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A81577 A short essay of modern divinity, by Robert Dixon. D.D. Dixon, Robert, d. 1688. 1681 (1681) Wing D1748A; ESTC R231408 33,711 62

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dare to be Hypocrites To hurt the World to shame the World to hurt themselves to shame themselves they are quickly gon Their Estates are quickly vanisht their Names rot and their Souls are everlastingly lost Let them go that are such and will be such I will retire from their fellowship and have nothing to do with them for it is in vain They do no good nor never will SECT XIV Agreement in Scripture Truth To come a little closer to the present Subject in Four Points 1. Agreement 2. Morality 3. Judge 4. Liberty 1. Agreement all we agree that the Scriptures are the word of God The Truths therein contained are best exprest in Scripture Language An honest man relates his own Story best in his own words so declaring his own mind that he may best be understood Every wise Testator signifies his mind and pleasure in his Will and Testament without sending his Heir to the Interpretation of Law Opinions for Faith are certain Opinions for Free Grace Free Will Election Predestination Original Sin c. may be too narrow What Controversies were about Easter-day as if Eternal Happiness had wholly depended upon it The like for the Words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 between Alexander Bishop of Alexandria and Arius his Priest and Athanasius The Creed of Christ and his Apostles is sufficient without any more Creeds One Creed 1 Tim. 6.3 c. If any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholsom Words even the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the Doctrine which is according unto godliness he is proud knowing nothing but doting about Questions and strifes of words whereof cometh envy strifes railings evil surmisings perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth supposing that gain is godliness from such withdraw thy self But thou O man of God flee these things and follow after Righteousness Godliness Faith Love Patience Meekness Fight the good fight of Faith lay hold on Eternal life whereunto thou art also called and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses Col. 2.8 Beware lest any man spoil you through Philosophy and vain deceit after the Tradition of men after the Rudiments of the World and not after Christ For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily and ye are compleat in him which is the head of all Principality and Power The smalness of Christ's and his Apostles writings are full and plain We admit of God but cannot be content unless we dispute about his Nature Power and other Attributes till we are lost in them There is Christian Liberty allowable for Opinions but not for Articles of Faith Faith and Life are most to be regarded Controversies beget Opinions but Faith is only to be contended for The whole Counsel of God is delivered by Revelation and Miracles Believe me that I am in the Father Joh. 14.10.20 and the Father in me or else believe me for the very works sake At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father and you in me and I in you If I do not the works of my Father believe me not But if I do though ye believe not me Joh. 10.37.38 believe the works that ye may know and believe that the Father is in me and I in him Joh. 15.24 If I had not done among you the works which no other man did they had not had sin but now have they seen and hated both me and my Father Simon Peter answered and said Mat. 16.11 17. Thou art Christ the Son of the living God And Jesus answered and said unto him Joh. 1.49 Blessed art thou Simon Bar-Jona for Flesh and Blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my Father which is in Heaven Jesus said to the blind man healed by him Dost thou believe on the Son of God he answered and said Joh. 9.35 Who is the Lord that I might believe on him And Jesus said unto him Thou hast both seen him and it is he that talketh with thee And he said Lord I believe and he worshipped him Jesus said of the Centurion Mat. 8.10 I have not found so great Faith no not in Israel Jesus said of the Woman of Canan Mat. 15.28 O Woman great is thy Faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt Luke 23.42 The Thief on the Cross had great Faith when he said Lord remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom and Christ approved it saying To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise The Jews that heard Peter Act. 2.37 were pricked in their hearts and said Men and Brethren what shall we do And Peter said Repent and be Baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ c. The Gentiles believed and the Holy Ghost fell upon them and they were Baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus The Eunuch upon his desire to Philip was Baptized upon this Condition Act. 20.47 if thou believest with all thine heart thou mayst Act. 8.27 c. and he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God The People said to Christ Act. 17.2 c. What shall we do that we might work the work of God Joh. 6 28. Jesus said This is the work of God that ye believe on him whom he hath sent Joh. 8.24 If ye believe not on him ye shall die in your sins Act. 16.30 31. The Jaylor said Sirs what must I do to be saved And they said Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy House Ro. 10.9 10 11. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth unto Righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto Salvation for the Scripture saith Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ 1 Joh. 2.22 He is Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son Hereby know ye the Spirit of God 1 Joh. 4.2 3. Every Spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh is of God and every Spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the Flesh 1 Joh. 4.15 c. is not of God Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God God dwelleth in him and he in God 1 Joh. 5.1 Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him Joh. 20.30.31 Many other signs did Jesus in the presence of his Disciples which are not written in this Book but these are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing ye might have life through his Name These and such like are plain Scriptures and absolutely necessary
and sufficient for Salvation This may quiet all Ob. Of what use then are other Scriptures Sol. From a Child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures 2 Tim. which are able to make thee wise unto Salvation through Faith which is in Christ Jesus All Scripture is given by Inspiration of God and as profitable for Doctrine for Reproof for Correction for Instruction in Righteousness that the Man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works All Scriptures are equally true but not equally important nor necessary in terminis The Death and Resurrection of Christ are of greater value then the Circumstances of them The Text is of more worth then the Comments Paraphrases and Glosses upon them As long as we believe the main we are safe for other things Errare possum Haereticus esse nolo Aug. Repentance and Faith are the whole Duties of man Every one that doth evil hateth the light Joh. 3.20.21 neither cometh to the light lest his Deeds should be reproved but he that doth Truth cometh to the Light that his Deeds might be made manifest that they are wrought in God The Kingdom of God consisteth in Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost The Kingdom of Christ is within us Joh. 1.12 13. As many as received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God even to them that believe in his name Which were born not of Blood nor of the Will of the Flesh nor of the Will of man but of God Of him ye are in Christ Jesus 1 Cor. 1.30 who is made unto us Wisdom and Righteousness and Sanctification and Redemption See the Sermon on the Mount per totum Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy Soul and with all thy mind Mat. 22.37.38 This is the First and great Commandment And the Second is like unto it Thou shall love thy Neighbour as thy self On these two Commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets Joh. 13.34 35 A New Covenant I give unto you That ye love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another By this shall all men know that ye are my Disciples if ye have love one to another This is my Commandment Joh. 15.12 That ye love one another as I have loved you The hour cometh Joh. 4 21. when ye shall neither in this Mountain nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father But the hour cometh and now is when the true Worshippers shall Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth for the Father seeketh such to Worship him God is a Spirit and they that Worship him must Worship him in Spirit and in Truth We have known and believed the love that God hath to us God is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and he in him 1 Joh. 4.16 Heb. 10.19 c Having boldness to enter into the Holiest by the Blood of Jesus By a new and living way which he hath Consecrated for us through the Vail that is to say his Flesh And having a High Priest over the House of God let us draw neer with a true heart in full assurance of Faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil Conscience and our Bodies washed with pure Water Whom God hath set forth to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood Ro 3.25 c. to declare his Righteousness for the Remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God c. One Mediator between God and Man Christ Jesus who gave himself a Ransom for all to be testified in due time If any man sin Tim. 2.5 6. we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous Joh. 2.1 2. and he is the Propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but for the sins of the whole World Mat. 16.24 If any man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow me c. He that believeth on him is not condemned Joh. 3.18 but he that believeth not is condemned already Joh. 8.12 I am the Light of the World he that followeth me shall not work in darkness but shall have the Light of Life Tit. 2.11 The Grace of God that bringeth Salvation hath appeared to all men c. SECT XV. 2. Morality despised is Christianity Morality Heb. 11.6 They that fear God and work Righteousness are accepted of him They that believe God believe Christ Without Faith it is impossible to please God for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek him Ob. Moral Men have no Grace they are many of them in Hell Sol. This is the Language Ro. 2.26 c. of those that pretend to speak the Language of Canan Let us hearken to sound words If the Uncircumcision keep the Righteousness of the Law shall not his Uncircumcision be counted for Circumcision And shall not Uncircumcision which is by Nature if it fulfil the Law Judge thee who by the Letter and Circumcision doth transgress the Law For he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that Circumcision which is outwardly in the Flesh But he is a Jew which is one inwardly and Circumcision is that of the heart in the Spirit and not in the Letter whose praise is not of Men but of God A Moral Man is a Christian by the surer side Speculations Mr. Hobs. Notions Forms are mistaken A good life saved Heathens The Light of Nature is God's Will though it be more highly revealed I must confess I have not yet made the proficiency in the Schools of our Ages as to see why the second Table and the Acts of it are not as properly the part of Religion and Christianity as the Acts and Observations of the First Table If I mistake in this 't is St. James that hath abused me Jam. 1.17 who saith Pure Religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this To visit the Fatherless and Widows in their Affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the World So the thing which in the new Dialect signifies nothing but Morality and Civility the same in the Language of the Holy Ghost imports true Religion and undefiled Such as we Sow such shall we Reap God will require no more than what he hath given We talk of Special Graces but Sanctification makes the Saints and Self-denial the Christians and he that doth Righteousness is Righteous and he shall live and not die Follow Peace with all men and Holiness without which no Man shall see the Lord. ●eb 12.14 Lord I have hoped for thy Salvation and done thy Commandments Christ said ●s 119.164 I must preach the Kingdom of God to other Cities also ●uke 4.43 for therefore am I sent The Kingdom of God is within you ●uke 17.20 The Grace of God
Rebellions Poysonings Assassinations c. 'T would tire a sturdy Satyr and quite wear out his Whips of Steel to lash every Doctrine of Devils that Devillish men have invented to the hurt of Churches and Kingdoms and the disturbance of the whole World to bring all things into a Chaos of Confusion if some men might have their Will Long has Popery and Superstition reigned from the days of Phocas VVitnesses of ●he Truth Against these the Waldenses and Albingenses have protested with John Hus Jerom of Prague Robert of Lincoln John Gerson Council of Constance Erasmus Baptista Montuanus Cassander Polydore Virgil Hesselius Melancthon Luther Calvin Oecolampadius Beza c. mighty men of valour famous in their Generations men of Renown of a noble Genius that dared to bid defiance to the Devil and to the overwhelming Tyranny of the Pope and Court of Rome The same work is prosecuted by us Protestants with might and main though there be some small Differences amongst us and we have cause to unite because the Common Enemy seeks to root us out from the Face of the Earth and Hannibal is at our Gates and a wonderful Progress is made therein by rare Artists SECT III. The Face of things is changed the Vizar removed the Natural Beauty appears no new Religion but the Old restored Hic labor hoc opus est Modern Divinity is the very same with the Ancient Catholick and Apostolical Faith contained in the Scriptures of the New Testament Modern Divinity plainly expounded without mixture of Artificial Glosses As Man was created Righteous but after that sought out many Inventions so are the Scriptures easie till obfuscated by humane Speculations The pure Gospel unmixed with Judaical and Gentile Praecepts and Ceremonies Philosophy Logick and Oratory Not wresting the Scriptures from their Literal or Mystical Sense No need of a living Judge a Pope a Conclave a Council packt for endless Controversies Pruritus disputandi scabies Ecclesiae They say Disputes never did good Wit against Wit engender Strife there is no end of such doings Necessary things few There are but few necessary things trouble the People of God no farther if they observe these things they shall do well The Simplicity of the Gospel is the Wisdom and Power of God unto Salvation mighty for the beating down of the strong holds of Sin and Satan A two-edged Sword for the dividing asunder of the Heart and Reins The preaching of Christ and him Crucified to the Jews a stumbling Block and to the Greeks Foolishness but unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks the Power of God and the Wisdom of God Without controversie great is the Mystery of Godliness Christ manifested in the Flesh justified in the Spirit seen of Angels believed on in the World and received up into Glory He that believeth shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned This is the Whole Duty of Man Fear God and keep his Commandments Matters of Faith not controverted There are no Matters of Faith in Controversie The chief Disputes of Antiquity Prosperity Succession Infallibility Supremacy Miracles Transubstantiation c. are not Matters of Faith but doubtful Disputation We are to contend for nothing but the Preservation and Propagation of that Faith which was once delivered to the Saints There is no Judge of Faith but God who hath judged it for us and revealed it unto us The Truth is lost by vain Janglings Tu disputa ego credam Justinian wisely forbad any Comments upon the Text of his Law but they yielded no obedience to him in that at all but the quite contrary SECT IV. In the Three first Centuries were no Controversies but such only as the Apostles had with the Jews and Gentiles Touch not taste not handle not Circumcision Days and Years Meats offered to Idols c. They taught Christian Liberty and a New Creature In the Fourth and Fifth Centuries and so forward came in large Commentaries Sophistical and Casuistical Divinity innumerable Superstitions Reformation and Will-Worship This needed a Reformation which all moderate Men studied and longed for in every Age but could not effect The time was not yet come Throw away Infallibility Supremacy c. Pull up Weeds Sweep away Rubbish Cherish Faith and a good Life When we agree in the things leave disputing of the Modes Let our Moderation be known unto all Men. The Lord is at hand we are all in our Journey to Heaven fall not out by the way give the Right Hand of Fellowship one to another serve one another in Love keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace serve the Lord with one Lip and with one Shoulder contend not about Forms of Discipline obey the Magistrate variety of Forms hurt not Faith let Brotherly Love continue speak the same things though in a different manner give that liberty of Prophecying one to another Laws are plain Justice easie do as we would be done by all will be at peace if Spirits be peaceable If any man be contentious we have no such custom neither the Churches of God Salus Populi Suprema Lex c. Suffer no Doctrine which is hurtful to Church or State and all will be well Receive the ingrafted Word of God which is able to save your Souls the sincere Milk of the Gospel receive a weak Brother but not to doubtful Disputations offend not him for whom Christ died Never eat Flesh while the World stands rather than offend a weak Brother or wound his tender Conscience for whom Christ died If Tares be sowed the Enemy hath done this the Lord will destroy both it and them Let the Tares and the Wheat both grow together until Harvest when the Angels the Reapers shall bind the Tares in Bundles and throw them into the Fire and burn the Chaff with unquenchable Flames but they will gather the Wheat into Gods Barn every man must stand or fall to his own Master Every mans work shall be tried his Hay and Stubble shall be consumed which he hath ignorantly built upon a pretious Foundation but he himself shall be saved yet so as by Fire Whatsoever is of God shall stand be not found to fight against God nor condemn the Generation of the Just It is in vain to kick against the Pricks We have not so learned Christ Let every Soul be Subject to the Higher Powers for there is no Power but of God Pure Religion and undefiled is this To visit the Fatherless and the Widows and to keep our Souls unspotted from the World to hate the Garments spotted by the Flesh to live uprightly in the midst of a crooked and perverse Generation and to flee from the Wrath to come SECT V. The Word of God is inwardly by instinct of Nature in our Hearts and Consciences Word of God The Word of God is inwardly by Revelation of Grace written in by his Spirit in our Hearts and Consciences The Word of God is outwardly written in
They have better Principles than so where ever they are they are the Tru●st Church say the Papists and Sectaries what they please Theirs is the only safe way to Salvation Sit anima mea cum talibus Christianis SECT VIII Therefore the Modern Divinity of the Reformation is according to the Pattern of Christ on Mount Sion not of Moses on Mount Sinai Right Preaching agreeable to the Sense Language and St●le of the New Testament agreeable to Sense and Reason drawn from the New Testament explaining the great Points of Grace Faith Repentance Justification Regeneration Adoption Election c. for edification of Souls without the tincture of Legends of Saints Miracles and Reliques Penances Prayers to Saints or Angels Devotion to Images or the Cross or to the Host without School Subtilties or Flourishes of Eloquence falsly so called without Enterludes or Masquerades upon the Passion Resurrection or Ascension c. which things have a shew of Holiness but nothing of the Power of Godliness at all in them to please God at all Therefore the Modern Doctrine Discipline and Worship of the Reformation is agreeable to the pure Antient and Spiritual Doctrine Discipline and Worship of God in that true evangelical Dispensation after the Abolishment of Mose's Law without Carnal Pomp and Ceremonies directed to God above through Jesus Christ without any Applications to Saints or Angels or Images without Prayers in an unknown Tongue Half Communion Penances Pilgrimages Vows Offerings at Shrines Prayers to or for the dead which things have a shew and form of Godliness pleasing to the Flesh but nothing of the power or substance of Religion to please God This honest preaching of God's word and plain form of Publick Worship by solid Prayers Intercessions Praises Thanksgivings and Benedictions fitting for all conditions at all times is the true Modern Christian Service for Uniformity in Knowledge and Devotion in Spirit and Truth in the publick Congregation leaving every man to liberty of Conscience in Reading and Praying in his Family or in his Closet that all may be done for Edification Decently and in Order And if all Protestants would submit as they are commanded to the publick hearing of God's word and to the publick Worship as it is by Law established in the freedom of the Spirit and Faith though they scruple at some few indifferent Rites to which they are not in Bondage reserving their liberty of opening to themselves they should do no more then what all Jews did and what all Heathens did and what all Papists did and do and what all other Protestants and Christians over all the World do keeping peace though they are not all agreed in other things Why should our Dissenters be strangers to all Christendom besides And this the Poor People would quickly do if their private Teachers would conform and teach them to do the like which is the thing so greatly desired and to which they have been so long woo'd with all kindness and encouragement imaginable O when will they once look upon their dear Mother the Church of England whom they have pierced for she is ready to look upon them as God is with the eye of tender pity and compassion Her Bowels yearn upon her Children who that they may be und●ceived let them know that the bottom of the business is this The Politick Great ones pretending to the Title aim strongly at these two things 1. At the Power Regal Policy Thrones are brave things 2. At Crown Lands Church Lands and Nobilities and Gentries Lands These are fat morsels Nobles shall embrace Dunghills and Slaves shine in purple and Scarlet These great Dogs shall swallow the rich prey the little Curs bark aloud and starve You fat Citizens and Countrey Farmers shall spend your Bloods and Estates and be turn'd off with Debentures to the publick Faith till you be as poor as Job and as very Slaves as the African Negroes I le promise you Gospellers shall get Sequestrations of your Brethrens Livings but the Classes and Assemblies shall never be able to set up the Stool of Repentance nor tyrannize over the Gentry of every Parish by the Assistance of Weavers and Taylors and your Lay Elders You may remember when you were uppermost your Patrons never trusted you with Power nor with the Kings Nobilities or Gentries or Churches Revenues Stand off But the Independants Anabaptists Quakers having the longest Sword would not stand off but took the Power and Estate too and the least Dog of yours durst not open his mouth against your dear Brethren Then were you fairly wip't of all Then you whin'd and cryed to bring in the King and upon his knees too if you could for your own ends And now you are not pleased what does infatuation presage They say Quos Jupiter vult perdere hos dementat But you may do a great deal of mischief before that time But you may repent also and then that time shall never come And as a Motive to your Repentance I 'le be a Prophet for once that never was a Prophet before Your own Lay-Masters and Protectors will engage you to do their work for them and when they have done they will fill their own Bellies and turn you off to live upon the Bridle For Treason is liked but the Traytor loathed And if you will not believe me Look over into Scotland in Knocks his time Look beyond the Seas into Holland Germany Hungary Sweden Denmark Norway c. Observe their Clergy Superintenders and Lay-Administrators where the Name of Bishop will not down but their Estates are gone down glib into Lay-mens Stomacks and are very well digested But the new-named Clergy are put off with a Bit and a Knock pitiful dependent Pensioners and Trencher-Chaplains easily blown away by the Blast of their Great Dons or the Puff of a Lurdy Burger Lastly for I am tired in this Odious Subject Beside the most deplorable Atheism daily increasing and the Distractions in the Religion that is left Rebellion multiplying upon us by reason of the Spirit of Rebellion not only the Prince is affronted by his Subjects the Magistrate by his Citizens the Pastor by his Flock but every Parent by his Children and every Master of a Family by his Servants So that if there were no other end but the benefit of enjoying our Temporal Rights we had need to pray for Kings and for all that are in Authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life here in common honesty which can never be expected in such a state of Rebellion as we are now in From which Good Lord deliver us Amen Do but consider If you should break out into Rebellion the Second time how many young poor Creatures would you draw away in the simplicity of their Souls as if it were Gods cause but especially what multitudes of forlorn hungry Desperados Banditi and angry Fellows would follow you for prey and plunder of Churches and Palaces to the Ruin of the King Nobility
wrongly as they are not because both cannot be right and wrong But in matters of real Faith as in matters of right Reason they are both so clear the one by Divine Revelation and the other by Divine Instinct and each so firmly and constantly and universally believed and proved by all Faithfull and rational men that they may be said to have no Handle at all much less two one right and the other wrong for they cannot be right and wrong nor believed and proved as right and wrong but certainly are right and cannot be wrong or else our Faith and Reason had no sure Foundation as undoubtedly they have Thus God our Creator and Christ our Redeemer and the Holy Ghost our Comforter and the Catholick Church and the Communion of Saints the Forgiveness of Sins the Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting are most certainly true in themselves as they most certainly are believed and most certainly revealed to us and by Reason imprinted in us without mistakes in the main needing no Judge for them at all for such Spiritual things are Judged of God and are to be judged of no man so carrying the Naked Truth in themselves as to be clear to all men and no Disputes about them at all because they are from God and not from men and true as God is true And Men can no more be deceived in them then they can be deceived in God And therefore there is more certainty in Religion and Reason then there is or can be in any thing else Evidences say all the Mathematicians or Philosophers in the World what they please The Testimony of God is sure and we are all his Offspring and we all know his Will and if we will not believe what we know to be true we are without all excuse Nor can the Revelations of Faith and Impressions of Reason be any more questioned than the Light of the Sun can be questioned to be the cause of life and growth of all the Creatures in the lower World And the evidence of things seen and heard and felt and tasted by the mind is as Scientifical a Demonstration as the evidence of things seen and heard and felt and tasted by the Body To b●lieve in God is to believe all that is of God as well Spiritual things as Corporeal and to deny Spiritual things or beings is all one as to deny God's Spirit or God's being As for the Consequences and Deductions from right and true Faith and Reason in their several Modifications and Qualities Consequences I cannot say but that they are and may be wrong and false and so we may be deceived As for instance concerning Faith Justification Regeneration Adoption New Creation Union and Communion with Christ c. These if you will may have two Handles but they are both of our own making not God's the right and the left and the left be sure is the wrong according as our Apprehensions Believings or Reasonings are right or wrong Vide my Book of the differences of the Two Covenants If therefore in any point of Controversal or Consequential Divinity I have taken the left or wrong Handle I am a Man and 't is my mistake as a man and when I am convinced of my Errour I will ingeniously confess it repent of it and mend it if I can But if I have taken the right Handle I must not alter and let Reason be Judge in all men which in some will be for me and in some against me There is no Question to be made of the truth of God of Christ of the Spirit of Regeneration New Creation Union and Communion with God by the Spirit and of Justification Sanctification Election Faith Adoption Presence of Christ that there are such things as all Christians Grant Modes But in the Manner of our Regeneration New Creature Union and Communion with God and of our Justification Sanctification Election Faith Adoption Presence of Christ c. there are too many and great Questions and too many Disputes Pro and Con about them some of them grating too much upon Barbarity and Profaneness as to be Godded with God and Christed with Christ and that there is no other Christ nor Light nor Heaven nor Hell but what is in us and Justification and Sanctification Law and Gospel are blended together and some of those contrary Positions may not be hurtfull on either side and some are But chiefly the manner of Christ's Presence in the Holy Supper is become a bloody Question and in most suspense with least cause in which there are two bold and Magisterial Assertions made de fide of Transubstantiation and Consubstantiation very hurtfull and dangerous to the overthrowing of the Faith of some But still there is a Presence and the Spiritual Presence is safe to be sure that can do no harm and is most profitable and the Carnal Presence can do no good but may do harm SECT II. Liberty of Opining I claim therefore the Liberty of Opining due to all Mankind most modest and safely as they may that differ in Opinion from me and both may be good and both preserve Love and Charity and let Posterity Judge of both and choose which they like best if they be both safe and impinge not upon God nor hurt the Souls Bodies Estates or Honours of Men. The Church of Rome is pleased to call our Differences from them by the odious nick-name as they have made it of Heresies and falls to Persecution of all Dissenters called by them Hereticks as far as de Haereticis comburendis O certainly this is a most inhumane as well as most Unchristian Practice and no true Protestant I am sure will ever follow them in it no not a far off nor come so near as to Plundering Sequestration or Consiscation because by these though they kill not outright as the Papists do yet they starve them by a lingring death which in some sense is as bad or worse And bloody Religions cannot be true The Ventilation of some Problems on both sides if moderately and charitably managed may tend to much Truth Peace and Love But if we come to Railing Fighting Undoing and Killing farewell all Religion Liberty and Peace The Effects of our Faith Justification Regeneration Union and Communion with Christ we know and feel which we call the work of Grace But the Manner how the Causes work such Effects we do not know For the wind of this Spirit bloweth where and when and how it listeth and we know not where it cometh nor whither it goeth and 't is in vain and sinful to pry too far into these Secrets of God's workings and therefore Faith Reverence and silence in these cases is always the safest But still Peace and Charity are to be maintained by all means or else we spoil all In Sum this is all I do but desire to have fair play for my pains and hurt no body And they that do not like my Opinion
may let it alone and give better if they can But to return to Demonstration the thing we aim at SECT XII The Demonstration of God Demonstration of God Rom. 1.19 20. is by his Creatures Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God hath shewed it unto them For the Invisible things of him from the Creation of the World are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his Eternal Power and Godhead The Demonstration of God's Reward is his Son Joh. 6.45 46. Every man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the Father cometh unto me Not that any man hath seen the Father save he which is of God he hath seen the Father He that believeth on me hath everlasting life Matt. 11.27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father and no man knoweth the Son but the Father neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son and he to whom soever the Son will reveal him He that cometh from above is above all Joh. 3.31 c. and what he hath seen and heard that he testifieth He that hath received his Testimony hath set to his Seal that God is true For he whom God hath sent speaketh the words of God for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto them The Father loveth the Son and hath given all things into his hand He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life and he that believeth not on the Son shall not see life but the Wrath of God abideth on him Joh. 5.9.10 c He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself he that believeth not God hath made him a Lyar because he believeth not the Record that God gave of his Son If we receive the Witness of Men the Witness of God is greater for this is the Witness of God which he hath testified of his Son And this is the Record that God hath given unto us eternal life and this life is in his Son He that hath the Son hath life and he that hath not the Son hath not life God was in Christ reconciling the World unto himself 2 Cor. 5 19. and our life is hid with Christ in God Col. 3 3. Joh. 5.22 The Father Judgeth no man but hath committed all Judgment to the Son He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death into life As the Father hath life in himself so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself 1 Joh. 4.14 c. We have seen and do testify that the Father hath sent the Son to be the Saviour of the World whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God God dwelleth in him and he in God Joh. 1.18 No man hath seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him So he that hath seen Christ hath seen the Father by Faith and in him all things even the whole Will of God concerning our Salvation We can no more doubt of God then of Christ He that believes Christ believes all we need no more because Christ came from the bosom of the Father therefore we can no more question the one than the other He that believeth God believeth Christ and he that believeth Christ believeth God for Christ and his Father are one Our Knowledge by Faith is as sure every way as our Knowledge by Sense The Mind sees and Feels and tasts as certainly as our Body The one sees and feels and tasts Intellectual beings as fully as the other sees and feels and tasts Corporeal beings He hath lost his Nature that looseth God For God is true as Nature and Nature as God who is the God of Nature All that believe God believe Nature and all that believe Nature rightly believe God And all that deny Nature deny God one is as true as the other The Reason and Judgment believes God the Unreasonable Will denys God We deny immediate Consequences which is unreasonable We cannot deny Principles We can no more disbelieve God that he is than we can disbelieve that we are I Am is as sure of God as we are is sure of us I Am hath sent me to you that are And because I am is therefore we are are by him and are from him and in him in whom we live and move and have our being and from whom through Jesus Christ we hope for an everlasting well being We are Creatures as sure as God is Creator And God is Creator as sure as we are Creatures Relations imply one another and are Members as sure as the other Relations are between two and God is one and we the other So the Father is the Sons and the Son is the Fathers one Relative demonstrates the other This is certain that God is or 't is certain that nothing is Therefore we cannot say that God is not because something is If God is then it follows as certainly that he is God And thence it follows that he is a Rewarder And if he be a Rewarder then there are some to be rewarded So that these Consequences are as sure as the grounds from whence they are taken And if God be a Redward he must be a Reward of those that are good for nothing is Rewardable but what is good And if God be a Reward he is also a punisher And if God be a punisher he must be a punisher of those that are bad for nothing is punishable but what is bad So if there be good there must be bad and if there be bad there must be good And if Angels or Men be good which are Creatures and all other Creatures are very good Then God must be good much more And if Devils and Men be bad then the Devil must be bad much more And if God be a Redeemer he must be a Rewarder in Christ as hath been proved SECT XIII Ob. How shall I know that Sol. Demonstration of Faith in Christ Christ himself hath confirmed it by his Miracles and God gave Testimony of him by a Voice from Heaven and by all his Prophets and Apostles and the Testimony of God is true He did not bear witness of himself Believe him for his works sake Ob. I did not see his Miracles Sol. They that did see them have told us the things which they had seen and heard and handled of the word of life And these things they have written that we might believe and that by believing we might have life And blesse are they that have not seen and yet have believed We believe other men for what they have seen and heard and we never did yet they wrought no Miracle to Create Faith but were honest men and worthy to be believed and that was
not beloved by the most dishonest And they that do live dishonestly are disapproved and hated sufficiently by them that are most Honest But what care they that are Atheists But they that believe a God will care But wise men do take care of all vitious Actions of Hatred and Disgrace by men but not of God and blame Fools that are so careless even of men because the poor that are oppressed by them raise them to their sames and God much more Indeed and in truth they are the shame as well as grief of Mankind whether they came for it or no. They may depart the world when they will no Body will stop'um they have their pass they shall never be mist I 'le warrant'um As they regard nothing but Eating and Drinking and Lusting and Oppressing c. so who regards them though their looks be never so high and scornful But to leave these Miscreants and this Diversion I am extreemly troubled at the Church of Rome that calls Divine Revelation into Question and when they have done charge us for so doing as if the truths that be so revealed might not have been or might have been otherwise What odd expressions are these to come from wise men of both sides I wish they would better think of it The Papists glory Infallibility of the Infallibility of their Church and therefore they are Cock-sure But 't is we poor wretches that want this Infallibility and consequently this Assurance What a case are we in and what shall become of us I wish some of ours had better considered than to affirm that the Grounds of our Faith are only probable and might have been otherwise so to give the Adversary occasion to insult over us for having no Church nor no foundation for our Faith at all so to overthrow our Religion so to overthrow all Religion if it were so that that which is true may be false then all may be false and at last all is false and where are we then As for Infallibility the business so much boasted of it is none but God not the Church nor all Mankind put all together that have been or are or ever shall be They may set their hearts at rest for they shall never find it nor shew it us while this World stands But yet Christian Religion is certain for all that Certainty And the grounds of Faith are such as they have ever been are and ever shall be and could never be otherwise though there be no Infallibility in men at all The Foundation of God standeth sure be men never so changeable and fallible And God's word is more dureable than the Frame of the Universe For though there be no Infallibility in men yet there is Infallibility in God and that 's enough for us to believe and the wisest men trust to it and cannot fail of their hopes thereby For we believe in God and not in the Church nor in Mankind And this is our Foundation here we fix and resolve our Faith into God Whether hath Pride and Malice driven us Such is the Papists hatred against the Protestants to make them odious to all the World for having no Faith nor no Church Though we hold the same Christ as they do and acknowledge that other Foundation can no man lay than what is already laid Jesus Christ and him Crucified and no other name given under Heaven whereby we can be saved but only by the Name of Jesus Christ And no Mediator between God and Man but the Man Christ Jesus They make the Infallibility of the Pope or a Counsel or the Church to be the Ground of Faith We say God is the only Ground of Faith he cannot deny himself He will never leave nor forsake his Church nor shall the Gates of Hell be ever able to prevail against her They therefore believe because the Church is Infallible But we believe because God is Infallible And what God hath revealed he hath revealed to those that are fallible but the things revealed are the Infallible Truths of God and were never otherwise nor never shall be otherwise whether our Fathers have or we do or our Posterity shall believe them or no. 'T is no absurdity to believe God and his Word to be Infallible though we be fallible and to stand the everlasting Objects of our Faith though we be not the Subjects that embrace them I hope God is no less true though man be a Lyar. And I hope the Gospel is no less true and the same for being believed or disbelieved God's word being Eternal and unchangeable as himself Well but all this while we are beating our Brains about finding out the truth 1. The Athiest he believes nothing but laughs at all He goes on and lives and dies in Wickedness Atheists like a Beast hoping for no Salvation 2. The Papist he is the bravest fellow Papists and in the safest Condition of any man in the World for let him sin his heart out he hath all his Pardon 's ready if he should live a Thousand Years 'T is but whispring a word in his Confessors Ear and listning to a word of Absolution from him again and he is purer than the Chystal Streams and as clear as the Light it self He takes no care for himself for the Church takes all the Care and provides what he should believe and what he should do he need not trouble himself at all unless it be to go barefoot a little or fast or whip a stroke or two which he may buy off when he pleases according as his Purse is Nay to make all sure if he want Merits those Saints that have had more than they knew what to do with have laid them up in store to help their idle Brethren at a dead lift and the Pope delivers them out at such a Price as the Market goes for them they are to be purchased every day In a word he is sure be he what he will because his Church is sure Sin and Confess Confess and sin and so continue till you dy and be reconciled to the Romish Church and so at last you go to Heaven to rights 3. The Fatalist Fatalists Be he Jew or Turk takes as little care as the rest for there is a Lottery thinks he or a Dooms-day Book If he be in for a Prize or a Blanck he knows not therefore Have at all hit or miss If it be to come it will come once If it never come there is no remedy He is lost God would have it so and it must be so no help for it So all alike aim to sin as much as they can and as long as they can Thus men are willing to befool themselves and to charge God foolishly But they that walk Righteously walk safely 1. Because they are sure of a good Report among the Saints here 2. Because they are sure of a good Reward with God hereafter Knowing therefore the Terrors of God I wonder any should