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A82010 A persuasive to full communion, with the churches of Christ in all Gospel-ordinances and priviledges Containing an essay for the conviction and reformation of such adult, or grown persons who live in the sinful neglect of baptism and the supper of the Lord. Together with an account of the manner of the transition of church-members from their infant to their adult-state, and regular admission to full communion. Written, for the help of such as need instruction in these spiritual concerns, 1 Cor. 12. 13. For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be jews or gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and have been all made to drink into one spirit. By the late reverend Mr. George Day, minister of the gospel in London-street in Ratcliff / 1697. Day, George, d. 1697. 1698 (1698) Wing D461; ESTC R232085 42,081 116

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provoked to inflict some Judgment upon them 4. Seeing the Lords-Supper is appointed for the increase and strengthening of Grace where it is and not for the working of Grace where it is not and so those that approach it should be only Gracious Persons if they would receive Benefit thereby for we must first live spiritually as well as naturally before we Eat and Drink therefore it is needful that the Pastor inquire also into the State of the Candidates Soul What experience he hath had of the workings of Gods Word and Spirit upon him What Reason he can give of the hope of Salvation that is in him What Evidences he hath of a saving change or work of Grace upon his Heart 1 Pet. 3.15 And for the better discovery of his Souls Condition direct him in that needful and useful Duty of Self-examination and Exhort him to a diligent performance of it and to an Holy Jealousie over his own Heart least he should be deceived by it in a Matter of so great Importance 1 Cor. 11.28 29. The Sacramental Catechism may be very helpful to him in this Work in which he will find the Marks or Signs of saving Grace and thereby may the better Judge of his own Case 4. When the Pastor hath received Satisfaction in these Points and in the Judgment of Charity believes him to have a Gospel-right to and fitness for this Ordinance it seems necessary at least on a prudential account and for the fuller Satisfaction of the Church that the Person be propounded to the Church when met together by Name and Place of Habitation and held as an Expectant for some convenient Time at least from the Time of his Proposal to the next Sacrament-day That the Members may have liberty and opportunity to Inquire whether he be well reported of and unblameable in his Conversation And that they first give the Pastor an Account of what they hear more Privately that if any thing be objected he may further inform himself as to the Truth of it and the Person be kept off until the Objection shall be removed and all concerned receive Satisfaction 5. When the Expectant is actually to be admitted and come before the Church The Pastor may signifie him to be the Person formerly propounded to them desiring to be joyned to them and admitted to full Communion with them requiring that if any Member remain yet unsatisfied he would Now speak or by their silence lifting up the Hand or other Signal testifie their unanimous Consent to his Admission which being done the Pastor may next desire him to make Profession of his Faith and own his Baptismal-Covenant addressing himself to him in these or such like Words Seeing you desire to be admitted into full Communion with this Church of Christ to walk with it in all Gospel-Ordinances and Duties and to partake with it in all Church-Priviledges and it being fit the Church should satisfied that every Person admitted a Member thereof do own and profess the same Principles of the Christian Faith which the Church professeth In Order to this Satisfaction you are desired to make true Answer to these following Questions Q. 1. Do you believe there is but one only Living and True God the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost which are Three distinct Persons and each of them God and yet all of them but One God Infinite Eternal and Unchangeable in his Being Wisdom Power Holiness Justice Goodness and Truth A. I do believe this Q. 2. Do you believe that this God from all Eternity ordained whatsoever comes to pass in Time and that in the beginning of Time he Created and made the whole World and all Things therein out of nothing by the Word of his Power in the space of six Days and all very Good and that he doth still uphold preserve and govern it according to his own Will and for his own Glory A. I do believe this Q. 3. Do you believe that God made Man upright after his own Image in Knowledge Righteousness and Holiness with Dominion over the Creatures here below and that he entred into a Covenant of Life with him upon Condition of Perfect Obedience forbidding him to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil upon Pain of Death A. I do believe this Q. 4. Do you believe that our first Parents being left to the Freedom of their own Wills and hearkening to the Temptation of Satan Transgressed the Commandment of God by Eating the forbidden Fruit and so brake their Covenant with God and thereby brought themselves and all their Posterity descending from them by ordinary Generation into an Estate of Sin and Misery A. I do believe this Q. 5. Do you believe that Man thus fallen was not able to recover himself and that God having out of his meer good Pleasure elected some to Everlasting Life did enter into a Covenant of Grace to deliver them out of that Estate of Sin and Misery and to bring them into an Estate of Salvation by Christ as a Redeemer A. I do believe this Q. 6. Do you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ being the Eternal and only begotten Son of God became Man also in the fulness of Time by taking to himself a true Body and a reasonable Soul being Conceived by the Power of the Holy Ghost in the Womb of the Virgin Mary of her Humane Substance and born of her yet without Sin both in his Nature and Life and that so he was and continueth still to be both God and Man in Two distinct Natures and one Person for ever A. I do believe this Q. 7. Do you believe that this Redeemer of God Elect as a Prophet doth Teach his Church by his Word and Spirit the Will of God for their Salvation And as a Priest hath satisfied Divine Justice for their Sins and reconciled them to God by his once Offering up himself as a Sacrifice unto God in Suffering the Cursed Death of the Cross and now continually interceeds for them in Heaven and as a King subdues the Elect unto himself Ruleth and Defendeth them and Restrains and Conquers all his and their Enemies A. I do believe this Q. 8. Do you believe that though this Jesus Christ was put to Death and Buried yet he rose again from the Dead on the Third Day shewed himself to his Disciples and Conversed with them alive and afterward in the sight of divers of them ascended into Heaven where he still remaineth sitting at the Right Hand of God the Father from whence he shall come at the Day appointed by God to Judge the World in Righteousness A. I do believe this Q. 9. Do you believe that God the Holy Ghost proceeding from the Father and the Son hath fully and sufficiently Revealed the Will of God in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the perfect perpetual and only Rule of our Faith and Obedience And that the same Holy Spirit doth Effectually apply the Redemption purchased by
Desire Q. Why do you desire to be Baptized A. I desire for these two Reasons First Because by receiving this Ordinance I would profess and testifie my Consent to the Covenant of Grace with God the Father Son and Holy Ghost Baptism being one of the Signs and Seals thereof Secondly Because I would hereby be ingrafted into the Mystical Body of Christ his Church and be owned as a Member thereof this being the Ordinance of Admission Q. Seeing none have a Gospel-right to Baptism but professed Believers and their Seed do you profess Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and Obedience to him according to the Gospel A. I do solemnly and sincerely profess the same Q. What be the Chief Articles of the Christian Faith which you profess to Believe A. Those which are contained in the Creed commonly Called the Apostles Creed I Believe in God the Father Almighty Maker of Heaven and Earth c. Q. Do you know what Estate you were Born in A. Yes I have Learned by the Word of God that I and all Mankind are Born in a State of Sin and Misery Q. How came Mankind into this sinful and miserable Estate A. Mankind fell into this Estate by the first Sin of our first Parents Adam and Eve or by their Eating the forbidden Fruit. Q. Did all Mankind then fall in Adam 's first Transgression A. Yes The Covenant of Works being made with Adam not only for himself but for his Posterity all Mankind descending from him by ordinary Generation sinned in him and fell with him in his first Transgression Q. What is the sinfulness of that Estate whereinto Man fell A. The sinfulness of that Estate whereinto Man fell consists in the guilt of Adam's first Sin the want of Original Righteousness and the Corruption of his whole Nature which is commonly called Original Sin together with all actual Transgressions which proceed from ●t Q. What is the Misery of that Estate whereinto Man fell A. All Mankind by their Fall lost Communion with God are under his Wrath and Curse and so made liable to all Miseries in this Life to Death it self and to the Pains of Hell for ever Q. Did God leave all Mankind to peish in the Estate of Sin and Misery A. No God having out of his meer ●ood Pleasure from all Eternity elected ●ome to Everlasting Life did enter into a Covenant of Grace to deliver them out of the State of Sin and Misery and to bring them into a State of Salvation by a Redeemer Q. Who is the Redeemer of Gods Elect A. The only Redeemer of Gods Elect is the Lord Jesus Christ who being the Eternal Son of God became Man and so was and continueth to be God and Man in two distinct Natures and one Person for ever Q. How may we be made Partakers of the Redemption purchased by Christ A. We may be made Partakers of the Redemption purchased by Christ by the Effectual Application of it to us by his Holy Spirit Q. How doth the Spirit apply to us the Redemption purchased by Christ A. The Spirit applies to us the Redemption purchased by Christ by working Faith in us and thereby uniting us to Christ in our Effectual Calling Q. What is Effectual Calling A. Effectual Calling is the Work o● God's Spirit whereby convincing us of our Sin and Misery inlightening our Minds in the Knowledge of Christ and renewing our Wills he doth perswade and enable us to embrace Jesus Christ as he is freely offered to us in the Gospel Q. What doth every Sin deserve A. Every Sin deserves God's Wrath and Curse both in this Life and that which is to come Q. What doth God require of us to escape his Wrath and Curse due to us for Sin A. To escape the Wrath and Curse of God due to us for Sin God requireth of us Faith in Jesus Christ Repentance unto Life with a diligent use of all outward means whereby Christ communicates to us the Benefits of Redemption Q. What is Faith in Jesus Christ A. Faith in Jesus Christ is a saving Grace whereby we receive and rest upon him alone for Salvation as he is offered to us in the Gospel Q. What is Repentance unto Life A. Repentance unto Life is a saving Grace whereby a Sinner out of a true Sense of his Sin and Apprehension of the Mercy of God in Christ doth with grief and hatred of his Sin turn from it unto God with Purpose of and endeavours after new Obedience Q. What are the Outward and Ordinary means whereby Christ communicateth to us the Benefits of Redemption A. The Outward and Ordinary Means whereby Christ communicateth to us the Benefits of Redemption are his Ordinances especially the Word Sacraments and Prayers all which are made Effectual to the Elect for Salvation Q. Which be the Sacraments of the New Testament A. The Sacraments of the New Testament are Baptism and the Lords Supper Q. What is Baptism A. Baptism is an Holy Ordinance instituted by Christ wherein the washing with Water in the Name of the Father Son and Holy-Ghost doth Signifie and Seal our ingrafting into Christ our Partaking of the Benefits of the New Covenant and our Engagement to be the Lords Q. What is the New-Covenant of which Baptism is a Sign and Seal A. The New-Covenant or Covenant of Grace is an Holy Contract or Agreement between God and his Elect in Christ wherein for the sake of Christ he promiseth them Pardon and Life upon their Repenting of Sin and believing in Christ the Saviour Q. Do you heartily Consent to this Covenant of Grace with the Living and True God A. I Hope through Grace I do and therefore I do here as in the Presence of God and before this Congregation seriously profess to Repent of my Sins against God to renounce the World the Flesh and the Devil and to take the only Living and True God Father Son and Spirit for my only God and chief Good my Father Redeemer and Sanctifier and do give up my whole Self Soul and Body to be Gods Covenant Servant for ever When these Questions are thus ANswered I apply my Self to the Answerer in these or the like Words Upon this credible Profession of the Christian Faith which you have now made and your solemn entering into Covenant with God I as a Minister of Christ do receive you in his Name and shall administer this Holy Ordinance of Baptism to you Exhorting and Commanding you to hold fast this Christian Faith and be faithful and stedfast in keeping Covenant with God yielding him chearful Obedience all your Days that the Blessings promised in the Covenant may be your Portion in Time and Eternity Then I administer the Ordinance by Dipping the Face of the Person in the Water and so close the Action with Prayer and the Blessing Of the Transition or passing of Church-Members from their Infant to their Adult-state and of their Admission to the Lords-Supper and full Communion with the Church As it is
the comfortable Priviledge of Christian Parents to bring their Children unto Christ in their Infancy and to see them owned as in the same Covenant with God together with themselves by receiving Baptism the Sign and Seal thereof so it is their unquestionable Duty to instruct them as soon as they are capable to Learn in the Knowledge of God and of the Covenant solemnized in Baptism the Nature Use and Ends of it and the Seals thereof and to acquaint them when grown up to Years of Understanding and competently instructed in the Christian Religion that it is their Duty and will be their Interest to give their own actual and hearty Consent to their Baptismal-Covenant seeing the Consent of Parents in their behalf will serve them no longer then until they are capable to Consent for themselves which if they refuse or neglect to do they forfeit the Benefits and Blessings of the Covenant And that they ought to desire and prepare for the Renewing of their Covenant with God by receiving the Lords-Supper that being the other confirming Seal thereof But alas The Generality of Parents sinfully and shamefully neglect the Souls of their Children and their own Souls too at this Day breeding them up in gross Ignorance of the very Foundation-Truths of Christianity by which means the most of our Youth either regard not Religion at all or only content themselves to be now and then present in our Publick Religious Assemblies to which they are led more by Custom and Example then by any Sense of Religion or Conscience toward God little minding what is said or done there because indeed they understand little of it and so are little the wiser or better for what they hear Continue Strangers to the Life and Power of Godliness lie open to Temptations and are easily carried away to Error or Prophaneness The Lord convince such Careless and Cruel Parents of this crying Sin give them Repentance and quicken them to their neglected Duty toward the Souls of their Children or else I fear the next Age will degenerate into down-right Heathenism and Atheism If any of them shall cast their Eyes on this Paper I intreat them to spend one hour in the serious Consideration of these few Particulars First Consider the preciousness of your Childrens Souls they are Heaven-born Immortal Spirits capable to know fear love and serve the God that made them here and to see and injoy him for ever hereafter And so are more worthy of your Love and care than their Bodies yea one Soul is of greater value than the whole World and should you not be much more concern'd for their present and future Welfare and Happiness What Will you suffer so precious a Thing as the Soul of a Child to be lost for ever through your sloth and carelesness when your Love to them will make you ready to hazzard your own Lives to save their Bodies from a Threatning Danger Secondly Consider the need they have of Instruction for they come into the World spiritually Blind and Ignorant of God and Christ yea of themselves too they know not their sinful miserable and dangerous State by Nature the need they have of a Saviour nor what they must do to be saved The future Happiness of Saints in Heaven nor the dreadful Punishment of Sinners in Hell and that which yet makes their Condition the more deplorable is that usually they desire not the Knowledge of these Things but are rather unwilling to be Instructed and Love Darkness rather than Light Now one would think you that have the Bowels of Parents should Pity the Blind Compassionate your Ignorant Children and do what you can for their Cure though you were under no other Law but that of Nature to do it Thirdly Consider God hath made it your indispensible Duty by his Positive and express Command to Teach your Children his Revealed Mind and Will with the greatest Care Constancy and Diligence Read and weigh those Scriptures Deut. 6.6 7. Prov. 22.6 Eph. 6.4 So that it is no Arbitrary Thing nor left to your Pleasure to do it or not your neglect of it is a direct Disobedience to the Law of God and how will you be able to Answer it to God in the Day of your Account Fourthly Consider God hath intrusted you with Authority over your Children to Command them to Learn the Knowledge of God and of his Will and to obey it and hath commanded your Children to Honour and Obey you herein and expects you should use your Authority over them especially to this End and Godly Parents have so done and are commended in Scripture for it Read and Consider Eph. 6.1 2 3. 1 Chron. 28.9 Gen. 18.19 You Use this Power over them for your selves in requiring them to Obey your Wills and will you not also use it for your God who gave it and for the good of your dear Childrens Souls Fifthly Consider if your Children Live and Dye in Ignorance of Soul-saving Truths they will perish for ever and if they do so through your default or neglect of Instructing them their Sin will hereby become yours and God will require their Blood at your Hands See Isa 26.11 2 Thes 1.7 8 9. Now do you not cry out of those as Monsters in Nature Wolves and Tygers in humane Shape yea worse than Beasts who Murder their own Children and imbrue their Hands in their own tender Infants Blood How much greater Monsters are those Parents who starve the Souls of their Children by with-holding spiritual Food from them and so help them forward toward Eternal Destruction And are you willing to be found in the number of such bloody Parents at the last Day and to have your Portion with them for ever If these Considerations have convinced you how sinful your neglects of instructing your Children and Families have been and impressed your Souls with such a Sense of your Duty that you resolve upon it in the Strength of Christ for the Time to come This will prepare you to accept of and hearken to a Word of Counsel which I will offer you also in a few Particulars First See that you are well acquainted with the Knowledge of God and Christ his Will and Worship your selves that you may be capable of Teaching your Children Remember God requires Parents first to get his Word into their own Hearts and then to Teach them diligently to their Children Deut. 6.6 'T is impossible for you to instruct others in that which you have not learnt your selves It 's very sad to observe that many Parents are but Children in Understanding and that when for the Time they have lived under the Means of Knowledge they might have been such good Proficients or Schollars in the School of Christ as to be able to Teach their Families they themselves need to be taught the first Principles of the Oracles of God as Heb. 5.12 I am perswaded this is the Grand though not the only Reason why Family-duties are so generally disused at
Means of Grace or no If so you are doubtless yet strangers to Christ and Grace and in a wretched State 3. You Grieve and Discourage the Ministers of Christ in their Work and give them occasion to fear that all their Labours are lost upon you That you believe not their true Reports of the Will of God nor make due Application of the Word they Preach to your own Hearts and Lives and so receive this Grace of God in Vain This must needs sadden the Hearts and weaken the Hands of the Servants of Christ in their Work 4. You Scandalize other Christians and Tempt them to think that you are but Formalists and Hypocrites taking up only with an empty Name and Profession of Religion but ignorant of the Life and Power of Godliness To be sure if you have Grace the neglect of this Ordinance which is appointed as a Principal Means to strengthen and increase it is a plain Evidence that your Grace is but small and weak and rather on the decaying than growing Hand 5. You set an ill Example before Younger Persons and Tempt them to live in the neglect of this Ordinance also for they are more apt to follow Evil Examples than Good they will be ready through Ignorance to Conclude that it is no Sin because they see you their Elders and Betters do so and that Partaking of this Ordinance is no necessary Duty but a meer Arbitrary Thing that may be done or not done at Pleasure And would you be guilty of leading Young Ones into such an Error Do you not see the malignant Influence of bad Examples on the most of Mankind especially on Youth And do you not know that you Contract the guilt of all the Sins of others into which they are drawn by your Example And have you not Sins enough of your own O therefore beware of partaking with other Mens Sins keep your selves Pure 1 Tim. 5.22 And do not Live in the neglect of this Ordinance any longer for others Sakes as well as for your own Thirdly Consider until you are Joyned to some Particular Church of Christ you loose the Benefit also of divers other Church Priviledges such as Communion with the Choicest and most Experienced Christians an Interest in their special Love their Watchfulness over you and Helpfulness to you by Instructions Admonitions Exhortations Sympathy in your Afflictions Consolations Communication of Experiences Prayers c. And no wise Person would slight such Priviledges and spiritual Helps as these that knows how needful and useful they may be to him in this imperfect State Fourthly Consider until you are Joyned to some Particular Church of Christ you lye more open to Temptations from your Souls Enemies and will be more easily overcome by them for the Sense and Consideration of those solemn and sacred Bonds which you have laid upon your Souls by a Publick owning your Baptismal Covenant and actual Renewing of it in Receiving the Lord's Supper will be apt mightily to awe your Consciences keep you closer to your Duties and make you more watchful and resolute against Temptations and ready to cry out when assaulted How shall I do this great Wickedness and Sin against that God whom I have chosen and to whom I have given up my Self to Love Fear Obey and Serve him in an Holy Covenant for ever Let these and such like Things be seriously Considered until you are Convinced of the sinfulness of your Neglects and humbled for them and convinced also of your Duty and made willing to set upon it I say Willing for I think it very sinful to force Persons into Churches or frighten them into that Participation of Sacraments by Threatning Penal Laws c. Seeing I find not that Christ the Head of the Church hath entrusted any Man or Society of Men with such a Coercive Power or that he would have any prest into his Service Certainly he accepts of none but Volunteers and though none are such by Nature he makes all those such by efficacious Grace whom he receives 'T is true Christ Commanded his Servants Gospel-Ministers to Compel Men to come in to his spiritual Feast Luke 14.23 But surely he means not that they should use any outward Violence to their Persons or drive them in by Staves Whips or Swords No nor with Pecuniary Mulcts or Fines for the use of these belong only to the Civil Magistrate Christ committed no Civil Power to his Ministers Their Business was with Mens Souls which they were to deal with in a Way agreeable to their Rational Nature proposing to them weighty Arguments to invite and perswade them to accept of the Kindness offered and though these alone are not sufficient to prevail upon the depraved Wills of Men yet God Joyning the Inward Powerful Workings of his Holy Spirit to the outward Ministry of the Word makes them effectually persuasive to all his Elect and of unwilling makes them Willing in the Day of his Power as Psalm 110.3 For the Will of Man is not to be forced Indeed the Compulsion there spoken of signifies no more than a Loving Invitation or Bidding and so 't is express'd by another Evangelist Mat. 22.3 Christ sent forth his Servants to call them that were bidden to the Wedding and they would not come Christ doth not say Then force them against their Wills to Come or Punish Fine Excommunicate or Imprison them for their Refusal he will himself call Men to an account for slighting his Invitation in his own Time and therefore I think they ought to be left to him In the mean while I must profess I cannot find any warrant in Scripture for Admission of all Persons though never so Ignorant or Prophane to the Lord's Table Surely the Ministers of the Gospel whom Christ hath intrusted with the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven should not suffer the Lords Table to be made like the Table of a Common Ordinary Free for all Comers nor cast Christ's Holy Things to known Dogs and Swine Who ever dares to do so must be accountable to Christ for it who is Jealous for his own Name and will not hold them guiltless that either pollute or prophane his sacred Institutions or permit others to do it when it is in their Power to prevent it But I shall leave such to Answer for these Crimes at his Righteous Bar who will have no respect to Persons in Judgment And should now proceed to the next Thing intended which is to Instruct such as by the forementioned Considerations are Convinced of their sinful Neglects of this Holy Ordinance and to shew them their Duty But that I meet with divers Objections which some make against their Approaching this Holy Supper which must be answer'd because they lie as Stumbling-blocks in their Way and are sometimes pleaded as Excuses for their Sin They are such as these Obj. 1. Some say we think our selves unworthy to Partake of this Holy Ordinance therefore we come not to it Ans 1. If you mean by
Christ with all the saving Benefits of his Mediation Death and Merits to the Elect by working Faith in them and thereby uniting them to Christ in their Effectual Calling A. I do believe this Q. 10. Do you believe that this Holy Spirit of God dwelleth and worketh in all that are Effectually Called and drawn to Christ And that all Gods Elect being united unto Christ as to their Common Head make up one Catholick Church or Mystical Body of Christ the Members whereof having Fellowship with God the Father Son and Spirit by Faith and one with one another by Love do in this Life partake of Justification Adoption and Sanctification with all the Benefits that do accompany or flow from them And that their Souls at Death are made perfect in Holiness and do immediately pass into Glory but their Bodies being still united to Christ do rest in their Graves till the Resurrection A. I do believe this Q. 11. Do you believe that these precious Benefits purchased by Christ are dispensed to the Elect by the Holy Spirit of God in the Use of his Sacred Ordinances the Word Sacraments and Prayer as being the means appointed by God for the Working Increasing and Perfecting of Grace in their Hearts and that therefore these Ordinances are duly and reverently to be used and carefully improved by Christians to these spiritual Ends until Christs second Coming A. I do believe this Q. 12. Do you believe that in the general Resurrection at the last Day all the Righteous shall be raised up in Glory by Vertue of their Union unto Christ their Head and shall be openly acknowledged and acquitted by him their Judge and so made perfectly Blessed in the Full and Eternal Enjoyment of God in Heaven whereas the Wicked also shall be raised by the Power of Christ but shall be condemned by him and sent into Everlasting Punishment in Hell A. I do believe this Q. 1. Do you also own and heartily Consent unto your Covenant with God in Baptism that is repenting of your Sins against God and renouncing the World the Flesh and the Devil Do you take the only Living and True God for your only God and Chief Good God the Father to be your God and Father God the Son to be your Redeemer and Saviour and God the Holy Ghost to be your Sanctifier Guide and Comforter And do you sincerely give up your whole Self Soul and Body to this one God as his Covenant-Servant to Believe Love and Obey him constantly and faithfully according to his Word and that unto the Death A. I do this sincerely as far as I know my own Heart Q. 2. Are you desirous to partake of the Holy Ordinance of the Lords-Supper as being a Seal of the Covenant of Grace That thereby this Covenant between God and you may be Renewed and Confirmed and that you may thereby keep in thankful Memory the Death of our Lord Jesus Christ A. This is my unfeigned Desire Q. 3. Do you truly Consent and Promise to submit to the Holy Discipline and Government which the Lord Jesus Christ the only Head and Law-giver of his Church hath ordained for his own Glory and his Churches good and in particular to submit to the spiritual Guidance and over-sight of the Pastor of this Church according to the Mind of Christ A. I do truly Consent and Promise so to do Q. 4. Will you also patiently submit to the Christian Admonitions and Reproofs of your Fellow-Members in this Church and conscientiously perform the same Duty towards them if occasion so require according to Christs own command for Church Order A. I will do so the Lord enabling me These Questions thus Proposed and Answered The Pastor may apply himself to the Person concerned in these or such like Expressions Upon this serious and credible Profession of the Christian Faith which you have now made before God and this Church the Renewing of your Covenant with God and the Satisfaction I have had concerning the suitableness of your Conversation * Here I humbly conceive the Imposition of the Pastors Hands may properly take Place I Receive and admit you into full Communion with this Church of Christ to walk with it in all Gospel-Ordinances and Duties and to partake with it in all Gospel-Priviledges And I as the Pastor thereof Exhort and Beseech you yea I Charge and Command you in the Name of the Chief Sheppard our Lord Jesus Christ That you hold fast this Christian Faith which you have now professed and be faithful and stedfast in that Covenant with God which you have now Renewed And that denying all Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts you live Soberly Righteously and Godlily in this present World that you may also be received by Christ and owned by him in the great Day as a living Member of his Mystical Body and God in Covenant may be your God and Portion for ever When Imposition of Hands shall be used it seems proper to joyn a short Prayer with it at the close of this Exhortation for Christs gracious Reception of the Person thus admitted Gods favourable Acceptance of him through Christ the Confirming of his Covenant with him and bestowing the Grace of the Covenant upon him c. Mean while the Pastor may put up such Petitions for him in his Prayer before the Celebration of this Ordinance Si quid novisti rectius istis Candidus imperti Si non His utere mecum If thou know'st what doth more with Rule agree Kindly impart it Or use this with me FINIS BOOKS Printed for Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside A Treatise of the Institution right Administration and receiving of the Sacrament of the Lord 's upper By Mr. Richard Vines A True Touch-stone of Grace and Nature or a Discourse concerning Self-examination with Meditations relating to the Lord's Supper By Mr. N. Vincent late Minister of the Gospel A Communicant Instructed or Practical Directions for worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper By Fran. Roberts M. A. Convivium Caeleste or a Discourse concerning the Lord's Supper shewing at once the Nature of that ●acrament as also the right Way of preparing our selVes for the receiving of it c. by the Right Reverend Father in God Richard Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells Sacramental Discourses on several Texts before and after the Lord's Supper By John Shower Sacramental Discourses upon several Subjects to which is added a Discourse of the Life of Faith By Christopher Amirant Minister of the Gospel in Norfolk The Welcome Communicant or a Brief Discourse directing the weakest Christian proceeding from Grace to Grace how he may come with cheerfulness to the Lord's Table The Worthy Communicant or a Treatise shewing the due Order of receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper By Jeremiah Dyke The Fountain of Life opened Or a display of Christ in his Essential and Mediatorial Glory containing Forty Sermons on various Texts 4 to Pneumatologia Or a Treatise of the Soul of Man 4 to Both by Mr. John Flavel Late Minister in Dartmouth Scripture-Light about the Gospel-Ordinance of Baptism in a Letter to some Scrupulous Friends A Treatise of the Lord's Sufferings By Tho. Doolittle M. A. Monthly Preparations for the Holy Communion By R. B. To which is added suitable Meditations before in and after Receiving with Divine Hymns in Common Tunes A Treatise on the Sacrament By Tho. Watson The Poor Mans Melp and Young Man's Guide An Argumentative and Practical Discourse of Infant-Baptism These two by W. Burkitt Rector of Dedham in Essex An Allarm to unconverted Sinners By Jos Al●●● Discourses concerning the Rich Man and La●arus By Tim. Cruso Late Minister of the Gospel ●n London The Golden Snuffers a Sermon Preached to the Society for Reformation of Manners By Dan ●urgess Proofs of God's Being and of the Scriptures Divine Original with Twenty Directions for the profitable Reading of them By D. Burgess Holy Confidence well improved by Nehemiah and the Jews whose Faith and Spirit were consider'd and applied to the Societies for Reformation o● Manners In a Sermon at Salters Hall in London Aug. 16. 2697. By Mat. Sylvester A Looking-Glass for the Unmarried wherein they may see these five Things viz. 1. Th● Benefits Helps and Comforts of Marriage 2. How they may proceed regularly in Order to Marriage 3. How to make a Happy Choice 4. How to demean themselves to each other in Order to Family Peace and Concord 5. The Relative Duty of Husband and Wife The Righteousness of God revealed in the Gospel Or an impartial Enquiry into the genuine Doctrine of St. Paul in the great but much controverted Article of Justification to which are prefixed the Epistles of the Right Reverend the Bishops of Ely Worcester and Chester By Mr. John Humfrey Mr. John Humfrey's Friendly Interposer between the Authors of those Papers the one called A Report the other A Rebuke of that Report in Order to a sound Reconciliation between the Presbyterian and the Independents in Doctrinals by preparing a Third Way when both of them are out in the●● own Way The Swearers Doom or a Discourse against Vain● and Rash Swearing By John Rost A. M. Recto● of Offwel and Gittisham in Devon A Body of Practical Divinity containing a hundred seventy six Sermons upon the Assemblies shorte● Catechism By Tho. Watson Folio An Account of the Life and Death of Mr. Philip Henry Minister of the Gospel near Whit-church in Shropshire