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life_n believe_v jesus_n lord_n 8,211 5 3.8236 3 true
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A75337 The form of consecration of a church or chappel. And of the place of Christian buriall. / Exemplified by the R.R.F. in God, Lancelot late lord-bishop of Winchester, in the consecration of the Chappel of Jesus in the foresaid diocess. Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626. 1659 (1659) Wing A3126; ESTC R210146 18,931 149

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sufficienter reparatum fuerit in clausuris et an omniae ibi decenter et secundum ordinem fiant et si minus fiant per censur as Ecclesiastic as corrigendi His finitis precatur denuò LOrd God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob who because thou art the God not of the dead but of the Living shewest hereby that they are living and not dead and that with thee do live the spirits of all them that dye in the Lord and in whom the Souls of them that are Elect after they be delivered from the burden of this flesh be in joy and felicity Thou hast said thou wilt turn men into small dust and after that wilt say Return again you Children of men Thou art the God of Truth and hast said it thou art the God of power and might and wilt do it by that power whereby thou art able to subdue all things unto thy self and bring to pass whatsoever pleaseth thee in Heaven and Earth with whom nothing is impossible Lord Jesu Christ who art the Resurrection and the Life in whom if we believe though we be dead yet shall we live who by thy death hast overcome death and by thy r●sing again hast opened to us the Gate of everlasting life who shalt send thine Angels and gather the bodies of thine Elect from all the Ends of the Earth and especially those who by a mystical union are flesh of thy flesh and in whose hearts thou hast dwelt by Faith We humbly beseech thee for them whose bodies shall in this place be gathered to their Fathers that they may rest in this hope of Resurrection to eternal life through thee O blessed Lord God who shalt change their vile bodies that they may be like thy Glorious body according to the mighty working whereby thou art able to bring all things even death and all into subjection to thy self Holy and blessed Spirit the Lord and giver of life whose Temples the bodies of thy Servants are by thy sanctifying Grace dwelling in them we verily trust that their bodies that have been thy Temples and those hearts in which Christ hath dwelt by Faith shall not ever dwell in corruption but that as by thy sending forth thy Breath at first we received our being Motion and Life in the beginning of the Creation so at the last by the same Spirit sending forth the same breath in the end of the Consummation Life Being and Moving shall be restored us again so that after our dissolution as thou didst shew thy holy Prophet the dry bones shall come together again Bone to his Bone and Sinews and Flesh shall come upon them and thou shalt cause thy Breath to enter into them and we shall live and this Corruption shall put on Incorruption and this Mortal shall put on Immortality God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost accept sanctify and bless this place to that end whereunto according to thine own Ordinance we have ordain'd it even to bestow the Bodies of thy Servants in till the number of thine Elect being accomplished they with us and we with them and with all other departed in the true Faith of thy Holy Name shall have our consummation and Bliss both in Body and Soul in thy eternal and everlasting glory Blessed Saviour that didst for this end dye and rise again that thou mightest be Lord both of the Living and the Dead whether we live or die thou art our Lord and we are thine living or dying we commend our selves unto thee have mercy upon us and keep us thine for evermore Reintrantes igitur Capellam cantant priorem partem Psal 16. Conscendit Suggestum Magister Matthaeus Wren Thema ei posterior pars vers 17. cap. 2. S. Joan. Zelus domus tuae c. Agit de affectibus in Christo Zelo inter coereros nec illo falso sed pro Deo nec coeco sed secundùm scientiam pro Domo pro Cultu Dei de praesentiâ Dei praecipuè in Templis magno non Morum solummodò nostrorum sed spei quoque et Fidei incremento fulcimentoque Denm Locorum distinctione gaudere confirmat tum exemplo mirifico Jacobi tantoperè distinguentis Bethel tum maximo omnium miraculo quo Christus Mercatores è Templo ejecit Enarratis Christi per hoc factum devotionibus concludit in debitam à nobis Templorum reve entiam atque istius Fundatoris Encomium meritissimum Cantatur pars reliqua Vespertinae precationes incipiendo jam á Symbolo Apostolico secundùm communem Ecclesiae formulam finiuntur FINIS
as to put a difference between the soul of a Beast and the spirit of a Man for the soul of a Beast goes down to to the earth from whence it came and the spirit of man returneth unto God that gave it so to make diverse accompts of the Bodies of Mankind and the Bodies of other living Creatures in so much as the Body of Adam was resolved on and was afterwards the workmanship of thine own hands and endued with a soul from thine own breath But much more since the second Adam thy blessed Son by taking upon him our nature exalted this flesh of ours to be flesh of his flesh whose flesh thou sufferedst not to see Corruption so that the Body returns to the earth and the soul to him that gave it It shall from thence return again it is but a rest and a rest in hope as saith the Psalmist for it is a righteous thing with God that the Body which was partaker with the soul both in doing and suffering should be rais'd again from the Earth to be partaker also with the soul of the reward or punishment which God in Mercy or Iustice shall reward not to one of them alone but jointly to them both There being then so great difference it is not thy will ô Lord that our Bodies should be cast out as the Bodies of Beasts to become dung for the earth or our bones lye scatter'd abroad to the sight of the sun But when thy servants are gathered to their Fathers their Bodies should be decently and seemly laid up in the bosom of the Earth from whence they were taken Neither is it thy pleasure ô Lord that they should be buryed as an Asse in the open fields but in a place chosen and set apart for that purpose For even so from the Begining we find that the holy Patriarchs Abraham the Father of the faithfull would not bury his dead in the common fields nay nor amongst the Bodys of the Hethites who were heathen men but purchased a buriall-place for himself in the plain of Mamre which became as it were the Church-Yard of the Patriarchs therein they laid the dead bodies of Sarah his Wife of himself his son Isaac and Rebeccae his wife after them Jacob and Leah were buried there After this manner did the Patriarchs in old time who trusted in God sever themselves places for Burial whose children we are so long as we do their works and walk in the steps of their most holy Faith Ensuing then the steps of the Faith of our Father Abraham we for the same purpose have made choice of the very same place wherein we now are that it may be as the Cave of Mamre even Gods store-house for the bodies of such our Brethren and Sisters to be laid up in as he shall ordein there to be interr'd there to rest in the sleep of peace till the last Trump shall awake them for they shall awake and rise up that sleep in the dust for thy dew shall be as the dew of hearbs and the earth shall yield forth her dead We beseech thee good Lord to accept this work of ours in shewing mercy to the dead and mercifully grant that they whose bodies shall be here bestowed and we all may never forget the day of putting off the Tabernacle of this flesh but that living we may think upon death and dying we may apprehend life and rising from the death of Sin to the life of Righteousness which is the first rising of Grace we may have our parts in the second which is the rising to glory by thy Mercy O most gracious Lord God who doest live and govern all things world without end Priorem dein formulam per omnia secutus in Cathedram ibi se collocat atque Actum consecrationis promulgat IN DEI Nomine Amen Nos Lancelotus permissione divina Winton Episcopus hunc locum jacentem in vasto solo vulgo nuncupatum Ridgway-heath infra Parochiam Ecclesiae parochialis sanctae Mariae c. jam propriis sumptibus strenui viri Richardi Smith de Peertree Armigeri in circuitu Capellae noviter ab co quoque propriis sumptibus suis constitutae palis inclusum arboribus consitum continentem in longitudine 148 pedes aut circiter in latitudine 124 pedes aut circiter in toto vero circuitu 435 pedes aut circiter a pristinis aliisque quibuscunque communibus usibus profanis in usus sacros separandum fore decernimus sic separamus ac cundem inhabitantibus vel degentibus in familia Ric. Smith in villa de Weston Hamletti● de Itchin Wolston Ridgway in parte Manerii de Bitterne quae est de Parochia sanctae Mariae juxta Southampton in Coemeterium sive locum Sepulturae pro corporibus inibi decedentium Christiano ritu humandis quantum in nobis est ac de jure Canonibus Ecclesiastic is ac de statutis hujus Regni Angliae possumus authoritate nostra ordinaria Episcopali assignamus ac per nomen Coemeterii Capellae JESU designamus dedicamus in usum praedictum consecramus ac sic assignatum dedicatum consecratum fuisse esse in futurum perpetuis temporibus remanere debere palam ac publice declaramus Ac Coemeterium Capellae JESU deinceps in perpetuum nuncupandum decernimus Privilegiis insuper omnibus et singulis Coemeteriis et locis sepulturae ab antiquo consecratis et dedicatis competent Coemeterium praedict●m sive locum sepulturae ad omnem juris effectum munitum esse volumus et quantum in nobis est et de jure possumus sic munimus et stabilimus per praesentes Proviso tamen quod praedict Richardus Haeredes et Assignati sui ac reliqui in dicta villa Hamlettis etc. inhabitantes propriis suis sumptibus dictum Coemeterium de tempore in tempus in decenti sta●u conservabunt et clausuras ejus quoties opus fuerit sufficienter et convenienter reparabunt Salvis etiam et omnino reservatis Rectori Ecclesiae Parochialis sanctae Mariae praedictae ac Guardianis aliisque Ministris dictae Ecclesiae protempore existentibus in perpetuum omnibus et singulis oblationibus mortuariis Feudis et vadiis pro omnibus et singulis sepulturis Mortuorum in hoc Coemeterio aut ratione eorundem de jure sive consuetudine debitis et in tam amplis modo et forma ac si personae praedictae sepultae fuissent in Coemeterio Matricis Ecclesiae praedictae Quas quidem oblationes et mortuaria feuda et vadia omnia et singula sic de jure ac consuetudine debita Rectori Guardianis et Ministris dictae Matricis Ecclesiae pro tempore existentibus in perpetuum solvendi quantum in nobis est et jura patiuntur reservamus per praesentes salva item nobis et successoribus nostris tanquam loci Ordinariis potestate visitandi dictum Coemeterium de tempore in tempus et inquirendi an