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A70471 A treatise of the episcopacy, liturgies, and ecclesiastical ceremonies of the primitive times and of the mutations which happened to them in the succeeding ages gathered out of the works of the ancient fathers and doctors of the church / by John Lloyd, B.D., presbyter of the church of North-Mimmes in Hertfordshire. Lloyd, John, Presbyter of the Church of North-Mimmes. 1660 (1660) Wing L2655A; ESTC R21763 79,334 101

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him a very notorious defect in fulfilling his duty of which yet if there was any the least probable appearance of repentance he was not denied the necessary viaticum as the Council of Nice calls it The best men ready to depart to a better life desired and took this caelestial meat for their comfort and refreshment in their passage to God Some ministers are so strict and parsimonious in giving the Holy Sacrament that they deny the same unto a considerable part yea often to most part of their parish which before had been admitted to it without using the method prescribed by our Saviour in Matth. chap. 18. vers 15 16 17. Which text requires publick accusation and proof in the presence of the governours of the Church and their publick condemnation before the publick execution of so high a censure They are also so hard hearted to dying men earnestly desiring that soul-confirming most refreshing viaticum that although they cannot truely before God and men if put to it assure it that they remain in a state of sin inconsistent with any degree of saving grace as in case of denial they should be upon good grounds assured yet they can be so uncharitable and unmerciful as to deny it unto them These extreams on the one hand and on the other hand partly the not forgotten great abuse of the holy censures by Chancellors and Commissaries partly the late ejecting of the set publick formes of prayers out of the Churches and partly the general contempt of all the holy ordinances spread over the Kingdomes by the several Sects brought in and maintained by the Regicides to strengthen and perpetuate themselves if they could in their most impious usurpation and tyranny these I say have made the Communion of Saints in the publick prayers and the holy Sacraments to be of very small esteem with most insomuch that very many are brought to believe they may go to heaven notwithstanding the neglect of them for which most pestilent disease if seasonable and convenient medicine be not found out and wifely applied the Church of England will be uncapable of receiving any benefit by the meer Ecclesiastical Discipline and the onely restraint under God against the growing sad effects of irreligious profaness will lie in the sole power of the Regal auctority What gesture of body was used in those ancient times in receiving the holy Communion Sect. 17. whether standing or kneeling or at some times the one and at other times the other is not very clearly and expressely set down by the writers of that age that I can remember This onely is certain that they did not kneel in the receiving of it on the Lords days because it was against a Canon of the Church to adore God by bowing of the knee on those dayes It is probable that on other days except in the Pentecost they received kneeling Hieron in Esa c. 45. for St. Hierom saith that it was an Ecclesiastical Custome to bow the knee to Christ Idem in Epist ad Ephes c. 3. which we may understand to be in the receiving of that holy Sacrament as well as in the publick prayers notwithstanding that this holy Doctor saith in another place that every one that is subject unto Christ is said to bend his knee unto him and citing the words of St. Paul at the name of Jesus every knee shall be bowed addeth that the words do not pertain to the knees of the body but to the subjection of the mind and inclination of the soul and obsequiousness of the heart to God Which this most learned Father would never have said or written if the Custome of the Church had been in his time to kneel not onely unto Christ himself but also to his name Jesus or if he had thought that this place of the Apostle did signifie it to be every mans duty to make the name Jesus a co-object with Christ of his adoration by the bowing of the knee as some of the latter Schoolmen have taught In the time of St. Hierom and before the standing in receiving the Eucharist on the Lords day was accompanied with a low bowing of the body even nigh to a prostration for St. Augustine writing upon the 98 Psalm faith August in Ps 98. none eateth that flesh unless he first hath adored it And in the words following he speaketh of inclination and prostration to that earth that is the flesh of our Saviour not considered as apart from but as in and with the most blessed Divine person Cyrill Hierosol Catech. Mystagog 5. Cyrill of Jerusalem speaking of the Holy Communion saith take the body of Christ saying Amen and a little after come saith he to the Cup of his blood not extending thy hands but incurving them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and in manner of adoring and worshiping saying Amen But now that the more urgent reasons which moved the Fathers of the Primitive Church not to use kneeling in adoring God on the Lords days are ceased it seems most convenient to kneel in taking the Holy Sacrament upon what day soever we receive it for the nearer Christ comes to us and the more he doth descend and condescend in coming to us yea and into us mystically in those external weak Elements the more should we descend humble and debase our selves by the inward bowing of our souls and the external bending of our knees in the receiving of him thereby testifying our own unworthiness of that Grace and commending the exceeding freeness of it In the Kingdome of Prester John they stand when they receive the holy Communion In giving the Sacrament the Bishop or Presbyter said Francisc Alvarus apud Cassandri liturg De Sacrament l. 4. c. 6. the body of the Lord and the receive said Amen saith Ambrose About the year 600 in the Sacramentary of Gregory the great it is said while the priest giveth the Lords body let him say The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve thee to eternal life Amen And in giving the Cup let him say The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ preserve thee to eternal life In the mass of some Armenians in Russia the priest communicating faith Apud Cassand liturg By faith I believe in the most holy Trinity the Father Son and Holy Ghost By faith I eate thy quickning and saving body O Lord Jesus Christ let it be unto me to the absolution and remission of my sinnes And in drinking the Cup I drink by faith thy holy unmixed blood blotting out sins Apud Eundem O Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of my sins and of my Parents and of all the world Every Communicant of the Armernians in India goeth before the foot of the altar to receive It is provided in the Council of Laodic before the year 400 Can. 19. that only the ministers might go in to the altar and there take the Communion Can. 17. In the fourth Council of Tolet. it was appointed
l. 4. c. ult Hierom affirmeth that many things which are by tradition observed in the Churches have usurped to themselves the authority of a Divine law as in baptism to immerge the head thrice and then to tast the concord of milk and honey Adversus Luciferianos to signifie infancy and on the Lords day and in all the Pentecost not to pray kneeling nor to fast Constantine the great exhorteth all to embrace the decree of the Nicene Council concerning the set time of the celebration of the Feast of Easter as a gift of God and a Commandement sent down from heaven Euseb de vita Constantini l. 3. c. 18. Edit Basil 1570. for whatsoever is decreed in the holy Councils of Bishops that ought to be ascribed to the divine will Hierom in another place saith let every one judge the precepts of the ancients to be Apostolical laws Hierom. Ep. 28. It is not to be doubted saith Leo Bishop of Rome but that every Christian observance is of divine erudition and that whatsoever is received by the Church into a custome of devotion Serm. 2. de jejun Pentecost proceeded from the Apostolick tradition and the Doctrine of the holy Spirit The Fathers use very frequently to affirm some institutions or rites to be divine or Apostolical because they seemed a greeable to and their lawfulness demonstrable by the old Testament the Gospels or Apostolick Epistles So the Lent Fast is by them said to be of Apostolical and Divine tradition because it seems an imitation of the Fast of Elias and of Christ and Monachism is affirmed to be Apostolick because it hath an appearance of being an imitation of John the Baptist Amalar. Alcuin Pontifical Damas c. yet many ancient writers make Pope Telesphorus who flourished Forty years after the decease of St. John the Apostle to be the author of the Quadragesimal Fast although indeed it had a much later beginning and affirm Paul and Anthony to be the Fathers of Monachism So that many institutes were counted Apostolick because some example or reason of the Scripture did seem to warrant them Whence Hierom and others intimate Hierom. in vita Pauli that Episcopacy was instituted in imitation of Aaron and his Sons or of the Apostles and 70 Disciples affirming Bishops to be successors of aaron and the Apostles and Presbyters the successors of the Sons of Aaron and of the 70 Disciples Fourthly it is a certain truth acknowledged by all the learned that the Apostles were authors as well of local and temporary or universal and temporary ordinances rites or ceremonies as of universal and perpetual for they were inspired by the Holy Ghost infallibly to discern both what the present condition although variable of some or all the Churches required and what upon reasons arising from unvariable grounds and circumstances was needful to be observed in all the Churches of Christ Polycarpus a hearer of the Apostles and by St. John made Bishop of Smyrna celebrated the Pasche in the fourteenth moon and so did the rest of Asia and some of the East observing it the same time with the Jews moved thereto by the countenance and example of St. John the Apostle but Anicetus Bishop of Rome who flourished in the life time of Polycarpus and generally the Churches of the West kept the Feast at another time and on the Lords day induced thereto as they affirmed by the tradition and example of St. Peter the Apostle We cannot with reason and charity think that either Polycarpus with the Asians and East or Anicetus with the Western Churches Apud Euseb Iren. could be ignorant of the time when Peter in the West or John in Asia observed that Feast Polycarpus being an eye witness of what the Apostle St. John did and Anicetus being a hearer of the hearers of Clemens who was contemporary with the Apostle St. Peter or that they would considerately speak and perseveringly maintain an untruth imputing a fact to either Apostle which he had not done especially seeing the untruth on either side might have been confuted by a thousand witnesses wherefore we must judge this to be an evident example of a variable apostolick institution I might instance in part of the Apostles decree in the 15 chapter of the Acts of the Apostles of things strangled and blood but least I move scruples in weak consciences which they cannot easily be rid of I will only commend to the consideration of the judicious the judgment of some ancient writers quoted in the margent August contra Faustum l. 32. c. 13. Et tractcti contra graecos in biblioth patr to 4. pag. 1308. et 1318.1319.1320 There be many rites which the Fathers held to be Apostolical which in the times of the same Fathers were in many places altered or neglected as the three immersions in baptisme the repairing of neighbour Bishops to the people where a Bishop was wanting there to ordain one in the presence of the people not to fast in the dayes of Pentecost and some other which prove that according to the judgment of those Fathers the Apostles guided by divine inspiration made some decrees alterable and which were upon just reasons accordingly changed or disused and therefore if it were proved that the Apostles by divine motion were the primary Auctors of Episcopacy and not the Church yet if it cannot appeare to be a constitution built upon perpetuall reason and in its nature independing upon variable circumstances it may possibly be changed by the Church Here it may be demanded by what members of it self did the universal Church abrogate the Presbyterian and institute Episcopal Government and what power was taken from the Presbyters by that abrogation For answer to these demands we must distingnish between the power given to ministers to doe some things as to preach baptize ordain Pastors excomunicate absolve c. and secondly the free exercise of those acts and thirdly the regulation of the exercise of them as to the persons about whom time when the place where the manner decency c. To the regulation belong 1. The making of laws concerning the due exercise of the power agreeable to the divine laws and secondly the superintendents of the execution and thirdly the executors of them As for the power it doth not appear that any of that was taken from the Presbyters or their Colledge by the institution of Episcopacy if they were deprived of any part of it can 13. that must be the ordaining of Presbyters but the Council of Ancyra seems to demonstrate that the power of ordaining Pastors did and doth remain in them which they did exercise by the leave Et Synod Antioch c. 16. vide Vasque in 3. p. Disp 143. c. 4. and in the place of the Bishop which Could not at his pleasure give them but supposed the power continuing in them The words of the Council be these according to the Greek Original and not their vulgar
be made to thrust another out of the Church but reading and prayers and preaching c. ought to be so proportioned to the time appointed for them and the strength of them that officiate that no necessity that may be prevented may compel to the omission of any divine ordinance that ought to be performed In the sixt Council of Constantinople at which time much corruption was crept into the Churches the Fathers present in it commanded that the Bishops and Presbyters should dayly preach Gan. 19. especially on the Lords day It is commanded by another Council that if a Presbyter cannot preach by reason of sickness Conc. Vasens Can. 4. sub Leone 1. that a homily or sermon of one of the ancient Fathers be read by the Deacon In another Council it s thus decreed that if the Bishop be not at home or is infirm or is not able for some other cause yet never let on the Lords days or Festivals any want to be of one which may preach the Word of God so as the vulgar people may understand Concil Maguntiac c. 25. circa an 813. The Primitive Bishops were preaching Bishops and usually preached every Lords day as we see in Justine Martyr and in Festival days in the principal fasting days in Lent as we find in Ambrose Chrysost Augustine and others But I must return to speak of the Ceremonies of the Church The Ceremony of standing and not kneeling in prayer on the Lords days and the days between Easter and Whitsontide was in use in the Apostles days and instituted by them Apud anthorem Christian resp resp 115. as Irenaeus the hearer of Polycarpus Auditor of the Apostle John doth testifie In the time of Tertullian about the year 200 many other Ceremonies are mentioned by him which we find not in any approved Author before him spoken of and are affirmed by him to descend from the Apostles as the signing of the forehead of the baptized with the sign of the Cross besides Tertull. de corona militis c. 3. the usual signing with the same sign upon sundry occasions the tasting after Baptism of milk and honey the use of having Suerties for Infants to be baptized De Bapt. c. 7. 18. the annointing of the baptised with oyl Offering for the faithful deceased which was thus the friends of the deceased offered bread and wine in their behalf for the use of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper and the Priest by faith in prayer in the celebration of the Eucharist presented to God the Father the sacrifice of Christ once offered by him and which was in some manner present in the Sacrament beseeching him for that most holy and perfect sacrifice sake to take away the remainder of sin from the soul departed which was not taken away in this life both as to the guilt and inhaerency of it and to grant to the soul the promised present blessed rest and in the day of judgment to make the person partaker of the publick justification and possession of full faelicity Before the receiving of the Lords Supper they kissed one another with the holy kiss the sign of true love and peace which we are sure was used in the Apostles dayes and seems to argue strongly for the use of significant Ceremonies The Easter and Pentecost were the set and solemn times of the administration of the Sacrament of Baptism de bapt c. 18. I need not speak of Confirmation of the observation of the Feasts of Easter and Pentecost of the fast in the days of our Saviour's death and burial of the less perfect and voluntary fasts of Friday and Wednesday Tert. de jejun c. 2. which be in part before touched for my purpose is not to make an exact collection of the ancient rites but of such as may give some light to see whence those Ecclesiastical Ceremonies which have been and partly are used in our Church took their beginnings As concerning the gesture of the body used in the prayers of the Church de Orat. c. 12. it was kneeling or standing this last on the Lords dayes Tertul. l. 2. ad uxor c. 9. de Monogam 6.10 and in all the Pentecost For as Tertullian saith it is a most irreligious fact to pray to God sitting before him unless we upbraid Him that prayer hath wearied us Concerning Matrimony De Veland Virg. c. 11. de pudicitia c. 9. Ambros Ep. 70. Nazianz. Epist 57. in Tertullian's time they defired of the Bishops presbyters Deacons and Widows leave to marry they were married by a Bishop or presbyter the woman used a Vaile they joyned their right hands kissed and Tertullian doth also seem to intimate the use of a ring it is certain it was in use in Isidors time and before Isidor de Eccl. offic l. 2. c. 19. the Bridegroom saith he gave a Ring to the Bride which was put upon her fourth Finger We may gather from Tertullian De bapt c. 9. Apolog. contagent c. 30. that the Lords prayer was commonly used in the publick prayers of the Church for he calls it the legitime and ordinary prayer which saith he being laid as a foundation we may build upon it the petitions which our particular cases require He shews that our private prayers wherein we express to God our particular wants and desires must not be loud not altogether set formes but prompted to us without such monitor by our own hearts which alone can tell us our particular necessities When we pray saith Cyprian let the Father acknowledge the words of his Son Cypr. de orat Dom. And we do saith he the more effectually obtain what we ask in Christs name if we ask using his own prayer Hom. 42. ex 50. The Lords prayer saith Augustine is dayly said at the Altar of God in his Church The fourth Council of Tolet. Can. 9. called it a Quotidian a dayly prayer and commanded it to be said by the Clergy not onely on the Lords days but every day both in the publick and private duty Concerning prayer de orat dom Cyprian hath these remarkable words when we stand to prayer saith he our mind must be onely upon that it prayeth and therefore the Priest premising a preface before the prayer prepares the minds of the Brethren saying Lift up your hearts that the people answering We have unto the Lord may be admonished they ought to think on no●hing but the Lord By which words we learn two things First that in Cyprian's time which was 250 years after our Saviour's birth set forms of publick prayers were used in the Churches Secondly that the people had other answers besides Amen to make to the minister in the solemn prayers of the Church De bono perseverantiae c. 13. de Spir. lit c. 11. Augustine discovereth what followeth those words of the publick prayers mentioned by Cyprian the Priest said saith St. Augustine let us give thanks to