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A64974 A warning given to secure sinners to prepare for judgement, to flee from wrath to come, and turn from all sin but especially the sin which does most easily beset them / by Nathanael Vincent ... Vincent, Nathanael, 1639?-1697. 1688 (1688) Wing V424; ESTC R5754 48,160 81

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time You are only Stewards intrusted with that which is Gods and not yours and are accountable at the last day for all you have received What sad accounts will most give up of their Stewardship when they must be no longer Stewards Imprimis So much daily for Eating and Drinking to Self and not to the Glory of God. Item So much for brave Apparel that Pride might be maintained and gratified Item So much for making provision for the Flesh to fulfil the Lusts thereof Item So much for costly and vast Past-times a great deal of Wealth and much more precious Time being wasted together But unto good uses to maintain a Godly and laborious Ministry of the Gospel to the poor and needy given very little or nothing With what an Eye do you think that the Judge will look upon such accounts as these Think of Judgment that you may holily improve the unrighteous Mammon and Christ may say you have been Faithful Stewards even of worldly things 3. The Belief and Meditation of Judgment will make you exceeding diligent that you may be found of your Judge in peace without spot and blameless With what Seriousness and Fervency will he come to the Throne of Grace that has the Judgment-seat also in his Eye How will he hear and practise that remembers he must be called to an account how he has done both He will take care to be ready whensoever his Lord calls and that whensoever his Lord comes he may find him doing the Work he set him about and so doing it as He commands 2. The other word of Counsel is this Be sure in time to prepare for Eternal Judgment Do this seriously do it presently and as your main business That you may prepare indeed 1. Be Accusers and Judges of your selves take notice of your Sins with Grief with Hatred and holy Indignation accuse your selves of them before God with self-loathing and self-abhorrency Look down by Faith into the lowest hell and see the terrible but righteous Severity that is shewn there against obstinate workers of Iniquity then look up to God and judge your selves in his sight acknowledging that you have deserved one of the hottest places in that Lake of Fire Acknowledge he would be clear in the sorest judgment he should pronounce upon you and that He would be justified tho you should be damn'd eternally Psal 51. 4. This judging of your selves is the way to prevent Condemnation with the World 1 Cor. 11. 31 32. 2. If you would be prepared for Judgment believe in Jesus that you may the justified before God at present Receive Christ who is offer'd in the Gospel rely upon his Obedience and Sufferings for justification of life And being justified by Faith you shall have Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Rom. ●5 1. Being justified by his Bloud you shall be Saved from wrath through him Rom. 5. 9. What does ponere obicem put a Bar before Hell Gate and hinder us from falling into that place of Woe The Cross of Christ that 's the Bar you are to place your Confidence in Christ Crucified If justified by him now he will ratifie the justification at the last day and you shall not be condemned then Rom. 8. 33 34. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect It is God that justifieth Who is he that Condemneth It is Christ that dyed yea rather that is risen again who is at the Right Hand of God and maketh Intercession for us 3. Would you be prepared for Judgment Repent and be converted let your minds be changed and turn to God with your whole Heart This is the way indeed to stand before him Acts 3. 19. Repent and be converted that your Sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. The Apostle looks as far as the last day Blotting out of Sins is Christ's absolving and acqutting them from all Trespasses The time of refreshing is that great day of compleat and glorious Redemption when all that are Christs shall lift up their Heads with Joy Repent and be converts in Truth if you would have that a day of refreshing and not of confusion Walk after the Flesh no longer but after the Spirit then you need not be afraid of Condemnation your being guided by his Spirit will shew you are in Christ and safe in Him Rom. 8. 1. There is therefore now no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit to be carnally minded is Death but to be Spiritually minded is life and peace USE III. Of Terrour to the ungodly the Hypocrites and the Vnbelievers Christ will judge them all and they may tremble to think what kind of judgment they shall have what sharp and piercing words are those which declare before-hand what will be their Doom Mat. 23. 33. Ye Serpents ye Generation of Vipers how can ye escape the Damndtion of Hell That I may if it be possible awaken such I would lay before them these terrifying considerations 1. When they appear at Christ's Bar all their secret wickedness will be made known How many will then be found what they were not in the least suspected Thy secret wantonness and Self-pollutions thy secret injustice and desrauding thy secret abominations of all kinds will then be as visible to every Eye as if written in Capital Letters with the brightest Sun-beam And what sname and confusion will cover the wicked Mans Face they that are impudent and cannot boush now how will they be confounded then The truth is as the Prophet Daniel speaks They will rise to shame and everlasting contempt Dan. 12. 2. 2. At the day of Judgment it will be too late and in vain for the wicked to pray and cry for Mercy they will find the Lord eternally removed from the Throne of Grace and to their Terrour behold him on the Judgment Seat. If the Ungodly roar out then Lord pity Lord pardon Lord send us not away into that flaming Furnace that me see before us it will be altogether in vain but 't is not in vain to cry thus now Oh seek the Lord while he may be found and call ye upon him whilst he he is near Isa 55. 6. 3. It will add to the Terrour of the Wicked That the Sentence of Condemnation is pronounced by the Only Saviour The merciful and faithful High Priest that now is so forward to make Reconciliation for Sin that is so ready to give rest to them that labour and are heavy laden The Man Christ Jesus will have no pity at all no compassion towards the Reprobate Children of Men but deal with them as with the Apostate Angels whose Nature be never took upon him The only Peace-maker will himself be so incensed and full of Wrath as not to be intreated not to be appeased The Sentence of Eternal Death and enduring everlasting Burnings will be confounding but 't will add to the
Officers compel him to the Bar where Judgment is given against him to take away his Life Wicked Men will be horribly afraid to make their Appearance before the Lord Jesus whose Salvation they have flighted whose King●om and Government they would by no means submit unto they will wish that their Bodies might sleep eternally in their Graves and never have such a Resurrection which will be only to Damnation they will wish rather to be turned into Nothing than to be turned into Hell they will call to the Rocks and the Mountains to fall upon them to hide them from the Face of him that sits upon the Throne and from the Wrath of the Lamb Rev. 6. 16. But will they nill they they must appear at his Seat and see him Eye to Eye though his Eye will be as a flame of Fire to terrifie them That just Indignation that sparkles from Christs looks how will it amaze them Rev. 1. 7. Behold he cometh with Clouds and every eye shall see him and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him even so Amen the thing is certain 5. They that never heard Christs Gospel shall be brought to Judgment He is to Judge the Church and the whole World in Righteousness The State of those that are without the Gospel is set forth as very sad in Scripture they are said to be without Christ being aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel and strangers to the Covenants of Promise having no hope and without God in the World Eph. 2. 12. Yet it seems to me an unwarrantable boldness to pronounce them all lost since for ought we know God may help some of them to be faithful in that little he has given them but however be it or be it not so their Case is so dangerous that we should be concerned very much for them at present and Pray that God would make known his saving health among them The Apostle tells us what will be the Rule of Christ's proceedings with the Heathen that never heard of the glad-tydings of Salvation they shall be judged according to the Law and Light of Nature Rom. 2. 12. As many as have sinned without Law shall also perish without Law and as many as have sinned in the Law shall be judged by the Law for not the hearers of the Law are just before God but the doers of the Law shall be justified 6. They that have enjoyed the Gospel and the means of Grace shall be brought to Judgment and of all persons that are to be judged these have largest account to give and the most Talents to answer for A poor Heathen he has but one Talent the dim Light of nature but thou that enjoyest the Gospel hast two if not five Talents to improve And where much is given will not much also be required you that hear Christ Preached had need to look to it that you sincerely obey him now and that you may stand before him at last for if you fall in Judgment you will fall very low Damnation will be great and extraordinary where great Salvation has been neglected Heb. 2. 3. Our Lord Jesus plainly intimates that there are degrees of Torment in the place of future punishment there is a blacker Darkness and a Darkness not quite so dima there is a cooler and an hotter Hell. Who are those that shall be thrown into the hottest Hell of all Truly those who heard the Gospel and were called to repent and believe but would do neither Mat. 11. 21 22 23 24. Woe unto thee Chorazin woe unto thee Bethsaida for if the mighty works that were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon they would have Repented long ago in Sack-cloath and Aslies but I say to you it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of Judgment than for you And thou Capernaum that art exalted unto Heaven shalt be cast down to Hell for if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom it would have remained to this day But I say to you it shall be more tolerable for the Land of Sodom in the Day of Judgment than for Thee In the third place I am to speak of the things which will be brought into Judgment and that both with respect to the Righteous and with respect to the Wicked I begin with the Righteous and concerning these you must know 1. Their Sincerity at the day of Judgment will be made apparent All the Sincerity that has been on Earth will then be own'd and approved every one shall have an Euge a Commendation that has been a good and faithful Servant Mat. 25. 21 23. The Apostle prays for the Philippians Ch. 1. 10. that they might be Sincere and without offence till the day of Christ Sincerity will signifie much in that Day None will pass for sincere but those that are so Not one that has been sincere but shall be accepted and rewarded Faithful ones may now possibly he loaded with Reproaches from without and with Censures from within the Church but at the great Day all will be wiped off 1 Cor. 4. 5. Judge nothing before the time until the Lord do come who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and make manifest the Counsels of the Hearts and then shall every Man have praise of God. How many that have been highly esteemed among Men will be discovered then to have been unsound at Heart and that the World and Self did act and rule them tho their Tongues did speak for God and tho they made a Splendid Profession that they were his Servants And how many that have been hardly thought of by Men will Christ at that day confess before his Father and the Angels their Censurers at the same time being ashamed and confounded 2. There will Cognizance be taken of all the good works of the Righteous These will follow them into another World Rev. 14. 13. The Apostle that he might encourage Believers unto diligence tells them Heb. 6. 10. God is not unrighteous to forget your Work and Labour of love which ye have shewed towards his Name Good works are rewardable tho they are not Meritorious there is no proportion between the work and the reward but the reward infinitely exceeds for God himself is the reward of the Saints and All in all that are in Heaven There is no intrinsick worth in good works to deserve Heaven but God has promised Heaven and eternal Life and is Righteous in bestowing it but still it must be acknowledged his free Gift and given through Jesus Christ Indeed Mat. 25. 35 40. mention is made only of works of Charity and Mercy I was an Hungred and ye gave me Meat Thirsty and ye gave me Drink I was a Stranger and ye took me in I was Naked and ye cloathed me Sick and ye visited me I was in Prison and ye came to me From hence you are to learn how acceptable such works as these
their Brother comes to remembrance with great anguish and trouble Gen. 42. 21 22. They said one to another We are verily guilty concerning our Brother in that we saw the anguish of his Soul when he besought us and we would not hear therefore is this distress come upon us therefore behold also is his blood required Conscience does Comment upon Affliction and has its terrible glosses These blows are given thee for thy secret filthiness for thy intemperance for thy injustice for thy earthlimindedness for thy doing the Work of God Heartlesly and negligently Observe what Conscience now says for the Master Sin it takes special notice of 5. That is a Master Sin which when the Sinner is almost perswaded to be a Convert hinders him from being a Convert altogether That Jacob might have Corn he was contented that ten of his Sons should go and fetcht it but how loath was he to let Benjamin go When a Sinner is convinced of the necessity of Conversion he may consent to part with two or three or ten Sins but that which is most beloved he huggs still that Sin and he must never part When the Sould is ready to be espoused to Christ This Sin stands up and forbids the Banes. We read of a young man in the Gospel soberly inclined he saw the necessity of eternal Life and the value of it he comes to Jesus and says Good Master What shall I do that I may inherit eternal Life Our Lord tells him of the commands the young man is glad of this for as to the letter of the second-Table-precepts he had been a strict observer of them all from his Youth up At length our Lord who knew Love to the World was his Master Sin bids him to go and sell all that he had on Earth and follow him and he should have a more enduring and better Treasure in Heaven But his Love to the World hindred his Believing and Conversion he goes away very sorrowful for he was very rich Mat. 19. 21 22. His Riches were very unreasonably and excessively loved he cleaves to Mammon and leaves the only Saviour 6. That is a Master Sin which pretends most highly to consult the Sinners safety gain and pleasure To be safe to be advantaged and delighted are things very taking to Humane Nature pretences this way are prevalent but all Sins pretences are vain When our Lord commands that the right eye should be pluckt out the right hand cut off the meaning is not that Christianity binds us cruelly to dismember our selves Indeed the abuse of our members is severely forbidden but our members themselves are not to be parted with but employed after an holy manner That therefore which our Lord intends is this either that we should be as without an eye to behold vanity and tempting Objects as without an hand to work that which is evil Or that though Sin be naturally as dear to us as our right eye as seemingly necessary as our right hand yet we must part with it and not spare it to the hazard ruine of our selves for ever Mat. 5. 29 30. I might also add that Sinners are apt above all to wish that the Master Sin were no Sin at all And because the Law forbids it they hate the Law and the motions of their wicked Hearts towards it are more strong and violent And here is a notable difference between an unsanctified and a sanctified Heart The unsanctified Heart wishes that the Law were less Holy that Sins were no Sins but the Heart that is sanctified does not desire the Law were less strict and pure but that it self were more pure and more conformed unto a Law that is so good and excellent it does not desire a Liberty to commit Sin but that all the remaining Justings of the Flesh that way were more throughly mortified In the third place I am to produce the Reasons why this Master Sin ought especially to be abandoned 1. Because this is Gods Principal Enemy All Sin is against him but this is a special Provocation in the the eyes of his Holiness and Glory The Apostle tells us that Love is the greatest Grace and Christ himself says that Love is the first and great Commandment The Master Sin which is most beloved which takes away the affection of the Heart which God chiefly requires must needs provoke Him unto great Jealousie This is the Presumptuous Sin 't is greatly offensive for deservedly 't is called the great Transgression Psal 19. 13. 2. The Master Sin should be abandon'd because in a special manner it separates between God and the Soul that is guilty of it Sin has many bad effects but a worse can't be named than this Isa 59. 2. Your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear Let the Saints in Heaven speak what 't is to see the Face of God! Oh the evil that is in Sin which causes the Face of God to be hid from the Sinner Every Sin may be compared to a cloud but the Sin which does most easily beset us is the blackest the darkest cloud of all which does most totally deprive us of the Light of Gods Countenance 3. If the Master-Sin be not abandon'd no other Sin whatsoever can be truly repented of A man may indeed abstain from some Sins but he does not abstain from them as Sins and because they are displeasing to God because contrary to his will and because they hinder Communion with God if he did then certainly he would keep himself from the beloved Sin which is principally hateful to God and the grand obstruction of fellowship with Him. 4. The Master Sin should be abandon'd because this is so great a grief unto the Holy Spirit of God. How often does he tell the false Professour of his lying Tongue and the unjust Professour of his unrighteous dealing The good Spirit vouchsafes to strive with very wicked men and moves them to hate the Sin which they unreasonably Love to their own ruine But if Sin be loved still the Spirit is grieved and vexed And is it safe to grieve and vex the Sanctifier the Comforter No. Read what follows upon vexing the Spirit Isa 63. 10. But they rebelled and vexed his Holy Spirit therefore he was turned to be their Enemy and he fought against them 5. The Master Sin should be abandon'd because 't is this chiefly that keeps the Lord Jesus our of the Throne Why do so many say in their Hearts we will not have Christ to Reign over us The reason is because they are resolved their fleshly and their wordly Lusts shall rule there still And if Christ rule not 't is in vain to expect he will save for he is the Author of Eternal Salvation unto them that obey him Heb. 5. 9. Nay as he will not save them that will not be subject to him so he has threatned to slay them As for those mine Enemies that would not
shalt be brought down to Hell with a strong Hand with great Wrath and in one of the hottest and lowest Places there thou shalt lye for ever There are two Doctrines which I raise from the Words First Those that hear the Gospel are exalted unto Heaven Happy you if you understand your Priviledge which at this day you enjoy Secondly They who will not turn to God at the Gospel-call shall certainly be turned into Hell Thou Capernaum who art exalted unto Heaven shalt be brought down to Hell and if Christ says it shall be so most certainly it will be so The first of these I shall but just touch upon for it is the second that I principally purpose to Prosecute Doct. 1. The first Doctrine is this They that hear the Gospel are exalted unto Heaven The Gospel is an heavenly Calling Heb. 3. 1. it comes from Heaven and says to those that hear it Come up hither 1. Life and Immortality is brought to light by the Gospel 2 Tim. 1. 10. Here you have a Map of those happy Regions of Light and Love and Joy where there is nothing present that is burthensome where there is nothing wanting that is desirable 2. The Gospel plainly chalks out the way that leads to Life Christ is the way the truth and the life Joh. 14. 6. the true way to life indeed We have liberty to enter into the holiest of all by the blood of Jesus had it not been for his undertaking and performance of what he undertook there had been a flaming Sword at Heavens gate and no fallen Man could ever have entred there And as Christ in whom we are to believe is the way so is also Holiness Christ by his Blood has purchased the heavenly Inheritance and has bought the Saints themselves that are to be the Inheritors and 't is by his sanctifying Spirit by true Holiness that they are made meet for that Inheritance The pure in Heart and such will be likewise pure in Life are the blessed Ones that shall see God Mat. 5. 8. and who besides are desirous or fit to see the Lord 3. Heaven in the Gospel is offer'd 't is seriously freely offer'd unto All 't is offer'd to the meanest Persons 't is offer'd to the greatest Sinners and that without Money without Price 'T is indeed too good too great a thing for Man to purchase by any thing that he can give or do Those have very low thoughts of Heaven and very high thoughts of their own Works that think they can do enough to merit Heaven Eternal Life is the free Gift of God not deserved by Man and 't is given through Christ Rom. 6. 23. Had not Christ procured it fallen Men would all have been as certainly excluded as the fallen Angels Briefly to Apply this 1. Be thankful for the Gospel which makes the richest discovery that ever was made in this World the East the West-Indies cannot shew any thing comparable to a blessed Immortality the Jewels from the one the Gold from the other are contemptible when Heaven is named The Gospel tells you where is the true the tried Gold and of the Pearl which is of greatest price and concerning a Treasure in Heaven which neither moth nor rust doth corrupt nor can thieves break through and steal Mat. 6. 20. 2. Let the Kingdom of Heaven suffer Violence and do you use an holy force to take it here you will meet with great opposition Heaven is that which occasions the envy of Hell because of its real and eternal Excellency and does very well deserve your labour Let the Treasure in Heaven cause your Hearts to be there strive to enter in at the strait gate hate every false way because it leads from Heaven and towards Destruction let the Hopes of a Crown of glory make you willing to bear the Cross look upon Sloth as most absurd when no less than Heaven will be given to them who shew their diligence in full assurance of hope unto the end Press still forward towards the mark you cannot run too fast for such a Prize But I shall stay on this no longer 'T is the second Doctrine that more largely I shall insist on Doct. 2. And that 's this Those that will not turn to God at the Call of the Gospel shall certainly be turned into Hell 2 Thes 1. 8 9. They that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power In the handling of this Doctrine I shall 1. Discourse concerning Hell what it is that you may the better understand it and understanding be afraid of it 2. I shall prove the Certainty of the Doctrine that Sinners who will not turn to God shall most surely be turned into Hell. 3. I shall Vindicate the Righteousness of God in thus dealing with and eternally Punishing them that will not turn to him 4. I shall conclude with the Vses and Application In the first Place I am to Discourse concerning Hell and to shew you what it is In Hell There is a Deprivation of good There is an Infliction of evil pain and torment There is an Eternity of both 1. In Hell there is a Deprivation of good All the temporal losses that have been sustained by all the Children of Men in this World are not comparable to the Poena Damni Punishment of loss which one Sinner in Hell shall undergoe Several things those in Hell are deprived of 1. They are deprived of all that Love and Grace and Mercy that is in God The Psalmist that knew by experience the excellency of God's Loving-kindness affirms 't is better than Life Psal 63. 3. His Mercys are tender and a multitude and sure to the Vessels of Mercy How were those fill'd with admiration and with a sense of their obligation Who in times past were not a People but were made the People of God who had not obtained Mercy but after did obtain Mercy 1 Pet. 2. 10. But alas thô God be Love it self 1 Joh. 4. 8. he hath no Love for them that are in Hell they lye under his Wrath and Hatred and both are unalterably sixt upon them Though the Lord does delight in shewing Mercy yet his Bowels do not at all stir or move towards the Damned though they lye in extreamest Woe and are continually weeping and wailing yet their Tears draw not forth his Compassions He has cast them off for ever and will be favourable no more he has forgotten to be gracious and in implacable but righteous Anger has shut up his tender Mercies 2. They that are in Hell are deprived of the beatifical Vision of God The door of Heaven they found shut against them when they said Lord Lord open to us and 't will never be opened They shall never be suffered to see him face to face but be always excluded from his Presence What Happiness is there in seeing God!
but they would not open How often did the Spirit strive with them to stop them in Hells road and to turn them into the way of Peace but they were stiff-necked and always resisted the Holy Ghost They will remember their Preachers Pains and Prayers and labour and travel of Soul how they lifted up their Voices to awaken them out of their Sin and Security how they intreated them to be reconciled to God and to turn into the fate and blessed Paths of Righteousness but they were Deaf and obstinate nothing would prevail with them and the remembrance of all this will be bitter bitter bitter to them 4. In Hell there will be torment in the Body and the Members of it and such as no body ever felt or was capable of bearing here on Earth The Stone the Cholick and the Strangury the greatest Torture that ever the hand of Man inflicted are no more comparable to the Pains of Hell than the smallest Prick of a Pin is to a Dagger that strikes quite through and gives the Heart a deadly Wound The Senses of the Damned shall have that which will be exceedingly afflicting What woful Spectacles will their Eyes behold What dismal Noyses will fill their Ears how fierce and unquenchable are the Flames that they shall feel all their parts shall be in pain not so much as one free The whole Body was defiled and at Sins service all the Members were yielded as instruments of Vnrighteousness 't is but righteous that all should be Punished Why are the Bodies of the Wicked raised at the last day surely that they may bear their part in the Condemnation which the whole Man by Sin has deserved This Resurrection is certain but 't is a dreadful Resurrection which is a Resurrection to Damnation Joh. 5. 29. In these Torments you may well suppose that Death will be wisht for and that the Damned would rejoyce if they could find a Grave but alas after the Resurrection the first Death is no more The Damned in a sad sense do put on Incorruption and Immortality they can never dye and cease to feel their Pains they must always live a Life ten thousand times worse than Death and there is no remedy O you Wicked Men where 's your true Love to your Bodies that you seem to be so tender of I beseech you mind your Souls and love your Bodies better than by Sin to expose them to the Vengeance of eternal Fire You see how in Hell there is a Deprivation of good an Instiction of evil pain and torment I add 3. In Hell there is an Eternity of both the deprivation will be without Hope of Restitution and the Torment will be without any end without the least Mitigation Eternity is an amazing word the thing it self much more amazing Who can see to the end of Eternity who can see half way into Eternity Time is continually passing but Eternity never in the least spends 't is not capable of any diminution after myriads of Ages 't is still as bulky and whole as ever If Hell were Ten thousand times hotter than it is yet were it but a Temporal Punishment and at last to end 't would be Nothing in comparison But since those that are thrown into it must lye in it for ever Hells Eternity is the very Hell of Hell. In Eternity whether of Joy or Woe there is tota simul perfecta possessio the whole of it perfectly possess'd at once Hell is not parcel'd out unto the Damned but they continually feel the whole of it This is terrible there is not the least part of the punishment that ever they are exempted from undergoing out 't is much more terrible that their Suffering must be always and never have a Conclusion Divines have stretch'd their Wits to represent Eternity that apprehensions of it might be more suitable and affecting but were never able to reach it We can no more comprehend Eternity than a Nut-shell can contain the whole Ocean Suppose that all this World were fill'd with Sand from the Earths Centre round and up to the highest Heaven and once in a Thousand Years one single Sand should be taken away How sad would it be to lye in Torment till the whole vnst heap were gone But after so many Millions and Millions of Years for the Damned to be every whit as far from the End of their Misery as they were the very first moment they began to feel it here all words fall short and I must conclude in Astonishment Do not think that these are frightful things invented by Vs to scare you into better manners When we warn and tell you of the Eternity of Hells punishment we speak the certain Truth of the Eternal God. In the second place I am to prove the Doctrine That they who will not turn to God shall most certainly be turned into Hell. The Arguments to prove this are these 1. The first shall be drawn from the Wrath of God. This is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteouness of Men Rom. 1. 18. They that are called to turn and yet refuse that Wrath abides upon them still unbelief and impenitency bindes as it were all their Sins fast upon them and they must needs remain under Wrath also Joh. 3. ult He that believeth not the Son shall not see life but the Wrath of God abideth on him Nay Wrath instead of being appeased is increased by contemning the Gospel-offer of Gods favour and mercy in Christ And where will unpacified Wrath at length issue See Deut. 32. 22. A Fire is kindled in mine Anger and it shall burn to the lowest Hell. 2. A second Argument shall be drawn from the Truth of God. He has threatned Hell for the punishment of unconverted Sinners Psal 9. 17. The Wicked shall be turned into Hell and all the Nations that forget God Let there be never so many of them Hell has room enough to hold them and their multitude will not be any Security The Truth of God is engaged to make good all his promises to the Faithful and also all his threatnings to the Wicked A man must believe the Promises in order to the accomplishment of them But tho the Threatnings are dis-believed they will be fulfilled and the greater the unbelief the more certainly and sorely will they overtake and lay hold on the Vnbeliever The Lord is to be credited when he speaks because he is a God that cannot Lye but when he adds his Oath to his word what he sayes is the more firmly to be assented to His Covenant of Grace is confirm'd by an Oath and when he could Swear by no greater he Swore by himself And his Oath also confirms his Threatnings of Wrath Heb. 3. 18 19. And to whom Swear he that they should not enter into his Rest but to them that believed not So we see that they could not enter in because of Vnbelief 3. Another Argument to prove that unconverted Sinners shall be turned into Hell
you whom you shall fear fear him who after he hath killed hath power to cast into Hell yea I say unto you fear him Yes he is indeed worthy to be feared It was a saying of one Omnia supplicia graviorum suppliciorum vincuntur formi●ine all Punishments are overcome by the fear of greater Punishments When thou art called forth to bear Testimony to Christ and to his Truth before a sinful and an adulterous generation though thou seest Wracks and Wheels though thou seest Flames and Furnaces of scalding Lead be not affrighted at the matter the Grace and Comfort of the Spirit of Christ shall be sufficient to carry thee through these Pains and these are nothing compared with the Vengeance of eternal fire which will be inflicted upon those that draw back unto perdition VSE III. Of Direction How this whole Congregation may escape the Damnation of Hell. I hope every Eye is broad awake and should not every Ear be open and every Heart exceedingly attentive when Directions concerning this are given The Directions are these 1. If you would escape Hell think of Hell the effect of Sin so long 'till you utterly fall out with Sin the Cause Sin is the only way that leads to Hell shun that way and you are safe Depart from evil and though possibly you may become a Prey in this World ye Satan shall not make a Pery of you If Sin had never entred into the World none in the World would have been turned into Hell if neither Men nor Angels had sinn'd against God there would have been no such thing as Hell in being Oh! View the Flames that are so furious and that will last for ever and then consider Sin was that which kindled them and the demerit of Sin is so infinitely great that it hinders them from being ever quenched Does thy Pride expose thee to Damnation never be Proud more Will thy Earthly-mindedness bring thee to Hell Oh cease thy loving the World and the things that are in the World 1 Joh. 2. 15. Will any Sin that rules in thee and that thou art willingly subject to reign unto Death and ruine thee for ever Oh be unwilling that any Sin should reign any longer and if Sin be out of thy Will 't is out of the Throne Cry with David Psal 119. 133. Order my steps in thy Word and let no Iniquity have the dominion over me Weary you must be of Sins dominion as well as fear Hells Damnation You must not think to go to Heaven and carry your beloved Lusts along with you thither if you are resolved to hold fast these you and they will go to Hell together 2. If you would escape Hell take notice how the door of Hope is open to the very worst of you Those that are gone far in Hells road and are within a step of the burning Lake t is possible for them to be catched as firebrands out of the burning The door is open to day I advise you to enter presently I cannot assure you 't will stand open 'till tomorrow While it is called to day harden not your hearts Heb. 3. 8. Though you are fallen by your Iniquities yet if you will Now return to the Lord there is hope for the very worst of you past Sins shall all be buried if there be a present Conversion Redemption is plenteous and that should abundantly encourage all to Hope and Turn Psal 130. 7 8. Let I srael hope in the Lord for with the Lord there is mercy and with him there is plenteous redemption and he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities 3. If you would escape Hell you must be sure to look unto Jesus Lord Jesus Turn every Eye to thee and cause every Heart to open and receive thee Those that were stung with the fiery Serpents liv'd notwithstanding if they lookt unto the brazen Serpent Those that are in danger of Hell and have very well deserved it shall be delivered from it if by Faith they look to Christ Isa 45. 22. Look unto me and be ye saved all ye ends of the Earth Look unto him for Pardon look unto him for Converting Cleansing and Renewing Grace look unto him to be the Author of true Faith in you and having been the Author to be the Finisher of your Faith also Heb. 12. 2. Christ was for saken that you might graciously be received by the Lord He was Condemn'd to dye and suffer'd Death upon the Cross that you might be deliver'd from eternal Death and Condemnation that this was his design is plain Joh. 3. 16. God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should scape Hell and be brought safe to Heaven should not perish but have everlasting life HEB. 12. Part of v. 1. And the Sin that does so easily beset us IN the foregoing Chapter the Apostle discourses concerning Faith which is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen He declares at large the wonderful and glorious effects that this Faith produced in the Saints under the Old Testament By Faith these Believers denyed themselves by Faith they Conquered the whole World not fearing its siercest Persecutions despising all its Wealth all its Pleasures all its Glory and confessed they were strangers and sojourners on the Earth By Faith they saw Him that is invisible and looked for a City that that hath foundations whose builder and maker is God. Now in this Verse where my Text lies the Apostle applyes unto those believing Hebrews to whom he writes what he had spoken concerning their faithful Fore-fathers These are called a Cloud of Witnesses Witnesses they were concerning what truly concerning the Vanity of all things that are seen that are but temporal Witnesses concerning the excellency of those things that are not seen which are eternal They are styled a Cloud because of the greatness of their Number and perhaps there may be some allusion to the Cloud in the Wilderness that guided Israel into Canaan For though our Lord Jesus was typisied by that Cloud and he is the unerring Pattern and Example whom we are bound to follow yet in Scripture we are advised also to follow the foot-steps of the Flock and in this very Epistle to be followers of them who through Faith and Patience inher it the Promises The Course of a Christian in this World is compared to a Race this Race must be run that the Prize at the end of it may be obtained and that we may run it the better we are removere prohibens to remove Impediments to lay aside every Weight and the Sin that does so easily beset us In the Words I have read there are three things observable 1. Here is an Inimation of a Danger and that is from Sin Sin and Danger are inseparable how can it chuse but be prejudicial to him that 's guilty of it you may as well imagine Hell to be without Pain as Sin to be without Peril 2. The