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A61017 A rationale upon the Book of common prayer of the Church of England by Anth. Sparrow ... ; with the form of consecration of a church or chappel, and of the place of Christian burial ; by Lancelot Andrews ... Sparrow, Anthony, 1612-1685.; Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626. Form of consecration of a church or chappel. 1672 (1672) Wing S4832; Wing A3127_CANCELLED; ESTC R5663 174,420 446

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precatur denuo LOrd God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob who because thou art the God not of the dead but of the Living shewest hereby that they are living and not dead and that with thee do live the spirits of all them that dye in the Lord and in whom the Souls of them that are Elect after they be delivered from the burden of this flesh be in joy and felicity thou hast said thou wilt turn men into small dust and after that wilt say Return again you Children of men Thou art the God of Truth and hast said it thou art the God of power and might and wilt do it by that power whereby thou art able to subdue all things unto thy self and bring to pass whatsoever pleaseth thee in Heaven and Earth with whom nothing is impossible Lord Jesu Christ who art the Resurrection and the Life in whom if we believe though we be dead yet shall we live who by thy death hast overcome death and by thy rising again hast opened to us the Gate of everlasting life who shalt send thine Angels and gather the bodies of thine Elect from all the Ends of the Earth and especially those who by a mystical union are flesh of thy flesh and in whose hearts thou hast dwelt by Faith we humbly beseech thee for them whose bodies shall in this place be gathered to their Fathers that they may rest in this hope of Resurrection to eternal life through thee O blessed Lord God who shalt change their vile bodies that they may be like thy Glorious body according to the mighty working whereby thou art able to bring all things even death and all into subjection to thy self Holy and blessed Spirit the Lord and giver of life whose Temples the bodies of thy Servants are by thy sanctifying Grace dwelling in them we verily trust that their bodies that have been thy Temples and those hearts in which Christ hath dwelt by Faith shall not ever dwell in corruption but that as by thy sending forth thy Breath at first we received our Being Motion and Life in the beginning of the Creation so at the last by the same Spirit sending forth the same breath in the end of the Consummation Life Being and Moving shall be restored us again so that after our dissolution as thou didst shew thy holy Prophet the dry bones shall come together again Bone to his Bone and Sinews and Flesh shall come upon them and thou shalt cause thy Breath to enter into them and we shall live and this Corruption shall put on Incorruption and this Mortal shall put on Immortality God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost accept sanctifie and bless this place to that end whereunto according to thine own Ordinance we have ordain'd it even to bestow the Bodies of thy Servants in till the number of thine Elect being accomplished they with us and we with them and with all other departed in the true Faith of thy Holy Name shall have our consummation and Bliss both in Body and Soul in thy eternal everlasting glory Blessed Saviour that didst for this end dye and rise again that thou mightest be Lord both of the Living and the Dead whether we live or die thou art our Lord and we are thine living or dying we commend our selves unto thee have mercy upon us and keep us thine for evermore Reintrantes igitur Capellam cantant priorem partem Psal. 16. Conscendit suggestum Magister Matthaeus Wren Thema ei posterior pars vers 17. cap. 2. S. Ioan. Zelus domus tuae c. Agit de affectibus in Christo Zelo inter caeteros nec illo falso sed pro Deo nec caeco sed secundum scientiam pro Domo pro Cultu Dei de praesentia Dei praecipue in Templis magno non Morum solummodo nostrorum sed s●ei quoque Fidei incremento fulcimentoque Deum Locorum distinctione gaudere confirmat tum exemplo mirifice Jacobi tantopere distinguentis Bethel tum maximo omnium miraculo quo Christus Mercatores è Templo ejecit Enarratis Christi per hoc factum devotionibus concludit in debitam à nobis Templorum reveren●●●● atque istius Fundatoris Encomium meritissimum Cantatur pars reliqua Vespertinae precationes incipiendo jam à Symbolo Apostolico secundum communem Ecclesiae formulam finiuntur FINIS Balsam in Nom●ca● tit 2. 6. 2.
5. 14. Is any sick let him send for the Elders or Priests of the Church to pray over him and the prayer of faith shall save the sick But if he fails of that bodily cure by these means yet he may be sure to obtain remission of sins by their means If he hath committed sins they shall be forgiven him ver 15. by the benefit of absolution so the words import For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sins being a feminine plural seems not to agree with the verb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it shall be forgiven of the singular number and therefore this word more properly seems to be rendred impersonally thus If he hath committed sins pardon or absolution shall be given him and so by this means the sick person shall be sure if not to save his body yet at least to save his soul. There was an ancient Canon which that it might be truly practised and observed it must be the wish of all good men It is Can. 7. Con. Aurelian 5. ut qui pro quibuscunque culpis in carceribus deputantur ab Archidiacono seu à Praeposito Eccles. diebus singulis Dominicis requirantur at necessitas vinctorum secundum praeceptum divinum misericorditer sublevetur That all prisoners for what crime soever shall be call'd for and visited by the Archdeacon or Bishop of the Church every Lords day that the necessities bodily and ghostly of the prisoners according to Gods command may be mercifully relieved The neglect of which duty how dangerous it is we may read S. Mat. 25 43. Go ye cursed for I was sick and in prison and ye visited me not The Rubrick at the Communion of the sick directs the Priest to deliver the Communion to the sick but does not there set down how much of the Communion-Service shall be used at the delivering of the Communion to the sick and therefore seems to me to refer us to former directions in times past Now the direction formerly was this If the same day that the sick is to receive the Communinn there be a celebration of the holy Communion in the Church then shall the Priest reserve at the open Communion so much of the Sacrament of the body and blood as shall serve the sick person and so many as shall communicate with him And as soon as he may conveniently after the open Communion ended in the Church shall go and minister the same first to them that are appointed to communicate with the sick if there be any and last of all to the sick But before the Curate distribute the holy Communion the appointed general Confession in the Communion-Service must be made in the name of the Communicants the Curate adding the Absolution with the comfortable sentences of Scripture following in the open Communion immediately and so proceeding in the Communion-Service to the end of the Consecration and Distribution and after the Communion ended the Collect is to be used which begins Almighty and everliving God we most heartily thank thee c. But if the day wherein the sick person is to receive the Communion be not appointed for the open Communion in the Chruch then upon convenient warning given the Curate shall come and visit the sick person afore noon And cutting off the form of the visitation at the Psalm In thee O Lord shall go straight to the Communion Rubr. 3. Com. of sick that is after he hath said the Collect Epist. and Gosp. there directed he shall go to the Communion-Service K. Edw. 6th 1. BVRIAL THe Priest méeting the Corps at the Church stile shall go before it to the grave saying or singing I am the resurrection and the life This in triumph over death O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory thou mayest a while hold the corps but he that is the resurrection and the life will make the dead man live again Therefore thanks be to God who gives this victory through Iesus Christ our Lord. Much after this sort did the Ancients Hieron ep 30. ad Ocean de Fabiola Chrys. Hom. 4. in Hebr. Quid fibi volunt istae lampades tam splendidae nonne sicut athletas mortuos comitamur quid etiam aymni nonne ut Deum glorificemus quod jam coronavit discedentem quod à laboribus liberavit quod liberatum à timore apud se habeat What mean the bright burning torches do we not follow the dead like Champions what mean the Hymns do we not thereby glorifie God for that he hath crowned our departed brother that he hath freed him from labours that he hath him with himself freed from fear All these are expressions of joy whereby we do in a holy valour laugh at death saith Chrys. there And this is Christian-like whereas if we be sad and dejected as men without hope mortem Christi qua mors superata est Calumniamur we disgrace the death of Christ that hath conquered death and Heathens and Atheists will deride us saying how can these contemn death that cannot patiently behold a dead friend talk what you will of the Resurrection when you are out of passion it is no great matter nor perswades much but shew me a man in passion of grief for the loss of his friend playing the Philosopher and triumphantly singing to God for his happy deliverance and I will believe the Resurrection Of so good use are such triumphant hymns at this time and of this sort are the three first When they come to the Grave while the corps is made ready to be laid into the grave the Priest shall say or sing Man that is born of a Woman c. closing with a most devout prayer for grace and assistence in our last hour a prayer very suitable to such a time and such a spectacle before us Then they commit the body to the earth not as a lost and perished carkass but as having in it a seed of eternity in sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life This is to bury it Christianly the hope of the resurrection being the proper hope of Christians Such was the Christians burial of old that it was accounted both an evident argument and presage of the resurrection and an honour done to that body which the Holy Ghost had once made his Temple for the Offices of piety Aug. de Civit. l. 1. c. 13. After follows another Triumphant Hymn Then a Lesson out of S. PAVL to the same purpose Then a Thanksgiving for that our brothers safe delivery out of misery Lastly a Prayer for his and our consummation in Glory and joyful Absolution at the last day By all which prayers praises and holy Lessons and decent solemnities we do glorifie God honour the dead and comfort the living Take away these prayers praises and holy lessons which were ordained to shew at Burials the peculiar hope of the Church of the Resurrection of the dead and in the manner of the dumb funerals what one thing is there whereby the world may
of Christ for this day Christ both prayed and dyed for his Enemies and as he exprest the height of his love this day by dying for them so does the Church her height of Charity in praying for them The Antiquity of this Holy day appears by Euscb. Hist. l. 2. c. 17. who there tells us That it was an Holy-day in his time and long before That day of our Saviours Passion we are wont to celebrate not only with fastings and watchings but also with attentive hearing and reading of the holy Scriptures SATURDAY THis day the Gospel treats of Christs body ly in the Grave the Epistle of his Souls descent into Hell Of the Collects from Septuagesima to Easter THough the Church be always militant while she is upon Earth yet at this time the time when Kings go out to battel 2 Sam. 11. she is more than ordinary militant going out to fight against her avowed enemies the World the Flesh and the Devil making it her especial business to get the mastery over them so far that they may not be able to prevail over her the year following Now because as S. Paul saith 1 Cor. 9.25 Every one that strives for mastery is temperate in all things therefore at this time especially when she is seeking the mastery over her Enemies holy Church does more than ordinary addict her self to temperance fasting and other works of Penance and Mortification and accordingly she suits her Readings not aiming to fit them to each particular day this is to be expected only upon priviledged days the subject matter of whose solemnity is more particularly recorded in holy Scripture but to the Season in general and the Churches design at this time commending to us Fasting Repentance Alms Charity and Patience in undergoing such voluntary afflictions And the Collects are suitable also to the Readings and the time praying earnestly for those Graces and Vertues before mentioned which are especially requisite to this her holy undertaking And because she knows her own weakness and her Enemies both craft and strength who will then be most active and busie to hurt when we thus set our selves to fight against them therefore does she earnestly and frequently also in divers Collects pray for Gods protection and defence from those Enemies for his strength and assistence whereby she may overcome them That he would stretch forth the right hand of his Majesty and by his power defend us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls which of our selves have no power to help our selves And in such prayers as these the Church continues lifting up her hands as Moses did his against the Amalekites all the time of this spiritual conflict EASTER THis is the highest of all Feasts says Epiphanius upon the day This day Christ opened to us the door of Life being the first-fruits of those that rose from the dead whose Resurrection was our life for he rose again for our justification Rom. 4.45 Instead of the usual Invitatory O c●me let us sing unto the Lord holy Church uses special Hymns or Anthems concerning Christs Resurrection Christ rising again from the dead c. And Christ is risen c. set down before the Collect on Easter-day Having kept company with the Apostles and first Believers in standing by the Cross weeping upon Good-Friday and kept a Fast upon the Saturday following to comply with the Apostles and Catholick Church who were that day sad and pensive because their Lord was taken away from them we are directed this day to rejoyce with them for the Rising again of our Lord and to express our joy in the same words that they then did and the Church ever since hath done Christ is risen S. Luke 24. 34. the usual Morning salutation this day all the Church over to which the Answer in some places was Christ is risen indeed and in others this And hath appeared to Simon Holy Church her aim is in all these chief days to represent as full as may be the very business of the day and to put us into the same holy affections that the Apostles and other Christians were when they were first done she represents Christ born at Christmas and would have us so affected that day yearly as the first believers were at the first tidings delivered by the Angel So at his Passion she would have us so affected with sorrow as they were that stood by the Cross. And now at his Resurrection she desires to represent it to us as may put us into the same rejoycing that those dejected Christians were when the Angel told them He is not here but is risen S. Luke 24. 6. Holy Church supposes us to have fasted and wept upon Good-Friday and the day following because our Lord was taken away according to that of our Saviour The time shall come that the Bridegroom shall be taken away from them then shall they fast in those daies and now calls upon us to weep no more for Christ is risen And that she may keep time also with the first tidings of the Resurrection she observes the Angels direction to the Women S. Matt. 26. 7. Go quickly and tell his Disciples that he is risen Supposing us as eager of the joyful news of Christs Resurrection as they were she withholds not the joy but immediately after Confession and Absolution she begins her Office with Christ is risen Proper Psalms at Morn are 2. 57. 111. The first of these is a Triumphant Song for Christs victory over all his Enemies that so furiously raged against him Ver. 6. Yet I have set my King upon my holy hill of Sion Notwithstanding all the fury of his Enemies that persecuted and murdered him Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Sion by his glorious Resurrection from the dead as it is expounded Acts 13● 33. The 57. Psalm is of the same nature It mentions Christs Triumph over Hell and Death My Soul is among Lions Verse 4. And the children of men have laid a net for my feet and pressed down my soul crucifying the Lord of glory but God sent from Heaven Ver. 3. and saved him from the Lions both Devils and Men by a glorious Resurrection And therefore he ●reaks forth Ver. 9. Awake up my glory awake Lute and Harp I my self will awake right early I will give thanks unto thee O Lord c. The 3. Psal. is a Psalm of Thanksgiving for marvellous works of redemption Ver. 9. works worthy to be praised and had in honour Ver. 3. And therefore though it be not set particularly for the Resurrection but may serve for any marvellous work of mercy yet is it most fit for this day and the work of this for amongst all the marvellous works of Redemption this of Christs Resurrection is the chief and most worthy by us to be had in honour For If Christ be not risen we are yet in our sins We are utterly lost 1 Cor 15. But Christ is risen The merciful and
Meditation of each day should be the chief subject of one and this to be the day For no sooner had our Lord ascended into Heaven and Gods holy Spirit descended upon the Church but there ensued the notice of the glorious and incomprehensible Trinity which before that time was not so clearly known The Church therefore having solemnized in an excellent order all the high Feast of our Lord and after That of the descent of Gods Spirit upon the Apostles thought it a thing most seasonable to conclude these great solemnities with a Festival of full special and express Service to the holy and blessed Trinity And this the rather in after-times when Arrians and such like Hereticks had appeared in the world and vented their blasphemies against this Divine Mystery Some proper Lessons this day hath as the Morning First and Second The first Lesson is Gen. 18. wherein we read of three that appeared to Abraham or the Lord in three Persons ver 1 2. A type of that mysterious Trinity in Unity which was after revealed in the Gospel So Theodor. l. 2. ad Graec. Because the Jews had long lived in Egypt and had learned there the worship of many gods the most wise God did not plainly deliver to them the mystery of the Trinity lest they should have mistaken it for a doctrine of a plurality of gods Yet the Doctrine of the Trinity was not wholly hidden in those times but some seeds of that perfection of Divinity were dispersed and for that cause the Quire of Angels sing thrice Holy but once Lord holy holy holy Lord God of Hosts and here Three Men appeared to Abraham The Second Lesson S. Matth. 3. is thought fit for this Feast because it delivers to us the baptism of Christ at which was discovered the mystery of the Trinity for there the Son is baptized the holy Spirit descends upon him and the Father speaks from Heaven This is my beloved Son The Epistle and the Gospel are the same that in Ancient Services were assigned for the Octave of Pentecost The Epistle being of the vision of S. Iohn Rev. 4. and the Gospel the Dialogue of our Lord with Nicodemus And the mentioning which we find therein of Baptism of the holy Spirit and gifts of it though it might then fit the day as a repetition as it were of Pentecost so is it no less fit for it as a Feast to the Blessed Trinity The mission the Holy Ghost brings with it as aforesaid more light and clearness to the doctrine of the Trinity and when more fit to think of the gifts of the Spirit than on a solemn day of Ordination as this is one when Men are consecrated to spiritual Offices But besides this we have in the Gospel set before us all the Three Persons of the Sacred Trinity and the same likewise represented in the Vision which the Epistle speaks of with an Hymn of praise Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty c. which expressions by ancient interpretation relate to the holy Trinity as is above said Of the Sundayes after TRINITY till ADVENT THe Church hath now finished the celebration of the high Festivals and thereby run as it were through a great part of the Creed by setting before us in an orderly manner the highest Mysteries of our Redemption by Christ on earth till the day he was taken up into Heaven with the sending down of the Holy Ghost at Pentecost Now after she hath in consequence and reflexion upon these Mysteries broke out into a more solemn and special Adoration of the Blessed Trinity she comes according to her Method in the Intervals of great Feasts of which see Pag. 93. to use such Epistles Gospels and Collects as suit with her holy affections and aims at this season Such namely as tend to our edifying and being the living Temples of the Holy Ghost our Comforter with his Gifts and Graces that having Oyl in our Lamps we may be in better readiness to meet the Bridegroom at his second Advent or coming to judgment And this done in the remaining Sundaies till Advent which in their Services are as it were so many Eccho's and Reflexions upon the Mystery of Pentecost the life of the Spirit or as Trumpets for preparation to meet our Lord at his second coming Which will be more manifest if we take a general view of the Gospels together and afterwards of the Epistles and Collects The GOSPELS for this time according to the method which hath before been declared pag. 93. are of the holy Doctrine Deeds and Miracles of our Saviour and so may singularly conduce to the making us good Christians by being followers of Christ and replenished with that Spirit which he both promised and sent and for which the Church lately kept so great a solemnity For to be charitable heavenly-minded repentant merciful humble peaceable religious compassionate and thankful to trust in God and abound with such spiritual qualities are the Lessons taught us by our Lord in these Gospels and that not only by word and deed but many miracles also for divers Gospels are of such and tend much to our edifying From his healing of the sick and going about doing good we may learn to employ that power and ability we have in works of mercy and goodness He that raised the dead and did such mighty works can be no other we may be sure than God and Man the Saviour of the world and able to protect us even against death it self to raise our bodies from the dust and glorifie them hereafter Thus we have in general the intent of these Gospels as may easily appear by particular observation and withal how pertinent they are to the time And with them the Church concludes her Annual course of such readings having thereby given us and in such time and order as most apt to make deep impression the chief matter and substance of the four Evangelists True it is that in ancient Rituals and particularly in S. Hieromes Comes or Lectionarius where we find this same order of Epistles and Gospels See Pamelii Liturg. Eccles. Lat. T. 2. there are some other besides these which our Church useth as for Wednesdays Fridaies and other special times and Solemnities But these for Sundaies and other Holy-daies which are retained by our Church are so well chosen for the fitness variety and weightiness of the matter and out of that Evangelist that delivers it most fully that the chiefest passages of all the Evangelists are hereby made known and preached to us and what we meet not with here is abundantly supplied by the daily Second Lessons And the like also may be said concerning the Epistles In the EPISTLES for this time there is an Harmony with the Gospels but not so much as some have thought in their joynt propounding of-particular considerations and those several and distinct as the daies they belong to for that belongs to more special solemnities but rather as they meet all in the common stream
things as be rightful to please him both in will and deed that he would encrease nourish keep us in true Religion and all goodness give unto us the encrease of Faith Hope and Charity that we may live according to his will with pure and free hearts follow him accomplish those things he would have done may be cleansed assoyled delivered from all our offences have pardon peace protection and defence may plentifully bring forth the fruits of good works and by him be plenteously rewarded and obtain his promises which exceed all we can desire Such requests as these besides some other That God would hear the prayers of the people of which see pag. 68 and 85. are by the Priest presented to God fit for the Churches meditations at this time after Pentecost and not unfitly following the Lessons the Decalogue and the following Supplications of the people as the proper place of Collects Being all of them though in several branches and expressions in effect thus much That by the merciful Grace Inspiration Defence and Protection of God Almighty we may be cleansed from our sins may obey his Commandments may live as Christians ought not after the flesh but after the Spirit and so to be fitter to meet our blessed Lord at his second Advent to judge the world And this meditation of the second Advent of Christ is thought so seasonable in the last place that some Churches instead of those Readings which we have for the last Sunday of this Time make use of some other which concern the day of judgement But our Church as she hath good reason for her method as we have seen p. 187 188. So is she not at all defective in her thoughts of Christs second coming In time of Advent and often afterwards she takes occasion to remember it but most especially at this season The last Gospel except that which implyes a prophesie of Christs advent sets before us his raising up of one from the dead a great ground of our faith and hope of a Resurrection The Epistle that goes with it and all the rest in a manner aim most evidently at this the Quickning us to a life spiritual by the hopes of an eternal The last Collect with some other is for the enjoyment of it ac cording to Gods promises So that we see the Church in her Meditations for the conclusion of the year takes in that for her subject which is the close of our Creed end of our Faith and Crown of our Devotions The Rosurrection of the body and the life everlasting S. ANDREW THis Saints day is the first that is kept solemn because he first came to Christ and followed him before any of the other Apostles S. Iohn 1. 38. He brought his brother Simon to Christ 42. He it was that said We have found the Messiah and therefore his day is right set at the beginning of Advent for ever to bring news De Adventu Domini of the Advent or coming of our Lord. Conversion of S. PAVL WHereas other Saints martyrdoms or at least the dayes of their death are celebrated by holy Church S. Pauls Conversion is made the Holy-day For these reasons 1. For the Example of it that no sinner how great soever might hereafter despair of pardon seeing Saul a grievous persecutor made S. Paul For this cause I obtained mercy that in me first Iesus Christ might shew forth all long-suffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe 1 Tim. 1. 36. 2. For the joy which the Church had at his Conversion 3. For the miracle wrought at his Conversion Purification of S. MARY or Feast of Candlemas SOme Churches keep four Holy-daies in memory of the blessed Virgin namely The Annunciation the Assumption the Nativity and Purification Our Church keeps only the Purification and Annunciation which are common to her and our Blessed Lord. The Purification is a double Feast partly in memory of the Virgins purification this being the fourtieth day after the birth which she observed according to the Law Leviticus 12. 4. though she needed it not but chiefly in memory of our Lords presentation in the Temple which the Gospel commemorates Our Saviour thus presented in the Temple offered himself alive Oblation for us that so the whole obedience of his life might be ours This day had one solemnity of old peculiar to it namely Procession the order and manner of which I shall set down briefly out of S. Bernard We go in Procession two by two carrying Candles in our hands which are light 〈◊〉 at a common fire but a fire first blest in the Church by a Bishop They that go out first return last and in the way we sing Great is the glory of the Lord. We go two by two in commendation of Charity and a social life for so our Saviour sent out his Disciples We carry lights in our hands First to signifie that our light should shine before men Secondly this we do this day especially in memory of the wise virgins of whom this blessed Virgin is the chief that went to meet their Lord with their Lamps light and burning And from this usage and the many lights set up in the Church this day it is called Candelaria or Candlemas Because our works should be all done in the holy fire of Charity therefore the Candles are light with holy fire They that go out first return last to teach humility in humility preferring one another Phil. 2. 3. Because God loves a cheerful giver therefore we sing in the way The Procession it self is to teach us that we should not stand idle in the way of life but proceed from vertue to vertue not looking back to that which is behind but reaching forward to that which is before For the Antiquity of this day see Cyril Alex. Gregory Nys in diem And for the Feast of the Annunciation Athanas. Ser. de Dei para S. Philip and S. Iames. WHereas in the Primitive Church the Apostles had not several days of solemnity it was appointed that one day should be allowed for them all namely in the Latin Church the Calends or first of May in the Greek the Feast of S. Peter and S. Paul Afterwards when the other Apostles had peculiar days appointed this first of May was left to S. Philip and S. Iacob because it was thought that they suffered upon that day Thus Durandus and some other deliver it but upon further enquiry it seems to be a mistake for it as hath been proved in the discourse upon S. Stephens day Martyrs and other Saints had their several days observed in the first times it is not probable that the Apostles those Founders of Churches those Princes over all Lands as they are called Ps. 44. 10. should be hudled up all into one day and have a less respect given them by the Church than other Saints and Martyrs had I conceive therefore that they had several days allowed them as well as other Saints and this
were practised by the Father in the Christian Church So saies Epiphan haer 80. Irenaeus l. 4. c. 34. By a gift to the King his honour and our affection is shewn therefore our Lord willing us to offer with all simplicity and innocency preached saying When thou bringest thy gift to the altar c. We must therefore offer of our goods to God according as Moses commanded Thou shalt not appear before the Lord empty There are offerings under the Gospel as well as under the Law the kind of offerings is the same Here is all the difference they were offered then by servants now by sons S. Hier. ep ad Heliodor The axe is laid to the root of the tree if I bring not my gift to the Altar nor can I plead poverty since the poor widow hath cast in two mites We should do well to think of this Though oblations be acceptable at any time yet at sometimes they have been thought more necessary as First when the Church is in want Ex. 35. 4 c. Secondly when we have received some signal and eminent blessing from God Psal. 76. When David had recounted the great mercy of God in breaking the bow and the shield of the Churches enemies at the 11. verse he presses this duty Bring presents to him that ought to be feared Thirdly at our high and solemn Festivals Deut. 16. 16. Three times in the year shall they appear before me and they shall not appear empty Especially when we receive the holy Communion Theodoret Hist. l. 5. c. 17. tells us that it was the ancient custome before the receiving of the holy Sacrament to come into the Quire and offer at the holy Table And surely it becomes not us to be empty-handed when God comes to us full-handed as in that Sacrament he does Next to the OFFERTORY is that excellent PRAYER for the CHVRCH-MILITANT wherein we pray for the Catholick and Apostolick Church For all Christian Kings Princes Governors for the Whole Clergy and people for all in adversity Such a prayer hath S. Chr. in his Liturg a little before the Consecration After which follow some wholsom Exhortations to those that are coming to the holy Communion seriously exhorting the unprepared to forbear So was the custome of old in the Greek Church The Priest admonishes all that are coming to that holy Sacrament driving away the unworthy but inviting the prepared and that with a loud voice and hands lifted up standing aloft where he may be seen and heard of all Chrys. in Heb. hom 9. in Ethic. Those that after these exhortations stay to receive the Church supposing prepared invites to draw near and after their humble confession the Priest or Bishop absolves and comforts them with some choice sentences taken out of holy Scripture After which the Priest saies Lift up your hearts For certainly at that hour when we are to receive the most dreadful Sacrament it is necessary to lift up our hearts to God and not to have them groveling upon the earth for this purpose the Priest exhorts all to leave all cares of this life and domestick thoughts and to have our hearts and minds in heaven upon the lover of mankind The people then answer We lift them up unto the Lord assenting to the Priests admonition And it behoves us all to say it seriously For as we ought alwayes to have our minds in heaven so especially at that hour we should more earnestly endeavour it The Priest goes on Let us give thanks to our Lord God and many thanks we ought to render him that calls and invites such unworthy sinners as we be to so high grace and favour as to eat the Flesh and drink the Bloud of the Son of God The people answer It is meet and right so to do For when we give thanks to God we do a work that is just and of right due to so much bounty Then follow for great daies some proper Prefaces containing the peculiar matter or subject of our thanks that day which are to be said seven daies after Rubr. ibidem except Whitsunday Preface which is to be said but six daies after because Trinity Sunday is the seventh day after which hath a peculiar Preface By this it appears that the Church intends to prorogue and continue these high Feasts several daies even eight daies together if another great Feast comes not within the time which requires a peculiar Service But when we say that the Church would have these high Feasts continued so long it is not so to be understood as if she required an equal observance of those several daies for some of those daies she commands by her Canons and Rubricks Some she seems only to commend to us to be observed some are of a higher festivity some of less The first and the last namely the Octave of the first are usually the chief daies for solemn Assemblies yet every of those daies should be spent in more than ordinary meditation of the blessings of the time and thanksgiving for them according to that which the Lord commanded to the Jews concerning the Feast of Tabernacles Lev. 23. 36. Upon every one of the daies of that Feast an offering was to be made but the first and last were the solemn Convocations The reason of the Churches proroguing and lengthning out these high Feasts for several days is plain The subject matter of these Feasts as namely Christs Birth Resurrection Ascension the sending of the holy Ghost is of so high a nature so nearly concerning our salvation that one day is too little to meditate of them and praise God for them as we ought a bodily deliverance may justly require a day of thanksgiving and joy but the deliverance of the soul by the blessings commemorated on those times deserve a much longer Feast It were injurious to good Christian souls to have their joy and thankfulness for such mercies confined to a day therefore holy Church upon the times when these unspeakable blessings were wrought for us by her most seasonable commands and counsels here invites us to fill our hearts with joy and thankfulness and let them overflow eight daies together See above of the Continuation of great Solemnities pag. 128. 174. 180. and of the service of Octaves p. 178. But two Quaeries here may be fit to be satisfied First why eight dayes are allowed to those high Feasts rather than another number For which the reasons given are divers one is from the example which Almighty God sets us commanding his people the Jews to keep their great Feasts some of them seven daies and one namely the Feast of Tabernacles eight daies Lev. 23. If the Jews were to keep their Feasts so long by a daily Burnt-offering which were but as types of the Christians great Feasts the Christians ought by no means to come short of them but offer up to God as long daily hearty thanksgivings presenting our selves souls and bodies a reasonable holy and lively Sacrifice
to the earth from whence it came and the spirit of man returneth unto God that gave it so to make diverse accompts of the Bodies of Mankind and the Bodies of other living Creatures in so much as the Body of Adam was resolved on and afterwards the workmanship of thine own hands and endued with a soul from thine own breath But much more since the second Adam thy blessed Son by taking upon him our nature exalted this flesh of ours to be flesh of his flesh whose flesh thou sufferedst not to see Corruption so that the Body returns to the earth and the soul to him that gave it It shall from thence return again it is but a rest and a rest in hope as saith the Psalmist for it is a righteous thing with God that the Body which was partaker with the soul both in doing and suffering should be rais'd again from the Earth to be partaker also with the soul of the reward or punishment which God in Mercy or Justice shall reward not to one of them alone but joyntly to them both There being then so great difference it is not thy will O Lord that our Bodies should be cast out as the Bodies of Beasts to become dung for the earth or our bones lye scatter'd abroad to the sight of the Sun But when thy servants are gathered to their Fathers their Bodies should be decently and seemly laid up in the bosom of the Earth from whence they were taken Neither is it thy pleasure O Lord that they should be buried as an Ass in the open fields but in a place chosen and set apart for that purpose For even so from the Beginning we find the holy Patriarch Abraham the Father of the faithful would not bury his dead in the common fields nay nor amongst the Bodies of Hethites who were heathen men but purchased a burial place for himself in the plain of Mamre which became as it were the Church-Yard of the Patriarchs therein they laid the dead bodies of Sarah his Wife of himself his son Isaac and Rebecca his wife after them Iacob and Leah were buried there After this manner did the Patriarchs in old time who trusted in God sever themselves places for Burial whose children we are so long as we do their works and walk in the steps of their most holy Faith Ensuing then the steps of the Faith of our Father Abraham we for the same purpose have made choise of the very same place wherein we now are that it may be as the Cave of Mamre even Gods store-house for the Bodies of such our Brethren and Sisters to be laid up in as he shall ordain there to be interred there to rest in the sleep of peace till the last Trump shall awake them for they shall awake and rise up that sleep in the dust for thy dew shall be as the dew of herbs and the earth shall yield forth her dead We beseech thee good Lord to accept this work of ours in ●hewing mercy to the dead and mercifully grant that they whose bodies shall be here bestowed and we all may never forget the day of putting off the Tabernacle of this flesh but that living we may think upon death and dying we may apprehend life and rising from the death of Sin to the life of Righteousness which is the first rising of Grace● we may have our parts in the second which is the 〈◊〉 to glory by thy Mercy O most gracious Lord God who doest live and govern all things world without end Priorem dein formulam per omnia secutus in Cathedram ibi se collocat atque Actum consecrationis promulgat IN Dei Nomine Amen Nos Lancelotus permissione divina Winton Episcopus hunc locum jacentem in vasto solo vulgo nuncupatum Ridgway-heath infra Parochiam Ecclesiae parochialis sanctae Mariae c. jam propriis sumptibus strenui viri Richardi Smith de Peer-tree Armigeri in circuitu Capellae noviter ab eo quoque propriis sumptibus suis constitutae palis inclusum arboribus consitum continentem in longitudine 148 pedes aut circiter in latitudine 124 pedes aut circiter in toto vero circuitu 435 pedes aut circiter a pristinis aliisque quibuscunque communibus usibus profanis in usus sacros separandum fore decernimus sic separamus ac eundem inhabitantibus vel degentibus in familia Ric. Smith in villa de Weston Hamlettis de Itchin Wolston Ridgeway in parte Manerii de Bitterne quae est de Parochia sancta Mariae juxta Southampt in Caemeterium sive locum Sepulturae pro corporibus inibi decedentium Christiano ritu humandis quantum in nobis est ac de jure Canonibus Ecclesiasticis ac de statutis hujus Regni Angliae possumus authoritate nostra ordinaria Episcopali assignamus ac per nomen Coemeterii Capellae IESU designamus dedicamus in usum praedictum consecramus ac sic assignatum dedicatum consecratum fuisse esse in futurum perpetuis temporibus remanere debere palam ac publice declaramus Ac Coemeterium Capellae IESU deinceps in perpetuum nuncupandum decernimus Privilegiis insuper omnibus fingulis Coemeteriis locis sepulturae ab antiquo consecratis dedicatis competent Coemeterium praedictum sive locum sepulturae ad omnem juris effectum munitum esse volumus quantum in nobis est de jure possumus sic munimus stabilimus per praesentes Proviso tamen quod praedict Richardus Haeredes Assignati sui ac reliqui in dicta villa Hamlettis c. inhabitantes propriis suis sumptibus dictum coemeterium de tempore in tempus in decenti statu conservabunt clausuras ejus quoties opus fuerit sufficienter convenienter reparabunt Salvis etiam omnino reservatis Rectori Ecclesie Parochialis sanctae Mariae praedictae ac Guardianis aliisque Ministris dictae Ecclesiae pro tempore existentibus in perpetuum omnibus singulis oblationibus mortuariis Feudis vadiis pro omnibus singulis sepulturis Mortuorum in hoc coemeterio aut ratione eorundem de jure sive consuetudine debitis in tam amplis modo forma ac si personae praedictae sepultae fuissent in Coemeterio Matricis Ecclesiae praedictae Quas quidem oblationes mortuaria feuda vadia omnia singula sic de jure ac consuetudine debita Rectori Guardianis Ministris dictae Matricis Ecclesiae pro tempore existentibus in perpetuum soltendi quantum in nobis est jura patiuntur reservamus per praesentes salva item nobis successoribus nostris tanquam loci Ordinariis potestate visitandi dictum Coemeterium de tempore in tempus inquirendi an sufficienter reparatum fuerit in clausuris an omnia ibi decenter et secundum ordinem fiant et si minus fiant per censuras Ecclesiasiicas corrigendi His finitis