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A64677 The Protestant school, or, A method, containing several forms of prayer, psalms, lessons, thanksgivings, and graces for the bringing up and well grounding children and elder persons in the Protestant religion by the Bishop Usher. Also a catalogue of all the English words beginning with one syllable, and proceeding by degrees to eight ... : to which is added an historical account of several plots and remarkable passages from Queen Elizabeth to this present time ... by Moses Lane. Ussher, James, 1581-1656.; Lane, Moses. Words of one syllable. 1681 (1681) Wing U212; ESTC R25176 81,296 182

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their own Witnesses they see not nor know that they may be ashamed They shall be Ashamed and also Confounded all of them they shall go to Confusion together that are makers of Idols Take heed unto your Selves lest you forget the Covenant of the Lord your God which he made with you and make you a Graven Image or the likeness of any thing which the Lord thy God hath forbidde● thee Wo unto him that saith to the Wood awake to the dumb Stone arise it shall teach behold it is laid over with Gold and Silver and there is no Breath at all in the midst of it Your Eyes have seen what the Lord did because of Baal Peor for all the men that followed Baal Peor the Lord thy God bath destroyed them from among you Ye shall drive out all the Inhabitants of the Land from before you and destroy all their Pictures and destroy all their Moulten Images and quite pluck down all their high Places Ye shall destroy their Altars and break down their Images and cut down their Groves and burn their Graven Images with Fire If ye do return unto the Lord with all your Hearts then put away the strange Gods and Ashtaroth from among you and prepare your Hearts unto the Lord and serve him only The Children of Israel did put away Baalim and Ashtaroth and served the Lord only The Lord is the true God he is the living God and an everlasting King at his Wrath the Earth shall Tremble and the Nations shall no● be able to abide his Indignation Thus endeth the first Lesson for this morning Prayer We praise thee O God We acknowledge thee to be the Lord All the Earth doth worship thee the Father everlasting To thee all Angels cry aloud the Heavens and all the Powers therein To thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabboth Heaven and Earth are full of the Majesty of thy Glory The glorious Company of the Apostles praise thee The goodly Fellowship of the Prophets praise thee The noble Army of Martyrs praise thee The Holy Church throughout all the World doth acknowledge thee The Father of an Infinite Majesty Thine Honourable true and only Son Also the Holy Ghost the Comforter Thou art the King of Glory O Christ Thou art the Everlasting Son of the Father When thou tookest upon thee to deliver Man thou didst not abhor the Virgins Womb. When thou hadst overcome the Sharpness of Death thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all Believers Thou Sittest at the right Hand of God in the Glory of the Father We believe that thou shalt come to be our Judge We therefore pray thee help thy Servants whom thou hast Redeemed with thy most precious Blood Make them to be numbered with thy Saints in Glory everlasting O Lord Save thy People and Bless thine Heritage Govern them and lift them up for ever Day by day we magnifie thee And we worship thy Name ever World without end Vouchsafe O Lord to keep us this day without Sin O Lord have Mercy upon us have Mercy upon us O Lord let thy Mercy lighten upon us as our Trust is in thee O Lord in thee have I trusted let me never be confounded Amen The second Lesson appointed for this morning Prayer is the thirteenth Chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans 1. Let every Soul be subject unto the Higher Powers for there is no Power but of God the Powers that be are Ordained of God 2. Whosoever therefore Resisteth the Power Resisteth the Ordinance of God and they that Resist shall receive to themselves Damnation 3. For Rulers are not a Terrour to good Works but to the Evil wilt thou then not be afraid of the Power do that which is good and thou shalt have Praise of the Same 4. For he is the Minister of God to thee for Good but if thou dost that which is Evil be af●aid for he beareth not the Sword in Vain for he is the Minister of God a Revenger to execute Wrath upon him that doth Evil. 5. Wherefore ye must needs be subject not only for Wrath but also for Conscience Sake 6. For for this Cause pay you Tribute also for they are Gods Ministers attending continually upon this very thing 7. Render therefore to all their Dues Tribute to whom Tribute is due Custom to whom Custom Fear to whom Fear Honour to whom Honour 8. Owe no man any thing but to Love one another for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the Law 9. For this thou shalt not commit Adultery thou shalt not Kill thou shalt not Steal thou shalt not bear false Witness thou shalt not Covet and if there be any other Commandment it is briefly comprehended in this saying namely thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy Selfe 10. Love worketh no ill to his Neighbour therefore Love is the fulfilling of the Law 11. And that knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of Sleep for now is our Salvation nearer then when we Believed 12. The Night is far spent the Day is at hand let us therefore cast off the Works of Darkness and let us put on the Armour of Light 13. Let us walk honestly as in the Day not in Rioting and Drunkenness not in Chambering and Wantonness not in Strife and Envying 14. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not Provision for the Flesh to fulfil the Lusts thereof Thus endeth the Second Lesson for this Morning Prayer being the thirteenth Chapter of the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans Then say this O be Joyful in the Lord all ye Lands serve the Lord with gladness and come before his Presence with a Song Be ye sure that the Lord he is God it is he that hath made us and not we our selves we are his People and the Sheep of his Pasture O go your way into his Gates with Thanksgiving and into his Courts with Praise be thankful unto him and speak good of his Name For the Lord is Gracious his Mercy is everlasting and his Truth endureth from Generation to Generation Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without end Amen O Lord Increase my Faith I Believe in God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord who was conceived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary Suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified Dead and Buried he descended into Hell the third Day he arose again from the Dead he ascended into Heaven and sitteth on the right Hand of God the Father Almighty from thence he shall come to Judge both the Quick and the Dead I believe in the Holy Ghost the Holy Catholick Church the Communion of Saints the Forgiveness of Sins the Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting Amen Then Say the Collect for Grace O
Lord our Heavenly Father Almighty and everlasting God which hast safely brought me to the beginning of this Day defend me in the same by thy mighty Power and grant that this Day I fall into no Sin neither run into any kind of Danger but that all my Doings may be ordered by thy Governance to do always that which is Righteous in thy Sight through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour The ten Commandments The Preface And God spake all these Words and said I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of the Land of Egypt out of the House of Bondage 1. Thou shalt have none other Gods but me Lord have Mercy upon me and Incline my Heart to keep this Law II. Thou shalt not make to thy self any Graven Image nor the likeness of any thing which is in Heaven above or in the Earth beneath or in the Water under the Earth thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them for I the Lord thy God am a Jealous God and Visi● the Sins of the Fathers upon the Children unto the third and fourth Generation of them that hate me and shew Mercie unto thousands in them that love me and keep my Commandments Lord have Mercy upon me c. III. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in Vain for the Lord will not hold him Guiltless that taketh his Name in Vain Lord have Mercy upon me c. IV. Remember that thou keep Holy the Sabbath Day six Days shalt thou Labour and do all that thou hast to do but the seventh Day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt do no manner of Work thou and thy Son and thy Daughter thy Man-servant and thy Maid-servant thy Cattle and the Stranger that is within thy Gates for in six Days the Lord made Heaven and Earth the Sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh Day wherefore the Lord Blessed the seventh Day and Hollowed it Lord have Mercy upon me c. V. Honour thy Father and thy Mother that thy Days may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee Lord have Mercy upon me c. VI. Thou shalt do no Murther Lord have Mercy upon me c. VII Thou shalt not commit Adultery Lord have Mercy upon me c. VIII Thou shalt not steal Lord have Mercy upon me c. IX Thou shalt not bear false Witness against thy Neighbour Lord have Mercy upon me c. X. Thou shalt n●t covet thy Neighbours House thou shalt not covet thy Neighbours Wife nor his Servant nor his Maid nor his Ox nor his Ass nor any thing that is his Lord have Mercy upon me and Write all these thy Laws in my Heart I beseech thee The Creed of Gregory Nazienzen commonly called the Nicene Creed I Believe in one God the Father Almighty maker of Heaven and Earth and of all things Visible and Invisible and in one Lord Jesus Christ the only Begotten Son of God Begotten of his Father before all Worlds God of God Light of Light very God of very God Begotten not Made being of one Substance with the Father by whom all things were made who for us Men and for our Salvation came down from Heaven and was Incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary and was made Man and was Crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate he Suffered and was Buried and the third Day he rose again according to the Scriptures and Ascended into Heaven and Sitteth on the right Hand of the Father and he shall come again with Glory to Judge both the Quick and the Dead whose Kingdom shall have no end and I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord and Giver of Life who proceedeth from the Father and the Son who with the Father and the Son together is Worshipped and Glorified who spake by the Prophets And I believe one Catholick and Apostolick Church I acknowledge one Baptism for the Remission of Sins and I look for the Resurrection of the Dead and the Life of the World to come Amen A Brief Prayer upon the Lords Prayer Our Father By the Benefit of Creation raising us from nothing through thine Omnipotency and assistance of Preservation through thy Providence Gift of Adoption thy Grace and Communication of Eternity through thy Christ who is sweet in Love and rich in Mercy Which art in Heaven Over-reigning by thy Power inlightning by thy Spirit forgiving by thy Mercy and Ruling by thy Majesty thou art the Glass of Eternity the Crown of Jucundity and the Treasure of Felicity thou art all things both in Heaven and in Earth by thy Essential Presence Hallowed be thy Name Of us by an honest Conversation in us by a clear Conscience from us by an honest Report above us by the representation of Angels that it may be Honey to the Mouth Musick to the Ear and a Fire to the Heart for according to thy Name so is thy Praise unto the Worlds End Thy Kingdom Come In thy Holy Church by the Sanctification of the Spirit in thy Faithful Souls by Justification of Faith in thy Holy Scriptures by Instruction of Ministers and in thy Celestial Paradice by Assimulation to Angels thy Kingdom is pleasant without Mixture safe without Annoyance and sure without Loss Thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven In singleness of Heart by Humility Chastity of Body by Abstinence Holiness of Will by Custom and Truth of Action by Discretion Willingly without Murmuring Speedily without Delaying Constantly without Ceasing and Universally without Omitting that we may Fly that thou Hatest Love that thou Lovest and by thee do what thou Commandest Willingly Readily and Faithfully Give us this Day our daily Bread For humane Necessity to cover our Shame future Prosperity to maintain our Calling present Liberality to do good to others and Eternal Glory to lay up in Heaven give us O Lord that which is necessary for this Life not Superfluous for our Delights nor wanting to our Necessities but feed us with that Food which is Convenient for us Forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that Trespass against us Of Omission in things Commanded Commission in things forbidden ●f the first Table against thy self and the second Table against my ●eighbour that we may forgive heartily in Purity cheerfully in Cur●●sie continually in Christianity and forgetful in not requiting Evil for ●vil against any who hath wronged us either in our Body Goods or Name And Lead us not into Temptation Either Importunate which Wearieth or Sudden which Discourageth ●rauduleut which Deceiveth or Violent which Overcometh and from ●he World the Flesh and the Devil and wee beseech thee O Father As●ist us so by thy Divine Grace that when we are led away with our own ●usts and Tempted O leave us not then to our Destruction But Deliver us from Evil. Of Mundane Adversity which will disquiet us Satans subtilty which will destroy us humane Cruelty which will overthrow
THE PROTESTANT SCHOOL OR A Method Containing several Forms of Prayer Psalms Lessons Thanksgivings and Graces for the Bringing up and well Grounding Children and Elder Persons in the Protestant Religion By the most Reverend and Learned BISHOP USHER Also a Catalogue of all the English Words BEGINNING With one Syllable and proceeding by degrees to Eight Divided and not Divided the readiest way for teaching Children and Elder Persons to Spell Pronounce Read and Write true English To which is Added An Historical Account of several Plots and remarkable Passages from Queen Elizabeth to this present Time Lively Represented in Copper Plates with an Explanation to every Figure with Copies of several Hands which are used in England and many other things which are Useful for so necessary a Work Fitted to the Common Use of all English Schools having a Thousand Words more than any yet Extant By Moses Lane Schoolmaster in London LONDON Printed for Langly Curtiss on Ludgate Hill near Fleet Bridge 1681. To all True English PROTESTANTS I Do here Present you with a piece of True Orthography more Complete than any yet Extant and more delightful and pleasant to the Reader and Writer by those Imbellishments which I thought necessary ●nd as there is a Method and Order to be observed in all ●rts for the Practitioners more facile attaining the ef●●cts of his Endeavours so is there no less an 〈◊〉 to be propounded in aiming at the true Course of 〈◊〉 and Religion which Rules and Methods are here laid 〈◊〉 by the most Reverend and Pious Bishop Usher ●hose delight was in laying down the Principles and ●oundation of Christian Religion imitating the Blessed ●postle St. Paul 1 Cor. 3.10 According to the ●race of God which is given unto me as a wise ●aster-Builder I have laid the Foundation Which ●round-Work he laid so firm that like a Rock it will 〈◊〉 to Future Ages If what I have done makes an Improvement upon the ●earner Reader or Writer I have my ends and ●holly crave Gods Blessing upon my Endeavours and ●ave it to your Candid Acceptation Yours MOSES LANE ●●ndon Decemb. 2. 1680. The Great English Letters A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S ● U W X Y Z. The Small English Letters ● b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r r s s t v u w x y z The Great Roman Letters A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V U ● X Y Z. The Small Roman Letters a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s s t v u w x y z The Great Italick Letters A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V U ● X Y Z. The Small Italick Letters a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s s t v u w x y z. The Six Vowels a e i o u y The Consonants b c d f g h k l m n p q r s t w x z. Double Consonants ct ff fl sl ss sh st Easie Syllables for young Learners ab eb ib ob ub ac ec ic oc uc ad ed id od ud af ef if of uf ag eg ig og ug ah eh ih oh uh ak ek ik ok uk al el il ol ul am em im om um an en in on un ap ep ip op up ar er ir or ur as es is os us at et it ot ut ax ex ix ox ux ba be bi bo bu by ca ce ci co cu cy da de di do du dy fa fe fi fo fu fy ga ge gi go gu gy ha he hi ho hu hy ka ke ki ko ku ky la le li lo lu ly ma me mi mo mu my na ne ni no nu ny pa pe pi po pu py ra re ri ro ru ry sa se si so su sy ta te ti to tu ty wa we wi wo wu wy A Method Compos'd for Children for the well Grounding them in the True Protestant Religion By the most Reverend and Learned Bishop Usher Arch-Bishop of Armagh Ejaculations at Uprising I. O God the Father of Heaven have mercy upon me a miserable Sinner Thou Commandedst in the beginning Let there be light and there was light Lighten mine eyes that I sleep not in death lest at any time my enemy say I have prevailed against him II. O God the Son Redeemer of the World have mercy upon me a miserable Sinner who art Light of Light the great and truest light from whence this light both of Sun and Day ariseth thou Light shining in Darkness and illuminating every one that cometh into this world drive from me all darkness of Ignorance and give me understanding that in thee ●nd by thee I may know the Father to know whom is to live and to serve whom is to Reign III. O God the Holy Ghost who proceedeth from the Father and the Son have mercy upon me a miserable Sinner O thou holy Fire both Illuminating and Warming kindle in me thy Light that I may discern the deceitful Delights of this World from the true Joyes of Heaven Grant that I may only see those things which are thine and be blind to the rest infuse also into my Mind the gift of thy Charity that forsaking those transitory things I may with a continual Desire endeavour to attain those things which are Eternal IV. O holy blessed and glorious Trinity three Persons and one God have mercy upon me a miserable Sinner Defend me this day from all the Assaults of the Devil and the Malice of Men keep me this day from all Sin and preserve me from sudden and unexpected Death Be unto me a Comfort in Tribulation Assistance in Temptation and in Death a pleasant Refuge V. Thou hast raised my Body O Lord which was drowned in Sleep I beseech thee that thou wilt deliver my Soul likewise from the Sleep of Sins and the Darkness of this World and that which thou hast recalled from Sleep unto Waking may it please thee after Death to restore to the same Life and to be with thee who neither slumbrest nor sleepest To thee alone be Praise for evermore A Prayer for the Morning I. O Almighty Lord God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ I praise ●hee I bless thee I glorify thee and with my whole Heart give thee humble and hearty Thanks that according to thy unmeasurable Goodness thou hast by thy fatherly Providence preserved me this Night Thy tender Care watched over me else had Satan Assaulted me who goeth about like a roaring Lyon seeking whom he may Devour II. And O Father of Mercies and God of all Consolation I beseech thee to take me this Day into thy Protection let thy Paternal Care watch over me and behold me with thy all-Merciful Eyes direct me in the
ways of thy Holy Commandments and endue me with the Gifts and Graces of thy Blessed Spirit By which means I may begin continue and end this day likewise to the Praise and Glory of thy Holy Name and to the Profit and Salvation of my Soul III. Direct O Lord this day my Heart my Body and Senses my Works and Actions and grant that I always may Thirst and Hunger after Righteousness and follow after those things which belong to my Peace lest by any Neglect of mine they be hid from my Eyes and I intreat thee O Father to walk along with me this day guide my going out and my coming in prosper whatsoever I shall take in hand and alwayes furnish me with a thankful a reverential and obedient Heart that I may praise thee reverence thee and be obedient to thy heavenly Will in all things which I beg for thy Son Jesus Christ his Sake my only Saviour and Redeemer in whose Name I put up this imperfect Prayer but conclude with the most perfect form of Prayer which he hath taught in his holy Gospel The Lords Prayer Our Father which art in Heaven hallowed be thy Name thy Kingdom come thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven give us this Day our daily Bread and forgive us our Trespasses as we forgive them that Trespass against us and lead us not into Temptation but deliver us from Evil for thine is the Kingdom Power and Glory for ever and ever amen O Lord open thou my Lips And my Mouth shall shew forth thy Praise O God make speed to save me O Lord make hast to help me Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end Psalms appointed to be read in the Morning Collected by him from several Psalms 1st Psalm Psal. 25. Unto thee O Lord do I lift up my Soul Let the Words of my Mouth and the Meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy Sight O Lord my Strength and my Redeemer Hearken unto the Voice of my Cry my King and my God for unto thee will I make my Prayer For thou art the God that hast no Pleasure in Wickedness neither shall any Evil dwell with thee If thou Lord wilt be extreame to mark what is done amiss O Lord who may abide it But there is forgiveness with thee therefore thou shalt be feared For thou Lord art good and ready to forgive and plenteous in Mercy unto all them that call upon thee O God thou knowest my Foolishness and my Sins are not hid from thee I have gon astray like a lost Sheep seek thy Servant for I do not forget thy Commandments Against thee only have I sinned and done this Evil in thy sight Cast me not away from thy Presence and take not thy holy Spirit from me Restore to me the Joy of thy Salvation and uphold me with thy free Spirit 2d Psalm Hear me O Lord for thy loving Kindness is good turn unto me according to the multitude of thy tender Mercies Be Merciful unto me O Lord for I cry unto thee daily Shew me thy Ways O Lord and teach me thy Paths Lead me in thy Truth and teach me for thou art the God of my Salvation on thee do I wait all the Day long Order my Steps in thy Word and let not any Iniquity have Dominion O send out thy Light and thy Truth let them lead me let them bring me unto thy holy Hill and thy Tabernacle Cause me to hear thy loving Kindness in the Morning for in thee do I trust Cause me to know the Way wherein I should Walk for I lift up my Soul unto thee Teach me to do thy Will for thou art my God thy Spirit is good lead me into the Land of Uprightness Withold not thy tender Mercies from me O Lord let thy loving Kindness and thy Truth continually preserve me Teach me thy Way O Lord I will walk in thy Truth unite my Heart to fear thy Name Lord make me to know my End and the measure of my Days that I may know how frail I am For in thee is the Well of Life and in thy Light shall we see Light 3d. Psalm Let my Cry come before thee O Lord give me understanding according to thy Word I have declared my Ways and thou heardest me teach me thy Statutes Make me to understand the way of thy Precepts so shall I talk of thy wondrous Works Open thou my Eyes that I may behold the wondrous things out of thy Law Thy Hands have made me and fashioned me give me understanding that I may learn thy Commandments Let thy Mercies come also unto me O Lord even thy Salvation according unto thy Word Let thy tender Mercies come unto me that I may live for thy Law is my Delight Let my Soul live and it shall praise thee and let thy Judgments help me Great are thy tender Mercies O Lord quicken me according to thy Judgments The Righteousness of thy Testimonies is everlasting give me understanding and I shall live Thy Word is Truth from the beginning and every one of thy righteous Judgments endureth for ever For thou Lord wilt bless the righteous with Favour wilt thou compass him as with a Shield Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without end Amen The first Lesson taken out of several Places in the old Testament Ye shall make you no Idols nor Graven Image neither rear you up a standing Image neither shall you set up any Image of Stone in your Land to bow down unto it for I am the Lord your God Thou shalt not make thee any Graven Image or any likeness of any thing that is in Heaven above or that is in the Earth beneath or that i● in the Waters beneath the Earth Thou shalt not bow down thy self unto them nor serve them To whom will you liken God or what likeness will you compare unto him Ye saw no Similitude on the Day that the Lord spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the Fire Ye heard the Voice of the Words but saw no Similitude only ye heard a Voice And he declared unto you his Covenant which he commanded you to perform even ten Commandments and he wrote them upon two Tables of Stone I am the Lord that is my Name and my Glory will I not give unto another neither my Praise to Graven Images Every Founder is confounded by the Graven Image for his Moulten Image is Falshood and there is no Breath in them They are Vanity and the Work of Errours in the time of their Visitation they shall perish The Stock is a Doctrine of Vanities and their Molten Images are Wind and Confusion They that make a Graven Image are all of them Vanity and their delectable things shall not Profit and they are
us and eter●al Misery which may torment us from all Evil past present to come Spiritual Temporal and Eternal and this we ask that what ever Evil ●hall happen unto us let us not sin against thee For thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever and ever Amen Thy Kingdom is Powerful in itself Comfortable to us Terrible to thine Enemies and Eternal in Heaven for thou rulest and governest all thy Power great in our Creation mighty in our Pres●rvation merciful in our Justification and wonderful in our Glorification for ●hou canst do all things and Glory for which thou didest make all Things to which we refer all Things in which all Things do remain on Earth and by which all thy Saints shall rejoyce in Heaven for ever and ever in themselves by continuance in thy Saints by Practice in thy Creatures by Proof and in the Wicked by Torment Amen so be it by Intention of the Mind serious Invocation of thy Name diligent Execution of thy Commandments and continual Communication of all thy Mercies prayed for thou sav●st Ame● by commanding our Amen by performing we say Amen by believing and hoping say but the Word and we shall be cured Ejaculations on several Occasions Going from Home O Lord I beseech thee favour the present harmeless Intent and Purpose of thy Servant be unto me in my Journey a Comfort in the heat a shadow in stormes a shelter and in adversity my protection that having finished my intended course I may return in Peace full o thy Praises and Mercies who art near to all that call upon thee When the Clock Strikes Happy be the Hour in which my Saviour was Born and the Ho●● in which he died O Lord Remember me at the Hour of Death Upon any disorderly Thoughts Make me a clean Heart O God and renew a right Spirit within m● When thou dost any good Work Not unto us O Lord not unto us but unto thy Name give the Prais● Upon any Deliverance The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want he maketh me to ly down i● green Pastures he leadeth me besides the still Waters surely Goodne●● and Mercy shall follow me all the Days of my Life and I will Dwell i● the House of my God for ever when thou hearest the Bell toll Teach me O Lord to number my Days that I may apply my Hear● to Wisdom Upon Thought of thy Sins Turn away thy Face from my Sins O Lord and blot out all my Offences Upon the weariness of the World O who will give me the Wings of a Dove that I may fly away and be at Rest Ejaculations for the Evening He will give his Angels charge over me to keep me in all my Ways and his Covenant he will not break nor alter the thing that is gone out of his Lips for all the Promises of God in him are Yea and in him Amen A Prayer for the Evening O Eternal and ever living Lord God I the unworthiest of all thy Servants do prostrate my self before the Face of thy Divine Majesty imploring thy Pardon and Forgiveness for the Offences against thee this da● Committed and throughout the course of my whole Life which hath been extream Vile and B●se in thy sight keep me I most humbly beseech thee from the Hours and Powers of Darkness Watch over me this Night in thy almighty Providence and scatter all the Rebellions and Devices of my Adversaries II. Inlighten O Lord my Soul sanctifie my Body govern my Affections and guide my Thoughts that in the fastest closure of my Eye-lids my Spirit may see thee and in the depth of sleep may be conversant with thee suffer me not to forget thee my great Creator but to remember thee in the days of my Youth before the evil day comes nigh unto me III. Beget in me a godly sorrow which worketh to repentance never to be repented of that I may be heartily grieved for my sins not so much because of the danger of Hell-fire as because I have offended thee stretch out the wings of thy protection and mercy over me this night though sleep seise upon the eyes of my body yet let not security oppress my Soul Keep me from idle Fancies and from vain Dreams give me a sober and sanctified use of all outward refreshing that I may always in all things aim at this one thing namely how I may be the better fitted to serve thee faithfully in my place and Calling and that for his sake my only Lord and Saviour Amen A Thanksgiving for the Deliverance from the Hellish Powder Plot by Bishop Usher I. Almighty Lord God Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and in him our most gracious and merciful Father many are thy mercies towards us and that our Souls know right well and as we cannot be ignorant of them unless we be senceless so we cannot be forgetful unless we be thankless by thee our Lot is faln into a good ground yea we have a goodly Heritage by thee are our Bodies delivered from sickness and by thee our Souls are delivered from Sin by thee our Names are not a reproach unto our Enemies and by thee our Estates are not a prey unto the Idolatrous II. Thou hast done great things in our Land and thy right hand hath brought mighty things to pass O Lord thou hast done great things unto this Vine of thy English Israel and what couldest thou have done more for it than thou hast thou hast planted it by thy hand placed it in thy Vineyard hedged it by thy Providence guarded it by thine Angels watered it by thy Spirit pruned it by thy Rods supported it by thy Power committed it to thy Husbandmen beautified it by thy mercies and fructified it by thine abundance not of sower but sweet Grapes the wild Boar of the Wood can never root it up the Beasts of the Forrest shall never devour it III. What shall we render unto thee for all these Favours or what can we render unto thee for all these Mercies O our Souls praise the Lord and all that is within us praise his Holy Name O our Souls praise the Lord and let us never forget his Benefits We Lord had been blown up by the Powder of Rebellion had not the Power of thy Providence watched over us We therefore our Princes Nobles Clergie Commons our Wives Children Servants and all are here before thy Majesty this day and now render unto thee the Sacrifice of Praise the Calves of our Lips for this wonderful D●liverance shewed unto our most Gracious King and Country Lord teach us thereby to be thankful unto thee obedient to our Governours frequent in Prayer fervent in the Spirit and zealous in good Works lest a worse thing hereafter happen unto us IV. Make us to detest Popery the Poyson of Authority Jesuits the Bellows of Sedition Papists the Plotters of Rebellion and to esteem better this not new but most ancient Religion of ours by which we are taught Piety
drole drone drop dross drove drough● drouse drow● drud● drun● drun● dry dub duck due dug duke dull dumb dump dun dunce dung durst dust dwarf dwell dwelt E. Each ear earl earth ease east eat eaves ebb edg eel egg eight eighth elk elm else end ere err erst ewe eye F. Face fact fade fadg fagg fail fain faint fair faith fall false fame fam'd fan fand fare farm far fart fast fat fate fault fear feast feat fed feed feel fees feet feign fell felt fence fetch feud few field fife fifth fiend fierce fig fight file fill film filth find fine fins fir fire firk firm first fish fisk fisque fit five flab flag flail flakes flam flame flank flap flapt flash flasque fiat flaw flax flay flea fled fledg fledst flee fleece fleer fleet flesh flew flies flight flint flip flocks flog flood floor flop flopt flote flush flute foal foam fob foes foh foil fold folk fond food fool foot fop for force ford forge fork form for t forth fought foul found four fourth fowl foy foyl foyst fox foxt fraight frail frame france frank fraud fray freak free freed freez french fresh fret friend fringe frize frog fro from frop frost froth frown fruit fry full fund fur G. Gad gagg gage gain gale gall game gap gape gasp gat gate gave gaws gay gaze geer gem gent get ghess ghest ghost gift gill gin gimp gird girl girts give glad glance glare glass glaze gleab glean glear glede gleek glove gnash gnat gnaw go goad goal goat god goff gold gone good gore got gourd gout gown grace graff graft grain grant grape grasp grass grape grave gray graze grease great greaves greaze greek green greet grew grief grieve grig grin grind gripe grist groan groat groom grope gross grove groul ground grow grown growth groyn grub grudge grunt guard gub guest guide guild guile guilt guise gulf gum gun gush gust guts H. Ha hack had hadst hast hagg hail hair hale half hall halt ham hand hang hap hard hare hark harm harp hart hast hatch hate hath hat have haunt hawes hawk hay hayes he head heal health heap hear heard hearse heart hearth heat heath heave hedge heed heel height heir held hell helm help helve hem hemp hen hence her herb herd here hew hewn hid hide high hill him hind hip● hi●e his hiss hitt ho hoarse hock hodge hog hoh hokes hold hole home hood hoof hook hope hops horn horse horst hose host hot hough hour house hout how howl hue huff huft hug huge hum huncks hunt hurl hurt husk hymn I. Jack jade jail jakes jarr jaw jay ice ides jeer jest jet jew if I l'e ill in ink inne jole joque jot joy joyn joynt is isles itch judge jug juice just K. Keck keel keen keep kept ketch key kick kickt kid kill kiln kind kine kin king kiss kite knack knave knead knee kneel knel knew knick knife knight knit knives knob knock knot know known L. Lace lack lad lade lagg laid lake lamb lame lamp lance lanch land lane lank lap lard large lark lash lask lass last latch late laud laugh law lay lead leaf league leak lean leap leapt learn least leave led leek leer lees leese left leg lend length lent less lest let lewd lice lick lid lie life list light like limb lieu lime limn limp line ling link lint lip lipt list live loaf loan loath loaves lock lodge loe loft logg loll long look loom loon loop loose lop lord lose loss lost lot loud love louse low low● loyns luce luck lug lump lurk lust lye lyre M. Mab mad made madg mag maid main make male mall malt man map marr march mark marl mars mart mass mast maul maw may maze mee mead meal mean meant meat meek meen meer meet melt men mend mess met mice mid midst might milch mild mile milk mill mill'd milt mind mine mint mire mirth miss mist mite mixt mock mockt mode moist mole monk month moon moor moot mop more moss most mote moth move mount mourn mouse mouth mow moyl much muck mud muff mug mule mum mump muse musk must mute my myrrhe N. Nab nag nail name nape nap naught nay near neat neck need neer nest net news new● next nick nickt nice niece nigh night nine ninth nip nits no noaks node noise nonce none nook noon nore north nose not notch note noate nought now nurse noun nuts O. Oak oar oath oats odd of oft oh old on once one orb ore ought our out owl own oxe oyl ouze P. Pace pack pad page paid pail pain paint pair pale pall palm pan pangs pant paps parcht pare park part pass past paste pat patch pate path St. Pauls pave paw paw'd pawn pawn'd pay pea peace peach peak peal pear pearl pearch peart peck peel peep peg pelf pen pence pent pick pic piece pierce pig pike pile pill pimp pin pinch pine pink pip pipe piss pit pitch pique place plague plain plane plank plant plat plate play plea plead please pleat pledge plot plough plow pluck plug plumb plume plush plunge poinct point poize poke pole poll pomp pond pool poor pop pope pores porch pork port pose post pot pounce pound pour praise prance prate pray prawns preach press prey price prick pride priest prig prince prink print prize probe prog proof prone prop proud prong prove prune prunes psalm puff puft pug pugh puke pull pulp pulse pump punk pure purr purge purl purse push pusht puss put punch pun pyde pye Q. Quack quaff quag quail quake qualm quart queen quench quest quick quill quince quit quite quote quire R. Race rack raff rags rage rail rain raise rake rain ramp ran range rang rank rant rap rape rapt rare rase rash rat rate raw reach read realm ream reap reak rear red reed reel reez reign reins rend rent rest rice rich rid ride ridg riffe rigg right rim ring rip ripe ript rise risque rites road roan roar roast rob robes rock rod rode roe roll rood roof rogue rook room rome root rope rose rot rote rough roul round rouse rout row rowes rub rude rue ruff rug rule rum rump run runt rush rust rynd rye S. Sack sad safe sage said sail saint saith sake sale salt same sand sang sank sap sash sate sauce save saw sawn say scales scald scalp scant scan scape scarce scare scarf scene scent schism school scoff scold sconce scope scorch scorn score scot scoul scour scourge scout scrap scrape scrach screen scribe scrip scrol scud scull scum scurf sea seal seam s●ar search seat sect sedg see seed seek seem seen seer seize self sell selves send sense sent serve set sew sex shield shine shins ship shriek shrimp shirk shock shod shab shad shade shaft shag shake shall sham shame shank shape share shark sharp shave sheaf shear sheard sheath sheaves shed shee sheep sheers sheets shell shew shole shone shooe shook shoot shop shore shorn short shot should shout show shown showr shrank shread shreek shrew shrill shrink shrine
fear Fire more than Water Step after step the Ladder is ascended Sorrow is good for nothing but Sin Spare the Rod and spoil the Child Skie falls we shall catch Larks Strike while the Iron is hot T. Time is the Rider that breaks youth Time and Tyde stay for no Man Try before you Trust. Trade is the Mother of Money Truth and Oyl are ever above Truth hath a good Face but bad Cloaths V. Valour can do little without Discretion Venture a small Fish to catch a great one Use makes Perfectness Use Leggs and have Leggs Valour that Parlies is near yeilding Under Water Famine under Snow Bread W. War makes Thieves and Peace hangs them Weight and Measure take away Strife Willows are weak yet they bind other Wood. Welcom Death quoth the Rat when the Trap fell down Wolves loose their Teeth but not their Memory Words are but Sands it 's Money buys Lands Y. Youth and white Paper take any Impression You cannot make Velvet of a Sow's Ear. Young serving-Man an old Beggar Young Men may Die but old Men must Die Young Lambs-skin goes as soon to the Market as the old Ewe Youth if it knew what Age would Crave It would in time both get and save PROVERBS in Rhime By Cardinal Woolsey A Whip for a Fool and a Rod for a School Is always in good season By Will Summers A Halter and a Rope for him that will be Pope Without all Right or Reason Snow is white and lies in the Dike And every man lets it lie Pepper is black and hath a good smack And every man doth it buy The higher the Plum-tree the riper the Plum The richer the Cobler the blacker his Thumb Bounce Buckram Velvet's dear Christmass comes but once a Year And when it comes it brings good Chear But when it 's gone it's never the near He that buys Land buys many Stones He that buys Flesh buys many Bones He that buys Eggs buys many Shells But he that buys good Ale buys nothing else He that hath it and will not keep it He that wants it and will not seek it He that drinks and is not dry Shall want money as well as I. Children pick up words as Pidgeons Pease And utter them again as God shall please Say well and do well end with one Letter Say-well is good but do well is better FINIS Graces Grace before Meat GOod Lord we beseech thee to bless us and our meeting at this time and all thy good Creatures provided for us and grant that we may use them soberly as in thy presence and receive them thankfully as from thine hand to the glory of thy holy name Amen Grace after Meat WE thank thee O Lord for all thy good Creatures which thou at this time hath bestowed upon us and as thou hast fed our Bodies with that food which is convenient and necessary for them so we beseech feed our Souls with that food which perisheth not but endureth to Eternal Life thy holy name be blessed and praised now and for ever Amen Grace before Meat LOrd bless us in the use of all thy good Creatures that now we shall receive at thy bountiful hands giving strength to them to nourish us and giving hearts unto us to be thankful unto thee for the same to the glory of thy holy name Amen Grace after Meat WE return thee hearty thanks O Lord that thou hast bountifully refreshed and comforted us with thy good Creatures and hast bestowed many other Benefits upon us which thou hast denied to many others of thy Servants to whom be ascribed all Honour Power and Glory now and forevermore Amen