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A08275 A good companion for a Christian directing him in the way to God, being meditiations and prayers for euery day in the weeke; and graces before and after meate. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1632 (1632) STC 18609; ESTC S119834 97,176 420

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The ways of the Lord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is Pleasure for evermo●● A GOOD Companion For A CHRISTIAN Derecting him in the way to God being Meditations Prayers for every day in the Weeke and Graces before after meate London Printed by G.P. for Rich Collins 〈◊〉 his Shop in Pauls Church-yard at y e 3 King● 1634 A GOOD COMPANION FOR A CHRISTIAN Directing him in the way to God being Meditations and Prayers for euery day in the weeke and Graces before and after meate Call vpon me in the day of Trouble and I will heare thee and thou shalt praise me Psal. 50. LONDON Printed by G. P. for Richard Collins and are to be sold at his Shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Three Kings 1632. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE EDWARD LORD GORGE Baron of Dondaulk MOST noble my good Lord My deceased Father very oftē suruaied the Kings Lands but now by me he humbly tenders himselfe to be suruaied by you This small Treatise the issue not of his body but his braine he left with vs his children to assure vs and al men that himselfe chiefly studied and shaped his courses so to dye that he might neuer dye that he prepared himselfe so to depart frō the earth that when he did leaue the Earth he had no other busines but to leaue the Earth for his actions were but an example of his precepts Now my very noble Lord my poore selfe being a dependant vpon your honored House hauing nothing in me to expresse my obliged duty no not so much as aduise or wishes since your being good performance of goodnesse makes all my wishes vaine I beseech you but to read and suruay not what you should doe but what you haue done that your sanctified discreetnesse may be a mirror to others and an inforcement to me euer to remaine Your vertuous honor● humbly deuoted seruant I. NORDEN To the Reader IT is the word of the Word One thing is necessary many are troubled about many things but did any euer repent that he had set his house in order Did euer any liue the worse in that they were euer prepared to dye Indeed in our Age desperate Security makes many foole-hardy but those which are so much men that they know they haue a Soule and so far Christian men that they belieue they must giue an account of their steward-ship will entertaine this Treatise as right vsefull The world knowes my Father in his life time wrot many Meditations but God only knoweth that this he composed at his end for his death time for before he could bring it into the world himselfe went out of the world In naturall duty therefore to the memory of my deceased Father and in a Christian Charity to the common good J haue set forth this Booke with my hearty prayers to God that we may so set our house in order that whensoeuer the Bridegrome shall call we may not only haue lamps in our hands but oyle in our Lamps and Lights in our oyle that is not only a profession but a perseuering expression of true Christianity I. NORDEN A COMPANION FOR A CHRISTIAN to guide him in the way to God Set thy house in order for thou shalt dye Isay 38.1 No difference in the naturall substance of poore and rich HEZECHIAH that good King of Judah being sick supposed of a plague sore was commanded by God To set his house in order for he should die wherby it appeareth that as all men are borne to dye so are they subiect to that pestilent infirmitie To show that there is no difference of men in respect of their naturall bodies Kings Princes and Poorest people are all made of one and the same substance and subiect to all like and the same infirmities and therefore none but such as forget wherof they are made will scorne as many doe such as are in respect of themselues basely attired or poore in substance as the rich man in the Gospell did poore Lazarus No cause why the rich should disdaine the poore ANd as the rich proud amongst vs at this day doe foolishly conceiuing an opinion of thēselues that in regard of their riches and reuenues their outward attire and vaine brauerie they are made of a more delicate matter than the poor and that the meanely attired are not fit to come neere them much lesse to touch them But let the richest and the brauest robed be rest of his riches and the poore man enioy it and let the poore man be attired with his glorious garments and then it will appeare that the difference is only in riches and pouertie not in the beautie or basenesse of either Poore and rich incident to equall infirmities AND as touching their infirmities what sicknes is it that befalls the poore that is not incident to the rich And what priuiledge hath the rich to preuent death more than the poore man hath Only the means of physicke which preuaileth not when the time set by the almightie is come And the like set time hath the poore before which time though he take no physicke though necessarie he shall not dye Rich and poore must dye and come to iudgement BVt it is appointed equally to rich and poore that they shall dye and come to iudgment And therfore it is a dutie required by God And fit in Christian discretion and policie not only that Kings and men of great estates the rich and wealthy Men are to set their house in order while they are in health BVt that all men of what estate condition or degree soeuer they be not only in the time of my common plague or infectious disease yet then especially and when they be sicke but rather in their best health and strength should not only haue continually in their mindes that they must dye but at all times to set keep and continue their houses hearts and senses and members of their bodies in order knowing they must dye yet not knowing the time that when the time commeth be it neuer so sudden they may dye in peace with God and with all men in a good conscience Men of meanes are so to settle their possessions and goods as may reserue peace after their deaths ANd as much as in them is so to dispose and settle their worldly possessions and goods as peace may be preserued and continued amongst such as they intend shall enioy them when they are dead for although all men know that it is appointed that they must dye yet are not all men of like watchfulnes or preparation against the time of death Many are slacke in setting their houses in order SOme liue long and many years and become not bodily sicke at all and therefore it seldome or neuer commeth into their mindes that they must dye and so put off the setting of their houses in order and to reforme their liues vntill many of them be preuented And when they would they cannot either for want of time or of
bee burning lights burning as being zealous in feruency and lights also as being conspicuous and eminent for charity sanctity and all holy graces of thy spirit Thy Vrim and Thummim being on them as vpon thy holy ones let them be sound for doctrine and holy for life and conuersation preaching let them practice and by practice let them preach and teach the things which concerne thy kingdome Open and let open vnto them the dore of vtterance that they may teach thy word freely and boldly Take away all differences contentions from amongst them make them examples to those that beleeue in soundnesse of doctrine and integrity of conuersation And because the rule of my life depends vpon thy word in their mouthes blesse them with all graces fit for their calling that I may giue thanks vnto thee for them finding thy blessing vpon mee through their labours and may praise thy name for euermore Amen A Prayer for Sunday Night O Euerlasting and euerlouing Father mercifull Lord God creator guider and preseruer of all men and all things who creating man after th●ne Image in wisdome knowledge and vnderstanding enriching him with all gracious abilities helpes and f●rtherances for the working out of his owne saluation with feare and trembling giue me a reuerence of thy maiesty and a feare of thy most holy name which is so dreadfull and terrible that being by thy grace forewarned I may fly from thy wrath to come and at this present come before thee in all confidence of thy goodnesse to implore thy grace and the manifestation of thy fauour Looke downe from heauen thine holy habitation and behold with the eye of thy loue and tender compassion mee poore soule that distrusting mine owne righteousnesse goe out of my selfe calling vpon thee in the words of the Publican and saying O God bee mercifull to me a sinner Write not bitter things against mee neither suffer me to possesse the sins of my youth Forgiue and forget all my transgressions and cast mine iniquities as farre from thy presence as is the east from the west And pardon good Lord I humbly beseech thee the faults and frailties which haue escaped this day in the sanctifying of thy Sabbath whether they bee sinnes of omission or commission wash them all away in the blood of thy Sonne sanctifie me by the Word thy word of truth that this day hath sounded in my eares grant that like good seed sowne in good ground it may take root downeward and bring forth fruite vpwards to the glory of thy great name the praise of thy grace and credit of the Gospell O let thy word be euer in my minde to meditate of it in my mouth to speake of it and in my life and conuersation to practice it By it worke in my heart Faith Hope Charity and al other supernaturall graces which accompany saluation open mine eyes that I may see thy Law and incline mine heart that I may loue the truth and louing the same may yeeld obe●ience vnto it doing thy will on earth or at least endeauouring to doe it as the Angels in heauen willingly without murmuring speedily without delaying constantly without ceas●ng and vniuersally without omitting what thou commandest and commendest in thy word So shall I not be distracted with foolish feares nor dispaire of thy mercy but euer hope and trust in thee and finde grace to helpe mee at a time of neede Grant this O Father for thy Christ my Iesus thy Sonne my Sauiours sake who euer liueth and raigneth with thee one true immortall euerlasting God to whom with thy blessed Spirit and thee O holy and heauenly Father be ascribed of me and all thine all honour and glory world without end Amen Monday A morning Prayer O God my God and Father of my Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ whom no man knoweth but by thine especiall gift grant that to the rest of thine exceeding benefits towards me this which is the greatest that can be bestowed vpon mankinde may be added also namely that as thou hast raised vp my body from sound and sweet sleepe the image of a corporall death so also thou wouldest deliuer my minde and affections from the sleep of sinne and from the darkenesse of this world and after death restore the same body to life as well as thou hast called it from naturall sleepe And seeing thou hast brought mee to the beginning of this day which is the first day of the weeke bee thou as this night past and euer heretofore present with me and president in me Lèt thy holy Spirit be my counsellour and instructor my God and my guide to lead mee into all truth Helpe me by the assistance of the same Spirit to watch ouer my thoughts words and works that I may neither think speak nor do any thing which is not warranted by thy word but that setting thee and thy law before my eyes I may come to the knowledge of thy will in all reuerence and humility of soule submit my selfe thereunto that ordering my life and conuersation thereby and walking according to this rule peace may be upon me as vpon the Israel of God Let mee neither oppresse nor defraud my brother in bargaining buying and selling false weights and ballances or the like dishonest meanes but guide me so by thy grace that my conscience may euer cheere mee vp through a delightfull apprehension of thy blessefull fauour To this end order thou my paths and establish my goings in the way of peace grace and saluation Cause thou mee to walke before thee and be vpright make me to provide things honest before thee and men behaue my selfe as in thy sight and doe vnto others as I would bee dealt withall my selfe Let no sin inordinate lust or vnruly passion haue dominion ouer me but helpe thou mee to leade captiuity captiue to kill and crucifie my lusts and sinfull affections and wage warre with my corruptions vntill through Christ which strengtheneth mee I shall proue more then conqueror Grant this vnto mee for Iesus Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for Monday night O Lord my God and gracious Father in Iesus Christ I doe here in all humility prostrate and cast downe my selfe before the foot-stoole of thy throne of grace to offer vnto thee this mine euening sacrifice of prayer praise and thanksgiuing who diddest offer vp thy Sonne vpon the crosse to be a propitiation and meritorious sacrifice for the sinnes of the world Lord heare me and helpe me and be mercifull unto mee my sinnes are great but thy mercies are greater my trespasses finite but thy compassions infinite neuer faile though I faile of my duty towards thee yet thou art good and gracious vnto such as seeke thy face and fauour humbling themselues and powring out their soules before thee Wherefore I humbly beseech thee that as the heavens are higher then the earth so thou wouldest extend thy mercy beyond my deserts Indue me with faith sanctify me with all other
a doore whereat many euils enter BY the eare of our first Parents as at a doore entred the first 〈…〉 allurements and deceitfull promises that moued them to rebell against their Maker and therefore thou maist not think that Satan will be lesse industrious in vsing like flattering and falsely obsequious ministers to sound like delightfull deceiuing songs in thine eares both of pleasure and profit as may seduce thee and poyson thy affections and so infect the whole house of thy soule as will bring all that appertaines vnto thee out of order The eare a necessary member to conuey words to the vnderstanding YEt is thine eare an excellent and necessary Organ it tryeth words as thy taste tryeth meat and thy palat Wine whether good or euill and distinguisheth the voyces it heareth conveying also the matter to the vnderstanding As when Iosiah the King heard the Booke of the Law read his eare conuey'd the words to his intellectiue sense which his heart conceiuing wrought such compunction in him as hee rent his clothes for that hee thereby found that the Lord was angry because the people had not obey'd the words of the Booke The godly Jewes likewise were pricked in their hearts when their sinnes were reproued by Peter So we being reproued of our sinnes by the Word preached if wee haue eares to heare may bee moued to amendment of life The words of the mouth of no vse without the eare WIthout the eare the tongue were of no vse but as the tongue of a brute beast onely for feeding not for speaking for what auaileth speech to a man that heares not at all no more than to shew colours to a blind man Without the eare the minde of one man cannot be conuey'd ordinarily to the vnderstanding of another neither could man be partaker of the Word of GOD by preaching neither were the most excellent Art of Musicke of any vse Seeing therefore it hath pleased God to giue thee this so vsefull an Organ apply it to the hearing his voyce As Mary did sitting at Christs feet to heare him preach Apply not thine eares to flatterers nor vngodly discourses TAke heed that this instrument of hearing bee not abused and deceiued by the frailty of the mind in hearkning vnto flatterers that onely vse their tongues to deceiue And open not thine eare nor listen thou to vngodly and prophane relations and vnseemely discourses they breed but wickednesse in thy minde and corrupt thy heart with vanities and forbidden thoughts neither spend thou pretious time in hearing or reading fabulous and lasciuious bookes rimes of ribawdry foolish and offensiue libels hearken not to vngodly songs nor to old wiues tales whereby many times the holy Name of GOD is not onely taken in vaine but blasphemed which vngodly men heare with a kinde or diuellish delight and thinke they sinne not Auoid the listning to things mouing to sinne BVt know thou that whoso lendeth his eare to heare things tending to moue vnto sinne delighteth in the meanes to make him more sinnefull and sheweth himselfe willing to adde fewell to the fire of his carnall concupiscence as if corrupt nature it selfe were not prone and ready enough to offend GOD but it must haue Sathanicall prompters and outward motiues to make it more guilty Prophane eares listen to vnholy things THese men haue eares to heare but apply them to that which is euill vncircumcised eares such as Ieremy the Prophet reproueth saying They are not ashamed to open their eares and listen with attention to whatsoeuer may tend to Gods dishonour And such eares haue they that in their wanton feasts and banquetings euen while they are partaking of the good blessings of God euen among their superfluous cups and cates which were sin enough cannot be godly merry in receiuing Gods creatures with thankfulnes prayer for a blessing vpō that they receiue to refresh their bodies which for formes sakes as appeareth peraduenture one in the company well disposed may seeme to performe forget yet all holy reuerence to God and desire to haue their eares filled with variety of musicall instruments which may bee vsed without offence Wanton songs at feasts wicked ANd which is most wicked their meates and wines must be sawced and seasoned with lasciuious wanton and most hellish songs of ribawdry and filthinesse the more to stirre them vp to lust and reioyce and laugh at their own shame and will not sticke to controule any that shall reproue it ready to abandon him out of their societies as a Precise Puritan for interrupting their vngodly mirth with some godly communication which they hold motiues to melancholy There is no sweet or pleasing feast to some but where the Diuell is one of the Musitinsa or Foole in the Play and they to dance after his Pipe If an Infidell should heare some of their delightfull songs he would surely thinke they were either of none or of some Ethnike religion Why not Psalmes rather than wanton songs at Banquets AShame it is to Magistrates especially to such as will admit of such infernall melody who ought to suppresse it if they will be merry why can they not aswell recreate themselues with instruments of musicke if they desire it and Psalmes to the praise of God as to please the Diuell with songs of iniquity Fit it is to abandon the songs or banish the singers for the very breath of them infecteth not onely the Tauernes where they are commonly receiued but the very streets where they are permitted to seeke company to corrupt Stop thine eares from filthy songs THou therefore that intendest godly order in thine owne house and wishest the welfare of thine owne soule stop thine eares from hearing such vile and vicious forbidden vanities To what to apply thine eares LEarne and accustome thine eares to heare wisdome and hearken to vnderstanding delight thine eare onely to hearken and to attend vnto the Words of GOD preached whereby God speaketh vnto thee and calleth thee from these vngodly vanities To make thee holy as he is holy And hearken not vnto the voyce of Sathan that speaketh by his infernall Ministers to make thee more and more sinnefull God hath giuen and opened vnto thee eares to heare him and wilt thou apply them to heare his holy Name prophaned and blasphemed to please the Diuell Wherefore God hath giuen men eares HEE hath giuen thee eares to hearken vnto and to learne vnderstanding in heauenly things and to discerne his voyce from the voyce of strangers namely of Satan and of such as delight to speak but not as becometh perfect Christians their word tendings to offend God and good men Jt is a like euill to talke or to delight to heare euill talke EVill words corrupt good manners and therefore thinke not that it is no sinne to heare prophane and vngodly discourses though thou thy selfe discourse not for to lend an eare with delight vnto vngodly talke is as euill as if thou didst vse thy tongue therein for there is no
haue the mastery yet there will rest so many and so strong rebellions desires in the corrupt part of the heart as will breake forth bee it neuer so strongly guarded with faith and the feare of God though they preuaile not so much to hurt as to exercise euen the most righteous man in resisting them An Hypocrite may shew himselfe in outward behaviour a good Christian. HAppy is the man that hath a perfect heart renewed and purged from that originall corruption which it hath by nature for it maketh that true and essentiall difference which distinguisheth a sincere Christian from a counterfeit An Hypocrite may seeme by outward exercise of Religion and holy duties to be a very righteous man as Cain who was as forward in his sacrifice as Abel was The Pharesee in his prayer seemed to abound in the outward practice of fasting in almes-giuing and paying tythes yet an Hypocrite An hypocrite may look like a true Christian haue the habit of a Christian speake like a Christian verbally pray like a Christian and in outward holinesse make shew to be a christian and yet harbor within him a false filthy and a heart full of corruption and iniquity which hee learneth of his master the Deuill who can transforme himselfe into an Angell of light God loueth a cleane heart BEware therefore whosoeuer thou art that thou shew not more forged holinesse without than thou hast sincerity in thy heart for God cannot allow of a counterfeit conuersation Hee loueth a pure and cleane heart if that be well seasoned and in good order the actions will appeare by a truely sincere not by a counterfeit course of life The markes of a pure heart IF thou couet to heare the Word preached if thou hunger and thirst for righteousnesse if thou pray often faithfully and fervently if thou loue the godly vnfainedly and desire to doe good vnto all cheerefully Surely thy heart is well prepared to keepe all thy thoughts imaginations desires thy tongue and all the senses of thy body in good order and to set all other things in order before thou dye Lastly examine the Affections of thy heart To examine how the heart standeth principally affected AFfection is the highest degree of loue lust and hatred and one of these doth commonly possesse euery heart which whoso doth dilligently examine hee shall be able to judge whether his heart be right with God or ouerruled by Sathan Although the Prophet Ieremy saith that the heart is deceitfull and wicked aboue all things who can know it None indeed can know the heart of another man nor how it standeth affected but by his outward behauiour and conuersation which hee may dissemble to men but God will examine and finde out his most inward euill and ungodly affections how cunningly soeuer they be dissembled for hee seeth not as man seeth man looketh vpon the outward appearance but the Lord beholdeth the most secret affections of the heart But a man that is not partiall and loues not to deceive himselfe in his own vaine imaginations by little search may finde how and whereunto his owne heart is most affected And happy is hee that findeth his heart affected as were the Iewes at the preaching of John Baptist By whose eager loue and desire of the Word euen the Kingdome of God suffered violence And through their violent affections they seemed to take it by force there was such forwardnesse and zeale in them to heare the Word as they vsed a godly striuing to get it which godly and violent affection God himself approueth There is nothing in the world that we ought so to affect and desire as to heare the word the Gospell of Christ our Saviour preached whereby we apprehend such loue in him towards us as cannot but draw our uttermost loue and affection againe towards him in whom wee haue assurance that our soules shall be saued in the day of judgement the end of all happinesse Euery man commonly affecteth his owne Countrey best and they are but two Heaven and Earth and as wee stand affected to either of these wee shall finde and feele how we are againe affected of them To affect them both no man can and to be affected of both is impossible Hee that hates the light cannot but affect darkenesse and hee that imbraceth this world and the things in it cannot truely affect heauen and heauenly things no man can serue two masters God and Mammon The men affecting this world are in part knowne by the things they are obserued to loue and seeke in this world They that set their affections vpon this worlds honours and seeke ambitiosly as Absolom did to the dethroning of his father to reigne as king They that affect and hunt after pleasures to fulfill their beastly lusts the drunkard that riseth early to follow strong drinke the whoremaster the couetous person the enuious the proud cannot these know themselues and bee knowne of others to affect the world and the lusts of the flesh more then heauen and the saluation of their owne soules Such are the infinite vanities that lurke in mens heartes that steale away their affections from God and godlines As where one truely affecteth the best things many affect those things wherein there is not onely no profit but deadly danger as some their neighbours wiues as Dauid some their neighbours lands as Achab some the beautie of women as Sichem some pride popularitie and vaine glory as Herod some gurmondy as the Glutton in the Gospell some the increase of riches and reuenewes as the rich man mentioned by Christ and common vsurers some through the force of their vnresistable affection to haue their lust of Women being preuented haue not only become distracted and crased in their braines but pricked on by the instigation of Sathan haue been their owne hangmen and executioners vnfit to name any though many such haue beene of late memory Nay some which is strange to consider both men and women haue fallen so farre in loue with the beautie and feature of their owne Persons as they haue diued so deepe into conceit of their owne excellencie as hath carryed them to more frensie wherein many haue beene knowne to haue perished desperately Some againe are partiall in their affections towards their children seeming to affect one intirely and to disrespect another meerely wherein there may bee cause in regard of Vertue or Vice but if it proceed onely of carnall respects it is reprouable Jsaac loued Esau more than hee loued Iacob Ioseph affected Manasses aboue Ephraim Abraham affected his sonne Jsmael so intirely as hee would haue preferred him before his promised seed Isaac O that Ismael might liue in thy sight Thus doth blind affection often incounter the light euen of diuine reason And yet wee see strongest carnall affections variable what a man affecteth to day he loatheth tomorrow what he tenderly embraceth now hee reiecteth within a while The affection of Ammon towards his sister Thamer was most hot and
violent And yet when his filthy lust was fulfilled hee hated her far more than he seemed to loue her before It is the nature of the corrupt affections of the heart to alter and turne as the wind How many proud men and women haue wee seene obserued or heard off that haue set their affections so egerly vpon new fashions garments women especially who haue beene striken either by the suggestions of Sathan laying their pride before the eyes of their weak consciences to driue them to dispaire or in the mercie of God who hath called them to reformation haue to day worne their proudest attire and that in great conceited glorie that the next day haue espec●ally cast them all into the fire and consumed them The like change alteration of affectiōs falleth out often between dearest affectionate friends sworne brothers but in euil of whom one hath beene the butcher of the other How dearely doe many times men and their wiues affect one the other one seemeth the better to see the other their loues seeme so mutually intire as there were no possibility that euer a word should passe amisse or in displeasure betweene them and yet within a while they haue falne together like wool-cards tongues fists and nailes haue walked wher● before sweetest words seemed not sweet enough The like inconstancy may bee obserued daily amongst our selues in men so hot in religion and following the word as they seeme to affect nothing else and sorrow much if they heare but one Sermon in a day were it possible they would heare tenne such appearance hath their zeale yet when the world offers them some extraordinary commodity or aduancement they will with Demas relinquish Pauls preaching and embrace the world The seede of the word sowne in their hearts fals among thornes that choke it There is no affection truely constant that hath its beginning from any of the outward senses because their obiects bee in themselues inconstant What sees the eye What heares the eare What pleaseth the taste What outward thing affects the mind But things vanishing and variable And therefore as the obiect beginnes to alter so doth the affection But he that affecteth Christ he that aboue all things truely desireth the sincere milke of the Word Hee that thinkes nothing so deare nothing so pretious nothing so delightfull nothing so commodious as the assurance of his glory to come Hee will affect nothing in comparison of it Hee will disaffect Father Mother Wife Children Lands and Life it selfe in regard of it On this he thinks and meditates day and night here is his treasury and vpon it hee sets his whole affection Hee longeth to enioy it as a bride her bridegroome He neuer thinkes his affection perfect enough hee striues by hearing reading meditating on the Word to inflame his affection more and more and stands in continuall feare lest some inferiour delight should worke the least extenuation of it And therefore when he findeth any thing delighting any of his outward senses hee presently suspects it checks it and casts it off as an infected garment knowing that as long as that hangs about him it presseth down his deare affection of things aboue namely of Christ the anchor and finisher of his faith to vnprofitable things below The heart thus affected is euen here rauished as it were with the loue of Heauen heauenly thing● reiecting all transitory vanities The purchase of lands the triall of Oxen nor the marrying of a wife shall not hinder or diminish this his heauenly affection What may bee the reason then why most men affect the inferiour fickle and vanishing things that leade to destruction and seeke not nor delight in heauenly the end whereof is glory Surely no other reason but that which lead Eue to affect the Apple because it was faire and beautifull to her eye and pleasing to her taste which made her quite forget the happy estate wherin she was before she tasted it The hearts of carnall men are carryed away and moued for want of the knowledge of the Word of Grace to affect as Eue did things faire to the eye sweet to the taste pleasing to the ●are and profitable to the purse and all but for vaine-glory among worldly men which maketh them to forget not only what they were but which is more dangerous what they shall bee and yet rather than they will giue ouer these worldly trifles yea in respect of good things indeed which are heauenly being more base than dung they will aduenture the losse of heauen and run headlong to hell Some may say if it be not lawfull for men here to affect earthy things but to the indangering of the losse of heaven mens cases are hard It is not denyed but as it is permitted to men to enioy the necessary vse of many earthly things so it is lawfull also moderately to affect one pleasing or profitable thing aboue or before another prouided that they carry not the whole heart with them as the word affection may import which belongeth onely to GOD whom we ought to loue with our whole hearts which is that uttermost extent of affection due to none in the highest degree but to God and his Christ. What profit canst thou reape by thy so louing and affecting things here below which aboue all other ought to bee thy wife that lyeth in thy bosome thy children who are of thine owne flesh and blood thy neighbours as thou art commanded and thy fellow members of Christ These are thy neerest and dearest yet ought not these so farre possesse thy heart as if thou lose any of them thou shouldest grudge at him that gaue them as many weake men and women doe as though their children husband or wife were given either to other in perpetuity And when they dye to shew their affection through immoderate griefe and sorrow to bee more strongly knit vnto these mortall creatures that are not theirs but lent them then to God himselfe This is no vertue but a vice of the heart neither can it be truely called naturall affection though it proceed of nature not of grace for euen naturall affection ought to haue this limitation namely to extend no further than natural life for when the life of him wee doe affect is ended naturall affection should cease Dauid no doubt did intirely affect his son whom he had by Barsheba and shewed the same affection towards him while he was sicke and aliue but as soone as the childe was dead he cast off his affection and sorrow and left mourning for him that he so intirely loued when he was aliue Such affections therefore as are set vpon the transitory and uncertaine things of this life may bee truely termed foolish if they passe the bounds of diuine reason for they onely savour of the corruption of nature and cannot returne any sollid comfort to the heart of the affectionate Where affection is grounded onely vpon carnall opinion without true and illuminate judgement it is like fire
in flaxe soone inkindled and soone extinct soone hot and as soone cold And no other foundation haue those affections that are set vpon carnall and vanishing things A man may as is often obserued affect and hate as it were in one breath things variable and interchangeable for as all naturall things are inconstant so is mans heart Saul seemed so highly to affect Dauid as he was content to giue him his daughter in marriage yet how soone was his loue turned to deadly hatred It was not grounded vpon that loue that proceeds from the Spirit of God But Ionathans loue and affection to Dauid was grounded vpon a more diuine and setled opinion hee saw that God was with Dauid And vpon this ground whosoeuer foundeth his affection towards any man namely as hee findes him to be a man beloued of God his affection is approued of God O that wee could rectifie our loue in this point and learne to affect the best things and not to set our affections on things of the world which when wee haue them they steed vs nothing beyond necessity how superfluous soeuer they bee And when wee seeme to haue them in best assurance either they leaue us before the time or wee must leaue them in time Let us make choice therefore as Mary did of the better part namely to affect things permanent which are aboue and they most excellent Then need wee not to feare bee wee poore or rich high or low noble or base wee shall be able to set our houses both domestick of our soules in such compleate order as shall witnesse our godly care in our liues when wee are dead A preparatiue to Prayer LEt the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be now and alwayes acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my redeemer Let my prayer come before thee as Incense and let the lifting vp of my hands be as an Euening sacrifice like a morning obligation a sweet smelling sauour in thy nostrils Heare my prayers and answer me graciously for Iesus Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for Sunday Morning O Lord God Almighty euer-liuing and euer-louing Father in thy well-beloued sonne Iesus Christ who art father of all and rich vnto all that call vpon thy name in truth and sincerity to thee I call and cry together with thy forme and holy spirit three distinct persons in the vnity of essence who hauing made all things of nothing sustainest them in thy good prouidence by the word of thy power that thy name by all men and by all meanes might bee glorified Lord I acknowledge this day to be thine as consecrated and set a part for thy worship and service and to be obserued not only as a holy day but a glorious day vnto thee wherein I ought to pay my vowes vnto thee present my person and my prayers before thee heare thy word and meditate vpon the same to thy glory and mine owne good To this end remoue farre from me all wandring thoughts and worldly affections and worke in me a desire of studying thy Law and of walking in the truth that thy word may not bee vnto mee the sauour of death vnto death but of life vnto life I present not these my supplications trusting to my owne righteousnesse but in thy manifold mercies grant me therefore I beseech thee gratious audience and mercifull accepta●ce euen for my redeemers and sanctifiers sake And as duty obligeth mee principally and aboue all other things and primarily in the first place and before all other things I extoll thine infinite goodnesse together with thine eternall wisdome and truth that thou hast protected mee all this night past and made me to rest and sleepe so quietly vnder the shadow of thy wings And I beseech thee from the bottome of mine heart to protect me this day with thy mighty hand from all dangers both of body and soule giue thine holy Angels charge ouer mee to guide me in all my waies to keepe mee from euils both bodily and ghostly that keeping my faith and a good conscience I may haue thy witnesse and testimony within my selfe that thou hast not ordained me to wrath but to obtain eternall life and saluation To this end remoue farre from me the offences of this present euill world mortify and kill in me the concupiscense of the flesh crucifie all carnall lusts and affections that vice being supplanted vertue and grace may bee established liue and grow in mee Let not since haue dominion ouer mee reigne and beare rule in my mortall body to ouer-sway my soule and incline it unto euills but let thy loue possesse my soule that grace may incite and stirre vp the same vnto all holy duties which may be soe pleasing vnto thy maiesty as may procure thy fauourable kindnesse blessing and protection Giue mee a contrite heart to bewayle my former life and let mee finde comfort in thy mercy for the remission of my sinnes Sanctifie me O blessed and holy trinity this holy day with thine especiall grace that I may honour thee as a Creator loue thee as a redeemer and expect thee as a Sauiour that I may haue a modest carriage in my behauiour true deuotion in my prayers and reuerent attention in thy presence to heare thy word Vnlocke the cares of my body that I may heare those things which thou shalt teach me that hearing I may vnderstand them vnderstanding I may remember them remembring I may practice them to adorne that profession which I haue made in thy name and confirme mee in the faith of thy sonne Iesus Christ whereto I was baptized Raise mee O Father by the power of my sauiours resurrection from sinne and iniquity and giue me spirituall rest peace of conscience ioy in the holy ghost and fellowship in the communion of Saints that when I shall leaue this world I may keepe an euerlasting Sabbath with thee in the kingdome of heauen Behold O Lord I knock at the dore of thy mercy withall the power of my soule and strength of my minde for all these graces and fauours beseeching thee to continue vnto mee the right vse of the same that thy spirit may witnesse vnto my spirit that I am thy sonne and shall bee heire of thy kingdome of glory and that I may be partaker of the inheritance with thy Saints in light where are pleasures that last for euermore Grant this O Father for Iesus Christ his sake Amen A Prayer for Sunday Noone O Lord my God great in maiesty and infinite in mercy wonderfull in thy goodnesse vnto thy Church and children who hast commanded mee to make prayers and supplications for those that shall enter into the ministery and stand before thee to waite at thine Altar the har●est being great and the painefull and conscionable labourers but few I beseech thee that thou wouldest bee pleased to send able ministers into thy Church and set such ouer particular congregati●ns as like Iohn the Baptist may
graces of thy Spirit that appearing in thine Image thou mayst know mee and acknowledge me for thine owne-Lord heare my prayers and let my praises be acceptable in thine eyes For vnto thee O Lord vpon the altar of mine heart doe I offer vp all possible praise and thanksgiuing for all thy blessings both spirituall and temporall heauenly and earthly in great abundance cōfer●ed vpon mee and aboue all for Iesus Christ the fountaine of them all by whom I haue redemption through his bloud and accesse through his life I thanke thee likewise for the sweet influence of thy gracious well guiding holy Spirit for the manifestation of thy selfe and sacred will by thy word read and preached for the confirmation and strengthening of my faith by those sacred signes and pledges of thy loue which thou exhibitest and giuest to mee and vnto euery beleeuing soule in the Sacraments I thanke thee for my life liberty food and rayment health wealth peace and plenty which thou in much mercy hast afforded vnto me from time to time for keeping mee now and euer from sudden death and sundry dangers whereinto I might haue fallen by reason of my manifold sinnes And I beseech thee to continue this thy prouidence ouer me and mine and thy whole church as thou hast hitherto beene a S●nne to comfort me so bee thou now a shield to protect me keepe me in soule and body goods and good name vouchsafe mee this night peace vnto my soule rest and quietnesse to my body that therein being refreshed I may bee cheared vp in my minde and made the more prompt and ready to doe thee laudable seruice the day following and all the dayes of my life and that for Christ Iesus sake the Sonne of thy loue Amen Tuesday A Morning Prayer MOst gracious God and mercifull Father thou that art glorious in power and holinesse I thy poore and miserable creature being but dust and ashes doe here humbly present my selfe soule and body before the throne of thy maiesty confessing and acknowledging from the bottome of my heart that I am a most vile sinner conceiued in sinne and borne in iniquity and am by nature backward vnto that which is good and prone vnto all manner of euill By meanes of this origina●l corruption drawne from the loynes of my first parents mine vnderstanding is full of all blindnesse and darkenesse my memory of forgetfulnesse my will of perversnesse mine affections of disorderlinesse my heart of hardnesse yea there is within mee a distemperature of all parts so that from the crowne of the head vnto the soule of the foote there is no soundnesse within mee wash me throughly from mine iniquity and cleanse mee from my sinnes enrich my barren heart with the sanctifying graces of thy spirit that growing in knowledge fructifying in faith loue charity and abounding with all other holy vertues and heauenly qualities I may be washed iustified and sanctified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the Spirit of my God and haue the witnes and euidence within my selfe that there remaineth no condemnation to me being in Christ Iesus walking not after the flesh but after the Spirit Lord I confesse I am vtterly lost and haue no hope of saluation left vnto me having walked after the vanity of my mind and liued in al lust lewdnes riot reuelling vncleannes sinfulnes so that if thou shouldest be extreame to marke what is done amisse O Lord who may abide it Enter not therefore into Iudgement with 〈◊〉 seruant for in thy sight shall no flesh liuing bee iustistified Though my sinnes haue magnified themselues in infinite length breadth depth and height yet let thy mercy which passeth all vnderstanding farre exceed them And howsoeuer by reason of my sinnes I haue iustly deserued to be not only depriued of thy blessings but for euer deserted forsaken yet for his sake in whom thou art well pleased cast me not away from thy presence of grace here or glory hereafter but by the one lead me to the other by holinesse bring me to happinesse Behold O Lord how I am thy seruant and the sonne of thy hand-maid O grant mee grace that I may liue with thee for euer Thou hast redeemed me oh let me not fall into captiuity and bondage vnto sin and Satan because I weare thy cognizance liuery but so confirme and strengthen me that both in life and death I may continue thine that I may neuer draw back vnto perdition or forsake thee the euer-liuing God or renounce my Christ who hath the words of eternall life yea who is the Way the Truth and the Life but that both in prosperity and aduersity abiding by thee I may liue in thy feare dye in thy fauour rest in thy peace rise in thy power and raigne with thee in thy glory Amen Tuesday An Euening Prayer O Lord God euerlasting and full of pitty I am a sinner yet thy seruant not hauing transgressed through wickednes but much weaknesse and infirmity spare me therefore good Lord according to thy usuall dealing with those which in prayer haue had recourse vnto thee and according to thine old vnchangeable nature of thy kindnesse and long suffering Thou mightest haue taken me away in my sinnes but thou hast giuen me space of amendment and grace to returne vnto thee to seeke thee whilst thou maist be found and call vpon thee whilst thou art neare O Lord be not farre from me but draw neere vnto my soule make haste to deliuer me and helpe me Nay Lord thou art euer with and neuer failest those who seeke after thee and call vpon thee with words of deuotion and contrition to such thou art a present helpe in trouble their shield and buckler their rocke and strong hold their castle and fortresse the horne also of their saluation Instantly doe I knocke at the gate of thy mercy Lord open vnto me and receiue me to thy protection this night as thou hast safe-garded and guided me this day past so keepe me now and euer because I trust in thee Lord preserue mee in health wealth and godlinesse if it be thy gracious pleasure vo●chsafe mee peace of conscience and ioy in the holy Ghost guide me here by thy counsell and after that receiue me to glory And now seeing thou hast brought the night vpon mee wherein thou hast ordained man to take his rest keepe me O Lord as the apple of thine eye saue and defend mee from all annoyances fond dreames strong fantasies and delusions Cause thine Angels to pitch their tents round about mee and keepe watch ouer my soule and body that I may not if it bee possible sinne in either word or deede but may persist and goe forward in mine innocency and integrity vntill the appearing of my Lord and Sauiour vnto iudgement Good Lord deliuer mee from suddaine death feares and affrightments casualties by fire water or tempestuous weather disturbance by theeues or any other danger whatsoeuer Let my lying downe
practising it conscionably they may at thy hands through Christ Iesus obtaine the remission of their sins past and receiue from thy diuine Maiesty confirming and comforting grace for the time to come power to preseuer and continue thy seruants vnto their dying daies Giue them light instead of darkenesse peace for trouble and eternall happinesse instead of worldly felicitie that tasting the sweetnesse of celestiall comfort they may despise terrestriall and after this life ended in ioy inioy the perfect ioyes of eternall glory through Iesus Christ my Lord and blessed Sauiour Amen A Prayer after the Word heard O Gracious Lord of thy bountifull goodnesse thou hast through thy Sonne Iesus Christ sent for my learning and vnspeakeable comfort thy word of truth the Gospell which none can learne but by hearing and none can heare but by preaching and none can preach except they be sent I humbly beseech thee therefore to giue me thy grace that as I haue heard thy word at this time by thy minister and messenger so I and all that haue heard may know and vnderstand the same retaine and practice it according to thy heauenly will that I may thereby grow in knowledge increase in grace and bee a liuely instrument of thy glory vnto my liues end Amen A short prayer for willingnesse to dye and a preparation vnto Death O God in whose hands consisteth the life of all mankind for thy Sonne Iesus Christ his sake vouchsafe to giue me grace to set before mine eyes as a most certaine marke whereto this fraile body of mine must tend by death this being to the faithfull the end of paine and the beginning of pleasure but to the secure and gracelesse the ending of temporall blisse and felicity and the in-let or entrance vnto eternall torments weeping wayling and gnashing of teeth Giue mee therefore good Lord an earnest desire of seruing thee and leading my life agreeable to thy will that whensoeuer it shall please thee to call for me by death I be not through feare stricken with any horror of damnation and doubt of saluation that at my last gaspe I may neuer cast away my confidence nor my hope of reioycing but through a liuely faith in Iesus Christ I may rest vpon him the corner stone and sure rocke of my saluation and so depart this life in peace and in a ioyfull expectation of a blessed resurrection and be content to lay downe this mortality of mine to receiue it in the day of Christ a spirituall and glorified body that then being euer with my Lord I may with all thy saints sing a continuall Alleluiah to the praise and glory of my redeemer and Sauiour Amen A short prayer for competency of maintenance O Lord my God the maker and preseruer of Angels men and all creatures infinite in thy power and wonderfull in thy loue vnto all the sonnes of men Thou hast promised neuer to faile those that attend and depend vpon thee Thou openest thine hands and fillest all things liuing with plenteousnesse neuer suffering any of thine to perish for want that carefully seeke reliefe and comfort from the disposition of thy most gracious bounty and beneficent goodnesse suffer mee not to want necessaries for this present life nor those things without the which I cannot comfortably serue thee in the duties of christian calling enable me to liue without distracting cares to this end blesse my labours and endeauours that I may haue sufficient for me and mine and not be chargable vnto any but rather able to doe good vnto others that may stand in need of refreshing from me Giue mee neither pouerty nor riches feed me with food conuenient for me lest I be full and deny thee and say who is the Lord or lest I be poore and steale and take the name of my God in vaine Afford me that portion of temporall blessings health wealth maintenance as thou in thy wisdome shalt think conuenient and behoofefull for me not so much for delectation and satisfying of the flesh with the concupiscences thereof as for sustentation of this mortall life of mine and consolation of my heart and spirits and making of them more ioyous and chearefull in thy worship and seruice Let neither ouermuch pouerty oppresse mee that I be driuen to vse meanes contrary to thy Law nor too great a saturity fulnesse and plenty so p●ste me vp that I forget the goodnesse of thee my God or fall into any the least riotous excesse as if thou hadest hired mee by thine abundant blessing to grow the more wanton and vicious O God as thou art of ability and power so thou art willing to succour such as bee in want to relieue the oppressed to comfort the afflicted to raise the lowly and to aid the needy and therefore sweet Lord I humbly craue thy fauourable assistance towards me to blesse my store and replenish my basket with thy blessings that I may be able to liue in thy Faith Feare and Loue and out of the depth of misery and danger of all men through Iesus Christ Amen A short prayer to vse wealth as we ought O God almighty the giuer of all good things thou art my stay my comfort and only guide direct me I pray thee to imploy that talent which thou hast bestowd upon me for the aduantage and aduancement of thine owne glory Lord thou hast beene abundantly gracious and bountifull vnto me and hast blest my store and increase with wealth insomuch that I haue not only that which sufficeth mine owne necessity but haue also sufficient to releeue others in time of their neede Giue mee therefore a will to disperse a broad and giue vnto the poore according to the aboundance of my wealth to feede the hungry to clothe the naked and minister vnto thy distressed Saints that I may not liue vnto my selfe but for the helpe of all those that want my furtherance that I may lay vp in store a good foundation against the time to come and bee found of thee in peace inioying life and saluation through Iesus Christ Amen A prayer for a woman with childe O Mercifull God and omnipotent Father and creator of all things who in the beginning diddest place mankind in most unspeakeable happinesse where they should haue continued had not our first parents broke thy diuine precept and charge giuen them in paradise and thereby procured most iustly thy wrath and indignation against themselues and their posterity for euer so that the earth for their sakes was accursed denying things necessary for their vse without great labour paines and industry And vnto vs the daughters of Eue for our transgression thou hast adiudged most grieuous paines and torments of body in the trauaile of child-birth saying that in sorrow and great paines we shall bring forth our fruit A heauy sentence thou knowest it is O Lord and we feele it to take sharpe effect in vs but sweet Lord for as much as thou art mercifull bringest all things to passe
Iesu my sins originall and actuall of weaknes wickednesse haue deserued thy wrath and frowning ire yea that thou shouldest with-hold the eye of thy grace far from me and punish me with everlasting destruction from the presence of thy glory Yet Lord seeing thou hast shed thy blood for me O Lord I beseech thee to wash away all my sinnes in the streames that issued from thy precious wounds As thou hast loued mee in laying downe thy life for me and hast left vnto thy Church this holy Sacrament as a pledge and assurance that through thy death all that truely partake of this sacred and heauenly institution apprehending the mysteries therein contained and applying the merits of Christ Iesus crucified they may haue comfort and peace in beleeuing those mercifull promises which thou hast made vnto vs in thy Word and bee partakers of the benefits of thy Sonnes Passion and haue fruition of thy sauing vertue here and life and glory hereafter Accept mee good Lord in Iesus Christ as washed iustified and sanctified and by thy Spirit O my God cleanse and purifie my heart daily more and more sanctifie mine affections and enlarge my heart for holy and heauenly things that mortifying the deeds of the flesh I may grow and increase in grace perfecting my holinesse in the feare of God At this time I intreat thee of thy gracious goodnesse O most holy and heauenly Father by thy Spirit of confirmation to helpe and strengthen me against my weakenesse and grant that through a stedfast lively and constant faith I may receiue and eate this sanctified bread and hallowed Cup or blessed drinke in a holy and reuerend remembrance that thy body O Lord Iesus was crucified and thy blood was shed for the remission of my sinnes and grant that it may so effectually worke in my soule that I may ever hereafter liue in all holy obedience according to thy heauenly will through Iesus Christ my Lord and onely Sauiour Amen At the receiuing of the Bread say thus O Sweet Iesus as thou hast giuen thy flesh to bee the bread of eternall saluation so vouchsafe to worke in mee by a liuely faith that I receiuing the same may euermore continue in thee and thou in me Amen At the receiuing of the Cup say thus O Lord vouchsafe that as thy bloud was shed to wash mee a sinner from the corruption of old Adam so grant that it may through a liuely faith take effect in me washing me from the filth of Sinne and renue in me the fruits of righteousnesse that I may become a fitte member of thine liue in thee and dye in thee Amen A prayer after the receiuing of the most holy Communion of the body and bloud of Christ. O God Father euerlasting great and glorious I thy poore and vnworthy Creature being not able to yeeld thee thanks sufficiently praise the for thine vnspeakeable fauour and louing kindnesses in feeding mee at this time with the spirituall foode of the body and bloud of thy Sonne Iesus Christ whom thou vouchsafest to send for our redemption into this miserable world and to giue him euen vnto the death for me In remembrance whereof he hath willed me to eate his body and drinke his bloud to the end that by Faith I should bee knit and vnited vnto him and made a liuely member of his mysticall body and being washed from all my sinnes in his bloud I should leade a new life in all obedience holinesse and righteousnesse Vouchsafe I humbly intreate thee for his sake to indue me with thy holy Spirit whereby hereafter casting away the workes of darkenesse I may walke in the true light of thy holy Spirit and euer remaine in the number of thy holy and elect children waiting faithfully when hee shall come againe for my deliuerance out of this mortall life and whilest I liue here vouchsafe me an vnfained desire to pertake of that his holy Institution and through thy holy Spirit to leade my life according to thy holy will in all things keeping my body and soule vnspotted and vndefiled as fit receptacles of so heauenly food that my soule may bee pertaker of the misteries thereof by faith in Iesus Christ. Amen A prayer to be vsed by the tempted against the assaults of Satans temptations MOst gracious mercifull and louing Father which exercisest thy children with sundry and manifold trialls temptations and tribulations leauing hem vnto themselues as thou d●d●st Hezekiah to the end hee might discouer and see in himselfe his owne vaine-glory imbecility and much frailty Some like Peter thou exposest to the boisterous windes of Satan winnowings and others like Paul to the blowes of the aduersaries vehement buffetings Thine owne and only Sonne thou diddest not exempt from Satans sharpest and stoutest trials when thou diddest conduct him into the wildernesse to bee tempted of the devill If thou O Lord leade me in like manner to be tried and tempted suffer me not at any time to be ouercome hold thou me vp by thy mighty hand and power animate me by the presence of thy Spirit and holy Angels and let thy grace be euer sufficient for mee that I may giue mine aduersary the foile and in the end get the victory In his departure from me for a season let not Satan bee aduantaged or get strength but detect his policies discouer his subtilties vnto me and defeate his doings and dealings which are against m● To this end worke such wisdome in me as may make me to foresee his stratagems such vigilancy as that I may beware his pitfalls which hee prepareth for our soules destruction Let no temptation take me but such as is common to man In thy faithfulnesse O Father try me not aboue my strength and ability but with the temptation make a way to escape that I may be able to beare it Let me neuer yeeld to the devilish motions of Satan suggesting vnto me death or desperation but grant me patience to expect the howre of my departure my soules separation and the dissolution of my body and deliuerance from the misery of this wretched world My trouble let it be without distresse my perplexity without despaire my persecution without forsaking my casting downe without destruction If teare befall me in thy good time wipe them from mine eyes preserue them in thy bottle make them precious in thy sight and my selfe with thee Leauing mee for a little while draw nigh againe vnto me in great compassion and gather me vnto thy selfe that I may euer reioyce in thee and with thee Couer my head in the daies of my spirituall conflicts let thy loue be my bannor thy faithfulnesse and truth my shield and buckler Give mee faith and a sure confidence in thee make me perfectly to trust in thy grace looking for Iustification and saluation through thy mercy and my blessed Sauiours merits Let not any kinde of triall bee irkesome and grieuous vnto me but giue me a right iudgement as in all other things so
may be prepared like wise virgins with oyle in our lamps to meet the sweet bride-groome of our soules whether at the day of our death or Iudgement These and all other graces which for blindnesse we cannot and for our vnworthynesse we dare not aske we beseech thee to giue vnto vs for the worthinesse of thy deare Sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Our Father c. An Euening Prayer for a Family O God the God of the spirits of all flesh the high and lofty one that inhabitest eternity who hast made the earth by thy power established the world by thy wisdome and stretched out the heauens by thy discretion the Father of eternity and fountaine of mercy the giuer of all good things the forgiuer of all sinnes and the comforter of all such as fly vnto thee Seeing we are here present before thee be thou present with vs and president in vs and appealing from the seate of thy iustice to the throne of thy mercy we pray thee giue vs a sense of our owne miseries and an assurance of thy mercies that we may not be daunted with ouermuch feare but confident of thy goodnesse may with ioy appeare in thy presence in an humble acknowledgement of our sins To this end we conf●sse that we haue sinned against heauen and before thee and are no more worthy to be called thy children for we haue transgressed thy holy lawes and commandements not only by our thoughts and words but by our deeds and continuall actions our iniquities are more then the haires of our heads and doe make vs seeme vile in our owne eies how much more in thy sight Lord vnto thee doe wee confesse our sinnes O grant vs pardon and absolution for the same open vnto vs penitents that euer streaming fountaine of thy Sonnes bloud that my sinnes being bathed therein we may appeare without blemish in thy fight by his death mortifie our sinfull corruptions hide them in his wounds and bury them in his graue that they may neither rise in this life to shame vs nor in the world to come to condemne vs. Giue vs thy holy Spirit let him purge our consciences heale our corruptions illuminate our vnderstandings confirme our memories consecrate our soules and bodies that they may be the temples of the holy Ghost to dwell in Bee mercifull to thy Church enlarge the borders thereof Blesse our gracious Soueraigne Lord King Charles with long life and abundance of grace here and his royall consort Queene Mary with a zealous and religious affection that she may follow after that which will bring her to euerlasting ioy and peace hereafter Bee with our hopefull Prince Charles and the Lady Mary put thy feare into their hearts that they may neuer depart from thee Prosper the most illustrious Princesse the Lady Elizabeth with her hopefull issue Blesse the Nobility Gentry Ministry Magistracy and Commonalty our kind folkes in the flesh and friends in the Spirit Protect all those that stand vp for thy truth but as for thy foes let them be ashamed and confounded And now seeing thou hast brought the night vpon vs wherein thou hadst ordayned man to take his rest we humbly beseech thee who art the keeper of thy Israell who neuer slumbrest nor sleepest to watch ouer vs by thy good prouidence Cause thine holy Angels to pitch their tents round about vs that being freed from the terrors of the night and refreshed with moderate rest and sleepe we may the better be inabled to praise thy name and to walke before thee in all good workes and holinesse of conuersation all the daies of our liues Let our bed O Lord put vs in minde of our graue and our rising from thence of our resurrection that whether we wake or sleepe we may be alwayes thine And knowing that thy name O Lord is a strong towre of defence wee here commend our selues this night vnto thy most holy protection If it be thy will to call for any of vs in our sleepe O Lord for Christ his sake haue mercy vpon vs and receiue our soules into thy most blessed kingdome but if it be thy heauenly pleasure to adde more daies unto our liues adde more amendment vnto our dayes that liuing we may liue in thy feare and dying may dye in thy fauour and in the end raigne with thee in Glory Amen A forme of Thanksgiuing WEE blesse and magnifie thy great and glorious name for all thy mercies both spirituall and temporall concerning this life and that which is to come for our creation after thine Image redemption by thy Sonne sanctifitation by thy Spirit for our preseruation by thy prouidence for our life health wealth peace and prosperity for sparing vs so long and gi●ing vs so large a time of repentance for deliuering our King and state from that horrible plot of the gunne-powder treason we thanke thee for that thou hast giuen vs thy messengers to be admonishers thy word to bee our instructor thy Spirit to bee our counsellour our God and guide to leade vs into all truth Blessed bee God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ the Father of merci●s and God of all consolation who when we were sometimes alienes and enemies in our mindes by wicked works and were by nature the children of wrath as well as others out of his rich mercy for the great loue where with he loued vs euen when wee were dead in trespasses and sins and the vncircumcision of our flesh hath quickned vs together with Christ hauing forgiuen vs all our trespasses blotting out the hand writing of ordinances that was against vs taking it out of the way nailing it vnto the Crosse. Wee thanke and praise thy glorious Name for blessing vs with all spirituall blessings in heauenly places in Christ for deliuering vs from the power of darkenesse and translating vs into the kingdome of thy deare Sonne making vs meet to bee pertakers of the inheritance with thy Saints in light Thy hands haue made and fashioned vs. Thou hast deliuered our soules from death our eyes from teares and our feete from falling Thou hast deliuered vs from dangers extended peace vnto vs like a riuer and prosperity like a flowing streame we drinke waters out of our own wels Thou hast strengthned the bars of our gates and blessed our children within vs. Thou hast giuen vs bread to eate and raiment to put on yea our bread like Ashurs is fat and we haue pleasures which euen kings doe want Thou hast not dealt so with any nation oh that men would therefore praise the Lord for his goodnesse and declare the wonders that he hath done for the children of men Wherefore blessing honour glory and power bee vnto him that sitteth vpon the throne and vnto the lambe for euer and euer Amen A Collect for the Day LOrd blesse vs and make thy face to shine vpon vs keepe vs from sinne and Satan and from sickenesse and sorrow shame and seruitude losse of goods and good
names or of ought more neere and deare vnto vs if it may stand with thy good pleasure preserue vs euermore in thy faith and holy feare guide vs constantly by thy counsaile and after that receiue vs to glory A Collect for the Night O Lord our God which art the keeper of Israell which neuer slumbrest nor sleepest into thy hands O Father we commend our spirits for thou hast redeemed vs. O thou God of truth Into thy most mercifull tuition and gracious preseruation doe we commend our selues our soules and bodies our kinsfolkes in the flesh and friends in the spirit our goods our good names all ours and all that call vpon thy name from this time forth and foreuermore Amen Lord we pray thee be thou present with them and vs and about our beds vnto our liues end· Let not our fantasies bee troubled with vaine imaginations nor the dreames and visions of our heads like Nebuchadnezzars make vs afraid But giue vs quiet and comfortable rest that our soules being cheered vp our bodies refreshed 〈◊〉 may when we awake laud and ●●aise thee and goe and pray vnto thee and ioyfully set our selves about the businesse of the next day and performe the duties of our particular callings Let our whole life be a seruing and glorifying of thee that we may liue in thy feare die in thy fauour and rest from all our labours and be blessed with thy glorious vision inioying the presence of our blessed Sauiour and the comfort of thy holy Spirit and the communion of thy most holy Saints and Angels that we together with them may ascribe vnto thee the glory of our redemption from sinne Satan hell and death and the Deuill world without end Amen A Grace before mea●● O God who art the giu●r of euery good and perfect gift sanctifie wee beseech thee these thy Creatures now prepared for vs make them wholesome for our bodies and our soules and bodies seruiceable unto thee for them through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen A Grace after meate THe Lords most holy Name be now and euer blessed and praised for all his mercies and for his blessings at this time bestowed vpon vs Lord as thou hast fed our bodies with corporall food so feed our soules likewise with spirituall food vnto life eternall Saue thy Church the Kings maiesty Queene Princes and the Realmes prosper the word blesse thine ordinances vnto vs increase our faith send vs grace and truth prosperity peace with life euerlasting Amen A Grace before meat MErcifull Father which openest thy hands and fillest all things liuing with plenteousnesse we pray thee sanctifie these thy good creatures vnto vs that we may eat to liue and ●iuing serue thee our Lord God through thine only Son our Sauiour Iesus Christ. Amen A Grace after meat THe God of all grace and goodnesse who at this time hath fed and plenteously refreshed vs his most holy name be blessed and praised from this time forth and for euermore Amen A Grace before meat O Lord our God by whose prouidence it is that we liue moue and haue our being send thy blessing vpon vs and our meats and grant that whether we eat or drinke or whatsoeuer else we doe we may doe all to the glory of thy name through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Grace before meat WEE laud and praise thy Name for al thy blessings and fauours and for feeding vs so plentifully at this time desiring thee of thy grace that our thankefulnes may not be in word and in tongue but expressed by our carefull study to glorifie thee our God in al our words and works through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen FINIS