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A62540 The two witnesses: their prophecy, slaughter, resurection and ascention: or, An exposition of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation wherein is plainly proved that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, are the witnesses there spoken of, who have prophesied in sackcloth one thousand two hundred and sixty years compleat; that they are already slain, revived, and ascended. That the tenth part of the city is fallen by our late earthquake, wherein seven thousand names of men were slain. The second wo is past. This is the first part of the chapter, the second part follows. By Tho. Tillam, a weak labourer in the Lords Harvest. Tillam, Thomas. 1651 (1651) Wing T1168; ESTC R219308 67,928 180

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revealed with his mighty Angels in flaming fire 2 Thes 1.7.8 For further illustration and confirmation of this glorious truth I shall now particularly cleer by Scriptures those fifteen remarkable Changes which as so many Trophees of Victory shall attend this Prince of prayses at his taking to himself this his great power and Soveraignty 1. The Saints Deceased Royal Jesus brings THis will be the first Act of this King of glory according to the express Testimony of the Spirit 1 Thes 4.14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him And this will be a total not a partial Resurrection of all departed Saints not the Martyrs only as some conceive not only those that have lost their lives for Jesus but the Scripture is plain and full that whoever they be that sleep in Jesus Apoc. 20.4 God will bring with him not only those that were beheaded for the Witness of Jesus but all those also which had not worshipped the Beast nor his Image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years These are they * Rev. 5.9 10. Pro. 8.31 Heb. 12.2 that are so exceedingly transported with that more glorious condition of reigning with Christ upon the Earth for as the joy and delight of Christ from Eternity was placed with his Saints on Earth so the Saints filled with the same spirit place their joy and delight with this glorious King in his high exalted state on that Earth and in that part of the Earth where he was so shamefully abused and so cruelly crucified When therefore I shall see with these eyes my blessed Redeemer in the clouds attended with all his holy Angels and departed Saints then and not till then shall I see the end of Ordinances and all those glorious Prophesies and blessed promises fulfilled and accomplished which concern this high point of my belief in the personal reign of my Redeemer I would not for ten thousand worlds be deprived of this Light which leads to the glory of this blessed day 2. The Rest Released mount on Angels wings OUr blessed Jesus O most wonderful loving Jesus counts not his joy entire nor his glory compleat while any one of his beloved Lambs is absent and therefore he makes it his great request to his Father and our Father Joh. 17.24 O saith he that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me 'T is granted saith the Father our most gracious infinitely loving Father and accordingly Paul is informed That we which are alive 1 Thes 4.17 and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the Ayr and so shall we be ever with the Lord. 'T is true the raising thus the dead Saints 1 Cor. 15.51 and changing the living Saints is such a Mystery as most wil give no credit to for who indeed can take delight in this doctrine but those that shall share in the glory of it it hath no rellish upon other mens palats they cannot digest it though never so cleer in Scripture but God hath revealed it to many of his dear ones by his Spirit in his word which plainly tels them Mat. 24.31 That he will send his Angels with a great sound of a Trumpet and they shall gather together his Elect from the four winds Zech. 14.5 from one end of Heaven to the other And can I believe my Lord is yet come to reign while I see poor Saints scattered here and there in various straights and fiery tryals Away with thy conceits deluded Notionist and shallow prophane man my Lord comes not in the Desart nor in the secret chamber but when he comes to take the Kingdoms of the world to his own Government thou shalt see it may be to thy terror that word of Zechariah fulfilled Zech. 14.5 The Lord my God shall come and all the Saints with thee 3. To Israel mourning sounds a glorious call WHen all eyes shall see him Rev. 1.7 Zech. 12.10 Ezech. 37.21 poor Israel must not be excluded they also shall to their unspeakable joy and comfort behold him whom they have pierced Zech. 14.2 even then when they have greatest need of him when their new possessed City shall be taken their houses rifled their women ravished and all miserably enslaved in this time of so great trouble Dan. 12.1 Rom. 11.26 Isai 6. such as never was since there was a Nation shall they behold Michael the great Prince that blessed deliverer who shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob and now all Israel shall be saved Jer. 30.10 Joel 3.1 even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem for now the singing of Birds is come and that blessed voyce is heard in their ears Awake Isai and sing ye that dwell in the dust Arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee Zeph. 3.17 The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty he will save he will rejoyce over thee with joy he will rest in his love he will joy over thee with singing Multitudes of Scriptures might be produced for the confirmation of this truth but these may suffice or nothing will especially considering that not one Scripture nor indeed any Author of credit that I know of doth seem to deny it This then in brief is my judgement with many deer Saints grounded upon the word of truth concerning this wonderful work of the Jews conversion First That they shall have an outward Call Secondly That they shall be inwardly converted The former is thought to be at hand if not already in being since it is well observed by Merchants of credit and others that they have these two or three years been gathering wonderfully from places more remote towards Palestina the Lord seeming now to make good his word first Isa 5.26 Zech. 10.8 in moving them to come in person to the Land of their Inheritance according to these Promises Vers 6. I will hiss for them and gather them for I have redeemed them and I will strengthen the house of Judah and I will save the house of Joseph and I will bring them again to place them And I will make them one Nation in the Land upon the Mountains of Israel Ez●ch 27.22 and one King shall be King to them all for When the Lord shall build up Zion Vers 24. Ps 102.16 he shall appear in his Glory Therefore thus saith the Lord Ezeck 39.25 26. now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel And the ransomed of the Lord shall return Isa 35.10 and come to Zion with Songs and everlasting joy shall be upon
years to bring forth a Christian Emperour so this degenerate Church of Rome the ape of the true Church travelled also 300 yeers still swelling and by insensible degrees growing bigger and bigger till at last she brought forth the spurious birth of a universal Bishop in the reign of the bloody Emperor Phocas Anno Dom. 600. And now is the great Antichrist openly enthroned at the same time when the Empire is divided and broken into ten Kingdoms Rev. 17.12 viz. 1. Brittons 2. Saxons 3. Franks 4. Burgundians 5. Wisegothes 6. Swedes 7. Vandals 8. Astrogoths Mede Apoc cap. 8. 9. Almans 10. Greeks Of which ten three fall quickly before the Beast according to Daniels Prophesie Dan. 7.8 Park Prophe p. 28. and those were the Greeks Longobards and Franks and to these Pipin adds another temporal dominion And now this king of pride A brief Exposition of part of Dan. 11.22 as with the arms of a Flood bears down all before him exalts himself against the Prince of the Covenant with all power and lying wonders yea with all deceivableness of unrighteousness Vers 24. Entring upon the fattest places of the Provinces whereupon he founds his Superstious prophane Abbeys Nunneries Monasteries c. where he fats up his Locusts those Idols drones belly-gods that in huge swarms have filled all his Dominions even the choycest fattest places thereof as is obvious to every eye that will but look upon the decayed superstitious Places in our own Land where the Swine have swilled he wageth war with the King of the South and overcometh all those Southern Kings that dare oppose him Dan. 11.25 as Soliman in Asia Cassianus in Syria the Egyptian Caliph in Judaea which exploits were performed by that incarnate Devil Hilderbrand Vers 26. Vers 28. who returned with great spoyls and abundance of Treasures he fals on with rage fury and violent persecution against the poor Waldensian Protestants and at length by open hostility he destroys many thousands of this covenanted people Vers 30. in a most bloody fierce and cruel War After this Vers 31. is the breaden god the abomination that maketh desolate set up amongst them Via Tuta pag. 118. the Idol doctrine of Transubstantiation established for an Article of Faith Vers 32. and the true Sacrifice taken away In the midst of all this Pride Tyranny and Persecution the Lord preserves himself a peculiar people as in Elias time even in the heart of Romes Dominions a people that cleave close to the Lord whom he strengthens in the midst of their sorrows so that they do glorious exploits of the highest nature like the Son of God while they overcome by sufferings These Waldensian Protestants were undoubtedly that people here spoken of that know their God and understand his will Vers 33. and therein instruct many thousands both by doctrine and sufferings by the sword by flame by spoyl and by Captivity whereunto they know they were appointed with the rest of their brethren for many daies even 1260 years which they go through with wonderful constancy Vers 34. patience and resolution But at last they shall be holpen with a little help some small weak unlikely means for what was Luther Calvin Melancton and a few such in comparison of that great Potentate and his Scarlet Conclave and yet this little help strikes a good stroak wonderfully refresheth the poor wasted Churches but abates little of the pride and cruelty luxury and abominations of Antichrist who is still as desperately wicked as any of his Predecessors what wickedness was formerly acted that France Spain Italy c. is yet reformed of Did Clement the Sixth poyson the good Emperour Lodowick Did Pope Joan alias Gilberta openly discover her self to be a notorious Strumpet in the open street what may be said to Ticell affirming that though a man should lie with the Virgin Mary he could by the Popes power freely pardon the sin What may be thought of the Tyranny Perjury Murther Extortion Adultery Incest and other monstrous villanies of Pope John the Thirteenth who lay with Stephana his Fathers Concubine defloured several Virgins set houses on fire put out the eyes of Benedict drank to the Devil c. What a goodly Tenet was that of Boniface That whoredom is no more a sin then the rubbing of the hands together These and many such like are the apples that grow in that filthy Lake of Sodome to this day as they that have any experience in Romes Territories do wel know what fearful Tragedies what desperate villanies what inhumane bestialities are still rise within these Confines scarce a night passeth but in most Towns of Trade in Spain and Italy several lose their lives and no wonder when for a Royal of six pence value a Brave will undertake to dispatch any mans life and when he hath done flie but to the Popish Church and he is secure how abominably is the Lords day prophaned by Mercats Plays c. what multitudes of filthy Stews doth this man of Sin yeerly receive vaste sums of money from for their allowance God forbids whoredom and appoints marriage the Pope that he may shew himself to the life to be Antichrist expresly forbids marriage and allows whoredom But this sin is venial indeed they say in comparison of that more dreadfull beastly Sodomitical abomination maintained amongst them and defended in books and praysed in Songs c. A Cardinal seeing two men led to Execution said they should not die but he would desire their lives of the Duke his Brother when it was told him what villany they had committed The one being a wretched Murtherer he set him free but the other being condemned for Sodomy he presently cryed Away with him to Execution Base Peasant that dare presume to meddle with the pleasures of a Prince Of the like stamp was that other Cardinal who having a Bitch that he had long abused himself with and the Bitch at last dying he buryed her with much cost in his Garden and built a stately Monument over her and upon it wrote these two lines This Tomb for thee dear Bitch I builded have Who fitter wert for Heaven then a grave But how have I forgot my self in raking this filthy Jakes but the abominable wickedness that mine eyes have seen practised amongst them with much much more hath even forced this digression from me I shall now return to the further discovery of this man of Sin from the eleventh of Daniels Prophesie Who was so far from Reformation upon the discovery of Light by Luther that little help spoken of that now he grows more enraged Dan. 11.34 mad and fierce then ever witness those horrible butcheries Massacres Martyrdoms of poor Saints in Germany and other places What such a contemptible fellow as Luther presume to meddle with his Scarlet Holiness that exalteth himself above every God yea magnifieth himself and speaketh marvellous things against the God of gods
Characters without life a shell without a kernel a leaden rule Sphinx his Riddles a wood of Thieves a shop of Hereticks imperfect obscure full of perplexities with these weapons the man of Sin fighteth against the holy Scriptures speaking great words against the most High one of the Scarlet crew cryes out before the Pope Fie upon Peter fie upon Paul with a great deal more of such blaspemous stuff Dan. 7.25 Erasm de Lat. Conc. lib. 3. And that he may throughly declare himself to be that great Antichrist he daringly meets the Lord Jesus at his own weapons I will make war and fight with mine enemies Gog and Magog Apoc. with the sword of my mouth saith Christ I will make war against mine enemies the Scriptures with the Sword of my mouth saith Antichrist And he is as big as his word Hist Coun. Trent 155. witness their accursed dealing with the Scriptures in their Conventicle of Trent where though clear proof was made of the excellency of the Hebrew and Greek Originals to the full sence whereof they confess the Latin cannot attain yet lest the cause should be yielded to the Protestants Rhem. pref sect 57. Counc Tre. pag. 156. the vulgar Latin is preferred and they pronounced Hereticks that refuse it And it is there blasphemously asserted that the Holy Ghost who did dictate the Scriptures to Prophets and Apostles in Hebrew and Greek Pag. 156. doth as truly dictate to the Church of Rome the vulgar Latin as more beloved then the rest 158. That there can be no hope of ending controversies if popular Licence be granted to read the Scriptures That the Doctrines of Faith were so well cleared by the Pope and Schoolmen that we ought no more to learn them out of Scripture That it was indeed formerly read in the Church for instruction of the people but now it was needless to study it any more 159. That Scriptures must be interpreted C. Cusanus according to what articles of faith are established by the Church That the Church may vary in Exposition of Scripture according to the times That it was fit to bridle the sawciness of such as should attempt to add any good thing to former Expositions of Scripture 160. That if any thing were discovered to any singular spirit C. Facceco he should be enforced to conceal it And after all these and such like desperate blasphemies against the Scriptures their Latin Translation is approved and none other to be received And upon pain of Heresie it is forbid to say there are Errors in it 161. and that none shall dare to refuse it though it be plainly proved that they have blasphemously corrupted the Text in many things in that corrupt translation as changing Ipse into Ipsa thereby to make way for their Idolizing the blessed Virgin Fulk Cont. Mart. p. 19 Their desperate wounding the 4. Commandment reading it in this Diabolical Dialect Remember to sanctifie the holy dayes In the Latin Bible upon Deut. 4. Via tuta pag. 280. where it is observed that God forbids the making of Graven Images their Jesuitical Index Expurgatorius hath cast it out as all see they have most shamelesly dealt with all the writings of the Fathers Rhem. Test pag. 328. which hath provoked Doctor Fulk to exclaim against them Out upon you Antichristian Hereticks void of all truth and honesty But their shameful and blasphemous reproaches of these heavenly Witnesses exceed all bounds of civility and humanity charging them with inextricable obscurity insufficient imperfect and what not Paul must be censured for a hot-headed person Europ speculum pag. 164 165. of whose assertions there is no great reckoning to be made that 't is dangerous to read him Fulk Rhem. Test Epist to the Qu. as savouring of Heresie upon these and such like pious conclusions the Sacred Bible hath the honour of the first place in their Catalogue of Books prohibited Via Tuta these Monsters endeavouring to their utmost power to hinder that any sound of Scripture should possess the people This is the nature of that cursed war raised by the Beast against the Scriptures as they are about to finish their Testimony What shall be given unto thee Psal 120.3 4. or what shall be done unto thee for this thy Blasphemy thou false tongue What reward shalt thou have for the marvelous things thou hast done against the most High Sharp Arrows of the mighty with coals of Juniper Thirdly the manner how these heavenly Witnesses were overcome and killed must not be imagined to be a shedding of blood forasmuch as these two Olive trees are uncapable of such suffering But as the working of their enemy is the mystery of iniquity so are the weapons of this warfare such as may carry a resemblance of the weapons that the Lord Jesus useth in his Kingdom 2 Cor. 10.4 whose Vicar the Beast pretends to be So that the Victory obtained by Antichrist over the sacred Scriptures is by the exercise of his power in suspending suppressing prohibiting the Translation of them into the vulgar Languages not permitting them to live or breath in the streets of his great City Indeed they are not buried that is beyond the power of Antichrist they are still above ground but 't is in a dead letter They take out the Candle and give the Lanthorn to guide ignorant people in a dark night Deut. 4.2 28.14 the life and strength of them is taken away nay the very heart of them is pulled out for they have to their everlasting shame excluded the second Commandment from the Decalogue Thus void of fear of that dreadful curse which the Lord hath denounced against such desperate wickedness and without the least apprehension of the terrors of the Almighty his fierce wrath against that abhorred sin of Idolatry which did so often provoke the eyes of his jealousie to punish his ancient people hath this infernal beast not only presumed to blaspheme Fulk Rhem. Test Epist mangle suppress and prohibit the eternall Word but hath also most desperately corrupted the sence of it least the deep silence of these blessed Witnesses thus cloistered within the walls of an unknown Language should break forth into loud clamors against his detestable wickedness you have beheld him tearing out their very heart as it were in discarding the second Precept from their Adulterate Decalogue and this by their detestable Councel of Trent is declared good Catholique Doctrine Europ spec p. 185. Taylor Libert pag. 115. Much like that Antichristian expression of Pope Clement Perswas from Pop. p. 15. who shameth not to vaunt of that detestable Decree of his bloody Inquisition That no Lay man must be permitted to have the Bible or any part thereof in the vulgar Tongue and this he prescribeth to be inviolably kept But from Decrees they at length come down to downright blows c. for