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A68672 Certaine sermons, vpon seuerall texts of Scripture: preached by that reuerend and faithfull seruant of Iesus Christ M. Robert Rollok, minister of the Church (and rector of the Colledge) of Edinburgh. Whereof the first eleuen were before published, and the remnant seuen, are newly adjoyned thereunto; Certaine sermons upon severall places of the Epistles of Paul Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Charteris, Henry, 1565-1628.; Arthur, William, fl. 1606-1619. 1616 (1616) STC 21272; ESTC S116139 202,286 389

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feete who was euer traueiling and journeying nor to kisse the Lord when He entered into his house after the fashion of the countrey nor shewed none heartsomenesse towards the Lord. An hypocrite can neuer doe any thing heartily neither to God nor man Then wouldest thou know a true Christian man or woman Yee heare neuer a word out of her mouth all this time that she is washing the Lordes feete with teares kissing them anointing them with ointment So a true Christian hath few wordes but many deedes One good deede is worth ten words And when thou speakest looke that thy wordes bee heartie and sauour of loue Looke that thou blesse not with thy mouth and curse with thine heart whatsoeuer thou doest doe it heartily and though thou were but presenting a cuppe full of colde water to a poore bodie do it heartily then the Lord shall count wel of it though it were neuer so litle Looke what sentence the Lord giueth out concerning y e poore woman that presented two mites Hee saieth shee gaue more than they all did Luke 21. 3. Whatsoeuer thou doest doe it for the loue of the LORD still waiting for that day wherein the LORD shall reward thee It is true indeede that hee who hath anie discretion will discerne the heart by the verie deede of the hand And hee or shee that hath any heartsomnesse inwardly it will be manifest and vttered in the verie deede of the hand outwardlie But stand thou not vpon the sight of any man in the world But say Lord thou seest the heart thou seest with what heartinesse I doe this And whatsoeuer thou doest striue euer to do it with heartsomnesse for Iesus Christes sake so in doing thou shalt haue joye No man can doe any thing heartilie or joyfullie but they who haue their eyes vpon the Lord. Ye haue heard the proposition the assumption also now He commeth to the conclusion and He concludeth as it were in the teeth of the Pharisie Therefore her sinnes are forgiuen her Not that this loue is the cause of the remission of her sinnes but as a sure argument and testimonie of her faith Her loue toward Christ preceeded not nor went before the assurance of the remission of her sinnes but it followed as a true token So it is an argument not from the cause but from the effect that testifieth assuredly that the cause is and hath proceeded that is that shee hath faith in Iesus Christ Howbeit the Papistes abuse this place gathering heere that the loue which this woman caried to Iesus was the cause of the remission of her sins But I leaue them to their owne vanitie Now Brethren after the example of this Pharisie I shall neuer judge euill nor be a sharpe censurer of a penitent sinner for the poore sinner that beleeueth once in Iesus Christ and repenteth and taketh purpose of amendement for faith and repentance goe euer together a sinner that beleeueth in Iesus Christ will repent and hate and detest sinne to the death wherewith hee hath offended God for when hee hath once tasted of mercy then will hee saye Alas that I haue offended so louing and so mercifull a Father for after that hee hath once gotten a sense of the infinite mercie of GOD all his displeasure will bee that euer hee hath offended so louing and so mercifull a Father I saye such a sinner maye bee assured of forgiuenesse Nowe marke the Lordes answere to the Pharisie He saith not howbeit shee be a sinner yet shee is penitent and loueth mee but Hee saieth shee is no sinner all her sinnes are taken awaye for except all her sinnes had beene taken away and purged by Him it is most true y t the Pharisie thought to wit the LORD would not haue suffered her to haue touched Him Hee would not haue receiued the kisses of her mouth nor the teares of her eyes No the LORD IESVS that Holie One if thou bee not made as vvhite as the snowe and all thy sinnes bee not purged Hee vvill not suffer thee once to touch Him nor to kisse His feete It is a vvonderfull thing to see such a suddaine change in an instant that so vile and so vncleane a bodie shoulde bee so pure and so cleane Howbeit the bodie vvere as redde as the blood and as the Scarlet as the Prophet Esay saieth in the first Chapter of his Prophesie and the 18. verse yet suddainlie Hee vvill make it as vvhite as the snowe and the vvooll Indeede it is true thou wilt neuer bee purged from the remainentes of sinne so long as thou art in this life but yet notwithstanding if thou put on that righteousnesse of Iesus Christ by faith God shall count thee as clean as a glorious Angell in His sight Nowe vvhen Hee hath ended the speech to the Pharisie at the last Hee speaketh to the vvoman not thinking it enough to speake in her hearing vnto the Pharisie but to the greater joye and consolation of the poore vvoman Hee speaketh to herselfe Thou vvill runne in and out hither and thither to gette a vvorde of the king and vvhy not if so thy necessitie require but striue to get a vvord out of the mouth of IESVS Kings manie times vvill giue thee flattering vvordes but the LORD when Hee speaketh vnto thee Hee vvill speake in trueth and vvith vvonderfull loue vvhen Hee saieth to thee Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee thy sinnes are forgiuen thee indeede for the vvord of the Lord hath an operation vvith it for if He once call thee an Holie One thou wilt be so indeede The worde of the Lord worketh in thee the thing that Hee speaketh most powerfullie for Hee calleth these thinges that are not and by calling Hee maketh them to bee So the Lord filleth her heart with joy her heart no questiō began to find joy whē she was speaking to y e pharisie Nowe Hee filleth vp her joye for the fulnesse of joye is not gotten in an instant all joye is in the face of Iesus Christ Thinke yee not but this woman when she heard this word conceiued an vnspeakeable joye in her heart And I say vnto euerie one of you who as penitent sinners will bewaile your sinnes and mourne for offending of GOD and will purpose to wash the feete of IESVS with teares and wipe His feete with your haire as the Lord hath giuen mee commission to speake Repentest thou sinner of thy sinnes Thinkest thou to amende thy life Detestest thou thy sinnes Beleeuest thou assuredly Louest thou the Lord I say to thee Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee in the blood of that same Iesus whom thou louest so well Nowe a worde and so I shall ende When Hee hath spoken thus comfortably to the woman the Pharisic beginneth againe to interrupt and to impede Him if it had beene possible to hinder the woman of her saluation The rest about the table scorneth Him What is hee this quod they that taketh vpon him to forgiue sins He taketh
passeth all vnderstāding in Iesus Christ Amen THE XVIII SERMON I. TIMOTH CHAP. I. verse 14 But the grace of our Lord was exceeding aboundant with faith and loue which is in Christ Iesus verse 15 This is a true saying and by all meanes worthie to bee receiued that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners of whom I am chiefe verse 16 Notwithstanding for this cause was I receiued to mercie that Iesus Christ should first shew on mee all long suffering vnto the ensample of them who shall in time to come beleeue in him vnto eternall life THE Apostle Paul well-beloued Brethren in Christ considering that the Lord IESVS had shewed such mercy vpon him as to concredite to him the glorious Euāgell of the blessed GOD immediately falleth out in a thanksgiuing to Christ There are two causes in the proposition of the thankesgiuing the one is taken from the power of Christ wherewith he is made strōg for whē he was nothing the Lord Iesus made him strong The other is from the mercy of Christ whē hee was vnfaithfull how could a blasphemer bee faithful the Lord was so mercifull that He made him faithful this he declareth because he being before a persecuter the Lord made him an ambassadour of that same Euangell which hee persecuted He leaueth not this mercy but insisteth in magnifying of it in regard that not only he was a Preacher but likewise hee was a true Christian man Ere euer he set downe this mercy he telleth what he was before and he ●ayeth When I was a blasphemer not onely that but with torments compelled the Christians to blaspheme I was a persecuter and yet further an oppressour he leaueth nothing vntolde of himselfe and he thinketh no shame to honour that God who had mercie vpon him with his owne shame and hee regisirateth his owne mis-behauiour to his shame that euery one of the Saincts of God to the end of the world may say Glory be to God that hath shewed mercy on such a sinner then he wondereth and sayeth but he had mercie vpon me therewith by the way hee joyneth a reason why the Lord shewed mercy sa readily on him because he did it not of malice or knowledge but he was blinded hee did it of ignorance hee was destitute of Faith but assoone as hee gote mercy hee changed his course yet hee leaueth not off but entereth into a deaper consideration of this Grace he sayeth The Grace of the Lord abounded exceedingly My sinne abounded but grace superabounded and these wordes are from the sense of the heart the heart beeing opened with the sense of Grace openeth the mouth that it vttereth these words the grace of Christ is superabundant for if the heart be filled with the sense of grace mercy it will make the mouth to proclaime the mercy of God to extoll it highly The cause why we cannot set out y e mercy of God in hie termes is because in vs there is no feeling of mercy therefore it is that we vtter wordes so slender and of so litle valour when we speak of that loue that mercy as it were a thing of none importance When he hath told that the grace of the Lord superabounded he addeth also With faith and with loue in Iesus Christ he declareth that superabundant grace by a wonderfull mutation and change that was made in him by the power of IESVS CHRIST that of a blasphemer of Christ he is made a beleeuer apprehending him by Faith of a persecuter and oppressour of the Sainctes of God hee was made a louer of them The sense of the mercy of God faith in Iesus Christ bringeth foorth loue in the heart And whosoeuer hath assurance of mercie true faith his heart wil be joyned with Christ and he will haue a great loue towardes Him then for Christes sake he will loue all His Saincts there wil not be a soule in the Church of Christ but he will loue him so intirely y ● he wold giue his life for him as he will loue him so he will pity him for he y ● hath faith wil both loue pity mē he y ● wāts pity and careth not what becōmeth of y e whole world so he bee well hee hath neuer found what was the mercy of God in his heart Alas howe few is the number of these faithfull ones how rare a thing is faith in the hearts of men What argueth this coldnesse in the heartes of men this want of loue and pity in the multitude Nothing but this that albeit mercy be preached yet y e multitude feeleth it not And if thou hadst all this world and yet tasted not of that sweetnesse of this mercy of God in Iesus Christ thou knewest neuer what joy what comfort what pleasure was Then in the next wordes hee openeth vp the ground as it were of that mercy that was shewed vpon him which is the generall ende of the comming of Christ into this worlde and from the generall he concludeth on this manner Christ Iesus is come into the world to saue sinners and I am a sinner therefore He will saue me amongst the rest Before he come to the words of the proposition because it is a great and notable sentence hee vseth a preface as y e Lord Iesus in matters of importance vsed to say Verily verily I say vnto you so here th' Apostle saith This is a true saying and by all meanes worthy to be receiued In this preface he prepareth not onely Timothie but all that euer shal heare this sentēce vnto the end of the world and he prepareth them not only to the attension of the eare but he prepareth them vnto faith in the heart so that as soone as they should heare this sentence they should apply it with their hearts Alas why should so worthy excellent sentēces as these are passe away without any attention or preparation on our part It is true Brethren we should neuer come to y e hearing of any part of the word without preparation wee should not come to the holy congregation like as many swine without hauing any regard what wee are doing but we should come with preparation not only with an eare prepared but with an hart prepared and when thou enterest into the Church thou shouldest say The Lord prepare mine heart that I may receiue some sponke of grace So a preparation is requisite in generall to the hearing of the worde But yet the heart of man would be better prepared for the hearing of such notable sentences as this is Christ is come into the world to saue sinners they require a more singular preparation There is no doubt he spake through the full assurāce of faith and that which he spake he assuredly beleeued therefore he spake of it When wee speake of that grace the heart should rise with an assurance Look to the Prophet Dauid with what assurāce he speaketh of it I beleeued
nor seek to none other thing but to the pleasing of that fleshly body without regarde of the precious soule alas in pleasuring thy bodie thou losest thy soule thou makest thy bodie thy Heauen and thou testifiest plainly that thou wantest that light and sense of that Heauenly bodie which shall be after this life Thus farre for the description of the death of the body which is the house of the soule learning vs to esteeme of the soule and body as they are indeed and that not with a fleshly sense but with the Spirituall eyes of Faith Nowe wee come to the life that is contrarie to death There is two partes of man his soule and bodie this glorie of the which wee speake is not the glorie of the soule onely but the glorie of the bodie likewise a glorie belonging both to soule and bodie Wee saieth hee shall get a building not a sillie house as this earthly body was but a faire building Hee calleth the body which wee haue presently an house but the body which we shall get hee termeth it a building Thou gottest this bodie from nature that other is aboue nature nature cannot giue thee that other bodie GOD shall giue thee it aboue nature and against nature What building is this It is an house not builded with the hands of men it is builded with GODS owne hand the LORD immediatelie with his owne hand builded vp this building The former house of this body was vnstable and had no abiding for this body passeth away but this second building is an house that shall neuer fall nor slit but shall be eternall When thou shalt get this building thou shalt not need to be afraid for the dissolution thereof it shall neuer be dissolued Where shall this building be builded men regard much situation in building this house in the which we dwel here it is builded in the earth and it is a tabernacle pitched somtimes in this place somtimes in that place but the situatiō of this building shall bee in the Heauen for I assure thee when a man is once glorified entereth into that glorie hee shall no more returne to the earth The earth cannot beare a glorified person Christ beeing glorified coulde not abide in the earth but He went to that glorious mansion in the Heauens Thou shalt no sooner bee glorified but thou shalt mount vp to Heauen as CHRIST did Well then there is the glorie and there is no worde heere but it aggregeth that passing glorie Euerie worde l●tteth vs see the greatnesse of that glorie and yet it is not all tolde Nay Paul cannot tell thee all the glorie that shall bee in the glorified bodie he hath giuen but a little inckling of it It is but a building whereof hee telleth thee Yet marke Who is this that speaketh this It is Paul How speaketh he it by faith Is it his mouth that speaketh it no it is the soule that lodgeth in the bodie that falleth out in the extolling of that building that it shall dwell in As a sillie man in a cottage appointed to glorye shoulde saye I am nowe sitting in a sillie house but I shall once sit in a glorious Palace So marke Faith will cause the soule mount vp aboue the bodie and whilst the soule is in the bodie Faith and Hope will lift it vp and put it in a maner into Heauen Therefore this same Paul saith in the third Chapt. to the Phillip the 30 vers By Faith and Hope hee had his conuersation in Heauen while hee was yet dwelling on the earth Get therefore Faith and Hope that entereth thee into the possessiō of that glorie and before the soule bee seuered from the bodie they will in a maner put thee in possession thereof It is the too-looke to heauen that maketh the soule of Paul to rejoyce in this glorie The cottager that hath not a too-looke to a better house is a foole to despise his cottage but hee that hath a too-looke to a better who can blame him to despise this cottage I will tell thee my counsell before thou dislodge out of this bodie for as fraile as it is be assured of a better goe not out of the house doore except thou knowe that thou shalt enter into a glorious house I assure thee if thou bee not prouided for a better house and haue not Faith and Hope of a better than that which thou lodgest in thou shalt enter in a worse thou shalt get that bodie againe which was euill before but then it shall bee a thousande times worse for the soule shall bee shot into that bodie againe and then thou shalt be shot both soule and bodie into that foule dungeon of Hell So brethren looke for a glorious building thou that esteemest not of this bodie bee carefull for a better A vaine prodigall man will cast his soule out of this bodie and in the meane time will not bee prouided for a better lodging thereto Hee is not esteemed a man in these dayes that wil not hazard and cast out his life for an euill cause and quarell Trustest thou that that soule of thine shall get any better lodging hereafter and thou not prouided thereof by Faith and Hope here nay nay O blessed is that man that dieth in a good cause And what better cause can be than Christes cause who is the God of life Assure thee thou that wilt die for Christs cause thou shalt get a building in Heauen thou that takest no care of this life for Christs cause death shall be aduantage to thee The Lord graunt vs a too-looking to that Heauenlie building an assurance of that Heauenlie life Thus much for the assurance that Paule hath that hee shall dwell in Heauen Nowe in the verse following learne howe hee groundeth this assurance and what warrande hee hath for him Faith is not a word as to say I belieue and Hope is not a word as to say I hope Nay but thou must haue a warrand of thy saluation in this life or else I assure thee in the Name of GOD thou shalt neuer get Heauen It is a straite way to come to Heauen and it is wondrous hard to get the assurance of it It is no small matter to get an assurance of life euerlasting after death Then looke what warrandes this man PAVLE had that thou mayest preasse to haue the like The first grounde of his assurance is in this seconde verse For this cause saieth hee wee sigh desiring to bee clothed to put on as it were a garment Wherewith With our house which is from Heaven These are his wordes Then his first warrande and ground of his assurance is a desire of that same glory What sort of desire An earrest desire with sighing and sobbing not a colde desire but day and night crying and sobbing for life Thinkest thou so easily to get Heauen that canst neuer say earnestly in thine heart GOD giue mee that Heauenly life no thou wilt bee
vpon thy bodie otherwise soule and bodie both shall perish the house shall fall downe and the man that lodged in the house shall bee destroyed Remember then Life and Death are not matters to bee scorned withall they are not wordes nay nay Thinke grauelie of them and before thy soule bee dislodged looke that thou bee prepared for a better life Looke that thou finde the LORD of Life CHRIST IESVS by His Spirit working the death of mortalitie in thee and the beginning of the Life that shall last for euer The LORD by His Spirit worke these thinges in your heartes To whom bee all Praise Honour and Glorie for euer and euer AMEN THE SECOND SERMON II. COR. CHAP. V. verse 5 And He that hath created vs for this thing is GOD who also hath giuen vnto vs the earnest of the Spirit verse 6 Therefore wee are alwayes bolde though wee knowe that Whilst wee are at home in the bodie wee are absent from the LORD verse 7 For we walke by faith and not by sight verse 8 Neuerthelesse we are bolde loue rather to remooue out of the bodie and to dwell with the LORD BRethren yee that were present the last day hearde what was the purpose of Paul in this place First hee beginneth to comfort himselfe and all others that are to die and to be dissolued against death the terrours of death He as he saith in the chap. preceeding 18. vers is looking vp to Heauen and whilst he is looking vp to Heauen to see that end that he was once to attaine to there cometh in betwixt his sight and the light of that glorie and life a cloude of death to haue caught away out of his eies if it had bene possible all too-looke to life euerlasting The remedic against it wee shewed you was Faith and a constant Hope with a sharpe earnest and stedfast looking euē to pierce in throrow death and that cloude of death and thorow death to get a sight of that life and light of glorie which lieth hid vp in Heauen beyond death We know saith the Apostle and are assured that our bodies and the earthlie house of this tabernacle shall bee dissolued yet wee shall get a building for an house a building that is from God not made with mens hands but an eternall building that is situated in the Heauens aboue the carth When hee hath set down this remedy he beginneth to comfort himselfe and others by a sure Faith that after death he shall liue againe after the dissolution of his mortall bodie hee shall receiue a glorious bodie The first argument of his assurance is from the desire hee had of life sighing with an earnest desire of that Kingdome which is from Heauen This desire neuer disappointed man Neuer was there anie man that had an earnest desire of life glorie and had the true knowledge and meane to attaine to this glorie that was disappointed of his desire but who euer desired most earnestlie to be glorified most certainly they liue now in Heauen and at this houre they are glorified there and none there shall be that shall haue this desire and striue to throng into Heauen violently Mat. 11. 12. but they shall enjoy Heauen after their departing Now in the Text which we haue read we followe out the assurances and warrandes which the Apostle hath of the glorie of the life to come The second assurance and warrand of the life to come is in the first words Hee saith the Apostle that hath created vs for this thing is God c. The argument of the life to come in these words is from the ende of our creation GOD hath created vs to this ende to wit That in the ende this mortalitie wherewith wee are clothed might bee swallowed vp of Life therefore liue must wee in Heauen This is the ende of our creation therefore it cannot faile but wee must bee glorified Learne then The maner of our glorifying is this It is GOD not man that hath made vs and created vs to this ende It is impossible that GOD can be disappointed of the ende which He setteth before Him of His worke man may bee disappointed for hee will begin a worke for some purpose but oft times hee will bee disappointed of that purpose Hee will build an house to dwell in but it may be hee neuer dwell in it another will dwell therein GOD when He worketh a worke to anie ende it is impossible that Hee can bee disappointed All the world if they would stand vp and oppone to GODS worke they cannot hinder it That worke that GOD worketh in vs is such a worke that tendeth to Life as to the ende thereof Who shall condemne vs saith the Apostle it is God that justifieth vs Roman 8. 33. Will Hee justifie thee all the world shall not bee able to condemne thee Will Hee saue thee all the worlde shall not bee able to make thee perish So is it of His whole Church in generall Suppose all the worlde were conspired against His Church He wil haue it safe and wonderfully worketh He the saluation of His Church euery member thereof through death He bringeth them to life so that it is folly to men to striue against the works of GOD. Yet looke to the wordes Hee that hath created vs to this end is God What creation is this that he meaneth of Is this that first creation of Adam and Eua of euery one of vs in them that was at the beginning Not so that creation failed Indeede wee were first created to liue and thorowe that first creation euerie one of vs got a certaine right to liue for euer but that right wee lost in our owne default wee are fallen from that right of our creation in the fall of Adam So we must seeke another creation or else wee shall neuer see Life for wee haue no right to that first creation which was in all Holinesse according to the image of GOD Ephes 4. 24. If thou sticke to that first creation and olde birth-right thou shalt neuer see Life Then the Apostle meaneth of another What other making or creating of vs is this It is our regeneration or renewing againe which is nothing else but as it were a newe birth and begetting from the which we are called new creatures 2. Corin. 5. 17. Then Brethren wouldst thou haue a sure argument that thou shalt liue after this life wo to thee if thou liuest not after this life woe to them that euer sawe this worlde and they get not a life after this life for this life will away Looke if thou art regenerated and renewed looke if thou art sanctified and findest a slaying of thy lusts within thee Looke if thou findest the life of God by his Spirit working within thee not this naturall life but this Heauenly and spirituall life begunne in thee not by nature but by grace If thou hast this thou hast a warrand that thou shalt liue and albeit
part it is the hope of that life and glory to come and an eye to Heauen that maketh a Pilgrime to liue well in this life where this eye to Heauen is not there is no good life Wherefore should we speake further Alas these euill liues of men these murthers adulteries thefts tell vs plainely there is no sight of Heauen nor regarde of the life to come Thou that passest thy time taking thy pleasure in the displeasing of GOD testifiest that thine eye was neuer on Heauen that the eye of thy soule was neuer lifted vp aboue thy bodie and assure thy selfe if thou liue on so thou shalt neuer see Heauen Now in the next verse hee subjoyneth another argument moouing him to bee ambitious to bee with that LORD of life The first argument was because hee was to dwell with that LORD in Heauen The second is that terrible Iudgement that all flesh shall see except they endeuour themselues to serue GOD in this life For saieth hee wee must all appeare before the Iudgement-seate of CHRIST Learne a lesson of the pith of this argument As there is a force in the hope of the life to come so there is a force in the feare of a terrible Iudgement to mooue a man to liue well here Looke howe needefull the one is to cause thee to liue well in this life as needefull also is the other Hope of life is needful feare of judgemēt is needful what should be the cause of this knowest thou not thy nature how backward froward it is so that except thou be pricked forward with terrors of judgement thou wilt neuer addresse thy selfe to Heauen but wilt linguer sit downe by the way Brethren There are two things in Heauen and two thinges in earth both seruing to mooue vs to liue well heere in this life In Heauen there is two seates one of Grace which is called the Throne of grace The other a seate of Iudgement a Tribunall Fie on all tribunals in the earth in respect of that Heauenly Tribunall The Throne of grace is spoken of to the Hebrewes Chapt. 4. vers 16. Let vs goe boldly to the Throne of grace that wee may get mercie But this will not suffice except the Tribunall of judgement be also before thee to draw thee forward both must bee before thee and as thou lookest to the Throne of grace with the one eye so look to the Throne of judgement with the other eye There are also in like maner two thinges in earth to draw thee forward The one the Gospell of grace The other the Law threatning judgement The Gospel drawing thee louinglie to GOD the Lawe threatning thee to goe forwarde or else thou shalt die The Gospell gently alluring thee forwarde promising that thou shalt get life The Lawe standing about the Gospell as a fire to terrifie thee and if thou goe out of the right way it will burne thee It will not bee the Gospell alone that will serue the turne Indeede if there were no canker in thee the Gospell would serue the turne but in respect of this wicked canker in thy nature thou must be threatned with the Lawe Seest thou not thy nature fairnes will not serue the turne thou must be pulled forward by the haire or else thou wilt fall into damnation Take me away the rebukes of the Law if thou bee a king or a Monarch it is but a dead Gospel to thee such is the corrupt nature of man Take away the canker of the nature of man I shall speake nothing of the Lawe but as long as this canker remaineth the Law must threaten all from the king to the begger I were a false Doctor if I vsed not the threatning of the Lawe to rebuke this canker of nature Who is more holie than Paule was He looking vp to Heauen seeing the Mercie-seate likewise seeth the Iudgement-seate and if hee had not seene the Iudgement-seate and beene terrified therewith hee shoulde neuer haue gotten a sight of that Mercie-seate so must it bee with vs wee must see that Iudgement-seate as well as that Mercie-seate This is wonderfull Hee was euen nowe speaking of CHRIST as a sweete LORD and faine would bee at Him and nowe againe hee setteth Him vp as a Iudge to terrifie men Is this the LORD at whom he would bee Who desireth to appeare before a terrible Iudge Who hath life and death in his handes Take heede this is Paules meaning The LORD IESVS Hee is both terrible to men and joyous to men and Hee must bee both joyous and mercifull indeede to thee who endeuoureth thy selfe to please Him in this life Terrible to them who endeuoureth them not to please Him in this life Wouldest thou haue Him mercifull to thee studie then to liue well serue Him sincerely in thy calling Wilt thou haue Him terrible to thee thou shalt indeede finde Him terrible to thee and thou shalt shake tremble at His countenance in case thou seeke not to please Him in this life And this shall bee the first sight that euer the wicked who desired not to please Him in this life shall get of Him Heauen and Hell are thought jests mocks now adayes this Tribunall is not looked too but certainely thou must appeare either before the Throne of Mercie or the Tribunal of Iudgement Yet to goe forward in the wordes I shall only touch them without discoursing on that generall judgement Then first heere to let you see the terriblenesse of that judgement there is an Appearance whereof Esaias in his 45. Chapter and the 23. verse thereof and Paule Roman 14. 11. speaketh As I liue saieth the LORD all knees shall how to Mee and all thinges shall confesse Mee to bee GOD. There is the reuerence that shall bee at that appearance all kinges in the earth shall bow their knees the tongue that would not speake in this earth to GODS glory shall then bee compelled to speake to His glorie Then there is first an appearance Secondly an necessitie Thou must appeare Thirdly an vniuersalitie all shall appear without exception all shall be called and all must answere Hic sum I AM HEERE None shall bee away man nor womā rich nor poore from Adam the first man to the last man borne on the earth Then fourthly The seate before the which this appearance must bee is a Tribunall the Iudge is CHRIST IEHOVAH GOD not man onely all knees shall bow to Him as GOD and not only to CHRIST as GOD but to CHRIST in our nature as man he shall sit as a glorious Iudge as it is saide Iohn 5. 22. The Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgement to the Sonne And as there shall bee one appearance of all so there must be one receiuing none shall appeare but something they shall receiue What shall bee receiued A reward of thy actions and doinges in thy bodie which rewarde shall appertaine to the bodie as well as to the soule because thou didst them in
the bodie As to the qualitie of the rewarde it is proportionall to that which thou hast done in the bodie bee it good or euill if it bee good thou shalt bee rewarded with glorie if euill thou shalt bee rewarded with ignominie and shame To insist something vpon the last wordes because the Papistes sticke to them and thinke they haue an aduantage of this place when they heare that euerie one shall receiue according to the thinges which they haue done in the flesh incontinent they conclude ERGO workes merites I answere Euill workes indeede merite damnation and damnation shall bee thy portion for them if thou bee out of IESVS but good workes haue no merite in all thy good workes there is no deseruing althogh they were ten thousand more than they are There is force enough in an euill work to condemne thee but in a thousand good workes no force to saue The Apostle saieth not heere They shall receiue a rewarde for that which they haue done but according as they haue done hee saieth not Propter making workes a cause but Secundum that is according to the testification of the works But to leaue the larger insisting in this as more pertinent to another place and to come to our purpose Weigh the wordes for euerie worde is a worde of weight importing a terrible Iudgement an Appearing a necessitie of appearing an vniuersall appearing without exception no respect of persons of the king more than of the begger no mitigation of the seueritie of the Iudge c. CHRIST will haue no mitigation but if thou bee a reprobate thou wilt bee handled seuerelie albeit thou bee a king The judgement then being so terrible the Iudge CHRIST must also bee terrible And so the Apostle saieth Knowing therefore that terrour of the LORD c. And all this is to learne euerie soule not so to presume of the mercie of CHRIST that thou shalt thinke to finde Him mercifull in that daye except that thou hast studied to bee acceptable vnto Him in this life and canst say LORD I EMPLOY MY SELFE IN SERVING THEE Away with that presumption of mercie which maketh the lowne when hee is mu●thering and committing adulterie to say GOD is mercifull Hauing set downe the terrible Iudgement hee concludeth what he will doe in his owne person Is the judgement and Iudge so terrible I will bee wise the LORD giue vs this wisedome Knowing saith Paul that terrour of the LORD I will do my duetie in this life My duetie is to preach to bring men to the faith in CHRIST I will walke in the discharge of that duetie night and day Hee saith Knowing perfectlie that terrour of the LORD It is not a blinde terrour that will make a man to doe his duetie in this life but it is the knowledge of a Tribunall to belieue that there is a Iudge and a Tribunall in Heauen and that there is a most terrible day abyding And if a mā belieued that there is a Tribunall in Heauen a terrible Iudge sitting there to take account of his doinges in earth for all the worlde hee would not offende that GOD but this cannot sinke in the heart of man Hee will say there is a generall judgement but this is from the mouth onely and not from the heart and surely as long as a man continueth in sinne albeit hee should sweare that there is a Tribunall it is a token hee knoweth it not The wordes of judgement auaile nothing it is the belieuing and sure knowledge that there is a judgement and a terrible Iudge to sinners in Heauen that doth the turne Therefore seeke perswasion and looke to that Article of thy Creede that the Iudge shall come and take account both of the quicke the dead Belieue it and then it shall draw thee to liue a godly life Knowing therefore that terrour of the LORD wee perswade men or cause them belieue Hee saieth not I goe to play the part of a king or of a politicke man I am busie in this or that turne that appertaineth not to my calling No but according to my calling I preach the Gospell to perswade men to belieue in CHRIST that they may bee saued To speake the trueth it is not thy labouring and doing in any other mans calling that will profite thee but thou art ordained by GOD to doe thy duetie in thine owne calling and when the account of thy deedes shall bee taken in that Great day hee shall not say what hast thou done in another mans calling but what hast thou done in thine owne I made thee a Minister howe hast thou traueled in that vocation Therefore I saye as euerie man would bee readie to giue an account of his doinges let euerie man bee diligent in his owne vocation seeking the glorie of GOD therein Nowe it might haue beene saide to Paul Thou boastest much of thy doing and preaching but looke with what sinceritie thou hast beene occupied and with what vprightnesse of heart thou hast beene preaching in thy life time He answereth and first hee taketh GOD to bee witnesse of the sinceritie of his heart in discharging his Ministerie and then hee taketh the Corinthians among whome hee had traueled to bee witnesse also of his sinceritie As for GOD hee saieth We are made manifest vnto GOD And as for men I trust also I am made manifest in your consciences Hee taketh first GOD to bee witnesse who knoweth the heart and then the Corinthians who sawe his actions Then Brethren it is not enough for a Minister that preacheth CHRIST as Paule doeth for to perswade men to belieue in CHRIST to speake outwardlie to men as I am now speaking to you but hee must looke in the meane time that inwardlie his heart be set vpon GOD that is looke that he approoue his heart in sinceritie to GOD who seeth the heart Men marke the wordes that come out of the mouth but GOD marketh the sinceritie of the heart to see with what sinceritie the man speaketh This that I speake of Paul in his calling I meane of all other men in their callings Doest thou anie thing outwardlie to men looke that thou doe it inwardlie in thine heart with sinceritie to GOD otherwise thou losest all thy trauell albeit it were neuer so good in the presence of men Of this it followeth al these are but vaine voyces to stand vp and say I haue done this thing or that thing To speake to men who knowe not the heart except in the meane time as thou art speaking vnto men thou mayest draw the LORD to bee witnesse as Paule doeth to the sinceritie of thine heart and may say I haue beene traueiling with what sinceritie the LORD knoweth that which I haue done I haue done it in sinceritie not being content to call GOD onelie to bee witnesse he turneth him to the Corinthians and he appealeth their consciences to beare recorde of his sinceritie in his doing and hee saieth As for you Corinthians speaking sparingly I trust
sixteenth Chapter and the two and twentie verse of the first Epistle to the Corinthians Louest thou Him assure thy selfe howbeit thou canst not get such a loue to Him or such a sight of these thinges as thou wouldest haue they are prepared for thee Onelie thou art to take heede to see if that loue of GOD bee in thine heart Goe not to search what is in Heauen and thinke not to get a full sight of that glorie in this life that is laide vp for thee But rest on Him yea though it were halfe blindlinges Well is the soule that can loue the LORD IESVS I will ende heere and will recommende to euerie soule that Loue of IESVS as euer they woulde see the thinges that the eye neuer sawe nor the eare neuer hearde nor hath euer entered into the heart of man to their euerlasting comfort and consolation at the comming of the LORD IESVS To whome with the FATHER and the Holy GHOST bee all Honour Prayse and Glorie for euer and euer world without ende So bee it THE SEVENTH SERMON I. COR. CHAP. II. verse 10 But GOD hath reuealed them vnto vs by His Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all thinges yea the deepe thinges of GOD. verse 11 For what man knoweth the thinges of man except the spirite of a man which is in him Euen so the thinges of GOD knoweth no man but the Spirite of GOD. verse 12 Nowe wee haue receaued not the spirit of the world but the Spirite which is of GOD that wee may know the things that are giuen to vs of GOD. THE last day Brethren we heard a cleare description commendation of that wisedome which ` Paul spake and preached which is none other in effect but this same blessed EVANGELL that is preached to you We shewed you that there was nothing that might commende a science or wisedome in this world but it concurred with him to the commendation praise and glorie of this wisdome that is here described The author of it is not the world nor the Princes of the world but God the maker of the worlde The secrecie of it was hidden vp in a mysterie so manie ages from the creation to the comming of Christ and manifestation of Him in the nature of man The antiquitie of it it was predestinated from all Eternitie The end of it our glorie The sublimitie and highnesse of it when it was reuealed at the cumming of CHRIST none of the Princes of this world could vnderstand it for if they had known it they had not crucified the LORD of glorie The subject of it the thinges which the eye neuer sawe the eare neuer hearde which neuer entered into the heart of man and yet for all this prepared for them that loue the LORD Nowe to come to the Text which wee haue in hand It might haue bene asked of the Apostle If such thinges as were neuer seene neuer heard of nor neuer entred into the heart of man were contained in that wisdom which he taught what profite haue we by that wisedome what profite haue wee of the thinges whereof wee are not capable The Apostle meeteth this in the first verse which we haue read But saith hee God hath reuealed them vnto vs by His Spirit It is true indeed they passe the sight of our eyes they surmount aboue our hearing they passe the capacitie of our mind yet that LORD hath dimitted Himselfe vnto vs by His Spirit He hath reuealed those things to vs the sillie ones of y e world not to the princes of y e world but to the sillie simple ones Hee hath reuealed them not by our spirit but by His owne Spirit There is the summe of the answere shortlie He giueth the reason in the next part of the verse and letteth vs see that the Spirite of Iesus is able to reueale all these high and hidden things to vs setting out the nature of the Holie Spirit For saieth hee the Spirite searcheth all thinges yea the deepe thinges of God The Spirite is a searcher and hee is a searcher of all things created in Heauen and earth Nothing can escape him but hee will se●rch into the secretest things in the world and into the secretest parts of thine heart What more Hee is a searcher of the God of glorie Himselfe and will pierce into the infinite deepnesse that is in God Hee being such a Spirit as this is he not able to reueal the things whereof wee are not capable There is the meaning of the whole verse shortlie Then we see these things contained in the Heauenlie wisedome as the riches of God in IESVS CHRIST our remission of sinne our justification our regeneration our saluation and life euerlasting euen common thinges which yee heare of daylie together with Iesus Christ the Mediator in whome and thorowe whome all thinges are wrought are the thinges which the eare hath not hearde nor the eye hath not seene neither haue they e●●ered into the heart of man Yet wee see that these thinges passe not so the capacitie of man nor they are not so altogether hidden from man but they are reuealed And they are reuealed to whom To them for whom they are prepared They are reuealed when euen in this life there is none for whom they are prepared from all Eternitie but in this life before the soule goe out of the bodie they shall receiue some reuelation and vnderstanding of these same things and thou that gettest no reuelation of them in this life and gettest not a sight of them ere the soule goe out of the bodie I will say to thee They were neuer prepared for thee Remission of sinnes was neuer prepared for thee Iustification before the Tribunall of GOD Regeneration Life euerlasting was neuer prepared for thee There is not a better token of life after this life than a blink of life in this life if it were but a glimmering for the best of vs hath but a glimmering a blinke of IESVS Christ and of the graces that are in Him in this life is the surest token that thou canst haue of the life to come And by the contrarie There is not a worse token of darkenesse after this life than to haue thine eyes so closed that thou hast no blinke heere of that life to come And when thou diest hauing no sight of the life to come thou shalt die a miserable catiue a faggot for the fire of H●ll Let vs goe forward to the rest God hath reuealed them by His Spirit Now yee see heere a reuelation by the Spirit● Marke it I shall tarie somwhat vpon these wordes Yee heard before of a reuelation by the word which is this wisedome Now yee heare of a reuelation by the Spirite It is not enough to receaue a reuelation by the word though it were neuer so faire and so soundly preached it will neuer doe thee good it is nothing but as if thou wouldest holde a light before a blinde man say to him Man seest
desire to liue for a while that the Church may be holpen The Lord accounteth more highly of this desire than of a desire that a man hath to die and to bee with Iesus The Lord accounted more of PAVLES liuing to helpe the Church than of his glorifying Him in his death Thinke yee that PAVL woulde haue liued so long except the Lord had seene him profitable to His Church And no question y e Lord Iesus knowing the misery of this earth would haue taken vp His Apostles at His ascention with Him if He had not loued the weale of His Church There is no good body but the Lord woulde haue them with Him yet Hee letteth them remaine heere in paine that they may help the Church otherwise there would not be a good body left liuing in SCOTLAND Hee would take them all away and glorifie them But so long as Hee hath a Church in SCOTLAND Hee will let good men continue but when Hee taketh them away wo be to them that tary behind It is wonderfull to see how the Lord will keepe a man by whose trauels Hee will helpe His Church All the worlde will not get leaue to hurt an haire of his head HEROD taketh PETER and putteth him into prison laying him betwixt two souldiers thinking to execute him y e next morning Act. 12. But the Lord by His Angell wakeneth him and bringeth him safe out and yet hee wist not what hee was doing PAVL and PETER were wonderfully deliuered so long as the Lord had to doe with them but when He had done His turne and they fell into the hands of NERO there is no more dinne of them they were slaine So long as the Lord hath adoe with any man He will shake Heauen and earth ere hee perish Well the care of the Church of God is decaying in SCOTLAND Le●vs crie LORD put the care of this Church and the care of the members of the body of Christ into the hearts of men that euery man may care for the saluation of another and that God maye bee glorified in them through His Sonne Christ Iesus our Sauiour To whome with the Father and the Holy Ghost bee all Prayse Honour and Glory both now and for euermore AMEN THE ELEVENTH SERMON TITVS CHAP. III. verse 3 For we our selues were in times past vnwise disobedient deceiued seruing the lustes and diuerse pleasu●es liuing in maliciousnesse and enuie hatefull and hating one another verse 4 But when the bountifulnesse and loue of GOD our Sauiour toward man appeared verse 5 Not by the workes of righteousnesse which wee had done but according to His mercie Hee saued vs by the washing of the newe birth and the renewing of the Holie Ghost verse 6 Which Hee shedde on vs aboundantlie through IESUS CHRIST our Sauiour verse 7 That wee beeing justified by His grace should bee made heyres according to the hope of eternall life IF we shall consider this Text welbeloued in IESVS CHRIST we shall find in it three things The first the miserable estate and condition of man wherein hee stood before hee was called to grace by IESVS CHRIST The next is his mercifull deliuerie frō that miserable estate and condition The last is the ende of his mercifull deliuerie to wit That he should serue God all the dayes of his life in all maner of thankfulnesse for so mercifull a deliuerie And seeing our communicating with the bodie and blood of the LORD approaches our preparation cānot stand in three better thinges than these First in a knowledge of our miserie before that we knew God in CHRIST Next in a knowledge of our mercifull deliuerie from that miserable estate And thirdlie in a duetie toward God for our deliuerie We shall speake at this time of the first two Now to returne and to goe thorow the words as the Lord will giue vs grace The occasion of the setting downe of this first part to wit of our miserie before we knew Christ is this Immediatelie before he hath exhorted TITVS to vse all kinds of lenitie towardes them that were not conuerted not to deale with them in rigour but to deale with them in meeknesse Hee giueth the reason Looke what they are now euen such were we before wee were called liuing in concupiscence our mindes were rebellious against God therefore let vs deale with them as wee woulde haue beene dealt with our selues at that time I marke here first That our miserable estate that we stood in before we were called to this grace through Iesus Christ shoulde neuer be forgotten The miserie of nature wherein wee are conceiued and borne and wherein wee liue for a time till wee knowe Christ should neuer goe out of our remembrance When thou hast plaide the foole a while in sinne when thou hast followed harlotry committed murther oppressed thy neighbour when God hath called thee out of that miserable condition made thee to know Him in Christ forget neuer thy former misery forget neuer that thou hast followed filthinesse murthered oppressed c. Saieth the Apostle to the Ephesians who were Gentiles after their conuersion in Christ Forget your olde done deedes saith he so No but he saith Remember that ye were Gentiles Brethren it is true the estate of grace in Christ hath a sweetnesse with it if a man or woman haue a sense of it but looke that the sweetnesse of it m is-●elish not so the taste that in the meane time thou lose all sense of thy former misery Keepe therefore both the misery and the deliuery in thy mind that thereby the true sense of GODS mercie may be stirred vp in thine heart for none haue the true sense of the mercie of God in Christ except hee onelie that sigheth for the miserie which we did lie in before This is the first Another thing I marke here This same remembrance of our misery it should make euery one of vs that stand in grace to haue a compassion vpon sinners where euer thou seest them labour to winne them but with pitie and let bee thy bitternesse A man that hath no pitie but is full of bitternesse against a sinner that man hath forgotten that hee was a sinner before There is no man so cleane but there is a remaining corruption in him albeit hee see it not They that haue the true zeale of God they will indeede bee seuere against sinners Why not but they beginne alwayes at their selues and then reprooue others Hypocrites beginne not at themselues but they hide and cloake their owne sinnes and are alwayes seuere against others But the man that beginneth at himselfe his seueritie is aye mixed with pitie But to come to the words Wee were such as they are now we were mad and out of our right wit we were beside our selues There is the first part of our miserie in nature for wee were all miserable by nature there is not one soule but it is borne miserable by nature Yee see then Brethren our miserie beginneth not at our
voyce The friends of the bridegrome saith S. Iohn when they stand and heare the bridegrome speake they rejoyce exceedingly So it is the joye of a Christian to heare the Lord Iesus speake The meaning is this I haue waited on so long haue founde in experience how good a thing it is and therefore that experience shall moue me to waite on still I am forced through the experience of mercy to waite on still without wearying This prophet whosoeuer he was was in a great danger and therefore in the beginning hee saide Out of the deepe places haue I cryed vnto thee O IEHOVAH so he was vnder great affliction his affliction y ● hee suffered wrought in him so y ● he waiteth patientlie y e Lords deliuerāce a waiting with patience in end he finds experience proof of the mercy of God for hee was deliuered finding experience of the Lords loue through that deliuery hee conceits an hope that Gods fauor shal neuer leaue him professeth that he wil wait yet stil wait on cōtinually because of that experience of mercy In the 5. chap. to the Romanes yee haue the notable effectes that affliction worketh linked together and if there vvere no more but the effects y ● wee finde to haue beene in this man they testifie that it is true that the Apostle speaketh here Oppression saith he worketh patience that is when affliction is sanctified to him that is afflicted through time it bringeth forth patience Then after that a man hath waited patiently on the deliuerance of the Lord then saith he patience worketh experience that is a bodie that abideth patiently vnder the crosse in the end he findeth an experience and proofe of the Lords loue one way or other either by deliuery or by furnishing strength to beare it out or by some spirituall grace Then he saieth experience worketh hope that is when anie one hath founde in experience the mercy of the Lord hee conceaueth an hope that the Lord shall euer deliuer him and neuer forsake him he hopeth y t he shall get greater fauour than euer he got before for if the Lord giue the faithfull a temporall deliuerie they hope Hee shall giue them eternall deliuerie And this is sure thou canst neuer hope for great enough things of the Lord thine hope is farre inferiour to the things that shall be granted for certainly they that hope in the Lord shall finde greater thinges than euer they hoped for thou art not able to apprehend in thine hope the greatnesse of them the kingdome the joye and the glorie is greater than thou canst looke for when thou shalt come there thou shalt finde that all thinges are greater than thine hope Nowe when hee hath proponed that hee will hope in the Lord hee beginneth in the next verse to amplifie that proposition and declareth the earnestnesse of it by a comparison taken from the watch-men who watch all the night ouer without any reliefe and saieth My soule waiteth on the Lord more than the morning-watch watcheth for the morning It is a worthie thing to consider how that after the heart is once preuented with a tasting of the sweetnesse of Gods fauour howe that heart will hing and depend vpon Him and seeke and waite for grace at Him more and more Alas from whence commeth this that men women are so carelesse to seeke the Lord and to waite on Him Alas they haue not tasted of that gracious sweetnesse that is in God through Iesus Christ for if they had once tasted of it there would bee a perpetuall thirsting desiring for that presence the heart would neuer haue rest nor ease till it got that presence The Apostle Peter when he desireth them to seeke that sincere milke of the worde whereby they might grow hee subjoyneth If once yee haue tasted how sweet and gracious the Lord is meaning that they that neuer haue tasted of the sweetnesse of the Lordes presence and His graces haue not a desire of grace Wee see heere what is the estate of the faithfull in this worlde by this comparison with the watch The estate of euery one of vs. is this waking and watching from euening to morning The watch yee knowe watcheth in the night and there especially where greatest danger may fall out and the watch that hath no reliefe in his watching but must watch from the euening to the morning hee must bee very weary and being very weary hee will bee very desirous of the morning and the sunne rising when it commeth he is relieued of his painfull watching goeth to take his rest To apply this to vs This world which wee liue in till the comming again of the Lord Iesus is but a darkesome night in respect of that glorious day that shall appeare when He commeth againe Indeed the world since the first cōming of Christ is called a day in the Scripture but that is in respect of them that were before Christ but in respect of that passing light that Iesus Christ shall thē bring with Him this is but passing darknes and we shall thinke so when that day shall come Nowe next the watch in this worlde was neuer more straitelie bound to watch in the night than euery Christian man is bound to watch till he come again this was the direction that Christ gaue His disciples Wait for yee knowe not what houre thee good-man of the house shall come and in watching wee finde a great heauines What faithfull man is in this world that is not wearied with watching The worlde that sleepeth in this life is not wearied but the faithfull that watcheth is weary of this life and faine would they haue that morning comming whē the sunne of righteousnes the Lord Iesus shall rise vp that they may be relieued And when y t morning shall come thou that hast watched in this worlde at the least hath striuen to watch and looked for that glorious comming of the Lord Iesus thou shalt get rest so sweet a rest as neuer man found in this world but thou that hast slept here hast not vvatched for Him sleepe on when Hee commeth thou shalt get no rest thy sleeping shall ende in a terrible wakening There is no rest to them that hath not a desire to watch in this world but they y t haue a desire to watch to holde vp their heads they shall get rest yea endlesse rest and quietnes Now hauing spokē of the first second parts I shall goe shortly forward to the third part of the Psalme wherein the Prophet turneth himselfe to Israel that is the Church of God and hee exhorteth Israel the Church of God to watch waite on the Lord Let Israel waite on the Lord finding in experience what hee had gotten for his waiting on to vvit mercie and deliuerance he cannot be holden from glorifying Him and cannot get Him glorified enough Therefore hee turneth him to the whole Church and exhorteth them to vvaite on that they
shalt still be the worse So this testifieth that the object of our faith is the surpassing mercy of God Then if thou wouldest search y e nature of God and search Him a thousand yeeres thou shalt neuer come to the ground of His deepnesse search out especially His loue mercy a man may faile vanish away in curiosity searching y e deepenesse of God but in searching out His mercy thou shalt neuer erre it shall be with a joy cōsolation of the heart Paul prayeth for the Ephesians chap. 3 vers 18. that they might attaine to that infinite deepnesse breadth length height in God for God is infinitly deepe in all things but wherefore is it that he prayeth Euen that they searching in God should search that infinit profoundity of the loue of God Surely if wee would know that profoundity of God search in to His nature thē let vs search alwayes in to that loue mercy of God in IESVS Christ And this searching hath euer a grouth and increase in faith till wee get a sight of Him euerlastingly To go forward He is not cōtent to say with Him is gentlenes but he subjoynes with Him is great redemption the words grow in highnesse these words comprehēd set out a greater mercy in God than the former now y e mercy of God in Iesus Christ is not all told in a word alas for want of feeling we speake slenderly lightly of it no in very deed all the words and the greatest words in the world of the most holy most wise most eloquent men is not able to set out point out that infinit greatnesse deepnes of it and he she that once haue tasted of mercy scarcely can they find words to expresse the thousand part of it whē they haue gotten a little taste apprehension of it they are not able to get words to expresse that apprehension of the heart Paul commonly calleth it the riches of mercy God who is rich in mercy according to His infinit great loue c. Ephes 2. 4. Paul Dauid the rest of them cānot get words to expresse that apprehension of mercy that they haue in their heartes No there is no creature that is capable of that infinite mercy for the worke that y e Spirite of Iesus Christ doeth worke in the heart whether it be a sense of dolour or a sense of joy the tongue of no creature can tell or expresse Paul calleth it sighes inexpressible Peter calleth it joy vnspeakeable So y e heart cannot expresse the greatnesse of the worke of the Spirit Men will thinke them hyperbolicall words but that is a token that they haue not tasted that joy and mercy in their owne hearts Now in the last words he commeth neare hand makes a particular promise of His mercy to His Church He will redeeme Israel His Church from all her iniquity as hee would say I haue told you He is mercifull full of redemption but I come nearer hand Thou shalt finde in experience that Hee is mercifull full of redemptiō So it is not enough to the Preachers of y e word to preach Gods mercy and redemption generally to the world no they must come nearer hand in promising they must make to the hearts of the people a particular application and say not only God is mercifull but He will be mercifull vnto you and He is full of redemption and He shall redeeme you and so say I I haue not beene speaking of mercy and redemption that appertaineth not to vs but the Lord shal be mercifull and redeeme you if ye belieue in Iesus Christ for there is no grace but in Him If this particular application be not made the cōscience of sinne is so great that the sinner dare not put foorth his hand to receiue mercy Now to whom pertaineth mercy and redemption He saith Hee shall redeeme Israel that is the Church militant The Church is militāt in this world but redemption pertaineth to it in the ende But where from shall the Lord redeeme y e Church Not from persecution and tribulation in this worlde but from all her sinnes So this presupponeth first That the Church is full of sin so long as it is in this world This is but a vaine dreame to imagine that there shall bee a Church or any member of the same in this worlde without spot away with that vanitie So next the redemption of the Church standeth nor so much in freeing it from persecution or tribulation although she shall be redeemed from all these things also as from redeeming her from sin the chiese redemption shall be from sin for why the greatest enemy of the Church is her own sins it is her own sins that is the cause of all her persecution and it is sin that the Lord mortifieth and slayeth by persecution and tribulation for if there were no sin there would not bee such a thing as a persecuter or a tyrant against her and the greatest burthen that y e godly feele is alwayes their owne sins they were neuer vnder so great perfecution no crosse no trouble comparable to the burthen of sin Paul saith Rom. 7. 24 Miserable man who shall deliuer me Where from Not from persecution albeit he was subject to as great persecution as anie man but from this body of sin because hee could not get that obedience to God that hee would haue had And wherfore died Christ Was it to redeeme vs from persecution or crosses in this world No the Lord died that Hee might redeeme vs from sin with His precious blood And Paul to y e Corin maketh mention of that triumph that the Church shall haue when the Lord Iesus shall come O death where is thy sting Then she shall glory that she is redeemed from sinne and from offending of GOD. And that shall be our chiefe felicity in that life to come that our hearts thoughtes shall be free of all sinne we shall offend God no more but al shall be full of obedience to Iesus Christ and then shall we be fully sanctified and glorified when wee get that blessed presence of the Lord Iesus which wee long for To whome bee praise and glory for euer Amen THE XIIII SERMON MATTH CHAP. XV. verse 21 And Iesus went thence and departed into the coasts of Tyrus and Sidon verse 22 And beholde a woman a Canaanite came out of the same coastes and cryed saying vnto him Haue inercie on mee O Lord the sonne of Dauid my daughter is miserably vexed with a deuill verse 23 But he answered her not a word Then came to him his disciples and besought him saying Sende her away for she cryeth after vs. verse 24 But he answered and said I am not sent but vnto the lost sheepe of the house of Israel verse 25 Yet shee came and worshipped him saying LORD helpe mee verse 26 And hee answered and saide It is not good to take
the childrens bread and to cast it to whelps verse 27 But shee saide Trueth Lord yet in deede the whelps eat of the crummes which fall from their maisters table verse 28 Then Iesus answered and saide vnto her O woman great is thy faith bee it vnto thee as thou desirest And her daughter was made whole at that houre IN this TEXT which wee haue read wel beloued in the Lord Iesus wee haue a wonder that the Lord wrought on a woman a Canaanite a Gentile of a cursed generation the generation of Canaan The wonder is the healing of a womans daughter that was possessed and sore and miserably vexed with a deuill The woman hauing the occasion to meet with the Lord through His comming to these parts where she abode shee slippeth not the occasion but seeketh mercy and grace she findeth at the first great hardnesse and difficulty to get mercy but at the last she ouercommeth all by her faith and getteth mercy Now to go through this History so shortly and plainly as the LORD shall giue the grace This woman is called a Canaanite that is descended of that olde and rotten stocke of Canaan that was destinate for wrath and destruction Genes 9. 25. Looke to her estate shee is come of a cursed rase she is lying in sinne and security first in sinne next in a deadly sleepe and security of sinne This is the estate of euery one of vs we lie in sinne conceiued in sinne and borne in sinne we feele not the sinne that deadly sleepe of security is worse than the sinne we lie in there is none of vs better by nature than this woman was Then when she is thus lying in sinne security the Lord from the Heauen sendeth her awakening and a sharpe wakening for the judgements of God are like many messengers from Heauen to waken vs. In the example of the woman wee see that the Lords children must bee wakened and oftentimes our first wakening is verie sharpe dolefull and fearefull as it is with one that is wakened in the rage of a feuer Yet there is grace here Well is y e man that is wakened though the wakening were neuer so sore and sharpe for the multitude of the worlde dye in securitie and neuer waken till the fire of Hell waken them Well is thee and thou be wakened albeit it should be with neuer so heauy a judgement yea though thy daughter or thy selfe should bee possessed with a deuill Now when this poore womā is thus wakened and is wrastling vnder the heauy hand of God the Lord casteth an eye towardes her for no doubt howbeit she was one of the rase of cursed Canaan yet she was chosen to eternall life and of very purpose He casteth Himself into these parts where she was what euer other erand Hee had there is no question but He had a particular respect to her ● she might haue the occasion to come to Him and this was a great grace When we are wakened out of security then the Mediciner hath his time and this is a greater grace It is a great grace to bee wakened but it is a greater grace to find a Mediciner to cure thy disease for as multitudes die in securitie so also multitudes die in paine torment and desperation after they are wakened Well she hearing tell that He was come to these parts and that He was such a man a wonderful man as the prophet Esay calleth Him who cured all sort of diseases who restored sight to the blind limmes to the lame cleansed the leprous and raised vp the dead she is moued to seeke grace and mercy at Him Had not the Lord preuented her and come downe thither sought her to draw her to Him there had neuer bene such a thing that she had sought for Him All thy misery albeit it vvere neuer so great vvill neuer draw thee to Him except Hee seeke thee first and draw thine heart vnto Him Well nowe to come forwarde vvhen shee seeketh Him shee findeth Him and getteth His bodilie presence CHRIST and His Disciples vvere vvalking together after His accustomed manner at the first meeting saieth the TEXT The woman cryeth Hee is apparantlie going before and the vvoman followeth after and cryeth Miserie constraineth her to crie And if the LORD laye His handes vpon thee Hee vvill compell thee to howle and crie O that power and might that is in the LORD ouer His creature But I doubt not considering the vvordes and communication that the LORD hath with this poore miserable and sinfull vvoman but it was that Spirit of adoptiō that opened her mouth so vvide to crie vpon Him so O thou sonne of Dauid haue mercie on mee What crieth shee Marke her words She crieth haue mercy vpon me How many of Hierusalem cried after this manner An Heathen ● Cananite crieth this way misery compelleth her to cry But what maketh her to cry Mercy Wee will raile blaspheme God whē we are in misery but what caused her to cry Mercie No question the conscience of her demerites caused her to crie Mercie shee felt her selfe to bee worthy of all that misery wherewith shee was burthened The voyce of a miserable sinner that feeleth misery is O Lord haue mercy vpon mee but loe howe shee stileth Him O Lord The Sonne of Dauid these were the common stiles indeed of the Lord in this life He was called of the multitud LORD and the sonne of Dauid But certainly I am of this mind that this woman took these stiles otherwise than y e common multitude The very eye of her soule was opened to see Iesus Christ to be the Lord to bee the Sonne of God manifested in the flesh of the seed of Dauid howbeit I will not attribute vnto her a distinct clear knowledge of both His natures in one person and of His offices Then Brethren ye see two grounds of her petition The first is a Lordship and Power and Dominion in Him of whom she sought mercy The next is a Pitie a Mercy in Him of whome shee sought mercy She sought mercy at a mèrcifull face grace at a gracious face Looke that thy prayer bee well grounded on the LORD When thou openest thy mouth to seeke mercy at that LORD looke that thou acknewledge that there is a power in that Lord to giue thee euery thing that thou standest in need of and chiefely looke that thou acknowledge that there is an infinit passing mercy in that Lord surmounting all thy sinnes and then shalt thou pray from the heart with confidence and liberty otherwise thou mayest well seeke mercie from the teeth outwarde but neuer with thine heart Then shee letteth Him see a good cause wherefore she sought mercy Lord I haue need of a Phisition for I am sicke What sicknesse is sorer to a poore body than this to bee rent both in soule and body with a deuil Lord my poore daughter is tormented with a deuill As in thy prayer thou must haue a sight
of misery that scorne in their hearts a poore sinner y t seeketh mercy of y e Lord hold in dirision our fasting our humiliation and all our preaching which they heare And therfore as thou wouldest not bee culpable of such scorning and wouldest not be inuolued in y t judgement that tarieth that scornfull number seeke I beseech thee to get these two sighs say Lord I am but a miserable body am vnworthy to look vp to y e Heauen then get a sense of the mercy of the Lord and then thou shalt bee ●o farre from scorning grace in thine heart that thou shalt bee faine to creep in with all humility to get a part portion of the grace that is spoken of The Pharisie yet hath not bene one of the worst of them hee was not an open blasphemer but an hypocrite I doubt not but y e Lord hath had mercie on him but what how and when his conuersion hath bene the Lord knoweth Now I go forward to y e part of the Lord first toward the Pharisie and then toward the poore woman The Pharisie conceiued not this so quietlie secretly within his owne heart but the Lord the searcher of the heart that made y e heart draweth it to light and saith Simon I haue somewhat to say vnto thee I know what thou thinkest well enough no man needeth to tell me thine heart therefore I will speake somthing vnto thee Simon answereth Lord saye on Brethren striue to present holie thoughts before GOD thinke it not enough to keepe thine hand holie thy tongue from blasphemie but keepe an holy heart vnto the LORD begin not to play the counterfeit to speak holily and to haue a faire shewe outwardly and then to keepe a foule heart and if an euill thought escape thee as who will not haue a thousand euill thoughts if a blasphemie against GOD escape thee as who blasphemeth not God in their heart as well as the Pharisie bee sorrowfull for it away with it let it not tarie but say as Paule saieth Rom. 7. 17. It is not I that doeth it but the corruption of my nature which remaineth within mee Renounce that foule birth and take it neuer vnto thee and this is that battell which we should haue night day to get that vile canker and corruption which vttereth it selfe so violently against that inuiolable Majestie repressed and put away Now when He hath thus spoken He beginneth to let Simon see that that same very woman of whom hee counted so dis●●ainfully was not so vile a woman as he thought as though He would say Simon thou thinkest there is not so vile a sinner in the world as she is but I s●y vnto thee shee is not so sinfull I haue cleansed her I haue giuen her remission of all her sinnes Who dare call a sinner foule that the Lord hath called cleane darest thou call a penitent sinner foule who hath washen my feere with teares and repenteth vnfainedly Then subsuming He saith This woman repenteth vnfainedly and testifieth her repentance in louing me so exceedingly Therefore He concludeth All her sinnes are forgiuen her Therefore Simon disdaine her not no more than I doe But to consider more narrowly first the ground of the proposition then the assumption last that joyfull conclusion The ground of his reason is this To whome a great debt is forgiuen that person will loue exceedingly To make vs to vnderstand this the better Hee bringeth in a familiar example a parable There was a certaine lender who had two debters the one ought fiue hundreth pence and the other fiftie And when they had nothing to pay hee forgaue them both Which of them therefore tell mee will loue him most Hee saith Simon to whome hee forgaue most Well saieth the Lord then I take this proposition out of thy mouth Hee to whome much is forgiuen he loueth exceedinglie he loueth much And certainly if thou haue no sense of debt if thou thinkest in thine owne conceite that thou owest nothing I saye to thee Thou louest not God thou hast no loue towards Him A wanton sinner that feales not the burthen of sinne hee hath no more loue to God nor to Christ than a dogge hath fie on thee dogge fie on thee that hast not a sense of sinne for thou hast no loue to God Next againe suppose thou haue a sense of sinne feelest some burthen therof yet if thou but thinkest that thou hast a pennie in thy purse to paye GOD for thy debt thou wilt neuer loue thy God And I saye to thee I could neuer thinke in mine heart that a Papist a vaine lowne who will boast of his merites who glorieth in his owne workes and thinketh hee can pay God for his redemption I saye I could neuer be perswaded that such a one could loue the Lord. Next except with the sense of thy debt thou find also a free remissiō of all thy debt alas thou canst haue no loue to GOD feele thy sinne and thy pouerty as much as thou wilt if thou findest not a free remission and pardon of all thy debt thou wilt neuer loue Him but He is a terror vnto thee so oft as thou thinkest of Him and thou wouldest flee out of the world to escape His handes Then thirdly thou that feelest thy debt and then feelest thine owne pouertie that thou hast not one pennie to giue Him suppose thou bee a King all thy Kingdome will not ransome thy soule n● sell Heauen and the earth and all they will not ransom the soule of one creature they will not fill vp one penny of the summe to ransome the soule of one sinner and thē with the sense of the pouertie seeleth a free remission and heareth the Lord say I forgiue thee all I will haue none of thy siluer but I forgiue thee all in the precious blood of my deare Sonne the Lord Iesus there is the ransome and I adjudge thee to damnation that seekest any other ransome then thou wilt loue the Lord exceedingly These three things being felt first with grones and sobbes feeling the debt and burthen Next thy pouerty and vnhabilitie to pay and last a free remission and disburthening that sinner would bestowe all his goods and land and life and all that hee hath for the loue that hee beareth to the LORD IESVS thine heart will be sweetly loosed with a loue to y e Lord. Who is able to expresse that loue and that vnspeakeable joye that will bee in the heart of a sinner that feeleth the remission of his sinnes Brethren There is yet more than this in the comparison Hee to whome little is forgiuen hee will loue little and hee to whome much is forgiuen will loue much Hee or shee that will come in and confesse their sinnes but will in the meane time extenuate it and saye it is but a little sinne it is but a veniall sinne and manie one hath done twise as much that bodie I saye that
professe or followe Christ what can bee more hard But suppone reason were conuinced and the mouth thereof closed that it coulde gette no shift to answere yet thinkest thou so to bee quite of thy selfe No the will and the affections will stand obstinately against the judgement of the minde and follow out and pursue that which the minde discearneth to be euill So thou mayest easily see that there is nothing more harde than to gette this Regeneration yea thou mayest see that it is a thing altogether impossible except that Almighty Spirit of God be present and worke it effectually in the soule all the kings of the earth with all their weapons and engines of warre cannot be able to doe it No all the Angels in Heauen are not able to accomplish this worke The weapons of our warre-fare saith Paul are not carnall but mighty through God to cast downe strong holdes casting downe imaginations and euerie high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bringing into captiuitie euery thought to the obedience of Christ 2. Cor. 10. 4. 5. There is no power in Heauen or earth but onely the Spirit of God that is able to renewe one creature And this power is granted to this our Ministerie the preaching of the Euangell Let great men let worldly men esteeme of it as they please God hath ordained this Ministery to minister this wonderfull power whereby the soules of men shall be regenerate Further thou must vnderstand that this Regeneration is not perfected in an instant but in processe of time it must continue all the dayes of thy life so long as thou liuest albeit thou liue a thousand yeeres this olde man will not bee perfectly and altogether mortified and slaine till the houre of death Thou must all the dayes of thy life-time be groaning vnder the burthen of sinne subject to crosses and troubles away with light-headed sinners who saye they woulde alwayes haue their heartes vp sadnesse becommeth a sinner well and thou must striue to finde the newe man to bee renewed degree by degree piece and piece euen till at last death bee swallowed vp of life and mortalitie of immortalitie And if thou wouldest haue this worke to goe forward in thee then set euermore Iesus thy Lord and thine head before the eyes of thy soule looke vpon Him with the eyes of faith for it is only His presence the sight of His glory that worketh this marueilous change for there is a great oddes betweene the sight of His glorie and the sight of the glorie of worldlie Princes for the sight of their glorie will not change thee nor make thee glorious but vanisheth awaye in a moment But the sight of the glorie of IESVS shall change thee and make thee glorious whensoeuer thou beholdest Him either by faith in this worlde or else face to face in the Kingdome of Glorie For when thou beholdest Him with the eyes of faith heere thou shalt bee changed according to the measure of thy faith and because thy faith is imperfect thy change heere must bee imperfect but when thou shalt see Him face to face and beholde Him as Hee is then shalt thou bee like vnto Him in glorie thy change shall bee perfect His presence shall bee effectuall to change thy vile bodie and to fashion it like vnto His owne glorious bodie when thou beholdest His glorie thou shalt bee changed into the same glorie Therefore yee see what neede wee haue to finde this Regeneration begunne in vs heere and to finde a continuall progresse therein all the dayes of our life that so wee maye bee assured that the LORD shall crowne His worke in vs with glorie in IESVS And nowe to ende then surelie yee see that corruption mischiefe and venome euerie man without exception communicate vnto their children by naturall generation Therefore Brethren this is mine exhortation to all both to great and small I except none from the King to the Begger Striue as yee are instrumentes of generation so to bee instrumentes of regeneration that your children maye bee taken out of nature and planted in grace and so bee made members of the mysticall bodie of IESVS CHRIST Striue to bring them vp in the knowledge of CHRIST that so yee maye bee free of that heauie judgement which remaineth for all such as neglect this duetie towardes their children and that yee maye see GODS blessing vpon your children heere and maye haue hope of that eternall life and glorie heereafter which the LORD hath promised to His owne in CHRIST IESVS To whome with the FATHER and the Holie SPIRIT three persons and one GOD be all Honour Glorie Praise Power Dominion both now and euermore So bee it THE XVII SERMON I. TIMOTH CHAP. I. verse 12 Therefore I thanke him who hath made mee strong that is Christ Iesus our Lord for hee counted mee faithfull and put me in his seruice verse 13 When before I was a blasphemer and a persecuter and an oppressour but I was receiued to mercie for I did it ignorantly through vnbeliefe verse 14 But the grace of our Lord was exceeding aboundant with faith and loue which is in Christ Jesus IN this Text beloued Brethren in Iesus Christ there is set downe to vs a notable example of thankfulnesse to God in the person of the Apostle Paul for that great and incomparable mercy which the Lord bestowed vpon him not onely in forgiuing him his grosse and manifold sinnes but also for setting of him in His seruice and for the committing to him the message of reconciliation making him an Apostle to preach repentance and remission of sinnes to others As the mercies which he found were wondrous great so is hee wondrous carefull alwayes to testifie his thankfulnesse to GOD And to the ende the more chearefully he may praise thanke God hee considereth and setteth downe by degrees and in order his vnworthinesse and the euill deedes that he did notwithstanding whereof the Lord extended His mercy most aboundantlie towardes him To come to the wordes Hee saieth Therefore I thanke him who hath made me strong that is Christ Jesus our Lord These wordes depend vpon the verse immediately going before hee saide before that the glorious Euangell of Iesus Christ was concredite to him for the which cause he bursteth forth in thankesgiuing and hee saieth Therefore I will be thankfull to Him who hath concredited it vnto mee Then yee see his thankfulnesse ariseth on two considerations First vpon the consideration of the excellency of the Euangel of Iesus Christ The Gospell is glorious in it selfe and it is come down from the blessed God next vpon the consideration of his owne vnworthinesse looke howe worthie the Gospell was as vnworthie was hee then considering that so worthy a thing was giuen vnto him and that hee himselfe was so vnworthy hee knoweth not what thankes to giue he cannot deuise what manner of waye to testifie his thankfulnesse If once wee could see what God were howe
the Lord to be exercised in the means of grace in preaching prayers reading conference c. Looke if thou haue a pleasure to approue thy selfe in all thinges to thy LORD and Maister Looke if thou haue a care to further others in the course of Christianitie and waye of repentance then if thou hast these tokens thou mayest rejoyce Then he goeth forward he cannot sufficientlie set out that mercy which he found he knoweth not how nor in what tearmes to vtter proclaim it If we could find that mercy of Iesus we would see that the heart would neuer satisfie it selfe with thinking of it or the mouth with speaking of it And to the intent that hee maye magnifie the greatnesse and the riches of the mercie of the LORD hee confesseth and setteth downe although to his owne shame his former sinfull life and behauiour in sundrie degrees Whereas before saieth hee I was a blasphemer and a persecuter and an appressor Looke if hee thought much of himselfe hee was one of the cruellest persecuters that euer was in the Church hee was in a rage against Christ Beholde Brethren Paul is not ashamed to paint out himselfe in his owne colours and particularlie to confesse his former euill deedes and to registrate them to his owne shame to the worlds end Yea yee shall see in sundry places where hee speaketh of himselfe that he can neuer satisfie himselfe in aggregating his owne wickednesse The sinner who hath found mercy will not regard to discouer his sinnes to his owne shame and to tell all the world of them that hee may glorifie Him who hath giuen him mercy hee will not stand vpon his reputation but hee will preserre Gods glorie vnto his owne account hee will glorifie the LORD with his owne shame When Dauid found mercie for his vile adulterie and abhominable murther hee not onelie confesseth his sinnes to his owne shame but also ascendeth to confesse the naturall corruption which hee had from the loynes of his parentes The man that hath fallen into a notorious and vile sinne and offence and yet for shame will not confesse it that God maye bee glorified that soule hath neuer felt the mercie of God And if thou hadst felt that mercie of God thine heart would bee loosed and thy mouth also to glorifie God by an humble confession Moreouer ye may perceiue out of these words how and what way th' Apostle found the strength and power of the Gospell hee found a power in it but not at the first instant but ere euer hee felt the power of the Lord hee findeth himselfe to be weake and ere hee feele the mercy of God hee findeth himselfe to bee a miserable man Thou shalt neuer feele the power of God except first thou feele thine owne weaknesse and thou shalt neuer feele His mercie except first thou feele thy miserie And therefore the Lord Iesus manie a time sundrie wayes crosseth His owne in this life to the ende that they maye knowe and feele their weaknesse and miserie and so goe out of themselues to find strength and mercie in Iesus Christ Sometimes Hee will exercise His owne with shame and reproach in the worlde sometimes with heauie diseases and painfull sicknesses sometimes with want of the outward comfortes of this life sometimes with trouble and terrour in the conscience and all to this ende that they may knowe what they are without the Lord howe weake how fraile howe abject and naughtie they are that so finding themselues as nothing they may be compelled to renounce themselues and to seeke to be found in Iesus Yea after the Lord hath drawne them to Him by crosses the Lord vseth all the dayes of their life-time to expone them to crosses that euerie day finding more their wantes infirmities and lack of comfort in themselues they may the more daylie seeke and striue to bee found in Iesus who can supplie all their wantes and furnishe euerie thing that they stand in neede of It is true indeede manie a time the Lord will not exercise His owne with crosses but spare them let them haue libertie giue them in abundance the outward comfortes of this life befor they bee effectuallie called Looke to Paul before he knew Christ hee boasted much of his worldlie prerogatiues of his kinred hee was a gentleman hee was in great account by the lawe a Pharisie Philip 3. 4. 5. he knew not what the crosse meaned The like ye will find in many others of the Saincts of God but assoone as He calleth them effectuallie Hee layeth the crosse vpon them that seeing their weaknesse and distrusting themselues they may learne to renounce themselues and desire to finde the power and life of IESVS in them which they will finde effectuall in the crosse in a wonderfull manner Looke 2. Cor. 11. The LORD layeth manifolde crosses vpon Paule and when with teares hee prayeth that the Lord would take them away hee getteth this answere My grace is sufficient for thee for my power is made perfect through thy weaknesse Meaning that Hee will bee glorified and make Paule to finde strength in Him when as hee is weake in himselfe And neuer one is strong in CHRIST but when hee feeleth himselfe weake Therefore hee subjoyneth that hee woulde rejoyce and take pleasure in his infirmities that the power of CHRIST might dwell in him He saith 2. Cor. 12. 8. 9. 10. And 2. Cor. 4. 10. Euerie where wee brare about in our bodie the dying of the LORD IESUS that the life of IESUS might also bee made manifest in our bodies c. When the bodie by crosses was dying then hee founde the life of CHRIST and no soule shall finde that life without it bee dying Therefore if euer thou wouldest finde the power and life of Christ in thee bee carefull to feele thine owne weaknesse and miserie Yet marke the wordes Hee saieth notwithstanding of my sinnes the Lord had mercie vpon mee And if ye looke to the speach it importeth a wondering that euer hee should haue found mercie vvho vvas such a great sinner It is the greatest vvonder that euer was that one sinne is forgiuen to a sinner suppose it were but an euill thought And if thou sawest that great inuiolable and infinite Majestie and the greatnesse of thy sinnes thou wouldest wonder that euer thou gettest one sinne forgiuen thee let bee blasphemie and persecution forgiuen thee And wonder thou as thou wilt all the Angels of Heauen wonder that sinners should get mercy that God loued the vnworthy worlde so that Hee would giue His onelie Son to die that they should liue for euer and they wondered when Adam the Fathers of olde got mercy but when Christ came into the world to dy for the sinnes of the worlde they wondered farre more at that mercie and vvith chearefull voyce praised GOD for the same saying Glorie bee to GOD in the high heauens and peace on earth and towardes men good will Luke 2. 14. Looke also
at last will crowne all your good deedes with glorie The LORD make you to goe on from grace to grace and in all thinges direct you by His Spirite that yee may bee long happie in this life and for euer happie in the life to come Amen Edinburgh the 22. of Ianuarie Anno Dom. 1616. Yours in the Lord H. C. W. A. THE FIRST SERMON II. COR. CHAP. V. verse 1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle bee destroyed wee haue a building giuen of GOD that is an house not made with handes but eternall in the Heauens verse 2 For therefore wee sigh desiring to bee clothed with our house which is from Heauen verse 3 Because that if we bee clothed wee shall not be found naked verse 4 For indeede we that are in this tabernacle sigh and are burthened because we would not be vnclothed but woulde bee clothed vpon that mortalitie might be swallowed vp of life IN the Chapter immediatlie going before the Apostle Paul hath bene speaking of the afflictions that hee suffered in his owne person and hath declared that there was two things that helde him vp in those afflictions the one thing present the other thing to come The thing present the power of God the life of Iesus this held him vp in such sort saith hee that when he was dying vnder affliction in the bodie yet the life of Iesus was manifest in him he was liuing in soule and the more his bodie was decaying wearing away the more the inner-man that spirituall life that floweth from Christ grew and was renewed Woe to that man that dieth altogether thou must die and this bodie and life must bee separated the bodie must goe to dust but looke that soule and bodie goe not together looke that as thou findest the bodie and life naturall to decay so thou finde that spirituall life that floweth from the Lord of life to grow or else of necessitie thou must haue a woefull departure This is the thing present that helde him vp Another thing and greater which was not present but to come helde him vp vnder a●l the afflictions that were laide vpon him which hee vttereth in th●se words The momentanean lightnesse of affliction worketh vnto vs an euerlasting weight of glorie that passeth in excellencie These are the wordes of the Apostle wherein hee woulde learne vs that after all these afflictions are done and ended there abydeth a glorie after this life that passeth in infinite degrees aboue all the afflictions that euer came to man in this life Will yee looke to the nature of the afflictions First they are light that is one propertie then they last but for a moment that is another property the weight of them is light the time of their during is but a moment but the glorie marke euerie word of the Apostle the glorie saith he passeth in excellencie It is not onlie excellent but i● excelleth in excellencie excellent aboue excellencie an heape aboue an help mounting vp to an infinite heape Then looke to the weight thereof it is not light but it is heauie the afflictions were as light as a fether or as the winde in comparison of this glorie but the glorie is heauie and weightie a weight of glorie that passeth in excellencie this is the first propertie Then looke to the time the afflictions were but for a moment And if thou shouldest liue a thousand yeeres and bee afflicted as manie yeeres for all thy dayes and thy best dayes if thou shouldest liue neuer so well ●re but dayes of affliction all the thousand yeeres are but a moment in respect of that eternitie that followeth Then let your eye be euer vpon eternitie of joy or eternity of pain eternity either of torment or of rest Affliction is but for a moment this glorie that passeth in excellencie is eternall in time Loe how great things are spoken in few words A glorie passing in weight eternitie And when he hath tould you all that he can he hath not attained to the thousand part of the greatnesse of that glorie neuer man thought of it as it is nor it could neuer enter into the heart of man that excellent glorie that is prepared for them that loue God 1. Cor. 2. 9. When he hath set down these two points in y e end of the chap. preceeding he goeth forward a●d hee sheweth what he is doing in the meane time whilst he getteth this excellent glory Learne to doe as he is doing hee saith Mine eyes are not vpon the worlde my looke is not set vpon these visible things which mē haue so great pleasure into but mine eyes are lifted vp I am looking to thinges inuisible that the mortall eye of man cannot see because al these things visible are but temporall wil decay If it were a kingdom and thou begin to rest or repose vpō it it will decay and thou shalt fall downe together with it and perish euerlastinglie But the things inuisible are eternal and he who leaneth reposeth thereon shall get eternitie Looke to the condition of those thinges whereupon thou reposest in this world for if they bee thinges heauenlie spirituall and eternall thou shalt be heauenlie spirituall and eternall And as euer thou wouldest wish to see that glorie looke that thine eye be set thereon in this earth looke that thine eye bee mounted vp aboue all these earthlie things that thou keepe the heauenly things in thy sight forget them not for if thou die and they bee out of thy sight thou shalt neuer see them Take ple●sure to looke to that excellent glorie and thou shalt obtaine it otherwise not Now I come to the text I shall let you see the disposition of the Apostle and what he esteemeth of this life present whereof we account so much and whereupon our hearts mindes are so set to keepe it All our terrour is for the parting of the soule from the body looke to Paul what he doth and behold his disposition either in life or death Brethren wee haue the more neede to take heede to these things because wee shall all be put to the proofe happie is hee that can bee prepared The Apostle hauing spoken this that his eye was set on that heauenlie glorie it might haue beene saide thou settest thine eye vpon a life aboue but take heed Paul thou shalt die in the meane time is not life and death two contraries thou must die and that bodie of thine must bee dissolued lookest thou euer to rise agine thinkest thou anie other thing but to be disappointed of life lookest thou that that bodie of thine beeing dissolued in dust shall rise againe to glorie This is a sore temptation and sundrie thinketh after this maner The Apostle answereth We know that if our earthlie house of this tabernacle be dissolued we haue a building giuen of God an house not made with handes but eternall in the heauens Learne a lesson here Ye see while
disappointed It is the violent that entreth into Heauen Matth. 11. 12. as yee will see a man violentlie thrust in at a doore Thou that wouldest goe to Heauen make thee for thronging thorowe till all thy gut●es bee almoste thrust out Paule in the eight chapter to the Romanes and the 22. and 23. verses vseth these argumentes against those wicked men that cannot sigh for Heauen First hee taketh his argument from the elementes the senselesse and dumbe reatures which sobbe and grone for the reuelation of the sonnes of GOD and trauell for that time as a woman in her birt● O miserable man The earth shall condemne thee the ●loore thou sittest on is sighing and woulde faine haue that carcasse of thine to Heauen The waters the aire the heauens all sighing for that last deliuerance the glorie appertaineth to thee and yet thou art laughing Alas what shall betide thee The other argument hee taketh from the sighing of men who haue gotten the Spirit of GOD We also saith he who haue the first fruites of the Spirit euen wee doe sigh in our selues waiting for the adoption euen the redemption of our bodie Thou that hast not gotten the Spirit shalt neuer sigh for Heauen flesh and blood will neuer shed one teare for Heauen It must onely bee the Spirite of IESVS that must fetch vp the sigh out of the heart and the teare in the eye Roman 8. 26. So hee taketh his argument from them who haue gotten a sense of the Spirit of GOD and redemption of the body to prooue the certainty of that Heauenly Kingdome and glory Nowe there cannot bee a surer argument to vs that euer wee shall obtaine glory than this sighing in heart for it and this earnest desire thereof If thou find thine heart desirous of glory a sure argument thou shalt bee partaker of glory It is saide Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousnes for they shall be filled Matth. 5. 6. Seekest thou for CHRISTES righteousnesse and thy glorie assure thee thou shalt get a sweete filling Marke it I saye to thee thou hast not onlie through this earnest desire of glorie an assurance that thou shalt reigne in glorie but looke to your experience that desire is not so soone begun of that life and glorie but so soone also the soule of the faithfull beginneth to rise with joye Who euer yet was hee that gaue a sigh from his heart raised vp by the Spirite of Christ that felt not with that sigh a joye in his heart Learne it by your experience This letteth vs see that the desire and thirst of glory putteth vs in present possession of a part of glorie Ere thou come to it desire it earnestly and I promise thee in the Name of the Father thou shalt be presently put in possession of a part of that Heauenly inheritance It is true thou shalt not get it al here yet there is none other Heauen after this life but that Heauen which thou gettest begunne in thee in this life Alwayes looke euer for that joye that is by sight There are two ioyes the one by sight the other by faith 2. Cor. 5. 6. The ioye by faith is in our pilgrimage in this life The ioy by sight is after this life when with our eyes wee shall see Christ The ioy by faith is to looke to Christ a far of and yet wee reioyce and loue Him that is farre absent 1. Pet. 1. 8. Faith hath a ioye that it enioyeth by speaking and thinking Sight hath the ioye that it enioyeth by presence The ioye of the eye great in quantitie and the fulnesse of ioye The ioye of faith not so great for it is the ioye of a pilgrime not as yet come to his home The ioye of the sight is when wee shall see our glorious Lord face to face whom we see only now by faith 1 Cor 13 12. This is the fulnes of ioy The ioy of Faith which induring our pilgrimage is not so full O how great shal be the ioy at the perfect seeing of Christ Thinke never to have the ioy by sight after this life except in this life thou have the ioy by faith as the earnest-penny of the other except by Faith thou once get a ioy before thou depart from this life thou shalt never see the face of Christ nor have ioy in him So brethren it is a good thing to have that desire of Heaven Sigh and sob and desire with Paul for Heaven for it is a Charter Evidence of thine everlasting inheritance never earthly lord had a surer charter of his land than thou that hast a desire of heaven hast of thine inheritāce in heaven for these earthly evidences of land are without thē in their kists but this evidence of thine is written ingraffed in thine hart Now when extremity is threatned it is time to seek thy warrands of this heavēly in heritance this present country is good forthee the best country that ever thou shalt see except thou find this warrand of sighing and desire for that heavēly inheritāce And therfore let scorners mockers scorn as they wil the children of God must powre forth tears And this is it that y ● Lord hath bene desiring these many days past he hath benegently drawing out of us this sense but now He beginneth to presse it out of us that our eyes might burst out in teares and thou that canst not sob and desire in these miserable dayes to bee dissolved thou hast no true matter of ioy Woe bee to them that have none heart to sigh for the troubles of Christs Church but are ever ready to execute iudgement against Gods servants when the Lord is visiting them Well the Lord shall wring out teares out of them in His wrath that will not sob in the time of the danger and trouble of His Church Then what is it that Pavle sigheth for And what desireth he Hee desireth a new cloathing to bee put one above as a cloathing that is he would keep this same body in substance and cast off this filthy garment of sinand death put on that glorious shape of the body of Christ The reason is set down For when the Lord shal cloath us we shall not be found naked So this body shall remaine in substance but O the glory and immortality of it Mark the natur of the lodging which we shall receive it shal not be another body in substance than this body which we have heer in earth The same body in substance wee shall have in heaven which we have heer Heerein onely is the difference this body is vile it is mortall full of sinne and wickednesse unglorious ignominious full of corruption weak infirm But when this body shall be changed in heaven it shall not be changed in substance but in qualitie Paul 1 Cor. 15. 42. 43. 44. Saith The bodie is sawn in corruption and is raised againe in incorruption and is raised againe in incorruption
CHRIST be fulfilled to vs. And therfore He is called the Spirit of trueth Iohan. 15. 26. Notwithstanding of all this confidēce and assurance vnder-propped with these three pillers Desire Regeneration and the Spirit the Apostle hath not full contentation of heart and the reason is because he seeth not the LORD Hee is yet wandring as a pilgrime in this world hath not gotten that joyfull countenance of CHRIST in the which countenance is onelie sacietie of pleasures For assure you the faithfull heart shall neuer haue contentation till it see CHRIST Therefore to attaine to this thing and to get the full satisfactiō of the heart he maketh choise of death and remouing out of the bodie hee preferreth it to all grace that can be had in this life Hee preferreth it to that confidence and assurance and to all other graces that hee can haue in this bodie that he might go vp to that presence of CHRIST Thus farre wee haue spoken hitherto Now to come to the text that we haue presently read The Apostle considering that sight that once we shall see and that presence that once wee shall haue of y e LORD IESVS which he hath not gottē nor will not get till the time it please the LORD to call on him and none of vs will get it albeit wee woulde neuer so faine till that the LORD call on vs he sheweth therefore what he will do till that time come that he get that presence an● how hee will bee occupied liuing here in this pilgrimage what will bee his studie and care in lif● and death Therefore saith hee also we couet that ba● dwelling at home and remoouing from home we may b● acceptable to Him There is his care in the mean● time All my care would he say so long as I liue i● this earth shall be to bee acceptable to my Lord to whom I goe that I may be the welcomer when I come Yet Brethren because the words are weightie euery word would be weighed We couet saith hee there is the first worde and in the first language this word importeth not onely a common desire but an ambition So by this word he vttereth that he is griedy of honour and ambitious for there i● an holy ambition that is lawfull that is requisite that is needefull in euery Christian man euen in the purest man that is But to come to the honour which he coueteth We couet saith he that we may be acceptable There is the honour to be acceptable to bee counted and liked of The worldlie man that hunteth after the honour of the worlde he desireth to be esteemed of to bee had in admiration and to be in grace So is it with the man of God the honour which he desireth is esteematiō he would be accounted of hee would bee in grace and good liking and if it were possible he would be esteemed aboue all the men in the world but whome would hee haue to esteeme of him The worldly ambitious man would bee accounted of by men hee hath no regarde of GODS estimation of him hee would haue the Prince accounting of him aboue all Courtiers hee would haue the people accounting much of him But the man of GOD that hath this holie ambition and griedinesse of honour hee careth not for the account and estimation of men neither seeketh his praise of men but of GOD and CHRIST with whom hee must dwell after this life hee desireth in this pilgrimage to bee assured that CHRIST hath a liking of him that after this life hee may reigne with CHRIST as a king for euer That is his honour To goe forward in the wordes When seeketh hee to bee acceptable to CHRIST at what time There is two times One time of liuing and another time of dying A time when the soule dwelleth in the bodie and another time when shee flitteth The ambitious holie man seeketh to bee acceptable to the LORD at both these times both dwelling at home and flitting from home All the honour of the worldlie man is in this life and whilst the soule is dwelling in this bodie But once laide downe in his bedde and let death assaile him there hee layeth downe his honour and if yee tell him of the honour which hee was seeking hee will spitte at it But the godly man if euer he was griedy of honour in this life in the houre of his death he is griedier thereof and the nearer death the griedier of the honour of CHRIST hee can haue no contentation in heart till hee know his soule is acceptable to that LORD whom to hee is going As for the meanes whereby hee seeketh to come to this honour ye will heare of them in the next verse hereafter This same Apostle 2. Timoth. 2. 15. setteth them downe also when hee hath desired Timothi● to studie to approoue himselfe to GOD immediately hee subjoyneth If thou wouldest bee approoued bee a worke-man thou wilt not get this acceptation by driuing ouer thy life in idlenesse or sluggishnesse let euery man in whatsoeuer estate bee a worke-man The worldly man is clyming to his honour by vnlawfull meanes by flatterie by falshood c. but it endeth in miserie But the godly mā let him seek to be approued by the King of kings being a faithfull worke-man in his calling diligent therein There is the meane of thine acceptation in this life In thy dying when all thy senses thy tongue thine hand and all faileth th●e and art not able to worke yet suffer with patience and set thine heart patiently to suffer death that in thy dying GOD may be glorified and so thou mayest consecrate both death life to Him Marke heere a lesson Paul of before he maketh a choise to go dwell with Christ he would faine haue bene dead but here is another desire which must goe before that and thou must haue the like desire before thou desire to flit out of this bodie and to bee with CHRIST First desire whilst thou art in this bodie to bee acceptable to Him and then desire to flit otherwise not for certainely if thou die before thou bee acceptable to GOD in thy life thou shalt not bee welcome to Him and he shal be the most terrible sight to thee that euer thou saw I shall neuer desire to see Him when I die if I desire not to bee acceptable to Him first in life and death Therefore studie by a faithfull discharge of thy duetie heere on earth to bee acceptable to thy LORD beguile not thy selfe Learne againe heere When hee hath made a choise to goe and dwell with the LORD hee desireth that hee may liue a godly life heere first then the lesson is A godly life heere is a too-looke to that life which wee shall haue in CHRIST which maketh a faithfull Pilgrime desire to bee with CHRIST It is an easie thing to haue an eye to the life to come if thou studie to liue well in this life And on the other
c. Hee was assured of GODS testimonie but hee trusted that the Corinthians also would beare him recorde that hee had traneiled truelie Hee saieth in your consciences It is to bee marked that he appealeth to their consciences not their mouthes but their consciences for the mouth of man will giue one testimonie but the conscience will giue another And when the conscience will bee saying the man hath spoken truelie and in sinceritie the mouth in the meane time will bee backebiting him and the conscience will say thou lyest mouth Speake therefore euer according to conscience for if thy conscience speak one thing and thy mouth another thou shalt bee challenged of a lye It is true indeede men knowe not the heart of man as when a Minister is speaking yee cannot judge of his heart the LORD judgeth it yet a faithfull and sincere man hee will vtter sometime the inwarde sinceritie of his heart in his wordes and deedes that all that seeth and heareth him will looke in therethorowe and see the inwarde sinceritie of the heart and giue an outward confession of it Now Brethren then in this example of Paule yee haue such a protestation as the faithfull Pastor shoulde make in the houre of his death and which should be his testament There is two things in his Ministerie the outwarde speaking and the inwarde sinceritie of the heart If hee would protest of his faithfulnesse looke that hee protest as PAVLE did First outwardly I haue vsed all diligence in discharging all the outward partes of my calling I haue kept nothing abacke and then inwardly As for my sinceritie First I take GOD to bee witnesse who knoweth and onely seeth mine heart with what sinceritie I haue spoken and then I take you to witnesse that haue beene conuersant with mee so farre as yee can knowe the inwarde sinceritie of mine heart by my liuing and outwarde actions Woulde to GOD wee coulde haue this sinceritie And I praye the LORD graunt mee this sinceritie and I beseech Him that as Hee hath beene with mee since the beginning of my Ministerie so Hee would neuer leaue mee vntill the time I finish my course with joye to His glorie and comfort of His CHVRCH through IESVS CHRIST our LORD To whome with the FATHER and the Holie GHOST bee all Honour Praise and Glorie both now and euermore So bee it THE FOVRTH SERMON II. COR. CHAP. V. verse 12 For wee praise not our selues againe vnto you but giue you an occasion to rejoyce of vs that yee may haue to answere against them who rejoyce in the face and not in the heart verse 13 For whether wee bee out of our wit wee are it to GOD or whether wee bee in our right minde we are it vnto you verse 14 For that loue of CHRIST constraineth vs. verse 15 Because wee thus judge that if one bee dead for all then were all dead and Hee died for all that they that liue shoulde not hence foorth liue vnto themselues but vnto Him who died for them and rose againe TO repeat shortlie that which we haue heard in this Chapter We hearde first of that assurance of glorie and life euerlasting which is the only remedy against death and the dissolution of this body Wee hearde secondly of the three warrandes of this assurance of life glorie The first the earnest desire which the heart had of that glorie and life The second Regeneration and renewing The thirde the Holie Spirite who is the worker of all grace in our heartes and who neuer leaueth vs but abideth in vs as an assured earnest-pennie of the full accomplishment of all that glorie promised to vs in the word of GOD. And yet for all this wee heard that the Apostle had not that contentation nor full satisfaction of his heart because he is yet a pilgrime liuing heere by confidence and hath not gotten the full presence of his LORD hee chooseth to leaue all the thinges in this life and therefore hee taketh resolution what hee will doe in life and death to the ende that when hee commeth to his LORD in the Heauens hee may bee welcome The thing hee resolueth to doe is this hee endeuoureth himselfe in his calling to be acceptable to Him in life and death and hee will consecrate all the actions and sufferinges of both to Him Beside that glory to come which moueth him to studie to bee acceptable to his LORD he setteth downe another motiue a terrible Tribunall which abideth him and all men and women who studie not to bee acceptable to the LORD The soule shall not so soone depart out of the bodie but it shall also as soone bee presented before that Tribunall and shall receiue that dolorous sentence if they haue not studied to bee acceptable to Him Therefore the Apostle concludeth Knowing therefore that terrour of the LORDm we trauell in our calling to preach Christ and to bring men to faith and that not for the fashion but in sinceritie of heart so that wee take God who seeth the heart to be witnesse to vs of our sinceritie And as to you Corinthians vpon whom we haue bestowed our labour wee appeale to your consciences and wee take you to be witnesse of that same sinceritie of our calling This is the summe of all which ye haue heard hitherto in this Chapter Now to come to this Text which we haue read In the first verse the Apostle hauing spoken of his sinceritie in preaching the Corinthians who had not that liking of him which they shoulde haue had might haue objected Well Paule yet vauntest thou of thy selfe thou hast once vaunted of thy selfe as appeareth in the second and third Chapters preceeding and yet art thou commending thy selfe He answereth no I commend not my selfe againe I vaunted not of my selfe before nor now neither but when I said We are made manifest to GOD and I trust also that wee are made manifest in your consciences in these words I giue you occasion to glorie of me and not so much for my cause as for the cause of false flattering Apostles who glorie in their outward doings without sinceritie of the heart the repressing of these mens vaine glorying is the cause of this my speaking This is the meaning of this verse Then this Text beeing plaine learne these lessons I marke first in the person of the Corinthians who objecteth this vaunting to the Apostle mistaking his words Scarse may a godly man speake a worde or two of the grace which the Lord hath giuen him and that not to his owne praise but to the praise of his God when he is mistaken by euill men who set thēselues to wryth euery word that is spoken And if euer there was an age in y e which this vice reigned I am assured experience proueth it none age may bee compared in that case to this age Yea a godly man can do nothing but incontinent he is mistaken he can speake nothing but he is misconstrued and especially
mooue thee to doe thy duety so much as the feeling of this loue of Christ towardes thee And nothing will bee able to stay thee from Christ and honouring Him and it were with thine owne ignominie if once thou haue a sense of it In the next verse hee giueth two reasons why the loue of Christ constrained him The first reason is taken from that misery that Christ founde him in when he suffered for him The second is taken from the ende of the death of Iesus As to the first this was our miserable estate before Christ loued vs we were all dead how proueth he that If one be dead for all then were all dead if thou hadst not bene dead in vaine Christ died for thee if thou hadst bene but halfe dead as the Papists say who vaunt of their free will the Sonne of God had neuer died for thee if Paul had had this free will and so bene halfe dead Christ had neuer died for him and if there were none other argument but this To import that there is not a free wil nor sponke of godlines in mē by nature it is sufficient to say Christ hath died for all we were without all sponk of free will to good when Christ came Marke the force of the argument It is from that miserable estate and spirituall death wherein CHRIST found vs when Hee beganne to bestow His loue vpon vs. Wee were dead spirituallie in sinne dead in trespasses What is this corporall death to bee respected if thou bee dead in sinne thou art worse than a carion This spirituall death should moue vs to thinke that the loue of Christ was wonderfull towardes vs it should euer make vs aggrege that loue wherwith He hath loued vs Hee died for thee who was dead in sinne and trespasses and so an enemie to Him Who is hee saieth the Apostle that will die for his enemies Roman 5. 7. Thou being dead in sinne thou liuedst in sinne and so liuedst an enemie to the life of CHRIST And therefore thine heart can neuer sufficientlie aggrege the benefites of His death Men are miserable but alas they feele it not thou hast no want nor scant of miserie but thou wantest sense and the lesse feeling thou hast of thy deadnes the greater is thy deadnesse for the sense of death is the beginning of life the more thou wantest the sense of death thou art euer the deader the liuelier the sinner is leaping and playing in his wantonnesse the deader is hee in soule For hee hath a burthen vpon his backe that will presse him thorowe the earth and make him sinke to Hell one day and in the meane time he is running to his mischiefe and villanie and knoweth not that hee hath death euerlasting vpon his backe O wo be to that miserable catiue although he be a king Alas men are dead in sinne and halfe in Hell and will not consider it It is a pitifull thing to consider howe there is no sense of this infernall miserie that followeth vpon this death When it is tolde them The LORD hath died for them they will make none account of it The word of the Crosse of Christ hath beene to the multitude of this Land but a vaine sounde and they haue neuer esteemed of such a mercie And therefore what wonder is it to see these vexations O SCOTLAND thou shalt get another wakening thou hast so long contemned grace which is y e most precious thing that euer was The Lord cānot be Lord if He suffer so long contempt and lightlying of Christ and His loue vnpunished The seconde argument is taken from the ende and purpose that Christ had in dying looked Hee to this end that thou shouldest play thee and follow thine own lust that thou shouldest abuse that life which He had bought so deare with His precious blood No his purpose was that not only in his death satisfaction thou shouldest be justified coūted just but also that thou shouldest be sanctified that thou sholdest cast off the works of vncleannes dedicate thy life in holines to him it is said Rom. 14. 9. that he rose again that he might be Lord ouer thy life For there was neuer man that had such a right to an earthlie thing as Christ hath to thy life then doe what euer may pleasnte him if it were to die a thousand times if it were to bee a foole for His cause what euer may pleasure Him set thee to doe it or of necessitie thou shalt lose that life of thine But here is the misery Mē know not wherefore Christ died Will yee aske men and women when they are bathing themselues in wickednesse if they will goe to Heauen they will answere yes they will goe to Heauen before their feet be colde But vaine lowne thou neuer knewst Christes purpose in dying for thee His purpose was that thou shouldest be a new man and thou shouldest not liue to thine owne selfe but to Him And the end shall proue if thou proceed so liuing to thy selfe not to Him who died for thee that the death of Christ had neuer force in thee Therefore looke if thou liue to Christ and if thou doest so then assure thy selfe Christ died for thee Looke if in the morning thou canst say Lord thou died for me I will giue thee my life and consecrate to Thee this day all mine actions and all that I haue Well is the soule that can saye this way Then all turneth to this Seeing Christ died for me I will take this resolutiō I will liue to Him al my dayes The Lord grant vs this resolutiō that we may liue to Him in this life that herafter we may liue with Him in Heauen for euer To whome with the FATHER and the Holie GHOST be all Honour Praise and Glorie both now and euermore So bee it THE FIFT SERMON II. COR. CHAP. V. verse 16 Wherefore hencfoorth knowe wee no man after the flesh yea though wee haue knowne CHRIST after the flesh yet now hencefoorth know wee Him no more verse 17 Therefore if anie man bee in CHRIST hee is a new creature olde thinges are passed away Beholde all thinges are become new verse 18 And all things are of GOD who hath reconciled vs vnto Himselfe by IESUS CHRIST and hath giuen vnto vs the ministerie of reconciliation YEe hearde the last daye in the last part of this Chapter the reasons set down wherfore a man is bound and oblished in conscience to liue to God to consecrate his life his death and all his actions to Iesus Christ to wit First the loue of Christ constraineth and oblisheth vs so to loue Him againe that we be content euen to bee foolish to this world for His sake Another argument was taken from our own estate wherein we were when He shewed this loue of His vpon vs wee were dead in sinne and trespasses So this miserable condition that we did lie in which was the beginning of Hell euerlasting
damnation shoulde mooue vs neuer to thinke on pleasing of our selues but onely to pleasure Him who hath deliuered vs from such damnation The third argument was taken from the purpose which the Lord had in dying for vs to wit that the life that was bought by His death should bee consecrated to Him and employed in His seruice for beeing once redeemed by Him we are no more our own men but His who hath bought vs. And therefore as the seruant setteth his eye vpō his lord waiting to pleasure him euen so in all our actions with our whole minde wee shoulde bee set to pleasure our Lord who bought vs when we were bond-slaues to sinne and Sath in Otherwise we shal fall abacke to that damnation from which wee were redeemed Now to come to this Text that we haue read in the first verse thereof we haue the resolution of the Apostle Paule and the purpose which hee taketh concerning this matter Seeing CHRIST his LORD hath set Himselfe to please him and to redeeme him from death and to purchase life to him his resolution is to giue Him againe that life which Hee hath purchased to him to employ the whole life of him in the seruice of that Lord who hath redeemed him Therefore Brethren before I goe forward learne a lesson of this generall If this was the purpos 〈…〉 CHRIST in dying for vs in dying so shamefull a death that we for whom He died should liue to Him and not to our selues our purpose shoulde bee on the other part to giue Him this life that He hath bought so dearely giue Him it or else thou shalt giue it to a worse man Imploy it in His seruice or else thou shalt imploy it in the seruice of a worse man And euerie one should say for their owne parts as Paul did for his part Hath Christ died for me to this purpose that I should liue to Him then will I take purpose and will resolue in mine heart to giue Him the life that He hath purchased to mee by His death this was His purpose in His death concerning mee I will not disappoint Him of His purpose that life that He hath wonne to me I will consecrate it to His seruice It is true thou canst neuer disappoint the Lord of His purpose His purpose standeth immooueable the man to whom He looked in His death hee must liue and euerie man for whome Christ died was in His eyes when Hee died No godlie man was out of His minde in His suffering but He saide in His heart I will die for this man and for this woman that they may liue to mee So He will not be disappointed But looke thou disappoint not thy selfe If thou sayest Christ died for me and in the meane time thou wilt not giue thy life to Him but wilt liue to thy lusts and not to Him thou of necessitie in the ende shalt bring thy selfe to a miserable point There is nothing in the world that a man should take more heede to than to the life to come to their maner of liuing heere and to the actions that they haue in hand and the thinges about the which they are occupied in their conuersation for if thou haue a conscience thy conscience will tell thee by thine actions what part thou hast in CHRIST if in thine actions thou be seruing Him thy cōscience wil tell thee thou hast a part in the LORD whom thou art seruing and thou in the meane time if thou bee but eating thy dinner if thou doest it to His glorie thou shalt finde a sweete apprehension of the death of CHRIST and it shall raise a great joye in thine heart But by the contrarie if thou be euill occupied and about to do an euill deede thy conscience within thee will giue thee a secrete warning and will saye O man thy worke testifieth thou hast nothing adoe with CHRIST and thou shalt find in thine hart no comfort of Christs death nor of His resurrection So it is good to be well occupied euery man in his owne calling and in all his doings euer to haue CHRIST before his eyes who hath giuen him this life Wouldest thou then trie whether the deedes that thou doest bee seruice done to y e Lord or not I shall tell thee how thou shalt know I will not speake of outward tokens but looke day and night within thy selfe to thine owne heart what thou feelest there feelest thou a conscience by night and by day testifying to thee that thou art vpon a good course and seruing CHRIST who died for thee it is well with thee if thy cōscience be rightly informed thou finde in the meane time a sweete apprehension of CHRISTS death passion and rising it is well But if thou feelest not this testimonie of a good conscience but rather a displeasure and grudging in thy soule all is wrong Well art thou if thou finde in all thy doinges a sweete apprehension of CHRISTES death and resurrection if thou finde it not woe is thee leaue that deede away with it Away with all businesse that will not furnish a joye of conscience in CHRIST and will not make thee to saye CHRIST is mine I am doing Him seruice Nowe to come to the purpose The speciall point of seruice that should be giuen to CHRIST is set downe in these wordes From hencefoorth know wee no man after the flesh These are the wordes weigh them The special point of seruice set down here is the right estimatiō of men among whom we liue in y ● world It is no small matter to esteeme of men women as we shuld do The rule whereby the Apostle will esteeme of them is not in the flesh nor by fleshly doing that is by nonē outward thing All these outward things as kindred nobilitie beautie wisdome worldly eloquence riches honour c. with all the rest of these things which men hold in admiration are nothing This is not the rule of the Apostle nor we should not by that rule esteem of them How then What is contrarie to the flesh the spirite What is contrarie to nature grace What is contrarie to the olde man regeneration Then what ought to be the rule according to the which wee should judge of men the spirit grace and regeneration But ye will say Are not all these worldlie thinges benefites of God shoulde not men bee esteemed of for them I answere The Apostle speaketh not simplie of them but in comparison in respect of the spiritual graces The nobilitie of the king is but dung in respect of the least droppe of the blood of Christ the least sponke of grace is worth whole nature the least portion of Heauenlie glorie is worth all the glorie in the world the least sponke of regeneration is worth all the genealogies that can bee in this worlde When Christ commeth with His spirit grace and regeneration all these earthlie prerogatiues vanish as the mist Then marke There is the speciall point of seruice done
his intention be to glorifie God Christ whatsoeuer anie man or woman doeth let them looke aboue all things that in doing their intention be to glorifie God as euer they would looke for thanks at His hands This is a lesson I see here another thing The Gospell is aduanced IESVS CHRIST is glorified in Paules hurt and who is a dearer man to Christ than ` Paul The lesson then is this Wee see the Lord is glorified when those whom He loueth best is damnified in this world in their hurt and domage Hee getteth His glorie that thing which is done against them in malice the Lord therein is glorified Well then I learne by the example of Paule If so bee that my GOD is glorified in mine hurt if He getteth aduantage by my damnage skathe then vnderstanding that glorie redoundeth vnto Him by my suffering and it were by my death I am bound to rejoyce I rejoyce saieth the Apostle and shall rejoyce I am bound to rejoyce and thou art bound to rejoyce still in glorifying God to the ende So aboue all thinges the glory of Christ shold be sought What am I to be respected my shame hurt death what art thou to be respected thy shame hurt and death if it redound to y e glory of Him who made me and thee for His glorie Now when he hath shewed his joye and mind concerning these two sortes of men in the next verse he commeth to the cause of his joye in that the LORD was glorified in his hurt and domage For saieth hee I knowe that this shall turne to my saluation c. That thing that is done to mine hurt it shall bee so chaunged and turned about that against the expectation of men who woulde hurt mee the LORD shall worke out my saluation There is the lesson If I can rejoyce thou canst rejoyce that the LORD getteth glory by thine or mine hurt or skathe wee may bee assured that our trouble shall be wonderfullie altered changed that which was done to our hurt shall turne to our saluation The Apostle Paul saieth in the 8. chapter of the epistle to the Romanes verse 28. To them who loueth God all things commeth for the best For if the glorie of GOD bee deare to thee if thou preferre His glory aboue thy saluation be assured thy life and saluation shall bee deare vnto Him yea thy saluation shall bee dearer vnto Him than His glorie can bee vnto thee for thou canst not loue Him so well as He loueth thee Moses Exod. 32. 32. vttereth a wonderfull zeale to GODS glorie and saieth Ere Thou destroye this people raze mee out of the booke of Life that is altogether destroye mee But what answere gets hee No Moses I had rather raze them out of my booke who haue sinned against mee Paul desireth that he may be an Anathema Rom. 9. 3. and that for the zeale hee had to the glorie of God But Mose shall neuer bee scraped out of the booke of God because hee loueth Gods glorie Paul shall neuer bee accursed because hee loueth Gods glorie And if thou wilt looke to His glorie all that euill which thou canst wish to thee for His glory shall be turned to thine health and saluation Then yee see there is nothing that we can lose by seeking of Gods glorie Our damnage shal be euer turned to our aduantage In the next part of the verse and the verse following is set downe the maner and the ordinarie manes whereby the hurt and domage that the godlie suffer for the glorie of God is turned ouer to their good The Lord onelie is able to turne it to their good Who is able to turne darknesse into light death into life ignominie into honour but Hee It passeth the cunning of all the creatures to make this wonderfull change The Lord onlie is able to make this change And certainlie the shame trouble and affliction that the godlie suffer in this life woulde all bee the beginning of Hell except that moste skilfull crafts-man the Lord come in and made this wonderfull alteration and turned all these thinges to their aduantage except Hee turned death to life ignominie to honour and trouble to joye the estate of the godlie in their sufferinges were moste miserable Thinke not that these thinges are good in themselues No death is not good of it selfe it is a punishment for sinne Rom. 6. 23. The Lord onlie maketh the change and maketh death to bee the entrie to life but the Lord doeth all this by ordinarie meanes and middle and yet all the meanes which Hee vseth derogateth nothing to His glorie because they all come of Him and Hee hath the glorie of all Seeing then in making of this wonderfull chāge of darknesse into light of death into life of woe into joye c. there must bee ordinarie meanes woe be to thee that contemnest the meanes for if thou doe it the trouble shall lie still on thee till thou bee troubled in Hell Sicknesse shall bee sicknesse indeede to thee death shall bee death indeede and the beginning of Hell to thee Then let vs take vp the meanes as they lie here in order Yee haue heard of one alreadie to wit Rejoycing that God is glorified in trouble If as I haue saide thou canst haue that heart and care of His glorie that thou canst rejoyce in thy trouble that thy trouble glorifieth Him bee assured a wonderfull alteration shall bee made of thy trouble Trouble shall be no trouble affliction shall be no affliction death shall bee no death Onelie get thou this desire of His glorie Nowe followeth the next meane The Apostle saith I am assured that this thing shall turne to my saluation through your prayers As the care to the glorie of God is a meane to make this alteration and to turne our troubles to our saluation so the care and solicity of the body of the Church the intercession and prayer that the godlie maketh for vs who lye in trouble is another meane for the prayers of the godlie for anie member of the bodie of the Church hath a wonderfull effect They will turne miserie into joye darknesse into light yea death into life Yet howbeit others haue care of thee lying in distresse if thou thy selfe contemnest and despisest their care if thou regardest not whether they pray for thee or not no body make intercession at GODS handes for thee there shall bee nothing but trouble to thee trouble shall alwayes continue trouble affliction shall alwayes remaine affliction And as thou contemnest and despisest the prayers of the Sainctes and the godlie for thee so thou shalt lye still in miserie and drowne in miserie at last It is a follie to a man to thinke that his owne care onelie for himselfe will serue the turne contemning and despising the care of all others for him I cannot thinke that such a one hath one spunke of godlinesse in him who will cōtemne the care of others For it is
certaine the sufficiencie of grace is not giuen to one man or to one woman onelie but to the whole members of the bodie And therefore there must bee a concurrance of the whole all must concurre for thy good and saluation for if the hand will stand vp and saye to the eye to the mouth to the foote or to the rest of the members Care for your selues foote care for thy selfe wombe care for thy selfe c. I will care for my selfe were not this a foolish hand woulde not this hand perish and wither yea it woulde perish if the mouth fedde it not if the foote caried it not if the wombe receiued not sustenance to nourish it Euen so if thou sayest to the rest of the members of the Church Care for your selues I will care for my selfe thou shalt die like a drie member and be cut off no saluation but in the vnion of that blessed bodie of CHRIST which is the Church And none yet euer came to Heauen but by a certaine concurrance of the rest of the members of the Bodie by praying by preaching by admonishing exhorting and rebuking If thou refuse this concurrance in teaching admonishing and comforting thee thou shalt neuer get Heauen Paul in the 8. chap. to the Romanes vers 28. saith Wee knowe that all thinges worke together for the best to them that loue GOD. Marke the force of the wordes If there bee not a working-together for thy saluation thou shalt not come to Heauen There are two of the meanes whereby trouble and damnage is turned to saluation Yet there are more of them for hee saieth And by the helpe of the Spirite of IESUS CHRIST There is another meane As it is a fault to one member to refuse the helpe of the rest of the members of the body of the Church their prayers intercession so it is as great a fault to leane so vpon the care of anie of the members of the body of the Church or of the Ministerie in preaching praying exhorting and comforting that in the meane time thou haue no care of thy selfe to get the spirite and life within thee for Christs Spirit is thy life thou wilt not praye for thy selfe but wilt bid the Church Ministery pray for thee as if that were enough No except that Spirite bee within thee which is the Spirit of Adoption to make intercession with sighes vnspeakeable at the hands of God downe shalt thou goe albeit that the Church and whole members thereof would please to holde thee vp What if the hand had no motion life nor strēgth in it selfe would the foote and the eye bee able to holde it vp No if the foote and the eye striue to holde it vp they should rotte with the hand and behoued to bee cut of For whereto serueth a rotten member It will infect the whole bodie if it be not cut off So if thou bee without spirite and life within thy selfe how beit all the rest of the members of the body of the Church would holde their hands about thee to holde thee vp thou shalt fall downe and die So as ye would haue others caring for you care for your selfe and see that yee haue the Spirit of God caring for you If Moses Abraham and all other faithfull men woulde praye for you it is nothing What good did Samuels prayers for Saul The Lord stopped his mouth and forbad him to praye for him Thus yee haue heard of three meanes whereby this wonderfull change is made The first is the care of God and His glorie The second is the intercession of the rest of the members of the body the third is the Spirite of Christ interceading for vs and the care which we haue of our selues We haue need of these meanes And certainlie the day is approaching that experience will tell the trueth of these thinges Paul a man euer afflicted in trouble and vnder danger telleth of his owne experience what hee founde But are there yet anie more meanes Looke the verse that followeth As I saith hee heartilie looke for and hope c. The worde importeth such an hope as when a man hath his head raised vp his eyes open and bent awayting for anie thing attentiuely Wee see when a man looketh earnestlie for any other his head will bee lifted vp his eyes will be bent looking to that place where from he should come and if he loue him well he wil looke attentiuely hauing both heart and eyes bended vp with hope of his comming The like worde in the 8. chap. to the Rom. vers 19. is ascribed to the creatures They awaite with feruent desire when the sonne of God shall be reuealed I shall make the words more plaine I hope according to mine attentiue exspectation that in nothing I shall bee ashamed that is that I shall neuer thinke shame of my Maister Iesus Christ because that if I thinke shame for any thing which I suffer for His cause I thinke shame of Himselfe Hee saith that in nothing I shall bee ashamed There is the negatiue I will be ashamed of nothing But what more With all boldnesse of spirite I shall magnifie Him in my bodie not in my soule onelie but in my bodie also and that Whether it bee in my life or in my death Hee casteth in the argument of this assurance as in all times by-gone euer to this houre I haue magnified Him in my bodie So this by-gone experience would he say maketh me to be assured by hope neuer to be ashamed of Him but to glorifie Him in life and death Then take vp the lesson Amongest the rest of the mean s whereby this change is made of miserie to felicitie of death to life and all thinges are made to serue to our saluation Hope is one and it is the fourth in number Wherein standeth this Hope That in no affliction which I suffer for Christes sake I will bee ashamed and so shame the Lord. For in suffering if thou bl●shest and thinkest shame thou shamest Him But by the contrarie in all thinges that I shall doe or suffer in this bodie I shall doe with courage confidence and libertie I shall suffer with courage confidence and libertie And so in doing in suffering in the bodie I shall magnifie my LORD So this is the point If I glorifie Him before men with courage and boldnesse in mine afflictions I may bee assured Hee shall glorifie me before His Father in Heauen Mat. 10. 32. They that suffer with Him shall reigne with Him 2. Timoth. 2. 12. But by the contrary if thou with blushing think shame of Him and of His Gospel and of the afflictions of the Gospel if thou shame Him before the world He shall shame thee before His Father Mark 8. 38. So this Hope is no small matter for if thou haue an assured Hope during thy whole life thou shalt magnifie Christ whatsoeuer falleth out in life or death assure thy selfe all shall bee turned to the glory of God and thy
Spirit who may transchange thee transforme thee and take thee out of nature and plant thee in grace for so long as thou remainest in nature thou canst not thinke well thou canst not speake well thou canst doe nothing well yea thou art worse than a very beast But because the wordes are very weightie wee will yet consider them better What meaneth h●● when he saieth Lord let thine eare bee attentiue to my prayer Thought he that the Lord heard him no●● and that the Lord played the part of a deafe man No He meaneth not this look to the estate of the godly when y e hand of the Lord is vpō them when y e Lord afflicteth vs any way we think that He neither heareth nor seeth vs nor remembreth vpō vs Indeed I grant it is not so in effect for God neuer altereth His affection towardes His owne but the faithfull oftentimes judge and apprehend so and all the fault of this is in vs. Yee see how Dauid oftentimes complaineth to the Lord that Hee had forsaken him Hee had left him and desireth that He shold look vpō him I aske Is it so indeed that when the faithfull soule crieth Lord heare see and remēber that He heareth not He s●eth not He remembreth not No question but He doth for Hee that made the eye seeth Hee not Hee that made the eare heareth He not Hee that formed the heart of man vnderstandeth He not remembreth He not Psal 94. Yea all things are patent to His Majesty albeit when Hee maketh it not manifest by some sensible effectes and operation we think He heareth not He seeth not He remembreth not His fauour affection is neuer indeed altered no● chāged frō his own children Then whē they cry for His presence are they altogether destitute depriued of his presēce no they want it not for who gaue the heart to saye Lord heare me Lord see and remember me if that thou hadst not some presence of the Lord in thine heart thou couldest neuer vtter these voyces to God Thē I say If I haue the presence of God when I crie vnto Him why crie I and pray I as though I had not His presence Are not such prayers in vaine No for although we haue the presence of God when wee praye yet for all that our prayers to God are not in vaine for if we had Him of before in any measure by our prayers He will manifest Himselfe more sensibly piece and piece more and more And looke howe much more strongly thou cryest so much the more will the Lord bee drawne to thy soule and so much the more shalt thou finde the increase and grouth of grace in thy soule It is vnpossible that the prayer of a faithfull man if it were but one worde that proceedeth from the Spirit of adoption can passe away without comfort for the Lord giueth His Spirit to no man in vaine but because He knoweth the meaning of His owne Spirit therefore He will graunt that thing for which hee maketh request there is nothing more certaine And therefore the Lord Matth. 5. 6. pronounceth them blessed who hunger and thirst for righteousnesse for saith hee they shall bee filled and satisfied And so Christ speaketh to that woman of Samaria Ioh. 4. 13. 14. If thou soughtest a drinke I shoulde giue thee a drinke of the water of life for the water that I shall giue shall bee in a man or woman a Well of water springing vp into eternall life meaning generally that whosoeuer hath gotten the first fruites of the Spirite and the beginnings of grace desireth and seeketh for further progresse and increase that the LORD shoulde euer furnish them with something to quench their thirst and that because they shoulde euer haue a fountaine within their bellie to furnishe something to them when they thirsted so that when as they shoulde seeke refreshment they might gette it in aboundance And if we felt this thirst and drinesse of the soule we would seeke earnestly for there was neuer such a drynesse and such an heate in any man naturally as there is in vs through sinne Consider thine owne experience when thou hast felt somtimes the great burthen of sinne and the terrours of the wrath of God for sinne whensoeuer in this estate thou camest to God and prayedst for mercie and said I am a miserable sinner LORD giue mee mercie hast thou not felt that the Lord hath answered thee comfortably and hath filled thine heart with joye euen when in thy prayer thou sighest and sobbest vnspeakeablie What meaneth that joye Euen that as soone as thou openest thy mouth with libertie to seeke that water of life the Lord conuayeth some portion of it into thine heart to quench thy thirst Now after hee hath cryed twise hee subjoyneth in the next wordes If thou O Lord straightly markest iniquities O Lord who shall stand This no question followeth by way of preoccupation It might haue bene objected to him in his prayer for manie are the temptations of the godly by his conscience pleading for GOD against him or GOD Himselfe might haue saide Thou prayest to mee and yet thou art a sinner how should I heare thee How darest thou stand before mee It is a wonder that in my fierce wrath I destroye thee not To this hee answereth first by waye of confession It is true O LORD that if thou wilt straitelie marke iniquitie that no flesh can stand in thy presence but they must bee consumed through the rage of thy displeasure Then hee answereth by waye of correction But mercie is with thee the meaning is Thou takest none heede to our iniquities but of thy free mercie and grace thou pardonest them all in thy Sonne IESVS CHRIST for none of the Saincts none of the Fathers none of the Prophets euer got mercy but thorow that blood of IESVS CHRIST who was slaine from the beginning of the worlde through His blood only was the wrath of God pacified except Gods justice bee first satisfied there is no place left to mercy therefore saith he my refuge is to thy mercie Indeed our estate who liue now is farre better than the estate of them who liued before Christ came into the world for they saw the death satisfaction of Christ remission of sin in his blood but a far of but we see now all already past wee may say that now God in Christ is merciful to vs is become our Father and hath forgiuen all our sins Now out of these words by this example of the Prophet yee maye see what is the estate of Gods children in prayer to wit when in affliction they seeke to repaire to GOD by prayer they will not so soone begin to pray but as soone their guiltie consciences will beginne to knocke and challenge them as vnworthie to bee heard the conscience will stand vp and if it be not cleansed it will present thy sinnes before thee and set them in order in all their circumstances
then say Lord I deserue to be threatned alwais to be plagued but Lord thou knowst my nature thes things wil not make me to come to Thee but will put mee away from Thee therefore let mee see Thy manifolde mercies towards sinners to allure me and then I shall come vnto Thee So wee see the remidie against an euill conscience to wit an humble confession of sinne and vnworthinesse and a fleeing from the justice of God to His mercie The fairest sweetest thing in the worlde is to feele the mercie of GOD. But herein there is great hardnesse and difficultie It is not so easilie attained vnto as men commonlie thinke for His mercie is compassed about with His justice and with His wrath against sinners as with a wall of fire and he who will come to grace he must come through a consuming fire and when hee preasseth to come neare the fire of Gods wrath will holde him off and will strike out and burne vp the impenitent sinner as fire doeth the stubble So it is an harder thing than manie think it to be to win to Gods mercy And how shal this be remidied By what meanes shall wee gette thorowe this wall of fire Truely hee who woulde meane to passe thorow fire had neede to bee well armed the man who preasseth to approach neare to that inuialable Majestie who can abide no sort of vncleannesse and woulde drawe neare to the Throne of His grace must bee well armed against the justice and wrath of GOD which debarreth sinners Surelie there is none armour in the world that can preserue vs from that raging and consuming fire of the justice and wrath of GOD but only the righteousnesse and satisfaction of Iesus Christ Let a man vse all the meanes in the world and he be not found in Christ he shall haue none accesse to come thorowe the justice and wrath of God to the Throne of grace yea his soule and his conscience must bee sprinkled and purged from dead workes with that blood which was offered vp to GOD to that ende by His eternall Spirite Heb. 9. without he bee dipped in that blood hee will finde GOD a terrible Iudge And after that through faith in the death and blood of IESVS thou commest to that Throne of grace thou shalt heare the sweetest and moste comfortable voyce that euer was that is All thy sinnes are forgiuen thee in that blood And if a man were cōdemned to die for some haynous cryme if the king would saye I absolue thee I forgiue thee thou shalt liue What joye and comfort woulde that voyce bring to the heart of him who was condemned The Apostle saieth Hebr. 10. 22. Let vs goe to the Throne of grace with a true heart and purged from an euill conscience through the blood of IESUS CHRIST that is Thinke not to come to that Throne of grace except first thou bee purged with that blood Therefore as euer thou wouldest bee in Heauen or see the face of GOD to thy comfort seeke to haue faith in CHRIST IESVS Looke vvhat necessitie is laide vpon a sinner either must hee bee banished from the presence and face of GOD for euer and be casten into the societie of the damned or else if he would bee saued hee must bee imped and ingraffed by a true and liuely faith in Iesus Christ make thee for it with all thy maine to get a gripe of Christ as euer thou wouldest be saued Nowe after hee hath met this objection which God or his owne conscience in Gods cause might haue casten in that hee was so vnworthie to bee heard by an humble confession of vnworthinesse and by fleeing from His justice and claiming to His great mercies bee setteth downe the ende of this mercie and free forgiuenesse of sinnes when he saieth But mercie is with Thee that Thou mayest bee feared The ende whereof the Lord granteth mercie and forgiuenesse of sinnes to sinners is that they may obey serue and worship God with pleasure and alacritie No man can euer be able to glorifie God and to serue Him chearfully but the man who hath assurance that his sinnes are freely forgiuē him in that eternall loue of God through the blood of Iesus for none can glorifie God except first he be glorified of God Albeit the naturall man got neuer so manie and great benefites yet because hee hath none assurance of the forgiuenesse of his sinnes he can neuer glorifie God nor be thankfull to Him On the other part It is vnpossible and if thou haue a sure perswasion that thy sinnes are forgiuen thee but thou wilt bee careful in some measure to meet the Lord God in loue to pleasure Him and to thanke Him for the first effect that floweth from the remission of sinnes is sanctification or glorification And it is not possible but if thou bee glorified thou must glorifie the Lord againe But the question may be here proponed Wherein standeth our glorifying of God hath He neede of our glorification Can our seruice bee profitable to Him Can our well-doing extend to Him Hath He need of any thing that wee can doe I answere Indeede it is true our well-doing cannot extende to Him as Dauid confesseth of himselfe in the 16. Psalme and the 2. vers All the Kinges and Monarches in the world cannot doe any thing that is profitable and steadable to God We are not able to adde any thing to the glory of God for His glory is infinite and to an infinite thing nothing can bee added for if anie thing coulde bee added it were not infinite The Father the Sonne and the Holy Spirite perfectlie glorified one another from all eternitie Glorifie Mee saieth Christ with that glorie which I had with Thee before the foundation of the world was laide That blessed Trinitie was as perfect in glorie before the creation of the world as it hath beene euer since Our glorifying of God stādeth only in this when the Lord illuminateth our minds that we may see His glorie in all his properties that wee in our heartes with pleasure and chearfulnesse consent thereunto allow of it and with our mouthes proclaime that glory which we see to be in Him And it lieth not in man nor angel to compare His glory The good the euil the well y e wo the commodity incommodity of al cōmeth to our own selues and happy is that man that glorifieth God miserable is he y ● glorifieth Him not for our felicity standeth not in that y ● we our selues be glorified but in this that we glorify our Lord eternally for that end were we created to y ● ende were we redeemed with that precious ransom euē that we shuld glorify y e Lord happy is that creature that hath some purpose thirst desire to glorify God in this life for he may be assured that one day the Lord shall glorify him eternally in Heauen That soule I say shall be perfected in the life to come
sent with commission to the Gentiles but in case of the contumacie rebellion of the Iewes as if the Lord had said vnto him Goe thy vvay vnto mine owne people vvhome I haue chosen from among all the Nations of the earth and see if thou canst vvinne them goe no further And if the Iewes had not bene rebellious and disobedient vve had neuer gotten mercie and grace Looke Roman 11. 11. The fall of the Iewes vvas the raising vp of the Gentiles the diminution of the Iewes vvas the riches of the Gentiles Howe got yee grace saith he By their contumacie and rebellion So Christ sending out his Disciples to preach biddeth them go not vnto the Gentiles or vnto the Samaritanes their next neighbours but vnto the l●st sheepe of the house of Israel Matth. 10. 5. And Paul in a preaching before both the Iewes and Gentiles Act. 13. 46. The worde of GOD saieth hee behooued first to bee preached vnto you the promise belonging vnto you But because yee will not receiue the worde and haue made your selues vnworthie of life euerlasting Therefore I will turne and preach to the Gentiles And so hee bade the Iewes good-night and turned him to the Gentiles And the TEXT saieth that then the Gentiles rejoyced exceedingly So vvee vvere strangers from heauen and aliantes from the common vvealth of Israel And vvee learne in the example of this vvoman that our entrie to grace and to heauen vvas verie hard and difficill And as our entrie to grace vvas hard so if vvee fall from grace our re-entrie to grace shall bee farre harder And if thou fall once from grace hardly shalt thou get grace againe A Gentile that falleth once from grace and treadeth vnder his feete the blood of Iesus shall neuer bee renewed with grace againe And I say to thee O Scotland if thou fallest from grace looke neuer for grace againe Looke to the cities amongst the Gentiles that fell from grace looke Corinth looke Philippi looke y e Galathians c. got they euer grace again No so if Scotland fall from grace it will bee a wonder if euer it get grace againe The wrath of God shall bee powred foorth vpon euery one from the greatest to the smallest for if He receiued not the Iewes His owne people into grace after that they were once fallen from it shal He take thee vp againe a Gentile a vile dog in respect of them And yet our men in this countrey care not to cast themselues and their whole land into Hell and into euerlasting abjection from grace without all hope of recouery So this is an harde answere shee findeth no grace at all They that follow Iesus Christ and seeke for grace will finde in their way a sore tryall men thinke that Heauen is but a common benefit that it is easie to a mā to come thither but albeit thou be a king an Emperour or Monarch thou wilt find an hard entry therein Will thy kingdome or thy lordship bring thee to heauē No if thou sleep on in careles security thou shalt neuer so heauē So if there were no more but this exāple of this Gentilish womā it teaches vs that it is hard to win to heauen that the gates of Heauen at the first shall be shut vpon our teeth What is the cause of this Thou art further from Christ and from grace from Heauen and from the joye of Heauen a thousand times more than the naturall earth is from the naturall Heauen Thou art a Canaanite come of a cursed generation What adoe hath a Canaanite with Heauen so vnworthie a thing with so worthy a thing The Lord before He opened the gates of Heauen vnto her Hee woulde let her vnderstand that shee had nothing to doe with Heauen And I say vnto thee that the Lord ere euer Hee giue thee grace Hee will haue thee knowing by tentations and tryalles that thou art a Canaanite descended of a cursed and reprobate generation and vnworthie that euer thou shouldest see Heauen or haue a do with Heauen And if Hee bring thee not to this sight and this feare I giue thee thy dome thou shalt never see Heauen Nowe marke Hee hath cloased the doores of Heauen vpon her And certainely this answere might haue caused her to haue gone awaye with shame and confusion But for all this tentation she continueth still she crieth still and hopeth for mercie holde vpon mercy hope still belieue on still and that hope shal neuer make thee ashamed Shee hath cryed for mercie the gates of Heauen are shut against her What doeth shee Goeth she her way No no shee tarieth still and knocketh And if thou knewest what Heauen were and what Hell were thou wouldest bee loath to leaue Heauen Oh! the tormentes that remaine for them that fall into Hell So shee knocketh and falleth downe vpon her face and adoreth and saieth O Sonne of Dauid haue mercie on mee This adoring was not onely for the casting the deuill out of her daughter No no she sought euerlasting life at the handes of the Lord that healing of her daughter was an earnest-pennie of that Life This was the mind of the woman no question It is saide in the Scripture Seeke and yee shall find aske and yee shall receiue knocke and it shall be opened vnto you Mat. 7. 7. If the seeking faile thee yet tarie still and knocke And if it had not bene the Lords will that a sinner when he findeth heauen gates closed vpon him should tary stil knock would he haue biddē him knock It were a presumptuous thing for a begger to knocke at one of our doores but seeing y e Lord hath expressely commanded thee to knocke then knocke on boldly And if thou goe away with the first answere or the first nay-saying thou wast neuer truely hungrie nor thirstie And it is a token that thou countest little of the grace of GOD. If thou knewest howe precious a thing the grace of God Iesus Christ were and what Heauen were and what Hell were thou wouldest neuer cease knocking day nor night all the dayes of thy life for if thou goe away proudly and tariest not vpon Gods answere but speake presumptuously say If He will not giue mee grace let Him holde it to Himselfe as blasphemous men will say then Hee will shoote thee into Hell for if thou wert a king of all the worlde thou shalt neuer get thine head in at Heauen gates except thou knocke Lord if the world knew how hard a thing it is to get entry there men think that they will come easily sleeping to Heauen albeit they take their pleasure pastime but they deceiue themselues there must bee much striuing and fighting ere they get Heauen Before that Heauen could be opened it behoued Iesus Christ to shed His precious blood Now Brethren ye may say to me Alas who can knocke who is able to come there No thou hast no power once to lift vp thine hand to
knocke at that gate except that the Lord put out His hand hold thee vp euen in the meane time when Hee is holding thee backe so wonderfull is the Lordes working with His owne He will be holding them abacke with the one hand and He will be pulling them in to Him as fast with the other hand when He will be disswading He will perswade when He forbiddeth to approach vnto Him hee inwardly allureth m●n to come vnto Him Nowe will yee heare the Lordes answere If the first answere was hard this is as hard and rough for with an angry countenance no doubt He answereth It is not lawfull saieth Hee to take the childrens bread and to cast it vnto dogges It is euen as much as if Hee had taken her by the shoulders and thrust her out first Hee saieth Thou art but a dogge a Gentile and this that thou seekest is a precious thing the bread of life this appertaineth onely to the children of GOD Shall I take that and giue it vnto a dog As if Hee had saide Goe thy waye dogge thou shalt not get such a precious benefite as thou requirest Then we see here because she was a Gentile therfore Hee calleth her a dogge Suppose thou bee a King I pray thee be not too proude in thine own conceit and yet a Gentile Ergo by nature a dogge He will cast a Kingdome an Empire a Monarchie to a man as one will cast a bone into the mouth of a dogge but all is nothing in respect of one droppe of grace and the hope of the kingdome of Heauen Albeit thou bee a begger and yet gettest but one droppe of grace through IESVS CHRIST anie hope of the Kingdome of Heauen anie beginning of regeneration then thou hast gotten a greater grace a more precious thing than Caesar that got all the worlde There is no comparison betwixt the meanest spirituall heauenly gift betwixt the greatest temporall and earthly thing Nowe I note againe the hardnesse to winne to the Kingdome of Heauen Would yee not thinke it a marueilous thing to turne a dogge into the Sonne of God It is as great a wonder to see a Gentile to be called to Heauen as to make dogges and stones the Sonnes of God Nowe know that before thou gettest accesse to Heauen although thou wert a king thou must bee humbled in thine owne conceite thou must know thine owne estate and condition thou must thinke thy selfe as vile and contemptible as a verie dogge by nature as this woman was brought to saye otherwise thou shalt neuer get heauen Then Brethren if the entrie to the Kingdome of heauen be so harde if thou like a dogge returne to thy vomite or as a sow to the puddle as Peter saieth 2. Pet. 2. 22. after thou art was●en with the blood of that immaculate Lambe then it is a wonder if euer thou get grace to re-enter againe Now heare the poore womans answere she granteth all It is verie true thou sayest I am but a dog a vile and an vnworthie wretch and that bread of heauen is a precious thing I am not worthie that it should bee casten vnto mee Yet saieth shee the whelpes doe eate of the crummes which fall from their maisters table If thou wilt not shew mee this grace to eate bread with the children yet let me eate the paringes and crummes vnder the table Ere euer the Lord bestow grace and eternall life vpon thee hee will haue thee to accompt thy selfe vnworthie of anie grace yea hee will haue thee to accompt as vilely of thy selfe as of a dog albeit thou hadst neuer so many great prerogatiues otherwayes in the worlde ere thou get that life thy conscience will accuse thee to bee vnworthie of such a life and such a joye as the LORD ordained for his owne Shee scipped before nowe shee thrumbleth and thrusteth in at the gates of heauen and goeth like a violent woman not indeede preassing like a sturdie begger to be in whether the Lord would or not but by humilitie and acknowledging of her owne vnworthinesse in all submission comming as it were creeping like a sillie whelpe vnder the table that is the violence that is done to the Kingdome of heauen Matth. 11. 12. Shee taketh vp heauen by violence in all submission and humilitie And if thou bee once but a whelpe vnder the table of GOD in the house of GOD to gather vp the crummes of that plentifull table thou art called to a greater honour than if thou were made King of all the worlde I had rather bee a doore-keeper in the house of GOD than to bee king of all the worlde Nowe Brethren when shee is thronging in hee is loath to put her out againe No hee saieth O woman great is thy faith bee it vnto thee as thou desirest thy faith hath wonne the victorie From whence had this poore woman all this perseuerance and this continuance and this constancie but from him and yet hee standeth wondering at his owne graces The LORD beholde his doing when hee hath giuen thee grace and perseuerance when thou commest to heauen he will wonder at thee and there is the ende of all thy perseuerance a faire crowne of glorie And what more doeth hee That same moment that force that was in the worde that proceeded out of the mouth of IESVS extended it selfe to the womans daughter and healeth her and casteth the deuill out of her Now she sought only to creepe in as a whelp vnder the table to eat the crummes and now the LORD setteth her vp at the table to sit with Him in glory as CHRIST Himselfe saieth I say to thee saieth Hee manie shall come out of the East and out of the West into mine house into the Kingdome of Heauen and sit downe at the Table with Abraham Isaac and Iaakob Matth. 8. 11. And from whence are wee come Euen out of the furthermost point of the West And O SCOTLAND Belieue in IESVS seeke earnestlie grace at Him and waite patientlie when Hee tryeth thee and thou shalt find that thou shalt be set downe with ABRAHAM ISAAC and IAAKOB in glorie Wee are the Sonnes of GOD indeed but it appeareth not yet what wee shall bee but one daye it shall appeare when wee shall be crowned with the crowne of glorie The Lord worke this faith and earnest desire of grace in vs for Iesus Christs sake To whome bee all glorie honour and praise for euer and euer Amen THE XV. SERMON LVKE CHAP. VII verse 37 And beholde a woman in the citie who was a sinner when shee knewe that Iesus sate at table in the Pharisees house she brought a boxe of oyntment verse 38 And shee stood at his feete behinde him weeping and began to wash his feete with teares and did wipe them with the haires of her head and kissed his feete and anointed them with the ointment verse 39 Nowe when the Pharisie who bade him sawe it hee spake within himselfe saying If this man
were a Prophet hee would surely haue knowne who and what manner of woman this is who toucheth him for shee is a sinner verse 40 And Iesus answered and saide vnto him Simon I haue somewhat to say vnto thee And hee saide Maister say on verse 41 There was a certaine lender who had two detters the one ought fiue hundreth pence and the other fiftie verse 42 When they had nothing to pay he for gaue them both Which of them therefore tell mee will loue him most verse 43 Simon answered and said I suppose that he to whom he forgaue most And hee saide vnto him Thou hast truely judged 44. Then hee turned to the woman and said vnto Simon Seest thou this woman I entered into thine house and thou gauest mee no water to my feete but shee hath washed my feete with teares and wiped them with the haires of her head verse 45 Thou gauest mee no kisse but shee since the time I came in hath not ceased to kisse my feete verse 46 Mine head with oyle thou didst not anoint but shee hath anointed my feet with ointment verse 47 Wherefore I say vnto thee many sinnes are forgiuen her for she loued much To whome a little is forgiuen he doeth loue a little verse 48 And hee saide vnto her Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee verse 49 And they that sate at table with him began to say within themselues Who is this that euen for giueth sinnes verse 50 And hee saide to the woman Thy faith hath saued thee goe in peace THIS Text welbeloued in the Lord Iesus containeth a notable Historie of the conuersion of a penitent sinner a sinfull woman whom the LORD first called inwardly by His Spirit to whom after outwardly by His owne voyce He giueth assurance of the remission of her sinnes And wee haue first set downe the occasion that the Lord offereth to this sinfull woman to metee with Him that she may receiue mercie and forgiuenesse of her sinnes Of very purpose He casteth Himselfe in her way and into these partes where the woman was and yeeldeth to dine in the house of a Pharisie where shee might haue the occasion and oportunitie to meete with Him This occasion being offered vnto her being partly touched with a feeling of her owne miserie partly being preuented with the Spirite of Iesus alluring her she letteth it not slippe but shee commeth to the house where the Lord was and shee commeth not emptie handed but shee bringeth with her a boxe of precious sweete smelling ointment and comming to the house where the LORD was sitting at table looke what shee doeth shee entreth not in peartly and boldly neither commeth shee before His face being ashamed of her own sinnes she was ashamed that these eyes these all-seeing eyes of the LORD which pierce into the soule of man should see her So she standeth saieth the Text behinde His backe and then shee falleth downe at His feete The sight of thy sinne as it will worke shame of face when the relicts of nature beginneth to challenge it when it striueth to enter into the soule so that scarcely thou darest looke a man in the face let be the Lord who is the reuenger of it Euen so when it once pleaseth the Lord to waken the conscience it will worke in thee a wonderfull humilitie so that thou wilt stoupe and cast thy selfe downe vnder the feete of thy GOD. The stiffenesse that yee see in men who bowe not their bodies knees vnto the Lord proceedeth of the want of that sight of sinne and corruption within them If these men who fling their heads in the aire make their boasts of their euill deeds saw their sins they would bee ashamed of themselues humble themselues in y e dust When she is fallen downe she weepeth The sight of sin will make thee to weepe mourne Thou laughest now plaiest y e wanton because there is a vaile casten ouer thine eye that blindeth thee so that thou canst not see sin the own colour yea it couereth thy self from thee but if once thou saw sinne thy selfe well it would make thee to weep lament bitterly Wel she leaueth not of yet but being drawne and allured with a sense of His preuenting mercy y ● came from Him she draweth near● vnto Him If she had not felt that loue that came from Him shee durst neuer haue come neare Him As a male-factor hath no pleasure to beholde the countenance of the Iudge but his eye and countenance is terrible to Him Euen so the Lord is fearefull and terrible to them that feele not that loue that proceedeth from Him It is the sense of the loue that allureth sinners to come to God As Dauid saieth Psal 130. 3. If thou straitlie markest iniquitie no flesh can stand but mercie is with thee that thou mayest bee feared The teares that the displeasure for sin expresseth out of her shee will not lose them but shee taketh them and ●asheth his feet with them thē taketh the haire of her head and dryeth them therewith Haddest thou once a sense of that sweete mercy in Iesus Christ were that loue once spred abroade into thine heart by His H. Spirit as th' Apostle speaketh O how thou wouldest loue Him be carefull to serue pleasure Him This want of loue towards y e Lord Iesus argueth plainely that thou hast not felt that loue of His towardes thee For if once thou hadst felt how well Hee loueth thee who shed His precious blood for thee then it is a faire matter to thee to sheede teares for Him that shedde His blood for thee And if thou once felt that loue nowe all the teares and all the moysture in thy body yea thy very soule thou wouldest bee glad to poure it out for Him and consecrate thy life vnto His seruice but liuing against Him in doing all kinde of villanie in despite of Him thou testifiest plainely that thou hast neuer found the vertue of His blood Looke what Paul saieth 2. Cor. 5. 14. The loue of God constraineth mee that is bindeth vp my soule and all the powers and faculties thereof and occupyeth my whole senses that I am rauished from all thinges in the worlde to get mine heart and affections fixed vpon Him Why saieth hee Because He loued me so well that Hee hath died for me and therefore I will consecrate my life to him who hath purchased euerlasting life for me And therefore whosoeuer hath not a purpose to poure out his life for Iesus Christ and hath not a free heart towards Him in some measure he cannot haue any sure argument that Christ hath died for him And if thou haue not that assurance woe is thee that euer thou tookest life it had beene better thou hadst beene made a stocke or a stone if thou findest not that Christ died for thee But what further did this sillie woman Shee ceaseth not here but is continually kissing the feete of the Lord. Ye
blessed that inuiolable Majesty were and what the Euangell is how glorious how liuely howe powerfull in operation and then what our selues are how vnworthie we are now Lord what would wee account of Iesus Christ this heart that now is bound vp would then bee loosed to thankfulnesse But wee see not what GOD is and if we haue not found glorie and the power of the Gospell Looke what great cōmendation this Apostle giueth to the Gospell 2. Cor. 3. 6. where hee compareth the Lawe with the Gospell and calleth the Gospell the Ministerie of the Spirit the Ministerie of righteousnesse y ● Ministerie of life Then againe wee see not what our selues are how vile how filthie and vncleane we are we see not that mysterie of sinne that is in vs and therefore we account so little of the Gospell and are so little moued when the Lord threatneth the away-taking of it And to the ende men may knowe howe they ought to esteeme of this Ministerie of this Gospell committed vnto them which now the world so much contemneth and disdaineth we shall speake a litle of the dignitie excellencie thereof To haue the Gospel of Iesus Christ cōmitted to a mans charge is no small thing No there is no fleshe worthie of such dignitie and honour no not the Angels in Heauen let be sillie mortall creatures Is the creature worthy to dispose the treasures of saluation Is a man worthy to reconsile God and the world Is anie man worthy to bee an instrument to bring remission of sinnes peace of conscience and joye in the Holie Ghoste to the soule of man Is anie worthy to beare witnesse to the soule of man that life euerlasting appertaineth vnto him and is laid vp for him in the Heauens And this mooued the Apostle to crie out when hee considered this Who can be found meet for these thinges 2. Cor. 2. 16. And so if wee knewe all that is contained in the Gospell wee woulde saye that the Angels themselues are not worthie to beare such a message to dispense the secrete and hidden thinges of GOD to confirme forgiuenesse of sinnes to put poore sinners out of doubt that the LORD loueth them and taketh them for His children and last that Hee will crowne them with saluation and euerlasting life And the consideration of this should moue them whom the Lord hath set in His seruice to follow the example of th'Apostle Paul and day and night to bee thankfull to God vvho chooseth such fraile and poore creatures to such an high excellent and glorious office as to offer saluation to them who before were condemned and cast-awayes Next this consideration should mooue men faithfullie and carefullie to execute that charge which is committed vnto them as also to pray y ● Lord earnestlie that Hee would blesse them with graces and strength according to the weightinesse of the calling that they maye bee ●ound faithfull in that Great daye for man of himselfe cannot doe so much as to thinke a good thought 2. Cor. Chap. 3. vers 5. let be to haue such graces by nature as to furnish such an high and glorious a calling And as the Pastors haue their duetie to learne heere so the people also may and should make their vse of it that is when they come to heare the word of God to the ende that the Gospell and the promises of mercy may profit and edifie them they shoulde bee resolued in themselues that it is God that sendeth men vnto them and maketh them meete who were vnmeet And in this place the Apostles minde is not onely to humble Preachers to acknowledge the grace bestowed vpon them but also to resolue all men that hee that preacheth is sent from God otherwise the preaching of the Gospell will ne●er profit them And last this serueth to reprooue the vaine thoughtes and vngodly speaches of the common multitude for they thinke this Ministery to bee but a base and contemptible calling and say Who should be placed into it who but such fooles and vnworthy bodies as cannot bee meete for another calling who but kinlesse bodies But if a Gentleman an Esquires sonne a lordes brother c. take on this calling hee is disgraced and abased therewith But. O vnworthy wretch No Emperour no Monarch nor no flesh whatsoeuer is worthy of so great a calling no the Angels in Heauen honour not so much the commission as the commission honoureth them If thou continuest in counting basely of it to the ende thou shalt finde it at the last to bee the most glorious thing that euer was but it shall be to thy confusion and destruction Nowe I goe forward Hee commeth to a reason of his thankfulnesse Who hath strengthened me saith hee that is of a weake body full of imperfection blottes and sinnes which might haue hindered mee from that calling Hee made mee strong and able So the Apostle compareth his estate by nature with that estate which he found of grace and when hee was in nature hee saieth hee was weake and vnder the worde of weaknesse hee comprehendeth his blasphemy persecution and oppression which hee setteth downe heereafter And heereby wee maye see that men will neuer knowe the grace of God well nor accompt worthily of it vntill they consider what men are when GOD leaueth them to their owne estate And when men get a sight either of themselues or of others they will see that there is no goodnesse nothing worthie of praise but much mischiefe misery both in themselues and in others And when men once seeth and knoweth this then it will bee an easie thing to them to judge of the grace of GOD which supplieth and remedieth all wantes and vices When Paule looked to himselfe hee sawe no goodnesse that that had appearance of goodnesse was nothing but euanishing smoake and therefore confesseth that whatsoeuer was in him by nature was corrected and so hee giueth the praise of all to God Againe I see that none will account of IESVS CHRIST and His Gospell but they who finde a power and strength in the Gospell There is a power in the Gospell which all the faithfull finde for by the Gospell he that was weake to any good deede is made strong by the Gospell he that was dead is quickened and beginneth to liue This constrained the Apostle Paule to giue such glorious and powerfull stiles to the Gospell hee calleth it the power of God to life and saluation Rom 2. 16. he calleth it liuely and mighty in operation Heb. 14. 12. The children of God find it powerfull to ouerthrow and cast downe the imaginations of man and euery strong holde which is raised vp against Iesus And whosoeuer findeth this of necessity they must be thankfull Alas that there should be such a power and strength in the Gospell and that we should finde so little of it for if wee found it it could not bee possible but wee woulde testifie and practise by mouth and hand by word and
action our thankefulnesse otherwise than we doe Nowe wee come to the next argument which moued the Apostle to be thankfull hee saith that our Lord Jesus Christ counted him faithfull and set him in His seruice hee meaneth not here that the Lord fore-sawe that there would bee some worthinesse goodnesse and faithfulnesse into him and therefore Hee employed him as vaine and ignorant men doe affirme for are not all corrupt are not all children of wrath and subject to Sathan what goodnesse then can God see in anie of vs except Hee put it into vs and what can moue Him to make a choyse of one more than another but onlie His good pleasure and free-liking But this he saith to meete and stoppe the mouthes of wicked and malicious men who went about to disgrace his person and office and to make his preaching fruitlesse The world is now full of such persons as if hee had said Let men reproach mee disdaine me set themselues against me yet this is sufficient for me that Iesus Christ who hath all authoritie and who is supreame Iudge who onelie can absolue and condemne and from whose sentence none can appeale is on my side and hath declared by putting me into His seruice and by calling me immediatelie with His owne mouth that Hee would vse my Ministerie and declared that where I was vnfaithfull before Hee accounted me faithfull He accounted more of me than I was worthy of So by this th' Apostle importeth a double grace which hee got from Christ first that whereas hee was ynfaithfull the Lord gaue him saith and so accounted him faithfull Next that he had manifested by calling him to bee an Apostle that Hee had a liking that he should be in His seruice Then heere yee see that as before hee thanked GOD for the power and strength that hee founde so heere hee thanketh GOD for that exceeding mercie vttered in forgiuing him his sinnes and in calling him to bee an Apostle Hence wee perceiue Brethren that no man will euer account of IESVS CHRIST except he first finde that CHRIST hath accounted of him yea except he finde that Christ hath accounted of him that which he is not whereas he is vnfaithfull hee must finde that Iesus counteth him faithfull whereas hee is vnjust hee must find that Christ counted him just Yee see by common experience that when one man loueth another exceedingly hee will account more of him than hee is to bee counted of indeede for loue ouer-seeth and hideth many infirmities and offences Was there euer such a loue as Christ Iesus carried vnto vs vnworthy wretches For when wee were vile wretched sinners euer offending the Majestie of God and procuring His wrath the Lord Iesus in the multitude of His mercies and infinite deepenesse of His loue couered our sinnes and hid our iniquities that they should not bees●ene by God So when the Lord Iesus hath once extended the mantle of His mercy and compassion vpon His chosen children then albeit they were replenished with neuer so many vile and grosse sinnes yet the Lord will not laye them to their charge but in Iesus Hee will count them just righteous and innocent so Hee will account more of them than they are worthy of For except that euery one of vs be perswaded of this that we are greater men in the account of Iesus Christ than wee are in our selues we shall perish in our sinnes for euer The Pope and that crew of his shamelesse-ones scorne this doctrine of the imputation of the righteousnesse of IESVS they will haue men to bee justified by their inherent righteousnesse in Gods presence But I denounce in the Name of the Great GOD that if they goe on so if they leane to their own righteousnesse and if they find not the righteousnesse of Iesus to be imputed vnto them they shall neuer taste of mercy But howe knoweth the Apostle that the Lord accounteth so much of him The last words of the verse declareth Hee put mee into His seruice therefore I knowe that Hee hath accounted more of mee than I am Wouldest thou knowe that the Lord hath accounted more of thee than thou art hath the Lord Iesus put thee into his seruice then He accounted of thee Indeede I grant that there are many who are called to offices both in Church and Policy who cannot nor may not say that therefore the Lord hath counted them faithfull for there are many who are not sent of God but who runneth vnsent and are thrust out by their owne corrupt affections as by ambition by vaine glory by desire of preferment by couetousnesse Often times yee see that many who haue the place and name of Pastors set themselues to trouble the estate of the Church and to giue offence vnto the weake ones to speake nothing of their negligence in that calling And such like in the seate of Iustice yee will see men without regard of God conscience nature and common honesty to giue out wicked judgement and maintaine manifest hainous crimes and to stand directlie in contrarie tearmes with the Majestie of God contra-manding where Hee hath commanded Therefore such persons cannot alleadge that the Lord hath counted them faithfull And men cannot saye that they are set into these offices by Gods hand but as it were by Sathan Therefore to the ende that thou mayest know whether y e Lord counteth thee faithfull or not Looke and see that thou haue these signes testimonies which may beare witnesse that the Lord hath called thee It is true men now adayes cannot haue such a perswasion as Paul had for he was called immediatly by the mouth of Iesus Christ from Heauen therefore he might speake confidently but it is as true there are none whome the Lord calleth but they haue some signes thereof Looke therefore if thou haue an earnest desire to glorifie the Lord in the riches of His mercy to propagate the kingdome of Iesus to draw mē from darknesse to light from miserie to felicitie from death to life from Hell to Heauen Look if thou hast grace in some measure for such a calling looke if the Lord accompanieth thy Ministery with euidencie demonstration of the Spirite and by thy preaching hath acquired subjectes to His kingdome Looke if thou doe the worke of the Lord chearfullie If thou haue these tokens thou mayest be assured in thy conscience and other men also may bee perswaded that thou runnest not vnsent But if thou hast not these tokens then boast not of this that thou art in a calling And to speake more generally to all them who are called Christians Wouldest thou know in what estate and calling soeuer thou art into whether priuate or publike whether the Lord account more of thee than thou art worthie whether Hee accounteth thee faithfull or not Looke to the markes signes and tokens of a true Christian if thou finde them in thee as namely whether thou hast a pleasure in body and soule through infirmitie to serue
That hee was a Iew a Pharisee his father a Pharisee of the Tribe of Ben-jamin none so zealous of the Lawe as hee c. manie aduantages and great prerogatiues but after that hee once commeth to CHRIST and getteth Him hee sayeth All is but dung in respect of that excellent knowledge of that aduantage of IESVS CHRIST As I counted much would he say of these earthlie aduantages before I knew Christ euen so after that ● once had gotten a sight of Him I counted them nothing but dirt and dung And therefore hee telleth out the aduantages and gaines that hee founde in Christ That saith he I may be found in Him that is not hauing mine owne righteousnesse which is of the Lawe but that which is through the faith of Christ euen the righteousnesse which is of God through faith There is the first aduantage Thou art justified before the Tribunall of GOD. What king can giue thee that aduantage to set thee vp as a free-man before the Tribunall of God And albeit thou hadst gotten all the aduantages that kings can giue thee if thou gettest not this aduantage to stand before that Tribunall cloathed with Christ thou shalt goe to damnation Then hee addeth to another aduantage That I may knowe Him and the vertue of His resurrection and the fellowship of His afflictions and bee made conformable vnto His death if by any meanes I might attaine to the resurrection of the dead There is the second aduantage thou art made like vnto Him in holinesse and both in suffering and in glory thou art comformed vnto Him Well is y e man that can get this aduantage to be glorified What are all aduātages to be coūted of that can come to thee in this life in respect of this aduantage that when thou art lying a vilde bodie in the graue Christ shall take thee vp and set thee in that glory which is prepared for the sonnes of GOD. Alas if men coulde see the aduantages which are in CHRIST For all faileth for fault of sight If men got but one blink of CHRIST they woulde not giue that sight for all the kingdomes in the earth Wee want spirituall eyes and senses These spirituall aduantages in CHRIST are seene onelie with a spirituall eye and for fault of that spirituall sight wee see not the aduantages which are in Him There is nothing which wee shoulde more desire than these spirituall senses wherewith wee maye get a sight and fore-taste of these thinges which are in IESVS CHRIST Nowe in the next verse taking occasion of the wordes that CHRIST was aduantage to him both in life and death hee beginneth to doubt whether it were better for him to liue or die And whether saieth hee to liue in the flesh were profitable for mee or what to choose I knowe not I thinke I woulde bee dead to see mine aduantage which I will get in death for my gaine which I get liuing is nothing to that aduantage which I will get in death But I am straited whether to liue in the flesh or to goe out of the bodie Then he bringeth in the reason It is better for mee to bee loosed and to bee with CHRIST I will bee at Him yet hee saieth I am in doubt and not resolued Neuerthelesse to remaine in the flesh is more needefull for you For albeit it bee better for me to be dead yet when I looke to you it is worse for you After this doubting and reasoning hee concludeth I will liue then and the LORD will keepe mee for your weale Then Brethren I will marke heere one or two thinges and so I shall ende Yee see a doubting in PAVL whether hee shoulde liue or die which distracteth his minde This doubting is common to manie For sometimes wee woulde liue and other whiles wee woulde bee dead But looke to the cause that distracted PAVLES minde and made him to doubt whether hee shoulde desire to liue or die Some men woulde die because there is nothing in this worlde but miserie Some men woulde die for other causes because of sicknesse some because of shame following some offense for the life is tedious to a miserable bodie the life which shoulde bee comfortable is tedious in distresse But howe manie commeth to this point To desire to bee dissolued for the glorie that is with IESVS and saieth If I were away I woulde get this aduantage of glorie Who woulde be awaye for the glorie of Heauen and aduantage that is laide vp there It is a rare grace to get this desire No question thinke as yee will infinite joy glorie and passing aduantage is in Heauen Againe some men woulde liue wherefore because they are fresh greene and able men they would passe their time yet Some men would liue because they haue wife and children and woulde care for them I condemne not lawfull care but all this desire is vaine Where wilt thou get that man that would liue to help the poore Church of CHRIST with his labour How manie will come on with this to liue onelie for the weale of the Church of CHRIST I desire such a Pastor who is minded to liue for the care y t he hath to leade manie by the hand to Heauen ere he goe away that he may winne manie soules to CHRIST that hee may bee the welcomer when hee commeth there himselfe He is happie It is the sight of that Heauenlie glorie that maketh men to haue this foresaide desire Howe manie seeth that Heauenlie glorie Fie on vs seeing such a glorie laide vp in Heauen for vs that yet will not make a meane to get it wee perish for fault of sense There is ●o lacke of aduantage in CHRIST but the lacke is in me in thee I haue no desire of that glorie thou hast no desire of that glorie and so wee perishe Therefore get this sense of glorie in time or else thy soule shall bee drawne out of thy bodie Doe accordinglie Wouldest thou haue it sweetlie loosed Then get in time a sense of this glorie Wouldest thou haue it pulled out by force Thē neglect the sense and sight of this glorie Obserue another thing of the care of Paul He counted nothing of all these afflictions in respect of the care which he had of the Church of God I wonder at this care of his considering now our carelesnesse For if euer care was dead out of the hearts of men it is now dead Farewell the care of the Church of God in Scotland for fault of y e zeale of Gods glory the care of the Church of God I see this Land and the Church of GOD therein decaying Learne another thing of PAVLES resolution Yet he resolueth to liue that for the weale of the Church of Christ Marke it There is none of vs but wee should desire to haue the fruition of the glory and joye that is in the face of Iesus yet we who may profite in the Church of God in this life are bounde to