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A65884 A rambling pilgrim, or, Profane apostate, exposed being an answer to two persecuting books, falsly entitled, I. The pilgrim's progess from Quakerism to Christianity, II. A modest defence, with an epistle dedicatory to his bountiful benefactors / by G.W. Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1700 (1700) Wing W1951; ESTC R20202 45,954 62

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A Rambling Pilgrim OR Profane APOSTATE EXPOSED BEING An Answer to Two Persecuting Books Falsly Entitled I. The Pilgrim 's Progress from Quakerism to Christianity II. A Modest Defence WITH An Epistle Dedicatoryto his Bountiful Benefactors By G. W. a Servant of Christ. Let the lying Lips be made Dumb which Cruelly Proudly and Spitefully speak against the Righteous Psalm 31. 18. LONDON Printed and Sold by T. Sowle in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street 1700. AN Epistle Dedicatory To those of the Clergy and of the Two Universities whose Kindness and Bounty Francis Bugg boasts of in his Pilgrim's Progress Chap. 15. WHereas the said Francis Bugg appears highly to value himself upon the Countenance of some of the Clergy in his Contests against the People called Quakers sounding a Trumpet of the Clergy's Kindness and being very Bountiful to him and particularly of the Bishop of Norwich upon his Request to him giving him a Certificate in his Recommendation together with his Bounty which he says was very Considerable Giving also this Account of the Improvement he intended to make of the said Certificate viz. I was minded to make Application to my Lords the Bishops of the Church of England the two Universities and to some particular Clergy-Men All which I no sooner asked than he granted me and it pleased God so to open the Hearts of my Lords the Bishops and Reverend Clergy that I found help in time of need These his Incouragements considered this Epistle is therefore Dedicated to you who are concern'd therein Friends Do you design to promote Christianity indeed You must use better Instruments for it than Fra. Bugg the Author of the said Pilgrim's Progress whose Progress is apparently from Christianity into Apostacy from Truth and true Charity into Falshood and Envy As hath been evinc'd in divers Answers extant which he could never wipe off and is also further manifest in the Sequel 'T is no small Offence to God or Injury to Men to encourage such Agents as can Forge Lye Calumniate and Asperse under pretence of Contending for the Faith of Christ and promoting Christianity Profanation of the Sacred Name of God and Christ in idle Romance and Fiction is no small Dishonour thereto I hope your Profession does not allow thereof or of taking Liberty thereunto as this Agent F. Bugg is proved to take very largely and if you can either Connive at his so doing or Indulge him therein how will he and you answer it in the great Day of Account before the Tribunal-Seat of Christ the Righteous Judge of Quick and Dead What Account will be given for the Violation of these Two Commandments Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him Guiltless that taketh his Name in vain And Thou shalt not bear false Witness against thy Neighbour Both which he has notoriously violated in his forged Sermon in my Name and many other Fictions and Forgeries Do you allow thereof or gratify him for the same Or is it his own officious heady Act and Device only For what then have you been so very Bountiful to him and Contributed such Considerable Sums of Money to him Is it for his just Demerits more than others in devising how to bring Contempt upon the People called Quakers by Forgeries and Calumnies Falsly forming a Judicature Trial ridiculous Answers Pillory Cage c to scandalize honest Men of good Report as a Pack of Perjur'd Persons as in his New Rome Arraigned for denying his Calumnies and false Accusations How should ever Christianity be promoted by such Mockers who act more like Stage-Players Merry-Andrews Jack-Puddings c. than sober Christians or Persons designing to promote Christianity And 't will be no Honour for you to promote or abet such Agents but procure you great Disgrace if you glory in such shameful Treatment and Abuse as this of F. Bugg's against us Besides it will be an Indication of your own Weakness to manage your Cause if not of the Cause it self for you to be beholden to such scornful Agents to manage it What may People think of you Has all your Learning fail'd you that you must needs contribute large Money to a busie Body for his Scribbling against the Quakers Never complain against Illiterate and Lay-Preachers or Mechanick Ministers if such an one must be your Champion who whilst his great Pretence is to Contend for Christ and the holy Scriptures can take Liberty to Contradict both in Practice if to Lye Misrepresent falsly Vilifie and Reproach be contradictory to both as we are sure no Lye is of the Truth And we are not only for Confessing with the Mouth the Lord Jesus and sincerely Believing with the Heart that God rais'd him from the Dead Rom. 10. but also for a Christian Life and Conversation agreeable to such Confession and Believing as is unto Righteousness well knowing that to make good Confessions to speak good Words and live bad Lives to confess Christ in Words and deny him in Actions will not commend or prove any to be true Christians The Sincerity of our Belief in and Confession to the true Messiah the very Christ of God to whom all his holy Prophets gave witness together with the Verity and Divine Authority of the holy Scriptures as being first given by Divine Inspiration I say our Sincerity herein is known to Him who searches and knows our Hearts however we be misrepresented in these Two main Points by some ill-affected Persons perverting cutting mangling and altering the Words Sayings and Sense of both deceased and living Authors which this Agent has been and is prov'd notoriously guilty of as a Person not Consciencious in his Writing and frequent Repetitions of the same Refuted Calumnies still imposing the same over and over without making Defence thereof by any serious Answer Replication or Rejoynder his Course of Scribbling being to repeat the same Fallacies and Misrepresentations under divers Models Titles Forms and Shapes as sometime to make them in Form of a Creed another in the Form of a Trial in a Court of Júdicature another while in the Form of a Dialōgue another while in the Form of Queries another while in the Form of History another while in the Form of a Sermon Together with his Scoff and Jeers Flouts Boasts Challenges intermixt and thus he can make up numerous Books fill'd with Repetitions of the same Stuff in divers shapes without taking any serious notice of Answers or Confutation And according to his crooked perverse Manner of Writing picking mincing clipping forging and perverting Words and Sentences Ill minded Persons may easily abuse and make the best of Writings look ill And now how bitter and envious and how full of cruel Mocking this Agent is turn'd against us the said People called Quakers and with what Contempt he hath writ concerning the Light within or in Man and our Doctrine thereof that his Self-Condemnation and Apostacy may therein the more appear please to observe his own
O Abominable Abuse And I positively deny that we so translate the Words of Christ John 5. 22. as F. B. saith as if we believed no Son of Man without us but only the Light within us which is as falsly Charg'd as the rest though the Son of Man which is Christ the Son of the Living God be the true Light yea the Light of the World the Sower of the good Seed of Life and Light in the World Forgery Notwithstanding we call the Scriptures Death Dust Beastly Ware c. Obs. Note Upon this often-repeated Falshood is grounded much of his idle and wicked Romance which he calls George Whitehead's Sermon Oh F. B. repeat this Lye no more Forgery Now my Friends though this Confession be as contrary to our ancient Testimony as Light is contrary to Darkness as by our Books quoted you may see And what Confession that is he relates just before viz. I believe with my Heart and confess with my Mouth the sacred Scriptures to be Divine left us by Men inspired of God c. And I profess to believe in one only God who is the Father and in Jesus Christ his Eternal Son very God and very Man and in the Holy Spirit one and the same God with the Father and Son blessed for evermore Observe How he most falsly and ridiculously feigns me to Preach this Connfession to be as contrary to our ancient Testimony as Light is contrary to Darkness and consequently to make me Preach us all guilty of gross Dissimulation and Blasphemy What horrid absurd Folly is this Agent guilty of Forgery And therefore I exhort you this day to stand Faithful to your ancient Testimony which is to throw down the Scriptures and exalt our own Books and so will the Work of your Light prosper in your hands p. 113. Observe Thus he represents me to Preach expresly contrary to my known Principle and Testimony for the preferring and exalting the holy Scriptures above all other Books extant in the World So far am I from Preaching to throw down the Scriptures and from Fathering any such Doctrine upon our Light as I am wickedly misrepresented in contempt against the Light also contrary to this Man 's former serious Testimonies for the Light And the Preference I have ascribed to the Spirit of Truth and its Immediate Teaching either in or through its Ministers to the Scriptures or Chapters was not any Preferring of our own Books thereto as I am often misrepresented But allowing the Spirit its due Preference to the Scripture Letter or Chapters For the Spirit was before Scripture and I never heard any assert the Division of Chapters and Verses to be of Divine Authority though the holy Doctrine contain'd in Scripture be This Point is more fully explain'd in my late Just Examination of the three Norfolk Priests entituled Truth and Innocency vindicated c. p. 16 17 19 to 23. p. 57 58. Forgery My tender Lambs You see first that we are the true Church of Christ next that you are to believe as the Church believes and there lies G. Fox ' s Journal on the Table c. For as our Brother Mead has express'd himself It is the best Book in the World for our keeping up our ancient Testimony yea better than the Bible said he And now to conclude this Head look into the Book of Canons which lies before you on the Table p. 114. Observe Thus to ridicule me he forges such Stuff in my Name which I never owned preached or asserted neither did I ever hear W. Mead so express himself as That G. Fox ' s Journal is the best Book in the World yea better than the Bible but expresly the contrary and denies that ever he said so but gives the Bible the Preference to all other Books Forgery Friends I am now come to the last thing propos'd to speak to on this solemn Occasion and it shall be by way of Use and Application for your Comfort and Consolation c. First respecting Confession of Sin shewing your Exaltation above the Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Primitive Christians Saints and Martyrs and all the Christian Churches to this day p. 114. And p. 115. You being the True Ancient Apostolick Church of Christ and as Quakers elected thereto c. have no need to make any Confession of Sin in our Prayers to God as our Practice for near Fifty Years does confirm c. Our Adversaries cannot prove from any one of our Books wrote by my Self G. Fox E. B F. H Father Penn S. Fisher c. that ever we made Confession of Sins and asked pardon for Christ's sake nor that ever we recommended such a Practice to our Disciples c. Now Friends what Cause have we to rejoyce and to magnifie our Light within which hath led us to such a State of sinless Perfection Obs. Thus F. Bugg represents me preaching such Stuff as I never preached in my Life nor ever own'd any such Flattery or Deceit as to exalt any Auditory above the Patriarchs Prophets Apostles c. or to disswade any from making Confession of Sin or asking Pardon for Christ's sake who have need of both or who have not received forgiveness of Sins And my known publick Practice both in Ministry and Prayer often times testifie the contrary To the True Witness in all who know me and my publick Exercise and Travel for the good of Souls I do Appeal to clear me in this Matter against this Man's absurd and abominable Forgeries which he terms George Whitehead's Sermon And he goes on still with his Forgery as my Sermon viz. Forgery Now Friends what a happy thing is this that you need not trouble your selves with any Confession of Sins since you are not like other Men nor like these Publicans And therefore I exhort you to keep to your ancient Testimony in all the parts of it make no Confession of Sins nor be sure you do not recommend the Practice of it by Word or Writing but keep to our ancient Practice Nor is there any need for our Hearers to follow those Christian Precepts viz. And whatsoever you do in Word or Deed do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus giving Thanks to God the Father by him Col. 3. 17. Whether ye Eat or Drink or whatever ye do do all to the Glory of God 1 Cor 10. 31. Matth 15. 36. Observe Where did ever F. Bugg or any other hear me or any of us Preach such a Sermon as this to exhort the Hearers to make no Confession of Sin or ever tell them there is no need for them to follow those Christian Precepts cited as before out of Col. 3. 17. 1 Cor. 10. 31 Oh poor Francis What will become of thee What will be the End of this thy Liberty and Profaness How wilt thou Answer the great God in the Day of Judgment for such presumptuous Forgery and Profanation of the Sacred Name of God and Abuse of me his Servant who have been many times
sorry for thee under a Sense of the Lamentable Desperate State How darest thou thus proceed to Sin against Light and Knowledge to Invent such a Scurrilous Sermon in above two large Sheets in Print and Call it George Whitehead's Sermon when thou knowest it is a Defaming Counterfeit Device and Romance of thy own having also given thy self the Lie by saying 'T is a Sermon for G. W. How binding are God's Commands to thee viz. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him Guiltless that taketh his Name in vain Thou shalt not bear false Witness against thy Neighbour Exod. 20. Yet thou audaciously proceedest in thy Forgery and False-Witness-bearing against me and our Friends and in my Name as thus Preaching viz. Forgery You know that we our selves to be seen of Men do make a kind of Prayer to our Light within when we are at their Tables when Company is present but if alone either at home or abroad we seldom give Thanks for our Food and seldomer with our Eyes towards Heaven as Christ did as Stephen did or as the Martyrs did no you know we are of another yea of a different Faith and Practice from all the ancient Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Martyrs and holy Confessors and all Christian Churches to this day being exalted above them for we sit in heavenly Places singing the Songs of Sion in the Beauty of Holiness without Sin or any Imperfection p. 117 118. Obs. I challenge F. Bugg and all his Abettors and other Adversaries in the World to prove when and where ever I or any of us preached such a Sermon as this importing such Dissimulation in Prayer publick or Neglect of it in Private or any such Self-exaltation above the ancient Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Martyrs or all Christian Churches c. No I abhor such vain Ostentation foolish and false Boasting and Professing or Preaching up a Faith and Practice different from theirs And 't is as notoriously false That we pray to be seen of Men and seldom give Thanks at home or abroad if alone and that we so make Prayer to our Light within as having our whole God within us as safely as the Papists have their Crucifixes in their Pockets p. 117 118. This also is an ignorant contemning Scoff and Flout as well as Forgery and a Slight also put upon the Light within which though God and Christ is our Light Life and Salvation yet we do not limit nor confine him as the whole God within us only he being an Omnipresent and All-seeing God whom the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain Forgery My very Doctrine shew it to be the Ten Commandments first by telling the Priests they might as well carry the Ten Commandments to Christ the Consequence of which is that Christ had as much need to learn them as we p. 118. Obs. Though he unjustly makes this a part of my Sermon 't is none of my Doctrine or Preaching neither are the Words mine as cited He refers to Truth Defending the Quakers printed 1659. p. 18. but falsly quotes the Words I did not tell the Priests They might as well carry the Ten Commandments to Christ much less that Christ had as much need to learn them as we I disown such Blasphemy But the Question being put Is the Moral Law or Ten Commandments a Rule to the Christian's Life The Answer was Thou might as well ask if the Moral Law be a Rule to Christ For the Christians Life and Rule is Christ who is the End of the Law for Righteousness who came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it Therefore my Intent was not to make void or to break the Moral Law or Ten Commandments but to refer them to Christ the true Christian's Life Way and Principal Rule and that Christ is their Life who live to him is Evident see Col. 3. 4. For ye are dead and your Life is hid with Christ in God when Christ who is our Life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in Glory Now this Divlne Life of a Christian which is Christ cannot be under the Law as a Rule to him though the Law was our School-Master to bring us unto Christ that we might be justified by Faith but after that Faith is come we are no longer under a School-Master Gal. 3. 24 25. And if ye be led by the Spirit ye are not under the Law Gal. 5. 18. Therefore being in the Faith of Christ their Life their Lord and Master they were grown past the State of such Children who were under such a School-Master as the Law being no more under the Law but under Grace For what the Law saith it saith to those who are under the Law that the wholé World may become Guilty before God which his Children are not Forgery That we never recommend the Ten Commandments to our Hearers that they should teach them to their Children c. This therefore may confirm you in our ancient Testimony which hath been to lay them by as a dead Letter Dust Death Serpents Food and beastly ware c. p. 118 119. Obs. This is not only a gross and repeated Forgery as 't is made a part of my Sermon but also in it self containing two gross Lies 1. That our ancient Testimony hath been To lay by the Ten Commandments 2. As Beastly-ware Serpents food c. Where did I or we ever give such Testimony of the Ten Commandments as to call them either Beastly-ware Serpents food c. I utterly deny with abhorrence any such Testimony concerning the Ten Commandments being all comprehended in that great Commandment of Love And for me or any of our Friends preferring the Spirit before the Letter the Gospel above the Law and the Ministration of the Spirit and Life above the Ministration of Death and exalting it above the Letter of the Scriptures I know no spiritual Christian will blame us for that or for any such Doctrine which is so evidently agreeable to the holy Apostle Paul's Testimony and Distinction in that Case as between the Letter and the Spirit between the Ministration of Death written and engraven in Stones and the Ministration of the Spirit which was much more Glorious As more largly he distinguishes 2 Cor. 3. 6 7 8 9 10 11. The Apostle using the very words The Letter killeth but the Spirit giveth Life and if the Mininistration of Death written and engraven in Stones c. which could neither be in Contempt of the Holy Scriptures or Ten Commandments much less to lay them by as Beastly-ware c. Now F. Bugg repeat these Lies no more and you of the Clergy concerned encourage F. B. no more in 's work against us Forgery Beloved I cannot but allow that if the Scriptures were of greater Authority than our Sayings or that the Words of Matthew Luke and Paul were of greater Authority than are our Sayings I should be on the Christians side c. But Friends