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A04701 A present consolation for the sufferers of persecucion for ryghtwysenes Joye, George, d. 1553. 1544 (1544) STC 14828; ESTC S103802 45,372 104

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lesse valewe sithe he hath geuē vs so riche a treasure Who cōsideringe these inestimable benefit is can be careful heuye false herted hopelesse If many worldis were ageynst vs all the wiked spirites of helleet lose to deuou ●e vs yet is there no perell towerd vs if Chryst be on our parte Thorowe Cryst haue we peace For this his derely beloued sones sake god our father loueth vs. For the preciouse blodis sake of his own innocēt sone we obtayn remissiō of al our synnes also victory agenst deathe satā For where as synne hath no dominiō there bere deathe no rule there hath Satan lost his powr What thē shuld we feare shulde we feare this temporall deathe No. For that is nowe to vs but a sleape reste For Christe hathe so ouercome●●t that vnto vs whiche be his faithful death is become an ingresse vnto saluacion and lyfe eternall For Christe hath abolesshed and destroyed the body of syn to then●ēt we shuld be led into lyfe Wherfore let vs with constant faith cleaue vnto our lorde Chryst besechinge our father in heuē for Chrystes sake to augment our faithe Which thinge if we do it so be we salfe without all feare and perell sewer enoughe ageynst all stormye tempestes If our synnes feare and trouble vs let vs sette vp ageynst them the inuincible innocēcye and infinite rightwysenes of our Lorde Iesus Chryst geuen vs of his father to be our rightwysenes Which once done our sinnes a non vanisshe awaye as dothe waxe ageynst the fyer For Chryst verely is by an holy othe cōstituted of the father to be an euerlastinge kinge preiste whiche for our synnes offred vp him selfe the very sacrifice of our reconciliacion ād expiacion by the shedinge of his preciouse blode and sitteth on the right hande of the diuine highe maiestye there makinge intercession for vs he beinge our lorde almyghtye all thinges subiecte vnto him bothe aungels and powres celestial at his bek i. Pet. iij. If death feareth vs. Let vs remember Chryst to be our lyfe It is he that once dyed for our synnes and is rysen ayen neuer more to dye It is he that hathe swallowd vp death and hath casten it vnder his fote for euer If aftir this lyfe there were no nother then might we worthely sorowe and feare then were we the moste miserable of all creatures But for asmiche as our lyfe heginneth aftir this is here ended let vs be layd downe in bodye to sleap in the ferme hope of our resurreccion and be neuer afraide to dye Christ our head is rysen we being his bodye and mēbers muste folowe our head Which said I am the resurreccion which is lyfe Who so beleue in me he shall lyue yea although he were dead And all that beleue in me shall neuer dye We verely knowe and beleue the resurreccion of our bodyes and to haue lyfe eternal promised in Chryst and for christes sake And therfore our faith cannot be frustrated For he that beleueth in criste hath lyfe eternall These be crystes owne wordes whiche is the verite and may not lye What nowe can death to vs in his moste furye Uerely nothinge els then for a litle tyme separat our bodies from our soulis so sende owr soulis out of this miserable synfull lyfe combred with all calamites vnto that moste blessed felicite Our bodyes cannot be so vtterly destroyd but they shalbe once restored gloriously vnto our soulis Nether may they slaye our soulis for thei be immortall Thei can not take our bodyes nor soulis out of the hādis of god Whiche if we be kept in the hādis of god as in the bosome of our most louing father if we abyde in Cryst Chryste in vs sewerly we shall lyue for euer Chryst thus affirminge My shepe he are my voice I knowe them thei folow me and I geue them euerlastynge lyfe Nether shall they be lost nor noman shall pluk them out of my handis Wherfore let the wiked haithen vnbeleuers be afraid tormēted and be with out hope at the syght of dethe which knowe not god in Chryst whiche when they knowe not Chryst to be their very rightwysenes their lyfe their onely sauiour nor beleue not in him thei must nedis abide perisshe in their sinnes in deathe and in eternall dampnacion But we ought not to feare nor to be heauye and tormented in mynde as do thei which haue no hope for we se a beter lyfe aftir this abydinge vs. Whiche the ignorant vnbeleuers in Chryste know not And albeit here for a tyme we passe forthe laid agaynst many perells molested and whetted with diuerse and many greuouse afflicciōs yet at last all the laboriouse myseries of this lyfe passed ouer the glorye of the sonnes of god shall be shewed and declared vpon vs euen as we here vpon erthe haue ben in hope salfe and blessed Nowe we wepe and be heuye but the daye of our gladnes is not farre of in the whiche our Lorde God shall wype awaye the teares from the chekis of vs that beleue in him and shall happely change our heuynes into an infinite perpetuall ioye then to singe this triumphe Death is swallowed vp into victorye Oh deth where is thy stinge Oh hell where is thy victorye Oh syn where is now thy myght Thākes be to our God and father which hath geuen vs the victory by our Lorde Iesus Chryste i. Corin. xv If the feare of dampnacion and perpetuall death shulde vexe vs then let vs remember our selues to haue ben baptyzed into Chryst ingraffed into his death owr synnes buryed in his woundes and rysen with him into glorye and lyfe And so is there no condempnacion as saynt Paul sayth vnto them whiche are thus by faith ingraffed into Iesu cryste which walke not after the flesshe but aftir the spyrite In this our swete and plentuouse vynestok yf we as lyuely faithfull braunches abyd by constant faithe our sinnes are neuer more imputed vnto vs. By this faithe we be made the sonnes of god and the ayers of eternall lyfe euen the felowe ayers with Christe If we haue Chryst in vs by faith we fele him presēt in our hertes so feare we no condempnacion For Chryst is our lyfe and our sauinge helthe eternall dwellinge in vs ageynst whom nether hell nor death nor synne can preuaile Let vs thefore abyde by constant faith in our sauiour Chryst walkinge in him roted ād framed vpon him perseueringe in faithe cōstantly cleauinge to him committing our selues hole vnto his goodnes mercye and let vs with hert mouth and lyfe testifye and declare our faith obedience and thankfulnes vnto him for his inestimable ryches of his gospell now geuen vs. What can I more saye We haue our celestiall father our father I say of an infinite clemencie goodnes and mercye which can no lesse forget vs then any erthely father his owne derely
perpetuall lyfe We are sewer that our bodyes shall ryse ageyne gloriouse and immortall vnto the whiche gloriouse immortalyte we daily aspire ād clyme knowinge that this corporall dethe is not els then a nightis sleape to vs that beleue in Chryste and so at laste to be with Christe in ioye bothe body and sowle This faith and hope of any other lyfe aftir this haue not our cruell haithen persewers albeit thei speke it with their lippes and therfore thei feare flye and abhorre dethe so miche But we haue the worde of our Lorde and god that he hathe for vs taken awaye broken and ouercomen the powr and stinge of death This our victoriouse Lorde and destrier of dethe to animate to confirme and to counfort vs in all our perels and calamities saith vnto vs. I tell you my frendes be not afraid of thē that slaye your bodies ād then can the● do nomore to you But I shall shewe you whō ye shall feare feare him whiche aftir he hath slayne your bodyes he hath power to caste bothe bodye and soule into hell fyer There is not so lytle a byrde that di●the without our fathers will he hath tolde all the heares of our headis of whiche not one shall be brent without our fathers will And are not we of a rycher pryce then sparows and heares But I shall t●ll you saith Chryste Whoso confesse me before men I shall aknowledge him before my father all the aungels in heuen Reioyse ye therfore For I haue ouercomen the worlde and your heuines shall be turned into gladnes which no man shall take from you Chrystis victory is owrs If we beleue in Cryste our faith is the victory that ouercometh the worlde Our persewers thinke to hurte vs miche in killing our bodies and we thinke knowe it therby to haue great lucre as saith Paul Chryste is to me lyfe and death is to me lucre And albeit our flesshe be infirme and weake yet a godly mynde in his inwarde man desyereth with Paul to be dissolued out of this miserable sinfull worlde and to be with Chryste For Christe hath so promised me to be where so euer him silf is and hath obtayned it me bi his prayer of his father What now can all the antichristē vngodly do ageynste vs verely nothing at all vnto our hurte thei can not take faithe and Chryste from our hertis they may with violence kut out our tongues but from our hertis may they not take our faithe our profession and praise of crystis glorye And yet what so euer they do it is by the sufferance of god for our saluacion and into their owne dampnacion They may take awaye our corporall transitory goodis whiche we set not miche vp seinge for thē god geueth vs goodis eternall and celestiall They kyll our bodyes but thei sende our soules into the handis of our heuēly father and make our dethe preciouse in the syght of god Whē their deathes shall be moste horrible and terrible to departe from so many pleasures into perpetuall tormentinges Wherfore Paul exhorting vs vnto constancye biddeth vs to helpe eche other with prayers that we might with a manly faith fight in the gospels quarell beinge not afraid of our aduersaries Unto whom that at is to them the cause of their owne perdicion the same is vnto vs the cause of our saluacion yea ād that of god When our aduersaries and persewers thinke to slaye vs thei slaye them selues bodye ād soule withe the death of euerlastinge dampnacion Is not this then a miserable an execrable powr at whiche our persewers enioye and reioyse so detestably into their owne euerlastinge destruccion dampnacion This is sewer that all the faithfull departed cōstantly professinge Chryst lyue with him nowe in ioye But where be now the enimies of Chryst and the persewers of the crystiās Where is decius whiche so cruelly persecuted the exystians Where is Dioclesiane whiche proclamed all holy bokis to be brent all that professed Chri ste to be cruelly slayne where be now Ua lerius Maximinianus Maximius Lucinius Iulianus where is Aurelius cesar with al the other tiraunts And if we shul de descende into our dayes we might aske where be nowe the popes cardinals bisshops withe their coniured papistike complices ageynst the gospell and Bible to be brought in trāslated into Englisshe where are they that brent so many newe testaments at Pauls crosse and so many lerned men trwe crystianes which preched and professed constantly gods holy worde where is Thomas wolsaye cardiuall bisshop of Yorke where is Iohan stokesley bisshop of London where is west of Ely fox of Herforde doctour London all the abbots priours fryers commissa●ies Syr Thomas More ād Iohan Fissher bisshop of Rochester withe all the cloysters and abbeys monkes and preistes which haue these xvi yeres persequuted the gospell Are they not all whiche beleued not the gospell condempned with Satan and his aungels vnto euerlastinge dampnacion nowe lyinge in moste greuouse tormentinges what hurt then did their transitorye persecucion and crosse to the martires of god Ageyne what nowe profiteth them their transitory pleasure in kyllinge and burninge the pore innocent lombes of Chryst Are thei not now tormented in hell in perpetuall fyer for burning gods worde and the professours therof Thei labored by temporall death to pluke pore men from god and his gospell facinge and fering them in their courtes and ingement seates vnder their canopeis but shortely cometh the great terrible daye in which thei muste all stande before the iugement seat of Cryste in great feare and tremblinge dead for anxt and heuines there to receyue their generall and laste sentence of eteruall dampnaciō both in bodyes and soulis Then shall it be verifyed of vs bothe whiche is wryten The souls of the iuste are in the handis of god and the tormēts of death shall not touche them Thei apered to the eyes of the folisshe vngodly to haue dyed and their death to haue had ben an heuey payne but they went quyetly into relte And albeit before men they suffered torments yet was their hope full of immortaly●e Their ●exacion was to them a swete crosse for they had ample benefits For God tempted them and fownd them worthei for him selfe Then shall the rightwyse stand in great constancye before their oppressers reuylets Whō when they beholde they shall be smyten with soden great feare and be astonned at their soden saluaciō Then they touched with penance and wailinge for anguishe of mynde shal thus saye with thē selues Is not this he whom we once laughed to skorne iested vpon him cōtumeliously foles that we were then our selfs had wēt his lyfe to haue ben madnes and to haue dyed an heretique And see he is nowmbred emonge the sonnes of god haninge his reward emonge the rightwyse We we our selues then erred frō the way of trwthe the lyhht of the trwe forme of iustificacion did
the trwth which is now restored by prechers brent bokes banisshed and restrayned yet be we more a fraid of Chryst for feare of the losse of our litle goodis and disquietinge of our mortall bodyes in this transitory lyfe then of a legion of deuils drawinge vs by litle and litle from hearinge and readinge the worde of this crosse vnto vanites lyes fables and to this flateringe welthey worlde Unto you therfore whiche yet do not cruelly resiste nor wetingly persecute Christe in his members and in his gospell but for feare for weaknes and as it were iently with the Gadarens pray Christe withe his Byble and bokes to passe from you and also vnto them whiche haue fermely receyued and constantly professe Chryst and his worde now suffering for their sakes the crosse of persecucion euen the inseperable companion of Chryst and his worde do I wryte this counfortable boke by the grace of our almighty god to animate to acourage you in your affliccions to desyer Chryst to dwell still with you and not to take his worde of trwth at any tyme oute of your mouthes to strengthen you with his holy spyryte to confirme and counfort you in these your heuey affliccyons and greuouse persecucyons ioyously and paciently to bere them as the swete crosse and lyght burdens of ou● moste mercyfull louinge father ther by to be facioned and formed lyke vnto his owne sone our sauiour Christe that we might with ioye and felicite be also glorifyed with him in heuen So be it EXcept the faithfull as many as haue ben frō the begīnīg of the worl de excercised whetted with diuerse afflicciōs had ben casten ageynst innumerable perels tribulacions we might worthely crysten brethern now lament our heuey state miserable chaunce and sorowfull condicion Yea we might well accuse and with Iob curse these our troublous corrupt and blody laste dayes of this worlde In whiche most gilties we for onely the trwthes sake and for Chrystes name suffer persecuciō sustayne most bitter and cruell hatered we be afflicted scourged castē out of our countrye ▪ And euen we whiche seme to some men to be best at ease yet be we no where at any tyme sewer and quyet but as shepe be we apoynted to be slayne For euen our owne false brethrē spekinge fayer to our faces pretendinge to be chased out of theyr countrye for the same gospel in nothinge at all folowing it but opēly slaundering it vex vs molest vs belye vs depra ue vs slaunder hurt vs no lesse cruelly persecutinge vs then the open papistes Which thinge verely is euen the same that our lord and master Chryst told vs before saying our owne brothern and moste familiare to be our moste deadly enemyes one brother to betray another And the tyme to come where in who so slayeth vs shall thinke them selfe to do highe seruice to their god euen ther owne bellyes vntill their synnes yet at reste lyinge with Cayns murther in securyte shall be layde open in the gates before all men For these deceitful false brethern shall vnder the vysar of hypocrisye goforth worse worse whylis they bothe lead wother into errours and erre also theyr owne selues renye god in their dedis beinge abhominable inobedient reprobated caste awayes and yet with their mouthes cōfesse they god Wherfore dere brothern we be happye whiche haue the trwthe all though before the worlde we seme to be the most vnhappy and miserable For vnto vs that perseuer in it there is layd vp promised of god the most ioyouse and plentuouse rewarde I knowe how greuously many men be tempted and troubled for that they not remēbringe the olde examples or not wel taught in the lawe of god do measure the treuth of chrystes religion faithe ▪ bothe by the moste parte and also by the felycyte and prosperouse present successe of the worlde thynkinge the veryte to stande vpon the multitude and on theyr sydis which haue the victoryes lyue in sauegarde at theyr owne lustes whiche haue the praises and reuerent salutacions of men and them to be but lyers heretiques vngodly c. whiche as they be contempned punished persecuted and exyled so be they but a fewe simple sely pore lombes But so farre from mannis reason are the iugements of god that euen the Prophetis often tymes contended with god and reasoned with him in this mater Abacuck thus sayinge how longe lorde shall I crye and thou wilt not heare Wherfore hast thou reserued me into these wiked and vniuste dayes Wherfore beholdest thou these despysers and holdest thy peace whyles the wyked treddowne the man iuster them him self For this cause is the lawe torne in pesis whylis the vngodly thus preuaile sendynge forth peruerse iugements actis lawes and antichrysten instruccions Trew●h it is that god promysed his blissinges vnto them that herken to his voyce beleue his wordes and kepe his commandements Sayinge I shall sette the aboue all the nacyons of the erthe And all these blessinge shall come ouer the. Blessed shalt thou be in towne and felde Blessed shall be the frute of thybodye the frutes of thy grwnde of thy catell of thy shepe oxen etc. Blessed shall be thyne almery and store howse Blessed shalt thou be whether thou goist forth are comest in The Lorde shall smyte thyne enimies that ryse ageynst the yea and that before thy face shall he smyte them downe They shall come ageynst the one waye and flye away frome the seuen wayis All thynges thou takest in hande shall be blessed that is to saye they shall encrease and haue a prosperouse successe c. Ageyne these be his curses and plages whiche god threatenethe and casteth vpon them that herken not to his voyce beleue not his wordis nor kepe not his commandements sayinge Cursed shalt thou be in felde and towne Cursed be thyne Almery and store house Cursed shall be the frute of thy bodye the frutes of thyne heardes of neat and flockis of shepe Cursed be thyne incominge and out goinge I shall sende the skarsnes derthe honger and all thynges to go to naught what so euer thou goiste about vty●l it be vtterly destroyd and waasted yea and that shortely sodenly for thy nowne wycked inuencions by whiche thou haste forsaken the lorde I shall caste pestelence vpon the ▪ with famyn pouertye feuers swellings colde heat burnings corrupt ayers blastings and with ●aiaill shalt thou be consumed vntill thy loude nowe so fertyle and pleasaunt hath spewed the forth all togyther c. But oh Lorde sayth Ieremye albeit thou beiste to iuste a dealer and to ●●we a promiser then that I shuld reason wyth the tell me Why as it mesemeth cōtrary to thy promises do the vngodly enioye thy blissingis and the good men be plaged with thy cursinges But yet let me comon with the oh Lorde of ryghtwi●●enes or of thy iugements How is it that the waye of the vngodly thus prospereth
beloued sone or any mother hir owne tendre frutes of hir owne bodye soukinge at hir brests And were it in case that the mother perchaunce might forgete hir yonge lytle infant yet shall our mercifull father neuer forgete vs Isay. xlix We haue a redemer and a delyuerer euen the moste myghtiest Lorde Christe Iesu to whom is geuen all powr in heuen and erthe Whiche raigneth our all he loueth vs he hath taken vs to be his brethern we are his members he hathe deserued for vs all goodnes and all felicite He hath geuen vs the glorye whiche his father gaue him that we shulde be all one in Chryst and in the father as the father and sonne be one out of the whiche vnite all the treasures of the diuine goodnes of rightwysenes lyfe consolacion and helthe be geuen vnto vs. Thorowe owr faith in Christe and for Chrystis sake we are one that is to saye of one consent mynde and felowship with the father and the sonne and the holy goste so that as the sone cannot be diuidid from the father nor the holy gost from them bothe nomore may we beinge the faithfull in Chryste be separated from Cryste For Christe wolde that where so euer him selfe were there shuld we be with him whiche thinge aftir our departure is as certaynly trwe as is him self the verite which so said it prayd for it and obtayned it for vs of his father Furthermore If our faith be yet to weake to apprehende fermely these infinite so riche benefits thē let vs flye vnto the promises of god which as they be right many so are they the most trwest certayne whiche ought to be depely printed into our hertis neuer to be forgoten ▪ Owr hertis verely are ●o narow and to skant to receyue the greatnes the multitude of these riche tresures ād goodnes For these benefits be immense and infinite And therfore let vs thus thinke that right great and mighty is he which promiseth these riches to vs ād that he is the very god him self euen owr god Whiche in and for his owne onely begoten derely beloued sonne hathe he promised vs this lyfe euerlastinge For all the promises of god are made in and for Chrystes sake to be ferme and fast and inuiolable Certayn it is that god sent vs his sonne in that full apoynted tyme as the prophetes had prophecied it ●o fulfyll these his cleare and gloriouse mighty riche promyses This is trwthe For we haue them confirmed ād sealled wi●he his owne spirite of trowthe with his gospel preched and with his owne blode shed in his passion and autorysed with his owne gloriouse resurrecciō which is owr head and raigneth aboue all both in heuen and in erthe and in hell And howe then maye we his members for whose sake all these things he hath done and suffered ●arye in synne and in deathe There may nothinge more certaynly stablisshe and confirme our myndis our selues to ryse agen immortal bothe in body and soule then the resurreccion of eryste We can haue no fermer nor stronger argument of our resurreccion then the resurreccion of our Lorde Chryst whiche is the most certayn and sewerest The very sonne of god is made man and toke our nature vnto him selfe which willingly not constrayned suffred death for vs vpō the crosse But yet he arose ageyne wolde aftir his resurreccion be sene handled his woundes sene and felt herde spekinge and teachinge his disciples eatinge and drinkinge with them of the whiche his re surreccion his disciples were so certayne that aftirward withe their owne deathes thei cōfirmed it And if Chryst be rysen from death so be we certayn that our synnes be cle●sed ād deathe deuicted Wherfore in the Lorde we ought to reioyse for euer ād to geue him high thanks immortall for these inestimable immense benefits Let Satan with his wyked whelpes freat fume and gry●ne with all his idle emnio●s impes whom eternall dampnacion abideth But let vs abyde in the faith of the gospell and so abyde we the lyuely members of Chryste And then where so euer is Chryste there are we also Death cannot pluk vs from Chryste For we are the members of his bodye out of his owne flesshe and bones Ephe. v. But if our ferefull infirme consciences doutinge of these so certayn promise● for that we be all sinners caste awaye all hope thinkinge our selues therfore to haue lost all these benefits promised vs sayinge with owr selues We heare god ●o haue promised vs all these riche benefits but because we so syn dayly ād fall from him doinge no good thing perfitly we are vnworthei to haue thē With siche though tis verely satan tempteth and troubleth many a good man But this do I answere That if our rightwysenes and saluacion shuld stande vpon our owne good workes and worthynes then sewerly had we lost in euery minute all these riche benefits of god then might we be vncertay ne of all these promyses and of any remission of our synnes and lyfe eternall if lyfe and remission were promised vs vpō siche a cōdicion that is if we fulfill gods preceptis and so by owr good dedis merit our saluaciō so were we without all hope of saluaciō For we are euery hower synners and all our beste works are imperfect yea thei be as Isaye saith corrupt sinfull if they shulde be expended tryed in the rigour of gods lawe and exammed at his straight iugement If the hope of our saluacion shulde stande vpon the merits worthines of owr workis we must nedis despeyre neuer to haue peace in our consciences when there is no man so holy and perfit of lyuinge whiche may verely glorye him self at altymes so to haue had fulfilled the lawe as it ought to be fulfilled But prayse be vnto god our moste mercifull father whiche hath so intyrely loued vs for Christes sake that he hath taken our saluacion out of owr owne feble handis ād hathe set it vpon a sewerer and more certayne foundacion that is to weit euen vpon his mere grace and mercye promysed in Christe our faithe reachinge it vnto Chrystes blode wasshinge away al our sinnes If we beleue this promise so be we iustified absolued saued Nothinge els requireth he of vs concerninge our remission and saluacion then thus to beleue in Chryste euen him selfe by his death to haue obtayned vs remission an lyfe eternall Wherfore when siche temptacions assawte vs then let vs crye for faithe to beleue these promyses in Cryste And suffer not our selues to be thruste from them Of the whiche thus saith Paul For owr faith is the heretage geuen vs that frely of grace and fauour ferme fast and sewer shulde the promise stande vnto all the sead not to it that is of the lawe onely but vnto them that are of the faith of Abraham This is our consolaciō this is our hope onely Who so reacheth this promyse