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A09182 The pa[n]dectes of the euangelycall lawe Comprisyng the whole historye of Christes Gospell. Set forth by Thomas Paynell. Paynell, Thomas. 1553 (1553) STC 19493; ESTC S114317 166,754 466

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that he was And whether so euer he entred into townes cytyes or vyllages there layde they the sycke in the stretes and praide him that they myghte but touche the hemme of hys garmente and as manye as touched hym were made whole ☞ Of the Predicacion of Eucharistia for the whyche certen went backe and departed Ioan. vi Capi. lvi THe nexte daye after the people whyche stode on the other syde of the sea sawe that there was none other shippe there but that one And that Iesus wente not in wyth hys dyscyples into the shyppe but that hys dyscyples were gone awaye alone Howe be it there came othere shyppes frō Tiberias nye vnto the place where they had eaten the breade after that the Lorde had geuen thankes Nowe whan the people sawe that Iesus was not there neyther hys dyscyples they tooke shyppe also and came to Caparnaum and soughte Iesus And whan they founde hym on the other syde of the sea they sayde vnto hym Master whan camste thou hether Iesus aunswered them and sayde verely verely I saye vnto you ye seke me not because ye sawe the tokens but because ye dyd eate of the loaues and were fylled Laboure not for the meate that dothe peryshe but that endureth vnto euerlastynge lyfe whyche the sonne of manne shall geue you for hym hathe God the father sealed Then sayde they vnto hym what shall we do that we maye woorke the woorkes of GOD Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto them This is the woorke of GOD that ye beleue in hym whom he hath sent Then saye they vnto hym what token doest thou then that we may see and beleue thee What workest thou Our fathers dyd eat * Manna in the wyldernes as it is written he gaue them bread from heauen to eate Then sayde Iesus vnto them Uerely verely I saye vnto you Moses gaue you not breade from heauen but my father geueth you the true breade from heauen for thys is that breade of God whiche commeth from heauen and geueth lyfe vnto the worlde Then sayde they vnto hym Syr geue vs alway suche breade But Iesus sayde vnto them I am y ● breade of lyfe he that commeth vnto me shall not hunger and he that beleueth on me shal neuer thyrste But I haue said vnto you that ye haue sene me and yet ye beleue not Al that my father geueth me commeth vnto me and who so cōmeth vnto me him wyl not I cast out For I am come downe from heauen not to do myne owne wyll but the wil of hym that hath sente me This is the wyl of the father whiche hath sent me that of all that he hathe geuen me I shoulde lose nothynge but shoulde aryse it vp agayne at the laste daye This is the wyll of hym whyche hathe sent me that who soeuer seeth y e sonne and beleueth on hym shoulde haue euerlastynge lyfe and I shal rayse hym vp at the laste daye Then murmured the Iewes thereon that he sayde I am that bread whyche is come downe from heauen And they sayde Is not thys Iesus Iosephs sonne Whose father and mother we knowe Howe sayeth he then I am come downe frō heauen Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto theym Mark Murmure not amonge your selues No man can come vnto me except my father which hath sent me drawe hym And I shall raise hym vp at the laste daye It is wrytten in the Prophetes * Thei shal al be taughte of God whosoeuer nowe heareth it of the father and learneth it commeth vnto me Not that anye manne hathe sene the father saue he whyche is of the father the same hathe sene the father Uerely verely I saye vnto you he that beleueth on me hath euerlastynge lyfe I am that bread of lyfe Your fathers dyd eate Manna in the Wyldernesse and are deade This is that breade whiche commeth from heauen That whoso eateth thereof should not die I am that liuing bread which came downe frō heauen whoso eateth of this bread shal lyue for euer And the bread that I wyll geue is my fleash which I wyl geue for the lyfe of the worlde Then stroue the Iewes amonge them selues and sayd how can thys felowe geue vs hys fleash to eate Iesus sayde vnto thē Uerely verely I say vnto you except ye eate y ● fleash of the sonne of man and dryncke hys bloude ye haue no lyfe in you Whoso eateth my fleash drinketh my bloud hath euerlastyng lyfe and I shal raise hym vp at the last day For my fleashe is the verye meate and my bloude is the verye drincke Whoso eateth my fleashe and dryncketh my bloude abydeth in me and I in him As the liuing father hath sent me And I lyue for the fathers sake euen so he that eateth me shall lyue for my sake Thys is youre bread whiche is comme from heauen Not as your fathers did eate Manna and are deade he that eateth of thys bread shall lyue for euer These thynges sayde he in the synagoge when he ●aughte in Capernaum Many nowe of his disciples that heard this sayde this is an harde sayinge who maye a●ide y e hearinge therof But when Iesus perceaued in him selfe y ● his disciples murmured thereat he sayde vnto them Doeth this offende you What yf ye shal see the sonne of man ascende vp thyther where he was afore It is the spirite that quickeneth the fleashe profyteth nothynge The wordes that I speake are spirite and are lyfe But there are some amonge you that beleue not For Iesus knewe well frome the beginninge whiche they were that beleued not and who shoulde betraye hym And he sayde Therefore haue I sayd vnto you No man can come vnto me except it be geuē him of my father From that tyme forth manye of hys disciples went backe and walcked no more with him Then sayd Iesus vnto the twelue Wyll ye also go awaye Thē answered Simon Peter Lord whyther shall we goe thou haste the wordes of euerlastynge lyfe And we haue beleued and knowen y t thou arte CHRISTE the Sonne of the lyuynge GOD. Iesus aunswered theym Haue I not chosen you twelue And one of you is the Deuyll But he spake of Iudas Simon Iscariote the same betrayed hym afterwarde and was one of the twelue ☞ Of the rubbynge of the eares of corne vpon the Sabboth Mathew xii Mar. ii Luke vi Capitulo lvii ANd it fortuned vppon an after principall Sabboth that Iesus wente thorowe the corne felde Math his disciples beynge hongrye mark beganne to make a waye thorowe and to plucke the eares of the corne Luke And dyd eate rubbynge them with their handes But certayne of y e Pharises sayd vnto them Wherfore do ye that whiche is not lawfull to doe on the Sabboth Math. when the Pharises sawe that Mark they sayde to Iesus Beholde what thy disciples do whiche is not lawfull vppon the Sabboth And he sayd vnto them haue ye neuer read what Dauid dyd when he hadde nede and was an bongred bothe he and they
same is a these a murtherer But he y e goeth in at the doore is the shepherd of y e shepe● To hym the Porter openeth and the shepe heare his voyce he called hys owne shepe by name and ledeth them out And when he hathe sent forth hys owne shepe he goeth before them and the shepe folow him for they know his voyce As for a straunger they folowe hym not but flye from hym For they knowe not the voyce of a straunger This prouerbe spake Iesus vnto thē but they vnderstod not what it is was that he sayde vnto theym Then sayde Iesus vnto theym agayne Uerelye verely I say vnto you I am the dore of the shepe All they that are comme before me are theues and murtherers But the shepe herkened not vnto theym I am the doore yf anye manne ent●e in by me he shall be saued and shall go in and out and finde pasture A thefe commeth not but for to steale kyl and destroye I am come that they myghte haue lyfe and haue it moore abundauntlye * I am a good shepherde a good shepherde geueth his lyfe for the shepe But an hired seruaunt which is nor y e shepherd nother are the shepe hys owne seyth the Wolfe commynge and leaueth the shepe flieth and the Wolfe catcheth and scatereth the shepe but y ● hired seruaunt flieth because he is an hired seruaunt careth not for the shepe I am a good shepherd knowe myne am knowen of myne Euen as my father knoweth me I knowe y e father And I geue my life for my shepe I haue yet other shepe whiche are not of this these same must I bring also and they shall heare my voyce and there shal be one ●ocke and one shepherd Therfore doeth my father loue me because I leaue my lyfe that I maye take it agayne No man taketh it frome but I leaue it of my selfe I haue power to leaue it and haue power to take it againe This commaundement haue I receyued of my father Thē was there discention among the Iewes for these sayinges Many of them sayd he hath the deuyl and is madde why heare ye hym other sayd These be not wordes of one that is possessed can the deuyll open the eyes of the blynde ☞ Of the dedication Iohn x. Capitulo lxxix IT was the dedication of the temple at Ierusalem The fyftene daye of December and it was winter Iesus walcked in Salomons porche Then came y e Iewes rounde aboute hym and sayde vnto him howe longe doest thou make vs doubte If thou be Christe tell vs playnelye Iesus aunswered theym I tolde you and ye beleue not the workes y ● I do in my fathers name beare witnesse of me But ye beleue not because ye are not of my shepe as I said vnto you My shepe heare my voyce and I knowe theym and they knowe me and I geue them euerlastyng life and they shall neuer peryshe and no man shal plucke them out of my hand My father whyche gaue theym me is greater then all and no manne is able to plucke theym out of my fathers hande I and the father are one Then the Iewes tooke vp stones agayne to sto●e hym Iesus aunswered theym Manye good workes haue I shewed you frome my father for the whiche of theym stone ye me The Iewes aunswered hym and sayde For the good worke sake we sto●e thee not but for y e blasphemye and because that thou beinge a man makest thy selfe God Iesus aunswered them Is it not written in your law * I haue said ye are Goddes Yf he call them goddes vnto whō the worde of God came and the scripture canne not be broken Saye ye then vnto hym whome the father hath sanctified and sent in the worlde thou blasphemest God because I sayde I am the sonne of God Yf I do not the workes of my father beleue me not but yf I do thē then yf ye beleue not me yet beleue the workes that ye may knowe and beleue that the father is in me and I in the father They went aboute agayne to take hym but he escaped oute of their handes and went awaye agayne beyonde Iordane into the place where Iohn hadde baptised before and there he abode And many ●ame to hym and sayde Iohn dyd no tokens but al that Iohn spake of thys mā is true And many beleued in him Of the reprehencion of the Iewes tradition Mathewe xv Mark vii Capitulo lxxx THen came vnto hym the Scribes and Pharises from Ierulem mark And when they saw certayne of hys disciples eate bread with commune that is with vnwashen handes they complayned For the Pharises and all the Iewes eate not excepte they washe their handes oftymes obseruynge the tradicions of the Elders And when they comme from the market they eate not except they washe And manye other thinges there be whiche they haue taken vpon them to obserue as the washynge of cuppes and cruses and brasen vessels and tables Then the Pharises and scribes asked him math sayinge why do thy disciples transgresse mar and walke not after the tradicions of y ● elders Math for they wash not their handes when they eate breade Mark but eate breade wyth vnwashen handes Mathe he aunswered and sayde vnto theym Why doe ye transgresse the commaundement of God because of youre owne tradicions Marke Leauynge the commaundement of God kepe the tradicions of menne as washynge of cruses and cuppes and manye suche thynges doe ye And he sayde vnto theym Howe goodlye haue ye cast asyde the cōmaundement of GOD to mayntayne youre owne tradicions Mat For God said Marke and Moses honour father and mother Who so cursed father and mother shal dye the death But ye say A man shal saye to father and mother Corban that is the thinge that I shoulde helpe thee withall Mathe is geuen to God Nor shall not honour hys father or mother mark and thus ye suffre hym no moore to doe oughte for hys father or hys mother and make Goddes worde of none effecte thorowe your owne tradicions that ye haue sette vp and many such thynges doe ye Math Ye Ypocrites ful well hath Esay prophecied of you sayinge * Thys people draweth nye vnto me with their mouthe and honoureth me wyth theyr lyppes howe be it theyr hearte is farre frome me Mar but in vayne math and with out a cause doe they serue me teachynge the doctrine and the cōmaūdementes of men And he called the people to hym and sayde Mar Herken to me ye all and vnderstande me Mathe That whyche goeth into the monthe defyleth not the man Mark there is nothinge with out a maime that entreth into him that canne defyle hym but that goeth cute of hym● that it is that maketh the manne vncleane Yf any manne haue eares to heare lette hym heare And whan he came from the people in to the house Mat. his disciples came vnto him Marke and
rayment Consyder the rauens they nother sowe nor reape they haue also nother stoore house nor barne and yet God fedeth them But how much better are ye thē the foules Whiche of you thoughe he take thought therfore coulde put one cubyte vnto his stature Seinge then ye be not able to do that which is lest why take ye thoughte for the other Consyder the Lylies of the felde how they growe They laboure not they spinne not But I say vnto you that euen Salomon in all his royal●ye was not clothed lyke one of these Wherfore yf God so clothe the grasse that is today in y e feld to morow shal be cast into the fornace howe much more shal he cloth you O ye of lytle fayth Aske not ye therfore what ye shall eare or what ye shal drinke climbe not vp an hie The heathen in y ● world seke after al such thinges your heauenly● father knoweth y ● ye haue nede of al these thinges But seke ye the kyngdom of God and all these shall be ●●●ystred vnto you Feare not thou lytle flocke for it is youre fathers pleasure to geue you the kyngdome Sel that ye haue and geue almesse make you bagges which waxe not olde euen a treasure whych neuer fayleth in heauen where no these commeth and no mothes corrupteth for wher your treasure is ther wyl your heart be also And he sayd vnto the people When ye see a cloud rise out of the West strayght way ye saye there commeth a shoure and so it is And when ye see the Southe wynde blowe ye saye It wyll be hotte and it commeth so to passe O Ypocrites ye canne discerne the fashion of the Skye and of the Earthe Why canne ye not discerne thys tyme also Yea and why iudge ye not of youre selues what is ryghte When thou goest with thyne aduersary vnto the prince geue diligence by the waye that thou mayest be quite of hym leaste he brynge thee before the Iudge and the Iudge delyuer thee to Iayler and the Iayler cast thee into y e prison I tel thee thou shalt not come out thence tyll thou pay the vttermost myte ¶ Of the poole probatique Iohn v. Capitulo lxvi AFterwarde was there a feaste of the Iewes called vvitsontyde and Iesus wente vp to Ierusalem There is at Ierusalem by the slaughter house a poole whiche in Hebrewe is called Bethsaida and hath fiue porches wherein laye many sycke blynde lame wythered whyche wayte when the water shoulde moue For the aungell wente downe at hys time into the poole and styrred y e water Whosoeuer nowe wente downe first after that y ● water was styred the same was made whole whatsoeuer disease he had And there was a man whiche had lyen sicke xxxviii yeares When Iesus saw him lye and knewe that he had lyen so longe he sayd vnto him Wylte thou be made whole The sicke aunswered him Sir I haue no man when the water is moued to put me into y e poole And whē I come another steppeth downe in before me Iesus sayd vnto hi arise take vp thy bed go thy way And immediatly the mā was made whole and toke vp his bed and went his way But vpon the same day it was the Sabboth Then sayde the Iewes vnto hym that was made whole Todaye is the Sabboth it is not lawful for thee to cary thy bed He answered thē he that made me whole sayde vnto me take vp thy bedde go thy way Then asked they him What man is that which said vnto thee take vp thy bedde and go thy way But he that was healed wist not who he was for Iesus had gotten hym selfe away because there was much people Afterwarde Iesus founde hym in the temple sayd vnto hym Behold thou art made whole sin no more leste a worse thyng happen vnto thee The man departed tolde the Iewes that it was Iesus which hadde made hym whole Therfore dyd y e Iewes persecute Iesus and sought to slay him because he had done this vpon the Sabboth But Iesus answered thē My father worketh hetherto I worke also therfore sought the Iewes more to slaye him because he brake not onely y ● Sabboth but sayd also y e God was his father made him selfe equall with God Thē answered Iesus sayd vnto thē verely verely I say vnto you The son can do nothing of hym selfe but that he seeth the father doe For what soeuer he doeth y ● doeth y ● sonne also The father loueth the son sheweth hym all that he doeth and wil shew him yet greater workes so y ● ye shal meruayle For the father rayseth vp y ● dead and maketh them lyue euen so y e sonne also maketh lyuing whom he wil. For y ● father iudgeth no man but hath geuen al iudgement vnto y e sonne that they all might honour the sonne euen as they honour the father Who so honoureth not the sonue the same honoureth not the father which hath sent hym Uerely verely I say vnto you the houre cometh and is now already that y ● dead shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God And they that heare it shall lyue For as the father hath lyfe in him selfe so lyke wise hath he geuen vnto y ● sonne to haue lyfe in him selfe And hath geuen him power also to execute iudgement because he is the sonne of man Maruayle ye not at thys for the hour commeth in the whiche that al y ● are in the graues shal heare hys voyce and shall goe forthe that haue done good vnto the Resurrection of lyfe But they that haue done euyll vnto the Resurrection of damnaption I canne do nothynge of my selfe As I heare so I iudge and my iudgement is iuste For I seeke not myne owne wyll but the wyll of my father whyche hathe sente me Yf I heare wytnesse of my selfe my wytnesse is not true there is another that beareth wytnesse of me and I am sure that the wytnesse whyche he beareth of me is true Ye sente vnto Iohn and he beare wytnesse of the trueth As for me I take no recorde of man but these thinges I say that ye myght be saued He was a burnyng and shinyng light but ye woulde haue reioysed a whyle in his lyghte Neuerthelesse I haue a greater wytnesse then the wytnesse of Iohn for the workes which y e father hath geuen me to finish the same workes which I do beare witnes of me y t the father hath sent me And the father him selfe whiche hath sent me beareth witnes of me Ye haue nother hearde his voyce at anyetyme nor sene hys shape nor his worde haue ye not abydynge in you for ye beleue not hym whom he hath sent Searche the scriptures for ye thyncke ye haue euerlastyng lyfe therin the same is it that testifieth of me and ye wyll not come vnto me that ye myght haue lyfe I receaue no prayse of men But I knowe you that ye haue not y
the wyse toke oyle in their vessels with their lampes Nowe whyle the brydegrome taryed they slumbred al slept But at mydnyghte there was a crye made behold the brydegrome cōmeth go youre waye oute for to meete hym Then arose all those virgins and prepared theyr lampes But the foolyshe sayde vnto the wyse geue vs of youre oyle for our lampes are gone oute Then aunswered the wyse and sayde Not so leste there be not ynoughe for vs and you but go rather vnto them that sell and by for youre selues And whyle they wente to bye the brydegrome came and they that wer ready went in wyth hym vnto the mariage and the gate was shut vp At the laste came the other virgins also and sayde Lorde Lorde open vnto vs. But be answered and sayde Uerely I saye vnto you I knowe ye not Watche ye therefore for ye knowe nother the daye nor the houre whan the sonne of manne shall come Lykewyse as a certayne manne readye to take hys iourney into a straūge cōtrey called his seruaūtes and delyuered his goodes vnto them And to one he gaue fyue talentes to another two and to another one vnto euery mā after his abilitie stra●ghte waye he departed Then he that had receaued the fyue talentes wente and occupyed with the same and wanne other fyue talentes Lykewyse he that receaued two talentes wan other two also But he that receaued the one wente and dygged a pytte in the earth and hyd hys Lordes money After a longe season came the Lorde of those seruauntes and rekened wyth them Then came he that had receaued fyue talentes and sayde Syr thou delyueredeft vnto me fyue talentes Beholde with them haue I wonne fyue talētes mo Then sayde hys Lorde vnto hym Wel thou good and faithful seruaunt thou haste bene faythfull ouer lytle I wyll set the ouer muche enter thou in to the ioye of thy Lorde Then came he also that had receaued two talentes and sayde Syr thou delyueredest vnto me two talentes beholde I haue wonne two other talentes wyth them his Lorde sayde vnto hym Well thou good and faythfull seruaunte thou haste bene faythfull ouer lytle I wyll set the ouer muche entre thou into the ioye of thy Lorde Then he that had receaued the one talente came and sayde Syr I knewe that thou arte an harde manne thou reapest where thou haste not sowen and gatherest where thou haste not strowed and so I was afrayed and went and hydde thy talente in the earthe Lo here thou haste thyne owne But hys Lorde answered and sayde vnto hym Thou euell and slouthfull seruaunte knowest thou that I reape where I sowed not and gather where I strowed not Thou shouldest therfore haue had my money to the chaungers● and then at my commynge shoulde I haue receaued myne owne wyth vauntage Therefore take the talente from hym and geue it vnto hym that hath ten talentes For who so hathe to hym shal be geuen and he shall haue abundaunce But who so hathe not from hym shal be taken awaye euen that he hathe And caste the vnprofytable seruaunte into vtter darcknes there shal be waylynge and gnashynge of teethe ¶ Of the purgynge of the floore in the laste iudgemente Math. xxv Capi. Cxl. BUt whan the sonne of man shall come in hys glorye and all holy angels with hym then shal he syt vpon the seate of hys glory And all people shal be gathered before hym and he shall separate the one from another as a shepherde deuideth y e shepe from the goates And he shall set the shepe on his right hande and y e goates on the lefte Then shal the kynge saye vnto them that shal be on his right hād come hether ye blessed of my father inheret ye the kingdō which is prepared for you frō y e beginning of the worlde For I was hongrye and ye gaue me meate I was thirsty and ye gaue me drinke I was harbourles ye lodged me I was naked and ye clothed me I was sycke and ye vysyted me I was in pryson and ye came vnto me Then shal the righteous answere hym and saye Lord when sawe we the hungry and fed thee or thyrstye and gaue the drynke When sawe we the harbourlesse and lodged thee Or naked and clothed thee Or when sawe we y e sicke or in prison and came vnto thee And the kynge shall aunswere and saye vnto them Uerely I saye vnto you Loke what ye haue done vnto one of y e leste of these brethrē the same haue ye done to me Then shal he say also vnto them that shal be on the lefte hande Depart from m●ye cursed into the euerlasting fyer whyche is prepared for the Deuyll and hys aungels For I was hungrye and ye gaue me no meate I was thyrstye and ye gaue me no dryncke I was harbourlesse and ye lodged me not I was naked and ye clothed me not I was sycke and in pryson and ye vysyted me not Then shal they also answere hym and saye Lorde when sawe we the hongry or thrystie or herbourlesse or naked or sycke or in prison and haue not ministred vnto the Then shall he answere them and saye Uerelye I saye vnto you loke what ye haue not done vnto one of the least of these that same haue ye not done to me And these shal go in to euerlastinge payne but the ryghteous in to euerlastynge lyfe ¶ Of Christes last returning from mounte Oliuet vnto Bethani Luke xxii Math. xxvi Mar. xi Cap. C xli THe feast of swete bread which is called Easter drewe nye Math And it came to passe whan Iesus had finished all these wordes he sayde vnto his disciples Ye knowe that after two dayes shal be Easter and the sonne of manne shal be deliuered to be crucified Mark And at euen he went oute of Bethani with the twelue ¶ Of the Alablaster boxe of ointment Iohn xii Marke xiiii Math. xvi Cap. C. xlii THere they made hym a supper Mar in the house of Simon the Leper Iohn and Martha serued but Lazarus was one of hem that satte at the table with hym Marke and as he sat at the table Ioh Mary toke a pounde of pure and costelye Nardus and anoynted Iesus fete and dried his fete with hir heere mar and she brake the boxe and poured it vpon his heade Math syttynge at the table Iohn and the house was full of the sauoure of the oyntemens Marke There were some that disdayned and sayde amonge them selues Iohn then sayde one of his disciples Iudas Iscarioth Simons sonne whiche afterwarde betrayed hym Why was not this oyntment solde for thre hundreth pens and geuen to the poore Thys sayd he not that he cared for the poore But because he was a thefe and had the bagge and bare that which was geuen marke they grudged against her Math. Whan Iesus perceaued that he fayde vnto them marke Let her in reaste Iohn this hathe she kept against the day
another as ye walcke and are sad Then aunswered the one whose name was Cleophas and sayde vnto him art y ● only a stran̄ger at Ierusalē not knowīg what is come to passe ther in these dayes And he sayd vnto them What They sayde vnto hym That of Iesus of Nazareth whiche was a prophete myghtye in dede and worde before God and all the people Howe oure highe priestes and rulers delyuered him to the condēpnation of deathe and crucified hym But we hoped that he shoulde haue delyuered Israel And besydes al thys to day is y ● thyrd day y ● this was done Yea and certayne women also of oure companye whiche were earely at the sepulchre and foūde not his body came and tolde that they hadde sene a vision of aungels whiche sayde he was alyue And certayne of them which were with vs went vnto the sepulchre and founde it euen so as the women sayde but hym founde they not And he sayde vnto them O ye fooles and slowe of hearte to beleue all that the prophetes haue spoken oughte not Christe to haue suffred these thynges and to entre also into hys glorye And he beganne at Moyses and al the Prophetes and expounded vnto them all the scriptures that were spoken of hym And they drewe nye vnto the towne whiche they went vnto And he made as though he woulde haue gone further And they compelled hym and sayde Abyde with vs for it draweth towardes nyght and the daye is farre passed And he wente in to tarye wyth them And it came to passe whan he sat at the table with thē he toke the bread gaue thanckes brake it and gaue it theym Then were their eyes opened and they knewe hym And he vanished out of their syghte And they sayde betwene them selues Dyd not oure heartes burne within vs whan he talcked with vs by the way Whyle he opened the scriptures vnto vs And they rose vp the same houre tourned agayne to Ierusalem and founde the eleuen gathered together and those that were with them whiche sayde The Lorde is risen of a trueth hath appeared vn to Simon And they told thē what had happened by the waye and howe they knewe hym in breakynge of breade Mark These they beleued not also ¶ Of the fyfte appearynge shewed to hys disciples in the daye of hys resurrection Thomas beynge absent And of Thomas incredulitie Luke xxiiii Iohn xx Capitulo xxi BUt whyle they were talkynge therof Ioh The same Sabboth at euen when the disciples were gathered together and the dores were shut for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stode in the middest of them Luke and sayde Peace be wyth you but they were abashed and affrayed supposyng that they had sene a spirite And he sayde vnto theym Why are ye abashed and wherfore ryse suche thoughtes in youre heartes● Beholde my handes and my feete it is euen I my selfe handle me and see for a spirite hathe not fleashe and bones as ye see me haue And when he hadde thus spoken he shewed them hys handes hys feete Iohn and hys syde Luke But whyle they yet beleued not and for ioy wondred he sayde vnto them Haue ye any thynge here to eate And they set before hym a peece of broyled fyshe and an honye combe And he tooke it and dyd eate it before them and gaue them that remained And he sayd vnto them These are the wordes whiche I spake vnto you whyle I was yet with you for it muste all be fulfylled that was wrytten of me in the lawe of Moses in the Prophetes and in the Psalmes Then opened he their vnderstandyng that they myght vnderstande the scriptures and sayde vnto theym Thus it is wrytten and thus it behoued Christ to suffre and the thyrde daye to ryse agayne from the dead and let penaunce and remissions of synnes be preached in hys name amonge all nations And to begynne at Ierusalem As for all these thinges ye are witnesses of them Then were the disciples glad that they sawe the LORDE Then sayde Iesus vnto theym agayne Peace be wyth you Lyke as my father sente me euen ●o sende I you And when he hadde sayde that he breathed vppon theym and sayde vnto theym Receaue the holye ghooste whose synnes so euer ye remitte they are remitted vnto theym And whose synnes soeuer ye retayne they are retayned But Thomas one of the twelue whyche is called Didimus was not wyth theym when IESUS came Then sayd y e other disciples vnto him we haue sene the Lorde But he sayde vnto them Excepte I see in hys handes the prynte of the nayles and putte my fynger into y ● place of the nayles and put my hande into his syde I wyl not beleue ¶ Of the syxte appearynge shewed after eyghte dayes vnto the disciples Thomas beynge present And that god dyd manye thynges whiche are not written Iohn xx Capitulo xxii ANd after eyghte dayes agayne his disciples were within and Thomas with them Then came Iesus when the dores were shut and stode in the myddest and sayde Peace be with you After that sayde he vnto Thomas Reache hyther thy fynger and see my handes and reache hyther thy hande and put it into my syde and be not faythlesse but beleue Thomas aunswered and sayde vnto hym My Lord my God Iesus sayd vnto hym Thomas because thou hast sene me y ● haste beleued Blessed are they that see not and yet beleue Many other tokens dyd Iesus before hys disciples whyche are not wrytten in thys booke But these are wrytten that ye shoulde beleue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God and that ye thorowe belefe myght haue lyfe in hys name ¶ Of the seuenth appearynge shewed vnto seuen disciples at the sea of Tiberias And howe Iesus askte Peter thre tymes whether he loued hym Ioh. xxi Capitu. xxiii AFter that shewed Iesus him selfe agayne at the sea of Tiberias But on this wyse shewed he himselfe There were together Symon Peter and Thomas whyche is called Didimus and Nathanaell of Cana a citie of Galile and the sonnes of Zebede and two other of his disciples Simon Peter sayde vnto them I go a fyshynge they sayde vnto hym we also wyll go with the. They wente oute and entred in to a shyppe straight waye and that same nyghte toke they nothing But whan it was day Iesus stoode on the shore but his disciples knewe not that it was Iesus Iesus sayde vnto them Children haue ye any thinge to eate They aunswered him No he sayde vnto them cast oute your nette on the ryghte syde of the shyppe and ye shall fynde Then they cast out and could nomore draw it for the multitude of fyshes Then sayde the disciple whome Iesus loued vnto Peter it is the Lorde Whan Symon Peter hearde that it was the Lord he gyrded hys mantel aboute him for he was naked and sprange in to the sea But the other disciples came by shyppe for they were not farre from lande but as it were
eiection of those that ●olde and of the Pharise and publicane capitulo cxx Of the disciples admiration vpon the witherynge of the fygge tree Capitulo cxxi Of the question of Iohns Baptyme Capitulo cxxii Of two sonnes of the which y ● one accomplished hys fathers wyll Capitulo cxxiii Of the vineyarde whiche was let out to the husbandmen cap. cxxiiii Of the weddynge garment cap. cxxv Of paying tribute vnto Cesar ca. cxxvi Of the woman whiche had seuen husbandes capit c. xxvii Of the fyrste commaundement that is of the loue of God capit cxviii Of the interrogacyon whose sonne Christe is cap. cxxix Of hearynge the Pharises doctrynes capitulo cxxx Of diuers and many woes ca. cxxxi Of the Iewes obstinarye And of the wyddowe whiche offered two mi●es capitulo cxxxii Of the buyldinge of the temple and of the thretenynge of the destruccion of the same cap. cxxxiii Of the commynge and persecution of Antechriste cap. cxxxiiii Of the signes of the consumacion of the worlde capit cxxxv Of the laste signes of the consumacion of the worlde cap. cxxxvi Of the commynge of Christ the iudge diuersly signified cap● cxxxvii Of watche and prayer ca. cxxxviii Of the tenne vyrgins and ten talentes capitulo cxxxviii Of the purgynge of the floure in the laste iudgemente capi cxl Of Christes laste returnynge from Mounte Oliuete vnto Be●hani capitulo cxli Of the Alabaster boxe of oyntmente capitulo cxlii Howe Christe was solde by Iudas capitulo cxliii The titles of the thirde boke OF y e sendinge of Peter Iohn to prepare the paseouer capit i Of the eatynge of the paschall lambe at the Lordes supper capitulo ii Of the washinge of the disciples feete and of the obcsure manifestaciō of the traitoure capi iii. Of the institucion of the sacramente of the bodye and blouds of Christe capitulo iiii Of a more open detection of the traytoure and of his goinge fourth capitulo v. Of the question which of the disciples shoulde be greatest and of the fore tellynge of Peters deniall capitulo vi Of the fyrste parte of the Lordes sermon at supper cap. vii The remnaunt● of the Lordes sermone whiche he spake after hys departure from the citye sometymes going sometymes standyng cap. viii Of Christes entringe into the garden And of hys prayer and captiuite Capitulo ix Howe Christe was sente to Annas and of Peters fyrst deniall cap. x. Howe Christe was sent to Caiphas And of Peters seconde and thyrde denyal● Caiphas house And of false witnesses agaynst Iesus cap. xi Of the thyrde commynge together of the elders and howe Iesus was delyuered to Pilate cap. xii Of the ledynge forth of Iesus to Caluarye And of his crucifyinge cap. xiii Howe they deryded Iesus vppon the crosse and of hys wordes and of the sygnes after his death cap. xiiii Of the Lordes buryall cap. xv Of the Lordes resurrection And how the women came first verye earely to the graue cap. xvi Howe that Peter and Iohn came to Christes graue And of y ● two disciples goynge to Emans ca. xvii Of the appearynge shewed vnto Mary Magdalene at her seconde commynge to the sepulchre cap. xviii Of the seconde appearynge to the women in the waye retournynge the seconde tyme from the sepulchre And of the seconde appearynge to Peter goynge the seconde tyme to the sepulchre Capitulo xix Of the fourthe appearynge shewed in Emaus to the two disciples And that he hadde alreadye appeared to Peter cap. xx Of the fift appearynge shewed to hys disciples in the day of his resurrection Thomas beynge absent And of Thomas incredulite cap. xxi Of the syxte appearynge shewed after eyghte dayes vnto hys disciples Thomas beynge present And that God dyd manye thynges whiche are not wrytten cap. xxii Of the seuenth appearynge shewed vnto seuen disciples at the sea of Tiberias And howe Iesus asked Peter thre tymes whether he loued hym Capitulo xxiii Of the eyghte appearynge shewed vnto the eleuen disciples in Galile capitulo xxiiii Of the nynthe and tenthe apperinge shewed vnto the disciples vpon the ascention daye cap. xxv The conclusion of the euangelicall history capi xxvi Finis A. ABraham desyred to se my daye ii boke ca. lxxvi Adulterers shoulde be stoned ii boke capitulo lxxiiii Abyde in me and ye shall obtayne that ye aske iii. boke capitulo viii Agre with thyne aduersary ii bo ca. xix A greate Prophete is rysen amonge vs. ii boke cap. xxviii A●gles wyll gather vnto deade carcases ii boke ca. cxxxv cxxxvii Amayde shall brynge forthe a childe i. boke capitu vi Almes muste be done secretely ii boke capitulo xxi Almes doth clense all thynges ii boke capitulo lxiii Al thinges are possible with God i. bo capitulo iii. ii boke capitulo cx iii. boke capitulo 〈…〉 All thinges are geuen vnto the sonne ii boke capitu xlii iii. boke capitulo iii. Al sinnes shal be forgeueuen ii bo ca. lx All Iudgement is geuen to the sonne ii bok capi lxvi All thinges are possible to him that beleueth ii boke cap. lxxxix All people shal be gathered before the Lorde ii boke cap. cxl Al y ● y ● father hath is mine iii. bo ca. viii All y ● is mine is thine iii. boke cap. viii All that take swearde shal perysh with the swearde iii. boke cap. ix Al power is geuē to Christ. iii. b. ● xxiiii Amende or ye shall all peryshe ii boke capitulo lxvii Angels speake vnto the shepherdes i. boke capit vii Aungels apeare to Ioseph i. boke ca. xi Aungels shal caste those to the fire that do iniquite ii boke capit l. li Anna bothe fasted praied i. boke ca. x An euel ●re must be burnt i. bok ca. xiiii Anger bringeth one in daunger of iudgement ii boke capi xix Annoynting with oyle healeth ii boke captulo xxxviii As ye measure so shall ye be measured ii boke ca. xxiiii xlix Art thou he that shall come ii bo capitulo xxxviii Aunswerest thou the hyghe Prieste so iii. boke cap. x. Archelaus raygned in Iewry i. b. ca. xi the Axe is put to the tree i. bo cap. xiiii Aske crye and ye shall haue ii booke Capitulo xxiiii xlvi B. Barrabas a notable prisoner iii. boke Capitu. xii Beleue and be saued ii bo cap. viii Beleue in the sonne haue lyfe ii bke Capitulo ix Beleue only ii bo ca. xxxiiii Beleue my workes ii bo cap. lxxix Beleue and doe greater workes then Christ. iii. boke cap. viii Be at quietnes with thyne aduersary ii boke cap. lxv Behold here are two swerdes iii. b. c. vi Beholde the lambe of God ii b. cap. v. Beholde a right Israelite ii bok Capitulo v. Beholde thou are made whole synn● no more ii bo cap. lxvi Be mercyful ii bo cap. xxiiii● Belzebub chiefest of the deuyls ii boke Capitulo lx Blasphemye agaynst the holye ghoste ii boke cap. lx xcii Beware of coueteousnes ii bo ca. lxiiii Beware of the Pharises leuen ii bo Capitulo
lxxxiiii xcvii Beware of excesse of meates ii boke Capitulo cxxxvii Byndynge and lousynge ii boke Capitulo xcv Blessinges cursynges ii bo ca. xviii Blessed are the eyes c. ii boke Capitulo xlii xlix Blessed is the wombe that bare thee ii bo cap. lxii Blessed are the kepers of the worde of God ii boke ca. lxvi Blessed are they that watche ii boke Capitulo cxxxviii Blessed are they that doe the thynges whiche they knowe iii. bo cap. iii. Blessed be the baren iii. bo ca. xiii Blessed be they that beleue and see not iii. boke cap. xxii Blynde Barthimens ii bo ca. cxiiii the Blynd fal in the dytche ii b. c. xxiiii By what authorite doest thou these thynges ii bo cap. cxxii Bloudy yssue ii bo cap. xxxiiii Bread of lyfe ii bo cap. ●vi Brydegrome shal be taken away ii bo Capitulo xxxiii the Brother may marry hys brothers wife ii boke cap. c●xvii Buylders must cast wether they maye perfourme it ii boke cap. lxxii Bra●che that bringeth not forth fruite in me shal be cut of iii. bo cap. viii C. a Candle vnder a bushel● ii b. ca. xix xlix Capharnaum ii bok cap. xi xxxix Care not for youre lyfe ii bo ca. xxiii Care not for to morowe ii boke capitulo xxiii Call the poore to the feast ii boke capitulo lxxi Cast not the childrens bread to dogges ii boke cap lxxxii Cayphas prophecied ii bo cap. cvii● Cast out the nette on the ryghte syde of the shyppe iii boke cap xxii Cephas ii boke cap v Cast not pearles before ii bo ca xxiiii Christes generation i bo ca vi Christ byrth i bo cap vi Christes presentacion i boke cap v Christes circumcision i. bok ca. viii Christes temptacion ii bo cap. iii. Christes meate is to do the wyll of hys father ii bo ca. xlvii Christes fleashe is very meate ii boke Capitulo lvi Christes brother ii boke cap. lxii Christes wordes are spirite and lyfe ii boke cap. lvi Christes woorckes beare wytnesse of hym ii boke ca lxvi Christes brethren beleued not in hym ii boke cap. lxxiii Christes transfiguration ii boke Capitulo lxxxviii Christes comminge ii boke capitulo cxxxv cxxxvii Christes sweate was lyke droppes of bloude iii. booke cap. ix Christes syde was opened iii. boke capitulo xv Christes sepulchre was watched and sealed iii. boke cap. xv Christ was layed in a maunger i. bok capitulo vii Christ was borne at Bethled i. b. ca. ix Christ to many is a fall i. bo cap. x. Christ waxed strong in spirite i. bo capitulo ●vi Christe fled into Egipt i. boke capi xi Christe was called oute of Egypt i. bo capitulo xi Christe shall pourge his floure i. boke capitulo xiiii Christ shal burne y e chaffe i. bo cap. xiiii Christe fasted xl dayes ii bokes cap. iii Christ Baptiseth with the holy gooste ii boke capit iiii Christe came to the mariage ii boke capi vi Christe turneth water into wine ii bo capitulo vi Christ must be lifted vp ii boke ca. viii Christe baptised ii boke cap. ix Christe beginneth to preache ii boke capitulo xi Christ taught the people out of a thyp ii boke capi xii xlix Christe taught in the temple vpon the Sabboth ii boke xxiii lxviii Christ taughte with power ii boke capitulo xiii xxv Christ commaunded the spirites with power ii boke capit xiiii Christe toke oure infirmites ii boke capitulo xvi Christe came to preache ii boke ca. xvi Christ apoīteth the twelue ii b. ca. xviii Christe came to fulfyll the lawe ii bo Capitulo xix Christe a wyne bybber and a glotten ii boke capit xxxviii Christe was nursed at Nazareth ii bo capitulo lii Christ Iosephs y ● carpenters sonne ii boke capit lii Christ walked vpon the sea ii bo ca. lv Christe is the lyuinge breade ii boke capitulo capit lvi Christe loked vpon them with wrathe ii boke capit lviii Christe shall come of the sede of Dauid ii boke ca. lxxiii Christe is the lyghte of the worlde ii boke cap. lxxv Christe dothe nothinge of hym selfe ii boke cap. lxxvi Christe is the dore ii boke capi lxxviii Christ is y e good shepherd ii b. ca. lxxviii Christe leuyth and taketh his lyfe of hym selfe ii boke cap. lxxviii Christe payeth tribute ii boke cap. x●i Christe is in the myddest of them that are gathered in his name ii bo ca. x●v Christ toke chyldren in his armes and blessed them ii boke capitu x●ix Christ is the resurrection the lyfe ii boke cap. cvi Christ wept vpon the city ii b●c cxviii Christ endureth for euer ii bo ca. cxix Christ driueth oute the moneye chaungers ii bok cap. cxviii cxx Christe the son of Dauid ii b. ca. cxxix Christ is the only mayster ii b. ca. cxxx Christe came not to iudge the worlde ii boke cap. cxxxii Christ foretelleth the destruction of the temple ii boke cap cxxxiii Christe foretelleth the persecution of the apostles ii boke cap. cxxxiii Christ commeth to kyndle fyre vppon earth ii boke cap cxxxviii Christ is come to brynge debate vpon earth ii boke cap. cxxxviii Christ shal set his shope on his righte hande ii boke cap. cxl Christ washed hys disciples feete ii boke cap. iii. Christ loked vpon Peter iii. bo cap. xi Christ caste out of Mary Magdalene seuen druyls iii. boke cap. xvii Christe was caryed vp vnto heauen iii. boke cap. xxv Children of thys worlde● ● ii b. c. ciiii Compell theym to come in ii boke capitulo lxxi Commaundementes ii boke cap c Come and see the place where they layed him iii boke cap xix Come ye to me that are heauye laden ii boke cap xlii Confession of synnes i bo ca xiiii Coufesse Christ he shall confesse the ii boke cap lxxxvii cxvii D. Dauid dyd eate the ii boke ca lvii Delycate lyuers ii boke ca xxxvi the Dead shal heare y ● voyce of the son of God ii boke cap lxvi Depart from all the wor●kes of iniquitie ii booke cap lxix Despise Christ and despyse hys father ii boke cap xxxvii Despise no lytle ones ii boke ca x●ii Denye Christ and he shall denye thee ii boke cap xcvii the Dead rise agyane ii bo ca cxxvii the Deuyls knewe Christ to be the son of God ii bo ca xvi Deuorcement ii boke capitulo xix xcviii ciiii Dyd not oure heartes burne within vs● iii boke cap xx Doe as ye woulde be done vnto ● boke capitulo xx xxiiii Do as the pharises commaunde you ii boke capitulo cxxx E. Eate suche as they set before you ii bo capitulo xli Elizabeth was olde and baren i. boke capitulo xxiii Elizabeth conceueth Iohn i. bo ca. ii iii Elizabeth hid her selfe i. boke capitu ii Elizabeth is delyuered i. boke capitu v Elias was sent to Sarepta ii bo ca. lii Elias shall restore all thynge ii boke capitulo lxxxviii Eye for eye toothe for toothe ii boke