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A08218 Epistolæ HN. The principall epistles of HN, which he hath set-foorth through the holy Spirit of Loue and written and sent them most-cheefly; vnto the Louers of ye trueth and his acquaintance. And are by him newly perused, and more-playnly declared. Translated out of Base-Almaine.; Epistolæ HN. English Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579, attributed name. 1575 (1575) STC 18552; ESTC S112767 230,883 445

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the holy and godly Knowledg / and so shall feele and s 1. Pet. 2. a taste liueingly in the Spirit / the mostholy Beeing of the supreame God The VI. Chap. MOrouer ⁏ my Beloued Forasmuch as thou doest now desyre to knowe som larger Instruction at our hands / then thatt which we haue alredy spoken vnto thee / to th end thou mayest com to the simple Trueth and so to be partaker of the a 2. Pet ▪ 1. a. godly Beeing / Therfore do not I desyre also to withholde thesame from thee but to figure it foorth vnto thee in Wryting / according to the Gift of the Grace of God / which is chaunced vnto Mee out of his Light of Lyfe and which is profitable vnto thee to Edification For-that-cause beholde and consider and giue eare b Pro. 4. to the holy Vnderstanding 2. First-of-al / submitt thyself to the outflowed gracious Woord of the Lorde wherby to enter obediently into the Requyring of his Seruice of Loue and so in thy Obeying of the Requyring of thesame Woord and Seruice / take-heede to the Wisdom of the Woord / c Iam. 1. c in the Meeknes of the Loue / in thy Spirit and Mynde For thesame Wisdom / in the Meeknes of the Loue / is much humbler / then all Knowledg of the Good and Euell / much better / d Psal. 19 b Pro. 3. b ● b Sap. 7. a then all Golde and Siluer / and much-more of value / then all precious Stones Whosoeuer fyndeth her / he hath a costly Treasure For the Wisdom in the Meeknes of the Loue / is the principall and euerlasting Good and excelleth it all 3. This Wisdom ⁏ seing it is of God e Sap. 7· c Iam. 3. b. is also 〈◊〉 ▪ courteous and freendly For it is the true Christ of God the liueing Woord of the Father and the euerlasting Lyfe 4. Beholde this is the Lyfe that was with God the Father / from the Begining f Gen 1 a. Psal 33. a Pro 8. c Sap. 1. b Iohn 1. a. thorough the which / God hath made all Things and without thesame / God hath made nothing / that is any-what 5. This Lyfe g Iohn 1. d. is for a Light of Men / to th end that the Man shoulde liue the Lyfe / that proceedeth h Rom. 6. a 1 Pet 4. a out of God And this Lyfe is in Vs i Iohn 1. a and we are made through thesame and grounded or sett ther-vppon / as vppon a liueing Woord k Esa. 40. b 1. Pet. 1. c that continueth for euer And to thesame Woord in his Seruice / we be all called and bidden / because that we shoulde euenso through his Seruice / beleeue theron 6. Thissame was in the Worlde also l Iohn 1. b Heb. 1. a and the Worlde was made by thesame but the Worlde knew it not 7. Thissame Woord or Lyfe / doth likewyse beare euery-thing / m Heb 1. a with the Beeing of his Power and maketh the n Ephe. 1. a. Cleansing of our Sinnes / through Himself 8. Beholde by thatsame hath o Gen. 1. ● God made all Things well / in the Begining and ther was nothing made in the Begining / of all that God had made / but it was all good And God did also beholde it all for good 9. And so from the Begining / ther was no euell nor d●mnable Thing / with the Lyfe that is of God and this Lyfe was vniforme ⁏ as one like Beeing p Gen 1. c Sap. 2. c Eccli 17. a with the Godhead And in Beholding it / ther was no Difference For it was in euery-poynt / godded with God and so in the Begining / ther was nothing-els but one God one Light and one Lyfe 10. Out of this Lyfe / did God bring-foorth the Memory or Vnderstanding q Gen. 1. b ● to be an Help to the Lyfe / to th end that euery-thing shoulde be handled and gouerned well and orderly / by the Memory or Vnderstanding· and by the Lyfe / wher-out God had brought the Memory Therfore did likewyse the Lyfe / inclyne to the Vnderstanding and cleaue vnto her for she was a Light / of his Light and a Lyfe / of his Lyfe Therfore was she also the Most-beawtyfull and the Most-delytfulone to the louely Lyfe 11. Thewhiles that this Vnderstanding / turned-not-out or fel-not-away from the Life but did alwayes stand-firme in the Lyfe / for r Gen. ● b ● an Help to the Lyfe / so was-ther Ioye and Peace with God and the Man and ther was no Diuision or Middle-wall / betwixt God and the Man neither had the Vnderstanding any other Knowledg / but that she liued to the Lyfe and stood obedient / to the Seruice and Welfare of the Lyfe and to the Rest and Peace of all Generations of the Earth 12. Beholde this was the former Kingdom of God / full of all pure Beawty / wherin God ⁏ before the Man fel-away from Him was knowen / as a s Iohn 1. b Lorde in his Glory and the t Math. 24. a Act. 1. a Setting-vp of thesame Kingdom agayne / those are the Promyses of God the Father namely to establish thesame / through his Loue and her Seruice / in the last tyme. 13. But when the Memory or Vnderstanding turned-away from the Lyfe taking-vpon-her to knowe somthing / that was not the Lyfe itself nor that stood grounded in the Lyfe neither-yet was for an Help vnto the Lyfe / Then did the Vnderstanding mingle herself with thatt which was nothing or which God had not made and thatt was the Euell / against the Good the Lye / agaynst the Trueth and the Death / against the Lyfe And thus did the Vnderstanding committ Adultry and she was inflamed with the knowing of somthing without the Lyfe And she became subiect to the Vanitee or Thatt which was nothing and then was the Transgression brought-to-pas and the Sinne was in-that-sort brought-forth / v Iohn 6. ● 17 2. Tess. 2. a as a lost Childe of the Deuill and of the Condemnation 14. Beholde euenthus was the Man captiued in his Memory or Vnderstanding / x Rom. 1. c. 2. Cor. 4 a. Ephe. 4. c. with a blynde Knowledg or with an Vnderstanding of the Darknesses which Darknesses are y Iohn 3. ● beloued of the Man· and taken-on for Couerings z Esa 25. a. 2. Cor. ● b. or Aperus to a Couering of the a Gen. 3. a. naked Cleernes of the manly Foorme / which God had created to be b Gen. 1.2 his Image and so ⁏ in the Taking-on of the Couerings God was nomore for a Light of Lyfe vnto the Man nor for a Delyte in his Paradise but for a Dryueing-out c Gen 3. from his Face 15. And now when the Man was estrainged from the Beholding of his God / then was the Lyfe also / nomore for a Light to the
is all to the Couering of his Craftynes and false Selfnes let it iustifye or cleere itself then / somuch as it will let it transforme his Countenance to be so woful-hearted / as it will let it sobb let it sigh or lament then / somuch as it will let it speake then so sweete or flatteringly / as it will let it testify then his Sight and Hearing / so perfectly as it will let it also be then so vnderstanding or skilfull / touching y e new Birth· the Loue· the Trueth· and y e Secretnes of God or of the heauenly Things / as it will ⁏ if it be not obediently mynded to the Requyring of the gracious Woord and his Seruice So is it doutles all false and nothing but Poyson that it speweth-foorth against the vpright Lyfe of the Soule / wherby to h Iohn 10. a. kill and to spoyle the Peace of the Soule i Rom. 16. b. and to rende y e Concord of the Goodwillingones towwards the Loue. The IIII. Chap. THerfore / O ye young Children / which are borne out of the Seruice of Loue and out of her Spirit / to the God of Lyfe / to the Lande of his Glory / together with ye Disciples and on-coming Men / in the holy Vnderstanding of the gracious Woord of the Lorde / Beware of all sinfull and lying Flesh of Adam and of all Myndes that take-part with thesame a Rom. ●● ● Gal. ● ● Col ● ● or which do excuse defende or alow thesame in his Vanitee and Falshod / To th end that ye do not committ Whordom therwith nor-yet becom spoyled of the Peace / which ye do inherit vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 2. For all sinfull Flesh / dealeth in Couerednes and Craftynes / with his Lyes and Deceit and those that cleaue-vnto thesame and defende or excuse it for anything that is Vpright / b Act. 7. f. are all Traytors and Imaginers-of-euell towards the vpright vncorrupt Good / which cometh-forth or is witnessed out of the Loue / to an Vnitee of Heart / in the Loue. 3. Therfore be mistrustfull towards all sinfull Flesh / as also towards all vnregenerated Men / which turne them away from the Obedience to the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue / beleeue not the Very-best of them / much-lesse / those whom ye knowe to turne-away themselues from vs and our Doctrine vnder the Obedience of the Loue c 1. Iohn 2. ● and to stand-vpp against the Loue and her Seruice and to vse their Hypocrisie / towards the Comunialtee of Saincts in the Loue. For no Flesh ●that is borne of the falne Adam d Psal. 143. a ▪ Rom. 3 ● shal be ●ounde righteous / when it is iudged according to the Trueth 4. For-that-cause let noman com-before mee with any Mynde of the Flesh for to excuse the sinfull Flesh / how lamentable or wofull soeuer it maketh itself or how holy and vnderstanding soeuer it appeereth 5. Oh let noman tell me any good or vertue / of the lying Flesh nor-yet of the vnregenerated Man / which seperateth himself from the Loue and her Seruice but let eueryone take-heede in the Spirit / to the true spirituall e Iohn 3. b. Birth of the Children of God which cometh out of Heauen / to the Beleeuers of the holy Woord of the Spirit of Loue / vnder the Obedience of the Loue which spirituall heauenly Children of God / are full of all Goodnes and Vertue· and of-one-mynde with Vs / to all Concorde in the Seruice of Loue. 6. Therfore f Math. 24. c. Mark 13. c. Luk. 17. c. beleeue no Men of the Earth / which com vnto you out of y t Flesh and Blood of Sinne and are without the Famyly of Loue but beleeue the Men of God / which com vnto you out of the Seruice of Loue and which descend-doune to you g Iohn 1.3 d. 2. Pet. 1. b. 1. Iohn 1. a. from Heauen / who / are Spirit and Lyfe and haue had their Rest in the Bosom of the Almighty Father / till vnto this last Tyme And from thence do they ⁏ in the Obedience of the Loue com agayne now with their God / in Glory h Esa. 3. b. Iude. 1. b for to bring the Iudgment ⁏ with Righteousnes ouer the Worlde 7. Beholde thatsame i Iohn 12. d. Iudgment is now kept against all sinfull Flesh. For Hee which iudgeth righteously / hath sett himself vppon his gloryous Iudgment-seate k Math. 24. d 25. d. 2. Tess. 1. a. Iude. 1. b And all his Saincts com with Him / in great multytudes of Hosts for to possesse the Earth with Righteousnes For it is geeuen vnto them l Math. 11. c. 28 b Lu● 10. d. Iohn ● d by that God / who hath made it all 8. For the Prayer m Apo. 6. b of the Saincts is now hearde and their God cometh to take Vengeance / to a Righteousnes n Psa 96.98 a Apo. 19. a vppon the Earth euen-as is written therof / because that the Will of God the Father / may be don vppon o Math. 6.26 c. the Earth likeas it is in Heauen and that his vpright Beeing with his Saincts / may also beare-swaye thear· the Scripture p Math. 26. f. Luk. 24. e becom fulfilled· and that God may bee all q 1. Cor. 15. ● in all according to the Promyses 9. Beholde Thatt is Gods Glory and the righteous Iudgment of my God Who wil open his Mouth / to speake against thesame lest he com to shame / in his Tongue 10. Therfore shut-too your Mouth / with a Bitt r Psal. 39. a. Luk. 3. a. that ye fall not through your Tongue but s Esa. 30. b. in Stilnes / take-heede vnto God who appeereth and cometh t Iude. 1. b. on the Earth with all his Saincts / in great Glory euen-as is written therof The V. Chap. WHat hath God to doo with you or what careth Hee for your Wayling and Lamenting / O ye flattering Tongues or all yee that wil excuse or defende the Flesh of Sinne For beholde the Lorde shall in thissame Light of the Loue / shame you all in a Psal. 5● a Math. 25. d. his Beholding and his mighty Hande of Iustice / shall stand ouer you / to a Suppressing of you / till that ye be confounded and remayne confounded for euermore 2. True it is I haue heard a mighty Crye with a great Lamentation and Waylling / vppon the Earth / wher-through / I was almost mooued to Compassion But I went alittle neerer to that Howling and Lamenting And lo / when I considered theron It was the Flesh of Sinne / that wayled and lamented excedingly / b Apo. 18. b because that his Worthynes mought be nomore of Value and for that it was nomore esteemed nor coulde gett any Prayse or Honour anymore and that God with his Saincts / did only gett the Glory 3. But when
Vnderstanding for the Darknesses had d Exo. 10. c Psal 105. c Sap 17. a captiued her and y e Lyfe and Trueth was vnknowen / by reason of the Darknesses and so the Death e Sap. 2. c Rom. 5. c. gott the Vpper-hande 16. The Deuill or the Contrary-nature to God / tooke the Vnderstanding captiue in his Bandes and thus did the Kigdom of Death of the Deuill and of Hell / gett his Foorme in the Man / and increased in Preuayling Wherout all false Spirits f 3. Reg. 22. c or Spirits of Lyes / haue had their Coming-foorth / to worke Deceipt and Seduceing and haue ⁏ in sondry maners had their Worke g Ephe. 2. ● and Errour / in the Children of Men. 17. And euenthus did the Lye ⁏ who is a Father of the Darknesses gett the Dominion / to the Destroying of the Children of Men and the i Esa. 60. a. Earth was filled with Darknes And the People that were borne vppon the Earth / were all k Rom. 1. c 2 Cor 4. ● Ephe. 4. ● couered likewyse vnder thesame Darknes For when-as now the Darknes / was growen to be a Middle-wall betwixt the Lyfe and the Vnderstanding ▪ and that the Lyfe of God / gaue no Cleernes to the Vnderstanding / then was it all Errour / whatsoeuer the Vnderstanding tooke-on out of the Knowledg For when the Lyfe stood not for a Light vnto her / then was also the Trueth of God / altogether hidden from her and she coulde bring nothing-els to the Lyfe / but all deadly Things of the vngodly Beeing 18. Beholde all these Burthens and Calamytees and all this deadly vngodly Beeing / hath the Lyfe borne / l Esa. 53. a. 1. Pet. 2 c. for the Sinnes cause and the Man hath bin vtterly m Iohn 1. c. 1. Cor 2. a 1. Iohn 3. a. ignorant of the Lyfe / by meanes of the ignorant Knowledg which the Man himself hath taken-on and thesame ignorant Knowledg / is the Darknes and n Esa. 59 a. Ephe 2 b. Col 2. b. Middle-wall betwixt God and the Man and the destroying Errour / wherin the Man walketh 19. Out of which Errour or Wa●es of Darknes / we are called o 1. Pet. 2. b to the Light of Lyfe / through the Seruice of the holy Woord of Christ / for that we shoulde p Math. 18. a. Mar. 10. b. turnes vs about from the Errours or Wayes of Darknes· and so becom turned q Esa. 55. b. Ioel. 2. c. to the Light of Lyfe ▪ and shoulde nomore loue heare nor beleeue the Darknes but the Light of Lyfe / in the Obeying of the Requyring of his Seruice the which ⁏ in thesayde Obeying of the Requyring of his Seruice r Iam. 1. c ▪ saueth our Soules / To th end that we mought euenso be brought agayne out of the deadly Things / to the Lyfe of God / in his Glory The VII Chap. BEholde ⁏ my Beloued for to satisfy thee in thatt which thou didst request at my hands / so coulde I not keepe secret from thee / this spirituall and heauenly Vnderstanding / wherby to assist thee to the a Ephe. 3. a Fulnes of the secret Ritches of God and I hope that thou shalt also be well satisfyed with this my Resolution 2. And thissame which I haue testifyed vnto thee in wryting / out of an Inclynation of Loue / I haue sent-ouer ⁏ by these Bretheren / that are com from thee to vs to do thee seruice therwith / To th end if God vouchsafe b 1. Cor. 3. a his Increase therto / that thou ⁏ through my small Seruice moughtst be furthered alittle to the Lyfe and to the Knowledg of y e godly Goodes / to the Prayse of God to his Honour and Glory and to our Ioye 3. For out of a fauourable Heart / which I haue to thy Saluation I haue testifyed thissame thus naked and bare the which I do not giue-foorth in such naked-maner before eueryone But I haue so looked into it for the best / that this is most-profitable and needfull for thee / because thou shouldest vnderstande whervppon the Comfort c ● Pet. 3. b of our Hearts standeth grounded and wherin thy Soule shal be wholl 4. For the Conclusion or the Somme of all thatt wherof we speake / for to becom godded with God and to be turned into the principalest Good / is this That the Man shoulde altogether d Pro. 1. Pet 1. b. 1. Ihon. 3. b indeuour himself to the Obeying of the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue and so ⁏ in thesame Obedience to turne-●waye his Memory or Vnderstanding from all Knowledges that are without the Doctrine of the Seruice of Loue and the true Lyfe or which God hath not grounded or foormed e Gen. 2. a. Sap 1. b. in the Lyfe / from the Begining and although they do still dayly assault him / yet let him not in-any-wyse heare nor beleeue them as to account anything of them but let him becom quyte turned-about f Math. 18. ● Mar. 10. to a simple Beeing and so labour dilligently after the g 1. Cor. 13.14 Col. 3. b. vertuous Nature of the Loue till that the Loue haue a Shape in him 5. Beholde ⁏ my Beloued heerin shall the Man take his h Math. 16. c. Luk. 9.14 c. Crosse on him and euenso to suffer with Christ i Rom. 8. b. 2. Tim 2. b. 1. Pet. 2. c. 4. a obediently / in the Seruice of the holy and gracious Woord namely to be planted into Christ / with his lyke Death of the Crosse· and baptised or washed in his k Rom. 6. a Phil. 3. b. Col. 2. b. Death ▪ and so in that sort / to walke passe-thorow or wade-ouer the small l Math. 7. b. Luk. 13. c. Waye that leadeth to the Lyfe 6. After this maner / euenas I haue heere witnessed vnto thee let vs with willing Hearts / be m Iohn 15.17 b. Rom. 6.8 a. Ephe. 3. b incorporated-vnto and n 1. Pet 2. c. follow-after Christ o Math. 10.16 c. Mat. 9.14 c. forsake all whatsoeuer meeteth vs agaynst thesame / out of the Darknes ▪ and so stand submitted simply and obediently / vnder the Seruice of Loue till that the Lyfe ryse-vp p Esa. 58. b. 2. Pet. 1. c vnto vs / as a Light and that the Vnderstanding do flowe ther-out vnto vs. 7. Wherfore To th end that we mought com 〈◊〉 our right fatherly Inheritance / so haue we to forsake and to hate it all / for Christes sake namely all the q Ephe. 6. b. 1. Pet. 5. a. Assaulting and Temptation as likewyse all the Spirits of the Knowledg who ⁏ as if they were r 2. Cor. 11. b Ephe. 6. b. Lights haue their Worke in the s Ephe. 2. a Children of Vnbeleefe / Because that they do beleeue the Knowledg as a Light and not
Ther shal be more Ioye in Heauen ouer one Sinner that repenteth / then ouer nyntie-and-nyne-Iust-persons / that neede no Repentance Luk. 15. b. O how louely are the Feere of the Messengers that publish the Peace preache the Good and witnes or declare the Saluation Esa. 52. b. Rom. 10. c. Beholde I wil sende myne Angel or Messenger / which shall prepare the waye· or pathe the Streete / before Mee Mala. 3. a 4. a. Math. 11.17 Mar. 1. Luk. 7. To-daye if ye heare his Voyce / then harden not your Hearts that ye byde not without the Rest of y e People of God Psal. 95. a. Heb. 3.4 a. The First Chapter THis is the Crying or Voyce / which cometh-to-pas and is heard now in this present Daye / through the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ and wherwith all People ▪ are ⁏ by HN called and bidden to the Repentance for their Sinnes and to the Howse of the Loue of Iesu Christ؛the a Esa. 32. ● Heb. 3. b. 4. c. Rest of all the Saincts or Children of God / And not alone with this Calling but also with all the Scriptures· heauenly Testimonyes· and spirituall Voyces of the eternall Trueth / which are gon-forth from the holy Spirit of Loue and brought-to-light by HN like as y e holy Gost hath sproken therof and warned all People / y t they in thatt present Daye ⁏ when they heare his Voyce shoulde in no-wyse harden b Psal. 95 b. Heb. 3. a. their Hearts namely that they shoulde not c 2. Cor 6. a. refuse nor resist thesame proffered Grace· Heb 12. b. but humbly indeuour them therunto to th end they mought enter into the godly Rest / which ⁏ till vnto thissame Daye of Loue is reserued for the People of God / for to rest them therin 2. The Mosthighest hath also ⁏ after such a long tyme that He had promysed the d Psal. 95. b. Heb. 3. b. Rest to the People of God yet once-more appoynted a Daye / on the e Act. 17. ● which / the vniuersall Earth shoulde be iudged with Righteousnes 3. Therfore ⁏ as the holy Gost sayeth f Psal. 95. b. Heb. 3 b. Todaye if ye shall heare his Voyce that is when the Tyme now is fulfilled / that the Daye of Loue ⁏ which the mosthighest hath appoynted to be a Rest for the People of God declareth itself / then shall ye heare / that yee ⁏ g Esa. 42.51 a O all ye People are called and bidden to thesame Grace and Mercie then harden not your Heartes 4. Let eueryone h 2. Cor 6. a. Heb. 12. b. take-heede to thissame gracious Tyme / that he may liue· and rest him in thissame Daye / from his Workes Trauayle and i Apo. 14. b. Labour 5. Seing then that ther is yet a Rest k Psa. 32 ● Heb 4 ●· at-hande / for the People of God / which is made-many-fest and inherited in the Family of Loue and that without thesame or without his Seruice / ther is nothing but all l Deut. ●● a. Good-thinking m Esa 59. a. Tedious-trauayle Labour and Misery / Therfore doth not the holy Spirit of Loue ceasse this Daye ⁏ by his Minister HN to call and bidd all People to thesame Family of Loue / n Psal 16. b. 84. a. Eccl● 24. c. Apo. 2● a. full of all louely Beeing and to his safe-makeing Seruice / to the Preseruation of them all in the Godlynes And to warne them eueryone / of the o Esa. 13. a. 3● c 47. b. Dan. 12. b. Math. 24 b ▪ Wo and Misery and of the Plagues of Good-thinking that shall com vppon them / that remayne without thesame or that wil not suffer themselues to be leadd into thesame / through the Seruice of thesayde Family of Loue / To th end that they mough●all now ⁏ in y e Seruice of Loue and in the Obeying of his Requyring doo vpright Repentance p Math 3. a Luk. 3 a. 13. a. Act. 2. f. 3. c. for thier Sinnes· and enter into y e Rest of y e Lorde The Second Chap. BEare Sorrow for your Sinnes and a Eze. 1● c Math 3. a. shewe vpright Fruits of Repentance the great b Esa. 13. a. b. Ioel. 2 a. c. Abel 1. c. Daye of the Lorde is com hard-by and wil now ⁏ as a righteous c Ier. 46. c. Soph 1.2 a Iudgment of God appeere ouer the whole Earth 2. Let eueryone now turne him away from the wicked Worlde and from the Abhomynation d Dan 9 c. Math 24 b. of her Desolation / and make his Repaire hether / to the e Esa 2 a. Mich 4. a. Hill of the Loue wheron the Lordes Howse is buylded / that he may be preserued in thissame Daye of the righteous Iudgment of God 3. Yea turne you hether betymes / to the Howse of the Loue of Iesu Christ and to his safe-making Seruice beare Sorrow rightly for your Sinnes f Math. 3. a. Luk 3 a. 13 a. Act 2. f 3. c. and shewforth vpright Repentance or Amendment for thesame ⁏ O ye strayed People er-euer the g Soph. 2. a. Mal. 4. a. Daye of the Lorde fall vppon you / to the Recompencing of your Wickednes 4. COm now all hether / whear the heauenly Day-light ؛ h Esa 60. d. Sap 5 a the Sunne of Righteousnes shyneth and whear the Waters i Eze. 36. c. Apo. ●2 d. of Lyfe flowe-forth out of y e Fōntayne of the liueing Godhead / to the Purging of your Sinnes 5. Let eueryone now forsake his owne Woord Doctrine and taken-on Knowledg / and also the Woord Doctrine and Knowledg of all k Ier. 23 d. 2● 29.32 c. Eze 13 a. b. Mich. 3. b. vnsent Preachers and Good-thinking-wyseones / wher-through ye be seduced· blynded from y e true Fruits of Repentance· and estranged from the true Sainctification of your Spirit and Mynde and com now all to thissame l Ier. 19. b. 31. f. Mich. 1. a. Sainctuary of God out of the which / the Lordes liueing m Esa. 2. a. Woord is witnessed· the true Repentance for the Sinne / made-knowen· and the vpright n Ephe. 4. c. Col. 3. a. Righteousnes and Holynes of Iesu Christ● / taught / wherthrough ye be brought to the right Quyeting of your Consciences· to the o Math. 11. c. Health of your Soules· and to the Sainctifycation or p Rom. 12. a. Ephe. 4. c. Renewing of your Spirit and Mynde 6. For-that-cause com now all to thissame q Esa. 2 a. Hill or Howse of Loue and in his out-flowing Water / r Eze. 16.36 clense and amende or hallow your Beeing / vnder the Obedience of y e Loue of Iesu Christ / that your Sinnes may be s Act. 3. c. wyped-out and ye● becom lead euenso into the t Esa. 32. c. Heb. 3.4 b. Rest of all y e
Sinne and Death / through his Death of the Crosse / and hath made himself manifest vnto his Freendes / that loued Him and were his Disciples and renewing them in the Woord of his Doctrine / He q Luk. 24 c shewed them ⁏ through his Suffering and Death of the Crosse the Victory r 1 Cor. 15 g. against the Sinne Death Deuill and Hell 5. Now when-as these his Disciples were renewed and established in the Woord of his Doctrine· and armed s 1 Pet 4 a with thesame Mynde of the Suffering of Iesu Christ / t Mar 16. b Luk 24 f Act 1. a then was He taken-vp from them to the Right-hande of God his Father / in the heauenly Beeing From thence hath He comforted his Disciples and comprysed his Shape in them / out of the heauenly Beeing powring-foorth v Act. 1 ● 2 ● his holy Spirit into them as a newe and true x Apo. 21 a Ierusalem which is not prepared by Men / but by God like a garnished Bryde for her Husbande And euenthus became God the Father / thorough his only-borne Sonne ؛ Christ of one-substance agayne y Act ● with the manly Creatures And to that ende also because that all manly Creatures / shoulde ⁏ through Christ be z Iohn 17 c one-substance with God the Father / is Christ preached And in such a State doth God requyre to haue his People or the Congregation of Iesu Christ. 6. BEholde These Disciples of Iesu Christ ⁏ who through Christ / were sealed with the holy a Act. 2. a Rom 8 b 2 Cor 5 a Spirit of Christ / from the Right-hande of God· b Math. 13. f taught to the Kingdom of the God of Heauens· and established in God the Father and in the Lorde Iesu Christ were the right Christians / not out of the Letter or Flesh / c Math. 26. c. Luk. 22 c Iohn 6. f. 1 Cor. 11. c wherwith they had bin serued till vnto the Coming of thesame Clernes of Christ but out of the Power of God / d Luk 24. c Act 1. a. 2. a 1 Cor. 2 a b in the Spirit and did beare euenthus e 2. Cor. 4. a a costly Treasure / in earthen Vessels namely the very-like Beeing of God the Almighty 7. Which Beeing of God / f 2. Cor. 4. a. Phil. 2. a. Col. 1. b. Heb 1. a is the true Christ himself / according to the Spirit with whom they had their Fellowship And through Him ⁏ seing He was One with God their g 1. Iohn 1. a. Fellowship was also with God the Father Wherby they vsed that Woord God our Father and the Lorde؛his Sonne Iesu Christ. The which also Many nodout / do speake or witnes in-that-maner / out of the Letter and out of the Imagination of the good-thinking Knowledg but they are wyde of it / according to the Trueth But These ⁏ who h Act 2.3 1 Cor 2 a b 1 Iohn 1. a. witnessed that Woord / out of the Spirit and Trueth haue witnessed the Grace from God the Father and from the Lorde Iesu Christ / in the Trueth of God And yet notwithstanding / haue confessed nomore but one God but haue witnessed the Wonderful-acts of God / shewed on them through Iesus Christ. And i Ioel 2. d. Act. 2 ▪ b. it shall com-to-pas ⁏ sayeth God in the last Dayes 8. THis Grace of Saluation / that was k Luk. 1. f. g 2. a b. c Act. 2.3.4 c. apeered to the Iewes ⁏ which Many of them in that tyme refused is published to the Heathen / l Math. 3. a. Luk. 2. d Act. 13. c to a Repentance for their Sinnes / to th end that they shoulde m Iohn 1. c. beleeue on the like Beeing of God the Almighty / that was appeered vnto them· and so becom partakers likewyse of the Gifts of the holy Gost ⁏ through Iesus Christ out of the fatherly Grace and that their Fellowship mought be one n 1. Iohn 1. a. with God the Father and his Sonne Iesu Christ / in one-maner of Fayth 9. And to that ende was the Seruice of Christ ministred o 2 Cor. 10. a vnder y e Obedience of Fayth ⁏ by the Apostles of Christ to the vnbeleeueing Heathen namely in the Woord of the Preaching of the Disciples and Apostles of Christ / To the intent that thesame Lyfe of Righteousnes ⁏ that was refused p Act. 3. c. by the Iewes shoulde be set-vpp among y e Heathen / through Fayth and so they sought to confirme y e Lawe among y e Heathen / through Fayth and to bring forth the Righteousnes ther-by / q Rom. 3. c. Gal. 2 b. 3 b Phil. 3. b. that is requyred by y e Lawe The V. Chap. BEholde euenthus / for a a Luk. 2. ● Light and Saluation of the Heathen / is thissame ⁏ only out of Grace / vndeserued published vnto the Heathen / for a Gospel / to a Mortifying of their vayne Vnderstanding b Rom 1.6.8 1 Cor 5.6 Gal. 5 6. and of the corrupt vngodly Beeing and to an Incorporating to the newe Man whom the Apostles of Christ did publish namely Christ؛the Like-beeing of God c Luk. 1. g. Ephe. 4. c. in vpright Righteousnes and Holynes In whom ⁏ and in none Other standeth d Act. 4.10 c the Forgiuenes of Sinnes 2. These Publishers of the holy Woord or Gospel of the Kingdom of God seing now that Iesus Christ had a Shape in them / as a verytrue Light and Lyfe of God and that Gods Shape / was in Christ wher-thorough they lykewyse were in Christ ▪ and God in them haue published that Woord ؛ Grace and Peace from ●od our Father and y e Lorde Iesu Christ in the Trueth 3. But although the Apostles did publih this after-this-maner / yet haue they notwithstanding / spoken no otherwyse then of One God / who had shewed his Procreation or Generation in them / as a e Iohn 1. c Glory of the only-borne Sonne of y e Father / full of Grace and Trueth namely that God the Father had begotten and declared in them / his like f Iohn 1. a 1. Iohn 1. a Lyfe of God / out of his Lyfe and his like Light / out of his Light 4. Seing then that they did beare this like Beeing of the Godhead / in them / therfore haue they ⁏ through thesame knowen the liueing God / who was their Saluation namely through the Lyfe of God / Iesu Christ being appeered vnto them g Ephe. 3. ● in the Spirit Wherthrough they also published the Lyfe that is euerlasting and so witnessed likewyse that Those which had h ● Iohn 5. b. not the Sonne of God / coulde not also haue the Father / and that they were without i Ephe. 2 b. God / in this Worlde For the like Lyfe of God / k Iohn 1. a 1 Iohn 1. a 5
59. a. which seperateth the Man from his God and it is the n Ephe 2 b Middle-wal / as an Enimitee betwixt God and the Man By meanes of which Middle-wall / both God and the Man / are growen into two Parts and are partially-mynded against ea●hother Yet ought they both ⁏ God and the Man to be o Iohn 17. ●● Ephe. 5. d One like as it was p Gen. ● ● in the Begining 4. SEing now therfore that they are deuided ⁏ either of them in his owne Mynde q Gal. 5. b. against each-other / so is God ⁏ r Iohn 4. c. 2 Cor. 3. b. who is a Spirit spirituall and mynded to all vpright Righteousnes / against the Mynde of the Man and the Man ⁏ who is s Gen. 6. ● Flesh and Blood· and not yet circumcised t Gen. 10. b. Ier 4. a. 9. c. on the Foreskinne of his Heart / to a Laying-away of the Sinne v Rom. 8. a. is fleshly and vngodly mynded / against the Mynde of God 5. Now doth Gods Loue and Mercie extende towards the Man / as alluring x Iohn ● c. and drawing him dayly ⁏ by his gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue and by his Ministers vnto Him and to his spirituall Mynde of vpright Righteousnes But seing that the Darknes / the sinfull Flesh or vngodly Beeing / is growen betwixt God and the Man / as a Foreskinne y Esa. 59. ● Ephe. 2. or Middle-wall and as an Enimitee and that God / is spiritually mynded and the vncircumcised Man / fleshly mynded / according to the Mynde of his Foreskinne of the sinfull Flesh / Therfore doth not the z Rom ● 1 Cor ▪ ●● Man vnderstande the spirituall Mynde of God the Father neither-yet knowe the good Will of God / that loueth him to Saluation and he beleeueth not God in his Woord nor Seruice but he beleeueth the Darknesses which haue inclosed him and following thosesame Lustes a Ephe. 4. b of Errour / he goeth-back and so sinneth dayly against the Father And thatt is the Sinne that is b Math 12. d. forgeeuen the Man / in his Repentance for the Sinne because of his Ignorance / through Vnbeleefe The III. Chap. NOw moughtest thou demaunde What Spirit or Beeing is this God / of whom the Scripture witnesseth or vnto whom / we ought to turne vs in the Spirit the Answer Of thesame haue we rehearsed in the a Intro 22.23 Introduction to the holy Vnderstanding of the Glasse of Righteousnes But now for to com to the Knowledg of ourselues and to a good Knowledg of our God and his Righteousnes / So wil we to a larger Declaring of our Vnderstanding / touching thatt wherof we speake and to a Distincting of the true Light / y e liueing God / who b Heb. 13. a. was and is and continueth for euer rehearse and testifye heere in this place also / of the Beeing of the only God 2. This God ؛the Liueing and Verytruone is the true c 〈◊〉 3.1 God of Abraham through whom the d 〈◊〉 12. a Rom. 4. a b Promyses of the Mans Saluation or Blessing do com-to-pas / in his Fayth the true God e Math. 22. d. of Isaac in whom the f Gen. 21. b. Heb. ●1 Promyses be inherited and in whom the Seede of Blessing / is named and the true God of g Act. 7. g. Iacob or Israel in whom the Promyses of the Glory h Num. 14. Esa. 40 a. of God and of the Mans Saluation or i Ier 23 33. ● Blessing / becom established· and k Luk. 1. g. Gods true Righteousnes erected This self-same God / l Sap 5. a. Eccli 24. a. 1. Pet. 2. b. Ieam 1. c. is a verytrue vnchaingable Light a cleere m Ephe. 1.4 b. Apo. 21.22 Daye and a glistering delytfull Beawty 3. This Light / is the n Iohn 14 a. euerlasting· Lyfe of the vpright Righteousnes / an ouerflowing o Psal 42. a. Ier. 2. c. Iohn 4. b. Fountayne of liueing Waters / full of Ioye full of all Sweetnes full of Loue and full of Peace / abounding with Plenty of Grace and Mercie 4. This Lyfe / is the p Iohd 1. a. euerlasting firmestanding essenciall Woord / q 1. Cor 2. a. Heb. 4. b. full of Power and Possibillitee 5. This Woord / is the r Iohn 6. g. Ephe. 1.6 4 d. Intro 23. true Spirit with full Power of Sealing or to an euerlasting Establishing of the liueing Godhead / with the Manhod And thatt is vnto the Man / the Certentee of the Trueth / that Hee ؛thesame God is only s Psal. 116. b. Iohn 3. d. Rom. 3. a. a very true God 6. This Spirit / is t Sap. 7. c. the holy Wisdom and the vpright Vnderstanding / full of all spirituall heauenly Goodes 7. This holy Wisdom and vpright Vnderstanding / is u Eccli 1. ● the Prouidence which foreseeth euery-thing / that is good and discerneth Lyfe and Death / and giueth Knowledg of the Good / x Pro. 2. ● to a Warning from the Euell 8. This Prouidence / is the Will y Sap. 1. b. which willeth that all thatt which is good / shoulde bee and com-to-light 9. In thissame good Will / is z Heb. 11. a. the Beleefe grounded as a sure and firme Confydence / that all thatt which is good and foreseene to the Good / shal be performed or com-to-light the which the good Will desyreth / that all thatt which is good / may bee becom manifest and liue 10. The Beleefe / a 1. Cor. 2. a. Ephe. 1. c. 3. c Phil. 3. c. is the Power as mighty to bring-to-light all Good / ther-through 11. This Power / is the Deede or the Worke of all Good and b Phil 2. b. the Accomplishment of all the Workes of God 12. BEholde Such a Spirit or Beeing / is the true God / of whom the Scripture speaketh and vnto whom the Man ought to turne him For Hee ؛thesame God is the right Father who ⁏ out of himself and through the like Beeing of his Godhead hath made c ●en 1. a. Psal. 3● a. Iohn 1. a. Ephe. 3. a. all that is anything And all his d Psal. 19. a. ●9 a. 97. a. Rom. 1 c. Workes do testifye of Him / that Hee ؛thesame God is an euerlasting liueing and true God / To th end that Hee only / shoulde be e Deu. 6.10 b serued honoured and worshiped in all his Workes / as a great gloryous God f Psal. 10.29 b who only is the Lorde and King 13. This euerlasting God seing that He hath made g Pro. 8. b. Iohn 1. ● all that is anything / through his like Beeing for that thesame like Beeing / shoulde he h Heb. 1. ● an Heire in all Things hath also in the Begining / foormed i Gen. ● c. Sap. 2. c. Thatsame
؛his very-like Beeing● in the Man And so hath God made and ordayned euery-thing k Eccli 39. ● ▪ well / through his godly Beeing And l Iohn 1. a. without thatsame Beeing / God hath made nothing that is any what nor ordayned anything / without thesame and thatsame lyke Beeing of his Godhead / m Iohn 1.6 g is his only borne Sonne / Iesus Christ and is the n 1. Cor. 15. c. Col. 1. c. Firstling or the First-borne of all Creatures / whom God hath foreseene therto / o Pro. 8. c. er-euer the Foundation of the Worlde was layde p Heb. 1. a. and to be an Heire of all his Workes 14. Hee is promysed q Iohn 3. b. Rom 8. d. and geuen vnto vs by God the Father ⁏ as a Christ of God for a Lyfe and for a Saluation and is likewyse so r Psal. 19. a. Act. 2.3 c. preached and published to the Worlde But the Worlde hath not beleeued in Him and therfore also s Ihon. 8.9 ● remayneth her Sinne and Death 15. For in noman els but in thatsame only Christ t Iohn 1. is the Lyfe Which Lyfe / is a Light of Men and that Light shyneth in the Darknesses and the Darknesses haue not comprehended it 16. Thatsame is a verytrue Light u Iohn 8. b. which lighteth all Men / through his Coming into this Worlde and He was in the Worlde and the Worlde was made through Him but the Worlde knew Him not 17. He came into his Owne and his Owne receaued Him not But so many as receaued Him / to them gaue He the Power to be Children of God namely Those that beleeued on his Name / which are not borne of Blood nor of the Will of the Flesh nor-yet of the Will of Man / but of God The IIII. Chap. OF this selfsame only-borne Sōne of God the Father / the Prophet Esay doth also witnes a Esa. 9. a A Childe sayth hee is borne vnto vs a Sonne is geeuen vnto vs whose Dominion / is vppon his Shoulders and He is called / Wonderfull Counsayle Power Gyant euerlasting Father a peaceable Prince / Because that his Dominion may be great and no Ende of the Peace / vppon the Seate of Dauid and his Kingdom 2. Him hath likewyse the Prophet Dauid seene in the Spirit and witnessed of Him / that God hath b Psal. 110. a. Heb. 5. b. 7 b sworne ⁏ and it shall not repent Him that Hee is a Preest for euer / after the Order of Melchisedech and He continueth also an High-preest c Heb. 3.10 c ouer the Howse of God / for euer / as d Heb. 8.9 b. a Minister of the spirituall and heauenly Goodes Which Ministration cometh-to-pas in the Spirit / and not in the Letter euen as is written of Him 3. But seing now that the Man is falne-away e Gen. 3. a. Ephe. 4. c. Col 1. ● or estrainged from this vpright Beeing of his God / Therfore hath this Christ؛the true Lambe of God suffered f Phil. 2 a. the Death of the Crosse in the Man Which Lambe of God / was killed g Apo. 5.13 b from the Begining of the Worlde / for the Sinnes cause But seing He is not of the Death but of the liueing Father / the God for euer / therfore is He also rysen h Mar. 16. b. Luk. 24. c. Act. 2. c. 10 c 1. Cor. 15. ● Col. 1. b. agayne and as the i Math. 2● a. Firstling / rysen-vp from the Death k Act. 1. a. 2. c. 10. c. 13. d. 1. Cor. 15. a. Psal. 110. a. and hath shewed himself alyue vnto his Disciples and Beleeuers and set himself at the l 1. Cor. 15. c. Right-hande of God his Father / in the heauenly Beeing bearing the Dominion / till that all his Enemyes be layde vnder his Feete to a Conquering of Sinne and Death / through Fayth 4. THis is that Iesus Christ / which ⁏ like as He was preached before and m Act. 1. 1. Tess. 5. c. 2. Tess. 1. a. shoulde be seene in his Coming is n 2. Cor. 4. a. 2. Timo. 1. b. appeered and com vnto vs / in y e Obedience of the Loue / according to the Scripture Who must possesse the Heauen / o Act. 3. c. till vnto this tyme / wherin all becometh restored agayne / that God hath spoken by the Mouth of all his Prophets / from the Begining of the Worlde 5. Thissame was in tymes-past published in the Worlde / p Mar. 16. b. Luk. 24. f. Act. 1.2 c. for a Gospel or ioyfull Message / to th end y t all those which were burdened with Sinne and captiued with Darknesses / shoulde be baptised or washed q Rom. 6 a. Col. 2. b. in his Death of the Crosse / according to the inwarde Man· and planted into Him r 2 Cor. 4. b ▪ Phi. 3. b. with his like Death / for that all those which beleeued in Him / shoulde be borne-agayne out of thesame Death· and so becom partakers of the s Rom. 6. a. 2. Cor. 4. b. Phil. 3. b. Resurrection of Christ؛the very-like Beeing of God / the Righteousone and that they mought euenso then ⁏ in the Spirit haue their fellowshipp with Christ / t Ephe. 2. a. in the heauenly Beeing / in the Kingdom of God his Father· and so reioyce them in his Coming / in the euerlasting Lyfe 6. Beholde thatt is the vpright v Luk. 1. Ephe. 4. c. Righteousnes and Holynes / which cometh to the Man in the Spirit / through Christ to an euerlasting Reconciling of the Man with God or to an x Iohn 17. c. Ephe. 2. b. Vnitee / betwixt God and the Man / to th end that God may in that sort / be y 1. Cor. 15. c. all in all / according to the Promyses The V. Chap. BVt seing now that thy Questyon is how or in what maner / thesame shall com-to-pas in vs / so can I not omitt / to giue the a full Instruction therof 2. Therfore beholde and consider in thyne Vnderstanding / my Beloued how that now in the last tyme / thesame liueing God ⁏ out of Grace / vndeserued is a 2. Cor. 4. a. 2 Timo 1. b. appeered vnto vs / out of his holy Heauen / and dwelleth b 2. Cor. 6. b. Apo. 21. a. liueth and walketh among Vs ؛the Family of his Loue● And how that Hee and his vpright Righteousnes / is ⁏ by his gracious Woord administred in the Family of Loue and how that likewyse in thesame Administration / c 2. Cor. 10. a. 1. Petr. b. c. the Beleefe and the Obedience to the Requyring of thesame God / is requyred of all Men d Ephe. 4. ● to an Vnitee of Heart with Vs / in all Loue. 3. So consider then whearsoeuer thesame liueing God of Heauen and his Goodnes ⁏ as an vpright Beeing
and verytrue Light and as the right Father of his like Beeing and e Ieam 1. ● Light for euer and his Will and Requyring ⁏ as a fatherly Loue / to the Mans Preseruation in the Godlynes is administred / in the Ministration of his gracious Woord vnder the Obedience of the Loue of whose Beeing and vpright Forme / we haue witnessed before and that then likewyse in thesame Administration / Beleefe and Obedience is shewed by the Man / in thesame Will and Requyring of God / euen-thear ⁏ in the Beleefe is thesame liueing God seene and knowe / like as Hee ⁏ according to the Spirit is an vpright Beeing f Ioh. 1. ● ● b. 1. Iohn 1. ● and verytrue Light / for a Lyfe of Men· and the right Father of his like Beeing and Light thear is also seene and knowen that thesame Gods Procreation or Seede / is likewyse his vpright Beeing and verytrue Light / and is euenso ⁏ in the Beleeueing and Obeying of thesame Administration proceeding from thesame Father / and that thesame is wholly and altogether of one-mynde and g Iohn 17. c. Col. 8. ● of one-substance with the Father / and is the true Christ himself / and geteth in-that-sort / his Foorme in the Man 4. To whomsoeuer now thesame Christ doth com thus in the Spirit / essentially / h 1. Iohn 1 ● to those is He also seene and knowen rightly in the Spirit and He is likewyse of i Iohn 17. c. one-substance with them / in all Loue and vpright Righteousnes 5. This self-same Christ / the true Sonne and like k Col. 1. b. Heb. 1. a. Beeing of God his Father although Hee ⁏ from eternitee be the l 1. Cor. 15. c. Col. 1. b. First-borne of all Creatures· and the m Math. 16. b Luk. ● c. Iohn 6. g. only-borne Sonne of God is also ⁏ according to his Birth of the Seede of Dauid after the Flesh named the Sonne n Math. 8 12. c Luk. 6. a. ● 21. of Man / because that Hee ⁏ as the true Seede of the Promyses of God the Father is sowne or planted in our Manhod / through the Ministration of the gracious Woord of the Lorde and through the Beleef and Obedience to thesame Woord also manned with our Manhod and so ⁏ after our Passing-ouer his like Death of the Crosse / vnto the o Iohn 3. a. Rom. 12. a. ● Ephe. 4. b. c. second Birth from the Death borne agayne out of our Manhod 6. And thatt is the verytrue Seede of God from Heauen / which is sowen in our p Math. 13. b Mar. 4. b. Luk. 8. b. Manhod / through the Administration of the holy and gracious Word / vnder the Obedience of the Loue· and ⁏ at the appoynted tyme borne agayne by vs and out of vs / as a q Iohn 15. a. b Fruit of the ouerflowing good Lyfe and of the vpright Righteousnes and Holynes and wherthrough wee are then likewyse ⁏ according to the Woord of our Lorde Iesu Christ the r Math. 12. .c Luk. 8. c. Moother Brothers and Sisters of Christ / which doo the Will of his heauenly Father 7. Thissame Man of God from Heauen according to the Spirit and the Sonne of Man s Math. 1. c. Rom 1. a. of the Seede of Dauid according to the Flesh / is in all poynts mynded t Math. 26. d. Iohn 4. d. 6 d. 8. c. according to the Will of God his Father and his Will is / that all what is good / shoulde bee and He beareth in vs / the u Phil. 2. a. Heb. 2. b. 5. a Image of the earthly Man and suffereth with vs for our Sinnes 8. But now when the Beleeuer of his gracious Woord / hath x 2. Pet. 1. b. regarde obediently vnto his gracious Woord / according to the Requyring of his Seruice of Loue and that euenso ⁏ in his Beleefe and Obedience thesame Woord beginneth to appeere or breake-thorow / as a verytrue y Iohn ● a. 2. Cor. 4. a. Light of the vpright Lyfe and like Beeing of the perfect Cleernes of God· and as a z 2. Cor. 5. b. Gal. 6. b. new Creature from Heauen / Then hath God the Father his Pleasure a Esa. 42. a. Math 12.17 b 2. Pet. 1. b. only in thesame Light and Lyfe of his lyke Cleernes and vpright Righteousnes For thatt is his beloued Sonne ؛his spirituall heauenly Beeing whom He hath geeuen vnto vs for an euerlasting b Heb. 1. a. Heyre to th end that we shoulde liue through Him 9. SEing now that the Lorde ؛the God of Heauen is spirituall· and mynded to the vpright Righteousnes / and that the Man of the Earth is fleshly c Gen. 6. a. Rom. 7. b· ● and mynded to the Sinne· and vnbeleeueing and disobedient to the Requyring of God in the Ministration of his gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue / Therfore hath God ⁏ according to such a Mynde of the Man no d Rom. ● a. pleasure in the earthly Man / nor-yet the earthly Man / in God nor in his Requyring 10. But seing now that the only-borne e Math. 16. b. Luk. 9. c. Iohn 6. g. Sonne of God the Father according to the Spirit namely Christ / the like f Sap 7. c. Col. ● b. Heb. 1. a. Beeing of God is also the only-borne Sonne / out of the g Math. 1. a. Rom. 1. a. Manhod / of the Seede of Dauid according to the Flesh and beareth in vs the Image of the earthly Manhod / as-wel as the Image of y e heauenly Godhead / Therfore it is not his Will that the Man ⁏ whom He hath created h Sa● 1. b. 2. c. Eccli 17. a. to be an Image of his like Beeing shoulde perish in the Disobedience of the earthly Man· i Eze. 18 3● ● 2. Pet. 3. a. nor in the Sinnes of the earthly Beeing but shoulde liue for euer and euer / with Him and with his Spirit / in the vpright Righteousnes of his heauenly Beeing / and that all Men likewyse ⁏ which loue God and his Righteousnes shoulde be assembled into thesame Beeing and be saued both in Soule and Bodye 11. Beholde thesame forementioned Christ and Sonne of God ⁏ who for our Sinnes cause / hath suffered in vs the Death k Rom. 6. a. Phil. 2. a. of the Crosse and armeth vs l 1. Pet. 4. a. with thesame Mynde of his Suffering and Death maketh knowen vnto vs as is before sayde through his Seruice of Loue / his vpright Beeing of Righteousnes And in our good Will to thesame / He bringeth his Beleef vnto vs and so in the Beleef / He himself m Esa. 53. b. 2. Pet. 2. beareth our Sinnes and iustifyeth n Rom. 3.8 ● Gal. 2. b. vs from thesame / through the Beleef And so takeing our Sinnes vppon him / in Patience He o 1 Iohn 1.4 reconcileth vs before
and Blood ؛that earthly Beeing is in his right Ordinance / the h Esa. 66. a Act 7. c. Bench for the Lordes Feete ouer the which / the Kingdom of God beareth his Dominion and Christ / his Glory 9. Of which Glory / the Members of Christ haue spoken in tymes-past when-as the Lyfe of God or Christ was com vnto them / for to possesse them and to be incorporated with them saying and testifying i Iohn 1. b The Woord is incarnated or becom Flesh and dwelt among vs. Wherthrough they sawe his Glory euen a Glory of the only borne Sonne of the Father / full of Grace and Trueth 10. Beholde This Glory of Christ / was the Kingdom k Luk. 17. c. of God inwardly in them the which had inherited them for a Possession / as his Heritage and their Spirit also / thatsame and not / Flesh and Blood 11. Consider well of the Mynde that I wryte vnto thee and vnderstande the Resolution of my Vnderstanding and l Iohn 7. ● iudg with a right Iudgment The X. Chap. THou sayest likewyse / out of the Wryting of Ecclesiastes a Eccle. 12. a how that euery Thing must returne agayne / from whence it is com Thatt which is out of God / shall returne thether agayne and thatt which is of the Earth / shall be Earth agayne 2. Oh ⁏ alas heer-out is much Misunderstanding taken-on and many do runne-on in that sort / with this one Sentence and haue no Discerning nor Consideration / to what ende the Sentence soundeth nor wherto the whole Scripture stretcheth And wil nodout ⁏ out of ther owne Good-thinking include the Mynde of God ⁏ which they vnderstand not in this one Sentence of the Scripture And out of thesame they iudg euenthus Let them liue how they wil liue when they dye / their Spirit shall com agayne to God and th●●r Body to the Earth 3. Heerwithall do the lightmynded Hearts deceaue themselues who haue no Lust to Gods Righteousnes and yet for-al-that do rest perswaded / that their Spirit ⁏ which is vngodded or not of God shall com to God 4. No ⁏ Beloued No. God wil none of the wicked Spirits but He putteth them away and poynteth them from Him / b Math. 25. ● into the Condemnation of the hellish Fyer which is prepared for the Deuill and all wicked Spirits 5. FOr-that-cause ⁏ thou Beloued looke rightly into the Alteration of the Man and in what maner / the Spirit of God which God hath formed in the Man cometh to God 6. For if it were so / that the Spirit of God ⁏ which God hath formed in the Man shoulde alwayes vppon the Earth / remayne estrainged or seperated from God and from the Mans Beeing and that the Man shoulde not ⁏ vppon the Earth be incorporated to thesame / for an euerlasting Assurance c Rom. 8. b of the Inheritance of Christ and of the Kingdom of the God of Heauens / in the eternall Lyfe and so ⁏ without Vniting d Eqhe. 4. c. with the Mans Beeing / in Righteousnes shoulde go to the Incorporating vnto his God first / when-as the Creature were passed-thorow the naturall Death / Who coulde then I pray thee / witnes and publish vppon the Earth / the Glory of God and the Powers of his Goodnes / to the Blessing and S●luation of the Man· and be seruiceable to the Man / to an Incorporating to thesame Goodnes of God 7. Therfore haue now in consideration / how and wherin the Fulnes of the Mynde of the Scriptures concisteth and whether that the Vnderstanding of God be wholly declared in the Man / when-as he so taketh vnto him one Sentence out of the Scripture / according to his Good-thinking and so goeth-on therwith / without Discerning of the godly Wisdom and doth not once consider / wherto that one Sentence serueth from whence it proceedeth nor to what ende it stretcheth 8. Euenthus ⁏ thou Beloued let vs consider rightly on the Mynde of the Scriptures Standeth-ther not written also / e Sap. 1. ● that the Wisdom dwelleth not in a Body that is subiect vnto Sinne Therfore cannot likewyse an vngodded Man· nor-yet one that remayneth without the Comunialtee of the Family of Loue / iudg one Sentence of the holy Scripture / rightly according to the Trueth nor-yet out of the Wisdom 9. But wheras Ecclesiastes speaketh f Eccle. 12. a. of the Earth and of God as that each-one that is Earthly and of God / goeth to his owne Incorporating / Therof I wil aske thee somwhat 10. When now this Alteration cometh-to-pas with the Man shall then the Nature of the Iniquite haue his Possession with the Man or be mingled with him as an Heyre Or shall he be thrust-out with the Vnfreeone g Gen. 21. b Gal. 4. ● I do veryly suppose / Yea according to the Promyses For beholde 11. Wil not God inhabite his Tabernacle h 2. Cor. 6. b or Temple alone and dryue-out of it / all i Esa. 35.52 a. Apoc. 21. c. that is vncleane or that defyleth the Howse of the Lorde Is not the Heauen also / his Seate and k Esa 66 ● Act. 7. c. the Earth / the Bench for his Feete 12. BEholde to this Glory of God and for that thesame shoulde raigne ouer the Man / is the Man chosen and likewyse in his Fall / called and bidden therunto agayne / by Christ / Because that he shoulde serue and liue-vnto his God only / in all l Luk. 1.8 Righteousnes and not cleaue-vnto the wicked Spirit ▪ nor-yet iudg thesame for the Spirit of God through the which / he keepeth God as also his good Spirit / out of his Dwelling 13. And whosoeuer then / through his Good-thinking and through his wicked Spirit or vngodly Beeing / keepeth the God of Lyfe out of his Dwelling and with a false Opinion● or with an Enuyousnes towards any Man / doth comfort or quyet himself therin / Hee doth willingly giue-ouer himself to the Curssing and perpetuall Condemnation 14. For what other Dwelling for God / wil anyman imagine I pray thee or what other Tabernacle or Temple of God / wil anyman make m 2. Pa● 6. d Esa. 66. a Act. 7. e. ⁏ wherin God wil dwell but the Man / n Iob. 14. b. Psal. 138. a. that Worke of his Hande For thatt is the Lordes Lust o Pro. 8. d. Iohn 14. d. for to dwell therin / with his vpright Beeing or Christ. But most-tymes when the Lorde mooueth the Man ther-to / by his Ministers the Man remayneth captiued vnto his owne Knowledg and so denyeth to yeelde himself p Ier. 7. c 16 b 27.29 b ● Act 7. c. 17 c to thesame Grace of the Lorde so that most-tymes / ther-are Feawe that suffer themselues to be prepared for an Habitation of God the which is greatly to be lamented 15. THerfore I saye vnto thee veryly like as all Gods
Prophets and Holyones haue also witnessed God dwelleth not in Tabernacles or Temples q Act. 7.17 ● that are made with Mens Handes but in the Worke of his owne Hande For looke into the matter 16. Wherin hath God ⁏ I pray thee euer had a Pleasure to dwell ⁏ for to be aswell vppon Earth as in Heauen r Leuit 26 Pro. 8. d. 2. Cor. 6 b Apo. 21. a but in the Man whom He himself hath made And to what Temple or Tabernacle hath He had a Lust to haue it cleansed from the Idoles· and from all vngodly Beeing but to the Man / wherby to be God and the Lorde alone / in him 17. Consider Are not these the s Esa. 4● a 6● 61. b 62. a 2. Pet 3. b. Apo. 21. ● Promyses / that God wil inhabite the Earth ⁏ or the Man of the Earth in Righteousnes 18. Yea euen in the Man / wil Hee ⁏ through his gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue distinct and deuid-a sunder / the Earthly / from the Heauenly / To th end that euenso in the Mans Inwardnes / Thatt which is of God / may com to t Eccle. 12. ● God / in the heauenly Beeing and the Earthly / to his earthly Beeing And He himself ؛the God of Heauen v Esa. 60. ● c Apo. 2● ● wil in this sort haue his Dwelling 〈◊〉 in the Mans Inwardnes / with his godly Beeing and shyne in him euerlastingly with his Cleernes / as a Day-light from Heauen and euenso lighten the Earth with Righteousnes And thatt is the Newe Heauen x Esa. 65.66 b 2 Pet. 3. b. Apo. 21. a and the Newe Earth / in which the Righteousnes dwelleth and they are now coming to all Beleeuers of Christ / which do submitt them obediently vnder the Loue and her Seruice / to the Cleansing from their Sinnes according to the Promyses The XI Chap. THou wrytest moreouer boldly vnto me / that thou hast no God whom thou needest still to feare y t He shoulde vse Rygorousnes with thee neither doest thou also ⁏ as thou wrytest desyre to haue any such Lorde 2. I knowe not wel what I shall saye heervpon but my Conceaueing is / that thou vnderstandest not rightly the Feare of God nor-yet his Rygorousnes nor his Kyndnes 3. For / to feare God / a Psal. 111. b. Pro. 1. a. 9. b Eccli 1. b is a costly Treasure / because that therout springeth the holy Wisdom For the Feare of God b Pro. 16. a Eccli 7. c dryueth-out the Sinne. 4. She is a Worke full of all Vertue / a Foresightfulnes / to a good Protection from the Destruction and begetteth in the Man / a good Vnderstanding / to a Guyding-in of him to the vpright Lyfe 5. But to knowe and to loue God in his godly Nature and Beeing / c Sap. 15. a thatt is perfect Righteousnes and this Perfection in the Loue / d 1 Iohn 4. b dryueth-out Feare wherthrough the Man doth euenso then / fulfill the Requyring of the Lawe of Moses and of the Fayth of Iesu Christ and loueth God with all his Heart and all Men as himself 6. Therfore ther-is likewyse no Feare of God anymore needfull to such a Man / which hath inherited the Perfection in the Loue. For God dwelleth in him and thesame Gods Spirit e Iohn 16. b. leadeth him into all Trueth and declareth all things vnto him 7. The Man now being a Dwelling for God / in all his Inwardnes f 1. Cor. 3.6 b 2 Cor. 6. b. ⁏ in whom / God with his Christ and Spirit / liueth and worketh he hath no cause to be afrayde of God nor of his Rygorousnes For g Col. 3 b the Loue is the Bande of their Vnitee namely the Godhead with the Manhod Therfore also the Man needeth not to feare For all his Nature Beeing and Disposition / is like vnto God himself / who suffereth his h Math. 5. d. Sunne of Righteousnes to shyne ouer Good and Badd 8. And if now it be so with thee likewyse then hast thou wonne the Crowne i 4. Esd 2. c. Iam 1. a. Apo. 2. b. of Lyfe and all Ignorance is swallowed-vp in thee 9. But now it appeereth by thy Woords ⁏ according to the sounde of thy wryting that thou art not yet com heerunto For thou desyrest yet Releasment from thy former Ignorance and wishest that it had his Going-vnder in thee or that it were quyt out of thee that thou moughtest then reioyce thee aright 10. Thou Beloued looke once rightly into thyself and let thy Bosting be accordingly For consider So long as the Man beholdeth his Ignorance and his Enemyes / which do raigne ouer him besydes God and his Doctrine or Requyring / so is it meete doutles / that the Man shoulde feare God· inclyne vnto Him and his Requyring· and submitt him obediently vnder the Ministration of his gracious Woord and Seruice of Loue / to th end that God may be his Headd k Psa 27 47. a 96. a b 97. a 99. a. and King· and his Protecter and Helper / against his Enemyes and that his Enemyes mought euenso ⁏ thorough the Power of his God go-vnder or com-to-nothing and that l Math. 25. d. God only mought ⁏ with his Wisdom or Vnderstanding heare the Dominion in him or obtayne thesame against them The XII Chap. FArdermore / thou sayest ⁏ by thy wryting that thou must yet suffer thy Brother Esau seing he is still to-mighty for thee 2. I knowe not whether I do well vnderstande thy Mynde in this Matter / or no / because that thou hast heer-to-fore written so franckly vnto me / of thy Deliuerance and Freedom And yet now thou wrytest of the Power of Esau / ouer thee and that thou must yet suffer him / seing he is to-mighty for thee 3. Ah ⁏ Beloued looke rightly into the matter I pray thee / whether the Procreation of Esau and Iacob / be also com-to-pas with thee / according to the Trueth For I saye vnto thee veryly With whomsoeuer Esau and Iacob are brought-foorth out of Isaac / the S●ede of Promyse / thear cannot Esau doo anything against Iacob For Iacob is much-to-prudent for him 4. Howbeit whear Esau and Iacob are not brought-foorth / thear are they not present likewyse and the Man also is vtterly vnacquaynted with the Vnderstanding therof For-that-cause ther is likewyse no Power vsed with him / neither by Esau nor-yet by Iacob but they are all vayne Things / whatsoeuer he perswadeth himself to knowe or to feele therof 5. For both these namely Esau and Iacob are of one Father a Gen. 25. ● and of one Moother and are also conceaued both at-once in their Moothers Wombe But the Birth ⁏ wherin they make-manifest themselues and seperate themselues asunder cometh-to-pas / the One before the Other of the which now Esau hath the Fore-going and after-that / Iacob / who is made b Gen.
to thesame Loue of God the Father and likewyse to the seruice of my Neighbour and that altogether to thesame Loue. 2. But seing the Tymes are now perillous ⁏ my Beloued and that ther are also many Harmes to be feared to ensue / if one shoulde minister the Woord of Lyfe vnto anyman vnforesightfully / Therfore doth it oftentymes seeme perillous vnto vs / to handle to speake or to wryte of the Woord of Lyfe and of his se●ret Clernes / before eueryone that woulde desyre it For it is not euerymans Matter / to comprehend thesame in his Cleernes or Secretnes but a Math. 12.13 c. 1 Cor. 1.2 a Theirs / whose Hearts be b Iohn 6. ● stirred-vp ⁏ by God to a Deuont-meditation of the Woord and his Righteousnes and haue intended Loue and Peace 3. For which Causes / we deale with godly Care / in the Seruice of our Neighbour and are likewyse to consider / what is most-profitable or necessary to be adminis●red vnto eueryone / out of the Seruice of the gracious Woord / to th end that he mought by that meanes ⁏ without doing him any Harme be furthered to the good and vpright Knowledg of the true godly Things / through som Seruice shewed towards him by vs according to that Estrainging wherin he standeth comprehended but cheefly towards those that with feruencie of Heart / desyre or seeke any Information at our Handes 4. And seing that we ⁏ through the Light do beholde the many-maner of Perils in this Matter as that it is hurtfull vnto Many / to reueale the Secretnes of God vnto them / therfore do not we open the Iewels of the Secretnes of God or the Secretnes of all godly Things / vnaduisedly or vnforesightfully / before eueryone 5. And although likewyse / that many are our Freendes / who also nodout woulde gladly knowe the Fulnes of the Instruction of all Things / yet do not wee oftentymes follow their Will for-al-that / in our Seruice which we shewe on them out of Loue but do deale with them / in Longsufferance and with great Carefulnes / c 1. Tess. 2. ● like-vnto a Moother / with her Children for to be seruiceable vnto them in thatt which is most profitable or needfull for them For thatt which the one can abyde / the other cannot and thatt wherby one farethwell and wherthrouh he is amended / therby mought another fare euell and be made worse therthrough 6. NOw mought som man saye One shoulde not of right hyde anything from the Freendes For ther-is sayde for a Prouerbe One ought not to lock-vpp any Bread from the Freendes 7. It is true It shoulde be so indeede / if the Stomacks were eueryone so sounde that they coulde endure the Bread in them or were accustomed to the Taste of Bread 8. But seing now that we do perceaue by Experience / that many Stomacks are not accustomed vnto Bread and for-that-cause growe soone d Iohn 6. offended / through the e 1. Cor 3. a. Heb. 5. b strong Foode of Bread and that Many of them likewyse / haue receaued or taken no Bread into them for a certen-tyme / to a Foode of Lyfe but haue swallowed-in somwhat heere-and-thear / out of the Wildernes / in the Darknes / Therfore are also the Stomacks generally defyled / by the Multytude of strainge Meates and Mens Complexion growen very weake and tender and cannot therfore f Iohn 16. b. 1. Cor. 3. a Heb. 5. b. endure the Bread of the liueing Woord cheefly / because they are nourished-vp with so many-maner of strainge Meates ⁏ in the Darke in the Wildernes By meanes wherof / their Stomacks haue corrupted their right State serueing to the Taste of Bread so that they haue no Hunger nor Lust at-all / to g Num. 21. b the Bread of the liueing Woord· neither-yet any sweete Taste in thesame For their Lust standeth alwayes bent towards thatt wherunto their Tastes are accustomed 9. And thatsame is likewyse the Cause / why the secret Bread of the holy Woord / doth not oftentymes serue for eueryones Stomack 10. For one may fynde many Men / for whom it is much more profitable and better at-the-first / to receaue good Medecine out of the holy Woord / for their vnsounde Stomacks cause then any strong Meate / to th end that their Stomacks mought be cleansed therby· and accustomed vnto Bread agayne 11. Whosoeuer then is com alittle vnto Health and is yet but weake and tender / to him ther serueth nothing-els at the first / but to receaue Hony h 1. Cor. 3. a Heb. ● b. 1. Pet. 1. a and Milke / out of the holy Woord to a Sustayning of him in his Weaknes For he cannot as-yet endure strong Meate 12. But when Strength cometh vnto him and that he can beare the Weaknes of his Neighbour / so doth it then serue him very-well / to receaue of the ●ec●et Bread of the holy Woord / for a Foode of the strong Lyfe / that he may yet growe stronger· and haue the i Iohn 10. a. Lyfe in Fulnes and that nothing may hurt k M●r. 16. b Luk. 10. ● nor lett him for to liue The II. Chap. THis wryte I vnto thee ⁏ my Beloued because thou shouldest not stumble or growe-offended at our Littlenes or Childishnes nor at the Seeming of our Foolishnes / in the Ministration of the holy Woord nor-yet at our mostholy Seruice of Loue / because it is a 1. Cor. 1. b. ● playne· and not according to the Course of the Wisdom of this Worlde· nor of the Scripture-learned 2. Notwithstanding although our Seruice of Loue be playne / yet is it vnto vs / a godly Seruice in the Woord of Lyfe Which Seruice / wee ⁏ out of Courtesie b 2. Cor. 4. a. Tit. 3. a and a good Conscience do minister in the Woord of Lyfe ▪ vnder the Obedience of the Loue to eueryones Welfare and Health of his Soule namely c 1. Cor ▪ 1. b. c vnto all and ouer all those that beleeue theron 3. For truly in all this our mostholy Seruice of Loue / we do not follow-after the Wy●e of the Worlde / in their Wisdom nor-yet the high-bosting Scripture-learned / in their Knowledg nor any Chosen-spiritualtee / in their Holynes nor any taken-on God-seruices / in their Controuersie but we witnes the Wisdom that auayleth before God which seemeth to be a d 1. Cor. ● b Foolishnes before their Eyes / and do make-manifest the vpright Righteousnes and Holynes which God esteemeth which seemeth before the Eyes of the Worlde and before all her Hipocrits fayned Holyons and Scripture-learned / to be e Esa. 15. ● S●p 2. b. 5. ● nothing but Sinne Vnrighteousnes or Seduceing 4. For in all thissame / all Hipocrites fayned Holyons and Wyse or Scripture-learned ones of the Worlde / haue ⁏ through the Bewitching of their Hearts accounted the Darknes / f Esa 5 c. 5● ● 59. b
her Victory shewing that Hee only is the Lorde and hath the Power ouer the Death and Hell 8. Beholde thatt is the Iudgment of the Righteousnes of God and the Coming of the Lorde Iesu Christ / to our Preseruation and to the Saluation of vs / which hope vpon God and Christ / for that the Death and the Hell / shoulde nomore haue any Dominion ouer vs but that the Lorde only / mought ⁏ as our God and King raigne ouer vs· and wee ⁏ as his People to serue Him o Luk. 1. g in Righteousnes and Holynes / to his Prayse and Glory and to our Ioye 9. Whersoeuer then / God doth ⁏ through his Light and Seruice of Loue execute the Iudgment namely as a Death to the Death / p Oze 13. b ● Cor. 15. f and as a Sting to the Hell / to a Conquering both of the Death and of the Hell euen-theare is put-on the Incorruption / the Lyfe of the euerlasting Immortalitee / to th end that the Scripture shoulde be fulfilled in the Woord of Lyfe / which God hath spoken in tymes-past by Ozeas / his holy Prophet O q Oze· 13. b 1. Cor 15. f Death I was thy Death O Hell I was thy Sting 10. Heerin haue we to prayse our God for that Hee ⁏ through his Light and Seruice of Loue prepareth vs the Victory against the Death and Hell For those are r 1. Cor. 15 a the last Enemyes of the Lyfe / from the which / God wil cleanse vs / according to his Promyses 11. For the Daye or Light of the Lorde / in his Seruice of Loue and righteous Iudgmēt / is like vnto the Gold-smithes Furnace and like the Sope of a Laundresse Beholde the Furnace of the Gold-smith / s Mal. 3. a purifyeth the Golde in the Fyre The Sope of a Laundresse / cleanseth the Clothes in the Water Euenso is the Man cleansed also in the t Pro. 17.27 ● Sap. 3. a Eccli 2. ● Furnace of Humiliation / in the Daye or Light of the Lorde 12. NOw this passed-ouer I reioyce me for thy Thankes for y t thou ⁏ as thou wrytest art not a-little taught and informed / by the little Booke that we haue sent vnto thee Of the which thou wrytest-ouer vnto mee / that thou vnderstandest som of the Sentences which thou hast read therin 13. But ⁏ my Beloued learne to haue a consideration / betwixt a godded and an vngodded Man and iudg thou accordingly For in that Pl●ace whear a godded Man standeth in such a State of thesame Beeing / ●an no vngodded Man holde himself nor-yet be so And though that he woulde so or if that anyone shoulde mooue him thertoo hee did vnwysely For an vngodded Man hath no Substance / wherwith he can stand submitted vnto God He hath v Rom. 7. b. the Will I graunt but ther-is neither the Power nor ●he Accomplishment / with him The IIII. Chap. THerfore ought not the Man to take-on any-thing / neither Submission nor Vnsubmission If he be estrainged in the Absent-beeing from God and that he knoweth his Estrainging / yet doth not the Knowledg bring with-it any Submission vnto him / in the Beeing of the Estrainging from his God 2. Yea how submitted soeuer he wil seeme to behaue himself / yet is it doutles no Submission but an Vnsubmission For the Longing resteth not / a Psa 42· a. for to com to the Beholding of God and thesame Vnsubmission is vpright and good And now when the Man is com to the Beeing of his God / by the Obedience to the Seruice of Loue and knoweth that same in his Beholding / as a Light of Lyfe / Then doth that Beeing / bring-forth the Submission itself For God is with him and b Psal. 16. b is alwayes in his Beholding 3. If he be in the Kingdom of Heauen / then is God thear also with him If he be in the Hell / then is he thear well and safe For God is c Psa. 139. a thear likewyse with him If he go-about to-and-fro with the Creatures / then is God thear in like-maner with him And in such an Estate / the Man is euerywhear and in all poynts / submitted vnto his God 4. For God is alwayes with him d Psal. 16. b at his Right-hand and his euer-liueing Beeing / is also a Light still / in his Beholding Therfore he feareth not And euenso in the true Beeing / the Submission is vpright and good And whosoeuer taketh-on another Submission or if that anyman shoulde think to content himself with another Submission / without the true Beeing and so hunteth-after the Submission / he shall not fynde the right Submission 5. Wherfore because that we shoulde not comfort ourselues with the Vanitee nor with any foolish Submission / the Scripture teacheth vs thus e Esa. 55· a. Seeke the Lorde / whylst He is to be founde Call to Him / whyles He is neer-by I wil be founde sayth the Lorde / by the Prophet Ieremy when ye f Ier. 29. b seeke me with all your Hearts 6. To thesame doth Peter also exhort the Bretheren of Fayth g 2. Pet. 1. b. We haue sayth he a sure propheticall Woord and ye do well that ye haue regarde ther-vnto / as vnto a Light / which shyneth in a darke Corner / till the Daye breake and the Morning-light ryse-vp in your Hearts 7. BEholde These Doctrines and more such like / do all teache the Vnsubmission / thewhyles one is yet in the Absent-beeing from God / because that the Longing towards our God ⁏ in Longsufferance shoulde not ceasse Therfore noman hath the right Submission neither is also the Submission promysed to anyman / in the Estrainging from his God but only in Gods Beeing / the Light of Lyfe 8. But thewhyles we do yet walke vppon the Earth in the Absent-beeing from God / like Geasts h 1. Par 29 d Psal. 39 c. 1. Pet. 2. b. Heb. 11. c. and Pilgrimes / so haue we our Comfort ⁏ i Rom. 15. a in a firme Hope vpon the Promyses of God / through his gracious Woord and do credite God / that He is true in his Woord and Promyses and do k Rom. 8. c Tit. 2. waight euenso with Patience / vpon the Coming of the Lorde Iesu Christ. Whose Coming / cometh with Light and Cleernes and with the Fulnes of Lyfe And so in an assured Hope on the Appeering of Christ ⁏ who is coming vnto vs in the Spirit we haue our Consolation l 1. Tess. 4. b. Heb. 10. ● with each-other / thewhyles the deadly Things haue yet captiued vs and so we m 1. Cor. 11. c. confesse the Suffering and Death of Christ / for our Sinnes cause And euenthus through Fayth / we becom armed likewyse with thesame n 1. Pet. 4. a Mynde of the Suffering and Death of Christ for to be planted into o Rom. 6. a Him with the like
the Lyfe t Iohn 1. ● which is for a verytrue Light / vnto all those that beleeue theron 8. Therfore let vs take-heede u 2. Cor. 6. a to the acceptable Tyme / wherin God doth illuminate vs. For in extending Mercy / He x Exo. ●3 b Rom. 9. b. sheweth Mercy on vs and leadeth vs from the Death / y Psa. 56. b. 116. a. to the Lyfe euen to the Sheapherd z 1. Pet. 2. c of our Soules 9. HEer-with ⁏ my Beloued I do hartely salute thee / with a Salutation of the Loue and see that thou ⁏ with an humble Heart do giue a regarde vnto thatt which I wryte vnto thee and ponder well the Sentences therof For they do poynt thee a Pro. 4. a. to the Lyfe 10 And if thou doest yet desyre larger Instruction at my hands / then wryte ouer vnto me I do alwayes ⁏ for the Loues sake proffer myself willingly to doo thee Seruice / in all what I may in the Lorde / to thy Edifying 11. Farewell and sett thy Comfort wholly and altogether / on the Loue. And salute me with a Salutation b Rom. 16. b 1. Cor. 16. c ▪ of the Loue / to the Bretheren and Sisters that are with thee which do submitt them with humble Hearts / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. And the Comunialtee in the Loue / that is heere with Vs / doth likewyse salute you all hartely with the Loue. 12. The Vnitee of Peace c 2. Cor. 13. b. Ephe 4 a. Col. 3. b. be alwayes among you all And the Loue of God the Father / take the Victory in all your Hearts Amen The Ende of the Eigth Epistle The Nynth Epistle Of the Seruices and Ceremonyes of the Christians and of the Vnchristians and of the right and false Vce of them with certen groundly Informations and edifying Instructions Written and sent vnto a Louer of the Trueth / at his Request Exercise thyself in Godlynes For bodely Exercise which stretcheth to the Outward / that concerneth the Nature profiteth little But the God-seruice which stretcheth to the Inward and Spirituall and to the true Godlynes is profitable to all things and hath the Promyse both of this Lyfe and of thatt to com 1. Timo. 4. The First Chapter THe Loue of God the Father ⁏ through the Reuealing of the Coming of our Lorde Iesu Christ be with thee / my Beloued and a Ephe. 1. b. 3 b. illuminate thy Spirit to a true Knowledg of the Lyfe / in the Spirit / wherby thou mayest ⁏ with a right Discerning see-into and knowe liueingly ⁏ according to the Spirit the secret b Sap. 9. b Rom. 11. ●2 2 Counsayle and Will of God / To th end that thou mayest iudg c Iohn 7. c according to the Trueth / with a right Iudgment Tha●t graunt vs the almighty Lorde / through his Loue. Amen 2. My Beloued Our Fauour out of the Seruice of Loue ⁏ to thy Saluation standeth alwayes willingly-bent towards thee for to be seruiceable vnto thee / to thy Edifying and to a good Knowledg of the true Light For that thou mayest be illuminated with the Illumination of the Cleernes of God which ⁏ out of the Grace of his Loue is reuealed d Rom. 16. c Ephe. 1.3 a Col. 1. c 2. Tim. 1. b and appeered vnto vs in the Spirit according to the Promyses of God the Father and with Wryting / to rea●he thee the Hande to thesame / according to thy Request to a Gyding of thee into our holy Comunialtee / vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 3. In which Comunialtee / wee haue our Fellowshipp e 1. Iohn 1. a with God the Father and the Lorde Iesu Christ / in the euerlasting Immortalitee wher-through all f 1 Cor. 15. f Corruption and all g Esa. 25. a. 2 Cor. 3. b. Couerings Middle-walles h Esa 59. a Ephe. 2. b. and i Psal. 146. b Bandes / be taken-awaye wher-in all Patterns Images Shadowes and Figures / do k Col 2. b Heb. 9.10 ceasse and wher-in ther is nothing-els behealde / but the euerlasting l Heb. 12. c vndisturbable Kingdom / full of all Power of God / full of Lyfe Loue and Peace / full of Cleernesses m Math. 24. d 25. d. 2. Tess. 1. a. of all the Holyons and Children of God / and full of all heauenly Treasures n Col. 2. a. and godly Ritches / euen-as God hath in tymes-past / promysed to com in Glory for a righteous Iudgment vppon the Earth 4. O thou Beloued Forasmuch as we haue shewed our Fauour of Loue on thee ⁏ with Seruice and Assistance to these heauenly o Ephe. 1. b 2. a. 3. a Col. 1. ● 2. a. Ritches in the eternall Beeing of Immortalitee / So haue we now the second-tyme / receaued Wrytings from thee and haueing perused-ouer and considered of them ⁏ so much as we can we do vnderstand therby ⁏ according to the Mencioning of thy Wrytings that thy Opinion or Conceaueing standeth towards vs or thou shouldest seeme to haue vnderstood so by Others / that we shoulde not vse the Christian Ceremonyes or shoulde account them to be vnprofitable 5. No ⁏ my Beloued we are not so presumptuous / that we shoulde not acknowledg all Gods Ordinances ⁏ in their right Foorme or V●e to be good p Eccli 39. c and profitable / being ministred in their due tyme. Yea we esteeme them very worthy and commendable in their Seruice so farr-forth or to such an ende as their Seruice reacheth the which we haue sufficiently witnessed ⁏ with sencible Distinction before all Vnderstandings / in the Glasse of Righteousnes 6. But ⁏ my Beloued if thy Heart shoulde yet stande captiued vnto anything of thatt which hath had his Fore-going the which also had the Ministration of his q 2. ●or 3 a. Cleernes to the to-coming Daye of the Reuealing of the Coming of Christ that is till that the Refreshing shoulde appeer r Act. 3. c ▪ from the vncouered Face of God / for a gloryous Kingdom of God and for a Ioye and Peace of all the Saincts of God / in the euerlasting Lyfe so consider then / by Whom and out of what Spirit / the Christian-ceremonyes are ministred / by the Illuminated or by the Vnilluminatedones out of the Letter of the Scripture or out of the Woord of Lyfe The II. Chap. SEing now then that many Instituters of Ceremonyes / do minister y e Office of Ceremonyes / out of the Prudence of their owne Vnders●anding or out of ●he Knowledg of the Letter / altogether to Controuersie and haue not receaued the Office of their Ministration / through the Woord of Lyfe / Veryly so is likewyse their Office of Ceremonyes / no a Ier. 23. b. 27. a. 29 a. Commaundement of God nor-yet their Seruices / any christian Ceremonyes For those Scriptur-learnedones do setfoorth the Ceremonyes ⁏ which they administer for
christian Ceremonyes out of their owne Opinion and b Ier. 23. b. Good-thinking and therfore is also their Office against Gods Commaundement For they are vnmeete to the Seruice of the Lorde / which God esteemeth-of for they knowe not his c Psal. 95. a Sap. 5 a ●eb 3. b. Wayes neither do they knowe the Waye of d Psal. 14. a Psa 59 b Rom. 3. b Peace but they are blynde dumme and deafe / thouching the Lyfe that proceedeth out of God and so in their Seruices / are e Math. 15. b ▪ 23 b Luk ● d Blyndeguydes and do likewyse leade the People into Captiuitee / with the Bandes of their Blyndnes 2. They breake not the f Iohn 6. c. Bread of Lyfe vnto the People they baptise not also in the g Math. 28. b Name of the Father ⁏ who is the liueing God nor in the Name of the Sonne of God ⁏ who is the true Light and Lyfe of his Father nor-yet in the Name of the holy Gost who is the heritable h Ephe. 1 b Paune of the Godlynes 3. Forasmuch now veryly / as these holy spirituall Ritches are not among them / therfore do they not likewyse keepe i 1. Cor. 11. c the Supper of Christ / according to the Trueth For the Bread k Iohn 6. d from Heauen / is not with them For-that-cause also / they knowe not the Woord of Lyfe nor the Spirit of Agednes l Ephe 4. c. or of the Man Christ nor they m Esa 40. b Sap. 9 b Rom. ●● ● 1. Cor 2. b vnderstand not his Death n Rom. 6. a Phil. 3. b. nor his Resurrection nor the Counsayle of God nor-yet the Wisdom nor the Christianitee 4. Seing then that they haue not receaued the Bread of Lyfe fro● Heauen neither are o Ier. 14.23 c sent by God nor by Christ and are Straingers from the secret Counsayle of God and vnderstande p Sap. 9. b 1. Cor ● b. nothing-at-all of the godly Things / How shoulde they then be able rightly to minister the Beginings q Heb. 6. a of the christian Doctrine or the Christian-ceremonyes / wherwith the vpright Righteousnes is requyred 5. Veryly they haue not the louely Feete of the r Esa. 25. b. Nahu 1. b. Rom 10. b Messengers / which com from the Hill of the Lorde they bring also no good Message they publish not the Peace neither do they likewyse make-manifest the Saluation that auayleth before God but they are quyte darkened in their Vnderstanding / through s Rom. 1. c. Ephe. 4. c. the Blyndnes of their Hearts and through the Vnbeleefe that is in them Therfore are they all likewyse / Ianglers Stryuers and Contenders against one-another / for the Ceremonyes and for the litterall Scriptures cause and do make among each other / Disturbance and captiued Consciences chooseing priuate t Rom. 10. a Col. 2. c. Righteousnesses vnto themselues / according to the Good-thinking of their owne Hearts The III. Chap. FOrasmuch then / as that the Kingdom of Peace / is ⁏ out of Grace a Math. 11. c 13. c. 1. Cor. 2. b. Ephe. 1. b. Col. 1. c. reuealed and geeuen Vs to see-into in the Woord of Lyfe / through the Loue of God the Father / Therfore is not the Counsayle of God vnto vs now / to take-in-hand nor to vse anything of thatt which is past / according to Mens Imagination 2. Yet do we well perceaue this / that the former Seruices ⁏ at that tyme when they were ministred through the Woord of Lyfe and vsed out of the Trueth were profitable nodout / vnto Saluation and serued for an Hand-reaching b Gal 3. c. Heb. 6. a. 7. b or Gyding-in of the Little or Youngones of Vnderstanding / to the Woord of Lyfe Howbeit / now it is also well knowen vnto vs / that many Scriptur-learnedones do now striue and contēde their-about / in their good-thingking Knowledg / and vse much Disputing and Arguing about them And thatt woulde not God haue c 1. Cor. 7. b. For we are called vnto Peace 3. If wee then shoulde likewyse bring-in and vse the former Seruices ⁏ which are passed-thorow according to the Order and Opinion of the contentious Setters-foorth of Ceremonyes or Scriptur-learnedones and shoulde not declare the Requyring of the right Seruices and Ceremonyes / So shoulde wee haue then to stryue to contende and to dispute with Them 4. But no thatt is not our Seruice Wee haue all our Regard / to note what a louely Beeing in the Peace / the Word of Lyfe holdeth before vs / as a Light and do follow his Commaundement d Iohn 6. d. 1. Tess 4. a and Will and do labour after the attayning to thatt which the Ceremonyes do requyre or thatt wherunto they were ministred in tymes-past / To th end that our Seruice wherunto God hath called vs in these last Dayes / through the e 2. Timo. 1. b Tit. 1. a. Reuealing of the Coming of the Lorde Iesu Christ shoulde not be darkened f 2. Cor. 6. ● with any Intanglement 5. For God woulde not y t anyman shoulde stryue or contende for Seruices nor-yet for Ceremonyes but that eueryone shoulde bow g 1. Pet. 5. a. and submitt himself vnder the Obedience of the Loue / our mostholy God-seruice and shoulde receaue the Administration of the Counsayle of God / for a Lyfe of Saluation follow-after h Pro 4. b. 5 a 2 Timo. 3. b. thesame Counsayle and so shoulde ⁏ out of the Beginings of his simple Chyldhod increase in the christian Doctrine or Ministration of the Loue ▪ or grow-vp therin i Ephe. 4. c. to the Age of the M●n Christ that is till that the Loue haue a liueing Foorme in him not looking-about after thatt which is past but haueing regard k Phil. 3. b. vnto thatt which is to com that is to the Inheritance of the Peace / to the Saluation of the Soule 6. But if anyman be mynded heer-against or resteth self-wyse and wil alledg much out of the Scripture / with his darke Vnderstanding / hee shall burthen his owne Conscience intangle his Senses and Thoughts and not fynde the Refreshing of his Mynde nor the l Act. 3. ● Comfort of his Soule The IIII. Chap. FArdermore thou testifyest / that thou vnderstandest not certen Sentences which are rehearsed in the Testimony of the Mediation of Christ and seemest to affirme ther-out / that thatt which the Prophet Esaias a Esa. 7● 11 hath spoken of Christ / shoulde be only of Christ / that was to com b Math. 1. ● Rom. 1. a. 1. Tim. 2. ● in the Flesh. 2. Thatt is suerly very-right But not as thy Mynd conceaueth it Therfore consider of the Meaning and vnderstand what I wryt vnto thee For this do I testifye vnto thee as a Secret of God that the Woord of Esai / is a liueing Woord
that the Foode or the Bread of Lyfe shal be f Math. 24. d ministred and heald-foorth open-ly in Cleernes / vnto eueryone that beleeueth the Woord of the Seruice of Loue and that sheweth faythfull Obedience therunto To the Young Children / g 1. Cor. 3. c. 1 Pet. 2 c. a according to their Youngnes / to the Weake / h Rom. 14.15 a. Gal 5. a. according to thier Weaknes / to the Strong-youngmen / i Heb. 5. b. according to their Abillitee or Strength / and to the Elders / according to their Auncientee or Oldenes 5. Euenthus shall now in thissame Daye of Loue / the right Foode ؛ k Iohn 6. f. the Woord of Lyfe be ministred l Math. 24. c. 2. Timo. 2. b. in the right tyme· also prepared for eueryone / according to his Stomack· and distributed for a Nourishment of his Soule And thissame Bread or Woord of Lyfe that is com-downe out of Heauen / vnto vs Littleones and Elected of God ⁏ for a Foode of Lyfe m Exo. 16. a. Psal. 78. b. Sap. 16. c. Iohn 6. f. shall likewyse be for a Taste of Foode vnto eueryone / according as he would willingly eate 6. Happy are those which now in thissame Daye / haue sounde and strong Stomacks ▪ and can beare the Foode howsoeuer it be prepared or in what maner it is ministred / out of the Woord of Lyfe and can receaue or eate thesame to a Nourishment of their Soules and so can indeuour them n 1. Cor. 14. a. Col. 5. b. to the Loue. 7. Yea thosame ⁏ if they growe vp o Ephe. 4 b. therin obediently / till vnto the Age of the holy and godly Vnderstanding shal be founde the auncient Elders and Fathers in the Family of Loue who also shall vnderstande p Math. 11. c. 13. b. Ephe. 3. a. Col. 1. c. the Secretnes of the Woord· and minister q Math. 24 ▪ b or bring the woord of Lyfe ⁏ out of the Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue vnto the Disciples of the Woord / in the right or conuenient tyme / according to eueryones Nature or Estate namely to the Youngones or to the New-borne Babes / r 1. Cor. 3. a. the Milke of the woord / to the Sick or Weakeones / s Rom. 14. a. the Medecinable-broth of the Woord / and to the Youngmen or Strong-ones / t Heb. 5 b. the Bread and strong Foode of the Woord And that altogether / to a Growing-vp v 1. Cor. 13. b. Ephe. 4. b. into the manly Age of Christ. 8 O Ye Beloued according to this Pattern euen-as I do Heere prescribe thesame vnto you in Wryting / see that you indeuour yourselues among each-other in the Loue and haue a good regard vnto thatt which is heald-foorth before you / to a Consolation of your Soules 9. Turne your Hearing therunto and comprehend or cōceaue thesame in your Thoughts and so out of the goodwilling Obedience to the Requyring of the Woord and his Seruice of Loue / learne to knowe in the Spirit of your Inwardnes / the right Oldestone the right Father and the true Sheapherd x 1. Pet. 2. c. or Bisshopp of your Soules / which is the y Iohn 17. b. spirituall Woord of the heauenly Trueth the holy Spirit of Loue the Light or the Daye of Loue z Iohn 14. a. and the euerlasting Lyfe itself / wheron we do witnes and poynt 10. For wee are nomore but a Iohn 1. a. witnesses of the true Beeing of the Loue / which we minister vnto you / and b 1. Cor. 4. ● 2. Cor. 6. a. Ministers of the holy and gracious Woord / for to declare ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue the godly Cleernes and heauenly Ritches of God the Father ⁏ which out of Grace / are appeered and brought vnto vs out of Heauen / by the Father of Light among the Children c Ephe. 3. a. of Men. 11 Which Grace Light or Cleernes ▪ and thosame heauenly Goodes / all they d Ephe. 3. a. 2. Pet. ● a. likewyse do enioye and be Co-partakers therof / which submitt them with vs vnder the Obedience of the Loue and haue their Fellowshipp with our Fellowshipp / in all Loue. The V. Chap. MY intyrely beloued Freendes and Bretheren in the Loue of Iesu Christ Vouchsafe for this tyme / to be content with this my harty Exhortation and small Seruice and ensue or performe first-of-al / thatt which is heald-foorth before you a Math ● a. Luk. 3 13. a A ▪ 2 ● c for a Begining of the christian Lyfe and so then growe-vp ther-out / b Ephe. 4. b. to the Perfection of the christian Lyfe and to the Oldnes of the hol● and godly Vnderstanding and minister you dayly the Woord of Trueth vnto eachother euen-as thesame like-as it is also before sayd is ministred vnto you through the holy Spirit of Loue and as it is yet dayly heald-foorth vnto you 2 Add not any Prudence of Natural-reason therto Defend nor couer not likewyse c Gen. 3. ● Math. 25 ▪ c y e Craftynes of the Flesh / with the Natural-reason as that ye shoulde ⁏ with the Industry of your Good-thinking drawe-awaye d Deut 4.12 d or take-out anything or any Sentence therfrom / tending to an● Pleasure vnto the Desyres of your Flesh but receaue or accept it all e Ephe 6 a Col 5. c. wi●h simple Hearts / to your Edifying and to the f Ier 7. a. 25. a 35. b. Amendment of your Lyfe and Beeing and remember vs alwayes to the Good Wee wil not also forgett the Ministring of the Woord / vnto you all 3. But although ye coulde quyte forgett Vs / yet cannot wee forgett You. For we haue borne you in our Hearts and ye haue druncke g Cant. ● ● Esa. 66. b. of the Milke of our Breasts and eaten of one Bread with vs. 4. Therfore are wee likewyse dayly carefull ouer you like vnto a naturall Moother that alwayes beareth a Care ouer her Children / for to prouide thatt with Dilligence / which is needfull for them 5. If now the naturall Moothers haue such a Care ouer their naturall Children / shall not then the spirituall Moothers / now in these perillous Tymes / beare much-more a godly Care dayly ouer their spirituall Children of Sion / h Esa. 66. a. which they beare to the God of Lyfe / for to bring-them-up in all Health and Godlynes / to their full Age / vnhindered Yes nodout For veryly / the spirituall Procreation and the spirituall or inward Mootherly-loue / doth farr exceede the naturall It is verytrue 6. For-that-cause ⁏ ye Beloued inclyne not to the earthly and i Rom. 6.12 ● corruptible Beeing but suffer yourselues to be nourished and taught by the Seruice of Loue ▪ and through thesame / drawe-away k Rom. 13. b Gal. 5. b. 1. Pet. 2. b. your Myndes
Therfore turne you from all thatt / wher-through ye haue seduced and deceaued yourselues and com to thissame true Light of Loue which by Gods Grace / is f Esa. 60. a. Iohn 1. a. 1 Iohn 1.2 a appeered and com vnto Vs / out of Heauen 4. SEing then that God hath ⁏ now in these perillous Tymes shewed Mercy on vs ⁏ with his Light through his harty Loue / Therfore do we acknowledg likewyse through the Loue of God the Father / that ther is now presently / no other Light nor Lyfe more ⁏ that is true neither hath bin heertofore nor-yet shall com / neither in Heauen nor vppon Earth / but thatsame Light which is reuealed and com vnto vs now in the last tyme / through the Loue of God the Father and thatsame is the true Light / wheron g Deut 18. b. Esa 60 a. Iohn 5. c. Act. 3. c. Moses and all the holy Prophets of God haue witnessed and which the holy h Act. ct Apostles of Christ and Euangelists haue published / to the Blessing and Saluacion of all Generacions of Men / that beleeue theron 5. All whatsoeuer is against thesame and that doth not submitt itself ther-vnder ▪ but turneth itself away ther-from / thatt is all Darknes i Esa. 59. a. Conceited-light or False-light and nothing but Deceit and Seduceing For the Waye of thesame / leadeth to the k Math 7.25 d. Hell and euerlasting Condemnation 6. Therfore be not you seduced by your owne Knowledg nor by anymans Good-thinking nor chosen Holynes but turne your Hearts to the Seate of Grace and to the euerlasting Day-light from Heauen / that is appeered and com vnto vs now in the last tyme ⁏ by Gods Grace according to the Promyses 7. THerfore com now all hether / to this true Light of the vpright vndeceaueable Loue Suffer yourselues to be shyned-on and lighted therby / through the Seruice of Loue and so becom Lights / l Psal. 36. b. in y e Light and let the Loue be planted in you / with Meeknes 8. Take now heede to thissame Daye of Loue to thend ye may be cleansed from all what is agaynst the Loue. 9. For I saye vnto you veryly that after thissame Daye of Loue / ther shall m Apo. 10 a. no Daye more appeere out of Heauen / vppon the Earth neither haue we to wayte for any other Daye more / for euer It shall likewyse all perrish / whatsoeuer n P●o. 1. c. refuseth the Grace / in thissame Daye and so contemneth Gods Mercy 10. For this Daye is the Daye which God hath sett or appoynted / o Act. 17. d. in the which He wil iudg the Circuit of the Earth with Righteousnes / through one Man in whom He hath concluded it and holdeth-foorth the Beleefe before eueryone inasmuch as God hath raysed Him from the Death By whom / the p 1. Cor. 15. b. Resurrection of the Deadd / is now also reuealed and made-knowen vnto vs. 11. Beholde this is held-foorth vnto you out of harty Loue / q Iohn 20. g. for that ye shoulde beleeue and becom saued r Apo. 20. a. and mought haue a Parte in the Resurrection of the Righteous· and reioyce you with vs and all the Saintes of God / in the euerlasting Lyfe 12. Take s Pro. 2.3.4 a thissame to heart I pray you ⁏ to a Reformacion in the vertuous Nature of the Loue O thou louely Comunialtee thou meane I which standest submitted ⁏ with Heart Mynde and Delyte vnder the Loue / to shewe all Obedience 13. Haue now a sharpe regarde on the gloryous Maiestee of God and on the Mercyfulnes of his Loue which is now declared vnto vs / t Math 24. d. Act. 1. b. out of the heauenly Beeing and hath his Foorme vppon the Earth Submitt you alwayes ther-vnder and let not his Loue be turned-away from your Heartes but let thesame be alwayes vnto you / to a v Math. 11. d. Refreshing of your Soules / Then shall ye not be deceaued by the earthly fleshly and good-thinking Men / nor by the false Hearts of the Scripture-learnedones For all their Wayes x Esa 59 ▪ a. are false lying and deceitfull 14. They wil not submitt them also / but to their owne Good-thinking / or to the earthly fleshly and bloody Things / and to Those / which ⁏ lyke vnto themselues are mynded to the earthly Flesh and Blood and which bring-foorth their Good-thinking ther-out The VI. Chap. OH what a perrillous a Amo● ● b. M●ch 2. a. Tyme is it now presently / for the Preseruacion of Soules namely for Those that be borne b ● Pet. 1 c. Iam. 1. b. out of the Loue and her Seruice / and with what c Heb. 1● b. Care and Foresightfulnes / must now the Elders in the godly Vnderstanding of the holy Spirit of Loue / bring-vp d 1. Pet 5. a. their Children of Loue / to th end that the gloryous Freedom of the Children of God mought be manifested vnto them and they not to be lead-away ther-from / For the Theeues or Stealers of Men / are now becom many and the Deuourers sleepe not 2. Oh looke to it / looke to it keepe you likewyse eueryone a sharpe Watch ⁏ my beloued Children sayth the holy Spirit of Loue and in the Ryseing-vp of the Vyolent-dooers and Destroyers / then keepe yourselues quyet in-any-wyse e Esa 26. c. byde within your Doores go not without the Walles nor Gates of the Citee / till the Destroyers he passed-by that ye be not deuoured 3. Shewe not yourselues naked in-any-case / before the Enemyes be not seene of them bee now among them ⁏ whyle the wicked Worlde doth yet raigne euen as though ye were deadd and were not f Psal. 38 b. and had no Speeche in your Mouth and so walke vnseene and vnknowen / before all those that are with out the Family of Loue and showe themselues as Enemyes agaynst thesame as also before those that turne them awaye ther-from Be not g Esa. 52. b hasty in-an-wyse / to take-on anything runne not before the tyme and h Luk. 9.17 d looke not about after anything / for to imagin any better thing / then the Loue and thatt which is administred out of her Seruice 4. O thou precious Manhod / looke only vpon thy God and vpon the Kyndnes of his Loue shewed on thee / Otherwyse / thou must perrish Giue no eare in-any-wyse / to those that are borne i Iohan. 3. b. out of the earthly Blood and are Straingers k Ephe. 2. b. from the Family of Loue. God hath not sent them neither are they any Prophets that go-out from God 5. O precious Man / l Mat. 22. b. Apo. 3. b. becom now clothed with the Loue and be prudent and vnderstanding in y e vertuous Nature m 2. Cor. 12. b For it is
altogether aboute thee / wher-after men do hunt course or runne For now is the tyme com / that thou shalt be n Mat 24. a. Mar. 15. a. Luk 19.11 b besett assaulted and persecuted ▪ namely / by the Worlde by the Flesh and by all perditionable Lusts and Desyres as likewyse by all deuided Sects and good-thinking Men and by all false Holynesses All these shall spread their Netts before thee / for to drawe thee into thesame 6. All Lightmynded Spirits / also all Scorners and o 1 Timo. 4 a 2 Timo. 3. a. 2. Pet. 2.3 a. Iude. ● b. Mockers / all Fallers-away from the Seruice of Loue / likewyse all those that do make manifest their Craftynes Villany and false vnfaythfull Nature / against the Loue and her Comunialtee / together with all Backbyters and Blaspheamers / that defame vs with much Falshod / shall also runne-after thee for to drawe thee vnder their false Nature 7. Lykewyse all Flatterers Whoores and Knaues Lyers Adulterers and Adulteriees Betrayers Vsurers and Couetousones / also the Idolaters and all those that vse false God-seruices / together with the Killers Theeues and Murderers Yea / all whatsoeuer is false vnfaythfull or deceitfull / shall make-vp himself / for to drawe thee vnto him But make none accounte of any of them all / p Math ▪ 1● b. 2. Timo. 3. a in the tyme of thyne Assaulting Tryall and Tribulacion but praye vnto God q Ma● 6 b. Luk● 11. a. that He wil keepe thee from their perditionable Wayes / wherinto they woulde leade thee 8. THerfore ⁏ O thou precious Man remember now in thy Temptacion / the Suffering and Death of our Lorde Iesu Christ how that Hee hath suffered the Temptacion of the Wicked· and the r Phil. 2. a. Heb. 12. a. contemnable Death of the Crosse / at the Sinners Handes / when the Glory was heald-foorth or proffered vnto Him and so ⁏ after his Ryseing from the Death is com agayne s Luk. 24. c. Act. 1 d 1. Cor 15 c. to his Glory and Dignitee and so hath ⁏ through t Rom. 6. a. Phil. 2. a. his Death of the Crosse conquered the v Oze 13 b. 1. Cor. 15. f. Death and broken their Bandes / x 1 Timo. 1 b Heb. 2. b. that had the Authoritee of Death 9. Thus byde now constantly in the Loue of Iesu Christ and let it not greeue thee ⁏ O thou precious Man to suffer with Christ / wherby to be in like maner in his Suffering or y Rom. 6 a. Phil. 3. b. Death of the Crosse / baptised or z Rom. 6. a. Col. 2. b. Tit. 3. b. washed with the pure a Iohn 3.7 d. Waters of the Seruice of Loue· and euenso cleansed from the Sinne. For ther is no other Waye / for to bring thee agayne to thy Dignitee 10. Therfore / ponder well now thissame Waye and looke-into the Death of the Crosse of our Lorde Iesu Christ wher-thorow b Iohn 10.14 thou must go and offer-vp vnto the Lorde / thy Gift or Offering / in the Gift c Heb. 9. b. c. or Offering of Iesu Christ if thou wilt com to the Lyfe 11. Be not seduced with any other vayne Babling nor deceaued by the subtill and crafty Tongues nor-yet by Flesh and Blood Inasmuch doutles as Those and all Such / do d Phil. 5. b. mock at the right and true Death of the Crosse of Christ. and do also saye very boldly vnto thee Cast the Crosse ⁏ or the Passe-ouer to the Entrance into the Lyfe / that is taught thee out of the Seruice of Loue from thee and fauour thyself and liue free 12. With these or such-like seduceing Woordes / they steale thy Heart from the Lyfe that proc●edeth out of God and so thou remaynest bounde with the Bandes of Death and e Rom. 1. e. Ephe. 4 6. estrainged from the true Lyfe of the newe Birth in Iesu Christ. From which Death ⁏ that doth alwayes gnawe accuse ▪ and captiue thee thou canst not be released / without the Death or Passe-ouer of the Suffering of Christ. 13. Therfore let noman seduce thee but be thou obedient to the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue and so take-vpp thy Crosse ▪ f Math. 16. d Luk. 9.14 c. 1. Pet. 2. c. 4 a. and follow-after Christ / in his Death and com euenso thorow his Death g Rom. 6. a. to the Renewing of the Lyfe namely / to the newe Birth or Resurrection of Christ from the Death y e which is the true h Rom. 6.8 c Freedom of all the Children of God and Gods vpright Glory in Iesu Christ and in all his Holyones 14 O Ye beloued Hearts / com now all in-that-maner / to the Glory of God the Father and be not afrayde to i Rom. ● b. 2 Timo. 2. b suffer with Christ / in the Holy For by his Suffering in the Holy / He wil make you k 1 Pet. 2. a. Apo. 1. a. 5. b Kings and Priestes vnto his God and Gouernoures vppon Earth / for to beare the Dominion vppon Earth / with y e liueing God and his Righteousnes / to the Treading-downe of the Sinne Death Deuill and Hell / which haue corrupted the Earth / with their Iniquitie and Vngodlynes· and raigned ouer thesame with Vnrighteousnes / To th end that they may l Rom. 6. b. nomore raigne ouer thesame but that God with his Saintes / may raigne vppon the Earth for euermore and that the m Mat. 6. b. Will of God the Father may be don vppon Earth / as in Heauen The Ende of the Eleuenth Epistle The Twelueth Epistle An Information and Loueing Exhortation of Reproofe / written and sent vnto One / out of harty Loue Wher-with he is loued to the Concorde of the Loue and to the Vnitee of Heart in the Obedience of the Loue. O Lorde how kynde and sweete is thy Spirit / in all things Therfore doest thou chasten those measurably / that do erre and exhortest those with Correction / that sinne / because they shoulde hate their Wickednes and beleeue ⁏ O Lorde in thee Sap 12. The First Chapter WIth this my Wryting ⁏ as a Salutacion of the Loue I do hartely ●a●ute thee to the Loue / my beloued Freende and do wish thee to haue obtayned in one Spirit with vs a Math. 11. d. Little and Electedones of God / thesame Cleernes of the true Light / wherwith God y e Father hath shewed Mercie on vs / through his harty Loue. For this Cleernes of the true Light ⁏ b Iohn 17. c. 1. Iohn 1. ● which God hath with Vs / and wee with Him is the Daye of Loue / of his righteous Iudgmet 2. Which Daye is com and declared vnto vs / by the c 2 Timo 1. b. Tit. 2. b. Appeering of the gloryous Coming of the Lorde Iesu Christ who cometh now from the Right-hande of God his Father /
/ in our Seruice of Loue but do / out of the Cleernes of God ⁏ g 2. Cor. 4. a. which hath shyned about vs shewe vnto eueryone sufficiently / in Plentiful-store of Instructions were it rightly vnderstoode the h 4 Esa. ● a. Mat 7. b Luk. 13. c. Waye or Course that leadeth to the L●fe wherof thou wil● seeme to saye much with Misunderstanding / as being vnexpert in the Matter 7. But if now it be vnknowen or to-darke before anyman as that our Gospel ⁏ which we publish vnder the Obedience of the Loue / out of the highest Cleernes of God / i 2. Cor. 3. b. from the vncouered Face of Christ be to-couered or to-secret for him / k 2 Cor. 4. a Then veryly is it hidden to those / which with the vnbeleeueing Mynde of this Worlde / do not beleeue nor vnderstande the Trueth of God also before all those / which perswade l Pro. 3 b. Esa. ● c. themselues that they 〈◊〉 wyse and for-that-cause / are not subiect to the sincere Doctrine of the Loue. The III. Chap. FOrasmuch now then / as that the Seruice of Gods Loue / is ⁏ by Gods Grace com vnto Mee and comitted a Gal. 1. d. 1. Timo 1. b vnto me to minister / wherby to declare vnto the Man / with good Instruction ⁏ through thesame Seruice the true Tabernacle or Temple of the Lorde ⁏ b Leuit 26 b Eze 37.43 a. Apo. 21 a wherin God wil dwell liue and walke and the true God-seruice in thesame namely for to distinct the Forefrunt of the true Tabernacle of God ⁏ wherin the vpright Circumcision cometh-to-pas / which is c Ier. 4. a. Rom 2. c. Phil. 3. a. Col. 2. b. according to the Requyring of the Obedience of the Lawe of the Lorde from the Hea●thenshipp or Vncircumcision the Holy ⁏ wherein the vpright Baptisme cometh-to-pas / which is d Rom. 6. a. Col. 2. b. according to the Requyring of the Obedience of the Fayth of Iesu Christ from the Forefrunt and the Mostholy ⁏ wherin the vpright Fulfilling e Heb. 9.10 b. and Establishing of the Promyses cometh-to-pas / which is according to the Requyring of the Obedience of the Loue of the holy Gost from the Holy as also eachones Seruice Office and Order / So am I likewyse obediently inclyned therto / to th end to shewe euenso vnto the Man / the true God-seruice in the Spirit / which he oweth vnto God and which is profitable to his Saluation 2. But first-of-al / the Man ought to take-heede what the gracious Seruice of Loue and of the holy and gracious Woord requyreth of him / in his Heathenshipp or Vncircumcision / to his Saluacion For by thesame Seruice of the gracious Woord in the Vncircumcision / God calleth or requyreth the Man ⁏ with his true Promyses of Saluacion and assured Graunt of eternall Lyfe out of the f Gen. 22. a. Heathenshipp or Vncircumcision / to the Good-willingnes to the Entrance into his Sainctuary and so then the Man if he becom good-willing to the Obeying of the Calling of y e Lorde and hath a regarde vnto y e gracious g 2 Pet. 1. c. Woord is drawen or leadd out of the Heathenshipp / into the Forefrunt of the true Sainctuary or Tabernacle of God and to the Departure out of the Sinne and to the Entrance into the godly Lyfe And thesame Departure out of the Heathenshipp and Entrance into the Sainctuary / is the Seruice or the Requyring of the holy Woorde / in the Heathenshipp or Vncircumcision 3. But the Seruice or the Requyring of the holy Woord / in the Forefrunt or Entrance into the godly Lyfe is the h Rom. 2. c. Phil. 3. a. Col. 2. b. Circumcision of the Heart / in the Feare of God namely i Col. 2. b. the Laying-away of the Sinne in the Flesh. Which Forefrunts Entrance ⁏ and to shewe Obedience therin / according to the Lawe of the Lorde is the right k Math. 7. b. Luk. 13. c. Waye and the first Stepp / that leadeth the Man ⁏ out of the Heathenshipp to the Entrance into the Sainctuary of God and into the godly Lyfe of Christ. And so out of the Forefrunt of the Tabernacle of God and the Seruice of thesame / the Man is leadd into the true Holy of the Tabernacle of God or vpright Beleefe of Iesu Christ. 4. The Seruice or the Requyring of the holy Woord in the Holy or Beleefe of Iesu Christ / is the Putting-on or l Iohn 6. f. Receaueing of the Body of Iesu Chrst and so to dye vnto the Sinne / m 1 Pet. 2. c. 4. a. in the Following of Christ in his Death of the Crosse and n Rom. 6. a. Col. 2. b. euenso to be baptised in thesame Death of Christ and to drinke his Blood / out of thesame o Luk. 22. Cupp / to the Forgiueing and Burying of the Sinne and to shewe Obedience and to continue p Math. 10. c. 24. b. stedfast therin ⁏ according to the Woord of Iesu Christ till vnto the q Iohn 3. a. Rom. 6. a. seconde Birth from the Death And thatt is the right r Math. 19. d. 26 c Passe-ouer with Christ / vnto his Resurrection and it is the right Fulfilling of the dayly Offering and God-seruice in the Holy / to an euerlasting s Heb. 10. b. Forgiuenes and Burying of the Sinne and to an euerlasting t Rom. 5. a. Heb. 9. b. Reconcilment with God the Father 5. Which vpright Offering and his Fulfilling in the Following of Christ in the holy and so to lay-away and to bu●y the Sinne / through the Death of the Crosse of Christ as to be planted into Christ / with the like Death in the Holy or to be baptised v Rom. 6. a. Col. 2. b. in-that-maner / in his Death the Man oweth vnto God the Father For thatt is the right x Rom. 3. c. Ephe 1. ● Heb. 9.6 Forgiuenes of Sinnes the true Conquering of the Death the godly Iustifycation y Rom. 8. a Heb. 9.10 b. and the Satisfaction of Christ with the Manhod / through his Suffering and Death of the Crosse wherthrough the Vayle z Math. 27. betwixt the Holy and y e Mostholy / is put-away from the Man And so he is leadd out of the Holy of the Tabernacle of God and his Seruice of the true Offering / into the Mostholy of the Tabernacle of God or into y e vpright a 1. Cor. 13. b Col. 3. b. Loue of God the Father namely into the Perfection or Accomplishment of all the Workes of God and into the Fulnes of all y e spirituall and heauenly Goodes 6. But the Seruice or the Requyring of the holy Woord in the Mostholy namely in the Loue of God the Father or Perfection of all the Workes of God is / to declare the true Resurrection with Christ and to
Seruice / are not Seruants of Men nor of the Letter like-vnto the earthly Generacion out of the Flesh ⁏ who are h Rom. 1. c. Ephe. 4. b ▪ altogether Straingers and ignorant of Gods heauenly Trueth but i 2. Cor. 3. Ministers of the holy Woord k 2 Cor. 4. 2 Pet. 1. b. and Witnesses of the spirituall and heauenly Goodes 3. And so through Gods true Beeing and his spirituall and heauenly Goodes in l Rom. 8. b. Ephe. 1. b. the which / God hath herited vs / as his beloued Children wee ⁏ which are comprehended in the Comunialtee of Loue and m Ephe. 4. b. Age of the holy Vnderstanding are eueryone / n 1 Pet. 2. a. Apoc. 1. a. 5. b. 20 a. Priestes Kinges or Gods / o Exo. 22. a. Psal. 82. a. Iohn 10 d. and Children of the Most highest / which are not com of the Earth / but of Heauen and p Iohn 1. a. 3. a. borne out of God for to raigne vppon the Earth / with Righteousnes 4. Therfore are wee likewyse / q Rom. 8. b. Ephe. 1. b. God 's Heyres with Christ our Sauiour / in all r Esa 33. a. Ephe. 1 b. 2. a. Col 1. c. 2. a. the Treasures and Ritches of his spirituall and heauenly Goodes / as free borne Children who do all s Ier. 31. d. ●1 Iohn 1 ● Hed 8. b. knowe God / from the Least to the Greatest vnto whom also / God hath ⁏ to a more Aboundance of his· Grace geeuen to t Math. 1● d. 13. b. 1 Cor 2. b. Ephe 3. a. Col. 1. e. vnderstande the Secretnes of his Kingdom and of Christ and his secret Counsayle and Will / To th end that the true and perfect Beeing of God the Father· the Secretnes of the Kingdom of Christ· and the endles Ioye of the heauenly Delytfulnes and of the euerlasting Lyfe / shoulde ⁏ by vs be declared vppon the Earth / now in the last tyme. 5. Beholde thatt is the Brightnes of the vertuous Cleernes / which all the Children of God haue now / through the Loue. It is also the vpright Rest / which God hath v Heb. 4. b. kept or reserued for his Children / for to herite them therin in thissame last Tyme and it is likewyse / the vpright Righteousnes of the heauenly Trueth / against the which / the Worlde can do nothing neither can any Flesh / lett thesame in-any-wyse 6. For all the Darknesses Vnrestfulnes and all the Foolishnesses and Vnrighteousnesses of this Worlde / cannot x Act. 9. b. c. bring-to-nothing / God 's Light Rest nor his Righteousnes and Wisdom / which cometh ritchly and aboundantly vnto vs / through his Loue neither can likewyse all the false God-seruices chosen Holynesses of the Flesh nor the false Heartes of the Scripture-learned / y Mat. 16. c. destroy the vpright God-seruice ⁏ which cometh-to-pas with vs in the Spirit / through the Loue nor-yet our vpright Holynes which God esteemeth 7. Therfore are wee likewyse wel-at-quyet in our God and in the true Beeing of his vndisturbable Power / wherin all Myndes and Thoughtes z Psal. 15.24 ● Esa. 33. b. of pure Hearts / do liue and dwell For those Things wherof we speake and wherwith God illuminateth vs / are not vncertayne to our Consciences The IIII. Chap. WE confesse also out of a good Conscience / before God and before all those that desyre to heare vs in Humilitee that now in thissame Daye / it is altogether the Will and the Precept or Commaundement of God / a Esa 1. b. 55. a Ier. 7. a. c. 18. b. 25. a. 35. b. Eze. 18. c. Math. 3. a. Act 2.17 d that eueryone shoulde turne him from all his Vnrighteousnes and with a penitent Heart / giue his Vnderstanding captiue b 2. Cor. 10. ● vnder the Obedience of the Loue and euenso shoulde ⁏ vnder the Wings of the Loue leade an vpright Lyfe with vs Little and Electedones of God / both before God and Man wherby to inherite and possesse with Christ / for euermore ⁏ like Children c Rom 8. b. Ephe. 1 c. and Heyres of God all the heauenly Ritches of God our Father / through y e Loue. Haue a good regarde therunto 2. VEryly / This is now the Sounde of the last Trumpet d Ioel. 2. a. b. 1. Tess. 4. b. Apo 12. a. and the Trumpets-noyse of the righteous Iudgment of our God / which we do witnes in the Worlde before the Eares of all People and do publish it generally e Mat. 24. d. Apo. 14. b. in the Worlde / vnto all Louers of the Trueth / as a ioyfull Message 3. But if now we be not beleeued heerin / by reason of the Blyndnes of the People or because of their self chosen Holynes but much-rather resisted f Act. 7. f. 2. Pet. 2 b. Iude. 1 b. and blaspheamed / through the Disobedience g psal 95. a. Ier ● e. Heb 3. a. and Hardnes of their Heartes / What doth thatt concerne vs / God 's h Iohn 12. c. Iudgment goeth neuer-the-lesse ouer the Worlde for-al-thatt but to take-heede to thesame Iudgment and to haue a good regarde vnto the Sentences of his righteous Iudgment / thatt veryly doth concerne vs much For now in thissame Daye / it yeeldeth vnto vs eueryone / either the euerlasting Saluacion or the euerlasting Condemnacion 4. But let vs not therfore feare nor be dismayed For the Iudgment of God chauneth to all vs ⁏ Wee / which vnder the Obedience of the Loue / do beleeue Gods Trueth as likewyse all the Saincts of God to an euerlasting Ioye and Saluacion in the eternall Lyfe i Dan. 12. b. Mat. 25. c. Iohn 5. c. Rom. 2 a. but to the Vnbeleeuers and all Vngodlyones together with all erring Spirits or Children of the Deuill / to a perpetuall Condemnacion in the euerlasting Death among whom / the Flame of the hellish Fyre and the k Esa. ●6 c. Mark 9. ● Gnawing of the Worme of the euell Conscience / shall endure / euen for euer and euer It is verytrue 5. BVt though anyman now shoulde beleeue our Testimonyes of the true Spirit of Loue / which we do witnes with Courtesye / before all Consciences of Men and in the Beleefe ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue shoulde be l Iohn 3. d. 6. c. 20. d. 1 Iohn 5 b. saued and shoulde therfore be protected from the last m Apo. 18. a. 20. c. Plagues of the Vngodly or be ridd ther-from / Yet is not thatsame then our Worke nor-yet his that beleeueth n 2. Cor 3. b. but the Worke of our God / in his righteous Iudgment 6. Therfore is the Beleefe / o Rom. 12. a. 1 Cor. 12. a. b Ephe. 2.4 a a Gi●t of God wherwith God sheweth Mercy on vs and so draweth vs out of the Aboundance of our Darknesses / p 1. Pet. 2.
7. b. Sorrow and Amendment be shewed and that men may be of one-mynde with each-other / e Rom. 12. b. 15. a. 1. Cor. 1. a. 2 Cor. 13. b. Phil. 2 a. in the Loue / wherby to liue peaceably in all Loue / to laude and thanke the God of Lyfe / for all his Goodnes / and to giue the Honour only vnto Him 3. Beholde heerunto do all wee ⁏ which stande submitted vnder the Obedience of the Loue / the mostholy God-seruice stand concordably inclyned and in-that-sort ⁏ to the f Iohn 17 d. Ephe. 4 a. Vnitee in the Loue loueingly to receaue into our Armes of the Spirit of Loue / our Enemyes which turne them to the Loue and her Seruice / to a Reconciliation with each-other / To th end that they mought escape g Math. 3. a. Luk. 3. b. the Vengance of God· and be kept from the h Luk. 21. b. Apo. 18. a. Plagues which shall now in thissame Daye / fall vppon all Vngodlyones ؛our Enemyes 4. Thissame is all our Lust and Desyre / for to shewe Mercy likewyse vnto eueryone / out of Loue inasmuch as Mercy is shewed on Vs and not to remember anymās former Sinnes but cheefly towards those / that giue themselues penetently to our Comunialtee vnder the Obedience of the Loue / for to bring-foorth good i Mat 13. a. Luk. ● a. Iohn 15. b Fruits of Lyfe 5. Oh That it mought once com-to-light· and gett the k 1. Cor 3. b. Prehemynence in the Heart of Man / that hath so long-tyme remayned in secret namely the vpright Beeing of the Loue / 6. To thatt God now / l Ephe. 3. b. who hath thesame in his Hande and bringeth it bountifully vnto eueryone that turneth vnto Him / be Laude Honour and Thankes / for euermore Amen 7. This Letter ⁏ thou Beloued with more other Wrytings which thou desyerest / do I sende vnto thee to thy Edifying and my Desyre is / that thou ⁏ through the Goodnes of the Loue of God wilt m 1. Tim. ● b. exercise thyself therin / with an humble Heart and haue a regarde vnto the Trueth for to vnderstande this our holy Mynde rightly Thatt graunte vnto thee / the God of Lyfe and thesame God establish thee in his Loue. Amen The Ende of the Thirtenth Epistle The Fourtenth Epistle A breefe Exhortacion vnto a Disciple in the Seruice of Loue Wherwith he is exhorted ⁏ in the Lande where he dwelt to keepe a sharpe watch towards the Spirits that make-vp themselues in him or that be borne in him And also that he shoulde learne to descerne with good Vnderstanding / the euell Hearbe ⁏ which is destroying and deadly from the good Hearbe of Lyfe and the false Spirits ⁏ which aryse out of the Flesh from the good Spirits / that are of God / to th end that he mought therby growe-vp in the good Beeing of the Loue / without any Harme Ye Beloued Beleeue not euery Spirit but proue the Spirits / Whether they be of God or no 1. Iohn 4. Health and Saluacion be vnto Him / who ⁏ in his Spirit hath intended Loue and Peace / with our Spirit The First Chapter THE God of Heauen who out of his bountefull Mercy / hath herited mee in the a Ephe 4. b Olde-age of the holy Vnderstanding of Christ and in the spirituall b Ephe. 1. b. 2. a. 3. a Col. 1. c 2. a Ritches of his heauenly Goodes / for a good Confession c Math. 10. d. Luk. 12. a. before all Men / that in the Loue / is an vpright Beeing be vnto thee ⁏ my Beloued a Light vnto thy Waye a Lyfe vnto thy Spirit and Mynde and a Cleernes vnto thy Vnderstanding / That thou mayest ⁏ in thissame Daye of his Loue vnderstande ⁏ according to his heauenly Trueth and not according to the Mynde of the Flesh the ouerflowing Vertues and godly Wisdoms / which He hath declared d 2. Cor. 4. a. Ephe 1. b. 3 a. Col. 1. c. and brought vnto vs· also giue-ouer thyself with all thy Heart / to thosame and their Requyring / for to liue therin· and laude and thanke thesame God / in an vpright Beeing Amen 2. O my Beloued I haue a long tyme ⁏ out of a fatherly Heart that I beare towards thee had a greate longing to knowe how it may go with thee / in the Lande where thou dwellest and that for because thou hast neuer written vnto me / how it standeth with thee or wherin thou hast thy Mayntenance or wherby thou liuest 3. For if thou hadst written anything heerof vnto mee / then mought I haue vnderstoode or perceaued therby / Whether that thy young e 1. Cor. 3. a. Heb. 5. d. Manhod / did yet liue or no Whether it were succoured or nourished-vp with the vpright f Math 24. c. Iohn 6. f. Foode of Lyfe and whether that thou also didst in-like-maner growe-vp to the manly Age g Ephe 4. b. in the godly Vnderstanding or-els / whether thou hadst bin choked with any Poyson or deadly Hearbes / that do growe out of thesame Earth where thou dwellest or bin weakened or vtterly dead / in the Lyfe which proceedeth out of God For it is certaynly well knowen vnto mee / that the Earth and all Countryes of the Kingdom-of-the-earth / are h Gen. 3. b. Heb. 6. a. of themselues ⁏ for the Vnrighteousnes cause full of Poyson deadly Hearbes and naughty Fruites 4. SEing then that all Disciples of the Loue that be nourished-vp in the holy Vnderstanding of the Spirit of Loue must passe-thorow many Perills vppon the Earth / which is i Gen. 3. b. 5. c curssed for the Wickednes cause of her Inhabitours / So do I therfore beare so-much-the-more a greate Care for thosame Disciples / thewhyles they are yet young and cannot discerne the deadly Hearbes / k 4 Reg. 4. Math 13 d from the right Foode of Lyfe 5. Wherby nodout ⁏ if they shoulde be suffered to go-on in their Youngnes / according to their owne Goodthinking they woulde rashly or vnforesightfully ⁏ out of their owne Affection or Lust of their Hearts receaue the one or the other of the deadly Hearbes· and swallow them in / in steade of the Foode of Lyfe wherthrough then likewyse / the precious Manhod mought be strangled and such Disciples of the Woord / which ⁏ following their owne Counsayle are vnexpert heerin / mought most lamentably betraye spoyle or kill themselues / and disenherit themselues of the Lyfe that proceedeth out of God 6. Wherfore ⁏ my Beloued inasmuch as it is now a perillous Tyme / to nourish-vp the Youngnes of Vnderstanding / to the vpright Ephe 4. b. Agednes of the holy Vnderstanding / so is this my Exhortation and Counsayle out of the liueing God / vnto thee to thy Preseruacion that thou wilt dayly vse Foresightfulnes m Ephe. 5. b. or dilligent Heede and haue a sharp regarde
the One vndeuided c Rom. 12. a. Ephe. 4. b. Body of Christ with whom we haue our fellowshipp d 1. Iohn 1. a. with God the Father / the Headd of thesame Christ. 2. To thatt God which ⁏ through the Spirit e 1. Pet. 5. b. of his Loue hath chosen vs to such a Maiestee of his Glory / be Laude Honour f Apo. 4.5 b Prayse and Thanks / for euer Amen 3. BEholde my beloued Freendes in the Loue This Loue of God the Father ⁏ wherin God hath gloryfyed Vs is the bounttyfull Mercy of the highest God with the which He hath taken-pitie on vs now in these last perillous Tymes and elected vs to Saluacion g E●he 4. a. to the Lande of his Glory In which perillous Tymes / al-maner of venimous h Ephe. 4. b. Wyndes false Knowledges deceiptfull Witts contrary Sightes i Math. 24. b. 2. Timo. 4. a 2. Pet. 2. a. with many erring Spirits and all wrong Iudgers or False-sentence-giuers ⁏ to the Hurt of the Soule do flourish 4. Seing then that all false Spirits do now ⁏ in many Controuersies ryse-vp out of the wicked Worlde and out of those Wyscones that cleaue vnto her and do make-vp themselues agaynst the Trueth / for to take k 2. Timo 3. a captiue in their contencious Knowledges ⁏ with their Craftynes and deceitfull Witt those that loue the Trueth / So is-ther likewyse in this perillious Tyme / l 1. Timo. 1. b. greate Grace shewed on vs / against all false Spirits and deuided Knowledges For to that ende haue we obtayned the mostholy Office or Seruice of Loue but not from ourselues nor from Men. but from m Gal. 1. b. Ephe. 3. a ▪ the liueing God himself / by his Woord of Lyfe / because that wee ⁏ like faythfull Ministers of thesame shoulde ⁏ through the Woord of Lyfe warne all goodwilling Hearts ⁏ that loue y e Trueth of Christ of all n Math. 24. b Act. 20. c. false and contencious Spirits of the Knowledg· reache them the Hande seruiceably / with the Woord of Lyfe· and gyde them into our holy Comunialtee vnder the Obedience of the Loue / wherby to drawe them out of the Perills of Destruction which proceed out of the wicked Worlde / that is reserued o 2. Tess. 1. a. 2. Pet. 3. a. vnto Fyre and to defende them therfrom 5. Ouer which wicked Worlde and ouer all Guydes / that ●yse-vp ther-out with their false Spirits and contencious Knowledges and ouer all those that cleaue vnto thesame / the Iudgment of God goeth righteously to the Confusion of them all and p Math. 25. to their Condemnacion in the hellish Fyer For God wil now in his Daye of Loue / condemne the wicked Worlde with all her Wyseones Adherents and Louers 6. Yea assuredly now cometh the Lorde ⁏ out of his holy Heauen q Esa. 29 a. Ec●li 13. b. Luk. 17. Apo. 4. a. 8 a. with Lightenings and Thunders and with a forsible Noyze of Wyndes wherat the Earth shall r Psal. 77 b. Esa. 13. b. Agg. 2. a. feare and tremble and thatsame shall fall vppon all false Spirits and wicked Hearts / to their Destruction Yea now in thissame Daye of Loue / the Lorde wil mooue the s Heb. 12. d. Earth and it shall be forced to quake at his Thunders And so the Lorde wil then make an t Esa 10. c. Ende of all y e Falshod of the Earth 7. For now in thissame Daye of Loue / the v Eccli 16. b. 2. Pet. 3. b. Elements shall melt with the Heate of his Lightening and the Lordes Thunder-boltes shall fall very greeuously vppon the Pate of all arrogāt Heartes Self-wyseones and all false Witnesses Yea all those that be touched therwith / shall nodout make-manifest themselues and let it appeere / that they are touched and are not of the Loues Nature 8. But Saluation and Peace / cometh to the Lowely and Humble of Heart / x Rom. 12. b. 1. ●or 3. b. which are not wyse in themselues but do submitt them humbly vnder the Loue and her Seruice also do take-heede to the Doctrine and Informacion of thesame and indeuour them obediently therunto and do seeke no Pleasure nor Ioye without God and his Seruice of Loue nor-yet in the Worlde nor in the Flesh but only y Esa. 61. b. Luk. 2. c. in God their Saluacion For it shall go-well with them and in the Iudgment of God / they shall obtayne their Preseruacion or Saluacion 9. For in the Iudgment of God when the Thunder-clapps do fall vppon the Arrogant and Self-wyseones / to their Destruction / then shall the holy Spirit of Lyfe / fall vppon the Littleones and the Electedones of God / that haue humbly submitted them vnder the Obedience of the Loue / to their Preseruacion and shal be z Num 11. c. Esa. 44. o. Eze 36 c. Ioel 2 c. Act 2. b. poored-forth vppon them ⁏ with all Louelynes out of the euerlasting Lyfe and heauenly Beeing / a Iohn 4.7 b like floweing Waters of Lyfe and so shall then likewyse / b Ioel. 3. c. Milke and Hony and liueing Water of the holy Spirit of Loue / flowe among them 10. Haue you all a regarde heerunto / ye good-willing Hearts and Louers of the Trueth For Gods Iudgment / c Esa. 11. a. Iohn 7.8 b is not according to the Sight of Mens Eyes nor according to their Knowledg although notwithstanding they do perswade themselues somtymes / that they knowe it well and are assured of the Mattier of it but only according to the Trueth The II. Chap. FOrasmuch then as such a Day-light ⁏ the which is the true Iudgment of God is ⁏ by Gods Grace appeered vnto vs out of Heauen· and the gracious Woord of Lyfe vnder the Obedience of the Loue / geeuen vs to minister in thesame Light / to the Saluacion of the People / Therfore were it also very right and conuenient / that they shoulde giue eare vnto vs therin and that noman shoulde so peruersly looke-into or construe the Workes of the Lorde / which He bringeth to light by vs Little and Electedones of God For veryly / thatt which wee speake and wryte and bring-foorth or set-out ● vnder the Obedience of the Loue to the serueing of all Louers of the Trueth / is not our owne Worke nor-yet our Indighting nor Wryting but the a Ier. 31 d. Ezech. 36. c 1 Cor. 2. a. 2. Tess. 1.2 b. Worke of the Lorde / which He himself wryteth according to his owne Mynd Spirit and Will / and with his owne Finger 2. And whatsoeuerthen the Lorde himself bringeth-foorth / thatt do wee acknowledg to be good and vpright And although it be looked-on and iudged for Ignorance or to be foolish / before the Children of Men or before all those that account themselues wyse / Yet do wee confesse and shewe ther-against / that
Light and therfore testifyeth / that no vncleere Eyes e Math. 6. c. nor darke Bodyes / haue f Iohn 5. d. euer seene or knowen such a gloryous Light / in his Cleernes and that then thosame Testimonyes do com before the Eyes and Eares of the earthly Man g Pro. 3. a. Esa. 5 c. Rom. 1.12 b. 1. Cor. 3. b. who thinketh himself to be wyse or to be illuminated / through his Knowledg / So doth then thatt earthly or self-wyse Man suppose ⁏ according to the Imaginacion of the Knowledg or false Light that the illuminated Man / doth not testify rightly of the Cleernes of the true Light of God 6. Therfore because that the vnilluminated Man / seeth so poreblyndly and cannot see nor endure Gods Light / in his Eyes he iudgeth ⁏ out of the false Light / that hath captiued his Heart the illuminated Vnderstanding / to be wrong 7. Then when an illuminated Man / testifyeth of the Loue of God and of the Spirit of thesame ▪ and that eueryone ought to submitt them obediently ther-vnder and then when thosame Testimonies do com before the Eares of those ▪ that looke vppon the Flesh and not vppon the Spirit / Then do they iudg the Loue ▪ and the Loues Spirit and Requyring / vppon an outward Man euen as though the outward Man himself / requyred the Obedience and Loue and ⁏ according to the Flesh ▪ named himself / the Spirit of Loue or tooke Gods Dignitee vpon him 8. Therfore veryly a fleshly or earthly Man ⁏ that liueth without the Seruice of Loue / according to his owne Goodthinking is altogether false h Psal. 116. b. Rom. 3. a. lying and ignorant namely / in godly Things in all his Sightes Knowledges and Iudgments The IIII. Chap. BEholde my beloued Hearts in the Loue This coulde I not hyde from you / To th end that ye may beware of the false Iudgments of the deuided Men. and for that ye shoulde not ouer-reache yourselues / in iudging anything rashly For-that-cause let eueryone let the Iudgment alone and gett first a a Apo 3. c. cleere Sight and a pure Soule / in the Loue / That he be not iudged before the Iudgment-seate of Christ before the which we stande for a false Iudg. 2. Oh! How well is he mynded / that iudgeth not and that construeth and accepteth all in good part / that is witnessed or spoken to him / vnto good and so walketh in stillnes and keepeth his Mouth / b Psal. 3● 〈…〉 as if ther hung a Lock before it that he lye not and which falleth not c through his Tongue 3. Therfore canst thou not excuse thyself / ● Man d Ro● 〈…〉 whosoeuer thou bist that iudgest For wherin thou iudgest another / therin condemnest thou thy self inasmuch as thou thyself act gilty in thatt / wherin thou iudgest another 4. By diuers of these false Iudgers / am I greatly impugned so that I haue had great cause geeuen me by Many / to wryte against them but thatt haue I not vsed hetherto ⁏ as against any Person or Company perticulerly nor named them by Name but haue witnessed generally / the Ignorance of the Blaspheamers and Resisters of the Loue ▪ and made it knowen to the Vnderstandingones 5. Forasmuch then as our Seruice hath his Ministracion vnpartially / through the Loue / therfore is it not also our Vce / to wryte against anyman perticulerly ⁏ as by any name of Person and Company nor-yet to disprayse or to prayse them / by their Names but to shewe generally ⁏ according as the vnpartiall Seruice of Loue requyreth it what is Good or Euell for eueryone and wherin the Man hath Right or Wrong and that altogether out of God e 2. Cor. 3. a. and not out of ourselues 6. For the Lorde himself ⁏ as a righteous and vnpartiall God hath ⁏ according to his Promyses made his Iudgment / f Esa 28. b. a Measure-lyne and his Righteousnes / a Ballance / among vs. Therfore wee do neither receaue nor-yet giue-foorth anything / vnles we do measure it all vnpartially / with the Measure-lyne of the Iudgment of God and weigh it all likewyse according to his Value / g Eccl. 21. c. 28. d. in the Ballance of the Righteousnes of God 7. Oh! That yee all did so likewyse and according to thesame maner / stoode concordably and vnpartially mynded with vs / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and that euen so eueryone did first learne ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue to keepe-scilence and then to speake rightly also learned first to suffer Wrong and so to knowe therby / thatt which is Right / er-euer he gaue any Sentence of the Right / to th end that he mought speake according to the Trueth and iudg h Iohn 7. c. rightly As likewyse learned first / to endure i 2. Cor. 6. a. Shame Dishonour and Dispising / with Christ and therby to knowe Gods Honour / er-euer he tooke-vpon-him to defende Gods honour and to alow himse●f to be right in his Iudgment Consider effectually heeron 8. SEing then that the many-maner of Perills ⁏ growing by the Iudgments of Men are knowne vnto vs / therfore do wee ⁏ with this small Instruction exhort all Louers of the Trueth / that noman vndertake or set-forward himself to iudg / k 1. Co● 4. ● ▪ before the tyme nor-yet speake to-soone but that eueryone do first ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue becom l Luk. 14. c. a Distiple of Christ and so m Ephe. 4. b. Col. 1. b. 1. Pet. 2. a. growe-vp in the holy Woord of the Spirit of y e Loue of Christ / to the Age of the holy Vnderstanding of Christ. 9. Then when he is becom a Christian or an Elder of Christ / in y e holy Vnderstanding / so can he then likewyse ⁏ through his new Birth iudg rightly / n Sap. 3. a. Math. 19. ● 1. Cor. 6. a. with Christ and with all the Saintes of God / but otherwyse / all his Iudgments are false 10. If anyman be now as is before sayde becom a Disciple in the holy Vnderstanding of Christ / vnder the Obedience of the Loue and so ⁏ euen vnto the Regeneracion be growen an Elder therin / Hee shall then well vnderstande the Elders in the holy Vnderstanding or the Ministers of the holy Woord in the Famyly of Loue / in their secret Wisdom and in no-wyse stryue nor contende ⁏ with his Vnderstanding against the Elders in the Loue of Iesu Christ / which do minister the Woord of Lyfe vnder the Obedience of the Loue but shall likewyse himself ⁏ as an vnderstanding Elder with the auncient Elders informe the Disciples of the holy and gracious Woord or Christ ⁏ in the christian Schoole of Loue o 1. Tim. 4. b. 2. Tim. 1.2.3 with holy Vnderstanding and with Lessons of Wisdom / to all Concorde in the Famyly of Loue
the Saluacion the Ioye and the Rest of our Soules with all Gods Saintes / in the euerlasting Lyfe The III. Chap. BEholde and consider ⁏ ye Beloued This is now Gods righteous Iudgment / in thissame Daye of his Loue which is the Newe Daye of the 24. Esd. 6. b. Worlde to-com Yea a Daye / which God himself hath ordayned or appoynted / to the Saluaciō of his Saintes and to the Condemnacion of all Vngodlyones / in the which likewyse / all Saints and Righteousones do reioyce them For vpon thesame / b Act 17. d. the Circuit of the Earth is iudged with Righteousnes according to the Promyses of our God and Father It is verytrue 2. O ye beloued Hearts ⁏ which do with vs / loue the vpright Beeing of Christ haue a good regarde heerunto exercise c 1 Timo 4. b yourselues dayly in the Woord of Trueth / vnder the Obedience of the Loue exhort d 1. Tess. 5 b Heq. 3.10 c. one-another also / to the vpright Beeing of Iesu Christ and strengthen yourselues among eachother / to continue stedfast e Act. 11. c. 13. c. 14. c. in Fayth till vnto the Ende of the Suffering and Stryueing agaynst the sinfull and corrupt Nature For f Math. 10. ● 14. b. Mark 13. b. whosoeuer continueth stedfast till vnto the Ende as is written hee shal be saued 3. With thissame ⁏ for a Recreacion vnto your Hearts cōfort and cherrish yourselues among eachother I hope ouer a little whyle / to com vnto you and to talke with you by Mouth / of all what is ⁏ by Gods Grace g 1. Timo. 1. b committed vnto Mee and is profitable vnto you to Edifycacion For that is doutles the Delyte and all the Desyre of my Heart 4. Heerwith ⁏ ye Beloued with Laude and Thankes-giueing vnto God / for your Zeale and Dilligent-care that ye haue to the Righteousnes of the Loue / I do salute you all very hartely namely euen the whole Howsholde of you as my beloued Bretheren and Sisters in the Loue with a Salutacion and Kisse of Loue. 5. I do also giue Thankes vnto the Lorde / for the Benefites Gifts and Beneuolence / that ye haue sent vnto mee / to an Helpfulnes and Furtherance of the Seruice of Loue. 6. The Lorde giue Strength vnto you all h Ephe. 3. b. Co● 1. b. 1. Pet. 5. b. and strengthen your Spirit / in his Trueth The Loue and the Goodnes of our God and Father / establish you in his louely and true Beeing Amen 7. Salute me hartely likewyse ⁏ with a Salutacion of the Loue vnto all our Freendes and Louers of the Trueth / which are adioyned to the Famyly of Loue and with whom ye haue dayly your Fellowshipp / in the Seruice of Loue. 8. Thatt God / who is the Loue and the euerlasting Lyfe / bring his godly Beeing plentifully vnto you all namely his i Ephe. 1. b. holy Spirit which is the Pawne of our Inheritance And his Loue take the Victory in all your Heaets Amen The Ende of the Eightenth Epistle Our Heart / is the Minde of God most-hie Our Beeing amiable / as the sweete Lillie Our Faithfulnes / Loue / and Trueth vpright / Is Gods Light / Life / and Cleernes bright The Nyntenth Epistle An harty Exhortacion vnto the most-zealous good-willing Hearts to the Righteousnes and vnto the Elders and Ministers of the Woord / in the Comunialtee of the Loue For a Warning vnto them all / of all Deceit that may chaunce vnto them by the new Commers-on to the mostholy Seruice of Loue. Open not your Heart vnto euery Man lest any Falshod be don vnto you by the Strainger Eccli 8.12 If a Freende ioyne vnto thee / prooue him first and beleeue him not ouersoone For ther are many false Freendes which continue not ⁏ as Freendes in the Dayes of Tribulacion but they turne them a-bout to Enimitee for to stryue against thee And if th●n they knowe or remember any shamefull thing by thee / thatt do they vpbrayde thee with-al Ier. 9. Mich. 7. Eccli 6.8.12 Math. 10.24 1 Iohn 4. To the Kingly Seede of the holy Comunialtee vnder the Obedience of the Loue / be Health and Saluacion The First Chapter MY BELOUed Bretheren in the Loue which are groweing-vp vnder the Obedience of the Loue ⁏ in the holy Woord of the euerlasting Trueth to the a Ephe. 4 b. Age of the manly Vnderstanding of Iesus Christ and with whom I haue had my Conuersation in speaking of the Woord b Iohn ● 6 g. 1 Iohn 1. a of Lyfe / which is com and reuealed vnto vs / by Gods Grace wherwith God hath shewed Mercy on vs / according to his Promyses 2. My Exhortacion is hartely vnto you all that ye wil also in my Absence from you / be alwayes c Iohn 15. c. myndfull of the Speeche touching the Godlynes / euen as I haue vsed thesame with you and breake d Act. 2 e. distribute and feede-vpon thesame e Iohn 6. e. Bread of Lyfe ⁏ among eachother that is geeuen vnto vs from Heauen ⁏ by God the heauenly Father and brought vnto you / for a Foode vnto all your Soules And so becom you all feedd with thesame Bread / to an vpright and louely Lyfe in the Loue. 3. Drincke all now f Math. 26. ● Luk. 22. b. 2. Cor. 11. c. out of thissame Cupp of the Loue / full of y e pure Blood of Iesus Christ out of the which / the holy Blood or Lyfe of Christ / is now ⁏ in the Passe-ouer with Christ in his Suffering and Death / till vnto the seconde g Math. 19. ● Rom. 6. a. Birth from the Death geeuen vnto vs to drincke / for a true Testament and euerlasting Forgiuenes of Sinnes and becom now all washed and cleansed ⁏ in your Inwardnes h 1. Pet. 1. a. Heb. 9.10 b c. 12. c. Apo. 7. b. with thesame pure Blood of the Loue of Iesu Christ / the true Testament which shall continue for euer Which Testament / God himself / hath ⁏ as an eternal-continuing Beeing sealed with himself / in the Seruice of his Loue. 4. O my beloued Hearts and Bretheren in the Loue of our Lorde Iesu Christ take-heede in any-wyse i Eccli 4. c. 27. b. Gal. 6. b. to this gracious Tyme and haue a good regarde vnto my Sayings of the godly Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ And in euery-poynt / according as I in tymes-past haue talked with you by mouth / of this Passe-ouer with Christ / k Rom 6. a. Phil. 3. b. Col. 2. b. in his Suffering and Death / till vnto the Kingdom of the God of Heauens and of all the Perfection l Apo. 21.2 and Garnishing of thesame Kingdoms Beawty / euē so is likewyse his Foorme / whear it is manifest in all Loue. And according to thesame Foorme or Beeing / see that you all
that seperate themselues with all their Hearts / from the wicked Worlde and from her Abhomynacions and from all those that with their Will / do cleaue l 1. Iohn 2. c. to the wicked Worlde and her Pompe or Pryde Yea although it were their Father / or Moother Husbande / or Wyfe Brother Sister or Children 6. Whosoeuer then do thus as is saydde desyre with vs / to forsake m Math. 10. d 16. e. Luk. 9.14 e. to hate and to leaue all vngodly Beeing / and all the Desyres / according to the Will of the Flesh with all the Lustes of the Eyes and Arrogancie or Pryde of Lyfe / to mortify to forgoe and to n Rom. 6. a. Col. 2. b. 3 a. kill and bury thesame / in them / to th end to be renewed o Rom. 12. a. Ephe. 4. b. in their Spirit / through the Loue· and incorporated to the true Beeing of God ▪ p Luk. 1. h. Ephe. 4 ● ●ol 3. a. the vpright Righteousnes and Holynes ⁏ the which is Christ himself in his Coming / All those that are so mynded and do proceed-on obediently after thesame / receaue into the Loue and let our fellowshipp bee with such / To th end that we mought euenso eueryone / be planted concordably into the Loue of God the Father / with cleane or pure Hearts· and so leade an vpright and vncorrupt Lyfe ⁏ like loueing Childrē and like Sheepe and Lambes of the Famyly of Loue and like a louely q Iohn 10. b. Flock of Christ vnder the Obedience of the Loue. 7. For-that-cause / To th end that the Temple of the Lorde or the Howse of his Dwelling / may now ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue be purifyed cleansed and renewed / according to the heauenly Trueth r Eze. 37. c. 43. a. and nomore s Esa. 52. defyled by the ▪ Vncleane or Vncircumcised-ones / haue therfore a good regarde ⁏ with a sharp Sight of the Loue for to perceaue what eueryone loueth or seeketh at our handes and wherunto their Hearts are most affected 8. And beware likewyse of the wicked Generacions which carry nothing but Falshod in their Heartes haueing Hony t Psal. 55. c. Psal. 5 a in their Mouth and Poyson v Psal. 140. a. Rom. 3. b. vnder their Tongue as also the Loue / in their Woordes or Speeche and the wicked Nature ⁏ against the Loue in their Heart or Inwardnes The V. Chap. BVt if any man be godly of will or if Any stand-bent to y e meeke-mynded Beeing of the Loue / with all their Sences Desyres and Thoughtes if they loue the Chastitee the patient Long-suffering and the humble Meekmyndednes if they be obedient with all their Heartes / to the a 1. Cor. 11. a. 2. Tess. 2. b. Requyring of the Seruice of Loue / in all Constance if they do willingly heare the chastinable Informacion if they be wel content to be b Pro. 3. b. Heb. 12. b. reprooued for their Vice or Misdemeanure and to be taught and exhorted to all Wel-doing if they wil likewyse good-willingly with vs / beare Shame c Math 5. b. Act. 5. c. Heb. 11. and Contempt in the Flesh / vnder the Obedience of the Loue if they do lay-away from them / d 1. Iohn 2. c. all Pompe and Pryde of the Worlde together with all Vanitee or Foolishnes e Ephe 4 c. Col. 3. a. 1. Pet. 2 a. and all Wrath and Enuy and if they be in this sort / de●yerous hungry and thirsty after the pure or cleane and vncorrupt Beeing of y e Loue In whomsoeuer ye finde this by y e deede and whatsoeuer on-cōing Desciples / do cleaue in that-maner to the Seruice of the Woord / vnder the Obedience of y e Loue / towards all Those / let your Inclynacion be kynde and loueing / to their Saluacion 2. Receaue all such / into your Armes of the Spirit of Loue and accounte them for your Bretheren and Sisters in the Loue as those that stande in your Comunialtee / with a lyke Fayth and none els / Lest ye be Fellow-companyons to the Euel-willingones and Fellow-witnesses to the Craftyones / like vnto all our Aduersaryes 3. For thatt be farre from vs / that wee inasmuch as we haue obtayned or gotten such a gloryous f 2. Cor. 4. a. 1. Iohn 1.3 a. Light of Lyfe and godly Seruice of the holy Woord / through the Loue of God the Father shoulde inclyne ⁏ with the Loue and our godly Seruice to the Vngodly and Impenitentones or to those that are euell of will / for to serue them therwith / according to their Will of the. sinfull Flesh or to feede them in their corrupt Nature and to nourish them vpp therin O no / ye Deerly-beloued The Grace and Mercy / which is chaunced vnto vs ⁏ in the Woord of Lyfe through y e Loue of God y e Father / is farr-to-great Yea we do also esteeme thesame much to-precious and to be more-of-value / then that we shoulde cast the holy Bread of Lyfe which is com and geeuen vnto vs / out of Heauen / as a g Math. 1● ● Foode for the Children of God and for all h Esa. 58. b. Math. 5. a. hungry Soules after the Righteousnes before the Vnbeleeuers the Raueners of their owne Dirt and the Swyne i Math. 7. a. 15 c. and Doggs or shoulde feede and nourish such therwith / as are vngodly wicked and euell of will / according to the maner of the wicked Worlde or those that seeke nothing-els / but Ease k Rom. 16 b. Phil. 3 c. in the Flesh for to feede thesame / according to his Lustes 4. Veryly the Bread of Lyfe is not geeuen vnto them / to the Nourishing of their corrupt Nature For it belongeth only to l Math. 15. c. the Children of Loue and to all those that submitt them obediently to the Seruice of Loue which are godly of will and haue a Lust with all their Hearts / to fulfill m Math. 3. a. all Righteousnes 5. Therfore it is not meete / that the Bread shoulde be taken-away or withholden from the Children / n Math. 7. a. 15. c. and distributed to the Straingers / which are nothing-els but vngodly of will / who tread it downe so shamfully o Math 7. a. vnder their Feete / like vnto Swyne and Doggs which Straingers or Vngodlyones / are also Mockers Theeues Traytors and Murderers of the holy Woord and which do likewyse turne them vnto vs / to our Destruction 6. Wo be vnto them for that they p Iude. 1. b. go in the Waye of Cayne and for the Rewarde or Treasure of Iniquitee / they crucify q Heb. 6. ● and kill in themselues / the holy Woord or the innocent Beeing of God / with their Sensualitee of the Flesh also esteeme it for vncleane r Heb. 10. ● and as a Mockery / and do
k Iohn 14 c Apo 21. ● them and so mought ⁏ through the godly Beeing be meete to vtter-foorth and to publish the Glory of God / to the l ●phe 1 a Laude of his Maiestee and also to be seruiceable vnto their Neighboure / to thatsame Beeing / that it may all go vprightly m 1 Cor 14 d in his Course 5. Beholde thus dooing / we shall be founde n Math. 24. c 1 Cor 4 a faythfull Ministers of God also faythfull Ministers of the holy Woord which do further the Saluacion or Welfare of Men. For after that maner ⁏ as is before sayde shall the Loue alwayes continue fruitfull among vs in her Seruice / out of pure Nature and God shall sainctify his great and gloryous Name in vs· seale vs therwith to be his People· and accept vs o Ier 31. a. 2 Cor 6 b for his beloued Sonnes and Daughters also p Esa 66. b playe and dandle with vs / as with his beloued Children and keepe vs / q Psal 17 a Zach 2 a as the Apple of his Eye And He shall leade and nourish vs vp in his Pasture / like r Eze 34 b Iohn 1● a Sheepe and Lambes 6. All our Course-of-lyfe shal be in Loue and Peace Faythfulnes s Zach 8 a b and Trueth shal be seruiceable vnto vs. Righteousnes and Holynes t Esa 58 b shal be alwayes in our Beholding and God shall alwayes go-before vs / as a Light He shal be an euerlasting King and Sheapheard vnto vs and the Loueingnes in the Peace / shall alwayes be among vs and haue no Ende according to the Promyses 7. Let all our Lyfe and all our Course-of-dealing / be heerin / my beloued Hearts ye louely Comunialtee of Saints in the Loue. For you ⁏ ye louely faythfull Comunialtee of Loue hath God chosen to be a kingly Seede vppon the Earth / according to his Promyses / for to bring-foorth by you / the Light of Lyfe / out of the heauenly Trueth to the Blessing of all Generacions of the Earth according to the Promyses 8. Take-heede v 2 Cor 6 ● Gal 6 a now all to thissame Tyme of Grace Be watchfull in y e Spirit x Esa 60 a Rom 13 b Ephe 5. ● and stand-vp in the Righteousnes The Loue of God the Father and the Glory of Christ in his Coming / take the Victory in all your Hearts Amen The Ende of the Nyntenth Epistle The Twentith Epistle A Chastising and Reproofe of Whoordom / with sondry good Lessons Informacions and groundly Instructions / how the Man shall giue-ouer himself to Iesus Christ and to the Woord of his holy Spirit of Loue and Trueth· forsake and leaue himself and all what he hath / for the Loue of Iesu Christ-his sake· and follow-after and only cleaue-vnto Iesus Christ and the Woord of his holy Spirit of Loue· and shewe all Obedience Loue and Faythfulnes / to thesame Woord Thus sath the Lorde IESVS CHRIST If any man com to Mee / and hateth not his Father Mother Wyfe Children Bretheren Sisters and also his owne Lyfe That is Whosoeuer doth not ⁏ for y e Loue of Iesus Christes sake forsake and leaue all wher-vnto he is bounde or wher-vnto he hath sett his owne Affection and Will of his Heart / without the Requyring of the holy Woord of Iesu Christ and his holy Spirit of Loue and beareth or taketh not his Crosse on him / and Followeth-after Mee / cannot be my Desciple Math. 10.16 Mark 8. Luk. 9.14 The First Chapter THIS IS THE Woord of the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ / which HN hath witnessed ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue against the Whooring of the Generacion of Men 2. O Thou Generacion of Men / How long shall I sett a psal 108 a Cant 7. c. my Loue on thee / without being loued agayne and my b 2 Cor 11 a Faythfulnes / without being shewed Faythfulnes agayne 3. When wilt thou ⁏ I pray thee turne thyself away from thy Whoordom and turne thee ●ightly ⁏ c Ier 3 a with a faythfull Heart to thy d O●e 2 a 2 Cor ●1 a right Husbande 4. I haue ⁏ sayth the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ sett all my e pro 2 c Loue towards thee / O thou Generacion of Men. But seing that I am not loued by thee agayne and do perceaue / that thou whoorest with thyne owne Imaginacion f Deut 12 a of the Knowledg and with almaner of Spirits and g Ier 2 d Eze 16 b. c. Rom 1 c elementish or naturall Things and doest not sett thy Loue and Faythfulnes / h Ier 2. d. firmly to my Loue and Faythfulnes ⁏ which I shewe towards thee to an vpright Obeying of the holy Woord / Therfore doth my Heart ⁏ for Loues-cause suffer somuch-the-greater Sorrow and I must also be captiued the-more with i 2 Cor 1● a Mistrustfulnes towards thee 5. OH / alas Must not I alwayes ⁏ like vnto an Husband towards an k Ier 2 d 3 a 2 Cor 12. a whoorish Wyfe haue a mistrustfull Eye towards the Man which bosteth him of the Loue and of the Knowledg of the spirituall and heauenly Things and yet committeth whoordom with l Ier 2 d. Eze 16. b ● Iud. 1 b strainge Spirits / without the Famyle of Loue m 2. Cor. 11 a and not suffer thesame Mistrust to be taken-away or denyed me / before I fynde that the Man do bynde or betroth himself ⁏ with a faythfull Heart vnto the holy Woord of Grace and his Spirit of Loue and doth with an n Deut. 16. b. obedient Heart / vtterly forsake all his Whoordom whether it be with Flesh or Spirit· with any-maner of o Eze 16. b Imaginacion of the Knowledg· or with anything that is Outward or Inward· or with anything of p psal 49. c Gods Sayings and euen so goeth-thorow the Waye to the Lyfe / according to the Requyring of the holy Woord 6. Oh! How is my Heart thus greeued / by reason of greate Loue. and so perplexed / through great Mistrustfulnes 7. For like as a valyant Champyon / hath sett all his Loue and Hearts-lust towards an whoorish Wyfe and bounde it vnto her / to the intent to with-drawe her from her Whoordom and to drawe her with her Loue / into his Loue / to be an vpright Maryed-wyfe vnto him and can obtayne no Looking-on nor Harkening-vnto ⁏ or very-little at her handes and so for great Loue / suffereth such sore Greefe in his Heart and is so exceedingly combered / that he cannot at any-tyme take any rest / for shewing his Loue still towards her Euenso am I in-like-maner swallowed-vp in Loue / toward the Generacion of Men for to withdrawe thesame from his Whoordom which doth now committ-whoordom with so many-maner of Knowledges and strainge and erring q 3 Reg 22. d. Esa 18 b
Ier 23 c Spirits and elementish Things / and to drawe thesame r Ier 3 a with his Loue / into my Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ and to the s Ephe 1.4 phil 1 b vpright Righteousnes and Holynes But ⁏ alas I obtayne very little Looking-on and Harkening-vnto t Zach 7 c Ephe 4 ● Phil 1 b. Therfore my Heart is so exceedingly combered through Loue / that I to see if I coulde obtayne anymore Harkning-vnto can at no tyme rest myself / for shewing my Loue still towards thesame 8. I had wel hoped inasmuch as we haue witnessed and declared the true Beeing of Iesu Christ and his vpright Righteousnes / so cleere and euidently vnto Many ⁏ with full Instruction in all our Seruice of Wryting / vnder the Obedience of the Loue that ther had bin enough witnessed and poynted-out in wryting / tending to the good Beeing of Iesu Christ and to the vpright Righteousnes and Holynes of the holy Spirit of Loue / for to drawe all those y t haue read or hearde thosame written Testimonyes and Directions / to the Loue of the vpright Beeing of Iesu Christ and of the vpright Righteousnes of the holy Spirit of Loue and to assemble them vnto Mee and my God and to a Vnitee of one Heart and Mynde in the Loue ▪ as all ioyntly together / to v Iohn 17 c Ephe. 2. b one Man in Iesu Christ and that they woulde euenso haue forsaked their x Ier 23 c vngodly Beeing together with all strainge and erring y 2 Reg 22 c Esa. 18. b 2 C●r 11 b Gal 6 b Spirits vnprofitable Knowledges and all Bandage vnto the naturall Things / with z Ier 2. b g Rom 1 c Iude. 1. the which they committ-whoordom and ⁏ vnder a Colour as if they had right in the Whoordom of their Vnchastitee do vse their Falshod and Voluptuous-pleasure also that they woulde haue wholly submitted them ⁏ with Vs Elders in the Famyly of Loue vnder the gracious Woord of the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ a 1 pet 1 b c and so ⁏ vnder the Obedience of the Loue haue growen-vp in all vpright Righteousnes / to the b Ephe. 4. c. Oldnes of the holy and godly Vnderstanding 9. BVt ⁏ alas it is all in vayne / to hold-foorth a Light and to figure-out any gorgious Beawty / before the Eyes of the Blynde / c Eze 1● a that will not see and all lost-laboure likewyse / for to cry-out and to publish any good Tydings or ioyfull Message / before the Eares of the Deafe / d E●a 30 b Act 7 g that wil not heare 10. For all whatsoeuer I wryte cry-out and teache / touching the e Iohn 1 a b true Light· and touching the f Esa ●4 b Apo ●● a b gorgious Beawty of the Kingdom of the God of Heauens and his vpright Righteousnes· and touching the g M●th 3 a. Act ● 3 Entrance into thesame / theron is had least regarde / for to take thesame h Math 13. to heart / according to the Requyring of the holy and gracious Woord and to indeuour them obediently i Deut 4. b. ● a 11 b ther-vnto But they do almost eueryone thinke to committ their Whoordom therwith and so becom likewyse Fornicators k Num 12 g 2● d. Iudi. 2 d ps●l 49. b. with Gods Sayings 11. For-that-cause also they do almost all continue in their olde Course and enter not into the l Deut. ● d. Esa 1. Ier 4. a Waye / which ⁏ to the Cleansing of their Hearts leadeth to the m pro 3 10 c Iohn 1 a Lyfe of the true Beeing and bringeth into the Kingdom of the God of Heauens 12. For like as they committ Whoordom with all erring Spirits n Ier 23. c and Knowledges of thee false Light and with almaner of o Eze 16. c Rom 1. c naturall Things Euenso do they also committ their Whoordom / with the high-worthy p Num 23. g. 24 b. psal 49. b Sayings of God / which be heald-foorth before them ⁏ out of the Seruice of Loue q 2 Tess 2. b· ● P●t 1. a. to their Sainctificacion And Many ⁏ growing offended at them do r Pro 1. c dispi●e them and harden then Hearts agaynst them and s Ephe 4. c. estrainging themselues altogether from the Trueth of God / they remayne without the holy t Heb 2 3 4. c Rest of the Children of God which God hath reuealed and declared now in thissame Daye / in his Famyly of Loue and wherunto He v Esa. 9. a b Ma●h 11. d. calleth and biddeth all Men / to their Preseruacion in the Godlynes 13. I haue doutles hetherto / called and knocked b●fore many Doores but who hath let me in Proffered the x Apo. 3. d. Foode of Lyfe / vnto Many but who hath rightly taken-heede to the proffered Grace / for to receaue the Foode of Lyfe in Thankfulnes and to feede-vpon it / to a Lyfe of Godlynes / wherby to submitt himself wholly vnder thesame / to a Nourishment of his Soule and with an y Math. 11. d humble and obedient Heart / to com ⁏ all in all into the Loue and her Seruice and so to be one Heart z Act. 4. d Spirit and Lyfe with mee / in Iesu Christ and in his holy Spirit of Loue Truly / very feawe Therfore are-ther Many also / that haue no a Math 13. right regarde vnto the holy Woord ⁏ which is heald-foorth before them / in the Seruice of Loue what it requyreth For they do almost eueryone / suffer themselues to lust to committ their b Psal. 49. c. Whoordom with thesame / as with their owne Imaginaciō of the Knowledg and not to submitt them obediently ther-vnder / like c Deur 30. Ier 35. c. Iam. 1. d. Disciples of the Woord The II. Chap. O Ye a Gen. 3. a b. Vnregarders of the holy Woord of Godlynes ye Fornicators with Gods Sayings and all yee which run-on so b Rom. 2. a. impenitently / contrary to the godly Testimonyes of the heauenly Trueth and haue not once in mynde / c Math 16. d. Luk. 9 14. d. to forsake and to leaue yourselues / in your Whoordom and in all your d Rom 6. c d. vnchaste Lusts and Desyres and to be coupled obediently to your right Lorde or Husbāde / with e 2. Gor. 11. a. pure Heartes Looke once rightly into it I pray you / how your Course and f Ezech. 36. Eccli 18. c Rom. 6. c. Dealing hath bin hetherto / towards the Woord of the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ and what Lust ye haue had to the Obedience of the Woord 2. Haue ye not euen hetherto / shutt your Doores the-faster / thewhylst I knocked at them / and aduaunced yourselues to be g Esa. 30.35 Iudges of the Woord Are
ye not ⁏ thewhyles the h Act. 13. Foode of the godly Lyfe hath bin proffered vnto you / to the Obeying of the holy Woord becom the-more i Num. 11 a. 14·26 c. c. vnlustfull and disobedient to the godly Lyfe and the-more vnthankfull / for the Proffering of the liueing Gifts of God 3. I haue nodout cryed-out so loude vnto you all / that I am almost because ye do so vtterly stopp your Eares / from hearing what the Woord requyreth becom k Psal 38.68 a hoarse· and l Ier. 20. b. weakened in the Sounde of my Voyce And that altogether heerfore euen because ye shoulde vnderstand the Requyring of my Crying· com with mee / into the Doctrine of the vpright Lyfe of Iesu Christ· and so m Iob. 34. a b. Pro. 4. c. harken after the Distinction of my Crying· giue-ouer yourselues n Pro. 3. b 8. to be Disciples of the gracious Woord· shewe o Math. 3. a Act. 3. c. Repentance for your Sinnes· loue with mee / the Lyfe of Rest and Peace / with a p Psal 33 c. Pro. 10. c. Lust to the Righteousnes· haue all your q 1 Pet 3. b. Vnitee of Heart Loue and Sweet-delytfulnes / in the Famyly of Loue / with the Saintes of God and Children of the Loue of Iesu Christ· becom incorporated to the r Ephe. 4. ● Col. 3. b. 2 Pet. 1. a. vpright Righteousnes· and euē so enter into the s Heb. 3.4 c. Rest of the Lorde / with the Children of God and Saintes of Christ. But ⁏ alas I haue yet founde very-feawe of those that haue had their Affection bent heerunto and yet many-feawer / which haue harkened-vnto and beleeued the godly Testimonyes of the holy Spirit of Loue / to that effect or taken-heede to obeye thosame 4. O Ye Childrē or Generacions of s Gen. 3. O●c 6 c. 4 Esd. 3. c 4 c. Adam all yee which liue so boldly in the Vnchastitee t 4. Esd 3. c. Math 13. Luk. 16. of your Whoordom and in your Hipocrisie / against the Requyring of the holy Woord and do not once ⁏ like Disciples of the Woord take-to-heart all our dilligent Seruice shewed on you / wherby to com into the Schoole of the Seruice of Loue and to learne the vpright Righteousnes / v Rom. 12. a. E●he 4. c. to the Renewing of your Heartes and Myndes Remember of fellowship / what ye do all x Math. 22. a. neglet in thissame y Esa. 49 c. 2. Cor. ● a. precious Tyme of Grace how ye keepe yourselues back / agaynst Gods proffered Grace· shut-to and harden z Psal 9● b. Luk 1 ● d. Heb. 2. a. ● a. your Hearts· keepe the Loue of God a 1. Iohn 4 c the Father of the Lorde Iesu Christ and of the holy Gost / quyte out of thesame· and do giue the lightmynded and vngodly Beeing / b 2 Pet. 2. c. d Heb. 6. a. Inde 1. his Roome / to your owne Destruction 5. For beholde and haue regarde on c P●o 2. b. c. Ier. 7. a. your Wayes / all ye Desobeyers and Resisters of the Trueth of God and of his godly Loue / together with all yee that are d Ier 7. c so goodthinking-wyse in yourselues Haue ye not euen hetherto / wholly e P●o. 8 a Ier. 7 c. d. shut-too your Eares / before y e Voyce of the Wisdom of God· refused the proffered Grace of God· and f Eze. 13. a. followed your owne Foolishnes and Good-thinking and heald-foorth or ministred thesame vnto others moe and not the holy Woord of Trueth 6. Are ye not also still runne-back / when ye were g Ier. 7 c 15. b. called forward 7. Haue ye not stil-apace couered yourselues more-and-more in your Hipocrisie ⁏ when ther-was heald-foorth before you / that ye shoulde vncouer yourselues in your h Psal. 36. ● Hipocrisie and confesse and dye from your i Pro 28. b. Eccli 4. b. Rom. 6. Sinnes / and in your Sinnes / tak●n-on more sinfull-Lyfe k 1 Iohn 2. c. mayntayned the wicked Worlde excused the Flesh / in his false and corrupt Nature and committed-whoordom ther-with and bin vnregarding towards the holy Woord l Ier. 2. a. c. of the Grace of God the Father / as if it were an vnneedfull or vnnecessary Thing and so made m 1. Tess. 4. b Heb 10 c. little-reckning-of or debased the holy Spirit of the Loue of Iesu Christ. 8. OH how vnfitly doth it accorde / that ther should be such Disorderlynes as is rehearsed founde among Any-people / vnto whom the vpright manly Beeing ⁏ euen according to the n Sap. 7 d Col. 1 c. Heb. 1 a very-lyke Beeing of God is dayly presented so naked and euidently and that are o 2 Pet. ● a called and bidden ther-vnto / out of entyre Loue. 9. Yea / yet much-more vnfitly doth it accorde / that thosame do bost them of the Christianitee of the Loue and of the Freedom / because all p 2 pet 1 ● Discreation and Obedience to the holy Woord / ought to be among such al●o the right Knowledg and the humble Thanksgiueing / for that God hath created and chosen the Man to be an q Gen. 1 c 3 a Sap. 2 c Eccli 17. a 2 Cor. 11 a Image or Lykenes of his godly Beeing and for that he ⁏ in his r Gen. 3 a Rom. 1 Eph● 2 b Fall or Estrainging from God is ⁏ by Gods Grace called and bidden agayne to the s Eph. 2 b 4 c Col 1 b 3 a ● pet 1. a Lykenes of God / through Iesus Christ and the holy Spirit of his Loue and that all thesame / is farre from them The III. Chap. FORasmuch now therfore / as that I do perceaue all this Abuce Ignorance and Vnthankfulnes / among Many of you / Oye Children of Men / that bost yourselues of the Christianitee and of the Loue as also of the Freedom and of the Knowledg of the heauenly Things / Shall I a 1 Cor. 11 a then prayse you heerin· account you for right and free Christians or approoue you to be vpright and obedient Disciples or Children of the Famyly of Loue and so laye soft b Eze. 13 c Pillowes vnder your Armes and saye / c Esa. 3 Ier. 6 ye are free wheras ye are yet bounde to the d Iohn ● c Deuill also to the Myndes of the Flesh and to the Imaginacion of your owne Knowledg and that it is all well with you e Esa 3 Ier. 6 c d wheras it is doutles ⁏ in such a State altogether euell and so ⁏ as though my Mynde and Spirit / were agreeable with you f psal 50. c therin suffer you to be leadd with the Bandes of the Deuill and g Sap. 17 a d Chaynes of Darknesse / into Hell and Condemnacion Veryly so woulde it then go euell
Cleansing of the Worlde and the Reioyceing of the Righteous / in the last tyme. But howsoeuer the Lorde appoynteth it / let it so content vs in any-wyse The XV. Chap. ACcording to thy Request ⁏ thou Beloued I haue heere ⁏ as in breef-maner written a little vnto thee / how my Mynde standeth or how I am mynded 2. I knowe not also any Light a Iohn 1. ● of Lyfe / but the b 2. Cor. 4. ● Col. 1. b. Heb. 1. ● inuisible true Beeing / the gloryous and louely Lyfe of the liueing Godhead wher-vppon likewyse my Hope standeth euen-as wee haue also talked therof in tymes-past 3. I seeke not likewyse neither haue sought since that tyme forth / that we spake last together any Saluation of the Soule / in any Outward-thing but ⁏ through the Beleefe in Iesu Christ and through the Loue and her Seruice I withdrawe my Mynde from all what is outward and which is drawing me to Corruption 4. Heer-vnto doth my Soule bende itself / so much as I may in the Lorde and I do loue the inuisible Beeing of God / to th end that my inward Mynde should in nowyse stand bounde to the vayne Creatednes but that my Spirit mought euenso / liue in the Spirit of the true and liueing Beeing namely / according to the Nature of Christ c Iohn 13. d. 15. b 1. Iohn 3. c. who directeth or poynteth vs vnto the Loue ؛the vnchaingable Godhead 5. But thatt Seruice which hath his Mini●tration to thesame Loue / for the Saluations sake of Men and requyreth all Orderlynes and Reasonablenes / wil I not dispise nor-yet in any-case forsake but wil ⁏ so much as the Lorde enableth me therto further mayntayne and minister thesame to the Saluation of Men / inasmuch as the Lorde hath chosen Mee ther-vnto 6. Oh / that God woulde graunt / that the Seruice of Loue mought flourish without Hinderance and that euenso the right Vnderstanding of the Wisdom mought com-to-light / vnder the Obedience of the Loue For to the louely Lyfe in the Loue / d Gen 1.2 Sap. 1. b. 2. c is the Man created like as is witnessed and administred out of the Seruice of Loue and therfore is also my Soule inclyned to thesame Seruice / to th end that e Ephe. 4. ● the Vnite of Heart mought be in y e Loue / among all Louers of the Trueth 7. Beholde yet at this present / thus standeth my Mynde and I likewyse knowe not yet any better neither haue I also mett with any better 8. BVt it seemeth now ⁏ by thy Wryting as though thou hast heard by Somme / that I shoulde be outwardly mynded as are Somme whom thou namest vnto mee O No / thou Beloued My Heart Mynde and Being standeth not grounded vppon any outward Thing / neither do I also desyre to cleaue-vnto and to vse anything that is Outward / which leadeth-away f Rom. 1. ● Heb. 3. b. from the liueing God and his Righteousnes 9. But though I now ⁏ for the Vnitees sake in the Loue shoulde conuersate myself with Somme that were yet outwardly mynded or did yet sett their Confidence vppon any Flesh / yet doth not their weake Grounde concerne mee But I haue for-that-cause / a lyke-loue towards them / when they cannot attayne vnto the inuisible Trueth any farder and desyre to haue Conuersation peaceably with Mee / and yet for-al-that I do not contemne the Outward 10. I woulde also willingly leaue them free in their weake Grounde / if I mought by-that-meanes / conuersate myself in the Vnitee of the Loue / with those that are zealous to the good Beeing or that are Louers of Vertue of Wisdom and of Vnderstanding let them be then / whosoeuer or of what Grounde of Fayth and Opinion soeuer they bee if the Loue g Col 3. b. were our Bande and Concord· and that we conuersated ourselues with each-other therin as also woulde willingly heare one-another / through Loue and that-ther were in-that-sort a good Inclynation to the Trueth / among vs all / Then shoulde the right Vnderstanding com-to-light nodout and the vayne Vnderstanding together with all euell Imaginations and Blaspheamings vanish-away of themselues or consume to nothing 11. For to deale in the Loue / with such as are adioyned to the Loue / were more acceptable vnto mee also much-more delytfull and ioyfull / then with those that haue no Lust ▪ Will nor Desyre to the good Beeing of the Loue and wil in-that-maner conuersate themselues with mee 12. For though anyone of the goodwilling Hearts / shoulde ⁏ by reason of his small Vnderstanding trust yet vpon som Outward-thing yet if he haue a Lust to God and his Righteousnes and is no Blaspheamer nor Contemner towards another / then cometh thatt Vanitee to an Ende doutles / in the Vnderstanding Therfore men ought not to contemne anyone for the outward Seruices or Ordinances cause 13. For it is much better and much-more acceptable before God / to loue the good Beeing / through som Outward-thing / then to cleaue vnto the Worlde or to the vayne and vnprofitable Things / through the Affection to the Worldly outward Things the h Eccli 15. b. Rom. 1. c Ephe. 4. c. which nodout is altogether strainge from God and his Trueth and therfore likewyse ther-are Many now / which dispyse the outward Seruices or Ordinances· speaking much Reproche of euery-one· also blaspheaming and with Falshod defameing the Ministers therof but in that they bynde their Hearts vnto their owne Creatures or vnto som other outward Things / thatt wil they not once consider 14. And thesame Estrainging from God and his Trueth ⁏ through the Affection to the worldly and outward Things do we now ⁏ alas fynde among many Men / who do also very franckly bost themselues / that they are not snared by any Man nor with outward Seruices or Ceremonyes and so do perswade themselues / that therfore they are not outwardly mynded i Gal. 4. a. Col 2. c. like those that seeke Righteousnes in outward Things 15. Yeas assuredly and yet much-more and worse For they suffer themselues to be captiued k Rom 1. c. Ephe. 2. a 4. c. with the earthly Things of this Worlde and ⁏ their Hearts growing vayne therthrough and turning-away themselues from the Lust to the Guyding into the Righteousnes they hang their Vnderstanding and Mynde on thosesame and on their owne Good-thinking so that they for-that-cause / do vtterly lose all Lust or Zeale to the vpright Beeing of God and becom cleaueing to the earthly corruptible Things and euenso do quyt corrupt their Vnderstanding 16. Seing then that they are corrupted in their Vnderstanding / therfore seeke they likewyse ⁏ according to their owne Pleasures to liue to the corruptible Things / for a Recreation of their Hearts and in no-wyse desyre to be leadd into the true Lyfe / through Gods Ordinance For the godly Things are as deadd vnto them
and the Seruices of the holy Woord and to shewe Obedience therin ⁏ wherwith the Man is assisted to the godly Knowledg are as though they had no Signifycation which thing I commend not 17. For my Heart hath much-more Affection to those that with Ignorance / do seeke God and his Righteousnes and that shewe Obedience therin / then to those that with Vnderstanding / do estrainge them from God and his Seruice and are strainge and disobedient vnto all Righteousnes / according to the Requyring of the holy Woord of the holy Spirit and Seruice of Loue and so do liue after ther owne Mynde l Ier 7. c. 23. b. 18. b and Good-thinking The XVI Chap. FOr this cause / my Beloued ⁏ as is before sayde and for that I do now fynde Many / which ⁏ according to their owne Good-thinking do liue in all Disobedience / against the Requyring of the holy Woord and which bost them falsly of the Vnderstanding of the spirituall and heauenly Things and so ⁏ ●leaueing-vnto or loueing the Worlde and the corruptible Things· or the Following of the false Libertynes desyre to conuersate or to haue fellowshipp with mee and for more such-like things cause and for that I do neither seeke nor desyre any such matter / I haue indeuoured myself to be conuersant with certen zealous Hearts To th end that I in my Zeale / mought not haue my Course with the Vnwillingones ⁏ which take-on a false Freedom / to seperate themselues from the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue and cleaue to the earthly corruptible Things but with the Good-willingones to the Righteousnes and that the Vnderstanding of the godly Trueth and of the peaceable Loue / mought ⁏ by that Meanes beare-swaye among the Louers of the vpright Vnderstanding / which do loue the Treasures of Wisdom and the Obedience to the Requyring of the Seruice of Loue / aboue Golde and Siluer a P●o. 8. ● Sap. 7 a. and aboue all what is in the Worlde 2. For whosoeuer loueth the Wisdom or the holy Vnderstanding and the Obedience to the Requyring of her Seruice of Loue / aboue all earthly Things / and doth not contemne enuye nor blaspheame anyone / that also laboureth ther-after with Ignorance / To him b Pro. 8 ● Sap. 6 b. 7. ● Math. 7. ● wil likewyse the Wisdom or holy Vnderstanding / appeere But whos● loueth anything aboue the Wisdom / or whoso contemneth and blaspheameth anyman / in his Zeale to the Righteousnes and seperateth himself from him / is not wyse neither shall hee also fynde vnderstande nor inherite the Wisdom For the Wisdom is much-to-noble to-honorable of Lynage c Pro. 8. a. b. Sap 7 a. b. Eccl● 24. b. and to-precious / for to ioyne or shewe herself vnto those / y t do not loue her with all their Hearts / aboue all Things 3. Oh ⁏ alas I fynde too-feawe of those which loue the Wisdom aboue all things But let it go how it will / with the Wysdom and the vpright Righteousnes the Man doth in-any-case take good heede to the earthly Things / which doutles are nomore to be esteemed then as d Phil. 3. b. Dirt / in comparyson to the Preciousnes or Worthynes of the Wisdom and Righteousnes of God 4. Vnderstande now ⁏ thou Beloued wherfore I haue indeuoured myself to haue my Conuersation in Freedom / with those whom thou wel knowest and also with others more namely for the Wisdom and the Righteousnes sake as is before rehearsed and as I wil yet partly rehearse vnto thee / because that thy Heart shoulde in-nowyse doubt that I haue sought or liked anything-els / but the Vertues of the vpright and true inuisible Beeing 5. For in all Things and Dealings that I haue has with them / this hath bin all my Grounde and Intent / for to heare-ouer their Vnderstanding and Wisdom / vnder the Obedience of the Loue· to question with them· and to answere agayne / To th end that we mought therby becom agreeable or concordable e 1 ●or 1. a Phil. 2. a. mynded / in the Loue and in the Vnderstanding and to the vpright Righteousnes / and that we shoulde not take or construe anything of each-other / to the worst but I haue not yet vsed thesame Course among them nor-yet the Speeche that tendeth therunto 6. I haue not yet lykewyse bin in any Communialtee among them / wherby to deale boldly with them But the Lorde do with vs according to his Will and thatt which serueth most vnto Peace and to the Vnitee of Heart in the Loue. 7. O Thou Beloued / Although I haue ⁏ out of Loue submitted myself heerunto among Somme wherby to informe the Louers of the Trueth / to all Vnitee in the Loue and so haue not contemned nor blaspheamed the Outward / Yet am I not therfore outwardly mynded but this do I veryly acknowledg that it is much-more Pleasure vnto mee / to deale with the Loue of the Wisdom and to talke therof / among those that loue the Loue and the Wisdom / because that the Righteousnes appeereth vnto Such then to inherit all the Ritches and Pleasures of this Worlde or to deale among those which loue the earthly Things or their owne Good-thinking / aboue the Wisdom and aboue the Vnitee of Heart in the Loue / and so to dissemble with Men / as though all were inward and heauenly Things that they loue / wher-with they deceaue both themselues and other moe / which heare them and do seduce them from the true Seruices that leade to the Lyfe 8. And like-as thou wrytest / that it is vnpossible for thee to cause thyne Eyes and thy Heart to hope / as to waight for Deliuerance through any outward Things euenso is thesame likewyse vnpossible for mee Yea although it were so that I woulde do it / yet coulde I not For the Light of the heauenly Trueth ⁏ wherwith God hath illuminated f 1. Cor. 4 a. my Heart / out of his holy Heauen is an Against-shyning vnto mee / against thesame But the Ministration of the Good / by the godded Men or Olde-fathers in the Famyly of Loue / is awayes very profitable and a good Preparation to the Deliuering of the Man from his g Rom. 7. c Bandes of the Sinne. and that men haue familyer brotherly Conuersation together to that ende / is also very louely and likewyse greatly edyfying to the Vnitee of Heart in the Loue. 9. Beholde ⁏ thou Beloued like-as I haue heere written vnto thee in naked and bare maner / Euenso standeth my Mynde and I hope not to forsake thesame / till I haue founde or gotten all what I seek-for and desyre among the Louers of the Trueth The Lorde graunt me Mercy and doowith mee / according to his Will Amen Fare-well and behaue thyself vprightly Heere-with I do thee heartly greete In the Lyfe of the Loue most-sweete The Ende of the Sixt Epistle Our Heart / is the
Psal. 36. To my good-willing Freendes and Loners of the Trueth / which do with mee / loue the true Beeing in one Spirit of the Loue / be Health and Saluacion The First Chapter AS I haue hearde now ⁏ my goodwilling Freendes to the Loue by our Brother / which hath bin with you / so is the Will and Request of you all vnto mee like as our loueing and faythfull Brother in the Loue / the Father of your Howsholde ⁏ who is com to me with our Brother / for thesame purpose hath also sayde and freendly requested that I woulde once com vnto you / Because that ye mought recreate yourselues alittle with Mee / in the Woord of Lyfe· and from the Bottom of your Hearts / handle and talke of thatt which is com or appeered vnto vs ⁏ out of the heauenly Trueth through the Grace and Power of the Mosthighest 2. Veryly ⁏ ye Beloued All thissame is likewyse my whole Will and Desyre Yea and all my Longing I woulde also very gladly haue com now vnto you / because that I myself likewyse / longed greatly to talke with you by mouth forasmuch as I haue hearde so much of your Good-will and Zeale that ye beare to the Loue and her Seruice The Lorde graunt vnto you eueryone / Grace and Mercy / to continue a Math 10. c. 24. b. Mar. 13. b. stedfast therin / till that the true Light of Loue b 2. Pet. 1. c. com vnto you and ryse-vp in your Hearts / as a Daye of y e perfect Beawty of God 3. But ⁏ ye Beloued as touching my Coming / I shall desyre that ye wil yet haue patience for a whyle I hope to com vnto you shortly / and to talke with you of all things / according to your Request 4. But in that I haue now deferred the tyme / it cometh-to-pas by reason of much Busynes Seruice and Laboure / wherwith I am now laden and which out of great Necessitee I haue first to further and dispatch Therfore hath not the tyme so serued / as to com vnto you now 5. Howbeit because I cannot now com vnto you and yet that all my Will hath bin bent so to doo / yet wil I not for-a●-that forgett you but wil alwayes remember you to the Good and to all thatt wherin your Welfare and Saluacion consisteth 6. For-that-cause ⁏ ye Beloued to th end that yee one-with-another / shoulde be the better content for this tyme / I do wryte this loueing Exhortacion ⁏ with groundly Instructions vnto you to the Edifying and good Informacion of you all With which this my Wryting / my harty Request is vnto you all / that yee ⁏ with Dilligence of your Heartes wil alwayes take-heede and ⁏ with willing Obedience c Pro. 1. a. 2 a 3. a. 4. a. 5. a Eccli 6. d. giue-eare / vnto thatt which is heald-foorth before you ⁏ out of the Loue and out of her Seruice in these last Dayes and perillous Tymes / to your Preseruacion and Saluacion Yea once-more I saye vnto you all / out of harty Loue Take-heed vnto it I pray you and take it effectually to heart and consider of it / d Eccli 6. d. search-throw or measure-ouer likewyse substancially / thatsame Spirit of this true Seruice of Loue. 7. Ponder well the heauenly Sentences / that proceed-out from thesame and prooue the Taste or the Mynde of them rightly For they do open som speciall Matter and wil also in this Tyme / tell or expounde som singuler thing vnto vs. Yea they declare and bring vnto vs / the godly Ritches of Christ and the spirituall Treasures of his heauenly Goodes e Math. 11. d. 13. b. Rom. 16. c. Ephe. 3. a. Col 1. c. which haue bin hidden till vnto thissame Daye / from the Worlde and her Wyseones and from all Eyes of the Flesh. 8. This mercy Seate / in the Mostholy this true Light with his perfect Garnishing of pure Beawty f Apo. 21. and all these costly Ritches of God with the sumptuous Royaltee and godly Tryumph of all the Saints of God and Christ / cometh now vnto vs in Glory for to liue vniforme with thosame for euermore 9. Beholde all these Beawtyes and yet many-thowsand-tymes more then men can vtter with Tongues or wryte with Penn and Incke / be declared and brought vnto vs now in thissame Daye / through the Appeering g 2. Timo. 1. b of the Coming of our Lorde Iesu Christ؛the euerlasting and true Woord of the liueing God 10. This euerlasting and true Woord and liueing Breade / h Iohn 6. ● which cometh vnto vs from Heauen / for a Foode of Lyfe vnto all hungry Soules 11. This faythfull Sheapheard / which cometh vnto vs out of the Bosom of his heauenly Father for to seke his erred or lost Sheepe / which are strayed from the i Math 10 a. 15. c. Luk. 19. b. Howse of Ilrael and ⁏ vnder the Obedience of his Loue to bring them agayne k Esa 6 a. Ioan. 10. b. to their right Sheepfolde 12. This true Redeemer / which cometh vnto vs from the gloryous and most souereigne Maiestee of God for an euerlasting Freedom for l Psal. 130. a. Esa. 61 a. Tit. 2. b. to delyuer His / that are healde-captiue namely all those that moorne and suffer Sorrow or Greefe / for their Captiuites cause to the Sinne and because of the Bandes of the Deuell 13. This cleere and true Light of the spirituall Heauen / that cometh vnto vs in all Loue ⁏ as the m Mal 4 a. Sap. 5. a. Sunne of Righteousnes for an eternal-continuing Day-light for to n Esa. 9. a. 42 b 43. a. 49 ● Mat. 4. b. Luk. 1. h. lighten all those / which ⁏ because of the Fruits of Death dwell or walke yet in Darknes and do hope vppon thesame Light 14. This peaceable King o Esa. 9. a. Lorde and Prince / which cometh vnto vs ⁏ with full Power of the almighty God for a good and louely Gouernement namely / ouer all those that submitt them p 1. Pet. 5. a. Iam. 4. a vnder Him and ⁏ in all Obedience of his Loue do loue the Peace for that euerything shoulde be restored q Act. 3. c. agayne / in his right Order 15. This-very Iesus Christ ⁏ who also is the Wisdom of God· the vpright Righteousnes and Holynes· the heauenly Trueth· r Sap 7. c. 2. Cor. 4. a. Col. 1. b. Heb. 1. a. and the true Beeing of God Is now com vnto us in Glory / from the Right-hande of God the almighty Father / out of the heauenly Beeing s Act 10 c. 1. Pet. 4. a. to be a righteous Iudg ouer Liueing and Deadd namely to the Condemnacion of the liueing Vngodlyones and t 1. Cor. 15 c the Resurrection of the dead Righteousones vnto all of vs ⁏ which beleeue in Iesus Christ· and the Safe-makeing in his Loue to the v Rom. 12. ●
Ephe. 1.4 b Renewing of our Lyfe and Mynde and to an euerlasting x 2. Pet. 3. b. Righteousnes vppon Earth euen-as is written of Him The II. Chap. FOrasmuch now ⁏ O ye beloued Heartes as this pure and spirituall· and this heauenly and true louely Beeing / is a Eph. 3 a. 2. Timo. 1. b appeered vnto vs Poore and Littleones / among so many Thowsandes in this Worlde and is ⁏ out of Gods Mercy and his Loue administred and presented vnto vs / by Christ؛the true Minister b Heb. 8.9 b. of the spirituall and heauenly Goodes in his Coming / Therfore let vs take-heede with all our Heartes / to the Seruice of thesame Grace / to our Amendment and to the c Rom. 12. a. Ephe. 4. b. Renewing of our Hearts and Myndes and euenso therthrough / lay-away d 2. Cor. 7. a. Ephe. 4. c. Col. 3. a. 1. Pet 2.4 a. Heb. 12. a. all earthly and fleshly Pollution and all vncleane Thoughts / which in tymes-past ⁏ when we walked yet in Ignorance haue drawen and leadd our Hearts to the Flesh and Blood of Sinne and to many-maner of Errours and also to many-sorts of Bewitching with visible and corruptible Things 2. From all these and from all what is not agreeable to the Woord of Trueth and his Requyring / let our Hearts be e E●e 36. c. cleansed / thorough the Seruices Doctrines or f Iohn 4.7 b Waters of Lyfe / which do now flowe from the Body of Christ and his holy Spirit of Loue / To th end that we may with pure Hearts / cleaue to the Loue and her louely Beeing· becom incorporated therunto· and so may be heauenly and spiritually mynded / with all our Myndes and Thoughts 3. THerfore submitt yourselues eueryone / g 1. Pet. 5 b. Iam. 4. a. vnder the mighty Hande of God and indeuour you moreouer / for h Heb. 3. b. to heare ⁏ with meeke Hearts now in this present Daye / the Voyce of the holy Spirit of Loue which doth now giue-foorth her Sounde and speaketh vnto you / out of Heauen / with a spirituall Tongue and which likewyse despereth to drawe you all with your inward Man / to the spirituall heauenly and true Being / for that yee mought in like-maner / haue your fellowshipp with our Comunialtee For our Comunialtee is vniforme i 1. Iohn 1. a. with the spirituall Comunialtee of the Saints of God namely with the louely heauenly Company / which walke with vs in all Loue and so wee do all one-with another / eate the true k Iohn 6. e. heauenly Breade with Christ ؛our Headd and King in the l Luk 22. d. Kingdom of God our Father and so drinking with Ioye / of the new Fruit of the true Vyne / we are ioyfull in the euerlasting Lyfe To which louely Beeing ⁏ for to liue all therin / with one Heart Mynd and Delyte we are eueryone created· and called therunto ⁏ out of Grace by m Rom. 10. b 1. Pet. 1. b. the Preaching of the holy Gospel of Christ. 4. If yee now ⁏ O ye Beloued do see into thissame / according to the Trueth and that ye do consider / to what an excellent Maiestee ye be called and bidden now in thissame last Daye / through the Seruice of Loue wherby to n 1. Esd. ●0 3. Esd. 9 renew you eueryone / through the Woord of Lyfe and to confirme you in your Calling wherunto ye are chosen by Iesu Christ / So consider then likewyse / how o 2. Pet 3. b. pure or cleane your Heartes ought to bee from all earthly and corruptible Things / wherin p Leuit. 26. b. Apo. 21. a. the liueing God of Heauen will dwell liue and walke / with such a Glory of God and heauenly Kingdom of Christ euen-as is witnessed vnto you by the Seruice of Loue and as is now heald-foorth before you / with this loueing Exhortacion 5. When-as we now do consider and perceaue thissame / how pure and cleere our Heart or inward Mynde ought to bee and that we contrary therunto / do fynde ourselues still defyled and that we likewyse for-that-cause / do not yet for the present tyme / fynde thesame Cleernes· nor the vpright Being of the louely Beawty of God / perfectly in vs but that the vncleane Being and the q 2. Tess. 2. a Contrary-nature vnto God / doth yet generally dwell in vs and doth yet dayly r Rom. 7. c. Gal. 5. b. mooue our Myndes and Thoughts / with euell Inclynacions / So let vs then ⁏ to y e Purifying of our Hearts and mynds submitt ourselues with all our Hearts / before s Eze. 43. a Heb. 5. a. the Seate of the Maiestee of God and before the Tabernacle t Apo. 21. a of his holy Dwelling / out of the which / He doth now let his Woord of Trueth and his holy Will / be hearde vppon the Earth and so in Humilite ⁏ with the t Math. 1● ● Lu● 14. c Forsaking of all our Selfnes and Self-wisdom let vs take-heede ⁏ with Beleefe and firme Confidence to the Seruice of y e holy Spirit of Loue and his Requyring / proceeding out of thesame and giue-eaxe and with whole Heart v 1. Pet. 1. e. be obedient to the Woord of Trueth / that is administred ther-out x Act. ● c 1 Cor. 9. breake destribut and feed-vpon thesame Woord ⁏ the which is y Iohn 6 c the heauenly Breade among eachother / for a Foode of our Soules and as often as we doo this / let vs publish the Death z 1 Cor. 11. c of Christ namely of thissame holy Beeing of God or Woord of the heauenly Father / that ought to liue and to raigne or gouerne in our Inwardnes and yet notwithstāding / is as deadd or killed with the Death of the Crosse / For our Sinnes cause and a Math. 3 a. Luk 3. c. confesse our Sinnes till that our sinfull Members together with ther euell Lusts and Desyres / be b Rom. 6. a Gal 6. a Phil. 3. b Col. 3. a. crucifyed and killed with thesame or the lyke Death of the Crosse of Christ and that we be in that sort / planted into Christ / with the lyke Death c Rom. 6. a. Col. 2. b. and buryed with Him passe-ouer and suffer-out thesame Passe-ouer of his Crosse Death and Buryall / in that maner with Him / till that the heauenly Beeing of God or Christ according to the Spirit / do com vnto vs ⁏ liueingly and mightely to the d Rom. 16. c. Treading-downe and Rooting-out of all vngodly Beeing and that we do euen so through the second Birth from the Death / e Rom. 6. ● 1. Cor. 15. c f. Col. 3. ● ryse with Him in a new Lyfe / out of our Buryall ▪ to be an holy f Iohn 14. ● Apo. 21. ● Dwelling of God and Christ the which is