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A68336 The soules solace A sermon preached at the solemne funerall of William Favvcit gent. in the parish-church of West-ham in Essex, May 18. 1631. and since enlarged. By Edmund Layfielde Bachelour in Divinity, preacher of St Leonards-Bromley in Midlesex, by Stratford-bow. Layfield, Edmund. 1632 (1632) STC 15334; ESTC S106788 149,497 147

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gratias agamus ib. of surviving Friends Which hungry time (k) Imagines ingeniorum vera sunt aeterna monumenta St. Hieron 141 Exegi monumentum aere perennius regalique situ pyramidum altius quod non imber edax non Aquilo impotens possit diruere aut innumerabilis Annorum series fuga temporum Horat. lib. 3. carm ed. 30. that hath morseld many generations and yet gapes for more shall not be able hastily to seize on digest or murther as Caine his Brother and hide it in the Ground (l) Ex 360. statuis quae Demetrio Phalareo erectae erant omnes excepta una populi furore aut ruptae aut summersae aut venditae quod cum ille audisset at virtutem inquit cujus gratia illas erexerant minime everterunt Marianus in Schol. in St. Hieron Ep. 141. ex Plutarch Laertio FINIS A Prayer of Mr Fawcitt mentioned Page 123. * O Blessed Lord God what am I or what was my fathers house that thou shouldest continue unto me so many blessings of this life both for the soule and body in such a bountifull and liberall manner It is thy mercifull goodnesse without any desert in mee Who desire with all humble thankefulnesse as to take notice of thy great goodnesse unto mee in giving mee a liberall childs portion so to acknowledge my selfe unworthy the least of all thy mercies For Lord thou knowest I was borne in sinne and conceived in iniquity and according to my polluted birth so have I lived sinning against thy divine Majestie Not onely in the time of ignorance for thou wouldest in mercy have passed by that but in the receit of all thy goodnesse since I was called to the profession of thy name and made acquainted with thy good will and word I have more grievously sinned against thee In regard whereof I am not worthy to lift up mine eyes towards heaven the least of my sinnes being sufficient to cast me downe to hell if thou should enter into judgement with me In the remembrance whereof I desire to be humbled before thee And am sory from the bottome of my heart and soule that ever I did offend so good gratious mercifull and loving a God that hath preserved and kept me all the dayes of my life and not long since delivered me from going downe to the grave Good father of heaven I beseech thee for the Lord Iesus sake in whom thou art well peased to pardon and forgive all my sins and foolish behaviour against thy blessed majestie which is past and enable me for the time to come to walke before thee as becomes thy child servant That I may mortifie sinne dayly and bring it into a consumption in me and thy blessed spirit may ever rule and Lord it in me Fill me with all wisedome and understanding that I may labour by all meanes to be fruitfull in all good workes and please thee in all things That it may be alwayes my chiefe care to grow and increase in the favour and knowledge of thee and thy blessed Son my alone Saviour and redeemer the Lord Iesus and thy blessed spirit my comforter whom rightly to know and beleeve faithfully is eternall life Helpe hereunto good father from whom comes the will and deed And strengthen me unto all godly patience and long sufferance with cheerefulnesse giving alwayes thankes unto thee O father of heaven who hast alwayes assisted helped and comforted mee in all thy loving chastisements afflictions necessities and troubles of this life O my soule praise thou the Lord for he hath done great things for thee Thou hast of thy unspeakable goodnesse bestowed upon me a liberall portion of the outward things of this life increasing my store but all these things had been nothing if thou hadst not also given me the testimony of thy love in Iesus Christ sent into the world to redeeme my poore soule Grant Lord I may not set my heart upon these temporall mercies but make them unto me pledges of thy love and favour in Christ grant me the assistance of thy good spirit to direct mee in the conscionable use of them to thy glory make them as meanes furtherances for the doing of thy will that whatsoever I enjoy in this life I may employ to the advancement of thy praise and the good of them among whom I live As thou hast added to my outward estate so Lord increase thy graces in my soule without which my comfort in them will vanish all things comming alike to all men the difference being in the holy use of all thy mercies Wherefore make them so many bonds to lead mee to repentance and to take all opportunities whereby I may expresse how I prize that love of thine shewed unto me unto thy children as their necessities do require whilest I live before I go hence and be seene no more Loving thee for thy goodnesse and doing good to thy saints and servants for thy sake Lord what shall I render unto thee for all these great and unspeakeable blessings O that I could praise thee as I ought Lord helpe me to awaken and stirre up my dead drowsie and deceitfull heart awake my lute my harpe my glory my soule and all that is within me to praise and magnifie thy holy name I will praise the Lord whilest I have any being for his gratious favours towards mee Which I beg at thy most mercifull hands to continue unto mee even unto the end of my life And when thy pleasure shall be to take me from this world and the miseries thereof grant me to enjoy with thee O blessed father and thee O blessed Saviour and thy blessed Spirit that everlasting inheritance which thou hast laid up in heaven for mee and all them that love thee in truth of heart And seing next under thy Majesty the Majesty of Charles our most religious and dread Soveraigne is the channell and fountaine of all the happy peace plenty prosperitie wee enjoy together with the most peaceable pure and plentifull preaching of thy sacred word Lord powre upon him in the most abundant measure all spirituall eternall and temporall mercies that hee may be blessed in his person in our gratious Queene Mary and his most royall issue and this Church and Common wealth in him her and them so long as the Sunne and Moone endures All which blessing vouchsafe to grant for the Lord Iesus sake to whom with thy selfe and holy spirit be given of me all honour praise and glory now and for ever world without end In whose words and perfect platforme of prayer I humbly recommend my suits unto thee O father saying Our Father c. FINIS Menda Preli precariò emendanda Faults made faultlesse Page Line for Reade 8 26 here is There is nothing 9 1 Siloam Siloam 11 11 Nor doth it Reason 2. Nor doth it 28 10 twice have heard twice have I heard 50 16 ballance for ballance For 58 6 but it is but is 60 18 Christ Chest 80 15 exchange admit exchange Admit 93 25 tale taile 111 13 thousand thousands Margine Pag. Litera Lege 2 g mundi 6 e hominum liver 14 g Nam 21 b dijs suit fecit ibid. 59 c non 84 o Sancto 90 u germanus 99 ● illi terrena 108 k miratur 117 x aeterna mutaret 119 r non lactescere
loc To keepe this holy fire alive in thy breast consider three things 1 the motives to perswade the soule to rest wholly upon God and set her delight in him 2 The meanes whereby God becomes the soules whole contentment 3 the markes and rules of triall whereby she may know she is not deceived in her choice The perswading motives are foure The first is the consideration of the infinite love of God declared and revealed unto us For God so loved the world that he gave his onely begotten Sonne that whosoever beleeveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Ioh. 3.16 The gradation makes this affection singular (u) Eia fratres Deus voluit esse filius hominis homines esse voluit filios deit ipse descendit propter nos nos ascendimus propter ipsum haec spes est cateris quod propterea ille descendit ascendit ut in illo cum illo unum essent quiper illum ●scensuri essent S. Aug. tract 12. in Iohan. Idcirco Deus mundum dilexit amore inenarrabili inaestimabili mundum inquam qui totus in malo jacet 1. Joh. 5.19 ne quis de mundo aut in mundo de Dei desperare ausit gratia idcirco filium Dei non adoptivum sed suum sed unigemtum dedit pro omnibus ut omnibus salus offerretur ideo non misit filium ut judicaret mundum meritisque afficeret supplicijs sed ut servaret S. Hilar. lib. 6. de trinit The all-sufficient God loved where he found cause of hatred the world an enemie no friend he so loved that he gave his gift was a Sonne his owne Sonne not one adopted his onely begotten Sonne not one of many not for himselfe but to purchase thee eternall life To requite which love what recompence doth the Lord require at thy hands but thy love to him in heaven and thy affection on earth What soule can be so steely as not embrace and kisse that hand which hath care for nothing in heaven but thy salvation and for nothing on earth but thy comfort content satisfaction (x) Sic Deum loquentem inducit Euthimius in loc Margaritum quippe est sermo Dei ex omni parte forari potest S. Hieron ep 22. And when the Sonne of God ascended hee had so perfected our Redemption that there was nothing left for him to do more either in heaven or earth nor for us but to welcome his mercie and congratulate his victorie with faith reciprocall love and obedience (y) Arnob. in loc Si affixus serpens ligno filijs Israel contulit sanitatem quanto magis salutem praestat populis dominus in patibulo crucifixus si figura tantum profait quantum profuisse eredimus veritatem S Amb. ser 55. Fide hujus verbi non virtute imaginis servabantur non enim in serpente sed in Domini imperi●salus continebatur Epiphan haer 37. The Sunne lends the light by day the Moone her borrowed beames by night the earth beares the fruit the sea brings the fish the heavens drop her honey dewes the cloudes shade thee in the heate the birds make thee musicke and all creatures serve thee with lectures of love instruct thee to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soule and with all thy might (z) In causa justitia omnes anum debemus virgo vidua nupta summus medius imus gradus aequaliter jubentur implere pracepta S. Hieron tom 9. ep 1. Stude quaeso quotidie creatoris tui verba meditare discecor Dei in verbis Dei ut ad aeterna suspicias nam tanto erit requies tua major in coelis quanto jam in terris ab amore conditoris tui requies nulla fuerit Greg. Moral Diliges Deum ex toto corde i. e. toto intellectu tota voluntate ex omni memoria Deum esse diligendum S. Aug. tom 10. ser de tempore 53. Quia Deus rebus omnibus major melior invenitur plus omnibus diligendus est ut colatur S Aug. in Psal 77. Deut. 6.5 where God layes claime to all he leaves for the creature nothing at all Wherefore remember the loving kindnesse of the Lord and the praises of the Lord according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us and the great goodnesse towards the house of Israel which hee hath bestowed on them according to his mercies and according to the multitude of his loving kindnesses Esay 63.7 The second is the meditation as well of thy misery as of the necessity to be at one with God without whose favour were thy bones full of marrow thy barnes of wheate thy banquetting house of mirth thy bed of rest thy house of children thy name of honour yet thy condition is fearefull and more despicable then the silly being of the bruit beast (a) Crucior in haec flamma Luc. 16. Non enim null● sed semp●ternamors erit quando nec vivere anima poterit Deum nec habendo nec doloribus corporis carere moriendo prima mors animam nolentem pellit de corpore secunda mors animam nolentem tenet in corpore S. Aug. civ lib. 21. cap. 3. Mirabile est enim dolere in ignibus tamen vivere sed mirabilius vivere in ignibus nec dolere idem eo● cap. 2. and of all creatures thou art most miserable 1. Cor. 15.19 An east winde brought the locusts into Egypt a west winde tooke them away and cast them into the red sea (b) Exod. 10.13.19 Locusta quasi tota vena est ideò infatiabilu quamdiu vivit semper ●surit Joel 2.25 from whence they were not recall'd nor shall be charged for devouring fruitfull Egypt but man is borne to serve his God raised to a stewardship renders an account of his actions at his death (c) Puto per hoc genus plagae significat homines qui cum neque seipsos ordinate regere potuerunt neque Dei regis patienter moderamina pertulere Origen in Exod. 10.13 Prov. 30.27 and reapes a proportionable recompence in so much as thrice happie are they that kisse the Sonne (d) Ne quando irascatur dominus cum dubitatione positum est non secundum visionem propheta cui certum est sed secundum eos ipsos qui monentur quia cum dubitatione solent cogitare iram dei quibus not aperte revelatur S. Aug. in loc are one with the father have the spirit for their pledge of mercie and put their trust in him Psalm 2.12 Thy misery cals upon thee to make God thy felicitie the mercie of God invites thee with proffer of balme to heale thy infirmity and the consistorie of heaven sits to eye and observe the bent of thy affections (e) Deus ipse omnium rector Dominus cum omni angelorum militia certamen tuum spectat tibique contra diabolum dimicanti parat aeternitatis coronam coeleste praemium incitamentum
Angels the glorie of trāsitorie and worldly cōtentmēts after which men with eagernesse of spirit hunt (k) Jn corpore corruptibili anima constituta terrena quadam contagione constringitur tali onere quodammodo depressa curvatur ut in imo multa quam in summo vnam facilius concupiscat cogitet S. Aug. ep 156. are not primarie permanent boundlesse and eternall but onely lent-talents gifts of God beames of that sunne (l) Beatus vir qui non abiit in consilio impiorum Ps 1.1 vide ubi beatus appelleris O homo Non in divitiis non in potestatibus honoribus non in nobilitate generis aut decore pulchritudine non in corporis salubritate in quibus nihil naturae est bonum denique non solum facilem commutationem habent in connaria verum etiam ministerium ad culpam exhibent ei qui uti his nesciat Quis enim iustus propter pecuniam quis humilis in potestatibus quis misericors propter nobilitatem quis castus propter decorem illecebrosa haec magis sunt ad peccatum quam fructuosa ad virtutis profectum S. Ambr. in Psalm 1. a candle from that lampe of light and life twigs of that branch upon which so long as the dewe of his blessing descends we enjoy a comfortable use of the creatures if he speake the word the waters of comfort flowe but if once he withdraw the sap of his mercy either their glorie fades or our content in them withers Then the figtree shall beare us no more fruit thy table shal be thy snare Aboundance may surround thee (m) Psalm 78.27 28. yet no comfort thence accrewe unto thee thy dainties shall relish like Evah's figg of bitter Death and what was once appointed for thy welfare will prove the occasion of thy fall Thine asse will dash thy tender foote against the wall (n) Numb 22.25 Pharohs chariot-wheeles breake (o) Exod. 14.25 in his greatest neede the heavens become brasse (p) Deut. 28.23 the sun withdraw its light the earth denies her plentie and annoints her breasts with Gall when God shall turne the darke-side of the cloud towards us But as the Treasures of all excellencies ioy and contentments are hid in Christ as the treasures of snow and haile (q) Iob 38.22 in the Magazin of Providence so they are as durable as boundlesse are fixed without possibilitie of fading-away Who then preferres not the Ocean to the streame The roote to the flower the Sunne to the euening-starre the fountaine to the cisterne the liberall doner of all good blessings to the ofsprings which may bee lopt away Other things are in part-sufficient for man but onely God is all-sufficient (r) Gen. 17.1 other things are to be desired for God but God for himselfe (ſ) Ad illam ergo vnam vitam qua cum Deo de Deo viuitur catera quae vtiliter decenter optantur sine dubio referenda sunt Neque enim in tempore utiliter vivitur nisi ad comparandum meritum quo in aeternitate vivatur In eo quippe nosmetipsos diligimus si Deum diligimus Deum diligimus propter scipsum nos ac proximos propter ipsum Quomodo iam beate vivimus eum illud adhuc desit propter quod unum bene vivimus S. Aug. to 2. ep 121. cap. 7. Seeing then I am affraid whiles I begg many things at the hands of God I may aske amisse (t) Velle quod non deceat idem ipsum miserrinum nec tam miserum est nō adipisci quod velis quam adipisci velle quod non oporteat S. Aug ibid. cap. 5. Divitiae quip●e atque fastigia dignitatum caeteraque huiusmodi quibus se felices esse putant mortales verae illius felicitatis ex pertes quid afferunt consolationis cum sit eis indigere quam eminere praestantius quae plus excruciant adepta timore amissionis quam concupita adeptionis ardore Talibus bonis non fiunt homines boni sed aliunde boni facti bene utendo faciunt ut ista sint bona Non sunt in iis vera solatia sed ibi potius ubi vera vita Nam inde necesse est vt fiat homo beatus vnde fit bonus idem cap. 2. following his steps who prayed aright One things I will desire of the Lord and but that one thing will I seeke after namely the Lord himselfe that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the dayes of my life to behold the beautie of the Lord. Psal 27.4 Reason 3 And what can invite a Christian rather to adhere alone to God then the certaintie of solid-consolation to be there found when all other comforts faile the world is a Sea mās life the ship richly (u) Onusta incedis auro latro tibi vitandur est stadium est haec vita mortalibus hic contendimus ut alibi coronemur Nemo interserpentes scorpiones securus ingreditur magnis inimicorum circumdamur ag● inibus hostium plena sunt omnia Caro fragilis emis futura post modicum pugnat sola cum pluribus S. Hier. ep 22. Non quaerit diabolus homines infideles non eos qui foris sunt de Ecclesia Christi rapere festinat idem ibid. loaden with varietie of the blessings of Gods left hand sicknesse is a storme death a leake which first makes the marriners throw all their loading over-board in hope of safety and then sinkes the vessell the soule is the passenger Christ the Rocke upon which if she can with the saile of love the oare of wisedome in the long-boate of faith cast the anker of hope take fast hold she shall abide safe Earthly solace worldly contentments are builded upon the Quicke-sands of vanitie (x) Quid enim in hoc mundo stabile quid vero firmum est quale istud bonum est quod semper timeas amittere quod vel auferendum abs te metuas vel à te relinquendum scias S. Hieron Tom. 9. ep 1. which when the windes of frailtie and age blow violently from the shoare of mortalitie and the surges of sorrow beate against the body of clay the fort wherein they are preserved wil like the tower of Babel come tumbling downe upon their heads to their confusion and amazement The time drawes neere when thy flesh shall faile thy heart faile ver 26. thy friends faile Physitian faile honours faile all faile (y) Si enim nihil intulimus in mundum veniendo nihil auferre poterimus abcundo falso aliquid nostrum hic esse dicimus ubi nobis totus pene mundus alienus est S. Hieron Tom. 9. ep 3. and thou faile the most and fall the lowest of all unlesse God bee thy comfort who neuer failes and thy portion for ever (z) Dabo illis solatium verum sine quo solatio quecunque sunt terrena solatia magis in eis desolatio quam consolatio
reperitur S. Aug. Tom. 2. ep 121. cap. 2. But whosoeuer seekes for God shall finde him (a) Omne opus leue fieri solet cum eius pretium cogitatur spes praemij solatium est laboris S. Hier. tom 9. ep 1. ω and with him light in Goshen and bread in Iosephs Granarie when others hunger and perish in eternall-nights of darkenesse Reason 4 4 Finally the sweete relish the soule hath of Gods goodnesse in Christ makes her mount upon the wings of love soare higher then the moone build her nest in the skies overlooke all things below to embrace and enioy him whose habitation is in the highest heavens This pure affection was euer the crowne and honour of the Saints Enoch walked with God (b) Gen. 5.22 not with men because on earth he found no such companion no such communion as with God Abraham forsooke Countrey (c) Gen. 12.1 Hebr. 11.18.19 kinred friends and his only childe the childe of promise in his assurance to regaine them all and whatsoeuer els his soule desired with a thousand fold advantage in God his father and friend T' was this made S. Paul account all things dung and drosse in comparison of Christ (d) 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Philip. 3.8 Moses to preferr the afflictions of the Church to the courtly pleasures of Egypt (e) Hebr. 11.26 the reproach of Christ to the honours of Pharoh This mov'd those Canonized-Pilgrims (f) Hebr. 11.36 contentedly to wander up and downe meanely clad poorely fed persecuted by Monarkes (g) Non in hoc mundo non timere non dolere non laborare non periclitari impossibile est S. Aug. Tom. 2. ep 82. scorned by Pezants (h) Lingua maledica sanctos carpere solita est in solatium delinquendi S. Hier. ep 27. Tantorum odia insectationemquè pertulerit quantos vitae suae dissimilitudine castigarit Castigare enim alium videtur qui ab eius cōversatione dissentit Nam quae maior iniusto iniuria esse potest quam vitae iustitiae S. Hier. Tom. 9. ep 5. vnworthily handled of all tho the world was not worthy of them because God was their treasure who had provided better things for them In aword (i) Vniversa exequi sui est tituli voluminis haec sufficiant pauca de plurimis S. Hier. ep 22. cap. 4. this made all those vessels of Election whose names are written in the booke of life to long only after the Lord of life making him unto themselves in the Church Militant as he wil be to them with others in the Church Triumphant all in all (k) 1. Cor. 15.28 In Eden a tree of life (l) Gen. 3.24 in a deluge an arke (m) Gen. 7.1 in the desert a brazen Serpent (n) Numb 21.9 in hunger Mannah (o) Exod. 16.15 in thirst water (p) Exod. 17 6. from the rocke in danger Zoar in persecution a Caue in povertie riches in death life our Temple Sunne Moone day our all For as light is to be prefered to darkenesse (q) Greg. Nissen Tom. 2. Tract in Ps cap. 6. libertie to the loathsome dungeon so God of whose fulnesse we receive to all things in Heaven and earth Vse 1 Having I hope caused the scales of ignorance to fall from your eyes enlightned your understanding I may now conceive the better hope to worke upon your affections and prevaile with you to embrace this truth in the power thereof craving entertainement in the conscionable application T' is but a little text yet like the smallest graine of mustard seede (r) Luke 13.19 spreads it selfe into many branches or like Elias cloud but a hands breadth (ſ) 1. Kings 18.44 yet overspread the heavens and refreshed the earth with store of Raine and like that little stone (t) Dan. 2.34 it serves first to breake in peeces that Golden-Image of the heathen gods (u) R. David instituit comparationem Reges aliorum populorum adorant solem aliaque astra ego te solum non posui tibisocium nec coelo nec terra Per terram in tel●igit quatuor clementa alia corpora ex iliis constantia i. e. mundum inferiorem sunt enim ait qui adorant aquas aerem terram Barth Coppen in loc Lor. in loc Tecum socium nō volui in terra ut doceat se nō deflexisse ad peregrinos Deos religiones Genebrard in loc Non enim pereunt nisi hi qui longe se faciunt à Deo conservatore suo ipse non perdet nisi illos qui fornicantur ab illo i. e. quorum anima ducit Deū aut alterum à veritatis coniugio se falsitate cōmiscet Arnob in loc Bibl. Patrum tom 5. pars 3 pag. 267. Erant qui coelestes Deos adorarent cum illos summo loco ponerent terrestres etiam quasi secundi ordinis colerent ego vero inquit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Theodor. in loc whom blinded Pagans and Idolatrous infidels ignorant of the true God made to themselves adoring Many Gods and many Lords (x) 1. Cor 8 4 5. some the chiefe and others of inferior ranke (y) 1 King 20.13 whom they placed some in Heaven (z) Ier. 44.18 others in Earth against the expresse practice of David and letter of the text I am the Lord thy God thou shalt have no other gods before me Exod. 20.3 Every Pagan cloathed with humanitie acknowledges a Deitie (a) Nulla gens est neque tam immansueta neque tam sera que non etiamsi ignoret qualem habere Deum deceat tamen habendum sciat Cicero lib. 1. de Leg. 54. Each page in Natures booke reveales God in Capitall letters (b) Anton. Eremita ob librorum penuriam à Philosopho quodam reprehensus respondebat Liber meus O Philosophe est 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in eis cum mihi visum est oracula Dei legere licet Niceph lib. 11. cap. 43. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Theodoret. Graec. affection curat ser 3. Inter omnes omnium gentium sententia constat omnibus enim innatum est in animo quasi insculptum esse Deos Quales sint varium est esse nemo negat Cicero de Natura Deorum lib. 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iustin Martyr de Ethnicis The heavens declare the glorie of God and the firmament sheweth his handie worke Psalm 19.1 But seeing that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankfull but became vaine in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fooles and changed the glorie of the uncorruptible God into an Image made like to corruptible man and to birds and fourefooted beasts and creeping things Rom. 1.19 20 21 22 23. In the heavens they worshipped the intelligences or movers of the orbes (c) Marlorat in 1. Cor. 8.5 Sol famulus hominis est Luna ancilla
thing even altars to burne incense unto Baal Ier. 11.13 The prophets as they number the Syrian gods so they tartly deride them and their worshippers (x) Nec factum est unquam ut qui hos colit etiam Deum coluerit neque enim fieri potest quoniam si honos idem tribuitur alijs ipse omnino non colitur cujus religio est illum esse unum ac solum Deum credere ita spreto uno ac vero Deo tot vana numina sacrilege venerabantur Lactant. lib. 1. cap. 19. not without cause For who can but smile to heare the Romane Senate (y) Eusebius hist lib. 2. cap. 2. Tertullian adversus gentes Apologet. cap. 5. Vetus erat decretum ne qui Deus ab Imperatore consecraretur nisi a Senatu probatus sic apud illos de humano arbitratu divinitas pensitatur nisi homini Deus plicuerit Deus nonerit homo jam Deo propitius esse debebit Tiberius ergo veritate● divinitatis Christi detulit ad Senatum cum prerogativa suffragij sui c. Apud vos quodvis colere jus est praeter verum Deum quasi non hic magis omnium sit Deus cujus omnes sumus Tertul. apolog cap 24. and mortall men create eternall gods who cannot preserve themselves from corruption death and the Grave And how neere the Romish of this age pitch their tent unto the old Idolatrous Romans the world well and full cleerely sees (z) Quid illic facit Ara si non illud habent pro numine S. Aug. S. Ambr. lib. 5. ep 30. But unto us whatsoever the world adore there is but one GOD the (a) Quod colimus nos Deus unus est qui 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 verbo quo jussit ratione qua deposuit virtute qua potuit de nihilo expressit in ornamentum majestatis suae Tertul. Apolog. cap. 17. Deut. 6.4 Mark 12.29 Father of whom are all things and wee in him and one Lord Iesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him 1. Cor. 8.6 7. Howbeit there is not in every man that knowledge and blessed be our God that we have it when others want to know and beleeve him and understand that before him there was no god formed neither shall there be after him Isa 43.10.11 that he is the first and the last besides him there is no (b) Deut. 4.35 Ante Saturnum Deus penes vos nemo est ab illo census totius vel potioris vel no●toris divinitatis Tertul. Apol. cap. 10. Quid erratis Prior est quibusdam dij suis sylvestris Roma ante regnavit quam tantum ambitum C●pitolij extrueretur c. ibid. cap. 26. Sed Dei Christianorum est orbis qui regnatur homo ipse qui regnat ne ille vites dominationum ipsis temporibus in seculo ordinarit qui ante omne tempus fuit seculum corpus temporum fecis ibid. God Esay 44.6 Whom to know with and in Christ is eternall life Ioh. 17.3 A jealous God who will not give his glory unto another Isay 42.8 O ye sonnes of men how long will yee turne his glory into shame how long will ye love vanitie and seeke after leasing Psal 4.2 Returne unto the Lord with all your hearts put away the strange gods from among you prepare your hearts unto the Lord and serve him onely 1. Sam. 7.3 The Larke praiseth the God of heaven in the morning the Thrush at mid-day the Nightingall in the evening setting onely the tune for man to praise his God The wisemen (c) Magi eos morbos per quos aliquid aut cupimus aut metuimus aut dolemus velut ante pietatis aeram misericordiae altare foderunt ut vel in auro avaritia vel in thure Idololatria vel in myrrha fieret domino subjecta mortalitas in hanc petram sacra pecuniae cupiditas prophana errorum superstitio amara mortalitatis conditio velut illaesae morerentur S. Hieron Tom. 9. ep 20. left all to worship Christ and whosoever is wise following the bright sunshine of the Gospell will set up no Deity upon Gods throne fall downe before no Majestie but his who made heaven and earth Seeing we have heard thy voice I am the Lord and there is none else there is no God besides mee Esay 45.5 Let other people walke every one in the name of his god but wee will walke in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever Mic. 4.5 And whatsoever Gods or Devils Pagans reverence for all the gods of the Nations are Idols vanities and devils (*) Psal 96.5 Idola non sunt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Elobim i. e. dij sed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Elilim i.e. non dij vel vanitates deastri nihilitates Dei tantum quaedam umbra quod nomine ficto cultu deum referat sed revera nullam opem ferre potens nomen contemptim per para nomasiam apte idolu tribuitur Pagnin in rad alal the God of Abraham shall be my God my All (d) Ipse in aethere sit Jupiter ipse in aere Juno ipse in mari Neptunus in inferioribus maris ipse solacia in terra Pluto in terra inferiore Proserpina in facis domesticis Vesta in fabrorum fornace Vulcanus in sideribus Sol Luna Stellae in divinantibus Apollo in merce Mercurius in Jano initiator in termino Terminator Saturnus in tempore Mars Bellona in bellis Liber in vineis Ceres in frumentu Diana in silvis Minerva in Jngenijs Haec si ita sint quid perderent gentes si unum Deum corerent prudentiore cōpēdio S. Au. ci l. 4. c. 11. in heaven and earth 2 Vse Nor can we possibly reconcile the Synagogue of Rome and this text none who either adore Angels or invocate departed Saints (e) Muscuius Calvin Occolampad in loc Nec flocci papistarū insaniam reputetis qui invocationem sanctorum inculcant angelis nō nitor nō sūt pars mea fide unius Dei non cōtenti angelos et sanctos mortuos invocant colunt adorant can truly professe with the Prophet I have none in heaven but thee and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee Wee are drawne from God either by delightfull pursuit of the Creature by false gods or afflictions befalling us for our profession of the name of God As David rejected all those together with searching after and dependance upon Starre-gazers (f) Seipsum culpat Propheta quod visus esset quaerere quid ageret secundum coeli dispositionem astra vel fatum hic asserere quod nihilominus vellet in terra cum deo consentire in omnibus factis suis Trevetus in loc Hac interrogatione excludit Numina coelestia dispositionem seu fatum astrorum lege S. Ambros. serm 82. de defectione Luna Sapiens permanebit cum sole Psalm 72.17 cum
4.11 12 (q) Sed hoc divine gratiae praesiditim non humane naturae auxilium Victor Antioch in Marci 10. B. Patrum tom 4. Riches are the blessing of the Lord (r) Prov. 10.22 and not to be contemned it is the minde and man abusing richesis condemned (ſ) Divltiae non culpantur sed corda divitum non 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Musculus in Mat. 19. Non pecuniam sed pecunia detentos carpit Chrysost in Matt. 19. Haec Christi oratio non ipsas pecunias in jus vocat aut damnat sed illos qui citra modum illis conquirendis inhiam aut nimis avarè conquisitas detinent Victor Antiochen loc citat Iacob Isaac Iob with millions of rich men more are in Abrahams bosome who was no lesse rich in flockes then hee was in faith (t) Mat 8.11 S. Aug. tom 2. ep 89. quast 4. Povertie is not the direct way to heaven nor riches the straight path to hell Lazarus rests not now because hee was a beggar nor is Dives tormented because he thriv'd in wealth (u) Non illi pauperi meritum esset inopia sed justitia sed ut nobis oslenderetur nec in isto paupertatem per seipsam divinitus honoratam nec in illo divitias fuisse damnatas sed in isto pietatem in illo impietatem suos exitus habuisse S. Aug. ibid. But the pietie and patience of that man found mercy and the mercilesse pride and contempt of the other was rewarded with condigne severity Heaven was never offended with any man because hee had riches but because he was had of riches not as he was wealthie but as he was wicked with his wealth (x) Habere criminis non est sed modus in habendo retinendus est Nam quomodo impertiendum est communicandum si impertiendi communicandi materia non relinquatur Ergo nocenter magis habere quam illud ipsum habere fit crimen Sed periculosa cura est velle ditescere grave onus innocentia subit incrementis opum occupata Hilar Canon 19. in Matth. Hee that commands the rich mans hand to doe good and communicate opens his liberall hand towards them whereby they are enabled to doe good Hee enjoynes not the casting away of our goods (y) Divitiae utilius humiliter tenentur quam superbae relinquuntur S. August Ep. 34. but forbids the casting away our affections upon our goods and coveting other mens There is a divorce from the wealth of this world in action and in affection or affectation The divine all-searching eye is pleased better with the poverty in spirit then penury or vacuitie in the purse Behold we have forsaken all saith Peter of himselfe and his fellow-disciples and followed thee what shall wee have therefore Mat. 19.27 a great all What Peter hast thou left behinde thee (z) Grandis fiducia Petrus piscator erat dives non erat cibos manu arte quaerebat S. Hieron in loc Quae sunt haec omnia Petre Arundinem vilissimam retia universumque piscatorum artificium haec tu omnia vocas Chrys in loc Non tantum erat quod reliquerat Petrus quaquam viro pauperi ac tenuis fortunae aequè gravé est retia sua vel tuguriolum relinquere ac divitibus sua palatia Origen Hieron a Net a boate an oare a shed of reeds a great patrimonie possession hee that hath nothing may soone forsake all The knot is easie to untie seeing the Lord regards more the affection then the act of renunciation (a) Nec inspicit Dominus quid relinquamus sed quo animo studio Et revera omnia contemnit qui non solum quantum potuit sed etiam quantum voluit habere contemnit Sed in eo quod cupiebatur oculi Dei testes sunt in eo quod habebatur hominum S. August Tom. 2. Ep. 34. Therasiae and the poore fisher man may be as covetous in his pinnace as the potentate in his lordly palace The widowes mite as gratefull to Gods treasurie as the worldlings million So that the Apostles forsooke all when for Christ they renounced all as well in affection (b) Multum deseruit qui voluntatem habendi dereliquit à sequentibus tanta relicta sunt quanta à non sequentibus desiderari potueerunt Gregor Hom. 5. in Evangel Ber. in declamat Multum reliquit qui sibi nihil retinuit Anselm in Mat. 19. as possession and withdrew their hearts from the world as well as their bodies and hands from their pristine mundane imployments Thus Abraham forsooke all when hee sacrificed the heire of all (c) Quem suarum divitiarum sperabat optabat haeredem S. Aug. Tom. 2. Ep. 89. quaest 4. And the children of Abraham forsake all when their conversation is without covetousnesse and are content with such things as they have Heb. 13.5 When they do take heed and beware of covetousnesse Luke 12.15 and this rejection of this world opens a doore for the rich mans reception into heaven whiles the rich become poore in spirit (d) Sed considerandum quod eo tempore quo intraverunt divites esse desierunt tam diu ergo non intrabunt quam diu divites fuerint St. Hieron in Mat. 19. Et qui prius curvi erant vitiorum pravitate distorti ingrediantur portus Hierusalem idem eodem and the camels bunch of their worldly affection is eaten off that they may enter in at the straite gate of salvation (e) Christus cum adhuc esset in carne Zachaeum divitem in regnum coelorum misit resurrectione atque asscentione glorificatus multos postea divites impertito Spiritu sancto fecit hujus mundi contemptores finita divitiarum cupiditate ditiores S. August Tom. 2. Ep. 89. And as the Hebrewes passed thorow the red sea in safety with the riches and jewels of the Egyptians into the land of Canaan in like manner the same hand is able to carry the rich and mighty men of this world thorow the Iordan of Christs blood into the Land of the living Let not the rich man despaire (f) Non enim ideo dictum ut quasi ab impossibilibus deterrearis verum ut cum magnitudinem virtutis perceperis facilius rem aggrediaris deumque ores propitium tibi fore ut ejus ope aeternae vitae praemia consequaris Chrysost in Mat. hearing of the difficultie but rather strive to increase in holinesse and righteousnesse as his riches increase that he may inherit durable happinesse For as the multitude of camels which did bring gold and incense entered into the city of Hierusalem Esay 60.6 so the dew of grace can first loade men with the treasures of the left hand in this world and after that bring those laden camels thorow the needles eye of a holy life unto the treasures of Gods right hand where are pleasures for evermore This is the Lords doing
Christo enim possidendum est quod cum Christo est possidendum S. Hieron tom 9. ep 3. are very sweete mercies but when God sets the world in mans heart the Throne of his owne holy spirit as it is the punishment of greedinesse (e) Consuetudo plus habendi prabet locum avaritiae quae nullis expletur opibus quanto amplius habuerit plus requirit neque copia neque inopia minuitur S. Hier. ep 27. so it s both a severe judgement and the harbenger of greater to succeed What soule espoused to Christ which ever tasted the joyes of the marriage bed scornes not to picke up rootes and nettles (d) Eccles. 3.11 to defile herselfe with the bread of fooles and the dung of beasts David having made some deviation in his affection from God towards the world brings in his owne accusation So foolish was I and ignorant vers 22. I was as a beast before thee The way to immortality and glory is to contemne (f) Prohibentur mala praecipiuntur bona conceduntur media perfecta suadentur in Scripturis S. Hieron tom 9. ep 1. Christus unius urbis contempsit gloriam totius orbis opinione celebratur S. Hier. ep 27. this earthly trumpery and vanity and the path to eternall rest (g) Sepulchrum sibi Patriarcha peregrinus emit Gen 23.9 Quid est Sepulchrum locus est quietis ubi juxta mundi rationem defunctorum corpora collocantur vera ergo intelligentia locum sibi requietionis pater Abraham fide sua contemptu pecuniae comparavit S. Hieron tom 9. ep 3. Ne revertimini ad mortuum qui sequimini viventem ibid. is not to rest in the delectable acquisition of earth earth earth wherein no rest is found He that expects an inheritance among them which are sanctified must covet no mans silver nor gold nor apparell (h) Acts 20.22 23. nor be wedded to his owne Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not for riches certainly make themselves wings they flie away as an eagle towards heaven (i) Prov. 23.5 The eagle stoopes not to ceize on every flie nor should Christs eagles bow to this present evil world (k) Mat 24.28 but mount upon the wings of their screened affections to possesse God in him all things (l) Omnia nostra sunt per ordinationem donationem divinam Nos vero sumus Christi per fidem sanctam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Christus est Dei unctus respectu officij qui factus est caput Ecclesiae ut per eum Domino adhaereamus Tossan in loc Omnia creata sunt propter sanctos qui cum nihil habeant possident cuncta S. Hieron in loc Solus sapiens dives nos rectius solus electus dives qui omnia possidet usu honesto adminiculo ad pietatem Aret. in loc Apollo to unveile the law for their humiliation Paul to reveale the Gospell for their consolation Cephas to lend the light of example the world to enrich them life to comfort them death to crowne them things present to feed thē things future to fill them all theirs to serve Christ and with him to honour the father 1. Cor. 3.22 Seing thy donation is so liberall thy grant so large grant also O Lord unto all thy servants hearts inclined unto thy testimonies and not to covetousnesse (m) Testimonijs sui● agit nobiscum Deus ut eum gratis colamus quod radix omnium malorum impedit avaritia Primi parentes plus volentes habere quam acceperant quod acceperant amiserunt S. Aug. in loc Si ergo cor non habeamus inclinatum in avaritiam Deum non colimus nisi propter Deum ut sui cultus ipse sit merces ipsum diligamus in seipso ipsum diligamus in nobis ipsum in proximis ibid. E contrario differunt inter se vanitas veritas hujus mundi cupiditas vanitas sed Christus qui ex hoc mundo liberat veritas ibid. Quid meum ●u●s sum etenim eo usque magnus à te conditus quod nihil creatum sit mihi satis Martinus Alphonsus del-pozo in loc Psal 119.36 Vse 7 If reproofes please you not I will silence them to gaine your eares to exhortation my taske were ended could I once heare you repeate the text with Davids heart There is none upon earth that I desire besides thee or another which is a commentary upon the text Thou art my portion O Lord Psal 119.57 In earth thou art my All my All in heavenn. Behold thine owne promise Whatsoever ye shall aske the Father in my name he will give it you (o) Iohn 16.23 My soule begs a portion thine owne selfe for her portion in heaven and earth Let the world account mee foolish that I do not and mad that I dare not seeke advancement by hooke and crooke let men deride my simplicitie because I refuse to rise upon the steps of impiety this is my rest and this my rise to make God my part and my portion for ever (p) Animi statuunt hoc esse impij vel imbecilli quod non audeant vel amentis quod non intelligunt sed propheta ostendit nihil esse posse jastitia neque ad utilitatem melius nec ad custodiam vitae securius neque ad nominis claritatem magnificentius Hier. Osorius tom 3. in loc what can I desire more at the fathers hands then Christ (q) Istae sunt potius divitiae quas salubriter cupere debemus isla faelicitas de qua se Christianus gaudeat esse locupletem ut sit pauper in hoc saeculo dives in coelo Cassiodorus in loc Mihi nihil sunt coelum terra omnia quae in eis sunt si te habeam possideam si tu meus fueris mea erunt omnia tam in coelo quam in terra si autem tu meus non fueris nihil habeo etiamsi coelum terram possedero Brentius in loc whom hee sent from heaven to redeeme the world dyed on earth to deliver the world and reignes in heaven to enrich the world In Christs garden my soule delights to walk her desire is to sit upon his throne to sleepe in his bed to stand by his fire to leane on his bosome to become wholly his so that shee may no longer live of her selfe but Christ may live in her (r) Titelmannus in loc Te sine omnia mihi sunt insuavia injucunda sive in coelo sive in terra Genebr in loc Others so long as they have money care for nothing else in heaven or earth (ſ) Asaphi fides illa illo praconio digna Scultetus in loc my soule hath turned over another leafe wherein shee espied such beauty in Christ that to enjoy him shee covets nothing else in heaven or earth Christ to mee is both riches honours and never ending pleasure (t) Lucas Osiander in loc Benedict Arias Montanus in
runne (o) 1. Sam. 3.9 with this resolution Speake Lord for thy servant heareth and with king David when the Lord shall speake unto us saying Seeke ye my face our hearts may echo thy face Lord will wee seeke (p) Psal 27.8 Lucem istam quaerunt oculi carnis lucem illam quaerunt oculi cordis finivit omnes cupiditates remansit illi una quam petit vultum tuum domine requiram Quicquid mihi vult dare dominus meus auferat totum se mihi det quicquid mihi praeter illum est dulce non est S. Aug. in loc Thirdly patience hath her perfect worke in him Whatsoever the all-guiding hand of heaven casts upon his person familie friends or condition he endeavours to sit downe in the dust content (q) Virum humilem patientia ostendit injuriae S. Hier. ep 1. to 9. Cuivis dolori remedium est patientia una est una est animi virtus quae nos ex hujus vitae turbinibus quasi de pelago eruens in portum tranquillitatis inducat S. Hieron tom 9. ep 6. Non enim est arbor solida nec robusta nisi quae assidui turbinis incursione slipitibus concussis huc atque illuc inclinata tentatur ipsis vexationibus constringitur premitur fixisque radicibus certius firmatur roboratur ita nos mordacibus flagellis malorum frequentium munimur extensi corrigimur verberati constringimur caesi caremusque squaloribus dum longis casibus ventilamur idem ibid. Ab ipso vere est patientia vera patientia sancta patientia religiosa patientia recta patientia Christiana Patientia donum dei est S. Aug. tom 10. Serm. 8. dominic post Ascension Behold Davids affection the practicke part Behold my son which came forth of my bowels seeketh my life how much more now may this Benjamite do it Let him alone and let him curse for the Lord hath bidden him 2. Sam. 16.11 Base Shemei stones a most noble Prince this dog snarles hurles also at all his servants this cursed wretch curseth the Lords annointed in the presence of his men of warre hee scornfully reproacheth him yea hee that received life from his loines now seeketh viper-like his honour crowne and life These sorrowes yea farre lesse then these will trie a good mans patience yet seing he espied thorow this obscure cloud a beame of Gods loving correction he stayed the hands of Abishai armed with courage to revenge with Let him alone this comes from the Lord upon the same foundation another great Prophet reared up his lordly Palace of patience Woe is mee for my hurt my wound is grievous but I said Truly this is a griefe and I must beare it (r) Quam facile toleratur quaelibet adversitas temporalis ut aeterna poena vitetur aeterna requies compareur si Christi sarcina angusta est paucis eligentibus facilis tamen omnibus diligentibus S. Aug. tom 10. serm 9. de verbis dom Ier. 10.19 A borrowed expression (ſ) Proculdubio ad imitationem Davidis Zehneri compend Theolog. titulo de patient from a greater Seer hath God forgotten to be gratious hath hee in anger shut up his tender mercies (t) Facilius ille iram quam misericordiam continebit S. Aug. in loc And I said this is mine infirmity but I will remember the yeares (u) Annorum aeternorum memor fui Numquid anni in quibus sumus aeterni sunt Nam de toto anno quid praesens tenes quicquid de illo praeteritum est jam non est quicquid de illo futurum est non dum est idem ibid. of the right hand of the most high Psal 77.9 10. If wee suffer for him with him and from him for a moment as its a signe we love him so it s a seale we shall live and reign with him for ever Though thou be cast upon the left hand for a day or a yeare comfort thy soule with the remembrance of those joyes and yeares to be enjoyed at his right hand when dayes and yeares are no more Fourthly Hee contemnes a vile person but honoureth and loveth them that feare the Lord (x) Est enim glorificacare aliquem habere eum in pretio delectari illius commercio tueri illius existimationem succurrere in necessitatibus constituto quae omnia sine periculo vix possunt fieri in hoc faculo Muscul in Psal 15. Non vulgaris virtus est honore prosequi homines pios justos Nam cum saepe sunt quasi mundi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saepe fit ut qui sunt illis amici passim mundiodia in sese excitent Calv. in loc Psal 4.15 This is the new commandement to be observed by persons renewed (y) Iohn 13.34 Novum est vel 1 quia novis in novo statu collocatis est impositum 2 Quia novissimè post alia omnia à Christo fideliter inculcatum 3. Vel ob qualitatem dilectionis sicut nos dilexit 4. Vel ob vitae novitatem vel propter effectum quia per dilexionem exuitur vetus induitur novus homo S. Aug. in Iohn tract 65. to love one another A new commandement I give unto you that yee love one another as I have loved you that ye also love one another Iohn 13.34 To love one another is common but to love one another as Christ loved us is rare but marvellous The bond of love among men is naturall (z) Diligunt invicem mariti uxores parentes filij quaecunque alia inter se homines necessitudo humana devinxerit ut taceamus de dilectione culpabili atque damnabili qua diligunt invicem adulteri adultera scortatatores meretrices quoscunque alios non humana necessitudo sed humanae vitae noxia turpitudo conjungit Sedinvicem diligere est non sicut se diligunt qui corrumpunt nec sicut se diligunt homines quoniam homines sunt sed quoniam Dij sunt filij altissimi omnes ut sint filio ejus unico fratres ea dilectione invicem diligentes qua ipse dilexit eos S. Aug. Tract 65. in Iohn Sed nec sic quidem ab homine homo diligendus est ut diliguntur carnales fratres vel filij vel conjuges vel quicunque cognati aut affines aut cives Nam ista dilectio temporalis est S. Aug. tom 1. retract lib. cap. 13. the father loveth the child the husband his wife yea too often unnaturall and abominable when Simeon and Levi become brethren in evill their impietie is the ground-worke of their Society and the life of their love but the bond of love among Christian men is spirituall They love one another not because they are men but because good men Gods men godly men This is the excellencie of true love to delight in the Saints as they are Saints for the excellencie of their graces wherewith they are beautified in the kingdome of grace Psal
Nihil enim in hoc secreto magis agere debes quam animam divinis eloquijs pascere quantum ei per totam sufficere potest diem hoc eam veluticibo pinguiore satiare idem Tom. 9. Ep. 1. and thanksgiving which he annexed unto his account* and left in writing yet to be seene One whereof for thy satisfaction and example of Imitation (ſ) Nam ferventissimi in terrenis frigidissimi in coelestibus sumus summam in rebus parvis exhibentes alacritatem ad maiora torpescimus celerem habiturae res finem sine fine quaruntur ibid. I have verbatim transcribed and placed at the end He was very Choice of his Company when he came abroad avoyding when he could the Places and persons where Religion dwelt not (t) Ne cogeretur videre quod contempserat nec erubuit profiteri quod Christo placere cognoverat S. Hier. Ep. 16. lest hee should see what grieved him or say what would rather trouble then reforme others being moderate in his owne cause and couragious as a Lyon in Gods His tongue was seasoned so (u) Nihil aliud noverit lingua nisi Christum nihil possit sonare nisi quod sanctum est idem Ep. 8. Quic quid dixerit juratum putes idem Ep. 14. Pro otioso verbo rationem reddituri sumus omne quod non aedificat andientes in periculum vertitur loquentium ego si fecero si dixero quippiam quod reprehensione dignum est de Sanctis egredior polluo vocabulum Christi in quo mihi blandior idem Ep. 128. thorowly with the Salt of the Sanctuary and his heart had waded thorow the deepe waters of long-afflictions that his conference seasoned others with whom he conversed No Societie so satisfied his divine minde as the (x) Sic religiosus fuit ut cum Sanctis sic timens deum ut omne consortium cum Clericis haberet quos amabat ut fratres venerabatur ut dominos cunctis amabilis idem Ep. 9. Qualis quisque est talium consortio delectari idem Ep. 16. Ministers of Christ wherein he never found sacietie Whose common neglect in the world he so took to heart whose necessities he so seriously weighed and seasonably relieved as none whom hee embraced returned from him un-honoured or ungratified (y) Quod fecit non divitiarum magnitudine sed prudentia dispensandi idem Ep. 27. As by his constant frequencie in hearing the Word whereby hee put also much heart and life into others to draw them to the house of God and conference with Preachers he gained comfort to his soule (z) Nunquam convenit quin de Scripturis aliquid interrogaret nec ut statim acquiesceret sed moveret è contrario quaestiones non ut contenderet sed ut quarendo discere earum solutiones quas opponi posse intelligebat idem Ep. 16. de Marcella so his study was day and night how by comfort friendly counsell countenance and care he might repay their spirituals which he received by the aduancement of them with his Temporals (a) Nec affectatae sordes nec exquisitae munditiae conveniunt Christiano idem Ep. 21. noster talibus usus est vestibus quibus arceret frigus aurum usque ad annuli signaculum repudians magis in ventribus egenorum quam in Marsupijs recondens idem Ep. 16. And wheresoever God placed his favour no man could more glory in a sincere fast open-hearted and open-handed friend And now behold this poore-mans-treasurer is called to his account and hastens to his end (b) Munerarius pauperum egentium candidatus sic festinat ad coelum St. Hieron Tom. 1. Ep. 26. Sicknesse summons him (c) Cum sanctum corpusculum febrium ardor excoqueret semionimae lectulum vallaret circulus propinquerum haec in extremo verba mandabat orate dominum Iesum ut mihi ignoscat quia implere non potui quod volebam idem Ep. 25. to prepare and death tels him he will admit neither deniall nor delay With what ioy contentation and meekenesse hee embraced the message of the one and with what Patience and resolution hee did undergoe the other let the many witnesses declare In both he taught the Spectators how to desire to die and what was the ripe fruit of a good-Conscience and a godly life (d) Nasci non nostrum nec longum vivere nostrum Vitam quae sequitur vita parare potest Orentius Bib. Patrum Tom. 5. pars 3. pag. 798. Non quaeruntur in Christianis initia sed fini● St. Hieron Ep. 10. ad Furiam Mors est vitae testimonium Having clearely testified his unfained love by his bounty unto his deare-wife and friends and recommended his hearty respects to be by her continued for ever unto his friends in Generall and to some others by name (e) Scit ipsa cui libellus hic scribitur me non audita sed nota narrare nec ex aliquo solùm in me beneficio scriptorum more Graecorum gratiam lingua reddere Procul à Christianis ista suspitio fidele est testimonium quod causas non habet mentiendi S. Hieron Ep. 9. Nihil more blandientium nihil more laudantium idem Ep. 27. whom he resigned with charge unto her Christian affections for his sake as our Lord did his mother unto his beeloved Iohn Woman behold thy sonne sonne behold thy Mother hee commended and yeelded his body to the Grave (f) Reversa est terra in terram suam dormivit in domino appositus est ad patres suos plenus dierum ac luminis idem Ep. 9. and his Soule to God that gave it Leaving sorrow among his beloved ones for his losse but mingled with abundance of ioy (g) Vniversorum gaudijs prosequenda sit quae calcato diabolo coronam iam securitatis accepit idem Ep. 24. de morte Leah Cur dolemus quenquam mortuum ad hoc enim naii non sumus ut maneamus aeterni Lugeatur Mortuus Sed ille quem Gehenna suscipit quem Tartarus devorat in cujus poenam aeternus ignis astuat non quorum exitum angelorum turba comitatur idem Ep. 25. for his happie life and comfortable departure in the Lord. Thus what Heaven and Earth shall suffer hee suffered a blessed change (h) Passus est ea quae coelo soli terrae contingent discessit moriens splendide nec senectute decrepitus nec aliqua parte celebritatis suae diminutionem passus sed magnus adhuc in praesenti hac vita magnus in fatura S. Basil Tom. 3. Ep. 5. de Arinthao praetore Ep. 8. and having bid good-night to this world hee now triumphes among the glorious Angels Leaving the Monument of a good name behind him as Elias his cloake for the example of the Church and consolation (i) Ne igitur moleste feramus quod illo privati sumus sed ob id potius quod illi conviximus