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A72314 A helpe vnto deuotion containing certain moulds or forms of prayer, fitted to seuerall occasions; & penned for the furtherance of those, who haue more desire then skil, to poure out their soules by petitions vnto God. By Sam. Hieron. Hieron, Samuel, 1576?-1617. 1608 (1608) STC 13406.3; ESTC S123450 60,160 302

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and all other needfull fauours in and for Christ Iesus sake Amen 24. A Prayer for a man trauailing by Sea about his lawfull businesse O Heauenly Father vnto whose eares the Prayers of humbled sinners haue fréedome of accesse out of euery place let it please thee to encline to me who being prouoked by mine owne present néede and taking heart vnto my selfe by thy liberall large promises doe desire to powre out my Soule before thy Maiestie Heere O Lord by reason of the calling and place in which it hath béene thy prouidence to ranke mee I am come downe to the sea in a Ship and I doe now sée thy workes and continually beholde thy wonders in this déepe How easie a thing is it vnto thee when thou raysest a storme liftest vp the waues not only to tosse vs to and fro and to make vs stagger like a drunken man but vtterly to swallow vs vp and to turne vpon our heads in a moment the bottome of these mouing houses in which wee are It is thy great and excéeding mercy that these swelling billowes foaming surges doe not drinke vs in and so make our bodyes to become as a prey eyther to that great Leuiathan the Whale whom thou hast made to play here or to some other of thy creatures with ●…ire varietie and troupes whereof this vast body is replenished But it is euen thou O mightie Lord which layedst the foundations of the earth which diddest shut vp the Sea with doores thou didst first gather these waters together as vpon an heape and storedst vp the depths in thy treasures thogh the waues are maruailous though the floods lift vp their voyce though the waters rage and be troubled and the very moūtaines shake at the surges of the same yet thou art much more mightie thou soone appeasest the noise and turnest the storme into a calme Look gratiously therfore vpon mee I beséech thée teach mée to vnderstand the greatnes of thy terror by that fearfulnes of thy creatures which I do still behold Cause me to rest my hope and comfort vpon the power of thy mercie let that be the anchor of my Soule both sure and stedfast And lest my sins not being pardoned should be a hinderance stoppage to thy fauor I pray thee settle in mee an hearty vnfained detestation of them a godly griefe and sorrow for them a stedfast resolution and purpose in the whole course of my life to striue against them Open my heart that I may often earnestly sue and entreate for thy grace in thy son and may neuer giue ouer till I féele in my conscience some comfortable assurance that thou hast forgiuen me Fit prepare me to thine owne appointments If it be thy pleasure that I should heere ende my dayes I know well that the soule which thou kéepest cannot miscary To thee therfore I cōmend my spirit forsake mee not I pray thee in my last breathing Albeit these waues may ouerwhelme my body yet let them not bee able to quench my comfort or to plunge mee downe into despaire Graunt me euer to lay fast hold vpon my Sauiour that neither sea death nor hell may separate mee from his grace And if it shal séeme good vnto thee to bring me safe vnto that hauen where I would be Oh that I may neuer forget thy kindnesse but may make conscience to performe that obedience which I am now ready to vowe in my necessitie Make me alwayes to take as great delight to serue thée as I am now forward to aske and desirous to receiue life and safety from thée Heare me O Lord in these and other my petitions forgiuing my vnworthinesse in the merites of Iesus Christ thy blessed Sonne and my great Redéemer Amen 25. A Prayer applyed to the state and condition of a malefator condemned by law to dy and drawing neere to the time of his execution VOuchsafe O thou God of all mercie and compassion to looke with pity vpon the most wofull case of a poore wretch ready by the sword of Iustice to bee cut off as vnworthy to liue amongst men like also without thy spéedy fauor to be shut out of heauen and to haue my part in the second death Trueth it is O Lorde that all this though it bée grieuous yet is no more then my desert and touching that bodily death whereto I am adiudged I must confesse it to bee thy mercie and goodnesse toward me that I haue béene found out by the eye of the Maigstrate and stopped by the power of authoritie from going on into further euill I beséech thée that my death may bee both a chastizement to mee and an aduertizement to others to containe themselues within the listes of ciuill obedience But concerning my Soule which is now ere long to appeare before the Tribunall seate of thy great Maiestie I humbly pray thee to be mercifull thereunto I cannot but acknowledge that if thou giue me my due recōpense I must néeds be thrust into that dreadfull place of infinite eternall torment which thou hast prepared for the wicked the burning whereof is fire and much wood and which thy breath like a riuer of brimstone doth kindle neither sée I in my self or in any creature any means or possibilitie to escape Fearefull vnto mee hath beene the face of an earthly Iudge the sentence of death to bee inflicted vpō this my house of clay hath made my heart to quake within mee What then will become of mee when I shall be arraigned before thee at whose rebuking the very foūdations of the earth are discouered before whom no man liuing can be iustified Thou O Lorde knowest all mine iniquities they are sealed vp with thee as in a hugge they are all noted in thy registers Although I haue many times sought for the couering of my euill wayes to hide my selfe in the darkenesse of the night supposing that no eye should sée me yet thou hast still compassed my pathes and beene accustomed to all my wayes there hath not bin a thought in my heart or a worde in my tongue but thou hast wholly knowen it Often haue I said in my heart God will not regard he hath forgotten hee hideth away his face wil neuer sée I shal neuer be mooued nor be in danger Thy word I had no delight to heare I hated knowledge I would none of thy coūsel I sought to damme vp the mouth of my cōscience that it might not check me when my friends admonished me I hated scorned their reproofe Thus it was a pastime to mée to doe naughtily wickednesse was swéete in my mouth I fauoured it and would not be perswaded to forsake it Iustly therefore O Lord hast thou thus ouertaken me and made me to eat the fruit of my owne way bringing me to be a spectacle to the world to dye as one of the fooles of the people Yet O gratious God sith there is mercy with thee and that thou art
furtherance of my humiliation sorow cause me O Lord to search to try my wayes to call my selfe to a straite account that I may sée my sins in particular the vanitie of my heart my extreame deadnes securitie my pride hautines of spirit my backwardnesse to all good seruices my worldly-mindednesse my ambitious rising and crauing thoughts my want of charity mercy to others my miscariage in my place calling my idle vnbeséeming speaches my offensiue scandalous behauiour thus O Lord make me carefull to rip vp my heart and life that so I may set my sins in order before me may thereby become the more humble the more forward to cast down my selfe before thee to iudge my selfe that I may not be iudged of thee Yet withall most gratious God make me able in the middest of all this to reach out the hand of faith to lay hold vpō Iesus Christ whō thou hast ordained to be the recōciliatiō for my sins I know O Lord the vertue of his blood that it can make my sins though they were as crimsm yet to become as white as snowe O then I beséech thee couer my filthy nakednesse with his glorious righteousnesse cloth me with the garments of his Saluatiō that so therby I may be holy and vnblameable without fault in thy sight Speake peace vnto my Conscience by thy holy Spirit Say vnto my soule I am thy Saluation My fayth O Lorde is but weake and poore strengthen it I beséech thée and bring it forward by thy mighty working vnto more perfection Thou hast promised not to quench the smoking flaxe nor to breake the bruised réede beare then I pray thee with my scantnesse and helpe my vnbeliefe perfite the worke of thy owne hands performe it vntill the day of Iesus Christ My fayth is that I must liue by it is my victorie thou O Lord in mercy hast begun it cherish it I beséech thée together with all those graces which accompany saluation that they may bee in mee as a well of water springing vppe into euerlasting life And graunt that I may not be presumingly secure touching mine owne estate but may euer and anone bee proouing and examining my selfe whether I am in the fayth or no and that I may also study and striue to giue euidence of my fayth by shewing forth good works and by bringing foorth good fruite euen fruite worthy amendement of life I am compassed about with many weakenesses and as I haue found by the experience of this one day Sathan is full of malicious cunning to worke vpon all aduantages O Lorde strengthen mee to resist him giue mee holy wisedome to to discouer his sleights and grace to withstand his most sharpe assaults Arme mee also against the reproches and obloquies of the worlde I haue learned in thy word that if I serue thee in sinceritie my name shall bée put out as euill amongst men giue mée both care to cary my selfe out of the reach of iust exception and resolution also to sacrifice my credit estimation yea euen my life it selfe if néed be to thy glory Teach mee to learne of the author and finisher of my fayth to despise the shame and to endure the speaking against of sinners in respect of that eternall waight of ioy and glorie which is set before me And now Lorde with the bowing of my Soule I blesse thy name for this daies preseruation How many euils haue I escaped to which I was subiect by nature and to which I had made my selfe subiect through sin It is thou Lord onely which makest mee to dwell in safety Stretch out the wings of thy grace protectiō ouer me this night though sléepe seize vpon the eyes of my body yet let not securitie oppresse my soule kéepe mée from idle fancies from vaine dreames giue me a sober and sanctified vse of al outward refreshings that I may alwayes in all things ayme at this one thing namely how I may be the better fitted to serue thee faythfully in my place and calling and that for Christ Iesus his sake thy onely Sonne and through thy mercy my louing Sauiour Amen 5. A more particular Morning Prayer on the beginning of a Sabbath day MAnifold O Lorde are thy mercies thy goodnesse is infinite In euery particular which befalleth mee I haue aboundant experience of thy loue It is much most gratious God that I which haue so many wayes prouoked thee should bee let to liue to behold the light and comfort of the day But much more is it that hauing béene heretofore a profaner of thy holy day a barren and an hypocriticall professor of thy word a fruitlesse and an vnprofitable hearer I should yet enioy the blessed opportunitie of another Sabaoth How iustly mightst thou long since haue fatted vp my heart and giuen mee ouer vnto a reprobate mind taking from me the comfortable and happie freedome of going into thy house and of giuing attendance vpon the postes of thy doores O teach mee I pray theée to value thy mercy in this behalfe according to the true worth thereof Suffer me not slightly to entertaine either this or any other of thy fauours And as thou hast brought mee to the beginning of this holy rest so enable me I beséech thee to thee sanctifying it and to such a kind of spending the same as thou requirest Teach mee to remember that it is thine owne ordinance euen one of those vnchangeable lawes which thou wrotest with thine owne finger that this day should after a more speciall manner be diuerted deuoted to thy seruice that thou hast not therefore restrained outward imployments in our callings because idelenes pleaseth thee or because ease giuen vnto the flesh is a part of thy worship but that thou hast in thy infinite wisedome so appointed it that being fréed from all other encombrances we might wholy apply our selues eyther to the publique or priuate exercises of godlinesse Giue mee therefore grace I most humbly entreat thee that I may call thy Sabbaoth a delight to consecrate it as glorious vnto thee and that I may beware of doing mine owne waies or of séeking mine own will or of speaking vaine words and may euen bind my selfe to a serious and continued course of seruing thée in the practise of such dueties as belong to the hallowing of this day I know O Lord that herein I shall méet with many lets mine owne corrupt nature will repine thinke this a yoke and a burden that cannot be endured abroad in the world I shall sée many vaine fashions followed by great troupes making thy day a day of carnal pleasure I shall be derided and scorned if I refuse to doe as others doe I shal méet also with many cunning perswaders which will séeke by plausible reasons to draw mee from diligence and constancy in this course O Lorde I beséech thée euen with the bowing of my heart to make me strong against all
of miseries are against me If my griefe were waighed it would bee heauier then the sand of the sea I am broken with one breaking vpon another Make me I pray thee to consider seriously that it is euē thou which hast done all this that these things come not by chaunce but by thy prouidence and certaine appointment that so I may be dumme and not open my mouth to murmure or repine Open mine eyes that I may sée mine owne deseruings and what cause I haue giuen thee euen to crush me to pieces with thy heauy iudgements yea to cause the pit of thy eternall vengeance to shut her mouth vpon me What cause haue I left vnto mee to complaine when I am lesse then thy smallest mercy and my sins greater then the greatest sorrow thou hast layd vpō me It is thy loue O Lorde from whence this proceedeth In this course thou doest offer thy self vnto me as to a sonne thou knowest my corruptiōs the rebellion of my heart the crookednesse vnreformednes of my nature thou séest before some great euill that I am like to fall into if I bee left vnto mine owne course thou findest me to be forgetfull of my duety to thee cold in Prayer backward and lumpish in holy seruices well-néere lulled asléepe in the common security of the times It is thy wisedome to rouse me vp to put thy hooke of affliction into my nostrils to bring mee backe into that good way from which I am falling I knowe thou doest therfore chasten me that I may not be condemned with the world O teach me I pray thee to learne to iudge my selfe to search to try my wayes to pry into my course by-past that I may finde out those euils which beare in mée the greatest sway and may in some measure vnderstande what it is which thou aymest at in afflicting mee And enable mee withall to reforme mine errors to recouer my wandring to get a happie victorie ouer my rebellious flesh that I may be able to say hereafter It is good for mee that I was in trouble blessed be the time that the Lorde afflicted me and how sweet is the quiet fruite of righteousnesse which springeth foorth from the bitter roote of tribulation In the meane space O Lord vntill it shall please thée to put an ende to my present grieuaunces teach me not to make haste or to séeke by vile and vnwarrantable courses to wind my self out of thy hands but graunt that I may tarry thy leasure with patience not daring to prescribe vnto thee what to doe And when this storme is ouer and the sorrowe past O kéepe me from securitie make me to remember the vowes and promises of obedience which I now make vnto ●hee prepare mee to a fresh triall that my care may be to bée prouided for whatsoeuer thy pleasure shall bee to lay vpon me Heare mee in this and in all other my suites for his sake in whom thou art best pleased euen Iesus Christ the righteous Amen 13. A Prayer in respect of some losse receiued as of honour or goods c. O Eternall God the God of prouidence the orderer and the disposer of all things both in heauen and in earth Be ready I beséech thee to heare the Praier of thy distressed seruaunt Helpe my weakenes I entreat thée and quicken mee to the performance of this duety of calling vpon thy Name I am euē ashamed of my self to sée mine owne faintnes how soone I am cast downe vpon euery occasion O rayse me vp I pray thee and make me to lift my heart towards thee according to whose good pleasure all things come to passe Is it not thou O Lord which hast laid these things vpon me art not thou he who both giuest takest at thy will art not thou the iudge which makest low which makest high shall I murmure against thee which hast such an absolute vncontroulable soueraingty ouer al shal I receiue good at thy hand and not euill O kéepe downe my repining mutinous and discontented thoughts allay the height and hautinesse of my spirit teach me how to be abased to haue want make mée to sée the vanitie of that which I was wont euen to admire and to set my heart vpon Let this abridgement be a schoole master vnto mee that I may learne by it to draw mine affections from these fading and transitorie commodities O Lord what is honour Is it not a blast or as smoke which quickely vanisheth What is wealth Is it not lighter then vanitie it selfe doth it not take her to her wings as an Eagle and flye into the heauen O knit my heart henceforth vnto thee O blessed Father fasten my affections on the things which are aboue where Christ sitteth at thy right hand make mée to lay vp treasure in heauen to seeke after that kingdome of thine which cannot be shaken frame my heart to the choyce of the better part of which I can neuer bee depriued Let mee affect the true honour which standes in the faythfull seruice of my sauior Let me labor for that enduring and durable riches which consistes in the knowledge of thee and in the féeling of thy gratious sauour Suffer me not I pray thee so to limit thy power as to thinke that thou art not now able to supply mée sith the meanes which I was wont to enioy is taken from mée but make mee faythfully to consider that thy hand is not shortened but that thou hast inough in store for those that loue thee Thou art able to giue me a great deale more after thou hast exercised mée awhile to blesse my last dayes with more abundance then the first thou canst make the little meale in the barrell not to waste and the small quantitie of oyle not to diminish thou canst cause a small thing to bée better vnto mee then great riches to the mightie and a dinner of greene hearbes to bée more sauory to me then a stalled Oxe to them O therefore I beséech thee restrayne my desires make me willinglie to submit my selfe to thy wisedom Let thy prouidence promise bee my store-house and the stocke that I rely vnto let this satisfy mée that though I lose all that I haue yet inasmuch as thou hast once loued mée in Christ I shall neuer lose thy fauour And let not the beholding of my children family disharten mee or make mee to cast perils and to say Wherewith shall I feed them How shall I clothe them O Lord they are better then many sparrowes and dearer vnto thee then the lylies of the fielde thy promise of mercy is entayled to my posterity O let my faith rest vpon this foundation Prepare me I pray thee to further trials make mée ready by degrées to lose euen my life it selfe if it may be for thy glory And thus O Lord desiring to reckō euen this crosse though my vnreformed nature doeth gainesay it among thy chiefest fauours I
commend my selfe and my poore Prayers vnto thee in Christ Iesus thy beloued Sonne and my belieued sauiour Amen 11. A Prayer fitted to the losse of an especiall friend as a Father or Husband c. O Almightie Lord God whose glory is aboue the heauens and which hast thy dwelling on high but yet abasest thy selfe to behold the things in the earth be pleased euen for thy dearest Sonnes sake to cast down thy compassionate eye vpon my afflicted grieued case Comfort Lorde comfort I pray thee thy seruants soule suffer me not to be swallowed vp of discouragement Thou hast taken from mee the very staffe of mine estate one vpon whō in the ey of flesh blood al my cōfort did depend He is now gone the way of all flesh hath made his bed in the darke yet thou O Lord still liuest thou art alwayes the same thy yeares shal not fayle O rayse vp I beséech thée my languishing discouraged heart my drowping thoughts make mee to looke towards thee frō whom alone all comfort commeth Hast thou done this shall I controule it Is death thy messenger and shal I murmure at his comming Is my dearest friend whom I loued as mine own hart gathered vnto thee his appointed moneths being now expired shall I lament his happines Doest thou still hold me with thy hand euen cōpasse me about with thy gracious prouidence shall I distrust Is thy purpose and promise power to be my God the same yet that it was shall I be doubtfull as though I had made flesh mine arme or as if thou O alsufficient God wert tyed vnto outward meanes Must not I also ere it bee long make the graue my house lye down with others in the dust Is there not an assured hope that all the liue dye in the Lord Iesus shall bee ioyned together after death and at the last day bée caught vppe in the cloudes to méet the Iudge in the ayre and after that to bee euer with the Lord I most earnestly beséech the therefore O my most gratious God to moderate my passionate and vnrulely thoughts to bring my violent affections into a holy cōpasse Let me not be sorrowfull like those which haue no hope make me to reioyce on his behalfe whose pilgrimage is at end and whose Christian and holy cause doeth euen assure mee that thou hast receiued him into euerlasting habitations Teach me to haue a holy and prepared longing for the day of my dissolution And graunt me that grace and wisdome so to loue those whome both Nature and Religion bind me to respect that I may alwayes conforme and submit my affections to thy most wise and soueraigne disposings To bee without apprehension of such losses I know by thy word that it is impious to bée extreame without measure in passion is desperate Kéepe me I beséech thée in the meane that my sorrowes may bée tempered with comfort my heart may alwayes bee fixed surely vpon thee Afford mée both this and all other néedfull fauours in and for the merites of my alone Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen 12. A Prayer applyed to the state of a man inwardly perplext with the horror of sin with doubtings of Gods fauour with the tentations of sathan tending to despaire O Thou most pitifull God to those whō thou louest in Iesus Christ most tender Father neuer did there any poore chased Hart bray after the riuers of water so as my distressed and amazed Soule panteth after thee Oh that I had fayth to lay holde vpon that most swéet promise by which thou callest all that are weary and laden to come vnto thee Faine I would O Lord approche into thy gratious presence and happy séeme I to my selfe if I might taste though but as it were some crummes of thy rich mercy Mee thinketh that all thinges which I sée in the world and which the sonnes of men doe dote vpon so exceedingly are but dung and drosse in comparison of thy fauour Oh that I might be but one of the lowest of saints or as it were a seruitor or doore kéeper among thy holy ones Thus I sée thy mercy I admire it I prefer it in my choyse before the greatest treasure but whē I would apply it to my own particular case Oh what a world of discouragemēts do I méet with My sinnes doe take such holde vpon me that I am not able to looke vppe they are so many yea more in number then the hayres of my head that my heart doth euen fayle mee to consider them When I think how my Soule and Spirit is fraughted defiled euen with whole millions of profane hardened secure vicious worldly vnsanctified thoghts how many offers of grace I haue neglected how thy forbearance hath béene abused by mee how I haue béene a reproach and slaunder to thy Gospel how dead and lumpish and false-hearted I haue béene in thy seruice how barren in good workes and what little procéedings I haue made going rather backward then striuing vnto more perfection how I haue cōtented my selfe with shewes of godlinesse when I say I thinke vpon these and other my grosse and palpable enormities I cannot but vtterly condemne my self neither can I belieue that it is possible for so vile a wretch as I to bee admitted into thy fauour Sometimes I conceiue some litle hope and I séeme to my selfe to haue some taste of thy fauour and some kinde of assurance that I am deare vnto thée in thy Sonne but suddenly my comfort vanisheth my hope is ouerclouded with perplexed doubtings and I am well-neere swallowed vp with meere despaire Can any mortal man think I know the mind of God or if some holy person may be so farre graced as to vnderstand Gods purpose touching himselfe is it possible that so vile a creature as I shoulde come to such a high prerogatiue Can the Spirit of the Lord dwell in such a stinking and polluted soule as mine will hee vouchsafe to giue mee an assurance of Gods fauour Or if I might knowe nowe that I am in the state of grace what assuraunce can I haue that I shall so continue being beset with manie imperfections Thus O Lord mine owne thoughts oppresse mee and mine own soule doth plead the case against it selfe Neither is Sathan the auncient enemy of thine Elect wanting to adde affliction to my miserie Heeretofore his manner hath beene to incite and to prouoke mee vnto sinne by hyding and couering the vgly and most loathesome face thereof and to beare mee in hand that it was a verie easie thing to repent and that also thy fauour O Lorde might be procured by and by Now hee enlargeth my euils makes my sins to appeare before my conscience in most terrible and hideous shapes he telleth me that my hypocrisie is apparant that the guile of my heart is written in great letters and cannot bee denyed that it is now in vaine for mee to sue for grace
therunto make vs we beséech thée willingly and readily to subscribe to desire both his life our own onely so far forth as may be for his and our further good in the more diligēt zealous aduancement of thy glory Frame him also we pray thee vnto the like yéelding and so blesse vnto him this visitation that by it he may be more and more hūbled in the sight of his owne sinnes may encrease withall in an vnfayned and longing desire after Christ Enlighten his eyes that hee may know what is the hope of his calling what is the excéeding greatnes of thy mercy and power towards all belieuers Strengthen his faith that hee may with it vtterly renouncing himselfe lay fast holde vpon the merites of our onely Sauiour Protect him against sathan blunt the edge of his assaults that they may neuer wound him to despaire Remooue from him a dull spirit and all secure and hardned thoughts all worldly desires al lingring after the deceiuing swéetnesse of these earthly things Giue him patience to beare constancy to endure whatsoeuer it shal be thy pleasure to inflict Vouchsafe him comfort in conscience ioy in the spirit peace in belieuing together with a setled and wel grounded exspectation of eternall life and saluation by thy Sonne Graunt to vs tender and féeling hearts that both his sorrowes and the griefes of other of thy seruāts may be apprehended by vs as if they were our owne Let thy word of grace bee in our lips that we may be able to speak holily soundly and chéerefully to the comfort of his soule Teach vs in him and in this house of mourning to sée the ende of vs all and to lay it to our hearts that so wee may labour to bee prepared for our last departure All these graces both for him and for our selues we begge in all humilitie at thy mercifull hands in the name and worthines of thy beloued Sonne calling further on thee as hee hath taught vs in his word Our Father c. 18. A thankesgiuing for a sicke man if God be pleased to send recouery SVffer me not O Lord to be in the number of those who are forward to aske in the time of neede but carelesse to shew themselues thankefull when mercy is bestowed Make me as desirous to come vnto thee with this sacrifice of prayse as I was ready to beg ease and refreshing in the day of my great necessitie Thou hast chastened me O gratious God and corrected me but thou hast not giuen mee ouer vnto death I looked to haue beene cleane depriued of the residue of my yeares and thought I should haue séene man no more among the inhabitants of the world but it was thy pleasure to deliuer my Soule from the pit of corruptiō Oh what shal I render vnto thee for this and all other thy benefits towards mee Oh how and by what meanes shal I shew my selfe thankefull to thy Maiestie I haue nothing O Lord to render thee but the calues of my lips accept my seruice I beséech thée in Iesus Christ and let not the memory of this thy kindnesse dye within me but graunt that I may often recount thy mercy working there-with vpon mine owne heart and applying it as an effectuall motiue to obedience Make me euer mindfull of the vowes promises which I made in my sicknesse to serue thee more faithfully then heretofore that I may make conscience to performe them knowing that thou delightest not in fooles that by my neglect herein I shall lay my selfe open vnto a greater iudgement Teach me also to remember this that albeit thou hast now giuen me some little respite yet I must not deceiue my selfe in putting far off the day of my death but that I ought rather to vse my health strength to the better fitting and more effectuall preparing my selfe thereunto Together with the encrease of bodily and outward strength encrease in me strength of care to walk with thee and to approoue my selfe vnto thee in al holy cōuersation and godlinesse being more zealous in Religion more watchfull ouer my wayes more earnest in Prayer more feruent in Spirit more carefull to profite by thy Word more faithful in my place and calling then heretofore alwayes looking for the blessed hope and appearing of Iesus Christ my Sauiour to whom with thee the holy Ghost let my heart féelingly effectually giue all honour prayse might maiestie and dominion both now and for euer Amen 19. A Prayer for a woman in the time of her trauaile O Lord I now finde by experience the trueth certaintie of thy word the smart of that punishment which thou laidst vpon me being in the loynes of my Grād-mother Eue for my disobediēce towards thee Thou hast greatly encreased the sorowes of our sex our bearing of children is ful of paine Teach me by this to sée the desert of sinne and to grow into the hatred of that which hath brought into the world such store of miserie Giue mee true repentance pardon for my sinnes past that they may not stand at this time in this my néed betwixt me thy mercy Giue mee a comfortable féeling of thy loue in Christ which may swéeten all other pangs thogh neuer so violent or extreame Make mee still to lift vp my Soule vnto thee in my greatest anguish knowing that thou alone must giue a blessing to the ordinarie meanes for my safe deliuery Strengthen my weake body to the bearing of what sorrow soeuer by which it shall séeme good vnto thee to take triall of me Make mee to remember that howsoeuer it be with me yet I am alwayes in thy hād whose mercyes fayle not and which canst giue issue to the greatest paine And when thou hast safely giuen mee the exspected fruite of my wombe make mee with a thankefull heart to consecrate both it and the residue of my life to thy seruice through Iesus Christ my Sauiour and Redeemer Amen 20. A Thankesgiuing after deliuery BLessed bee thy great Name O my most deare louing Father for thy large mercy to me most weake sinfull woman Thou hast shewed thy power in my frailtie and thy louing kindnesse hath preuailed against my vnworthinesse Thou mightest for my sinnes haue left mee to perish in my great extremitie but thou hast compassed me about with ioyfull deliuerance Maruailous O Lord are thy workes infinite are thy mercyes and my Soule by present experience knoweth it well O my Soule prayse thou the Lord and all that is within mee praise his holy Name My Soule prayse thou the Lorde and forget not all his benefits hee hath heard thy Prayers hee hath looked vpon thy sorrowe hee hath forgiuen thine iniquities he hath healed thine infirmities hee hath redéemed thy life from the graue hée hath euen crowned thée with compassions Oh giue mee I beséech thee a thankefull heart not only now while the memorie sense of thy fauor is fresh before me but
very ready to forgiue be fauourable I entreat thee to mee a most vnworthy sinner Manasse being put in fetters and bound in chaines prayed vnto thee and humbled himselfe greatly before thee in his tribulation thou wast entreated of him The womā of Canaan whom thou tearmedst to be no better then a dog yet thou diddest afforde her some crummes of thy mercy and didst cause it to bee vnto her as she desired The thiefe at his execution confessed his sinne prayed to bee remembred in thy kingdome thou didst promise him an entrance into Paradise O Lord are not these things written for my learning that I through the comfort of these examples might haue hope Hath thy Word spoken it in vaine that at what time soeuer a sinner sigheth vnto thée thou wilt put all his wickednesse from before thée Shall I thinke that thou wilt call mee being laden with my sinnes to come vnto thee and then when I come wilt not accept mee Make me I pray thee to sée the depth of my sinnes that I may not beguile my Soule by lessening eyther the weight or number of mine iniquities Worke me to a true and vndissembled acknowledgement and confession of them euen before others that they which sée my end and know mine euill may haue some euidence of my repentance and may learne by me to beware of the deceitfulnesse of sinne Enable me to looke with the eye of my faith vpon my crucified Sauior casting my self wholly vpon him and desiring by him to bee hidden from thy wrath Giue mee some taste of thy loue and some inward and secret pledge of thy being reconciled to mee for his sake Strengthen mee against the feare of death that albeit I haue euery way iust cause to tremble at it it being both the desert of my offence to men the wages of my sinne against thee yet hauing some assurance in my Soule that the sting thereof is plucked out I may embrace it in my bosome and entertaine it as an end appointed for my miserie as a meanes to bring me vnto happines Thus O Lord with fulnesse of desire out of the bottome of this misery and shame which I am fallen into to fly vnto thy mercy and to be shrouded vnder the shadow of thy grace I commend my selfe my soule and my body into thy hands praying thée not to cast off him which hath no hope but onely in thée and that alone in and by Iesus Christ my only Lord and Sauiour Amen 26. A Prayer rising out of the serious meditation of the last Iudgement O Lord thou hast reuealed it in thy holy Word that the fashion and figure of this world must passe away that as by appointment wee must all dye so also wée must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ and that from thence some shal go into euerlasting paine and some into life eternall This the Atheists and Epicures and Libertines of the world doe thinke to bee but a méere fable they say in their hearts The Lord will doe neither good nor euill But yet O Lord as thou hast deliuerd this in thy Word of which one iote nor tittle shall not perish so thou hast not left it without a sufficient proofe in the very bosome of euery mā The accusing or excusing of our owne thoughts the secret checks accompanying those euils to which none is priuy the feares of wicked men who are continually as one that trauaileth of child flying oft times when none pursueth them and being chased at the very shaking of a leafe are an euident proofe of thy prouidence and a certaine assurāce written as with a point of a Diamond which can neuer be done out that verely there is fruite for the righteous and doubtles there is a God that iudgeth the earth This truth O Lord my God thou hast taught mee to belieue and I make no doubt but it shall shortly come to passe It was sayd long since that the Iudge did stand before the doore and that hee which should come would come would not tary and now the height of iniquitie is such and sinne is grown to that perfection that it cannot stand with thy Iustice much longer to forbeare Teach me I pray thee as I doe know belieue this so to make a true profitable vse of my knowledge Let it bee euer in my thoughts and in my best and most serious meditations whē I am about by the prouenesse of my corrupted nature to doe euill let the remembrance hereof be a bridle to me to restrayne me when I am like by the iniquitie of the times to suffer euill among men let the exspectation of the right which thou wilt then do to the oppressed be a comfort to mee to refresh me Especially O Lord grant mee to keep daily as it were a priuy sessions in the closet of mine owne heart arraigning my selfe before thy iudgement seat searching and trying my wayes accusing my selfe before thee frō whom nothing can be hid confessing my vnworthinesse bewailing my corruptions suing with al instant earnestnesse for thy grace fauour in thy Son O that I may learn thus to iudge my selfe that I may not be iudged of thee in that day Suffer me not to flatter my selfe or to blesse my Soule in any euill way or to goe about to finde hidings and couerts for my sinnes inasmuch as all things are naked in thy sight and that in that great terrible day thou wilt lighten the things which are hid in darkenesse and make manifest the counsell of all mens hearts Let mee not imagine this thy great session to be like the courses among men in which oft times by vniust meanes the vilest offenders do procure escapes but make me to know as the trueth is that with thée there is no hope by corruptiō or fauour or fraud or importunitie of sute to find euasions Thou art the Iudge of all the world and thou wilt doe right euery man shall receiue the things which haue beene done in his body according to that he hath done whether it bée good or euill And whereas O Lord it is a great griefe to thy seruants to liue among the vngodly it must néedes vexe their righteous soules to heare and sée their vnlawfull deeds let this be my comfort that though it be thy pleasure to suffer with long patience the vessels of wrath to permit the tares to growe vppe with the Wheate vntill the haruest yet then thy Angels shall come and shall gather out of thy Church all things that offend and bring the iust into the kingdome of their father Seeing also O gratious God that whosoeuer in this world wil liue godly shall suffer and ly open to the wrongs and iniuries and reproches of the wicked Grant that if at any time eyther my name be put out as euill or otherwise my estate or profession or life for thy trueths sake be called into question I may possesse my Soule with
seldome and so slightly meditate vpon thy kindnesse Let not our vnthankefulnesse turn away thy intended blessings from vs stablish his throne we beséech thée let his soule be bound in the būdle of life with thee cast out the soule of his enemies as out of the middle of a sling As thou hast preuented him with liberal blessings and set a crowne of pure gold vpon his head so let his glorie be great in thy saluation and make him glad with the ioy of thy countenance Go on to giue him thy iudgments that the righteous may flourish in his dayes and that hee may iudge the poore of the people and saue the children of the néedy subdue the oppressor Let him not wāt a man of his own line to sit vpon his seat but continue the kingdom in his posteritie vntil the time in which al earthly kingdomes must be determined And as thou hast made his Quéen like a fruitful vine on the sides of his house a ioyful mother of many royall plāts so we pray thée lay vpon her much dignitie and honor blesse thē both out of Zion so that they may see the wealth of Ierusalem all their dayes Let their children bee as chosen shafts in thy quiuer make thē as the plants growing vp in their youth and as the corner stones grauen after the similitude of a palace Chiefely we beseech thee to poure out a large measure of thy blessings vpon the young Prince Henrie enrich him with all princely vertues water him so with thy heauenly dew that knowledge of thy truth zeale for thy glorie loue to thy Church perfite hatred of Popish Idolatrie may in him growe vp with his years that so he may also in his appointed time become another Instrument vnder thee for the further enlargement of thy Gospel and the prosperitie and happinesse of these Realmes Alwayes afford thy gratious presence to those honorable Lords of his Maiesties Councill be● thou the President at their Table direct their consultations sanctifie their policies order their purposes and guide all their courses to such conclusions as may bee most for thy glorie the honour of the King the peace of the State and the comfort of thy chosen Blesse all the Iudges Sages and Magistrates of the State make thē as hiding places frō the wind as a refuge for the tempest for the oppressed cause them euer to remember that they are thy Ministers for the peoples wealth that they execute not the iudgements of man but of the Lord that although thou hast honored them with thine own name calling them gods yet they shal die as men fall like others that so iudgement may not be turned into gal nor the fruite of righteousnes into wormewood but the iustice may be executed truly vprightly in the gates al things may be to the praise of them that do wel to the punishment of those that are workers of iniquitie Neither may we O Lord forget those whō thou hast put in the seruice of thy church to féed the flock which dependeth on them to rule thē to go in out before them to labour in the worde and in doctrine Thou O Christ art the chief shepheard bishop of our soules thou art the Lorde of the haruest build vp wee beséech thée the breaches of thy Church make the righteousnes thereof to breake foorth yet more as the light the saluation thereof as a burning lampe Continue the standing and encrease the number of those seeing watchmen whom thou hast placed vpon the walls of Ierusalem stirre them vp that they cease not day nor nor night working the worke with which thou hast entrusted them and faithfully dispensing that word of reconciliation which thou hast committed to them Kindle in thē the zeale of Samuel that they may say God forbid that we should sin against the Lorde cease praying for the people and shewing them the good the right way Make them with Paul to say Woe vnto vs if wee preach not the Gospell And be pleased also so to blesse their endeuours to prosper their labours by giuing them a doore of vtterance and by preseruing them from vnreasonable and euill men that they may from euery part of the Land bring many sheaues into thy barne and that dayly those that are ordained vnto life eternall may belieue And for a continuall supply and nurserie to thy Churches amongst vs blesse the Vniuersities and Schooles of learning let not those fountaines O Lord bee poysoned with any popish leauen but grant that the doctrine which is according to godlinesse being taught professed in them in sinceritie by the yong plāts there springing vp the decais of congregations abroad may be renued and euerie place may be furnished with a Pastor after thy owne heart which may féed the people with knowledge and with vnderstanding And Lorde restraine and reforme the gréedinesse of those which muzzle their mouthes which should tread out the corne and bring foorth the foode of life vnto thy people which respect not the Leuite but abridge the hire of the labourer and say one to another Let vs take to our possessiō the habitatiōs of God Throughout the Land and among all the inhabitants therof plant the true knowledge feare of thee loyalty to their soueraine obedience to all subordinate authoritie loue reuerence to their spiritual guides vnitie of affection mercie and compassion either to other And inasmuch as O Lorde wee haue continuall experience of the malice of the diuell in sowing the séedes of sedition and treason in mens hearts and in raysing vp the sonnes of Behal to ouercast if it might be the faire day of our peace with a cloud of hellish cōfusiō we pray thée without whom no enterprises canne bee established to make voyd their hopes to discouer their practises and as thou hast hitherto euen miraculously done to turne their deuises vpon their owne heads for their own confusion There come dayly out of that Pit of Rome many Locusts and frō that Sea there is sent among vs a continual spawne of new conspirators these encourage themselues in wicked purposes they commune together to lay snares mischiefe they imagine against the quiet of the Land It vexeth them to sée the thriuing of the Gospell and the grouth of thy truth and they do euen breath out threatnings and slaughters against the professors thereof Let not O Lord their imaginations prosper let their eyes fall out with looking for that day which they haue long desired Let thy hand euen thy right hand find thē out if they belong not vnto thée make them like a fierie ouen in the time of thine anger destroy their fruit from the earth and their séed frō the children of men put them apart and make ready the strings of thy bowe against their faces And as for vs O Lord suffer vs not to were wanton with the blessings of peace nor to forget to render to thée according to thy rewardes bestowed but grant that thy kindnesses may bind vs more strongly vnto thee that wee may resolue by thy grace to serue thee faithfully who with vs dealst so graciously that in for Christ Iesus sake thy son our Sauiour Amen FINIS A Table of the Prayers contained in this Booke A Morning prayer for priuate families pag. 1. An Euening praier for priuate families p. 15 A Morning prayer for a priuate person p. 35 An Euening prayer for a priuate person p. 44 A more particular Morning prayer for the sabaoth day p. 55 A prayer before the hearing of the word p. 64 A praier before the receiuing the Sacrament of the Lords Supper p. 72 A thankesgiuing after p. 78 A prayer for the afflicted in what kind soeuer p. 80 A prayer in respect of some losse as of Honor Goods c. p. 88 A prayer fitted to the losse of an especiall friend as Father Husband c. p. 95 A prayer applyed to the state of a man inwardly perplexed with the horror of sinne with doubtings of Gods fauour and with the tentations of satan tending to despaire p. 100 A prayer then needfull when a man hath some speciall combate with some one or moe speciall sins against which he desireth victorie p. 115 A prayer of humiliation and sorrow after some speciall sinne committed p. 120 A prayer in respect of death needfull at all times but especially in sickenesse p. 131 A prayer more specially fitted to the state and occasions of a sicke man p. 141 A direction for those who denie to perform the Christian dutie of praier for their sake whome they come to visite p. 152 A thanksgiuing for a sick man after recouerie p. 157 A prayer for a woman in her trauaile p. 161 A thāksgiuing after deliuerie p. 164 A prayer for those which are employed in the assistance of a trauailing womā p. 168 A thankesgiuing when God hath blessed their paines in the womans deliuerie p. 170 A prayer for a souldier fighting for his Countrey or the confederates thereof p. 173 A prayer for a man trauailing by Sea about his lawful businesse p. 178 A Prayer applyed to the state of a Malefactor condemned by law to die drawing to the time of executiō p. 184 A prayer rising out of the serious meditation of the last Iudgement p. 193 A prayer fitted to the time of warre p. 202 Another of like nature respecting the time of Dearth and Famine p. 207 Another like applyed to the time of some great contagion p. 215 A meditation or prayer for a poore man p. 220 Another of like nature for one whom God hath enriched with outward things p. 230 A prayer for the whole State 239
patience looking for the blessed hope and appearing of thy glorie knowing that then the iust what disgraces so-euer are now cast vpon them shall shine as the light in thy presence Finally O Lord make make me daily to grow so wearie of this vaine wretched world and of the heauy load of mine owne corruptions and of this body of death which is vpon mee to striue to gather that assurance of an interest in that glory which shall be shewed hereafter that I may looke for this great day and in my desires may sigh for it and hasten to it and that whensoeuer it commeth I being foūd waking with my lāp of oyle in my hand may haue cause to lift vp my head not doubting but to haue a gracious admittance into my masters ioy Graunt mee this for his sake which sitteth at thy right hād to make request for mee Iesus Christ the Mediatour of thy chosen Amen 27. A Prayer fitted to the time of warre O Almightie God who art hie aboue all nations and whose glory is aboue the heauens the comfortable successe of all enterprises is from thée onely to bee looked for Thou art hee which giuest victorie vnto kings to thee it is all one to saue by many or by fewe thou canst make one to chase a thousand thou canst cause the hearts euen of the most valiant to melt their hands to bée weake their mindes to faint and their knees to fall away like water If thou fight for vs wee cannot miscary if thou fauour vs not wee must néeds bee discomfited O bée gracious vnto vs and bee on our side now that men are risen vp against vs. They take craftie counsell against thy Church and consult how to cut vs off from being a nation and by what meanes to quench the light of thy truth which shineth in our streetes Their desire is to embrue their hands in our blood and to aduance their owne ambition by our ouerthrow O turne their counsels into foolishnes let not their mischieuous imaginations prosper lest they bee too proud O our God make them like vnto a whéel as the stubble before the wind scatter the people that delight in war Go out O Lorde with our armies giue wisedom and courage to our captaines gird them with strength vnto the battel be with our Souldiers teaching their hands to war their fingers to fight Assist al the consultations prosper the policies crown those enterprises with good successe which are vndertaken for the common good comfort of the State Doubtlesse O Lord we haue deserued thine anger our sins do cry loud in thine eares for vengeance and it were but iust with thee if thou shouldest make vs a prey and spoyle vnto our enemies But O gracious God let vs fall now into thy hands for thy mercies are great let vs not fal into the hāds of men whose displeasure at vs is not for our sins but for our profession and religions sake and that they may fill their own enlarged vnsatiable desires with those blessings of wealth which thou hast giuen vs Put therefore thy hooke into their nostrils bring them backe by the same way they came Let it appear that thou art in the middes of vs that wee shall not bée mooued that thou wilt help vs and that very early Let there be none inuasion nor going out nor no crying in our stréets But set thou peace in our borders make strong the barres of our gates especially let the Gospel of thy Sonne sound yet louder amongst vs that by it many Soules may bee gathered vnto thée So we thy people the shéepe of thy pasture shall prayse thee for euer and from generation to generation we will set foorth thy glory through Iesus Christ our Lord and onely Sauiour Amen 28. Another of like nature respecting the time of Dearth and Famine CLeannesse of teeth O Lord and scarcenesse of bread haue béene aunciently threatened by thee as iudgements vpon the sonnes of men for their sinnes Many wayes also thou hast to turne a fruit-full land into barrennesse for the wickednes of the Inhabitants Thou canst make the Heauen ouer our head as brasse the earth vnder vs as yron by bringing a drought vpon the land Or else thou canst cause the séed to rotte vnder the clods by commanding the bottels of heauen to powre out raine in too great abūdance or when the Corne is come vp thou art able to smite it with blasting mildeaw or to send among vs thy great hoste the grashopper the canker the caterpiller and the palmer worme so that although much bee sowen yet little shall bee brought into the barne Or if the Corne doe grow ripe vnto the haruest it is in thy power suddainly to send in an enemy to eat the fruit of the land and to deuoure the labour of the people And though the bread do come to be set in plenty before vs yet thy hand is not shortened thou canst take away the staffe thereof so that wee shall eat not be satisfied Thus O Lord thou hast euen store-houses of punishments so that our hearts can not endure nor our hands be strong in the day that thou shalt haue to doe with vs. And heereof we haue now already some experiēce For now thou hast in part begun to punish our abuse of thy creatures our fulnes of bread our contēpt of the spiritual food of our soules with outward scarcity The time is com by gréedy worldlings long exspected in which they may make the measure small and the prices great selling euen the very refuse of the Wheat Their treading is vpon the poore their desire is to swallow vp the néedy of the land Look mercifully O Lord vpon vs wée beséech thée lift vp thine hand forget not the poor Thou preparest for the rauen his meate when his birds cry to thee wandring for lack of food thou takest no delight in the confusion of thy creatures thou hast promised that if wée séeke to thée we shall want nothing that is good thou wilt preserue vs in the time of dearth and in the dayes of famine wee shall haue inough Accomplish wée beséech thée these thy gracious promises Saue vs from this encreasing miserie and deliuer vs from their crueltie which being without all bowels of mercy doe respect nothing but their owne commoditie And because O Lord our sinnes doe separate betwixt thee and vs and doe hinder good things from vs therefore humble our soules vnder thy mighty hand make vs to see and to consider our owne deseruings drawe from vs an hearty and sincere acknowledgement how great cause wee haue giuen thee to affamish both our bodies and soules for euer Giue vs an vnderstanding of our particular grosse sinnes which doe lay vs open to this iudgement aboue others namely our wantōnesse our pride our luxuriousnes our riot our feastings without feare our want of mercy to the poore our spurning with the héele against thee