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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68865 Catalogus Protestantium: or, the Protestants kalender Containing a suruiew of the Protestants religion long before Luthers dayes, euen to the time of the Apostles, and in the primitiue Church. By George Web D. of Diuinity, and preacher of the Word of God at the Bathe. Webbe, George, 1581-1642. 1624 (1624) STC 25161; ESTC S119580 57,841 126

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those vowes or what vow of man can disanull the lawfulnesse of Gods owne ordinance 1 Cor. 7.9 Rubrio qui non habit vxorem habent Concubinam Whether is it not better to marrie then to burne Whether is it not more Clerke-like to haue a wife of his owne then which is common among them to haue dispensation to keepe a Concubine It is a ruled case in their Schooles and vsuall in the popish practise in this kinde to dispense with vowes was this Martin Luthers fault that hee married without their papall dispensations Leonic ●●al p. 246. But what is it which our Papists haue to say of the death of this worthy man An horrible miracle saith one of them and such as before was neuer heard of that God shewed in the soule death of Martin Luther damned in body and soule when Martin Luther fell into his disease Hee desired the body of our Lord Iesus Christ to bee giuen vnto him which hauing receaued hee died soone after Being dead and his body laid in the graue on the sudden such a tumult and terror arose as if the foundations of the earth had been shaken the next night after was heard a noise and cracking about Luthers Tombe much lowder then before which waked all that were in the Citie out of their sleepe trembling and almost dead for feare wherefore in the morning opening the Sepulchre where Luthers detestable bodie was laid they found neither bodie nor bones nor clothes but a stinke of Brimstone comming out of the graue had well-nigh killed all the standers by An horrible and dreadfull example indeed if it were true But when I pray was this report raised when was it written surely long before Luthers death And this merry conceite being diuulged abroad suckt in greedily by the Papall faction at length a coppie thereof came to Luthers hands D. White his way to the true Church p. 430. to the which Libell he writ an Answer beginning in these words I Martin Luther by this mine hand writing confesse and testifie that vpon the 21. of March I receaued this fiction concerning my death as it was full of mallice madnesse and I read it with a glad minde and cheerfull countenance c. What my masters the Papists are you not ashamed of these iuggling impostures Are you growne so impudent that you will not conceale your false Tales and forgeries which you inuent against holy men of God till they be dead but publish them in Print in their liues time that they themselues as Luther and Beza did may conuince you of slaunder and of mallice Bez. Epist ad stuckium No wonder then that you blush not to traduce Caluin Iewell King and other worthy instruments of Gods glorie when they are dead But you will say you haue a true relation of Luthers fearefull end and that set forth after he was dead indeed Let vs heare what it is Marry this say they Martin Luther going to bed Coccl vit Luth. Caluinaturcism p. 957. Defence of the Cens p. 66 merry and drunken was found the next morning dead in his bed his body being blacke and his tongue swelling forth as if hee had beene strangled which some thinke was done by the Deuill some by his wife And that as they bare him to Church to burie him his body so smelt that they were faine to throw it into a ditch and goe their waies Thyrraus de Daemoniac part 1. Thes 99. And that a seruant of Luthers being in the Chamber when he died opening a Casement to take in the ayre saw neere vnto him a great number of blacke spirits hopping and dancing wonderfull But did they who relate this see it were they then present or vpon whose relation doe they deliuer it Nay herein they are altogether silent Therefore let vs heare what they who were present with Luther at the time of his death and saw him dying and accompanied his body to the Funerall bee rather belieued then these rayling lying Papists And who were these Albert Earle of Mansfield and other noble men Ioh. Sleidan Com. lib. c. 16. Hierom in Weller Martyrol p. 789 Iustus Ionas Michael Coelius Iohannes Aurisaber Ambrose his his childrens Schoolemaster and many more And what testifie they of his manner of dying euen this That in the yeare of our Lord 1546. the 17. of Februarie D. Martin Luther sickened a little before supper of his accustomed maladie to wit the oppression of humours in the crifice or opening of his stomacke which sicknesse seasoning vpon him hee was had to bed where hee rested two houres where his paines encreasing he called vp D. Ionas and Ambrose his childrens Schoole-master and by their helpe remoued into an other Chamber Into which being newly entred Albert Earle of Mansfield with diuers other came into his Chamber with whom he learnedly discoursed of our knowledge in the life to come of the labours in the Trent Counsell to suppresse the truth of the care which euery good Christian should take to maintaine the truth Giuing himselfe many times to his priuate prayers and soliloquies with God And feeling his fatall houre to approch he commended himselfe to God with this deuout prayer Heauenly Father who art God and the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ the God of all comfort I giue thee thankes for that thou hast reuealed thy Sonne Christ vnto me in whom I haue beleeued whom I haue professed loued and preached and whom the Bishop of Rome and the rest of the wicked persecute and reproach I beseech thee my Lord Iesus Christ receiue my poore soule And Heauenly father though I bee taken out of this life and shall lay downe this my body yet I beleeue assuredly that I shall remaine foreuer with thee and that none shall bee able to plucke mee out of thine hands And hauing ended this prayer hee repeated the 16. verse of the 3. chapter of the Gospell by S. Iohn and then the 20. verse of the 68. Psalme and not long after this hee commended his soule into the hands of God two or three times ouer with shew of much comfort as a man falling asleepe by little and little he departed this life the standers by perceiuing no paine to vexe him his Funerals were solemnly performed at Wittenberge where by the appointment of the Prince Elector hee was honourably buried in the tower Church with great lamentation of many Bugenhagius making the Funerall Sermon and Melancton the Oration This was the end of that good man whose memorie shall euer be precious in the Church of Christ and flourish as the rod of Aaron laid vp in the Tabernacle Thus much for the Popish exceptions against Luther The next whom they except against are Iohn Huffe and Hierome of Prage the two famous Bohemian Martyrs and learned professors of our religion And what is it which they can say against ●●●m Iohn Husse say they was a very Goose so it pleaseth them to descant vpon his
from the Truth our Faith and Religion hath euer kept it selfe vnspotted The true cause why during the former ouer-clouding times of Poperie the Exercises of our Religion haue beene neyther so frequent nor so publike as now it is eyther in place or persons was the persecution of Poperie and the generall corruption of the Papacie which as a Leprosie infected and as a Myst obscured the Times so that sometimes not the true beleeuers themselues such I meane as are come to our knowledge were void of error in euery point though they firmely held the foundation And if it pleased God in processe of time to giue more libertie to the persons and more puritie to the Doctrine why are wee vnthankfull and why should any enuie if the Truth hath growne more ripe in our Age And if there be any yet among vs I would to God there were not too many such who stand as Newters and lookers on not regarding any Religion nor caring to ioyne themselues to either side vntill they see the sequell and issue whether the Protestant or Popish Church is likeliest to be most praeualent To such I say as Elias said to the people of Israel How long halt yee betweene two opinions 1. King 18.21 If the Lord be God follow him But if Baall then follow him Let them consider and call to minde whither of the two Religions sauour more of grace and of the spirit of God whether doth attribute most to God whether hath beene most fauoured by God Let them consider the damnable positions the horrible combustions and hellish proiects of Poperie and the sauing counsels peaceable prosperity and heauenly blessings which haue accompanied ours let them as the Apostle counselleth proue all things 1. Thess 5.21 and hold fast what is good If they doubt whether of them carrieth greatest shew of either veritie or Antiquitie I say vnto them as it was said to St. Augustine at the time of his conuersion Tolle lege Take vp this booke and reade or rather as the Lord speaketh by his Prophet Ieremie stand in the waies and see Ierem. 6.16 Aske for the old paths where is the good way and walke therein and yee shall finde rest for your soules Lastly to the true members and vnseduced Protestants of our Church I say with the Apostle to the Corinthians Brethren you see your calling 1 Cor. 1.26.27 28. albeit not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and weake things to confound the mightie c. yet some noble some learned some Worthies haue embraced the same Religion together with vs and that in all ages and times of the world What would wee haue what can wee desire more we haue Verity and Antiquitie for vs we haue the Patriarkes the Prophets and Apostles on our side we haue the company of innumerable Martyres who haue scaled the Truth thereof with their blood we haue the fellowship of many Churches in diuers Nations Being therefore Compassed about with so great a clouds of Wanesses Heb. 12.1 let vs follow the footsteps of those who haue walked before vs in this way of righteousnesse and runne with patience the race that is set before vs. What though Papists raue and rage and plot and seeke by all meanes to bring our Religion into disgrace yea If it were possible to cut of the name of Israel Psal 83.4 that it might be no more in remembrance Psal 82.12 Yet these aduersaries of the Lord shall be found lyers but the true Church of God shall endure for euer Consider what great things God hath done for vs and how mightily alwaies he hath defended and approued our Religion how miraculously did he preserue it manger all the furie of the Lyon and the wilde Boare of the Deuill and Antichrist euen in the time of their greatest persecutions how wonderfully hath he from time to time detected and defeated all plots and proiects conspiracies and trecheries of the enemies what strange deliuerances hath he giuen vnto vs By this wee may know that God fauoureth vs because our enemies preuaile not against vs. Psal 4● 11 Psal 46.11 The God of Iacob is with vs the God of Hoasts is our refuge he hath giuen vnto vs a Dauid a man after his owne heart to rule ouer vs a Iehosophat whose heart is set to seeke the Lord a Iosias whose chiefest studie is to build vp Gods house and whose chiefest Title is to be the Defender of the Faith he hath taken away our feares by the happie returne of our most hopefull Prince redoubled our ioyes in his forward zeale for the furthering of true Religion he hath blessed vs with an Honourable assemblie of States in the high Court of Parliament and vnited their hearts and mindes to seeke the promotion of his glory and the publike welfare of the Common-weale he hath stirred vp the hearts of all faithfull Subiects within this Iland to pray and cry Grace Zech. 4.7 Grace to that Parliamentarie assembly What now remaineth but that as the Apostle counselleth Wee stand fast in that libertie wherewith Christ hath made vs free Gal. 5.1 and as our Sauiour doth admonish vs that wee be faithfull to the death Reuel 2. ●0 constantly professing and religiously perseuering in that Religion which we haue learned out of the Scriptures and which hath beene practised so long agone in all Ages by so many Patriarkes Prophets Apostles Bishops Confessors and holy Martyrs That so wee may glorifie God and stop the mouth of the aduersarie and both by life and doctrine confound Poperie till that misterie of Iniquitie bee fully reuealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and destroy with the brightnesse of his comming which we beseech the Lord to hasten Euen so Come Lord Iesus come quickly Amen FJNIS