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A74654 A brief and plain exposition of the creed, commonly called the Apostles Creed. By Christopher Cartwright minister in York. Cartwright, Christopher, 1602-1658. 1649 (1649) Wing C683; Thomason E1421_1*; ESTC R209463 35,241 119

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opposition in the words there immediately following But the gift of God is eternall life through Jesus Christ our Lord. why Christ suffered death Christ therefore suffered death to free us from death from the second death altogether Verily verily saith Christ if a man keep my saying he shall never see death he meanes eternall death John 8. 51. So John 11. 26. He that beleeveth in me shall never die to wit eternally And so also Christ by his death hath freed all that beleeve in him from the first death as it is a curse so that the nature of it is changed it is now to them as no death but an entrance into life even life eternall The sting of death is sinne saith the Apostle and the strength of sinne is the law But thanks be unto God who giveth us victory through Iesus Christ our Lord 1 Cor. 15. 56 57. To live to me is Christ saith he and to die is gain Phil. 1. 21. And he adds Vers 23. that he desired to be dissolved and to be with Christ which was farre better for him How the death and passion of Christ is so efficacious The death and passion of Christ is of such vertue and efficacie as to satisfie for our sinnes and to deliver us from that wrath which by reason of our sinnes is due to us because his death is not the death of a meer man but of God himself that Person that dyed for us being not onely man but God also God as God is immortall and cannot die but God assuming the nature of man in that nature as man did die for us God with his owne blood hath purchased his Church Acts 20. 28. The blood of Christ is the blood of God and therefore it is indeed precious blood as it is called 1 Peter 1. 19. It is a price sufficient to ransom and redeem all Therefore what ever thy sinnes be yet as Paul said to the Jayler Beleeve in the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shall be saved Act. 16 31. Of Christs buriall And buryed Christ being dead was buried as the Evangelists testifie And he was buried for these reasons Reasons why Christ was buried First to shew that he was truly dead and not in appearance onely For men use not to be buryed till they be dead indeed And the Scripture notes unto us that Pilate did first diligently enquire whether Christ was already dead and was certified of that before hee would give leave that he should be buryed Marke 15. 44 45. Secondly that so Christs rising from the dead might bee the more conspicuous and manifest Therefore he was not onely buryed but buried in a Sepulchre hewne out of a Rock and in a new Sepulchre wherein none before had been buried Matth. 27. 60. Iohn 19. 41. So that it could not be said either that Christs Disciples did undermine the Sepulchre and so get him away or that it was not he but some other that did arise Neither yet could it be pretended that Christ rose not by his own power but by the touch of some other that had been buryed there before as we read of one who being laid in the grave of the Prophet Elisha as soon as he touched the dead bones of the Prophet revived 2 Kings 13. 21. Thirdly Christs buryall was a further degree of his humiliation in that he condescended and stooped so low as to be laid in the Grave the common receptacle of the dead Iob speaking of a man that is most potent while he liveth shews how low he shall be brought when he dyeth Who shall declare his way to his face and who shall repay him what he hath done Yet shall hee bee brought to the grave and shall remaine in the Tomb. The clods of the valley shall be sweet unto him Iob 21. 31 32 33. Fourthly this makes Christs victory over death the more glorious that he not onely dyed but was also buryed death seemed to have full conquest over Christ having got him into its Den yet even there did Christ vanquish and subdue it O death I will be thy plagues O grave I will be thy destruction saith he Hosea 13. 14. Now through Christs victory over death and the grave we may be assured that death shall bee no plague the grave no destruction to us We may say O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory 1 Cor. 15. 55. As Christ was crucified dead and buryed so also must we in a Metaphoricall and mysticall sense be crucified dead and buryed that is our old man our carnall corrupt nature must be crucified dead and buryed They that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts Gal. 5. 24. Knowing this that our old man is crueified with Christ that the body of sinne might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sinne Rom. 6. 6. And v. 3. 4. Know ye not that so many of us as are baptized into Christ are baptized into his death Therefore we are buryed with him by Baptism into death c. So Col. 2. 12. Buryed with him by Baptisme Of Christs descending into Hell and what is meant by it He descended into Hell As all the other Articles of the Creed are grounded upon and clear by Scripture so is this also For those words Psal 16. 10. Thou wilt not leave my soul in Hell suppose that his soul should be in Hell otherwise it were absurd to say that it should not be left there if it should never be there Now that was spoken by David not of himself but of Christ For David speaketh concerning him c. saith Peter Act 2. 25 But what is here meant by Hell Surely not that which we commonly understand by the word Hell to wit the place where after this life the damned are in torment Christ never came there for any thing that we can finde in Scripture and therefore we have no reason to make that any part of our Beliefe The foure Evangelists Matthew Mark Luke and John write of Christ from his Incarnation to his Ascension yet mention no such thing as that Christ went to Hell in that sense Neither was it any part of the Gospell that Paul preached as appears 1 Corinth 15. 1 2 3 4. There rehearsing some of the Heads of the Gospell which he had preached he mentioneth Christs death and his buriall and his resurrection but for his going to Hell the Hell of the Damned he neither expresly nor implicitely makes any mention of it Again David was left in that Hell in which Christ was not left This appears by Peters argument which he useth to prove that David in those words Thou wilt not leave my soul in Hell spake in the person of Christ and not in his own person He proveth it by this that the words were not true if meant of David but most true as meant of Christ Men and Brethren saith he let me freely speak unto you of the Patriarch
Lord Jesus Christ who according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us againe unto a lively hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead unto an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for us 1 Pet. 1. 3 4. 3. To assure us of our resurrection For the resurrection of the Members depends upon the resurrection of the Head the resurrection of Christians depends upon Christs Resurrection See after upon those words The resurrection of the body Quest But if Christ rose the third day to wit after that he dyed how is it said that he should be three dayes and three nights in the heart of the earth that is in the grave Matth. 12. 40. Answ That is not so to be understood as if Christ were three dayes and three nights compleat in the grave but onely some part of three dayes and three nights He dyed as the Evangelists shew the day before the Jewish Sabbath that is on Friday as we call it in the afternoon and was buryed the same day That part of the day stands for the whole day and also the night going before which the Jews beginning their naturall day that consists of 24 hours at Evening Levit. 23. 32. did belong unto it Then he rested in the grave all the night following and the next day which we call Saturday And the night after hee also remained in the grave rising early in the Morning on Sunday as we call it Now together with that night is rekoned the day following to which it belonged and so taking the part for the whole as sometimes it is taken Christ was three dayes and three nights in the grave though otherwise hee was little above two nights and one day in it After this manner is it said that Esther and the Jewes did fast three dayes and three nights Esth 4. 16. for the Fast was ended on the third day as is clear by Esthers putting on her royall apparell and addressing her selfe to the King on that day Esther 5. 1. As Christ rose from the dead corporally so must we spiritually wee must rise from the death of sinne to the life of grace Awake thou that sleepest and stand up from the dead and Christ shall give thee light Ephes 5. 14. We are buryed with him by Baptisme into death that like as Christ was raised by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newnesse of life Rom. 6. 4. And Vers 11. Likewise reckon ye your selves dead indeed unto sinne but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. And Col. 2. 12. Buryed with him by Baptisme wherein also you are risen with him c. And Col. 3. 1. If ye then be risen with Christ seeke those things which are above where Jesus Christ sitteth at the right hand of God He ascended into heaven This is the second step of Christs exaltation That Christ ascended into heaven the Scripture testifies Mark 16. 19. Luke 24. 51. Acts 1. 9. Of Christs Ascension into Heaven It was requisite that Christ should ascend into heaven Reasons why Christ ascended into Heaven First because he came down from heaven not that he brought his body from heaven as some Hereticks imagined but in that by his Incarnation he made himself manifest upon earth whereas before he onely kept residence as it were in heaven The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory as the glory of the onely begotten Sonne of God c. Iohn 1. 14. In this respect Christ is called The Lord from Heaven 1 Cor. 15. 47. And it s said that he came down from Heaven John 1. 13. Now as Christ thus came down from heaven so having finished the worke for which he came it was meet hee should return to heaven I came forth sayes Christ from the Father and am come into the world again I leave the world and go to the Father John 16. 28. And speaking to his Father I have glorified thee on earth said he I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do And now O Father glorifie me with thine ownself with the glory which I had with thee before the World was Iohn 17. 4 5. Secondly that it might appeare that his Kingdome is not of this world as he said John 18. 36. Thirdly that hee might shew himself to triumph over sinn death and him that had the power of death that is the Devill Thou hast ascended on high thou hast led captivity captive Psal 68. 18. That was spoken of Christ as the Apostle sheweth Ephes 4. 8. To lead captivitie captive is as much as to lead a multitude of Captives as appears by Iudges 5. 12. Fourthly that he might send down the Spirit and inrich his Church with the gifts and graces of the Spirit Thou hast ascended on high c. thou hast received gifts for men Psal 68. 18. When hee ascended up on high c. he gave gifts unto men Ephes 4. 8. The holy Ghost was not yet given to wit in such measure as afterward because that Iesus was not yet glorified Iohn 7. 39. It is expedient for you that I go away for if I goe not away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you said Christ to his Disciples Iohn 16. 7. Fiftly that having offered himself a Sacrifice for us on the Crosse he might present himselfe likewise unto God in heaven and make intercession for us For Christ is not entred into the holy places made with hands which are the figures of the true but into heaven it selfe now to appear in the presence of God for us Hebr. 9. 24. 6. That he might make way for us to ascend into heaven also I go to prepare a place for you said he to his Disciples John 14. 2. Whither the forerunner is for us entred even Jesus c. Heb. 6. 20. He is called the forerunner because he going before and preparing the way we also in due time shall follow after But in the mean time in our hearts and affections we must ascend into heaven whiles in respect of our bodies wee are here upon earth Set your affections on things above not on things on the ●arth Col. 3. 2. For our c●nve●s●tion is in heaven Phil. 3. 20. Of Christs sitting at the right hand of God And sitteth on the right hand of God This is the highest step of Christs exaltation It is expresly mentioned Mark 16. 19. Hebr. 1. 3. and in other places But how is Christ said to sit And how on the right hand of God First for sitting it is not here taken properly as it imports such a distinct kinde of bodily posture What is meant by sitting It is not the intent of the Holy Ghost in the Scripture to shew what bodily posture now in heaven Christ useth to what purpose were it for us to know that But to sit we know is a posture of
the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are as the Angels of God in heaven Mat. 22. 30. And the Apostle sets it forth more at large 1 Corinth 15. 42 43 44. where speaking of the body and shewing how much it shall differ in the resurrection from what now it is he saith It is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption It is sown in dishonour it is raised in glory It is sown in weaknesse it is raised in power It is sown a naturall body it is raised a spirituall body Such as are found alive at Christs comming and shall not die and therefore not properly rise againe shall yet have this change as the Apostle there sheweth verse 51 52 53. But this blessed and glorious change of the body belongs onely to the godly as for the wicked they shall indeed rise again and be changed but their resurrection shall be unto condemnation John 5. 29. And their change shall be to perpetuall shame and contempt Dan. 12. 2. Onely they that are the living members of Christ and have their conversation in Heaven can expect that Christ will change their vile bodies and make them like unto his most glorious body as the Apostle teacheth Philip. 3. 20 21. Of life everlasting And life everlasting This is the end of our faith 1 Pet. 1. 9. and therefore fitly put in the end of the Creed That after this life which is but temporall there shall be another life which is eternall the Scripture is plain and expresse Dan. 12. 2. Ioh. 3. 16. and in many other places Everlasting life begun here Everlasting life is begun here and so it is called the life of grace He that beleeveth on the Son hath everlasting life John 3. 36. He saith not shall have but hath So John 5. 24. Verily verily I say unto you he that heareth my word and beleeveth on him that sent me hath everlasting life So 1 John 3. 14. We know that we are passed from death to life because we love the brethren He means from the death of sinne to the life of grace and that this life of grace is a beginning of eternall life he shews in the Verse following Whosoever hateth his brother is a Murtherer and no murtherer hath eternall life abiding in him Everlasting life perfected hereafter Everlasting life is perfected hereafter and so it s called the life of glory In the world to come everlasting life Mark 10. 30. to wit in the fulnesse and perfection of it In respect of the soul this life is perfected immediately after its separation from the the bodie Heb. 12. 23. In respect of the bodie it is perfected at the resurrection 1 Cor. 15. 52 53 54. and 1 Thess 4. 16 17. What a life this life of glory is onely they fully know who do enjoy it It is a glory that shall be revealed Rom. 8. 18. It doth not yet appear what we shall be I John 3. 2. But thus much by the Scripture we may know that it consists in a clear vision of God and a full fruition of him See 1 Cor. 13. 12. and 2 Cor. 5. 6 7 8. and 1 John 3. 3. Such is the happinesse of this life that it is free from all evill and full of all good 1. It is free from all evill both all evill of sinne and also all evill of affliction Whiles we are here in this mortall bodie all wee can do is to keep sinne under that it do not reigne in us Rom. 6. 12. 1 John 1. 8. But in the life to come sinne shall not so much as be in us They that enjoy that life are just men made perfect Heb 12. 23. Here man is born to trouble even as the sparks flie upward Job 5. 7. But in the life to come there shall be a perfect freedome from all molestation All tears shall be wiped away Revel 7. 17. 2. It is full of all good For in that life God is enjoyed and that most fully and perfectly and so far forth as any enjoy God they are sure to enjoy all good Delight thy self in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart Psal 37. 4. Whom have I in heaven but thee and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee Psal 73. 25. As for me I will behold thy face in righteousnesse I shdll be satisfied when I awake with thy likenesse Psal 17. 15. Thou wilt shew me the path of life in thy presence is fulnesse of joy at thy right hand there are pleasures for ever more Psalm 16. 11. What is this life in comparison of that which is to come yet while this life lasteth that life which is to come must be acquired For after death commeth judgement Heb. 9. 27. As a man soweth here so shall he reap hereafter Gal. 6. 7. Therefore fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternall life 1 Tim. 6. 12. Sow to the Spirit that so you may of the Spirit reap life everlasting Gal. 6. 8. What the word Amen doth signifie and how it is used Amen This word Amen is an Hebrew word but most common in all languages It signifies as much as truth Isai 65. 16. The God of truth the word in the Originall there rendred truth is Amen So Revel 3. 14. Christ is stiled the Amen that is the Truth as he stiles himself Ioh. 14. 6. And so in that place of the Revelation it follows immediately The faithfull and true Witnesse by which words is declared what is meant by the Amen Sometimes the word Amen is used adverbially and imports as much as verily or truly I tell you of a truth there be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the Kingdome of God Luke 9. 27. In Mat. 16. 28. it is Verily I say unto you there be some standing here c. In the Originall the word there rendred Verily is Amen and so it is rendred also in other places Sometimes this word Amen is used only by way of wishing to expresse a desire that a thing migbt be though there bee no perswasion that it shall be When the false Prophet had said that God would shortly bring backe the persons and the things that were carryed into Babylon Ieremiah said Amen Ier. 28. 6. Not that he assented to what the other said but onely he wished that it might be But for most part the word Amen is used for confirmation of that which is spoken and to shew the truth and certainty of the thing as also ones assent unto it and assurance of it And sometimes it is used in the beginning of a sentence thus our Saviour often used it Amen or doubling the word Amen Amen Isay c. Joh. 3. 3 5. where our Translators render it Verily verily Sometimes it is used in the end of a sentence or of many sentences as Rom. 9. 5. Who is God blessed for ever Amen And Rom. 11. 26. To him be glory for ever Amen So in the end of the Lords Prayer Mat. 6. 13. And in the end of the Gospell written by S. Matthew S. Mark S. Luke and S. John So also in the end of all Pauls Epistles of both Peters of the first and second of John of Jude of the Revelation The word therefore Amen doth teach us to be fully perswaded and assured of the truth of the Articles before rehearsed Let us draw near with a true heart in a full assurance of faith Heb. 10. 22. Stand fast in the faith 1 Cor. 16. 13. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering Heb. 10. 23. FINIS
man being God from all eternity in due time he also was made man When the fulnesse of time was come God sent his Son made of a woman Galath 4 4. This woman was called Mary which is the same name with Miriam as it is written in the Old Testament When she conceived and bare Christ she was a pure Virgin Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Sonne and shall call his name Immanuel that is being interpreted God with us Isai 7. 14. It was prophesied of Christ who was conceived and Born of a Virgin Matth. 1. 22 23. It was not by the concurrence of man but by the Power of the Holy Ghost that Christ was conceived in the Wombe of his Mother That which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost said the Angel to Ioseph Mat. 1. 20. And so the Angel told the blessed Virgin The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee c. Luke 1. 35. Therefore Christ was holy from his very Birth and Conception alltogether free from that originall pollution which others being conceived and borne after the ordinary course of Nature draw from Adam and bring into the world with them as David confessed of himself Psal 51. 5. That therefore Iob 254. How can man be clean that is born of a woman that I say is meant of such as are borne after the usuall manner by naturall generation it extends not unto Christ whose birth was extraordinary and above nature As the Virgin did corporally conceive bear Christ in her womb so must we spiritually conceive and bear him in our hearts My little Children of whom I travell in birth again untill Christ be formed in you said Paul to the Galatians Gal. 4. 19. And Christ pointing at his Disciples said Behold my mother and my brethren For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven the same is my brother and sister and mother Matth. 12. 49 50. Of Christs Passion or suffering Suffered under Pontius Pilate Christs whole life was a continuall suffering his very Incarnation was a Passion For him who was God blessed for ever to take upon him the nature of man for him who was Lord of all to take upon him the forme of a servant this was a great and wonderfull suffering So whiles hee lived hee was never free from suffering Being newly born he was laid in a Manger there being no room for him in the Inn where he was Luke 2. 7. Eight dayes after his Birth he was circumcised Luke 2. 21. Soon after he was persecuted by Herod and was fain to be carried into Egypt to escape the danger he was in Matth. 2. 13 14 15. Of the rest of Christs life untill hee was about thirty yeares old Luke 3. 23. the Scripture speaks but little it being not so necessary for us to know Yet thus much it tells us plainly of him that he was subject to Joseph and Mary Luke 2. 51. And it intimates unto us that Christ did exercise the Trade that Ioseph his Mothers husband was of For whereas it is said Matth. 13. 55. that some did say of him Is not this the Carpenters son S. Mark relates it Is not this the Carpenter Mark 6. 3. Which implies that as Ioseph his supposed Father was a Carpenter so he also for a while did follow the same Trade After that he came abroad to shew himselfe to the world and to execute the Office for which he was sent how was he opposed by the Scribes and Pharisees and such as could not endure the holinesse of his Life and Doctrine Besides he still lived a mean and despicable kinde of life Though he were rich yet for our sakes he became poor 2 Cor. 8. 9. Even so poor that others did minister to him of their substance Luke 8. 3. And whereas the Foxes have holes and the Birds of the air have nests he had not where to lay his head Luk. 9. 58. Thus was Christ continually suffering all his life long but the things that he suffered at the last at and immediately before his death were such and so great that they peculiarly are called his Passion or Suffering And this is that which is here said Suffered under Pontius Pilate This Pontius Pilate was Governour of Iudea under Tiberius the Romane Emperour to whom the Jews were then subject See Luke 3. 1. Pilate was the Judge that gave sentence upon Christ and condemned him as all the Evangelists record And even forraign Writers as namely Josephus a Jew and Tacitus a heathen testifie that Christ was put to death by Pontius Pilate But the Scripture relates as more fully what Christ suffered to wit how he was buffetted spit upon reviled scourged crowned with Thorns c. so also why he suffered to wit not for any offence that he had done no Pilate himself as the Evangelists shew did divers times declare him to bee innocent but for our sins which he was to beare and to satisfie for He bare our sins in his body on the tree 1 Pet. 2. 24. Him that knew no sinne God made sinne for us 2 Corinth 5. 21. Surely he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our Peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed All we like sheep went astray turning every one to his owne course and the Lord laid upon him the iniquities of us all Isai 53. 5 6. Of Christs crucifying Was crucified Here follows now more particularly after what manner Christ suffered He was Crucified that is nailed alive to the Crosse and so did hang untill hee were dead So the History of the Gospel shews and hence the Crosse of Christ is so much spoken of in the Scripture This kinde of punishment was not in use among the Jewes untill they came under the power of the Romans with whom it was frequent It was a punishment both full of pain and also full of ignominie onely such as were of meanest rank and vilest Malefactors were wont to have this punishment inflicted on them why Christ suffered on the Crosse yet as painfull and ignominious as it was Christ was content to suffer it for our sakes Yea it was a cursed kinde of punishment and therefore Christ submitted unto it to free us from the curse which by reason of our sinnes was due unto us Christ saith S. Paul hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a Curse for us for it is written Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree Gal 3. 13. And Phil. 2. 8 he exaggerates Christs humiliation by this that he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the Crosse Of Christs Death Dead The Wages of sinne is death Rom. 6. 23 Not onely the first death the separation of the soul from the bodie but also the second death the damnation both of soul and body as appears by the