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A67217 Comfort for believers, or, A discourse of the duty and priviledge of being sealed by the Holy Spirit In five sermons upon Eph. I. 13-- published for the establishment of weak believers, who are fill'd with doubts and fears about their eternal state. By Nathanael VViles pastor of a Church of Christ in Shadwell. Wyles, Nathaniel. 1696 (1696) Wing W3770A; ESTC R221272 44,526 168

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may know and have cleared up to them and that upon a five-fold account as First Because the Sealing of us by the Spirit is not in regard of God but in regard of our selves As for God he knoweth them that are his 2 Tim. 2. 19. But we do not know neither can we that we are God's but by the Sealing of his good Spirit and this Sealing is on purpose that we may know God is our Father and we are his Children Paul tells us Gal. 4. 6. That therefore God hath sent his Spirit into our hearts that we may cry Abba Father But Secondly Because the Scope of the Word which was Indited by the Spirit is for our comfort and that we might have hope Rom. 15. 4. For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our Learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope Now Beloved what comfort can a Man have in an uncertain condition wherein he knows not but he may be a Reprobate But again Thirdly Why did Christ Jesus come into the World and take our Natures upon him Why did he become a Curse for us and carry our Natures when he had suffered into Heaven there to appear before God for us 'till he has brought all home Gal. 3. 13 Heb. 9. 24. I say why hath and doth Christ all this for us but to have us out of all doubt of his Love and Good-will after once we have received him by Faith For having loved his own he loves them to the end John 13. ● Fourthly We may come to arrive at some knowledge of our state in Grace because we are commanded to make our calling and election sure Now God doth not injoin Impossibilities upon us but commands that which may be done and bids us seek after that which may be attained to 2 Pet. 1. 10. Give all diligence to make your calling and election sure But Fifthly What use are the Sacraments for especially the Lord's Supper but to confirm our Faith and seal up Christ's Benefits to us Saith Christ to the Noble Man that besought him to come down and heal his Son John 4. 47 48. Except ye see signs and wonders ye will not believe Christ sets the Elements of Bread and Wine in the Lord's Supper before us that by these visible signs our Faith and Grace might be strengthened As Faith comes by hearing Rom. 10. 17. so it is confirmed by seeing Christ Crucified which by Faith may be seen in the Lord's Supper This Sacrament is not only a bare sign to represent Christ to us but it is a Seal to confirm our Interest in him He that would have his Grace strengthened must be found in this Ordinance in which Christ is set forth and as it were lively Crucified Gal. 13. 1 2. It was a saying of Bernard When my spiritual strength begins to fail I know a Remedy saith he I will go to the Table of the Lord and there I will eat and drink to recover my decayed strength God meets his at the Table and there seals up his love to them and strengthens their Graces Cant. 1. 13. While the King sits at his Table my spikenard sends forth its smell Christ's presence in his Ordinances stirred up the Spouse's Graces and put them into exercise Now after all this shall we doubt of God's love to us especially when besides the Sealing of the Promises to us we our selves are sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise Object But some may say We should not doubt did we but know this That we do Believe truly Answ As it is the Office of the Holy Spirit to work Faith and other Graces in the Soul so to reveal this Faith and Grace to the Soul The Grace of God is Light in its self because it comes from him who is the Father of Lights from whom comes every good and perfect Gift James 1. 17. And it is the property of Light not only to discover other things but it self also And observe also That the Spirit gives Light to this Light by shining on his own Graces wrought in the Soul 1 Cor. 2. 12. We have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God And says Paul Rom. 8. 16. The Spirit it self beareth witness c. we are the Children of God God's Children know that he is their Father and they his Children but the remainders of sin and corruption are still breeding doubts in the Soul but it is the office of the Spirit of Faith to quell them as they arise We are too prone in a time of temptation to doubt and have great fears But Sirs we need not help the Tempter as some do by holding it a Duty to doubt of Salvation when Christ saith be not faithless but believing Oh! have a care of this and rouse up your selves and say as David when doubts arise and your Souls are disquieted Psalm 48. ult Why art thou cast down O my Soul and why art thou disquieted within me hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him who is the health of my countenance and my God But Secondly From the Sealing of the Spirit I infer That Persons upon knowing their present state in Grace may be assured for the time to come For the Sealing of Believers by the Spirit is not only for the present but to the Day of Redemption Eph. 4. 30. Grieve not the Holy Spirit saith Paul whereby ye are Sealed to the Day of Redemption That is 'till they come to the full possession of that Glory which now they believe and hope for And besides this Sealing of the Spirit is for the securing of Believers for the time to come John 14. 16 17. Faith and Love and other Graces of the Spirit never sail finally but ever remain in their Habits though sometimes lost in the exercise True Faith sets us in a state of Salvation and we being put into Christ by Faith or ingraffed into him the Vine are risen with him and sits with him in heavenly places as you may see Eph. 2. 5 6. True Faith makes the things to come present for it is the substance ground or confidence of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen Heb. 11. 1. 2. Faith also Believes that neither life nor death principalities or powers things present or to come can never separate the Soul from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Rom. 8. 38 39. So that Beloved the Assurance of Believers is not only for the present but for the time to come For they are Sealed up to the Day of Redemption even to that day in which Christ shall fetch them to Glory Who is there my Brethren that can reverse the Seal of God and make it void Grace is an earnest Penny for Glory and where God gives the one he 'll give the other Psal 84. 11. For thou wilt give Grace
COMFORT FOR BELIEVERS OR A Discourse of the Duty and Priviledge of being Sealed by the Holy Spirit In Five Sermons upon Eph. 1. 13 PUBLISHED For the Establishment of weak Believers who are fill'd with Doubts and Fears about their Eternal State By Nathanael VViles Pastor of a Church of Christ in Shadwell Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ and hath anointed us is God Who hath sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our Hearts 2 Cor. 1. 21 22. London Printed for James Gibbs and to be sold by Caleb Hooker at the Muzeled-Bear upon VVapping-VVall near Peliean-Stairs Thi● Shadow Shadows out the Face of one Whose Life 's a Bubble and will soon be gone He is a Mortal and must shortly dye But hopes to live with Christ Eternally Who lost his Life and freely shed his Blood He trusts to Sāve and brīng him unto God My Flesh my Soul my All I owe to Thee My blēssed Lord whos̄e Stripes are Balm to me THE Epistle Dedicatory To all who are in God the Father and in our Lord Jesus Christ but particularly to the Church of Christ meeting in Shadwell Grace Mercy and Peace be multiplied Dearly Beloved THE wisest of Men hath told us excepting Christ that a word spoken in Season or as it is in the Original upon his Wheels is like Apples of Gold in Pictures of Silver Prov. 25. 11. Oh how excellent are Words rightly ordered placed and circumstantiated such words of all are the most excellent the most prevalent and the most pleasant Words that can be spoken they are most precious most desirable and most delectable the Lord grant that what is here spoken in this Treatise may be such kind of Words that all that read them may find them most precious most sweet and very seasonable To time a Word Beloved in Season is to set it upon the Wheels And Oh that this might be a Word well timed To speak a word to the purpose si Deo placuerit if it shall please the Lord is the project and design of this Book there is a great glory upon all words of Truth but there is a double Glory upon seasonable words of Truth Therefore in the following discourses I have made it my Care and Business to set before you a seasonable comfortable and encouraging Truth and if the Lord will set in by his Spirit I am sure you will find it such to be sealed by the Spirit and to have his Witness in our Hearts that God loves us with an Everlasting Love therefore with Loving Kindness he hath drawn us Jer. 31. 3. And that we are the Children of God is most sweet and comfortable there is nothing can or will encourage the Saints of God living and dying and comfort their Souls more than this A Seal beloved is for two Ends viz. Safety and Secresie and Sealing is used in three Cases First to keep things secret that they may not be seen Secondly Distinct that they may not be confused And Thirdly Safe that they may be forth-coming these uses you will find opened in the Book To set forth the unspeakable Priviledges of Believers Sealed by the Spirit from which may be drawn much comfort and sweetness there is not a more encouraging and comforting Truth in all the Book of God well understood and applied than this is of Sealing by the Holy Spirit to the Day of Redemption Eph. 4. 30. In these Sermons of Sealing by the Holy Spirit I may say There is Milk for Babes and Meat for strong Men. I hope all that see or read them will reap benefit by them Many of you Beloved were well pleased and much refreshed in the hearing of these Sermons and I trust yea and shall pray that you may be also built up and nourished in the reading of them 'T is true they are brought forth and set before you in a homely Dress not garnished with fine Phrases and Rhetorical Expressions but such as they are I hope you will accept of them The design of them is honest viz. God's Glory and the edifying and building up of your Souls in Christ Jesus What you find of God in them to the use of Edifying give him all the Glory of it and bless his Name for making the hearing or reading of these Sermons beneficial to your Souls I am well aware That some will censure me for what I have here done and offered to the World But if God may have Glory by these weak Endeavours of mine and any poor Soul reap Spiritual Comfort and Advantage then I shall have my end and bear up chearfully under the variety of Censures which may be pass'd upon me To conclude Consider this one thing Christians for your comfort and establishment in Christ Jesus viz. That those who are Sealed by the Spirit of God here shall be crowned with Eternal Glory hereafter Rev. 2. 10. Such shall have a Crown of Life Christ has bought the kingdom of Heaven for them that Believe and hath paid for it at an high rate even his most precious Blood is the price paid for it Eph. 1. 14. 1 Pet. 1. 17 18 19. And he hath prepared for them Mansions who are Denisons Crowns for them who are Heirs And pray who are these but such as are born again and Sealed by the Spirit of Promise Rom. 8. 16 17. Believers have Assurance of Heaven three ways First By Faīth in Christ 1 Pet. 1 9. Receiving the end of your faith even the Salvation of your Souls Secondly By their hearty and real Conformity to Christ Rom. 8. 29. For whom he did fore-know he also did Predestinate to be made conformable to the Image of his Son Thirdly By the Sealing Work of the Spirit For they are Sealed unto the Day of Redemption Eph. 4. 30. And says Paul in the Text Eph. 1. 13 14. After that ye Believed ye were Sealed with that Holy Spirit of Promise which says he is the earnest of our Inheritance c. Believers shall as certainly be glorified as if they were Crowned already John 14. 1 2 3. They be Heirs to Heaven's Crown here and shall be possessed of it when they come there What the Saints hold now in reversion they shall then have in full possession and be with their God in the Impyreal Heaven where there will be nothing present that offends nor nothing absent that delights Now that you may all Beloved arrive at this place of Blessedness and be for ever with the Lord is and shall be the prayers of him who subscribes himself Your Servant in the Gospel for Jesus's sake Nathanael Wyles Decemb. 4. 1696. Believers Sealed BY THE Spirit of Promise First Sermon from Ephes 1. the latter part of the 13 verse In whom also after that ye believed ye were Sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise THE Apostle Paul a Servant of Christ in this Chapter enumerates the principal Christian Privileges and Blessings that were given to and conferred on Believers thro' Christ
proceed and put a period to this subject at this time 2. Vse Is by way of Examinatition and Tryal Oh examine your own Hearts narrowly see how it stands between God and your Souls and whether you are Sealed by the Spirit of Promise or no This is a matter to be strictly searched into and ought to be made your greatest business in the world Quest How shall we know that we are in Christ by Faith and so sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise Answ By the Divine Operations of the Spirit within you by the word 2 Cor. 5. 17. 1 Thes 1. 4 5 6. And by the proper genuine effects and Fruits of the Spirit 's Sealing-work where the Spirit Seals there be such proper genuine effects and fruits thereof that we may distinguish and discern it from all the delusions of the Devil and from all Impostures whatsoever Oh! See if you can find these in your Souls or no by which you may know how it stands with you Quest What are those proper genuine effects and fruits of the Spirits Sealing Work First Effect is inflamed Love to God and Christ where the Spirit seals that soul cannot but love Christ dearly for one Flame doth not more naturally beget another than the Love of God in Christ doth kindle the Love of the Soul to him again 1 Joh. 4. 16. 19. We have known and believed the Love God hath unto us c. v. 19. We love him because he hath first loved us God's Love in Christ in the Fountain ours the stream flowing from it Love is the Life and Soul of Religion the Salt of the Sacrifice Who can but love God that is Sealed by the Spirit and have assurance of his Love to them through Christ When Christ had forgiven much to poor Mary who had sinned much Oh how greatly was her Love inflamed to Christ Luk. 7. 47. She loved much for much was forgiven her VVhen Paul was assured by the Spirit that Christ loved him Gal. 2. 20. Who hath loved me and given himself for me O how was his Love to Christ inflamed Phil. 3. 7 8 9. As Christ was fastened to the Cross so was he to Paul's heart by Love Do you love Christ or no Can you say as Peter Thou that knowest all things knowest that I love thee Joh. 21. 15. 16 17. Second Effect is Care and Diligence to follow Christ and do his VVill a Soul Sealed by the Spirit lies at the Foot of Christ and is careful of his Honour and Glory his Care is to serve Christ and in all things to please him the Sealed Believer runs after Christ and is careful to keep in his Love Jude 21. And to have respect to every part of his Sacred VVill. That Soul which was dull and careless before is now active and lively in God's Service Faith will make a Man walk but the Spirit 's Sealing or assurance will make him run this will be as wings to a Bird as weights to a Clock that will set all a running Is it thus with you or no Do you run the way of God's Commands with Delight Psal 119. 34 90. Third Effect is Humility of Soul before God deep abasements and great humblings use to follow the Spirit 's Sealing those that are Sealed are humble Souls they say to Christ as the Disciples Joh. 14. 22. Lord how is it that thou wilt manifest thy self unto us and not unto the World Why me Lord Why me saith the Soul VVhen God sealed the Covenant of old to Abraham that he would be his God and his exceeding great reward he fell on his Face at the time and was very humble Gen. 17. 1. 2. A Soul never lies lower at the Foot of God nor abhors it self more than when God manifests his Love and Seals it up to it O what am I that God should be thus good to look upon me and to call me out of Darkness by his Grace Fourth Effect is Spiritual Strength for the Ways of the Lord are strength to the upright Prov. 10. 29. Increased Strength in the Soul follows the Sealing of of the Spirit When Believers are sealed then new Power and Strength enters into their Souls they are strengthened with might in their inward Man Col. 1. 11. The Saints find sensible Improvements of their Abilities for Duty Cant. 6. 12. Is it thus with you Fifthly This sealing will make us Praise God those that are sealed by the Spirit have their Mouths filled with the high Praises of God they cannot but Pen a Soug of Praise and bless the Name of that God who hath done so much for them Such say to their Souls as David the sweet Singer of Israel Psal 103. 1 2 3. Bless the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless his holy Name bless the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his Benefits who forgiveth thy Iniquities healeth thy Diseases and Crowns thee with Loving Kindnesses Paul Penn'd a doxology for this Blessing of Sealing c. Ephes 1. 3. His solemn Thanksgiving was for this as well as for other Blessings But agaiu Sixth Effect is great Longings and inflamed Desires after the full enjoyment of Christ in glory They who are Sealed by the Spirit long to be in Heaven at home with the Lord 2 Cor. 5. 4 5. They that have tasted the love of God in Christ here long to be drinking full draughts of it in Heaven Psal 42. 1 2. My Soul thirsteth for thee when shall I appear before my God David did not only long to see God in his House and in his Ordinances but also in his glory where his Soul should be fully satisfied Psal 17. 15. There is nothing that makes Death so undesirable as doubts and fears that hang about the Saints and upon their Spirits about their eternal State and Condition Persons under great doubts don't long so much for Death as those who are Sealed and Assured Where Persons evidences for Heaven are clear and their doubts resolved they fear not Death but go full Sail to Heaven and depart in great Peace Psal 37. 37. Luke 2. 29 30. These are the Souls that with Paul desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better or best of all Phil. 1. 21 22. If once Beloved the great Question of our Interest in Christ be thoroughly decided and be clear between God and us then we shall find Life the matter of Patience and Death the object of desire But thus much by way of tryal the Lord set you as a Seal upon his Heart and upon his Arm and clear up his Love and good will in Christ to your Souls that so you may know it believe it and admire it Third Vse by way of Exhortation And First You that are not Sealed yet by the Holy Spirit of Promise be exhorted and stirred up this Day to seek out after it That you may be assured of your Peace with God and the pardon of your Sins through the Blood
break our Bones therefore fight against it 1 Pet. 2. 11. Thirdly Renounce all trust and Confidence in your selves in your own Works and Righteousness depend alone upon God in Christ and labour to be found in him having on his pure Righteousness Paul desir'd to renounce and leave all to be found in Christ Phil. 3. 7 8. Where is the Christian like Paul that has no Confidence in the Flesh or in their own Abilities but trust alone in God who giveth his all things to enjoy 2 Cor. 1. 9. Fourthly Study Sanctification more both in Heart and Life they must follow after Holiness that would see God Heb. 12. 14. They that perfect Holiness in the fear of the Lord shall certainly see God and behold his Salvation Psal 50. 23. Oh! then be found in the constant and daily exercise of Grace and perseverance in Holiness and Piety 2 Cor. 7. 1 2. 1 Pet. 1. 15. But Fifthly Take heed of nourishing Jealousies and Suspicions of God in your hearts fear not his Love to you but yours to him Some cry out Oh! the Lord does not love me for he has set me as a mark for his Arrows and has forsaken me he is my Enemy and I fear he will damn me at last after all What dreadful thoughts are these of God even that God who keepeth covenant and mercy with his for ever Psal 89. 33 34. Oh! harbour not these Jealousies of God If you find them in you at any time see you check them for God abides faithful and his love is the same for ever Jer. 29. 11 12. I know the thoughts that I think towards you saith the Lord they are thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end My thoughts are not your thoughts nor my ways your ways saith God Isa 55. 8 9 10 11. But Sixthly Stand up for the Truths of God against all Opposers and for the Faith once delivered to the Saints Jude v. 3. Much of God's Glory lies in his Truth and they that stand up for his Truth as it is in Jesus and bear witness for it in the World are and may be sure they shall be happy 2 Tim. 2. 12. But Seventhly Have a care of Sinning but especially of sinning presumptuously against Light and Knowledge Pray as David Psal 19. 11 12. To be kept from all sin but especially from presumptuous sins that they have no dominion over you Sin is that which provokes God and will wound your Consciences spoil your Peace and mar your Evidences and Assurance for Heaven therefore strive and watch against all Sin Jer. 44. 4. Matth. 26. 41. Eighthly Be much in Prayer to God thro' Christ Pray often and earnestly like Jacob for the Spirit of Adoption to Seal you up to the day of Redemption 'T is the Spirit must Seal you and reveal to you the great things of God that appertain to the Kingdom of God 1 Cor. 2. 10. Oh! Pray for more Grace more Faith more Love and for more Assurance Luke 17. 5. Psal 4. 6. 36. 10. Ninthly Be tender of God's Honour and Glory in the World seek and study that above all 1 Cor. 10. 31. Our dear Lord Jesus as Man abode in his Father's love by being zealous for his glory and so may you this way Let the zeal of God's House eat you up John 2. 17. Oh! study every way to advance his glory for they that advance God's glory here he 'll advance their joy and comfort in Christ 1 Sam. 2. 30. Tenthly Be very humble Oh! have a care of Pride for Pride estrangeth the Soul from God and God from the Soul He beholds the Proud afar off James 4. 6. but gives more grace to the humble When you are high in Assurance and have received much from God Oh! then be low in Humility for God resisteth the Proud Paul had a great assurance being Sealed by the Spirit yet saith one he baptizeth himself with this name the chief of Sinners 1 Tim. 1. 15 16. The Jewel of Assurance I am sure is best kept in the Cabinet of a humble and low Spirit Oh! be humble in your own eyes and lye low then God will exalt you But Secondly You that are Sealed by the Spirit and have Assurance be exhorted not only to keep it but to improve it for God's glory your own comfort and the good of others Quest How shall we do this in a right manner Answ First by encouraging of those poor Souls who are yet in their Sins and in an unconverted State Oh! tell them how sweet this hidden Manna is and what a good Master Christ is whom you love and serve Oh! persuade Sinners by the love and mercy of God in Christ to leave their sins and inroll their Names in his Family use what Arguments you can with them for he that winneth Souls is wise Prov. 11. 30. Such shall shine in glory Dan. 12. 5 6. Secondly Comfort as you can weak Christians who have not the Sealings of the Spirit that you have I say to you as Christ said to Peter Luke 22. 32. When you are converted strengthen your Brethren Comfort them that are strugling and ready to sink Thirdly Walk more heavenly than ever look to your Hearts Lives and Actions see that you walk as Children of the light not as the foolish but as the wise redeeming all time for God Eph. 5. 15 16. But Fourthly Improve it by a chearful walking and serving of God Come before him with gladness and singing Psal 100. 1 2. 'T is for Persons condemned to hang down their heads and be sad but you are pardoned and justified through Christ therefore rejoice Rom. 5. 1 2. 1 Cor. 6. 11. Shall Drunkards Swearers Whoremongers and wicked Wretches rejoice who are just upon the brink of Hell and are condemned already John 3. 18. and will you that are Believers be sad Oh! chear up lift up your Heads and Rejoice I say to you as Jonadab to Amnon 2 Sam. 13. 3. Why art thou being a Kings Son so lean from day to day so why are you Believers being the King's Sons and Daughters of Heaven so sad Why do you not rejoice more in Christ and in your blessed Estate being Sealed and assured by the spirit Oh rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice Phil. 4. 4. How merry is the Bird how musical does it sing that knows not where to have and pick up its next Crumb and will you be sad who are assured of God's Love to you and not rejoice in it I will rejoice faith Habakkuk in the God of my Salvation Hab. 3. 17 18. But Fifthly and lastly and so I shall conclude Let your Hearts be much endeared to God by Love he hath done great things for you in Christ and bestowed much upon you Oh see that your Hearts run out in Love towards him Psal 31. 23. Oh love the Lord all ye his Saints it was a Saying of Austin I would hate my Soul if I did not find it loving God Whom should you love but God Has he done so much in you and for you and will you not Love Him Oh give him your Hearts and best Affections and shew your Love to him by obeying his Commands If ye Love Me saith Christ Keep my Commandments John 14 15 16 Thus improve your Grace and Assurance that you may glorifie the Name of that God who hath called you out of Darkness into this marvellous Light and Sealed you by his Spirit Thus much for this Time and this Text the Lord give you Understanding in all these things Amen FINIS Advertisement ALL Sorts of Second-hand Books bought and Sold as Mathematical Arithmetical Philosophical Astrological Chymical Chyrurgical Physical Poetical Travels Voyages and Divinity choice Bibles where is to be had Money for any Study or Parcles of Books by Caleb Hooker at the Sign of the Muzeled Bear on Wapping-Wall near Pelican-Stairs