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A06667 A rule how to bring vp children A treatise wherein is declared, how the father apposeth his sonne in the holy Scripture, whereby all parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their children, briefelie collected into a short volume.; Rule how to bring up children. Lyster, John, fl. 1588. 1588 (1588) STC 17122; ESTC S104942 107,568 287

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aunswere to euery man that asketh me a reason of the hope that is in me that with méekenes feare hauing a good cōcience that whereas they back byte mée as an euill doer they may be ashamed that falsly accuse my good conuersation in Christ demaund therefore what pleaseth you and I will according as Gods holy spirit shall teach me aunswere to the same Father In whome doest thou beléeue and whom doest thou worshippe Sonne Acts. 24 I aunswere with Saint Paull and confesse vnto you that after the way which some called heresie so worship I the God of my fathers beléeuing al things that are written in the Law and Prophets and haue hope towards God that the resurrection of the dead shall be both of iuste and vniust and therefore I study to haue alwaies a cleare conscience towardes God and towards men Father Shew mée if thou hast read perfectly the whole booke of God Sonne Psalm 1. Yea father I may say with Dauid my delight is in the Lawe of the Lorde and in his word haue I exercised my selfe day and night Father Are all thinges necessary to saluation contained in that booke of life called the Byble Sonne Yea truly father Io. 5. search the Scriptures saith Christ for in them ye thinke ye haue eternall life and they are they which testifie of mée and yet ye will not come vnto-mée that ye might haue life Saint Iames saith Iames. 1 Suscipite insitum verbū quod potest saluare animas vestras receiue with méekenesse the worde which is grafted in you being able to saue your soules Many signes truly did Iesus in the presence of his disciples Io. 20. which are not written in the Byble but so many are written that may learne vs to beléeue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of GOD and that in beléeuing wée may haue life through his name Saint Peter sayth 1. Peter 2 although wée sée not Christ yet wee doe beléeue and reioyce with ioye vnspeakable glorious The end of faith is saluation receiuing the ende of our faith euen the saluation of our soules Io. 15. Christ Iesus himselfe saith that we are cleane through the words which he hath spoken vnto vs. Peter the Appostel rose vp and saide ye men and brethren Acts. 15. ye knowe that GOD did choose among vs that the Gentiles by my mouth should heare the worde of the Ghospell and beléeue and GOD which knoweth the hearts bare them witnesse and gaue vnto them the holie ghost euen as he did vnto vs and put no difference betwixe vs and them Purified by faith séeing that with faith he purified their hearts Saint Paull saith to Timothie continue thou in the thinges which thou hast learned which also were committed vnto thée knowing of whome thou hast learned them 2. Tim. 3 And for as much also as of a Childe thou hast knowen the holie Scriptures which are able to make thée learned vnto saluation through the faith which is in Christ Iesu for all Scriptures giuen by inspiration of GOD is profitable to teach Scripture makes men perfect in righteousnesse to improue to amēd to enstruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may bée perfect and prepared vnto all good workes Whereby you may plainelie perceiue Father that all thinges néedefull to saluation both to the Iewes and Gentiles Conclusion bonde and frée is contained in the written worde of GOD. Father Me thinkes that by these proues the holie Scriptures contained not onelie all thinges necessary for Saluation but also all other thinges néedefull for the good gouernement of a Christian life Sonne It is so Father as if it please God you shall heare afterwarde in the declaring of the duties of all estats and degrées of people for what blasphemy were it to the holy spirit of God to say that God hath left his word will and Testament vnperfect Father Is there nothinge then left out of Scripture for manne to teach that is néedefull many rites ceremonyes ordinances and inuentions of manne haue béene added thereto and taughte as things most requisite euen in my time Sonne Deu. 4. No father the Lorde saith you shall put nothing vnto the worde which I commaund you Prou 30. neither doe ought there from put thou nothing vnto his wordes least he reproue thée and thou be found a lyer Reuel 22. I testify saith Saint Iohn vnto euery man that heareth the prophecie of the Lords booke if any man shall adde vnto those thinges God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in that booke and if any man shall minish of the words of the prophecie of that booke God shall take away his parte out of the booke of life and out of the holy Cittie and from the things that are written in that booke who then dare be so bould father to thrust in among the ordinances and statutes of our heauenly father mans inuencions and constitutions séeing there hangeth Gods vengeance and eternall punishment ouer the heades of such ready to destroy soule and body when the Lorde commaundeth and to cast them into hell fire that neuer quecheth Father Séeing that the Scripture is the word of saluation why doe so many in these dayes refuse to heare or reade the same Recusants Sonne Christ Iesus saith Io. 8. he that is of God heareth Gods wordes they therfore heare them not because they are not of God To those Recusants saith Christ further Io. eod why doe you not know my spéech euen because you cannot abide the hearing of my worde Yée beléeue not my wordes Io. 10. because you are not of my shéepe for my shéepe heare my voyce and I know them Recusants none of his sheepe and they follow mée and I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neyther shall anye man plucke them out of my handes He that heareth you saith Christ to his disciples heareth mee Luke 10 and he that heareth mée heareth him that sent mée Recusants despise Christ and he that dispiseth you despiseth mée and he that despiseth mee despiseth him that sent mée The Quéene of the South shall rise at the daye of iudgement Luke 11. with this nation and condemne it for she came from the vttermost partes of the earth to heare the wisedome of Salomon and beholde a greater then Salomon is héere Luke 14 Nemo virorum istorum qui vocati sunt gustabunt cenam meam None of these saith Christ that were called and refused to come shall tast of my Supper Acts. 3. The time will come sayth the Apostle That euerie soule that wil not héere that same Prophet shall bee destroyed from among the people 1. Io 4. Recusants are not of God neither know him We are of God saith Saint Iohn hée that knoweth God heareth vs he that is not of God heareth vs not hereby knowe we the spirit of God and the
is vnpossible that any man should please God He that commeth vnto God must beléeue that God is Heb. 1 and that hée is a rewarder of them that séeke him Ye must aske in faith and wauer not for he that doubteth Iames. 1 let him not thinke that hée shall obtaine anie thing It profited them not Heb. 4. in that they heard the worde because that they coupled it not with faith By grace are ye saued through faith Ephe. 2. and that not of your selues for it is the guift of God and commeth not of works least anie man should reioyce Abraham beléeued God and it was compted vnto him for righteousnesse Gall. 3. ye know therefore that they that are of faith the same are the children of Abraham All the faithful are blessed with faithfull Abraham The life that I now liue in the flesh I liue by the faith of the sonne of God Gall. 2. Lyue by faith Gall. 2. which loued me and gaue himselfe for me We haue beléeued on Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the faith of Christ Faith commeth by hearing Rom. 10 and hearing cometh by the worde of God Rom. 4 By faith is the inheritance giuen that it might come of fauour we are iustified by the faith of Christ Iesu Acts. 15. We beléeue that through the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ we shal be saued Acts. 2. It shall come to passe that whosoeuer shall call vppon the name of the Lorde shal be saued Io. 5. The kingdome of heauen giuen to the faithfull Mark 9 He that beléeueth my wordes saith Christ and beléeues on him that sent mée hath euerlasting life and shall not come to damnation but is escaped from death to life So that I will conclude with Christs owne wordes that all thinges are possible to him that beléeueth Rom. 12 S. Paull saith whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Father Faith a precious Iewell I sée that faith is a precious Iewell Gods onelie guift whereby we take hold of his mercie but is this faith alone without fruite idle without good workes Sonne Math. 13 No father the true iustifiyng faith which I shewed vnto you is neuer Idle for it is like a graine of musterséede which a man tooke and sowed in his garden Luke 13 and it grew and waxed a great trée Luke 4. and the foules of the aire made their nests in the branches of it c. So if wée haue faith like a graine of musterséede it will grow vp so great that the birds of the aire may make their nests in it that is the poore people may lodge in our houses Faith and works may be féed at our tables clothed with our clothes relieued as brethren succoured asmuch as lieth in vs. Faith without déedes is dead in it selfe therefore saith saint Iames Iames. 2 shewe me thy faith by thy workes There was a fig trée which Christ came vnto Math. 21 séeing many faire leaues being an hungred supposing to haue béene sustained with the fruite but there was none but leaues onelie And Christ cursed it and saide neuer fruite growe of the héerefter it withred so that we haue faire leaues and not fruite Math. 3 the curse of Christ will wither vs. Bring foorth fruites of repentance Io. 15. and say not we haue Abraham to our father Euerie branch saith Christ that beareth fruite in mée will I purge Io. 1● that it may bring foorth more fruite Heb. 6. The earth that drinketh in the raine that cōmeth oft vppon it The fruitful blessed the barren cursed and bringeth foorth hearbes méete for them that dresse it receiue the blessing of God but the ground that beareth thornes and brieres is reproued is nigh vnto cursing whose ende is to be burned Math. 3 The Axe is put vnto the roote of the trée euerie trée that bringeth not foorth good fruite is hewen downe and cast into the fire Luke 13 A certaine man saith Christ had a fig trée in his vienyard and hée came and sought fruite of it and found none and he saide these thrée yéeres haue I come and sought fruite of this fig trée and finde none cut it vp why doth it comber the ground Titus 3 And concluding with Saint Paulls wordes because I may héereafter speake more of workes ioyned to faith He that beleueth doth good or rather springing of faith let those that beléeue in God goe on forward in all good works Father Conuersio Is there ought else that pertaineth to true repentance Sonne Rom. 6. Yea amendement of life conuersion a newe life S. Paull saith Amendement of lyfe as you haue giuen ouer your members seruants vnto vncleannesse and to iniquitie from one iniquitie vnto an other euen so now giue ouer your members seruants vnto righteousnesse that you may be sanctified for the ende of sinne is death If you will turne vnto me saith the Lord and kéepe my cōmandemēts 2. Esdras 1 though ye were cast into the vtter most parte of heauen yet I will gather you from thence and I will bring you to the place that I haue appointed and chosen Wash you therefore make you cleane Esay 1. put away your euill thoughtes out of my sight cease from doing euill learne to do right applie your selues vnto equitie deliuer the oppressed pelpe the fatherlesse to his right let the widowes complaint come before you yea though your sinnes were as red as scarlet I shal make thē as whit as snow and though they were like purple I shall make them as white as wool Let the vngodlie man forsake his owne waies Esay 55. and the vnrighteous man his owne imaginacions and turne againe vnto the Lord and so he shall be merciful vnto him and to our God for he is redie to forgiue Ieremi 7. Amend your waies counsells iudge right betwéene a man and his neighbour oppresse not the stranger the fatherlesse and the widow shed no innocent blood in this place cleaue not to strange Gods to your owne destruction then will I let you dwell in the land Ieremi 15 If thou wilt turne thée againe I shall set thée in my seruice and if thou wilt take out the precious from the vile thou shalt be euen as mine owne mouth Ezech. 16. Thincke vppon thy sinnes be ashamed excuse thy confusion no more whē I haue forgiuen thée al that thou hast done saith the Lorde Ezech. 18 When the wicked man turneth from the wickednesse that he hath done and doth the thing that is equall and right he shall saue his soule aliue Eod. Be conuerted turne you cleane frō your wickednesse so shall there no sinne do you harme Oseas 11 Turne to thy God kéepe mercie and equitie and hope still in thy God Ionas 3. All the Nymuits euerie one turned from his euill way from the
A rule how TO BRING VP Children A treatise wherein is declared how the Father apposeth his Sonne in the holy Scripture whereby all Parents may be taught a rule how to bring vp their Children briefelie collected into a short volume Psalme 119. Where-withall shall a young man clense his waies euen by ruling himselfe after the word of God Iohn 5. Non quero gloriam meam sed glorïam Patris qui me misit Rom. 4. By faith is the inheritāce giuen that it might come of fauour Rom. 14. Whatsoeuer is not of faith the same is sinne ¶ To the right honorable my very singuler good Lord the Earle of Huntingdon Knight of the noble order of the Garter Lord President of her Maiesties honorable counsell established in the North partes your Lordshippes daylie Oratour and humble suppliant Iohn Lyster Clarke late Cutate of Leedes and nowe Vicar of Thorpeach wisheth good health long life much encrease of honour and after a godly and faithfull ende IN most humble wise shewing your good Lordshippe that by your lordships good meanes I obtained the benefice whereof I am now resident and remembring a saying of that worthie Philosopher SENECA that there be three degrees of thankefulnesse one recognoscere beneficium an other gratias et laudes agere and the thirde pro loco et tempore secundam suam facultatem retribuere or rather considering the Samaritan in the Ghospel healed by Christ of his Leprosie returned and acknowledged Christes mercie towardes him prostrate himselfe before him and with a loud voice gaue him thanks so likewise good my Lord I returning doe acknowledge your Lordships great goodnesse vnto mee render most hartie and humble thankes vnto your honour for the same and not being able to make anye recompence vnto your Lordshippe as Seneca teacheth although I haue meditated with my selfe sundrie times how to doe the same Yet notwithstanding that your Lordship may perceaue that I am not forgetfull or negligent of your Lordshipps great good will vnto mee I haue drawen in Dialogue wise out of scripture which is able to make one learned to saluation the dutie of all states and degrees of people howe a Christian life is to bee ledde what thinges are needefull to saluation the ende of manne and the straight accompt in the day of iudgement with the punishment of the wicked and reward of the righteous briefelie sette downe and plaine for the capacitie of the ignoraunt putting or adding nothing therevnto which I doe present vnto your good Lordshippe in remembrance of my humble duetie and obedient seruice vnto your Honour beseeching your Lordshippe to accept of my good and simple meaning and to beare with my boldnesse and small knowledge to write any thing to such a Noble personage as your Lordship And I shall incessauntlie entreate the eternall and euerliuing God till ATRAPOS shall cutte my fatall thred for the preseruation of your good Lordshippe whome the King of glorie Lord of hostes and Father of all mercie blesse saue and keepe for euer more Amen Your Lordshipps poore suppliant IOHN LYSTER To all Ministers fellow labourers in the Lords vine-yarde salutations in Iesu Christ IT is not vnknowen vnto you my brethern that the Lord hath elected vs before we were fashioned in our mothers wombe sanctified vs or euer we were borne ordained vs to be stewards of his secrets watchmen ouer his people shepperds of the sheepe of his pasture to the edifiyng of the saincts to the worke and ministration euen to the edifiyng of the bodie of Christ till we all come to the vnitie of faith and knowledge of the sonne of God vnto a perfect man euen vnto the measure of the full perfect age of Christ And knowing my selfe to be the meanest among you in respect of my knowledge not worthie to be of that calling although the grace of God hath otherwise dealt with mee in calling me to that function and hath giuen one talent vnto mee for the instructing a little number of his flocke which he hath bought with his bloud of whome he hath made me an ouerseer and therefore it is not meete for me to passe ouer the sum of this life with the singing Grashopper till the stormie nightes and Boriall blastes of winter come vpon mee neither to let the cleare day passe idlelie till the darke night come when none can trauell neither to followe the drone Bee eating the labours of others but rather to studie to discharge in some measure my selfe according to my function and to profite others Seeing that I perceaue the greatest number of you my brethren to followe the example of the Emmit working in the day and busie as the Bees in the spring of the yeere to gather their home so you to accomplish the worke wherevnto you are called the Lord prosper you and continue your proceedings I haue therefore for my parte drawen a shorte treatise in Dialogue manner betwixt the Father and the Sonne out of Scripture wherein may fullie and perfectlye be perceaued the duties of all sortes of people how a Christian life is to be ledde what thinges are needefull to saluation the ende of man and straite accompt in the fearefull iudgement with a punishment of the wicked and reward of the righteous not seeking any prayse for the same but Gods glorie which all men ought to doe seeing we are oftentimes tryed by our cheife Diocesan according to our gracious Princesse commaundement how we profet Gods people cōmitted vnto vs within his graces prouince but especyally seeing we shall appeare before the great shepperd and Bishop of our soules Iesus Christ to giue accompts of the bestowing of our Talents that wee may receiue an incorruptable crowne of glorie where they that haue taught others shall bee as the shining of heauen and they that haue instructed the multitude vnto Godlynesse shall bee lyke the starres world without ende and thus not doubting of your great care and dyligence in your functions I beseech the eternall God from whome all good gruiftes doe proceede encrease you with wisdome and knowledge in this life and with eternal happinesse in the world to come Thorpearche within the ancienty or lyberties of Yorke the 12. day of Iunne 1587. Your faithfull yokefellow in the Lord Iohn Lyster The Father examineth his sonne how he hath profited in the word of Saluation Father MY Sonne séeing it is the duty of parents not only to educate and bring vp their Children with meate and apparel but also to enstruct and teach them in the feare of God and Christian religion for which cause I haue cōmitted thée to the gouernement of a learned and Godlie Maister these seauen yéeres past Wherefore my will and minde is to know how thou hast profited in the same and what thy profession is Sonne Good Father 1. Peter 3 séeing it is your pleasure to demaunde of mée a reason of my faith I must follow the exhortation of the Appostle Saint Peter that I be ready to giue
wiues according to knowledge giueing honour to the wife as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heyres of the grace of life that your prayers be not hindred Ye husbands saith Saint Paull loue your wiues and be not bitter vnto them Collo 3 Ye husbands loue your wiues Ephe. 5. euen as Christ loued the congregation and gaue himselfe for it to sanctifie it so ought men to loue their owne wiues as their owne bodies he the loueth his wife loueth himselfe for this cause shall a man leaue father mother shal be ioyned vnto his wife Gen. 2. and of two shal be made one flesh Father Shew me what wiues should doe to their husbands because many now adaies grow stubbourne and wilful Sonne Ye wiues saith Saint Paull VViues duties submitte your selues vnto your owne husbands as vnto the Lorde for the husbande is the wiues heade euen as Christ is the heade of the congregation therefore euen as the congregation is in subiection vnto Christ likewise let the wiues be in subiection vnto their husbands in all thinges Gen. 3. Sub potestate viri eris thou shalt sayd God be subiect to thy husbande Col. 3. Ye wiues submit your selues vnto your owne husbands as it is conuenient in the Lorde 1. Peter 3 Ye wiues saith Saint Peter be in subiection to your husbands that euen they that obey not the word may be without the woord wonne by the conuersation of the wyues while they beholde their chast conuersation coupled with feare VViues apparell whose apparell shall not be outwarde with broyded hayre and hanging on of Golde eyther in putting on of gorgious apparell but let the hyd manne which is in the hart be without all corruption so that the spirit be myld which is before God a thing much set by for after this manner in the olde time did the holye women which trusted in God tyre themselues and were diligent to their owne husbands euen as Saray obeyed Abraham and called him Lord whose daughters ye are as longe as ye doe well and are not dismaide with any terror All women should hold their husbands in honour both among great and small ●ester 1 Father What may not man and woman be diuorsed after they be married together Sonne At the beginning God made man and woman and saide Gene. 2 Diuorce for this cause shall a man leaue father and mother Math. 19. and cleaue to his wife and they twaine shal be one flesh wherefore they are not twaine but one flesh let no man therfore put a sunder that which God hath coupled together Father Moyses gaue the people a testimoniall of diuourcement that they might put them away Sonne Yea father Moyses Fornicatiō Math. 19. because of the hardnesse of their harts suffred them to put away their wiues but whosoeuer saith Iesus Christ putteth away his wife except it be for fornication marrieth an other breaketh wedlocke and whosoeuer marrieth her that is deuorsed committeth adulterie Father Parents The dutie of parents would I learne for many bring vp their children wantonlie tel me therefore plainely and truelie although thou be but a Childe in yéeres yet I praise God thou art almost a man in wisdome and knowledge Sonne Gen. 13 The Lord said I know that Abraham will command his Children and his housholde after him that they kéepe the waye of the Lorde and doe after right and concience Eccle. 26 If thy daughter be not shamefast hold her in straitely least she abuse her selfe through to much libertie Eccle. 7. If thou haue sonnes bring them vp in nourture learning Daughters married to wisemen and hold them in awe from their youth vp If you haue a daughter kéepe her body and shew not thy face cherefull towards her marry thy daughter giue her to a man of vnderstanding If thy daughter bée wanton kéepe her in straitly Eccle. 42 least shée cause thine enimies to laugh thée to scorne You shall saith God Deu. 4. teach all my lawes and ordinances vnto your Children Ye fathers moue not your children vnto anger and wrathe Ephe. 6. but bring them vp in the doctrine and informacion of the Lorde Ye fathers prouoke not your Children to anger least they be of a desperate minde Collo 3 He that spareth the rood hateth his sonne Pro. 13. but who so loueth him chasteneth him betimes Who so loueth his childe holdeth him still vnder correction Eccle. 30 that he may haue ioy of him afterward and that he grope not after his neighbours dores he that teacheth his sonne shall haue ioye of him and néede not to be a shamed of him among his acquaintance Giue him no libertie in his youth Eccle. 30 Libertie hurteth children and excuse not his follie teach thy Child and be diligent therein least it be to thy shame Father What saith the scripture of Children to their parents Sonne Children Ephe. 6 Thus saith S. Paull children obey your fathers and mothers in the Lorde for that is right honour the father and mother that thou maist prosper and liue longe on the earth Col. 3. Ye Children obey your fathers and mothers in all things for that is well pleasing vnto the Lorde Leuitic 19 Ye shall saith the Lorde of hosts feare euery man his father and mother and kepe my sabaoths Pro. 23. Giue eare to the father that begat thée and despyse not thy mother when she is olde Pro. 28. Robbers of parents Tobias 4. He that robbeth his father and his mother saie it is no sinne he is a destroyer Hold thy mother saith Toby as in honour all the daies of the life for thou oughtest to remember how great perills shée suffered for thée in her wombe Tobias 5. All that the parents command them that they ought to doe dyligentlie honour thy father in word and déed Ecclesi 3 in paciens that thou maist haue Gods blessing and his blessing shall abyde with the at the last He that defyeth his father shall come to shame Fathers blessing and he that forsaketh his mother is cursed of God The blessing of the Father buildeth vp the houses of the Children Eccle. 3 but the mothers curse rooteth out the foundacions He that forsaketh his Father shall come to shame and he that defieth his mother is accursed of God Father Now would I know Sonne how elders both men and women ought to liue for the example of the younger sorte Elders Sonne The elder men must be sober sage Titus 2 discret sound in the faith in loue in pacience The elder women likewise Elder women must be in such rayment as becommeth holynesse not being false accusers not giuen to much wine but that they teach honest thinges let them shew themselues in all thinges an example in good workes with honistie and grauitie Father How must the younger sorte behaue themselues
God in righteousnesse and true holinesse So that Father man was created after gods Image that is iust faythfull vndefyled fruitfull a noble vine righteous and holye for all that the Lorde made were excéeding Good Father Redemptiō What sayest thou of our redemption Sonne Euen as the Lorde God doth elect and create man Psalm 31 so doth hée redéeme man and none other For Dauid saith Psalm 49 into thy handes I commend my spirite for thou oh Lord hast redéemed mée No man may deliuer his brother nor make agréement vnto God for him for it cost more to redéeme their soules So that they must let that alone for euer I am hée sayth the Lorde Oseas 7. that redéemed them and yet they dissembled with mée The spirite of the Lord sayth Christ vpon mée because he hath annoynted mée Luke 4. to preach the Ghospell to the poore hath he sent mée to heale the broken harted to preach deliuerance to the Captiue and sight to the blinde fréelie to set at libertie those that are brused and to preach the acceptable yéere of the Lord. Wée haue redemption through his bloud Ephe. 1. euen the forgiuenenesse of our sinnes Our Lord Iesus Christ hath giuen himselfe for vs Christs blood redemed vs. to redéeme vs from all vnrighteousnesse Redeemed of loue Rom. 5. God setteth out his loue towards vs séeing that while we were sinners according to the time Christ died for vs much more then now we are iustified by his bloud shall be saued from wrath by him for when we were enemies we were reconsiled vnto God by his bloud much more séeing that we are reconsiled we shall be preserued by his life 1. Peter 1 Redeemed by the blod ●f Christ ●nely We were not saith saint Peter redéemed from our vayne conuersations with corruptable thinges as siluer or golde but with the precious bloud of Iesus Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled Father Sanctifica●ion What saith the worde of God of our sanctification Sonne ●o 3. Christ himselfe saith except a man be borne of water and of the holy Ghost hée cannot enter into the kingdome of God ●o 17 Prayer of Christ to ●anctifie ●is church O father of heauen sanctifie them saith Iesus Christ through the truth for the word is truth and I doe not onely pray for my disciples alone but for all those also which shall beléeue their preaching that they may all be one Cor. 1. To them saith Saint Paull that are sanctified by Iesu Christ called Saints Sanctfied by Iesu Christ 1. Cor. 6. Iesus and his spirit sanctifieth Titus 3 peace and grace We are washed we are iustified wée are sanctified by the name of Iesus Christ and through the spirit of our God The Lord according to his great mercy hath saued vs by the fountayne of the new byrth and renewing of the holye Ghost which he hath shewed on vs abundantly through Iesus Christ our sauiour Father Let me heare now by whome we are preserued saued and defended Preserued saued defended of whome we haue our being Sonne Euen by that great and mightie Iehoua Gen. 7 the Lord of hostes For the Lord called Noa into the Arke and his houshold wherin they might be saued when he destroyed the world with the deluge The Lord said vnto Isaac feare not Gen. 26 I am with thée and will blesse thée multiply thy séede for my seruant Abrahams sake I will be with thée Gen. 40 and will be thy kéeper in all places whether thou goest and will not leaue thée till I performe my promise Gene. 40. The Lord was with Ioseph and gotte him fauour in the sight of the Lord of the pryson and shewed him mercy Exod. 13 The Lord went before the people of Israell in the day in a piller of a cloud and in the night in a piller of fier Exod. 29. I will dwell among my people and will be their God Deu. 33 The eternall God is thy refuge and vnder the armes of thine euerlasting shalt thou liue Iosua 1 I will be with thée said God and will not forsake thée I will be with thée whether so euer thou goest Psalm 17. The Lord is the sauiour of all them that trust in him Acts. 17 And concluding in God we liue moue and haue our béeing and are all his generations Father Gyfts That we are defended saued and preserued by our God and mercifull father I perceaue but procéede and tell mée of whome we haue all our meate drinke apparell siluer gold ritches possessions wisedome knowledge learning with all other good guifts Sonne Saint Iames thus aunswereth Iames. 1 that euerie good guift and euerie perfect guift is from aboue and commeth downe from the Father of light and further saith Wisdome if any man lacke wisdome let him aske of him that giueth it euen God It is the Lorde God that giueth the substance Deu. 8. Riches It is the Lord God that giueth an heart to perceiue eyes to sée and eares to hear Deu. 29. The Lord saide to Salomon 3. Kin. 3. aske what thou wilt and I will giue it thée All thinges vnder heauen are mine sayth the Lorde Iob. 41. God giueth vnto man that is good before him wisdome vnderstanding Eccle. 2 and gladnesse but to the wicked the Lord giueth werinesse and superfluous care to heape riches for other men All that a man eateth and drinketh Eccle. 3. Meate Drink yea whatsoeuer a man earneth of all his labour the same is the guift of God God giueth vnto man riches Ecclesi 6 goods and honor so that he wanteth nothing that his heart can desire When I perceiued that I could not kéepe my selfe chast Wisdome Chastetie without God gaue it me I stooped to the Lord and besought him Wisd 9. Who can haue vnderstanding of thy meaning Holy ghost a guift of God except thou giue him wisdome and send thy holy ghost from aboue that the ways of them that be vppon earth may be reformed that men may learne the things that are pleasant vnto thée Luke 11 Your heauenly father shall giue his holy spirit to him that asketh of him Wisd 3. Faith Vnto the elect shall be giuen the special guift of faith And the most acceptable porcion in the temple of God 1. Cor. 4. Who preserueth thée or what hast thou that thou hast not receyued Gen. 8 The Lord gaue to man that he should Subdue the earth and haue dominion of the fish of the sea and foule of the ayre And of euery liuing thing vppon earth 2. Peter 1 And closing this with Saint Peters wordes According to his Godly power he hath giuen vnto vs all thinges that pertaine vnto lyfe and Godlynesse Father God one Sonne who is this God of whom wée receaue all goodnesse is he but one or many for many there be that
shal be saued 1. Pet. 1. If we beléeue we shall receiue the end of our faith euen the saluation of our soules Rom. 10 If thou beléeue in thine heart thou shalt be safe for to beléeue iustifieth to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe Father What doth the Scripture say of our iustification Iustification because some teach that we are iustified by our workes Sonne A man is not iustified by the deades of the Lawe but by the faith of Christ Iesu Iustified b● faith and not by the lawe and wée haue beleued on Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the faith of Christ and not by the déedes of the Law because that by the déedes of the Law no flesh shal be iustified The scripture concludeth al vnder sinne Gall. 3. that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should be giuen to all that beléeue The Law was our scholemaister vnto Christ that we shold be iustified by faith Eod. but after that faith is come God onel● iustifieth ye are no longer vnder the scholmaister It is God onelie that iustifieth the circumcision that is of faith Rom. 3. Circumc●sion 〈◊〉 circumcision iusti●ed by fai● the vncircumcision through faith Father Who are thus iustified by God onely Sonne ●om 3. Both Iewes and gentiles circumcision and vncircumcision are iusttyfied by the faith of Iesus Christ ●●d He is compted iust and the iustifier of him that beléeue on Iesus Christ Father ●orgiuenes Then tell me who doth forgiue vs our sinnes Sonne ●ark 2 Nemo potest demittere peccata nisi solus deus there is none that can forgiue sinnes but God onelie ●od When Iesus sawe their faith he said vnto the sicke of the palsie sonne thy sins are forgiuen thée the sonne of man hath power to forgiue sinnes on earth ●phe 4. Be curteous one to an other mercifull forgiueing one an other euen as God for Christs sake hath forgiuen you ●ollo 2 The law ●he diuell ●orld and ●esh conquered by Christs death When we were dead through sinne and through vncircumcision of our flesh hath he quickened with him and hath forgiuen vs all our trespasses and hath put out the hand writing that was against vs hath fastned it to his crosse and hath spoyled rule and power in his owne person Father But to whome doth the Lord forgiue sinnes Sonne To the faithfull Mark 2 for when Iesus sawe their faith he saide thy sinnes are forgiuen thée Brethren Acts 13. Sinnes are forgiuen to the faithfull through this man is preached forgiuenesse of sinnes vnto you and that to all that beléeue Father What enemies hath the Lord conquered by his death in his owne person for our sakes and what further profite hath he brought vs. Sonne The Law the Diuell the world the flesh sinne death hell and al other things the wrath of God the father hath he pacified and reconciled vs agayne vnto him and we that were a farre off hath he brought nigh hath purchased the kingdome of heauen for vs and opened the same made vs fellow heyres thereof with him selfe Father Proue that vnto mée briefely Sonne Heb. 2. Dyed for all It was appointed that Iesus Christ should tast of death for all men and that by the grace of God the father Heb. 2 1. Diuel cōquered Through death he hath expelled him that had lordship ouer death that is to say the Diuell and that he might deliuer vs. Col. 2. 2. Lawe Fastned to the crossa He hath put out the hande writing that was against vs and hath fastned it to his crosse and hath spoyled rule and power in his owne person Esay 22. None can open nor shut but he Esay 42. The key of the house of Dauid will I lay vpon his shoulder so that he shall open and no man shut he shall shut no man open I will giue him for a couenant vnto the people and a light to the Gentiles to open the eies of the blinde to let out the prisoners out of their bonds them that sytte in darkenesse out of the dungeon house Math. 18. The sonne of man came to saue that which was lost Math. 3 This is my deare sonne in whome I am well pleased A light to lighten the Gentiles Luke 3. A light and to be the glorie of the people Israell And there went out vertue from him Luke 6 Heale all A Phisiti and healed them all that touched him Iohn saith Io. 3. Life Io. he that beléeueth on the sonne hath euerlasting life I am the way the truth and the life VVay truth and life no man commeth to the father but by mée I haue finished the worke which thou gauest mée to doe consumatum est Io. 17. For this cause was I borne Io. 18. and for this cause came I into the world that I might beare witnesse vnto the truth Be it knowen vnto you men and brethren Acts. 13 that through this man is preached vnto you forgiuenesse of sinnes Beleuere iustified and that by him all that beléeue are iustified from all thinges from which ye coulde not be deliuered by the law of Moyses When we were enimies Rom. 5. we were reconciled vnto God by his bloud much more seeing that wée are reconciled we shall be preserued by his life and we shal be saued from wrath What the lawe coulde not doe in asmuch Rom. 8. as it was weake because of the flesh An offerīg ●r sinne that performed God and sent his sonne in the similitude of sinnefull flesh and sinne damned sinne in the flesh that the righteousnesse of the lawe might bée fulfilled in vs which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit ●ulfillers ●f the law Rom. 16 Rom. 14 Christ fulfilleth the lawe for all that beléeue to iustifie them The Lord Iesus died and rose againe that he might be Lord both of quicke and dead ● Cor. 15 Death is swallowed vp in victorie death where is thy sting hell where is thy victorie the sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the lawe Death and ●ell ouer●me but thankes be vnto God that hath giuen vs victorie through Iesus Christ our Lord. ●say 25 Death ●seas 25. Death hath the Lord destroyed for euer O death I will be thy death O hell I will be thy stinge ●al 4 ●onne and ●eire of ●od Thou art not now a seruant but a sonne if thou be a sonne thou art an heire of God through Christ ●phe 2. Remember that in times past ye were without Christ being aliants from the common wealth of Israell and strangers from the testament of promise hauing no hope being without God in this world but now by the meanes of Iesu Christ ye which were sometime farre off Peace made are made nigh by the bloud of Christ he is
aduocate to obtaine mercie for vs what saiest thou then to thē that say that the saints departed and the blessed Virgin Mary doe that and not hée Sonne I say the diuell hath alwaies some shift to drawe men from a stedfast faith in Christ Iesu otherwise his kingdome should decay but ther is none that is a meane for our sinnes Mediator but onelie Iesus Christ the onelie Sonne of God that vndefiled Lambe which hath payed our ransom 1. Tim. 2. Thus saith Saint Paull there is one God and one mediatour betwéene God and man euen the man Christ Iesus which gaue himselfe a ransom for all that it should be testified at his time Io. 17. This is eternall life that we know the one onelie true God and Iesus Christ which thou hast sent Gal. 3. A mediatour is not a mediatour of one but God is one Heb. 9. He is a mediatour of the new Testament that through death which chanced for the redemption of these transgressours that were vnder the first Testament they which are called might receiue the promisse of eternall inheritaunce wherby you may sée none to be any meane to the father for our sinnes but onelie Iesus Christ his owne natural sonne fitting on his right hand Father Shew mée what mercie we may looke for at the hand of God and how mercyfull the Lord is Sonne God is most mercifull Ezech. 18 and would not the death of a sinner but rather that hée should conuert and liue The Lord God was mercifull Exod. 34 gracious long suffering and abundant in goodnesse and truth and kéeping in store mercie for thousands forgiuing wickednesse vngodlynesse and sinne The Lorde is mercifull vnto Israell Iudg. 10 and his soule had pittie vppon their miserie Euen as a father is mercifull vnto his Children Psal 103 euen so is the Lorde mercifull vnto them that feare him Eather What must we do to be deliuered from the curse of the lawe and so obtaine mercie of our God through Iesus Christ séeing that we are all sinners Sonne Acts. 2. Consider what answere Saint Peter gaue to them that demaunded what they should doe to be saued he saide repent of your sinnes Repentāce and be baptised euerie one of you in the name of Iesus Christ for the remission of sinnes ye shall receaue the guift of the holie ghost Math. 3. R●pent said Iohn Baptist for the kingdome of God is at hand prepare the way of the Lord make his pathes streight Math. 4 Iesus began to preach and saide repent for the kingdome of heauen is at hand Mark 1 And in the first of Saint Lukes gospell repent and beléeue the gospell Father Repētance What is this repentance wherevnto we are exhorted by Iesus Christ and his messengers Sonne defined It is a sorrowing and continuall mourning of the heart conscience because of sin ioyned with faith and amendemēt of life Father Let me héere how we must sorrow which some call contricion Sonne The Lord by the Prophet Ioell saith Contricion turne you vnto me with all your hearts Ioel. 2. with fasting wéeping and mourning rent your heartes and not your garments and turne vnto the Lord for the Lord is merciful gracious longe suffering and of great goodnesse and compassion and redy to pardone wickednesse Gyrde thée about with sacke cloth Ieremi 6 sprincle thy selfe with ashes mourne and wéepe bitterlie weepe bitterly for the destruction else shal sodenlie fall vppon you When Ahab hard that the Lord would destroy him and his house 3. king 21 hée rent his clothes and put on sackcloth and fasted and went bare foote and the Lord saide because he submitteth himselfe before me I will not bring this euil in his daies but in his sonnes daies Dauid saide Psal 102 my heart is smitten downe and withered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bread for the voice of my groning my bones will scarce cleaue to my flesh Psalm 6. Euerie night wash I my bed and water my couch with my teares Esay 30. In repentance and in rest shalt thou be safe in quietnesse and sure confidence shall ye put your trust Ieremi 31 Repentāce a guift of God Conuert thou me and I shal be conuerted assone as thou turnest me I shall reforme my selfe and when I vnderstand I shall smite vppon my theigh Ezech. 20. Condemne your selues You shall iudge your selues worthie to be destroyed for all your wickednesse that you haue done Luke 7 Teares of repētance A woman stoode by Christ at his féete wéeping and began to wash his féete with teares and did wipe them with the haires of her head Luke 23 And he saide manie sinnes are forgiuen thée for thou loued much VVept bitterly The Lord looked vppon Petter and Peter remembred the Lordes words and went out from amonge the wicked Iewes and wéept bitterlie wherby you may perceiue father that he which trulie repenteth he is sorrowful for al his sinnes as Petter was and wéepeth bitterlie Father What other thinge shall wée finde in him that truelie repenteth Confession Sonne A confessing No auriculer confession an acknowledging of his iniquities to the Lord and not in the eare of a sinnefull man Dauid saide Psalm 32. I will confesse my sinne vnto the Lord and so he forgaue me the wickednesse of my sinne The people of Israell cryed vnto the Lorde and saide Iudg. 10. we haue sinned agaynst thée and haue forsaken our owne God and serued Balam Esdras kneeled downe on his knées and spred out his handes vnto the Lord Esdras 9 Kneeled downe and saide my God I am ashamed and dare not lyft vp mine eyes vnto thée my God for my wickednesse is gone ouer my heade and my trespasses are exalted to heauen oh Lord we haue forsaken thy commaundements and made the lande full of vncleanenesse on euerie side I will saith Dauid confesse my wickednesse and be sorie for my sinne Psalm 38 Daniell saide Daniel 9 oh Lord vnto vs our kinges and princes belongeth nothing but open shame and confusion we haue sinned O Lord against thée yet Lord let thy face shine ouer the sanctuarie Many that beléeued came and confessed and shewed their workes Father Prayer Are there other qualities to be founde in him that truelie repenteth Sonne Psalm 51. Yea Father hartie and deuout prayer vnto God for pardon Dauid when he had sinned praied thus haue mercie vpon mée O God after thy great goodnesse and according to the multitude of thy mercies doe away mine offences ● Cro. 21. Dauid saide I haue sinned excéedingly in dooing this thing but now I beséech the Lord doe away the sinne of thy seruaunt for I haue done wickedlie Daniel 9 Oh Lord we haue sinned and done wickedlie against all thy righteousnesse yet O Lord let thy wrathfull displeasure be turned away I beséech
a leper he should shut him out of the congregation vntill he were clensed Saint Paull speaketh of one that was a speciall Leper 1. Cor. 5 who had cōmitted fornication with his Mother in lawe and willed the Corinthians to excommunicate him saying deliuer the man that hath done this déede vnto Sathan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirite may be saued in the day of the Lord Iesus put away the euill from among you Father What if the Leper be clensed and the fornicatour be penytent how must they be vsed Sonne The Leper shall come to the priest Leuiti 13 and if he be clensed the Priest shall shew it to the congregation that their brother being Leprous is healed and after the offering commaunded by God and he shal be receaued into the congregation againe So likewise if the offender repent and come to the Priest hauing such aucthoritie he shall receaue him and giue notise to the congregation whome he had offended that he hath repented and so receaue him againe offering an oblatiō of thanks giueing vnto the Lorde for Saint Paull saith Absolution ● Cor. 2. to whome you forgiue anie thing I forgiue also in the sight of Christ least Sathan should preuent vs. ● Cor. 2. It is sufficient of the man that he was rebuked of many so that now contrariewise ye ought to forgiue him and to comforte him least that same person should be swalowed vp with ouermuch heauienesse Comfort the broken harted Wherefore I exhort you that loue may haue strength ouer him Father Ignorance What if a man sinne ignorantly is not that excusable Sonne Leuiti 4 No father for the Lord commaunded that if any man should sinne of ignorance and should doe any of the things that the Lord had forbidden in his commaundements to be done that he should bring for his sinne which he hadde sinned an Oxe without blemish or a Goat for a burnt offering and the Priest shall make an attonement and the sinne should be forgiuen If the blinde leade the blinde saith Christ both fall into the dytch That seruaunt that knew not his lords will and did it not Luke 2 shall be beaten with few stripes So that ye may sée ignorance shall not excuse Father What saiest thou of holy water that was vsed of late yéeres Holy water Sonne I say it was a ceremonie reproued by the Lord speaking by Ieremie Ieremi 2. the people haue forsaken mée the well of the water of life and haue digged themselues pitts yea vile and broken pitts that can holde no water Ye are like to those that goe downe to the graue Baruc. 3 euen because ye haue forsaken the well of wisedome Father Yea Nume 19 but the scripture maketh mention of sprinckeling water and saith he that toucheth any vncleane thing shall be vncleane vntill he be sprinckeled with the sprinckeling water Sonne That was accounted a ceremonie ordayned by God the father to signifie that all were vncleane except their hearts and consciences should be sprinckled with the water of life zachar 1● which the Prophet Zachary speaketh of the house of Dauid and the Citizens of Ierusalem shall haue an open well to wash of sinne and vncleanenesse zachar 14 In that time shall the waters of lyfe runne out of Ierusalem then shall there be but one Lord onelie and his name shall be one Ieremy 17 They haue forsaken the Lord euen the waters of life ●o 19 Sprincklīg VVater One of the souldiers when Iesus was vpon the Crosse with a speare thrust him to the heart and there out came bloud and water this is that sprinckeling water wherewith we are clensed so that I will conclude with Christes owne wordes to Peter ●o 13. Holy wa●er when he washed the Disciples féete with water Peter saide Lorde thou shalt neuer wash my féete but Iesus saide if I wash thée not thou hast no part with mée so that vnlesse we be washed with this water by Iesus Christ we shall neuer be cleane this water of life being come that sprinckeling water you speake of in the ceremoniall lawe is taken away séeing the verie thing it selfe is come the shadow or figure is abolished Father What doth the scripture speake of frée will Free will Sonne Since the fall of Adam Ieremi 10 there was none that had frée will for Ieremie the prophet saith I know Lord it is not in mans power to order his owne waies or to rule his owne footesteps and goings Who can haue vnderstanding of the meaning except thou giue him wisedome Wisd 10 and send the holie Ghost that the waies of them that be vpon earth may be reformed What I would doe doe I not Rom. 7 but what I hate that doe I to will is present with mée but I finde no meanes to performe that which is good It is God that worketh in you Phillip 2 both the will and also the déede euen of good will We are not sufficient of our selues to thinke any thing as of our selues 2. Cor. 3 but if we haue béene able vnto any thing All goodnesse commeth of God the same commeth of God which hath made vs able to minister the newe Testament not of the letter but of the spirit Father Euil counsellers What saiest thou of euill counsellers for many great men delight therein Sonne Math. 16 I say they are diuels incarnate marke the words of Christ when he was shewing his Disciples that he must suffer death for the sinnes of the world Peter his seruaunt called him aside and saide Maister fauour thy selfe saue thy selfe but what aunswered Christ Iesus when he hadde turned that all might heare Openly reproued he said to Peter goe after me Sathan for thou sauourest not the things that be of God but the things that are of men I pray God that all noble men Gentlemen and Land-lords hauing stewards and seruaunts that moue them to fauour themselues to liue daintely in this world to oppresse their poore tenaunts to enhaunce their rentes to pill and poll them to driue them out of their houses and doe ioyne house to house and lande to lande that they would aunswere them openlie to their shame Euil counsellers are diuells and say come after mée sathan thou art an impe of the Diuell and a messenger of death thy Maister Sathan hath sent thée to gette my soule which Christ Iesus bought with his precious bloud for a little pleasure to be tormented in hell for euer for what will it gayne me if I winne all the world and léese my soule Father God graunt that all Land-lords would so doe for then God should be glorified the poore well relieued they themselues more honested and in the ende rewarded the Realme by a strong and mightie commonaltie strengthened and her Maiestie by dutiefull subiectes dread feared and honoured But procéede tell me what is the ende commonlie of such
in the nauell of his body he spreadeth out his taile like the Ceder trées all his veines are stiffe his shinnes are like pipes of brasse and his rydge-bone was like staues of Iron A great deceuer Leuiathan dare not thou draw out with an angle no manne is so cruell that dare stir him vp when thou thinckest to haue hold vppon him he shalbeguile thée he hath horrible téeth round about his bodie is couered with scales as it were shéelds lockt in kéept and well compact together his weysing is like the glistring fier and his eyes like the morning shine out of his mouth goe torches out of his nosthrells there goeth a smoke like as out of an hote pot his breath maketh the coles burne He is neuer wery and the flame goeth out of his mouth in his necke remaineth strength and there is nothing to laborious for him he is as fast as the stithie that the Smith beateth vppon there may neither speare Iauelen or brestplate abide him he setteth asmuch by straw as by iron he setteth asmuch by a roten sticke as by brasse a sword hurteth him not he maketh the déepe to boyle like a pot The diuel is a king ouer al chi●dren of pride and stirreth the sea like an oyntment vppon the earth there is no power like his for he is so made that he feareth not and he is a kinge ouer all Children of pryde The Diuell is a lyer Math. Lyer and the father of the same thing euen from the beginning From the time of his creation hée was right excellent Ezech. 31 tyll wickednesse was found in him Lucifer Zachar. 13 The Angell shewed me Iosua that hye Priest standing before the Angell of the Lorde and Sathan stood at his right hand to resist him and the Lord saide the Lord reproue thée Sathan Once an Angel but now a diuell Io. 13. A tempter Ephe. 6. The diuell put in the heart of Iudas to betray Christ We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against rule against power against wordlie rulers euen gouernours of the darkenesse of this world against spirituall craftinesse in heauenlie thinges ● Peter 5. A ●ror●ng ●on Your aduersarie the diuell goeth about like a roaring lyon séeking whom he may deuoure ●euel 2 Behold saith Saint Iohn the diuell shall cast some of you into prison tempt you and you shall haue tribulacion tenne daies ●euel 9 ●ferior ●●rits I saw a star fall from heauen vnto the earth and to him was giuen the key of the bothomles pit and there came out of the smoke that arose out of the pit Locust vppon earth and to them was giuen power and they had a king ouer them of the bothomles pit And his name was called Abdon in Hebrue but in greke Apolliō a destroier A great dragon Reuel 12 The great Dragon an olde Serpent the Diuell and Sathanas the accuser of the brethren that deceaueth the world The Dragon and all the beastes that rose vp with him An accuser Reuel 13 blasphemed the God of heauen and his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heauen and hée had power giuen to warre with the saints and ouercome them and all people and nations worshipped him whose names were not written in the booke of life and of the lambe which was killed from the beginning of the world and to euerie one that worshipped him was giuen a marke in their hande or foreheade else they coulde not be permitted to buy or sell And thus Father you may perceaue the strength subtiltie craft and falsehood of this beast yea this deadelie enemie our aduersarie that runneth daylie through the worlde like a roaring Lion séeking whom he may deuoure Father I tremble and quake to remember this great Dragon this olde Serpent and destroyer tell mée therefore or thou procéede anie further howe I and euerie man and woman may escape his power and kéepe vs out of his hands Sonne Father as you sée that Sathan is strong and well armed so ought we to be well weaponed and besides manly souldiers fighting vnder the banner of Iesus Christ who hath ouercome and conquered this enemie in his owne person Armour of a christian wée must stande saith Saint Paull and our loynes gyrded with the truth hauing on the brestplate of righteousnesse Ephe. 6 and hauing shooes on our féete that we may be prepared for the Ghospell of peace aboue all Truth Righteousnesse Peace Faith VVord and prayer let vs take vnto vs the shielde of faith wherewith we may quench the fierie dartes of the wicked and take the helmet of saluation and the sworde of the spirit which is the worde of God and pray alwaies with al manner of prayer and supplication in the spirite 1. Thes 5 Faith and hope Loue. Iames. 4 Be watchfull and sober armed with the brestplate of faith and loue and with hope of saluation for an helmet Submitte your selues vnto GOD and resist the Diuell and hée will flie from you Be sober and watch 1. Peter 5 for our aduersarie the Diuell goeth about like a roaring Lion séeking whome he may deuoure whome resist stedfast in the fayth knowing that the same afliction is appoynted vnto your brethren that are in the world but the Lorde Iesus shall after that wée haue suffered a little afliction settle strength and stablish vs to whome therefore be prayse for euer We must fight with him 1. king 17 as Dauid did with Goliath he saide to Goliath I come vnto thée in the name of the liuing GOD and in his name I shall subdue thée and so he did Sathan will séeke to sift you like wheat Luke 22. Faith but resist him by fayth and let them that be strong saith Christ helpe their brethren Sathan will tempt you Reue. 2 but be faithfull to death and I will giue thee faith the Lorde the crowne of life The Saincts of God ouercame him by the bloud of the Lambe Reuel 12. and by the worde of his testimonie and they loued not their liues vnto the death Cōclusion So that although this Dragon the Diuel maketh warre with the people and saincts of God and with all them that haue the testimonie of Iesus Christ yet if we like manlie souldiers resist him by faith we shall ouercome him by the bloud of the Lambe Iesus and that Dragon will flée away for all the souldiours of Christ are called Faith and faithfull and chosen and kéepe their garments vpon them that men sée not their filthienesse Father Blessed be that Lambe for euer through whose precious bloud wee are deliuered from this roaring Lion Those that ●ied before Christ and alwaies increase our faith so that it growe daylie more more But sonne what became of our forefathers that died before Christ suffered his death and destroyed Sathan and deliuered vs were not all in the power and handes of the Diuell before