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A91881 John the Baptist, forerunner of Christ Iesvs: or, A necessity for liberty of conscience, as the only meanes under heaven to strengthen children weake in faith; to convince hereticks mis-led in faith; to discover the gospel to all such as yet never heard thereof; and establish peace betweene all states and people throughout the world; according unto which, were both our Saviours commission, and the apostles practice for the propagation of it peaceably: as appeares most evidently by sundry Scriptures digested into chapters, with some observations at the end of every one; most humbly devoted to the use and benefit of all such as are zealously inquisitive after truth; piously disposed to imbrace it, and constantly resolved to practice it in their lives and conversations; to the honour of God, the edifying of their brethren, and their owne salvation unto eternity. The contents of the chapters follow in the next leaf. This is licenced, but not permitted to be entred according to order. Robinson, Henry, 1605?-1664? 1644 (1644) Wing R1673; Thomason E9_13; ESTC R15393 119,971 135

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told the Thessalonians 2 Thess 2.11 But these are none of those teachers which Christ gave for building up his mysticall body Eph. 4 11.12 They tell us 't is the Spirit that teacheth us to pray which in our hearts cryeth Abba Father Gal. 4.6 and together with our spirits maketh intercession for us Rom. 8.26 They tell us that of our selves we are not able so much as to have a good thought such sufficiencie is of God 2 Cor. 2.5 Faith is the gift of God thereby we are saved through grace Rom. 9.16 so that such as teach men to take up a Religion without trying of it that men if they themselves will may beleeve this or that opinion which is taught them of their superiours or prescribed by the State censuring all such for reprobates or obstinate that say they cannot this is no other then the absolute ground-worke and corner stone whereon the Papists soly build and without which they could not possibly have so long upheld their selfe-loved doctrine of merit and supererogation But since man by nature is a childe of wrath inclined to fulfill the desires of the flesh Eph. 2.3 and meerly of his owne strength incapable of discerning the things of the Spirit have we not just cause and grounds from reason besides these cleer Scriptures to thinke that prayers unto the Father of lights and Christian-like instructions of such as are Spirituall would prove more powerfull to reclaime a sinner out of his naturall estate or reduce hereticks unto the truth then the bloudy hands of cruell executioners the spirits of the Prophets are subject to the Prophets 1 Cor. 14.2 and as nothing but a diamond will cut a diamond so nothing but that which is spirituall can prevaile upon the spirit we see that Paul tells the Corinthians their faith must not be governed nor stand in the wisdome of men 1 Cor. 2.5 much lesse in their dominion and power which may be void of wisdom CHAP. VI. Christs and the Apostles testimony concerning the certainty of the Elects salvation IOh. 6.37 All that the Father giveth me shall come unto me and him that commeth unto me I will in no wise cast out C. 17.12 Those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost save the sonne of perdition that the Scripture might be fulfilled Matth. 18.14 It is the will of your Father which is in heaven that not one of these little ones should perish Matth. 24.24 If it were possible they should deceive the very elect Joh. 3.16 Whosoever beleeveth in Christ Jesus shall not perish but have everlasting life 2. Cor. 4,8.9 We are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed yet not in dispaire persocuted but not for saken cast downe but not destroyed Act. 5.39 If this worke be of God you cannot over throw it C. 11.17 Forasmuch as God gave them the like gifts as he did unto us who beleeved on the Lord Jesus Christ what was I that I could withstand God C. 23.9 If a Spirit or an Angel hath spoken unto Paul let us not fight against God 2. Cor. 13.8 We cannot doe any thing against the truth but for the truth 2. Tim. 2.19 The foundation of God standeth sure having this scale the Lord knoweth who are his Rev. 7.17 The Lambe shall lead them unto the living fountaines of waters and shall wipe away all teares from their eyes Joh. 10.28 I give unto my sheepe eternall life and they shall not perish neither shall any man plucke them out of my hand 1. Joh. 2.19 They went out from us but they were not of us for if they had beene of us they Would no doubt have continued with us but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not of us Observations upon CHAP. VI. IF Gods Elect could totally and finally fall from grace and possibly milcarry eternally then were it like wise possible that none at all might have beene saved and consequently that Christs intention of mans salvation might have beene quite frustrated and his death in vaine but since neither of these are true why are we so fondly jealous and preposteriously carefull lest the people of God should bee misled and carried away with every wind of doctrine That rather then not suppresse each opinion which is but supposed erroneous wee will run the hazard of silencing the most saving truths of putting to deaths Gods dearest Saints and resisting his blessed Spirit reducing our selves into such a posture and condition that if wee be in ignorance wee must necessarily continue so ● and if we be in errour wee must bee incapable of ever comming out of it I confesse it is as true on the other side that such whose names are not from eternity recorded in the booke of life what ever meanes bee used shall notwithstanding live and die unregenerate and if it be therefore objected that we may be the lesse pensive about using of the meanes I answer That God hath fully declared his will and pleasure to save his people onely in the use of meanes and to reject such only as do neglect them secondly we find it sayd in the Parable how that servant which knows his masters will and doeth it not shall be beaten with many stripes and bee that knoweth not his will and doth ought worthy of stripes shall yet have fewer stripes because he knew not his masters will much being required from him that received much Luke 12.47.48 Since then God will have the meanes used and that by every one according to his owne light and knowledge that he may be fully perswaded in his owne conscience Rom. 14.5 since we have not beene of Gods cabinet counsell c. 11.34 and no man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit which is within him 1. Cor. 2 11. Since we cannot be competent Judges of anothers conscience nor privy to his gifts further then hee himselfe acquaints us and lastly though sects and heresies should multiply never so much since if that one saving truth can but get liberty to shew it selfe it will at last infallibly vanquish that many headed monster of errours without so much as hazarding the weakest Christian in Gods act of foresight and providence from eternity wee cannot abridge other men the freedome of their owne conscience without a most palpable infringing of Gods greatest commandements without crossing the whole course of the Gospel without a notorious character of greatest folly without the highest injury to Christianity and through the consequence of our unsound principles become accessory to the finall losse of all those soules that perish for want of truly saving knowledge CHAP. VII Christs owne testimony that His Kingdome was not of this world neither did he exercise Civill jurisdiction IOh. 6.15 When Jesus perceived that they would come and take him by force to make him a King he departed into the mountaine himselfe alone Luke 22.49,50,51 When they which were about Jesus saw what would follow they
very probable that our Saviour would have vindicated him from the contrary opinion which the Apostles had of him because he did not follow them notwithstanding Christ gives command that he may enjoy Christian Liberty saying forbid him not because the miracle how ill soever otherwise was done in his name a full argument that such as are acknowledged to have any one good gift ought not to be silenced because they want some others But whereas we find our Saviour avouching in these words Many will say to me in the last day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy Name and cast out divells and in thy Name done many wonderfull works and then will I professe unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity Mat. 7.22,23 which being compared with Marke 9.38,39 it is most evident that our Saviours pleasure was that such workers of false miracles whom he intended to judge in the last day should not be hindered in the meane time by a coercive power much lesse such as have knowne good gifts and are acknowledged to exercise them meerly for conscience sake and in that our Saviour sayes then or in the last day will I professe to know them not it will easily follow that frail mankinde should not be so confident of their ability to distinguish them before hand much lesse of having authority to prohibit them in that Christ from whom in such case it must have been derived gives licence and commands them to imploy their talent 2 This preaching Christ not sincerely nor in truth may well be meant not in respect of the manner only but of the matter also and in what kinde soever it was done out of envy strife contention and on purpose to adde affliction unto Paul yet he in stead of silencing or punishing the offenders rejoyced thereat so may we suppose a godly Minister who is acknowledged to have eminent gifts but withall infected with some one or other erroneous opinion which destroyes not the foundation would Paul thinke we have prohibited this godly man to preach Christ because that even whilst he did preach Christ he sometimes used to intermingle leaven of errour his preaching Christ might save the soules of such as heard him whilst his errour being mixt therewith might make himselfe a castaway 1 Cor. 9.27 3 This Scripture tells us of multiplicity of gifts which God distributes amongst his servants not to some all to some none at all but to one he gives this gift to an other that with expresse advertisement that the manifestation of the Spirit be it in how small measure soever is given to every man to profit withall that is to profit and edifie others withall now how can a weake servant of Christ to who God has distributed any one portion of his Blessed Truth imploy it to the honour of the Doner for the service of his people if he shall be silenced or imprisoned by a superiour power for wanting some other parcell of truth or interweaving therewith some erroneous doctrine in the opinion of the Rulers where he lives and how can they justifie this doing evill that good may come of it the interring a good gift together with a bad one or how can they be so certaine that such opinions are erroneous when their Ancestours perhaps declared them to be orthodox and their successours will have power to the same againe hereafter whilst other Nations and People whom in other respects they acknowledge as wise and conscientious as themselves doe hold the same at present This is not alleadged to hinder any severe or pious inquiry after truth the most eminent of all Gods gifts or the holding fast thereof when it is found but to temper and qualifie the fierce zeale of such who deny to others the same Christian Liberty which they assume unto themselves Are we not all alike commanded to try the spirits 1 Joh. 4 1. and is it not required of us all alike to buy the truth and fell it not Prov. 23.23 to what purpose need I take paines to try the spirits my selfe when I am certaine that my neighbour who is stronger then I will impose his spirit what ever it be upon me to what purpose should I buy the truth or how can I possibly hold fast that which is good 1 Thess 5.21 when a mightier then my selfe pretends he may take it away at pleasure but is it so Doe we thinke the Spirit of God requires such impossibilities Is he become an Aegyptian taske-master and as if he would purposely picke a quarrell and destroy us require what lyes not in our power to performe Oh far be from us all such blasphemy and prophanenesse let God be just and every man a liar Rom. 3.4 Does he command us to prove all things and hold fast the good Does he command us to buy the truth and sell it not then certainly he intended we should have meanes and power conducing thereunto may such therefore in their most retired thoughts consider how heavy a doome betides them that hinder men in the search of truth or plunder them of it when they have found it And since he that refusing to imploy his one talent ●id it in the earth was condemned to utter darkenesse Mat. 25.25 28.30 what think we will their lot be that will not suffer men to improve that one talent or gift which God hath given them because they have not all the rest or so many perhaps or in so great perfection as they themselves in their own apprehension suppose to have whereas Gods practise and promise is to give greater abundance afterwards to such whose faithfulnesse he hath first had experience of in a little Mat. 25.23 We finde in the Acts. c. 10.46.48 that when Cornelius with many of the Gentiles spake strange tongues Peter forth with baptised them which those of the circumcision found fault with but Peter informing them of the whole matter excused himselfe saying forasmuch as God gave them the like gifts as he did unto us who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ what was I that I could withstand God And when they heard these things they held their peace and glorified God saying then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life Act. 11.17.18 Now if Peter could not withstand God in his servants which had but the like or more inferiour gifts to himselfe how unwarrantable is it for us that come short of Peters spirit to oppose our brethren who perhaps have yet more excellent endowments then our selves and how can they judge them to be otherwise since such only as are Spiritually minded can judge of Spirituall gifts and such as are lesse Spirituall have not a capacity to judge of those which are more Spirituall 1 Cor. 2.14 but if an Angel or the Blessed Spirit hath revealed any further truth unto a brother Act. 23.9 despicable perhaps in the eyes of the world as it is not safe for me to be over credulous at the first
the just to make ready the people and prepare them to receive the Lord Christ Jesus Mat. 3.1.2 Luke 1.17 And as this was ordained from eternity by the infinite wisdome of the Almighty so is a freedome and liberty of Conscience absolutely necessary for the further propagation of the Gospell as well in respect of those that never yet heard thereof as of such who are but children and weake in faith and of all others which are at present or shall be at any time hereafter erroniously instructed for illuminating their understandings and rectifying their judgements 2 In this sense it is that we must neither call nor be called Rabbi master or father no relations must cause us to sweare in verba Magistri contrary to our owne conscience 't was the Lord of life who with the price of his owne blood redeemed us from death and purchased for us freedome not to be subject unto men further then we can concurre with our owne consciences and judgements but Christ is Lord Paramount and him we must with faithfull Abraham beleeve and obey even against hope and in some sense against our owne reason Rom. 4.18 for his service and devotion must our conscience be reserved chaste and undefiled to his Scepter only must that yeeld it cannot serve Christ and Mammon Matth. 6.24 He will share stakes with no creature all or none for him Oh! how jealous should we then be of endeavouring to conduct this Virgin immaculate and untainted through the pollutions of this seducing world unto her Bridegroome in heaven Had it not been for that blessed liberty of Printing which this Kingdome has enjoyed some two or three yeares together after the first sitting of this Parliament we had yet remained in ignorance of much saving truth and amongst other mischiefes beene still as deeply engaged for Episcopacie as ever but since God thereby has already given so great a blessing to us as an earnest of his greater bounty hereafter why doe we stifle it in the birth such as perceive the usurpation of Episcopacie are not yet satisfied that Presbytery has a better title or that if Bishops may not rule over us without our owne consents why Presbyters should doe the same against consent If such a Presbytery be Gospel proofe why is it afraid to come to triall Let men and Angels speake freely what they can both for it and against it else how shall we be able to distinguish when to blesse the feet of them that bring glad tidings of good things Rom. 10.15 or curse such as preach other doctrine Gal 1.8 And if you say that through this freedome twenty damnable errours have been spread for every saving truth I answer that these errours heresies and offences must needs have come if we may beleeve the Blessed Spirit that they which are approved might be made manifest 1 Cor. 11.19 neither are you further accessory to their comming than in not restraining them by a coercive power which Christ or his Apostles not only never gave you warrant for but have at least clearly insinuated if you should not yet see an expresse commanding of the contrary and the woe is pronounced on them by whom they come Matth. 18.17 not on those that could not keep them out by other meanes than such as were unjustifiable and must at same time have with-held the truth 2 Cor. 8.12 If such as participate of the body and bloud of Christ unworthily receive to themselves damnation 1 Cor. 11.29 If preaching the word of God be a savour of death unto death to such as perish 1 Cor. 2 15,16 What wonder is it then that if a Christian or Civill liberty in matters of conscience only be granted such as were never of us should goe out from us when the Spirit of God sayes they went out from us for this very reason that we might know they were not of us 1 Joh. 2.19 and Peter tells us there should arise false prophets teaching damnable heresies and denying even the Lord that bought them bringing upon themselves damnation and that many shall follow their pernitious waies by reason of whom the truth shall be evill spoken of but marke what he saies that notwithstanding all this the Lord knoweth how to deliver the Godly out of temptations and reserve the unjust to be punished at the day of judgement 2 Pet. What if God who was willing to shew his wrath and make his power knowne enduring with much long suffering the vessells of wrath fitted to destruction shall say there must be offences Hath not the potter power over the clay to make vessells of dishonour also Rom 9.21,22 will we be wiser then God Himselfe Gods will and commandement as it was to Abraham for sacrificing Isaac Gen. 22.23 should be reason enough to require and finde obedience from all good Christians and yet the necessity of suffering erroneous opinions to be published lest truth thereby should be stifled is so cleare and necessary to the eye of reason as it is for him that hath lost any thing to seek it where it is not as well as where it is if ever he mean to finde it but you will say you have not lost truth and perhaps you have not perhaps you never had it to lose you make men jealous thereof in that you are so loth to shew it by your workes James 2.18 so backward in giving a reason and account thereof in bringing it to the touchstone 1 Pet. 3.15 But most certaine it is you have not the whole truth according to the measure and stature of Christ Eph. 4.13 you have not the fulnesse of perfection to be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect Mat. 5.48 If you doe but thinke so 't is a certaine signe you are not so and because you come short thereof and know but in part 1 Cor. 13.9 for the love of that which is still wanting you must make search and enquiry even where it is not to be found Our Saviour sayes Seeke and you shall finde Matth. 7.7 but it would be an improper speech to say seeke if we could goe readily where it were and what need we examine that we learne if we could be sure it were the truth without examining or what profiteth it to have found out the truth if we have not liberty to embrace it and make profession of it But as the Law entred that the offence might abound and where sin abounded grace did much more abound Rom. 5.20 21. so must erroneous doctrines be permitted that the truth may shine more glorious so must you not suppresse such unlesse you will at same time runne hazard to suppresse the truth what then must we sinne that grace may abound Rom. 6 1. must we cherish hereticks for exercising the patience of true beleevers or that when they get strength enough they may persecute them to death No But if we learne of God who is long suffering 2 Pet. 3.9 and would not permit the ta●es to be pull'd up