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A90808 The holy scripture clearing it self of scandals: or, An answer to a book written by Richard Farnworth, who is commonly called a Quaker, bearing this title, Truth cleared of scandals. In this answer, you have the substance of a dispute at Harliston in Staffordshire, between Richard Faruworth [sic] and the author, in the yeer 1654. Written by Tho. Pollard, a member of the Church of Christ, gathered in, and about, Leichfield. Whereunto is added, Certain considerations and queries concerning those people called the Quakers; with desire of an answer. As also, a postscript, manifesting their folly in pretending a necessity of using the terms thee and thou to a single person. / By Henry Haggar, a servant of Jesus Christ, and of the congregation of his saints. Pollard, Thomas, fl. 1655.; Haggar, Henry. 1655 (1655) Wing P2775; Thomason E857_8; Thomason E842_10; ESTC R206619 43,888 64

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according to these Scriptures John 1.9 chap. 8.12 7. Whether did he not declare it and make it manifest to the sons of men both by his words and actions more then ever any man else could do according to these Scriptures Joh. 12.49 50. Whatsoever I speak therefore even as the Father said unto me so speak I and as the Father gave me commandment even so do I chap. 14.31 Again All things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you chap. 15.15 8. Whether did not the Apostles of the Lord declare and testifie the same things to others that they heard and saw and learned of him according to these Scriptures 1 John 1.3 That which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you and Acts 20.27 Paul saith He had not shunned to declare unto them all the counsell of God 9. Whether we came to know any of these things that Christ or his Disciples did or whether we can know them but by the holy Scriptures or how can we know that either Christ or his Disciples were ever in the world but by the holy Scriptures consider and judge If these things be so 10. Then whether is there not a greater light shining to us in the face of Jesus Christ through the New Testament which he hath sealed with his own blood then we can possibly expect to come from the heart or brain of any man now living or to live untill Christ himself shall again appear 11. If a greater light now shineth through Christ by the New Testament then ever hath or by men or Angels can shine to the sons of men then whether is it not folly and madness for any man now to refuse this light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ to walk by the light and dictates of his own heart which is deceitful and desperately wicked who can know it Jer. 17.9 even as a man should light a candle to walk by when the sun shineth in his full strength 12. Whether may we not now according to Paul's directions Gal. 1.8 9. account all men or Angels accursed that refuse the light of the glorious Gospel thus shining unto us and chusing rather to walk by another that is to say by the light within them Lastly if the spirit of truth when it cometh into a soul shall lead him into all truth then whether may we not safely conclude that they have none of the spirit of God which err from the truth of the Gospel as it was once delivered to the Saints and under value those words of Christ which himself who had the spirit without measure said They are spirit and they are life and if they were not so to any man it was because they believed not John 6.63 64. For how can we know that the dead shall rise and come to judgemens but by the holy Scriptures of Truth This much by Henry Haggar a Servant of the Lord JESUS CHRIST and the Congregations of his Saints with a desire of an Answer by any who will or can POSTSCRIPT ALthough there is much spoken in the former part of the Book in answer to the vain conceit impudedent practise of these foolish men in using the term Thee and Thou to all single persons whatsoever by which they break the Commandment of the Lord which is That we give no offence to Jew nor Gentile nor to the Church of God Therefore I thought it fit to put down these following lines to make their folly manifest First They affirm that the word Thee and Thou is onely proper to a single person and none else in which they belye the Scriptures and deceive themselves and others as appeareth thus Deut. 25.17 18. Remember what Amalek did unto Thee how he met Thee by the way and smote the hindmost of Thee when Thou wast faint and weary c. Thus you see plainly the word Thee Thou is as well proper to thousands as to a single person see also 27.9 10. Secondly That the word or term You was used by Christ and that to a single person is evident Luk. 22.31 where Christ saith Simon Simon behold Satan hath desired to have You that he might sift You as wheat but I have prayed for Thee that Thy faith fail not Here we see that the Lord Christ used the word You as well as the word Thee to a single person by all which it is evident that it is no sin nor yet an improper speech and therefore the people of God may and ought to use it upon occasion and they which do affirm it to be a sin do blasphemously conclude that Christ was a sinner And thus is their folly made manifest Henry Haggar FINIS
then he asked me whether my baptism washed away sin I told him I could prove that Water-baptism was an Ordinance of Christ being administred on right subjects which are men and women when they believe and yeelding obedience to it as a command of Christ I had the answer of a good conscience and this no man can have but by the washing away of sin for obedience and godliness hath the promise of this life and of that which is to come for blessed are they that do his commandments But I do not affirm that any man can have salvation by vertue of his obedience but this I say that the obedient and they onely are within the promises and it will be assuredly performed to them for faithful is he that promiseth and he will perform it O then dear Saints to you that prize the holy commandments of Christ and yet live in the use of them though these men so speak against them I shall give you another Scripture to shew Christs care of his Church that it may be well ordered according to his minde and how long Ordinances are to stand beside that of the commission that shews to the end of the world this in Ephes 4 8. which plainly holdeth out the institution of it When he ascended up on high he gave some Apostles some Prophets some Evangelists some Pastors and Teachers And let us minde the end Christ had in so doing which is for the perfecting of the Saints by which it appears that Christ did well know that the Church would stand in need of help from him Ah Saints see his care of you prize it then Secondly that the work of the Ministery might be carried on in the Church and world for the inlarging of his kingdom Thirdly that the body might be edified Now Christ having thus carefully provided for his Church and for all men that the Gospel might be preached to every creature then he tells us how long Ordinances shall stand vers 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith Then it is plain that Ordinances are yet of force for those who are beloved for the Fathers sake the Lord hath said he must bring in The Lord hasten the day of their coming in that the Gentiles fulness may be compleated Secondly the Church shall be brought to a perfect man unto the stature of the fulness of Christ But yet we see much incompleatness but O that we were more looking for this day Fourthly we may see another end Christ had vers 14 That we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro with every winde of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive If we well weigh these words we may see that Christ did well know so many hundred yeers ago what would come to pass in the last times And sure now is the time for we see men risen up pretending high attainments not in a superstitious habit but in a shew of glory and filled with feigned words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple and thus they lie in wait to deceive when they cannot work downright at once with a man then they will work by degrees as first to benum or deaden his affection to Ordinances and put him out of love with something that the Church lives in the practise of as breaking of bread calling it carnal and when they have drawn away his affection then they endeavour to stifle him in his judgment and so ensnare him I speak what I know in this thing But you dear Saints that are faithful to the principles of Truth labour to embrace that Exhortation and to walk worthy of that commendation that Paul speaks of 1 Cor. 11.1 2. In the first verse you have the Exhortation in these words Be ye followers of me even as I also am of Christ. The commendation is in these words Now I praise you brethren that ye remember me in all things and keep the Ordinances as I delivered them unto you And if this be well pleasing in the sight of God that we keep his Ordinances as they were delivered by his servants and they had this authority from above and his presence with them in the work then it is plain that these men who thus set themselves to overthrow the Ordinances of Christ as they were once delivered are the deceivers For they that will deny a visible Church that the Scripture is so full to witness and will say that all Ordinances ceased when Christ ascended then Paul was too blame to commend the Church at Corinth for keeping that which Christ had put an end to at his ascention if what Farnworth sayes be true Again it is plain that Paul was a Persecutor at Christ's ascention then minde it must be that Christ did shew to Paul this That he was worthy of commendation that did keep the Ordinances and if what Paul spake were by the Spirit of God as without all question he did then it must follow that these have a spirit of delusion coming from hell and darkness that spits out such venome against the Ordinances of Christ Jesus that is so fully confirmed to us by so strong an Obligation of his own making I will be with you minde if the Lord Jesus will be with them that obey him then surely satan will be is with them that go contrary to the commands of Christ And minde Rom. 6.16 To whom ye yeild your selves servants to obey his servants ye are whether of sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness And I am sure it is well for every soul that is found faithful to the death for they shall receive a crown of life that fadeth not away which God the righteous Judge will give to all those that long and look for his appearing O then they are the only happy men and women that are faithful in obedience to every command of Christ The sixth thing Farnworth affirmed That the Scripture was not of any use to any man till he was brought into the condition of them that writ the Scriptures Then it must follow that the Scripture is onely in use for men in Christ and not to bring them to Christ for saith the Apostle Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost Then minde 1. The absurdity will be this that the Scripture is not of use to make men holy but useful onely to holy men because holy 2. Then this must follow that the Scripture is not of use to teach or shew men the way to Christ but to them that are taught or brought to him without it 3. To destroy preaching upon this ground namely to convince and convert souls to Christ must needs destroy Faith also for saith the Apostle Rom. 10. Faith cometh by hearing and if by it then not without it minde that so then to take away the cause the effect will cease And it is plain by the Scripture that the Gospels preaching is
the cause of mens believing for saith Paul vers 14. How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard O then Reader minde how far this Opinion will plunge a poor soul whose condition is such that he cannot please God without Faith Heb. 11.6 Without faith it is impossible minde to please God And in Rom. 14.23 Whatsoever is not of faith is sin so then to deny the Ordinance of preaching by which Faith comes must needs tend to destroy Faith and then please God who can But let us weigh the design of these men a little if they can once bring a poor soul into this condition to disown the Scripture when he most stands in need of it that is to say to bring him to Christ and to shew him how he ought walk so as to please God I say if once the poor creature be brought into such a condition then he knows he can easily keep him from prising it at all But let us see how this crosses the end of God's sending his Son into the World John saith chap. 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son into the world that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting life Again Luke 1. witnesses that Christ was sent of the Father to be a light to them that sit in darkness and are in the shadow of death and to guide our feet into the way of peace And how should we know this great love of the Father much less believe it without the Gospels preaching Again Christ saith He came not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance and he came to seek and to save that which was lost By all which it is plain that the end of the Gospels preaching to every creature was not because every creature did believe this but that they might hear and believe Again if those three thousand Act. 2. were converted by the Gospel then not without it and them of Samaria by the Gospel then not any other way Act. 8. and the believing Thessalonians were called by the Gospel and so were all the Churches called to be Saints how I pray you if not by the Gospels preaching Nay how should we poor sinners of the Gentiles have known of a door of hope open to us but by the preaching of the Gospel nay should we have known of a Christ that died at Jerusalem but by the Scripture or how should we know sin to be sin and righteousness to be righteousness but by the Scripture Again see what Paul saith 2 Tim. 3.2 last vers All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness minde not that man is perfect but that he may be perfect and thereby throughly furnished unto all good works By all which it is plain that the Scripture is of greater use then these men will have it And Christ saith The words that I have spoken the same shall judge you at the last day and this word shall not return void but shall be to all that entertain it a savour of life unto life but to them that put it from them and say it is useless it will be a savour of death unto death But to you who are through Grace members of the Church of Christ who were once sinners of the Gentiles and without God in the world but are now made nigh by the blood of his Son as Paul witnesses Ephes 2.11 It is good for us that we have often in our meditations the great use that the Scripture hath been to us in helping us to know what sin is that so we may avoid it and it also hath shewed what righteousness is that we may be in love with it And I pray you let your former experiences of what good we have received by the word and Ordinances not to be forgotten And further we finde and are made sensible through Grace that the Scripture is and hath been a sweet and perfect Rule for us to walk by and we thereby have been led and guided into the way of Truth and Peace And we know that all those that are found faithful in obeying the commands of Christ and continue therein they shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away And therefore let us alwayes look unto the Law and to the Testimony and imbrace that sweet counsel for the tryal of all doctrines for saith the Prophet if any speak not according to this minde when they come from hell and darkness for saith he they have no light in them Isa 8.20 O! then all those that go about to destroy this Rule they are so in darkness that as the Scripture saith They know not at what they stumble or whither they go John 12.35 And though these men say That they are the onely men that know God and love God yet if we see what John saith it will be found otherwise 1 Epist 2.3 4 5. Hereby saith John to the Church we do know that we do know him minde if we keep his commandments and he that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments what follows he is a liar and minde such a liar that the truth is not in him And he that saith He abideth in him ought himself so to walk even as he walked Now this was Christ's walk to do the will of him that sent him then these men go not Christ's way but their own and walk by the imaginations of their own heart rather then by the holy Commandments of Christ Jesus And also see who they are that love God John 14.23 24. and see who they are that are related to Christ Matth. 12.50 He that doth the will of my Father the same Man or Woman is Christ's Brother and Sister And now having given you his Principles as he then at the meeting in Harliston did stand by to maintain which before the close you have them weighed which those Principles he saith he ownes in his Book and see how they stand together But now in the second place I come to answer to those false slanders he charges me with in his Book First he saith That I came on purpose to that meeting to cavil and oppose the Truth To which I answer That the ground of my coming with other Friends was to oppose all doctrines whatsoever that was not warranted by the Word of God and in so doing I have one greater with me and for me then all you that so maliciously speak against me But O Farnworth take heed of boasting so of perfection until you shew better fruit and when you come to cease lying I shall hope some better things of thee Now the substance of thy discourse before I questioned thee was That you did witness you were free from sin and in the possession of the second Covenant Then did I bring in those words of John and told you That if it were so with you then you had attained higher
to suffer for him that so deal with him and his Ordinances and Saints as you do And now to that other slander you cast upon me in your book saying That I said Christ had not judgement committed to him while he was upon earth But here you have spoken as falsly as you have in the other but this I said That Jesus Christ at his first coming came not speedily to execute judgement upon all that did not receive him for I say It is clear to me by his own words that his first coming was rather to save the world for this see Christs own words John 12.46 47. I am come a light into the wold that whosoever believeth on me shall not abide in darkness and if any man hear my words and believe not minde what follows I judge him not for I came not to judge the world but to save the world He that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words hath one that judgeth him the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day And Christ saith I came to seek and to save that which was lost Matth. 18.11 And To open the blinde eyes and to bring prisoners from the prison and them that are in darkness out of the prison-house Isa 42.7 And for this end that is to say his own glory and for the good of poor Creatures did he send his Son into the world read John 3.16 17. For God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved And having thus found out by the Scripture the end of God's sending his Son into the world and of Christ's coming and it is plain that neither Father nor Son did or doth take delight in the death of poor sinners but rather that they repent and live But to say That Christ had not judgement committed to him while he was upon earth this I did not say for I say That Christ had all power in Heaven and Earth committed to him But as I have said so I say again He came in an orderly way and as I may say was willing to stay the good pleasure of his Father and did not take the power of judgement into his hands so as to execute it till it pleased the Father to give it to him Mat. 28. Now all power is given minde it came by gift and that from the Father Col. 1.19 It pleased the Father that in him that is to say his Son should all fulness dwell Now this I say That in reference to his God-head he was equal with the Father but as he took upon him our flesh he humbled himself and became obedient to the will of his Father And he himself saith I came not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me and to finish his work John 4.3 4. And now having found out God's great love to us in sending his Son and for what end Jesus Christ came into the world that they through him might be saved and that he did not go about to judge or condemn to Hell immediately them that refused him but prayed for his worst enemies Luk. 23. Father forgive them for they know not what they do And how full of pity was Christ for Jerusalem that did not pity themselves see at large Mat. 23.37 his bemoaning of them and Luk. 19.41 you shall finde Christ weeping over them or for them and saying O that thou hadst known in this thy day the things belonging to thy peace but now they are hid from thy eyes But what will become of all those that slight his first coming wherein there is held out so much love to poor creatures O I say His second coming will be terrible to all those that refuse to own him for their Prophet and King to teach them and to rule over them But O Farnworth what will all you do that make it your work to draw away poor souls from the Word and Ordinances of Christ I say What will you do at that day when he cometh to render vengeance on all that obey not his Gospel let me tell you It is not your saying That you are past the eternal judgement that will serve your turn I am sure that when the books come to be open every man to receive according to the works done in his own body whether it be good or whether it be evil and receive accordingly Your justifying your selves now will not stand you then in any stead And if you would cast your eyes upon these words of Christ now in time you might see abundance of pride folly and ignorance in your selves in trusting your own Testimony read John 5.32 33. If I bear witness of my self my witness is not true there is another that beareth witness of me and I know that the witness which witnesseth of me is true Now Reader minde first The pride of these men that will thus boast of perfection upon their own word without any Scripture-witness Secondly See their folly in slighting all godly examples for so it is that such precious words of Christ so pure a pattern is by this their Principle disregarded And so in the third place is their ignorance made manifest and darkness discovered that they will presume above what is written and so follow their own imaginations and refuse such precious counsel as Jesus Christ hath left for us in the Scripture of Truth O then it is plain that these men are of that number that hearken to lying vanities and so forsake their own mercies But dear Friends let us see what the Scripture saith and if we be there enjoyned to follow godly patterns we shall do well in hearkening to it rather then to these men that speak thus against examples read 1 Pet. 2.21 where Christ leaves us an example that we should follow his steps who is a blessed pattern of patience unto us Again see Phil. 3.17 Brethren be followers of me and mark them which walk so as you have us for an ensample And see how Paul commends the Thessalonians 1 Epist 1.7 saying That they were ensamples to all that believed in Macedonia and Achaia And in his 2 Epist 3. see how the Apostle carried themselves labouring night and day that they might not be chargeable and see the reason that the Church might observe this their good example and follow them therein Again poor Creature consider how thou judgest all men by these terms of dippers sprinklers and water-baptizers to be all of them in one nature persecutors of Christ First see thy folly in ranking all those that follow the holy Commandments of Christ with these sprinklers that have not any word of Christ for their rule and practice which thou knowest we own not Secondly see thy ignorance in judging all without making any difference for
considerations who desire to escape the error of the wicked and to attain to the resurrection of the just by patient continuing in well doing waiting for the appearance of Christ Consid 1. The words of Paul 2 Cor. 11.13 14 15. that such are false Apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ and no marvel for the Devil himself is transformed into an Angel of light therefore it is no great thing if his Ministers be transformed into the Ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works And that this is so Consid 2. That all the false Prophets that came to deceive did alwayes preach their lyes in the Name of the Lord saying Thus saith the Lord when the Lord had not spoken and thus they covered their deceits over with the Name of the Lord and by that means led people away from the word of God to walk after the imaginations of their own hearts or light within them and to despise the word of the Lord even as these people do see Jer. 23.16 17. Consid 3. That this is also the work of deceivers now under the Gospel to prophesie in the Name of Christ yea and to do wonderful works in his Name and yet Christ bids them depart from him for they were workers of iniquity and he knew them not see Matth. 7.22 23. Consid 4. That all those that teach in the Name of Christ are commanded to preach the word of God and Christ even the holy Scriptures which are able to make us wise unto salvation and if any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the doctrine which is according to godliness is he proud or a fool knowing nothing see 1 Tim. 6.3 4.2 Tim. 3.15 16 17. ch 4. 1 2 3. Consid 5. That when Paul left the Church in a dangerous condition because of deceivers that he knew would come after his departure he did not commit them to the light within them to be guided by that but unto God and to the word of his grace saying That was able to build them up and to give them an inheritance amongst them that are sanctified see Acts 20.32 Consid 6. That when Christ had to deal with those that boasted of the light within them He answered that if the light within them were darkness how great was that darkness from whence we may observe that those that pretend to walk by the light within them were in the greatest darkness according to the words of Christ see Mat. 6.22 23. Consid 7. That God hath sent forth his Light and Truth into the World to lead and guide men to his holy Hill and to his Tabernacles and that the Light which he hath sent forth is his Word and Commandments Thy word is a lampe to my feet and a light to my path Psal 119.105 And the commandment is a lampe and the law is light and reproofs is the way of life Prov. 6.23 by all which it is clear that the light which is in a man is not able to lead a man to happiness but the Word and Commandment of the Lord is able to save our souls if we receive it with meekness James 1.21 Consid 8. That the Commandments of the Lord are pure enlightning the eyes and the entrance of his words give light and understanding to the simple Psal 19.8 Psal 119.130 therefore let us To the law and to the testimony and if any man speak not according to that it is because there is no light in them Isa 8.20 Consid 9. That none of the true Prophets of the Lord that ever came after God had given forth his Law and Testimonyes by Moses did ever open their mouthes against it to undervalue it or turn peoples hearts away from it to despise it and to walk after the imaginations of their own hearts and light within them as these people now do Consid 10. That it was the eminent work and evident mark of the false Prophets so to do for which cause the curse came upon them and all the people that followed their pernicious wayes Consid 11. That all those Teachers now that come after God hath given forth the Gospel of Grace and Peace by Jesus Christ and do labour to turn peoples hearts from the pure Commandments thereof by despising and undervaluing it by calling it ink and paper and a dead letter are false Apostles and deceitful workers although transformed into Ministers of righteousness as the Devil himself is transformed into an Angel of light which the Apostle Paul Gal. 1.8 6. saith Are accursed Consid 12. That all those Teachers that come from Christ which contend earnestly for the Faith once dlivered to the Saints and do preach the wholesome words of our Lord and Saviour and labour to perswade people to hear his sayings and do them and to walk in all his holy Commandments and Ordinances they are that true and faithful Servants of Jesus Christ the children of God and the seed of the woman that the Dragon was wroth with and made war against because they keep the Commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Rev. 12.17 Now I shall propound certain Queries with a desire of an Answer 1. WHether the Light that is in any man if it be of God doth not lead him to his Law and Testimony and not from it as some affirm See Isa 8.20 2. Whether these men that despise and undervalue the holy Scriptures preferring the Light that is within themselves above and before the Scriptures whether I say we may not justly conclude that their Light within them is darkness and then how great is that darkness for if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no Light in them see Matth. 6.23 compared with Isa 8.20 3. What true Light which is of God is there in any man that the holy Scriptures doth not speak and declare according to Psa 119.130 The entrance of thy words giveth light and giveth understanding to the simple see also vers 105. with Psal 19.8 Prov. 6.23 4. What doth that Light that is in any man teach him that is good more then the holy Scriptures teacheth him see Psal 110.96 I have seen an end of all perfection but thy commandment is exceeding broad Now if an end of all perfection then an end of that Light that these men pretend to have in them but no end of Gods precepts for they are exceeding broad 5. What evil doth that Light which is in any man reprove and forbid him to do that the holy Scriptures doth not reprove and forbid according to 2 Tim. 3.16 17. It is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect and throughly furnished unto good works 6. Whether was there not a greater Light in the Lord Christ then ever was in any man else or ever shall be