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A13104 A perfect pathway to felicitie conteining godly meditations and praiers, fit for all times, and necessarie to be practized of all good Christians. Stubbes, Phillip. 1592 (1592) STC 23398; ESTC S1141 32,816 248

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sundry degrées states of men in this life amongst them all hast appointed me to bee a seruant giue mee grace I beseech thee to serue in my vocation faithfullie and to obey willinglie in all things not repugnant to thy blessed will not with ete seruice as studying to please men but with all sinceritie and singlenesse of heart as séeking to glorifie thée being thorowlie perswaded that in seruing them I serue thée and of thee shall receiue my reward Giue me grace to demeanour my selfe faithfullis iustlie and truelie towards all men in all things and not to inrich my selfe by picking stealing imbezaling purloyning or conueying anie thing from anie man by any sinister practise whatsoeuer but so to behaue my self towards all men as there may be no fault found in me that thy name maybe glorified my saluation in Christ Iesus sealed vp vnto me Graunt this O Lord for thy mercies sake Amen A praier to obtaine the grace and fauour of God I Confesse and acknowledge O Lord my God that albeit a man doe around with all transitorie pleasures and vaine delights that this world can afford yet if hee want thy grace and fauour all is vain vanitie and vexation of minde he remaineth neuerthelesse the bondslaue and vassall of Sathan yea all his pleasure is but a swéet poyson and all his riches nothing but beggerie it selfe Powre downe therfore most merciful father thy heauenly grace into our hearts and extend thy gracious fauour and loue towardes vs that we may bee thorowlie perswaded by the suggestion of thy holie spirite of the singuler good will and fatherlie care which thou hast ouer vs. Make vs O Lord to loue thée aboue all things and our brethren for thy sake Banish far● from vs all hatred rancour and malice and ingraffe in our heartes godlie feare and reuerence to thy holie name Kéepe vs from all carnall securitie and worldlie delights and chaine vs vnto thée by the linkes of thy loue Finallie graunt that wee abandoning the world with all deceytfull pleasures and vaine detectations of ●lesh and blood maie in thy good time come to those euerlasting ioies which thou hast promised to them that loue thée thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A praier to God for a quiet conscience THe wicked and vngodly O lord are like vnto a tempestuous raging and to ming sea which is neuer calme neuer silent nor neuer at rest but continuallie boiling and foming wheras on the contrarie side such good Lord as loue thée beléeue in thée obediently walke before thee haue all ioie all peace and all tranquillitie of conscience which is the greatest iewell and the incomparablest treasure in the world Giue me therefore holie father a ioyfull mind a quiet and merrie conscience with a full and resolute perswasion of the accomplishment and performance of all thy gracious promises made vnto me in Christ Iesus in thy good time Graunt good Lord that I may so behaue my selfe in this peruerse and crooked world that I maie haue the testimonie of a good conscience in al my actions that I being frée from the accusations of Sathan my ancient and deadlie enimie from the vaine allurements of the world from the filthie incitations of the flesh and from the heauie curse and malediction of the law may be made thy elected childe in Christ Iesus and may final lie inherite euerlasting life thorow the merits and death of thy sonne who died for my sinnes and rose againe for my iustification to whom be all glorie praise and thankesgiuing for euer A praier for a true and liuely faith FOr as much most mercifull father as whithout faith nothing can please thée séeme it neuer so holie good commendable or beaufull to the eie of the world I beséech thée to breath instill into my heart soule mind by the inspiration of thy blessed spirite this most excellent gift of faith working by charitie O Lord giue me no weake wauering cold or faint faith such as the very deuils themselues haue who beléeue tremble as thy blessed Apostle berreth record but giue vnto me a true perfect liuelie and iustifying faith such a faith O Lord as may beléeue thée to bee the onelie true God and him whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ with the holiespirit our comforter and teacher yea such a faith as maie bring forth good works in full measure to the glorie of thy most blessed name to whome be rendered all praise and thankes for euer Amen A praier for loue and charitie HOlie father we are taught by thy blessed word that loue and charitie from a pure heart a good conscience faith vnfained are the cognizances and badges whereby thy children are discerned and knowen from the prophane people of the world I beséech thée therfore holie and blessed father giue me this Christian badge of loue and charitie that I may loue thée my Lord God with all my heart soule and mind my neighbour as my selfe and all thy creatures for thy sake that at the great audite when all flesh shall appeare before thy tribunall seate I maie be knowen discerned by this thy cognizance and badge from the wicked and reprobate and being numbred amongst thy saints and holie ones maie be receyued into the kingdom of heauen there to rest with thée for euer through Iesus Christ our onelie Sauiour and redéemer A praier against pride and for humilitie WE are ta●ght by thy blessed worde most holie Father that euerie good gift and euerie perfect gift commeth from thée the father of light and that we haue nothing which we haue not receyued remoue farre from me therefore good lord all pride arrogancie and hautinesse of minde and ingraffe in my heart true humilitie that I may not onlie acknowledge thée to be the authour of all good thinges yea goodnesse it selfe but also may rest thankfull vnto thée for them may so vse them as may be to the glorie of thy grèat magnificent name and the profite of my brethren Withdraw from me all loue of this world and giue mee grace that I may reioise in nothing but in thée alone knowing that all things in this life are nothing but vanitie and vexation of minde and that to loue and beleeue in thée is the onelie true life and felicitie of soule bodie To thée therefore with thy deare sonne Iesus Christ and the holie spirite be all prayse and thankesgiuing for euer Amen A praier for a good name THou hast commaunded good Lord in thy sacred word that those that professe thy name should be holie as thou art holie and should so frame their liues as the very enimies of thy truth may haue no sust cause to speake euil of them giue me grace therfore oh blessed father so to order my life after the rule of thy word as I may giue no man iust occasion to speake euill of me Graunt that whereas it hath pleased thée in mercie to bestow vpon me the name
maie procéed and go forward from vertue to vertue from grace to grace from holinesse to holinesse vntil I ariue in the kingdome of heauen the most quiet and happie hauen and port of all peace thorow the merits of thy bloud A fruitfull praier to God the holie Ghost OH most glorious spirite of the most high god who being true euerlasting God with God the father and God the sonne proceedest from them both who also by thy heauenly inspiration and breathing dost quicken them that before were dead in s● comfortest them that were comfortles inlightnest them that were ignorant bringest ●tp the way of truth all such as haue erred and are decey ued and plentifullie enrichest them with vnspeakable graces that pray vnto thée in the name mediation of Iesus Christ. Purifie my hart with the fire of thy loue ●ortifie in mee whatsoeuer is not thine garnish my mind with all heauenlie and spirituall treasures that I may bée a most beautiful temple for thy blessed maiestie to dwell in to lead me into all truth oh thou euerlasting spirite o● euerlasting truth and suffer me not to bee caried about with euerie blast of strange doctrine but alwaies to remaine and abide in that doctrine whereof thou onelie art the authour Inarme my soule against the poysoued suggestions craftie temptations of the denill against the vaine pleasures and deceiuable delights of this life and against the fil●hie lusts of this my cankred flesh that I being indued and replenished with thy holie breath may doe that which is pleasant and acceptable vnto thée to whom bee all honour glorie and thankesgiuing for euer Amen A Praier for the Queenes Maiestie WE render all prayse and thanks to thée oh king of all kings and gouernour of all things for that in the multitude of thy mercies thou hast vouchedsafe to place ouer vs thy little flock so godly vertuous a guide so gracious wise a princes as the worlde neuer had her péere And we humblie pray thée holie father with thy fauourable countenance to beholde the same thy seruant our souereigne Ladie and gouernesse And so sanctifie her heart with the grace of thy holie spirte that shee maie bend all her studie and indenour to that setting forth of thy glorie that maintenance of thy holie religion the aduauncement of true vertue and godlines the supplanting of vice and commoditie of this her maiesties common whea●e vnder thee kindle in her a feruent zeale of thy glory and a vehement desire to establish whatsoeuer is defectiue or wāteth in this thy Church vineyard in England for the true sincere discipline gouernment of thy church cōmon welth Saue and defend her from al forreigne power authoritie from all traitterous conspiracies plots and practises either of papists Atheists or any other sectaries whatsoener Giue her godlie wise religious counsailers such as may respect onlie thy glorie that her maiestie ruling acording to thy wil they counselling according to the inspiration of thy holy spirit and we her subiects faithfully obeying may altogether in the end receiue the incorruptible crowne of eternall glorie in the heauenlie Hierusalem thorow Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A praier to be said of all such as be maiestrates and rulers in the common wealth FOrasmuch as it hath pleased théeoh eternall God ruler of all kinges and kingdoms to constitute and appoint me though altogither vnworthie to be a ruler and gouernour of thy people vnder my soueraigne I be séech thee giue me grace so to ex●cute my office and minister iustice in the common wealth that I maie please thée in all things iniurie no man oppresse no man damnifie no man neither in bodie nor in goods but by thy gracious working may iudge iustly neither fauoring the rich nor mightie for desire of gifts nor yet dispising the poore for want of rewardes that I seeking thy glorie the aduauncement of thy holie word and Gospell and the common benefite of all men may be found acceptable vnto thee in thy beloued and may heare that swéete haruest sung well good seruant thou hast béene faithfull in small thinges of this life which are but vanities and trifles to the things in the life to come enter into the ioy of the Lord. Oh Lord let it be so for Iesus Christ his sake Amen A praier for the increase of faith O Almightie God and louing Father in Iesus Christ by whose holie worde wee are taught that without faith it is vnpossible to please thée vouchsafe therefore most merci●ull Lord God to plant in my heart and mind a true perfect and a iustifying faith that I may certenlie knowe thee the onelie true God and him whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ with the holie spirite our comforter sanctifier regenerator instructer and teacher Increase this fayth in me O Lord daylie more and more that it may growe vp to full perfection accompanied with good workes without the which no man shall sée thy glorie Banish fa●re from me sweet father all infidelitie incredulitie all mistrust and distrust all dobting and wauering in stead whereof plant in my heart a constant hope with a carefull kéeping of all thy commaundements that I doing that which is good and acceptable before thee may be glorified of thée in the end in the kingdome of heauen thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. A praier against the deuill the world and the flesh MOst mercifull father I a poore wretched and miserable sinner humblie beséech thée to send me frō thy holy heuens both power and strength to resist and withstand al the assaults firie darts and subtle temptations of the deuill who like a roring Lion goeth about séeking to deuoure me Giue me also thy holy spirit with grace and strength to resist all the raging lusts and filthy concupiscenses of the flesh with all the vanities of this wicked world that being by thy onelie helpe acquitted and fréed srom the force and violence of these all other my mortall enimies may serue thée in holinesse and righteousnesse all the daies of my lif● thorow Christ our Lord. A praier for Gods direction in all things which we take in hand OH Lorde my God I doe acknowledge and fréelie confesse my owne great blindnesse and ignorance and the wilfull obstinacie of my corrupt nature which séeketh rather to fulfill the ●tasies deuises of my owne braine then the motions of thy holie spirite and rather to vse humaine help then to craue thy diuine ayde Wherfore holie father vouch safe I beséech thée to establish in my heart godlie feare with most sincere obedience to thy holie ordināces statutes and lawes And for that without thy blessing nothing can prosper or come to good effect blesse al the works of my hands all my labours actions and affaires which I shall take in hand in thy holy name according to thy will for the necessaire maintenance of my poore estate Grant me good issue and good successe in them for the
in this worlde but also defendest them from infinite perils and dangers in the same vouchsafe to holde thy holie hands of protection ouer me and defende me from all hostilitie and enmitie whatsoeuer in this my intended iourney which by thy diuine assistance I purpose to take in hand at this time And because O Lord my enimies are manie and stong in this world which lie in waite for me and séeke my destruction I most humblie beséeth thée for Iesus Christ his sake to command thy holie Angels to conduct me by their ministerie and to preserue me by thy mighty power let them goe before me and deliuer me as they did why seruant Tobias trauailing into a strange countrie Prosper me also in this my iournie good father that my businesse maie haue good successe and that I maie by thy blessed assistance returue home again safe sound both in bodie and soule to glori●e thée the onelie true God to whom with thy deare sonne Iesus Christ and the holie comforter be all honour and glorie for euermore A thanksgiuing to God after ones returne home from his iourney MOst holie father I praise thée in thy sonne Iesus Christ for that it hath pleased thée of thy singular grace and goodnesse to giue me prosperous happie returne home againe from this my iournie and for preseruing of me from all perils and dangers in the same as namelie from drowning by water from stroke of thunder and blasts of lightning from the vnsaciable iawes of cruell beasts and from the bloodie hands of théeues and robbers and infinite the like dangers whereto wes ●iserable men are subiect in this life I praise thée also good Lord not onelie for preseruing of me in this my iournie but also for prospering my businesse and graunting good issue and good successe vnto me in all things I haue taken in hand O Lord I acknowledge it to bee thy onelie blessing to procéede onlie from thy meere mercie and not from anie deserts of mine to thée therefore with thy son Iesus Christ and the holie ghost be all praise and glorie for euer A praier for euerie subiect of a common wealth O Lord God wee acknowledge consesse that as in thy vnsearchable wisedome thou hast appointed some to rule and gouerne that thy glorie maie bee increased and the common societie of men maintained so hast thou ordained also other some to obey and to be subiect And for that it hath séemed good to thy blessed maiestie to appoint me in the number of subiects I praie thée good Lord giue mee a faithfull heart and an obedient mind to my superiours rulers and gouernours Keepe me farre from all disobedience rebellions treasons conspiracies and practises against them knowing that who so resisteth the powers resisteth thy holie ordinaunce for there is no power but of thée and purchaseth to himselfe eternall damnation as thy holie worde beareth recorde Make mee O Lorde faithf●llie to obey them and trulie to honour them according to thy blessed worde and ordinance in all things not derogating from thy honour that they iustlie ruling and I dutifully obeying maie all in the end receyue the crowne of euerlasting glorie purchased for vs by the bloud of Jesus Christ to whom be all honor glorie both now for euer A praier to be said of those that be vnmaried OH Lord our god in as much as thou hast commaunded in thy blessed worde the worde of trúeth that we abstaining from all whordome and fornication and vncleannesse should kéepe our vessels in holines and not in the filthie lusts of the flesh as doe the heathen who know not thée I beseechthee therfore to giue mee grace to performe this thy most holy cōmādement and grant that I neuer pullute nor defile my bodie with whordome fornication nor anie other vncleannes And because O Lord chastitie of the bodie is nothing withóut the continencie of the minde bridle therfore I beséech thée al the motions and affections of my hart that I banishing all wicked thoughts and vncleane imaginations out of my mind may liue in al holie innocencie puritie and integritie both of bodie soule vnto my liues end thorowe the efficacy power strength of the precious bloud of Aesus Christ. Amen A praier to be said of those that are maried HOlie father we are taught by thy sacred worde the breath of thy own mouth that after thou hadst created all things the last of all other thou createdst man woman of a rib of his side giuing her vnto him in holie wed●ke adding vnto them thy blessing saying increase and multiplie and replenish the earth I giue thée most humble and heartie thanks for that it hath pleased thee to call me to the honorable state of mariage And I most hartilie beséeth thée that we may liue togither in thy true faith feare and loue all the daies of our liues Giue vs grace the one to loue the other and both of vs to loue thee and our brethren for thy sake Keepe vs good Lord farre from all wicked ielosie hatred malice and contention one with the other And as our bodies are incorporate togither and become as it were but one bodie so vouchsafe holie father that as thy owne turtle doues we may liue togither in chastitie and contenencie both of bodies and mindes without de●rauding one 〈◊〉 other And if it please thee to blesse vs with children giue vs grace to bring them vp in such holy exercises discipline and learning as thou requirest of vs in this life Grant that we may labour and trauaile either of vs in our vocation that by thy blessing we may haue alwaies sufficient to maintain onr estates withal in thy holie feare that wee be not chargeable to others but liuing forth of debt and daunger of all men maie be rich and plentifull in all good works to the praise glorie of thy blessed name thorow Iesus Christ our lord to whom be praise and glorie for euermore Amen A praier to be said of those that be maisters of housholds THou hast commaunded oh gracious lord God by thy blessed Apostle that maisters should intreate their seruants gentlie and courteouslie putting away all bitternesse and threatning doing vnto them all equitie and iustice knowing that thou art our commā maister in heauen graunt me grace theerfor good lord so to order my seruants as I neuer attempt nor enterprise anie vnrighteous thing against them but so to execute my authoritie ouer them as I may alwaies remember that thou art the Lorde and maister of vs all and respectest no mans person Make me O Lord to be the same vnto them that a good pastor is to his flocke to teach them by wordes thy holie lawes and by example of life true righteousnesse and holinesse in conuersation that they I togither in thy good time may all inherit euerlasting life by Christ our Lorde Amen A praier to be said of seruants O Lord our God sééing thou hast ordained
hee might glorifie thée therewith I pray 〈◊〉 holie father so to qualifie the affections of my minde and to order the words of my mouth that in all my thoughts wordes and déedes I maie do worship to thy glorious name thorow Iesus Christ thy onelie begotten sonne to ●hom with thy blessed maiestie and the holie spirit be all honour and glorie for euer A praier against drun kennesse MOst mercifull and holie father who in thy great liberalitie hast giuen vnto man the fishes of the sea the foules of the heauens and the beasts of the earth with other thy good creatures of infinite varietie for the sustentation and maintenance of this his life and hast commaunded them to bee receyued with praise and thankesgiuing vnto thée for the same I beséech thée therefore O Lord my good God and holie father to giue me grace to vse all thy creatures both so●erlie and temperatelie and alwaies to rest thankefull vnto thée for them Giue me grace blessed Lorde that I neuer abuse them nor offend thee in them thorow drunkennesse gluttonie or anie other kind of superfluity riot or excesse knowing that the abusing of thy good creatures reacheth euen to thy owne reuerence Finallie grant that I walking in al sobriety and integritie of life may at the 〈◊〉 receiue the reward of euerlasting glorie in the kingdome of heauen thorow Iesus Christ and for his sake Amen A praier against slouthfulnes and idlenesse WE are faught O Lord in thy holie worde that solenesse is the mother nurse of al wickednes and sinne for the bodie being idle the mind is naturallie occupied in vaine thoughts and foolish imaginations and so consequently made weaker readier for the enimie to assault I beséech thée therfore oh my good God kéepe me from all idlenesse and slouth and grant that I may be alwaies occupied in some good thing to the glorie of thy name and the benefite of my brethre● And as it may please thée O Lord in mercy to keepe my bodie from all maner of idlenesse slouth so I beséech thée to kéepe my soule euer exercised in bolie meditations and 〈◊〉 contemplations thinking alwaies of thée louing thée and euer praysing thée in all things till I come to the perfect fruition of thy heauenly ioies thorow Iesus Christ. Amen A praier for those that 〈◊〉 persecuted for the truth OH Lord Iesus Christ who comming into this miserable worlde and taking our nature vpon thée didst thereby not onelie deliuer vs from sinne but also remembring thy mercies diddest also leaue vnto vs the i●imable treasure of thy blessed word as a perfect direction and rule for vs to frame our liues by and which alone is able to saue our soules Blesse therefore this thy holie word vnto vs make it a worde of power to regenerate and beget vs a new vnto eternall saluation of our bodies and soules And strengthen all thy seruants which in anie place are persecuted imprisoned condemned and dailie put to death for the sincere profession of the same and for the testimonie of a good conscience Be mercifull vnto them O Lord and although they séeme destitute of all mans ayde or worldly comfort yet let thy swéete comfort and grace neuer depart from them O Lord let no further triall be laid vpon them then they may be made able by thee to beare And as thou hast by the power of thy might not onlie vanquished and ouercome all corporall and bodilie enemi●s where or whatsoeuer but also thy and our spirituall aduersaries so strengthen all thy seruans that suffer anie kind of crosse persecution trouble or veration either in bodie or mind for the constant profession of thy holie worde and sacred religion Giue them patience good Lord to beare thy crosse thankfullie with strength to go thorow and to perseuere to the end euen to the effusion of their bloud knowing that they who denie thée before men thou wilt denie them before thy heauenlie father and his holie Angels in heauen And for that there is no true wisdom whereof thou art not the authour inspire their hearts with the spirite of true wisedom knowledge and vnderstanding that they may know thy will aright and that they may bee able by the same spirite to confound and ouerthrow all the enimies of thy truth Grant this swéets Iesus for thy holie names sake Amen A praier for Godly wisedome IConfesse good Father that so long as we beare about vs this earth●e tabernacle imprisoning the soule that our nature is so corrupted as it alwaies rebelieth against the spirit accompting that true wisedome which is nothing but méere foolishnesse in déed Wherefore good Lorde vouchsafe to send downe thy holie spirite euen the spirite of wisedome which waiteth vpon thy throne into my heart that I may know and vnderstand what things are good and acceptable before thée that I may attaine euerlasting life thorow the merits of thy sonne his most bitter death passion Amen A praier for grace to be mindfull to die OH lord our God in whose handes standeth the life and death of all mankind vouchsafe I beséech thée for thy sonne Christ his sake to make me mindefull and readie to depart out of this miserable and transitory life And al though my bodie doth creep here vpon the earth yet let my conuersation bee alwaies in heauen from whence we looke for a sauiour euen Iesus Christ the righteous who shall chaunge our vile bodies and make them like to his glorious bodie by the mightie power whereby he is able to subdue all things to himselfe Teach me good Lord to know that wee are al here strangers pilgrims and haue in this worlde no dwelling place but looke for one to come in regarde whereof giue me grace I be séech thee willinglie to forsake this wicked worlde with all the vanities therof to hunger thirst after that life which neuer shall decay Make me good Lorde to estéeme all things in this worlds as dongue that I may winne Iesus Christ. And for that that remembrance of death terrifieth vs from sin as thy seruant Salomon beareth record giue mee grace I most humblie intreat thée alwaies to remember and beare in mind that I am mortall and therefore must once of necessitie depart hence either to euerlasting glorie or else to euerlasting paines and confusion both of bodie and soule Oh Lord assist mee with thy holie spirit that I male so liue in this present euill world as I may not feare either but whensoeuer he approcheth I may with bolde confidence crie out say Oh Death where is thy sting oh Hell where is thy victory Grant this O Lorde my God for Iesus Christ thy onelie begotten sonne his sake Amen A Thanks-giuing to God for all his graces blessings bestowed vpon vs. SUCH is thy liberalitie and mercie O Lord towards mankinde that for all thy blessings and benefits both in●nite and inestimable be●owed vppon him thou requireth nothing againe but thankfull hearis to thee Wherfore most holy father I render al praise and thanks to thee from the bottom of my heart generallie for all thy benefites and blessings for all thy great mercies and louing kindnesse shewed towards me in Iesus Christ and particularly for that it hath pleased thée to elect and chuse mee in Christ Iesus to euerlasting saluation before the foundations of the world were layde for creating me after thine owne similitude and likenesse for redéeming of me by the death and passion of thy owne Son Iesus Christ when I was 〈◊〉 lost and cast awaie for euer for regenerating and renuing of me by thy holie Spirit for sanctifying of me by the same spirit for instilling into my heart a true a liuely and tustifying faith in Iesus Christ for giuing me grace to be penetent and sorowfull for my sinnes for inspiring my heart with a true and constant hope looking for the accomplishment of all thy gracious promises made vnto me in thy beloued without all doubting or ●uering For giuing me wisedonie vnderstanding and knowledge in some competent measure I praise thée and I thanke thée also O Lord for feeding nourishing clothing and sustaining my bodie euer since I was born for defending of me from infinite perils and daungers yea from infinite deathes which at diuerse times and in sundrie places haue laine in waite for me and threatned my destruction and into which I had certainlie fallen had I not béene by thy gracious goodnes supported protected defended Last of all I thanke thee good Lord and I prayse thée for thy swéete promises of euerlasting saluation made vnto mee in Iesus Christ. For these and all other thy most gracious benefites and blessings oh most glorious Father I prayse thée moste humblie beséeching thée for Iesus Christ thy sonne his sake to pardon and forgiue mee my great vnthankefulnesse ingratitude and vnkindnesse towards thee and from hencefoorth giue mee thy holy grace that I may procéede from thankfulnesse to thankfulnesse from gratitude to gratitude and from kindnesse to kindnesse towards thée that I be neuer accounted amongst the number of those ix vnthankefull leapers who being cleansed from their leprosie returned not againe to giue thée thanks Graunt these my petitions vnto me oh most benigne father with all other good thinges which thou knowest to be necessarie for me better then I can either wish or desire euen for the glorie of thy great name for the truth of thy promises and for Iesus Christ thy Sonne his sake my onelie Lorde Sauiour Kedéemer Mediatour and Aduocate to whome with thy blessed Maiestie and the holie Spirite one true and euerlasting GOD bee all honour glorie prayse dominion power and thanksgiuing for euermore Amen Vni Deo trino sit omnis gloria FINIS