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A09362 A case of conscience the greatest taht [sic] euer was, how a man may know, whether he be the son of God or no. Resolued by the vvord of God. Whereunto is added a briefe discourse, taken out of Hier. Zanchius. Perkins, William, 1558-1602.; Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590. 1592 (1592) STC 19666; ESTC S110395 35,569 79

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doeth declare to any outwardlie in priuate and speciall maner and that in expresse wordes his election but the general word of the Gospel by which Christ calleth all them which beleeue in him elect both by himselfe and by his Apostles as in the new Testament euerie where is most manifest For although in particular propositions he say not to thee or to him particularlie thou art elect to eternall life yet by means of generall propositions he doeth aswell conclude in the heart of euerie one that beleeueth that he is elected as any man shall be able to conclude vnto particular men that euery one of them is a liuing creature indewed with reason by this general proposition Euerie man is a reasonable creature indued vvith reason the Assumption beeing suppressed Therefore after this maner dealeth God He hath chosen all and euerie seuerall man whom he was to indew with Faith to haue the euerlasting inheritance Furthermore he publisheth it to al the Elect by the Apostles in this general proposition that all the faithful are elect to eternall life the assumption is concealed in the word of God But when he giueth vs faith he maketh euerie one of vs to make an assumption by himselfe in his minde but I am of the faithfull for I finde in my selfe that I trulie beleeue in Christ. Therefore who is it that maketh this conclusion for thee that thou art predestinat to euerlasting life euen God himselfe the proposition being taken forth of the gospell the assumption proceedeth of the gift of faith But that indeed by which we properlie attaine to the knowledge of the matter conteined in the conclusion is the midle tearme as they call it Wherefore it is manifest that God by the worde of his Gospel wher he saith that al the faithfull ar elect doth reueale to euerie faithfull man his owne predestination Onelie this one thing is to be required that the faithfull man hearing the vniuersall propositions in his mind should make an assumption But I am faithfull by the gifte and grace of God And is not God said to haue reuealed to euery man his speciall malediction in this generall proposition Cursed is euerie one that doth not continue in al things that are vvritten in this book althogh he say to no man specially thou art accursed for euery one doth mak this assūptiō that he is accursed because he knoweth most certēly that he doth not cōtinue in al things that are written in the book of the Lawe Therfore the schoolmen ar deceiued whē they say it maybe that euery man may be sure of his election namelie if God which is able will reueale it to him yet that hee doth onlie reueale it to a very few as the Apostles for God as hath bene proued declared euen by his worde in generall propositions doth reueale to euerie man his predestination For what can be more certaine than this demonstration Whosoeuer doe truelie beleeue in Christ they are elect to eternall life in Christ but I truelie beleeue in Christ therefore I am elected But some make an exception and say that this were a demonstration and that most certaine and euident if a man might be able to knowe that he were indewed with true faith in Christ but here lieth all the difficultie For many thinke that they trulie beleeue in Christ whereas neuertheles their faith is hypocritall and tēporary as appeareth by the Euangelists Ansvver We graunt that they which beleeue by such a faith which is in hypocrisie and only lasteth for a time that they are deceiued whilst they thinke that they doe trulie beleeue and yet do not indeed for they are like them which dream that they are Kings when as they are very beggers but we say that they which beleeue by a true faith doe knowe whether they trulie beleeue or no and they are not deceiued when they say and think that they trulie beleeue For they are like vnto thē which handeling a pretious stone by reason that they are indued with sense know and say that they handle it And if no man might certainly know whether he beleeued truly or not why doeth the Apostle say Trie your selues vvhether you bee in the faith And if it be so no man can euer certainlie know whether he be justified considering that they onlie which trulie beleeue can be justified And if a man giuing credit to another mans words doth certainly knowe that he beleeueth him how much more doeth he know it which being indued with true faith by the holy Ghost beleeueth the Gospell In a word godlie Writers haue prooued against School-men that they which are indued with true faith in Christ cannot bee ignorant of it But say they no man is certaine of his perseuerance in faith And therefore out of this vniuersall proposition He vvhich beleeueth namelie vvith a true and constant faith is elected to life no man can conclude that he is elected by reason that albeit hee may knowe that hee is indued with true faith yet he cannot tel whether it shal be perpetuall This collection is absurde the learned haue fully prooued that true faith is perpetual And therfore they which certainly know that they beleeue in a true faith are also certaine that the same their true faith shall neuer perish in this world partlie for the promise of God I vvill put my feare into their hearts that they may neuer depart from me and partlie for the prayer of Christ I haue praied for thee Peter that thy faith doe not faile Seeing it is so it is very certain that God by his word in which generallie he saith that all the faithfull are elect doeth reueale to euerie man his election cōsidering that the proposition taken out of the Gospell is most certaine and euerie faithfull man may assume to himselfe that he is indewed with true faith in Christ. The third way by which God reueleth to euery one of vs his predestination is by the effects of predestination as wel inward in vs as outward by which as by certaine markes imprinted in vs he doeth seale vs to himselfe in Christ and doth so seale vs that if we shall giue diligent heed we may thereby euidently perceaue that we are set apart from the common sort of men which is often called by the name of the world that we are foreknowen for his sonnes and loued in Christ and predestinated to eternall life yea and that we appertaine no longer to the world but to that Citie which is aboue that hath his foundation as the Apostle saith And wee haue a two fold reason of this argument one because these effectes of which wee speake and which we will afterward handle God worketh not in any but his elect as also afterward wee will shewe Therefore by right a man may by a true feeling and experience of these effects in himself be assured of his particular election and predestination to haue fellowshippe with
not by water only but by water and blood becaus Christ worketh both iustification sanctification together it is that spirit a mans owne conscience inwardly purified that beareth witnes for that spirit is trueth that is that the testimonie of the spirit of adoption certifying vs that we ar the sons of God is true 7. For that I may speak it more plainly there ar three vvhich beare record in heauen the father the vvord the Son and the holy Ghost and these three are one namly in testimonie 8. And there are three which beare record in earth the Spirit and the vvater and blood and these three agree in one Ch. How shew you that these witnesses be autenticall and to be beleeued Ioh. 9. If vve receiue the vvitnes of men the witnes of God is greater for this is the witnes of God vz. that was said to come from heuen vvhich he testified of his son Again 10. he that beleeueth in that sonne of God hath the vvitnes in himselfe the peace of conscience which he may feel in himself And further he that beleueth not God maketh him a lyer because he beleeued not the recorde that God vvitnessed of his sonne Ch. What is the effecte of that which these witnesses testifie Ioh. 11. And this is that record to wit that God hath giuen vnto vs eternall life this life is in his son 12. He which hath the son hath life he which hath not the son of god hath not life And to conclude 13. These things haue I written vnto you that beleeue in the name of the son of God that ye may know that yee haue life eternal that ye may beleeue vz. increase in faith in the name of that sonne of God Ch. How can we haue life eternal now that are so miserable and so ful of wants Ioh. 14. And this is that assurance that wee haue in him that if we ask any thing according to his will he heareth vs. Ch. How may we know that God granteth our praiers made acording to his wil Ioh. 15. If vve know that he heareth that is as it were to giue an eare to our praiers vvhatsoeuer vve ask we knowe that vvee haue the petitions vvhich vvee haue desired of him though the things that we asked be not giuen vs in that measure maner and time in which we asked them Ch. Let vs heare an example of those things which God wil grant whē we pray Io. 16. If a man see his brother sin a sin that is not vnto death that is which may be pardoned let him ask pardon in his behalfe and he shal giue him life for them that sinne not vnto death there is a sinne vnto death after which necessarilie damnation followeth as the sinne against the holy Ghost I say not that thou shouldest pray for it Ch. But is not euery sinne a sinne to death Ioh. 17. All vnrighteousnes is sinne and therefore deserueth death but there is a sinne not vnto death namely that which is pardoned in Christ. Ch. We feare least wee haue committed this sinne which is vnto death Ioh. 18. Wee know that vvhosoeuer is borne of God sinneth not but he that is begotten of god kepeth himselfe and that vvicked one Sathan toucheth him not vz. doth him no violēce or he cannot giue him a deadly wound 19. We know that vve are of God and this whol vvorld lyeth in euill that is in seruitude vnder Sathan and sinne Ch. How shew you that we ar of God Ioh. 20. Wee know that the Sonne of God is come and hath giuen vs a minde to knowe him that is true vve are in him that is true that is in his sonne Iesus Christ this same is that very God and that eternall life Ch. Howe may wee keepe our selfe in God and neuer commit the sin to death Ioh. 21. Litle Children keepe your selues from images whether they be of false Gods or of the true God PSALME 15. Iehoua Dauid DAVID 1. O Iehoua vvho shal dwell as Pilgrims dwel in tents in thy tabernacle the Church millitant vvho shall rest in thy holy mountaine the kingdome of heauen IEHO 2. He that walketh perfectly that is he which leadeth the course of his life vprightly DAV Who is the vpright man IEHO He that worketh righteousnes according to the commandements of the secōd Table and speaketh the truth in his heart as he thinketh his hart tongue agreeing DAV By what notes may this vpright man be knowen and who is he IEHO 3. I. Hee that slandreth not with his tongue II. nor doth hurt to his neighbour III. nor receiueth a fals report against his neighbor IV. 4. In whose eies a vile person an vngodly and vnrighteous man is contemned but hee honoureth them that feare God V. He that hauing sworne to his owne hinderance changeth not VI. 5. He that giueth not his money to Vsury VII neither taketh reward of the innocēt DAV Are these notes vnfallible IEHO 6. He that doth these things shal neuer be moued shall abide in Gods fauour for euer A BRIEFE DISCOVRSE TAKEN OVT OF THE VVRItinges of Hier. Zanchius VVHEREIN THE FOREsaid case of Conscience is disputed and resolued ASSERTION I. Onely the elect and all of them not onely trulie may bee but also are in that time vvhich God hath appointed them in this life indeede assured of their Election to eternall life in Christ and this is done not one vvay but many vvaies WEe say that the elect alone may be and indeed are made sure of their Election that so we may exclude the reprobat hipocrites for considering they are not elected they canne neuer be truelie perswaded that they are elected I say truely because it may come to passe that many in their own thinking shall be predestinate yet in trueth they are not perswaded so for they are deceaued Wee haue an example in temporarie Christians who thinke of themselues that they beleeue in Christ but truelie do not beleeue for their Faith is in hypocrisie and for a time onely Wherefore a true certaine perswasion of Election can neuer befall any of the reprobates because the true perswasion of Heauenly matters commeth of the holy Ghost which neuer perswadeth any false matter Wherefore how can Reprobates bee perswaded that they are elected This considered it is not amisse that wee attribute this perswasion of which wee nowe speake to the elect alone We ad further that al the elect not onely may be but are indeed made sure of their Election Which must be demonstratiuelie confirmed against schoole-men other our aduersaries We say this is done in the time appointed because the Elect before they be called to Christ are neuer sure of their election nay they neuer think of it as appeareth in Paul before hee was called and in others Againe in like maner after they haue bene called yet not presently are made sure of their election but some sooner some latter Lastly we ad that this is
A CASE OF Conscience THE GREATEST TAHT EVER WAS. How a man may know whether he be the childe of God or no. Resolued by the vvord of God Whereunto is added a briefe Discourse taken out of HIER ZANCHIVS 2. PET. 1.10 Giue all diligence to make your election sure for if ye doe these things ye shal neuer fall EDINBVRGH Printed by Robert Walde-graue Printer to the K. Majestie 1592. To the godlie Reader IN Gods Church commonlie they who are touched by the Spirit and begin to come on in religion are much troubled with feare that they are not Gods children and none so much as they Therefore they often thinke on this point and are not quiet till they find some resolution The Spirit of God as best knowing the estate of Gods children hath penned two parcels of holie Scripture for the full resoluing of this case namelie the 15. Psalme and the first Epistle of S. Iohn And for the helping of the simple and vnlearned who desire to be informed concerning their estate I haue propounded these two partes of Scripture in forme of a Dialogue and haue joyned thereunto a litle discourse concerning the same matter penned in Latine by H. ZANCHIVS a learned Diuine and now englished Vse this labour of mine for thy benefit and comfort and the Lord increase the number of them which may rejoice that their names are written in heauen W. PERKINS THE FIRST EPISTLE OF Iohn in forme of a Dialogue The Speakers Iohn Church CHAP. 1. CHVR MAnie among vs denie the God-head many the Manhood of Christ. IOH. 1. That which was from the beginning and therefore true God which wee haue hearde namelie speaking which wee haue seen with these our eies which we haue looked vpon and these hands of ours haue handled of that Word not the sounding but the essentiall word of the Father of life liuing of himselfe and giuing life to all other CH. Before you goe any further this word of life is inuisible how then could it be seene IOH. Yes 2. For that life was made manifest to wit in the flesh and we I with many others haue seen it and beare witnesse and publish vnto you that eternall life which was with the father eternallie before this manifestation and was made manifest vnto vs. CH. Menander Ebion and Cerinthus hauing bin teachers among vs confidently denie these thinges which you say and they beare vs in hand that they seek our good IOH. 3. That which I wil repeat again for more certainties sake which wee haue seen and heard declare we vnto you that ye may haue fellowship with vs and that our fellowship also may be with the father and with his sonne Iesus Christ. 4. And these things write we vnto you that your ioy might be ful vz. might haue sound consolation in your consciences CH. Wel then lay vs down som groūd wherby we may come to be assured that we haue fellowship one with an other and with Christ. IO. 5. This then is the message which we haue heard of him and declare vnto you that God is light vz. purenes it selfe and blessednesse whereas men and Angels are neither but by participation and in him is no darknes CH. Som that make profession among vs continue stil in their olde course and conuersation and yet they say they haue fellowship with God IOH. 6. If we say that we haue fellowship with him and walk lead the course of our liues in darknes vz. ignorance error impietie wee lie dissemble and do not trulie deal not sincerely CH. What then is the true marke of one which hath fellowship with God IO. 7. If we walk in the light lead the cours of our liues in sinceritie of life doctrin wee haue fellowship one with another CH. We are so defiled with sinne that we often doubt least wee haue no fellowship with God IOH. The bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne cleanseth vs from all sinne CH. Some among vs are come to that passe that they say they haue no sinne that this estate is a signe of fellowshippe with God IOH. 8. If vve say that vve haue no sinne vve deceiue our selues imagining that to bee true which is otherwise truth is not in vs CH. How then may we know that our sinnes are washed away by Christ IOH. 9. If vve confesse our sinnes namely with an humbled heart desiring pardon he is faithfull iust in keping his promise to forgiue vs our sinnes and to clense vs from al vnrighteousnes 10. If vve say as they before named do vve haue not sinned vve mak him a liar whose word speaks the contrarie and his vvorde is not in vs. his doctrine hath noe place in our heartes CHAP. 2. CH. IF this be true which hath bin saide that the bloud of Christ doth clēse from all sinne and that if we do confesse them they shal be pardoned our corruption tels vs that we may sinne freely Ioh. 1. My litle children these thinges I write vnto you that yee sinne not CH. Alas we fall oft by infirmitie what shall we then do Ioh. If any man sinne vve haue an aduocate who in his own name and by his own merites pleades our cause to the Father Iesus Christ the iust and therefore fit to make intercession CH. But howe may euery one of vs in particular knowe that Christ is his aduocate IOH. 2. He is the propitiation vz. a couering of sinne or reconciliation as the propitiatorie of the Arke couered the lawe and not for our sinnes onely but also for the sins of the vvhole vvorld not onely Iewes but also Gentiles of all sortes CH. Be it that I knowe him to be my aduocate may I not be deceaued howe may I knowe that this my knowledge is effectuall to saluation IOH. 3. Hereby are vve sure that vve know him here that knowledg is ment whereby a man applies Christ and all his benefites to his own soule If vve keepe to keep is not to fulfill but to haue a care and desire to do it for God of his mercie in his seruants accepts the will for the deede his commandements Ch. Many among vs professe that they know Christ but their liues be not according Ioh. 4. He that saith I know him keeps not his commandements is a lyer and the trueth is not in him CH. How may it be prooued that the endeuour to keep gods commandements is a mark of faith felloship with Christ Ioh. He in whome the loue of God is perfecte may hereby know that hee is in Christ. 5. But he that keepeth his vvord in him is the loue of God vz. not that loue wherewith God loueth him but that whereby he loueth God is perfect indeede vz. sincere and sounde perfection being opposed not to imperfection but to hypocrisie hereby therefore we know that we are in him 6. He that saith he remaineth in him ought to walke euen so as hee hath walked and therefore he
must needes endeuour himselfe in the commandementes CH. Declare vnto vs some of the principall of these commandements IOH. 7. Brethren I vvrite no nevv commandement vnto you but an olde commaundement vvhich yee haue heard from the beginning this old commandement is the vvord vvhich ye haue heard from the beginning 8. Againe a nevve commandement I vvrite vnto you that vvhich is true to wit that the commandement is new which he wil now write in him who reneweth the cōmandement of old giuen to Moses also in you for the darknes is past vz. the hardening of the minds of men vnder the olde testament whereby they did but in a small measure vnderstand the word and that true light a greater mesure of illuminatiō as also the writing of Gods lawes not in Tables of stone but in the fleshie hearts so as they be transformed into the obedience thereof now shineth CH. Well set downe this commandement which is so ancient and is nowe renewed Ioh. 9. He that saith as many among you do that he is in the light that is that hee is both plentifully inlightened and borne anew and hates his brother is in darknes vnder the estate of damnation not yet trulie regenerate vntill this time 10. Hee that loueth his brother abideth in the light is trulie enlightened and regenerate and there is no offence vz. he wil giue no occasion of euill in him 11. But on the contrary hee that hateth his brother is in darknes and walketh in darknesse leadeth his life in ignorance and vngodlinesse and knoweth not whither he goeth because that darknesse hath blinded his eies Ch. What moueth you to deliuer vnto vs al these notes and signs of our new birth and communion with Christ. Ioh. 12. Litle Children I write vnto you because your sinnes are forgiuen you for his name-sake vz. by Christ and his merites that yee may be certified to your comforte of this And that no kind of men among you might doubt of this 13. I write vnto you fathers because ye delighting to tell hear of olde and ancient matters haue knowne him that is christ that is from the beginning I write vnto you young men because ye delighting to shewe your valour and strength haue ouercome the euil one that is Sathan 14. I write vnto you litle childrē who delight alwaies to bee vnder the Fathers wing because yee haue knowen the Father And againe because wee are dull to marke and remember that which is good for vs. I haue vvritten vnto you Fathers because yee haue knowen him that is from the beginning I haue vvritten vnto you young men because yee are strong and the vvorde of God abideth in you and yee haue ouercome that wicked one CH. If we be in the estate of grace vnder Gods fauour in Christ howe may wee abide in it IOH. 15. Loue not this vvorld the corrupt estate of mankinde out of Christ neither the thinges that are in the vvorlde for first of all to giue reasons if any man loue this Worlde the loue of the father wherewith hee loued the Father is not in him Secondly 16. For all that is in this vvorlde as the lust of the flesh the corruption of nature which chiefly breaketh out in euil concupiscence the lust of the eies the fruite of the former stirred vp by outward prouocations especially in the eie as it is manifest in Adulterie couetousnes and the pride of life vz. Arrogancie and Ambition among men in common conuersation of life is not of the father but of the vvorlde 17. And Thirdly this vvorld passeth away and the lust thereof but he that fulfilleth the wil of God abideth for euer Ch. What other thinges are we to do that we may continue IOH. 18. Little Children it is the last time and as yee haue hearde that Antichrist shall come a speciall Antichrist the chiefe of all other who is nowe manifest to be the Pope of Rome euen now ar there many Antichristes Heretickes denying either the natures of Christ or his offices or the vnion and distinction of his Natures vvhereby vvee knowe that it is the last time CH. Those whome you cal Antichrists were of our companie and professed as we do Ioh. 19. They vvent out from vs but they vvere not of vs for if they had bene of vs they should haue continued vvith vs. But this commeth to passe that it might appear that they are not al of vs. CH. How can we be assured of our continuance in grace for wee may fall as well as they do IOH. 20. But yee haue an annointment the grace of Gods holy spirit resembled by the annoynting in the old testament from that holy one Christ Luke 1.15 and knowe all thinges CH. If wee knowe all thinges then you need not write vnto vs of these matters Ioh. 21 I haue not written vnto you because ye know not the trueth but because you know it that no lie is of the truth vz. ye can distinguish betweene the sound doctrine of the Gospel and errors Ch. What is this lie which you speak of Ioh. 22. Who is a lier a deceauer a seducer but hee that denieth that Iesus is Christ the Messias or Sauiour of mankind The same is the Antichrist that denieth the father and the sonne Ch. These whom you meane say they defend the doctrine of God as well as we and they vse to call him their father Io. 23. Who so denieth the son hath not the Father Ch. What do you inferre vpon this if it be the last time as you haue said Io. 24. Let therfore abide in you the same doctrine concerning Christ which ye haue hard from the beginning which the Apostles preached and before them the Prophets since the beginning of the world If that which ye haue heard from the beginning remain ye beleeuing and obeying it in you yee also shal continue in the sonne and in the father 25. And this is the promise which hee hath promised vs euen life eternall Ch. Wee cannot perswade our selues of perseuerance seeing men so commonly fall away from Christ among vs. Ioh. 26. These thinges haue I vvritten vnto you concerning them that deceaue you not meaning them of you as you seem to tak it 27. But the annointing the spirite which yee haue receaued of Christ and which hath led you into all trueth vvhich ye haue receiued of him dvvelleth in you abideth in you and will so continewe and yee neede not that any man teach you any other doctrine beside this which ye haue learned already but as the same annointing teacheth you all thinges and it is true and not lying and as it taught you ye shall abide in him 28. And now litle Children abide in him that vvhen he shall appeare vve being iustified in Christ may haue boldnes and not be ashamed neither Sathan nor our consciences accusing vs for sinne before him at his comming Ch. Wee are still in doubt to returne
in respect of vs he putteth down another seale saying Let him depart from iniquitie vvhich calleth vpon the name of the Lord For with this marke all the elect are branded They call vpon the name of the Lord and depart from iniquitie seeking after holinesse a good conscience And this is that sealing which is so often mentioned in the Scriptures As when in the Apocalypse it is said that an innumerable multitude was sealed to the Lord. For like as the Father sealed Iesus Christ as he was man and Mediatour so also the rest of his children he hath sealed and doth daylie seale with sure notes and seales to distinguish them from other men and the children of this age For God is said to haue annointed vs and sealed vs and giuen vs the earnest of his Spirit in our hearts And againe to haue sealed vs with the holie Spirit of promise and that to the day of redēption As it is easie to discerne a right seale from a counterfeit so the true soules of God by the sealing of the Spirit are distinguished from Hypocrits and lawfull children from bastards It remaineth that wee shoulde declare some effects of predestination by which as by marks and seales the elect may bee discerned from Reprobats The first effect of predestination is Christ himselfe as he is a Mediatour and a Sauiour dwelling in our hearts by his holie Spirite For as we are elected in him and by him redeemed so by the sprinkling of his blood wee are cleansed and sealed and by his dwelling in vs quickned for he is our life and that eternall and therfore we are seuered frō Reprobates which alwaies remaine in death as in the holie Scriptures we are taught We say that this is the first effect of Predestination because we can enjoy none of the gifts of God either of election vocation or justification except in Christ and by Christ For he hath powred out all the effectes of Predestination into vs. In that therefore euery elect faithfull man feeleth Christ to dwell in him and to quicken him he hath a seale in himselfe by which he may knowe that he was elected to euerlasting life in the same Christ A part and beginning of which life is this spirituall life by which wee now liue to God And as euerie man knoweth himself to be the sonne of God in Christ because he calleth vpon God from his heart as a Father So he may conclude that he is predestinated to be the sonne of God for Christs cause And that by this first note the faithfull may know that they are elect to eternall life the Apostle sheweth knovv ye not saith he your selues that Iesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates And no doubt a type of this kinde of sealing was that sealng whiche was done in Aegypt by the blood of the Lambe namely when the houses of the Israelites were sprinkled with this blood that they might be discerned from the houses of the Aegyptians and so bee passed ouer vntouched of the Angell And by Christe as by the chiefe effect yea and the cause to of all the effectes which followe all other effects of predestination are put into vs and we are sealed with them The Apostle nameth three principals our calling to wit effectuall our justification and glorification This third effect we shall obtaine in the life to come the two first in this life And to these two may very well be referred all other which we receiue in this life by Christ with the effectuall calling wee joyn a sound hearing of the word of God and the vnderstanding of it accompanied with great and constant delight and joy faith also and a true knowledge of the Deitie humanitie and office of Christ. Vnto iustification wee refer a perswasion of the remission of our sins by Christ for by this we are iustified and regeneration too or sanctification and renouation of life a good conscience loue not faigned a pure hart and cleane patience in aduersitie and boasting in tribulation all good workes and fruits of the spirit ad hereunto the crosse it selfe which wee beare for the trueth of the Gospel wherefore whosoeuer feeleth that he is effectually called that hee doth willingly heare the worde that he doth beleeue the Gospell that he is sure of the remission of his sinnes that hee burneth with true loue to his neighbour that he is bent to euerie good work he cannot but must needes be perswaded of his election for God onely doth communicate these vnto the Elect. Therefore it is plaine that the elect are confirmed in the assurance of their election by the effectes of predestination and that there is a threefold way by which God reuealeth to euery man his predestination But if any shal take an occasion the rather of doubting of his election then of confirming himselfe in it of that which hath bin spoken as concerning the fruits of the Spirit and the effects of predestination and that peraduenture because hee can feele in himselfe few and verie weake fruites of regeneration and election yet let him not bee discouraged neither let him doubt of his election but let him vnderset himselfe with these props First of all if euer he truelie felt in himselfe that testimonie of the Spirite which before I mentioned namelie that he is the sonn of God let him know vndoubtedlie that he is such a one and therfore elected to eternall life For the holie Ghost neuer beareth record or perswadeth a man of that which is false for he is the spirite of truth And they are not the sonnes of God except they haue bene predestinate as the Apostle saith to adoption by Christ And none that is the sonne of God and a man elected can be made a reprobate and the childe of the Deuill Therefore albeit he feele in himselfe both fewe and feeble effects of regeneratiō yet let him not doubt of his election otherwise he shall disgrace the testimonie which he hath receiued of the holie Ghost yea and that to which as yet he enjoyeth although peraduenture by reason that his mind is troubled by euill affections that testimonie of the holie Spirite can scarse be heard in him For the true testimonie of our adoption by the holy Ghost being once giuen vnto our spirit lasteth for euer although it is other whiles heard more plainlie and at other times is more slenderly and scarce perceiued But how say you may I know whether that testimonie doth proceed frō the holie Ghost and therfore whether it be a true and certain testimonie I answer first by the perswasion secondly by the maner of the perswasion lastlie by the effects of this testimonie and perswasion For the first the holy Ghost doeth not simplie say it but doth perswade with vs that we are the sonnes of God and no flesh can doe this Againe he perswades vs by reasons drawne not from our works or from anie worthines in vs but
whom he will haue to come to Christ Which also was said to be done in infants For this calling is the beginning of saluation euen in this life and therfore it is the Apostles manner in the beginning of his Epistles to make mention of this calling naming all the faithful The Saintes called Therfore it must needes be that all they which are elected in Christ must also at length be effectually called and drawen to Christ. After an effectuall calling followeth Faith the third effect of predestination vvhich is saide to be peculiar vnto the elect And without which as the Apostle saith it is not possible to please God For by it wee are engrafted into Christ and are made the members of Christ without faith no man can be saued And that this is an effect of predestination the Apostle plainly sheweth when he saith that he had obtained mercie namely in Gods eternal predestination that he might beleeue Wherefore whosoeuer ar predestinate to obtaine eternall life in Christ and by Christ they are also elect to haue the very gift of Faith Therefore it must needes be that at length they shall beleeue in Christ. The fourth benefite is iustification that is a free pardonning of our sinnes and the imputation of the righteousnes of Christ for it followeth Faith because vvhosoeuer ar indued vvith true faith in Christ are also iustified And that justification is an effect of predestination The Apostle sheweth when he putteth it after calling before which he setteth predestination And when hee saith that we are elect in Christ that wee might be holie without spot or blame in the presence of God and that this is not done while wee are in this world but by the pardoning of all our faults and by the imputation of his perfect obedience Wherefore it must needs be that al the elect shal be justified and be taken for most pure without blame in Gods presence With iustification is ioyned regeneration and sanctification by the holy Ghost namelie whiles vve are made new creatures by him the sons of God to not onelie by adoption but also by regeneration For when Christ justifieth vs hee doth not only forgiue vs our vnrighteousnes and impute his righteousnesse to vs but also he taketh from vs our stonie hart and giueth vs a fleshie heart of his owne and he strips vs of our olde man and puts on his newe man Lastly he taketh away the corruption of our nature and makes vs partakers of his diuine nature and so indeed of the sonnes of men he makes vs the sonnes of God and his brethren to Therefore it is said that we are predestinated to adoption by Iesus Chrst and elect that we may be holie without blame and that which is borne of the spirite is called spirite Therefore the elected to eternall life must needes bee begotten anew to be the sonnes of God and bee made partakers of the diuine nature and be a newe creature in Christ Hence issueth the sixt effect of predestination which is heedfullie to be regarded the loue of righteousnesse the detestation of sinne For in regeneration the affections are principallie chāged Namelie the affections of the corrupt nature and flesh into the affections of the diuine nature spirite Hence it is that the Apostle saith that they which are borne anew do walke according to the spirite and not after the flesh and not to sauour the thinges of the flesh but the things of the spirite And the chiefe affections of the flesh are the loue of sinne that is the concupiscence of the flesh and contrariwise the hatred of righteousnes and the lawe of God which are not of the Father but of the world Therfore the chiefe affections of regeneration and the spirit are the loue of righteousnes and of the lawe of God the hatred of sin For that which is spoken chiefly of Christ Thou hast loued righteousnes and hated iniquitie is to bee vnderstood of all the members of Christ endued with his spirite because it is trulie accomplished in them Hence it is that Dauid who in himself did represent the disposition of all the regenerate said of himselfe I haue loued thy law thy law is in the midle of my hart I haue hated all the works of iniquitie I will not sit with the wicked Also Paule I am delighted saith hee in the Lawe of God according to the inner man That is in as much as I am borne anewe And no mā doubteth but that both these affections are the effects of predestination except he be ignorant that all these are the gifts of God which as in time he bestoweth on his so also he hath decreed to bestow them on them before the foundation of the world And from these two affections being the first fruits of regeneration ariseth a care endeuour to doe good vvorks that is to flie sin to fulfil the Lawe of God vvhich is the seuenth effect of predestination For hee which hateth any thing from his heart he taketh heed of it as much as he can and he flieth from it and escheweth it and on the contrarie he which loueth any thing from his heart that also hee seeketh after and endeuoureth himselfe to the compassing of it Therfore the Apostle Iohn maketh this a chiefe difference betweene the sonns of God and the children of the deuill that is between them that are borne anew and them that are not borne anew that the children of God both loue and doe righteousnesse and the children of the deuill loue sinn and doe it as also the deuil sinned from the beginning Christ came to dissolue the workes of the Deuill namelie in his elect for in the reprobate he leaueth them vntouched because they are not giuen him of the father to be purged borne anew and saued Therefore seeing Christ was before ordayned and predestinate to the doing of all these workes and that there is no good wrought in vs which was not prouided for vs in Christ from al eternitie it is a cleare case that the care also of doing good workes is an effect of predestination And the Apostle plainlie teacheth it when he saith that we were created in Christ to good works which God hath prepared that we might walk in them To this purpose serueth that which the Apostle deliuereth of loue not vnfaigned to which he sheweth that wee were elect and of a good conscience which he makes the inseperable companion of the faith of the elect Lastlie of a pure heart which he ascribeth to the elect considering the vnfaithfull haue nothing cleane in them and that their mind and conscience is defiled Now that this care to doe good works is necessarie in all the elect Peter sheweth it when he bids vs endeuor to make our election and calling sure by good workes as some copies haue it But to whom shall we make it sure not vnto God for
it was sure vnto him before the foundation of the worlde but vnto our selues and to our neighbours And this is one of the chiefest vses of good woorkes that by them not as by causes but as by effects of predestination and Faith both we and also our neighbours are certified of our election and of our saluation to Furthermore considering whiles we haue a care to glorifie God to do good works and wee will not bee conformable to the world in the wickednes of it neither submit our selues to our flesh Sathan the flesh the world and Sathan do perpetuallie war against vs therwithal it cōmeth to passe they being most valiant enemies that eyther we are ouercome or at the least in fighting are foyled And therfore we are constrained to flie vnto the Lord and to craue his assistance Therefore the eight effect of our predestination is the calling vpon God that in this fight he wold giue vs aide against the Deuil the worlde and the flesh For this is the propertie of the Spirite which the elect haue to stir them vp to prayer for the Spirit it selfe maketh request for vs vvith groninges vvhich cannot be vttered that is to say it mooueth vs to make request And because we are sonnes God hath sent the spirit of his sonne into our hearts crying Abba Father And God biddeth vs call vpon him in the day of tribulation promising to heare vs. From these proceedeth the ninth effect of predestination namelie a perpetuall repentance for our daylie slips and a continuall desire to be bettered in godlines So that also for this cause chieflie we hartily desire to be dissolued out of this world and to be with Christ for this end that we might sin no more For this is a thing proper to the elect of God euen now borne anew as we may see in the Apostle who speaketh thus in the name of all the regenerate O miserable man that I am vvho shal deliuer me from the bodie of this death And againe I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ. From this ninth effect proceedeth the tenth namelie a desire that Christ may come make an end of all our miseries and sinnes perfectly restore his own kingdome That this is proper to the elect the Apostle sheweth when he saith that they loue the comming of the Lord and Iohn bringeth in the Spouse of Christ crying Come Lord Iesu come quicklie Yea and Christ himselfe hath taught vs to pray Let thy Kingdome come And because that they which pray on this wise are also heard according to Gods promise In the day of tribulation call vppon mee and I vvill heare thee Thence appeareth the eleueth effect of predestination true patience that is not onelie true comfort but also a reioycing in aduersitie as the Apostle describeth it And therefore a certaine taking vp of courage and recouerie of strength against his enemies Whereby it commeth to passe that al things turne to the saluation of the elect For the elect albeit they be often beaten downe in fight yet because Christ speedilie sendeth ayde from heauen vnto them they rise vp couragiously and begin againe the fight against sinne and the Diuel and al other the enemies of Christ and they fight so long til they be made conquerers are assured of the victorie and of the crowne which assurance also is an effect of predestination giuen to all the Electe For what saith the Apostle shall we say to these things If God be on our side who can be against vs Therefore our Lord Iesus techeth that the elec●●annot be seduced and so perish no not by the comming of Antichrist and his miracles And lastly hence appeareth that last effect of predestination vvhich vve can obtaine in this life the gift of perseuerance vnto the end in faith and a true confession of Christ ioyned with a manifest care to liue a godly life a desire to glorifie him For this gift is bestowed vpon all the elect as the Lorde promiseth by Ieremie I will put my feare into their heartes that they may not departe from me And when they shal come to the end of their liues they shall bee receiued into the heauenly glorie vntill such time as their bodies also being raised vp they may take full possession of eternall life Thus we see that it is very certaine that those which are elected to eternall life ar also predestinate to vse those meanes by which as by certaine steppes and stayres they climbe into that heauenly dwelling place And therefore that we were predestinate to these meanes namely Faith Iustification and good workes because wee were elected to eternall life according to the purpose and grace of God Wherefore by this means the doctrine also of the Pelagians is confuted as touching predestination to life by our faith and workes which God foresaw we shuld do Whereas on the contrary therefore God did predestinat vs to faith and good workes because he did choose vs to eternal life For the Apostle saith not I obtained mercie because I was faithfull or because I should be faithfull but that I might be faithfull Neither saith he that we are elected in Christ because we should be holy and without blame but that vvee might be holy and vvithout blame Neither doth he say that we were created in Christ becaus wee did or should do good workes but we were created to good workes vvhich God prepared that vvee might vvalk in them Lastly he saith not that the grace of christ appeared becaus we were to liue soberly iustly and godly but that it therefore appeared that we denying all vngodlines the lusts of this worlde might liue soberly iustly godly in this present vvorld Wee see therfore that by this doctrine that wicked opinion is ouerthrowen which teacheth that we do preuent the grace of God by our merites which God foresaw And on the contrary here wee see how fowlly the belli-gods of this world are deceiued which reason thus If wee be predestinate to eternall life and our predestination be certaine and vnchangeable what neede we endeuour our selues beleeue or doe good workes for howsoeuer it fall out howsoeuer the elect do liue vndoubtedly they cannot perish because they are predestinate to eternall life Alas poore wretches they see not that they seuer those thinges that are to be conioyned namely the end and the meanes of the end and that they breake the cheine which in no wise either can or must be loosed whilst that they seuer their calling and iustification yea and Faith too and good works from predestination and glorification As though God did glorifie them whome he did predestinate before hee called and iustified them yea and before they can beleue and shew their quick and liuely faith by workes Contrariwise let vs learn what our duetie is If any be elect to eternal life they also are predestinate to the meanes
by which they come vnto it And wee beleeue as we are bound to do that we are predestinate to eternal life and therefore wee must also beleeue that we haue bene elected to Faith and good workes that by them as by certaine steppes we might be brought to eternall life And therefore so far must we be from neglecting faith and the meanes of good workes and of a holy life that contrariwise it is rather our dutie to keepe faith in a good conscience to be conuersant in good workes which God hath prepared that we might walke in them And because wee can neither attaine to the ende nor the meanes that bring vs thereunto of our selues Therefore it is our parts to craue them at Gods hands by prayer that hee woulde giue vs Faith and a care to do good workes and encrease them in vs. Nether must we onely ask them but also certainly trust that we shal obtaine them for Christ his cause For if for all them which are predestinated to eternall life God hath prepared faith by which they may beleeue and good workes to walk in therefore if wee beleeue as by Gods commandement wee are bound that wee are in Christ elected to eternall glory we must also be perswaded that before we depart hence hee will giue vs true repētance increase true faith inflame vs with loue lastly that he wil minister vnto vs aboundantly all thinges in Christ to obtaine the end Yea this confidence also and prayer it is one effecte of predestination by which wee get the rest Therefore this doctrin we must hold that predestination to eternall life doeth not take away the meanes of obtaining it but rather establish them And therefore both these principles are true namely that the elect to life cannot perish and vnlesse a man beleeue in Christ and perseuer vnto the end in this faith working by loue hee shall perish The reason is because in predestination the meanes and the end of it are so ioyned together that the one cannot be seuered from the other Wherfore whosoeuer holdeth not the meanes vnto the end amongst which faith is one it is manifest that hee was neuer predestinate and therefore mu●● needes perish as on the cōtrary he which holdeth faith must needes be saued So the truth of these propositions is euident hee which beleeueth in the son hath eternall life contrariwise he which beleeueth not in the Sonne the anger of God remaineth vpon him because as a constant faith is a sign of election so obstinat infidelity is a token of reprobation FINIS Bradfords ansvvere to Careles Careles I Am troubled with feare that my sinnes are not pardoned Brad. They are for God hath giuen thee a penitent and beleeuing hearte that is an heart which desireth to repent and beleeue For such an one is taken of him hee accepting the will for the deed for a penitent and beleeuing heart indeed Trin. vni Deo gloria Profession without practise a note of an hypocrite Sincerity of life and religion a note of communion with God To professe perfect sanctification in this life a note of an hypocrite humble confession of sin to God is a note of remission of sinne An endeuo● to keep th● commandementes a sign of faith Faith without obedience a note of an Hypocrite profession ioyned with hatred and malice a note of an hypocrite Loue of our brother a signe of regeneration Gods spirite dwelling in the heart a signe of perseuerance papists deny Iesus to bee Christ for though in words they magnifie him yet in their doctrin by necessary consequent they denie him to be a king a priest a prophet perseuerance in the knowledge and obedience of the Gospell a sign of communion with Christ. A desire an indeuour to vse good means to cleanse our selues of our corruptions and priuie sins is a mark of adoption Loosnes of life or the practise of sin a note of the child of the deuill for the present time To loue a christian because he is a christian or godly man is a note of Gods chiid Compassion stirring in the heart a note of loue Workes of mercy signs of loue sincere loue a note of sincere profession Boldnes in praier a signe of a pacified conscience The operation of gods spirit in sanctifying vs a sign of communion with God A sincere confession of the Gospel a note of communion with Christ. To be like God in holines of life a signe of his loue to vs particularlie Our loue of God a signe that he loueth vs particularlie An indeuor to keep the commandements a sign of loue of our brother Proofes invinsible that Iesus of Nazaret the son of Mary was the son of God against the Iewes A signe of our praiers granted vs if God do but heare them Sincerity of life in righteousnes holines a note of Gods child Seuen notes of an vpright man 1. Cor. 2.10 Math. 11.27 1. Cor. 2.16 Rom. 12.34 The elect by the testimonie of the holy Ghost are made sure of their election ch 19.13 1. Cor. 2.10 Ioh. 16.13 Rom. 8.15 Gal. 4.6 Rom. 8 9 Vers. 2. The elect out of the word of god their conscience making the assumption at length they may be certainly perswaded of their predestination That wherby a man applies the general promise to himselfe Deut. 27.26 They which do trulie beleeue know that they beleeue 2. Cor. 13.65 Ier. 32.40 Luk. 22.33 Vers. 3. By the effects of predestination a man may gather his predestination Heb. 11.12 The effectes of predestination which are in vs are like seals imprinting the image of Gods electi in vs. Ioh. 10.14 Col. 4.9 1 Ioh 4.10 1. Iohn 4.7 Rom. 5.5 Ephes. 1.4 Rom. 8.30 2. Tim. 2.19 Apoc. 2.3 Ioh. 6.27 2. Cor. 1.21 Eph. 1.13 4.30 The chiefe effects of predestination by which the elect ar discerned from the Reprobate 2. Cor. 13.5 Rom. 8.30 The weaknes of our faith as touching our eternal election by what staies it may be held vp How a man may knowe whether the testimonie which is giuen of the Spirit be of of the spirit or not Whereby a man may knowe whether his faith be a true faith or not The ende of our predestination The means to which we are predestinate how manie they bee Eph. 2.20 The first benefit of god predestnating vs is Christ. Eph. 1.4 c. 2. Tim. 1.5 Rom. 8.30 Iohn 8.47 Rom. 1.7 1. Cor. 1.2 Tit. 1.1 Heb. 11.6 1. Cor. 7.25 Rom. 8.30 Eph. 1.4 Eph. 1.4.5 Iohn 3.6 Rom. 8.1 5. Psal. 45 8. psa 119.113 40.9 101.3 26 5. Rom. 7.22 1. Ioh. 3 7. Eph. 2.10 Eph. 1.4 1 Tim. 1.19 Tit 1.15 2. Pet. 1.10 Rom. 8.29 Gal. 4.6 Psal. 50.15 Rom. 7.27 phil 1.23 2. Tim. 4. 8 Apoc. 22.17.20 Mat. 6.10 Psal. 50.15 Rom. 5.3 8.28 Rom. 8.31 Mat. 24.24 Ier. 32 4● The vse of this doctrin 1. Cor. 7.25 Eph. 1.4.2 Tit 2.11 Ioh. 3.3