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A89268 A brief discourse about baptisme. By Thomas Moore, for his friends. Moore, Thomas, Senior. 1649 (1649) Wing M2591; Thomason E579_5; ESTC R206159 44,120 47

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12. 15. 17. And so the setting him forth in Types Sacrifices and Prophesies of which Circumcision was a witnesse yet so as but one Nation partooke of those priviledges Psal 147.19 20. And the Ordinances given them made a partition wall between that Nation and other Nations in respect of nighnesse to partake of the priviledges But now is Jesus Christ set forth as he hath already come in the flesh and hath done and compleated all that fore-mentioned concerning him and so slain the enmity made peace for all Nations and made them nigh by his bloud and in the Gospell came and preached peace In which Gospel the Lord Jesus with the things in him concerning our peace are more fully set open than ever before the ascension of Jesus Christ in our nature and more abundance of grace and spirit promised to all that beleeve on him and this to be declared without difference to all Nations Mat. 28 19. Mark 16.15 And this that Jesus Christ hath done by his Death Resurrcteion and Ransome-giving and Mediation-making for all men is rendred in the Gospel as the ground and reason of all his Lordship over all Rom. 14.7 8.9 Acts 2.36 And also as the ground reason and proofe of the Resurrection of all men 1 Cor. 15. to the end And also as the ground reason and proofe that God will at the last day judge all men by Jesus Christ and cause all to confesse him Lord Acts 17.31 Phil. 2 10 11. And this given as the reason why God hath made him a Prince and a Saviour and filled him with spirit to give repentance and remission of sinnes and to rule all John 5.27 Isa 53. to the end Phil. 2.7 to 11. Acts 5.30 31. And indeed this is the foundation of repentance and that whereby all are admonished to repent Luke 24.46 47 Acts 17.30 31. And the foundation of Faith and that which men are callssd on to beleeve and there-through to beleeve on him Acts 13.38.48 16.31 And all this appeares plainly to be meant Heb. 6.1 2. if it be considered with Chap. 5.12 and other places of Scripture as Acts 4.11 12. 1 Cor. 3.11 And so likewise that the very same word of the beginning of Christ is the foundation of the Doctrine of Baptismes or of teaching Baptismes or the Foundation Ends and Vses of the Mediums of Baptizing and so Baptisme it selfe the Doctrine and End of all being one and tending to one Baptisme and so 1. As the knowledge and belief of the death resurrection and ransome giving of Christ to have been for all men is the ground why the Apostles did preach remission of sinnes to all in his name and beseech them to repent and be reconciled c. Luke 24.46 47. 2 Cor. 5 14 15 19.20 Act. 13 32-37 38 48. So likewise it was the ground of their baptizing with the word and so discipling by the Word all such as were hearing and did not turn away from the tender of the Gospell 2 Cor. 3.14 Acts 16.31.32 2. The same knowledge of the redemption wrought by Christ for all men and his lordship over them and having spirit to send forth to them was the ground of their baptizing with water in his name and so discipling those that refused not the Gospel when brought to them Acts 2.41 and 16.14.31 32. 3. The same knowledge and belief concerning Jesus Christ was the ground of their acquainting men with the baptizing with the holy Ghost and directing men to look up to and wait on Christ for that and to yeeld to the Spirit as in the means he should be vouchsafed to them Mat. 3.11 Acts 2.39 Mat. 28.20 John 14.16 26. and 16 7-16 4. And on the same ground did they exhort to receive correction from the hand of God and to be willing to bear the Crosse of Christ directing them to look to Christ and consider his sufferings in patience to possesse their souls and wait on him for profitable use and issue assuring them they shall so receive it from him Heb. 12 2-12 1 Pet. 1 5-7 and 2.21 And thus did they teach all these as Mediums of baptizing tending to one Baptisme even into Christ But they never taught these meanes or mediums of baptizing to be either the foundation on which men were to be built or to ground their hopes nor yet to be the end in respect of attainments as if life were had and the true baptisme effected where ever these mediums are For they alwayes set forth Jesus Christ to have dyed for our sinnes and risen for our justification to be the foundation and thereupon built and bottomed their exhortations to repentance faith love and use of the ordinances of Christ and accepting of and yeelding to the mediums of baptizing as is seen in the places fore-quoted and throughout their writings And they have put the mediums of baptizing in their right place as Posts and Gates to be waited at and waies to be walked in to meet with God according to that Exod. 20.24 Prov. 8.34 35. Isa 64.5 Mat. 18.20 and 28 20. Heb. 10.25 But union in and with Jesus Christ and conformity to him have they set forth as the true effect and compleating of Baptisme and that in which life is had Rom. 6 3-6 1 Cor. 1.30 John 15.1 John 5 10-12 and without which life is not enjoyed nor Baptisme indeed received and enjoyed what mediums soever passe on a man 1. A man may be baptized with the Word the Ministers instructing and he hearing it and yet not partake of life unlesse united with Jesus Christ The Word that is preached by faith in him Heb. 4.2 2. A man besides his hearing the Word may be baptized with water in the name of the Lord Jesus and so have the filth of the flesh in the stain of Gentilisme put away and yet is not purged in conscience by the spirituall application of the blood of Christ so as there be in him the answer-of a good conscience to God-ward by the Resurrection of Christ he is yet short of spirituall and eternall salvation 1 Pet. 3.21 3. A man besides his hearing the Gospel and being outwardly baptized by the Servants of Christ may also have from Jesus Christ some supernaturall illumination and inspiration with spirituall force in reproving perswading and moving so knocking and calling for entrance with promise of farther favour yet if the heart be not overcome at his reproofs and open not at his knocking 's to let go other holds and accept of and rest on him the man remains in danger still Rev. 3.20 Prov. 1.23 24. Ezek. 24.13 Gen. 6.3 whence that Ephes 4.30 4. A man besides his hearing and receiving outward Baptisme and partaking of some motions of spirit so as in some sort he beleeveth and maketh profession of Christ may also come to suffer some things for the name of Christ and yet if he abide not till Christ be formed in him that he may be perfected by Christ and his
Christ And so of his dying for our sins and rising for our justification and offering himselfe a Sacrifice to God for us and sitting in Heaven to appeare before God and mediate for us as but a Figure a Type a Shadow and of no farther profitable use to us And with this a slighting of all the operations of the Spirit that testified of him and effected Faith Love Union Conformity from that appearance of him All which they count but fleshly and knowing Christ after the flesh how neer this is to that sinne mentioned Heb. 10.29 the very mentioning it doth declare And for those that after knowledge and warning persist in this evill they soon come to deny the very being of the body of the man Christ and the resurrection of the bodies of men that dye I suppose all that have any spark of grace remaining will look at this as a fearfull evill and it might warn to shun that practise which gives occasion of 〈◊〉 But in this I desire none to mistake me as if I affirmed such as receive a second Baptisme are necessitated to this nor yet all such as renounce the first to accept the second or that only such doe fall into this evill Not so far be it from us so to thinke or judge But in observation this some discerne that for the most part such as fall into this evill are of those that were never baptized into the knowledge and acknowledgement of the Death Resurrection and Sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the extent and vertue of it for all men and so were either zealous opposers of it or if in some sort acknowledging it a truth yet counting it but a common and light matter which yet is the Foundation as is shewn pag. 18.19 Yet mostly those of these that fall into this evill are such as before they fall into it come to renounce their first baptisme and accept a second though when they fall into it they count themselves above all ordinances and so slight their second also in respect of themselves or else such as in their judgment come to be snared with that practise and to approve it as good But conceiting Miracles of right to be done by such as Baptize they wait and seek for such like things till they conceit themselves above ordinances and then not needing it both sorts of them still approving such a practice for others it being the way to set them loose from that name into which they were at first Baptized that so slighting Scripture they may beleive them And yet still farther I desire to be noted that there are two sorts of men that maintain this practise of renouncing the first Baptisme and taking up a second First such as doe not beleeve Jesus Christ to have dyed and given himselfe a Ransome for all men or that there is any gracious life in him for them all But that Christ did this only for a certain company elect in Gods hidden Counsell from Eternity and that shall infallibly beleeve on him in time and so oppose the testimony of Scripture that saith He gave himself a ransome for all men These I know not how they can with a good conscience walking in their Faith baptize any till upon good grounds they be perswaded that they doe in heart beleeve in Jesus Christ and so are apted for renouncing their first Baptisme and taking a second though being brought to beleive they might enjoy the use of their first Baptisme and have no good grounds to renounce it and take up a second But it is meeter to reason with them and informe them about the truth of the Scripture in the extent and vertue of the Foundation Acts 18.2.3 than to contend with them about the ordinance of Baptisme in which it is no marveil though they be mis-led But there are some that doe professe to beleeve and hold forth the extent of the Ransome Oh that they would seriously without prejudice or offence-taking consider the things written for it is marveilous to me and others that any rightly understanding that businesse should deny the Baptizing of Children by Gods gracious providence put into the Tuition of such as beleeve and professe Jesus to be the Christ But yet more marveilous that any I hope there are not many will say A horse may as well be baptized as an Infant surely they will deny that to be true for a horse that they will acknowledge to be true for an Infant that Jesus Christ took their nature and dyed for their sinnes and rose for their justification and that such as we treat of are by gracious providence put under the Tuition of Christians to be brought up for God in his feare And that as John 13. They may be instructed after in this ordinance they now understand not all or any of which I hope none will say of a horse And thus have I shewn the cause of feare and griefe in such a practise yet not to cast aspersions on the person of any but to shew the evils that are so incident to such a practise neither yet to unbrother any because of such a practice unlesse such in whom the last mentioned occasionall evils appeare 1 Cor. 16.22 For it belongs not to me or others to judge any in observance of an outward Ordinance who through some appearance in Scripture to their understanding Doe that which they doe unto the Lord Rom. 14 1. to 10 Yet this I wish that in this businesse the Tenour of the Gospel and the Commission of Christ be considered and that in reasoning they would state the question right not whether Beleevers may be baptized for that none denyes but whether Beleevers that were fore-baptized in the name of the Lord are after they come to beleive to be baptized with water in the name againe and then whether children in Beleevers Tuition may not he so baptized and till they can prove the one and disprove the other by that Gospel and without taking the foresaid evill wayes cease pressing their practise on others And such as are not yet entangled to consider what is said and not suffer themselves to be snared If any say we doe and may run into as many evils I confesse we are as weak as others and so I will neither justifie my selfe nor judge them but pray for the healing of their follies and mine But whatsoever evils through weaknesse or violence of temptation I or others may be overtaken withall yet this I affirme that the remembring minding and retaining the Lords Baptisme we have received leadeth not to but preserveth from such evils For it leadeth us to acknowledge the great Love and mercy of God in the gift of his Son and testified and tendred to us in the Gospel of his Sonne into whose name we were baptized and so to count our selves engaged as by vow and solemn Covenant which since we came to use of understanding we have accepted To be the Lords to live to him to beleeve his sayings and wait for his Spirit and walk in his wayes as is fore-shewn pag. 23.24 If any say we plead thus to save our selves from trouble among men I answer what through frailty we may doe we desire to acknowledge and seeke preservation from or if overtaken healing of it But it will be no comfort to suffer for that we have no command in the word for but in our apprehensions much against it But although wee shun that practise yet if we hold forth the word of life in word and conversation acknowledging the sayings and ordinances of Christ and our Brethren witnessing against the Idolatry and evill wayes of men we shall suffer as much as they yea and with them while we acknowledge that truth which some of them with us doe hold though we urge not a second Baptisme as of old some did Circumcision to glory in the flesh and boast of another mans line withall which in our judgments would befall us in that practise Wherefore I say no more to this but the Lord make us so mindfull of him in whose name we were baptized that we may in beleiving his sayings attending his Ordinances and accepting to beare his reproach wait on him for his spirit to baptize us more and more into union and conformity with Jesus Christ in his Death that we may experiment more the vertue of his Resurrection So shall we be more separate from the world in the Idolatry Pride carnall Reasonings Superstitions Customes Fashions Vncleannesse Covetousnesse and Oppressions thereof and be found more Loving Tender and Faithfull to one another and fruitfull to the Spirit And so will our differences be healed which God of his mercy grant that we may not bite one another that so there be not a devouring nor turning any out of the way But that we may all grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Amen Your Loving though Vnworthy Brother THOMAS MOORE FINIS
Christ in the beleif of his Death and Resurrection that they begin to partake of the benefit thereof being through faith dead with him and raised with him so as they are thereby and therein in some measure conformed to him dead to sin self and world and alive to God loving and living to things above Rom. 6. Coll. 2.12 to 3.1 2. 3. Filling them with the love of God he sheads abroad in their hearts Rom 5.5 and with the vertues of Christ and some usefull gifts with spirituall strength that they might walk out in the same 1 Cor. 1.12 Ephes 4 4-16 1 Pet. 2.9 and in some more abundant filling some are led to work miracles and some to speak with other tongues which as they are for unbeleevers that never beleeved Jesus to be the Christ to convince them 1 Cor. 14 22. so they are rather the fruits of some abundant baptizing then simply the baptizing it selfe but this forementioned is the baptisme wrought by the Spirit Col. 1.12 4. Afflictions and Sufferings for the name of Christ are a medium of Baptizing into Christ which afflictions and sufferings are called The Fiery Triall that is to prove and try the Faith Love and Patience of the Beleever 1 Pet. 4.12 13 14. 1.6 7. To melt subdue purge and cleanse the Beleevers Iob 33 15-30 Isa 27.7 8 9. And to make them partakers of Gods Holinesse and the quiet fruit of his Righteousnesse Heb. 12 7-14 And as he hath chosen them through the Furnace of assliction Isa 48 10. So hath he appointed them through manifold Afflictions to enter into his Kingdome Acts 14.22 As Iesus first suffered and then entred into his Glory Luke 24.26 That we may this way also bee conformed to him in the fellowship of his death and experiment the vertue of his Resurrection Phil. 3.7 8 9 10. And thus as Christ called his owne Tryals by suffering a Baptisme with which he was to be baptized Mat. 20.22 Luke 12.50 And with which even his are in some sort to be baptized Even so though wicked men as instruments doe afflict and persecute the Beleevers yet because of his ordering and sanctifying hand in trying purging and doing good therewith he is said to baptize his even with fire Mat. 3.11 Luke 3.16 And so affliction a medium of baptizing Now of these foure Mediums Word Water Spirit and Affliction there are but two put on the Ministration of the Church or servants of Christ namely that of the Word which they are sent to teach open Apply Mark 16.15 1 Cor. 1.17 2 Tim. 4.2 And that with water in his Name Iohn 1.33 Mat. 28.19 As for that with Spirit it is his owne work Iohn 1.33 And that of Afflictions is his ordering and sanctifying the evill works of wicked men to beleivers good Rom. 8.28 And as all these tend and work together for effecting and accomplishing one Baptisme which is into Christ there being no other baptisme of any kind approved but this one that is into Christ Yet the severall Mediums as they are Mediums of baptizing into Christ are in that sense called Baptismes And though but two of these that with Word and that with Water are to bee used or minstred by the Church or servants of Christ yet the Doctrine of them all belong to the Church and servants of Christ to teach what they be and what be the Ground End and Vses of them and how to be accepted and received And the Ground and Foundation of this Doctrine and teaching thereof is the same that is the foundation of Repentance from dead works and of faith toward God Heb. 5.12 to Ch. 6.1 2 3. And as this Foundation is Jesus Christ So the Doctrine of it or as some call it the Doctrinall Foundation is That as through the disobedince and fall of the first Adam all fell in him and became under sinne and death in him and were convicted and sentenced to death in the conviction and sentence that passed upon him Gen. 3.6.11 17 19. Rom. 5.12 18. And this though without the knowledge or motion of the Individuals or particular persons that were to proceed from Adam yet so verily vertually and indeed that all that came forth from him by propagation doe then and in that birth and there-through partake of sin and misery and in their own persons beare the Image of the first Adam as he was in his fall Gen. 5.3 Rom. 5.17 19. Iob. 4.1 to 4. Psal 51.5 Rom. 9.8 Eph. 2.1 2. Even so by and through the obedience and righteousnesse of the second man or last Adam the Lord Jesus Christ who as the publique man in the room of all men by the will and appointment of the Father and in onenesse of will with him therein hath by the grace of God tasted death for every man and so hath dyed for out sins in which the truth of the sentence Gen. 2● 17. is fulfilled and that curse denounced suffered Deut. 27.26 Gal. 3.10 13. and by the power of God hath overcome death and is risen for our justification 2 Tim. 1.10 Rom. 4.25 1 Cor 15 3 4. and hath through the eternall spirit by which he rose offered up his own spotlesse and righteous body yea himselfe a sacrifice to God in the Heavens and so hath obtained an eternall Redemption Heb. 8.3 9 12 14. And is exalted at the right hand of God and filled with the Holy Spirit in the man to send forth to men Psal 68.18 And ever liveth being the Mediator between God and men 1 Tim. 2.5 Thus in Jesus Christ as the publick man a new Creation is made and he hath so dyed for all men and made the Attonement for them that by interpretation according to Gods acceptance of it in him as in the publick man all have dyed and are risen and Peace and Righteousnesse and Life compleated for them though in respect of their particular persons they know it not nor partake of it nor can partake unlesse by regeneration they be made in Christ in whom it is Rom. 5.18 2 Cor. 5.14 to 17. 1 Iohn 2.2 5.10 11 12. Iohn 3.26 Yet it is so verily vertually and indeed in him for all men and unto all men that whosoever of them in the appearance of this grace come in beleeving into him shall verily and indeed in his owne person receive and partake of this Peace Righteousnesse and Life in Christ and shall beare his Image Iohn 1.12 13. 3.14 15 16 17 18. Acts 10.43 Rom. 3.22.24 25 26. 5.1.5 11 19. And this with the love of God here-through testified to men as it s held forth in the Gospel now not only as it was in the promise at first as a thing to be done in its season evidenced by testimonies of his goodnesse and though not so fully opened yet vertuall to all Beleevers Gen. 3.15 Heb. 11.6 No nor yet alone added to this the fuller pointing him out to come and the everlasting Covenant confirmed in him Gen.
what grounds this ordinance of baptizing with water in the name of the Lord is to be administred And this appeares in the Commssion with the ground thereof Mat 28.18 19. And the Tenor of the Gospel John 3.14 15 16 17. Mark 1.16 with the residue of scripture to be these viz. 1. The certainty given in the Gospel of a peace reconciliation and redemption wrought by Jesus Christ in his Death Resurrection and Sacrifice offered to God for all men and his good will to have it made known and tendered to thema ll This is the ground both of preaching Gospell to them 1 Tim. 2 4-7 And of baptizing any of them with water Acts 18.8 1 Cor. 2.13 15.4 as is already shewne in pag. 14 15 16. And he that hath not certainty in this runs at an uncertainty in his ministration which Paul would not in any thing 1 Cor. 9.26 2. The perscription of such as are to be baptized with water to be subdued or brought into or under the instruction or tuition of such as have accepted the Doctrine of the Gospel and make profession of it which men of understanding and at their owne dispose be not nor can be so judged till they be found willing to heare and to be instructed in the Doctrine of the Gospel Mat. 3. John 4.1 2. Acts 8. 18.8 But children not come to the use of understanding are so and so to be accounted from the gracious providence of God putting them in the Family and into the charge and under the care and tuition of such whether by birth or other providenciall way Gen. 17.12 13. Acts 16.15 But of this more anon 3. The command of Jesus Christ in his Commission given to his Disciples to goe disciple all Nations baptizing them baptizing being both with word and water neither to be prest violently and where the tender of the Gospel is not rejected the baptizing with word and water are of the same extent And so the report of the Gospel the work of God in putting under the uition of such as have accepted and doe professe the Gospell and the command of Christ to disciple all Nations baptizing them is the ground and bottome upon which this baptisme is to be administred As for such as are to be baptized to confesse their sins and professe their faith it is good in such as are come to the use of understanding before they be baptized Yet though it be an encouragement it is not the ground and to them that think it so it is but partiall and fallible But that set down before is the Ground and whole and constant and sure to administer one as will yet more clearely appear anon 3. For the third thing considerable viz. To what ends this ordinance of baptizing with water is to be administred and that is 1. To be an outward and sensible Testimony of the truth of the Gospel preached both in that there in affirmed to be already done by Christ for men and also in the hope set forth therein for beleevers and so of the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the Holy Ghost set forth thereby Jesus his giving this ordinance to be administred is a testimony of his faithfull mind and the truth of the faith and Gospel given to preach And so when John preached the Gospel baptizing and preaching the baptisme of repentance for the remission of sinnes Mark 1.3 4. He is said to have truly baptized with water as witnessing verily the truth Acts 1.5 And so as all the Scripture Moses the Law and all Types foregoing so all the ordinances of the Gospel doe testifie of Christ John 5.39 to 44. Rom. 3.21 1 Cor. 11.26 As Abraham received the signe of Circumcision as a seale of the righteonsnesse of the faith he had c. that he might be the Father Abraham his receiving the sign was not simply his being circumcised for so were all his family but his receiving that or dinance to administer as a seal of the righteousnesse of the faith it s not said which all he circumcised had nor of the truth of his own beleeving but of the righteousnesse of the faith that is the Gospel God preached to him which he had to preach to his Family and so to be a sensible testimony that he might be the Father of all that beleeve Gen. 15. 17. with Rom. 4.11 Even so also the Apostles received this ordinance to testifie withall to such an end and so it is given as the Medium of discipling in the Commission Mat. 28.19 2. To receive into Gods Family or the Family of Christ or Abraham and so to engage the baptized to yeild up to and wait on God in the acknowledgment of his great name and observance of all his ordinances and the things he hath already commanded by Jesus Christ to his Apostles And so as Circumcision discipled into Abrahams Family and bound to the Law after given by Moses baptisme disciples into the same family of God and binds to beleive and observe the sayings and commands of Christ fore-given in the Gospel and this is cleare in the Commission Mat. 28.19 1 Cor. 1 13.-15 And in that baptisme is into his name and no other 3. To set or lay before them the hope that is set forth in the new Testament confirmed by the death of Christ for his baptizing them with the Holy Ghost and so sending forth spirit to teach and write his sayings and Law in their hearts Mat. 3.11 Acts 1.4 5. Luke 24 46 to 49. c. as pag. 11.12 And so by witnessing the truth of the Gospel accepting and engaging them into the Family of God and setting such hope before them they may disciple them that so in beleeving they may throughly repent and lay hold on Christ and therein receive remission of sinnes and spirit to lead a new life And thus is this baptisme unto repentance and to be received for the remission of sinnes Mat. 3.11 Mark 1.4 Acts 2.38 Neither as some vainly glosse it causaliter that it should cause it nor declaratively as if it did verily declare remission of sinnes received But as a Medium of comming into Chrrist that in beleeving it may be received And these are the ends of administration and not such as in which this ordinance is made like the Types of the Law to have a sensible and visible figure or resemblance of Christ in the manner of his death and resurrection and conforming us to him for which no word that conformity being the work of his Spirit by word and afflictions 4. For the fourth thing considerable viz. Who are the subjects capable of this ordinance of being baptized with water in the name of the Lord and so may have it administred to them And that is expresse in the command and commission given by Jesus Christ to the Apostles Mat. 28.19 To be all Nations that were not fore-discipled and refuse not in the tender of the Gospel to them
to be discipled They had a massage of good newes of Peace and Salvation to declare and tender to men To all People To all Nations every Family To every man in the whole Creation Luke 2.10 Acts 13.37.48 Luke 24.45 46 47. Mat. 10.11 12. Luke 10.5 6. Mark 16.15 And this that they might be discipled that is wonne in to accept mercy to repent and beleeve whether they doe so accept or no John 3.17 5.34 Psal 78.5 to 10. Ezek. 2. to the end And for declaring this they adventure their peace safety and life among men Mat. 10. But if any Country Family or man refused this Gospel and would none of it they were not to force it with violence but to depart and wait if God at another time would give them repentance c. Mat. 10.13 14. Luke 10.5 6.10 11. 2 Tim. 2.24 Mark 5.17 18. But what Nation Country Family or man soever did accept the Message and were willing to be further instructed those and all under the tuition of those being presented by them are they to goe on discipling them by baptizing with word and water baptizing them with water in the name of the Lord and farther instructing them with the word And thus to all Nations now as John did before to the Jewes Mark 1.3.4 So as they are to goe to disciple all Nations in this manner so proclaiming and tendering Gospel to them that none that reject the Gospel be constrained to be baptized and farther taught So likewise none that refuse not the Gospel are to be refused or put by but to be baptized and further taught whether they be such as in whom it yet appeares not that they have in heart truly repented or doe beleeve with the heart or such as it appeares they doe with the heart beleeve or such as have also in their beleeving received the Holy Ghost all and every of these So John affirmes himselfe to baptize indeed those whom he called Generation of vipers a name never put on any that did truly repent and beleeve and reproves them of their vain confidence and boasting and intimates as if some of them were chaffe notwithstanding his flooring of them Mat. 3.6.11 12. And so of Christs owne Disciples which were baptized and all others called the multitude John 4.2 6.61 And it is expressely said of some of them That from the beginning they beleeved not And after that sore judgment on dissemblers Acts 5. its said And of others durst no man joyne himselfe unto them which intimates strongly that before they did Acts 5.11 to 13. Besides he that weighes what is said to divers Churches and what the Apostles minds them of from those that went through the Sea with Moses may easily perceive such to have been baptized 1 Cor. 10.1 to 11. And for those that in hearing the Gospel have beleeved before baptizing some unfeignedly and some feignedly they were also baptized Acts 8.12 13.36 37. 18.8 Yea even such as in beleeving the Gospel did also receive the Holy Ghost before they were baptized with water in the name of the Lord they also were so baptized Acts 10.47 48. So that no one of these can be set forth to limit the ordinance of baptisme to any one or two sorts of them it being to be administred to them all and all the children by gracious providence put in their tuition and charge to bring up for the Lord being a part of themselves and presented by them to be baptized And this appears evidently in the Gospel and by the commission given to be the plain and expresse command of Jesus Christ Mat. 28.19 20. 1. By the ground of the Commission namely That all Power is given to Jesus Christ in Heaven and Earth vers 18. And this by vertue of his death resurrection and sacrifice offered to God in which children are also concerned Rom. 14.8 9. Phil. 2.7 to 11. 1 Tim. 2.5 6. 2. By the businesse he set them about which is to Disciple or make Disciples or bring them into the House of God the Family of Abraham And so as before they made Disciples or received into the Family of Abraham one Nation and proselited into that Nation of any Nation and then in Discipling the Fathers Discipled the Children also by circumcision even so now in Discipling by baptizing the Parents they are to Disciple the Children now by Baptisme as then by Circumcision that did precede this ordinance of Baptisme As for Johns Baptisme That was to floor into the acknowledgement of Christ come in the flesh but not to bring into the Family of Abraham for he was to baptize none but those of that Family before And Circumcision was in force untill the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and now Baptisme supplyeth that also Col. 2.11 12. So that as Circumcision was an ordinance of the Gospel as then revealed so Baptisme is now an ordinance of the same Gospel as now more fully revealed and as Circumcision was for Discipling or making of the Family of Abraham then so Baptisme now and as the work of grace had its name from Circumcision then so from Baptisme now as is foreshewn only Baptisme now is more free and of larger extent Col. 3.10 11. So that the businesse of Discipling leads us to understand children now as formerly 3. By the command To Disciple all Nations baptizing them before the priviledges of ordinances belonged but to one Nation and yet to all that Nation and so it was called one Nation c. Gen. 12.2 and 18.8 and 35.11 and 46 3. Deut. 4.6 7 8. Psal 147 19 20. Yet of these such as walked in Gods statutes were a holy nation Exod 19.5 6. But the whole Nation was circumcised and all but those by circumcision made of that Nation were strangers to their priviledges Ephes 2 12. And so neither John Baptist nor the Disciples of Christ till the resurrection of Christ might go to minister to any other Nations Mat. 10.5 But now being risen he commands them to go and make Disciples all Nations now as the children were a part of that one Nation so are they of all Nations and are Discipled in Discipling Nations or Families though still such as are prevailed within the heavenly call and chosen are the holy Nation 1 Pet. 2.9 4. By the manner of the expressions and words in the Commission Go ye therefore and teach or Disciple all Nations baptizing them c. He saith not teach or make Disciples first and then baptize nor so much as Teach or Disciple and Baptize much lesse saith he baptize them taught All these are Additions and Glosses put by some to the Text to make it serve their private ends but the words are plain in which are two things observable in this businesse whoever scoff at it First That he propounds baptizing as the medium or way of teaching or discipling Go disciple all Nations baptizing them A like speech in another businesse Heb. 12.1 2. Let us run with