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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A77792 A sermon preached in the French church, in London on the 29. day of August 1652 At the imposition of hands on Mr. Stouppe by John Bulteel, minister of the word of God. With the action and circumstances thereof. J. B. (John Bulteel), d. 1669. 1654 (1654) Wing B5453A; ESTC R224358 34,618 48

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A SERMON PREACHED In the FRENCH CHURCH in LONDON On the 29. day of August 1652. At the Imposition of Hands on Mr. Stouppe By JOHN BULTEEL Minister of the Word of God With the Action and Circumstances thereof LONDON Printed by T.M. for Edward Archer and are to be sold at the Sign of the Adam and Eve in Little-Brittain near the Church 1654. To his Reverend and honoured Brethren The Pastors Elders and Deacons of the French-Church in London Reverend and Honoured Brethren THe Ambassadour of the Emperour of Germany who was sent to the great Emperor of the Turks writes that he saw at Constantinople an Embleme represented on a piece of Tapestry made of an exquisite work containing four Candlesticks with four Candles which represented four sorts of Religions as namely the Heathenish the Jewish the Christian and the Mahometan Three of these candlesticks were turned topsie turvie with their three Candles extinguished but the fourth Candlestick stood upright with its Candle burning There was this Arabicall Inscription This is the true Light thinking to make to world to believe that the Mahometane Religion is the onely and true light and that the three other lights extinguished are false ones But we know that the Christian Religion is the onely and true Light represented and presented not in nor by the books of the Philosophers nor in the Talmud and Cabala of the Rabbins nor in the Alcoran of the Mahumetans but within and by the holy Scripture which represents and presents unto us our Lord Jesus Christ the true light who lighteth every man that cometh into the world that whosoever believes in him and follows him shall not walk in darknesse but have the light of life It is he that is in the midst of the golden candlesticks who hath in his right hand seven stars out of whose mouth issueth a sharp two edged sword wherewith he smites the Nations whose countenance is as the Sun-shine in his strength It is that Jesus Christ the Son of righteousnesse who by his beams doth inlighten the starres who are the Angels of the Churches it is he that walks amidst the golden Candle sticks which are the Churches and doth enlighten them by his holy word which is a lamp unto their feet and a lantern of light unto passengers in the dark nights on sea which doth enlighten them within the glittering rayes of his holy spirit It is that divine word that glistering light of the Old and New Testament of the Law and of the Gospel carried by the Torch-bearers the excellent and holy Prophets Apostles Evangelists and Ministers of the word of God But the world of unbelievers whether Heathens Hereticks or Prophane persons hath not known nor received this marvellous light of this sacred word but hath rejected it indeavoured to exinguish it either in whole or in part The Pagans have rejected the holy Scripture altogether The Manichees have refused all the old Testament The Ptolemaits have rejected the five books of Moses which the Sadduces did onely imbrace refusing all other books of the old Testament The Anabaptists reject the book of Ecclesiastes the canticle of Canticles Porphyrius did refuse the book of the Prophet Daniel and the Nicolaitans did the like of the Psalmes of the royall Prophet David The Jews reject all the New Testament The Ebionites have onely Saint Matthews Gospel and Cerinthus approved that of Saint Mark Cerdon that of Saint Luke the Valentinians did onely imbrace that of Saint John and the Tatians onely the book of the Acts of the Apostles These are those that have blot out the passages of holy Scripture which were contrary to their opinions and practises Mareion the Heretick did blot out the passages of Luke and John and of the Apostles Epistles that maintained the Deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ The Papists do raze out many sentences that repugne their false dogmes and among others the second Commandement of the Morall Law Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image c. is left out as appears in many of their Printed books But behold a strange case that among those of the reformed Religion there are some here in England that have caused some Passages of the holy Scripture to be razed out that were written on the walls of Churches As for Example there was a suffragant of the Archbishop of Canterbury who a little before these troubles did excommunicate two Churhwardens because they had not blotted out that notable and true sentence written on the wall of the Church where he kept his Spirituall Court My House shall be called the House of prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves yea there was at the same time a Bishop in England who caused the Clark of a Parish in his Diocesse to blot out that Divine sentence written on the wall just right over the Ministers pulpit Necessity is laid upon me yea wo is unto me if I preach not the Gospel An insupportable boldnesse and which cannot be paralelled these persons would in all appearance have indeavoured to have blotted these Divine Sentences out of the books of holy Scripture if it had been in their power Cumanus a Heathen Governour of the Romanes caused a Romane Souldier to be beheaded for tearing the books of Moses at the Sack of a city to appease the tumult of the Jews who were scandalised thereat Surely God saith in the Apocalipse chap. 22.19 If any man shall take away from the words of the book of this Prophesie God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life and out of the holy City Now whereas I have expounded in your Church the aforesaid passage of the 1 Corinth 9.16 For though I preach the Gospel I have nothing to glory of for necessity is laid upon me yea wo is unto if I preach not the Gospel I do represent and present the Sermon unto you because it is due unto you having been the occasion thereof for being requested by Letters signed by the Pastor and some of the Elders and Deacons of your Church in the name of them all to come to London to assist to the examination of the Honoured brother Mr. Stouppe where divers reverend brethren Ministers did assist with the Elders and Deacons of the Coetus of the Dutch and French Churches of London and having heard him both in his Sermon ad Clerum and his Latine Theses as also in his Answers to what objections soever were propounded unto him the company did receive such contentment and satisfaction as he was judged able and capable to be received and confirmed in the holy Ministry Yee did me the honor to request me to preach and perform the Action on the day of his Ordination at which assisted the Reverend Brethren Mr. Calendrin Pastor of the Dutch Church and Mr. Cismer Pastor of your Church we all three together gave the Imposition of hands on the said honoured brother Mr. Stouppe Now I put this Sermon in print
because this Action of Imposition of hands hath been little frequent and used in your Church for there are very near 50 years since Mr. Aurelius deceased son of an Italian was the last that received the Imposition of hands and was received Minister of your Church the other Pastors that came since were ministers and the most part old ones before they were Pastors of your Church Besides there are Ministers especially in France who have caused their Sermons to be printed on occasions of the like subject and of the same nature Adde unto this that there are many that could not be present at the Sermon that will be glad to read that which they have not seen nor heard and there are others that will be content to refresh their memories thereby I have added here and there and especially that which concerns this Countrey and Nation which the shortnesse of time did not permit me to publish in the Pulpit I hope that I shall have the same liberty permitted unto me which the worthy English Ministers have had that have preached before the Honorable Houses of Parliament setting forth to light that which they had conceived and premeditated in their thoughts which the brevity of time did not give them leasure to preach and that without any prejudice either of the Christian hearer or Reader but rather with pleasure and much profit and have been both praised and thanked for it As concerning the Imposition or laying on of the hands by us the Ministers that were present on our said brother it is true that France Holland and here among us and elsewhere it is ordinarily done by one Minister alone where there are no other ministers present yea by one minister alone although there are other ministers present that give onely the right hand of fellowship to the minister confirmed Notwithstanding the Action of the Imposition of hands is a thing indifferent in the opinion and judgement of many learned men whether one minister or many ministers together do give the Imposition of hands on that person that is received into the ministry so that the practice of the one ought not nor cannot prejudice or condemn the practice of the other We have all three ministers laid our hands on Mr. Stouppe Certes one of the Councels of Carthage did ordain that the ministers present should lay hands on the head of the minister ordained the which hath been practised at all times yea and among the Papists and there are Acts of Parliament in England to that effect in the time of King Edward the 6. and of Queen Elisabeth of happy memory and it is practised at present in London among the English ministers for the laying on of hands is done by divers ministers of the company of the Presbytery And indeed if we mount up higher we shall find that that was practised in the Primitive Church in the time of the Apostles for it appears that Saul or Paul received the Imposition of hands by many Acts chap. 13.3 and the same Apostle writing of the Imposition of hands given unto Timothy his own son in the faith saith Stir up the gift of God which is in thee by the putting on of my hands 2 Tim. 1.6 but he had said before Neglect not the gift that is in thee which was given thee by prophesie with the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery 1 Tim. 4.14 and notwithstanding he makes mention in these two places of one same action and of one same person namely Timothy ordained and confirmed Paul as he was an Apostle being the primary and the principall in this action of the Imposition of hands with the others But alas we have in these times in this Land some that say they are inlightened having found new Lights who are notwithstanding wandring starres as Saint Jude saith who care neither for the laying on of hands nor of the right hand of fellowship who as the Enthusiasts have revelations and visions and run and prophesie as heretofore the Anabaptists did without any ordinary or extraordinary calling taking a Priviledge above Jesus Christ and Aaron who took not that honour unto themselves nor glorified themselves but were called of God they are blind guides and leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch God the Father of lights enlighten them and transport them from darknesse to his marvellous light transforming them by the renewing of their minds that they may prove what is that good that acceptable and perfect will of God I beseech the same good God that he will be pleased to strengthen you in the knowledge which he hath given you of his holy truth in his holyword working in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure that ye may be without reproach and blamelesse in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom ye shine as lights in the world holding forth the word of life This is the wish of him who hopes ye will accept this small present in good part threreby ye will adde an obligation to the precedent obligations unto him who is and remains Reverend and Dear Brethren Your most humble and most affectionate brother and servant in the Lord John Bulteel 1 Cor. 9.16 For though I preach the Gospel I have nothing to glory of for necessity is laid upon me yea wo is to me if I preach not the Gospel THE Lord gave a Commandement unto Moses to put into the Ark of the Covenant the golden Pot that had Manna Aarons rod the tables of the Covenant and the Cherubins of glory shadowing the Mercy seat The Tables of the Law did represent the preaching of the Law the Cherubims of glory shadowing the Mercy Seat did shew forth the preaching of the Gospel the Manna did declare the Sacraments and the Rod of Aaron did signifie the Discipline This Ark was carried by the Priests and Levites of the Law no other among the Jews could nor ought to carry it to show that there are none but the Ministers of God that have authority to preach the word of God either of the Law or of the Gospel to give the Sacraments and exercise the Ecclesiasticall discipline It was a particular honour unto the Priests and Levites but it was also a burthen and indeed the name of Priest in the holy language signifies a Prince and a servant A Prince there is Honor a servant there is service And that excellent Apostle Saint Paul that vessel of Election saith a 1 Tim. 3.1 This is a true saying if any man desire the office of a Bishop he desireth a good work in saying excellent he denotes the dignity of the Charge in qualifying it a work he signifies the charge of the Dignity an honourable labour In the same place he describes the duties of the Ministers of God and the qualities that they ought to have in the seven first verses of that Chapter It is that which the Apostle