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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02614 The baptizing of a Turke A sermon preached at the Hospitall of Saint Katherin, adioyning vnto her Maiesties Towre the 2. of October 1586. at the baptizing of one Chinano a Turke, borne at Nigropontus: by Meredith Hanmer, D. of Diuinitie. Hanmer, Meredith, 1543-1604. 1586 (1586) STC 12744; ESTC S103823 33,234 90

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onely by vnderstanding and therefore the wise and sages of olde had a greater desire to expresse the felicity of the soule then of the body the which bodely felicity though it were graunted them yet they regarded not neither esteemed it in comparison of the felicitie which is coupled with the principall veritie His loose doctrine of marriages his abuse of fasting and his description of Paradise spoken of before deliuer vnto vs that there is herein small difference between Epicurisme Atheisme Mahometisme The glutton in the gospel that was cloathed in purple fine white and fared delitiously euery day sheweth vnto vs how God fauoureth accepteth of such people The kingdome of God saith the Apostle Is not meate nor drinke but righteousnes and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost for whosoeuer in these things serueth Christ herein the true felicitye consisteth is acceptable vnto God and approoued of men Satan the schoolemaster of Mahomet shewed a glotonous disposition when he would haue had the stones to be made bread His disciple must content himself w t the answer made vnto y e maister Man liueth not by bread onely but by euery worde that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord. Our sauiour saith the true worshippers shal worship the father not in corporal delights pleasurs In spirit truth this is y e maner For the father requireth euen such to worship him Again an argumēt reduced of y e nature of God God is a spirite and they that worshippe him must worship him in spirit truth And y t I maye deliuer the whole vnto you in few wordes perfect felicitie consisteth in knowing of God in beleeuing in God in louing of God and enioying of God warraunted by the wordes of our Sauiour This is life euerlasting that they knowe thee to bee the onely very God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. Thirdly y e law of Mahomet was established through wiles deceit subteltie lies therfore y e law of Mahomet is a most wicked religion First he hauing y e falling sicknes perswaded his wife others y t it was the power of God the presence of the Angel Gabriell that fel him Sergius the hereticall Monke was at hande bare false witnes to y e same saith Zonaras He told them y t the tame Doue which hee taught to feede at his eare was sometime an Angell sometime the holy ghost He had three leude companions to deuise face out lies w t him Whē he perceiued y e mē gaue eare vnto him he framed that the Angel Gabriell had caried him to Ierusalem and thence to haue lifted him vp to heauen there to haue learned the secrets of his law He made y e Saracens beleeue saith Antoninus y t before God made y e world there was written in the throne of God there is no god but y e god of Mahomet whē he had framed his Alcoran boūd it vp faire he caused secretly a wild Asse to be takē the book to be bound about his necke as he preached vnto y e people vpon a sodain he stood amazed as if some great secretie were reuealed vnto him from aboue He brake out tolde y e people Behold god hath sent you a law from heauen go to such a desert there ye shal find an Asse a book tied about his neck The people ran in great hast they found it so as he had said They take the Asse they bring the book they honor the prophet Touching diuorced seperated wiues he tolde y e Saracens he had receiued a paper from heauē He vsed south-saying diuination the which at Fessa a Citie of Mauritama vnto this day is called Zarragia He persuaded his folowers that at y e end of y e world he should be trāsformed into the forme of a mightie Ram full of lockes long fleeces of wool And that all that held of his Law shoulde bee as fleas shrooding themselues in his fleeces and that he would iumpe into heauen and so conuay them all thither These and suche like were his sleightes and vntruthes without warrauntize of Gods word without reason and probable shew of truth Satan being coniured to deliuer the truth of the Alcoran of Mahomet saide that therin were comprised twelue thousand lies and the rest was truth by all likelihood very little In the like respect God threatneth Israel saying The Prophet that shall presume to speake a word many name which I haue not commaunded him to speake or that speaketh in the name of other Gods euen the same Prophet shall die And if thou thinke in thine heart how shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken When a Prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord if the thing follow not nor come to passe that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken but the Prophet hath spoken it presumptuously If we apply this rightly vnto Mahomet wee shall not finde any one thing in veritie and truth the whiche hee spake that came to passe but whatsoeuer hee wroughte was thorough wiles fraude and subteltie let his prophecie of his assention after his death bee a president for all whiche was not performed Fourthly the law of Mahomet was thrust in by secular power force of armes by battels bloudshed therfore the law of Mahomet is a most wicked religion Paulus Diaconus writeth y t he spent ten yeares in Armes subduing to his raigne compelling to his religion thereof writeth Mathew Paris in this sort The law of the Saracens the deuill inditing the same by the ministery of Sergius the Monke heretick Mahomet wrote in the Arabike tōgue taught them A gladio cepit per gladium tenetur in gladio terminatur It began of the sworde it is helde by the sworde it is finished or ended in the sword Mahomets own words vnto y e Saracēs are these Non sum cū miraculis aut indicijs ad vos missꝰ sed in gladio rebelles puniturus c. I am not sēt vnto you with miracles signs but with the sword to punish suche as resist me If any therefore receaue not my prophecy precept wil not willingly enter into this our faith if he be vnder our iurisdiction he shall die or be cōpelled to pay tribute the price of his incredulity so liue They that are not of this faith dwel in other countries I charge commaūd that opē warrs be proclaimed armor taken against them vntill they bee cōstrained to turne vnto the faith They that will not consent vnto our doctrine shall die the death their wiues and children shalbee committed to perpetuall slauerie to our Gallies The Scythians from whence these Turkes came are an impatient kind of people Whē they warred vnder Heraclius the Emperour against the king of Persia they were too too ernest for their pay
The prophets of olde arrogated not any such name or title vnto themselues but by long tract of time their holinesse of lifs the wonders they wrought and the truth of Gods word which they deliuered declared them to bee no lesse As for this false prophet his beastlines of life his want of testimonie from aboue his vntruthes and absurdities deliuer his doctrine to be most damnable The law of God which Moses receiued was deliuered after a most wonderful manner God stood vpon mount Sinai there was fire there was thunder there was lightening there was darkenes there was the sounde of the trumpetes heard the voice of the Lord was mighty the foundations of the earth shooke the mountaine smoaked and the people trembled The prophets and seruants of God successiuely in the times and ages following confirmed their message and embasies with straunge signes tokens The birth of our Sauiour Christ the preaching of the Gospell the sealing vp of the same with his bloud after moste strange marueilous sightes declared him to be y e only true Messias sauiour of the worlde authorised his doctrine confirmed y e faith of y e Christians A virgin to bring forth Angels singing glory shepheards rūning to search a strāg star appearing wisemen cōming frō far the heauēs opening y e holy ghost descēding the father soūding this is my Son Iohn y e baptist pointing w t y e finger Beholde the lamb of God The blind y e deafe y e dumb the lame the sicke all cured the deade raised to life These deliuer vnto vs the power of the moste high and mightie God Againe at his passion palpable darknesse the vaile of the temple renting the earth shaking the rockes cleauing the graues opening the deade rising and yeelding testimonie to the liuing of the truth in Christ Last of all his rising from the deade his instructing of the Apostles his visible Ascension into the Heauens and his sending of the holy Ghost according vnto promise perswadeth sufficiently in all respectes that his doctrine is the moste sacred truth of the onely true and euerlasting GOD. Sixtly and lastly the Lawe of Mahomet is a confused kinde of doctrine patched together of contraries dissenting and varying within it selfe therefore the Lawe of Mahomet is a most wicked Religion Sergius the Monke Iohn of Antioch and the superstitious Iewe patched together according vnto their variyng mindes diuerse doctrine but in this they agreed in setting downe lies and falshood After the death of Mahomet sayth Antoninus the disciples of this false Prophet could not agree in the reading pointing vnderstanding and expounding of the Alcoran Some added some diminished some maymed and some corrupted the Lawe The Iewes put in what pleased them best the Heretikes vrged their opinions the Heathens also pleaded for themselues so that the Alcoran was despised and of no reputation and woorthely In processe of time after greate dissention one Elehege beeyng chosen to rayne ouer them commaunded all coppyes shoulde bee brought vnto hym of them all he made one booke which is the Alcoran that they haue at this day and the rest he caused to be burned to ashes There are yet three thinges to bee considered in this false Religion which I will briefly runne ouer First what was the occasion of the beginning therof Dissention among Prynces and diuision among those that called themselues Christians Sathan espyed it and put foorth his Seruaunt Mahomet to woorke mischiefe Heraclius the Emperour and Chosdroes Kyng of Persia were at deadly enmitie warring one against the other The Scythian Nation fell from them both and founde Mahomet to theyr ringe-leader Againe the Church of GOD was then lamentably diuided Peter Archbishoppe of Constantinople fell into a detestable heresie sucked out of the schoole of Valentinus Marcion Manes the Heretikes Iacobus Syrus of him haue the Iacobits in the East their name tooke part with Seuerus he held that Christ neyther dyed neyther suffered but an other for him which opinion Mahomet followed So that the Church was troubled with Nestorians Iacobites Monothelits and the Monkes of Benedicts order which then began to swarme like locustes vppon the earth Not onely this but also y e Church of Rome beganne to lift vp her selfe in pride abhomination the Pope calling himselfe vniuersall Bishop God was highly displeased with this wickednes and suffered Mahomet to rise as a rod or scourge to whippe his people Wee are nowe to pray that GOD at length will be reconciled with his people and that hee will cast the rodde into the fire The second thing we haue to consider is why this false religion of Mahomet is so vniuersally receyued Carnalitie and fleshlinesse is the cause It intreateth of venerie fleshlie delightes and temporall pleasures therefore it is become plausible to manie Mathew of Westmonaster writeth Vnde credo quod si hodie viueret multos inueniret discipulos Whereupon I beleeue if Mahomet lyued at this day hee shoulde finde many Disciples In the yeare 1246 Innocentius 4. sent to great Cham the Emperour of the Tartarians perswading him to receyue the Christian faith to leaue shedding of Innocent bloude and to serue GOD in Spirite and truth At that time also came the Embassadoures of the Saracens pleadynge and vrgyng hym to the Lawe of Mahomet alleadging that it was easier more tollerable full of pleasures and more fitte for Warriours then the Christian fayth Cham liked of the conditions he was carnally giuen embraced Mahomet vnto this day Thirdly and lastly why is the Religion of Mahomet continued being knowne to bee wicked carnall and fleshly Mahomet made it death to dispute thereof If any speake against me saith he proditoriè occidatur Let him be traiterouslye put to death Againe Sine audientia occidatur let him be put to death without comming to his aunswere Qua sanctione saith Sabellicus palam fecit nihil sinceri in ea lege esse c. By which decree hee made manifest that there is nothing sounde in that Lawe the which he couered as an hidde mysterye and forbadde to bee reasoned of that the vulgar sorte shoulde not knowe what was decreed or established I am nowe comming to that which I haue lastlye promised to deliuer vnto you to wit that which concerneth our selues the way to please GOD and meane to win those that are without When as our light so shineth before men that they seeyng our good woorks may glorifie our Father which is in heauen And I will bee the shorter herein for that I doubt not but you haue bene here tofore by mee out of this place often exhorted thereto I feare mee béloued in our Sauiour Christ least that I haue beene ouer tedious in the premisses I haue the longer waded therein not hauing at othertimes the like occasion offered me to discourse of the like matter Christian lights Christian fruits holy cōuersatiō hath now moued this Saracen to serue the true God in