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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05025 A brief discouerie of the false church. 1590 Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1517; ESTC S111924 311,536 274

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if these men should know the right course which in deed I cannot beleeue because the scripture speaketh euidently that God wil blind their eies and bow downe their backes c. O how high then were their sinnes which forsake the waies of life haue in the presumption of their owne heart sought out vnto themselues bye waies and lead the people astray with how many stripes are they worthy to be beaten Thus you see how this Gospell they te●…ch you is taught in a strang●… and false ministerie in the false Church is ioyned to the throne of the beast of antichrist is ioyned vnto al the abhominatiō abhominable of the land is taught by prescription limitation and stint according to the Bishops iniunctions decrees traditions vnto which yt is together with the whole church both ministers people in bondage You see how yt hath neither light nor power in yt to discouer and cast out these most grosse damnable idolatries how yt vtterly wanteth practise in this false Church where say CHRIST what he will all must be after the pleasure of Antichrist You see how therby the bodie hath not beene edified or led forth any one step toward perfectiō but rather as by Satans most strōg delusiōs haue beene held therby in this egiptian bondage and babilonish confusion vnder Antichrist You see the ministers of these wares of what liuerie they are how they are the marked waged seruants of Antichrist the merchantmen of the who●…e to carrie abroad her abhominable wares Now remaineth that I discouer vnto you some of the gall wherwith their hony is mixed some of the leauen wherwith your milke is poisoned that you may see how the Lord in iudgment hath mingled amongst them the Spirit of error giuē them vp to the Spirit of pride fornication and caused them to erre in al their waies made night vnto them for a vision and darknes for a diuination how the sunne is gone downe ouer your Prophets and the day made dark ouer them Now that this may the sooner be brought to passe let me verie briefly shew you first what maner of CHRIST they teach you then some few of the cheif heads of the infinite errors they teach And this the rather because they say they hould the foundation and that there is nothing wanting amongst them but matters of lesse moment of no necessitie making some doctrines and some part of CHRISTS Testament fundamental substantial others accidental such as may be altered and violate without any preiudice or danger to the soule Yea such may the transgressions errors be as though they be obstinatly continued in and openly taught after they be reproued and conuinced by the word of God yea the parties die in that estate without repētance of these transgressions or errors yet may they hold the foundation be vndoubtedly saued Of this mind were still continue fiue of the verie principall best esteemed ministers of Englād both for learning and conscience although there were alledged against the same these expresse scriptures Numb 15. 30. 31. where yt is written that That soule that doth anie thing with an outstretched or high hand whether he be borne in the land or a strāger the same blaspheme●…h the Lord therfore that person shall be cut off from amongst his people because he hath despised the word of the Lord and made his commandement of none effect that person shalbe vtterly cut off his iniquit●…e shall be vpon him Exod. 23. 21. 1 Sam. 15. 22. 23. Ezek. 18. 26. where the Prophet concludeth that when a righteous man turneth away from his righteousnes cōmitteth iniquitie dyeth therin he shall die for his iniquitie that he hath done Likewise also our Sauiour CHRIST Math. 5. 1●… 19. teacheth that one iote or title of his word shall not passe and that whosoeuer shall breake one of the least of his commandements teach mē so shalbe called least in the kingdome of heauen And the Apostle ●…ames 2. 10. teacheth that whosoeuer shal keep the whole law yet faileth in one becōmeth guiltie of all And how plentiful is the Apostle Paul in this point that whoso teacheth otherwise yeildeth not to the wholsome words of our Lord IESVS CHRIST to the doctrine which is according to godlines such are of corrupt mindes destitute of truth c. to be seperated 1 Tim. 6. 3. 4. 5. to be auoided Rom. 16. 17. to be reiected Titus 3. 10. As for offences and transgressions of the word we haue a perpetuall rule Math. 18. 17. 2 Thes. 3. 14 If he transgresse he is to be admonished reproued censured Yf he erre of ignorance he is to be instructed with meeknes vntil God re●…eale the truth also vnto him But if he not only erre but affirme teach his error wherby others are or may be infected yt is time to looke to that GANGRENE least yt fret further yt is time to purge out such leauē least yt make sowre the whole lumpe But to hold as these men doe and as they are driuen to doe when they plead for their whorish Church antichristian ministerie is not only to goe expresly contrarie to the whole scope of scriptures to infringe violate all Gods lawes couenant to hould as in deed they teach CHRIST a Sauiour without repentance to make some part of the scripture more holy more authentical more true then other in summe to submit the holy scriptures Testament of CHRIST to the wil lust of man to ratifie or abrogate them at his pleasure to make this part of substance that of forme this fundamentall that accidentall this necessarie to saluatiō that needles c. But if the whole scripture was giuen by inspiratiō of God and is profitable to teach to conuince to correct to instruct in righteousnes If yt be the groundworke foundatiō of the Church of our faith if yt be the law rule of our life the light of our eies c yf e●…erie word of God be holy pure perpetuall then is this di●…p learning of theirs diuelish and blasphemous that thus to couller couer their wickednes make some part of Gods word fundamental substancial necessarie other accidentall superficial needles especially where yt sheweth reproueth and condemneth their doinges yea which make some sinnes openly manifestly conuinced yet ohstinatly continued persisted in without any repentance in this life for all this not to be mortall or deadly as the papistes say hould Yet neuertheles wil these men be said to hold the foundation to saluation notwithstanding that they disfranchise reiect a great part of CHRIST Testament and hould yt not as fundamental necessarie and make neither cōscience nor care to transgresse the same and to bring in other lawes into the Church in stead therof yea vpon that part which they would seeme to retaine they build all this stubble trumperie
ministration of the Church and shall all be held g●…iltie punished for the publike transgressions abuses of the Church seing ●…uerie member is bound to the edification seruice and vtilitie of the bodie seing euerie member of the Church is commanded to watch to trie the Spirits to contend for the maintenance of the faith once indifferently giuen to all saintes to auoide false teachers false Prophets c. seing they are cōmanded not to follow the multitude or mightie in euil seing they are commanded to reproue their brother playnly to bind their sinnes by the word euen their Princes in those chaines and nobles in those fetters to say to ARCHIPPVS looke to thy ministerie that thou hast receaued in the Lord that thou fulfil yt yea though an Apostle or an Angel from heauen should ●…each either other doctrine or after an other maner then is in CHRISTS Testament prescribed to hold and pronounce him accursed To conclude the point seing the praiers sacraments sermons of such wicked or hereticall ministers are sacriledg and abhomiuation in Gods sight and that all which communicate ioine to heare or suffer such ministers are alike guiltie of this sinne sacriledg who can doubt but that euerie Christian hath power and authoritie in due time and place not disturbing CHRISTS holy order in his Church publikely to reproue any publike ●…ransgression of anie member of the Church or of the whole Church as also to di●…couer and refute any error escaped or deliuered in publike doctrine yet this as is said in due time order giuing leaue and place vnto the Elders and Prophets of the said Congregation fir●…t who if they neglect or ouerpasse such publike transgression or error then may any one of the congregation or any Chri●…tian who●…oeuer yea he ought to reproue such transgression and error vnles he wilbe guiltie of betraying the faith of CHRIST of the distruction of the whole congregation knowing the danger of such leauen the sodennes of the wrath of God for such things Heere will be grosly obiected that the common people are ignorant not able to iudg betwixt truth error disordered variable easie to be deuided led into sects and therfore they are not to intermedle with the iudgmen●… and reproof of faults and errors escaped in the ministerie or with the censuring their persons That their people are blind ignorant seditious headstrong I readily grant neither ca●… yt be otherwise hauing such blind guides co●…rupt teachers as all they are I grant also that neither the people nor they ought in thi●… estate to meddle with the word of God or take his blessed name in their mouth without most high and vnsufferable profa●…ation of the same But for the people of CHRIST they are all inlightned with that bright morning star that sonne of righteousnes The eye of their faith is single and the whole bodie is light They a●…e an humble meek obedient people they will heare and follow the true shepheard but a stranger they will not heare They reioice loue e●…nestly in the truth ●…a by no meanes be drawē to do any thing against the truth And therfore hath God amongst them bownd vp the testimonie and sealed vp the law To them he hath committed the charge and keeping of his holy oracles to them and euerie one of them he hath giuen his holy sanctifi●…ng Spirit to open vnto them and to lead them into al truth to thē he hath giuē his Sonne to be ther King Priest and Prophet who hath made them vnto him Kings Priests But if they were so blind and ignorant as these men would make them how could they then discerne truth from error how could they approue truth or refute error transgression Happily for all this heere will be saied that the common fort of CHRIST●… seruantes either haue not this knowledg or haue yt but in small measure and therfore are vnfit to deale in the●…e high matters and can not doe yt orderly soberly To this I answere that they are to reproue no more then their assured knowledg leadeth them vnto If they transgresse the limits either of their knowledg in reprouing that which deserueth no reproofe or breake the established order of the Church by rashnes intemperance c. then are they for so doing subiect to reproofe censure for abusing their libertie for breaking order the Churches of God haue no custome to be contentious But if they should be debarred of this power libertie and dutie because they are not so learned as the priests and haue not beene at the vniuersitie c. by that popish reason were the word of God to be shut vp from al lay men as they cal them that no man might reade or speake therof in his house or family because they haue not knowledg to vnderstand yt open yt after their schoole maner the word of God being such an abysme of wisdome and of so great dignitie reuerence that in al places alike And should they not by this reason also shut yt vp from themselues and from al men in this life for he that knoweth most knoweth here but in part yea of that part he knoweth nothing as he ought to know But they are to vnderstand that God hath not giuē vs his word that yt should be perfected or receaue grace from vs but y t yt should bring grace vnto vs build vp accomplish our faith nourish vs vnto eternal life that yt should be milke to the weake vnexpert strong meate to them of riper age According to this word who so speaketh not yt is because their is no light in them By this word what so is reproued or affirmed the basenes or ignorance of the speaker is not to be regarded it no way diminisheth any thing from the dignitie truth of the word to which as the only obiect the Church is to cast their eye As for these learned diuines of our age I refer them vnto or rather oppose vnto them the wisdome word of God who you see hath giuen vnto al his seruantes this libertie power yea rather hath layd vpon them this charge duty to reproue censure any error or transgression which is committed by the whole Church or any member of the Church contrarie to the word of God by the same word But yet are not our learned Reformists satissied for ●…oe they fetch a reason somwhat more subtilly though altogether as far frō the truth as the other from 1 Cor. 14. 32. where yt is ●…aid The Spirits of the Prophets ar●… subiect to the Prophets therfore conclude they that the people are not to reproue iudge or cēsure the doctrine of the minister but only an assembly of ministers a schoole of Prophets as they call yt Before I shew their
stil reserued a seed a litle poore remnant vvho haue beene marked vvith the mark of GOD on their foreheades haue been preserued from the ●…ting of these scorpiōs the plague of these locustes which haue had ●…ight in the midst of these hellish fogs vvhich haue not bought nor sold vvith the marke of the beast neither drunke of the vvhores ●…up neither haue beene defiled vvith her fornications but haue ●…eene the lambes caled chosen faithful souldiours following the ●…amb in vvhite araye vvhersoeuer he goeth and leadeth them from faith to faith These by the light of the word reade the harlots mysterie vvritten in her forehead discouer her skirts all her ab●…ominations by that same light make her knowē to be that spi●…itual Babilon where Christes seruantes are kept in seruitude from the free practise of his word where the true temple his Church ●…ll the vessels and instrumentes therof are vtterlie ruinate defaced ●…rofaned troddē vnder foot These also doe shew by the same light ●…uen from the ancient prophecies her al her synagogs to become ●…he verie habitation of deuils the hold of all fowle vvicked spi●…ites a cage of euerie vncleane hateful bird ZIM IIM all ●…armful beastes shal lodge there the Dragō the serpent the Har●…ies scritchowles vultures shal there make their nest bring vp ●…heir yong ones And therfore these shal call al the Lordes faithful ●…eruantes out frō amongst them least they be partakers of her sinns ●… receaue of her plagues shewing them that her sinns are at the ●…ul come vp into the sight of God into heauen that God now re●…embreth her iniquities and is ready to powre downe his plagues ●…pon her as in the daies of Noah Sodome He only now st●…ieth but vntill his Arke be built vntil Lot his houshold be come forth and the number of his elect be fulfilled which time we may euidently discerne approcheth apace Our fig-tree hath almost budded al our fignes Therfore yt is high time for the seruantes of GOD to looke vp to lift vp their heades for their redemption draweth neere We haue al seene this general defectiō euē in the maner as yt was foretold to be come to pass we haue also see●…e in the heauens the tabernacle of t●…stimonie euē that first Apostolike patterne though we haue not as yet beene able to enter into the same vntill the vials of Gods w●…ath be powred vpon the throne of the Beast the whore this Babilon c. we see all the faithful witnesses and martyres of CHRIST in their seuerall ages to haue powred out their vials some vpon the earth some vpō the sea some vpon the fountaines others vpon the sunne vpon the throne of the beast vpon their Euphrates c. we heare this voice round about vs sounding in our eares ●…o out of her my people c. Saue thy self ô Syō that dwellest with the daughter Babel Flie out of the midst of Babel deliuer euerie man his soule be not destroied in her inquitie For this is the time of the Lords vengeance he will render v●…o her a recompence againe ●…lee out of the ●…idst of Babell depart out of the land of the Chaldeans ●…e ye as the gotes before the flock And our sauiour CHRIST in that forerūning signe type of Iudea and Ierusalem warneth them that are in Iudea to flee to the mountaines thē that are called on the house top not to come downe into their house to fetch or saue any thing they haue lost there they that are in the fieldes not to returne back into the Citie to fetch their clothes shewing the woes that are vpon them which either are hindred pressed downe with worldly affaires as a woman great with child or are deteined held with the leaue either of their earthly frendes how neere so euer or of their owne flesh that they cannot flie and deliuer their soules that cannot giue eare or obey vnto the cōmandement voice of GOD whiles he calleth them so deferr put off their cōming out either vntil the winter of Gods wrathful iudgmentes circumvent inclose them or the saboth of his final indignation fal rest vpō them then there be no space granted them to flie or grace to be preserued Seing then we haue so manie prophecies so many tipes so many warnings so manie callings seing all our signes are accomplished that Gods final iudgmentes approch and steale vpon vs let vs not despise his grace nor harden our hearts whiles he yet speaketh yt is called to day seing we are fallen into these last pertilous times wherein Satan vseth his last vttermost sleightes wherby the whole world shalbe deluded yea the verie elect if yt were po●…sible drawen away let vs not suffer our selues to be any longer deceaued with the subtil inchantmentes of the false prophets preachers of the times neither to be deceaued with the vaine titles glorious shewes of Church minis●…rie sacramētes Gospel c. wherof the false Church ●…ath alwaies boasted arrogated vnto her self as well as the true Church wherwith as with stales she hath allured as with snares detained h●…r guestes Cayn we read as wel as Habel offred sacrifice Ismael and Isaac were both circumcised Hagar and Sarah were two mothers the two mothers before Solomon pleaded both of them cōfidently for the li●…ing childe the harlot as wel as wi●…dome killed sacrifices ●…ent out her ministers inuited guestes to her house Israel in their schisme defection erected a temple an altar a ministerie It behoueth vs therfore whiles yet GOD vouchsafeth vs time carefully by the light of Godes word to examine our waies and to ponder our estate vvhether vve be in that broad vvay that leadeth to destruction amongst those multitudes ouer vvhome the whore sitteth raineth or in the straight narrow vvay vvhich leadeth vnto euerla●…ting life vvith CHRISTES litle fl●…k and marked soldiours vvhome the lamb leadeth ●…uleth vvhether vve be in that great defection in that spiritual Babilon vnder An●…christ that Beast or whether we be in the mount S●…on in the spirituall Ierusalem where ●…he cōmandementes of GOD are k●…pt and the fai●…h of IESVS This being knowen al controuerfies shal forthwith cease For thē shall vve either be guiltie of our owne destruction through our wilful obstinacie or els ●…hal vve lay hold of eternal life vvhiles yet yt is offred by forsaking our euil vvaies and yeilding obedience vnto Godes holy vvord Neither need vve vnto this busines to goe fetch our light out of mens vvritinges as sundrie of the chief builders of ●…his corrupt age do or curiously to enquire or dispute about I wote not vvhat markes of the true Church which vvhiles some inde●…ored to set downe endles cōtrouersies vaine striefe about
vniuersal here there ga●…hered scattered in the world hath not the deuil also that prince ●…f this dark world his childrē seruantes which as tares ouergrow grieue the wheate couer the face of the whole f●…ld Is not this ●…he condition estate of the world shalbe to the end Now here ●…hough GODES children by the light of his word espie and grieue at ●…hese wicked tares so see this world which is in deed y e Lordes field belōgeth to the good seed not vnto the euil thus pestered and ●…uergrowne with the wicked yet may they not by a rash inordi●…ate zeale be caried away either peremptorily to iudge cōdemne ●…r vtterlie to extirpate these tares as reprobates both because the ●…ord hath reserued this final iudgment execution vnto himself who knoweth to what he hath predestinate euerie vessel that he ●…ath made whether vnto honour or to dishonour reserueth the ●…easons oportunities whē to cal or cut off in his owne handes ●…ath neither cōmitted these things to mā nor need to be coūcelled or aduised in thē by mā But Christ in this parable rather teacheth ●…is disciples patience sobrietie to be patient towardes al men as ●…heir heauenly Father is patiēt rather suffring instructing y e euil with meeknes prouing if God at any time will giue thē repētance ●…y they may acknowledg y ● truth come to amēdment out of the ●…nare of the deuil of whome they are takē prisoners to do his wil ●…ather piti●…ng in their soules praying for al mē thē iudging fi●…ally condemning any or calling for fire vengeance vpon them c. This were a preposterous zeale greatly against Godes glorie who willeth al men to be saued calleth thē to his Sōnes mariagé ●…east therefore causeth the gospell to be preached proclaimed for vs after we are once entred to shut the dore of Godes grace against others we were not for this cause receaued to mercy but ra●…her to prouoke others to tast of Gods goodnes also be examples ●…o them that shal in time to come beleeue vnto eternal life Yf Paul Mary Magdalene others nay if we our selues by whome of al others we know most euil had beene plucked vp by the rootes whiles we grewe amongst the rankest of the weedes tares in the field of the world had yt not beene much ruth had not much good wheate beene spilt but he y chose called vs out of this dark world vnto the glorious inheritance of the Saintes in light shal shew the like mercie vnto them also if they abide not in vnbeliefe Our sauiour Christ whiles he was here emongst vs came not into the world as thē to iudge or cōdēne the world but that the world through him might be saued Let not vs then take that vpon vs w ch belongeth not vnto vs neither iudge before the time seing God hath not giuen to his church to censure or iudge them without but to attend vpon iudg them which are within God iudgeth them that are w●…thout But now how may this place of the sowen field without vnsufferable vvrasting and falsifying be vnderstood of or applied vnto the planted Church of Christ shall these stinking vveedes noisome tares grow there vnweeded out or hath not GOD therfore giuē vnto his Church and euerie member therof the vveeding hooke of his word the power of our Lord IESVS CHRIST vvherby to censure cut off euerie obstinate offendor to cast downe euerie high thing that is exalted against the knowledg of GOD to haue vengeance ready against all disobedience and euery transgression that ariseth amongst them Is not the vvhole Church euerie member therof often almost euerie where in the scriptures cōmanded and stirred vp to keep this vvatch diligently and for the neglect contempt therof reade we not of sundrie Churches sharply reprooued yea vtterly cut off and is yt then likely that our sauiour CHRIST would here vtterly forbid his Apostles Disciples to intermedle vvith the vveeding out of these tares out of the Church his gardē doth not this place thus vnderstood of the planted Church vtterly subuert and ouerthrow all ecclesiastical censures and condemne the Apostles of presumption for stirring vp the Churches to excōmunicate and cast out their obstinate offenders inordinate walkers heretikes c. from amongst them yea for so sharply reproouing whole Churches and threatning to come against them vvith the iudgmentes of GOD for their defalts herein vvhich vvay can all the learning these men haue reconcile these places but that by this their interpretatiō there must needes be expresse cōtrarietie But as they thus peruert this place so the applicatiō of yt and their collection from yt is much more pernicious and vnsusferable as shall afterward appeare THE NEXT place that is brought for the receauing and reteining their profane sinfull multitudes in their Church is the Parable of the draw-net vvherin fishes of all sorts are gathered and not seuered vntill the Lordes finall iudgmētes This is granted them to be vnderstood of the planted Church where by the power of the word all degrees and sorts of men are gathered and amongst them diuerse false and wicked hypocrites vvhich shall cōtinue remaine in the Church vntill the Lord pluck off their visors pull thē out whether by death or by his finall iudgment This is no new thing this is not denied this alwaies hath beene alwaies shalbe vnto the end of the vvorld Many shall enter without the vvedding garment vvithout that vvhite stone that inward testimonie and assurance vvhich no man knoweth saue he that receaueth yt and GOD giueth vnto none but vnto his chosē Many glorious hypocrites shal there be vvhich make a faire shew in the flesh which shal haue prophecied cast o●…t deui's done great vvorkes by CHRIST name which in that day shall call and not be heard But what of all this may yt ●…om hence be concluded that the profane multitude without due ●…stimonie and proof of their faith by publike profession c. may ●…e admitted into or any open vvicked vvhich remaineth obstinate ●…d impenitent may be reteined in this Church of CHRIST Surelie ●…is ground vvill beare no such doctrine this place no such con●…ruction THERE YET remaineth an other maine place to vphold their con●…sed profane assemblies drawē from the third chapter of Mathew 12 ●…rse vvhere they liken the gathered and established Church of ●…HRIST vnto a barneflore in vvhich the vvheate is so gathered to●…eather that yt lieth hidden vnder the chaffe vntill being clensed ●…ith fanne siue yt be a●… length layd vp in the grainer c. yea M r. ●…ALVINE in an other peculiar treatise against the Anabaptists vsing ●…is place of Mathew saith THAT the faithful shalbe in the planted ●…hurch of CHRIST
Church or to be in Gods fauor vntill they repent I haue shewed that al their praiers in this estate are accursed of God and also all such as participate with them in the same I haue shewed that the knowne and fuffered sinne of any one member is contagious vnto all such as communicate with him in that estate and maketh them all which communicate in praiers sacramentes with such an obstinate offendor as guiltie in Gods sight as he himself is I haue shewed that no faithfull man ought by any Congregation of men or Angels ●…e drawen into the least knowne transg●…ession of Gods law c. Which doctrines although they suffice to ●…catter and disperse these smoky er●…ors of M r. CALVINE and his disciples yet seing they haue so roiled the ●…ountaine as yt were darkned the sunne with these my●…es foggs ●…t shall not be ●…misse ●…o discusse these pointes which remaine a litle ●…urther and see what power eue●…ie particular member of the Church ●…ath in the Church and in the publike actions of the Church and also ●…o see wherin how long they are to keepe communion for what when to leaue the same It is manifest that all the members of the Church haue a like in●…erest in CHRIST in his word in the faith that they altogether make one bodie vnto him that all the affaires of the Church belong to that bodie together All the actions of the Church as praiers censures sacramentes faith c. be the actions of them all iointly and of euerie one of them seuerally although the bodie vnto diuerse actions vse such members as yt knoweth most fit to the same Al the members are iointly bound vnto edification vnto all other helpes or seruice they may do vnto the whole All are charged to watch exhort admonish stir vp reproue c. and herevnto haue the power of our Lord IESVS the keies of the kingdom of heauen euen the word of the most high therby to bind their rulers in chaines and their nobles in fetters therby to cast downe euerie strong hold high thing that is exal●…ed aga●…nst God therby to defend and maintaine the faith and euerie iode of the vvord to stand fast in their libertie to trie the spirites to auoid such as teach contrary doctrine and consent not to the vvholsome vvo●…des of our Lord IESVS or denie the power and practise therof to admonish the greatest euen ARCHIPPVS to looke to his ministerie and if n●…ed be to plead vvith their mother c. yea no further to follow her or an Angell of light then they walke with God and haue the word for their vvarrant Our communion must be in the faith and not in error or transgression we are not to follow a multitude to do euill but in all thinges to follow faith to the conseruation of our soules and to grow vp into him which is our h●…ad CHRIST IESVS vvhom●… vvhiles vve hold fast and vvhose vvord vvhiles vve h●…ue for the thinges vve do or refuse to doe vve need not f●…are the 〈◊〉 of anie vaine men neither be amazed at any vaine titles of Church sacramentes c. For this vve know that there is no Church can excuse vs for the breach of Gods law before that great Iudge Now then seeing eueri●… member hath interest in the publike ac●…ions of the Chu●…ch and together shall beare blame for the defaltes of the same and seeing all our communion must be in the truth and that vve are not to be drawen by a●…ie into anie willinge or knowen transgression of Gods law vvho can denie but euerie particular member hath povver yea and ought to examine the manner of administring the sacramentes as also the estate disorder or transgressions of the whole Church yea and not to ioine in any knowen transgression with them but rather to call them all to repentance c. if he find them obstinate hardened in their sinne rather to leaue their fellow●…hip then to partake with them in wickednes Neither doth the place 1 Cor. 11. 28. 29. THAT EVERIE one ought to examine himself c. hinder either their Christian libertie or publike dutie for these rules are generall the wordes are general alike giuen to euerie member and vnto all the members of the Church without respect or exception of any either Pastor or others So that by this reason neither Pastor nor any were to look vnto the life conuersation estate of an other neither can these rules or wordes any way be restrained to one more then an other much lesse may such corrupt doctrines and false conclusions be drawen from them THAT BECAVSE euerie mā is to examine himself therfore no man is to looke to an other Euerie man eateth either to his owne saluation or damnation therfore the open sinnes of minister or people do neither hurt the sacramentes there administred nor the godly conscience of the receiuers What sense or sequele is in these reasons what can be deuised more false or foolish because euerie one is to looke to his owne priuate estate therfore no man may meddle with an other mans 〈◊〉 with the publike estate Were he not as foolish that could be led or caried wi●…h these reasons as they that made them But being granted them what kind of Church what communion what duty what law or feare of God would there remaine If the second we●…e granted that the open yea the obstinate sinnes of others do hurt neither the sacrament nor godly receiuers what doth yt then skil who they be that administer or rec●…aue thē or where they be administred whether in the popish or turkish assemblies A godly man as they count him may resort to what idolatrous or sacrilegious assemblies he will so he in his heart go to worship God yt skilleth not what outward sinn there be cōmitted or he ioineth vnto that hurteth him nothing What blasphemous hellish doctrines are these which take away at once the whole Testament of Christ and word of God or tollerate the open breach of them which take away all Christian libertie dutie communion May we ioine to open sacriledge most heinous profanation of Godes ordinances that with the open wicked impenite●…t and not be guiltie Call they this to examine our selu●…s or to eate to our owne saluation they make a faire interpretation of and collection from these places But might yt not better be comprised within the examination of our selues to examine looke how we dischardge both our publike and priuate duties towardes God and our brethren c. which how can I thinke I any way discharge vnto them that suffer my brethre●… euen before my face wittingly willingly ●…o runne headlong into assured destruction to eate their bane damnation yea giue consent thervnto O what a cruel and vnme●…ciful part were this Call they this to ●…eepe the vnitie of the
in the best construction to be an humane law ●…estraining and inhibiting the sober and ●…oly vse of those creatures which God hath put in our libertie But ●…s the truth in deed is and as their present practise without all con●…radiction declareth yt is as yt is vsed with them a burdenous idola●…rous tradition a papisticall and romish custome being vsed after that ●…uperstitious abhominable manner that I haue abou●… declared a spe●…iall and solemne part of their worship a great and principall action of their Church as the solemne bidding and keeping of that shew●…th How can this doctor then say yt concerneth not the conscience ●…o not the publike actions of the Church the worship and seruice of God praier fasting concerne the conscience or may such trumperie ●…raditions be brought into the Church or laid vpon the conscience ●…e learneth n●… such doctrine of M r. CALVINE who alloweth no humane diuises no Apocrypha traditions to be brought into the Church of God how holy pregnant or necessarie soeuer they may seeme to be Yet in handling this point he hath vnhappily stumbled at I vvote ●…ot vvhat old prescriptions and auncient erronious customes of kee●…ing a solemne memoriall of the birth death and resurrection of CHRIST vpon their peculiar daies yerely as also the feast of Pentecost when the Apostles receiued the holy Ghost c. He also alloweth of Ap●…crypha Leitourgies viz. ●…set stinted forme of numbred publike prai●…rs to be brought into and vsed in the Church and this as yt should ●…eeme because he would not be thought a Nouatian or an Author of ●…ew Religion c. But see how he hath therby both insnared himself opened a gap for other like trumperie to be brought into y e church ●…vhich may easily carrie both as great shew of antiquitie and of godines as these He hath therby also giuen a verie pernitious president ●…nto other ages as apeareth in the miserable estate of our common ●…velth who are a great deale more ready to follow him in his errors ●…ransgressions then to imitate him in his godly vertues laborious and ●…oly life Me thinkes also that M r. CALVINE in the other part of this ●…oint concerning such lawes as pluck away any part of our Christian ●…ibertie or inhibite restraine that which God hath put in our power ●…ath greatly departed from himself therin For hauing very truly set downe that yt is heinous presumption in any mortall man to restraine or make lawes of such things as the Lord hath left in libertie he straightway least he should offend or keepe back ciuil magistrates frō●…eceauing the Gospel inuenteth a pollitike distinction betwixt y e outward or ciul Court the Court of consciēce saying that this outward Court respecteth men only bindeth not the conscience of the doer but the outward actions only the other concerneth matters belonging vnto God therfore bindeth the conscience Thus hath he both lost intangled himself vtterly ouerthrowen all his former doctrine CONSCIENCE HE defineth from the second of the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ●… to be a certaine feeling or remorse within our selues according to the knowledg of Gods wil which doth continually present vs accuse or acquit vs before the iudgment seat of God Although this definition be somwhat of the scantest as making the conscience of man extend no further then his present knowledg which yet we read in the scriptures stretcheth much further namly to the vvhole li●…e of man wherin God as in a book writeth aly thinges done in this mortal life which booke he often openeth not vntil the final iudgmēt but suffereth men to run on die in their sinne without feeling vntill then he plucking away all vailes lets set al their sinnes that euer they haue committed in thought word or deed in order according to their indignitie before them vvhervpon in horror of conscience the scripture setteth out and describeth their fearfull desperate estate vnto our capacitie shewing that in that day they shall euen desire the rockes to fall vpon them the seas to hide them from the wrath of the Lamb. c. If our consciences were only charged but with the sinnes which we cōmit against our knowledg thē ignorance of Gods lawe excuseth the breach therof then were the ignorant in far most best estate and had the cleerest conscience then needed we not to pray for pardon for our ignorant sinnes c. But because our conscience in this life cannot be touched vvith or accuse vs here of more then we know to be sinne for as the Apostle saith without the law we liued but when the commandement came sinne reuiued but we died therfore to a●…oide further controuersie I rest in this his description which me thinkes also maketh vene fully against himself for we see how the knowledg of the law reuiueth sinne maketh yt out of measure sinful But to come to the point M r. CALVINE saith that by the ciuil lawes the consciēce is not bound but the outward action only Yf he meane thus that the conscience is not subiect to the ciuil Magistrate but the bodie only he saith true If he meane that the ciuill Magistrate can but looke vpon the outward action in the keeping or breach of his law he saith true For man no not the whole Church can enter into Gods seat to search and iudge the conscience the inward affections of the heart c. Man can but behould and iudge the outward actions according to the law of God for if they could then should no hipocrites creepe into or remaine in the Church The heart and conscience vntill by outward actions yt be reuealed is not only liable vnto but searched by and iudged of God And this we see as well in the lawes of the first Table as in the lawes of the second Whiles I resort and vvalket together vvith the Church and vvorship God to all outward seeming vnreprouablie though I be inwardly neuer so great an hypocrite vntill my sinne apparantly breake out the Church can no more censure me then the ciuill Magistrate can punish me before I haue broken the law So then we see the secret conscience is as far out of the reach censure iudgment of the Church as yt is out of the Magistrates hand vntill some fault or offence be made But if M r. CALVINE meane as his wordes and whole scope int●…nd that the conscience is not charged with the law of the outward Court but vvith the outward action only then surely he greatly erred For this doctrine is most dangerous and false as discharging the conscience frō the whole second Table vnto vvhich yt is as much bound as vnto the first Neither can vve keep or please God in the first that vvalke not vvith a good conscience towardes all men in the second Our praiers are abhominable that are offred with handes ful of blood ●…r vvith our
wordes which the Lord of hostes sendeth ●…n his spirit by the ministrie of his seruantes resisting the holy Ghost a●… their forefathers haue done persecuting at all handes and smiting with the fist of wickednes such as speake vnto them in the name of God for the redresse and amendment of their liues THVS HAVING seene these solemne fastes what kind of stuffe they are let vs now a litle while turne our eies to the publike Sacramentes of this famous Church of England Which that they may the sooner appeare let vs see in a word or two what the ordinance of Christ is cōcerning the outward administratiō therof Wee find in his Testament vnto euerie true Sacrament required 1. a lawful minister of the Gospel to deliuer them 2. a faithful people or their seed to receaue them 3. the outward elemētes forme of wordes which our Sauiour Christ hath ordeined therunto As in baptisme to baptise them vvith cleane vvater in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Vnto the supper of the Lord are required the elemēts of bread and wine which bread after thankes giuing is to be broken and to be deliuered with such vvordes of exhortatiō as are thervnto prescribed and the cup to be deliuered in like manner Now where any of these vvanteth either a lawful minister of the Gospel to deliuer thē a faithful people holy congregatiō ioyned together in the faith and order of Christ to receaue them or any other forme of administration either in the elementes or order be vsed then our Sauiour Christ in his Testament hath inioined to be vsed we may boldly affirme that such are adulterate false Sacramentes And now let vs but euen as briefly compare these Sacramentes of the Church of Englād to these rules They there haue to begin with an antichristian Romish ministerie such as the Pope left them as is abouesaid a profane cōfuse people their seed to receaue them For who with them that is able to pay for the Chrisme is not baptised the seed of heretikes witches coniurers c. who with them is not admitred to their communion of the supper that wil pay his offertorie And to come to their forme of administration what a sort of fond trifling ceremonies are added to their Sacramentes as to their publike baptisme yt must be done in their coniured hallowed Font with a special Gospel taken o●…t of the 10 Chapter after Mark the water being wel coniured hallowed to the mystical washing away of sinne c. special Gossipes called and chosen which are godfathers godmothers which must publikely there vndertake for y t child that he shall forsake the deuil al his workes cōstantly beleeue Gods holy word obediently keep his commandementes Where after this prety dialogue betwixt the parish priest the parish clarke these godfathers godmothers which answere for the infant the priest baptiseth yt in the name of the Father of the Sonne of the holy Ghost and of the holy Crosse chargeth these godfathers c. to teach the infant the Creed Lords praier tenne commandementes All which when he can say haue learned also some of that worthy Catachisme which is set out for that purpose then must he be brought to the Bishop to receaue his second Baptisme which they cal Bishoping or confirmation wherunto also he must haue a new Godfather c. Then after ●…e hath beene posed by the Bishop wh●…ther he cā say his geare aboue prescribed the childe kneeling downe this reuerēd B●… layeth his holy hands vpō his head saith a certayne Collect ouer him cōfirmeth his former baptisme giuing him his blessing dismisseth him Yet is there a third and fourth kind of baptisme in the Church of England namely the hasty baptisme done by the midwife who if she see the childe in peril and like to dye before yt can be brought to the Church then is she to bestir her giue the child the christendome least yt neuer come in heauen and this baptisme is warranted by their seruice-Boke to be lawful and sufficient baptisme and the Priest finding yt orderly done by the cunning midwife is to publish yt in the Church to be verie good allowable and to commend them that so orderly did yt at that time of necessitie But if the Priest vpon the examination of the matter find that the midwife was not cunning in this trade but for haste or feare forgot or left out some of her accomplementes then must he according to the ●…orme prescribed in their publike baptisme proceed with the Godfathers Godmothers c. saue that whē he cōmeth to dip yt he must say N. If thou be not baptised already I baptise thee c. And this may be termed baptisme by supposition Their other sacrament of the supper also is not free of the like found trifling superstitious additions and is by their SERVICE-BOOK diuided into 2 sortes publike of al together in their Synagogue priuate in their houses called the communion of the sick In their publike communiō the Priest araied in his ministerial vesture is placed at the north end of the Table and there is to read his certayne He is there nurtured vvhen to turne to the Table when to the people when to stand when to kneele vvhat and vvhen to say The people after they haue offred to the priest are in their place to kneele downe to say and answere the Priest at his turnes times as is prescribed in their Masse-book vvhere after Sr. priest hath taken a say and begun to the people he deliuereth vnto them as they kneele their maker after the old popish manner altering the wordes and forme of institution deliuered by our Sauiour and his Apostles saying THE BODY of our Lord IESVS CHRIST which was giuen for thee c. It were long to set downe their preambles and seuerall Collectes at this their communion as at their Christ-masse day their Easter day Assention day vvhite-sunday Trinitie sunday and how the whole queir priest people glorie God with Angels Archangelles and all the companie of heauen c. and after they haue receiued the priestes blessing they are all dismissed with peace But now their priuate communion or housling of the sick is after a more cursorie briefe maner with a short litle pistle gospel and nothing so manie Pater nosters Creedes Collectes Anthemes nor such solemne exhortations because the sick desires to haue yt with him out of the vvorld He must prouide the implementes and some of his frendes if he may be so much beholding vnto them to take part with him But if his disease be such or fauor not such as that he cannot get them vnto him th●… yet may he the Priest dispatch the matter together and yt shalbe neuer the lesse wholsome to the sicke man These are the holy sacramentes the Church of England boasteth of which how
was by reason of mans sinne who is apt to lie to deceaue or not to credit ech others simple word c. To th●…s example this in a word ●… see not why I should be of M r. CALVINS mind touching the original of othes For the like he might say of praier of the writtē word of God yea of CHRIST himself the sacraments al holy exercises of this life If man were not i●… sinne he need not pray if he were not wrapped in ignorance he need not the word c. But shal I conclude herevpon that the originall of these holy things is impure sure ●…hat were vncleane doctrine These things no doubt are before all beginnings most holy layd vp with God in the bozome of CHRIST from whēce they spring vnto vs are deriued by vs through the holy Ghost to help our infirmities to instruct our ignorance to confirme assure our heartes Yea euē amongst our selues an othe for confirmation is an end of strife giuen to our infirmiti●…s that cannot see things absent or secret thinges as God doth And therfore is his holy name which seeth all things reuerently taken for confirmation not as yt is publikly vsed in the Church of England So then an othe hath not the original from man but from God himself who is the author of othes Neither is an othe giuen to the sinne of any for so should the name of God be highly prophaned and abused but yt ●…s giuen to the infirmities of all that of things vncertaine vnknowne and doubtful vnto vs vve might rest in that truth which is confirmed vnto vs in the name of the most high God c. vve may very well put difference betwixt our infirmities and our sinnes CHRIST took our infirmities yet without sinne And now not any longer insisting vpō the doctrine of SOME his antecedent I denie his Argument at once That because the vse of many thinges whose original is impure may be pure therfore these idol places and temples may be vsed to the worship of God He seeth the lawes of God flat to the contrarie which alloweth them no vse at al either ciuil or ecclesiasticall of such idolatrous places But he proueth yt thus The 〈◊〉 were grosse idolaters but the Israel●…tes hauing vanquished them offred of their ●…poiles vnto the Lord c. Numb 31. therfor these idol Temples places idolatrous trumperie may be reserued vsed in the worship of God I must still denie his Argument First he hath not heere proued that this gold of the Midianites was either in any idolatrous formes or had bee●…e dedicate to Idols therfore from this place can conclude nothing It is easie to put difference betwixt the substance of Idolaters as gold siluer oxen sheep cattell their Idols idol places The one the captaynes of this host of the Israelites offred vnto the Lord for the sinne they had cōmitted in this war in sparing the Midianitish women euē the iewels of gold bracelets chaines rings eare rings ornaments of legges as the text recordeth the Lord accepted them But these I trow he cannot call idols or idolatrous iewels though they were the iewels of idolaters The difference is great easily put betwixt these The landes goodes cattel of idolaters we may purchase inherite vse inioy their idols euen of the most pretious mettals we are to detest destroie Yet euen here in this example they were commanded to purge all that might goe through the fire by the fire with the water of purification all other their vtilences which they got in that war to be purged with water vers 21. c. But now that second bullock which GEDEON offred is thought and alledged to haue belonged to BAAL brought for an instāce to proue that things deuote to idols may be vsed to the worship of God To this if yt were admitted that this bullok had belōged to BAAL which notwithstanding I see not how vt may be proued by the text I answere y t one particular example doth not take away a general law Againe that GIDEON did nothing but by the expresse cōmandement of God So y t they which will inforce this example against these lawes may as wel vse yt against the law of the altar of the Place vvhere to sacrifice of the Priests vvhich ought to offer them all vvhich vvere by GIDEON much more apparantly to our seeming broken then this law vvhich in deed I cannot see that he brake yt at all Further by his example priuate mē might intrude into the magistrates office to destroie idolatrous places c. vvhich is vnlawful Yet M r. SOME thinking to make the matter more sure bringeth Corah his censors for proof because of thē vvere made plates for a couering for the altar But see how the further he goeth the more he stil mistaketh y e matter For these censors of Cora●…h his companie vvere neuer offred to any idols or vsed to any idolatrie but are by the testimonie of the holy Ghost pronounced holy Numb 16. 37. and therfore nothing fit his turne Many other diuine reasons he hath to proue this matter y t y e churches which idolaters bui●…t the landes which they gaue vnto y ● maintenanc●… of their popish ministerie as arch-BB s. L. BB. parish priestes parsons vickars c. and also to the collegiate priestes as Deaues Prebends Cannons singing men c. ought now to be conuerted to the maintenance of these persons collegiate priestes their successors and as I heare he hath gotten himself into one of these colledges hath for his good seruice vnto BAAL and against CHRIST obteined IVDAS his roomth I meane not concerning his Apostles but his deacons office to carry the bag rob the poore Wel howsoeuer that matter standeth with him I am sure this his reason of ●…loraes legacie vnto the theatre of Rome to maintaine stage plaies where wicked filthy persons might meete deserueth no such recopence Flora saith he was an harlot in Rome verie welthy she gaue very much for the erection and continuance of a yearly spectacle in Rome By reason of grosse inconueniences that absurd shew was abolished But ●…loraes legacie was conuerted to the vse benefite of that common welth And what of all this M ● SOME Therfore may such thinges as haue beene dedicate by idolatours vnto their idol seruice and the maintenance of their idol ministery be now cōuerted to the worship of God to the maintenāce of the ministery of CHRIST It is already shewed that God will not be vvorshipped vvith such idolatrous stuffe and aboue in the handling the tithes gl●…abes of the church of England that CHRIST hath in his Testament set downe an other kind of maintenance for the ministerie of the Gospell then such popish legacies But vvhat sequele is in this Fl●…raes legacie vvas conuerted to a better vse therfore thinges offred by idolaters to
soules But they vse to stop the mouthes of their auditorie that should so say or enter into such discourse with them that if they haue not gottē knowledg and profited in sanctification by their preaching then are they all without faith so in a woeful case in no estate of saluation bidding them prooue and examine themselues if Christ be not in them then are they reprobates c. This argument so terrifieth the poore soules consciences that neither haue knowledg to examine their waies by Godes word whether they lead vnto life or vnto death neither haue euer seene or beene taught any better course then that they are in to which if you add that general verbal knowledg of Christ and some f●…w other doctrin●…s touching faith and manners somwhat more pure then the doctrine of the papistes vvherin they haue found comfort yea and finding their consciences pricked and convinced of some sinnes they haue 〈◊〉 in their sermons haue indeuored through the grace of God to leaue th●…m at length gortē victorie ouer them c. This knowledg comfor●… remorse so worketh with these poore soules that they hold the ministers of these things in such veneration as they are ready with the people of Lystra to sacrifice vnto them not knowing in deed the effectual working of Sathans delusions with what shew of light and truth with what power signes lying vvonders he shal deceaue such as haue not receaued ●…he loue of the truth They know not that the false Church shal haue her religion vvorship also her ministers preachers of the Gospel of Christ c. y t these ministers shall transforme themselues as though they were ministers of righteousnes shall deceaue many vvith their false Christes and Gospels that they preach in these latter daies vvherof our Sauiour Christ his Apostles haue warned vs vvhy the false Church could not haue these thinges vvithout some general knowledg vvhich general knowledg shall reprooue such thinges as are contrarie to the same and yt being spiritual yt shal also haue spiritual effectes as to moue ioy or sorowe This the preaching in the popish Church also effecteth vvho hath taught your preachers this argument and hath as good right to vse yt towardes them as they vnto you or vnto vs. But can this knowledg which you get by them iustifie your vvaies your Church ministerie vvorship c. if not seing they are so directly against y e word of God what booteth this knowledg to eternal life Balaam vvith all the false prophets had and the deuils haue this faith knowledg in as great measure as the learnedst of these ministers yet the one is damned the others tremble As for the comfort receaued by their preaching yt hauing no promise of blessing in the word of God your Church whole ministerie being accursed is rather a feareful signe of the effectual working of their delusions thē any reason wherby you may assure your s●…lues or iustifie thē in their vngodly proceedings whome the word of God in al their workes cōdemneth Looke not to gather grapes of thornes or figs of thistles or any good fruites of such euil trees as are not of our heauenly fathers planting therfore shalbe plucked vp by the rootes You see they haue stood teaching you day vnto day line vpon line line vpon line heere a litle there a litle yet haue neuer brought you to a cleere sight acknowledging of the truth You see they lead you in the crooked pathes of death they teach and stand ministers in the false Church of whose ministerie in this estate is no comfort but assured destructiō to be looked for they being sent of God in his wrath to deceaue the children of death the reprobate You see they are like those inchanters that resisted Moses who doe all their miracles both in Egipt and Babilon c. to deteine the people in Egip●… and Babilon They haue all gone out of the way they haue beene made altogether vnprofitable there is none that doth good no not one their throte is an open sepulchre they haue vsed their tongues to deceit the poison of aspes is vnder their lips whose mouth is full of cursing bitternes their feet are swift to shed blood destruction and calamitye is in their waies the way of peace they haue not knowen the feare of God is not before their eies How then should they profite this people or guide them right when they themselues know not the right way But heere they wil straight be vpon me with this question where I had my faith vnderstanding of the right course if not from them their preaching there being no other meanes left in the land to beget faith then their ordinarie preaching in this ministery this church which we now forsake The vanitie of this argument I haue euen now shewed and howe therby much rather the Church and ministerie of Rome with all the abhominations therin might be iustified seing they were much more catholike vniuersal then these But to their question I answere that God neuer leaueth himself without faithfull true witnesses which abhor iniquitie teach practise the truth so far as yt is reuealed vnto them which no doubt instruct manie and turne them from their euill waies Further we haue the holy word of God and the Lambe hath obteined to open the seales therof who hath giuen vs his Spirit to guide vs into all truth and bring all things to our remembrance that he hath taught vs. God is not tied to the lippes of these phariseis yea his glorie is to hide these things from the prowd and prudent and to reueale them to babes and sucklings The wind bloweth where yt listeth c. Faith is the only gift of God who neuer wanteth meanes to publish his truth and to saue his elect These popish priestes that stand ministers after a false and counterfait order euen after the order of Antichrist not of CHRIST and the order of his Testament that stand ministers of idolatrie vnto idolaters that hate to be reformed or reproued haue nought to doe to take God holy word in their mouthes But if they were as true famous ministers as euer spake vpon the earth yet if they should exercise such a ministerie as they do in those places after that idolatrous and corrupt maner to al the prophane and wicked Yf they had all the giftes of al men and Angels yet were they to be holden accursed to be left and not to be receaued to house c. we are to follow the Apostles no further then they walke with CHRIST no nor the whole church any further then they obserue the rules of the word vve are not to erre or be drawen into transgression with a multitude or by the mightie They breake the communion that breake the faith they breake the faith which transgresse the word But
Church I see not why they should haue any more tolleration then their elder brethren the monks who eueri●… way had as great shew of holines ●…nd couler of vtility to the Church as they or t●…ese other cath●…drall coll●…giate dennes haue yea and might both as soone and as well haue beene purged of their Masse and latine seruice as these are so that the same end that is befallen the one remaineth the other The lord is not pleased with any voluntarie religion That building that hath not the word of God for the foūdatiō though yt be dawbed with neuer so great cunning and learning and vndershored with neuer so great pollicie and power though yt be built as high as B●…bel yet shall yt assuredly fall and the greater shalbe the fall therof As there is no building without the word of God for the foundation so is there no fellowship or communion out of the Church of God And therfore no such confused colledges no such idolatrous assemblies as are not gathered vnto Christ but vnto Antichrist as liue not in that Christian order fellowship which Christ hath apointed to all his seruants in his Church but leade their liues in antichristian disorder in Babilonish if not Sodomitish confusion no such heathen schooles wherin youth is not trained vp in the feare knowledg and order of CHRIT but in vaine arts superstition idolatrie disorder c. haue any foundation in the word of God any fellowship with or allowance in the Church of God But heere wil the vniuersitie Knights draw me within the cōpasse of these two absurdities First that I condemne all good arts and literature then that I quite driue them out of the world by taking away the schooles of the same wherin youth might be trained brought vp Nothing lesse I with my whole heart allow of any art or sciēce that is consonāt to the word of God to the doctrine which is according to godlines only the curious heathen artes prophane vaine babblings and oppositions of science falsely so caled which they professe wherwith they poison co●…upt al the youth of the lād I abhorre because God condemneth As for schooles to teach the tongues or any laudable or necessarie art I wish them in abundāce y t if yt were possible not only the youth but euen the whole church might be trayned therin I with my whole heart wish that al the Lords people were Prophets such an enemie am I to true knowledg learning that I would not haue yt any longer kept secret in a mysterie but euen proclaimed vpon the house top in euerie Citie in euery street yet stil euer with this caution that these schooles both be in an established church I meane in such places where the Saintes liue together in the faith order obedience and communion of CHRIST and not in such monkish idolatrous confused idle profane colledges and fellowships as theirs are Likewise that the tongues or sciences be heere taught in an holy sanctified reuerend graue maner and not in such an vnsanctified vaine maner as they vse So shal the earth be ful of the knowledg of the Lord as the waters that couer the sea for in the Church of Christ are al his springs inclosed which by this meanes should runne at euerie conduct and water the whole land abundantly whereas now they lye in miserable darknes wholy ouergrowen with brambles briers And surely I euen with maruaile wonder how these men can be so blinded to compare these wicked idolatrous societies to the assēblies of the proph●…ts or vnto the Church of Christ when you see they haue nothing common with them or like vnto them either in the people assembled doctrine taught manner of teaching learning or order of life when they vtterlie want warrant in the word of God for such kind of Colledges societies and schooles these hauing beene deriued either from the heathens Egiptians Greekes Persians that had their peculiar colledges and schooles to their peculiar sects or els haue is●…ued out of the smoke of Antichrists inuentions out of the bottomles pit They alwaies haue beene stil are the verie hyues nurseries of these armed poisoned Locusts venemous Scorpions I meane either that false ministerie of Antichrist euen al the gouerning teaching priestes as Cardinals Arch-bish Bish. Suffragan●…s Archdeacons Chan●…lors Com●…issaries Ciuil Doctors Aduocates Proct●…rs 〈◊〉 rouing Ministers Preachers parish Priests c. or those coūterfait religious hypocrites monkes Friers Nunnes Clarkes or as we now of late call them schollers Al which haue in innumerable multitudes from time to time and at all times swarmed and issued out of these hyues into the face of the whole earth corrupting and destroijng eueri●… greene thing poisoning the pure fountaines of Gods word with their accursed gloz●…s d●…epe learning subtil figuratiue interpretations darkning the sonne and infecting the aire therwith as also with the blasphemous traditions of their king 〈◊〉 that Angel of the bottomles pyt They haue alwaies most pestilently fought vnder this their captaine against the Lambe his Gospell Church plentifully furnishing and continually supplijng all the offices roomths belōging to that huge Midianitish host of Antichrist the leaders captaines and officers wherof are euer haue beene wholy taken out of these Ser●…liaes euen frō the Pope●… person to the lowest Priest How they are reformed by hauing this english portesse their seruice booke in stead of their olde masse-booke may partly by that which is aboue written concerning the same appeare but more manifestly by taking a view of some of the blasphemous idolatrous customes which still remaine in practise with them in the same maner as they did vnder the Pope all or any of which yt is not heere my purpose any further to describe It sufficeth me to haue shewed them to be confused idolatrous vnchristian vnlawfull assemblies and societies so far from being to be compared vnto or iustified by the assemblies of the Prophets or that heauenlie exercise of proph●…cie now in the Church of CHRIST as they are not to be suffered in a Christian common welth And therfore he ●…re againe once more I conclude that both these vngodly assemblies as also the cathedral dennes and colledges ought by as good right to be abolished as their other brethren and sisters of a birth the monasteries nunries are seing they all want foundation in the word had one and the same hellish original had and these still reteine the same blasphemous incurable abus●…s which can by no way be reformed but by their vtter dissolution Thus haue we through the mercie of God by the light of his word taken a sleight vie●… of the nestes of these vncleane birdes and haue therby seene both what maner of schooles what kind of Prophets these are we haue seene how euil this 14 of the Corinthians fitteth either these vniuersitie and cathedral Colledges or these new deuised Cōuenticles of p●…opheticall
doctrines what when they please as also the Reformists they sue to Prince parliamēt y t they might be allowed to make bring in yet other new lawes doctrines as far frō the true patterne as these as whē they are compared thervnto will app●…are But the Apostle heere as he teacheth but one foundatiō so teacheth he yt the groundworke both of the whole church of euery part therof actiō therin calling al builders herevnto charging them to take yt for the foundation of all their doings without which whatsoeuer they doe or enterprize seeme yt neuer so necessarie or expedient in their eies yet is yt but as an house without a foundation which not being laid vpō the rock but vpon the sandes of mens wisdome wante●…h a groundworke therfore cannot stand He willeth them therfore to be sure of this foundation before they build yea and to loke care●…ully how they build vpon yt because their worke shalbe manifested declared tryed reuealed in the day in the fire This day shal manifest and declare all their whole building both within without the whole forme and order therof Al things when they are reproued of this light are manifest for yt is the light that maketh all things manifest This fire not only trieth reuealeth al counterfait stuffe but burneth and consumeth the same their wood hay stubble cannot be vnreuealed in this day or vnconsumed in this fire To which wood hay stubble he likeneth al the deuises pollecies of mans wit how prudent or pregnant soeuer th●…y seeme and therfore vpon the diuers ends of such buildings and builders he exhorteth by the reward and eternitie of the one vnto the faithful and carefull keeping the true patterne by the terror losse of the other he dehorteth from all negligent but especially al wilfull and presumptuous transgression of the same shewing Gods vnpartiall examination and iudgment of euery mans worke which by how much yt is so deare vnto the Lord so pretious in his sight by so much yt behoueth all men to be the more carefull therof whose transgressions therin shall be the more hainous This worke he calleth the Temple of God which Temple we haue aboue shewed in the type to be built in euerie thing according to the patterne shewed in the mount How much more then ought yt in the true substance to be built in euery thing according to the heauenly perfect patterne of Christs Testament wherin we haue the whole mind and will of CHRIST as the Apostle saith in the last words of the second chapter of this epistle Now the Apostle heere saith this Temple of the Lord is holy but euen in the figure might no strange or poll●…ed thing enter yt was an abhomination vnto the Lord how much more in this excellent spiritual house ought no fleshly deuises of our owne which are wholy corrupt altogether defiled to be brought but the wisest deuises of men being set in the place of the wisdome of God or brought into his Temple are not only foolish idle vaine but abhomination to the Lord such as corrupt destroie and deface the Temple of God because the deuises of man cannot be ioined with the thoughts of God God needeth not the aduise or councell of man The wisdome of man is alwaies to rest in the wisdome of God wherin he proceedeth further yt is turned to folly and rebellion made a snare vnto themselues Now then seing the Church of Christ is the Temple of God and the Temple of God is holy and is corrupted destroied whē man presumeth therin to be wise aboue that he ought or hath warrant to be wise the Apostle from all these places and euery word therof vseth reasons exhortations to exhort all men that enter into this Temple to obserue their feet●… that they be more neere to heare thē to offer the sacrifice of fooles for the Lord is more delighted with obedience then sacrifice he will be sanctified in all that come neere vnto him wilbe serued in this ●…is Temple with reuerence and feare for euen the Lord our God is a consuming fire But our learned Priests treading in the steppes of their predecessors the false Prophets are so far from being moued with reuerence and feare because of the Lords holy Temple that they from hence draw arguments to iustifie their transgressions and embolden themselues therin by the titles of the Church and Temple of God Say they the Churches of Corinth Gallati●… Asia had sundrie faultes yet are they pronounced by the Apostle the Churches of CHRIST therfore much more they that teach not circumcision denie not the resurrection c. Though these arguments be largelie answered in an other place yet heere would be obserued besides the po●…son that they gather from these examples to tollerate and commit sin therby how litle they vnderstand the estate of these Churches chardging the whole Church with the errors of some few whome the Apostles the●…e cōfuted But if some of these were the errors of the whole Church as we doubt not but the Church may doth and shal whiles yt is in this life erre y●…t if yt shall persist in error after yt shall be by the word of God conuinced and reproued then we may say with the Apostles heere that such corrupt and destroie the Temple of God euen so manie soules as are by them and together with them thus misled wherof this building consisteth Therfore the Apostle heere as in sundrie other places admonisheth the whole Church euery member therof carefully to looke to their builders guides that they lead them in the right waies of the Lord and build them according to the true patterne of CHRISTS Testamēt to follow them no further then they follow CHRIST haue his word for their warrant from which when they swe●…ue or transgresse and being admonished will not returne then is the whole Church to excommunicate such a Pastor leader builder whosoeuer and to sepe●…ate him or as many as cleaue vnto him or follow him in this estate The argument the Apostle vseth is of no lesse waight then the saluation of their owne soules which otherwise shóuld be destroied corrupted by them He willeth them neither to be led away with y e shew of wisdome vtilitie pollicy holines nor any pretences wherwith they shall couer their error neither with the estimatiō of their persons authority wisdome learning vertue c. For if they teach otherwise come not to the wholsome wordes of our Lord IESVS CHRIST and to the doctrine which is according to godlines they are puft vp knowing nothing As for their person office they are not to rule ouer so much as to build vp our faith for by faith we stād they are not Lords ouer the heritage but seruants of the Church for Paul and Apollo and Cephas are ours and we Christs and Christ Gods But see whiles I thought but to haue touched the generall argumēt of
alloweth They therfore should now sin greeuously against the iustice maiestie of God they should draw themselues into Gods wrath hardē y e heart destroie the soule of the other yea ●…uē opē a gap wide doore vnto the whole church to sin who seing such foreslacking of iudgment would take boldnes vpō hope to find repentance time inough They that giue anie further time vpon pitie or anie other fleshlie reason cōdemne the Lord of cruelty rashnes who giueth no further time after publike reproofe exhortation despised So that to y t ●…eaden ●…ule of proceeding to excommnnication with a leaden heele whē the sin is thus ripe I oppose this golden rule to remooue sinne out of the church with the wings of a Storke the wind vnder their wings yet first that the Epha be lifted vp betwixt the earth the heauē that the sin be publikly seene publiklie censured Now for this same new found cēsure of suspension which they these Reformists would bring in exercise in stead of excommunicatiō or as they pr●…tend as a preparatiue to excommunicatiō wherby they may first be shut out from the holiest of all out of the chancel where the Priest by sole authoritie raigneth so by degrees proceed to excommunication to shut him out of the church also if he repent not what doth this their wisdome pi●…ie but comdemne the Lord of follie crueltie or rather shew forth their owne presumption follie y t thus forsake condemne the waies of the Lord as vnequall by bringing in following their owne waies as more equall How can these forgers th●…se coyners of religion seeme sue to cast out the heape of humane traditions as contrarie such as cannot be ioined vnto or with the Testament of Christ yet bring in these forgeries of their owne for so I may iustlie cal them from whencesoeuer they haue deriued them if not from the booke of God But least I be noted of preiudice to find fault with the thing I know not to condemne before I haue conuinced let vs in a word or two see how thi●… timber of these accordeth to the rest of the building and vpon vvhat socket or foundation yt standeth This suspension we find to be a publike seperation putting away of some opē offendor vnworthie receauer frō the Table of y ● Lord by the Pastor before excōmunication he yet being held a member of their Church cōmunicating with thē in praiers cōtributiō c. Heere I must not be vnderstood of the yonger sort which are not as yet admitted to the Table of the Lord the seed of the faithful of thē called Cate●…umenoi but of such as haue beene partakers therof and are vnder the censures of the Church Let vs now see how lawful yt is for the whole Church but especiallie for anie one mēber as of his owne sole authoritie to shut out such members from the Table of the Lord before or otherwise then by excommunication That this may be done let vs see wh●…t the Table of the Lord is The Apostle thus defineth yt The cup of blessing which we blefs●… is yt not the communiō of the blood of CHRIST the bread which we breake is yt not the communion of the bodie of CHRIST because we manie are one bread one bodie for al participate of one bread Heere we see this Table or Sup●… of the Lord a liuelie and most comfortable s●…mbole of our communion with CHRIST as also ech with other in Christ excellently shewing vnto vs the meanes mauer of our redemption to stir vs vp vnto thankfulnes to reioice in our God praise his name therfore to the generall strengthning of all our faithes and to the mutuall binding vs together in all holie duties and loue c. Here we see the Table of the Lord to be publike free open alike cōmon to all Saints ech one hauing a like interest necessity vse comfort therof the least as wel asmuch as the greatest CHRIST hauing alike died paied one and the same ransome for them all that they all might haue a like interest in him feed and feast through one and the same Spirit faith hope ioy in him Which interest power ioy c. no mo●…tall man not the whole Church much lesse any member therof no nor hell gates shalbe able to plucke from the least member of CHRIST whiles he remaineth and abideth in the body A most vnnaturall part were yt in the mother to plucke away the brest from the child wherby yt should be nourished but though y e mother might do this murther her owne child without blame yet the whole Church cannot driue away or keep out the least of these mēbers frō any publike action of the Church much les●…e seperate them frō this heauēly comfort free publike cōmunion whiles they remaine members of CHRIST are not cut off from his body Further seing this Table is called The communion of the body blood of Christ as also the communion of the whole church who can keepe back any such member as still remaineth in the body of CHRIST in his Church without depriuing him of this cōmuniō of CHRIST of the Church and so of life for except they ●…ate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his blood they can haue no life in them But these men keepe them from the body blood of CHRIST from the communion of CHRIST and of the Church therfore also frō life yt self and so in seeming to correct him lightly they kill him out right for more then this can they not do by this orderly excōmunication which they hold so rigoious Such as shall cauil at these words Except ye shall eate the flesh of the Sonne of man c. saijng that I popishly abuse the place let them cauil though I acknowledg that many thowsands that neuer attained y e symbole of the supper yet do feed of that body blood of CHRIST by faith vnto eternall life yet this I say that such as by censure are put backe from the Table of the Lord are cut from the communion of CHRIST of his Church and so from life For if he haue not communion with Christ and his Church he can haue no life he cannot be both thus s●…perate from their communion and haue yt together They that pluck away the seale cancell the deed but they pluck away the seale of the couenant in that for his sin they debarre him from this comfortable communion which is yet more then the seale in that yt bringeth such present effect and comfort Therfore they as far as man can doe cut him from Christ his couenant by this their idol suspension Now then hauing thus shut him out of their cōmunion how should they hold him in ythauing thus cut him off from Christ and the bandes that should bind him to Christ to the Saints how can they hold him a