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A13837 The exercise of the faithfull soule that is to say, prayers and meditations for one to comfort himselfe in all maner of afflictions, and specially to strengthen himselfe in faith: set in order according to the articles of our faith, by Daniell Toussain, minister of the worde of God: with a comfortable preface of the author, vnto the poore remnant of the Church of Orlians; containing a short recitall of extreme and great afflictions which the said church hath suffered. Englished out of French, almost word for word, by Ferdenando Filding.; Exercice de l'âme fidele. English. Tossanus, Daniel, 1541-1602.; Filding, Ferdenando. 1583 (1583) STC 24144; ESTC S100748 160,179 397

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this strange doctrine of the vbiquitie or the Alpresence of Christes bodie Of the vbiquitie attributing a bodie vnto Christ which is through all and inuisible that is to say which is not a bodie Nowe many seeing these diuisions would blame the doctrine of the Gospel and take an occasion to mistast the same But hath not the Lorde foretolde it Were there not also diuisions amongst the Apostles Ought this to keepe vs from going forwarde No for our faith is not builded vpon men and further when a man looketh neere thereunto it is easie to trie the spirites and we must praise the Doctors of the Church which haue in them those guiftes and likewise acknowledge their imperfections and reade them with iudgement As Luther himselfe A warning by M. Luther in the preface of his first Tome of his Latine workes besought that men would reade his workes with pitie iudgement and discretion and that men should remember him to bee an inraged Papist heretofore and a poore Moonke which could not see and perfectlie comprehend forthwith all the pointes of religion Also when one seeth the Church of God so assaulted within by diuisions and heresies without with so cruell persecutions it were enough to shake him if he be not wel setled to make him thinke whether it were possible that this companie which we call the Church being so contemptible and so subiect to great offences be the Church of GOD or no or at least whether it bee possible that God dooth loue it laying it open to so manie euils These are in deede the violent assaultes which the faithfull dailie doe proue in this wretched world wherein one may see so manie contentions and affections boyling with ambition and pride and so manie heartes more than frosen in matter of zeale and charitie Wherefore if there be anie sentence now at this day to be considered this is it that he which shall continue to the end shall be saued For as Iesus Christ speaketh in the 11. of S. Matthew Those that suffer once and continue in their zeale shall carie away the kingdome of heauen Therefore let vs not be fleeting children and caried hither and thither by euerie puffe of doctrine through mans deceite but followers of the trueth with charitie growing in Christ with loue and aboue all other thinges holding sure our Catechisme and the Articles of our Faith Suffering afflictions patientlie 2. Timo. 2. seeing this word is certaine that if we doe suffer with Christ we shall raigne with him considering also that this world waxeth olde as dooth a garment 2. Pet. 3. and that the Elementes shall melt with heate and the earth shall be dissolued let vs aspire vnto the kingdome which cannot be shaken holding grace fast by the which we may serue God in reuerence feare and assured hope awaiting the great day of Christs comming Other godlie places speaking of Faith The 3. of S. Iohn GOd hath so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onelie Sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And he that beleeueth in him shall not bee condemned but he that beleeueth not in him is condemned alreadie because he beleeued not in the name of the onelie sonne of God The faithfull ought not to seeke but the glorie of God The 5. of S. Iohn the 44. ver How can yee beleeue which receaue honor one of an other and seeke not the honor that commeth of God alone Places taken out of the Epistles of S. Paul out of the 1. Chap. of the Epistle to the Ephesians ver 13. YEe are in Christ hauing heard the word of trueth euen the Gospell of your saluation wherein also after that ye beleeued yee were sealed with the holie spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the possession purchased vnto the praise of his glorie Therefore also after that I heard of the faith which yee haue in the Lorde Iesus and loue towardes all the Saintes I cease not to giue thankes for you in my prayers The 1. of the Thessal 1. Chap. Wee giue GOD thankes alwayes for you all remembring your effectuall faith and diligent loue and of the patience of your hope in our Lord Iesus Christ in the sight of God our Father knowing beloued brethren that ye are elect of God For our Gospell was not vnto you in word onely but also in power and in the holy ghost and in much assurance The 2. to the Thessal 1. Chap. Wee pray alwayes for you that our God may make you woorthie of his calling and fulfill all the good pleasures of his goodnesse and the woorke of faith with power that the name of our Lord Iesus Christ may be glorified in you and ye to him according to the grace of our God and of our Lord Iesus Christ The 1. Epistle of S. Peter 1. Chap. You are kept by the power of GOD through faith vnto saluation which is prepared to be shewed in the last time wherein ye reioyce though now for a season if neede require ye are in heauinesse through manifold temptations that the triall of your faith being much more pretious than Gold that perisheth though it be tryed with fire might be found vnto your praise and honor and glorie at the appearing of Iesus Christ whome you haue not seene and yet loue him I beleeue in God Heere followe certaine Meditations and prayers of one onelie true God and of three persons in one substance or essence CONSIDERATION AS it is said in Athanasius Creede the generall faith is that wee worship one God in one Trinitie and one Trinitie in one vnitie Let vs not confound the persons nor diuide the substance For we must know God as he reuealeth himselfe otherwise we should but woorship a fantasie in place of knowing and woorshipping the true God Now the true God in whome we doe onelie beleeue Iohn 7. and that is mans soueraigne good for this is life eternall that we know him hath thus declared himselfe in his word and in his most excellent workes that is to say in that hee is one onelie true God in substance as it is said in the 6. Chap. of the 5. booke of Moses and in the 4. of the Ephesians but in this one substance wee do acknowledge three persons subsisting that is to say 1. Tim. 1. this onelie true God which is the king of worldes immortall inuisible wise onelie onelie good who manifesteth himselfe so as we doe see one God maker of heauen and earth And yet all this by his word which word is not a sound in the aire or a thing hauing beginning but was from the beginning with God and was God of whome is spoken in the 33. Psalme and also in the first Chap. of S. Iohn And afterward the holy spirit spread and mooued himselfe aboue the waters For the spirit cannot signifie in this place the aire or the winde that was not
doe hide their faces before him And man vnlesse that hee died could neuer see his maiestie yea man such as he is on the earth a sinner and mortall But oh happie and blessed shall that daie be 1. Iohn 3. and this houre ought to be desired of vs when as wee shall see this great God such as he is with a soul altogether cleane and a glorified bodie The knowledge of God from hencefoorth is vnto vs as Nazianzen saith in respect of the spirit as the sunne is vnto the bodie This is a light well liking vnto vs but happie is the soule that shall see him face to face and in seeing him shall liue for euermore In the meane-while let vs put our trust in the sonne who speaketh in his Gospell of that which hee hath seene and hath partaken his secretes vnto vs Iohn 15. as vnto his friendes and louers Vppon the 3. Chap. of S. Iohn God so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life MEDITATION S. Paul oftentimes saith how he would not boast but in Iesus and the same crucified And in deede if man would consider these thinges at leasure which are contained in this sentence of S. Iohn hee would easilie agree with that which S. Paul speaketh and should finde that there is no knowledge in the world that giueth so much contentation as the knowledge of Gods loue through Iesus Christ in such sort as this sentence of S. Iohn ought to be as a pretious owel which a man dailie weareth about his necke euen so ought wee to imprint in our heartes this excellent witnesse of Gods loue For what are men that GOD loueth them What cause hath the immortall to loue the poore woormes of the earth The righteous to loue sinners The Maister the ingrate and vnfaithfull seruauntes Are wee not of nature the children of wrath Ought hee not without ceasing rather to represent vnto vs the hatred and the iust anger of this mightie God and that because of our corruption And moreouer if GOD had beene affectioned to some iust or excellent men yet say I this should bee greatlie to debase him But O diuine loue Oh woonderfull diuinitie Thou hast loued the world without considering anie certaine world anie Sexe anie Qualitie yea all the creatures which are come of the earth since Adam and Eue men and women great and little poore and rich fooles wisemen And all the cause and occasion that thou hast had to fauour them was not for their beautifull eyes but it was euen thy great and extreme bountie All their righteousnesse is as an vncleane cloth before him Esaiah 64. And their excellencie is but as a flower Esaiah 40. which withereth and fadeth from day to day Therefore it hath pleased thee O God to loue man But what say I to loue What tongue shall not iudge himselfe vnsufficient yea what heart shall not bee vnable to deduct or comprehend this so great a loue which hath brought thee to giue one onelie and innocent sonne to death and that to giue life vnto those creatures that are so vnthankfull and so corrupted Where is it that one shall finde a man in this world that will pledge himselfe euen to suffer death for an other were hee his friend and an honest man Truelie it is verie rare But what O Lord thou hast doone truelie more For thou hast not giuen an Angell or an Archangell but thou hast giuen thy onelie sonne vnto a sorrowfull and most shamefull death for to redeeme thy enemies that were reuolted from thee but alas wherefore is not this friendship alike Wherefore doe wee not loue thee with a burning desire as thou hast loued vs Wherefore complaine wee of a little earth lost in thy Seruice and thou hast not cōplayned at all of the death of thy welbeloued sonne of thy delight when the question was of our redemption When a prince dooth not giue vs his good countenance and fauour then we are sore troubled and greeued and yet in respect thereof we make ah alas but small reckenning of thy loue which art the king of kinges and the eternall God Therefore that which wee doe want is that we doe not sufficientlie tast how much the Lord is good and sweete Seeing now O Lord that thy loue is endlesse graunt vs heartes that may comprehend his infinite goodnesse and that wee may forthwith feele therein an endlesse comfort which may swallow vp all the sorrowes of this wretched life So be it Out of the 6. of S. Iohn Simon Peter answered Iesus Maister to whome shall we goe Thou hast the wordes of eternall life And wee beleeue and know that thou art the Christ the sonne of the liuing God Out of the 3. Chap. of the first to Timothie Without all gainsaying great is the mysterie of godlinesse to witte that God is manifested in the flesh iustified in the spirit seene of Angels preached vnto the Gentiles beleeued on in the world and ascended vp in glorie Out of the 4. Chap. of the first Epistle of S. Iohn Hereby know yee the spirit of God Euerie spirit that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God And euerie spirit which confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God but this is the spirit of Antichrist of whome you haue heard how that hee should come and now alreadie he is in the world And wee haue seene and doe testifie that the father sent the sonne to bee the Sauiour of the world Whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus is the sonne of God in him dwelleth God and he in God And wee haue knowen and beleeued the loue that GOD hath in vs. Here followeth VVhich vvas conceiued by the holie Ghost borne of the virgin Marie CONSIDERATION THis is not vnto vs as saith S. Basyl in a Sermon which hee made of Iesus Christes humane nature neither for vs much to inquire how Christ is come downe here below And wherefore God is serued with such a meane rather than with anie other For thou man saith hee thou wast lost and so recoiledst backe from the face of thy God that thou couldest not come neere thereunto Sith now that he is so humbled and brought low to come vnto thee wouldest thou dispute much thereuppon Rather acknowledge in all humblenesse this blessing of the sonne of God yea and with as great affection as thou canst or maist who is according to the euerlasting diuine nature ingendred by the Father not made nor created as it is said in Athanasius Creede both without Mother and without beginning but is according to the humane nature a like vnto vs sinne excepted begotten of a woman and the sonne of Dauid In such manner as Sedulius saith in a Hymme The creator of the world hath taken shape of a seruant to the end that hee might redeeme our flesh through his flesh and that those
whereby the true Church of God is discerned from that false and bastard Church which wanteth both true faith Ephe. 3.14 true inuocatiō Now I bowe the knees of my soule to the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ to the end that according to the riches of his glorie The Pastors of the Church of Orlians that were preserued M. Gallars M. Anton. Chanorrier M. Robert Mason M. Pet. Baron Daniel Toussain he will graunt vs that wee may be strengthened by his spirit that Christ may dwell in you through faith through the which you may be rooted and grounded in all true knowledge of his will And as it hath pleased him in the middest of so manie floudes miraculouslie to keepe the Pastors of your Church whom God be praised he employed alwayes to his seruice that it will please him to shewe you this fauour raysing vp your estate as from death to haue strength to reioyce againe and that quicklie to the end that we may altogether as it were created anew sing vnto him a newe song to his honor vnder the protectiō of the shadow of his winges Frō S. Lābert within the coūtie Palatine this 20. of Iuly 1578. Daniel Toussain THE FOVNDATION and spring of all holy prayers and christian meditatiōs ought to be faith Behold where fore we shall set heere in the entrie the articles of our faith which some call the symbole of the Apostles as in deede they conteine a summarie of the Apostles doctrin as is to be sene of that which is written in the 15. Chap. of the 1. vnto the Cor. vers 3. elswhere it is to be seene by the writings of the elders as by the cathechisme of Cyrill and the treatise of S. Ambrose of Cayne and Abell and in the 8. Chap. of S. Augustines booke named Enchiridion that is to say Manuel that these Articles of the faith were holden amongest them as the true beginninges and foundation of Christian religion I Beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and earth And in Iesus Christ his onelie sonne our Lord. Which was conceiued by the Holie Ghost borne of the virgine Marie Suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead buried he descended into hell The thirde day he rose againe from the dead He ascended into heauen and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almightie From thence shall he come to iudge the quicke and the dead I beleeue in the Holie Ghost The holie Catholike Church The communion of Saints The forgiuenesse of sinnes The resurrection of the bodie And the life euerlasting Amen IN the yeare of our Lord 273. in the Synode of Antioch was condemned the heresie of Samosatenus who would not auowe Iesus Christ to be the worde subsisting but made thereof a sound or decree of God not a seconde person of his diuinity in such sort as against his errours was published a confession by George Neocoefariensis as is to be seene in the 3. booke of Eusebius IN the yeare of our Lord about 332. 1. Synode called vniuersall was vnder Constantine the Great assembled a Synode or Councel to the assisting whereof there were 328. Bishoppes at Nice a citie in Bythinia there where was chieflie condemned the heresie of Arrius who dinied the true sonne of God equall with the father and of the same substance In this Synode were made plaine and cleare against Arrius the Articles of faith which concerne Iesus Christ by a confession as followeth 1 I Beleeue in one God The Symbol of Nice the Father Almightie maker of heauen and earth and of all things visible and inuisible 2 And in one Lorde Iesu Christ the onely begotten sonne of God begotten of his Father before all worldes 3 God of God light of light verie God of verie God begotten not made beeing of one substance with the Father by whome all thinges were made 4 Who for vs men and for our saluation came downe from heauen 5 And was incarnate by the Holie Ghost of the virgin Marie and was made man 6 And was crucified also for vs vnder Poncius Pilate he suffered and was buried 7 And the thirde day he arose againe according to the Scriptures and ascended into heauen and sitteth at the right hand of the Father 8 And he shal come againe with glory to iudge both the quicke and the dead whose kingdome shall haue none ende 9 And I beleeue in the holie Ghost the Lorde and giuer of life who proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne who with the Father and the Sonne together is worshipped and glorified who spake by the Prophets 10 And I beleeue one Catholike and Apostolike Church 11 I acknowledge one Baptisme for the remission of sinnes 12 And I looke for the resurrection of the dead the life of the world to come Amen IN the yeare of our Lorde 386. Seconde Councell there assembled at Constantinople the second Synode called vniuersall which confirmed and ratified the confession made at Nice adding onely that which followeth against the heretike Macedonius who denied the true diuinitie of the holie Ghost We beleeue in the holy Ghost Lorde and giuer of life proceeding from the father and the sonne who with the father the sonne together is worshipped and glorified HEere followeth the Symbole or confession of Athanasius Bishoppe of Alexandria being chosen fiue monthes after the Councell held at Niece who hath abiden great combats for the pure doctrine of the sonne of God against the Arrians WHosoeuer will be saued before all things it is necessarie that he holde the Catholike faith Which faith except euerie one doe keepe holy and vndefiled without doubt hee shall perish euerlastingly And the Catholike faith is this that we worship one God in Trinitie and Trinitie in vnitie Neither confounding the persons nor diuiding the substance For there is one person of the Father another of the Sonne and another of the Holie Ghost But the Godhead of the Father of the Sonne and of the Holie Ghost is all one the glorie equall and the maiestie coeternall Such as the Father is such is the Sonne and such is the Holie Ghost The Father vncreate the Sonne vncreate and the Holie Ghost vncreate The Father incomprehensible the Sonne incomprehensible and the Holie Ghost incomprehensible The Father eternall the Sonne eternall and the Holie Ghost eternall And yet they are not three eternalles but one eternall As also there bee not three incomprehensibles nor three vncreated but one vncreated and one incomprehensible So likewise the Father is almightie the Sonne almightie and the holie Ghost almightie And yet they are not three almighties but one almightie So the Father is God the Sonne is God and the Holie Ghost is God And yet are they not three Gods but one God So likewise the Father is Lord the Sonne Lorde and the Holie Ghost Lorde And yet not three Lordes but one Lorde For like as wee be compelled by the Christian veritie to acknowledge
preheminence saueth thee but Thy faith hath saued thee Wherefore was the Bible And behold wherefore all the Bible is written to wit that wee might beleeue howe Iesus Christ is the Sonne of God and that beleeuing therein we might haue euerlasting life O therefore howe much is the doctrine of the Gospell necessarie and fit for vs seeing that it is as Paule saieth in the 10. to the Romanes the woorde of Faith whereby the Lorde kindleth and maintaineth faith in our hearts O how great also is the vnspeakeable goodnes of this mightie God which giueth vs blessednes and euerlasting life for nothing and requireth no other thing of vs but that we put our trust in him and that we doe beleeue in his worde O blessed we for whose sake he hath so louinglie spoken yea sworne and made an othe that hee would be vnto vs a father and sauiour But woe more than accursed are those that beleeue not in the Lorde who hath confirmed and ratified so manie goodlie and solemne promises by oth yea by the precious bloud of our Sauiour What Faith is For Christian faith is not an opinion or light beleefe of all that a man might set before vs but it is the gift of God Ephes 3. and a worke of God Iohn 6. by which gift and woorke of the Lord wee are brought vnto a certeine knowledge of his will by the meanes of his holie promises made in his woorde as S. Peter in the sixt of S. Iohn saieth Wee haue beleeued and doe knowe that thou art Christ and S. Paule in the first of the second to Timothie He hath giuen vs a spirite of a sounde minde and wee knowe verie well in whome wee haue beleeued and wee are persuaded that hee is able to keepe that gage c. Rom. 4 2● And therefore we giue glorie vnto God beleeuing in the promises of our God being certeine and fullie assured that that which hee hath promised vnto vs hee will and can doe it to wit to forgiue vs our sinnes The effects of Faith and euerlasting life through Iesus Christ who was deliuered to death for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification by whom also wee haue peace with God and haue accesse through faith vnto his grace wherein we stand and reioice vnder the hope of the glorie of GOD to come calling also vpon his name in all our needes and necessities as it is said in the Psalme 116. I haue beleeued and therefore haue I spoken and in the tenth of the Rom. Let vs call on him in whom we doe beleeue Things contrarie vnto faith By this it appeareth that there are three things which cheeflie are contrarie vnto faith First the despising of Gods word and of the preaching of the Gospell seeing that the Lord inspireth our harts by this meane and giueth vs also faith not willing that our beliefe and saluation should bee builded vpon mans discourse or fleshlie wisedome but vpon him alone Secondlie the doubts distrusts are contrarie vnto faith if a man doe not resolue himselfe in GOD if a man walke in vncertaintie Double errours in the Papaltie in the maner of Faith if a man doe not assure himselfe of his saluation as it is seene in the Papistes howe they in this behalfe doe commit a double fault In the first place as it is to be seene in the sixt session of that goodlie councel of Trent 9. Chapter They taught how it was a vaine trust when as men did fullie assure themselues of Gods grace and that none could knowe an assurednesse by faith that he had the grace of God O how bare weake and vnable of power should our consolation bee against sinne the diuell and hell namelie in the article of death if this doctrine tooke place For that which they say howe man because of his infirmitie cannot so assure him in his God The aunswere is easie to wit that the certaintie of faith is of God and of his word and not of our strength and merites or deseruings and therefore it ouercommeth all our weakenesse For we be also saued not after the greatnesse and weakenesse of our beliefe but through the excellencie and mightinesse of him in whom we doe beleeue that is to wit Iesus Christ in such sort as weake faith leaueth not off to be a faith to saluation because it apprehendeth the euerlasting sonne of God The other errour of the Papists is that not fullie trusting in the Lord they cal vpon Saints of both kindes not considering how that we do beleeue in one onelie God and we must also call vpon God alone For we doe call vpon him in whom we doe beleeue and fully put our assurance Rom. 10. as also in the 44. Psalme The Church protesteth not to haue lifted vp hir handes to a strange God To be short there is nothing more contrarie vnto faith than the distrust of the goodnesse fauour and assistance of our God or to think that he hath not heard our praiers seeing that it is his propertie to heare them as Dauid saith in the 65. Psalme All creatures shall come vnto thee because thou hearest their prayers They sinne there also against the nature of faith which do not beleeue that which they doe see and so soone as they see no succour prosperitie and riches they are discouraged and leaue religion And as it is said in the eleuenth Chapter to the Hebrues there prooued by manie goodlie examples that faith is the rest or stay of the thing a man hopeth for a shew of things a man seeth not For S. Augustine saith Man beleeueth with the heart not by the hand vnto righteousnes so as diuers beleeue not that which they doe touch with the hand or doe see with the fleshlie eie Thirdlie this of all other is contrarie vnto faith to purpose or to set foorth or to establish anie other thing than Christ the sonne of God Rom. 10. vpon whom we ought to trust be they our works riches or men for establishing vs vpon our selues we doe ouerthrowe so much as lieth in vs the righteousnes of God And so we deceiue our selues because that there is none other name but the name of Iesus Acts. 4. by whom wee shall haue life prosperitie saluation and in summe all maner of blessings A Praier vnto God to obtaine true Faith and encrease therein OVR Lorde God Father of light from whom proceedeth euerie good and perfect gift S. Iames. 1.17 which hast promised to powre vpon thy seruaunts the spirite of grace and of prayer Zach. 12.10 we most humblie beseeche thee Ephes 1. that for the loue of thy sonne Iesus by whom it hath pleased thee to choose vs and to blesse vs in all spirituall blessing let it please thee also to giue vs a truenesse of faith by the which wee may comprehend this largenesse depth length and height of thy delight towards vs to trust and comfort
experience and amongest manie temptations learned the deceites of the Diuell oftentimes said that one day he would put hand to penne to write a great volume against Satan to discouer his wiles and craftes and all the kindes of temptations wherewith hee was accustomed to fight against vs. Besides this hee did dailie aduertise the people both priuatelie and openlie that it was not a thing so light as men thought it to haue dailie Satan at our heeles and an enemie so craftie that spied out but the occasion to sift vs and to destroy vs. Now on a time Luther being requested by a good man who suffered manie tēptations and other vnquietnesse for some comfort Hee wrote this vnto him that followeth in a booke brieflie expounding this sentence of S. Iohn set downe before Satan from the beginning of the world was a lyar and through lyes hath a desire to tempt mankinde Behold how Adam and Eue our first parentes were ouertaken and caught which were created vnto the Image of God For hauing beguiled them through lies hee was therein also a murtherer in that that of the immortall they became mortall Not long after hee set Caine against his Brother Abel and did thrust forward the brother to imbrue his handes with the bloud of his brother And this is the manner and guise of all Satans kingdome Hee began through lying to seduce men afterward hee ceaseth not to stirre vp persecutions against the true faithfull which would not cleaue vnto his lies In the meane while hee bringeth his maintainers to dispaire as it is to be seene of Caine Iudas and others Therefore it is for vs to beware of so cruell and craftie an enemie Let vs also beware and take good heede of his false and dreaming doctrines which commeth forth out of his shoppe the end whereof is vtter destruction To be short let vs take heede of lying and crueltie seeing both the one and the other commeth of the Diuell Moreouer let vs marke that our comfort is that Iesus Christ was giuen vnto vs who appeared to ouerthrow and destroy the workes of the diuell And in deede hee was found the stronger that did buind his enemie Satan and draue away the Prince of the world Against his leinges he hath armed vs with the trueth of his Gospell Against death hee gaue vs life giuing himselfe to bee our Emanuel that is to say God with vs. What greater comfort should wee know to desire For if a man would say yea but Christ is in heauen Behold that which Iesus saith If anie man keepe my word hee shall not perish The doctrine of the lawe accuseth vs and setteth downe before vs our condemnation But the Gospell is the word of life and power of GOD to saluation O miserable and wretched world that forsaketh this pretious word The auncient Fathers haue woondred at a hearbe called Panacea which as some say healed all maner of diseases And seeing manie times we doe see that men esteeme more of some little experience of Phisicke that they shall haue against anie sicknes Why then doe they not commend and praise aboue all the doctrine of the Gospell which healeth vs against death Is it because that the world is so earthlie and lustfull which is not otherwise guided but by fleshlie considerations and neither trusteth in God nor in his promises But wee must feare the iudgementes of God For as they which doe keepe this word shall not feare death So contrariwise they that keepe it not shall see the first and the second death And howsoeuer it seeme vnto men that they passe away with eies closed vp vnto death yet neuerthelesse they doe see death whē the bitternesse thereof and the wrath of God present themselues before their eyes Now concerning the children of GOD they see them dailie dying and themselues also doe die But because their soules learne the word of GOD they see not death For hee teacheth them euen as those that doe goe into darke places by the light who see not the darknesse which is ouercome by the light So a faithfull man which possesseth Gods grace doeth not behold death in his nature and as Gods iudgement but as a sweete sleepe whereby wee doe passe into heauenlie rest and how much the more wee beleeue so much the more are wee assured and certaine against death But the more wee be negligent to heare the word of God so much the more wee lie open to terrours and feares O how strong is therefore the faithfull man who is a member of the Church which staieth himselfe vppon the word of God The great warriers Alexander Iulius Caesar and others hauing braued in the world haue beene famous for their onlie prowes they are dead and those commonlie are the most astonied when death commeth as it is read of Adrian the Emperour The Sorrowes of Adrian the Emperour who at the point of death made such like mournings O poore soule naked and a vacabond into what place goest thou now to yeelde thy selfe Alas what shall become of thee thou companion and ghest of my bodie Thou from hence forewardes shalt haue no more pastime Loe this is the vnquietnesse and vnsetlednesse of the people of this world Let vs pray therefore as in the 90 Psalme that God will giue vs grace to consider the shortnesse of our dayes to the ende we may applie our heartes vnto wisedome A prayer vpon this place Out of the 14. of S. Iohn If any man loue me he will keepe my worde and my father will loue him and we will come vnto him and will dwell with him O Lord who is he which will not loue thee syth that thou hast so loued vs to haue giuen thy sonne for vs Nowe because that thou discernest those which do loue thee in deede from hypocrites when as they loue and keepe thy worde giue me grace yea vnto mee that naturally loue but vice and vanitie to loue thy word vnto me that can doe nothing but in thee and by thee to keepe thy worde and to yeelde obedience vnto thee For what a benefite is it to haue thy companie yea this sweete companie of thee and of thy sonne Iesus and of thy holie spirite which thou hast promised to them that wil yeeld themselues affectionated vnto thy worde What greater mischiefe could happen than to be thrust backe and depriued of such a companie For whosoeuer is not with thee it behoueth that hee be with Sathan that is to say with all euill Because that in as much as thou giuest peace felicitie and life vnto them with whome thou dwellest euen so also is sathan the authour of all euill and of all mischiefe Therefore O Lorde giue me grace to abide in thee as the braunch in the vine to bring foorth the fruites of thy glorie to liue in thee and vnto thee to feele thee daily with all the comfortes that thou giuest vnto thine Let thy good spirite succour mee in my weakenesse Rom. 8.
death and shewing that she had no more power sith that Christ is risen againe Nowe will some say howe doth this place agree with S Paule Wee must consider the thinges more neerer It was sayde that if the people had turned to God he had deliuered them through his diuine mercie But forasmuch as there was nothing in vs but sinne and so likewise death it behoueth vs to looke vpon Christ who hath ouercome death and vanquished Hell in such sort as they cannot hurt the children of God For being graffed in Christ we feare nothing Wherefore S. Paule who reioyceth himselfe in Christ and in his righteousnesse and who considereth that through him saluation is giuen vnto vs doth with good right dispite and tryumph ouer death and as concerning him he doth not recite the wordes of the prophet worde for word but he hath a respect to the intent and meaning of them By Christ then are we quickened therefore haue we sure hope of the resurrection so as that which the righteousnesse of the lawe could not do is fulfilled and wrought through Christ in whome wee feare not death Thus by faith we are deliuered from the whole curse Out of the 22. Chap. of S. Matthew Iesus disputing of the resurrection against the Sadduces sayde And concerning the resurrection of the dead haue ye not read what is spoken vnto you of God saying I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaae and the God of Iacob God is not the God of the dead but of the liuing Out of the 5. of S. Iohn The houre shall come in the which all that are in the graues shal heare the voice of the sonne of man And they shall come foorth that haue doone good vnto the resurrection of life but they that haue doone euill vnto the resurrection of condemnation Excellent witnesses of the resurrection out of the 15. Chapter of the first Epistle to the Corinthians If there be no resurrection of the dead then is Christ not risen But Christ is risen was seene of manie Then is there a resurrection of the dead If we haue our only hope in this life we shall be most miserable of all mankinde But our faith is not in vaine neither the witnesse that the holy Ghost doth yeelde vnto our heartes that wee be the children of God Then is there another entire life of man and consequently a resurrection The seconde Adam is truly as mightie at the least as the first Nowe all these die which are borne of Adam it followeth then that they which be borne againe in the seconde Adam which is Christ are also made liuing after the bodie and soule The sacrament of Baptisme is vnto vs also a sacrament which doth represent vnto vs our mortification our life and resurrection when the people were drawen through the water The saintes and faithfull neither fought nor suffered in vaine For if there were not another life in vaine should they suffer euen vnto death We haue likewise saith S. Paul an example of the resurrection in the graine of corne and in other seedes which die in the grounde and in dying doe in the spring time rise againe more fairer wherefore is it that that should not so likewise happen vnto our bodies Out of the 3. Chap. of the Epistle of S. Paule to the Philippians Our conuersation is in heauen from whence also we looke for the sauiour euen the Lorde Iesus Christ who shall change our vile bodie that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodie according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all thinges vnto himselfe Out of the 2. Chapter of the 2. Epistle to Timothie S. Paule reproueth Hymeneus and Philetus which haue erred from the truth saying that the resurrection is past alreadie and doe destroy the faith of certaine I beleeue the life euerlasting Euerlasting saluation is the ende of our faith as sayeth S. Peter in the 1. Epistle and 1. Chap. This is truely the glorie of God which ought to be our ende and that whereunto wee doe aspire euen the price which is promised to this militant Church that is life euerlasting The soule of Lazarus separated from the bodie Luke 16.22 was receaued to euerlasting rest It was said vnto the good thiefe as he is called which confessed Christ with repentance To day shalt thou bee with me in paradise Now who is hee which could expresse the blessednes of the life euerlasting For this word Life comprehendeth all ioy peace glorie and honor as S. Paul saith in the 2. Chap. to the Romans Vnto those which with patience are giuē to goodnes shall bee giuen Glorie honor immortalitie and life euerlasting And they shall shine as the sunne in the kingdome of their father as it is said in the 13. of S. Matthew Contrariwise the Infidels shall bee cast out from the face of the Lorde with anger with euerlasting tormentes where shall bee weeping and gnashing of teeth Behold what is the auncient faith that the Apostles haue held and S. Peter hath preached for the which our Churches are persecuted and wee are called heritikes But what Wee oftentimes call to remembrance that goodlie admonition that S. Paul made to Timothie in the 6. Chap. of his first Epistle Fight the good fight of faith Lay hold of eternall life whereunto thou art also called and of that which Dauid speaketh in the 138. Psalme Lorde though I walke in the middest of trouble yet wilt thou reuiue me And of this goodlie place which is in the 25. of Esai The Lorde will destroy death for euer and will wipe away the teares from all faces and the rebuke of his people wil he take away out of all the earth And in that day shall men say Lo this is our God wee haue awaited for him and hee will also saue vs. This is the Lorde wee haue awaited for him wee will also bee ioyfull and reioyce in his saluation And though wee bee deliuered to death for the name of Iesus yet doe wee know that his life shall bee manifested in our mortall flesh as it is said in the 4. Chap. of the 2. to the Corinth But the fearefull and vnbeleeuing the abominable and murtherers and whoremongers and sorcerers Idolaters and lyers shall haue their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Apoca. 21.8 Comfortes against death taken out of manie auncient Doctors IT is not without great reason that the great philosopher Plato saith that the life of a wise man ought to passe in a continuall meditation of death For wee shall in deede auoid a number of offences if we haue in remembrance our end and the estate of this life which is so short as it is said in the 7. of Ecclesiast Nowe it is a strange thing to consider the blockishnesse of men in this case which by dailie experience well see that they must die They see well that our bodies bee not
bee founde a watching faithfull seruaunt And as the prince of this worlde comming towardes thy sonne Iesus Iohn 14. founde nothing what to bite vpon him so also the same enemie may not haue any thing against me seeing that I doe belong to thy sonne Iesus By faith O Lorde haue our fathers ouercome kingdomes and closed the mouthes of the Lyons Therefore O Lorde graunt me grace that I may also ouercome by faith all tentations vntill that this faith being ended I may enter into thy euerlasting ●est A prayer against the sorrowes of Death O Lorde GOD my father who weart willing that thy sonne Iesus should yeelde vppe his spirite to saue me graunt mee grace that I may beare in my heart the remembrance of his bitter sorrowes and passion and that I may forthwith remember the sweete tender affection that thou bearest vnto vs poore sinners sauing them with so pretious a price that of one part I may with a true sorrowe die vnto sinne and forsake all mine iniquities and of the other part the remembrance of thy grace may make my soule liue let thy mercie O good God be vnto me a lampe and light to lighten me in the darkenesse of death vntill that I come vnto thee O Lorde if thou weart vnto me so good a father in life be also the same vnto me in death Leaue me not then when as my strengthes shall faile me And euen then namely when my mouth shal be no more able to speake leaue not off Lord to heare my desires vnto the last breath of my life Comfort againe thy weake creature and receiue my soule into thy glorie who yeeldeth vp to thee Thou O Lorde hast saued mee into thy handes I recommende my spirit Grant me the last words of thy sonne Iesus in his voice vppon his crosse that they may be my last wordes in this life Behold the earthly abode of this bodie which dissolueth it to yeelde my selfe ioiful of this tabernacle most blessed which is not made with mans hands This great prophet Elias when hee was taken vp into heauen let fall his cloke so willingly would I also leaue this garment both earthly and corruptible to bee clothed with immortalitie Heeretofore I was a wayfarer nowe am I come into my true countrey Euen vntill this time was I in fight now go I to triumph with our head Iesus Christ I begin to see alreadie this hauen which I haue so long desired hulling amongst the tempests of the world To be short I ioyfullie passe out of darknesse into light from daungers of this world to a place of assurance out of a lamentable case into a blessed state from battaile to victorie from an earthlie to an euerlasting life Here am I blind and there shall I receiue light In this place was I hacked with manie woundes and there shall I receaue healing O wretched life O fraile and life vncertaine in this world howe deceitfull and yrksome art thou The more thou thinkest or beleeuest the more thou distrustest and misbeleeuest The more one goeth in this world the more is hee charged with faintnesse and miseries Blessed is hee which knoweth the vanitie of this world yet more blessed that dooth not set his affection therein and most blessed which is withdrawen from thence to bee with thee Oh my God and my sauiour A prayer vppon the same Argument Alas when shall I come before the face of my God and when shall I haue my abiding in his house How long shall I bee in this exile whereunto for sinne we were banished But how shall a sinner stand before this great God How shall this poore flesh get vp into euerlasting paradise But praised bee my God who hath giuen vnto vs so good an assurance in his holie word Blessed bee GOD which hath ordained for vs this good ladder by the which wee ascend vp into heauen to wit Iesus Christ so that which was vnto vs impossible is possible to the beleeuer Therefore looke not O Lord into the manifold sinnes that are within me But rather remember that I am thy creature and the worke of thy handes I am vnworthie to bee called thy childe but it hath pleased thee to bee my father Thy will was that thy sonne Iesus should come downe here below to vs to make vs ascend vp to thee I feare not then death seeing I haue life with me Thy son hath destroyed death for all those which doe beleeue in him And albeit that this bodie be gnawen with wormes yet the soul goeth forthwith into rest the body awaiteth the resurrection I do desire therfore to die to beholde thy face and willinglie leaue this life to be with Christ Oh my God if the simple sound of thy worde which I heare on earth doth cause my soule to liue alreadie what life what countenance shall I haue there on high whē as I shall receiue it in my heart seeing thy glorie being in so blessed a companie Open vnto me then O Lorde the gate of thy kingdome Make mee to heare this sweete voice which was prepared for the poore thiefe on the crosse To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Alas Lorde I am vnworthy thereof yet thy mercie giueth me assurance Grant me also O father strēgth to perseuere giue me daily this desire of the life to come for if we be so much affectioned to this earthly life that is but for a day ful of miseries with what wish ought I to desire that glorious life which thy sonne Iesus hath purchased for vs Other short praiers for certaine necessities of the Churches To demand perseuerance Almightie God seeing we be knit together by the guide and counsell of thy sonne to this bodie of the Church which was so often scatered and dispersed graunt that we may abide in this vnitie of faith and that wee may constantly fight against all temptation of this worlde and that wee may not turne away from a true and right intent though it come to passe that troubles vppon troubles doe happen offences vpon offences seeing our faith is not builded vpon the holinesse of man or vpon their persons but vppon thee O true and almightie God And whatsoeuer euilles or deathes that shal be offered vnto vs we may not be possessed with such feare as may plucke away our hope out of our heartes but that we may rather learne to lift vp our eies yea our vnderstanding all our wittes vnto this thy power by the which thou quicknest the dead raisest vp that which was of nothing that our spirites may alwaies aspire vnto euerlasting rest albeit it behooued vs daily to die vntill at the last thou shalt shewe how thou art the true fountaine of life granting vnto vs the immortalitie through thy sonne Iesus Christ A prayer to haue stedfastnesse and constancie EVerlasting and almightie God al good and mercifull seeing we be heere subiect to so great aduersities and of so many sortes
when my maister goeth into the house of Rimmon to worshippe there and leaneth on my hande and I bowe my selfe in the house of Rimmon the Lorde be mercifull vnto thy seruant in this point when I doe bowe downe my selfe in the house of Rimmon to whō he sayde Go in peace They haue this obiection in this text We aunswere that first this fauoreth no whit at al these Apostats and Time-seruers who do partake with ydolatrie against their conscience For the question is not of that which a good man ought to doe or may doe whether hee may in safe conscience bee partaker with the Idolaters But it is a demaunde of a particular that is onely founded vppon a seruice which hee pretendeth to owe vnto his king by the occasion of his charge for in the former verse hee protesteth no more to sacrifise vnto strange Gods but onely vnto the Lord. Secondly in asking forgiuenesse of the Prophet he without noyse confesseth a fault and that he found therein a burthen in his conscience Thirdly a particular example cannot be taken for a rule seeing that for a rule wee haue the commandementes of our Lord God wherein euerie one is bound to looke vnto Furthermore that the answere of Eliseus Go in peace may be as soone taken for a leaue that he gaue vnto him to goe away or a sending away of him then a counsell or any resolution wheron a man may make a ground-worke The 2. Chap. of Habacue ver 4. Beholde he that lifteth vp himselfe his minde is not vpright in him but the iust shall liue by his faith yea in deede the proude man is as hee that transgresseth by wine therefore shall he not endure A consideration of the excellencie of Faith If those thinges be recommended vnto vs either for their beginning or for their excellent subiect or for their great effects what thing is more recommendable than faith because it cōmeth from the Lorde which doeth inspire it by his holy spirite seeing that it is founded vpon the infallible euerlasting and most mightie worde of God Cor 4. which is mightie to saluation to all beleeuers Rom. 1. and that it maketh the soule to liue who through the perceiuing of her sinnes and the wrath of God would die a thousande times a day who also should be in continuall vnquietnesse hauing no peace neither yet rest if it were not assured and bounde to quiet faith who reposeth it selfe in God and suffereth him to doe his will being assured of his wisedome and goodnesse and that all miseries are but as cloudes passing away as the Hebrewes haue a worde greatly signifying which is in the 18. Psalme and 19. ver E D which signifieth Calamitie either a mist or a cloude As a good olde man sayde in the time of the great persecutor Iulian the Apostata That it was but as a cloude which would quickely vanish or passe away Therefore let vs holde fast the ancre of our hope Heb. 6. ca. 19 staying vs vpon the Lorde For as the Harcubuziers neuer shoote a good shot neither can well aime at their marke if they shake their Harcubuzes heere and there without stay or rest euen so likewise we doe nothing that is woorth neither at any time shoote at a true marke if we do not beholde God aright constantly awaiting of him the promise of deliuerance A consideration vpon the Temptations of the faithfull taken out of the 4. Chap. of S. Matthewe vpon the Temptations of Iesus Christ THe Lorde hath truely borne our miseries and was tempted in all things sinne excepted but in this sort as he ouercame the temptor And as we see the maisters of fence will play themselues and skirmish before their scholars to teach them the nimblenesse and readinesse in drawing their blowes euen so Christ was willing to be tempted in this worlde that we might consider by this temptation how we must ouercome Sathan and that being truly exercised we may not cower down or bend to temptations For there be many particularities that must bee noted vppon this deede Christ was tēpted a litle after Baptisme Euen so often shall those bee assaulted with many diuers temptations which shall receiue the guiftes of God or that shal be receiued into the Church First because that the graces which God giueth vs are to strengthen vs then after temptations are giuen vnto vs to holde ourselues in modestie that wee should not lift vp our selues aboue the guiftes of the Lorde 2. Cor. 12. Thirdly to make knowen how we haue truely forsaken Sathan that we be made strong through his diuine strength True it is that wee ought not to put vpon our selues temptations So was our Lorde lead by the spirite into the wildernesse Therefore when God bringeth vs thither then is it that wee should lay abroade our faith But I pray you let vs marke howe willingly the diuell tempteth the faith of man Temptation by the bellie by foode and by the bellie Euen so Eue was tempted For although it was through pride and presumption yet was the occasion taken by the sight of a delectable fruit Therefore this is a warning to vs to haue for suspect the counsels of the bellie and so not to be subiect to the foode or diet because that God will destroie both the meat and the bellie In like maner let vs consider 1. Cor. 6.13 how that the diuell awaiteth vpon vs with afflictions especially where neede is and then when hee presupposeth to flatter vs with manie thinges For sometimes it seemeth that the children of GOD doe lose their labour and paines in seruing of God as it is saide in Malachie Malac. 3. v. 14. representing heere this tēptation how that for great things the worlde giueth cleane contrarie But let vs remember that the worlde is as a smoke and all the goods of the earth as a shadowe and that onely God is our all and mans true wealth Then let vs not hunger after earthly goods neither worldly honors but let vs hunger and thirst after righteousnesse for so are we exhorted in the 5. of S. Matthew for it is that which is most necessarie for vs poore sinners Nowe this true righteousnesse is reueiled vnto vs in the gospell For what purpose serued those goods or riches vnto the euill rich man with his great prouision seeing that in the ende his want grewe greater for did not he esteeme much more a droppe of water if hee might haue got it to haue cooled his thirst Let vs acknowledge that our life our foode and that of our children dependeth not of the worlde but of the grace and fauour of God and to withstand the diuell and all his temptations The armour of Christians let vs daily arme vs with this true bucklar of Gods woorde as Iesus Christ did neither let vs goe into fight without armour Let vs exercise and stirre vp our selues in the scriptures that wee may be able to incounter
For so is there none other meane to finde saluation life Or whither shall we goe elswhere He hath the wordes of euerlasting life as S. Peter saith in the 6. Chap. of S. Iohn But it is not with the feete of the bodie that we goe to him it is the soule that ought to march forwardes and to drawe neere to him by faith who dooth approch so neere vnto him that it ioyneth and buindeth vs with him yea it dooth graft vs in him euen as the branches are grafted in a vine stock Iohn 15.2 that in him wee might haue good consciences bring forth fruites agreeable or pleasing vnto God So might we then well say O Lord thou which doost call vs Peter drawe vs if it please thee vnto thee drawe turne our spirites willes vnto thee Be thou thy selfe the Adamāt Rom. 9. which drawest our heartes more harder than iron Rom. 9. For alas it is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in thee O God that shewest mercie And because thou pitiest not the proud high-minded that feele not the charge of their sinnes Zacha. 3. which are more heauie than a great lumpe of lead but shewest mercie to the broken contrite and sorowfull soule and beholdest all those that doe grone vnder the burthen of their sorowfull sinnes giue vs grace to humble our selues that we may be exalted and to feele our death that thou maist quicken and make vs a liue that O Lord wee doe not despise or refuse thy yoke seeing that it is an easie yoke when as by thy spirit thou wilt guide vs and by thy word gouern vs giuing vs a daughterly spirit which is the spirit of adoption seeing also that to serue thee is to raigne to obay thee is to rule and so to triumph ouer the diuell sinne This is not the fearefull yoke of the law that threatened condemnation to all those which did not fulfill it This is not the damnable yoke wherewithall the sinners are wrapped in whereof is spoken in the 1. Chap. of Ieremies Lament The yoke of my transgressions is bound vppon my hand they are wrapped and come vp vppon my necke But Lord who would refuse thy yoke which is so easie seeing it giueth rest vnto the soule seeing it vnbindeth and riddeth vs out of the diuels yoke and from the oppression as it is said in thy Prophet Esai 9. Chap. Therefore receaue againe vnto thee thy poore creatures and bring vs O Lord and gather vs together as the poore straying sheepe vnto that great shepheard Iesus Christ Of the continuaunce which is required in the Christians taken out of the 24. of S. Matthewe IEsus aunswered and sayde vnto them Take heede that no man deceiue you for many shal come in my name saying I am Christ shall deceiue manie And ye shal heare of wars rumors of wars see that you be not troubled for all these thinges must come to passe but the end is not yet For Nation shal rise against Nation Realme against Realme there shal be pestilēce famin earthquakes in diuers places and all these are but the beginninges of sorrowes Then shall they deliuer you vp to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shal be hated of all nations for my name sake And then shal many be offended and shall betraie one another Furthermore manie false prophetes shal arise and shall deceiue many and because iniquitie shall be increased the loue of many shall wax colde but he that endureth to the ende hee shall be saued A MEDITATION vpon the same Text or place The verie same we doe see in worldly affaires that it is nothing to beginne except a man guide his enterprise vnto the full And when a man freeth himselfe of one leape he looketh not vnto the difficulties but he resolueth to passe further So sayth S. Cyprian in the 5. Epistle of his first booke Faith saueth vs not Ad Furiam to be receiued only once but to be kept For as S. Ierome writeth Men seeke not the beginning of Christians but the ende S. Paule had ill begunne but he ended well Contrariwise Iudas had a good beginning but his ende was verie euill Therefore it is a speciall gift of God to be able to holde out and in such sort to runne in this race 1. Cor. 9. as wee may be able to get the wager For heere wee must beware of presumption and in all humblenesse to aske of God that he will make vs strong Men doe see how S. Peter did make himselfe resolute yet did the voyce of a chamber mayde astonie him Beholde what our weakenesse is Besides that it offereth vnto vs fightings without and feares within as S. Paul declareth in the 7. Chap. of the 2. to the Corinthians in such sort as there is no occasion to thinke well of ourselues Philip. 4. and to resolue vs against such difficulties distrusting of ourselues Rom. 16.20 vnlesse wee take courage and boldenesse in him by whom wee may doe all and that will also treade downe Sathan vnder our feete Nowe to the ende that all may bee prepared to fight the good fight and that to a holy perseueraunce Iesus Christ hath foretolde vnto vs the Allarmes that wee shall haue namely in the later daies wherin the backeslidinges reuoltinges and most daungerous temptations shall be seene Hee foretelleth of the one side that there shall be seducers that shall haue faire outwarde shewe but will shewe themselues in the end robbers of the Church pretending reformation as is seene howe the Anabaptistes and Schwencfeldiens lamented the corruptions Anabaptistes maners and offences which were in the Church and of the misusing of those which did abuse the Gospell and therewith did not onely hatch vp in them an intollerable pride presumption but also strong errours ouerthrowing the foundations of faith and all policie All this ought to make vs practise that which is sayde in the 4. Chap. of the 1. Epistle of S. Iohn Deerely beloued beleeue not euerie spirit but trie the spirites whether they are of God for many false prophets are gone out into the worlde Moreouer good heede must bee taken therein because that besides the manifest ydolaters as the Papistes are besides open heretikes and blasphemers as the Arrians be denying the true diuinitie of the sonne of God and other like that are founde in the middest of the Church which daily shall make diuisions and will preferre their discourses as Oracles willing that men should beleeue them as Gods word and will defend frowardly obstinately their goodlie interpretations that rather than they will yeelde they would set before the olde heresies euen as it is to be seene in many who stubbornely willing to defende the opinion of Luther in the point of the supper which is altogether builded vpon the doctrine of Pope Nicolas as Luther confesseth it in his great confession haue inuented
Therefore vnto thee O God bee eternall praise and glorie for euermore So be it Errors contrarie vnto this Article The Epicures and all those which thinke that this world is gouerned by aduenture The Manichees and others which doe establish more beginninges than one They which doe not acknowledge Gods prouidence in all thinges in the verie same thinges which seeme strange and little They which put their trust in anie other than in one onelie God They which thinke how GOD hath created some thing to ill purpose and thinke to make it more perfect than God They which abuse the creatures of God not vsing them to his glorie and with thankesgiuing And in Iesus Christ his onelie sonne our Lord. CONSIDERATION THe creation of the whole world together ioyned with a prouidence iustice and woonderfull wisdome is the first witnesse that the Articles of our beleefe doe set downe vnto vs of our GOD to the end to reuerence him and to trust in him Yet followeth there an other more wonderfull witnesse and that presenteth together vnto vs a passing goodnesse and infinite power that is to say the worke of our redemption For to redeeme and to quicken the creature that was lost and to buie him of such a price to wit with the pretious bloud of Gods euerlasting sonne and not to deliuer him onelie from bondage and death but also to communicate with him euerlasting life this is so great a woorke and so singular a benefite as no tongue can expresse nor heart can sufficientlie comprehend it Hence it is that God hath so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onelie sonne to the end that all those which beleeue in him shall not perish but haue euerlasting life Man was therefore created good perfect as it is said in the 7. Chap. of Ecclesiastes But he taried not in this happie estate But following his owne inuentions and discourses with the euill counsell of the Diuell hee was so turned from his GOD and by this meanes cast headlong into destruction as hee made himselfe and his posteritie guiltie of death and euerlasting perdition Rom. 6. For death and all the thinges belonging vnto death as are all kindes of aduersities be the reward of sinne Oseas 13. Euen so commeth our destruction of our selues For asmuch as man abusing his freewill yeelded himselfe a slaue vnto the diuell and by this meanes drew vppon him the iust vengeance of the euerlasting God O What a change and pitious alteration was this when as the Image of God was so defaced in man and that of so noble a creature hee was become vile miserable and full of sinne and filth For albeit that man was fashioned of the dust of the earth yet so was it that the spirit of God if hee had not sinned had swallowed vp that which was of the earth corruptible and had freed man of his weakenesse and putrefaction But hauing chased away from him Gods good spirit Gene. 6. hee remaineth a foule lumpe of flesh and is not now of his nature but dust and clay and his heart from his infancie altogether froward For although that there is but one GOD in whome wee doe beleeue Iesus Christ the matter that our faith onelie looketh on as S. Ierome verie well saith vppon the 4. of the Ephe. Yet so is it that the sonne which is the second person of the diuinitie who is one substance is the true obiect and foundation of our faith and not without cause Iohn 14.9 For first in beleeuing in him we doe beleeue in God because that hee is God blessed for euermore as S. Paul saith in the 9. of the Romans Secondlie hee it is of whome Moses the Prophetes and the Psalmes haue spoken and vnto whome they haue directed vs as it is also said in the 24. of S. Luke Thirdlie it is hee that the father likewise willeth that wee heare and that is the subsisting Image of the inuisible GOD Colos 1. Hebr. 1. the brightnesse of his glorie and the ingraued signe and marke of his person by whome also the father hath spoken and doone all thinges Lastlie this is the person that hath taken our nature and hee who is called Immanuel God with vs and GOD manifested in the flesh So that this is the cause why S. Paul saith that no man can lay anie other foundation than that which is laid to wit Iesus Christ and that hee woulde not know anie thing saue Christ Not that hee would not likewise know and vnderstand the Father and the holie Ghost but because that in him man knoweth all 1. Cor. 3. both the Father and the holie Ghost as it is said in the first Epistle to the Corinthians and second Chapter 1. Cor. ● And that without him wee can neither know the Father neither haue accesse vnto this light not able to bee come vnto vnlesse the Sonne giue vs both assurance and accesse Euen as Saint Paul teacheth vs in the 2. Encridion 5. Chap. Chap. to the Ephesians ver 18. And as Saint Augustine yet teacheth how manie heretiques doe speake of Iesus Christ vaunting them of his knowledge yet so it is that when a man dooth neerelie looke therein it is found that they haue onelie but the name and that they are but woordes without trueth and effect For where as they will neither speake neither yet vnderstand or teach as it behooueth concerning his Person or teach anie euill concerning his Office So is this a proper gift vnto the Christian Church to knowe with a wholesome knowledge the eternall and liuing GOD that is to say Iohn 17. to know him in Iesus Christ and to call vppon him through him holding Christ for verie God and verie man the onelie mediator betweene God and man That which thing neither the Turkes neither the Iewes neither Papistes nor manie heretickes doe as in deede the diuell dooth labour to raise vp false Prophetes in all times to darken and vtterlie to ouerthrowe the knowledge of Iesus Christ on the earth who is as a signe or a marke against which euerie man gainsayeth euen as Simeon did speake in the 2. of S. Luke But against such kinde of people wee must retaine these Maximes or rules Maximes First that such a mediatour and sauiour is necessarie for vs to haue which was verie God and verie man and who partaketh to the end to bee a meane with the natures of those that were at strife in such sort as hee might ouercome sinne death and the diuell and giue men accesse vnto the light not able to be come vnto Ephe. 1. It was necessarie that hee should bee stronger than all creatures to witte God and the welbeloued of the Father vnto whome wee might be fit and agreeable As of the other side it was meete that the same flesh which had bin ouercome Rom. 8. Esai 53. should haue the victorie and that the flesh which had sinned might beare the
the worlde beganne But nowe is opened and published among all nations by the scriptures of the prophets at the commandement of the euerlasting God for the obedience of faith To God I say only wise be praise for euer Out of the 4. Chap. of the Epistle to the Galathians When the fulnesse of time was come God sent foorth his sonne made of a woman and made vnder the Lawe that hee might redeeme them which were vnder the lawe that we might receiue the adoption of the sonnes Out of the 2. Chap. of the Epistle to the Philippians Let the same minde be in you that was euen in Christ Iesus who beeing in the forme of God thought it no robberie to be equall with God But he made himselfe of no reputation and tooke on him the forme of a seruaunt and was made like vnto man and was found in shape as a man He humbled himselfe and became obedient vnto the death euen the death of the crosse Out of the seconde Chap. of the Epistle to the Hebrewes For as much then as the children were partakers of flesh and bloud he also him selfe likewise tooke part with them that he might destroy through death him that had the power of death that is the diuell And that he might deliuer all them which for feare of death were all their life time subiect to bondage For he in no sort tooke the Angels but he tooke the seede of Abraham Wherefore in all things it became him to be made like vnto his brethren that hee might bee mercifull a faithfull high priest in things cōcerning God to the end he might make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people Borne of the virgin Marie The historie of the Lordes Natiuitie we haue it with all the circumstances thereof in the 2. Chap. of S. Luke Howe hee was borne vnder Octauian Augustus the Emperour Borne in Beth-lehem the citie of Dauid was wrapped in swadling clothes and layde in a cratch for he became poore to make vs rich 2. Cor. 8. Chap. This birth was by the Angels declared to the sheepeheardes Moreouer the wise men of the East were guided by a starre vnto Beth-lehem 2. of S. Matthew A MEDITATION vpon the conception and birth of Iesus Christ after the flesh WHo is he that would not desire to beholde with all reuerence and with great wonder this mightie mysterie of our God concerning the incarnation of Iesus Christ and our redemption seeing that the verie Angels desire to looke thereon as S. Peter speaketh in his 1. Chap. 1. Epistle For it is the Gospel that doeth declare and reueile this hidden secret Rom. 16. at all times figured through diuers ceremonies and trulie fulfilled in the latter dayes O that so many kings patriarks prophets haue desired to see him but now men make litle account of this so great a secret O how beautifull are the feete of them that do declare vnto vs this Gospel of peace O and how much are the heretikes to be abhorred that would turne away from vs the knowledge of this Christ true God and man who hath not doone this honour vnto the Angelles to take vpon him their nature to redeeme them which were fallen but hath shewed this fauour vnto vs poor● wormes of the earth Psal 51. as to take on him our nature Wee alas are conceiued in sinne and in iniquitie But the holy of the Lorde which was conceiued by the working of the holy spirite is come into the worlde to sanctifie saue vs. Ephes 2. We are borne the childrē of wrath But the welbeloued of the heauenly father was giuen for vs and now is our nature in honour and grace because that the euerlasting word was made flesh not leauing that which it was but taking vnto him that that he was not that is to say our nature ● Iohn 1. O what an excellent word considering that is spoken of it that it was and did alwaies rest with God as the seconde person of the diuinitie but if a man haue respect vnto his essence it was and is God as S. Iohn sayth in the same place And that it is so all thinges haue beene made by it the life the light and all fulnesse is in it By it hath the Lorde spoken and reueiled the secrets of Paradise But what is it that this hath taken knit with him this word Our flesh And what is our flesh Flesh When as the scripture would speake of our poorenesse it calleth vs flesh as in the 78. Psalme And the Lord remembred that they were but flesh Howsoeuer that Iesus had taken vpon him all our nature that is to say the bodie and the soule as he is the redeemer of all mankinde yet so it is that we be but flesh and rottennesse He hath not therefore taken this flesh which was sinfull or the affection and passions of the flesh but the substance the weakenesses and the alterations that are in the flesh here withall did he charge himselfe He was not then ashamed of vs as the Schuencfeldians thinke that it should be to debase him too much if it were sayd that he had bin made flesh For the scripture sayth the same that he was made flesh that is yet a more vile word than the worde creature But as S. Bernarde sayth The more that thou considerest the humilitie of Christ so much the more seest thou thy glorie and the honour that God hath doone vnto thee how also God hath exalted thee and hath giuen thee a name aboue all names in such sort as they that forsake and despise thee shal one day feele that they shall haue to doe not with anie poore creature but with the king of kings and with the iudge of this worlde A praier of S. Ierome concerning the incarnation of Iesus Christ. O Lorde Iesus thou art my God and my sauiour that hast suffered for mee And although thou wert true God before all ages begotten euerlastingly of the father of an vnserchable generatiō yet wouldst thou to bee conceiued in the wombe of a virgin and to be made man like vnto me and in such manner as thou art true God and true man For thou hast in such sort taken humane nature in the virgins wombe as thou art God and man so as the diuinity is not the humanitie neither the humanity the diuinitie Thy two natures are not confounded and yet doe they make one the selfe same person O eternall worde that was made flesh to become our brother Thou hast had hunger and thirst Thou hast taken our weakenesse vppon thee sinne excepted which did neuer enter in thee as we bare it euen from our mothers wombe Nowe in thee O Lorde dwelleth bodily all fulnesse of grace and diuinitie Thou art made lesse than the father if a man doe respect thy humanitie And if one doe consider thy diuinitie thou art equall vnto him and now that thou hast debased thy selfe he doeth acknowledge thee for
woonderfull thing that the coniunction of humane nature is made with the diuine without changing of natures also without anie confusion of persons therein For Christ hath so knit the natures together as hee both God and man is in diuine substance but one person with the father and the holie ghost O strange thing wee were not woorthie to be seruauntes and now wee be children and coheires with Christ And now I pray thee good God graunt mee grace in good ernest to acknowledge thy vertue that I may with a burning desire loue thee all the daies and time of my life and that my faith be stayed on my redeemer who was seene in the world and was lifted vp into glorie It Followeth Suffered vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buried hee descended into hell CONSIDERATION YEe neede not to maruaile that in this Article of our faith wee doe passe from his natiuitie vnto his death For first all his life was a preparatiue vnto death a perpetuall passion Secondlie the death and passion of Iesus was the true witnesse of his obedience and then was ended this true Sacrifice that hath abolished sinne and death Euen as the auncient high Priestes did take of the people that which they had to sacrifice so hath hee also taken of vs our nature and this bodie which hee hath sacrificed on the crosse being the sacrifice and the sacrificer Therefore hee had will to suffer truelie in our flesh and to die that in him we might haue life And that wee may liue and die in him dailie dying to the world to vice to liue vnto all righteousnesse and to his glorie who hath redeemed vs. Death the graue hell are verie terrible thinges yea more than terrible But Iesus Christ hath triumphed ouer death and arising againe hee hath sanctified our graues and hath by his vertue ouercome the sorrowes of hell and hath broken all the boltes and chaines to make free and to set in safetie all his elect so as there is no condemnation vnto those that doe beleeue in him Rom. 8. Away with these sacrifices of these popish Priestes seeing that this true sacrifice made with the shedding of the bloud of the Lambe without spot Iohn 1. taketh away all the sinnes of the world Places of the holie scripture testifying the death and passion of Iesus Christ Out of the Prophecie of Dauid 22. Psalme For Dogges haue compassed me the assemblie of the wicked haue inclosed me they pearced my handes and my feete I may tell all my bones yet they behold and looke vppon me According to the exposition of some as if the should haue said he shal not be ouerwhelmed with troubles and sorrowes For he is the euerliuing sonne of of God of an euerlasting generation But this is for our sinnes and by the counsel of God that it should happen vnto him They part my garments among them and cast lottes vppon my vesture Out of the 69. Psalme I was constrained to restore that which I tooke not They gaue me gall in my meate and in my thirst they gaue me vineger to drinke A prophesie of the death and passion of Iesus Christ Out of the 53. Chap. of Esaiah Surelie hee hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrowes yet did wee iudge him as plagued and smitten of God But hee was wounded for our transgressions hee was broken for our iniquities the chasticement of our peace was vppon him and with his stripes are wee healed All wee lyke Sheepe haue gone astray wee haue turned euerie one to his owne way and the Lorde hath laid vppon him the iniquitie of vs all He was oppressed and hee was afflicted yet did hee not open his mouth he is brought as a sheepe vnto the slaughter as a sheep before her shearer is dumme so hee openeth not his mouth He was taken out from prison and from iudgement And who shall declare his age For hee was cut out of the land of the liuing and for the transgression of my people was he plagued And hee made his graue with the wicked and with the riche in his death though hee had doone no wickednes Vnto the rich neither was anie deceite in his mouth Yet the Lord would breake him and make him subiect to manie infirmities This was Ioseph of Arimathe when hee shall make his soule an offering for sinne hee shall see his seede and shall prolong his dayes and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand Of the abasing of Iesus Christ in this world Daniel also hath prophesied in the 9. Chap. and 26. verse ANd after threescore and two weekes shall Christ bee slaine and shall haue nothing and some doe translate there shall none remaine to helpe him or hee shall bee altogether made of none effect This death of Christ was figured by the offering of weathers and Lambes and likewise by the offering that Abraham made of his sonne Isaac in the 22. of Genesis The brasen serpent and by the brasen serpent set vp in the wildernesse whome those that did behold were deliuered from the venemous bitings of serpentes as it is written in the 21. Chapter of Nombers This brasen serpent did signifie that Christ should take the forme of a sinner and should bee notwithstanding without sinne That which was set vp on a tree did signifie that Iesus Christ should bee lifted vp vppon a crosse as wee doe reade it in the 3. of Saint Iohn As Moses lifted vp the Serpent in the wildernesse so must the sonne of man be lifted vp That whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not perish but haue eternall life And to shew in deede that it was not in the brasen serpent that had anie vertue annexed to it but that wee ought to looke more high King Ezechias seeing how the people did goe a whoring after this Serpent ● King 1● hee brake it in peeces and named it Nehustan that is to say a vile thing and woorth nothing The historie of the passion and death of Iesus Christ wee haue drawen out by the foure Euangelistes especiallie in the 22. 23. of S. Luke THe causes of the passion and death of Iesus Christ The causes of Christes death were first the vnchangeable counsell and prouidence of GOD as it is said in the second of the Actes and the 23. verse Hee was deliuered by the determinate counsel of God And againe the loue of God towardes mankind God so loued the world that hee hath giuen his onelie begotten sonne as saith S. Iohn in the 3. Chapter And wee doe reade in the 5. Chap. to the Ephesians and the 25. verse how hee also loued vs and gaue himselfe willinglie for vs. If wee must come vnto other outward causes of this death and which bee inferiour there is the hatred of the diuell and the enmitie whereof it is spoken in the 3. Chap. of Genesis betweene the serpent and the seede of the woman There is
vncleannesse filth and sinne that hee may bring vs into all trueth and that hee may sanctifie and strengthen vs vnto the ende comforting vs in this Article of death praying Rom. 8. and sighing for vs with gronings that cannot be expressed Witnesses out of the holie Scripture concerning the Holie Ghost Out of the 12. of Zacharie verse 10. I will powre vppon the house of Dauid and vppon the inhabitantes of Ierusalem the spirit of grace and of compassion and they shal looke vpon me whom they haue pearced MEDITATION BY the first Adam alas wee become barraine and vnprofitable were shut out of the grace of God but the Lorde promising the establishmēt of his Church againe by Christ promised to poure out his giftes and graces in great abundance For although that in our fathers dayes God had wrought great fauour vnto the people yet so it is that this is proper vnto Christ to giue vnto vs the spirit of grace mercie and inuocation And this is the richest gift that GOD could impart vnto vs for so much as it is said in the 8. Chapter to the Romans That wee could not knowe how wee were Christes and the children of GOD without this spirit For hee was woonderfullie and extraordinarilie giuen in the day of Pentecost But yet dooth hee dailie ioyne together his woorking with the preaching of the Gospell and woorketh in vs that wee doe call vppon God with full assurance Oh that this spirit of grace is to bee desired 1. Sam. 18. It is not this euill spirit which was giuen vnto Saul that vexed and troubled him but it is the spirit of grace and of compassion This is the Lord that we must woorship in spirit and trueth Out of the 4. Chap. of the Euangelist S. Iohn Iesus said vnto the Samaritane Whosoeuer drinketh of this water shall thirst againe But the water that I shall giue him shall bee in him a well of water springing vp into euerlasting life A MEDITATION OH how hath Dauid truelie felt the vertues of these liuing waters when as he said in the 42. Psalme Like as the thirstie Hart runneth with swift course vnto the riuers of water euen so dooth my soule also long and pant after thy diuine grace For what is it likewise to inioie all the pleasures of the world since that they take not away his thirst neither yet quench this alteration but doe increase and make the people like vnto men filled with dropsies which the more they drinke the more thirstie they are But behold two thinges that this water dooth greatlie recommend vnto vs whereof Iesus Christ talked with the Samaritane It is that they which drinke thereof are no more tormented with thirst feeling in them a well of liuing water that springeth vp alwayes without ceasing and cannot be drawen drie Besides this water that man feeleth in his soule and that runneth about his heart dooth neuer forsake vs but quickeneth vs vnto euerlasting life Therefore blessed are they which doe feele in their soules such a running water which dooth not for a trueth spring out of the vaines of the earth but from the hiest heauens and out of the true heauenlie paradise Now as S. Chrysostome saith This water is the strength and woorking of the spirit of God working by the word of the Gospell For it behooueth that we take heede of the errour of the Massalians and Scuencfieldians Against the Massalians who doe separate the spirite from the worde and doe dreame in the reuelations of the spirite But S. Paule teacheth vs in the 3. to the Galathians That we receiue the spirite through the preaching of faith and in the second Chap. of the 2. Epistle to the Thessalonians hee ioyneth together the sanctification of the spirite and the faith of trueth Moreouer this spirite hath diuers effectes and is by this occasion some times called fire Matth. 3. because that it purifieth and consumeth our euill affections and kindleth in vs a zeale as in the disciples going to Emaus Luke 24. whose heartes burned within themselues hearing Iesus speake Nowe it is also called water thorough his working because that this holy spirite refresheth vs against the burning heat of temptations and also doeth wash and serue to quench the firie dartes of Sathan let it then neuer come to passe Ephes 6. for vs to doe as the ydolaters of whom God complaineth in the 2. Chap. of Ieremiah Who forsaking the fountaine of liuing water digged to themselues dead pittes and drie cesterns that can hold no water Out of the 7. Chap. of S. Iohn vers 38. Ioel. 2. He that beleeueth in me as sayeth the scripture out of his belly shall flowe riuers of water of life Nowe this spake he of the spirit which they that beleeued in him should receiue Out of the 15. of S. Iohn A witnesse of the spirite and of the preaching ioyned together When the comforter shal come whom I will sende vnto you from the father euen the spirite of trueth which proceedeth of the father hee shall testifie of me and yee shall witnesse also because ye haue beene with me from the beginning Out of the 16. of S. Iohn When he is come which is the spirit of trueth hee will leade you into all trueth for hee shall not speake of himselfe but whatsoeuer he shall heare shall he speake Out of the 8. Chap. of the Epistle to the Romanes For if you liue after the flesh yee shall die but if ye mortifie the deedes of the bodie by the spirite yee shall liue For as many as are lead by the spirit of God they are the sonnes of God S. Paule prayeth by the spirite Out of the 15. Chap. to the Romans vers 30. I beseech you for our Lorde Iesus Christs sake and for the loue of the spirite that ye would striue with me by praiers Out of the 3. Chapter of the 1. to the Corinth Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the spirite of God dwelleth in you Out of the 12. to the Corinth 1. Epistle There are diuersities of giftes but the same spirite and there are diuersities of administration but the same Lorde and there are diuersities of operation but God is the same which worketh all in all But the manifestation of the spirite is giuen to euery man to profite withall Out of the 13. Chap. of the 2. to the Corinth and 13. vers The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ and the loue of God and the communion of the holy Ghost be with you all Out of the 4. Epistle to the Ephesians vers 30. Griue not the spirite of God by whom ye are sealed vnto the day of redemption Out of the 5. Chap. and the 1. to the Thes Quench not the spirite Despise not prophesying Out of the 1. of S. Iohn 2. Chap. The annointing which yee receiued of me dwelleth in you and ye neede not that any man teache you for the same annointing
maiestie O God thou art my treasure grant me grace to haue my heart there where my treasure is and to meditate night and day in thy worde which is the light that guideth my steppes and is in tribulation more sweete vnto my heart than honny is vnto the mouth The reason of man was truely O Lorde a goodly lampe that thou haddest giuen vnto man but as it is darkned it cannot shewe the way which leadeth man from sinne to righteousnes and from death to life and they which otherwaies are not lightened but by the same doe perish as beastes Psalm 49. Nowe since it pleaseth thee to haue a Church on the earth which thou hast gathered together thorowe the preaching of thy worde inlighten my eies to beholde and see the spirituall state and magnificence of this house to the ende I may loue it and delight my selfe therein And because that I am a stranger in the land inlighten me in such sorte that seeing the way of euerlasting life in thy word I may follow it vntill I come vnto the true countrie which is in heauen Out of the 59. Chap. of Esaiah verse 21. Beholde my couenaunt with them faith the Lorde my spirit that is vppon thee and my wordes which I haue put in thy mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seede nor out of the mouth of the seede of thy seede saith the Lorde from henceforth euen for euer CONSIDERATION THese wordes doe declare vnto vs that the onelie people which haue the word of GOD and the purenesse of the Doctrine are auouched the true people of the Lord. For with this word God worketh and vnfoldeth the force of his spirit Rom. 1. as by this occasion is the Gospell also so called the power of God to saluation to all beleeuers to bee short by the meane of this word 2. Cor. 5. and through the ministrie of reconciliation God hath established his couenant amongest vs being fauorable vnto vs and forgiuing vs our sinnes Therefore this Church is not gouerned by swords or by Crosses but by the spirit and by the word of God And because that this word is euerlasting it is not in the power of the world to stop the course thereof But God to punish our vnthankfulnesse draweth it backe sometimes from vs and in the meane while it is in such sorte as hee maketh it to waxe fruitefull elsewhere and that which wee doe not see our posteritie shal see it with whom the Lord hath also his couenant O the follie of mankinde which heareth not wisedome crie out in the streets and biddeth vs come vnto her Prou. 1. Therefore of good right doeth she laugh at the destruction of all those which despise her A Prayer vppon this place Out of the 15. Chap. of S. Matthew EVerie plant which mine heauenlie Father hath not planted Prou. ●0 shall bee rooted vp O Lord my God because that thine onelie word is pure cleane and a buckler vnto all those that trust in thee giue me grace to loue thee and since that thou thy selfe inuitest vs vnto the wholsome waters that thou giuest for nothing guide me vnto those running brookes keepe my soule from being led away by this enemie which soweth Cockle and euill hearbes in the world 1. Iohn 4. Giue mee the spirit of discretion to proue the spirites and suffer me not to bee lead with euerie winde of Doctrine 2. Tim. 1. but dailie to holde the true patterne of thy wholsome word 1. Cor. 11. which is in faith and loue in Iesus Christ And albeit to proue thine thou doest suffer manie times the euill plantes to increase and permittest heresies as is to bee seene of olde when as the blasphemie of the Arrians tooke roote as it were in all the East and in our dayes popish Idolatrie hath doone in the West 2. Thes 2. So in likewise haue wee also seene how thou hast vnrooted them and manifested the dreames of men so that there is none nowe deceaued but those whome despise the trueth and loue the Epicures life yeelding themselues woorthie to bee led away by the spirit of blindnesse and errour In the meane while O GOD beate downe them which make Sectes Partialities Rom. 16. and Scandals a part against the pure Doctrine graunt power and might to the Ministrie of thy holie Gospell that all heresies and errors may bee rooted out of mens heartes and that in quiet peace and concorde wee may praise thy name all the dayes of our life Also shew thy fauour vnto vs and now that it is so late in the end of our time yea and that it seemeth O Lorde that this faire sunne of trueth would goe to rest whome thou hast shewed in the world Mat. 28. may remaine with vs and strengthen vs in thy knowledge following this thy promise that thou hast made to bee with vs euen vnto the end of the world So be it Of the hearing of the word of God Out of the 11. of S. Luke Blessed are they that heare the word of God and keepe it MEDITATION BLessed are they then not that heare much know much and speake much of the word of God But that keepe it in obedience of faith For whereto serueth the seede throwne into the ground if it tooke not roote there to increase and bring forth fruite Whereunto serueth as saith Iesus Christ in the 7. Chap. of S. Matthew to make a high building if vppon the blowing of the first windes the house fall They loue me saith Christ in the 14. of S. Iohn that doe not onlie heare but also keepe my commaundementes For how shall wee heare if hee doe not pearce our eares Psal 40. and open our vnderstandinges because that it is nothing to heare outwardlie vnlesse that God doe speake vnto vs inwardlie and if it be not heard within vs. Men truelie haue eares But they haue not all eares to heare and to make their profit of the word of God Now since that they are vndoubtedlie accursed which neither heare nor keepe this word and doe loue better to heare worldlie songes or foolish follies Let vs pray without ceasing this God that hee will open the heartes to vnderstand his word as hee did vnto this Lydia a seller of purple of whome mention is made in the 16. Chap. of the Actes And that wee doe not take it of the Lord in ill part when hee shall punish vs because that in so doing hee doth open our eares to receaue instruction euen as it is said in the 36. of Iob and the 10. verse A prayer vppon the same matter O Most gratious and mercifull GOD thou hast declared by thy dearelie beloued sonne Iesus Christ that they which heare thy word and keepe it are blessed Doeth it not rather belong vnto vs O Lord to acknowledge and to maruaile at thy blessednesse and felicitie It is for vs to speake of thine and thou doest
vnto vs this honor to speake of ours Thou pronouncest by thy sonne that wee are blessed in hearing thy word and that when wee haue it and heare it that doeth not come of our selues but through thy great mercie It is thou thy selfe which openest and stoppest our eares Oh heauēlie Father how great is thy mercie But wo vnto this damnable vnthankfulnesse of them that laugh and gaude thereat in place of hearing it Wo vnto this our sluggishnesse that hindereth vs to pray and to demaund none other thing but that thy word might haue his course ● Thes 3. Ephe. 6. and might be glorified and that thou raise vp good shepheardes to whome thy word may be giuen that with open mouth and with boldnesse of heart 1. Sam. 3. the secretes of the Gospel may be made knowen And that it happen not vnto vs that thy word bee take away for our vnthankfulnesse Ephe. 3. as wee doe reade that in the time of Eli it was rare in the request and there was little to be had of anie manifest vision Now vnto him which by his power may doe all in all abundance more than wee doe aske or thinke vnto him be glorie in the Church in Iesus and in all ages So be it Out of the 5. Chap. of the Gospell of S. Iohn Search the scriptures Of the profit in the true vnderstāding of the scriptures for in them yee thinke to haue eternall life and they are they which testifie of me MEDITATION MEn haue a naturall desire to the euerlasting life But where is it that they doe seeke it In themselues or in mens traditions And in so dooing they goe far off in place to drawe neere to it For it hath pleased this good God to comfort and quicken the people giuing vnto them his scriptures which is called the word of life in such sort as it is a woonderfull benefit that God bestoweth on a people when hee giueth vnto them his word Luke 10. And as it was said vnto Martha that it was needefull for vs to labour with care after so manie things But there is one thing that is truelie in euerie respect necessarie Iohn 6.27 To labour after the heeuenlie foode All the rest is but as an accessarie Let vs therefore trauaile and labour after the foode that shall neuer perish For there is no question to labour much the sonne of God presenteth it to vs. Let vs seeke into it Let vs here applie our studies and there let vs imbrace it and let vs choose as Marie did the better part Wee must not heare make readie neither armes teeth nor mouth to labour after this heauenlie meate We must beleeue as S. Augustine saith in the 25. treatise vpon S. Iohn But what manie doe reade the word of God but as it were to runne from it so that this is as a booke closed vp and out of the which they bring no profit For it behooueth to inquire thereof truelie to sound weigh and conferre the one with the other with calling vppon it in the name of God All euen as they doe which digge for the treasure of the earth they must imploy their labour and trie with all diligence the mettales For if they doe but scratch the earth aboue they shall neuer finde out the Ore or Mettall Other some doe reade it as the Iewes but it is with a veile and without seeking him there who is the end of the lawe to wit Iesus Christ The heritickes doe reade and read againe the scriptures as the Anabaptistes and others In what manner the heritiques doe alledge the scripture But as faith Clement Alexādrine in his 7. booke Stromat Although the heretickes doe in deede alledge the scriptures yet may a man by and by see their deceite for either they doe not conferre the scripture with scripture or they doe alledge it by peece meale and by little and little morsels and not wholie or else they will not acknowledge the phrase or manner of speaking of the scripture neither the scope or end of it And as an other verie auncient Doctor named Irenaeus saith in his third booke and 15. Chapter against heresies The heritickes to the end they might not bee discouered doe alledge the scripture well at the beginning to drawe on the people vnto them But so soone as they haue gotten scholers they wrest the scriptures to their owne side and make men beleeue that their rauing or raylinges bee the scripture and doe scorne at all the good Doctors Of correction Donat. falselie accusing and slaundering them Now the Lord saith S. Augustine suffereth heritickes to be that our faith and loue might be tried together Our faith whether we doe suffer our selues to be led away Our loue when as wee seeke to reforme instruct them Therefore let vs beware of such a companie of scoffers which say What haue we to doe to torment our selues after the reading of the scriptures One cannot know at these dayes what to beleeue some expound it thus othersome so Euerie heriticke doeth alledge the scripture It is true But as it is said if wee be deceaued it is for that wee will be beguiled because we will not truelie seeke out the scriptures Is it not easie enough to discerne the Spider from the Bee The one turneth all into poyson The other into honie Such is the difference betweene the heretickes and the true faithfull How the scripture ought to be read Now the faithfull reading the scripture will reade it with prayer that God may open his vnderstanding to know the woonders of his Lawe such prayers Dauid made in the 119. Psalme Then hee will reade it not to bee turned away from the preaching of the word But rather so much the more to knowe and vnderstand the doctrine which is preached Thirdlie hee will not reade the scripture to halues but will compare the old and the newe Testament together Lastlie hee will not seeke out there in subtilties nor curiosities but hee will seeke there Iesus Christ for whose loue all was written as wee doe reade in the 20. Chap. of S. Iohn And therefore will he reade the scripture to strengthen him in the faith alwayes hauing before his eyes the Articles of our faith as a guide to which hee will referre that which hee readeth as vnto certaine cōmon places Therefore Christ is the end of the lawe and of sacrifices Christ is hee to whome the Prophetes haue yeelded witnesse and this is the scripture that reuealeth it vnto vs and not Philosophie or humane reason Of the true ofspring of sectes and heresies Out of the 8. Chap. of S. Iohn verse 44. The diuel hath beene a Murtherer from the beginning abode not in the trueth for the trueth is not in him If anie keepe my word saith Iesus Christ hee shall neuer tast of death CONSIDERATION THey who haue knowen Martin Luther that seruant of God in his time write how hee hauing long
made of iron nor of steele but of a weake and variable substance And yet neuerthelesse they dispose not themselues vnto their end neither make anie prouision for those thinges which concerne the time to come The beastes herein doe passe vs as Ieremie sheweth in the 8. of his prophesie For by the skie the Storke knoweth the season of the yeare and the Turtle and the Crane doe marke what time is fittest for their comming and all these byrdes doe well knowe howe that it is not alwayes Summer and that Winter will come But men marke not the iudgementes of God but sleepe in the world as if they should neuer remoue It is a thing verie certaine that wee must all die seeing that wee be all sinners and that death is the reward of sinne as S. Paul writeth in the 6. to the Romans True it is that the scripture setteth downe vnto vs three kindes of death The one is the sundering of the soul from the bodie with making nothing of the bodie vntill the resurrection An other is the death of sinne as it is often said that men which are nourished in their sinnes are dead And Iesus Christ speaking of those which knew not God said Let the dead burie the dead The third is called in the Apocalyps the second death sometimes the eternall death whereunto the wicked shall bee condemned in the last iudgement Now albeit that the Painimes sometimes seeme to haue spoken pretilie of death Yet so it is that two thinges haue made them vncertaine in this matter and vnprouided of sound consolation The first is that they neuer well vnderstoode the cause of death neither the remedie thereof The one whereof was by the fall of Adam the other giuen by Iesus Christ Moreouer they neuer vnderstoode the spring of true life that lyeth in God and in the beholding of his face where of the children of God shall after the resurrectiō be the beholders both in soule and bodie Although then that Adam before his sinne was created according to the bodie of the dust of the earth yet in deed so it is that if hee had not sinned the diuine vertue and Image of God had swallowed vp in him all corruption and defended him against death in such sort as without griefe when it had pleased God he should passe into heauenlie life But his wilfull transgressing made him with his posteritie seruile vnto death so as hee had receaued for him and for his a most blessed condition if hee had not sinned And as concerning that the death of Adam did not follow for his sinne all at one time it was not but through the mercie of our good God whose will is to preserue mankinde in the meane time punishing sinne in that that Adam and all his rase haue bin and are of one mortall condition full of labor and miserie Wee doe also see the pitifull entrie that wee doe make into the world casting forth a thowsand gronings and sighes from our first ariuall into the world Furthermore euerie one will easilie cōfesse that death is a thing most fearefull that can happen vnto man because that it doeth represent vnto vs at one time the wrath of God and a miserable vndoing of our life whereof naturallie wee are so desirous Behold wherefore wise men are manie times giuen to search out cōforts wherewith to sweeten for vs the sourenesse of death But those that haue not tasted of the word of GOD haue nothing to stay vppon not finding anie resolution but that wee must beare that which is ordained for vs by an irreuocable arrest Manie of the Heathens being indued with a knowledge somewhat higher than the rest and affirming the immortalitie of the soule hold this for a resolution that in the other life the state of good men shall bee happie seeing that here belowe they be ordinarilie subiect to manie miseries And in deede wee must come to this point that by the temporall and present estate one cānot iudge of mens happinesse as also contrariwise they that most doe prosper in this world in earthlie things die oftentimes as brute beastes hauing a soule buried in earthlie things albeit that there is a difference betwixt man and beast because euerlasting death is reserued for the wicked and because the end crowneth the worke Though that in this world a man receaued great giftes of God yet the continuance and all the vertues doe declare and shew themselues chieflie in the Agonies of death Therefore euen as one wretched nature hath brought vs vnto one lyke condition of death so doeth the grace of God make the difference that the one to wit the vngodlie die to their destruction And the other which bee the children of God guided by his spirit and by his word Psal 116. doe die for to liue more happilie so that their death is pretious before GOD. Then let vs say that which is said in the 23. of Numbers I pray God I may die the iust mens death which are assured as Iob saith in the 19. Chapter that one day they shall see GOD in their flesh This was the cause that men were customed to burie the dead with a certaine speciall care For as men locke vp their apparell in a chest meaning to weare them againe euen so are the dead bodies buried in full hope of a certaine rising againe Truelie wee ought well to wish this time where as Christ saith in the 22. of S. Matthew when wee shall bee like vnto Angels in happinesse and in pure conuersation and thoughtes Then shall this be the true fulfilling of our redemption whē as we shal be gathered together on high where there is neither cold nor heate Apoca. 7. hunger nor thirst but a lasting blessednesse But to whome is death pleasant but to those that doe labour The poore day-laborer is glad that he hath done his dayes labour So is death sweete vnto the afflicted and the remembrance thereof is bitter to those that rest themselues in worldlie thinges The chiefe point is let vs labor whilest it is day and let vs learne to know God so long as we be in this world seeing that in the knowledge of him lyeth our saluation Oh what a comfort dooth a faithfull soule ●inde in that that Iesus hath spoken in the 17. Chap. of S. Iohn My Father I will that where I am those may be there also which thou hast giuen me So then when as wee doe meditate of these thinges in good time death will be sweete vnto vs. And thereuppon it commeth to passe euen as to those whose discourses and thoughtes haue bin sweete vnto them all day long that likewise their dreames bee all the night verie pleasant and quiet But the troublesome men and busie trotters vp and downe haue their dreames commonlie full of vnquietnesse Such like shall the death of those bee that doe incomber themselues with worldlie thinges And as S. Augustine saith What is this but death This is the leauing of the
earthlie bodie and a heauie burden prouided alway that an other burden more daungerous which is sinne doe not ouercharge vs or as saith S. Paul in the third Chap. to the Thessalontans wee must then let our conuersation from henceforth be in heauen whence we doe await after our Sauiour Iesus Christ who shal transforme our bodies and make them conformable vnto his glorious bodie Oh wonderfull mercie of this great God that presenteth life vnto vs not deserued putteth death farre from vs that wee haue merited Oh what light is this word of God that giueth vs light in the graue and in the middest of death maketh vs to see Therefore now the children of God doe no whit feare death But as S. Cyprian writeth in a letter which he sent vnto the Confessors Martyrs of Iesus Christ Hee that hath once ouercome death in his person dailie beateth it downe in his mēbers So as we haue Iesus Christ not onlie a beholder of our combates but an assistant wrestler with vs. And as this good Doctor writeth in a treatise which he made of the mortalitie the onlie way for a man that wil not come to Iesus Christ is to feare death And not to be willing to come to him is as much to say as not to bee willing to raigne with him What trauailer is he which drawing neere vnto his home reioyceth not hauing passed through manie dangerous waies And who is he that wil not willinglie runne out of a house that is readie to fall downe about his eares What pleasure haue we in this world which approcheth dailie to his end and wherein wee buy the pleasures so derely which we receiue in this life What other thing is it but a continuall battaile and a sharp medley wherein we be wounded sometime with enuie sometime with one thing sometime with an other besides the alaromes which doe giue vs in our bodies a nūber of diseases Why shal we not say then with S. Paul in the first Chapter to the Philippians I desire to be loosed to be with Christ Wherfore we praie dailie Let thy kingdome come but only for the desire that we haue to see the accomplishmēt thereof in an other life For as S. Ierom doth largelie declare in the funeral Sermon of Nepotian vnto Heliodor if the Panims haue oftētimes cōquered their mourninges loosing their friends by the simple knowledge that they had that they were mortal Wherefore do we sorow grone with so many sighs teares the death of Gods childrē whom we know to be blessed Iesus Christ wept vpō Lazarus And S. Paul to the Thes doeth not altogether forbid mourning yet is it for vs to behaue our selues more vertuouslie than the Painims not to shewe so great a mourning for men as it were a disparing in vs of Gods mercies And as Saint Cyprian saith VVherfore do we put on our black mourning weedes when as our brethren goe to doe on their white garments to rest with the Lorde Let vs sorow for them rather as absent than dead not as people that we haue lost but that we a wait for to see againe Alas that which is to be wailed for it is that which men doe see in this worlde VVe reade of Xerxes the great Lord and generall howe that hee had a desire one day to viewe his whole armie which was of a maruelous number of people from the top of a mountaine and seeing so manie people began to weepe cōsidering that within one hundreth yeare after there should not be one of thē left aliue But if anie one could not get vp vppon such a mountaine whence he might discouer so manie sinnes as be in the world so manie murthers as be committed so manie cities and realmes as be ruined so manie deceites cousinages as be practised so much pouertie and infirmitie as is euerie where Alas hee should haue great occasion to fetch manie a sad sigh and to shead manie a whotte teare Wee see not in our selues the changes that happen vnto our persons first in our infancie then in our youth then in our full age last of all in our old age and so manie crosses the rest of our daies whereby wee must passe Then that which wee ought to doe is so to mislyke of this life which is but a vapour and a shadow of a true life a traueling and a fraile life that we suffer Christ to raigne and liue in vs to the end that by him wee may haue euerlasting life the which onelie deserueth to bee esteemed and called a life A Prayer O Lord my God if thou hast aduertised the king Ezechias by the Prophet Esai Esay 38. to dispose of his affaires when hee should die much more thy will is that wee going to death should haue regard to the disposition of our soules to present our selues before thee For alas death is certaine but his houre is vncertaine and there is nothing more dangerous than to leaue the soule in this fight doubtfull and vncertaine The sentence of S. Barnard O Lord what a Porter hast thou giuen vs at our passage from this world which will not suffer vs to carie away anie thing with vs But as wee came naked into this world euen so death causeth vs to passe out of the same state Wherefore should wee then tormēt our selues so much in worldlie things O Lord what is it that I should dispose of my selfe It is in thee to dispose of vs it is in thee to commaund and in vs to obay Beare vp our weakenesse through thy mercie For how is it that wee should not bee afraid of death sith the horror thereof hath made thy sonne Iesus to sweate water and bloud Mar. 14. Esai 53. But seeing that it is euen hee who hath also borne our sorrowes and that was wounded for our iniquities what gaine or aduauntage should death haue ouer vs syth that thy sonne Iesus hath saued vs And if thou be for vs who is he that can be against vs Yea man borne of a woman is thraled to many miseries and vanisheth away as a shadowe or flower of the fielde But yet O good God we doe knowe how thou desirest not the death of vs sinners Ezech. 18. thou rather wouldest that we should turne and liue We doe shed heere many teares but thou wilt euen at once make drie all my teares by calling me vnto thee Nowe O Lorde strike heere belowe so long as thou wilt hurt wounde seeing that thou art mercifull and fauourable vnto vs in the euerlasting life to come A sentence out of S. Augustine Rom. 8. What sorrowe or affliction should we feare synce that all thinges turne to thy children for their good Alas who would take much pleasure in this life sith that man liuing in it can not see thee and that all that is in it is but transitorie and miserable Graunt me therefore grace patientlie to awaite thy will that I may