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A84657 The Following collections or pious little treatises together with the Rule of S. Clare and declarations upon it, are printed for the use of the English Poor Clares in Ayre an index whereof begin's in the sequent page. Clare, of Assisi, Saint, 1194-1253. Regula. English. 1684 (1684) Wing F1401A; ESTC R42495 50,833 143

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J confess before thee and will acknowledge to all the world that J am the most vile and unprofitable of all creatures 5. O my God there is not on earth to be found a creature so disloyall and ungratefull as J am unto thee 6. J am not worthy to look up to heaven and much less to possesse the same 7. If the greatest sinner in the world had those inspirations and daily means of vertue which J o Lord confess to have J verily think he would not be so wretched as J am Tuesday Confidence 1. ALthough every moment deare JESUS J commit many imperfections yet J hope by thy help to attain to Christian perfection 2. My sweet Saviour if J committed all the sins and crimes which have been from the beginning of the world yet would J be confident of pardon 3. J hope most firmely O son of God my Redeemer by thy holy merits and Sacraments to enjoy eternall life 4. O infinit clemency was there ever any sinner that truly asked pardon to whom you denied it 5. My sweet Saviour if all creatures both in heaven and earth should tell me that thou hadst forsaken me and didst refuse to help me yet J would not beleeve them 6. O sweet JESU albeit the furies in Hell together with all the afflictions of this life should torment me yet would J trust in thee 7. O good JESUS thou that said'st Aske and it shall be given beleeve and you shall receive J humbly beg and unfainedly confide in thy goodnes whatsoever is necessary for me either spirituall or corporall thou wilt give me Wednsday Poverty 1. O My Lord J desire no riches ease or sensuall delights but only the love of thee 2. O that J had a thousand worlds with all the fained pleasures thereof not to possesse but willingly to leave for the love of thee 3. Most deare Lord J will possess nothing but thee and what J have only for thy sake 4. O dearest spouse all riches without thee are unto me unsupportable poverty joy sorrow ease paine consolation a consuming grief 5. O my sweet Saviour that was 't both in life and death so poor and naked of all things for thee I most willingly embrace the want of what is necessary for corporall life and health 6. My sweetest Jesu which was 't so poor and free from the posession of your will even in the repugnance of death for thee I entirely forsake my own will and sence to the consummation of my life 7. O my dearest Saviour that Wouldst not admit in all thy torments the least comfort I beseech thee make me so perfectly poore as for thy love I entertain no unnecessary consolation Thursday Gratitude 1. O my good God I render thee eternall thanks for all thy gifts both of grace and nature bestowed on me and on all creatures 2. O most liberall God thou hast don to me above all I can ask or desire 3. O my Saviour what shall J render for all those numberlesse benefits which I have and continually do receive from thee 4. O deare Saviour in gratitude for all thy mercies towards me I offer and beseech thee to accept of my heart and soule with what else thou hast bestowed on me 5. O my Creatour and deare Redeemer that I could be gratfull unto thee 6. Teach me my God to render thee such thanks as may be most acceptable unto thee 7. O would to God I had the gratitude of creatures both in heaven and earth to offer up unto thee my onely good but all being too little I beg thou wilt thy self supply these wants Friday Obedience and Resignation 1. O Most benigne Lord let me but know what you would have me to do 2. Sweete Jesus I offer my self both in time and Eternity most entirely to accomplish thy will 3. Although J should be lost yet if it be thy will for love of thee I most willingly yield to live in continuall affliction and torment 4. I offer my self with all my heart my sweete Saviour in what I may possibly in body life and soule to be disposed of by thy blessed will and pleasure 5. Behold sweet Lord for love of thee I abandon and deny my senses renounce my understanding and wholy forsake my self to prove and accomplish thy holy will 6. Most deare God for thy sake I firmly purpose rather to dy a thousand deaths then once to be disobedient to thee 7. O good Jesus when shall I see that happy houre wherein by perfect obedience and entire Resignation I shall wholy live in thee and thou in me Saturday Love of neighbour 1. MOst mercifull Lord I beseech thy infinit goodnes so to illuminate the hearts of all sinners that they may be truly penitent for their sins to seek thee with all care who art the onely God 2. I beseech thee my sweet Lord by the bowels of thy infinit mercies that all such as seek after ambition and earthly delights may turn all their affections to love thee 3. Grant sweet Jesus through the merits of thy bitter Passion that all those for whom thou hast suffered may reape the benefit thereof 4. Most mercifull Lord I humbly beseech thee to comfort all afflicted soules 5 Most sweet Saviour give such grace and vertue unto all creatures as they may be truly conformable unto thy holy will 9. Most mercifull God release for thy own sake and thy B. Mother's all those who either in Earth or Purgatory thou dost by justice punish Sunday Love of Almighty God 1. TAke form me O sweet Saviour that which separateth me so farr from thee 2. Purge my soule O Lord from all sin and imperfection by which it is defiled and made unworthy of thy Image 3. Behold O my God I hate and detest with all my heart even the least offence that ever I have committed against thy divine Majesty 4. Forgive sweet Saviour all that which justly thou mightest lay to my charge for that now I desire to be perfectly united unto thee 5. My sweetest Lord as a channell of all uncleannesse desirous to be purified I present my self unto thee 6. O Eternall God I beseech thee that I who am the least of all creatures may by perfect love of thee be elevated above all created things and my spirit only satisfied in thee 7. What shall I render thee my beloved Lord for all thou hast bestowed on me that am but dust and ashes and yet thou hast made all things for me Aspirations for every day in the Weeke upon the Passion of our blessed Saviour Munday Contrition 1. O Vile and most detestable sin by which I have so oft betrayed and sold thee my Eternall Father yea even for a momentary pleasure 2. O that I had never by ingratitude bound thy liberall hands and therby deprived my self of thee and of thy will and mercifull pleasure in me 3. O my soule unto what streights have thy sins and offences brought thy Saviour would to God I had some
seas of teares to shed for having thus often cruelly tormented thee 4 O if it had been thy will my sweetest Jesu I wish I might have endured not only temporall but endless pains rather then have caused the least part of thy affliction 5. O Sacred wounds of my dearest Saviour in revenge of my cruelty wound my heart with ten thousand darts of true remorse 6. O sin how deformed and unjust art thou that thus has't defiled the beauty of heaven and crucifyed my Immaculate Jesus 7. O that I might with a thousand millions of lives and infinit seas of blood blot out of my soule the guilt of thy death and Passion 8. Sweet Jesus ingulfe and drown me in thy sacred wounds that there I may learn to love Tuesday Compassion 1. O That I could shed for thee my Lord so many teares as the sea contains drops of water in true compassion of thy torments 2. O who will give water to my head and a fountain of teares to my eyes to weep upon thee the love of my soule 3. O love and only comfort of my heart what consolation hadst thou in all thy torments 4. Alas my well beloved why am not J alwaies present to suffer with thee at least by compassion on thy pains 5. My sweet JESUS O that I might be crucified with thee 6. O love of my soule that I might have had the priviledge of the launce to have rested in thy heart 7. My dearest Saviour permit me the favour to remain at the foot of thy Cross to the end that I may weep continually sigh bleed cry and consume in compassion of thee 8. Give me an endless spring of teares to wash away the sacred blood of my sweetest love which still issueth as flowing rivers from thee Wensday Imitation 1. O Most sweet JESUS give me grace in imitation of thy sacred Passion most willingly to undergoe the burthen of this transitory life 2. For that thou hast suffered so many and cruell torments for my sake let me never O mercifull God fly any tribulation which thou shalt vouchsafe to send me by thy self or others 3. My Jesus to accompany thee in thy manifold afflictions I would be glad not onely to endure the wants which thou sendest me but seek others and never be satisfied in suffering with thee 4. In imitation of thy nakedness reproaches and whippings at the pillar I will endeavour to strip my self of all inordinate desires and affections 5. I will continually follow thee my dearest Saviour with the Crosse of perfect obedience and never for any difficulty leave the same till I come to dy with thee 6. O my Eternall God that wouldst for my sake be nailed to the Cross let me by true mortification be alwaies crucified with thee 7. My loving spouse I beseech thee that with a full renunciation of my self and perpetuall death of all earthly things I may irrevocably dy with thee Thursday Thanksgiving 1. WHat thanks shall I yield unto thee my Eternall life who wouldst endure unspeakeable torments to free me from the snare and fetters of death 2. All you seraphins and celestiall Spirits with whatsoever hath been created praise my Redeemer for the unspeakeable price of my Redemption 3. O my soule how can'st thou devise to render the least part of due gratitude unto thy Jesus who hath by his own humility so much exalted thee 4. O let me ever acknowledge my deare Saviour that endless bond of gratitude which thy Passion alone exacteth of me 5. Sweet JESUS that I could incessantly love thee for these inestimable treasures which thou by thy torments hast purchased unto me 6. Good IESUS since I have nothing but my self to offer in requitall of thy infinit love I beseech thee to accept in love and gratitude what by-right is thy own 7. O eternall God that I had a thousand hearts and lives to offer unto thee who by thy death hast given and bequeathed thy self to me 8. Grant sweet IESUS that thy dolorous death and Passion be ever imprinted in my heart my true thankfulness and imitation thereof Friday Admiration O My God who art thou who hast endured so many and cruell torments sweet and dearest love hast thou forgotten thy Majesty and glory 2. O light of heaven and splendour of thy Fathers glory unto what art thou now reduced 3. Alas my Saviour what art thou who art so despightfully treated 4. O love of loves that through the excess of thy love thou wouldst for me endure so bitter a death 5. O love how strong art thou which with thy force surmounted'st him that by no other means may be overcome 6. O incomprehensible God for whom dost thou suffer but for miserable sinners ungratefull creatures thy enemies children of the divell and those who contemn thee 7. O dearest love that my heart is not pierced with thy dolours 8. What were it o Lord if I had all the loves of the world to unite and offer unto thee 9. My sweet IESUS if I could reduce all thy drops of blood into teares of love what were it compared unto thy love Saturday Ioy. 1. My heart and soule rejoyce and praise the mercies of my God who out of his infinit love hath died to give thee life 2. O my delight what joy will it give to my heart to receave that life that infinit good through the merits of thy most bitter and dolorous passion 3. Sweet JESUS I praise thee with eternall joy for having in thy most cruell death so perfectly accomplished the work of our Redemption 4. It was by thee O beloved Cross that peace hath been established between God and man 5. O triumphant glory and most puissant King who by thy most sacred death hast overcome the Prince of Hell and delivered our soules out of his bondage 6. O Heaven Earth sea and all things therein yield praises in our behalf unto the saviour of our soules and let us rejoyce in the merits of his sacred passion 7. If all my members were tongues O how willingly would I employ them in the praise of thee my sweet saviour and thy health-bringing wounds 8. O all yee celestiall spirits assist me to love and praise my God by the vertue of whose Passion your ruins are repaired 9. Sweet JESUS what glory and comfort is it unto human nature to be exalted in thee unto the right hand of thy Eternall father Sunday Love 1. When shall it be my crucified JESUS that both the senses of my body and powers of my soule shall be wholy employed in thy praise 2. O my JESUS when by perfect love and imitation shall I be daily crucified and continually dy with thee 3. O my beloved JESUS when shall I love thee in such sort as that thy sacred wounds be by burning love imprinted in my heart 4. O my beloved JESUS when wilt thou bring me into the wine cellar of thy blessed side and make me wholy drunke with the most sacred wine which floweth from
thy loving heart 5. O when shall it be my dearest JESU that the flame of thy love shall pierce and wound my heart that I may be wholy conformable unto thee 6. Sweet JESUS let me love thee so unfainedly as that by force of thy love I neither feel see nor take comfort in any thing but accompanyng thee my afflicted Lord. 7. My sweetest Saviour when shall I have my full and wisht repose within thy crucified armes 8. O sacred wounds of my JESUS especially of his tender side and most amourous heart why do you not burn and consume my soule in the delightfull flames of his love An Oblation unto our B. Lady to say on any one of her Feasts 70. Ave Maries and then during every day 5. Ave's and these Prayers following 1. O B. Virgin Mary and Eternall Queen of Angels I offer my self unto you in all that I am or ever shall be beseeching you to receive me as your own 2. O B. Virgin Mary preserve me living and dyng from all evill for I am your own 3. O B. Virgin Mary receive me for your own ever govern and protect me as your own and have mercy on my soule when it shall part out of my body 4. O mercifull Mother through your holy departure make joyfull my departure and in the houre of my death receive my soule A Prayer to Iesus Christ ANima Christi sanctifica me Corpus Christi salva me Sanguis Christi inebria me Aqua lateris Christi lava me Passio Christi conforta me O bone IESV exaudi me Intrà tua vulnera absconde me Ne permittas me separari à te Ab hoste maligno defende me In hora mortis meae voca me Et jube me venire ad te Vt cum Sanctis tuis laudem Te In saecula saeculorum Amen In English thus SOule of Christ sanctify me Body of Christ save me Blood of Christ inebriate me Water of Christ's side wash me Passion of Christ comfort me O good JESU heare me Within thy wounds hide me Suffer me not to be separated from thee From the malignant enemy defend me In the houre of my death call me And bid me come to thee That with thy Saints I may praise thee For ever and ever Amen When you passe by the B. Sacrament DVlcissimum nomen Domini nostri Iesu Christi gloriosae Virginis Mariae Matris ejus sit in aeternum benedictum In English Let the B. Name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST and the glorious VIRGIN MARY his MOTHER be blessed for ever and ever And then offer your intention herein to get the pardon which is gained When you take Holy water Aqua benedicta sit nobis salus protectio vita Asperges me Domine hissopo c. In English May this holy water be to us health protection and life Thou shalt sprinkle me o Lord with hissope c. How we may honour the most holy and B. Name of the most glorious Virgin Mary by sayng these 5. Verses with 5. Psalmes 1. MAter amabilis Maria nomine Multò nobilior quocunque lumine Muni me miserum in tuo nomine Malignis obvians tuo juvamine Magnificat 2. Aurora rutilans lunâque pulchrior Astris fulgentior luce clarior Afflictum respice qui nimis crucior Averte jaculum hostis quo ferior Ad Dominum cum tribularer 3. Regina nobilis filia filii Rosae consimilis flori lilii Refove flebiles lacte consilii Ruentes per dies huius exilii Retribue servo tuo 4. Iesse tu congruè vocata virgula Immarcessibilis sine macula IESV jam florid o qui regit saecula Ipsa tu suggere ut solvat vincula In Convertendo 5. Ancilla Domini sumens tam nobilis Ave quod Gabriel dedit mirabilis Accipe canticum servi inutilis Adsis in omnibus mihi placabilis Ad te levavi ℣ Dignare me laudare te Virgo sacrata ℟ Da mihi virtutem contra hostes tuos OREMUS COncede nos famulos tuos quaesumus Domine Deus perpetuá mentis corporis sanitate gaudere glorio â B. Mariae Virginis intercessione à praesenti liberari tristitia aeternâ perfrui laetitiâ Per Christum Domenum nostrum Amen The 5. Verses Englished 1. O Amiable Mother ô Mary hail by name More noble then the light of natur's frame Defend me by your meanes which way so'ere J goe And by your shelt'ring help preserve me from my foe 2. Bright shining dawn fairer then the moon More sparkling then the starres and brighter then the sun Look on me wretch afflicted and tormented so As to put by those darts my foes do at me thr'o 3. O noble queen and daughter to thy son Like to the Rose and Flower-de-Luce at noone 'T is milk of your good counsel must cherish us that weep 'T is you that from all banish't ruin's must us keep 4. You are the rod of Jesse fittly nam'd You neyther wither nor with spot are sham'd Pray to our Jesus who the world doe's rule That J from bonds of sin may save my soule 5. O handmaid of our Lord who took the noble haile From wond'rous Gabriel's mouth the world 's great baile Receive the sacred Cantick your worthless servant sing's And gratious be to me sweet Mary in all things LITANIAE B. P. N. FRANCISCI KYRIE eleïson Christe eleïson Kyrie eleïson Christe audi nos Christe exaudi nos Pater de caelis Deus Miserere nobis Fili Redemptor mundi Deus Miserere nobis Spiritus sancte Deus Miserere nobis Sancta Trinitas unus Deus Miserere nobis Sancte Francisce Pater amabilis ora pro nobis Pater admirabilis Pater benigne Pater venerabilis Vexillifer Jesu Christi ORA PRO NOBIS Eques Crucifixi Imitator filii Dei Seraphim ardens Fornax Charitatis Arca Sanctitatis Cultor pacis Vas Puritatis Norma Justitiae Speculum Pudicitiae Regula Poenitentiae Magister Obedientiae Exemplar Virtutum Patriarcha Pauperum Profligator Criminum Lumen tuae Patriae Decus Morum Vivificator Mortuorum Saturator Famelicorum Obsequium Leprosorum ORA PRO NOBIS Praeco magni Regis Forma Humilitatis Consors Sublimitatis Victor Vitiorum Dux Minorum Praedicator Silvestrium Portans dona Gloriae Auriga militiae nostrae Novis utens Prodigiis Caelum caecis aperiens Gratum gerens obsequium Templum Christo consecrans Hostes malignos proterens Tenens vitae bravium Spargens virtutum munera Amplians iter ad Gloriam Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi Parce nobis Domine Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi Exaudi nos Domine Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi Miserere nobis ℣ Ora pro nobis beate Pater Francisce ℟ Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi OREMUS DEus qui Ecclesiā tuā B. Fraucisci meritis foetu novae prolis amplificas tribue nobis ex ejus imitatione terrena despicere caelestium donorum semper participatione gaudere Per Dominum
peccata mundi Miserere nobis Oremus MEntes nostras quaesumus Domine Paracletus qui à te procedit illuminet inducat in omnem sicut tuus promisit Filius veritatem COncede misericors Deus fragilitati nostrae praesidium ut qui sanctae Dei genitricis memoriam agimus intercessionis ejus auxilio à nostris iniquitatibus resurgamus OMnipotens sempiterne Deus qui saluas omnes neminem vis perire respice ad animas Britannorum diabolicâ fraude deceptas ut omni haereticâ pravitate depositâ errantium corda resipiscant ad veritatis tue redeant unitatem Per Christum Dominum nostrum Amen DEO GRATIAS A DAYLY EXERCISE OF PRAYERS With weekly Meditations upon the Passion IN THE MORNING IN nomine Patris † c. Pater Ave Credo Confiteor c. I adore thee most Blessed Trinity give thee thankes for all benefits bestowed upon me especially for my Vocation to this State the use of Sacraments other Divine helpes particularly that thou hast preserved me this night wherein perhaps many have been summoned before thee to give an account of their lives The living O God shall bless glorify thee as I will this day O Eternall Father to thee I offer up my self with whatsoever I am able to doe admit O Gracious Father these first fruites of my love united with the merits of thy beloved Son O B. JESUS I purpose through thy Grace to walk the paths of thy H. Commandements performing the duty of a good Christian by the practise of all Vertues especially of N. Grant O Lord that I may doe suffer all things according to thy Holy will Come O Holy Ghost direct assist comfort my distressed Soul with thy Grace that I may shun all Sin especially N. I have hitherto greivously offended thee but I will be more watchfull over my wayes Help me I beseech thee in this my spirituall warfar for thou hast promised that I shall walk amongst Serpents Basilisks trample over Lyons Dragons Help me also O Holy Angels glorious Saints thou especially O Sacred Virgin Mother with thy chast Espous S. JOSEPH Protect me O Angell Guardian Yee O Holy NN. my Patrons for this day that I fall not into the snares of Satan But thou O my God my All art my cheife hope let the flames of thy Divine Love consume all evill affections in me that I may for ever love obey thee AN OBLATION O B. JESUS in union of thy N. I offerr up all my thoughts words deeds purposing to practise the Vertue of N. shun the Vice of N. beseeching thee that all I doe or suffer may be acceptable to thee for NN. through the Mediation of my glorious Patrons NN. Amen BLess me O JESU with thy Sacred Virgin Mother † Bless me all yee Holy Saints Angels specially my Angell Guardian Holy Patrons NN. † O Eternall God Father Son H. Ghost bless † keep me now for ever Amen IN THE EVENING IN nomine Patris c. O Most Blessed Trinity I glorify thee with all the Saints Angels for all favours at all times bestowed upon me especially this day make a survey of Gods favours to thee Alas what thankes can I return to thee for these all thy gracious benefits O God who hast observed all the motions of my heart all my words actions Enlighten me that I may know wherein I have offended thee what is wanting to me that I may bewayl my sins through thy Grace amend my life Examine thy conscience through all houres duties of that day towards God thy Neighbour thy selfe considering wherein thou hast offended by thought word or deed Lord be mercifull to me a sinner Behold here my God what sins I have rendred thee for thy gracious gifts It greives me that I have offended thee Pardon me O my God through the Cross Passion of thy dearest Son the merits of the Sacred Virgin all Angels Saints especially N N. I purpose hereafter never more to offend thee to undergoe all Crosses for the satisfying my transgressions against thee purchasing Grace for the amendement of my life AN OBLATION O B. JESUS I offer up to thee thy N. as a propitiation for all my sins especially of this day Uniting therewith the merits of thy Sacred Mother all Angels Saints especially my Patrons NN. to whose protection I now for ever commend my self Bless me O JESUS c. MEDITATIONS VPON THE PASSION For every day of the week SUNDAY Washing of the Feet CONS 1. Who washeth God thy Creatour Redeemer giver of all good things 2. Whose feet he washeth of ignoble persons great sinners his own betrayer 3. Why he washeth to give example of meekness teach us to cleanse our Soules ere we approach his Altar Affect Oh my JESU that I could love thee all creatures as I ought thou desirest Resolve To practise the Vertue of Charitie shun the vice of Envie in occasions best known to thy self MUNDAY Prayer in the garden CONS 1. How CHRIST prayeth kneeling prostrate with instancy thou how tepid 2. What 's his prayer That his Chalice may passe yet with resignation to obey his Fathers will doe thou pray thus 3. How he sweats bloud in great drops in great sorrows wilt thou rely on thy own strength Affect Oh my JESU that I could humble my self to Thee all creatures for thee Rosolve To practise Humilitie shun Pride c. TUESDAY Mocking before Herod CONS 1. How JESUS betrayed apprehended manicled is led to Annas Caiphas Pilate Herod Follow him in this sorrowfull Pilgrimage 2. How He is every where falsly accused yet is silent be silent too when injur'd 3. How before Herod he is cloathed mocked as a Foole if thou beest a Christian imitate CHRIST'S self-denyall Affect Oh my JESU that I could contemn my own will for thy sake Resolve To practise Self-denyall shun self-love c. WEDNESDAY Whipping at the Pillar CONS How JESUS led back to Pilate is there accused as a Blasphemer Seducer Traitor Barabbas though a Murderer is preferr'd before him can'st thou repine when vilified 2. How that Innocent Body uncloathed bound to the Pilar is whipt for thy sins thou sin'st he suffers 3. How barbarously those Soldiers treat thy JESUS Oh cruelty this he suffers for thee Bath thy heart in his saving bloud Affect Oh my JESU that I could bear all Crosses from all persons for the love of Thee Resolve To practise Patience shun Anger c. THURSDAY Crowning with Thorns CONS 1. How JESUS thus bleeding is crownd with sharp Thorns this Crown is instead of a Crown of Glory 2. How they cloath him in scarlet put a reed in his hand for a Scepter then kneeling deride Him O my JESU thou art a King indeed reign for ever in my heart