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A87756 A new and useful catechism; very necessary and teachable both for children and young Christians. : Wherein is contained by way of question and answer a brief discovery ... / by Manasseth King. King, Manasseth. 1693 (1693) Wing K512AB; ESTC R202442 31,368 74

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lost miserable Estate A. By Sin Q. VVhat is Sin A. It is the Transgression of the Law Rom. 7.7 1 Joh. 3.4 Q. VVhat Means hath Christ used to seek and save them that are lost A. He hath by the means of Death redeemed us from him that had the Power of Death even the Devil and deliver'd them who thrô fear of Death were all their Life-time subject to Bondage He was wounded for our Iniquities broken for our Transgressions the Chastisement of our Peace was upon him and thrô his Stripes we are healed He poured out his Soul unto Death and made Intercession for Transgressors Q. Did he do this for all Men A. Yea all have like Sheep gone astray and the Lord hath laid upon him the Iniquity of us all Q. How doth it appear that Christ died for all Men A. From the Types under the Law from the Testimony of all the Prophets from the Testimony of an Angel and of the Heavenly Host from the Testimony of Christ and his Holy Apostles Q. How from Types doth it appear that Christ died for all Men A. As the Paschal Lamb being slain was a Sign of Safety and Deliverance to Israel so Jesus Christ is called the Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World and is called the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World and that saveth all that believe from Wrath to come Rev. 13.8 Joh. 1.29 1 Thess 1.10 Q. How else A. By the brazen Serpent that as truly as it was lifted up by Moses for the healing of all that were stung or bitten so Christ is held forth and lifted up for the comfort of every poor distressed Sinner that whosoever believeth might not perish but have eternal Life John 3.14 15 16. Q. How else by the Manna A. That as the Manna fell for all Israel to gather and be nourished in the eating of it so Jesus Christ came the true Bread from Heaven to give his Flesh for the Life of the World that all those that believe on Jesus Christ and feed on him by Faith might be nourished up to eternal Life John 6.51 Q. How else doth it appear A. By the Testimony of an Angel saying Fear not I bring you glad Tidings which shall be to all People for unto you is born this Day in the City of David a Saviour Christ the Lord Luke 2.10 11 12. Q. How else A. Immediately a Heavenly Host praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest Peace good Will towards Men Luk. 2.13 14. Q. How else doth it appear A. By the Testimony of all the Prophets Acts 10.47 To him give all the Prophets witness that whosoever believeth in him should have remission of Sins Q. How else doth it appear A. From the Testimony of Christ who saith The Bread which I give is my Flesh which I give for the Life of the World John 6.51 By the Testimony of his Apostles who thus judg that if one died for all then they which live should not live to themselves but unto him that died for them and rose again 2 Cor. 5.14 Who say that he by the Grace of God tasted Death for every Man Heb. 2.9 Who gave himself a Ransom for all to be testified in due Time And this Truth Paul was ordained a Preacher of among the Gentiles 1 Tim. 2.6 7. Who say that he is not only a Propitiation for our Sins but for the Sins of the whole World 1 John 2.2 Q. What farther Means doth he use to seek and save them that are lost or are by reason of Sin in a damnable Condition if dying therein A. He rose again for the Justification of poor sinful Man in which he hath given assurance unto Man of his Resurrection and that there is a Day that he must come to Judgment Acts 17.31 Also appointing that the Gospel should be preached to every Creature Mark 16.13 16. Also affording his Spirit to convince Men of Sin if they believe not John 16.8 9. Also by the glorious Benefits of his Ascension did and doth furnish Men with Gifts for the Work of the Ministry to be Ambassadors for Christ to beseech Souls to be reconciled Ephes 4.11 12 2 Cor. 5.19 20. Q. What farther Means doth he use to bring Men to Happiness A. By virtue of his Intercession Vengeance is staid from coming speedily and suddenly upon Men Luke 13.8 Isa 53.12 Also his patient waiting upon Men from time to time Warnings given by his Severity upon some promising Happiness and Eternal Life if they believe and obey threatning Eternal Death and Damnation if they believe not and are disobedient Prov. 1.20 Jer. 13.27 Mat. 11.21 John 3.36 1 Cor. 10.12 Q. Did Jesus Christ die for all Men that they might be saved A. Yea for he complaineth saying Ye will not come unto me that you might have Life and he came not to condemn the World but that the World through him might be saved And John came to bear witness of that Light that all Men through him might believe John 5.40 3.17 1.7 Q. Are Men saved only by the Death of Christ A. They are said to be reconciled by his Death but saved by his Life Rom. 5.10 Q. What is that which renders Men Enemies unto God and under his Wrath A. Evil wicked Works Col. 1.21 Ephes 2.2 11. Q. What are the Works of the Flesh A. Adultery Fornication Uncleanness Lasciviousness Idolatry Witchcraft Hatred Variance Emulation Wrath Strife Sedition Heresies Envying Drunkenness Murders Reviling Q. Shall any such inherit the Kingdom of Heaven A. No. Gal. 5 19 20. 1 Cor. 6.9 Ephes 5.6 Q. Will not Omissions of Good hinder from Eternal Life as well as Commissions of Evil A. Yea for Christ saith the not giving to him when he was an hungry the not clothing of him when he was naked the not visiting of him when he was sick the not coming unto him when he was in Prison he will take this want of Mercy to his little Ones that believe as done to himself and these shall go away into everlasting Destruction Mat. 25.41 42 43. Q. What is required of all Men guilty of committing Evil or omitting Good A. Confessing their Sins before the Lord and being humbled for them with a Resolution to forsake them through a constant watchfulness against them Prov. 28.13 Luk. 24.27 Acts 17.30 2 Cor. 7.10 Q. VVhat Rule hath God left us to guide and direct what to avoid what to believe and what to do A. The Holy Scriptures which are able to make the Man of God wise unto Salvation and to furnish him to every good Work and are profitable for Instruction Correction Comfort Acts 24.14 17.11 2 Tim. 3.16 17. Q. How may it appear that they are the Mind of God for us to walk by A. 1. By the wonderful Miracles wrought to confirm the Words spoken by Christ and his Apostles and Prophets recorded therein 2. By the constant fulfilling of the Prophecies and Promises therein contained 3.
Bishops and Deacons Titus 1.6 Q In what manner are they to be chosen that are to be Elders or Bishops Q. They solemnly are to apply themselves by Prayer and Fasting unto the Lord for direction whom to chuse and as near as they can appoint such Men in the Work that are qualified for it and sutably gifted to feed the Flock with wholsome sound Doctrine then to ordain them by the laying on of the Hands of the Eldership Acts 14.23 13.2 3. 1 Tim. 4.14 1 Tim. 3. Q. VVhat is the Work chiefly of the Elders A. To feed the Flock of God over which the Holy Ghost hath made them Overseers to watch for their Souls as one that must give an Account for them Heb. 13.17 to provide seasonable Matter for them both for Instruction Correction and Comfort and to labour to hold forth sound Doctrine by a due Study and premeditating upon the Will of God 1 Tim. 4.15 2 Tim. 2.15 Mat. 24.45 And so giving every one their Portion in due Season being Patterns or Ensamples to the Flock 1 Pet. 5.1 2 3. Q. Are the Deacons to be ordained by laying on of Hands A. Yea so was the Example Acts 6.6 Q. What is to be done in order to chuse them A. Their Qualifications are to be minded on the Churches part and as near as they can to chuse Men according to the Pattern 1 Tim. 3.8 Q. VVhat is their Work A. To over see the Poor faithfully and carefully to distribute the Church's Contribution that the Poor may not justly complain Act. 6.1 2. Q. What Care ought the Church to take of them that labour in the Word and Doctrine A. To account them worthy of double Honour not to receive evil Thoughts of them without just Cause nor any Accusation against an Elder without two Witnesses and to obey them in their ruling according to Christ's own Word 1 Tim. 5.17 19. Heb. 13.17 Q. What further are they to do A. They that are taught in the Word are to communicate to him that teacheth in all good Things according as they shall be made free by the Power of the Gospel Gal. 6.6 Phil. 4.17 Q. Are they thus to be contented to Labour A. Yea and when the chief Shepherd shall appear they shall receive a Crown of Life if Faithful Free Ready Constant Humble in the doing of their Work 1 Pet. 6.2 3 4. So was Paul's Charge to the Elders Acts 20. as also his own Example Acts 20.33 34. Q. VVhat is the Duty of Saints in Affliction A. To pray for Mercy to exercise Patience to examine themselves to loath their Sin with a Resolution to turn from it Jam. 5.14 Lam. 3.40 Job 24.31 Joh. 5.14 Q. VVhat are they to do further A. They are to send for the Elders of the Church and they are to pray over them anointing them with Oil in the Name of the Lord. And there is a two-fold Promise First That the Prayer of Faith shall save the Sick Secondly That if he have committed Sin it shall be forgiven him Jam. 5.14 15 16. This Promise of Recovery must be considered if God have not otherwise determined for it is appointed for Men once to die and if Recovery should always be of sick Members then none in the Church should die Q. VVas this ever practised by Christ's Disciples c. A. Yea they anointed with Oil in the Name of the Lord many that were Sick and healed them Mark 6.13 Although there be no more in the Oil than there was in the brazen Serpent yet being commanded by the Lord there is Virtue in it and God's Promise is to his own Way Therefore let none despise and run out of God's Way as Asa did 2 Chron. 16.12 13. Q. VVhat are Persons to do when merry A. They are to sing Psalms and Spiritual Songs according to their sensibleness of the Lord's Mercy to themselves or the Church of God and to speak forth their Experiences of God's Goodness Mercy either Spiritually or Temporally enjoyed for the Praise of God for the raising up each others Hearts Exod. 15.12 Isa 26.1 Jude 5. Luke 2.29 Q. Is Singing giving of Thanks Praising Blessing God all one A. Yea the Apostle's words make it so appear 1 Cor. 14.15 16 17. Q. What are Christians Duty to all Men A. To do to all Men as they would be done by Mat. 7.12 Luk. 6.31 Q. VVhat is their Duty to Enemies A. To pray for them that persecute them to do good to them that hate them to bless them that curse them to feed if hungry if thirsty to give them Drink Rom. 12.20 Mat. 5.44 Q. How must they learn this Duty A. By considering that Christ laid down his Life for them while Enemies Rom. 5.8 by a serious consideration that God would have Love and Mercy shewed to them that are Evil that Saints might be like God that Men might that way be provoked to turn unto the Lord and if not provoked by the Lord's Patience and Mercy nor his Peoples it will justly make their Torments insupportable Mat. 5.45 Rom. 12.20 even as sad as Coles of Fire upon the Head Q. What are Christians Duty to Magistrates A. To obey them in all things commanded by them that are not contrary to the Law of the Almighty God not for Wrath but for Conscience sake Q. VVhat must we do when we cannot actually obey A. Patiently suffering as did the three Children Daniel Paul and Silas Peter and John when Governours required that to be done which God forbad or commanded that to be avoided that God enjoined Rom. 13.5 Acts 4.19 16.21 23. Dan. 3.16 17 18. 6.10 Q. How are Men elected or chosen by the Lord A. They are said to be chosen in Christ before the Foundation of the World Ephes 1.4 1 Pet. 1.2 Q. How are Men in Christ A. By Faith Rom. 11.20 23. Q. How then cometh Faith A. By hearing the Word preached Rom. 10.17 Q. How comes the Word of Remission of Sins and eternal Life to be preached A. By the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ Q. How came Jesus Christ to die for our Sins A. It was the Lord's free Love in sending him into the World John 3.16 Luke 24.47 1 Cor. 15.13 14 15. Q. But seeing Men are chosen through the sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the Truth as 2 Thess 2.13 How then are they chosen in him before the Foundation of the World A. In the Purpose of God they that believe are his Chosen Q. How make you that appear A. God calleth things that are not as tho they were Rom. 4.17 And so he said to Abraham I have made thee a Father of many Nations yet not the Father of one Child at that time but Ishmael Gen. 17.5 but not of Isaac in whom his Seed should be called Rom. 9.7 Q. How doth it farther appear that Men are Elect according to the foreknowledg of God thrô Sanctification of the Spirit unto Obedience 1 Pet. 1.2 and yet
5.10 11. And this is the Record he gives of his Son He hath given to us Eternal Life And the not closing with Christ is to reject the Lord 's designed Way of Salvation to prefer the Light within to be our Saviour or Conviction to be our Saviour or our own Works to be our Saviour is to set up Idols in our Hearts instead of our only dear Redeemer that hath done that for every Man in his own Body being a perfect Sacrifice for Sin by bearing our Sins in his own Body on the Tree This ought to be applied by Faith inwardly and works a change both in Heart and Life and teacheth to deny all Ungodliness and to live to him soberly righteously and godly It 's in him that the Father declareth he is well pleased Mat. 17.5 It 's in him that poor Sinners are called to Behold saying Behold Behold me to a Nation that is not called by his Name Isa 65.1 53.6 It 's he that is lifted up even as Moses lifted up the brazen Serpent that whosoever believeth on him might not perish but have Eternal Life John 3.14 15. the true Christ of God God and Man and to reject him is to stumble at him that God hath designed by Faith in him to be thy Saviour Rom. 9.32 33. V. Young Men and young Women as to your single State or unmarried mind what is offered to consideration in the third State of Life frees from many Incumbrances Take heed of pretending Love where there is nothing in true reality intended for God is the Avenger of such wicked hypocritical Dealings in any Matter and then in such a Matter and Case see 1 Thess 4.5 6. And though good Paul could wish that all where as he yet from those natural Inclinations that are in some it 's better to marry than to burn in Iustful Desires I shall in this Case say as our Lord saith of some that make themselves Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake He that is able to receive it let him receive it Mat. 19.12 1 Cor. 7.9 VI. As to your State as married O consider of your Duties in that near and dear Union laid down in several divine holy Directions in Scripture 1. Remember your Wife is Flesh of your Flesh Bone of your Bone and Christ saith They twain shall be one Flesh Matth. 19.5 2. Remember they are the weaker Vessels and give honour to them 1 Pet. 3.9 3. Remember a good Wife is from the Lord prize them very highly that are the Benedictions of your glorious Creator see Prov. 19.14 18.22 she is a great help Meet to poor Man she is like the Merchant's Ship she fetcheth her Food from far fetcheth former and latter Experiences and strengthens Hope in God under present Difficulties she fetcheth the Counsel of Heaven in divine Laws the Comfort of Heaven in great and precious Promises Thou must depend in a lower sense upon her Loyalty Care Diligence Chastity see Prov. 31 11th Ver. compared with the 14th The Law of Kindness is in her Mouth Prov. 31.26 4. Love her in Reality as Christ loved his Church so as to support nourish comfort avoiding Bitterness in Words or Actions Col. 3.19 5. Labour to live with her as a Man of Knowledg in much Wisdom at all times affording Instructions in Meekness and by good Examples of Piety in holiness of Heart Life provoking of them to Love and good Works but not to Strife O Soul let there be no Strife except ye strive who shall be most holy most humble most zealous for good Matters most charitable and most self-denying 6. In these things live together as Heirs of the Grace of Life that your Practice be not hindred Remember that the Wife is called the desire of the Eye and Job saith I have made a Covenant with mine Eyes why then should I look upon a Maid Job 31.1 Ezek. 24.16 Give not way to lustful Desires after any other nor to evil Concupiscence and deal not treacherously with the Wife of thy Covenant This was a Sin of old that tho some covered his Altar with Tears he regarded them not see Mal. 2.13 14. Remember thou must as an Husband and as a Wife give an Account to God how thou hast lived in thy relative Duties towards her and she towards thee And therefore you Wives labour after the Ornament of a meek and quiet Spirit See that you reverence your Husbands and in your Vertues be as a Crown to them 1 Pet. 3.4 Ephes 6.22 24. Prov. 12.4 O do no unseemly things in Words or Actions to be as Rottenness in his Bones Prov. 12.4 Remember he is thy Head and yet thou art concern'd in Matters of Faith and Worship there to own God and Christ above the dearest Relation in the World VII If you have Prosperity in outward things consider 1. It comes not from the East or from the West but from the Lord of the whole Earth Psal 75.6 7. 2. All things here are uncertain and unsatisfying and soon taken from you or you from them Eccles 5.10 Prov. 23.5 3. You are Stewards with what God puts into your Hands and must shortly give an Account Jam. 5.1 2 3 4. 4. If you have not true Wisdom to use it you may be destroyed with it Prov. 1.32 The Prosperity of Fools destroyeth them Psal 73.12 Consider the World is like a Lottery some come into it with their Heads full of Winnings and go out of it with their Hearts full of Losings Take heed of being lifted up with Pride under Riches or Honour Consider Pride goeth before Destruction and an haughty Spirit before a Fall Prov. 16.18 Remember he that travelled upon the highest Stage of this World's Glory and had Wisdom to find out the Excellency of natural Things from the Cedar in Lebanon to the Hysop on the Wall and to make trial of all things for satisfaction under the Sun 1 King 4.33 Yet in all his great Enjoyments he proclaims All was vanity and vexation of Spirit If Prosperity attend take heed of Covetousness Pride Uncharitableness O do Good in the World with the things of the World Take heed dear Souls of abounding with Superfluities while some of God's Children want Necessaries The divine Charge is given to those that are Rich That they be not high-minded that they trust not in uncertain Riches but in the living God Be ready to distribute willing to communicate laying up for themselves a good Foundation for the time to come This way to lay out even to do good to all especially to the Houshold of Faith is the way to lay up 1 Tim. 6.18 19. And the liberal Soul shall be made fat Prov. 11.25 O be using the World as Strangers do their Inn they count a Bait no Let. O let all the Providences of God attending you as to Health Strength as to Trade as to yearly Revenues as to a good Wife or good Husband as to good Children as to Reputation lead you in things
By the entire Purity of the teaching of God contained in them leading from Sin to Holiness from Earth to Heaven from Death to Life from a carnal State to a Spiritual from Darkness to Light 4. From the wonderful preservation of them that neither Time nor Tyranny could extinguish 5. By the sweet Harmony and Agreement against those Evils that Men are most inclined to commit 6. By the powerful Operation of them in converting Thousands Q. VVherein doth their Profitableness farther appear A. By hiding them in the Heart they keep from Sin and the Path of the Destroyer and are a Means to bring to believe Psal 119.9 Joh. 20.31 Rom. 15.4 1 Joh. 3.9 Q. VVhen there is Faith and Repentance manifested what doth the Scripture require such Men to do in the next place A. They are after the manifestation of Faith and Repentance to be baptized with Water into the Name of Father Son and holy Spirit Mat. 28.19 Mar. 16.16 Act. 2.41 10.48 18.8 Q. In what manner is this Ordinance to be administred A. We find no mention made in Scripture of Sprinkling being the manner but Christ our glorious Pattern came up out of the Water and the Spirit of God lighted on him as a Dove Philip and the Eunuch are said to go down into the Water and when Philip had baptized him they came both up out of the Water Acts 8.39 The Apostle Paul telleth the Saints speaking of the signification of Baptism as also the manner saith Therefore we are buried with him in Baptism and burying is a covering the whole Man putting the Party baptized under the Water Rom. 6.2 Joh. 3.23 Q. VVhat doth Baptism signify A. A death unto Sin a rising unto newness of Life that which the believing Subject ought to have in his mind then and to appear reckoning himself dead to Sin and one minding a new Life afterward Rom. 6.2 7. Col. 2.12 Q. What Privilege or Benefit hath the Believer by being ●aptized with Water into the Lord's Name A. He is in the way to receive the precious Comfort of the Holy Spirit and Remission of his Sins and to have fellowship with the Church in all other good Duties as being a visible Member thereof added by Faith Repentance and Baptism as appears by these Scriptures Acts 2.38 39. 2.41 22.16 Q. How many Baptisms be there A. Three Q. Which be they A. Baptism of Water and of the Spirit and of Afflictions Q. VVho are the Administrators of VVater-Baptism A. Faithful preaching Disciples may administer it to Men and Women Mat. 28.19 Acts 8.37 38. 8.12 22.16 Q. Why may not Infants be baptized seeing it is no where forbidden A. Revealed things belong to us and our Children but we find not that revealed as any part of the Will of God also in doing that in Worship to God which we have neither Precept from God nor Example from Christ is Will-worship and that is forbidden Levit. 10.2 Col. 4.23 Q. VVho are the Administrators of the Baptism of Affliction A. The World and the Devil Rev. 2.10 Q. VVho are the Administrators of the Spirit 's Baptism A. God and Jesus Christ only are the Administrators of that Mat. 3.11 Joel 2.18 Q. VVhat is the Spirit 's Baptism A. It is the extraordinary Measures of the Spirit given from God whereby Persons are enabled to work Miracles speak with Tongues Mat. 3.11 Acts 1.5 compared with Acts 3.4 11.16 17. Q. VVhat are we to look for after this short Life is ended A. Resurrection from the Dead by the wonderful Power of God and made incorruptible and come to Judgment and receive according to the Works done in the Body either eternal Happiness as the End of the Faith of the Lord's People or else eternal Damnation as the just Reward of all those that know not God and obey not the Gospel 1 Pet. 1.9 2 Thess 1.8 Q. VVhat must Men expect in this World in following Christ leaving their vain Conversation and witnessing against the Evil of the Times and Days wherein they live A. They must in living Godly suffer Persecution and expect to have Men lay their Hands on them and put them into Prison scourge them and put them to Death despise their pure holy Profession with names of Blasphemy Heresy Delusion saying all manner of Evil falsly for his Name sake Luke 6.22 24. Acts 24. Q. VVhat is needful then for Men to learn that intend to follow Christ in this Vail of Misery A. Self-denial and Contentation to labour to increase in Faith and Patience to see more in reproach for Christ's sake than in a Kingdom of carnal sinful Delights Heb. 11.24 25. Wisely to sit down and count the Cost Luke 14.27 28. Q. What is or will be the Danger of drawing back from Truth when a Man once professeth it A. They had better they had never known the holy Commandment than after to turn from it they are such in so doing that God's Soul will have no pleasure in they shall also be filled with their own Ways lie open to strong Delusions because they received not the Truth in the love of it such as are unfit for the Kingdom of Heaven and are compared to Dogs returning to their own Vomit and wandring Stars to whom is reserved the Blackness of Darkness for ever Luke 9.42 Psal 125.5 2 Pet. 2.20 2 Thess 2. ch Prov. 14.14 Q. VVhat Duties are the Church of Christ to observe after they are gathered by Faith Repentance Baptism and intend to profess Christ A. They are to assemble together at their appointed Times to edify and build up each other in their most holy Faith to provoke to Love and good Works and not to forsake the assembling of themselves together as the manner of some is Heb. 3.13 10.24 25. Q. What are they to do first of all when they come together A. To agree to make Supplication unto the Lord by Prayer Intercession giving of Thanks for all Men Kings and all that are in Authority that under them we may lead a godly and peaceable Life in all Godliness and Honesty 1 Tim. 2.1 2 3. Q. VVhat is Prayer A. It is a reverend Asking of those Things we need agreeable to the Lord 's holy Will Jam. 5.13 Psal 69.13 Q. VVhat is Intercession A. It is a suing earnestly for Mercy for others unto the Lord Jer. 7.16 Q. VVhat is Thanksgiving A. It is a being seriously sensible of the Mercies of God either Temporal or Spiritual and glorifying of him by praising or giving Thanks unto God for them Luke 2.38 Acts 27.35 Q. In what manner must we pray A. In Faith and Love lifting up pure Hands without Wrath or Doubting 1 Tim. 1.8 Jam. 1.6 Mark 11.25 Q. Is this Duty privately to be observed A. Yea much by every Christian Man to watch unto Prayer to go often about the Work and not to be weary of it solemnly setting apart Time every Day for the Work that he may be kept from
as to be mindful of the Words of the Holy Prophets 2 Pet. 3.2 which are by faithful Men to be kept till the coming and appearing of Jesus Christ 1 Tim. 5.21 6.13 14. Rev. 3.10 John 20.31 Labour to have such a Faith that leads to conformity to Christ both in Heart and Life For the Devils believe there is a God a Christ and they tremble at God's infinite Power and Majesty And you young Men and Women under the Riches of his Goodness and believing the unsearchableness of his Mercy and Grace in a dear Saviour bestowed on you are concerned greatly to obey him consideringthat he will shortly come in flaming Fire to render Vengeance upon all those that under his Calls of Grace matter not See 2 Thess 1.8 Rom. 2.4 Doth he say He that believes and is baptized shall be saved and he that believes not shall be damned If Baptism be that which is to follow Faith do not slight Christ in that Duty Cornelius is promised by the holy Angel that in sending for Peter he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do Acts 10.5 6. You find Peter commands Water-Baptism to those that had received the extraordinary Measures of God's Spirit Consider Acts 10.47 So that this may be fairly concluded that angels are subservient to the Gospel Ministration For Peter had with the rest of the Apostles the Commission of Christ given to them by him that had all Power in Heaven and Earth Matth. 28.19 20. So Saul after the Lord met him as he was going to persecute the People of God and upon his Question Who art thou Lord The Answer is I am Jesus O Jesus a Saviour and thou persecutest me in my Members and Followers Upon hearing this Voice he falleth down trembling and saith Lord what wouldest thou have me to do Go to Ananias he shall tell the what thou must do Ananias had a Vision and is by the Lord sent unto Saul and directed unto the Street and to the House even to Judas to enquire for one Saul of Tarsus who was observed by the Lord to e praying See Acts 9.6 compared with ver 10 11. and when he came laid his Hands on him and telleth him Jesus that appeared to him by the Way sent him to him that he might receive his Sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost And immediately there fell Scales from his Eyes and he received Sight forthwith and arose and was Baptized Acts 9.18 compared with Acts 22.16 O Souls you that have not yet conformed to this blessed Duty you are greatly concerned to put on a holy Profession of Christ by submitting to holy Baptism Gal. 3.27 and minding the Errand of that holy Duty all your Days viz. a dying to Sin and rising to newness of Life Rom. 8.1 2 3. Col. 2.12 For if Baptism be submitted to and not the End or Errand of it minded it is like a Sword of a Magistrate without Justice and like a Sign without having any thing within for the Church of England say right That Baptism is an outward Sign of inward Grace but none of this they can behold in an Infant that they say is by Name a Child of Wrath or many of them say so it is like Seals without minding the Conditions specified or like a Souldier listing himselfe under his Captain and after refusing his Commands in fighting against his Enemies which things will not be born by Men. O Souls do not slight the Will of God in point of Duty in this respect and all others commanded by your Lord for know That Faith without Works is dead And would you be content with a dead Faith in a dying Hour and in the Day of your Account Consider James 2.19 compared with the 26th Verse I speake the more to this Duty because some have changed both the Subject and the Manner Others cry down this and other Ordinances as if ceased Others live below what they profess in this righteous Service I could say much to the Danger of falling under such Delusions which the good Lord keep you from Surely we may cry out with the Prophet It 's time Lord for thee to work for Men make void thy Law Therefore mind those Duties that relate to that blessed Privilege of having a Place in God's House for they are blessed that dwell there Psal 27.4 84.4 Acts 2.42 Esteem others better than your selves walk humbly prize Gospel-Opportunities slight not assembling with the Church of Christ Heb. 10.22 23. Labour after such a Faith that pacifieth the Heart I may assure you in the Fear of God and in the Truth of God this is also a Faith of a right kind Acts 15.10 When the Faith you have in Christ in dying for your Sins leads you and works Death in you to your Sins it is Faith of a saving Nature Titus 2.11 14. Gal. 1.4 O Souls when there is such a Faith that believes Promises and Prophecies though Providence seem to contradict them as if such things should never be Rom. 4.17 18. O Souls consider of the Necessity of Faith It 's that which laying hold on the Blood of Christ justifieth Rom. 5.1 It 's that which overcometh the World and the Devil Joh. 5.5 I Pet. 5.3 It 's that which will assure you of Eternal Life Joh. 3.16 1 Joh. 5.20 It 's Faith in Christ that makes your Prayers acceptable with God James 1.6 1 John 3.22 23. It 's that which is the just Man's Life Heb. 10.38 It 's that which is the poor Man's Riches James 2.5 It 's that which makes good Works acceptable and rewardable Heb. 11.4 And without Faith it 's impossible to please God Heb. 11.6 IV. Consider the sad State of not believing with a Faith of a right Kind 1. No Remission of Sins O dreadful is that Soul's State that dieth an Unbeliever the Wrath of God abides on him John 3.36 2. No Relation to God as a Son without Faith O to come to a Death-bed and to Judgment and be no Child of God by Faith in Christ Jesus will be dreadful 3. No access to God nor no acceptance with God without Faith Heb. 11.6 4. No resisting of Satan without Faith 1 Pet. 5.9 Unbelief slights Christ as Priest Prophet and King Matters not his Blood to cleanse the foul Soul nor his Righteousness to clothe thy naked Soul it lays thee open to the Motions of the Devil to his Instruments in all obscene lewd filthy Words and Actions dreadful Intemperance Lying Swearing Deceit Hypocrify Envy Wrath and all manner of Pride Vain-glory c. listening to the Apostles of the Devil Factors of Hell in their filthy flesh-pleasing Songs and prophane Ballads and all the black Guard that wait on the Devil rejoice at thy not mattering what he commands and canst run into what he forbids 5. Unbelief makes God a Liar O woful Impudence He that believeth not God hath made him a Liar because he believeth not the Record he gave of his Son 1 John