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B09348 A voice out of the wildernes, crying with many tears and strong perswasions to the world for repentance. Proving by undeniable grounds from the word of God, that the great day of his righteous judgment will certainly be in this present age, namely about the 45th. yeer after the ruine of Rome, in 1666. Wherein are unfolded many great and wonderful mysteries of God, foretold in his word to come to pass unto th' end of the world. This work consists of five small tracts: 1. To the church of Rome, printed first in an. 1588. 2. To Qu. Elizabeth, presented to her in an. 1589. 3. To the E. of Essex in her days, called, Babylon is fal'n 4. To K. James, being an exposition of the 11. 12, 13. ch. Apoc. 5. De fide, against Baro, since translated into English. / By T.L. sometime a student in the University of Cambridge in the daies of Q: Elizabeth. T. L. 1661 (1661) Wing L83A; ESTC R179227 116,012 190

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travell and guard and watch him day night behold and learne his end he that is wise will marke his deliverance and happy man that can tell his teares and sit and sorrow with him To this man maketh God answer early or late delivereth him and how much the longer withholdeth his countenance retyring as it were his pitty from him so much the more entendeth t' advance his love and mercy towards him to make him great and a pillar in his house a comforter of the weake and broken knees of others and in his time sendeth downe his promise the rich and hidden treasure which from the beginning dwelled with himselfe and with his holy one who day by day laboureth washeth and bindeth up this broken one not leaving t' apply unto his stripe untill he have wrought and shaped in him a full and perfect assurance that God hath given him unto his Sonne in him and through him forgiven and covered all those his transgressions which cryed our so justly against his bloud and whereas in the day of his trespasse was a stranger and an enemy now in his Son and for his sake is reconciled and beloved and is unto him as a sonne and he to him a Father the treasure which his soule in the great day of his trouble so unspeakeably desired and therewithall commandeth him to beare written up in the apple of his eye night and day to read and consider what great things have been done for him This man is now so assured his ●innes are forgiven him as sure and perswaded that his Lord and Redeemer was once dead now liveth never dyeth more what Register may record the sinnes of him whose transgressions God forgetteth what power may discover the nakednesse of him whose shame and offence God covereth who shall be able to cast away whom God approveth or lay to the charge of him whom God chooseth may sinne wherein he was conceived may trespasse and filthinesse wherein his youth delighted may the bold and bloudy offences which his age hath committed may flesh and infirmities wherewith he is clothed may powers and blasphemies wherewith he is compassed nay this man is at rest fully perswaded God being with him nothing may prevaile against him as it is written God justifying who may condemne This man is now so assured God loveth him as that he is sure and fully perswaded neither fire nor sword neither death nor life neither Angels nor powers nor principalities neither things present nor things to come neither natures above nor depths below nor any creature other whatsoever may separate him from the love which God beareth him in Christ Jesus his Lord. And this is the saith of Abraham and of Abrahams posterity which reacheth justice to the sinner and life unto the just as it is written But the just shall live by faith And this is the faith whereof th' holy Ghost pronounceth by the mouth of his servant Paul in a place saying Being justified therefore by faith wee have peace with God in Christ Jesus our Lord. For he is truly justified whose sinnes are forgiven as it is written Blessed is the man whose sinnes are forgiven and whose transgressions are covered And he is truly at peace and one with God that is beloved of him and all this grace is reacht unto him in Christ and through him as it is written For death and bondage was given by Moses but grace and truth by Christ Jesus And this is the rest and peace from above the birth and baptisme of the holy Ghost the fire that purgeth the sonnes of men transforming them from sinners into the sonnes of God and no man shall see it or have his part therein that cannot sing the song of the little children which sat in the market place crying and calling one t'another We have mourned and yee have not sorrowed Murtherers stand forth tell me may you compare your beleefe with this mans saith behold thou beleevest one onely God Father Almighty of whom are all things and one Lord Jesus Christ his onely Sonne for whom and by whom are all things and one Spirit God holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Sonne the power the life and quickner of all things and thou beleevest that the Sonne in the fulnesse of time descended from the bosom of his Father came into the world was made flesh conceived by the holy Ghost borne of a Virgin and that he dyed and rose againe for the redemption of all that beleeve in his holy name and thou beleevest those that beleeve in him are his Church chosen and gathered from all the winds a Company undefiled a holy Universitie as he is holy that hath chosen them and thou beleevest they wayle and weep and joy together and thou beleevest their Lord is mounted up into the heavens seated on the right hand of God all power in heaven and in earth subdued unto him and thou beleevest all flesh shall rise and stand before him every man to receive according to his thoughts And all these things beleevest thou thou doest well thy father the Devill beleeveth them also and it is so farre that this faith may save either thee or him as that it shall encrease both your stripes for unto whom much is committed of him much shall be required and he that knoweth and doth not shall be beaten with many rods And better it were thou hadst never been borne then to have heard and beleeved all these things and not to have sorrowed with the Mourner And this was the faith of Simon Magus one of your first-borne who hearing Philip preaching th'Incarnation Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus and forgivenesse of sinnes in his holy name and seeing the great and wonderfull works wrought by the same beleeved the promise and revelation of life and was baptized as it is written And Simon also beleeved and was baptized and yet was neither begotten by water nor by the holy Ghost he beleev'd as did the lyar his father of whom he learnt his jugling to plane the creatures of God and was reborne by water from below not able to beget the sinner a new for it is impossible that bloud of beasts or water of fountaines may either purge or prepare the sinner And therefore Peter comming to Samaria to purge those sinners whom Philip had prepared by water from above laid his finger to the wound fellow quoth he thou hast no part nor fellowship with us nor in this administration and shewed him the cause why namely his unrepentance giving him t' understand it was not possible for his soule to be purg'd of that gall and bitternesse wherein it lay because his heart was not prepared by water And this was the faith of the Traytor thy predecessor Balaam who sold the truth and life everlasting for the reward of iniquitie like unto thee he knew and beleeved as thou doest that the bloud of his Master was innocent bloud and was baptized with the selfe same baptisme
that day falleth downe dissolved into water beseecheth him to looke upon his Lord and Redeemer in him and for his sake to cover his fault and offence committed calling him to witnesse unto his poor and dryed soul how that the Sun hath not gone down upon his anger that day and seing the weaknes wherein he dwelleth the power and pride of unrighteousnesse wherein he 's as with a Garment mantled in great and strong teares cryeth unto his God and Father to deliver him from th' Aegypt and wounds of th' enemy that no temptation may lead him to commit evill in his sight And therewithall in quietnesse and sure trust reclineth himselfe upon th' arme of his Heavenly Father knowing in it dwelleth all strength Kingdome and power to save and deliver the soul that putteth trust in him And thus and so prayeth he in forme and manner as his Lord hath taught him Thou watchest and risest early like him that waiteth innocent blood and comming forth bowest thy selfe before the tran●gression and abhomination of th'Heathen and not considering the Sunne is darkened openest thy bold and filthy mouth blaspheming his Tabernacles which are in Heaven setting them up as did thy Fathers in the Wildernesse Moloch and Repham gods of Aegypt to grieve th' ears of the Holy Ghost For as betweene God and the sinner there is but one Mediator and Reconciler Jesus Christ the righteous so there is but one onely Advocate and Intercessor betweene God and the beleever namely the Spirit which proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne whose right hand dwelleth in the bosome of the Redeemer and left in th' heart of the beleever and lifting up from hand to other his poore and broken voices pointed with teares placeth them before the Throne of God and giveth them such grace through his presentation that they stand among his holy Angels beholding his face day and night depart not his eye nor memory till all their requests be granted And this is the great and honourable Advocate whose i●tercession so farre excelleth in power in worthinesse in grace in glory th' intercession of the mother of Christ his brethren his sisters his Prophets his Apostles his Servants his Saints and Martyrs as is the blood of the Lamb of God more excellent and precious then is the blood of Abel And this is the high and holy one that beareth record with his poore servant which wrote these things and we know that his record is true thereunto bearing witnesse thousand sighes and tears and that it might be confirmed under three the love of God diffused in his heart the Garment dipt in the blood of the Lamb cryeth out unto yee testifying with him these things are true And being compassed with testifiers in number so sufficient in quality so honourable yet have yee not received our witnesse and behold on earth there are none to be found that have or may or shall beare witnesse to the truth but these three alone Murtherers may yee compare your pilgrimages with his behold thou goest from Citie to Citie from one place to another and weariest thy selfe in wayes and labours which no man requireth at thy hands and when they say unto thee Goe into the wildernesse to this or that Hermites Cave there shalt thou see the life and imitation of the Lambe and of his servant John or come to this grave goe to that here at Loretta there at Compostella there shalt thou see the powers of God and of his holy one thou ●not caring no● considering they are the comman●ements of abhomination that ●itteth in the place ●here he ought not goest beleevest adding to thy ●lasphemy scorne and derision offering to the High●st the labour and stinke of thy feete for the sinne ●f thy soule This man all the dayes of his life are the dayes of his pilgrimage wherein like the childe that be●aileth the death of his Mother covered with darke ●nd mourning colours wandreth the desarts of this ●ife in an assured hope one day to come to a Citie ●romised whose walls are made of everlasting stones whose foundation is the strength of God whose tow●r's his glory And if any voyce say to him goe into ●he wildernesse to this or that Fremites denne there ●halt thou see Christ to these or to those dead bones ●here shalt thou see his works of wonder he abhor●eth it for he remembreth the commandement of his Lord. But goe not beleeve not take heed behold I have fore●old yee all Murtherers may vee compare your fastings with his Behold thou eatest fish once and twice a weeke to honour God withall Egyptians who hath required this honour at your hands careth he whether thou eate the flesh of fish or the flesh of Beasts hath he not made meat for bellies bellies for meats and shall he not destroy both it and them And knowest thou indeed that which entreth into the belly goeth out into the draught and du●st presume t' honour him with either one or other wherefore thus saith the truth the sacrifice and fasts of Hierusalem shall ●ise in judgement against th'offerings and fish-fasts of Babylon and had yee knowne what that Scripture meaneth No man drinking old Wine will straight way commend the new for he saith th' old is better then had ye never condemned the new and true fast t' establish a fast more vile and filthy then was the fast of Pharisies This man all the dayes of his pilgri●●ge are a continuall fast night and day fasteth he his bread is become affliction his wine is turned to trouble because the Bridegroom is taken from him and his Lord whom he loveth so is gone into a farre Country And as concerning meates and bellies this man is taught of God that besides the person of a Christian in which respect all the creatures of God are clean unto him received in godlinesse moderation and thankesgiving he sustaineth the person of a Citizen and knowing his King his Governours or State whereunder he is placed for good and probable causes tending to the peace and maintenance of the many which God especially will have preserved have authority to command and forbid in meates in drinkes in cloath in dayes and such like so eateth so drinketh so weareth so keepeth he as his Prince commandeth giving to his Prince th' obedience that to a Prince belongeth and honoureth his God with th' honour which to God appertaineth Murtherers may ye compare your almes and mercy with his Behold thou devourest the widdow and waterest the seed of adulterie and sayest thou feedest Orphans arrayest thy selfe with the spoile of Kingdomes and nourishest Dragons egges of Serpents and every unclean bird and sayest thou feedest the sonnes of Prophets Foole how canst thou give a drinke of cold water to a Prophet thy selfe being none of the generation of Prophets Balaam doest thou know him that wrote these things or hast thou considered his hunger and his wants as thou regarding passest by like one of the dead and rotten graves of Sodome
among al the Sons of women there was none found his gr●ater because whoso is not first prepared by the ministry of John who was appointed the minister of the baptism of water shal never be purged by his Lord which comes after who sanctifieth by the ministry of the Baptisme of fire I doe not meane the fire of this world nor yet the Element so called for it 's imipossible for any such fires to purge to sanctifie or to refine the sinner But the fire of this birth is a heavenly power and finger from above which writeth in the heart prepared by water and in no other Tables the indeleble Covenant of mercy and love which before all worlds in the precious blood of the Mediator thereof God made with Abraham and his Sons for ever namely that he would remember their sins and their iniquities no more and that he would be to them a God To 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and a Father and they to him a people Sonnes and Daughters And this is the word and ingraving of God which being written in a molten heart and blowne downe with water refineth it to the sey of Rom. 10. 8. Deut. 30. 12. the gold of Ophyr And this is the birth and purgation of fire called in Scripture the Baptisme of the holy Ghost the life the justice the promise and felicity of God as holy David describeth saying Blessed is the man whose sins are covered and whose God is the Lord Psalme 32. 2. 33. 12. JEHOVAH And this is the Tree and first beginning of the wisedome and counsell of God and hee that cannot attaine thereto shall never see the raigne and prosperity of Israel according to the eternall decree proceeded out of the mouth of the highest never to be repented of or called back againe Vnlesse a man be John 3. 5. begotten by water and by the spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdome of God The fruit of this Tree of life spreadeth it selfe into foure branches and as the Heavens by immutable ordinance shut up the course and labour of the yeare in foure seasons so hath the Scriptures complected the whole voyage and travell of this sanctified and new begotten servant in these foure Peace Patience Hope and Love I doe not meane the peace betweene Amon and Moab that is to say the smooth the Civill and dissembling truce of the Kings and Councellors of this world but a peace which passeth their affairs a peace which is heavenly and from above even the peace and reconciliation betweene God and the sanctified in the price and mediation of the Lord of the Covenant for what power what preparation what terror or what else may feare him in whose heart the finger of God hath once engraven a full and perswaded assurance that neither fire nor sword nor death nor life nor powers nor principallities nor things present nor things to come nor natures above nor depths below nor any creature other whatsoever may separate him from the love which God beareth him in Christ Jesus his Lord May the sin wherein he was conceived or the follies and offences wherein his youth delighted or the bold and bloody treasons which his age hath committed or flesh and blasphemies wherewith he is intrenched nay this man is at rest fully perswaded God being with him nothing may prevail against him as it is written If God justifie who can condemn● Isa 50. Rom. 8. And this is the peace which the world cannot give nor take away from any to whom it is given the peace which the Holy one the Redeemer of Israel speaketh of in a certaine place saying Peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you but not as the world giveth let not your hearts therefore be troubled nor feare John 14. 27. And forasmuch as to be at peace and one with God is to be at war and odds with sin and with all her pleasures this man in wonderfull patience prepareth and armeth himselfe to meet the enemy And tho his flesh with all her desires like multitudes of Armies incompasse his soule be sieging pursuing tormenting it day and night as it is written Wee are Ps 44. given up like sheep to be eaten and for thy sake O Lord we are slaine all the day long yet in silence and quietnesse he endureth all sustained by the Word which saith In patience possesse your soules Looking assuredly for the promise of good things to come and that with such a Luke 21. 19. stable and full perswaded expectation as no power in Heaven above or in the earth below may shame or confound his hope fully perswaded that tho now he live closed in flesh as in a City of transgression like righteous Lot in Sodome scorn'd of Angels despis'd of men hated of the world and pursued of his owne yet that his mourning shall tarry but till morning 〈◊〉 for then his life shall be revealed which now lyeth hid laid up in the bosome of his Lord and Redeeme● and shall be declared and given him even in that morning when he shall come to judge the world with righteous judgement rendring to every man just and truly according to the wayes wherein his heart hath walked And in the exercise of these three consisteth the death to sin called in Scripture by the names of Mortification the great affliction the Dust the Tears the shame and oppression of Sion Happy man that hath his part therein for he shall live to see the raigne Rev. 7. 14 15 16 17. wherein the Sun shall not burne him by day nor fire by night any more and wherein he shall not hunger nor thirst nor want nor weep any more The fourth and last branch of this Tree of life is Love the light and perfection of the whole estate and travell of a Christian for can a City built upon a hill hide her face from the passer by or may a Sacrifice salted convey his seasoning from the mouth of the taster may the Sun shine and not shew his beauty or may a Candle burne and not bewray her light And tho these creatures could forget their natures yet cannot the plant in whose heart the eternall Covenant of Love is once engraven forget to burne with like affection first toward God then toward men I meane not those alone which have received like part and fellowship with him but towards those also that are his enemies which love is commended to us by the names of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and is called in Scripture the love of God because it is not learnt of flesh nor after the will and wisedome of flesh but by the sample and patterne of that love wherewith God first loved us Who being fellowed in glory with the highest as testifieth the Prophet Zach. 13. 7. disrobed himselfe of all his beauty and came downe into the world and was fonnd in dishonour in weaknesse in flesh and shape of a servant obedient to the shame and
himself with his property of nature as if he were God Sect. 18. The like we are to understand concerning the Antichristian Babylonicall beast of reasons self-will which termeth it self divine and is onely a monster of the true man which died in Adam to the holy Image of Gods spiritual world Sect. 20. Thus understand us now what the Antichrist or the Babylonical Whore with the Dragon Beast is as may be seen in the Revelation Every man which is not born again of God hath the mark of the Beast and the false Whore in him Sect. 21. The Beast is the Animal Natural earthly Ham-like man who is from the Limus of the earth according to the earthly grossenesse and malignant malice which ariseth out of the dark world and standeth in the curse of God This Beast did arise in Adam and Eve when they did imagine after evill and good and came into its self fulnesse away from the divine power and will and is before God onely as a Beast This Beast the Devil hath infected with his desire and made it wholly monstrous so that it onely lusteth after vanity as a Cow doth after Grass And though Sect. 15. He had discovered Antichrist to be the self will of the Ham-like man or the Tower of Babel yet Chap. 15. Sect. 44. He tells us that the judging censuring and condemning others without Gods command is onely the Antichrist both amongst Jews and Christians Which discription of Antichrist he deviseth of purpose to dete●● his Readers from censuring and rejecting as their duty is his filthy dreams diabolical dictates And with like intent as it seemeth Dur. Hotham Esq in the Narrative of his Life tells a story from his two Germans of one that upon saying Here lived that Heretick Jacob Behmen fell down dead 14. Where you may note the singular craft and subtlety of the Divel who would have the cheats and delusions of this Deceiver passe unreproved By the same art and method proceeded his Brother-Impostor Mahomet who the better to convey his dreams and imaginary Phrensies down to succeeding Ages without suspition of forgery and procure an awfull reverence and respect to his Satanical impostures as divine perswaded the poor Arabians that he received his Law contained in the Alcoran from God by the Angel Gabriel that it was composed Osiand Epit. Hist Eccles Cent. 7. l. 1. c. 15. vid. Postel de Orb. Conc. l. 2. c. 13. by the holy Ghost and that the meaning the reof is onely known to God and the most wise that wholy believe it Peccatum maximum irremissible esse c. That it is an unpardonable sin to despise or contradict either him or it Incredulos Alcorano in Inferno ardente sulphure atque pice c. that they who believe it not shall endure everlasting torments in Hell and therefore that they ought to believe and receive whatever is writ therein without disputing censuring or enquiring yea that it is a wickedness Nefas esse quicquam de Alcorano mutare aut addere vel etiam quaestionem de eo movere c. Osiand ibid. c. 14. to move any Question about it paenam Osiand ibid. c. 16. gehennae minatur ijs qui consortium c. And he threatens Hell to such as have any dealings with men that believe it not c. Terriculamenta Postel ubi supra sunt ista ne a lege ejus descisceretur Meer Bugbears contrived to affright from rejecting his blasphemous Law Sect. 22. This Deluder proceeds But the whore saith he of the beast is the poor soul captivated in vanity which soul had its rise in the formed word of the 3. principles which was Gods Image Sect. 23. But now the poor captive soul lieth in this gross Beast and is captivated in its own self-born will viz. the whore c. and longeth after God from whom it proceeded 15. Rejoyce ye Romanists triumph ye Monks and Jesuits and thou Fryer Maluenda write no more Books in defence of the Pope of Rome whose black and notorious spots of Antichristianism thou by thy great learning and parts in two large Volumes hast endeavoured to hide and keep close from the world and instead of him the very true Antichrist would craftily impose upon us a fictitious counterfeit one of thine and thy brethrens devising perswading that he must be a Jew Vid. Romae ruinam c. 7. ubi Antichristi Papicolarum historia fuse narratur of the Tribe of Dan begotten by a Devil of a Nun c. for behold this Monster your friend outvies you in craft obscures your subleties with his diabolical inventions and frees you from your fears labouring to perswade the world that Antichrist the Beast and his number Babylon Whore and all are Myst mag c. 36. ubi supra n. 1. 49. Threefold life of man c. 11. n. 52. c. 3. n. 61. 62 63. in every one and would remove all suspition of Antichrist his number and mark far enough from the Pope and lay the Brat the Myst mag c. 36. n. 24. Bastard he calls it at the holy Patriark Jacobs door Jacob saith this Blasphemer came with 70. souls in all with all his children of which 66. were proceeded out of his loyns which went with him for Joseph had Id. ibid. n. 9. 10. begotten two sons in Egypt This number 66. is a great and mysticall number as also the number 70. which is the number of the great Babel and the number 66. is the number of the Beast and of the Whore c. with a heap of the like irrational senseless absurd confused stuffe most like the ruines of Babels Tower wherewith I shall not any further trouble the Reader who ex ungue Leonem may guess at the rest by this little And certainly the discreet Christian Reader considering this Impostors writings from first to last so directly contrary and repugnant to the writings of the Prophets and Apostles and the comfortable Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ as also the strange and dangerous History of his life written by Dur. Hotham and annexed to his Mysterium magnum by H. B. as himself tells us wherein is not obscurely signified his acquaintanc with black diabolical Magick Necromancie familiarity with evil Spirits his commerce with them and their apparitions to him● I say who so considereth this cannot rationally conclude any other but that the said Jacob Behmen was a man plainly distracted or at least wholy taken up and possessed with the deep delusions of Satan who is able to transform himself into an 2 Cor. 11. 14. Angel of light as the Apostle teacheth 16. And yet this Monster for so perhaps you will think he was in shape of body aswell as atheisticall opinions of minde if you believe the Relater of his life his dear friend Mr. Dur. Hotham His stature saith he was exceeding little he had a low forehead his temples prominent his Nose large and gibbous his Eyes grey and somewhat glistering his Beard thin and
wherewith thou art baptized and yet was neither begotten by water nor by the holy Ghost for it was not possible for him to be purg'd with Peter his heart unbroken hard and cruell r●fusing to sorrow with the Mourner And this was the faith of Julian thy Pastor I touch your mysterie now Sir Balaam whose broad seale and subscription hangeth even this day unto thy letters Pattens confirming thy Throne and Vicardome to thee and thy posterity was baptized with the selfe-same baptisme where-with thou art baptized and begotten by the selfe-same faith which thou beleevest and yet th'uncleane spirit re-entred his house prepared and swept and his blasphemous end is knowne to yee all this day to be worse then his beginning but had he been begotten by the faith which Abraham beleeved th' enemy at the returne with his seven thousand powers had found his house guarded by the stronger the watchman of Israel had defended his gates and kept his walls from ruine but it was not possible for him to be clensed with Abraham his heart not prepared with water like unto Abrahams for his soule was found among the stiffe uncircumcised children which would not regard their fellowes crying Wee have mourned and ye have not sorrowed But I will leave thy penance thy beliefe with all and every point of thy Doctrine to him that commeth after behold a voyce shall rise against thee discover thy blasphemies contained in thy conspiracy held at Trent against the holy one of Israel and Jacob his chosen and strike thee so with the two witnesses of God out of whose mouth comes fire to destroy the gainesayer that all thy Magicians all thy false reformed Prophets shall not be able to recover thee to life againe and returne unto the man who once laboured and was lost but now refreshed and is found againe whose warre and woes are turned to such a peace and joy as the world can neither give nor take away from him and let us make research into his life beholding how he worketh he that is wise will marke his steps and follow where he goeth Like as the good and fruitfull Tree planted by the river side bringeth forth her fruit in time and due season so fruitfull now is this branch become and after the two noble parts of his faith spreadeth out his root to moistnesse and bringeth forth a double fruit Th' assurance of mercy and forgivenesse of his sinne worketh in him such a true and perfect hatred of sinne as no man knoweth but he that is baptized in Silo with him and this hatred dwelleth not idle hidden up and sleeping in him but as a Citie built upon a hill sheweth his bastions and beauty to the passers by so breaketh forth this fire within him making knowne to all his members the power and strength thereof retiring them from their old and wonted wayes remembring unto him with what a precious bath and price he is washt and bought from th'uncleane and vaine conversation wherein once he walked now and ever after to be holy as he is holy that hath chosen him What fountaines may yeeld water enough to bewaile the state of this man for in his members he findeth a law bidding and commanding unrighteousnesse intising to regard his pleasures past maintaining to be bold to returne againe casting before him day and night the vomit which now his soule hath cast up and bleedeth to see or to remember more and in his spirit findeth another law remembring unto him the day of his trouble when feare and judgement led him chained to death and how he followed weeping and had nothing to say for himselfe how then and in that day he pittyed and delivered him with charge to remember with what a great and precious charge he was redeemed and recovered againe commanding him therefore not to dare to look backe or grieve the seed of God the holy one that hath done all these things for him Ah poore and miserable soule who shall deliver him from his body of sinne for to the law of his spirit consenteth he loveth and faine would doe thereafter but cannot for he dwelleth in a house of rebellion not contented alone to pursue him by day as it is written All the day long am I punished and chastised every morning but while the night lendeth the little ease unto his heavie eye his members watch to sinne Like righteous Lot in Sodome so dwelleth he closed in a Citie whose buildings are transgressions whose streets are wayes of error whose bulwarkes are the strength of death whose gates doe leade to hell dying daily tormented daily crying daily to be delivered from sinne or from the body thereof and in a great and strong patience though now of all creatures most miserable scorned of Angels disdained of men hated of the world pursued of his owne unspeakeably endureth all hoping with a hope which cannot be confounded for the revelation of his life laid up in the bosom of his Lord and Redeemer then and in that houre to be declared and given him when he shall come to judge the world with a righteous judgement rendring to every man just and truly according to the wayes wherein his heart hath walked And this is the death to sinne the great affliction happy man that hath his part therein for he shall see the day wherein he shall hunger no more nor thirst any more wherein the Sunne shall not burne him by day nor fire by night any more for the Lambe that loveth him shall feed and cover him and lead him to the fountaines of water of life and satisfie him and deliver his eye from teares and he shall weepe no more Th' other branch of his faith namely th' assurance that God loveth him worketh in him of the contrary part such a love of God and of his Lord and Redeemer as no man knoweth but he that hath it and this hidden and secret name resteth not idle covered or sleeping in him but as a Sacrifice salted doth prove it selfe seasoned to the mouth of the taster so breaketh forth this hidden light and sheweth her beams unto the Worlds end according to the Commandement He that loveth God loveth his brother also not him alone with whom he prayeth weepeth rejoyceth daily which love is commended unto him by the names of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but now loveth he every man as his brother knowledging every man his neighbour on whom he may have mercy every man his brother whom he may love which love is commended unto him by the names of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and called in Scripture the love of God Because it is not learnt of flesh nor after the will of flesh but of God and by his example who being fellowed in glory with the highest disrobed himselfe of his beauty came downe into the world was found amongst us in weaknesse in flesh and shape of a servant obedient to death even to the
curse of the Tree for the redemption of those that were his sworne enemies And this is the love whose rich and plentifull nature the Apostle describeth saying Love forbeareth 1 Cor. 13. and is gentle void of envy and of doing wrong vaunteth not her selfe nor disgraceth others seeketh not her owne nor giveth place to anger never deviseth or joyeth in evill but alwayes rejoyceth in the company of truth beareth all beleeveth all hopeth all endureth all And this is that Love and that new Commandement whose often praise shineth in the two lights and Lamps of God which burn before his Throne day and night and no man can attaine thereto or have his part therein that hath not first been cleansed by the promise of the Father which is the Spirit of adoption wherein he cryeth Abba Father And this is that Holinesse and Newnesse of life which the Scripture so often commendeth unto us by the names Vivification renovation spirituall and the first resurrection Blessed and holy are they that have their parts therein for on such the second death shall have no power as it is sealed in the book of life And this is the first and last the beginning and the end of the counsell and wisedome of God even his secret hidden eternall and onely ordinance wherein before the day knew his comming up or going down he purposed to save and to recover againe the thing which was lost And they that understand it and doe thereafter are those which are registred in the book of life called in Scripture by so many faire and beautifull names as A righteous Tree a pleasant Land a habitation of Justice a holy Mountaine a City of truth a City sought out and not forsaken a holy City a holy Nation the plantation of God the Mountaine of the Lord of Hosts the pillar and sustainer of truth Beloved Beautifull Free Faithfull Chosen Kings Priests Saints Sion Daughter of Sion Mother of the just Jerusalem Children of promise Vessells of Mercy Israel Jacob Judah Ephraim his first borne House of Levi his Temple his Tabernacle his Sanctuary his People his Vine his Body his Spouse his Church and such like And these are the Stones of Sion which altho they be for their transgressions as testifieth the Prophet scattered among the heathen and unbaptized in heart for a season given up to the pleasures of Murtherers Jer. 4. 31. 30. 15. Isa 54. as to the paines of a woman that travelleth accounted vile desolate despised cast away no body no where compared with the glorious Synagogues and Churches of this world yet what saith the Scripture Rejoyce thou barren that bearest no children breake forth into joy and gladnesse thou that travellest not for the desolate hath many more then the married wise saith the Lord Meaning thereby that tho his captive Daughter Sion during the days of her soiourning in earth as in a strange Land be bowed downe and layed low like a street for the beasts of the field Citizens of the earthly Jerusalem to tread upon and goe over yet when the morning Isa 52. commeth the morning of extermina●ion determined to come upon the whole earth she shall arise and shake of her graves her tears and dust wherein she lyeth and put on a garment of light of beauty and joy everlasting And all the delices the pompes and paraments of her oppressors shall vanish as a dreame Isa 60. 14. Ier. 20. 16 Ezek. 28. 25. Dan. 7. 27. Ioel 3. Amo. ● 9. Mic. 5. 8. Sap. 1. 9. Hag. 2. 23 Za. 2. 8. Mal. 4. 1 2 3. and themselves covered with torments shall be sold for slaves to the daughter of Sion whom in the days of their pleasures they so much despised as i● testified by the Prophets And this is the Church and City of God not like unto the shamelesse and adulterous Congregations of these times pure in skin and soule in heart which ●oast to be that they are not each discovering other spots themselves full of Ulcers daily squaring and falling out like Theeves about the treasures and riches of God which appertaine to truer men then they Neither is she like those foolish and irr●formed reformers that in all this time have not learnt to discern between the Image of God and the Inscription of Caesar I mean those that have not yet learnt that every one that feareth God what or whersoever he be sustaineth two persons the one of a Citizen the other of a Christian Touching his person of a Citizen if he be called to be a Prince and Ruler over his brethren knoweth that this his authority is the allowed and approved rule and lawfull Seniory to constitute and determine every vocation and therein in those especially that attend upon the Altar carefully foreseeing that in their sort they be provided for according to the word which commandeth Deut. 25. Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the Ox that treadeth out the Corne prescribing to every one committed to his charge in meats in drinks in cloth in day and such like according to his wisdom heedfully respecting in guiding the Bark of his Government as the Pilot doth the Needle the commandement of God and quality of his people On the other side if he be called a servant and to live in subjection knoweth that the magistracy whereunder he is placed whether it be of one of few or many is his allowed seniory and lawfull presbytery and unto whom by immediate prescription and authority from God belongeth to defend the innocent and correct the faulty and thereafter feareth he taking up his vocation as his Prince alloweth contented with such dismes as his Prince provideth eateth drinketh weareth and keepeth as his Prince prescribeth giving to his Prince the obedience which to a Prince belongeth And as concerning his person of a Christian this man whither he be placed in authority or under authority knoweth that neither Thrones nor Chaires of state nor gracious titles of Lordship and Soveraignty availe him any thing but that he is called to a like subjection and equall participation with the rest of his fellows as it is written He that is greatest let him be as Luke 22. 26. the least and he that is chiefest as him that serveth For all are baptized with one baptisme the water of repentance all are sanctified with one fire the Word of Faith all are children of one Mother Jerusalem from above all are subjects to one Lord who by his obedience and Sacrifice once for all hath sanctified and reconciled them and made them of ser●ants and sons of wrath his brethren and sons to his owne father as it is Heb. 2. 11. written He that sanctifieth and they that are sanctified are all of one And thus and so walketh this man giving tribute to whom tribute is due fear to whom fear belongeth and honour to him to whom it pertaineth according to the commandement of his Lord which saith Give then to Caesar the things which
are Caesars and unto God the things which are Gods Which many blind and fleshly humours not considering have laboured and brought forth such errour and distraction as we see every where this day Some so drunken with the primacies and prerogatives of Caesar as that they feare not to revile the freedome appertaining to the Kingdome of God Others so headlong carried with a false pretended liberty and freedome of a Christian as that they care not to deny the lawful sword and authority of Caesar so that amongst so many so few from time to time are found that can discerne how Saints are free and yet subject to Caesar But God loveth Sion and hath chosen it for in her is truth without confusion And this is the generation of the counsell and wisedome of God and the true description of all her children which if you understand and doe thereafter then shall you discerne those reprobate times and save your selfe from the visitation to come What man is he that travelling by desart places and seeing the day at his going downe hasteth not to recover his Inne for feare lest the night leave him in distresse Hasten then after the counsell and correction of God whilst yet the day lasteth for behold the night commeth And these are all which I advertise you few as they be and simple as they goe yet if truth deceive me not their right understanding is far finer gold then is your Scepter and much more honourable then your Fathers house And this shall be for a signe that I speake not of my self Behold the Mountain which you fear so much I mean the Beast the Man of sin Lucifer Son of the morning the Horne that hath so many hundred years blaphemed heaven and oppressed earth behold I say tho now he be so great as that the makes the earth to Isai tremble and shake with a word only the very roots of Kingdoms the ●ime hasteth and is at hand ●herein he shall be made so little as neither name nor remnant of him nor son nor sons son shall be found upon the earth For his days are numbred signed and sealed up in the b●ok of God and yet seventy and seven days and his number 666. shall be fulfilled And all his Princes his Sorcerers and multitudes of people which now rejoyce and ●lap their hands drunken with the whoredoms and prosperity of Babel shall then lie comfortles and wring their hands as fast for Beltis their God is dead And the death of Babylon shall be the life of Sion but her light may not long endure as testifieth the Prophet and then and in those dayes shall be finished the secret knowne to the Lord alone even the great mystery and redemption of God forespoken of by the Dan. 12. 22. mighty Angel who stood upon Sea and Land and swore by him that liveth for ever and ever That time should be no more And when these things shall come to passe as Revel 10. 6. verily in their appointed time they shall then shal they k●ow that in the days of their rebellion there was a voyce of a servant of God heard amongst them 1 T. L. restifie these things with mine owne hand in sober humblene●●e commending them to your Majestie onely in regard of my duty and for no other reward Give your promotions to those sons of Beor that rise so early ●nd saddle their Asses to post after them for I your servant have bread and water enough thanks be to my God and am therewith as well content as if my Lands were as large as are the royalties of the little bird who possesseth all the fields over which it flyeth Proverb 1. Because ye have despised all my counsell and refused my corrections I will also laugh at your destruction and mock when your feare commeth FINIS BABYLON IS FALLEN OR A Prophesie that had lain hid above two thousand years Foreshewing The rising continuance and fall of the Empire and Supremacie of Rome with all matters of moment that were to come to passe during the reigne of the Emperours and Popes The last being the vanishing of the Germane Empire lately fullfilled The next the dividing of the Kingdome of France by the Sword of Spaine The third that of Spaine by the Sword of other Nations The fourth the destruction of Rome and desolation of her Church in the yeare 1666. The fifth the descending of the Kings of the East and of the whole world unto the battell of the great day of God Almighty The first title was onely Babylon is Fallen with these words of the Prophet For I heard the railings of many and how they watch for my halting saying it may be that he is deceived Jer. 20. 10. LONDON Printed by M. S. 1651. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE ROBERT Lord DEVOREUX Earle of Essex REading of late my Lord a Chapter of Esdras folding up in a mysticall and dark discourse a living Representation of a long time whereof the most is past and some little to come ● thought it no lost labour to take my Pen and unfold the same that therein wee may behold which naturally all desire to see as well the issues of things to come as what is past or now in being and thereafter to qualifie and moderate our hopes and call our troubled thoughts which otherwise run with reins on Neck within the Circle and limitation bounded and drawn from above And finding this Prophesie written by a Man greatly beloved of God and thereto which rare is a Princes Favourite high in grace with a King of Persia I presumed the rather to present this my Labour to your Hon. Lordship as upon whom God hath vouchsafed like great and rare graces ' Tsufficeth that your Honour read it greater favour Esdras seeketh not He Labours not to praise or please which now a dayes finds many friends but to admonish and forewarne which fataly finds none till 't be too late He fears not the Noble and Learned Reprover of supposed Predictions for he hath heard him honour the Prophesies of Holy Writ wherein himselfe hath no less honour gotten then given His other Enemies have wisht me to conceal and t● reserve them to a more open hearing But Esdras is at th● next leaf my Lord and craves your Honours patience for an Hour BABYLON IS FALLEN ESDRAS 4. Chap. II. Vers 1. Then I saw a Dreame AFter this the Prophet saw a Vision concerning the beginning continuance and fall of th' Empire and supremacie of Rome And this Vision was shewed him in the dayes of Artaxerxes King of Persia About four hundred years before the first stone of Julius Caesar her Empire was laid And behold there arose from the Sea an Eagle And there arose among the Nations the fierce and fearfull Kingdome and Empire of Rome seene in Vision by the Prophet Daniel some few years before Which had twelve fethered wings Wherein should arise and raigne twelve Emperours which should spread their Power like wings
each intercommoners severall by stake or by rod so in the wide and common field of Christians the Lord commandeth his servant John to survey and apportion out his Church and partage which he severeth from the residue of carnall Gospellers and such like outcasts in recommending unto us their inward frame and renewed graces under the ●ppellation and names of the Temple of God the Altar and them that adore therein meaning that as in the Tabernacle of the congregation the holy and most holy places wherein stood the Table of the Shew bread Candlestick Altar of incense Ark propitiatory and oracle of god over-covered within and without with Angel gold into which places none but the priests might enter adore were separated by a vail from the outer Court where the brazen altar was erected for all the house of Israel to enter and sacrifice which therefore was call'd the Court of the people so in the common field and Vniversitie of Christians they onely are the Church and heritage of God which are sanctified in heart and holy in life and conversation and separated by the vail of regeneration that is to say by the tears of true repentance and the assurance of pardon and reconciliation unto God in Christ Iesus ingraven in the tables of their hearts by the finger of the Spirit from all carnal professors and nominal Christians in whom is but an outward face and protestation of the name of Christ onely VERS 2. But the base Court which is without the Temple cast out and measure not for it is given to the Gentiles and the holy City shall they tread under foot two and forty months BUt as for those Common Ca●holique Christians here resembled to the base Court which is without the Temple because they are but overcast onely with a profession of my name which heare my word participate my Sacraments and yet are separated by an unregenerate heart as by a vai ' from those Altarsand priests in whom my name is honoured cast forth saith the Lord and measure not for howsoever such unleavened companions seem to boast in the name of my Church and in the protestation of a Christain calling yet they are so farre from belonging to my peculiar saith the Lord as that I have given them up in reckoning with the reprobate of the Gentiles and they shall justifie mine account and rejection of them by their like uncircumcised carriage and heathenish conversation for they shall no lesse defile my holy Citie that is to say they shall no lesse hate accuse persecure and keep under water the true and sanctified Christian then do the heathen and uncircumcised as by over-long experience is wel known to the Church of God which hath been is and shall be till her captivitie be returned opposed for melancholy mad new factious schismaticall hereticall by Christian Catholiques politicians Atheists carnall Gospellers and such heathenish protestors like to theis And that the Church of God may not look for other or better entertainment at these her intercommoners hands she is here by the predeterminate counsell of God to be troden like a way by these Gentiles and heathenish Christians 42 moneths meaning moneths of yeers to every moneth accounting by propheticall supp●tation thirtie yeers as in the verse following shall be further manifested confounding therein the Remisa ies of Rome who sweat to persw●de that they are but moneths of days thereby to turne the worlds eye from the great Antichrist that now is to a pettie Antichrist which shall never come VERS 3. And I will give to my two witnesses and they shall prophesie a thousand two hundred and sixty days cloathed in sackcloth DUring which time of the Churches disgrace and desolation for the greater comfort of her Children and judgement of her adversaries I will saith the Lord I by a wonderfull outstretehed providence will preserve unto the world the light and power of my two Testaments to guide their knowledge and conversation into the wayes of peace Whereby the Lord manifestly reproveth the grosse and vaine expectation of those that translate his meaning in this place to the coming of Henoch and Elias whereas of Henochs return either in flesh or in spirit there is no syllable of promise in all the Scriptures and as touching the spi●ituall returne of Elias promised is already Mal 4. 5. Mat. 11. 14. performed as the Lord himselfe proveth Now touching the time of their keeping watch while the world sleepeth the Lord voweth it shall be 42. moneths before mentioned which being dissolved into dayes after the Kalender of the Hebrews whose year did drive thirty dayes to every moneth and twelve moneths to every year amount to the just number of 1260. days here specified which computation of the years is observed throughout the whole Bible Daniel onely excepted who counteth after the use and stile of the Chaldeans in whose tongue and amongst whom he wrote and consequently the moneths being Propheticall that is to say moneths of years to each accounting thirty years the re●gne of Antichrist must needs endure 1260. years Which manner of reckoning years by dayes though it seem strange is usuall notwithstanding with the Prophets of God and therefore is called Propheticall as Ezekiel a day for a yeare and Ezek 4. 6. Dan 9. 24. Daniels seventie weeks are weeks of years every week containing seven years as throughout this Prophesie Also the moneths are moneths of years to every moneth accounting thirty years From whence we conclude Antichrists three years and a halfe both here and in Daniel deciphered by a time times and halfe a time to be years of years every year containing 12. moneths of years which amount to 360. years and multiplied by three and a halfe do in the totall amount to 1260. years And to the end the world may take better notice of these his two testifiers and preservers of truth the Lord commendeth the knowledge of the parties by the description of their Garments in saying they are cloathed in sackcloath thereby not onely diffevering their testimonies from all the soft and courtly commentaries of flesh and blood which for the most are raised with infected matter and vested with affected stile but also teaching us that no man can retaine to the Lord before whom they minister unlesse he serve in the same livery that they doe and can turne over the leaves of his life and pilgrimage in fasting and sackcloth and true repentance as these his servants the Prophets and Saints have done VERS 4. These are the two Olive branches and the two Candlesticks which stand in the presence of the Lord of the Earth ANd these my two Testaments are those two Olive Trees saith the Lord described by my Prophet Zachary which stand and fructifie before the Ruler of the earth for ever and ever For their leafe that is to say their word and judgements shal neither wither nor fade though heaven and earth should perish and melt away And they are
the earth shall be glad over them and shall send gifts one to another because these two Prophets tormented them that dwell upon the earth ANd all the worshippers of the Beast here noted for their number by the inhabitants of the earth shall clap their hands over their owne inventions and rejoyce in the death of the truth and make merry with Bonefires Vigils Festivals Processions and in token of joy they shall send as the Spirit saith gifts one to another Kings and Princes and people shall present and endow the Beast and his Church with donations immunities possessions gold and silver offerings c. and the Beast on the other side shall requite their kindnesse with titles bels pardons buls and such like and the Spirit yeildeth a reason of this their wicked and ungodly comfort because they had put out the eyes of his two Prophets that their whoredomes and p●ophanations might not be reproved then which nothing can be greater torment to the wicked nor more unsavoury to them that per●sh VERS 11. And after three dayes and a halfe the Spirit of life from God entred into them and they stood upon their feet and great feare fell upon all that saw them ANd forasmuch as in the death and extermination of Antichrist by way of dependencie consisteth the life and resurrection as it were of the Scriptures the Spirit foresheweth that after the reigne and persecution of the Beast which here as in the ninth verse is determined by three dayes and a halfe God will raise up faithfull and prudent Priests Shepheards of understanding hearts who shal rightly ●ivide the words and testimonies of his two witnesses which the holy Ghost signifieth in saying that the Spirit of life from God entred into them for as the letter text of the Scripture is the corps thereof so their true intent and meaning is the Spirit and life of them and by the faithfull ministry of such as the Lord shall raise in and about that time and for that purpose the testimony of his two Prophets shall be restored to their strength and as it were to their walking againe which the Spirit signifieth in saying They stood upon their feet as well to the terror and astonishment of all lying and stupidious expositors as to the fear and admiration of the children and justifiers of wisdome as the holy Ghost concludeth saying And great feare fell upon all that saw them VERS 12. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying Come up hither and they went up into heaven in a cloud and their enemies saw them ANd the restauration of the true meaning of the Scriptures which their enemies so long kept under by all unjust and cunning shifts shall be more famously knowne and published then that they may any longer hinder or stop the glorious course of their wonderfull instauration which the Spirit intendeth in saying that I heard a voice from heaven saying Come up hither meaning that it should be more possible for their enemies to stay Elias Chariot from ascending or pull the wind back from pursuing his point then to resist the wisdome of the same the which shall vindicate the abuse of the Scriptures and by the power of their ministry as in the strength of a cloud shall hold them up and restore them to their spirituall and heavenly meaning againe and the Beast with all his Sorcerers and lyers which have been their long and ancient enemies shall see the glory of their regeneration and wonder and die VERS 13. And in that houre there was made a great earthquake and the te●●h part of the City fell and there were sla●●● in the earth-quake names of men seven thousand and the rest were cast into a feare and gave glory to the God of heaven ANd at such time as it pleased God to begin his work of instauration and to cause the day-spring of his Gospel to shine out of the night of Antichrists darknesse the abominable and desolate profanation of the Beast which had so long time over-cast the earth was in such sort discovered that the very root of his throne and usurped authoritie was dangerously shaken which the holy Ghost closely foldeth up in saying There was made a great earth-quake And further fore sheweth that out of this concussion there should arise so great defection that the tenth part of his worshippers should revolt from him and that this revolt and defection must cost the lives of many thousand men which the Spirit uttereth in a manner of speech strange to us butusual with the Scriptures calling men names of men as Chap. 3. 4. and meaning by seven thousand many thousand using the determinate number of seven indefinitly and for a number indeterminate as it is also in Scripture often Which broils and bloodshed concerning the institution of religion are so sufficiently reported in the Commentaries of Bohemia and Germanie and in the troubles of France and Flanders and other Nations as if it were purposely registred in proofe of this prophesie Lastly the Spirit concluding foretelleth that many kingdoms in this defection should quite forsake the Beast and haste them out of Babylon home again to build the walls of Ierusalem and to restore the morning and the evening Sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving as in the former time and in the dayes of old in saying And the rest were cast into a feare and gave glory to the God of heaven VERS 14. The second Woe is gone and behold the third Woe will come quickly THe first woe was the blasphemy of Arianisme which the holy Ghost in the ni●th Chapter most aptly resembleth unto a smoake ascending from the depth saying That the Sun was darkned and the aire with the smoake of the pit meaning by the Sunne the Son of God and by the aire the word of his truth by whose onely meane and interposition the object of his Deitie was truly discerned and in regard of this first woe which was kindled by Arius wherewith the inhabitants of the earth as the Spirit foretold us should be tormented five moneths meaning moneths of yeares which by Propheticall account amounteth to one hundred and fifty years which was the time of the Arian persecution as in the Ec●lesiasticall Histories more plainly appeareth The holy Ghost I say in regard of this first woe calleth the tragicall reigne of Antichrist the second woe whose long time of tyranny within this Chapter in a generall manner is declared and in the 13. Chapter following more particularly and exactly discovered though at the writing of this Prophesie it had his being onely in the foreknowledge of God and was not yet begun to be acted much lesse fully ended yet in respect it is here in a gene●all manner fully revealed the Lord to whom all things past and to come are present saith The second woe is gone upon determination whereof the third woe must ensue which for it surpasseth both the former in terror and greatnesse the holy Ghost bringeth it in
with a word of audience Behold the third woe will come meaning the great and terrible day of the Lord fore-denounced by his servants the Prophets in the which all Nations shall stand as Prisoners before him and receive every one according to the wayes wherein their heart hath walked And because the day of the Lords comming in glory and consummation of the world shall not lon● tarry after the determination and consumption ●● Antichrist as in the last verse of the thirteenth Chapter following shall be more fully declared the holy Ghost addeth the word quickly as a precise note of his speedy comming which our Lord also in another place confirmeth by a like word immediatly saying And immediatly after the tribulation of those dayes speaking of the tyrannous reigne of the Mat. 24. selfe same Antichrist they shall see the Son of man comming in the clouds of the aire VERS 15. And the seventh Angell sounded with a Trumpet andthere were made loud voices in heaven saying The Kingdomes of this world are made our Lords and his Christs and he shall reigne for ever and ever Amen TH' understanding of this verse dependeth upon the 8. Chapter where it is said And when he had opened the seventh Seale there was made silence in heaven c. And I saw seven Angells stand in the sight of God and there were given them seven Trumpets c. Where the holy Ghost meaneth by the Lamb the Son of God and by opening the seaventh Seale a more particular discovery of all such things as concerne the estate of his Church from his ascension to his comming in Majesty divided into seven acts declared by seven Trumpets sounded by seven Angels of which acts the sixth was the pageant of the de●olation of Antichrist the seventh and last is the comming of the Lord in the clouds of Heaven and consummation of the world uttered in these words And the seventh Angel sounded with a Trumpet and with a loud voice proclaimed the Kingdomes of this world so long time usurped by Monarchs and Antichrists which by right of Lordship and Inheritance did evermore belong to the God of Heaven and Prince of the Covenant shall how at length be restored to the right Lord and lawfull owner and of his reigne dominion and glory there shall be no end as the Spirit concludeth saying And he shall reigne for ever and ever Amen VERS 16. And the four and twenty Elders which sat on their seats in the sight of God fell on their faces and adoring God said We thanke thee Lord God Omnipotent which art which wast and which shalt come because thou bast received thy great power and brightnesse BY the foure and twenty Elders is meant the testimony of Moses and the Prophets who for that they spake by the seven-fold Spirit of Majesty which burneth night and day about the Throne of God are here said to sit on their seats in the sight of God And for that their judgements denounced from time to time agai●st Antichrist and his Worshippers are now just●●●●● upon them and the everlasting Kingdome of the Lord their God who hath stretched his wings from Sea to Sea and from the river to the end of lands is now set up for evermore therefore the Spirit saith that they fell on their faces and adoring the justification of God brake forth in praises and thanksgiving saying We thank thee Lord God Omnipotent c VERS 17. And the Gentiles were angry and thy wrath is come and the time of the dead to be judged and to render reward to ●hy Servants the Prophets and Saints and to the●●ha● feare thy Name little and great and to destroy the● that have corrupted the earth ANd all Ki●gdomes Nations and people which have evill intrea●ed Jerusalem and made a sport of the shame and affliction of Jacob shall now reap the fruit of their savage and hea●henish lives and mangre their fury shall endure the wrath and judgement of him who with justice judgeth and fighteth as the Spirit affirmeth saying And the Genti●● were angry and ●hy wrath i● come and the time of the dead to be judged And the Spi●it further ●estifieth that the Lord for whole glory that day was made shall render to every one their due hire or wages fo● so ●●e Origina●l importeth commonly inte●preted reward first to his Saints and servants and all that ove come their hi●e and wages which by promise and for his own● Name sake is due unto them Next to all ex●cra●le Atheists blasphemous Catholicks incredulous Heathen liers Hereticks carnall Gospellers and all other brazen and unregenerate Ch●istians the hire and wages wh●ch to their works and deeds an● merits ●s due ●s the Sp●rit concludeth saying And to render reward unto thy servants the Prophets and Saints and to them that feare thy name little and great and to destroy them that have corrupted the earth But concerning this seventh age wherein the Lord shal come in Majesty to judge the quick and the dead the Holy Ghost deferreth yet a while to speake mo●e particularly thereof and resumeth more exactly to intreate of the terme and pers●cution of Antichrist and his a●complices against the Church and Spouse of Christ that so the glory of his justice in thei● just refuration and judgement may bee more bright and manifest CHAP. XII 1. A confirmation of the Prophecy following 2. The description of the Church and of her Primitiv● fruit 4. The Chur hes first persecution raised by Ethnick Rome by whose immanity it came to passe that her beauty was no more seen in her visible and eminent graces but lived here and there dispersed and scattered over the face of the Earth 8. The great battell betweene Christianisme and P●ganisme Christ and his Truth overcommeth Jupiter and hi● profenation 18. The Emperour re●oveth his Throne pretending to stop the float of th' Enemy but intending to root out the dispersed remnant of the Church VERS 1. And the Temple of God was opened in heaven and the A●k of his Covenant was seen in his Temple and there was made lightnings voices thunders earth-quakes and great haile TH ' Apostle having drawne in the former part of this Prophesie a slight draught as it were and designment of Antich●ist doth now in the Prophecy following revisit and perfect the discovery of the Beast and hang him up to the view and discerning of heaven and earth And to the end that this his worke of manifestation may carry in it faire and uncontrollable credit the Apostle in this Verse assureth us that he revealeth no other word concerning the Church and her pressures here on earth during the personall absence of her Lord then that which he heard at the Councell table of God which he delivereth in a manner of speech usuall with the Prophets And the Temple of God was opened in Heaven and the Ark of his Covenant was seen in the Temple alluding to the Temple of Jerufalem and ●ignisying thereunder that the words
of this Revelation are no lesse sooth and true then if he had received them from the Oracle of God which spake from over the Ark of his Testament within the Temple of Jeru●alem whose words and answers for their divinity Majesty power and glory are here as elsewhere figured by voyces proper to God and not to man as Fightning thunders earth quakes and haile VERS 2. And a great signe appeared in Heaven a woman cloathed with the Sunne and the Moone under her feet and on her head a Crowne of twelve Starres BUt before the Spirit takes in hand to discover the persecutors of the Church it pleaseth him fi●st to describe the Church it selfe that so the barbarous immanitie of her enemies may be more apparent and justly abhorred being used against a creature of such virginall innocent and patient modestie who for her rare and admirable beauty is here called a great signe or heavenly apparition symbolizing her ●earfull modest sober and matron-like behaviour with th' appellation and quality of a woman for so she is in holy Scriptures often called The fairest woman the Kings daughter daughter of Sion daughter of Jerusalem the Spo●se of Christ Mother of the just c. And to the end she may the better be discerned of us the Apostle describeth her garments and wearing saying she was cloa●hed with the Sunne meaning that she had put on the Lord Jesus Sunne of justice that is to say her Soule was vested with an assurance of the mercy and love of God in Christ Jesus her Lord which justice or justification of the Spouse and her children is called in holy Scripture by way of Metaphor the white stone and the wedding Garment For as a Stoale or Garment covereth the shame and nakednesse of our vile bodies so the mercy and love of God insured us in Christ Jesus our Lord hideth the shame and nakednesse of our sinfull souls And to prove that her Garment was truly woven of the two divine threads to wit the assurance of mercy and the assurance of love in Christ Jesus her Lord the Spirit giveth in for evidence the fruits of this her lively and justificall faith closely hiding her newnesse of life her hatred of sin and her love of God as under a vaile in these words And the Moone under her feete signifying thereby that she had now quite forsaken and forgotten her fathers house that is had slaine her naturall sinfull and wonted affections and was revived and renewed in mind and with her Lord was now risen and ascended up as he into the heaven of heavens so she to a new custome and carriage of life far above and higher then the Moone for all her study and hearts delight was now in heaven where her hope her love her life and her dearest Lord liveth and reigneth God to be praised for ever and ever Amen Last of all the Spirit setteth forth her head-attire whereby her honour and estate was best knowne and wherein she most delighted saying that she wore on her head a Crowne made of a mettall much finer then gold for it was made of the doctrine of the 12. Apostles who for that they are the Lords lights and lanterns to guide the feet of sinners when sin hath benigh●ed them are here cal'd by the names of Stars And on her head a crowne of twelve Starres VERS 3. And being great with child she cryed travelling and labouring to be delivered ANd by the words which her eares received her hea●t conceived and she was great with feare and godly sorrow t●avelling under the burden of her sins and restle●●e desire to be reconciled to God which anguish and paines of her sorrowfull heart and broken sp●rit the Apostle most excellently compareth to the sorrows of a woman in travell In which her spiri●uall labour and paine she could by no means be relieved or eased untill her Lord were fashioned in her that is u●till her heart were sanctified by faith for no Treacle could h●al her miserable wounded soul but the assurance of mercy onely nor any water could quench the burning fla●es of her restles desire but the love of God onely insured her in Christ Jesus her Lord and written in the fleshly tables of her heart by the finger of God according to his promise his first and last and everlasting covenant VERS 4. And another signe appeared in heaven for lo a great red Dragon having seven heads and ten hornes and on his heads seven diadems AS night doth follow day and the shadow the body so must the C●osse ●ol●ow Christ and affiction his Church whose Sunne could no sooner shine but the envious man raised up a mighty storme of persecution to cloud the br●gh●esse of her beautifull beams which for the extraordinary surie thereof the Apostle calleth a wonder or signe meaning the Churches first and primitive persecution raised by Eth●ik Rome who for hi● power immanitie and malice to the Church of God is here called a great red Dragon and both for that his Throne and City was feated on seven hills as also for that he was in all ●mpietie pride and prophanation the totall sum and epitome as it were of all the seaven Mona●chies unto whom from the beginning of time to the end thereof was given and g●anted the charter and commission of blasp●eming God and corrupting his world as in the 13. Chapter following is more particularly discovered the Apostle addeth Having seven heads And in regard his power did beat downe the power of all Nations and made spoile and purchase of all Kings and Kingdomes on earth the Spirit saith he had ten bornes for the hornes signifie Kings and Kingdomes and the number of ten include all be they never so many as all numbers are made of ten and their reduplication be they never so infinite And because he came to advance his ●ead so high by the power of his sword his Leaders and legions the Spirit crowneth his heads with magnificence and diadems saying And on his heads seven diadems VERS 5. And his taile drew the third part of the Starres of heaven and cast them to the earth And the Dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered that when she had brought forth he might devoure her Son THe head of this great red Dragon was his Regall first estate governed by Romulus and six other successive King coa●s which Seneca calleth his infancy or nonage wherein he lived swathed and nourished in blood 244. years as his owne Historian reporteth The body of this great red Dragon was his Consuls second estate which Seneca calleth his full age part Aristocraticall part Democraticall and was therefore stiled Senatus populusque Romanus from whence partly by reason of his over-we●gh● and fulsome abundance as one of his owne noteth Romanis laxitas mundi rerum amplitudo dam●o fuit and partly for want of enemies abroad to wreak their proud and kingly humours on he fell into th'intestine evill of civill wars at home
which did cast him into his minority and wardship againe And this his last estate of regiment imperiall the holy Ghost here calleth his taile which confisteth of a rout of Monarchs seventie Keysars long who for that they so furiously persecuted and havocked the blood of the chiefest Saints and servants of God the Spirit saith that with his cursed taile he drew the third part of the Starres of heaven and cast them to the earth And not contented with the slaughter of his fairest lights and stars of his Church proceeded to desolate the whole hoast of heaven even all the seed of the Spouse named before the Churches child and here her Son meaning those in whom by the ministry of his fairest stars his Servants the Apostles Christ was now formed and of whom the Church was now ready to be delivered for so much the Apostle unfoldeth in these words And the Dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered that when shee should bring forth he might devoure her son VERS 6. But she brought forth a man-child who was to governe all Nations with an iron rod and her Son was taken up to God and to his Throne BUt notwithstanding all their fury the Church brought forth her first fruit which for their faith charity labour and patience the spirit nameth a Man-child and because they followed the Lord in the Regeneration and overcame by keeping his words and works unto the end they received the selfe-same honour which to their Lord alone and in chief belongeth namely that they shall judge the Tribes of Israel and have dominion over the Nations and shall rule them with a rod of iron and break their glory like a potters vessel as the Lord hath promised Mat. 19. Apoc. 2. And in remembrance of the tender care and providence of God over the seed and first fruit of his Church the Spirit concludeth that when they had ended their course they were taken up to God and to his Throne far from the reach and rage of their enemies VERS 7. And the woman Fled into the wildernesse where she had a place prepared of God that there they might feed her a thousand two hundred and sixty dayes BUt the Church of God here named the woman mother of this faire and primitive fruit being no longer able to weather out her stormes was enforced to hide her beau●y and to retire her selfe into the secret chambers of Gods providence and he● owne conscience and to take up her lodging in the desart not that her light was utterly extinguished as her enemies reproach her for although she were dispersed distressed and enforced to hide her extraordinary and eminent graces yet the beauty of her true repentance and of her lively faith seconded with a charitable life and patient expectation of better things to come st●ll shined as a Candle in a darke place and like a ship preserved in a tempest she remained still the same of whom the world was not worthy never wanting the loving protection of her dearest Lord who in all her troubles was mindfull of her as of Elias his servant or Israel his first-borne carefull to provide her both of honourable harbour and princely diet Her resting place was restlesse strewed and scattered far and neare over the face of the earth for such a lodging oid best beseeme her broken and restlesse heart which sojourned in earth but dwelt in heaven and did also best defend her person from the furious inquisitions of her enemies Neither was her Lord lesse loving and provident concerning her food for he preserved for her diet the two witnesses of his eternall Covenant that ●●●m their breast she might suck the pu●e and who some milke of grace and life that so she might be both nobly ha●boured and pri●cely sed during the tedious and odious Reig●e of the great Whore the Church of Rome who during her exile should ●surp her Chair and under the vizard ●f her name should persecu●e her name and generation a thousand two hundred and sixty years here as before mysti●ally deciphered under a thousand two hundred and sixty dayes VERS 8. And there was wages a battell in heaven Michael and his Angels fought with the Dragon and the Dragon fought an● his Angels ANd at the same tim● that the Temple of God was opened in heaven the Apostle also foresaw that great and bloody contention then which since the dayes of heaven was ●ever waged greate●● great in regard of the A●mes and great in respect of the cause The Armies great as well for the greatnesse of the Generals as for the valour and number of their Forces The Generall on the o●e side was the power of God sciphered by Michael the Prince of the Covenant who stood for the children and people of the Highest The G●nerall on the other side was the power of Satan figured by Ethnick Rome here as before called the Dragon In their Forces are to be considered the Leaders and the Souldiers The Leaders and Captaines on the part of Michael were Divus Petrus Divus Paulus Divus Johann●● and the rest of that divine and Noble or●●r of Saints And on the Dragons pa●t were Leaders and Chieftains Divus Tiberius Divus Caligula Divus Claudius Divus Nero and the rest of that most fil●hy and execrable traine So great was ●he multitude and number of Souldiers that none of what degree sex age or condition soever but must be prest for the one side or for the other the valour and ve●tue of the S●uldiers exceeded all praise few subdued many the weake overcame the stong a handfull of Chr●stians a world of infidels The cause was great and higher then the heavens whether God or Be●al Christ or Jupiter Christianisme or Paganisme were more venerable for antiquitie majest● call for amplitude more constant for continuance and in all other respects of wisdome honour and Majest●e more worthy to be imbraced and adored of the sons of men which was for life conten●ed by the Dragon his Angels and Assects and was ●o● life withstood and disapproved by Michael and his Angels and their followers The issue of this contention followeth VERS 9. But they prevailed not neither was their place found any more in Heaven AS the battel was great so was the victory glorious for though ●he Dragon with his sapient Senates his prophane Angels and his uncleane abbettors intended all their forces moving as it is in prove●b heaven and earth to make room for the a●omination of Jupter and to keep under water the everlasting Lord and Prince or the Co●enant as among the many Mo●uments of time is sufficiently proved and maintained by Orosius and by him to whom he wrote in his b●ok de Civi●ate Dei yet the Spirit foreseeing the Dragons ●ol●y and how in vaine he kickt against the spur in scorne of his pres●mption saith But he prevailed not and concluding affirmeth that the possession of heaven so long time usurped by● incestuous murtherers and execrable curtizans gods
his annoiuted Deputies he dare blaspheme the house of God wherein his name is honoured cursing reviling and reputing it a house of schismatiques heretiques excommunicates which blasphemous and undeserved wrong the holy Ghost layeth to his charge in these words and his tabernacle And last of all to shew that there is neither end nor measure in his black presumptuous and blasphemous mouth the Spirit further chargeth him with blaspheming the Saints and servants of God deceased cursing reviling and condemning their doctrine and yet blessing adoring and erecting their shadowes sepulchers and shrines for mediators intercessors and reconciliators betweene God and the sinner like their cursed fore elders the Israelites who boasted in the descent of their Father Abraham and yet balsphemed the faith of Abraham their Father of which blasphemous and indicible contumely against the Son of God and his most holy Spirit the Apostle condemneth him saying And those that dwell in heaven VERS 7. And it was given unto him to make battel with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him upon every people tribe tongue and Nation ANd as after lightning followeth thunder so after Antichrists blasphemy followeth his persecution as the Spirit testifieth saying And it was given him to bid battel to the Saints which the Prophet Daniel by way of exposition also plainly fetteth forth saying That he should murther and consume the Saints and servants of the most High and with the cursed Philistims should make his festivalls of Samsons afflictions And in further amplification of this his carnificious fury the Spirit setteth forth the largenesse of his charter and commission by an excessive loquution foretelling us that it should be so large and generall that the fire of his prophane and sycophanticall keys should take hold upon every nation and tribe as if we please to cast an eye upon the time past and confer what he had with what he hath we shall easily discerne the meaning of the holy Ghost in these words And power was given him upon every tribe people tongue and nation VERS 8. And all that inhabit the earth adored it whose names be not written in the booke of life of the Lamb which was slain from the beginning of the world THe holy Ghost having in the former part of this Chapter discovered the birth place person power blasphemie and persecution of Antichrist descendeth now to the description of his creatures and devotaries foretelling us that they should be such onely for unto such onely the particle all is here restrained as have their portion and interest in this life whose p●e●y heaven hope and glory is here and not elsewhere which kind of out and overcast Ch●istians the Spirit describeth by a periphrasis most proper to the●r naturall and inbred disposition saying th●y are those that inhabite the earth therein discovering them as by a difference divisive from such as are the Lords pilgrims and strangers on earth having here no permanent abode or place of rest but seeking the things which are above attend with patience the revelation of a life and City to come not made with hands where their Lord and their Redeemer live●h And the Spirit proceeding sheweth further the supreme hidden and unperceivable reason why the adorers of Antichrist thus defiled the ornaments of their calling and why they loved lyes more then truth the Beasts penance more then Gods repentance the Beasts beliefe more then faith towards God the Beasts miserable merits more then the fruits of the Spirit hatred of sin and love of God because as holy David saith they were not found in the Lords record nor written with the righteous for so much the Spirit unfoldeth saying whose names be not written in the Booke of life of the Lamb which was slaine from the beginning of the world VERS 9. If any man have an eare let him heare TH' Apostle having sufficiently deciphered the nature and carriage of Antichrist and his creatures commeth now to discover his reward and judgment which howsoever it tarry little or long is of necessity the reward of sinne But before the Spirit draweth out his sword it pleaseth him in his accustomed mercy to awake his Church and her enemies and to move them to a feare and reverent attention by a generall summons proclaiming If any man have an eare let him heare VERS 10. He that shall lead into captivity goeth into captivity and he that shall kill with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and the faith of the Saints THe holy Ghost in this verse calleth An●ichrist to the Barre and sets him bef●re the world for the very hee on whom the wrath of God and his heavy displeasure is to be executed For he who under colour and pretence of weeding out and rooting up of heretiques hath b●ought into the Church captivity inquisitions tortures and torments to the horrible murther and slaughter of the Saints when in such cases notwithstanding he had neither precept nor example in the life of the Lamb or his Apostles so to doe hee even hee saith the Lord is that party against whom this just judgement of taliation is laid up in store to be executed upon him in that day when the Lord shall bring againe the captivity of his Church which for their sings he hath given up to the sword and fury of the Beast untill she have bo●ne the burthen of her shame and as the Prophet saith renewed her beauty by her sorrows and her glory by Ezek. 39. her persecutions and then shall be fullfilled that which was spoken by the Prophet Wo to thee that spoyledst and wast not spoyled and didst deale wickedly Isa 33. when they did not wickedly against thee for when thou shalt cease to spoyle thou shalt be spoyled and when thy sin is ended thou shalt be rewarded as here also the Spirit denounceth contesting that God shall scourge him with his owne inventions and repay him home in his owne coine saying He that shall lead into captivity shall goe into captivity and he that shall kill shall be killed And in consolation of the Spouse concludeth that howsoever Antichrist and his Delegates foolishly thought by afflicting the Church to destroy the Church yet in her afflictions consisteth the very strength and approbation of her children for by the things they suffer they learne obedience and through patience their faith is consecrated by the which they are perfected and made inheritable of the promise of God all which mercy and favour is commended unto them under the hand and seale of afflictions by which their mad and drunken adversaries thought to consume them and like fools did not consider that as the workman doth square the stone by strokes and as the Snake doth cast his old skinne by passing through sharpe stones so the Lord doth renew his Spouse by stripes and brusheth off her old affections by passing her through the asperitie of tribulation which holy and hidden consideration causeth
death of the Tree for the Redemption of those that were his sworne enemies And this is the Love which the World can neither give nor receive the Love which forbeareth and is gentle void of envy vanteth not whose countenance is humbled whose steps are modest alway seeking good to others not giving place to anger never found devising or joying in evill but alway rejoycing in the company of truth beareth all things beleeveth all things hopeth all things endureth all things And this is the perfection the new Commandement the Garment dipt in the precious price whose often praise shineth in the two Lamps which burne before the Throne of God and no man can see it or have his part therein that hath not received the promise and spirit of adoption wherein he cryeth Abba father What wilt thou doe to this man to take his love from him wilt thou revile him charge him with names of Heretick Sectary private spirit Devill he bearing in mind thy blasphemy of old and how thou didst call his Lord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and knowing the Disciple is not above his Master nor servant greater then he that sent him openeth his mouth and blesseth thee for he remembreth the Commandement of his Lord Blesse them that curse yee Wilt thou hate him lye in wait for him and sweare in thy heart to be his enemy he weepeth and loveth thee for hee remembreth the Commandement of his Lord But I say unto you love your enemies Wilt thou bend thy brow and fist against him lay thy hand to the sword and drive him into the corners of th' earth hee goeth weeping and prayeth for thee for he remembreth the Commandement of his Lord Pray for them that persecute ye Wilt thou lay thy hand and authority upon him draw him through thy streets and beat out his braines with the stones thereof he lifting up his voyce commendeth his spirit and last request unto his God and Father beseeching him to forgive his blood unto thee and sleepeth for he remembreth how in like case his Lord the Lamb did so And this is the renovation spirituall and first resurrection Happy man that hath his part therein for the second death shall take no hold on him Who layeth to the charge of this man Who may reprove his light his steps and his corrected customes This man if he have beene a Worshipper of the Beast returning to himselfe falleth downe and broken to water powreth out his complaint before the Throne of God confesseth he was conceived in darknesse his birth was blasphemy his bringing up destruction beseecheth him to remember his Testament and Covenant of mercy wherein from the beginning his soule so delighted in it to pity and gather up againe the blood which sin and abhomination hath spilt and raised up comes out of Her ever after offereth Sacrifice well washt with water the fire of heaven consuming and giving up the savour before the Throne of God to whom in his Lord and Redeemer he is now reconciled and dyeth inward night and day remembring the treason of his life past This man hath he been an adulterer or a defiler of his body returning to himselfe falleth downe at the feet of God and broken to tears cryeth Sodome was his Mother Gomorrah his Father beseecheth him to remember him to remember his Covenant and Testament of mercy wherein his soule so evermore delighted in it to turne and love againe the poore confounded work of his hand by ●in and filthinesse cast out to death and raised up doth so no more ever after holdeth his body chast or honourable and bleedeth inward night and day remembring th'uncleanenesse of his youth This man hath he beene covetous an Userer an Extortioner a Fighter a Loyterer a Theefe a Drunkard Contentious furious a darke and double-dealer a lover of his flesh or any such like returning to himselfe falleth downe and molten to tears powreth out his cryes before the Throne of God confesseth he was conceived in death his teachers and his blood-friends the powers and strength of hell beseecheth him to remember his everlasting Testament wherein his soule so greatly delighteth in it to pity and recover againe the poore and broken work of his hand which ●in and foolishnesse hath slaine And raised up doth so no more ever after breaketh his bread unto the hungry restoreth the poore mans pledge that lyeth bleeding by him rendreth to him to whom he hath done wrong hath peace and love with all men eateth not unlesse he labour and by his true and faithfull paines getteth his bread receiving his increase with moderation and thanksgiving beareth al things forbeareth all things speaketh the truth from his Heart and in his Tongue useth no deceit setteth by himselfe now no more but is become vile and lowly in his owne eyes and mourning consumeth inward ni●ht and day remembring the trespasse of his time lost Come forth ye Theeves and Murtherers out of your Dens and Pallaces you that have filled the aire with voices boasting your works and called the heavens into the field despised their wayes in respect of your works Like as if the Thistle should bragge of his Figges or Thorne should vaunt it selfe against the Vine of Canaan and say her berries were better Grapes then hers Vipers tell us may the fruit be good when the Tree is bad Serpents how can you do good works your selves being evill but because ye have call'd him out modest and fearfull as he is he comes accepteth the controversie and may ye indeed set your prayers and your pilgrimages by his may ye compare your fasts your mercy and your almes with his Looke how a graine imbalanced against the round world is found light and to beare no scale at all so are ye found blind dead and abominable weighed with this man held up by the finger of him whose Hand is an everlasting Scepter a rod and rule of equity Murtherers dare ye to set your prayers by his Behold this man early in the morning and late in the night season with broken and humbled knees presenteth himselfe before the Throne of God and having n'other Father but him alone in sure confidence lifting up his voyce confessing his poverty shame and confusion giveth all praise honour and glory unto his Holy name and utterly ashamed now of his owne will and walks beseecheth him to powre downe his promise the ruler and governour of his Kingdome that being sanctified and guided by it he may ever after walk in his Commandements and worke his holy will even as his servants which minister before his Throne in Heaven And thereto knowledging he is fed and cloathed not by his owne carke and care but by the Hand and providence of his Heavenly Father commendeth unto him his body and the life thereof beseeching though he be not worthy the least of his mercies it may please him notwithstanding to continue his love and graces towards him and calling to mind his seven-fold offence committed before him