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A65888 A sober expostulation with some of the clergy against their pretended convert Francis Bugg his repeated gross abuse of the people called Quakers, in his books and pamphlets, viz., his New Rome arrainged, History of Quakerism, Second summons, Picture of Quakerism, and other pamphlets which may serve to invalidate the authority of the snake in the grass, as it refers to his books. Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1697 (1697) Wing W1959; ESTC R20305 65,396 156

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of Christ gave forth the Holy Scriptures far be it from me to have the least Undervaluing Thoughts or Disesteem of the Scripture which proceeded from thence Therefore F. Bugg's Observation against the Quakers Doctrine and against me in Particular in this matter as nothing but Discord and Confusion and setting the perfect Quaker in Opposition to the Harmony of the Old and New Testament and Terming those that own that Harmony as J. Tompkins and W. Penn but The Counterfeit Quakers Both which are so Notoriously False and Malicious that we could Enumerate Testimonies against him herein Again 't is as General as Positive a Falshood That the Quakers Doctrine attributes that to G. Fox which is ONLY due to Christ Apol. p. 4. For the People called Quakers do positively disown any such Doctrine as doth attribute that to any other Man which is only proper and due to Jesus Christ and sincerely Confess that Christ in all things must have the Preheminence in Glory and Dignity as the only Potentate King of Kings and Lord of Lords Another Charge against the Perfect Quaker as he calls him is from the Examition and Trial of G. Fox at Lancaster Assize being thus Cited viz. And before I came to the Barr I was moved to Pray that the Lord would Confound their Wickedness and Envy And what Crime was that The Thundred Voice Answered I have Glorified thee and will Glorifie thee again And I was so filled full of Glory c. In Opposition F. Bugg sets John 12. 28 29. And 't was F. Bugg's Observation hereupon But Reader here is G. Fox ' s Manifest BLASPHEMY in Assuming a Glorified State whilst in the Mortal Body p. 4. But is not here rather F. Bugg's great Envy Darkness and Ignorance apparent For tho' G. Fox Assumed not such a Glorified State in that fulness in the Mortal Body here as will be in the Immortal hereafter yet some Degree of Glory he might witness as the true Sufferers for Christ pertake of here in this Life Observe If ye be Reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye for the Spirit of Glory and of God resteth upon you 1 Pet. 4. 14. See also Chap. 1. 8. And were not they Changed in the same Heavenly Image from Glory to Glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord See 2 Cor. 3. 18. And see also John 17. 22. Christ said The Glory which thou gavest me I have given them Therefore 't is no Blasphemy to Partake and Testifie thereof And how far that Reproached Servant of Christ did Partake thereof in his Sufferings who is now unjustly Rendred a Blasphemer is wholly hid from this Blind persecuting Adversary who deems that Blasphemy which is so much agreeable to Holy Scripture Testimony Again our Suffering Friend G. Fox Testifying That he was come up in the Spirit through the Flaming Sword into the Paradise of God and that he was in Paradise c. Against this our Adversary thinks he has gotten huge Advantage he Roars and Belches out viz. Thus did he Magnifie himself equal with or above Christ. Oh! Horrible c. Quoth he But soft stop a little Is there no such Paradisical State in Christ attainable in this Life but it must be deemed Horrible and Blasphemous as our bitter Adversary doth May we not Cry out against his Gross Darkness and his Teachers Ignorance Oh Horrible Did Paul Blaspheme or Magnifie himself as equal with or above Christ when coming to Visions and Revelations of the Lord he declared That he knew a Man in Christ above Fourteen Years ago how that he was Caught up into Paradise and heard Unspeakable Words c. See the Matter more at Large 2 Cor. 12. 1 2 3 4. See also Rev. 2. 7. Therefore 't is not a Self Magnifying nor Erroneous really to Believe and Profess a State of Paradise or Heaven in Christ Jesus in some degree attainable even in this Life Phil. 3. 20. Our Reproached Friend 's declaring that he was Cloathed with Righteousness and whose Name is not known in the World Risen up out of the North which was Prophecied of but now fulfilled c. These Words our angry Adversary sets in Opposition to Moses Prophecy of Christ Deut. 18. 15. and Acts 3. 22. and to John 1. 10. Whereupon he makes this Observation viz. Thus did G. Fox Vye with Christ p. 5. But I do not Apprehend any such Vying or Equalizing with Christ nor Contradiction to the Scripture Testimony or Prophecy of him For 1st To be Cloathed with Righteousness is Christ's Redeemed Ones the true Believers Priviledge and Happiness 2d The Nature not known to the World was meant the New Name pertaining to the New Birth 3d. Risen up out of the North which was Prophecied of Which here is Relation to the North and not the Persons mentioned and the Prophecy was of the Seed which was foretold the Lord would gather and also bring forth out of the North Countrey and all Nations where Scattered See Isa. 43. 6. and 49. 12. Jer. 16. 15. and 23. 8. Luke 13. 29. F. Bugg's Observation p. 5. viz. Thus Reader did G. Fox Vye wish Christ and Edward Burroughs and Francis Howgil two of his Prophets Echoed back in their Epistle Entituled This is only to go amongst Friends viz. Thou O North of England who art counted as Desolate and Barren c. Yet out of thee did the Branch i. e. G. Fox Spring and the Star Arise c. Answ. 1. The Parenthesis i. e. G. Fox in that Place is a Notorious Forgery as well as Malicious 2. Here 's no Person Vying or Comparing himself with Christ. Nor Echoing back to any such Vying 4. Tho' our bitter Adversary has often Repeated this Citation and now grosly wrests it by Forgery to prove his False and Malicious Charge against the Quakers viz That the Quakers Prophets give witness to G. Fox INSTEAD of Christ that they call him the Branch the Star the Son of Righteousness and put the North of England for the Town of Bethlehem Yet there 's no mention at all made either of G. Fox or Town of Bethlehem in all that Epistle of E. B's Quoted as the Epistle may be seen at large in his Works p. 64 65 66 67. And Note that General Epistle of Francis Howgil's To the Camp of the Lord in England c. Wherein are the Words Spare none neither Ox nor Ass c. Is Printed in his Works Pages 28 29 30 31 32 33. Which I have also viewed over and find not any such Title as This is only to go among Friends Neither do I find G. Fox or Town of Bethlehem so much as Mentioned in it 5. Is it not then great Wickedness and shameful I solency in our Adversary frequently to attempt Proof of such a Horrid Lye against the Quakers as is that of calling G. Fox the BRANCH the Star the Son of Righteousness and puting the North of England for the Town of Bethlehem Is it not Horrible Wickedness
particular our approved Writers in England as Sound in the Christian Faith as appears in his own Book Entituled A Serious Appeal c. Printed Anno 1692. If he will not stand to this but contradict himself against us we cannot help that F. B. may take him by the Hand and give him the Right Hand of Fellowship 26. That the Principles and Practices of the Quakers are contrary to those of the French Protestants and indeed to all other Christians p. 41. Note Here are two great Falshoods contain'd in this Charge and they are in general and indefinite Terms too for first as to those Principles of the French Protestants as Cited by F. Bugg himself p. 41 to 47. they Believe and Confess 1. That there is but one God only whose Being only is Simple Spiritual Eternal Invisible Immutable Insinite and Incomprehensible 2. That in that Divine Being there be the Father Son and Holy Ghost 3. That the Father is the First Cause in Order and the Beginning of all things the Son his Everlasting Word the Holy Ghost his Vertue Power and Efficacy 4. That tho' these Divine Three are distinct or distinguished i. e. as to their Relative Properties of Father Son and Holy Ghost yet not divided but of One and the Same Essence i. e. Being Eternity Power and Equality 5. That the Doctrine contained in the Holy Scriptures i. e. of the Old and New Testament proceeds from God from whom only and not from Men it derives its Authority and that all Matters necessarily required for the Worship of God and our Salvation are therein testified they say contained and therefore that 't is not lawful for Men or Angels to add unto take from or change this DOCTRINE i. e. the Doctrine necessary to God's Worship and our Salvation as they say 6. That God of his Rich Grace Mercy and Bounty delivers his Children through our Lord Jesus Christ i. e. from Sin and Condemnation 7. That Jesus Christ being the Wisdom and Eternal Son of God took upon him the Nature of Man so that he is God and Man but one Lord Jesus Christ and that he might be able to suffer in Soul and Body was made like unto us in all things Sin only excepted so that as to Man's Nature he was indeed of the Seed of Abraham and David Conceived in due time in the Womb of the Virgin Mary by the Secret and Incomprehensible Power of the Holy Ghost and that in one and the same Lord Jesus Christ his Two Natures i. e. as God and Man are inseparably united yet each retaining its distinct Properties so considering Christ in his Deity as not to deprive him of his Manhood we having one Mediator between God and Men even the Man Christ Jesus 8. That by that one Sacrifice which Jesus Christ Offered upon the Cross we are Reconciled unto God i. e. being Reconciled by his Death we who believe in him shall be saved by his Life Rom. 5. 9. That the Lord Jesus Christ by the Power and Spirit of God was Raised from the Dead to which I add That he ever lives in his own proper glorious Body in which he Ascended into Glory and wherein he is Head of his Mystical Body the Church which as united to him and his Glorious Body is One Body 1 Cor. 12. 12 20 27. Ephes. 1. 23. and 4. 4. and 5. 30. Phil. 3. 21. 10. That Jesus Christ is so conferred upon us as to be our Advocate with the Father and that he commandeth us in our Prayers to present our selves or Pray to the Father in his Name 11. That God will have the World Ruled and restrained by Laws and Civil Government and therefore he appointeth Kings and Common-wealths and other kinds of Principalities whether Hereditary or otherwise i. e. as it pleaseth him and also what pertaineth to the Ministration of Justice whereof he himself is the Author therefore hath he delivered the Sword i. e. of Justice into the Magistrates Hands c. 12. That also much Honour and Reverence ought to be given to them as unto God's Officers and due Obedience yielded unto their Laws and Tribute and Taxes paid and the Yoke of Subjection born if the Magistrates be Infidels so that the Soveraign Government of God be preserved Thus I have abstracted divers of the most material passages out of the Citation before of the French Protestants Confession of Faith which he has set forth an Abstract of quoting the first Volume of J. Quick's History Synod in Gal. Reform p. 6 to 15. Note that in the second and fourth Article the word Persons is left out and that for the more plainness a few Parenthesis's some beginning with i. e. are added and the ninth altered more into Scripture words in this Abstract which I am perswaded as they are sincerely owned by me may be freely owned assented unto and signed by most Quakers so call'd in England and elsewhere consequently so far from being contrary thereunto or to all other Christians either in Principles or Practices as F. B. has most falsly and slanderously Misrepresented and Aspersed them The Lord if it be his Will give him to see and confess his great Injustice and Injury before he Dies But a little further to pursue his base and false Dealing 27. F. B. again very abusively and falsly quotes E. Burrouogh's Works thus viz. About Water-Baptism p. 518. We utterly deny and do say it is no Ordinance of God but it is an Institution of the Whore of Rome and England received it by a Popish Institution c. p. 44. Note Which base Perversion and Abuse is evidently Refuted in The Quakers Vindication p. 2. Col. 1 2. thus This is very partially and unjustly Cited and in the first words falsly for E. Burroughs's Answer in the very place is thus viz. As for Baptism and the Supper of the Lord we do own it and it is practised of us in the Life and Power of God but as for your Baptism that is to say SPRINKLING INFANTS calling it the Baptism into the Faith and that they are made Members of the Church thereby and that it is a Seal of Regeneration as you say these foregoing words Bugg leaves out that we do utterly deny and do say it is no Ordinance of God neither was it ever commanded by him or practised by his Saints c. thus F. B. before Cited E. B. But again Note Here he did not say that Water-Baptism without distinction is a Popish Institution but objected against Sprinkling Infants and calling it the Baptism into the Faith c. for he knew that Water Baptism it self was practised by John the Baptist by special Commission from Heaven peculiar to him and his Ministry and also in the Apostle's time by some of them long before the Pope was Wherefore F. Bugg's gross Perversion and Abuse in this and many other things too numerous now to recite are notorious and shameful the Lord the Righteous Judge to whom we commit our
dangerous as it was in them who would not believe that Jesus was the Christ when on Earth who therefore were liable to Die in their Sins Yet for those Moral and Pious Gentiles that have not such Discovery of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ nor outward Means thereof afforded to them we may not condemn them lest we should reflect upon God but leave them to his Universal Grace and Mercy in Jesus Christ who is given for a Light unto the Gentiles and to 〈◊〉 God's Salvation to the Ends of the Earth wherein we hope no Professed Christians will be so Harsh Uncharitable or Atheistical as to conclude such liable to Damnation or Destruction for want of Scripture or an outward Ministry when God does not afford the same to them seeing he has afforded and given the greater even Christ himself to be both the Light of the Gentiles and Salvation to the Ends of the Earth that they believing in him the Light may be saved by him and have Eternal Life it being the Condemnation that Light is come into the World and Men believe not but love Darkness rather than Light because their Deeds are Evil John 3. And the Lord God has not left Himself or Mankind without Witness both immediate and mediate in his Creation thereby leaving all them inexcuseable who persist in Impenitency and Rebellion against him and his Light and Grace in them Whereas I intimated in my Epistle to The Counterfeit Convert in these words viz. I do hereby sincerely declare That 't is not for Controversie sake that I am so much engag'd therein nor am I the beginner of these Controversies being wholly defensive c. And what has our Adversary against this I know it to be very true tho' the Devil and all his Agents should say the contrary and endeavour to outface me with their Lies Our Adversary saith viz. I am willing to let Richard Ashbye know that his Brother Whitehead is false in this also And why so For quoth F. B. he writ against Episcopalians Presbyterians Independants and Baptists before ever they wrote against him Answer I deny that and we have no proof but his own bare ipse dixit for it Some of them i. e. Presbyterians in Cromwell's time when the Episcopal had no Power begun to Persecute and Imprison me and others and also to defame us in Print before ever I was concerned in Printed Controversie against them and it was the worst and most rigid sort that I was so concerned against and therefore not the beginner of either of those first Controversies i. e. with some Presbyterians nor yet of these with this Adversary but was and am still wholly defensive And suppose as he saith I had writ Ten Books against others to One Book against me of any one Man's Writing I did not write Ten Books against any one Man for only his One Book against me But suppose Ten Books wrote either by Ten Persons more or fewer either against me in particular or against me inclusively with others and I had or have wrote Ten Answers to those Ten Books this proves me not a Contentious Scribler as he renders me but still I am on the defensive part and put upon a necessity of being defensive Yet to prove me false herein our Adversary adds viz. And in Nine Months time he wrote Three Books against me to one of mine against the Quakers and Two of them without any fresh occasion given him But F. Bugg knows he gave the first occasion he begun the Controversie and that I was wholly defensive therein by way of Answer to his bitter Invectives and foul Aspersions against the Quakers so called their Order and Discipline for did I begin to be concerned before his Book De Christiana Libertate came forth No 't was his foul Abuses in that Book against us gave me the first occasion to appear in Print against him and after that his divers other abusive Books and Pamphlets against us both before and since he turn'd to the Priests and so often falsly accusing us the said People with Contempt of the Scripture denying Jesus to be Christ despising his Ordinances his Ministers and Magistrates making Divisions in Church and State p. 7. c. with many more Calumnies and all to excuse and cover his own base Backsliding and Self-condemned Apostacy and Judas-like to incense both Priests and Rulers against us by his foul Railery black and odious Characters which he has maliciously put upon us but as to the latter the Lord has hedged up his Way and manifested his Folly restless Envy and implacable deadly Malice unto many and our God has given us Power and Zeal to withstand and oppose him therein and trample upon his great Malice and such fruitless Attempts to Inveterate Adversaries As to our Adversary's Postscript to G. W. about his aforesaid Letters to William Smithies and Isaac Archer which he questions if he has not rightly Interpreted the purport of I must needs say it appears a very idle silly boasting Romance and scurrilous piece of fictitious Forgery feigned upon me and in my Name and tho' never so said nor sayable by me See how unlike G. Whitchead or any other Quaker he introduces his feigned Story viz. G. W. I perceive how uneasie you are and how smooth you appear as in your Letters to Mr. Smithies and Mr. Archer and by the tenure thereof methinks I hear you say Good Gentlemen be so kind to us the distressed and perplexed Quakers as to stop F. Bugg from writing against our Errors c. with much more such stuff Is this like my Language He never heard me say any such thing Oh false Oh silly Oh idle Romance CHAP. V. A Brief Answer to F. Bugg's Pretended Brief History of Quakerism Stiled The Quakers set in their True Light UPON a serious perusal of the said pretended History and comparing the same with his other Reproachful Books and Pamphlets against the People called Quakers which have been duely Answered and justly Refuted in Course His Title The Quakers set in their True Light is very impertinent to his partial and false History tho' very true as to the Quakers whose True Light is no other but Christ the True Light which lighteth every Man coming into the World John 1. 9. This same pretended History of F. Bugg's appears to be chiefly made up of the same Abusive and Calumnious Stuff which his other Pamphlets are composed of and frequently reiterated by him tho' plainly refuted which being now by him turned into History appears a sordid kind of imposing the Credit of his own presumptuous Authority as Historian even in those very things which he cannot maintain in Controversie nor support his own Credit in therefore as a most impertinent partial and envious Historian he may be justly deemed Please to take a few Instances of F. Bugg's false Stories and gross Calumnies in his said pretended History before clearly refuted i● our Answers to him and
other Apostates c. F. Bugg in his Epistle Dedicated to the Bishop of London compares the Quakers to Magicians of Egypt to Simon Magus the Sorcerer to Juglers rendring them no better than Hereticks Blasphemers and like Satan himself and his Ministers thus odiously representing them All which and much more such like Stuff we reject as his own gross and sordid Calumnious Railery and hope the said Bishop on serious Consideration will not Credit nor Patronize such gross Railery nor Esteem it for his Reputation or Honour to be Credulous in such Cases against us from the bare Authority of not only partial but bitter and implacable Adversaries as the said Bugg has notoriously manifested himself to be Here follows F. Bu●g's most general Slanders repeated and refuted gross Calumnies against the People called Quakers in his said History with brief Notes on them 1. P. 3. Bugg saith That none Preached Murther more than the Quakers Note What he alledges for this gross Calumny is answered long since in our Book Entituled Christ's Lambs defended from Satan's Rage 2. P. 4. That they sit at Devonshire-house to null make void and repeal as Vnlawful what the King Lords and Commons make Lawful at Westminster Note This Calumny is refuted in Answer to him before and his envious design therein discovered See The Counterfeit Convert p. 46 47 48 49 50 51. 3. P. 9. That they prest into the World with Principles against ALL Rule and Government Note A loud and most gross Lie our Principles were always for Christ's Rule and Government among Christians and for all Just Rule and Government among Men as being God's Ordinance 4. That the Foundation they went upon was under pretence of magnifying the Light in themselves to deny Jesus of Nazareth to undervalue his Death and Sufferings contemn his Laws contain'd in the Holy Scriptures c. p. 9. Note These are notorious and most horrid Falshoods the quite contrary is asserted frequently by us We magnifie Christ's Light and Life in Man for no such Ends but the contrary as thereby sincerely to own and follow the Lord Jesus Christ through his Sufferings and according to his Laws It was by his Light in us that we were led to Suffer with him and to be Crucified with him and to Die with him that we might Live and Reign with him who tasted Death for every Man 5. That G. W. hath vindicated this i. e. that the Scripture was Serpent's Meat Beastly Ware c. p. 9. Note A foul Calumny against G. W. 't was never my Principle so to term the Scripture I have always had from my Childhood a real esteem and great love for the Holy Scriptures nor do I know of any among us that ever called them Beastly Ware or Serpents Meat nor do we own the Expressions as applicable to Holy Scripture we having also most generally bought Bibles which I never heard any call Beastly Ware before tho' probably some or other might so term such Mens perversions on Scripture as make a Trade thereof for Money or filthy Lucre wherein I suppose they could not intend any contempt of Holy Scripture but upon their Unscriptural Preaching for filthy Lucre. 6. That G. W. and his Followers have published a Journal of G. F's deluding Charms on purpose to Bewitch the People like SIMON MAGUS p. 9. Note This is still foul filthy and abusive for 1. We know no deluding Charms in that Journal 2. Nor had we any such purpose in the Publication thereof as to Bewitch People Behold how the Man belches vomits and foams out his own shame against us contrary to his own former Testimonies for us c. 7. That G. F. wrought Counterfeit Miracles and never in the Name of Jesus p. 11. Note This is still enviously to Abuse G. F. and us we read not in all his Writings that ever he so much as pretended to work any Miracle either by himself or in his own Name or by his own Power but that by the Power of the Lord which is no other Name but that which was given to Jesus Christ Phil. 2. 9. some Great Things have been wrought even in Answer to the Prayers and fervent Breathings to God of that Good Man G. F. and others of the Church-partakers of the same Faith in Christ with him wherein they did not pretend to pray in any other Name Power or Spirit but that of Jesus Christ. 8. That both Fox and Parnell call themselves Christ in W. P's Since p. 12. Note I do not believe W. Penn either gave or will own any such Sence it being contrary to his and all our Sence so to call any Mortal Man upon Earth tho' some may be come to THAT which was before Languages or Humane Arguments were i. e. to the Word and Power of God and his Son Jesus Christ which was only the same G. F. and J. Parnell intended 9. That the Humanity of Christ the Quakers deny it as clearly as the Socinians deny his Godhead p. 12. Note This is a gross and notorious Falshood we i. e. the Quakers so called have often clearly and scripturally Confessed and Asserted both the Divinity and Humanity i. e. Manhood of Christ Jesus as many of our Books manifestly prove 10. That the Foxonian Quakers say of G. Fox he is the Power of God p. 13. Note This also is positively denied by us as a gross and foul Calumny Pray where do any of the Quakers so say of G. F I know not neither do we own his scornful Nick-name and Distinction of Foxonian Quakers for we are sure 't is contrary to our Principle and Profession to set up any Sect Masters over us or to Adore any Mortal Man or Finite Creature as 11. God as is also charged upon G. F's Followers touching him pag. 14. which we deem also a notorious Falshood 12. That all the Quakers Prophets being 400 in number give Witness to G. Fox and Adore him as the Branch the Star the Sun of Righteousness p. 15. Note This old Story of Bugg's is a gross refuted Lie and Calumny G. Fox is not so much as mentioned in that Epistle out of which those words viz. the Branch the Star the Son of Righteousness are taken directed to the Camp of the Lord in England p. 66. of E. B's Works 13. That Baptism and the Lord's Supper God never commanded are given forth by them who are Brazened with Deceit p. 15. Note This is falsly charged and stated in both and contrary to what we have frequently confessed with respect to both for 1. John's Baptism was by special Command from Heaven and had its Dispensation and Time as 't was Typical of Christ's Spiritual Baptism 2. The Lord's Supper both as in the Type and in the Antitype in the Figure and in the Mystery and Substance distinctly and truly considered in their placed Dispensations we have often Scripturally confessed and even in Answer to this Adversary let him review The Quakers Vindication against F. Bugg
Salvation and Compleat Redemption which Christ Jesus has obtained for us i. e. for all Mankind thro' his Mediation and Sufferings 7. Our Really Believing and Confessing the Lord Jesus Christ his Passion Sufferings Death Atonement and Reconciliation made for us and his Resurrection Ascension and Glorification as without us according to Scripture cannot be to Allegorize all these away as if only transacted within us as we have been unduly Accused for they were really done and transacted without us by our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ tho' our true Knowledge of the Power of his Resurrection and Fellowship of his Sufferings and our being Conformable to his Death must be Experienced within us if ever we Live or Reign with Him 8. We sincerely Prefer and Esteem the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament contain'd in that Excellent Book commonly called the Bible as most Eminently Confirmed by Divine Authority and Faithful Witnesses before all other Books whatsoever extant in the World and yet our preferring the Holy Spirit from whence the Scripture came before the Letter of the Scripture is not to undervalue the Scripture for the Spirit must needs have the Preference and Preheminence as being the Author and Original Cause and Dictator of the Holy Scriptures and Giver of Light and Life also whereby truly to understand them and to live accordingly 9. As for Baptism and the Lord's Supper they are Scripturally considered by us in their several Dispensations both as in the Figure and in the Substance in the Type and Antitype as the Outward or Literal were Typical or Figurative of the Inward and Spiritual we confess and own considered in their Places and proper Dispensations but the Substance is more Excellent and Permanent than the Shadow as the Inward and Spiritual Grace is more Excellent than the Outward and Visible Signs and as Christ's Spiritual Baptism which is the Saving Baptism was Typified by John's And to Eat and Drink or Sup with Christ in his Kingdom of that Spiritual Meat and Drink which he gives for Life to the Soul was Typified or Figured forth by his Outward Supper of the Passover Bread and Cup for the Outward Element of Water cannot wash away Sin from the Soul neither can the Outward Bread or Cup give Life or Nourishment to the Soul The Shadows flee away but the Sum and Substance remain 10. We sincerely Believe and have often Confessed the Immortality of the Soul of Man that was Created in God's Image and the Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Dead according as laid down in Holy Scripture 1 Cor. 15th Chapter and of Eternal Judgment by Jesus Christ as being Judge of the Living and of the Dead in the Great and Last Day of Judgment at the Great Harvest which is the End of the World God having appointed a Day wherein he will Raise the Dead both the Just and Unjust and also Judge the World in Righteousness by that Heavenly and most Glorious Man Christ Jesus whom he hath Ordained Acts 17. 31. before whose Tribunal-Seat all must appear to Receive their Final Judgment and Sentence according to their Deeds done in the Body whether they be Good or Evil. 11. That Christ's Gospel Ministry must be free without forced Maintenance filthy Lucre or Covetousness 12. That Magistracy or Civil Government is God's Ordinance the Good Ends thereof being for the Punishment of Evil Doers and Praise of them that do Well These Things we Sincerely Believe and Own but to do F. Bugg Right we find not that he has Charged us in the Tenth Particular about the Resurrection though some other Apostates have And we know no other Doctrine or Principle Preached Maintained or Received among or by Us since we were a People contrary to these before-mentioned nor do we Own any contrary thereunto Signed in Behalf of the said People and to Clear my own Innocency in Particular By G. Whitehead A Brief Advertisement to the Impartial Reader upon Francis Bugg's last Book falsly Stil'd The Picture of Quakerism Drawn to the Life THat it may appear that as to Matter of Doctrine and divers other things contain'd in the said Book he has frequently Repeated and Impos'd the same Notorious Calumnies and Perversions Unjustly upon the People called Quakers with other Abuses which in the foregoing Treatise and other of our Books in Answer to him have been and are fully Detected please to take a Brief Catalogue of some of his Notorious Calumnies Lies and Abuses with short Notes on them as followeth 1. In his Dedication to the Bishops of the Church of England whom he flatters thus viz. My Lords I have not leisure to trace them i. e. the Quakers in all their By-paths from the very beginning of their Rise and to shew how they branched forth from the Seeds of the Ranters Levellers and other Latitudinarians Observe pray herein he Imposeth a Nototious and Scandalous Falshood upon the Bishops it being well known that the said People call'd Quakers as to their Rise sprung and branched forth from and out of Religious Families of the Puritans so called and of the most sincere among those called Independent Anabaptist and Presbyterian Churches and Families and others and not from the Seeds of Ranters as he has grosly defamed them thereby Abusing both Bishops and other Readers 2. Their Contempt of the Scripture as Beastly Wares p. 2. Calling them Beastly Ware p. 42. That the Quakers have Condemn'd the Holy Scriptures p. 48. That our Teachers tell us that the Scriptures are Dust Death Beastly Ware c. p. 61. That their Chief Work in their Meetings as well as Writings was to lower the Power of the Magistrates Reproach the Ministers c. and the Bible Beastly Ware c. p. 97. He further saith I know if I had recommended the Scriptures ye would have rejected them as Serpents Meat Beastly Ware your frequent Epithets p. 121. And Beastly Ware again p. 125. Hist. Obs. Thus he still shamefully Abuses the Readers Bishops and others by these most gross repeated Blasphemous Calumnies manifestly Detected both in the foregoing Expostulation and other Answers to him So that he shamefully pleases himself with frequent Repetition of his old stinking loathsom Stuff to defame the Quakers 3. That possibly our Women learn'd of my self i. e. of G. W. to call the Scriptures Dust Death Beastly Ware c. p. 122. Obs. My Conscience bears me Witness he hath suggested a horrid Calumny against me herein having had a high and reverend Esteem for the Holy Scriptures from my Youth upwards 4. That they i. e. the Quakers sprung out of the Dregs of the People as Ranters c. Obs. Both which are Abusive Aspersions before Detected Query Didst thou F.B. spring out of the Dregs of the People as Ranters when first thou turnedst Quaker For shame for shame leave off such sordid Stuff 5. That the Quakers deny Christ and that their Doctrine teacheth to deny him to be Christ who was Born of the Virgin and