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A84337 The axe, against sin and error; and the truth conquering. A sermon on Matthew 3. 10. Now also the ax is laid to the root of the trees, therefore every tree, that bringeth not forth good fruit, is hewn down, and cast into the fire. At which, a Christian confessed, she was converted; and because it did good to her, desired it might be preached again at her funerall, that it might do good to others, ... wherein are shewed the causes of the sword upon England, and on the Lutherans, and the remedies that must be used, before the judgements cease. / Written by John Eachard, M. A. of Trin. Col. Camb. and pastor of Darsham in Suffolke. Published according to order. Eachard, John, 17th cent. 1646 (1646) Wing E46; Thomason E322_26; ESTC R200585 51,668 51

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written in heaven through this golden cleer glasse of thy baptisme which thou receivedst in thine Infancy and now walk in this golden street by faith you may be assured and rejoyce that your names are written in heaven Luke 10. 20. Quest How know you that Answ. There be three which beare record in heaven the Father the Word and the holy Ghost these three are one and beare record in heaven that he hath given you a new name Rev. 2. 17. in baptisme for all your names were Adam before Gen. 5. 2. but they beare record that he hath given you a new name and his own new name Rev. 3. 12. And there be three which bear record in earth the Spirit and water and blood these three agree in one that your names are written in heaven for to whomsoever God hath given eternall life which life is in his Son Jesus Christ his name is written in heaven But the three in heaven and the three in earth do bear witnesse that he hath given you eternall life 1 John 5. 7 8. 11. Ergo your names are written in heaven that believe it on this ground and you are let into Paradise again for though Adam and all his children were shut out of it and the Cherubim with a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the tree of life Gen. 3. which signifieth this axe of the fiery Law Deut. 33. 2 given by Angels Acts 7. 53. keepeth every man from the Paradise of assurance of salvation for this axe of the Law cuts men off and shuts them out every way for originall or actuall sins mans merits or humane righteousnesse whosoever hath but one sin is cut down by the Law But by your baptisme into Christ you are let into Paradise again and have now right and title by your baptisme and by faith to eat of all the trees in the garden i. title to all things to be yours and you are Christs 1 Cor. 3. And you may eate of the tree of life in the midst of the Paradise of God Rev. 2. 7. that is of Christ in the Supper and be more sure of eternall life then the tree of life could have made Adam and shall be kept in the Paradise of Gods protection For thus saith the Lord Because you have kept the word of my patience I will deliver thee from the hour of temptation that is come upon all the world to try them that are upon the face of the earth Rev. 3. 10. Now what is the word of Christs patience but the faith of baptisme into Christ crucified for the remission of our sins for the word of Christs patience is the faith in Christ crucified which Paul desired only to know 1 Cor. 2. Now what is a man the better to say I believe Christ was crucified dead and buried except he keep the faith of it for remission of his sins for the devills believe so much But the word of Christs patience which you keep is this that you say and believe that I am in him that is true in that his Son Jesus Christ 1 John 5. 20. in whom I am crucified and dead and buried and risen again with Christ in my baptisme into Christs death for the remission of sins and have put on Christ Rom. 6. ● 4 Col. 2. 12. Gal. 3. 27. That Church that keeps the word of Christs patience i. faith in their baptisme into Christs death for remission of sins though they knew not what Christ did for them when he washed them as he told Peter John 1● but know it afterward shall be delivered from this houre of temptation but all other religious plants which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted out The axe of the Law cuts them off for one sin before God but he that is holy and true saith be that believeth and is baptized shall be saved Mark 16. 16. that is he that believeth one baptisme into Christ for remission of sins shall be saved but he that believeth not his one baptisme into Christ for remission of his sins shall be damned as Heathens Turks Jews Witches and Apostates that have denied it For this is the Catholike faith I believe one Baptisme for the remission of sins which except a man believe faithfully he cannot be saved the axe cut them off Now when men have lost this Paradise then they must go till the earth full of false religions all serve an angry God The Heathen run to Jupiter the Turks to Mahumet the Jewes to Moses ceremonies the Papists to Saints to Pilgrimage a wildernesse and Purgatory Lo here is Christ say the Papists in the Popes chaire and pardon Lo here is Christ say the Luberans in consubstantiation and lo here is Christ say the Anabaptists in our new Jordan and yet it carries them into the lake Asphaltes mare mortuum the dead sea for he that denieth his first baptisme to take a second it is a dead and damnable sin as Heb. 6. 4 5 6. and Heb 10. 29. ●5 38. Lo there say all sects in our Church way and yet never a one of them have assurance of salvation because they have not faith in one baptisme for remission of sins for no man can have the knowledge of salvation but by the remission of sins as Luke 1. 77. Well you see the houre of temptation is come a flood of judgements flow upon earth for sin Here is an axe for you to cut down sin and an ark for you white-rayment Christians and citizens of the new Jerusalem namely the ark of our baptisme into Christs death for remission of sins It hath been building in England about an hundred yeeres you only have God seen righteous in this generation an end of all false religions is come and God will destroy them with the earthly men Enter you your wives and your children into the faith of this Ark but leave not your children out of this Ark nor take a new one for that is cursed Gal. 1. 8 9. For as the Ark saved Noah so {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} the same Antitype which now saveth us Baptisme the translators were to blame to call it a figure for there is as much difference between a figure and an antitype as between the brazen Serpent and Christ 1 Pet. 3. 21. meaning of the inward Baptisme Now as you know many before the flood might come into the A●k and look upon it and yet because they did not abide in it they all perished So now a ●lood of Gods judgements are come in this hour of temptation and many people have seen baptisme and been within it sacramentally but all that do not stay in it by faith shall perish Therefore little children abide in him that were shut or graffed into him by one baptisme that when he shall appeare we may be bold 1 Iohn 2 28. for behold Christ standeth at the dore and knocks in Laodicca in England and he will not leave
his houshold after Baptisme rejoyced And I can testifie that my God shall fill you full of joy and peace in believing i. that you are in him that is true in that his Son Jesus Christ the same is very God and eternall life and this I know by faith in my baptisme into that Jesus that came by water and blood not by water of Baptisme only but by water and blood 't is that Spirit that beareth witnesse i. unto our spirits that we are the children of God Rom. 8. 16. that Spirit is true and those Christians that hold the true faith in their baptisme that by it and by the blood we know we are in him that is true and by the Spirit that beareth witnesse by both these they are the right joyfull Christians in all the world the Devill and the world are mad at them for their joy and are the citizens of the new Jerusalem the street of it paved with pure gold like transparent glasse signifie the lively faith of our Baptisme And this John had his garment of Camels hair he was no velvet or silken Preacher with long Camels hair on his head no his garment was hairy like Elias free from softnesse or pride and a lethern girdle about his loynes not broydered with silver or gold but like Elias in his lether girdle 2 King 1. and his meat was Locusts and wilde Honey to shew Humble-Bees honey and Locusts could content him as the Pulse did Daniel and the three children Daniel he did not desire delicate fare but he was in his apparel and diet far from pride or luxury There went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region round about Jordan and they were baptized of him in Jordan confessing their sins They went out into the Wildernesse to see a Prophet he was not a Reed shaken with the wind to run after every wind of doctrine but he taught that doctrine and baptisme that he was sent to teach from God for so he testified he that sent me to baptize with water said unto me Joh. 1. 33. But when they came to see him he so preached the Law and the wrath of God to come upon them for sin they confessed their sins i. they humbly confessed they were sinners before God by the Law and had deserved eternall damnation and prayed to God to forgive them their sins and took the Sacrament of Baptisme unto repentance for the remission of sins and bad them believe in Christ that should baptize them with the Holy Ghost which Johns baptisme could not do as the twelve men Acts 19. For by our baptisme now we are made clean from all our sins before God and regenerate that of the children of Adam we might be made the sons of God and as Ananias said to Paul Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins in calling on the name of the Lord Acts 22. And Paul testifieth that Christ doth cleanse his Church in the laver of water through the Word Eph. 5. and Christ saith Except ye be regenerate of water and the Holy Ghost ye cannot enter into the Kingdome of Heaven Joh. 3. And Paul saith that Baptisme is the laver of regeneration Tit. 3. that we might have this ground of consolation in all afflictions that we are baptized and so regenerate and are adopted to be the sons of God And seeing Baptisme is a means saith the Expositor whereby we obtain remission of sins and the benefit of regeneration let us beware of that doctrine of Devils that through malice or foolishnesse we deprive not our children to come unto Christ to obtain remission of sins and the benefit of regeneration in infancy For if Christ say Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdome of heaven then they must be baptized for they can come no other way to Christ but by Baptisme nor any other way be of the kingdome of Heaven as Joh. 3. 5. but by that of themselves or of their parents if they die in the womb for Baptisme is as the Ark for a man and his houshold 1 Pet. 3. 21. When he saw many of the Pharisees and of the Sadduces come to his baptisme he said unto them O generation of Vipers who hath forewarned you to flee from the wrath to come What you Pharisees that think your selves good and contemne others you that trust to your own righteousnesse you that say stand apart I am holier then thou you that think your selves better then other folks the Law doth declare you are a cursed generation for you are a poysonable generation and desirous of hurting you are the generation of Vipers for your fathers slew the Prophets and you are of the same viperous mind to kill them that discover your hypocrisie for all your plots are against them that discover you And you Sadduces What are you come to my baptisme What need you be baptized as if he should say you believe no resurrection nor Angel nor Spirit you are all cursed by the Law for you have not continued in all things you shall go cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devill and his angels you shall finde a Devill in Hell that will not believe there are Angels in Heaven Well both of you are come to my baptisme look you be both of one faith to believe in the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the Pharisees and the sins of the Sadduces and of the whole world and thus he reconciled these Sects to be all one in their baptisme So the only way to reconcile all the Sects in the world is to shew them their abominable estate by Adam the generation of Vipers and how cursed they are by the Law and the wrath of God hangs over them and bring them all to faith in baptisme to obtain remission of all sins past present and to come and how they put on Christ in baptisme to make them everlastingly righteous For here is the cause of all the sects and divisions in Christendome for when men have lost baptisme then one sect will devise to get remission of sins one way as by a Popes pardon by pilgrimage or in Purgatory The Anabaptists by a new baptisme and by a new Church-way not appointed by Christ but invented of themselves to make them more righteous and holy and clean then others that are not of their way and therfore will not communicate with others for they think they are more holy then others by strictnesse of their order and thus all sects imagine that in that way they walk in they are lesse sinners then others and more righteous then others and therefore will not communicate with others and you will be a Church by your selves But I say unto you O generation of Vipers all you sects in Christendom come home to the faith in your baptism into Christ there is wrath coming upon all
merry O well beloved Cant. 5. 1. for the first dish that you shall have at my supper saith Christ is the tree of life for to him that ●vercometh will I give to eat of the tree of life in the midst of the Paradise of God Rev. 2. 7. Eat of Christ therefore the tree of life at supper and drink his blood and make you merry Secondly you that are faithfull shall have a crown of life and not be hurt of the second death Rev 2. 10 11. Thirdly you shall have the hidden Manna this is good cheere indeed Eat O friends and make you merry for you shall have a white stone with a new name written that no man knoweth save he that receiveth it yea no man can understand these things that I write but he that hath the white stone Fourthly you that are bidden to the marriage-supper shall be a conquering people for you shall have power over nations and rule them with a rod of iron and break them in pieces like a Potters vessell and shall have the morning Star which is Jesus the root and the generation of David to be your light Rev. 22. 16. and Rev 2. 26. Fifthly be merry for you you shall be clothed with white-rayment and he will not blot out your names out of the book of life Rev. 3. 5. True faith in the White-rayment is an argument your names are written in the book of life Sixthly be merry in the Lord for he will make you a pillar in the Temple of God and you shall go no more out and I will write upon you the name of my God and the name of the city of my God which is the new Jerusalem which cometh down from my God out of heaven and my new name the new Christian a new creature Gal. 6. 16. Seventhly be merry for you shall fit with Christ in his Throne as he overcame and fit with the Father in his Throne Rev 3. 21. Eat therefore O friends drink and make you merry O well beloved much good do it you at this supper You see therefore that all the promises of the seven Churches run into the last which is ours and to the supper of the Lamb Therefore you see that the most conquering and raigning Church that ever arose in Christendome is now arising in England for you White-rayment Christians shall sit with Christ in his Throne therefore you shall raigne For Christ hath loved you and washed you from your sins in his own blood and made you Kings and Priests to God his Father and you shall raign on earth Rev. 5. 10. for Christ will be clothed in a garment dipt in blood shortly if he be not already and you the hosts of heaven shall follow him on white horses for you are clothed in ●ine linen white and pure Rev. 19. 13 14. There be many religions now in England and maay m●se which shall prevail some say the Papists some the Prelate some the Anabaptists some say the Brownists and every sect now think to prevail but I say the White-rayment Christians are the Israel of God that have not defiled their garments and they shall walk with Christ in white for they are worthy Rev. 3. 4. Peace be upon that Israel of God Gal. 6. 16. for they shall fit with Christ in his Throne Rev. 3. 21. And therefore because you can sing the song of Moses and of the Lamb Rev. 15. 2. therefore I set Moses blessing upon you Deut. 33. Blessed are thou O Israel who is like unto thee O people saved by the Lord the shield of thy help and the sword of thy glory therefore thine enemies shall be in subjection unto thee and thou shalt tread upon their high places Christ is now shaking the heavens of the Churches and the earth of the Heathen now and shaking of the Churches sheweth the removing of those things that are shaken that the things which are not shaken may remain Heb. 12. 26. But the Churches of the Lutherans and of England are now shaken by a civill war they are Churches divided against themselves Ergo they must not stand but come to nought as Christ saith Mat. 12. 25. and Rome shall be shaken too and come to destruction Ergo they shall be removed from being Churches that the things which are not shaken may remain and that is the Church of the White-rayment Christians and citizens of the new Jerusalem which shall remain for we receive the Kingdome which cannot be shaken Heb. 12. 28. and are the pillars in the Temple of God Rev. 3. 12. Therefore leave your wrangling for a Discipline and heare Christs voyce for behold he knocketh and will never leave rapping untill you take his counsell in England to buy gold white-rayment and eye-salve mark he knocks to be let in for doctrine for scarce one of a thousand have bought these three say with the White-rayment Christians Thou shalt guide me by thy counsell and after receive me to a glorious Throne Psal. 73. 24. and city for they shall enter into the gates of the city and have right to the tree of life R●v 22. 14. And now deare friends I have set before you in this Book and in that of the blood of the Lamb as it were the two sides of Jacobs ladder whose foot was on earth but the top reached to Heaven and the Angels of heaven ascended and descended upon it Gen. 28. ●● The two sides of this ladder on earth are Baptisme and the blood of the Lamb though the foot of it be on earth 1 John 5. in visible signes yet the top of it reacheth to heaven for we are baptized into Christ in heaven and by faith feed upon Christ and are sprinkled with Christs blood in heaven The Angels of heaven will ascend and descend for your protection Heb. 1. You friends of the Bridegroom and children of the marriage-chamber that are clothed in white-raiment make much of this ladder for though the foot of it be on earth in water and blood yet it reacheth unto heaven unto Jesus that came by water and blood to send Angels down to you upon it they that have no faith in their baptisme into Christ and in the blood of the Lamb cannot tell whether the Angels of God descend or ascend for their protection as Heathens Jews Turks Devils Witches Papists and all unbelievers I have writ a little book of Good news for souldiers or the way to overcome the Devill by the blood of the Lamb I finde by Luke 21. 11. there is an earthquake pestilence and famine coming for thus saith my Lord and my God When ye heare of wars and seditions that nation rise against nation and kingdome against kingdome there shall be great earthquakes {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} i. in according to or through those places and famine and pestilence Luke 21. 11. Mark 13. 8. these are the beginnings of sorrows But in England Scotland and Ireland we heare of wars and
Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal 1 Sam. 15. 33. so are all men that will not receive Christ by baptisme hewn down and cast into the fire of Gods wrath Joh. 3. 36. as Jews Turks and Heathens Sometimes it is taken for hewing by degrees as Exod. 31. 4. Hew thee two tables of stone Metaphorically it is taken for the preaching of the Law by the Prophets So Hos. 6. 5. Therefore I have hewn them by my Prophets and slain them with the words of my mouth by punishments and plagues and curses of the Law for their sins Therefore the Law and the Prophets indured untill John i. hewing them and slaying them as in Hosea for their sins and since that time the kingdome of Heaven is preached and every man presseth unto it How is the Kingdome of Heaven to be preached By faith and baptisme for remission of sins is preached by baptisme and the righteousnesse of Christ without which no kingdome of Heaven but by baptisme we come into the large heaven of remission of sins as Luther calls it in which we have remission of all sins past present and to come for the doctrine and work of Baptisme it came down from heaven as Christ posed the Pharisees The baptisme of John was it from heaven or of men intimating it was from Heaven But why did he call it the baptisme of John not the doctrine or ministery of John Answ To shew that his baptisme was the most heavenly thing For there was a man sent from God whose name was John Job 1. 6. And what was he sent to do Answ. To baptize He that sent me to baptize with water said unto me Vpon whom thou seest the Spirit of God come down and tarrying still upon him that is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost By all which you see that where baptisme is truly preached and administred there the Kingdome of Heaven is preached and is at hand and in it the Kingdome of Heaven is set open to all the elect and according to the established doctrine of the Church of England which all that have taken the Protestation are sworn to maintain that in my baptisme I was made a member of Christ a childe of God and an inheritor of the Kingdome of Heaven which is a heavenly point of doctrine that agrees with the reformed Churches and Scriptures for if any be made an inheritor of that Kingdome it must be by baptisme For Verily verily I s●y unto thee saith Christ Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot see the Kingdome of God Joh. 3. 5. For that which is born of the flesh is flesh and unclean and unfit for the Kingdome of heaven untill it be new born What is meant by good fruit All the fruit that man brings forth before God is sin or righteousnesse every evill man brings forth evill fruit of sin and every good man bringeth forth good fruits of righteousnesse A good tree cannot bring forth bad fruit neither can a bad tree bring forth good fruit namely before God Matth. 7. 17. So that every man Church or Nation that will not now receive baptisme or believe by baptisme into Christ he is made a good tree and brings forth nothing but good fruit before God through remission of sins and Christs righteousnesse he is hewn down and cast into the fire What is meant by fire By fire in this place is not meant hell fire though they shall go afterward into hell fire that do not escape but they are cast into the fire of Gods wrath signifying that every man that bringeth forth evill fruit of sin before God that believes not by baptisme his sins are all forgiven and that in Christ he bringeth forth fruit of righteousnesse before God he is hewn down and cast into the fire of Gods wrath as is plain Joh. 3. 36. He that believeth in the Son which none can do before he be baptized into him bath everlasting life he that obeyeth not the Son i. to let him wash him Joh. 13. 8. shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him For fire is kindled in my wrath and it shall burn to the bottome of hell and set on fire the foundation of the mountains Deut. 32 22. Now in that he saith Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit we gather that all men now baptisme is offered are good trees or bad there are none indifferent or partly good and partly bad This is proved Matth. 12. 33. Either make the tree good and his fruit good or the tree evill and the fruit evill Augustine saith he commanded the Jews that they should be good trees and to bring forth good fruit and in that he saith make the tree evill he admonisheth them that they should not be evill for the Pharisees declared themselves to be evill trees by their evill fruit Others take it that Christ spake of himself as of a tree Thus the tree is known by the fruit and the fruit is like the tree The casting out devills is a good fruit as you grant in your children therefore if you in your words and judgements make the fruit good then also make the tree good for an evill tree cannot bring forth good fruit Mat. 7. 18. Say of him that cast out devils he is a good tree not the prince of devils but if you make the tree evill and say I am an evill man and have the devill Beelzebub do not attribute the casting out of devils which is good fruit to an evill tree for an evill tree as Beelzebub is cannot bring forth good fruit nor an evill man by Adam cannot bring forth good fruit before God This you may see Matth. 7. 17. So every good tree that is made good by baptisme into Christ bringeth forth good fruit before God and a corrupt tree by Adam as all are by generation bringeth forth evill fruit i. before God Calvin noteth that this was the opinion of the Pharisees that they were partly good trees and partly bad and that they brought forth some good fruit before God and some bad for which they did sacrifice as some say now they are partly flesh and partly spirit and therefore do bring forth some fruits good and some bad and this was the opinion of the old Pharisees for their fained sanctimony was such that the people perceived them not Now Christ puts away this vizird and uncaseth all Hypocrites and tels them that all men are good or bad before God a good tree bringeth nothing but good fruit before God and a bad tree nothing but bad as Matth. 7. 18. for there is nothing such an enemy to true Christianity as to counterfeit a man in a twofold estate before God but they do in vain think themselves righteous that are not made good trees by baptisme into Christ for such justifie themselves before men and think to make themselves righteous in whole or
many shal rejoyce at his birth because he shall have a new birth for parents may have great joy and gladnesse at the new birth of their children for he shall be great before the Lord although the wicked world shall contemne him and say he hath a devil yet he shall be great for he shall be a Baptist They are the greatest before the Lord that preach most soundly of Baptisme Paul the greatest of the Apostles preached most of Baptisme Luther was famous for Baptisme and Calvin the fourth Angel and name any that ever was famous in the Church that was not sound in the faith of his baptisme for no Anabaptist nor any other shall be great before the Lord in his Church which is not sound in that point that do not thunder out the Law to men that may drive them to the faith of their Baptisme in Infancie He shall be filled with the Holy Ghost from his mothers womb which is not so to be understood that all the elect do now receive the Holy Ghost in their mothers womb but that all the elect should receive the Holy Ghost in their mothers womb of the Church which is baptisme in their Infancie when their godly parents i. all the true Church pray for the holy Spirit to be given to their Infants For why should not the Lord give his holy Spirit to Infants at baptisme as well as to John And as Peter told the Jews Be baptized and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost He shall drink neither wine nor strong drink i. he shall be no drunken Minister the Holy Ghost shall teach him sobriety And he shall convert many of the children of Israel unto the Lord God The Baptist and all that preach most soundly of Baptisme convert most to Christ I have observed that those men and that those Ministers that have preached the Law and Baptisme most soundly amongst men have converted most and the reason why so few are converted in these dayes because few preach the Law cleerly in the spirituall breach and Baptisme as Luther prophesied Baptisme after his time would be lost so there be few preach Baptisme cleerly to make the tree good and the fruit good for the tree is evill and the fruit evill by Adam And here is the rule to know all Sermons to be good or bad by converting or not if they make the tree good and the fruit good or the tree evill and the fruit evill as it is Christs own rule Mat. 12. 33. This is the first main ground of a faithfull Minister to prove all his Doctrine and Sermons by if he misse this ground he cast out his net on the wrong side and catch no fish convert no souls though he labour all his life This is the right side that Christ bad Peter cast out the net on i. the net of the Gospel to make the tree good and the fruit good or the tree evill and the fruit evill and this is the reason why hearers get no assurance of salvation because they do follow such Preachers that make neither the tree good nor the fruit good nor the tree evill nor the fruit evill but partly good and partly bad We must do something to make our selves good before God which is the greatest abomination that Antichrist can set up against God to affirm that we can make our selves righteous in whole or in part as the Homily of our Church for then Christ died in vain Now seeing John the Baptist was fore-prophesied of by so many Prophets and by so many Apostles and by Christ himself that a greater then John have not sprung up among them that have been born of women that he was a burning and a shining candle and thus testified by an Angel from heaven Let us believe his baptisme was from Heaven let us know that those that are Baptists that preach most of Baptisme their doctrine is most heavenly and they shall convert most to the Lord for they point most to the Lamb of God that hath taken away the sins of the world who drew all his obedient hearers by preaching the Law from the sundry sorts of sects 1. to Baptisme and then shewed them Christ the Lamb of God that took away the sins of the world Wherefore hearken to this Elias Repent and receive Christ the Lamb of God by Baptisme to take away your sins for so many as received him to them he hath given prerogative to become the sons of God so many as believe in his name which are born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God So he that would draw all the sects and divisions of England into one he must first thunder out the Law and shew how cursed they are all because they have not taken Christs counsell Rev. 3. 18. Then he must bring them to the faith of their Baptisme he must teach them there is one God one Faith one Baptisme and he that does not gather with John and Christ too into Baptisme scatter and here is the cause of all the sects and divisions in all the Churches in Christendome for when men have lost Baptisme some will have justication from all eternity some from the crosse all born and unborn some in the womb some at faith some at conversion some at death and some after death and then they must go wash to get remission of sins Thus he that gathers not into Christ by Baptisme scattereth abroad for except I wash thee thou shalt have no part with me so except thou take thy part with Christ from thy Baptisme thou canst have no assurance of salvation John preached saying Repent for the kingdome of heaven is at hand this is not only to be understood that he preached nothing else but the summe of his doctrine was by the Law he shewed them what horrible sinners they were the generation of Vipers detest your sins and your own righteousnesse believe in the Messias he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire for all that are baptized into Christ have put on Christ for in our Baptisme we received remission of our sins in the death of Christ into which we were baptized and buried and in Christ we received everlasting righteousnesse in whom by baptisme we are raised and he preached the kingdome of heaven is hand because Baptisme was at hand for where Baptisme is truly preached there the kingdome of heaven is at hand Christ and his righteousnesse is at hand in Baptisme peace is at hand to them that believe their baptisme they have peace with God and assurance of salvation and all the sects and professors of England have no peace with God nor assurance of salvation but they that believe they have peace with God from their baptisme into Christ in infancy and joy in the Holy Ghost is at hand by Baptisme as the Eunuch found true and the Jaylor and