selues shrinke become weaker and weaker But seyng the worlde is in this case that we shoulde Esa 1. vtterly despere of it yf the Lorde hade not reserued his remnauntes of chosen people it shal be our partes to applie our diligēt endeauour that none be cast awaye through our slouthfulnesse or necligence Let vs therfore exercice the talent that the Lorde hathe geuen vs. Let vs wynne as muche as lieth in our possible power The Lorde wyll not fayle them that applye theyr dueties godlye But lyke as he alone geueth the 1. Cor. 3. Math. 3. encreace euen so is he hable of stones to make children of Abraham Let the daūgerous vsing of our office constrayne vs to haue it alwayes in our mynde and to take hede to our selues and to the hole flocke that the churche susteyne no losse either by false doctrine or by grief of persecucion Let vs not spare any paynes taking let vs not spare for any labours for any watchīges no nor yet for our owne life for it is rather to be called a deathe Let vs not spare our bodie for it can not be better spent thā about the husbandrye of the Lordes vineyorde that at the later day in the dredful iudgemēt we be not foūde companiones of that slouthfull seruaunt but that we maye heare that pleasaunt and most comfortable sayeng Well fare you good and faithfull Math. 25. seruauntes you haue ben faithfull ouer a fewe thinges I will put you in autoritie ouer many thynges Entre into your Maisters ioye Amen Farewel brethren and reuerende felowe ministers At Zuirike the xii daye of Decēbre 1546. The furst of the fyue Homilies of Rodulphe Gualter concernyng the latter tymes and Antichrist In this furst Homilie are contayned two specialties Furst it proueth by Christes wordes in the. 24. of Matthieu that Antichrist is Seconde it cōfuteth the false gloses of certain men and teacheth what Antichrist is and bringeth furthe two places of scripture wherby Antichrist may be certaynly and truly perceaued knowen THan if any man saye vnto you lo here is Christ or ther Math. 24 beleue it not For ther shall aryse false Christes and false Prophetes and shall shewe great miracles and wonders in so muche
they sawe more diligent to serue their lust pryde Anone by their violence they inuaded the most noble most valeaūt kingdome of the Lūbardes in Italie gaue not ouer til they perceaued it also ouerthrowne the streynghtes of it al to clattred And thus they haue in dede atteyned their power by ouerthrowing of three kyngdomes so that at leynght whā they had trodē the empire vnder their fete to they might abuse the emperours to what purpose they wil euen at their owne pleasure Two of those thynges now which were ꝓpounded we haue hitherto with euidēt exposicion declared Furst that Rome is the seate of Antichrist thā the the B. of Rome is figured by the litel horne that Daniel maketh menciō of that he is very Antichrist And the residue shal be treated of in the homilies folowing Here now it shal stāde vs in hāde welbeloued brethrē in Christ to considre throughly the beginnynges of popes of their kyngdome For lyke as they haue atteyned their kingdome with wiles falsehead treasones oppressing of good Princes euen so shal they deuise with the same craftes to vpholde their kingdō glorie power to their successours also An euident vnfailing token of this mater this present tragedie declareth vnto vs wherby through their forcastes and mocions they stere vp the most myghty princes and most valeaūt people to take weapō in hande against Christ the most highe king priest In this case therfore we had nede to vse singular diligēce for cast brethrē that we haue respect only to the wordes of Christ folowe the rule of thē also to make the eares of God weary with cōtinual praiers neuer ceassing to desire him that he wolde vouchesafe to defēde vs with his owne fatherly succour to deliuer vs frō the tyrāny of Antichrist to burst his horne power And on the cōtrary parte to set vp aduaūce the horne kingdō of his sōne that we may serue him in faith charitie vprightenesse of life at leynght to liue to reigne with him for euer euer Amen The .iij. Homilie In this third Homilie is described Antichristes persone what his propretie is and by what markes he may be lightly knowne LIke as in maters of warre it is not only profitable but also necessarie for vs throughly and fully to knowe bothe our enemye his weapons his politike wiles also and embushementes his deuises and forcastes so as they maye the more easyly be auoided and repulsed wyth like power and discrete aduisement euen so is the same knowlage as muche necessarie in all the continue of our life In the discourse wherof we must abyde a certain perpetuall and alwaies contynuyng warfare by the helping mayntenaunce of our most high emperour our Lorde Iesu Christ which biddeth vs not set vpon any carnall mortall enemie but commaundeth those that are his appointed men of warre to be armed against the spirituall aduersaries of our saluacion Ephe. 6. as the apostle Paule saithe against the Lordes of this worlde the rulers of the darkenesse of this worlde yea rather against the Deuil him selfe that olde and mightie serpent whose subtiltie is infinite and his wyles innumerable which also hathe the cast to transforme him selfe in to euery facion and to counterfaicte euen the angel of light But althoughe that common enemie of our saluacion layeth embushes for vs wyth wonderfull sondry his politike wylie prankes but aboue all other specially wyth the iuggling deceates of false doctrine yet hathe he for all that som chief guyde and emperour of his armies whō he hathe most throughly instructed in al his streynghtes in all his power wyles fraudes deceates and all the knackes that he hathe to destroye mākynde wythall This man the holy scriptures set furthe in many places by the name figure of Antichrist forsomuche as being in all thinges contrary and against our Lorde and saueour Iesus Christ who is become vnto vs of God 1. Cor. 1. the heauenly father wisedom righteousnesse sanctificacion and redempcion he maketh warre against him and draweth awaye vs whom Christ hathe redemed wyth his blood from his companye seruice and partaking of saluacion It is therfore necessary for vs to marke diligently to espie out this felowe and it is conuenient for vs also to geue the eies of our heartes attentyuely vnto this purpose especially the worlde that now is to thintent we maye be hable to knowe out of the scriptures bothe him and all his wyles and to beware of him that he begyle vs not And as for this knowlage it may fully and lightly be perceaued of the twoo places of scripture which I lately brought furthe of the most excellent Prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paule which paynt out Antichristes visnomye vnto vs wyth suche lyght and euidence that all the hole mater of him might be comprehended in six chaptres or proposicions And therfore I haue lately expounded two the furst by the which we are taught that he shall spring vp place his seate and reigne at Rome And ther wyth also it is shewed by what meanes deceates subtilties treasons and wicked deuises he shall come to and obteyne his kingdome All which thinges verily are set furthe wyth suche light as it is declared wyth sufficiēt playnesse that they are fulfilled by the bishop of Rome which ought to be takē for that very principal and mightie houge Antichrist after the same sorte as they were in tymes past spoken of before by the prophetes and Apostles Now the next is that we steppe ouer to the thrid place of the mater we are in hande wythall Wherin the The. 3. Antichristes persone persone of Antichrist his nature disposicion maners and all his propreties wherby he maye be knowne are described These are written by Paule the Apostle who in that place which we haue before rehearsed dothe workemanly paynt out all the hole face of Antichrist wyth foure names or titles as it were wyth certain lyuely colours And the furst title that he decketh him wythall is that he nameth him The man of Synne the man of Synne This forme of speaking smelleth the Hebrue phrase and wanteth not in this behalfe the expresse significatiō of the thing that is intended in that he calleth him not after a simple maner A synfull mā or a wicked or an vngracious man but the Man of synne or the man of wickednesse mynding this wise to speake of a certain greater thing that is to saye euen the same thing that the seruaūt and slaue of synne is and as he that is addicte al together to the lawes of synne in al the hole discourse of his life To be shorte to thintent we maye fully vnderstande the meanyng of this title and that we maye see wythall whether this same title doo agree fittly wyth the bishop of Rome we must marke anon furst of all what the scripture purporteth in this worde Synne Holy writours call it synne
vnluckie fortune But the B. of Rome taketh no care nor is moued wyth any louing compassion although he heare all the hole flocke of Christ miserably scattred through the wicked wilde wildernesse of mennes tradicions seke after the pastours of Goddes worde wyth continuall crienges wepinges and gronynges and desire to haue their soules fedde therwyth so that by the famyshing of Christes shepe the bishoppes haue to mayntene their voluptuous pleasure wythall Christ bare the crosse that he was Matth. 27. nailed on for vs for our synnes vpon his owne shoulders But the B. of Rome is vsed to be borne easyly softly vpō their shoulders whom Christ hathe redemed with his deathe Christ suffred him self to be crowned wyth a crowne Matth. 27. cast buyers sellers out of the tēple in his teaching he saide that they made the house of God which should haue ben the house of prayer a dēne of thefes But the B. of Rome catcheth them in bothe his armes and bringeth thē again in to the temple of God and restoreth thē to their olde seates that they occupie by force and crafty conueyaunce yea lyke the chiefest of all marchauntes and as a most famous marchaunt venterour he hathe deuised newe wares that with so great lucke that he can sell leade ware perchement and other such kynde of trifles for a great deale more than the Iewishe priestes coulde in tymes past sel their bulles lambes rammes and bullockes Christ forbad his disciples to beare Math. 20 Mar. 10. Luc. 22. secular autoritie and to reigne like princes of this worlde But it is euident that the B. of Romes chief and principal studie is that vnder the false pretense of the churche he claymeth hothe to him self and to his cardinalles all the kingdomes of the worlde and the title of the same Christ gaue vs a perfite and a full perfice absolute doctrine to instructe Math. 28. 2. Tim 3. men sufficiently in all thinges perteynyng to euerlasting life and saluacion But the B. of Rome seing that it hyndreth his markettes saieth it is vnperfite and that all thinges perteynyng to the declaracion of faithe to the affaires of religiō and instruction of life are not fully conteyned in it and for that cause he addeth vnto the same to helpe it with all the canones of the Counsailes and the tradicions of certain fathers that serue to his couetous purpose and appetite Christ expresseth him selfe to be our Ioh. 4. Rom. 8. only righteousnesse wherwith we must be clothed that we maye be hable to appeare before his heauenly father and abyde his iudgement But the B. of Rome sheweth an other farre wyde rightousnesse in his tradiciones which he teacheth to consiste in our owne workes and in our owne powers and in sayntes merites also Christ teacheth that he him selfe is our only mediatour patrone and intercessour and the apostles inspired 1. Timo. 2 1. Ioh. 2. with the spirite of Christ confesse the very same But we see that by the B. of Romes doctrine a certain thousaūt of patrones and mediatours be set out vnto vs yea and newe mediatours maye be created dayly by their canonizacions Christ teacheth that remission of synnes is frely geuē that we be partinars therof through only faithe with Esai 55. Ioh. 6. 7. Math. 11. 28. out any meriting mediacion of our workes But the B. of Rome mynding to hunt out most plenteous gayne by remitting of sinnes hauing it to sel teacheth vs to redeme it with money Christ is described by the doctrine of the gospel as the only heade of the churche But the B. of Rome chalenging Ephe. 5. that honour to him self sayeth that he is the head of the church And in thus sayeng he either robbeth the churche of her head Christ or elles in making himselfe the head he maketh the church a double faced church and a most vggly mōstre Christes doctrine setteth out but one only Priest that is to wete Hebre. 4. 5. 9. 10. Christ the very sonne of God which beyng made mā for our sakes offred him selfe vpō the aultare of the crosse for the synnes of the hole world once for al with his sacrificeing he founde eternal sufficient remission of synnes But the B. of Ro. not contēted with this so excellēt a priest chalengeth the title of the high priesthode to him self cōmonly consecrateth newe priestes dayly to offre vp Christ Iesus euery daye for the synnes of the quicke and also of the dead Christ hath prescribed a true forme of penaūce an acceptable to God according whervnto Act. 2. we confesse our synnes to God vnto whom we haue offended frō hensfurthe we ceasse frō synne amende our lyfe but as for remissiō of sinnes we seke it no wher elles than at God alone But the B. of Ro. teacheth a farre contrary penaūce frō this which biddeth vs confesse our synnes to one massemonging priest or other to desire forgeuenesse of sinnes at him yea though the same priest were drowned in hoordō drōkenesse glotonie dyceing other vices innumerable ther with he geueth such occasiō to the wicked lycēciously to sīne that assone as the massemonging priest hathe once receaued the money I meane the hyre of absoluciō whā that vayne hipocritical satisfactiō that he enioineth be accōplished they maye returne to their vomite as dogges are wōt to do walow thē selues in the olde puddle of wickednesse Christ sayed it is more godly to Act. 20. geue thā to take But the B. of Rome perceauing the sentence of Christes wordes to be against his ruffling estate and lecherous lust turneth the meanyng and ordre of the wordes ersye versye and sayeth it is better to take than to geue And so in dede he confirmeth the ordres of beggyng frieres with his decrees and hathe set out a certain pouertye which is suche a mater that nothing is either more delectable or pleasaunt as though it were the most perfite rule of christiā faithe and conuersaciō Hereof spring the most shameles rablementes of begging friers and other monkishe ordres besides which by their impudent prowde popishe begging haue gone through all cities haue strayed through all villages and ferme places and thus being a greuous burthen to all mē aswel of the towne as of the countrey haue scraped euery waye by hooke and by crooke and eaten vp all feldes and townes like most deuouring locustes and yet led a life most filthily spotted with all riotous ruffionyng and lecherous losenesse Christ saythe That that entreth in Math. 15. 1. Timo. 4. to the mouthe defileth not the man Vpon the autoritie of which wordes the apostle Paule taking his groūde teacheth that it is lawfull for vs to eate all meates that God made with thankes geuing without remorse or conscience of any maner synne But the B. of Rome hathe forged differences of meates persuaded the simple people that a great parte
be hable to persiste manfully in the truthe that we haue receaued and finally to be saued in Christ To him be honour glorie and praise for ouer and euer Amen Thus endeth the fourthe Homilie The .v. Homilie In this .v. Homilie is described the ende and final destruction of Antichriste and what christen faithfull peoples duety is to doo in the rage of Antichristes tyrannye IN these other foure Homilies louing brethren in Christ I haue hitherto playnly declared those scriptures that serue to knowe the feate the springing vp the persone the workes and the weapones of Antichrist by which if they be compared with the seate starting vp persone workes and weapones of the bishop of Rome we must nedes confesse that what so euer is spoken of Antichrist by the prophet Daniel and the apostle S. Paule agreeth rightly with the B. of Rome in euery condicion And therfore this must of necessitie folowe that the B. of Rome which delyteth to be named the head of the churche Christes vicare the portour of heauen gate yea and holynesse it self is that vndoubted and mightie houge enemie of our saueour Christ that is to saye Antichrist the manne of synne the sonne of perdicion that highe abominacion whiche nestleth his seate in the tēple of God and exalteth him selfe aboue al that is named God in that he to muche sawcely taketh that vpon him selfe which belongeth to none but to the only grace and power of God Nowe remayneth the last mater which maketh mencion of the fal and destructiō of Antichrist which also is to be knowen by the places before rehearsed wherof we may sucke not only excellent good learnyng but also exceadyng muche comforte But the Apostle Paule speaking of the ende destruction of this vngracious The ende and destructiō of Antichrist wicked monstre sayeth The Lorde shal destroy him with the breathe of his mouthe shall despeche him with the brightnesse glorie of his cōming that is to saye at his bright glorious cōming Two thinges therfore the apostle wold haue vs to note cōcerning the destructiō of Antichrist Furst he sayeth that he must be destroyed and slayne with the breath of the Lordes mouth which saieng is takē out of Esay as I sayd a litel before For Esay speaking of Christ our Lorde of his workes reporteth the self same mater in the very same wordes And ther we must more depely marke the meanyng of that wordes Antichrist is destroyed with the breathe of the Lordes mouthe wherby we maye the more easely vnderstande that these are also fulfilled The breathe of the Lordes mouthe is that eternall almightie worde of God by the which it is manifest that al creatures were made at the beginnyng of the worlde are conserued euē vnto this daye And this worde the Apostle sayeth shal be the sweorde wherwith Antichrist must nedes be destroyed And in dede the same Apostle calleth the worde of God a swcorde writyng thus to the Hebrewes in the. 4. Chap. The worde of God is quicke and mightie in operacion sharper than any two edged sweorde and pearceth through euen vnto the diuiding asondre of the soule and the spirite and of the ioyntes and the marye and iudgeth the thoughtes and intentes of the hearte Surely they that haue their synnes opened reproued by this worde perceaue by experience that it is suche a maner of sweorde in dede Furthermore whan the same apostle armeth vs and trymmeth vs against our cōmon enemye he reacheth vs the sweorde of the spirite which is the worde of God wherwith Christ our saueour him self hathe taught vs to fight by his owne example For whā sathā that wicked temptour came to him being as he was very man in dede Christ dothe warde and stryke by all Satanes blowes with this one only sweorde holding out against euery assault of temptacion suche fitte textes of goddes worde as he might put him to flight and breake his weapones withall Wherfore seing we see the deuil him self ouercomen with Goddes worde long agoo we shall thinke that Paule hade good mater to saye teache vs that Antichrist the chosen instrument of the deuill shall also be ouercome and destroyed with the breathe of Goddes mouthe that is by the worde of God But the mysterie of this sentence we must more depely searche out Paule in the same place treating of Antichristes weapones and workes said that his power and working shal be deuillishe that being trymlye furnished in false wyles and lies he shall doo all that the prophetes reporte of him yea that he shall reigne like a king in mennes consciēces through the power of lies For ther wolde neuer a man in all the worlde receaue so haynous an abominacion that knewe perfitly what it were But forasmuche as he crepeth in to mennes consciences with wylie craftes and false sleightes he dissēbleth him self to be an other maner a felowe thā he is in dede Yea by the reason of false citing and expounding of places of the scriptures he knoweth the cast howe to couer his monstrous face Anone after they whome with his false doinges he hathe made tame fooles haue once receaued him he reigneth ruleth the rost in their cōsciences after suche sorte that they geue credence to him and doo what so euer he biddeth them and refuse what so euer he forbiddeth them yea they passe their tyme being all together addicte to hym Now seing all Antichristes tirannie and emperious kingdome hathe none other sure foundacion but only lyes and false craftes it must nedes haue a downefall also assone as the lyght of Goddes worde that is the lyght of eternall truthe shyneth into mennes consciences and reproueth craftye sleyghtes and lyes For it is not possible for men to geue credence to lyes any more which knowe them to be lyes but it maketh them rather to be abashed to be so shamefully deceaued and to beare a deadly hate vnto them that made thē to do amysse by their deceauyng Than therfore Antichrist hathe lost bothe his lyfe his royaltie through the sweorde of Goddes worde albeit he lyue yet still in bodye and reigne still in very many of his membres But that we maye perceaue this gayre more certainly we must note the mater it self that is how it dothe fittlye accorde to the condicion of the B. of Rome Whan the bishop of Rome began to be desirous to beare the bell he set out himself al his purposes for men to see not to be suche as they were in dede but painted florished ouer with sondry countrefait colours For at the furst that simple rude cōmō people must nedes be persuaded that Petre had the supremacie yea the principalitie among Christes Apostles at leynght was brought to Rome and there preached the Gospel and that he was the furst bishop of the church of Rome By this reason the supremacie of other churches myght be translated to the churche of Rome this
haue vs vnderstande all vncleanesse that man is spotted wythall For he saith moreouer That euery one of you knowe how to possesse his vessell that is his bodye with holynesse and honour I meane so as the name of God may be sanctified and halowed in vs and in our conuersaciō and not to lyue like the heathens which are most farre from the knowlage of God But this sanctificacion or holynesse is the frute of faithe yea such a frute that faithe can not possibly be wythout it For yf thow doest beleue that thow art redemed from the tirānye of synne and from the fire of damnaciō by the bitter deathe most painfull sorowes of Christ and haste this only hope of thy saluacion life suerly thow wilt not cast awaye nor set so light by this thy saluaciō which is redemed with so deare a price by the sōne of God that thow wilt lose it for that pleasures of thy carnall affectiones which shal vanishe away euē in a moment Besides this if thow hast put on Iesus Christ truly by faithe thow wilt not soile him that is so noble a garmēt of more value thā al the treasures of golde precious stones with the filthie workes of synnes but though thow be ouercomē fall through the frailtie of mannes nature yet thow wilt vp agayne quickly bewaile thy fall bitterly And for that cause the scriptures saye that faithe is the good tree that can not bring furthe euil frutes For inasmuche as faithe is the worke of the holy spirit of God it must nedes also bring furthe the frutes of the spirite double loue that is of God and a mānes neighbour hope cōforte iustice innocencie purenesse pacience all the company of other vertues Therfore we learne by this brethren furst that they are most principal blasphemers against the true faithe and religion that is buylded vpon Christ alone as many as saye that the doctrine of the gospel is an enemie to good workes secondly that they truly abyde in Christ and cleaue cōstaūtly vnto him that boaste of their faithe not only in their wordes and bragge not in the only speaking of faithe but geue them selues vnto holynesse of life and applye them selues to this ende only that they may kepe their vessell which is washed with the precious blood of Christ pure cleane For he can not be called a membre or a disciple of Christ which forgetteth christian purenesse and holinesse and maketh him self the bonde slaue of synne and an instrument for the deuil to pype in Therfore in this admonicion and coūsail of our saueour Christ is secretly comprised that true eternall lawe and vnfailing rule that he wolde haue common to al his disciples and with singular forsight requireth them to frame their life and religion according to this rule Mary it is a prety shorte rule a plain rule easie to be perceaued For he cōman̄deth vs not to beleue them that either shewe a false Christ or teache vs to seke Christ him self and the thinges that are geuen vs by his merite in any place elles but to sticke fast to the scriptures and not to starte frō them one ynche but in all thinges that perteyne either to God him self or to the seruice of God he biddeth vs haunt those thinges with a constaūt and vnwauering faithe in charitie and in purenesse and innocencie of life that we be taught in the holy scriptures to doo Vnto this rule it is necessary that al the constitucions and rules of mōkes chanones friers and nonnes geue place which they are toto proude of in the papacie For who so euer they be that walke according to this rule as Paule saithe peace and mercie be Gal. 6. vpon them and vpon the Israel of God And contrary wise they shal one daye fele that they haue gone to farre out of the waye as many as considre not so faithfull a monicionar and deuise an other rule of life and faithe for them selues to folowe Now are we come to the thrid Of the lordes last cōming and last speciall point of this admonicion wher in Christ maketh playne mencion of his last commyng Furst he teacheth vs in what sorte forme facion and glorious royaltie he shall come and than he expoundeth the condicion and state of the sayntes and faithfull people which they shall receaue at the tyme of the last iudgement Concerning the furst he speaketh these wordes As the lightenyng gothe from the east and shyneth to the west so shal the commyng of the sonne of man be Here we are taught brethrē that the Lorde shall com at a sodayn cheoppe like lightenyng and at such a tyme as men shall thinke that of all other tymes they are like than to haue most peace securitie and worldly wealthe For so dothe Paule in his furst epistle to the Thessalonianes expoūde Christes wordes sayeng Concerning the tymes and seasones brethren I nede not to write vnto you For you knowe plainly that the daye of the Lorde shal come like a thefe in the night For whan they shall saye peace and all thing is cocke sure than hengeth ouer them sodayn destruction like the trauaile of a woman labouring of childe and they shall not escape it These wordes are spoken and written to this ende brethren to stere vs vp to watche and prepare our selues that we may be foūde ready like thriftye seruauntes at the Lordes cōmyng Moreouer the Lorde vseth also the similitude of lightenyng to shewe the maner and facion of his commyng And therby he geueth warnyng that he wil not cōme in a poore estate bassely nor as a cōtemned persone or like a cast awaye as he was whan he lyued in the fleshe whan he spake these wordes but with a mightie trayne in great shynyng brightenesse glorie power and maiestie so as all his enemies shall trēble and shake for feare at the sight of it Hereunto serue Danieles wordes also that I rehearsed before but they are worthy to be rehearsed and rehearsed agayn wherwyth he dedescribeth the Lordes last iudgement on this wise I loked till the seates were prepared and till the olde aged sate Daniel 7. him downe his clothing was as white as snowe the heares of his head like the pure wolle His throne was like the fyrie flame and his wheles as the burnyng fire Ther drewe furthe a fyrie streame and went out from him A thousaunt tymes a M. serued him ten thousaunt times X. M. stode before him c. And the Lorde speaketh like vnto these wordes Matth. 25. Whan the sonne of man shall come in his glorie al his angels with him thā shal he sitte vpō the seate of his glorie al nacions shal be gathered together before hī c. Howbeit these are written brethren not as though the Lorde wold make vs afraide like a tyranne but that we should print these wordes in our myndes and frame all our life after such sorte that at the same