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A04393 Moses his sight of Canaan with Simeon his dying-song. Directing how to liue holily and dye happily. By Steuen Jerome, late preacher at St. Brides. Seene and allowed. Jerome, Stephen, fl. 1604-1650. 1614 (1614) STC 14512; ESTC S100256 249,259 535

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there is no traffique with God or purchase from heauen vvithout it Iohn 17.3 This is life eternall to know God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ For Faith the Truth affirmes it with asseueration Verily verily hee that heareth my word and beleeueth in him that sent mee hath eternall life Iohn 5.24 Iohn 3.16 For Sanctification whosoeuer submits their hearts and liues to the regiment of the Spirit of Christ they are the children of God Rom. 8.14 Now God hath an heauenly inheritance for all his Children get therefore these graces and saluation instantly comes to thy heart as it did to Zacheus house Luke 19. Sixtly it will make much for thy dying peace to doe all the good thou canst in life to all men in generall to the Church the Saints and houshold of Faith in special by thy 1. Wit 2. Wealth 3. Power 4. Place 5. Authoritie 6. Credit with great men as Nehemias and Mardocheus did to the Iewes or by any other meanes whatsoeuer Therefore hath God put it into thy heart to build an Hospitall for the distressed to giue some annuall contribution to the poore to mend some common wayes for a publike ease to erect or repayre some Grammer-Schoole for the trayning vp of youth to found some Fellowships or Schollerships in some Colledge as a furtherance to learning to plant some Library for a help to good Letters like that famoused BODLEY the Phoenix in this kinde of our time or to erect and maintaine in some barren place a preaching Ministerie the best worke of all because conuersant about the best obiect the sauing of soules or any the like Oh then strike whilst the Iron is hot goe about this worke speedily euen as speedily as Dauid went about the building of Gods house vvho would not haue giuen any rest to the temples of his head till hee had finished what hee intended had not God staid his resolution And here I cannot but take notice of the preposterous charitie of some that doe little or no good liuing vnlesse to themselues and those to whom Nature tyes them yet after their death they doe some good by their Deputies and Assignes and Executors which oft-times ayming at their owne ends by some quirques and euasions proue executioners of the desires of the deceased rather then Executors yet suppose the Will be Legally performed what may be censured of thine intent that hast beene close-handed in life and now art seemingly open-hearted at thy death First that thou giuest what thou canst no longer retaine Secondly or thou giuest to good vses what thou hast got by ill meanes or thirdly that conscience accusing thee thou wouldest stop the mouth of it by this sop cast to that barking Cerberus within thee as Iudas did by casting away his thirtie pieces of siluer the price of bloud Mat. 27. Fourthly or else from some opinion of satisfaction for by-past sinnes or present merit with our blinded Papists but chiefely the censorious Criticall world will iudge that if thou hadst not parted with the world thou hadst not departed with thy bewitching wealth therefore All that thine hand shall finde to doe doe it with all thy power Eccles 9.10 For there is neyther worke nor inuention nor knowledge in the place whither thou goest to Saelomons counsell I ioyne Pauls Doe good to all whilst thou hast time Gal. 6.10 Doe what seruice thou canst to Gods Church to the Common-wealth to euery particular man chiefely to the poore members of CHRIST Oh what a comfort will it be to thee if thou hast beene bountifull and beneficiall to the distressed when thou canst say on thy sicke Couch with Nehemias in another case Lord remember mee concerning this good worke and concerning that good worke Nehem. 13.22 Oh blessed is hee that iudgeth wisely of the poore the Lord shall deliuer him in the time of trouble the Lord will strengthen him ●pon his bed of sorrow thou hast turned all his bed in his sicknesse saith the Psalmist Psal 41. ver 1.3 A good conscience in life brings peace in death Seauenthly keepe a good conscience with God and man that it may be a continuated comforter vnto thee as in life so in the agonies of death as it was to Paul in all his pressures Acts 24.16 and as it is to the Saints in all their sorrowes a continuall feast Prou. 15.15 a perpetuall Christ-tide a Iubilee in the iawes of death a peace passing all vnderstanding Phil. 2. For as the want of this is the Racke and Gybbet vnto the wicked the greatest heauinesse and plague Sirach 25.15 as the Wiseman tearmes it a plague of plagues an euill which goes beyond all euill that tongue can speake as euen a Seruus in Mustell Plautus and b Lib de moribus Seneca haue thought it the greatest wound and griefe that can be sustained as Salomon determines it Prou. 18.14 nay the very flashes and Prologue to hell as Iudas Latomus and Hoffmeister haue tryed it in their despayring deaths so the inioying of a good conscience is the greatest ioy c Hugo lib. 2 de anima cap. 9. Hugo cals it the Temple of Salomon the Field of Benediction the Garden of delight the treasurie of the King the house of God the habitation of the holy Ghost the Booke sealed and shut to be opened in the day of Iudgement the very thing saith Ambrose d Lib. 2. de officijs that makes a blessed life yea and I may adde withall a blessed death for to vse the words of e Bern. in Serm. Bernard as hee prepares a good dwelling for God whose Will hath not beene peruerted nor Reason deceiued nor Memory defiled so God prepares a dwelling for him that is pure in heart and soule Psal 15.12 and in whose spirit there is no guile Psal 32.2 Of which blessed mansion they haue some taste euen in death that keepe a good conscience in life Hence is it that the godly take there deaths patiently like sheepe sing ioyfully like the Swanne as Martyres haue done at the stake and as did our good Simeon when the wicked dye like Swine repiningly like the Hiaena ragingly Naturalists f Cicero lib. 1. Tuscul quaest write that the warme sweet bloud recoyling to the heart of the Swanne tickleth her with such a secret delight that it makes her sing euen in her death Contrariwise when the Hiaena is in dying the blacke and distempered bloud gathers to her heart which makes her sad and mournefull This is worth applying the conscience of holy actions so warmes the hearts of Gods Seruants with that inward ioy that they dye singing their Hosanna's tryumphing and reioycing in spirit but the consciousnesse of wicked wayes and workes of darknesse oathes vncleannesse profanenes c. like streames of blacke bloud recoyles backe vpon and clogs the hearts of the Sonnes of Belial which makes them dye as wofully and cursedly as they haue liued retchlesly and wickedly oh therefore good Readers who
cut off like a Vine in the bud euen when hee is young and tender in the blade ere hee come to any ripenesse or maturitie To which God himselfe hath reference in the fift Commandement which as it annexeth the promises of long life to children that are obedient to their Parents how euer some are taken away soone as was Iosias whose short life on earth is rewarded with life eternall in heauen so it intimates the curse of abbreuiating and shortening the life of those that are immorigerous and refractory to their Parents and Fathers vvhether naturall ciuill spirituall or heauenly illustrated in that vvhether fiction or true Historie Pomerium de Sanctis Bernardin Seuensis vvhich the Papists relate of a young man in the Village of Catalunna neare Valentia who being disobedient to his Parents and withall a theefe being deseruedly hanged about the yeeres of eighteene a prettie while after his death hee hanging on the Gallowes his beard beganne to sprout his browes vvaxed wrinckled his hayres gray like a man of nintie yeeres at which all being astonished it was reuealed to the Bishop of the place how that same young man after the course of Nature might haue vndoubtedly liued nintie yeeres and so should haue done but for his disobedience and other sinnes the LORD by a violent death cut off from his life so many yeeres as are from eighteene to nintie Whereupon Saint Ierome well obserues Hier. epistola 21. that as shortnesse of life is a punishment and iudgement against sinners so from the beginning of the vvorld as sinne hath increased in seuerall ages God hath shortened the yeeres of sinners more and more Which is plaine if wee compare our dayes with former times Hence it is Haimo sic Hector Pintus in Esaiam 38. that as Haimo and others note if God had called Ezekias then vvhen hee threatned him it had beene Sinnes desert not Natures course and vvhen at his teares and prayers fifteene yeeres were added to his dayes then his sinne vvas pardoned and hee permitted to runne euen that vvhole naturall race which hee should haue runne if hee had not sinned Mollerus Wolphius in Psal 102 ver 24. Vide Marlor in expos Eccl. in Psalmos for vvhich cause Dauid prayes that the Lord would not take him away in dimidio dierum in the midst of his dayes that is say Expositors he prayes that according to his demerits God would not as an inflicted punishment vnseasonably cut him off as hee vseth to doe and deale vvith profane men but that hee would permit him to enioy and accomplish the residue of his yeeres vvhich in his determination hee had appointed hee should liue if hee had persisted obedient All which may be a Spurre and motiue to stirre vp impenitent and vngratious wicked men to looke to themselues and to breake off their sinnes by Repentance least both from causes naturall and supernaturall as the effect of their quelling and killing sinnes they be found Selfe-murtherers being not onely actually euen whilest they liue dead in their soules like the vvanton widdowes Paul speakes of 1 Tim. 5.6 and the Bishop of Sardis Apoc. 3.1 but in proxima potentia in the nearest probabilitie of the death of their bodies euen as hee that hath eaten poyson is but a dead man though liuing because potentially dead and as a condemned malefactor is dead though liuing because Legally and Ciuilly dead so these are dead whilest they liue like condemned Traytors standing at the Kings mercy when euer hee will take away their liues the case standing with them as with Adam and Eue after they had eaten the forbidden fruit Feare and tremble yee wicked ones least God take away life from you life naturall and eternall as hee threatned to take away the Kingdome of God from the Iewes Mat 21.43 giuing the abused treasure of your life to those that know better how to estimate it and vse it to his glory and to the working out of their owne saluation His proper Appellation In these words Thy Seruant NOW wee come to the fourth part in this Song in Simeons Compellation intitling himselfe Gods Seruant with a speciall application in this Pronoune Thy In locum Pis●ator giues a note of the significancie of the words in the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Seruum tuum id est Me thy Seruant by a Senechdoche as the Virgin Mary vseth the phrase in the same Figure Luke 1.48 by an elegancie of speech proper to the Hebrewes testifiing their reuerence to him to whom they speake as in the History of Iosephs Brethren wee heare them thus submissiuely speaking to Ioseph Thy Seruants came to buy food Gen. 42.10 They might haue said We came in briefe but they expresse their reuerence So for the same cause Gehezi answeres his Master Elizeus 2 Kings 5.25 and the woman of Tekoa Dauid in the same tearmes 2 Sam. 14. when they might haue vsed the Pronoune I or Me they haue expressed their reuerent respect to God or man as also their humilitie yea and the account they made of the countenance and fauour of those they spoke to as here Simeon did For if he would haue giuen titles to himselfe hee might haue called himselfe one of the Seniors and Elders of Israell one of the Prophets Vers 30.31 32. here prophecying or a Rabbi amongst the Iewes a Teacher and Explaner of the Law a Doctor in the Schooles of Ierusalem being about the time or succeeding Iesus the Sonne of Sirack that writ the Ecclesiasticus An● ante Christum 40. or Ionathan the Chaldean that turned the Hebrew Bible into the Chaldean tongue Hee might haue spoken of the number and excellencie of his Schollers such as Gamaliel Simeon Hilleles c. de sacra Script p. 359. vnder whom Paul was instituted that was his Sonne or his Auditor as Zanchie thinkes with other such priuiledges in respect of his place dignitie age profession estimation but hee singles out and sequestrates this Epithite from the rest and appropriates it to himselfe Thy Seruant counting it his chiefest dignitie to performe any dutie to his heauenly Master Doctrine The chiefe delight desire of a Christian is to be Gods seruant This ought to be our chiefest practise euery Christian should be of Simeons minde striuing studying indeauouring to deserue ioying delighting and reioycing in his conscionable and constant desires to serue God First wee haue not onely Simeons practise here but many presidents Reasons and Motiues which haue preceded and gone before vs in this particular men of most eminent greatnesse excellent Reason 1 graces shining gifts high places Gods of the earth temporall Sauiours instrumentall conuerters of the Christian world of the bloud Royall allyed to CHRIST the Prince of Peace Esay 9.6 both by birth naturall and supernaturall yet haue as desiredly as deseruedly passed by all other titles in the exchange of this to be accounted and called the Seruants of God Thus
flesh the palenesse of the face the dissolution of the members the obscurenesse of the graue the lodge with wormes the solitarinesse of the sepulcher and lastly the dissipation and annihilation of euery part but when hee considers againe Natures course Gods Injunction his disposing Prouidence Christs Passion the bodyes Resurrection the freedome and exemption of the soule from her inclosing prison the Iubilie of the body from all bondage and seruitude Faith preuails and Feare flyes Euen as those that come from a Citie to a Country Village Tradesmen or the like Hom. de Diuite Lazaro when their businesse is well dispatcht saith Chrisostome returne into the Citie with ioy againe so the Christian soule that comes from the new Ierusalem the heauenly Citie to traffique here in the low Countryes of this earth by the Organs of the body if it haue well executed the duties of Pietie Charitie and Christianitie to GOD and man may with ioy returne like a Ship Royall loaden with precious Marchandize from whence it came for such a man dyes not but departs Death onely a departure out of life not a finall destroyer From whence we slide into the third point briefely concerning the Epithite which Simeon here giues to death hee cals it a Departure From whence we may see partly into the nature of that which wee call Death it is onely a Departure a going or transmigration from one place to another Therefore vvhen Abraham speakes of his barrennesse he vseth this phrase Ego vadā absque liberis I depart this life Hom. 36. in Genes or goe away without Children Chrysostome notes his phrase and thereupon implies Ecce iustus ille vt philosophatur c. That Abraham doth truely in that word going away philosophize and dispute of death which Basil Hom. de Martyrio applying to the auncient Martyres cals Migratio quaedam ad meliora c. A migration to a better habitation Philosophy cals it The priuation of all heate Compar aquae ignis so Plutarch or Priuatio vitae the priuation of life so Scaliger Exercit. 307. Sect. 23. All which titles and tearmes may still hearten the Christian to confront it in the very face couragiously according to Bernards counsell Volo mortem Epist 105. si non effugere c. That since they cannot flye it they should not feare it Iustus mortem etsi non cauet c. since the iust man is not cautelous to preuent it let him not be too timerous to encounter it nay rather let him enter the lists as the Persians went to battell ioyfully and with a shout since it is but a Bugbeare or a shadow without substance a Serpent without a sting a superficies no positiue thing of it selfe but the corruption of the subiect that God and Nature subiects vnto it at the worst to the worst an Executioner of a Rebell Mors bona bonis mala malis good to the godly a rewarder of a faithfull Seruant Iosephs Chariot to bring good Iacob from the Land of penurie to the Land of plentie Et quis non ad meliora festinet saith Cyprian in his Sermon vpon death Who will not hasten to exchange for the better Lastly me thinkes here is notably implyed the immortalitie of the Soule for what is it which departs but the soule out of the body which flyes out when Death opens the doore that held it in like a Bird out of the Cage liuing else-where in pleasure or in paine in actu seperato in a seperated act as also the Resurrection of the body may not vnfitly be concluded for in a departure betwixt man and wife friend and friend there is a constant hope of meeting againe so these two friends which liue and loue together like Ionathan and Dauid the soule and body shall meete together at the Resurrection both which poynts of Christianitie as Simeon beleeued and taught his Schollers being a great Rabbi and a Master in Israel so hee seemes to mee to allude here vnto both and to professe his faith in both The body departing shall returne againe at the Resurrection To beginne with the baser part the body that it shall rise againe howeuer it be a Mysterie scoffed at because vnknowne of the Iewish Saduces scoffing Athenians Braine-sicke Philosophers stupid Stoickes hoggish Epicures disputing Peripaticians howeuer denyed by all the rabblement of these Hereticall Valentinians Simonians Carpocratians Cerdonians Seuerians Basilidians Hierarchites and all the Libertines yet it was the faith of all the Patriarkes Prophets and Apostles from the first houre that by reuelation of the Spirit or by the Word it was manifested to the Church of God it was the faith of a Psal 17.16 Psal 49.15 Dauid of b Dan. 12.2 Daniel of c Ezek. 37.10 Ezekiel of d Esa 26.19 Esay e Iob 19.25.26 Iob f Act. 24.15 Acts 17 32 Paul g Iohn 11. Arguments to proue the Resurrection of the body Martha Iohn the Diuine of all the Saints and so of Simeon Let these Arguments confirme thine first Christ thy head is risen hee is the first fruits of them that sleepe and the pawne that thou shalt rise being a member of his 1 Cor. 15.20 where my flesh and bloud is there shall I be saith Cassiodorus our Ioseph is in Aegypt before vs. Secondly the redemption by Christ extends to thy body as to thy soule vvhich body must rise againe else Christs Passion were fruitlesse and forcelesse Thirdly the body which like Simeon and Leui was brother here in sinning vvith the soule must in Gods equall remunerating Iustice be raised to suffer in an equall measure and proportion as it hath sinned Fourthly Gods promises which hee hath signed with the finger of his Spirit sealed with the bloud of the Lambe to the Elect of peace and Immortalitie cannot be of vigour and vertue vnlesse their bodies rise Fiftly the inseperable vnion twixt Christ and his Church should be disioyned if the body rise not Sixtly many absurdities vvould follow which Paul addes 1 Cor. whither I referre you as that all preaching professing and practise of Christianitie vvere else in vaine Seauenthly if in other cases witnesses be to be beleeued then those fiue hundred Brethren mentioned 1 Cor. 8. Cephas and the twelue Iames and the Apostles Mary Magdalene Paul that testifie Christs resurrection by necessary consequence confirme ours Rom. 8.13 which depends vpon Christs Eightly these that haue beene brought to life againe after their departure eyther by the Prophets as the widdow of Sarepta's Son by Elias 1 Kings 17.22 or the Shunamites Childe by Elizeus 2 Kings 4.35 And the dead Souldier by touching Elisha's bones 2 Kings 13.21 or by the Apostles as Dorcas by Peter Acts 3.40 Eutichus by Paul Acts 20.10 or by Christ himselfe as the widdow of Naims Son Luke 7.15 Iairus Daughter Mat. 9.29 Lazarus the brother of Marthae and Mary Iohn 11.44 and those which appeared
inexorable as vnresistible with his Trophies ouer all 283 We must not too much loue this life which we must shortly leaue 287 Those that loue life must hate Sinne the cause of death 289 Death onely makes the Prince and the poore man equall 291 Deaths effect in equalizing all illustrated by fit similies 296 Sixe Reasons further shewing the necessitie of dying 299 How euen in liuing wee dye and are dead in part 301 By how many meanes we dye 304 Diuers examples of seuerall sorts of deaths violent and naturall 305 Some cut off in the midst of their lawlesse lusts 309 Our dayes abbreuiated in respect of the long liues of the Patriarkes 316 Foure causes of the long continuation of things 318 Because our life is short we must spend it well 319 Our many sinnes to be mourned for and why 320 The practise of Epicures and profane men reproued and threatned 321 How wee must sow in teares in this short seed-time 323 Further vse to be made of our short time 325 Our life is laborious and miserable euery calling hauing his crosse 328 No place priuiledged from foure things 1. Sathan tempting 2. The hearts wandring 3. Ill tongues biting 4. The world crossing 330 Examples of humane calamities 331 Twelue meanes to get that peace with God which the world wants 334 The vanitie of life with all the things in life truely discouered 336 The world truly described by eleauen similies 340 How Christ in his practise crossed all the worlds proceedings 342 The benefits of death to a Christian vnder the Crosse 343 God oft cals away the best soonest 345 How death is fearefull and not fearefull 347 Death is onely a departure out of life not a finall destroyer 348 Eight Arguments prouing the Resurrection of our bodies 351 Illustrations from Nature that our bodies shall rise 352 Foure Reasons besides from the Word 354 The Christians comfort in the consideration of our Resurrection 355. 356 That wee may rise ioyfully we must liue holily in tenne particulars 359 Tenne Arguments to proue the soules immortality 362 Seauen moe from the Word 364 Death vnmasked what it is to the godly 365 Reproofe of those that respect the body more then the soule 367 The seruants of God alwayes dye in peace 369 The godly oft haue their desires at before and in their deaths 372 The very last words recorded which the Saints vttered in their death beds 374 How great men haue liued and dyed good men 377 Reasons why the godly depart in peace 379 Nine Obiections answered that seeme to contradict the peaceable departure of the Saints 380 Nine Reasons that his death may be good that dyes of the Plague 384 How selfe-murther doth not alwayes imply a wretched death 387 Hee that would dye well must liue well 389 The fearefull ends of wicked persecutors in euery age 391 An ill life the vsuall Prologue to a Tragicall death 395 None can repent when he will 397 The Word layes downe a way to a blessed death 402 Death is certaine yet vncertaine 403 The paines of Hell without remission or redemption 405 Repentance is not to be deferred till death 406 The danger of deferring discouered 408 The Theefes Repentance vpon the Crosse examined 412 Sixe effects of Deaths meditation 417 The life of Faith brings dying Peace 429 Repentance the meanes of peace with God 430 How to dye daily three wayes 433 How to leaue the damnable custome of Swearing 434 Eighteene things to be prayed for that death may be prosperous 437 A good conscience in life brings peace in death 442 Sixe causes of sickenesse besides sinne 445 With fiue duties to be done in sickenesse 446 The sicke man must send for a Minister before the Physitian and carnall friends 451 The necessitie and lawfull vse of Physicke proued and vrged 455 Rules obseruable in the vse of Physicke 457 Against seeking to Witches and Charmers in sickenesse 459 Reconciliation and Restitution vrged 461 Fiue Reasons why a sicke man must make his Will 465 Foure Rules in making all Wills 466 A Christian carriage prescribed in the houre of death 468 Twenty seuerall Comforts in the death of friends 1 Because God takes them away 470 2 The Saints haue beene patient spectators of the deaths of their deare friends 471 3 If he dyed in the faith of Christ he is translated from this life to a better 472 4 He is blessed being dead in the Lord. ibid. 5 Hee is returned home to his Fathers house ibid. 6 He is inseperably vnited vnto God the chiefest good 473 7 He is marryed vnto his Bridegroome Christ ibid. 8 His warfare is now at an end ibid. 9 Being here a pilgrime hee is returned into his owne Country 474 10 Thou hast not lost but left him ibid. 11 He shall be restored vnto thee againe at the Resurrection ibid. 12 Ere long thou shalt goe vnto him 475 13 His better part is yet liuing ibid. 14 His estate is bettered by death ibid. 15 Thou sorrowest for that could not be preuented 476 16 Thou hast many companions in thy sorrow ibid. 17 Thy impatient sorrow hurts thy selfe 477 18 Thy extreame sorrow is as fruitles at faithlesse ibid. 19 The Lord thy best friend is still liuing ibid. 20 They are insensible of thy sorrow 479 Twenty Cordials against the crosse of sicknes 482 And Meditations how to beare the intollerable burthen thereof 499 Eight seuerall Consolations against the vnkindnes of mercilesse Friends 500 1 Thy case is not singular but ordinary ibid. 2 The Saints haue had the same measure 501 3 Christ himselfe was maliced of his owne brethren ibid. 4 There hath beene hatred amongst the nearest friends by nature ibid. 5 Though thy friends forsake thee yet God careth for thee 502 6 As thy friends are vnkinde to thee so thou hast beene vnthankefull to God ibid. 7 God hath elected thee though man reiect thee 503 8 Though thou canst not see thy friends here with comfort yet ere long thou shalt see God as hee is ibid. Thirteene Preparatiues against Pouertie 504 1 It is the prouidence of God that thou shouldest be poore 504 2 Thy crosse is not singular 505 3 Pouertie is no token of Gods displeasure ibid. 4 A little with the feare of God is better then great riches of the vngodly 507 5 As well Pouertie as Riches fals out to the best to them that feare God ibid. 6 The Lord knoweth what is best for thee ibid. 7 Pouertie hinders not the acceptance of thy Prayers 508 8 If thou be poore in spirit thou art rich in Christ 509 9 Pouerty is no hinderance to thy saluation 510 10 The lesse thou receiuest the lesse shall thine accounts be 511 11 The Lord hath a care of thee euen for the things of this life 512 12 And can blesse a small portion vnto thee 514 13 Christ himselfe and the most excellent Saints haue beene poore on earth 516 MOSES His sight of Sion applyed to encourage and direct euery Christian to
and God the holy Ghost with Angels Arch-angels Patriarkes Prophets Apostles and all the holy company of Heauen our fathers our mothers our sisters and brothers our friends and deare ones that are gone before vs O glorious sight O inestimable comfort worthy to make vs cry with the Apostle Phil. 1.21 Iohn 11.11 I desire to be loosed and to be there Come Lord Iesus come quickely Death is an end of all misery and the beginning of all blisse an eternall dwelling with God againe and an aduantage as the Apostle nameth it a sweet sleepe a comfortable rest Vitae via the way of life saith Ambrose Nomentantum fidelibus death is onely a bare name and no death indeed to the faithfull saith Chrisostome Nemo timet mortem nisi qui non sperat viuere post mortem No man feareth death but hee that hopeth not to liue after death the Lord gaue and the Lord taketh away life as well as goods and shall not wee say with Iob Iob 1.21 Blessed be the Name of the Lord. If wee hold for tearmes of yeeres or at the will of the Lord must not we be content to relinquish it when our tearme is expired Wee our selues doe looke for it at the hands of our Tenants and would be much offended if they should be disobedient shall wee not performe to God what wee looke for at men Grudge not at the losse but be thankfull for the loane wee are Gods Tenants and we ought to giue him his owne when it is due to him Would you keepe a pledge from the true owner that committed it to you for a time Our life is Gods pledge hee hath left it with vs now so long he euer entended to call for it againe and will you not restore it gladly and willingly without murmuring and repining thinke how you would like that at mans hands to keepe your pledge Heathens haue beene strong and shall Christians be weake The Swan is said to sing most sweetly when shee must die and shall Gods Children weepe Blessed blessed are the dead that die in the Lord saith the holy Ghost Reu. 14.13 and will we not beleeue him O ignaros malorum suorū c. O ignorant men of the miseries of this life that doe not esteeme and prayse death as the best inuention of nature yea let vs say rather it is the great mercy and goodnesse of God towards man for first it expelleth calamitie secondly it includeth felicttie thirdly it preuenteth the perils of youth fourthly it finisheth the toyles of age Omnibus fints multis remedium nonnullis votum to all an end to many a remedie to some a wish deseruing better of none then of them to whom hee commeth before hee be called for As children feare their friends when they are disguised but when their vizards are plucked off are glad of them so of death Ignorance makes feare and Knowledge ioy Cleambrotus saith Cicero after hee had read Platoes Booke of the happy estate of the dead cast himselfe head-long off from a wall into the Sea that hee might come to that happinesse the same Author speaketh of another Philosopher that so disputed of the contempt of death that many willingly killed themselues whereupon Ptolomy the King for bad him any more to speake of that matter in his Schoole Now alacke what comparisons be betwixt Philosophicall Comforts and Diuine out of the Treasure of Gods owne Wisdome taken from his written Word Shall wee then with our light feare that which they in their darknesse so little regarded God forbid The day of our birth wee neuer feare and The day of death saith God that is euer true is better then the day that one is borne Eccles 7.3 That resemblance of death to sleepe in Scriptures 1 Cor. 15.51 is most fit if you marke it and full of pleasure for 1 As no man can euer wake but of necessitie must sometimes sleepe so no man can euer liue but must needes haue a time to die 2 Be a man neuer so strong sleepe will tame him and so will death as it did Goliah Sampson Milo and others 3 As sleepe maketh vs put off our cloaths and Iewels and that willingly that we may take our rest so dealeth death with vs it taketh away all our pompe and port and layeth vs downe in our beds till the waking time to arise 4 As sleepe commeth of eating so came death also to our first Parents by intemperancie in eating the forbidden fruit Gen. 2.17 5 As our dayes doings be our nights troubles by the working of the phantasie so are our lifes sinnes our deaths griefes by the gnawing of the Conscience as appeareth in Iudas Antiochus and Francis Spira 6 Sleepers haue no stormes nor dead men know the worlds woes for Abraham is ignorant of and Israel knowes not the Iewes woes the first things being past c. Reu. 21.4 7 Some fall sodainely or quickely into sleepe and some are long according to the moistnesse or drynesse of their braines euen so some dye sooner as young Iosias and some later as olde Methusalem according to the temper of their radicall moysture as it pleaseth God 8 Some sleepe in their owne houses and some in other mens as did Sisera in Iaels some in the fields some at Sea some here some there in sundry places so doe wee dye some at home and some abroad some by land and some by Sea as God appointeth 9 No man can tell the very time that hee falleth asleepe but onely feeleth it comming and his body disposed to it so no man can tell the very moment of his death but onely feeleth his body faint and his spirits drawing to an end 10 Suauius dormiunt qui relinquunt c. They sleepe much better saith one that leaue all their cares in their shooes which they put off and goe to rest with a quiet minde euen so doe they dye better that haue disposed of all their worldly matters by Will or otherwise whereby they are not troubled or distracted by them 11 They sleepe well againe that haue laboured and taken paines all the day time and so they die well that in their vocation haue not beene idle but imployed both body and minde to doe good Ester 6.1 12 As Assuerus when he could not sleepe called for the Chronicles of his kingdome to be read vnto him so assuredly whilst wee wake in this world and the sleepe of death commeth not vpon vs it shall be a most profitable thing to reade or cause to be read vnto vs the Chronicle of GOD the sacred and holy Scriptures the treasures of all Comfort and good instructions 13 When the body sleepeth the soule sleepeth not no more dyeth the soule when the body dyeth 14 No man goeth to bed to sleepe but with a certaine hope and purpose to wake and rise againe so must wee dye in assurance of that great and generall Resurrection 15 And as our voyce and calling vpon men awake them so shall that
sounding Trumpet doe in that day Our Bed saith another is the Image of our Graue the cloaths that couer vs of the dust and earth cast vpon vs the little Flea that biteth of the Wormes that shall consume vs the Cocke that croweth of the last Trumpet and as saith hee I rise vp lustily when sluggish sleepe is past so hope I to rise vp ioyfully to Iudgement at the last How fitly then Death and Sleepe be resembled together you see CHAP. IIII. Considerations to moue vs to embrace death as willingly as we goe to sleepe in our beds naturally BVT you may happily wish to know what may make you dye willingly and gladly when Gods time commeth flesh being fraile and an enemy still to the Spirit till God subdue it your desire herein is good and hearken a little to these things if death be a sleepe as you heare the Scriptures still call it for our Comfort then looke what maketh men goe to sleepe gladly without any feare and the same shall helpe vs greatly to dye contentedly and chearefully the first thing is wearinesse Note 1 or paine of body for in this case you know how willingly wee goe to rest and how heartily wee wish wee were asleepe for the sleepe of him that trauelleth is sweet Eccles 5.11 Apply it to death if you eyther be weary of the toyles and troubles of this wretched life of the dishonest courses that are in it and of the infinite trickes sinfull and vile before God and good men or if you be in any paine of the whole or any part of the body not to be eased and helped by the Art of man how in such a case is death welcome and of right so should be much more then sleepe For first sleepe easeth but for a time but death for euer both these causes secondly sleepe taketh not away the Maladie but the feeling Death taketh both away and as I say for euer The diseases of the body how many how strange how fearefull who can number them when daily happen new that the Physitian knoweth not sweet Death is a Supersedeas for all curing what we haue and preuenting what we might haue should God so be pleased to lay them vpon vs. Thinke therefore seriously of this one meanes to make death welcome and assuredly you shall be the better Sect. 3. The second Consideration Note 2 A Second thing that maketh vs willing to to goe to our naturall sleepe is griefe and anguish of minde sorrow and woe of hart and will not this also make vs dye willingly Surely so much more then the former by how much griefe of minde exceedeth any griefe of body The crosses by Foes the crosses by Friends the disobedience of Children the vnfaithfulnesse of Seruants publike woes and priuate wrongs in goods in name and many other wayes they are more bitter then Gall and Wormewood more burning and biting then tongue can expresse now scalding now cooling the oppressed heart groaning and sighing panting and p●neing away in the view and sight of all beholders the number is so great that no man can comprehend them euery day begetting new griefes of minde as well as new paines and diseases of body Thinke with your selues whether euer you escaped day in your life without some discontent greater or lesser that according to his measure hath not bit you and grieued you It is Vallis Lachrimarum the Vale of misery that we liue in and from one misery or other we shall neuer be free while wee liue in it S. Augustine said vpon some feeling Diu viuere est diu torqueri Long to liue is long to be vexed and tormented The holy Prophet Elias went a dayes iourney in the Wildernesse and sate downe vnder a Iuniper tree desiring that hee might dye and saying It is enough 1 King 19.4 O Lord take my Soule for I am no better then my Fathers See how griefe of minde made this holy man willing to dye and most welcome should that good will of God haue beene to him if so it had pleased the giuer and taker away of life to doe with him adde vnto these words the like words of Tobiah Deale with me O Lord as seemeth best vnto thee and command my spirit to be taken from mee that I may be dissolued and become earth for it is better for mee to die then to liue because I haue heard false reproches and am sorrowfull command therefore that I may be dissolued out of this distresse and goe into the euerlasting place turne not away thy face from mee See the effect of sorrow and griefe of minde in this good man againe it maketh him most willing and desirous to dye It is written of Babylis Bishop of Antioch slaine by Decius that persecuting Emperour that going to his death he said the words in the Psalme Returne vnto thy rest O my Soule for the Lord hath beene beneficiall vnto thee an excellent place for such a time as if he should haue said Now my griefes farewell and all my woes and wrongs in this wicked world and now my Soule be chearefull and glad for now commeth thy rest thy sure rest thy sweet rest thy neuer failing rest but eternall for euer therefore returne vnto it O weary soule and giue thankes and praise to God for hee hath beene beneficiall vnto thee in this most gracious change and happy release Conclude with the words of wise Sirach and remember them often O Death how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that liueth at rest in his possessions vnto the man that hath nothing to vexe him and that hath prosperitie in all things c. But againe O Death how acceptable is thy iudgement vnto the needfull and vnto him whose strength faileth and that it now in the last age and is vexed with all things c. Feare not the Iudgement of death remember them that haue beene before thee and that come after thee it is the ordinance of the Lord ouer all flesh and why wouldest thou be against the pleasure of the most Highest whether it be tenne or an hundred or a thousand yeeres there is no defence for life against the graue Sect. 3. The third consideration A Third reason that maketh a man willing to sleepe naturally is the good that commeth Note 3 both to body and minde by such sleepe it cheareth and refresheth gladdeth and comforteth both let the same reason also make thee willing to dye for Death will minister much more comfort chearing and refreshing and that for euer as shall be said The Brazen Serpent cured the beholders and had no sting so doth death and hath no sting neyther That it cureth and helpeth all euils you know because it is Finis omnium malorum the end of all euils and it hath no sting as you are taught when you reade those words O Death where is thy sting O Graue where is thy victories 1 Cor. the sting of death is sinne and the
strength of sinne is the Law But thankes be vnto God which hath given vs victory through our Lord Iesus Christ Mors Christs mors mortis meae The death of Christ is the death of my death Osee 13.14 saith Bernard O Death I will be thy Death saith hee by the Prophet And Hierome vpon it Illius morte tu mortuaes c. By his death thou art dead by his death wee liue thou hast deuoured and art deuoured thy selfe oh Death Death maketh dust returne to the earth as it was and the Spirit to returne to God that gaue it saith the word of God and shall not wee be glad of this Shall it grieue vs to returne to God to haue the Spirit goe from whence it came to walke with God to enter into life to goe to the Marriage of the Lambe Is the brute Oxe grieued to be vnyoaked Were Abraham Isacc and Iacob holy men or holy women euer vnwilling Wherefore if men desire naturall sleepe in regard of the good that commeth by it so doe you death and cherefully from your heart say with olde Simeon Lord now lettest thou thy Seruant depart in peace according to thy Word c. Luke 2.29 Sect. 4. The fourth Consideration A Fourth cause making men willing without Note 4 feare to sleepe naturally is that assured hope which they haue to awake and arise againe and shall not you arise from the sleepe of death why then should we shrinke more at the one then at the other wee shall rise againe for Christ our Head is risen and the Members must follow If the dead be not raised then is Christ not risen c. as you read in that singular Chapter 1 Cor. 15.20 The Sunne riseth and setteth againe the Moone waineth groweth againe Of the ashes of the olde Phoenix commeth another the leafe falleth and the sappe descendeth yet both sappe and leafe returne againe Sarahs wombe though dead yet beareth a Sonne when the Lord will so shall the resurrection be of dead bodies The hand of the Lord was vpon mee Ezech. 37.1 saith the Prophet and carried mee out in the Spirit of the Lord and set mee downe in the midst of the field which was full of bones And hee led me round about by them and behold there were very many in the open field and loe they were very dry And hee said vnto mee Sonne of man can these bones liue And I answered O Lord God thou knowest Againe hee said vnto mee Prophesie vpon these bones and say vnto them O yee dry bones heare the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God vnto these bones behold I will cause breath to enter into you and yee shall liue And I will lay sinewes vpon you and make flesh grown vpon you and couer you with skinne and put breath into you that yee may liue and ye shall know that I am the Lord. So I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noyse and behold there was a shaking and the bones came together bone to his bone And when I beheld loe the sinewes and the flehsh grew vpon them and aboue the skinne couered them but there was no breath in them Then said hee vnto mee Prophesie vnto the wind prophesie sonne of man and say to the winde Thus saith the Lord God Come from the foure windes O breath and breathe vpon these slaine that they may liue So I prophesied as hee had commanded mee and the breath came into them and they liued and stood vp vpon their feet and exceeding great armie Such another excellent place is that in the Apocalypse Reue. 20.11 And I saw a great white throne and one that sate on it from whose face fled away both the earth and the heauen and their place was no more found And I saw the dead both great and small stand before God and the Bookes were opened and another booke was opened which is the Booke of life and the dead were iudged of those things which were written in the Bookes according to their workes And the Sea gaue vp her dead which were in her and Death and Hell deliuered vp the dead which were in them and they were iudged euery man according to their workes Thus you see that as from our naturall sleepe so from death wee shall awake againe and therefore no cause to feare the one more then the other Resurrectio mortuorum spes Christianorum The Resurrection of the dead is the hope of the Christians Faith So Tertullian meaning their ioyfull hope that wipeth away all teares and vnwillingnesse to dye Credo Resurrectionem carnis I beleeue the resurrection of the body and life euerlasting Therefore care away Though I dye yet I dye not but onely sleepe in my Graue as in my Chamber till my GOD send his Angels to awake me with his Trumpet that I may enter into ioy that neuer shall haue an end till which time I rest free from all sorrow and paine not troubled with any of the worlds woes but as a man in his bed fast asleepe most free from all offences and vexations Yea euen the selfe same body shall arise to our vnspeakable comforts teach the Scriptures Iob 19.25 Iohn 5.29 1 Cor. 15.42.43 and many other places euen as Christs body arose the same that it was before the same eyes mouth feet hands Luk. 34.32 c. Dixerunt tactis corpreibus c. They said saith Tertullian of aucient Christians touching or laying their hands vpon the bodies wee beleeue the resurrection of this body this body that I touch and lay my hands vpon for the goodnesse of God will giue glory to that body that hath giuen glory to him the selfe-same eye the selfe-same mouth the selfe-same care feet hands c. What an encouragement is this to doe well if you marke it and what an argument to make vs willing to dye being assured of this as we are Sect. 5. The last Consideration The bodyes freedome and the soules Glorification Note 5 THE fift and last cause that maketh vs willing to goe to our naturall rest without feare muttering or any discontent is the chearefulnesse and liuelinesse of body and minde that vseth to follow after sleepe both to body and minde being refreshed thereby so greatly let the same cause make vs willing to dye for there is no comparison betweene the comfort and refreshing that naturall sleepe worketh and that which followeth after death when Christ shall change our vile bodie that it may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body according to the working whereby hee is able and subdue all things vnto himselfe when this corruptible hath put on incorruption and this mortall hath put on immortalitie If that small glimpse which the Disciples saw made them wish for three Tabernacles and an eternall being there Mat. 17.4 O how shall the whole glory of heauen and heauens blisse rauish vs and make vs glad that wee haue attained to it O no such
in their Christian courses fourthly thy sinceritie in thy profession approued fiftly Gods graces in thee magnified sixtly and aboue all his name glorified 15 It is the good inheritance of the godly and the horrour of the vvicked 15 In thy death thou shalt be distinguished from a carnall and a prophane man for commonly the sicke bed shewes the sicknesse or the health of the soule the death shewes the life diuiding and iudging the estate of the visited as Gideon diuided his company by lapping of water Iudg. 7.1 and as the Ephramites were distinguished from the Israelites by pronouncing Shiboleth For looke at the godly from time to time and the last acts they did and the last words they spake were the most sacred seasoned and sanctified of their whole life but it hath beene contrary in the wicked and God is the same God to thee that hee was to them if thou beest a beleeuer Looke into particulars the last speeches of dying Saints as they haue beene full of grace so they are worthy relating and remembring and applying Acts 7.60 The last period of S. Steuens life was prayer for his enimies and for his owne soule 1 Kings 2. v. 1. to 11. the last words of Dauid holy exhortations to his Sonne Salomon to obserue the Statutes and Ordinances of the Lord and the disposing of some particulars of which hee gaue him cautions the last acts of old Iacob Gen. 48. Gen. 49. Prayer and prophecying concerning his sonnes and posteritie the like comfortable end made Abraham Iob old Simeon Moses Gen. 25.8 Iob 42.17 Luke 2. and other of the Saints in the old and new Testament The like wee read of Ambrose whose conclusion in his death-bed was that hee was neyther ashamed to liue nor fearefull to dye because he had a good Lord. Vide cent Magd. sic Grin in Apotheg morientium Bernards death was grounded vpon the sure hope and Anchor of Gods mercy though hee liued in corrupt times Oecolampadius told his visitors newes in the last speech hee vttered namely that hee should shortly be with the LORD IESVS Mr. Caluin with Dauids heart repeating Dauids Psalmes mourning in the Spirit for his sinnes his soule was sent out of his body like Noahs Doue out of the Arke Melancthon in his last farewell to life professed he was exceeding willing to dye because it was the Lords will praying for a happy and ioyfull departure hee had his desire presently sealed Peter Martyr gaue a comfortable farewell to his brethren and deare friends acknowledging saluation onely in Christ the Redeemer in which faith as he liued so he dyed That halfe miraculous man Luther in his death abounded as with prayer so with praises and thankesgiuings that the Lord had reuealed Christ vnto him and made him an instrument to discouer Antichrist and to oppose him Annas Burgius cryed in her last cryes Lord forsake not mee least I forsake thee Mauritius the Emperour in his last fainting gaue glory vnto GOD that was righteous in all his wayes and holy in all his workes Saint Augustine wept vpon his sicke couch for many dayes together and so was his soule ferryed to Christ in a floud of teares as Peter walked to Christ on the Sea of waters I might giue your meditations matter enough to worke vpon in reflexing vpon infinite examples related by Authors to which euery faithfull Minister that vseth to performe this dutie of visiting the sicke like a spirituall Physitian discerning the estate of the soule addes his Probatum est in ioyfull experience of many whose dying hath beene suted and sorted to their liuing both gracious both glorious Why then shouldest thou feare for to the righteous there shall be peace at the last Esay 57.2 therefore liue by Faith beleeue the Promises and apply them and be comforted in Gods mercy to others but as for the wicked it is not so with them they shall bee like the chaffe scattered in the winde for there is no peace to the wicked saith my God Esa 57.21 the prolong of their wicked life ends in a fearfull Tragedie in death for though in respect of the body and the outward man Eccles 2.16 there is the same condition to the vvise and the foolish to Nabal and Salomon godly Ionathan perishing in the field as well as wicked Saul 1 Sam. 31.2.3 Ezekias strucke with the plagues boyle Esay 38.21 Asa goutie in his feete nay 2 Chron. 35 23 euen good Iosias wounded in the Battell and the rest of the godly being afflicted in sickenesse as pittiously and dying oft times as painefully whether in a naturall or a violent death euen as the wicked as appeares in the exquisite torments of the Martyres in the Primitiue Church in the crucifying of Peter and Paul with their heads downewards Ar. in probl de cruce c. yea euen in the very Passion of Christ himselfe yet in respect of the inward man and dispositions of their soules in death there is as great difference betwixt them as there was in their carriage and conuersation in life And therefore as you haue heard the godly praying or praysing and blessing GOD speaking graciously sending out their spirits ioyfully and dying comfortably so prophane men dye eyther carelesly and blockishly for the most part their hearts being frozen and their consciences benummed and seared without any touch in soule or remorse for sinne which kinde of dying though our sottish silly common people commend as the most happy and blessed death when they goe away quietly like Lambes as their stupiditie and blindnesse thinke yet indeede they dye like Beasts and Dogs without any life of grace or feeling of the Spirit in the power or comfort of it nay senslesly like stockes and stones as is said of Nabal whose heart was like a stone within him 1 Sam. 25.37.38 or else desperately and ragingly impatiently as impenitently belching out blasphemies against both the Maiestie and the Mercy of God Thus Iudas cryes hee hath sinned in betraying the innocent bloud Mat. 27.3 but hath no Faith to apply that bloud to the washing away of his bloody treason 2 Mach. 9.13 Thus Antiochus Epiphanes dying is tormented inwardly with the gripes and conuulsions of conscience as with the rage of his sickenesse so Iulian the Apostate in his last act of life from his infected lungs sent out venome against Christ calling him in dirision victorious Galilean Thus Eccius dyes execrating his Popish on-setters in frustrating his golden hopes when they had clapt their hands to animate him to barke at Luther and the Protestan●s The like end made Latemus Hoff-maister Spira and other Antichristian Champions being not vnlike in their sinne Thus Gardiner dyes confessing that hee had sinned with Peter but could not repent vvith Peter Cornelius Agrippa cursing his attending Spirit that stood by him in the forme of a blacke dog Others paralel in the like sinnes making like proportioned ends vnlesse it be in
some particulers as once in the Scripture Luk. 23.43 in the Theefe vpon the crosse that a theeuish and licentious life should haue the promise of Paradise in Death which as it was first the conclusion of Christs life secondly the present magnifying of the power of his Passion so it is not to be vrged nor peremptorily pleaded 1. in defence of ill liuers 2. nor imitated in deferring repentance 3. nor presumed vpon no more then a man ought to presume to be a Traytor a Witch a murtherer in hope for a pardon when he is to be turned off the Ladder because some one man in an age hath by Gods prouidence this priuiledge to be repriued and released from these facts committed For in place of one example that hath had his inueterate old sores cured his crying treasons pardoned at the last houre like Gregories good theefe that begd heauen wee haue millions that haue perished rot and consumed in body and soule in the last exigent of life as they haue not spared GOD liuing God hath not giuen them any tokens of his fauour but rather of his wrath and indignation dying forgetting them dying as in their life they forgat him turning away his eare from hearing of their prayers Psal 66 2● though they houle vpon their sicke-beds like Wolues Ose 7.14 because in their health and prosperitie they haue like deafe Adders stopped their eares in not hearing his Law and Word and in not considering the cryes of the poore Prou. 28.9 Prou. 21.13 Prou. 15.8 Therefore for thy present instruction and future consolation worke thou out betimes thy saluation with feare and trembling Phil. 2.12 Giue all diligence to make thy Election sure Breake off all thy sinnes by repentance Dan. 4.24 Turne to the Lord with all thine heart in fasting weeping and mourning Ioel 2.12 Turne from the wickednesse thou hast committed with the Niniuites Ionah 3.7.8 Wash thee and make thee cleane Esay 1.16 Cleanse thy heart from euill thoughts Ier. 4.14 Leaue thy formalitie in Religion and worship the Lord in truth and spirit Iohn 4 24. Get faith and learne to liue by faith Hab. 2.4 and to dye by faith Iohn 1.47 Be a Nathaniel in thy dealings with men let thy heart be vpright as thy hand Ioh. 1.47 Remember the poore and needy then the Lord will remember thee in the day of thy sicknesse Psal 41.1 Christ will visite thee as hee did Iairus Daughter Luk. 16.22 and Peters wiues Mother he shall be thy Physitian when the simples of Nature and the arme of Flesh faile his Angels shall pitch their tents about thee and carry thy flitting soule as they did Lazarus his into the seates of the blessed Make vse of this and the LORD giue thee vnderstanding in all things 16 As the examples of the Saints of God 16 In death desire Christ as hee by death desired thee that hauing liued conscionahly and dyed comfortably must comfort thee in this houre so their willingnesse to dye must encourage thee willingly to drinke of that cup which the Lord offers thee without resisting or relucting Looke vpon old Simeon singing that Swan-like song prophecying his death Lord now lett●st thou thy Seruant depart in peace Luke 2.29 But especially of Saint Paul vveary of this mortalitie desirous to be disburdened of the burthen of his corruptions to be deliuered from the body of sinne Rom. 7. to be present with the Lord to be dissolued and to be with CHRIST 2 Cor. 5. Phil. 1. But the best president that wee haue in life and death as the best comfort is the practise of Christ who although hee feared death as man desiring conditionally the passing of that bitter cup yet neuerthelesse wee shall see in him a great alacritie chearefulnesse propensitie and willingnesse to dye for Mat. 10.38 and Luk 18.31 besides his often conference with his Disciples about his death the frequent nomination of it vpon all occasions which shewes how vehemently hee was affected towards it the tongue speaking from the hearts abundance all his words and acts declare it for to shew his desire to dye Iohn 4.32 hee counts it but a Baptisme or as it were a sprinkling of cooling water Mat. 20.22 nay it is meate and drinke to him to doe his Fathers will which was that hee should dye hee counts it a Iourney to goe which hee was willing to vnder-goe nay hee was euen payned vntill it was past when it came to the push that his houre was come hee seekes death as it seekes him Ioh. 18.4.7 hee goes forth to meete and welcome it as his friend Gen. 18.2 Ioh. 19.30 Gen. 8.8 as Abraham and Lot to meete and entertaine the Angels hee offers himselfe to the instruments of his death his backe to the smiters and finally his soule is not taken from him compulsorie but as hee commended it so hee resigned and gaue it vp to his Father willingly hee gaue vp the ghost hauing power to lay downe his life sending out his spirit as Noah did the Doue out of the Arke which after three dayes returned againe to quicken the body from heauen from whence also Lazarus his soule returned after foure dayes Now apply this to thine owne particular art not thou a Christian so denominated of CHRIST then euery one of Christs actions ought to be thy instruction chiefely in his death all whose dying gestures are worthy to be writ in thy heart in letters of Gold Did hee then vnder-goe such an extraordinary vnnaturall painefull shamefull cursed death the worst that euer was for therefore Christ dyed the worst death that euer was both for the ignominie of it and the exquisite tortures in it that a Christian should not feare any death since euery death is sanctified vnto him in the death of Christ Did Christ not onely indure his pangs and paines in death so patiently Esay 53. as a Lambe before the shearer but was euen desirous of this bitter pill for the ioy that was set before him and the loue hee bore to redeeme thy enthralled soule and art thou scrupulous and timerous of a naturall and an ordinary passage from life to life through this dead Sea Wilt thou mutter and murmure and shew thy selfe refractory to come to the Kings Court when thou art so gently summoned by such a sweet messenger as a lingring sickenesse Hast thou so little longing to goe to him by the rupture of a weake thread of life who was so desirous to come to thee from heauen to earth from the earth to the Crosse from the Crosse to the Graue euen through a red Sea of blood thorow Pikes and Speares and nayles and thornes being dieted in this his bloody march with the bread of affliction and the water of teares with gall vinegar oh hast thou so little delight in him so little desire towards him so small liking of him so little loue to him that thou list not step ouer the
demonstrate that they haue the spirit of Sathan and not the Spirit of GOD as had Simeon And therefore as they ioy not in Christ neyther doth he ioy in them no more then a chaste Bridegrome in a whorish Spouse as they desire not him he desires not them nor their company in his Chamber no more then hee did the foolish Virgins x Mat. 25.11.12 as they delight not in him he delights not in them no more then a man delights in his crucifier and tormenter as they loue not him so hee loues not them no more then he doth Cain y Iude v. 11 and Esau z Mal. 1.2 Rom. 9.13 whom the LORD hated As Peter said to Simon Magus so I say to them They and their money perish together a Act. 8.20 they and their lustfull pleasures perish together as did Zimri and C●sbee b Numb 25.14.15 they and their Gold perish together as did Achan and his wedge c Iosh 7.24 they and their Idols perish together as did the Israelites and their Calfe d Exod. 32.20.35 they and their sinnes perish together as did the murmuring Rebels in the Wildernesse they and their companions perish together as did Corah and his complices e Numb 16.31.32 cursed be their sinnes and their Societies like Simeon and Leui brethren in iniquitie f Gen. 46.5.7 So let them perish Lord that are thine enemies like the vntimely fruit of a woman If any loue not the Lord Iesus let them b●● accursed Anathema Maranatha If any reioyce not at the birth of a Sauiour here with Simeon let the Sunne of all their carnall ioyes s●t and be eclipsed in the cloud of death Secondly as wee must ioy in Christ so wee must ioy and reioyce and be thankefull for Christ yea for all the blessings and the benefits that wee receiue in and from Christ temporall and spirituall externall internall or eternall so was Simeon here his song is Eucharisticall and gratulatory for the reuelation of Christ hee blesseth God that hee liues to see the conduit and the fountaine of all blessings to his Church Christ the Messias And since his Deuotion is our Instruction Christians must be thankefull for Christ Thus all the faithfull and beleeuers when Christ was borne offered vp their tributarie prayses the sacrifices of their soules breaking out into holy Hymnes and Songs The Angels did caroll out Glory be to God on high g Luk. 2.13 14. so the Easterne Magi h Mat. 2.10.11 the zealous Shepheards i Luke 2.20 glorifie God the blessed Virgin magnifies the k Luke 1.46 47. Lord Elizabeth and the prophecying Babe within her wombe l Ver. 41. leape and reioyce Anna m Luke 2.38 Zachary n Luk. 1.68 and Simeon are not behinde with their parts in continuing their prayses and so must wee with our best hearts and affections make vp the Quire since wee haue no lesse interest in nor no fewer priuiledges by Christ then they The Reasons to inforce this duety are these First if the Saints of God in the old Testament were so thankefull for their temporall protection preseruation and redemption from their outward enemies the Egyptians Amalekites Canaanites Ammonites Moabites Philistines c. by temporall Sauiours Moses Ioshua Gideon Iaphte Sampson Dauid c. as may be seene in the spirituall Songs of Moses and Aaron and Miriam o Exod. 15. v. 1.2.3 v. 20. and Deborah and Baruch p Iud. 5.1.2 and Dauid q 2 Sam. 22 and Iudith r Iudith how much more ought wee to burst forth into prayses for our spirituall deliuerance from the Flesh the World the Diuell that Pharaoh and from his Aegyptian yoake from Hell Death and Damnation by that Messias of whom these earthly and terrestriall Sauiours were Types and figures Secondly gratulation and thankefulnesse is a duety commanded Psal 50.15 1 Thes 5.18 therefore wee must not be immorigerous and disobedient to Gods commaund no more then Paul was to the heauenly vision s Act. 26.15 vnlesse vve be found fighters and rebels and traytors against God Thirdly it is a species and part of Prayer and so of Gods spirituall worship Phil. 4 6. Ephes 6. Fourthly by this duety wee glorifie God which is the end of our Creation Psal 50.23 Fiftly 1. It is a seemely thing and becommeth the Saints to be thankefull Psal 33.1.2 It is a very good thing to praise the Lord Psal 92.1 3. It is a pleasant thing and praise is comely Psal 147.1 Sixtly the very Heathens haue commended it and the beasts haue performed it in their bruitish manner to their benefactors as appeareth in Androdius his t Liuie Lion Seauenthly an vnthankefull man is hated of men accounted as a Viper and an vnprofitable burthen to the earth v Terrae in utile pondus the very light of Nature and common humanitie cryes out vpon it Eightly God vpbraydes and brands his dearest Children for the omission of this duetie 2 Chron. 32.25 Ninthly the omission of this is a signe of a proud heart and brings downe Gods wrath Ibidem Tenthly this is the conuersation which wee shall haue in heauen euen to praise God especially for the redemption of the world by Christ Phil. 3.20 Reu. 5.9 Reu. 19.1.3 This is the life that the Angels leade therefore vvee ought speedily to inure our selues to it Vse This must excite vs to be more carefull in performance of this duety It is a blame and a blemish to be vnthankefull to man as Iudas was to Christ as the Iewes and Abimelech to Gideons Children u Iudg 9.16 17.18 as Pharaohs Butler to Ioseph x Gen. 40.23 much more to God It is a sinne and an abhomination to be vnthankefull to God for temporall and outward blessings as health wealth life libertie children c. so for the vse of the Creatures Christ vpbraydes the nine Lepers for this sinne Luke 17.17.18 And sure those that vse the Creatures prophanely as Dogs and Swine and beasts neuer looking to the holy and religious vse of them as sanctified by the Word and Prayer y 1 Tim. 4.5 they are worse then the Doues and Elephants that at least looke vp to heauen when they eate their meate but if we be vnthankfull for the Incarnation Death and Passion of the Creator that in his humanitie was made a creature a Gal. 4.4 and subiected to death b Phil. 2.8 to redeeme vs the slaues and vassals of sinne and Sathan from the first and second death c Rom. 4.25 5.18.19 our sinne is in a higher die and graine of ingratitude wee are more not onely vnchristian but viperous and inhumane then the sauage Getes and Sauromiataines Alas then how many are vnlike to thankefull Simeon how many are seemingly and hypocritically thankefull for outward things they are ready in euery company to thanke God oft times in the Pharisaicall pride of their hearts d Luke 18.11.12
for full basquets and rich store-houses abundance of Talents fruitfull wife for their Oliue branches their children but the same men are neyther vocally nor really in words or workes thankefull vnto God for Christ Iesus for the benefits vvee haue by him 1. of Election 2. Vocation 3. Iustification 4. Redemption 5. Sanctification and title to 6. Glorification for his 7. Word 8. Gospell 9. Sacraments 10. Ministers 11. Ministerie for these ne verbum quidem not a word there is altum silentium as mute as fishes All naturall and morall men in this are Mutes and not Consonants as it is most consonant they should be Or if they speake a gratulatory word their hearts are as farre from it as heauen from earth at least their workes proclaime open warre and hostililie against the Lords Christ kissing him with Iudas in outward profession crying Aue and all haile with the Iewes when their liues being all hell they cry Crucifie him in their conuersation Psal 3.17 And thus much for the Title now to the Text Lord now lettest c. Euery word hath his waight without torturing the Text these things are obseruable 1. Simeons Compellation Lord 2. his desires Limitation Now 3. the acknowledgement of the Diuine Permission Lettest thou 4. his proper Appellation Thy Seruant 5. his desired Dismission Depart 6. his hoped Pacification In peace 7. his grounded Resolution According to thy Word of which in order Simeons Compellation In this word Lord. SOme take Lord essentially for the whole Trinitie Iehouah Elohim some personally for one of the Persons for indeede the vvhole Trinitie and euery Person in the Trinitie is oft in the Scripture tearmed by this vvord Lord. Some appropriate it here to God the Father some to Christ the Sonne so e In locum Theophilact and Euthumius some ●o God the holy Ghost so f In Lucam Athanasius Apply it vnto Christ and then you haue to consider a great Mysterie a great Mercy God manifested in the flesh iustified in the spirit seene of Angels preached vnto the Gentiles 1 Tim. 3.16 beleeued on in the world and receiued into glory for that incarnate Babe vvhich Simeon hath in his armes in respect of his humanitie hee cals him Lord in respect of his Diuinitie From whence wee see demonstratiuely what all Orthodoxe Antiquitie affirmes the testimonie of Scriptures g 1 Ioh. 1.14 Ephes 4.10 Phil. harmony of all reformed Churches h Of Bohemia Basill France Sweula see harmonie of confessions Generall and Prouinciall Concels seuerall Creedes both Apostolicall and Nicene confirme that Christ the Messias the Sonne of God i Mat. 3.17 Psal 2.7 is both k Ioh. 17.3 Iohn 1 1. God and Man l Esay 7.14 Christus Deus de Patre Homo de Matre c. God of his Father Man of his Mother m Mat. 10.18.23 Luke of his Fathers immortalitie of his Mothers virginitie of his Mother without Father of his Father without a Mother a Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech n Heb. 5.10 without Father as hee was Man without Mother as hee was GOD of his Father without time of his Mother without seede not borne without eyther man or woman as was Adam o Gen. 1.27 nor of man without a woman as was Eue p Gen. 2.22 nor of both man and woman as are wee the posteritie of Adam and Eue but of a woman without a man Patrem habuit in Coelis Matrem quesiuii in Terris q August de temp hom 9 vide hom 13 hauing a Father in Heauen hee sought for a Mother in earth yea such a Mother as made the Mystery so miraculous as all things in heauen and earth cannot paralell or patterne it for these three things in this one are accomplished of GOD admirably singular and singularly to be admired Deus Homo Mater Virgo Verbum Caro to wit God and Man a Mother and a Maide the Word and Flesh vnited in one A Mystery neuer sufficiently to be admired Vt propter nos veniret in mundum per quem factus est mundus a Mercy neuer enough to be magnified of men and Angels that for our sakes hee should come into the world which made the world that the Creator of Mary should be borne of Mary that Dauids Lord should be Dauids Sonne hee which was long before Abraham the seede of Abraham the Maker of the earth made of the earth that as in the nonage of of the world man was made after the Image of God so in the dotage of the world God should come in the similitude of sinfull man that God should be made man that man should be as a God that God should descend downe to the earth that man should ascend vp to the heauen Oh wonder at this you that wonder at nothing for my part saith Cyprian r Cyprian I doe not admire the beautie of the Sunne the colours of the Raine-bow the glory of the Moone the motion of the Heauens the fixed stabilitie of the earth the ebbing and flowing of the Sea the varietie of the Creatures the alteration and succession of times and seasons nor any thing else amongst all the Creatures Celestiall and Sublunarie but this I admire and for euer will Deum in vtero Creatorem in creatura c. God made man the Creator borne of the Creature and for the Creature yea the mighty God before whom the heauens shake and the Mountaines tremble a little Infant in the armes of a Virgin Mother in the armes of old Simeon an aged Father this is such a worke such a wonder that I say with S. Ierome s Hierome Quod natura non habuit c. that which Naure had not which Vse knew not which Reason was ignorant of mans Minde vncapable of which the Cherubins conceiued not the Angels till reuealed vnderstood not which all the Powers of created nature vvere amazed at came to passe when CHRIST by his Incarnation did vnite the Humanitie to the Diuinitie in a true naturall reall and Hypostaticall t Vide Zanchium de incar verbi vnion Vse Oh therefore let vs reape the fruit of this Vine since he is come from heauen to earth to marry vs in our owne nature v Bern. ser 2 in Cant. Nam vt Sponsus Sponsa in Thalamo c. for as man and wife are one in the Bride-chamber so God and man one Christ in the wombe of the Virgin Oh let vs labour by faith to be vnited and marryed vnto him to be made members of this Head Branches of this Vine Buildings vpon this Corner-stone parts of his Body Spouses of this Bridegrome that with the vvise Virgins being contracted by faith vnto him here in grace the Marriage may be solemnized in Glory Then shall wee truely be kissed with the kisses of his loue u Can· 1.1 Oh foelix osculum x Oh foelix osculum in quo
Crosse from the Crosse to the Graue and you shall see him still crossed by cursed instruments so looke on him from Bethlem to Aegypt from Aegypt to Nazareth from Nazareth to Capernaum from Capernaum to Ierusalem from Ierusalem to Golgotha you shall see him tost from place to place from post to pillar Herod the Diuell the Iewes the People the Scribes the Pharises the Lawyers the Herodians the Gentiles the Romanes the Souldiers Dogs and Foxes and Diuels Iudas and Pilate and Herod Earth and Hell all opposed madly and maliciously euen against the Lords Annoynted whose rage from the first houre of his birth till the last of his death could not be quenched without his bloud Hee came vnto his owne but his owne receiued him not Iohn 1.11.20 We surely are in the same predicament Application if not worse Compare vs with the Patriarkes and we come as short of their faith in Christ obedience and sanctification as they of our knowledge and illumination we come nearer vnto the infidelitie of prophane Esau flowting Ismael wicked Cham cursed Canaan and their seede then wee doe to the Faith of Abraham Isaack and Iacob c. to Noahs Obedience and the holy liues of the rest For the Iewes wherein are wee inferiour in the highest measure of ingratitude against Simeons Lord wee lodge him not at all but cast him out of the Inne of our hearts with the Bethlems wee shut our gates against him with the Samaritanes when wee reiect his Word and Ministers wee bid him depart from vs with the Gadarens when wee preferre our Swinish lusts before him we crucifie him worse and oftner in his immortall body then the Iewes in his mortall when like mad dogs wee flye in his face and by swearing and blaspheming wound his wounds tearing and renting euery part of his humanitie and yet wee will be Christians But I know not how vnlesse on the contrary as the Cynick named his Man as some say Mons à mouendo when it moues not for wee moue not after the motion of Christ We are like the Hare running one way when wee looke another way Appion Christus venit ad homines in homines contra homines Well let vs looke to it Christ is come to vs Iohn 1.14 but if wee come not vnto him by Prayer and into him by Faith and hee into vs by his Spirit Iohn 14.18 he will come to vs and against vs in Iudgement to our ruine and destruction Acts 7.31 Oh therefore Kisse the Sonne least hee be angry Psal 2. Thirdly in that Simeons desire of life was not simply for any loue of life but onely to see and proclaime and prayse Christ the Messias to blesse God for this fountaine of blessings to his Church It is worth our animaduersion more worthy our Imitation that wee ought not simply to desire life for it selfe but that wee might liue to glorifie God and to the good of his Church and Children This point is plaine by the Apostles precept Rom. 14.7.8 and by his practise Phil. 2.23.24 For as hee prescribes to others that none should liue or dye vnto himselfe but vnto the Lord that whether Christians liue or dye they should be the Lords yea that whether they liue in the body or remoue out of the body they might be the Lords 2 Cor. 5.8.9 So hee himselfe being in a strait what to doe whether to liue in the flesh or to be loosed and be with CHRIST is ouer-swayed with the loue of his brethren to dwell vvith them still onely for the furtherance and ioy of their Faith So it must be with thee in that rancke wherein thou art Art thou a Minister thy desire to liue must Vse 1 be onely to preach the Word Of Instruction for the gathering of the Saints for bringing home the wandering Sheepe for planting and watering Gods Vineyard for feeding his people vvith knowledge and vnderstanding for propagation of the Gospell for conuersion of soules and addition vnto his Church such as shall be saued and for this end thy life and thy liuings must not be deare to thee that by Preaching or Printing Disputing Conferring Writing Praying and Meditating the things wherein that holy Augustine and zealous Bernard were constantly and continually imployed thou mightst be beneficiall to the soules of thy brethren yea for the accomplishment of these ends as thou art called A Light Mat. 6. and Salt it must not be grieuous vnto thee to consume and melt thy selfe in spending thy spirits to giue light vnto and to season others Thy ends in thy Ministery must neyther be ambitious 3 Ioh. v. 9. like Diotrephes his that loued preheminence nor to be exalted on the right hand or the left Mat. 20.21 with Zebidee's Sonnes not to sit onely in Moses his Chayre vvith the Scribes and Pharisies not couetous like Balaams and Iudasses Numb 22. Iohn 13. but Christian and conscionable like Paul's and Peter's and Iames who that they might feede the flocke endured not onely labours and stripes and imprisonments but euen death it selfe Art thou a Magistrate thy desire to liue must be the discharge of thy duety the execution of thy function the decision of Controuersies the cutting off of strifes in their causes courses and euents the iudging rightly betwixt man and man c. to be a nursing Father to the Church to stand for Gods Truth and Orthodoxe Religion to be zealous for Gods glory to defend the fatherlesse right the oppressed to let the cause of the Widow come before thee to draw out and vse the sword committed vnto thee for the defence of the righteous and the right for the offence of the wicked and their wrongs these are the ends thou must aime at in thy place whether superiour or inferiour Art thou a gouernour a Master of a Familie hast thou a charge committed to thee thy desire to liue must be rightly to discharge it and thy duety in it as namely prouision for thy Wife and Familie depending vpon thee walking like Zacharie holily Luk. 2. in respect of God honestly and vnblameably in respect of man Christianly and conscionably in thy calling and vocation for that end as also that God may haue glory in thy priuate duties of Religion as reading and praying and instructing of thy Family vvithin the bounds and limits of thy calling together with a discreete gouerning of them that are vnder thy command by correcting and encouraging as neede shall require that thy house like the houses of Abraham Ioshuah Crispus Stephanus and Cornelius may be like vnto a little Church wherein spirituall Sacrifices are offered vnto God daily and duely that so thou maist heate and warme those that are within thee and that thy light may breake out to inlighten others outwardly So all other men be they what they will be from the Throne to the Plough from the King to the drawer of water from the head to the foote Physitian Lawyer Courtier Student
sinnes which cleaue so fast on which they cannot shake off Sinne with which they are at opposition and deadly feud dogs them at the heeles like a Serieant waytes on them like a Catchpole insinuates into them like a claw-backe creepes into their bosomes as a Serpent stings them at the heart like an Adder followes them as their shadow stickes close to them like their shirt vpon their skinne their skinne vpon their flesh and their flesh vpon their bones insomuch that it burnes and frets them as Dia●●raes poysoned shirt did Hercules and as the Ticke vexeth the Oxe which makes them crye out in the anguish of their soules In me duo armati Amor Odium Iacob Esau Caro Spiritus c. Hier. vvith Paul and the faithfull Rom. 7. Oh miserable man that I am who shall deliuer mee from this body of sinne They complaine of the strife of the Flesh and the Spirit as Rebeccah of the strugling betwixt Iacob and Esau Now death comes and rescues and makes thy baile and playes the Mid-wife and ends the broyle therefore welcome to the well disposed Fiftly they are here Pilgrimes and strangers 1 Pet. 2.11 as was Dauid and the rest in their ages they are here exuls and banished men as Children put forth to nurse from their Mothers as Schollers and Pupils sent to forraine Schooles and to farre Vniuersities and therefore their returning home to their owne Country their restitution to their prouided Kingdome their fetching home to their Father and friends their retyring to their Fathers house though it be through the shadow of death must needes be acceptable Sixtly they know that the day of their death is better then the day of life Eccles 7.3 because they dye prepared their soules purged their hearts by Faith purified As they haue entered into the first degree of eternall life in this life when they beleeued and receiued the gifts of the Spirit the earnest of their Saluation so they enter into the second degree in death August in Iob. Qui cupit dissolui essecum Christo non patienter moritur sed patienter viuit delectabiliter moritur when their soules are carryed into heauen and they dye in assurance of the third degree when body and soule shall be re-vnited to participate of happinesse as they haue liued together in holinesse Seauenthly they dye as with a desire so in an expectation to see and behold the face of Christ of which with Steuen they haue some glimmering in their deaths and therefore death to the godly so farre as regeneration rules is no more burthensome then the stripping off the cloathes vnto a louing Spouse to goe into the Marriage-bed of her contracted Bridegrome Hos 2.19 Eightly they haue kept a good Conscience with God and man like Paul Acts 24. And therefore they feare not iudgement no more then a true man feares to looke the Iudge in the face Ninthly wherein they haue offended God they haue their sinnes remitted and therefore feare not to hold vp their hand at the barre since they are quit before by Proclamation of all the promises in the Gospell and haue the Kings Pardon sealed them in the Sacraments Iacula praeuisa minus ferun● Tenthly they haue oft in life invred themselues to thinke speake record and meditate of death euen as did Christ their head and his Seruants Iacob Moses and Paul as appeares in the Word and therefore Deaths dart foreseene Praemoniti Praemuniti wounds them lesse being fore-warned of it they are fore-armed for it Euen as the Souldier that hath beene long trayned and in many skirmishes is more couragious in the maine Battell and as hee that hath long exercised himselfe in foyles is more hardy to fight with sharpe so the petty conflicts that the godly haue had in their owne breasts vvith Deaths feare make them more hardy to encounter Deaths force Eleuenthly they entertaine it as a reward for their worke as a rest from their labour as willingly as the hired labourer receiues his hire and reposeth his wearied limbes Dan 12. Esay 57.2 Twelfthly they are perswaded and haue their Faith grounded in an happy and blessed change they expect a Metamorphosis and an alteration a comfortable transmutation of Earth for Heauen of the Sea for the Hauen of Griefe for Glory of the outward Court for the Sanctum Sanctorum of a Mortall for an Immortall body of Enon for Salem Sodome for Segor Aegypt for Canaan the Wildernesse of Sin for the Land of Promise of a House of clay terrestriall for a House celestiall aboue the Clouds 2 Cor. 5.1 And therefore they are as willing to make this exchange as a poore begger would be to exchange his poore rags for some Princes robes or some poore man to leaue his smoaky rainy Cottage for a pompous Pauilion and decked Chamber in the Court. To reape the Vintage of this discourse Vse the vse to vs is first of examination in that it is an argument of a good man to be willing to dye as here was Simeon Lay thou thy hand on thine heart and search in thy soule what propensitie and disposition thou findest in thy selfe to dye Many arguments there are in the Word and tryals both of a holy and a happy man both affirmatiue in shewing what hee doth and negatiue in shewing what he auoids Dauid points at him in the first Psalme as also in the 32. Psalme verse 1.2 as also in the 15. Psalme So doth our Sauiour Christ in the first eight Verses of the fift of Mathew So the Apostle Paul in the 2. of Cor. ch 7. ver 11. with other such places as namely delighting in the Word meeknesse mourning for sinne hunger after righteousnesse c. care to please God Feare Zeale Indignation against sinne not letting Mony to Vsury and the like yet sure there is no greater euidence of an honest and holy heart then so to walke vprightly with God in life as alwayes to be willing to imbrace the strictest Summons of death to be as ready to depart out of this world as the Israelites were to depart out of Aegypt Againe it is most vsually a note of a soule eyther altogether soyled in corruption or indued with a smaller measure of Sanctification to be violently possessed with a continuated feare of death and therefore in this particular finde out thy selfe and trye in what case thou standest for the more vnwilling thou art to dye commonly the more Nature rules in thee the more earthly fleshly and carnall thou art the more willing commonly the more Grace raignes the more thou art holy heauenly and spirituall in which case you shall obserue that the desire to liue or not to liue to dye and not to dye hath oftentimes ebbed and flowed according to the measure of grace or corruption of sinne or of sanctification Euery man may finde this in his owne heart vsually vpon the search Hence it was Luke 8.33 that our Sauiour Christ
a consonant to serue God to sound out his prayses continually Psal 34. Sing to the Lord all thy life and prayse him whilst thou liuest Ps 104.33 Yea if thou praise him before the morning-watch as did that holy-hearted Dauid Psal 119.147 yea if at mid-night thou rise to giue thankes vnto him Psal 119.12 If seauen times a day thou prayse him v. 164. yea if thy mouth daily rehearse his righteousnesse and saluation Psal 7.15 yea if all the dayes of thy life thou prayse thy God Psal 146.2 and make his Statutes thy Songs in the house of thy pilgrimage Psal 119.54 yea not onely praising him but praying to him earely in the morning Psal 5.3 Iob 8.6 yea at euening and at morning and at noone day so oft as thou eatest thou dost but that seruice for which thy tongue was created it is Gods due and thy dutie so let thy tongue also serue man Gods Image in God and for God Let thy words be good and to the vse of edifying that they may minister grace to the hearers Let thy speech be alway gratious and poudered with Salt Col. 4 6. Let thy tongue spread abroad knowledge Pro. 15.7 that it may be as the well-spring of life Prou. 10.11 Vtter the words of grace Eccles 10.12 that thy lips may feede many Prou. 10.21 If God haue inriched thee with knowledge minister a word in season to him that is weary Esay 50.4 confirming him that is ready to fall and strengthening the weake knees Iob 44. So thy tongue shall glorifie God thus imployed Psal 50. be a testimonie of the sinceritie of thy heart Mat. 16. and it shall asswage the sorrow of the afflicted Iob 16.15 Sinnes of the eares So for the other members of thy body thy Eares if thou hast not serued thy God in and by them now beginne hast thou serued Sathan with them eyther in hearing what thou shouldest not haue heard profane Enterludes and Stage-playes filthy Songs scurrulous talke whereby thou hast opened those two dores to let in sinne into thy soule or hast thou refused to heare what thou shouldest haue heard hast thou turned away thine eare from hearing the Law Prou 28. Hast thou had heauy and vncircumcised eares Ier. 6.10 Psal 40.8 Hast thou beene an Idoll with eares and heard not Ezek. 13.2 A deafe Adder stopping thine eares at the voyce of the Charmer Psal 58.4 now serue God with that little part of thy body now stop thine eares at the hearing of sinne Esay 33.15 and open them to heare what the Spirit saith Reu. 2. Cause thine eare to heare wisedome Prou. 2.2 Giue eare to vnderstanding Prou. 14. Heare counsell and receiue instruction that thou maist be wise now in the latter end Prou. 19.20 Be wise and hearken to the corrections of life Prou. 15.3 Heare the Word of God Sit at Christs feete with Mary Luke 10.39 Heare with heede taking Luke 8.18 Heare with an honest heart vers 15. Heare and forget not Iames 1.24 Heare and practise vers 22. so thou shalt serue God with thy hearing Moreouer for thine Hands Sinnes of the hands if with them thou hast not serued God working vvicked works to prouoke the eye of the Lords glory Esay 3.8 eyther in committing euill 1. stealing from thy neighbour 2. taking Bribes in thy place 3. Idlenesse in thy calling or in omitting good duties first eyther of Pietie to God in stretching out thy hands in Prayer secondly or of charitie to man in closing them towards the poore Now keepe thy hands from doing euill and consecrate them vnto the Lord in doing good so thou shalt be blessed Esay 56.2 Exod. 32.29 If iniquitie be in thine hand put it farre away Iob 11.14 If thou hast stolne steale no more but worke with thine owne hands Ephes 4.28 Keepe them innocent and pure Psal 24 41. Shake thine hands from taking any gifts Esay 33 15. Let no blot or stain cleaue vnto them Iob 31.7 Strengthen them to doe good workes Nehem. 2.18 Open thy hand to thy brother to the poore to the needy Deut. 15.11 Stretch thy hand out of the increase that God giues thee Prou. 31. And stretch out thy hands also to the Lord. Psal 143. yea in euery place lift vp thy heart with the hand to God in heauen 1 Tim. 2. Lament 3.4 So shall thy hands serue God Sinnes of the feete For thy Feete if they haue declined and made haste to deceit Iob 23.11 if they carryed thee with lewd company out of the way of Gods Commandements to vanities or to vices to filthinesse or to follies to Playes or to Brothell-houses now remoue thy foote from euill Prou. 4.26 Make straight steps to thy feete Heb. 12. Refraine thy feete from the pathes of the wicked Prou. 1.15 And keepe the way of the righteous Prou. 2.20 So shalt thou serue God and keepe thy soule Prou. 16.17 Walke not in vanities Iob 31.5 nor in the counsell of the wicked Psal 1.1 but run the wayes of Gods Commandements Imploy them to carry thee to the house of God to the holy Exercises of Religion where God is serued Delight to stand in the gates of Ierusalem Psal 122.2 looking narrowly to thy foote when thou enterest into the house of God Eccles 4.17 Thus did those two good Anna's in Samuel and Luke a mother and a widdow as also good Dauid and here old Simeon rightly and religiously vse their feete in Gods seruice in visiting so frequently so constantly so zealously the house of Prayer where they met with God with Christ and with a blessing vpon their seeking and seruing God And so must thou if thou set thy selfe with thy heart and soule and strength and spirit and minde and body to serue the Lord as they did consecrating these and the rest of thy members parts and powers externall and internall to Gods seruice which that thou maist more willingly performe let these Motiues for conclusion of this Vse adde Spurres vnto thee to runne along with old Simeon to the seruice of this best Master to whom I recommend thee First thou wast created for Gods seruice Motiues perswading to Gods seruice 1. From the end of our creation as the Apostle instanceth in one sinne so I may in all the body was not made for fornication nor vncleannesse nor adultery nor drunkennesse nor for any other workes of the flesh which are recited Gal. 5.19 but for the Lord 1 Cor. 6.23 and the Lord for the body Therefore Dauid makes this an argument that wee should fall downe and worship the Lord because wee are the Sheepe of his pasture and the worke of his hands hee hath made vs not we our selues Doth any man keepe sheepe but hee will eate of the milke of the flocke and be cloathed with the wooll Doth any man build a Palace a Castle or a sumptuous house for his enemie to dwell in Did the Lord thinkest thou oh vaine man that seruest thy lusts thy pleasures the World the Diuell forme
Ant sees it will not alway be Summer the Crane and Storke thinke it will be another season the Birds take the Spring prime to build their nests store thou vp faith with her fruits chiefely Repentance from dead workes Now beginne Ars longa vita breuis Life is short but the Art of well liuing and well dying which is the Art of Arts euen that vvhich the best Master taught in the best Chaire Christ vpon the Crosse that is long therefore Nulla dies sine linea Euery day learne some line take out some lesson in this Art sing not out thy time here with the foolish Grashopper loyter not with the idle men of B●lial least thou incurre Christs checke play not the fat bellyed Monke and Epicurish Abbey-lubber least thou smart for it as the * When the Abbies were visited in king Henrie the 8. time Cloysterers once did in this Land in the day of the Lords visitation Learne to liue the life of grace that thy death may be gracious and precious in the sight of GOD as one of his Saints that so thou maist dye not onely naturally like a man as thou must but Christianly like a Christian man as thou oughtest which that thou maist the better doe as in other things thou contriuest how to doe well that which thou purposest to doe as thou forecasts thy building ere thou build thy iourney ere thou trauell So oft remember how thou maist dye well since thou must die and that is by liuing well whilest thou here runnest the short race of thy life A good man like a good Tree brings forth fruit tempore suo in his due time and season this Life time is tempus tuum thy time Death is tempus suum Gods time therefore begin to mend the ship of thy soule in the hauen in thy health not in the tempest of sickenesse not in the Sea of death I end my counsell as I begun this life is as short as sinfull therefore spend it well 2 Point Secondly in that Simeon here desires his departing Life is laborious Miserable the nature of the word signifying a loosing or an vnyoaking being a Metaphor taken from Oxen loosed out of the yoke after labour or from Prisoners set at libertie may well and warrantably administer vnto vs the consideration of the nature of that life which wee leade to be as miserable as mortall as laborious to the body as dolorous to the minde as also it may open our eyes to see something more clearely into the nature of death vvith his bounties and benefits in that it is not onely a curber of Sinne but a curer of Crosses an vnlooser from labours For the first that whether you call it a curse or a command which was imposed on the first man that in the sweate of his browes hee should eate his bread till hee returned to his earth from whence hee came Gen. 3.19 all mans seede since in their seuerall generations haue beene exposed to Doe wee not feele yet the smart of the forbidden fruit Are not our teeth set on edge by it Are not all things vnder the Sunne full of labour Are not the workes of Grace the workes of Nature painefull the actions of the body the actions of the minde the operations of the soule and spirit laborious Is it not a paine to pray a paine to repent a paine to study to contemplate to discusse to discourse to number to diuide Is it not painefull to write to indite to preach to counsell to exhort to perswade disswade vrge moue Let euery knowing man and experienced spirit speake Are not workes manuall and mechanicall painefull euen as the Arts liberall are Is it not paine to plow delue digge sow mow to work in Coale works Mettall-mines in brick and clay is an Aegyptian bondage Nay is there not onus as well as honos a labour as well as an honour in euery Calling Are not Princes and superiour Magistrates Gouernours in houses Colledges and Corporations like the heauenly Bodies as much in motion and labour as in veneration Vertues vices pleasures profits riches pouertie vvanton youth couetous old age all haue their burthens What callings without their crosses from the Scepter to the Sheepe-hooke what sexe without his sorrow No place is priuiledged from foure things Whither shall a man flye 1. from Sathan tempting 2. from the vanitie of his owne heart 3. from the bitings of venemous tongues 4. and from the crosses of the world I haue oft thought if there were any place in the foure parts of the world to auoid these foure thither to flye but there is no Asilum or Sanctuarie from them or any of tnem vnder the Cope of Heauen These alwayes follow as the shadow the body and like proud Tarquin in Rome challenge a perpetuall Dictatorship in the whole life of man What day sets ouer our head without his euill eyther of Sinne or Punishment Adam must eate his bread in his browes sweate Cunctis diebus all his dayes in hear and sweat toyling and moyling man must wearie his body and weaken his spirits till hee keepe his eternall Sabbath in Heauen Bring me the man that hath not yet drunke of the common cup of humane calamities incident to life and I shall more admire him then the Graecians did Achilles that could not be wounded I neuer read of any but Policrates who was thought to be without the Gun-shotte of Fortune by the deluded Heathens yet his death was as dolorous as his life prosperous I am sure mitred Popes crowned Kings inuested Emperours tryumphant Conquerours haue seene the turning of Sesostris wheele and haue experienced so many miseries that they haue cryed out some of them Miserum est fuisse foelicem it is a miserie to haue beene happy others solus viues Vacia that the priuate life of Vacia the Romane was farre safer then their publique guilded guilefull pompe others with Cyrus and Augustus haue thought the Regall Crowne not vvorth stooping for others haue left voluntarily their Courts and Palaces for secure and penitent Cels. If wee had no moe examples of the miseries of greatnesse eyther by birth bloud command Examples of humane calamities or desart then in Nabuchadnezzers deiection amongst Beasts being one of the greatest of men in Manasses his imprisonment in Sampsons grinding in the Mill in Agag hewed in peices in Adonizebecks eating crummes like a Dogge vnder his enemies Table in Alexander poysoned and left vnburied in Caesar stabbed by his pretended friends in Bellizarius a blinde Beggar after his Conquests in Baiazets Iron Cage in Socrates and Seneca's poysoning in Cleopatra's Iezabel's Agrippina's and other infamously famous Queenes and Queanes perishing to omit all the rest in this kinde it might verifie the Paradoxe that Humana vita non est vitae sed calamitas Mans life is no life Vita vix vitalis an imaginarie life and a reall calamitie in which anni pauci aerumna multae the yeeres are
these and these particulars before their deaths Thirdly the godly expresse the hidden ioy The last words of holy men are holy and inward peace which they finde within their soules by their seasoned and sanctified words of grace which they breathe out as a sweet Perfume from holy hearts to the refreshing of others vpon their sicke beds with which they vsually winde vp the thread of their life words so good so gracious that they are worthy to be writ in Letters of Gold and for euer to be remembred as they are recorded in the sacred Cannon and collected by holy men from the Saints of latter times For example vvhat a sweet gratulatory speech is this of Simeons in his farewell to the world Lord now lettest thou thy Seruant depart in peace c. Euery word hauing his waight and Emphasis Ponder the last Sermons that Moses and Ioshuah and Samu●l these faithfull Seruants of the Lord made immediately before their deaths vnto the Israelites Gods chosen people how zealously they perswade to the seruice of the true God disswade from Idolatrie and false Gods enumerate Gods speciall mercies exhort to obedience dehort from rebellion against God and their Superiours proclaime the promises to the obedient pronounce mercies to allure denounce iudgements to terrifie the disobedient blessing GOD by gratulatory Songs for his benefits and blessing the people in their Tribes Deut. 32. ch 33. Iosh 12. 1 Sam. 12. and a man shall see the peace they had in their hearts by the grace of their lips The last words of Iacob were blessings and prophecies Of Ioseph were admonitions and cautions the one to his Sonnes the other to his Brethren See 1 Sam. 22. 23.1 Gen. 49. Gen. 50. The last words of Dauid were his charge to Salomon his Son concerning Gods worship and the gouernement of his Kingdome 1 Kings 2. vers c. The last words of Steuen the first Martyr after CHRIST were prayers for his Persecutors Lord lay not this sinne to their charge Acts 7.60 Last words reuealed of the Theefe on the Crosse Gregorie that bonus Latro good Theefe that so happily stole Paradise were Lord remember mee when thou commest into thy Kingdome Luke 23. The seauen last words that Christ spoke vpon the Crosse to the Daughters of Ierusalem to his virgin Mother to his beloued Disciple Iohn to God his Father De Passione to the penitent Theefe as recorded by the Euangelists explained by Ferus Nabumius and Gueuarra these and all these of holy men in the sacred Cannon Mons Caluariae and of Christ himselfe as one speakes of Cyprians Epistles referunt pectus ardore plenum shew their deaths were full of peace as their liues were full of grace If I should instance in all the rest of this kinde and set downe at large What speeches the Saints haue vttered in their deaths the gracious words like Apples of Gold in Pictures of Siluer that haue proceeded out of the mouthes of Saints euen when they lay vpon their sicke couches drawing their last breath testifying their faith in Christ their hope of Heauen their zeale for Gods glory their sorrow for sinne their sealed pardon Or when they were to be martyred and sacrificed by fire as they are collected and recorded by Ecclesiasticall Authors Eusebius Nicephorus Apotheg morientium the tripartite History the Centuries Mr. Foxe his Martyrologie Grineus Mr. Perkins and others to whom I referre you It would easily appeare that where the Premisses are Grace in Life the Conclusion will be Peace in Death Let vs chew the cudde in the Meditation of some particulars How to dye well Euseb lib. 3. cap. 30. Idem lib 4 c. 15. The last words of Peter in his crucifying death were thus to his wife O Coniux memento Domini Oh Wife remember the Lord Iesus Of Polycarpus were prayses and prayers Of Cyprian Salus mea virtus mea Christus Dominus Christ the Lord is my strength and my saluation Of Ambrose Nec pudet viuere nec piget mori c. I neyther am ashamed to liue nor grudge to dye because I haue a good Iesus both in life and death Of Augustine Paulin. in eius vita It is no great matter that wood and stones fall and ruine or that mortall men dye vsing that sentence of Dauids Psalmes which also Mauritius the Emperour vsed Possidon in eius vita Oswaldus Miconius de Zwinglio anno 1536. when hee was slaine by Phocas his Centurion Iust is the Lord and righteous is his iudgement Zwinglius thus when hee was wounded in the wars mortally Well goe to they may kill my body my soule they cannot Erasmus dying in the house of Ierome Strobenius breathed out his soule crying thus Chare Deus c. Deare God oh God my mercy deliuer me make an end oh Christ and saue mee Peter Martyr saith Simler and Bullinger that were present at his departure confessed his faith acknowledged Christ his Sauiour expounded and applyed Scriptures exhorted his Brethren and in his death was wholy diuine Obijt an● Christi 1564. So was Oecolampad●● that burning Lampe in Gods house who supplyed with the oyle of grace gaue a wondrous light euen in his death as appeares by Grineus his Epistles to Fabritius Capito and others Luthers death resounds ioyfull prayses for Gods reuelation of the truth vnto him and victory ouer the Romish Antichrist Caluin as Beza reports that heard him with Dauids heart dyes not speaking but sighing out Dauids Psalmes * See a little Book from the Martirologie gathered called The deaths of holy Martyres Ridley Latimer Hooper Saunders with many moe constant Professors dyed desirous of the fire saluting the Stake professing their Faith confirming their Brethren and calling vpon God If I should ascend a little higher How great men haue liued and dyed good men and looke into the sicke Couches of Emperours Kings Queenes Dukes Earles Nobles which like those Boreans Acts 17. were truely noble indeed I should occasion you to magnifie Gods mercies in calling some great ones vvho by their workes and words as liuing so dying testified that their Graces did equalize their Greatnesse I might instance in Charles the fift in Theodosius the great in Maximilian the second in Stephen King of Poland in Fredericks the third Prince Elector in Ferdinand in Queene Anne Bullen in Ioahn Gray the Duke of Suffolks Daughter with diuers of others To omit the last words of Chrysostome dying in his exile of deuout Bernard of Ignatius the Martyr of these Belgicke Lights Phillip Melancthon Tremellius Musculus c. with ma●y moe some whereof thankefully recording the benefits they had receiued from God in life spirituall and temporall some pouring out their soules for the good of the Church which they haue bequeathed vnto Christ some discoursing of the vanities of this life of the fruits of sinne of the miseries of man some reioycing in the Spirit for the mitigation
greater and grosser more pleasing and more profitable sins when thou wilst Canst thou not leaue such sinnes which thou maist as well spare as the dirt from thy nayles namely thy vaine words thy oathes and blasphemies and canst thou leaue these that haue nearer allyance with thee and stand thee in more stead Is an inueterate sore a long raigning Disease so soone cured Is that Diuell that hath taken long possession so soone cast out Can the Aethyopian leaue his blacknesse and the Leopard his skinne then will it be easie for thee to doe well that still accustomest thy selfe to doe euill Besides thou thinkest thou canst repent when thou wilst Thou maist as well imagine that if thou wert dead thou couldst reuiue and liue againe when thou wilt for a wicked man is a dead man liuing in the life naturall dead in the life spirituall thou maist as well thinke to worke a Miracle when thou wilt for it is no greater Miracle to raise a dead body as Christ did Lazarus then to raise a dead soule None can repent when hee will to turne stones into flesh then a stony heart into a fleshie that can repent Indeed if Repentance were in thine owne power there were policie in it to deferre this fight with sinne as Fabritius lingred to fight with his enemies and still to taste the sweet of sinne but it is not in thy power to repent it is the gift of God Acts 5. ver 31. from whom this grace and all other come Iames 1.17 I but thou hast Scripture for thy purpose so hath the Diuell his Scriptum est is it not written saith the ignorant Lay-man or the carnall Cauiller that remembers no other Text but this which hee wisely vrgeth to his owne destruction that At what time soeuer a sinner repents from the bottome of his heart the Lord will be mercifull c. It is true that at what time the sinner repents hee shall be pardoned as Mary Magdalene the Publican and others were but the Lord saith not that at what time soeuer a sinner sinnes hee will giue him Repentance Aug. Qui dat poenitenti veniam nescis an dabit peccanti poenitentiam Repentance is the gift of Grace it comes not from Nature a stone hath as much power to mount vp to the Church Steeple of it selfe as a wicked man to repent of himselfe Therefore dally not with sin be not deceiued God is not mocked If thou couldst leaue the traffique and commerce with sinne when thou wouldest and repent from thy heart sinne might vvith greater shew be retained and with lesse danger but since the longer thou continuest in it the more thy heart is hardened since as the Prophet speakes of Wine and Women so euery other sinne takes away the heart Ose 11. and makes it incapable of any Christian dutie let it be thy wisedome as Daniel councels Nabuchadnezzar to breake off thy sinnes betimes leaue sinne ere it leaue thee beginne at length to liue ere thou dye for as Similis once said of himselfe though thou seest many yeeres thou liuest but those that are piously and penitently spent Now redeeme the time which thou hast misspent now is thy Haruest lead home now prouide against the rainy day of thy last day now in the calme of life arme thy selfe against the tempest of death Oh it will be too late to thinke of leading a good life when life is ended too late to buy after the Market is done too late to traffique after the Mart too late to saile when the Tyde is past and the Sea is rough therefore prepare a medicine before the wound Sero Medicina paratur Heare not the voyce of the Serpent Eritis sicut Dij you shall be like Gods to puffe you vp with pride but feare and beleeue the voice of God Moriemini yee shall dye like men for this death prepare betimes now is the acceptable time now is thy time thy day thy houre thy visitation now the voyce cals Christ knockes the Angell moues the waters Moses and the Prophets perswade the shortnesse of thy life multitude of thy sinne difficultie of repenting thy Houre-glasse running time spending thy former fruitlesse liuing danger of deferring death approaching all vrge moue pleade for a conuerted soule a holy heart a renued life that thou maist dye a blessed death finde a ioyfull resurrection and inioy a happy glorification Lastly to conclude this Text for this time Doctrine and so this Worke hauing exceeded my purposed and proposed breuitie let mee onely offer vnto your considerations this meditation that there is a direct and a certaine method and rule as of liuing so of dying well There is a way laid downe in the word to a blessed death so plaine so perspicuous that some haue vvrit vvhole Tractaites of this subiect from whose Haruest I will not be ashamed to gleane something as Ruth out of the field of Booz and insert their eares into this Garland borrowing some few grounds of him whom I heard as a Master out of Moses Chaire liuing * Mr. Perkins Mr. Sutton in his Booke Learne to Dye and reuerence dying If any therefore demaund in this great and maine poynt of all poynts what course hee is to take that with old Simeon he may die in peace for Resolution of this case of Conscience I say that to dye well there are two things requisite A preparation before death and A right disposition in death This Preparation is two-folde generall and speciall generall is that whereby a man prepares himselfe to dye throughout the whole course of his life to this the Scripture continually exhorts when it inioynes vs straitly to watch and pray to awake from sleepe to prepare to meete the Bridegroome to be in a readinesse euery day like Souldiers that expect their Generall against the second comming of CHRIST to Iudgement not to haue our hearts oppressed with surfetting and drunkennesse and the cares of the world least that day come vpon vs vnprouided as the theefe vpon the carelesse housholder as the snare vpon the Bird as the Floud vpon the old world as fire vpon Sodome as desolation vpon Ierusalem A thing that stands vs all much vpon as a dutie not to be omitted First Death is certaine yet vncertaine because of that vncertaine certaintie that is in death certaine for the matter as before we haue proued vncertaine both in respect of the Time when which none knowes whither morning euening midnight or Cocke crow in Winter Summer Spring or Autumne Secondly in respect of Place for none knowes where whether at home or abroad by Sea or by Land in his bed or in the field Dauid dyed in his bed Ionathan in the field the deceiued Prophet and Amasa in the high-way Abner at the Court Icarus Helle Aegaeus by Sea from whom the Aegean and Icarian Sea and Hellespont were named three Popes Iohn the first Iohn the foureteenth and Caelestine the fift dyed in prison nay some
Ridiculous and Childish Oathes as by Fay How to leaue the damnable custome of Swearing Fakins Trokins Bodikins Slid Sounds Cocke and Pye with the like whereby thou seekest to mocke and deceiue God who will not be mocked Gal. 6. Thirdly then invre thy selfe to leaue thy Superstitious Oathes as by the Masse Rood Crosse by our Lady and by Popish Saints c. Fourthly so proceede against thy Heathenish and Idolatrous Oathes in swearing by the Creatures as Laban and Iezabel by their Idols Gen. 31 53. 1 Kings 19. verse 2. as by men by S. Peter and by S. Iohn c. by the Heauens the Earth by Fire Sunne the Light Meate Drinke Money c. or by the parts of thy body as Hands or the like or by thy Soule all condemned Mat. 5. ver 34. Iames 5.12 And so with a courage set vpon thy impious horrible fearefull damnable blasphemous Oathes as by the Lord by God the eternall God by Christ by Iesus and such like or by the parts and adiuncts of Christ by tearing his Humanitie as the Iewes did his body by diuiding him as the Souldiers did his garments Mat. 27.35 in blasphemie by his Death Passion Life Soule Bloud Flesh Heart Wounds Bones Sides Guts Armes Foote Nayles c. of all which I tremble and quake to thinke write and speak● though thou makest no more scruple of such Hell-bred Oathes then of thy ordinary words so deale with all other sinnes of which thy soule is as full as a Serpent is full of venome and a Toade of poyson Crucifie them by degrees and dye to them daily else thou dyest for euer if thou dye 〈◊〉 in them By this course thou shalt take away the sting of Death which is Sinne for the strength of Death is Sinne 1 Cor. 15. euen as the strength of Sampson laid in his hayre Iudg. 16.17 which sinne when it is subdued Death it selfe is as easily conquered as weakened Sampson was by the Philistines verse 21. yea it can doe thee no more harme then a Dragon Viper or angry Waspe which haue lost their stings Secondly dye daily to the world Secondly dye to the world loue it not nor the things of it that so thou maist more happily dye out of the world and more hopefully entertaine thoughts of a better world And in this case doe as Runners vse who oft runne ouer the Race before they runne for the Wager that so they may be better invred and acquainted when they come to try their abilitie or as is said of Belney the Martyr that being to suffer by fire many dayes before he would hold his hand a pretty while in the flame so to prepare himselfe to sustaine the paines of Martyrdome which he was to vnder-goe Thirdly Beare crosses patiently Thirdly dye daily by invting thy selfe to take Crosses and Afflictions patiently as sickenesses in body troubles in minde losse of goods of friends and of good name c. which indeede are little deaths euen pettie deaths not onely Prologues of death but Preparatiues to death for which cause GOD sends them to his children more then to the wicked euen to weane them from the world and prepare them for death as the Nurse weanes the Childe from the Teate by doing bitter Aloes vpon it and sure he that beares Crosses most patiently is well prepared to dye peaceably as appeares by S. Paul 1 Cor. 15.31 who by making good vse of afflictions dyed daily it holding commonly that Mors post crucem minor est Death is lesse dolorous after the crosse Fourthly Prayer oft preuailes for a peaceable departure Fourthly pray seriously for a peaceable departure it is confirmed by examples of all ages and experience of all Gods Seruants that hee that prayes well speedes well Iacob and Abrahams Seruant had Gods blessings vpon their Iourneyes as an effect of their Prayers Gen. 24. Gen. 27. Thou shalt finde Gods presence euen in that houre of the last iourneying of thy soule from her earthly Mansion to her heauenly Country if thou pray for this grace particularly and effectually therefore as thou oughtest to pray continually for other a Lu. 18.1 Eph. 6.18 things 18 Things to be prayed for that death may be prosperous so euen in health and prosperitie pray frequently and feruently 1. That God would make this backeward repugnant and nilling nature of thine willing to her dissolution 2. Prepare thy vnprepared soule 3. Subdue thy corruptions 4. Purge out the drosse of thy sinnes 5. Giue the patience to kisse his correcting Rod when hee whips by sicknesse or diseases 6. Succour thee in thy last and greatest conflict 7. Support thy weaknes 8. Aide thee against Sathans force and fraud 9. Strengthen thy Faith 10. Renew thy decayed graces 11. Giue thee the power and comfort of his owne Spirit 12. Not to visit thy sinnes in Iustice but in Mercy 13. To preserue thy soule from the Hunter and thy darling from the Lyon 14. To giue his Angels charge ouer thee in thy extremitie 15. To keepe thee from 1. Impatiencie 2. Frenzie 3. Distraction 4. Idle fancies 5. Rauing 6. Raging 7. Blaspheming c. least thy death be scandalous 16. To touch thy tongue with a coale from the Altar that thou maist speake 1. to Gods glory 2. and to Edification 17. To dye the death of the righteous 18. Lastly to receiue thy soule into that new Ierusalem which is aboue Such Prayers we haue vpon record in holy Writ as of Dauid Psal 39. and Moses Psal 90. true patternes of our Prayers in this kinde And sure who euer approacheth oft to the throne of Grace and supplicates to a pittifull God from faith and feeling in these and the like petitions he shall be sure to finde an answere from God euen when hee lyes vpon his sicke-bed as the fruit of his former desires Besides that his former acquaintance with God in speaking to him and talking as it were with him oft-times in life by Prayer will increase in the sicke Patient euen a holy boldnesse in a filiall feare to come to that God as one friend to another in extremitie with whom he hath so oft conuersed and conferred with by the Word and Prayer in health and prosperitie Fiftly that thou maist depart in peace make sure to thy soule the inheritance of life eternall euen here in this thy life naturall for as worldlings are something at quiet vvhen they haue made sure such houses lands leases and purchases as they haue long gaped after so assurance of life eternall is the onely pacification to the spirituall man this is the lot the portion and inheritance that his soule longs after the estate that hee preferres before all the flesh-pots of Aegypt or the Iewels of Aegypt Now for the purchase of a fixed place in the heauenly Canaan thou must prouide these treasures 1. sauing Knowledge 2. Faith 3. Sanctification of more price vvith God then Gold Pearle and precious Stones with men For the first
because God thy Physitian prescribes it for goods ends 15 As this thy sickenesse cures many sins so causarily and occasionedly it preuents many to which thy nature is inclined How many doe liue and lye and snort in sinne soyling their soules with all manner of pollutions that it were better for them to be sicke in their beds How many profane a Heb. 12. Esaw's b Luke 15. prodigall young men loose Libertines like c Ier. 5.8 Horses are neighing after their neighbours Wiues like d Prou. 7.7 Salomons Foole are watching the twilight to sleepe in the house of the strange woman following e Verse 22. her like an Oxe to the slaughter to the very Chamber of Death How f Verse 27. many are drinking daily in Ale-houses Hell-houses or Tauernes in their Germaine healths following the sinnes of g Ezek. 16. Sodome Idlenesse and fulnesse of bread and fulnesse of drinke to like Epicures and Belly-gods till they breake out into all excesse of Riot Blasphemies Oathes Beastialities Swaggerings Swearings Raylings Reuilings h Pro. 23.29 Fightings and Bloud-sheds whose states were better to haue sober soules in sicke bodies then to haue defiled and damned soules in such pampered bodies i Esay 5.11 that are strong to drinke Wine and to poure in new Wine till they be inflamed How many are scraping and scrawling and scratching for this earth in which they wroote and digge like Moales and Swine till they open a pit from which they leape into Hell selling their soules for the Mammon of iniquitie like k Mat. 26.15 Iudas and Demas whose bodies if they were more sickely perhaps their soules would be more healthy and holy and their estate more happy How many Country-men ride and runne like mad men vp and downe to the Citie and in the Citie for the tearme of life from the Innes of Court to Westminster not sparing the very Sabbath to effect their couetous or malicious plots against their neighbours who were safer at home sicke in their beds then here to imploy their strong bodyes and politique pates in the Diuels Office to be accusers and tormenters of their Brethren The Whore that hunts for the precious soule of a man the Theefe that waytes like a Lyon in his Denne to catch his prey the Vsurer that bites to the bones and deuoures the flesh the l Pro. 21.17 Gamester that holds a false Plough the Player and the Pander and all the rest of Sathans Factors that exchange his sinnes for soules liuing in vnlawfull callings vpon the sinnes of the people how much better had it beene for them that their Mothers vvombes had beene their perpetuall beds and graues or that they were all their life time imprisoned in their priuate Chambers tyed to their couches with the cords of sickenesse then to runne head-long in such courses to hell strong and liuely where they shall be chained and pained eternally in the bottomlesse pit Besides how many abuse their outward members and senses in the seruice of sinne and Sathan whose case would be easier in iudgement if they had neuer had them or by diseases were depriued of them The vnchaste Eye that lusts after a woman the window that lets lusts into the soule were it not better pluckt out Oh that Sampson Sichem Potiphars wife and Dauid had beene blinde then when they beheld those beauties that vvere there banes Those whose feete are ready to shed bloud swift to euill as Hazael speedy to runne to sinne how good were it for them to be lame those that haue hands to perpetrate mischiefe were better their hands vvere withered like Ieroboams Oh what a blessing were it to be dumbe to those whose tongues being set on fire on hell are a world of vvickednesse polluting eyther the Name the Word and Workes of GOD by oathes and blasphemies so obliging their guilty soules to condemnation and swift vengeance 2. or the good name of their neighbours by slanders and calumnies 3. or their chastities by filthy and rotten speeches How much better were it for our riotous Libertines and licentious Gentlemen that liue here like the Athenians to doe nothing but heare or see or tell new things to be deafe without eares then to drinke in daily such deadly infection through that sense as the Spunge suckes water from soule-poysoning Playes Now how mercifull is God to thee not onely by this crosse to mortifie sinne in the inward affection but to restraine and refraine thee from the very outward action 16 This thy sickenesse it glorifies God it tends to the glory of God thou art not punished because God hates thee aboue others for those vpon whom the Tower of Siloh fell were no greater sinners then the rest Lu. Neyther did thou or thy Parents perhaps sinne aboue others as Christ said of the blinde man Iohn 9.3 but that the glory of God might appeare both the glory of his power free-will in creating thee so Esay 45. v. 6. v. 9. Esd 4. as also the glory of his might and his mercy in curing thee for so all the miraculous cures that the Lord wrought in the old or new Testament did tend to his owne glory both in the thankefull gratulations of his Saints for them as in their ioyfull promulgations and declarations of them Thus Dauid and m Esay 38.9.10 c. Ezekias in their Eucharisticall Hymnes and Songs of deliuerance after their sicknesse n 2 Kings 5.15 Iohn 9.17 Mat. 8. Luk. 17.16 Naaman his acknowledgement and confession of the true God of Israell the sicke of the Palsie healed the blinde man cured the Centurions seruant recouered the Samaritan cleansed confessing their sinnes proclayming Christs mercies and divulging the Miracles were instruments of Gods glory 17 These thy Maladies are no arguments that God hates thee for in this nature or some other God chasteneth euery Sonne whom he receiueth None euer eyther Patriarkes Prophets or Apostles went to heauen out of the crosse way Mat. 22. by which CHRIST himselfe went to glory Therefore as Christ to shew his loue pittie and compassion to the diseased and distressed inuited the halt blinde and lame to his great Supper and wils others to inuite them to their feasts so hee himselfe will accept them in his Kingdome as he did Lazarus These Cordials may be applyed to euery ordinary visitation but if thy paines be permanent and thy dolours extreame and durable yet thus reuiue thy fainting spirits and strengthen thy selfe by these Meditations 18 THat at furthest they can but continue this short and transitory course of this life they shall expire with death thy dayes flye as fast as the Bird in the ayre the Ship in the Sea the Arrow out of a Bow or the swiftest things in Nature Now thy Diseases are designed vvithin the limits of this briefe and brittle life they haue their date in thy death at which time they bid thee adiew neuer to returne but ioyes to succeede 19
Secondly they are nothing in comparison of those pure Coelestiall blessed and eternall ioyes in Heauen vvhich vvee haue before mentioned as they are in the Word reuealed so sweet so great that all the Arithmeticians in the vvorld cannot number them nor all the Geometritians measure them nor all the Logitians define them nor the tongues of Men and Angels describe them nay if I were all tongue as Saint Iohn vvas all voyce I could not expresse them as thou shalt experimentally feele them after thy paynes haue here their period vvhen thy vvarfare is accomplished therefore endure this rod for a time since thou art an Heyre for euer 20. Thou art freed surely by Faith in CHRIST from eternall death and the paines of hell which are fearefull in respect of the place horrible in all the diuersities of punishments painefull in the varietie of plagues ineffable invtterable endlesse and infinite in the continuation of time blesse God for this exemption for this redemption Comforts against the vnkindenesse of mercilesse friends Obiection OH but this addes griefe to thy paynes that thy Friends are vnkinde vnto thee in this thy distresse and thou art destitute of comforters none compassionates thy extremities Answ 1. This must not seeme strange vnto thee thy case is not singular in this kinde but vsuall and ordinary Friends like Swallowes sing and make merry vvith thee lodge and lye with thee in the Summer of prosperitie but take their sodaine and farre flight in the Winter of aduersitie it made the vvise Heathen exclayme Oh friends no friends 2 The Saints haue had this measure Did not good Iob finde his three friends miserable comforters in his greatest exigents Was there any more comfort in them a Iob 5.13.14 then water in a stone or oyle in a flint they were as a brooke dried vp Dauid had some experience in this case when by reason of Sauls persecution euen his Father his Mother and Brethren so farre forsooke him his Companion that ate meate with him was so treacherous to him that hee was left as destitute of true friends as the naked Bird of feathers his friends few his enemies many Psal 69. v. 8. ver 21. Psal 22.12 Psal 25.17.18 Psal 69.4 3 Christ himselfe was reiected not onely of Herod and his Courtiers Luke 23. ver 11. of the Scribes and Pharisies See Psal Psal 69.21.22 applyed to Christ c. but euen maliced of his owne Brethren Iohn 7. v. 3.4 yea forsaken of many of his Disciples together Iohn 6.66 of all in his Passion except Iohn Mat. 14.50 denied of Peter b Luke 22.57.58 betrayed of Iudas c. Mat. 26.49 4 There is vsually hatred amongst the nearest friends by nature euen in prosperous estate much more in distresse thus Caine hates his Brother Abel Gen. 4.8 Ismael persecutes Isaack Gen. 4.29 Esau Iacob Gen. 27. ver 41. Cham mockes Noah c Gen. 9.22 when the old man was ouer-seene in Wine Michelf 2 Sam. 6.20 mocks Dauid ouer-spent in zeale and Iobs breath did smell distastfully euen to the Wife of his owne bosome 5 Though the arme of flesh and thy carnall friends forsake thee yet GOD will not reiect g Psal 9.10 Psal 51.17 thee hee careth for thy soule his loue is more constant and continuall the Lord vvill neuer despise thee nor fayle thee if thou beest of an humble and contrite heart but Christ and his Father vvill come in vnto thee and dwell with thee if thou hearest his voyce and opened the dore of thy heart to entertaine and retaine them Ponder these places and chew the cud vpon these Promises Esay 66.2 57.15 Psal 51.17 Reu. 3.20 Iohn 14 23. yea hee hath sworne that hee will neuer fayle thee nor forsake thee h I●sh 1.5 Heb. 13.6 Thus when Christs friends and fauourites i Luke 22.43.46 eyther sleepe or flye or faint an Angell comes to comfort him from heauen so when hee was alone in the Wildernesse k Mat. 4.11 This is Dauids comfort let it be thine though Father and Mother forsake thee yet the Lord taketh thee vp Psal 27.10 Hee is thy God and thy saluation Psal 18.1 Therefore liue by faith Hab. 2 4. Heb. 10.38 6 If thy friends haue receiued kindnesse of thee before time and now they forget thee which grieues thee the more First examine thine heart vvhether thou hast not first beene by committing and continuing such and such sinnes vnthankefull and vnkinde to thy GOD after so many sinnes pardoned so many mercies receiued so many comforts renued so many crosses remoued c. Secondly Gods dearest ones haue beene more stung vvith this viperous generation then euer thou wast as Christ with Iudas l Iohn 18.5 a Disciple m Act. 1.16 v. 25. a Diuell a Viper in his owne bosome n Psal 41.9 Ioh. 13.18 Pharaohs Butler was vngratefull and vnmindefull of o Gen. 40.23 Ioseph and his affliction euen after his restitution the Israelites of Gideon killing with Abimelech his seauentie sonnes Iudg. Thirdly what euer man doe God is a faithfull rewarder of all that are his being not vnmindefull of the fruits of thy Faith eyther in the workes of Pietie towards him or of Charitie towards thy Brethren 7 God hath elected thee and chosen thee before all time to life and glory therefore care not though man reiect thee 1 Iohn 3.1 8 Though thou canst not see thy friends here with comfort yet ere long thou shalt see GOD as hee is 1 Iohn 3.2 Preparatiues against Pouertie BEcause that Pouertie as it is intollerable to the carnall man driuing him eyther to despayre in God or to murmure against God or to take some base and sinister courses against his owne soule so it is burthensome to the carnall part of a Christian chiefely concurring with sicknesse when Family-charges growing strength to labour in his calling fayling diseases increasing friends shrinking backe the meanes of his maintenance fayles for which cause the wise Agur prayed against it Prou. 30. v. 9. let these considerations moue thee yet to take vp this crosse patiently and to follow Christ 1 Because it is the prouidence of God that thou shouldest be poore the Lord hath tempered these two estates so in this life riches and pouertie that they may be both to his glory The rich and the poore meete together the Lord is the maker of them all Prou. 22.2 Prou. 29.13 He will haue the rich and poore mingled together here Lazarus and Diues Luke 16. euen as hee will haue Sheepe and Goates Corne and Tares good and bad together as the Israelites and Aegyptians dwelt together a Gen. 47.27 till that great day of seperation b Mat. 25.33.34 therefore submit thy heart and subiect thy soule to the will the worke the pleasure and the prouidence of God 2 Thy case is not singular nor thy crosse alone there are thousands at this day that drinke deeper in this