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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73075 The heavenly advocate: or a short direction for the speedy vnderstanding of the New Testament of the yeeres and dayes of Christs age heere on Earth, times and places of his miracles, death, resurrection, and ascention: together with a briefe catechisme, for the instruction of Christian families. And also a spirituall combate, betweene mans frailty and faith, in time of sicknesse. Robertson, Bartholomew, fl. 1620. 1617 (1617) STC 21098; ESTC S124839 19,045 98

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both in life and death aduantage I desire to bee loosed and to bee with Christ which is the best of all Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Euen so saith the spirit for they rest from their labours and their workes follow them Frailty But I shall perish and be as though I neuer had beene Faith Vnto my sheepe that heere my voyce I giue eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any plucke them out of my hand My Father which gaue them mee is greater then all and none is able to take them out of my fathers hands I my father are one Frailty Yet dust I am and to dust I must returne Faith We shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trumpet for the Trumpet shall blowe and the dead shall bee raised vp incorruptible and wee shall bee changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortall must put on immortalitie c. But we know this if our earth●y house of this Tabernacle be destroyed wee ●aue a building giuen of God that is a house ●ot made with hands but eternall in the hea●ens Therefore we sigh desiring to be clothed ●ith our house which is from heauen Frailty When I am gone I am gone and what hope is there after death Faith I know that my redeemer liueth and that hee shall stand the last vpon the earth and though after my skinne wormes destroy this body yet shall I see God in my flesh whom I my selfe shall see and my eyes shall behold and no other for me Frailty Satan frighteth me with my sinnes and layeth the greatnesse of them before me Faith But this is a true saying and worthy of all men to be receiued Iesus Christ came into the world to saue sinners whereof I am chiefe The blessed Apostle looked vpon himselfe as the greatest finner in the world and yet despaired not But saith for this cause hee was receiued to mercy That Iesus Christ should first shew on him all long suffering vnto the ensample of them which should in time to come beleeue on him vnto eternall life Frailty Sathan suggesteth that my repentance is too late Faith It is neuer too late that is sincer● and true the theese vpon the Crosse came very late yet to him was it graciously said This day shalt thou bee with mee in Paradice Not presuming therefore of mercy and continuing in sinne but truely lamenting what was past and leauing any further to offend wilfully I also will say in hope Lord remember me when thou commest into thy kingdome Frailty Yet God is iust and must needes punish my sin Faith That iustice is satisfied in the obedience of Christ and each penitent sinner may in comfort say If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sinnes and not onely for our sinnes but for the sinnes of the whole world For two titles our Sauiour Christ hath to the kingdome of heauen the right of inheritance and the merit of his Passion The first belongeth to him the second he vouchsafeth to vs in his merit therefore our merit is not to be trusted in For as touching our merit remember Dauid Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant O Lord for in thy sight no flesh liuing shall be iustified When ye haue done all these things that are commanded you shall say we are vnprofitable seruants Wee haue done that which was once our dues to doe Behold he found no stedfastnesse in his scruants and laid folly vpon his Angels how much more in them that dwell in houses of clay whose foundation is in the dust yea the heauens are not cleare in his sight how much more is man adhominable and filthy which drinketh iniquity like water How may a man be iustified before God or how can he be cleane that is borne of a woman Behold he will giue no light to the Moone and the starres are vncleane in his sight How much more man a worme euen the sonne of man which is but a worme The Apostle againe When the bountifulnesse loue of God our Sauiour towards man appeared not by the workes of righteousnesse which wee had done but according to his mercy hee saued vs by the washing of the new birth and renewing of the holy Ghost which he shed on vs abundantly through Iesus Christ our Sauiour that wee being iustified by his grace should be heires according to the hope of eternall life Thus will faith euer finde comfort in the Word to answere frailty in any point whatsoeuer of feare and fright if it be sought out by carefull reading A Protestation in Sicknesse I Wrotched and woefull sinner yet redeemed with the precions bloud of Iesus Christ through his great loue not my merit protest before the all-séeing God that I doe heartily desire to die in the faith wherein it becommeth a true member of the true Church to end this life I beleeue and confesse all and euery part of the Christian Faith either expresly mentioned or truly comprised in the twelue Articles and generally I beleeue whatsoeuer a Christian man or woman ought to beleeue This immoueable and firme faith God assisting mee with his grace I shall hold as a strong and inuincible hold against all the suggestions and assaults of Satan Wherefore if either by his oppugning tyranny or my sickenesse raging fury I shall either speake doe or thinke any thing repugnant and contrary to this Now in this my better strength both of body and minde I disclaime it renounce it abhorre it and pray that it may not bee imputed vnto mee as any word worke or thought of mine but of Sathans malice and my sicknesse strength To my vttermost power I remit and forgiue vnto all persons all iniuries whatsoeuer at any time or in any sort done vnto mee and earnestly intreating them the like againe from them to mee in any faults or errours of mine vnto them and I humbly acknowledge with true woe of a grieued heart that to my God I haue not carried my selfe as I should my faults and offences my faults and transgressions are bitter vnto mee yet doe I not despaire but laying hold by the hand of my faith vpon my all powerfull and sweet Sauiour I humbly craue mercy with bowed knées of heart and soule before him I acknowledge his infinite goodnesse to mee many and infinite wayes and with heart and soule and all that is within me praise his holy Name I commend into his hands my spirit and though weake in body yet strong in him I say and cry Lord Iesus Lord Iesus receiue mee to thee Come Lord Iesus come quickly Amen Amen A Prayer in Sicknesse O Lord iust art thou and iust and true are all thy iudgements thy wayes are mercy and truth and there neuer was or shall be any end of thy goodnesse I humbly beséech thée to haue mercy vpon mee and
practise Christ Q. Proceed A. In that it is saide Take eate I discerne that the sum of the Gospel is to me the saupur of life making mee bold to lay hold on the throne of grace and possesse my selfe fully of my Lords ioy Q. Why would he expresse those benefits by eating A. To assure me that in Christ I am restored to the true tree of life and bread that came downe from heauen from which I was once banished but now may take and eate and liue for euer Q. Speake in like manner of the Cup A. The taking of the cup giuing thanks and giuing it signifieth this gift of Christs bloud to pacifie both God my conscience Q. How commeth that A. My saluation is not hy my merit but by Gods Testament in Christ this cup testifieth vnto me that the Testator is dead I possesse the legacy of saluation and receiue the spirit and life of Christ to bee the child of God Q. What is your duty to doe in this couenant A. Before I come I must examine my selfe to know my estate in faith and repentance to purifie my selfe from infidelitie and sinne and to approue myselfe in my general and particular calling to liue a christian life In the receiuing I must by faith assure myself possessed of Gods promises and therfore praise him After the receiuing I must euer shew the Lords death that is professe my selfe a true Christian by shewing my faith by the workes of communion with the Saints sanctification of my life and loue of all men as much as is possible Q. Are you sufficient of your selfe to make this vse of the Lords Supper A. No for all sufficiency is of God of whom I craue this grace in prayer the forme whereof is the Lords prayer Our father which art c. Q. What is the summe of that and so of all other lawfull prayers A. That God would bee my God and Father and that I may bee his childe and so bee receiued to that image of God in which I was first made in Adam A Spirituall Conflict betwixt Mans frailty and faith in time of Sicknesse FRAILTIE SWeet and comfortable is this life and I must leaue it Faith It is written O frailty and earnestly thinke of it Is there not Iob 7. vers 1. an appointed time to man vpon earth and are not his dayes as the dayes of an hireling as a seruant longeth for the Sabaoth and an hireling looketh for an end of his worke so haue I had as an inheritance the moneths of vanity and painefull nights haue been appointed vnto me If I laid me downe I said when shall I arise and measuring the euening I am full with lossing to and fro vntill the dawning of the day againe 2 Cor. 15. 19. In this life onely wee haue hope in Christ we are of all men the most miserable againe Heb. 11. 13. 13. 14. We are strangers and pilgrimes vpon earth wee haue no continuing Citie héere but wee seeke one to come Iob 14. 1. A man that is borne of a woman is of short continuance and full of trouble he shoots forth as a flower and is cut downe he vanisheth also as a shadow and continueth not Frailty Much wealth and a shining estate shall I forgoe and leaue behinde me Faith It is written Eccles 1. vers 1. Vanitie of vanities and all is but vanitie I haue made me great workes I haue built me houses I haue planted me vineyards I haue made me gardens and orchards and planted in them trees of all fruits I haue gathered vnto mee siluer and gold and the choise treasure of kings and prouinces I haue prouided me men-singers and women-singers and the delights of the sonnes of men And I was great and increased aboue all that were before me whatsoeuer my eyes desired I withheld it not from them I withdrew not my heart from any ioy But then I looked of all my workes that my hands had wrought and on the trauell that I had laboured to doe and behold all is vanitie and vexation of the spirit and there is no profit vnder the sunne Therefore I hated life for the worke that is wrought vnder the sunne is grieuous vnto me for all is vanity and vexation of spirit I hated all my labour wherein I had trauelled I went about to make my heart abhorre it for what hath man of his trauell griefe of his heart wherein hee hath trauelled vnder the sunne all his dayes are sorrowes and his trauels griefe his heart taketh not rest in the night which also is vanity Frailty O but wife and children friends lye neere my heart and minister thoughts of heauy woe vnto me when I thinke of leauing them Faith Remember Frailty what is written Hee that loueth father and mother more then me is not worthy of mee and he that loueth sonne or daughter more then mee is not worthy of me He is the Father of the fatherlesse and the widdowes Iudge euen God in his holy habitation Frailty O but God is angry with mee and what shall I doe Faith I will beare the wrath of the Lord because I haue sinned against him vntill hee ●lead my cause and execute iudgement for me Then will he bring me forth to the light and I shall see his righteousnesse I will looke vnto the Lord I will waite for God my Sauiour my God will heare me Reioyce not against me O my enemy for though I fall I shall rise when I shall sit in darkenesse the Lord shall bee a ●ight vnto me Frailty Sicknes and sufferings are tokens of Gods anger towards man or woman Faith God forbid cleane contrary doth the Lord speaks for our comfort as many as I loue I rebuke and chasten Be zealous therefore and amend Againe haue you forgotten the consolation that speaketh vnto you as vnto childrē My son despise not the chastning of the Lord neither faint when thou art rebuked of him for whom the Lord loueth he chasteneth he scourgeth euery sonnc that he receiueth If yee indure chastning God offereth himselfe vnto you as vnto sonnes for what sonne is there whom the father chasteneth not If therfore ye be without correction whereof all are partakers then are ye bastards and not sons The righteous cry and the Lord heareth them and deliuereth them out of all their troubles The Lord is neere vnto all them that are of a contrite heart and will saue such as be afflicted in spirit Great are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth them out of all ● He keepeth all his bones so that none of them is broken Frailty But death is dreadfull and what a misery of man is it to die Faith I shall not die but liue and declare the workes of the Lord I should vtterly haue fainted but that I beleeue verily to see the goodnesse of the Lord in the land of the liuing Christ is to mce
and Iohanna and to Mary Iacobi that Christ was risen Luke 24. 10. Christ shewed himselfe first to Mary Magdalen Iohn 20. 16. and the same day to the other women also Matth 28. 9. The same day at night which was the first of the Sabbath when the doores were shut came he to the eleuen where he eat with them Iohn 20 19. Luke 24. 41. Then he appeared to Peter Luke 24. 34. Then to Cleophas and another disciple going to Emaus verse 18. That same day when it drew towardes night he vttered himselfe to them verse 31. 10. and eight dayes after hee shewed himselfe to Thomas and the rest of the Disciples Iohn 20 26. which day is the third of April Vpon the twentie eight day of March he appeared at the sea of Tiberius in the morning to seauen of his Disciples at fishing Iohn 21. 2. which is the third time hee appeared to his Disciples after hee was risen from the dead v. 14. After appeared to the eleuen Disciples which went into Galile to a mountaine where Iesus had appointed them Matth. 28. 16. And when hee had gathered them together he commanded them that they should not depart from Ierusalem Luke 24. 49. Afterward hee led them out into Bethania and lifted vp his hands and blessed them and was carried vp into heauen v. 50. 51. After that he had beene seene of them by the space of forty dayes which maketh the fift day of May when he ascended Acts 1. 2. CHAP. VI. After Christ Ascention the gifts of the Spirit are communicated to the twelue Apostles ANd on the fifteenth day of May which is the Pentecost according to his promise in Ierusalem they were endued with power from on high which is the Holy Ghost To the which place of Ierusalem immediately after the Ascention the Discples returned from Bethania or Mount of Oliues for the election of one Matthias to succeed in Iudas place Acts 1. 12. 25. 26. Act. 21. 1. FINIS A BREIFE CATECHISME FOR THE instruction of Christian FAMILIES Together with a Spirituall Combate betweene Mans Frailtie and Faith in time of Sicknesse LONDON Printed by I. B. for Roger Iackson and are to be sold at his shop neere Fleet Conduit 1617. A Briefe Catechisme for the instruction of Christian Families Question DOe you desire to come to the Lords Supper Answ Yes I hunger and thirst after it Q. Wherefore do you so A. To haue and to bee euer ioyned with the communion of Christ and so with the Father and the holy Ghost and all Saints which communion I lost in Adam Q. How were you made in Adam A. In the image and similitude of God in knowledge holinesse righteousnesse and truth euen to be the sonne of God Q. How fell you in Adam A. By transgression I was made like vnto the beast that perisheth euen a seruant of sinne the world and the Diuell Q. How may you returne to this image of God and communion with him A. By kéeping his couenants that he will be my God and I shall be his childe Q. How commeth God to make this couenant with you A. Onely by Iesus Christ eternall God and heire of all things made man to bring me among many children to glory Q. What are the branches of this couenant A. Two Gods promises in Christ to me and my duty againe to him Q. Which are the promises of God in Christ A. They are comprehended in the Articles of my Créed I beleeue in God c. Which containe the promise of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost to giue vnto mes with all Saints eternall life Q. What is your duty A. To beléeue in him by that faith that worketh in me loue to kéepe his commandements Q. What is faith A. Faith is a gift of God wherby I haue a substantiall euidence and assurance by the faithfulnesse of him that promised that the riches of the glorious inheritance of Christ are mine Q. Is faith in the promises so contained A. Farre more then the sight or hearing or féeling Q. What are the commandements that faith teacheth you to worke A. The same which God spake Thou shalt haue no other Gods before mee c. which commandements require to loue God aboue all and my neighbour as my selfe Q. Can you keepe this couenant by comming to the Lords Supper A. I am much holpen by ioyning the Sacrament to the hearing of the Word and Prayer Q. What is a Sacrament A. A seale of the righteousnesse of faith whereby all my other senses perswade my heart of Gods fauour to mee in Christ as mine eare doth by the Word of God Q. How many Sacraments of this couenant be there A. Two one of entrance which is baptisme in which by the washing of water through the Word I am borne againe made partaker of Christ to the washing away of my sinnes and fulfilling of the Law by his righteousnesse who is made to me righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Q. The other Sacrament is the Supper of the Lord what is the vse of that A. It is the Sacrament of my continuance and growth in Christ as eating and drinking causeth a new borne childe to grow to a perfect man Q. Do you grow in Christ onely by eating and drinking the bread and wine in the Lords Supper A. No but by applying to my heart by faith the graces signified in the Lords Supper while I eat and drinke Q. Shew what graces you discerne in the Lords Supper A. 1. By Gods minister prouiding and disposing bread and wine I discerne the eternall loue of the Father that prouided his Sonne for my saluation 2. In my selfe I discerne the bodie of the Elect of which I am a member 3. In bread the chiefest food I discerne Christ the onely food of my soule Q. You meane the body of Christ for so are the words This is my body A. I doe so but together with the body I vnderstand the whole person of Christ God and man and all things which as a Mediatour he did for me I say that sanctiffed humane nature which was conceiued borne liued suffered for me Q. Shew the rest of the graces A. The taking of the bread by the minister signifieth the separation of Christ begotten of the Father before al worlds and in time borne of a Virgine for me Gining of thankes the ioy conceiued in heauen and earth for Christs comming To the glory of God and peace on earth and good will towards men The breaking of the whole humilitie of Christ from his incarnation to his resurrection his suffering in body soule for me The giuing of the bread that Christ is freely giuen of grace not for our workes Q. What is meant by giuing it to his Disciples A. To shew that though Christ be sufficient for all he is effectuall giuen onely to the Elect that learne and