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A58336 A divine looking-glass, or, The third and last testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ whose personal residence is seated on his throne of eternal glory in another world : being the commission of the spirit, agreeing with, and explaining of the two former commissions of the law and Gospel, differing only in point of worship : set forth for the tryal of all sorts of supposed spiritual lights in the world, until the ever-lasting true Jesus, the onely high and mighty God, pesonally appear in the air with his saints and angels / by John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton ... Reeve, John, 1608-1658.; Muggleton, Lodowick, 1609-1698. 1661 (1661) Wing R676; ESTC R35141 178,978 220

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who shall change our vile bodies that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself And to you which are troubled rest with us When the Lord Jesus shall shew himself from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire rendring vengeance unto them that do not know God and which obey not unto the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ which shall be punished with everlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power 2 Thes 1. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then shall we which live and remain be caught up with them also in the clouds i● meet the Lord in the air and so shall we be ever with the Lord 1 Thes 4.16 17. For therefore we labor and are rebuked because we trust in the l●ving God which is the Savior of all men especially of those that believe 1 Tim. 4.10 We know that we are of God and this whole world lieth in wickedness but we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us a minde to know him which is true and we are in him that is true that is in that his Son Iesus Christ the same is that very God and that eternal life 1 John 5.19 20. Now unto him that is able to keep you that you fall not and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with joy that is To God onely wise our Savior be glory and majesty and dominion and power both now and for ever Amen Jude 25.26 18 Remember the golden positive Rule and none can deceive you concerning the one glorious personal God-Man blessed for ever This is a true saying and by all means worthy to be received that Christ Iesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief notwithstanding for this cause was I received to mercy that Iesus Christ should first shew on me all long-suffering unto the example of them which shall in time to come believe in him unto eternal life Now unto the King Everlasting Immortal Invisible unto God o●ely wise be honor and glory for ever and ever Amen 1 Tim. 1.15 16 17. 19 My spiritual brethren if you take good no●ice of this place of Scripture you may plainly see that the Apostle Paul owneth no other God Father or eternal Spirit but that one personal Majesty of our Lord Jesus Christ in immortality There is one Lord one Faith one Baptism one God and Father of all which is above all and through all and in you all But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ Wherefore he saith When he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men Now in that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lowest parts of the earth He that descended is even the same that ascended far above all heavens that he might fill all things 20 My beloved spiritual brethren which are appointed unto an immortal personal glory you may see that the Lord Jesus Christ is that Holy One of Israel which first descended from his throne of infinite God-head glory into the lower parts of the virgin earth and so became a body of pure flesh of her seed and by vertue of his divine power in that very body of flesh and bone he descended into the lowest part of the earth death hell or the grave for a moment not onely for improving the power of his God-head life entring into death and in that very body of flesh quickening and reviving a new and glorious life again and as a flame of fire naturally ascending and immortalizing that body of flesh and bone with a Fathers Throne of transcendent Excellencies but also for destroying of the power of sin and fear of eternal death in all his new born elect trees unto eternal life CHAP. X. 1 Of persecution of Conscience 2 Of the sin against the Holy Ghost MY beloved brethren by immediate inspiration from that Holy One of Israel in the next place I shall clearly demonstrate unto the heirs of glory the confused darkness of two or three sorts of men concerning the knowledge of the onely very true God the which confusion riseth in them through their mis-understanding of the true grounds of certain Scriptures as namely these God is a Spirit and a Spirit hath not flesh and bones as you see me have But more especially these Trinitary expressions Baptizing them in the Name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Ghost Mat. 28.19 For there are three which bear record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one 1 John 5.7 2 The first sort of deceived persons past or present which affirm the Holy One of Israel to consist of three persons were Athanasins Socinus alias Iohn Biddle and their literal adherents 3 My brethren I do not say they can help this their darkness or blame them for this their error for alas poor simple or over-wise men to their imaginary understandings it is a pure truth and those which are contrary minded to them in darkness 4 Therefore who ever are left to persecute their persons for their judgements sake onely it would have been better for those men that they had never been born if they acknowledge a Christ 5 Take this for an infallible Rule those that persecute a man for error in judgement concerning his God will as soon persecute him for the truth of Christ as for a lie 6 Let no persecutor flatter himself that he may repent and find mercy as well as Paul because Paul acknowledged no Jesus at all when he persecuted his Saints therefore you know how he pleads Gods mercy towards him in that he did it ignorantly 7 Moreover how deeply did he pledge that cup of persecution upon his own body for the Truths sake all his dayes which instrumentally for Christs sake he had caused others to drink 8 Again before I go forward concerning the point in hand it will be necessary for me to shew you who those persecutors are which commit that unpardonable sin against the Holy Ghost 9 My spiritual brethren if a Turk do persecute a man that professeth himself to be a Christian for despising of his Mahomet or if a man called a Christian should persecute an Infidel for despising the Lord Jesus Christ this persecuting each other is pardonable though not justifiable in their consciences when they shall understand the truth of leaving all vengeance in spiritual things unto God himself 10 But on the contrary suppose two men shall acknowledge that the man Christ Jesus glorified is the Son of God spoken of in the Scriptures both of them affirming that all their hopes of eternal
exalt thy self above thy Creator by conceiting thy self in a throne of glory with Christ already 26 Moreover be thou never so seemingly holy or charitable or a great sufferer in reference to thy inward God or Christ yet if thou art left to the pride of thine own spirit to despise the spirit of the Son of man glorified in the highest heavens thou and all that is within thee will eternally perish 27 So much doth the man Jesus in glory heed thee and all of thy blasphemous lofty spirit He that denies me before men him will I deny before my Father which is in heaven and his holy Angels CHAP. XLVIII 1 Of the first Resurrection 2 and what it is by several Questions and Answers IN the next place give me leave to write a little of the new birth or first resurrection from a glorified Christ 2 What is this first resurrection that who ever hath part in it is blessed and holy and the second death hath no power Truly it is the enjoyment of a divine light in the understanding which a man hath received by inspiration from the spirit of a personal Christ on a throne of glory in the third Heavens 3 How shall a man truly know whether he hath this light in him or no or when he received it He that hath this light of Christ in him his very thoughts desires and affections are by the power of it wholly bent upon all spiritual and natural purity whatsoever 4 So that the Scriptures imputes Justice Righteousness Holiness or Perfection unto that man onely which hath this light in him because he is principally guided by a light which he hath received from the glorious God of all divine perfections without him 5 Moreover this light of Christ sometimes is known by a glorious voice to the hearing of the ear through which a man is so full of inward joy glory or majesty in himself that he knows not for that present whether he be in the condition of a God or a man this I certainly know yet I believe few of the Saints themselves have tasted of this condition 6 Furthermore this light of Christ conveys it self so secretly into the understandings of most of his redeemed ones by a low voice of his most Holy Spirit that oftentimes they know not the time thereof onely after this light of life hath once appeared the soul is so delighted with it that it thinks it can never have too much of it or hardly enough of it therefore like a woman in travail it is full of hungring or thirsting after the knowledge of that Fountain of Glories from whence its light and joy proceeded 7 Again he that hath this light of Christ in him is not onely full of longings after more of it but his soul is also full of that new song of praise honor power and glory unto the infinite unknown God until he doth in some measure truly know him 8 Moreover he that hath this new and true light is not rash in judging divine things he knows not but by vertue of that light of life he is preserved with a meek and patient spirit to wait the Lords leisure for manifesting the truth thereof 9 Furthermore he that hath received this white Stone or new Name of Christ to the purpose sees all the speakings or writings of non-commissionated men but meer literal or notional emptiness in comparison of that joy or glory that he possesseth from the invisible motions of the divine Majesty himself 10 Again by vertue of this light he is made able to discern whether mens speaking or writings proceed from a literal notional or spiritual Christ or no. 11 Moreover he that hath this light of Christ thus grounded in him doth not lie doting upon mens invisible God Christ Spirit Light Life Love Joy Beauty Vertue Power or Glory of meer words onely but nothing will satisfie his new-born hungry spirit but a divine embracing of a personal God of spiritual substance yea too transcendently glorious for men or Angels to be capable of the in-dwelling of his eternal Spirit but of the in-shining vertues or motions onely 12 So much at present concerning the first resurrection or new birth from a personal substantial God or Christ on the Throne of Eternity in the high heavens in opposition of a supposed new birth from a notional inward Christ or literal outward Christ onely CHAP. XLIX 1 Concerning Gods becoming a childe 2 None lives and moves and have their beings in God but the Seed of Faith 3 No creature capable to be essentially one with God AGain it is written In him we live and move and have our being Also it is written Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. What did the Apostle mean by living in the Lord and dying in the Lord Or how can a man be said to live in the Lord and to die in the Lord also 2 My spiritual friends though all men have their life or being in the Creator or in this power by vertue of creation yet none but the elect do spiritually live move or have any being in him and that is by vertue of redemption onely and that was the occasion of the Prophets saying for unto us a childe is born unto us a son is given now you know that the Prophet spoke them words long after the birth of that glorious babe and yet you see that all his joy or glory in reference to a life to come was fixed onely in the person of that Childe 3 Thus the Prophet by vertue of the true Jesus in him did spiritually live and move and had his being in the Lord of Hosts in a full assurance that God the everlasting Father and Creator of both worlds and all in them would become a little childe for the Redemption of his elect from eternal death by pouring forth of his most precious life it is writted who hath believed our report or unto whom is the arm of the Lord revealed 4 Thus you may see that those men which wanted the light of life in them to receive that prophetical report concerning the God of Glory 's coming by the out-stretched arm of his eternal Spirit in a body of flesh to redeem the elect world to himself were utterly ignorant of the Prophets spiritually living moving or being in the Lord. 5 So likewise this was the Apostle Pauls meaning also when he said for in him we live and move and have our being according to that saying of his for the life which I now live is by the faith of the Son of God which gave himself for me Also you know it is written to this effect that some men did live without God in the world so that you may understand that reprobate men are accounted by the spirit of the Scriptures to live and to die in the devil and to rise again very devils in souls and bodies to all eternity 6 The chosen of God are guided by the true light or love of
they may have no confidence in the strength of that light which is within them but that they may cast down the crowns of their spiritual confidences at the divine feet of his heavenly Majesty as the onely Author Protector and finisher of their eternal blessedness 11 So likewise it is with the elect also when they die in the Lord for though the light of Christ was given them as a seal of his eternal love that they might glory onely in the Lamb and be enabled to wear his Crown of thorns to their lives end as a preparative unto glorious Crowns at his appearing yet I would have you for whom these thorns and Crowns are prepared to understand because the life of all light or glory you possess are hid in the divine breast or book of life with Christ in God 12 Therefore when your soul comes to die all your spiritual motions must enter into death also until time be no more because the power wisdom and glory of Christ will be seen in this thing above all his former works 13 Again he being the onely light and life of men will not this be a Crown of glory to his infinite power seeing the spirits of mankinde are mixt together in the sea and earth in a marvelous manner yet by a word speaking he shall call his elect by name as he did Lazarus and they shall hear his voice and come forth of their graves as one man with distinct persons all glorious yet very flesh and bone and with those elect then living whose bodies shall be transmuted into glory also ascend as swift as thought to meet their God in the air and sit in Thrones of Judgement with him over all the Angels of darkness remaining in this destroyed world for everlasting 14 Moreover if that error of mens bodies dying onely and not ther souls could possible be true then no man could die or be put to death at all because the life of mans body is his spirit and but one spirit onely though there is a double motion in it of contrary natures and effects by the secret decree of the Lord for the manifestation of his eternal wisedom power and glory over the elect and Reprobate 15 Thus you that are spiritual may see what is meant by the Saints living and dying in the Lord and concerning the place of refuge where their lives are hid both in life and in death is not this truth answerable to those sayings of Christ himself in John The words that I speak unto you are spirit and life I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live and he that sate upon the throne said behold I make all things new Revelation the 20. and I will raise him up at the last day Again Jesus said unto her said I not unto thee that if thou didst believe thou shouldst see the glory of God you know this was spoken by Christ that God of all power wisdom and glory at his raising Lazarus from death to life 16 Therefore you may know also that the greatest glory of all will redound to his infinite Majesty he shall shortly come in his glory with his mighty Angels to call forth the living dead to glorious blessedness in the great white Throne with himself Moses Elias and his Angels and to call forth the dead living into shameful cursedness of souls and bodies in utter darkness burning together to eternity on this earth where they possessed all their former glory and acted their unrighteousness against Christ and his redeemed ones then will this Scripture be fulfilled and they shall hear a great voice from heaven saying unto them come up hither and they shall ascend up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies shall see them and these Scriptures CHAP. LI. 1 Eternal damnation is a living death and a dying life 2 Three Books will be opened at the last judgement 3 Signifying the three Commissions of the Law the Gospel and the Spirit 4 The Heathens are judged by the Law of their consciences having not had the Scriptures 5 The Prophets heavenly conclusion AGain But fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them Moreover and the Devil that deceived them was cast into a lake of fire and brimstone where that beast and false Prophet is and shall be tormented even day and night for evermore and I saw the dead both great and small stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged of those things which were written in the books according to their works and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death these both were alive cast into a lake of fire burning with brimstone and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire My brethren in the spirit and in the flesh also which are sober you see when Christ cometh in his glory with his Angels the Books must be opened which are three in number the Book of the administration of the Law must be opened in the consciences of them that were under the Law and made a profession of obedience unto it but hated to perform it and they will have work enough with that fiery Law and all their former filthiness of flesh and spirit to sit in judgement on those burning brimstone souls and bodies of flesh and bone to all eternity 2 The second Book of the administration of the Gospel will be opened also in the consciences of those that made a profession thereof and hated obedience to it and that literal fiery Judge and their former unrighteousness will neither want work to sit in judgement on those fleshly bodies of burning brimstone even world without end 3 Moreover the third Book of the administration of the eternal Spirit which is the book of life shall be opened also in the consciences of all pretended lights in these last days and those whose names were not found written in that book of life as Commissionated Messengers of the eternal Spirit to bear witness unto a personal Jesus in the high heavens but published a lying Jesus in the lower heavens of their carnal spirits onely that pretended God or Christ with all their lies spoken in the name of the Lord and blasphemy against his Majesties persons shall burn more fiery hot then any other opinion among men even to all eternity as aforesaid all is not spiritual gold that glisters 4 Again give me leave to speak of one sort more whose natural conscience must be opened also 5 This sort of men are those called Heathens which never had the books of the Scriptures among them I say from the true God that these men and all the naturalists in the world according to their rebellions against their rational Judge unto which they acknowledged all obedience of righteousness between man and man was due this
the most part how then can any man comprehend spiritual misteries which are eternal by his natural perishing reason 6 Is not the most piercingst reason in man onely natural And can that which is natural comprehend that which is spiritual 7 Are they not as contrary as fire and water or as light and darkness How then can any man by his natural reason understand any thing that is spiritual It is written But the natural man perceiveth not the things of God because they are spiritually discerned but he that is spiritual discerneth all things yet he himself is judged of no man Again is is written Now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are given to us of God which things also we speak not in the words which mans wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual 8 My beloved brethren you may see that the Apostles came not to understand spiritual things by their study in the writings of Moses and the Prophets but by a gift from the Holy Ghost they were enabled in a great measure to comprehend the invisible things of God which they should enjoy in the resurrection of the just 9 Moreover you know that the Apostle Paul before his conversion was a very able man in the letter of Moses and the Prophets yea and according to the letter blameless in his conversation yet for all that in zeal towards an unknown God he persecuted the spirit of that letter through ignorance of that second man which was the Lord from heaven 10 T is truth that when the Apostles preached the spiritual things of eternity they alluded unto Moses and the true Prophets because some of those mysteries were fore-prophesied of by them but yet you may see that they were not instructed in those heavenly things by vertue of their prophetical letter but as beforesaid by inspiration from the holy spirit onely 11 Thus you that are spiritual may clearly see that no man by his natural reason and study in the letter of the Scripture can ever be established in the truth of those glorious things unto which the letter beareth record unless he hath received a spiritual gift from that glorious God that moved holy men of old to speak and write those Records of Truth 12 Therefore you may be confident that those men which ignorantly call the Letter Spirit as yet they are not acquainted with those spiritual teachings of the things of God which many of his elect do enjoy that cannot read one letter in the Bible his divine Secrets are treasured up for the simple and the subtile learned Rationists are sent empty away 13 My beloved spiritual brethren in the glorious things of eternity though men seemingly appear never so innocent in their way is it probable think you that those men are immediately moved to speak unto the people by the spirit of God that slight all the Scripture Records as a thing of nought 14 I humbly beseech you that are sober can any man of what tongue or language soever speak or write a better or as good a language as the Scriptures are and not speak Scripture words or prove it was not the glorious God that moved the holy men of old to speak or write these Scripture records 15 Again if the most desperatest man living which saith in his heart there is no God shall commit murder or the like and should scape the vengeance of mans Laws for a season yet he cannot possibly prevent the voice of that spiritual Law within crying for vengeance from that Law without him answerable to that within him 16 Moreover though natural wise men as a nose of wax produce those Records to bear testimony unto all error whatsoever yet you that are spiritual may know that the Scriptures themselves are words of pure truth not having the least error in them but error proceeds onely from that serpentine devil in men which take upon them to interpret the Scriptures without a spiritual gift 17 Can any man that hath the spiritual power of the Scriptures in him be offended with those Records which are witnesses of his innocent life in the faces of those carnal hypocrites which for love of silver or honor prate of them onely but secretly h●te all obedience to them 18 Are not the literal Records a demonstration of the minde of the holy spirit unto the chosen of God which have the light of life in some measure to comprehend them 19 Moreover are not the te●chings of the blessed spirit more abundantly consolate to him if those heavenly breathings in him be harmonious with the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ without him 20 Can any man therefore which expects that eternal glory unto which these Scriptures above all the writings in the world bear record possibly despise the letter and yet love that Spirit from whence it came 21 Again give me leave to make one comparison in reference to this matter Suppose two friends that loved each other as their own souls had their personal residence in several kingdoms and one of them as a testimony of his real love before he passed away left behinde him a Book containing variety of sweet expressions of friendship unto the other until he come again if that man in the absence of his friend should burn that Book to ashes in stead of embracing it is that any sign of love in him to his friend afar off 22 Wherefore can any sober man imagine or think from any ground of truth that the eternal spirit of the true Jesus upon any account did ever command any man to burn those Records which are a Remonstrance of the wonderful spiritual transactions of the most high and holy God since the world began yea before this world was 23 O Lord God of heavenly order and not of earthly confusion even for the glory of thy dreadful names sake deliver thy redeemed ones not onely from exalting the literal Scriptures above the holy Spirit which spake them but also from disputing against the mysteriousness of them 24 Then no kinde of natural witchcrafts which bear the name of spiritual power shall have dominion over them for ever but they shall patiently wait for their change by a peaceable death or being swallowed up of life through the appearing of our onely God and Savior in the air with his mighty Angels to reward every man according to his works 25 Even so come Lord Jesus come quickly and make it manifest in the sight of men and angels whether thou hast sent us as we have declared or no. CHAP. VII 1 Of the creation of the Firmament Sun Moon and Stars 2 Of the Earth in the deep waters 3 The meaning of the word Create 4 Why the deep waters are eternal 5 By what the Firmament was formed 6 How the Sun Moon and Stars came 7 Of the distinct and fixed bodies of the Sun
was buried canst thou then be convinced that thy sinful soul is mortal and must die also 28 In the 53. of Isaiah it is written he poured out his soul unto death Again it is written that his soul was heavy unto death Again it is written that his soul was made an offering for sin Again in the first of Revel it is written I am he that was dead and am alive and behold I live for evermore Again it is written in St. John I lay down my life of my self no man takes it from me I have power to lay it down and power to take it again Christ therefore died and rose again and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and the quick In the second of the Acts of the Apostles it is written thou wilt not leave my soul in grave nor suffer thy holy One to see corruption 29 Behold is it not as clear as the light in these Scripture Records that the pure soul of Christ himself died and was buried in the Grave for a moment and doest thou think thy sinful soul is immortal and shall scape death 30 Again thou canst not be so fortish as to think that the spirit of Christ was buried alive in the grave neither canst thou possibly prove by these Scriptures that his soul was not buried with his body in the grave how then canst thou or darest thou say that thy polluted soul is immortal and cannot die 31 Again did that spotless soul that was uncapable of the least motion of folly enter into death and dost thou think that thy soul shall scape death which naturally is become so full of folly that it is utterly uncapable in it self of all kinde of purity whatsoever 32 If no sinful man be capable of the in-dwelling of the Spirit of God some men may say unto me What is that spirit light or life of Christ spoken of in the Scriptures which all men are made partakers of except they be reprobates 33 From a divine gift of the Eternal Spirit to this I answer The elect of God being endued with the vertues fruits or effects of the most Holy Spirit these heavenly graces or motions in the minde proceeding from the glorious Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ are called by the divine Titles of God himself because they are of the very same nature operating the very same effects of immortal glory in the end of the world as it did upon Christ himself 34 Again you know it is written in Scripture The fruits of the Spirit is love peace gentleness goodness faith long suffering brotherly kindness and such like against which there is no Law Also it is written That men were made partakers of the divine nature and that Christ did live in mens hearts by faith And that Christ said He was the Vine and his Apostles or Believers were the Branches and his Father or Spirit was the Husbandman Again it is written Let the same minde be in you that was even in Christ Jesus Likewise it is written There were diversity of gifts or operations of the Spirit of God in men 35 My spiritual brethren which wait for a Crown that fadeth not away if you compare Scriptures with Scriptures you may see then that no sinful mortal did or possibly could possess the in-dwelling essence of the Spirit of God himself but onely the in-shining motions operations voices vertues fruits or effects of that most glorious Spirit 36 Again it is written That Christ is the Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world and why so Truly because there is no other Father Spirit Creator or God at all but Christ Jesus alone to give light unto men or angels that is all men which are enlightned with the true light that leadeth unto life eternal receive it only from the glorious Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ 37 Again though it is said that Christ is the Light of the world or that he giveth light unto every man that cometh into the world yet it doth not therefore follow that all men are partakers of the light of Christ in them unto life eternal 38 Furthermore I confess there is so much light of Christ in the most wickedst of men to convince them of sin but not to restrain them or convert them from evil 39 Again there is a two-fold light of Christ in men the one is literal and the other is spiritual 40 Now you that are truly enlightned from above may understand that there is naturally so much light of Christs Law written in every sensible mans spirit to convince him of good and evil and to cause him oftentimes to confess the truth and to wish that he could love it or do it or that he might die the death of the righteous like unto Baalam 41 But though this legal light of Christ in men be never so great in measure yet no man was ever capable by it to be made inwardly obedient unto the spirit of Christ our Lord Jesus 42 Therefore who ever thou art which sayest that all men have so much light in them as will make them happy if they will thou knowest not as yet what it is to possess that spiritual new birth of true light unto life eternal 43 That light of Christ which doth not onely convince a man of inward Rebellions and convert him from the ruling power of them may also be called by a two-fold name either a created light or a renewed light 44 This light of Christ in man is that invisible image of God which doth not onely purifie the inward filthiness of flesh and spirit but doth also in some measure present unto the understanding the certain truth of an eternal personal glory or everlasting shame of a life to come 45 Again you know it is written that except a man be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven Also it is written From his fulness we all receive and grace for grace 46 My spiritual brethren if a mans understanding is not capable to comprehend any thing of the invisible and visible things of the Kingdom of Glory except the eternal Spirit of Christ Jesus convey a new and shining light into him what then think you will become of those men which say there is so much light of Christ planted in every mans spirit that is sufficient to make him eternally happy if he will but hearken unto it 47 If all men which are begotten and brought forth by the spirits of sinful parents were naturally endued in the womb with such a measure of the light of Christ in them that will safely conduct them into the Kingdom of Glory if they will what need then would there be of any new birth at all from the Lord Jesus Christ Or what man would want any further light from the Holy Spirit of the onely everliving God 48 Again it is written When Christ ascended on high that he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men 49 My
spiritual brethren you know that by nature we are all under a tyrannical yoke of spiritual darkness and all maner of fleshly uncleanness whatsoever 50 Also you know that innocent infants though defiled in their natures through generation yet they are neither capable to understand spiritual or natural good or evil therefore they have no need of Christs spiritual gifts in the womb for to ensure themselves of their own eternal happiness 51 Again if the Lord Jesus Christ alone is the light and life of men and if all men that are saved must of necessity receive a new light unto their dark souls from his Divine Spirit then without controversie those men as yet are utterly ignorant of the new and true birth of the ever-living Jesus which say every man hath so much light of Christ in them that is sufficient to salvation if they will 52 Again if every man have the spirit of Christ living in his conscience as many men vainly imagine what then is become of the spiritual body or that Jesus that ascended into the throne of his glory in the visible fight of men and angels 53 Or what man hath any need of his spiritual gifts or heavenly graces at all if his Christ and he was conceived and born together from the womb of his mother 54 When the Apostle said For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily and from his fulness we all receive and grace for grace I would fain know from any man whatsoever whether that God or Christ were in them when they spake or writ those words 55 Again if that Godhead spirit of Christ Jesus our Lord had been within them when they uttered those speeches I suppose it had been more proper for them to have said For in us dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily If the Apostles had always possessed the spirit of God or Christ within them then they uttered but vain words when they speak of receiving of grace or truth from a personal Christ without them 56 Again if Christ or his Spirit had been within the Apostles when they spoke of his divine Glory or Godhead fulness of grace and truth would it not have been more proper for them to have said from that God or Christ within us we are filled with all manner of spiritual consolations or heavenly perfections whatsoever 57 If Christ or his Spirit were within men when they uttered those words all faith or hope in reference to eternal glory was vain and of no effect why because if men have their God or Christ within them onely they are no more under the teachings of another spirit but are as glorious already as ever they are like to be But what saith the Scripture If our hopes were in this life onely we were of all men most miserable Again concerning these words Christ in you the hope of glory Or know ye not that the Spirit of Christ is in you except ye be reprobates 58 My beloved brethren what need any man hope for glory if he hath the Spirit of Glory resting upon him already 59 Again I hope no man will say that he hath a Christ in him that hopes after glory or stands in need of any glorification whatsoever Well then the minde of the Spirit of Christ in those words was this That except your understanding be enlightned from the eternal Spirit of a glorified Christ in that heavenly throne above the stars ye are but reprobates 60 Or thus Except you are filled with the gifts of graces of that glorious God-man Christ Jesus who is ascended far above all Heavens Angels or men know ye not that you are but in the State of reprobation 61 Or as if the Apostle should have said Know ye not that you are but meet reprobates if ye glory of a God or Christ within you and deny the Godhead person of that Lord Jesus Christ that was crucified upon a tree without you 62 Again who ever thou art which glorieth of a spiritual union with a God or Christ within thee and despisest a personal glorified Christ of flesh and bone without thee yea and distinct from thee in another world I say from his eternal Spirit thou art but a reprobate 63 Who ever thou art which boasteth of a God and a Christ and his Ordinances and of a glory to come without thee in the highest heavens if thou shalt be left to the pride and envy of thy formal spirit to condemn the invisible teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ in his innocent people because they are contrary to thy opinion I say from the everliving Emanuel that thou art also but a reprobate CHAP. XVI 1 Of divers comparisons of the Spirit or Person of Christ unto the face of the natural Sun 2 No man or Angel can be capable of the in-dwelling of Gods essence but his own person onely THe Spirit or person of Christ may fitly be compared unto the face of the natural Sun in divers respects you may know that the natural spirit of the Sun by vertue of the decreed word of the Lord is so exceeding fiery glorious that no created thing that hath natural life in it is capable of its in-dwelling brightness but it s own body or face onely 2 So likewise that infinite Spirit abiding within the glorious body or face of our Lord Jesus Christ is so unspeakeable fiery glorious that no created spirit of man or Angel is able to bear the indwelling essence of it but it s own body or face onely 3 Again you know that all natural things of the day are preserved onely by vertue of that inward light life beauty or glory in them which shineth through the body or face of the Sun onely 4 So likwise all spiritual light life beauty joy or glory within the spirits of elect men and Angels shineth onely through the glorious heavenly mouth of Christ Jesus our Lord. 5 Again though both sensible and insensible creatures are preserved in their well beings by vertue of a measurable light and heat proceeding from the Sun you may know that if the essence of the Sun were on this earth it would not onely put out the fire but also immediately consume all things to ashes or dry sand 6 So likewise though the spiritual well beings of elect men and Angels are onely preserved by vertue of a measurable light and life proceeding from that bright shining spirit through the face of Christ Jesus our Lord yet if the essence of his spirit were within the spirits of any created beings it would consume them immediately to powder 7 Again though all created beings under the Sun are enlivened and continued by vertue of its light and heat through which according to their kind they are full of joy yet if the Sun should absent it self a little too long all his former light would vanish like smoke and the creature would both languish and perish for want of a new supply from its presence so likewise it
word Father bear the same sense 17 Doth not the word Jesus signifie a Savior and doth not the word Son bear the same sense and doth not the word Christ signifie Chrystal clearness or anointing and doth not the word Holy Ghost bear the same sense 18 If this be truth which none can gainsay but men as yet under spiritual darkness what difference is there then between the word Father Son and Holy Spirit and Lord Jesus Christ Are they not onely names words or titles in relation to the onely wise immortal invisible distinct glorious God-man blessed for ever and ever in himself and honored onely of men and angels unto whom he is made manifest 19 Though the eternal Jehovah had variety of divine Titles for the exaltation of his infinite Majesty under the legal or ceremonial worship of Moses and the Prophets was he ever own'd by any more then one name of glorious God or Holy One of Israel 20 If he had contained of three divine Persons or Spirits in coequal Godhead glory can any man be so sensless to think that he would have hid it from Moses and Aaron Abraham David and all those Prophets with whom he was so familiar in divine appearances or wonderful miracles 21 If the Most High and Mighty Jehovah was but onely one spitual person in the times of Moses and the Prophets which none can gainsay but men in Egyptian darkness are not those men at present utterly ignorant of the onely wise God which endeavor by literal violence to perswade themselves and others that the Holy One of Israel is three persons because he is called by a three-fold name in the New Testament 22 You know in Scripture a man is called soul body and spirit though he be but one person 23 Also you may know that men in highest places are called by a three-fold Title as namely Kings excellent Majesty or the like 24 Though they attribute to themselves never so many honorable Titles to manifest their earthly greatness that they might be dreadful in the spirits of earthly minded people yet you know they are but one person onely 25 So likewise though the eternal Jehovah be called by a three-fold name of Father Son Spirit or Lord Jesus Christ or though he hath never so many divine Titles attributed to him for exaltation of his infinite Majesty within the spirits of his redeemed ones yet you may know that he can be no more then one glorious being onely 26 You that are truly spiritual may know why the God of glory called himself by a three-fold name because no man by humane learning should by the letter of the Scripture truly know what the Holy One of Israel is or was that God alone might have all the praise or glory in revealing himself unto mankinde 27 Christ Jesus the Holy One of Israel called himself by a threefold name in reference to a threefold maner of appearance to his elect Israelites 28 In his first appearance unto Moses and the Prophets he was pleased to manifest himself by the Divine Titles of Jehovah the mighty God of Jacob the Holy One of Israel and such like 29 When the God of Glory abased himself in flesh in the form of a servant answerable unto that second appearance unto his chosen ones you know he called himself Jesus the Son of God the son of man the Savior and such like 30 Jesus Christ the Holy One of Israel being ascended into the throne of his former glory now in his third and last appearance he is pleased to call himself by the names of holy Ghost or Spirit because of his immediate spiritual teaching of his redeemed ones 31 Or thus the onely God may be understood a spiritual Lion in the days of Moses and the Prophets a divine Lamb in the days of Christ and the Apostles a heavenly Dove in these our days of confused darkness 32 Or thus the Holy One of Israel may be described the eternal Jehovah in the Law the eternal Jesus in the Gospel the eternal Spirit in this age 33 And yet but one onely distinct personal Majesty even from eternity to eternity 34 Though the Lord of Life and Glory commanded his Apostles to Baptize those of the Faith in the name of the Father Son and Holy Ghost yet you know their miracles were done by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ 35 Whatever any literal monger shall object you that are spiritual may know that the Lord Jesus Christ and Father Son and Spirit beareth but one sence 36 Jesus Christ the Holy One of Israel called himself by a threefold name of Father Son and Spirit in relation unto his threefold witness on earth in the words following which are these and there are three which bear witness in the earth the Spirit and the Water and the Blood and these three agree in one CHAP. XX. 1 No title of honor ever attributed but to a Person 2 Who it was that Christ prayed unto in the days of his flesh 3 The Creator distinct from all his Creatures 4 Of Gods Oath concerning his Transmutation into pure flesh and bone MY spiritual brethren because all true and lasting peace wholly depends upon a right understanding of the onely wise God and because most of the heirs of glory are not clear in their understandings concerning his personal Majesty though much hath been declared to that purpose in this Epistle already I shall write distinctly concerning the Creator and his immediate commissionate Messengers or Embassadors from these two threefold Scripture Records 2 You know that in Scripture Records as beforesaid a man is called by a threefold name of Soul Body and Spirit as if he contained of three distinct essences yet you know that in the originality of nature he is but one distinct personal being 3 So likewise though the onely wise God in Scripture Records be called by a threefold name of Father Son and Spirit or Lord Jesus Christ as if he contained of three distinct essences yet you which are spiritual may know that he is but onely one distinct glorious person in form like a man 4 If an earthly Monarch did not possess a distinct body could there be ascribed any honorable titles of Emperor King or such like unto him at all 5 If the eternal Majesty were not a distinct person what holy names could be attributed unto him in the least 6 Is it names words or titles makes a King to be or gives being to an Emperor without a natural person 7 Is it divine words names or titles makes a God to be or gives being to a Divine Majesty without a spiritual person 8 Yow know that all the honorable titles in this world to be vain and of none effect if there were not the person of a man to ascribe them unto 9 You may know that all honorable titles concerning a divine Majesty would also be of none effect if there were not a spiritual person to attribute them unto or unless they were
the God of Heaven and Earth without a voice of distinct words to the hearing of the ear from the everliving God 11 Or can he possess any true joy or peace of conscience in his prophetical declarations without such an immediate commission from the true God as beforesaid 12 Again though Spirit Blood and Water by the wisdom of God sweetly agree within the body of a healthful man yet you know that they are of contrary natures to one another 13 For the soul or spirit of man is an absolute mortal fire within the blood and the water which by vertue of its fiery nature qualifieth the blood and the water according to their capacities 14 Through which they are so sweetly composed that unanimously they give natural life and strength through the whole man in so much that the one cannot live without the other though they are of contrary natures 15 Thus through the secret decree of the divine Majesty there is a marvelous trinitary mystery within the natural body of man 16 But very few men understand it for want of the prophetical spirit of David in them who cryed out with exceeding admiration of the Creators wisdom saying I am fearfully and wonderfully made 17 So likewise you may know it is with these three commissionated witnesses of the divine Majesty in earth 18 For though all three proceeded from one and the same spirit of truth and all bear Record unto onely one distinct personal God-man glorified yet in the maner of their declarations concerning the worshipping of the Holy One of Israel they differ and are as contrary as fire blood and water which are without the body of men 19 But in the spirituality of their administrations concerning invisible worshipping of the Lord Jesus Christ they harmoniously agree as one soul like unto spirit blood and water within mans body as aforesaid 20 If any man should ask why the Holy One of Israel hath put such a vast difference between the administrations of his three witnesses in earth To this from the Holy Spirit I answer by way of Quere Is it not to blinde the eyes of the wise and prudent men of this world that from their strength of reason in Scripture records they may war against the pure light of life within the witnesses of the God of all saving truth 21 That they may remain in their rational darkness of unbelief wherein they were born and so everlastingly perish for want of that ●ew and true birth of the fiery glorious Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ 22 Is it not also that God alone may receive all the honor power praise and glory from his redeemed ones in the revealing his true witnesses or Prophets unto them by his eternal spirit through which they attain to the right understanding of the very true God and the glorious things of eternity declared by his own chosen messengers 23 And so are made to receive those divine truths in the purity of them by loving of them above the gain or glory of this conceited peri●hing world 24 Moreover do they not thereby enjoy an invisible seal of an assurance of the eternal immortality of their persons at the visible appearing of the divine Majesty of the Son of man 25 That most infinite glorious God with all his mighty Angels Moses and Elias at that dreadful day when all time shall vanish immediately and eternity onely seize upon all mankinde in their several persons 26 Again if water blood and fire without the body of man be mixt together being of contrary conditions or natures you know they cease not contending until they have conquered one another 27 Also you know blood is too strong for water and fire too powerful for blood so likewise you may know it is with the three commissionated witnesses of God in earth Moses the Apostles and two last Witnesses 28 Though they unanimously agree in bearing record unto onely one distinct personal God of all saving truth as spirit water and blood sweetly accord within the healthful body of a mortal man as aforesaid 29 Yet you may know that in their visible worship they are at warfare with each other until they have obtained victory one over another 30 That the present immediate spiritual wisdom of the divine Majesty might bear rule in the consciences of the chosen Jewels of immortal crowns and not that which is past 31 Wherefore when that Gospel administration of blood appeared you know that the Apostolical Commissioners thereof did with all their power preach against all Mosaicall observations of Jewish circumcision new Moons or abstinence from meat drinks or any kinde of Sabbattical Ceremonies whatsoever to be vain and of none effect and contrary to the Spirit of Christ 32 Thus you that are enlightned from on high may see that that spiritual wine of the everlasting Gospel in the chosen of God transmuted all watery Ceremonies into its own spiritual substance even as water being mingled with blood is converted into its own nature 33 Moreover since the appearing of the two last Witnesses of the eternal spirit you may know that all Apostolical ordinances imitated by men called Ministers of the Gospel are counterfeit Apostles which take upon them to Preach Pray Baptize with water break bread lay on hands or any such like without a commission from on high 34 Whether for silver or honor or a name amongst men under pretence of conscience unto a God which they truly understand not nor desire to know 35 From the true God I say again you that are spiritual may know that these idol Shepherds and their imaginary formalities are now become vain and contrary to the heavenly breathings or incomes of the glorious Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ God-man glorified 36 Thus in what soul soever this divine worship of the true God powerfully appeareth it immediately transmutes all Apostolical formalities into invisible spiritualities of glorious joys 37 By vertue of an heavenly intercourse between the divine spirit and the poor soul that is acquainted with his heavenly voice or still motions 38 Again if divers men appear as Witnesses or Prophets immediately sent forth by a powerful commission from the everliving God are there not certain divine seals to distinguish between those Embasladors which are infallible and them that are but fallible 39 My elect brethren is it not the property of a commissionated Witness of Christ Jesus at the first appearance of God unto him to desire the Most High that he would passe him by and make choice of any other to be his Embassador unto his people 40 Furthermore in the maner of his spiritual declarations unto the most wisest natural men doth he not appear not onely seemingly quite contrary unto the Lords former witnesses but also as the most blasphemous simple base fellows that ever appeared in the name of the Lord 41 But of the contrary for the most part in men that are deceived is there not a strong desire in their fleshly spirits
consists not in meats and drinks also it is written whatsoever is sold in the shambles eat making no question for conscience sake Furthermore it is written there is nothing unclean in it self but as it is so esteemed for the earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof in these and many such like Scripture sayings is it not as clear as the light it self that whatsoever was made might freely be eaten so that it were moderately taken 31 So likewise whatsoever was created at the first for mans eating with his mouth was absolutely pure and very good for that end it was made but of the contrary that fruit or tree of knowledge of good and evil eaten of by Eve was not onely full of tormenting spiritual venom to her former peace of soul but it caused her very body also to be subject unto all maner of mortal diseases 32 Besides a secret fear of eternal death which was worst of all until the voice of God in the garden of her soul quieted her wounded spirit with a gracious promise of a glorious deliverance through his appearance in a body of flesh in that saying the seed of the woman shall break the Serpents head CHAP. XXXIV 1 The tree of knowledge of good and evil was no natural tree 2 What it was 3 Whence the originality of sin came IN the first Chapter of Genesis it is thus written And God said behold I have given unto you every herb bearing seed which is upon all the earth and every tree wherein is the fruit of a tree bearing seed that shall be to you for meat and God saw all that he had made and lo it was very good 2 If thou which readest this point dost but view this place of Scripture with sobriety of spirit thou canst not then but be convinced of the gross absurdity of the learned men of this world that have long imagined the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil to be a natural tree bearing apples or such like fruit 3 Again if every green herb upon all the earth and every tree wherein is the fruit of a tree bearing seed were given unto Adam and Eve for their food according to what is here written and that God that gave it them saw all that he had made to be very good how then can any sober man possibly imagine or think that the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil could be of this creation though it appeared unto Eve upon this earth seeing all the trees that God had made in this earth was very good in his sight as aforesaid 4 This I would fain know from the Learned whether this earth was capable of any curse or any natural thing that grew in it before Eve had eaten of the forbidden fruit 5 If the earth was blest and all that was created in it until Eve had rebelled against the Creator then without controversie what ever venemous creatures trees or herbs there are or any thing else that is hurtful to the nature of man upon the account of eating with the mouth they had no being in this creation until Eve had transgressed 6 Therefore that Tree of Life in the midst of the Garden and the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil could not possibly be trees bearing natural Apples as hath been long imagined 7 But they were trees of higher concernment then of eating their fruit with the mouth and casting of it into the draught 8 Do not all men that have any true light in them look upon the tree of Life from the beginning of Genesis unto the end of the Revelation to be nothing else but the spiritual person of that Lord Jesus Christ who is the onely ever-living God from whence floweth all living waters into the Garden of Eden who are the spiritual trees of eternal glory 9 Do not those men that are of a sound judgement in the things of eternity look upon that tree of Knowledge of good and evil to be the out-cast unclean person of that Serpent Dragon Devil which through essential union with Eve become that murthering lying cursed Cain through which the spirits of the elect Israelites are all defiled as well as the Cananitish reprobate trees of eternal death until they are watered anew from the glorious Tree of life eternal as beforesaid 10 But alas in this confused age of seeming lofty light in stead of a true understanding of the spiritual trees of eternal life and the carnal trees of eternal death spoken of in Scripture-records do not many Atheistical minded men in these our days endeavor with all their might to convert the glorious truths of the everliving Jesus into nothing but brain fancies of notional lying vanities 11 Is it not become a second nature unto them for silver or honor to deceive their own souls by flattering their poor deceived brethren lying under the power of many filthy lusts that all their sins shall be burnt up but their souls shall be swallowed up into the eternal Being 12 Suppose the forbidden fruit had been an natural Apple the Creators nature being all purity it self and the soul of Eve being of his divine image if the forbidden tree was pure in its nature also before it was touched by Eve whence then came that sin upon the spirit of Eve seeing all things that was made in this creation was very good at the first as is clearly proved by the Scripture Records already 13 This I am sure of that no man that is sober neither will nor dares say that that evil proceeded from the Creators forbidding her to touch the tree or its fruit neither could that sin possibly proceed from the soul of Eve because it was of the divine nature in its creation 14 And if that tree and its fruit eaten of by Eve were of this creation how could there possibly be any evil in its nature either seeing every thing and tree that was formed in this world was made very good at the first in the pure eyes of the Creator as abundantly beforesaid 15 But some men may say unto me Though the eternal Spirit of the divine Majesty was uncapable of the least motion of evil through the infinite purity of its spiritual nature yet sin being but a defect of nature may it not originally rise out of the soul of Eve though it was purely created and for want of a Creators infinite power in it self for its own preservation 16 From the light of life eternal to this I answer As for the originality of sin it is both granted and clearly demonstrated already in that secret of the creation of Angels beforesaid that the root of all evil sprung from the nature of the unsatisfied Angelical reprobate through the absenting of the Creators inspiring glorious excellencies to him 17 But on the contrary it is against all spiritual or rational truth that is sober that the least motion of evil could possibly have its original from the divine spirits of Eve or Adam 18 Therefore
Christ by vertue of that light they are accounted to live and to die in the Lord and to rise again in the Lord both soul and body because of their God-like condition even to all eternity 7 Thus you that are filled with the light of the true Jesus may clearly see though a natural man by vertue of creation may be said to live in or by the power of the Lord yet upon a spiritual account in reference to Redemption he may be an absolute devil in himself and so wholly live in the dark power 8 Moreover though it is said that the Saints live and die in the Lord yet I would not have you think that the spirits of the Saints and the spirit of the Lord are so united that they are but one essential life or spirit no that was none of the Apostles intent in those words but as beforesaid his meaning was that those men which were possessed with the true light of life eternal by a continual intercourse with the God of Glory from whence that light proceeded they were vertually united unto the eternal Spirit 9 Though the chosen of God are vertually united to the eternal spirit of a glorified Christ yet how can it be said they die in the Lord or what is meant by their dying in the Lord Truly most of the elect of God themselves are dark in this thing it is a sealed book unto them the Lord alone must open it 10 My beloved brethren as there is two lives of the elect in the Lord a life of grace and a life of glory proceeding from one and the same spirit onely differing much in degree so likewise you may know there may be said to be two deaths or dyings of the Saints in the Lord also 11 Moreover you know by vertue of the light of Christ in the new born of God they become dead to all their former inward filthiness of flesh and spirit as namely they are dead to covetousness envy pride lust yea and all excess of vain-glorious delights among men that perish so likewise they are dead to all their formal righteousness or hypocritical holiness to be seen of men 12 Moreover they are dead to all carnal Christs in men whatsoever whether they be literal natural or notional Christs of empty words onely arising onely from that blinde-born devil of mans imaginary reasons 13 Furthermore there is such a self-denying spirit in all experimental true born Christians from the high heavens that they abhor to put confidence in any God Christ Light or Life to give glory unto any thing that is in sinful man or angels in the least 14 Because they certainly know that there is not one motion or thought of any spiritual light or truth in man or angel but what he received from an infinite glorious Majesty whose personal presence is in a world where never any actual rebellions was committed against his Holy Spirit 15 Thus in a small measure through divine assistance I have shewed you what is the first dying in the Lord in reference to the first resurrection from carnal darkness to the true light of life in Christ Jesus God-man blessed for ever and ever Amen Now give me leave to write a little of the second and last dying in the Lord because of the eternal personal glory that will immediately follow it CHAP. L. 1 Of the second and last dying in the Lord 2 what it is 3 Eternal life is hid in the person of God onely I Know the general cheat of the Priests concerning this secret for hey tell the ignorant people that the body onely dies and the soul ascends to a place of blessedness or descends to a place of cursedness until the day of Judgement and they say then the soul assumes the body again and so receives the sentence of eternal life and death and so enters into heaven to the Lord or hell with the devil and his angels which they say are bodiless spirits 2 If the blinde lead the blinde how can they scape falling into a ditch this opinion of theirs is like unto most of their matters but I 'le pass them by and come to the thing in hand 3 You that are spiritual may know that to die in the Lord is when a mans spirit dies in a full assurance of the resurrection of his spirit and body again out of the dust of the earth by the spiritual power of the Lord Jesus Christ at the last day 4 Furthermore he that dies in the Lord though all that 's in him turns to dust for a moment yet before he entred into the silent sleep of death he knew who would raise him to life and glory again at the end of the time 5 You know it is written When Christ which is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory now you may know that the Apostle meant a personal glory that was eternal with Christ in his personal presence and not a particular spiritual glory in the elect which was hid and in stead of love occasioned a general hatred and persecution of men as a delusion unto them and the like 6 Moreover you know though the Apostle Paul was ravisht with more glorious incomes of the love of Christ then the rest of his brethren yet he had many sorrowful afflictions mixed with those heavenly raptures 7 Therefore you may know if you are an heir of glory that this appearing of Christ in glory to his suffering innocent people was meant such a like glory as he now possesseth himself in a Throne of eternity where is neither hunger nor thirst nor affliction of sickness nor death nor need of any Sun Moon or Stars or any kinde of natural comforts for everlasting 8 Furthermore though a man be full of the glorious incomes of the eternal spirit yet you may know that his life is hid in that fountain of spiritual enjoyments in the new heavens and earth above this whole globe why because if a mans life or glory were hid in that light within them then he would not onely be full of unmoveable consolations but he would also increase in himself with such God-like wisdom power and glory that no envious man would be able to behold his face and live 9 Though the light of Christ in his new born ones occasion much joy and peace of conscience and power to suffer persecution for his names sake yet you may know that the glory of that light might well be said to be hid with God in Christ because the quickning power of his spiritual light in men or Angels remains onely in his own person which is the fountain or sea of all heavenly glories as aforesaid Without me said Christ ye can do nothing ye are not sufficient to think a good thought 10 You may know that it is the glory of Christs glory which compels him to keep the prerogative power of all his light or life in elect men and Angels to himself that
no distinct form or person of its own to create any kinde of living form at all 46 What though the spirit of our blessed Creator and gracious Redeemer be infinite can it possibly enjoy and kind of sensible life light or glory unless it hath a distinct body or person of its own to possess it in 47 Again though many seeming wise m●n for want of true divine faith do imagin the Lord to be a vast spirit yet you know that when they are moved to speak of a Creator they usually say that the eternal being is an incomprehen●●ble infiteness of variety of divine glories as namely wisdom saith love patience meekness righteousness with all spiritual excellencies 48 My spiritual brethren if the Creators nature be all variety of divine vertues and every qualification in him be infinite how can those divine glories be sensible of their own being or incomprehensible blessedness unless they possess a distinct body of their own to possess that glory in yea a transcendent heavenly body answerable unto an unutterable spiritual glory 49 For alas you know that no finite living being can possibly be capable to possess divine vertues which are infinite and live 50 You know that mortality and ●n●inite immortality cannot continue together 51 Therefore you may understand that that pure light which shineth in our dark spirits though it be called the divine nature or spirit of an infinite Majesty yet it is not infinite nor immortal in us 52 But it is a heavenly light or vertue in us changed into a condition of pure mortality that it might instruct a mortal sinful soul concerning immortal things which are eternal 53 For you experimental ones know that if that light of life enjoyed by us were immortal and eternal in us then it were impossible that we should be capable of any kind of misery or mutability in the least 54 Therefore you may know also that the greatest light in sinful man is but an inspired motion into the mans spirit to purifie the lying imagination or impure reason in the soul of that man that he may be capable to understand that the Creator hath a purpose to crown him with unchangeable personal glory at the great day 55 But as for those men which dream of a condition of possessing an unchangeable glory in this being through an essential oneness with an infinite Majesty they are in the depth of spiritual darkness concerning a right understanding of the Creator of his heavenly ways in man 56 Moreover you spiritual ones may know that though no man hath any light of life in him but what he hath received from an unchangeable glory yet because that vessel wherein this light doth shine is a mortal sinner and must die therefore that heavenly light is made subject to mortality so 57 Because the most high God by his unsearchable wisdom hath decreed that all light of life in man shall become dead dust or earth for a moment that in his appointed season it may quicken again a new and glorious life out of death it self for the manifestation of his infinite wisdom power and ravishing glory unto elect men and angels 58 Thus you that are truly spiritual may know that though death be and was that King of fears and enemy to all kind of life in God men and angels yet for a further increase of infiniteness of glory in the Creator and finite glory in elect men and angels it was his divine pleasure to make it as useful in its kind as life it self 59 Though this truth will be the Judge of me and all men at the last yet I expect but few to imbrace it through that endless opposition in man CHAP. V. 1 The cause of the Angels fall and the fruit thereof 2 The condition of the elect Angels 3 The spiritual nature of the fallen Angel remained and what names are g ven to h m. 4 An Objection and the Answer concerning two vessels 5 Of the ●allen Angel and Adam 6 No distinction between God and the creaiure but by names and natures 7 Election and Reprobation proved by divers Scriptures I● the next place I shall write of the occasion of the downfal of the angelical rep●obate from that height of his created glory which he possessed above all the elect angels My beloved brethren in ●he pure truth you know that light of the holy spirit in the Creator breathing it self into my ignorant soul hath abundantly remonstrated the distinction between the natures of God and Angels aforesaid 2 Moreover you may remember I told you that the spirits of angels were pu●e reason in their creation and furthe●more you know it is cleerly proved that the nature of the highest reason that ever was or possible can be is nothing el●e but meer desire 3 Wherefore though the Creator gave it its rational being yet unto you spiritual ones I made it appear that in his glorious spirit not one motion of reason was inherent 4 Because where any desire is though it be never so pure it is a want of something desired 5 Therefore you know than an infinite fulness of divine perfections in its own spirit cannot possibly have any kind of want in it therefore uncapable of any kind of desire in the least 6 Because what it hath a mind to do concerning it self or any thing it hath made you know it can do it to the utmost and who can let it or shall dare to say in the day of his eternal account why hast thou made one vessel for eternal glory and another vessel for everlasting shame 7 Wherefore my Christian f iends you may know that the continuance of the glory of the angelical reprobate being expired the Creator onely withheld the inspiration of his divine glory from him and immediately for want of that spiritual meat to satisfie his desiring nature his Godlike cre●●ed purity became nothing else but imaginary impurities of secret aspiring desires above the Creator 8 So that his former pure reason was then become nothing but a loathsome sink of unclean reasoning concerning the true knowledge of the Creators being the Creator and the creatures being but creatures and in stead of honouring the Creator for his unsearchable wisdom of forming out of a little dead ●ust such an innumerable host of elect angels for his Majesties personal society 9 At the blind bar of his lying imagination secretly he araigned all the wisdom of the infinite God in creation and condemned i● as weakness it self in comparison of his imaginary wisdom if he had been the Creator 10 Again his angelical spirit being wholly out of all creaturely order and being lifted up with the wisdom of his spirit and glory of his person he beheld both the wisdom and persons of all he elect angels as simple uncomely creatures in comparison of him or his wisdom 11 Moreover conceiving himself most fit for divine Rule and beholding himself and the Creator together he imagined his personal wisdom more
fulness onely do we not all receive and grace for grace if we have any grace at all ruling in us 3 And is he not the Redeemer of his beloved people with his own blood and is he not the Judge of quick dead and was not all things made by him and for him and was there any thing made that was made without him and was he not before all things and do not all things consist in him and are not all things upheld by that Almighty word of his holy Spirit onely 4 Seeing these are undeniable words of Truth it self do not all those men that own any other God or Father or Creator above before or besides our Lord Jesus Christ deny the Holy One of Israel and imagine a cursed lie and bow down to that cursed Idol of their own invented words onely utterly denying that honor and glory due unto Jesus Christ the Creator himself 5 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is that Christ the same is that Antichrist that denieth the Father and the Son Whosoever denieth the Son the same hath not the Father he that hath the Son hath that life and he that hath not that Son of God hath not that life he that believeth in the Son of God hath the witness in himself he that believes not God hath made him a liar because he believed not the record that God witnessed of that his Son and this is the record to wit that God hath given unto us eternal life and this life is in that his Son But ye have anointment from that Holy One and know all things These literal words of truth are in the Epistles by St. John All things are given unto me of my Father and no man knoweth the Son but the Father neither knoweth any man the Father but the Son and he to whom the Son will reveal him Mat. 11. 6 Some deceived persons ignorantly hold forth a false God or Trinity which say that the infinite Majesty is a vast bodiless spirit also they call their God by a twofold name or spirits a Spirit Father and a Spirit Son and these spirits they say are in their spirits and so these three spirits being one essence make up their imaginary Trinity in Unity 7 These are those which affirm that there is no other God or Father or Creator b●t what is invisibly living in the Creation or in the creatures onely and if you soberly ask them whether there be a Creator and concerning the true knowledge of any such Creator you shall receive such like answers as this is 8 The Creator is an infinite incomprehensible Spirit essentially filling all things and places or they will say that a creature is utterly uncapable of any knowledge of the Creator himself but within the creatures onely or else they will tell you that not to know the Creator is the greatest knowledge of a Creator 9 Again you shall have such confusion as this from some of these high flown Atheists the Creator is all things and yet he is nothing at all and is every where and yet he is no where at all 10 If a man shall reply and say Nothing is nothing but if you grant a Creator he must be something as well as his creatures or else there can be no Creator at all 11 Further if a man shall say the Creator must of necessity be some glorious thing which is infinite in it self and distinct from all creatures as well as the creatures are distinct from one another or else you utterly deny a Creator 12 Then these men will say What is your Creator you pretend to know and where is his residence did you ever see him or such like 13 If a man shall reply That the Creator is an incomprehensible glorious person in the form of a man and that by vertue of his brightness he fills heaven and earth angels and men spiritually or naturally onely his ever blessed person is resident on a throne of infinite glory in but one place at once as the person of a man is in this world 14 Then these men are ready to villifie such a Creator as a simple weak thing or else they will say this is to confine an unknown infiniteness into a creaturely substance and such a God of a bodily appearance any way like unto themselves in the least they utterly abhor but as beforesaid a wonderful God which is uncapable of ever being seen or known by the creatures such a non-sensible infinite nothing all vain-glorious men delight to own who love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil 15 Another sort there are of these men which appear more angelical then the rest these are those which are full of expressions of heavenly Raptures through a supposed union with a Father and Son within them onely and various Songs which they call Spiritual breakings forth in them unto which hymns or natural songs mixt with many spiritual expressions in meeter or otherways they bow down their souls and ignorantly say it is the Father breathing forth those fleshly ballads through their mouthes Moreover if these notional flashes shall see any of their own fancies lying under a wounded spirit and through some extraordinary guilt crying out they have that fire of hell burning in them and are those devils which are under eternal damnation already 16 Further though their condition be like unto Cain through the eternal absence of the spirit of God speaking peace unto their outcast condition yet when these notional flashes shall come to visit their friend in this his horrid unutterable pain and shame they will speak such like empty speeches are these Come come it is very good for you that you should be thus afflicted it is a token of the fathers love unto you he will bring all men and women into your condition more or less that the glory of his mercy might shine over all or else they will say 't is the Fathers love in darkness appearing unto you if you could but see it Further they will say unto their hopeless friend wherefore do you thus torment your own soul there is but one pure being and all our spirits came forth from this Father of Spirits and in the end we shall all be swallowed up into the eternal being again wherefore then do you talk so much of eternal damnation or call your self a devil making such lamentation for your sins as if you could possibly be divided from your Fathers love or cast out of his glorious presence I boldly affirm unto you it is no such matter for there are no such devils or damnation or sins at all but in the esteem of men deceived so to think by their fellow creatures which ignorantly lord one over another from some blinde opinion in them wherefore our counsel is that you would hearken no more unto vain thoughts or motions or imaginations within you or words from any creature without you as to become so weak or foolish
simple in aw under their Rulers but if it were not for fear of men if they could have their wills they would burn all the Scriptures in the world to ashes and in stead of fearing any fiery vengeance following them their unbelieving seared spirits would greatly rejoyce at it as a most noble or profitable act to the whole world for preventing all literal contestations concerning a God or glory or misery to come 10 Some men would imagine these Witnesses to be the Magistrates and the Ministers 11 Now you may know that cannot be because both Magistrates and Ministers are either chosen by one another or by the voice of the people in stead of being chosen by the voice of God himself or a true Prophet sent forth by his eternal spirit for that purpose 12 'T is written that the witnesses had a powerful gift of prophesie now you know that since God became flesh instead of the Magistrates or Ministers owning themselves to be commissionated witnesses or Prophets of the divine Majesty for the most part if men have appeared upon that account they have persecuted them by imprisonment stripes banishment or death it self 13 Again it is written the witnesses were cloathed in sackcloth therefore they cannot be the Magistrates or the Ministers because you know that for the most part they are rather clothed in Satin or other costly garments then Sack-cloth or mean apparrel Wherefore seeing all Magistrates with their Ministers are chosen by men onely through the secret decree of the most high God and it being apparent that instead of honoring the Lord of life and glory or shewing mercy unto his Prophets for the most part they seek the honor of one another and persecute his messengers and rejoyce in feasting one another through the fastings of others 14 It is as clear as the light unto any man whose heart is not stone blind that they are none of the witnesses prophesied of by St. John in the eleventh of the Revelation 14 Another sort of Atheistical people there are that would imagine themselves to imply the two witnesses there spoken of saying the two witnesses are within them or every mens soul and body are those two witnesses and such like 15 Now you may know that this is so far from any spiritual truth that there is no sence or reason in it why though a man be called soul body and spirit yet he being but one person onely you know he can be no more then one witness upon what account soever 16 Again the invisible witness of mens consciences concerns mens own particular onely between God and man or between man and man and God onely wise perfectly seeth that witness always and not men therefore that cannot be the Witnesses here spoken of because you know that the Witnesses or Prophets of the Lord were always visible whilest they had a being in this world 17 Thus it is as clear as the light that none of all these are those two witnesses spoken of by St. John but meet imaginary fancies of mens own brains for want of a divine Light in them to distinguish between the true witnesses sent forth by the Creator himself and the false ones that went before they were sent 18 Again it is written But I will give power unto my two Witnesses and they shall prophesie My spiritual brethren you may know that when John spake those words that the two Witnesses were to come into the world to bear testimony unto the truth of the two past witnesses of the Lord because the Text saith but I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesie 19 And you know according to the truth of unerring Scriptures the two former witnesses had power given them from the Lord and they did prophesie in their times 20 So that you may understand that the Lord did purpose to raise two men in this Atheistical Age out of the very ashes of the two former witnesses not onely for discovery of all lying appearances in his name as they did in their times but also for a more clearer manifestation of the deep things of God then ever was since this world began 21 You that are spiritual may know that since the Lords two former witnesses fell asleep in the dust of the earth not a man have powerfully appeared to bear witness unto one distinct personal Creator as they did until we came forth in the latter end of the year 1651. in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ by voice of words spoken unto me by his eternal spirit three mornings together to the hearing of the ear as a man speaks to his friend 22 Again the Scriptures call them by the name of two witnesses onely wherefore if any man addeth to their number or despiseth them because they appear not like a God to bring fire down from heaven or turn waters into blood or such like natural plagues or miracles as hath been acted already if there be any truth in the Scriptures can that man scape the Plagues of God in the life to come threatned in such a call 23 Again you know it is said the Lord gave power unto the two witnesses to prophesie Is not this answerable unto the word of the Lord when he said unto me that he had given me understanding above all the men in the world and that he had chosen me as his last messenger for a great work unto this bloody unbelieving world and had gived me Lodowick Mugleton to be my mouth 24 You know that the witnesses are said to be two Olive Trees and two Candlesticks standing before the God of the whole earth my beloved spiritual brethren hath not the glorious God of Heaven and Earth both by speaking and writing manifested through our earthly Candlesticks or mortal mouths more divine Oyl or golden Truth then in any men in the world besides 25 Again you know it is said the witnesses were cloathed with sackcloth I humbly beseech you that have truly tasted of the glory of eternity did any men upon the face of the earth since the time of the Apostles upon an account as sent forth from the eternal spirit suffer persecution for bearing witness unto the man Christ Jesus glorified to be the onely wise God and alone everlasting Father but we two onely 26 Again you know it is written if any man will hurt them fire proceed●th out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies My spiritual friends is not this answerable unto the word of the Lord when he said unto me I have put the two edged sword of my spirit into thy mouth that whoever I pronounce blessed through thy mouth is blessed to eternity and whoever I pronounce cursed through thy mouth is cursed to eternity 27 Who ever thou art that shalt see these passages and be offended with me because of them be it known unto thee and all men else that I of all men neither do nor can expect any mercy from the glorious God to
body then shalt thou know that thou didst hear of a personal God infinitely glorious for Heavens Earth Angels or men to be capable of the indwelling essence of his eternal spirit CHAP. XXV 1 Of the sinful soul of man 2 Of its mortality 3 All souls that are generated are mortal 4 If mens souls were immortal they could not be capable of diseases CAn the soul of man be any thing at all but dust without their bodies or can their bodies be any thing at all but dry dead cold dust also without their spirits 2 Doth not the rational soul or spirit of man lye secretly hid in his seed like unto a spark of fire and can this seed of man have any living being without its body 3 Can the soul and body of man be therefore any more then one distinct living or dying essence 4 When a woman conceives life in her womb through mixtures of seeds by vertue of the decreed word of the Lord spoken at the first Creation of nature is not that life the very soul or spirit of the childe 5 Doth not that soul or spirit in the womb by degrees congeal together into rational fire blood and water and so in due time become a compleat body of flesh blood and bone 6 If men and women together beget and conceive the soul and body of the childe by an instinct in nature which none can gainsay but senceless sots or conceited wise men which through an ambition of tongues or languages have studied beyond all sober sence reason or wit 7 Is it then possible think you that the soul of a man should be immortal and the body wherein it liveth be mortal 8 Doth it not stand to very good sence that being both conceived into life into the womb together and both born together into the world and both living together upon the earth their appointed time and being both poluted together with sin that they should also both die together and turn to their dust or non-being again until the general bodily resurrection of all mankind that are dead asleep in the dust of the earth when time is no more either unto eternal glory or everlasting shame 9 Again it is written in the 46. Chap. of Genesis All the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt which came out of his loins beside Jacobs wives where in the whole threescore and six souls 10 In the tenth of Deuteronomy and the last verse it is written thy fathers went down into Egypt with seventy persons Here you see the Scriptures are plain for prooving the souls proceeding out of the loins of man as well as the bodies 11 Also you see that a man in Scripture is caled soul and sometimes is called body or soul body and spirit and yet you know he is but one living essence or substance 12 If all souls and bodies since the fall of Adam by natural generation proceed from the loins of one another as it is prooved clearly by spiritual sence reason and Scripture how can poor vain perishing dust imagine that his sinful soul is immortal and cannot die 13 Is it not natural for an immortal spirit to be united onely unto an immortal body and is it not natural for a mortal soul to be united onely unto a mortal body 14 Is it not against all sober sence or reason that the body of man could be subject to any kinde of diseases or distempers in the least if his soul were immortal and could not die 15 Is it not the very nature of immortality immediately to swallow up all into life or to transmute that body wherein it siveth from all maner of corruption into his own uncorrupted glory 16 Is it not the nature of a sinful soul to become subject to die through the defilement of its first created purity 17 Is there any undefiled soul now living upon the face of the earth and is not immortality all spotless purity as aforesaid how then thinks thou it possible that the sinful souls of men are immortal already and cannot die 18 It is written the soul that sins shall die also it is written in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the death I confess that the souls of Adam and Eve were not capable of any kinde of death until they were both defiled with the sinful nature of the Angelical Serpent 19 But as soon as ever they had eaten of that cursed Serpentine Tree of knowledge of good and evil their soul and bodies were free from all their former pure life 20 In the room thereof were subject to all kinde of imputed death whatsoever and did not know but that they were both cut off from the divine presence of the eternal spirit 21 Until the God of Glory himself graciously promised them to become flesh blood and bone of the Virgin seed to redeem their sinful souls and bodies again out of all kinde of death into an unchangeable immortal glory at his personal appearing with his mighty Angels 22 Again the Lord hath said in divers places of Scripture that the souls of men shall be cut off from the land of the living and that the soul that sins shall die and that the pure soul of Christ himself was poured forth unto death and that the soul of Christ should not be left in grave nor that his blessed body should see corruption and the Lord hath said that Adam and Eve were but dust and to dust they should re u●n again And yet thou contrary to all Prophetical or Apostolical Scripture and against all sober sence or reason in its right minde ignorantly or impudently affirmest that the sinful soul of man is already immortal and cannot die or be put to death 23 Again from this thy nonsensical imagination dost thou not call all the Scriptures all lie and the eternal Majesty from whence they proceeded a lyar to his face and dost thou not call all sober sence and reason a meer lie also 24 I know it is a common thing for men to say they have in them a good spirit and a bad spirit 't is confest that every man in his fallen spirit hath remaining a little light or motion of the spirit of God in him 25 Yet take notice of this though he hath a twofold motion in him to justifie all the righteous proceed●ngs of the Creator in his conscience at the last day yet he hath but one spirit or soul in him 26 Indeed the Apostle saith the spirit lusteth against the flesh and the flesh lusteth against the spirit and these two are contrary that which the Apostle calls the spirit in this place of Scripture was a divine light of life received into the dark understanding by vertue of a word speaking from the eternal spirit of a glorified Christ but not the essence of the Holy Spirit 27 And that which he calls the flesh was mans own spirit which consists of nothing but confused lying imagination or cursed carnal reasoning against that heavenly light
his where he calleth them Serpents and Generation of vipers and children of the devil and how should ye scape the damnation of hell and such like 39 Again concerning those words ye would not you that are spiritual may know that the divine will or pleasure of God in his Prophets did spiritually contend with the carnal spirits of the legal Jews answerable to their cursed imagination of having power in their own rational wills to do whatsoever he should command them 40 If the nature of the most purest reason be nothing but unsatisfactory weakness some men may say unto me why then doth the Scriptures call them Christs mighty Angels From the true light of life eternal to this I answer by a comparison If men are chosen by the greatest Monarch in the world for his society that they may be always ready to obey his will in whatsoever he shall command them when they have received a commission from his own mouth to execute vengeance upon Rebels their Towns Cities or Castles in his dominions you know they appear mighty or dreadful unto all his people as the King himself that sent them 41 So likewise you may know is is not in reference unto the purity of the Angels natures that they are called mighty Angels but because they were created not onely to stand in the personal presence of an infinite Majesty to behold his bright burning glory face to face but also to be ready to receive commissions from him to execute vengeance upon the Persons Goods Towns or Castles of Canaanitish Rebels that are left to despise his spiritual government or glorious truths declared through the mouths of his chosen Messengers 42 Again though those men that stand in the presence of the worlds Monarch are looked upon as the most mighty Nobles on this earth yet you know that the sight of them is not very dreadful to behold until men know they have received a commission of life and death from their mighty Lord and Master 43 So likewise though the holy Angels are called mighty because they stand in the personal presence of the most infinite Majesty of heaven and earth yet you may know that the sight of them are not very dreadful to behold until they have received a commission of life and death from their most mighty Lord of heaven and earth 44 Again you know that the servants of the most eminent Prince are not onely looked upon as honorable and mighty persons because they stand in the presence of so powerful a Prince but also because they inherit a temporal kingdom of such exceeding vastness with variety of honor beauty riches or pleasures 45 So likewise you may also know that the persons of Angels are not onely called Holy or Mighty because they stand in the visible presence of so infinite a Majesty but also because they inherit a kingdom of such infinite vastness and unspeakable fulness of all variety of ravishing honors beauties riches or pleasures which are eternal 46 Again you know that the servants of an earthly Monarch for the magnifying of their Lord and Master in the spirit of his subjects are cloathed not onely with or naments decked with silver gold precious stones or the like but their bodies also are anointed with precious odorus and fed with the finest delicacies 47 So likewise for exalting of the transcendent glory of the infinite God in the spirits of his obedient subjects you may know that the persons of the elect Angels doth not onely shine brighter then gold or any precious stones whatsoever but their bodies also are anointed with divine odours and their spirits are fed with glorious delicacies by vertue of a continual inshining brightness proceeding from the eternal spirit that made them 48 So much at present between the divine nature of the eternal spirit of undesiring satisfactory fulness in its own personal Majesty and the rational spirits of unsatisfactory desires dwelling in the spiritual bodies of the elect Angels and why they are called mighty Angels CHAP. XXIX 1 Of the creation of Adam 2 Why God spake in the plural number in the making of man IN the next place I shall treat of the Created purity of the first man and woman that ever were made that the heirs of immortal Crowns may the more clearer understand my ensuing discourse in the first and second Chapters of Genesis it is thus written furthermore God said let us make man in our image according to our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the foul of the heaven and over the beasts and over all the earth and over every thing that creepeth and moveth on the earth thus God created the man in his image in the image of God created he him he created them male and female The Lord God also made the man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living soul 2 My beloved spiritual brethren I do not question your satisfaction concerning the Holy One of Israel being but onely one eternal personal Majesty because not onely the ridiculousness of three persons in the Deity is so fully discovered already in this Epistle but because the true ground why the God of glory calleth himself by a threefold title of Father Son and Holy Spirit is clearly manifested also 3 Before I write concerning what that image of God in mans creation was give me leave to reason a little upon those words let us make man in our own likeness 4 If thou which art so literally accute or exact do but soberly minde the first and last words of the three Scripture Texts together thou canst not possibly but be convinced of thy Trinitary error 5 Concerning those first words furthermore God said hath not those sayings relation unto the singular number onely 6 Moreover though God spake in the plural number let us make man in our image according to our likeness it doth not therefore follow that the Holy One of Israel can possibly consist of three personal beings in coequal glory as men vainly imagine 7 Again thou which little thinkest that University tongues keeps thee under spiritual darkness whether was it most proper for the glorious Creator to say let us make man in our image according to our likeness or to say I will make man in my image according to my likeness 8 Is not the word us in creation more emphatical or spiritual order then the word I in creation 9 What is thy natural wisdom but rational exactness whether words bear a good sence sound or language and from thence to imagine the Holy One of Israel to be three personal beings because he was compell'd to speak words in the plural number in reference unto the glory of his wisdom or counsel concerning the creating of man in his image or likeness 10 Again as in the foregoing words the creation of man was spoken in the plural number of trinitary expressions
sin may be all like God himself in the heavens also in their several divine measures at the personal appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven with all his holy Angels 33 Was not this one end also why the Holy One of Israel spake in the plural number saying let us make man in our image that the learned men of this world should not onely blinde their own eyes but also become that scarlet whore that sits upon many waters making the nations continually drunk with their spiritual witchcraft of trinitary Merchandizing lies that they may be justly condemned in their own consciences in that day when our Lord Jesus Christ shall say unto them Depart from me ye workers of iniquity I know ye not or I sent you not ye preached in my name onely for silver and honor among men and ye persecuted my Prophets to the death because they discovered your l●arned deceits unto my people from your own subtile imaginations you made laws to stop all mens mouths as Blasphemers Hereticks Seducers Deceivers of the people or disturbers of the civil peace and such like that you onely might usurp lordship over all mens consciences persons and estates that could not bow down to your Idolatrous inventions you laid snares to entrap all those that you suspected m●ght impede your vain glorious decrees you lived in secret lusts and pleasures upon the ruines of my innocent people and flattered the ignorant what pains you took in studying after sparitual things for their souls health you made use of my holy Name onely as a cloak to hide all your subtilties from the deceived people you blinded their understandings with your Sabbattical Ceremonies of long prayers and lifting up your eyes and hands towards heaven as if you had been purity it self notwithstanding your hearts were full of covetousness and your fees swift to shed innocent blood you offered up your bloody fasts and feasts unto me for a sacrifice of acceptation of your doings as if I were like unto your selves to be perswaded by goodly words to justifie all your unrighteousness you pretended my glory in all your imaginary formalities but it was your own honor principally you sought from the people and death unto you to loose it earthly riches honor beauty unsatiable pleasures long life and such like were your onely joyes you have had this your desired Paradise already and my poor people have suffered their hell in your heaven and now must you suffer your eternal pain and shame and they must possess everlasting joy and glory 34 So much at present why the God of Glory spake in the plural number in the next place I shall in some measure shew what that image of God in the creating of man doth signifie CHAP. XXX 1 How God made man in his own image or likeness 2 The soul of Adam was of the same divine nature of God 3 Not of the nature of the Angels 4 Of the created vertues in Adams soul 5 Adam did not know of his power to stand or fall 6 The breath of life which Adam had received from God dyed THe Scripture declareth what condition man was formed in in these words thus God created the man in his image in the image of God created he him 2 After the man was compleatly made in the similitude of his Creator the Scripture tells you then what substance he was created of in those words the Lord God also made the man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man was aliving soul 3 You that are spiritual may know in the creating of man that the Lord God spake the word onely into the dust of the earth and immediately the vertue of that word brought forth a living man of pure flesh blood and bone like unto God himself as near as possibly could be 4 It was not the visibility of their persons that differ in the least but the glory of them onely 5 The one was an infinite spiritual body in all parts perfectly holy and the other was a finite natural body of perfect innocency resembling that divine form as aforesaid 6 You know I have abundantly shewed the impossibility of the least motion of reason to be inherent in the nature of God therefore I would have you to understand though Adams body being made of dust and appointed for generation was but natural yet his soul was not rational but super-natural or divine Why because it was formed according to the invisible glory of the eternal spirit 7 Therefore you may understand that if the soul of Adam had been rational in its creation then it could not have been divine but of an Angelical desiring nature onely of unsatisfaction in it self 8 Again you spiritual ones may understand that that divine soul in Adam which was created after the likeness of the eternal spirit did consist of several heavenly properties in its measure answerable unto those divine qualifications in the glorious Creator above all measure 9 What were those created vertues in Adams soul It was an invisible spiritual light and life called wisdom faith love righteousness meekness patience and such like 10 Though his soul could be nothing at all without its several properties and though those qualifications were all in a heavenly harmony yet this I would have you to take notice of that joy of soul that Adam did possess arose in him from one divine voice onely called the spirit of faith which was all satisfaction in himself with his present condition not having the least thought of any happiness beyond what he enjoyed already 11 As the divine nature of the eternal spirit was variety of infinite satisfaction in it self so likewise the soul of Adam being composed of the very same qualifications was variety of heavenly satisfaction in it self also according to its measure 12 If the nature of Adams soul had been rational in his creation then through want of divine satisfaction in it self it would always have been desiring after something that he wanted like unto the elect Angels and us which have two contrary voices in one soul 13 You may know that the created nature of the soul of Adam could not possibly have any reason in it why because the very nature of reason is seriously to consider whether things be good or right that are propounded unto its understanding or no. 14 But of the contrary that spirit which without the least consideration perfectly knoweth the excellencie of a thing as soon as ever it is presented unto it as Adams did must needs be divine as Gods is and so super-rational though cloathed with pure nature onely 15 Again though the soul of Adam through the divine purity of its nature was immortal and uncapable of the least motion of any kinde of rebellion against the glorious spirit of its Creator yet because his body was natural and had its beginning of dust and so was subject to change or to
be changed from its present condition his immortal soul having its being in a piece of clay was become subject through temptation to be transmuted from its present created glory also 16 For this I would gladly have you to understand though the soul of Adam was of a divine nature yet because it was a created nature distinct to it self it was become a son a subject a servant unto its divine God and capable of transmutation through deep temptation into a sinful condition through which both soul and body might not onely be sub●ect to natural death but also full of fears of an eternal death or casting out of the spiritual presence of the divine Majesty 17 To bring forth his heavenly design of a more transcendent eternal glory that he had prepared through sufferings to be enjoyed by his divine image at the last day with himself face to face 18 You that are spiritually quick may know that the body of Adam was not created natural onely because he was appointed for generation but also because if his body had been immortal in its creation as well as his soul he would not onely then have been uncapable of natural generation but also he would have been uncapable of any kinde of transmutation whatsoever unless he gave consent unto it self 19 And where then had the prerogative power infinite wisdom and transcendent glory of the Creator ever been seen or known by man or Angels as beforesaid 20 Again though Adams soul was of the divine nature in its creation yet I would have you to understand that he knew not whether he should stand or fall from his present estate or no. 21 Neither did he know not what power he was endued withall in his created purity as many man vainly imagine 22 If he had known that he had power in his own will to preserve himself in his present condition he not knowing as aforesaid any glory above what he had enjoyed you may be sure if he could have kept himself in that blessed estate he would never have lost it for want of making use of all the power that was in him to have resisted a temptation unto rebellion in which he knew there was a threatning of the losse of that created glory he enjoyed as beforesaid 23 Again though the soul of Adam was of the divine nature in its creation yet because it was one essence with a body that was taken out of dust therefore it was both probable and capable to be brought into a condition of entring into dead dust for a moment to fulfil those Scripture sayings for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the death in the sweat of thy face shal● thou eat bread till thou return to the earth for out of it wast thou taken because thou art dust and to dust thou shalt return 24 Was the body of Adam any thing but dead dust before its living soul was infused 25 Was the soul of Adam ever spoken of as a sensible living being before it became one essence with his body of flesh blood and bone formed our of the dust as an house or tabernacle for its comfortable substance and sensible understanding of its own living being 26 Seeing the body of Adam was nothing but a lump of dead cold senceless dust before his soul entered into it and composed it in●o a com●leat living man by vertue of a spiritual word spoken through the glorious mouth of the Creator dost thou think it possible that either of them could enjoy any sensible living being without the other 27 You know the Scripture saith the Lord God also made the man of he dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living soul though the body of Adam was formed of dust you see all the lise it en●oyed was from its soul onely and the man became a living soul 28 When the Lord said for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the death was it not the very soul of Adam as well as his body that was threatned with death it self 29 Nay was there any thing could live in the body of Adam but the soul what then could be capable of dying but the soul onely 30 Again canst thou be so senceless as to think that ever the body of Adam could have turned to dust if his soul had not died within his body and like a spark of sire in an Oven that is closed from all kinde of air 31 So likewise thou mayest understand that the immortal soul of Adam became mortal as soon as ever it was polluted with sin and when it came to taste of death according to the word of the Lord through the sloppage of the breath of life proceeding from the invisible soul that fiery spark was quenched with silen●sleep of death as life or light that is smothered and did not flye in the air as men vainly imagine 32 Again it is said the man became a living soul now you know that every mans sinful soul is the life of its natural body yet it may be a dark dead soul in spiritual matters while it is alive in natural but as beforesaid the spirit of Adam was called a living soul in relation unto the living vertue beauty or invisible glory of its creation 33 I confess that it was impossible for the soul of Adam of ever being capable of death if it had been always preserved from being polluted with sin 34 Moreover as soon as ever it was but touche with sin in that very sin was death it self 35 Who ever thou art that shalt say that the pure soul of Adam was not defiled with sin it self what ever light thou pretendest to know thou art utterly ignorant as yet of the spirit of the Scriptures 36 If according to the divine truth of Scriptures thou art made to confess that the pure soul of Adam was overcome of sin and therewith all defiled through his whole man though men or Angels should gain-say it thou mayest be fully assured that both the soul and body of Adam are in the dust of the earth dead asleep void of all life light motion heat or any thing appearing unto life until that second man Adam the Lord from heaven by the mighty power of his word doth or shall raise him again and all mankinde that are asleep with him in the dust at the last day 37 Again though the body of the man Adam being formed of dust was absolutely natural through its appointment for generation yet I would have you that are spiritual to understand this secret that until Eve lufted after Adam through her being first defiled with the Angelical Serpent the soul of Adam being divine and free from all kinde of rationality could not possibly have any desire in it after carnal copulation with his wife 38 You may know that carnal pleasures were too low for a spiritual soul whose nature was variety of divine satisfaction in it self
One of Israel may see in some measure what is meant by the two Scripture seeds the Angelical devil first became a man-childe the Angelical God afterwards became a man-childe 33 Thus the most Holy God abased himself in the very womb of a woman that he might first or last destroy the power of that Serpentine reason or lying imagination in all his elect Israelites CHAP. XXXIII 1 What form the devil was of before he tempted Eve 2 Spiritual bodies do not change their forms but their glories 3 Spirits can take up no bodies but their own 4 The forbidden fruit was not an apple or any other fruit that could be eaten with the teeth IT is written But God giveth it a body as it pleaseth him even to every seed his own body 2 My spiritual friends according to the truth of the letter you may see that by the decreed word of the Creator every seed or spirit naturally bringeth forth its own body or likeness in its season 3 Thus it was with the Serpent Angel when he tempted Eve he was not a homely beast as men vainly imagine from their beastly reason 4 But he was a spiritual body and appeared unto Eve in form like unto a glorious God or man 5 For this I would have you to understand whose souls are fixed upon a substantial glory to come though the spiritual bodies of God or Angels be transmuted into natural bodies or though the mortal bodies of men be changed into immortality yet the form of their persons are never altered but the beauty of glory of them onely 6 But some men may say unto me is any thing hard for the Lord or can he bot appear in any form or transmute his creature into any shape whatsoever after he hath formed him 7 To this I answer from the truth it self The Creator can do whatsoever his divine wisdom seeth sit 8 Now in his wisdom he foresaw that his infinite power and wonderful glory would most apparently be seen by elect men and Angels in a comely ordering the things that he should make 9 So that all creatures from eternity appeared most amiable in his eyes that in time were to bring forth their own bodies according to their kinde 10 Whefore when any monster is born you may know it is either through unnatural mixing of seeds together or it is some judgement answerable to some wicked act or else it is a forerunner of some strange or dreadfull thing that is to fall upon the heads of monstrous minded men or women which abhor the very name of a personal Majesty 11 For our God is the God of all spiritual and natural order and not of Magical confusion 12 This truth will be an eternal witness in the consciences of all Canaanitish lying devils which say When the body of man turns to its dust the soul is swallowed up into the eternal Ocean or else it appeareth in some other form as namely a horse or an asse or a dog or a root or a flower or such like 13 My beloved spiritual brethren from whence think you proceedeth this and all such like errors truly onely from some secret lusts men are in bondage unto which are as dear to them as their very lives 14 Therefore they are afraid of appearing again in the bodies of men lest they should reap the fruit of all their former filthiness Blessed are the purified spirits for they shall see their God eternally face to face 15 Again it is written that she gave also to her husband with her and he did eat that is being full of natural lust from that serpent within her she by her Angelical speeches did intice her husband to lie with her and so he was defiled also with her 16 But it may be objected that the woman was made for that very end for procreation of mankinde therefore it seemeth something strange that natural lust should be that sin of eating the forbidden fruit or tree of knowledge of good and evil 17 To this I answer 'T is truth the woman was formed for that very end and in her seed was the very law of generation 18 But she was defiled in spirit and body by another to her own knowledge before she was capable to know what it was to desire her own husband 19 And the truth is as aforesaid she immediately desired him to hide her known rebellion against her Creator 20 Besides all this knowing her self first in the transgression her conscience told her that she ought not to have ensnared her innocent husband to hide her folly 21 But to have waited for the issue of her own doings I mean the birth of that Serpentine cursed Cain in her womb before she had desired the lawful knowledge of her own husband 22 Again if you that are sober do but seriously ponder it in your spirits you cannot be so weak as to think that the law of eternal life and death depended upon the eating of an apple from a natural tree 23 For you know that the Lord caused the earth to bring forth all variety of fruit to be eaten by the mouth principally as a superfluity of delight of the taste of man onely 24 Therefore how can sober men imagine or think that the souls and bodies of all mankinde should be so venomed through the eating of an apple 25 As sure as the Lord liveth it was such a devilish apple that was eaten by Eve that it hath and will bring forth many Millions of Serpent Dragon Devils in forms of men and women unto eternal condemnation 26 Again you know it is written that Christ said unto his Apostles perceive ye not yet that whatsoever entreth into the mouth goeth into the belly and is cast into the draught but those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart for out of the heart cometh evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false testimonies slanders these are the things which defile the man Mat. the 15. 27 My spiritual brethren I hope ere this you see that it was not a natural apple eaten by Eves mouth and so passing through her belly into the draught that defiled her whole man 28 For if our God and onely Savior be all truth as he is and cannot possibly lie then that which is eaten by the mouth of man goeth into his belly and is cast into the draught without defiling his soul so that without controversie that fruit or apple taken and eaten or received by Eve and Adam through which they were wholy defiled shamed and fearfully tormented never came into their mouths or teeth as literal wise men vainly imagine 29 But as beforesaid it was a spiritual eating of the Serpent Angel in the innocent mouth of Eves soul by her unlawful lusting after her innocent husband that knew nothing of the thing that he might cover her iniquity or when she was called to an account help to bear her burthen 30 Again it is written the Kingdom of Heaven
Adam and Eve after their transgression the which none can deny after so clear a demonstration of the Scripture seeds as this is except they be reprobates then without controversie that Serpent which was cursed for his evil deed was not without her but within her when he received that sentence by the mouth of the Lord and that seed or first-born of Eve called Cain was that cursed Serpent Angel himself clothed with flesh blood and bone in the form of a man 22 Who not being able to endure the sight of righteous Abel that blessed Seed or Son of God answerable unto that curse of enmity denounced against him in the womb of Eve his spirit was restless until he had manifested himself to be that old Serpent murthering lying devil and the father of all Cananitish murthering-minded men and women so frequently spoken of in Scriptures Not as Cain which was of that wicked one and slew his brother in the first Epistle of John chap. 3. He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man and the field is the world and the good seed are the children of the kingdom and the tares are the children of that wicked one and the enemy that soweth them is the devil Mat. 13. CHAP. XXXVI 1 Of the minde of the Spirit in the word Eating of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil 2 No true interpretation of the Scriptures but by immediate inspiration 3 Reason not capable of the mysteries of God 4 but Faith onely 5 No devils but men and women 6 No devil without man tempteth any 7 but the seed or lust of his own spirit WHat is the mind of the spirit by that word eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil from the light of life eternal to this I answer The most wise Creator called it eating for several respects 2 First you may be sure that the Lord God called it eating that neither men or Angels should know his secrets untill it was his divine pleasure that he might receive the praise and glory alone from all those that he should reveal them unto 3 The spirit of God called it eating because of the civility of that speech for the Scripture language is much like to a modest pure Virgin who is loth to have her secret parts mentioned in the least though they are as usefully in their kinde and as honorable being undefiled as any part of the body 4 And why are they honorable because the onely Lord of all life and glory hath honored them himself by his blessed birth 5 Moreover you know if a spiritual or natural thing be propounded to the understanding of a man or woman of which they have had no experience their spirits feeds upon it and considers the pleasure of it as much as possible may be before they consent to taste of it with the whole man 6 So likewise in the word eating you may know that the meaning of the Spirit of God was this that the soul of Eve should beware of harkning unto any other voice that was contrary unto that divine image or voice of the Spirit of God within her so that if she should hear the voice of a stranger she should not give way in the least unto that voice lest she should be overcome therewith 7 Again if the Spirit of God instead of saying unto Eve thou shalt not eat thereof should have said thou shalt not spiritually or naturally lust after any God or Angel but be content with what I have appointed for thee then indeed there would have been no need of any interpretation upon the words but as beforesaid the wisdom of God saw it most fit to act otherwise 8 Therefore what ever the learned men of this world dream of finding out the invisible things of eternity by searching into the Scripture Records and comparing them together the divine Majesty hath locked up all the principal secrets of the Scriptures in his own spiritual breast that he by any immediate inspiration may dispose of them into the spirits of elect men and Angels most advantagious for his own glory and their consolation 9 Therefore the sacred Scriptures runs not in the line of reason but in the line of faith inspiration or revelation according to those sayings in the Hebrews and other Records 10 By faith the divine work of creation and wonderful mistery of redemption was and is known with the immortal eternal glory and everlasting shame of mens persons in the end of the world 11 But of the contrary you shall never read in any place of Scripture that any man knew the things of eternal glory in the least by any kinde of rational comprehension whatsoever 12 I confess the natural reason of man is a very good handmaid if it be well qualified with the spiritual dame of divine faith for illustrating of the things of God unto weak comprehensions 13 But as for truly understanding the invisible things of God by the highest reason that ever was in man or Angel it is utterly impossible as abundantly beforesaid 14 Why because though the spirit of reason were never so pure yet you may know its nature is but desire onely after the knowledge of the divine nature of that spirit from whence it had its living being 15 But of the contrary spiritual truth or faith being of the very divine nature of God himself in what soul soever that heavenly seed is sown it springeth up in that spirit with variety of glorious consolations in reference unto life eternal by vertue of an intercourse with the eternal spirit from whence it came 16 Moreover I confess that a man that is endued with a Solomon-like gift of natural reason may be able to comprehend all words whether they are spoken in a good form sense or language or no and to be mighty in disputes about the glorious things of eternity 17 But as for his real understanding whether there were any such eternal things or no he hath no certain knowledge of that at all but his bare thoughts onely which equally weighed in that ballance it may be true or it may be false and all this is for want of an infalibility of truth it self 18 Therefore though the divine things of the eternal Majesty be nothing else but spiritual purity of infallible truth in themselves yet unto that rational wise man they are nothing but non-sensical blasphemy or lying tales till his reason is confounded in him by a true and heavenly faith 19 Again if there should be any evil Angels or Devils living in the air and a Devil amongst them called Belzebub the Prince of Devils what need any man trouble himself with the least fear of eternal death whatsoever wickedness is committed by him because if a man is tempted to evil by any Devil but what is in his own nature onely that evil spirit is to be eternally damned and the man to be set free 20 Nay moreover if sin or evil issued not from mans
rejection spoken of in Holy writ had relation onely to persons of understanding and not unto children that were uncapable of any distinction between light and darkness or good and evil 4 For you that are well acquainted with the Scriptures do know that throughout the whole Bible there is not one saying in the least that maketh mention of condemnation of children but the contrary altogether 5 You may know that that curse denounced against Cain and his seed ran in the line of persons of maturity and not of minority though it is said that God loved Jacob and hated Esau before they had done good or evil 6 You may know that that word was spoken in reference to their being in the persons of men in the sight of the Creator and concerning the difference of their spirits and the effects that would thereby ensue 7 You know it is said there were two nations in Rebeccahs womb at the birth of Esau and Jacob now you know that could not possibly be except they lived to the age of men to fulfil that truth 8 You know it is written that the Lord of Glory commanded his Apostles to suffer little children to come unto him and forbid them not and took them in his arms and blessed them saying of such is the kingdom of heaven 9 My beloved spiritual friends if God onely wise hath said that his heavenly kingdom consists of little children or innocent childe-like men and women are not those men more like unto cursed Serpents then blessed Saints which contrary unto all spiritual literal or rational truth impudently affirm that little children may be eternally damned by original sin 10 If all the seed of Cain that die in their childe-hood shall finde mercy in the resurrection of the just some men may say unto me shall the saved children of Cain and Adam being of two contrary natures appear in the same kinde or measure of glory in the day of the Lords vengeance upon ungodly men 11 From the light of life eternal to this I answer As they differed in their natures in this life so shall they differ in the maner and measure of their glory in that life to come 12 The saved children of the Angelical Serpent will enter into that rational glory out of which their reprobate fathers was cast 13 But of the contrary the spiritual seed of Adam shall enter into that glory from which he fell in a more transcendent godlike condition to all eternity 14 But not in a Paradissical separated place of glory in this creation as some men vainly imagine but in that glorious new heaven and earth without or above this vanishing Starry heavens according to the truth of Holy Writ 15 Thus the most Wise and Holy God of all spiritual and natural order restoreth his spiritual and rational images into their first created conditions upon a more firm foundation of possessing everlasting life and glory together purchased at a dear rate from his divine self by his own most precious blood or God-head life according to that saying by the Apostle Paul Christ therefore died and rose again and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and the quick and of that saying in the 20. Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles whereof the Holy Ghost hath made you Overseers to feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with that his own blood 16 Again if you look in the 4. Chapter of Genesis with a spiritual eye you may clearly see that Gods eternal election or rejection of men runs in a line of personal understanding and not in a line of innocent children or natural fools the words are these and in process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an oblation unto the Lord of the fruit of the ground and Abel also himself brought of the first fruit of his sheep and of the fat of them and the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering but unto Cain and his offering he had no regard 17 Ye that are redeemed from the power of all inward filthiness I beseech you what occasioned the respection or disrespection between Cain and Abel in the pure eyes of the Creator 18 Surely not their offerings for you know that God needs no mans person for his sacrifice sake in the least but for the glory of his own name sake onely 19 Yet you know that Cain had as much wisdom from his own reason to present an acceptable sacrifice unto the Lord as Abel 20 Yet it was the Creators eternal free love unto Abel which caused both his person and sacrifice to finde such sweet acceptation with the Lord that the divine love of God in Abel might be seen in the fatness of his sacrifice 21 In that you may know he was made to offer up himself a living sacrifice of invisible and visible obedience unto the Creator as a seal of his being chosen to life eternal 22 Yet you may know it is not any kinde of sacrifice worship righteousness or desire in man or Angel that can possibly move the divine Majesty to accept of it or his person in the least but it is his eternal free love in his own season which operates in him all heavenly mindedness or love to God or man 23 But of the contrary you may know that the original cause of all maner of fearful darkness and fiery shame in Cain proceeded onely from the non-election of his person 24 This was his condition when he was marked with the invisible seal of rejecting both his person and sacrifice from those words Wherefore Cain was exceeding wrath and his countenance fell down 25 My beloved Christian Friends what moved Cain to be so full of wrath or with whom was he so fiery hot 26 Truly as beforesaid his furious anger arose in him from a sensibleness of his out-cast condition and because he could not come at the Creator himself therefore his purpose was to avenge himself upon his favorite even innocent Abel 27 The Scripture gives you the reason thereof because his own works were evil and his brothers good 28 Thus you that are endued with that light that cannot be disproved may see as clear as the light it self that it is not in him that willeth not in him that runneth but in God alone that sheweth mercy 29 What then think you in the day of the Lords vengeance will become of those free-will-mongers or oracle-grace Marchants which cursedly teach their deceived fleshly brethren that a man may be in a condition of salvation to day and to morrow be cast away 30 Truly my spiritual friends if eternal election and rejection depend upon the acceptation of mans will until he be born again with a distinguishing light from the divine will of the Creator every man living would choose eternal death in stead of life such power or purity is in the choisest of mens wills wuntil the divine Majesty present an immortal Crown of glory unto their blinde born
kingdom 46 Where then is thy imaginary personal raign of Christ on this earth with his Saints a thousand years CHAP. XLI 1 The vanity of believing in a God that hath no form 2 And of them who say the Creator is an incomprehensible Spirit 3 Or that there is no God but nature onely 4 Or who say that Gods Spirit and their spirits are but one spirit ANother sort of deceived men there are that through strong delusions from their natural comprehensions have imagined a mighty spiritual appearance in themselves from a bodiless God or Christ that never was 2 This sort of men are those which from a cursed conceit do not onely despise a glorious God in the person of a man but they also talk of great signs and wonders which they expect shall come to pass by inward voices or visions from their imaginary bodiless God as beforesaid 3 Moreover being bewitcht to the purpose though they pretend a great spiritual light in them they can make a hard shift to fool themselves from the literal records as to think that the Holy One of Israel had commissionated another high Priest or King of the Jews besides himself 4 Though this counterfeit high Priest or King of seven Nations I mean John Tanee pretends a natural glorious deliverance suddenly unto the Jews in many Nations 5 Truly those that understand nothing above a Paradissical temporal glory are not to be blamed in the least for their bountifulness towards his perishing tenents in reference to his Hierusalems conceits 6 John Tanee thou maist remember about three years and six moneths past I told thee of thy deceived condition concerning thy carnal Jerusalem journey with John Robins also by an immediate voice from on high 7 Furthermore if thy high priesthood kingship and Jerusalem temporal glory do not vanish like smoak as John Robins did even when thou thinkest thy self most sure in the thing then the Lord God sent not me to thee 8 Again when thou art ashamed and confounded in thy self from all thy lying voices or visions declared unto Saints and Serpents in the name of the great Jehovah then thou shalt know with sorrow and shame enough that it was the Lord that sent me unto thee to declare thy fleshly error 9 I do not say thou canst help it it is through the permissive power of the Lord for some secret end onely known to himself that thou or any man else should break forth into such strange appearance of darkness yet seeming glorious lights when thou art found too light in the ballance of divine truth 10 It is not thy natural or all gorical whimses that can blinde the elect nor pacifie the judge of life and death within thee and without thee 11 Again there is a third sort of deceived persons which with great confidence have declared that Christ should spiritually raign over the Nations in King Charles Seed and of this sort one Arice Evans in Black-Friers was lookt upon as a great Prophet by many of the Royal party 12 Moreover from this their foolish conceit they had many pritty whimses and dark sentences to blinde mens apprehensions like unto John Tanee and John Robbins Which took much upon the spirits both of the subtile and simple also for a season 13 Furthermore their understandings being utterly dark concerning the spiritual or personal appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ in his glory 14 It is usual for them concerning Charles the second as to joyn Christ and him in one calling him the white Pearl that should make the nations in a sweet harmony of divine unity through his glorious ruling over them also they said that he should not attain to the throne of his Father by any carnal weapons but he should be brought into this land and set upon the Throne by an immediate power of the eternal Spirit of God himself 15 Again this carnal Cavalier Prophet pretended the knowledge of certain Scriptures by voices or visions in reference to the raign of Charles the second and John Tanee-like sought to confirm it by natural observations 16 And truly I do not blame the people that were deceived by them because they wanted a true distinction in themselves betweeen those things which are divine and humane 17 Moreover when all pretended high Priests Prophets or Apostles in this land are clearly discovered by an unerring light of life eternal I make no question of the subtilty of their Serpentine spirits to blinde their own eyes and those that were deceived by them 18 I know they can say If they be deceived the Lord hath deceived them or they can say We had a mysterious language given us by Jehovah to confound all literal or notional appearances in this confused age and men understood us in a carnal sence only 19 Or if they have often fixed a time concerning things that should come to pass and nothing comes of it they can also say As the Prophet Jonas understood not the Lords time and minde concerning the destruction of the Ninevites 20 So likewise this thing in the way of our fleshly expectation was hid from our eyes but the mighty Jehovah in his season will bring it to pass in a spiritual maner beyond the comprehension of men or Angels 21 Moreover if none of these excuses will blinde their eyes which expected wonderful things from them then because they are not able to bear the shame of being found lyers in the name of the Lord they will say all men are lyars or there is not a true Prophet upon the face of the earth 22 Or else they will say There is but onely one pure being invisibly ruling in the whole Creation and this spiritual power manifesteth it self in various maners of seeming contradictions for the confounding of all mens understandings that would finde out its secrets but in the end when it hath fooled men to the purpose it will appear in a glorious harmony to the content of all 23 Furthermore for the blinding of their own eyes and those of their own spirits that they may both fall together in a deep ditch of eternal destruction they will or may say If there be a Creator he is an incomprehensible spirit and all our spirits proceeded out of his spirit and when our bodies dies our spirits returns into his spirit again 24 From this cursed error they may or will say That God can as soon destroy himself as any soul that he hath made with an eternal condemnation 25 Moreover if this grand fleshly deceit prove also but a broken Cistern then as aforesaid they may or will say there is no God but nature onely your most wise men in nature know this to be truth but they are compelled to nominate a God to the people to keep the rude multitude in obedience to their governours and government 26 Knowing if they should confess a Creator besides nature all their pretended divine voices or visions would appear but meer fleshly lies 27 Therefore for
strengthning themselves in their Atheistical error to prevent discovery they may or will say there is no world but this onely and this world had never any beginning nor will never have any ending men may talk of a Creator and a day of judgement for silver and honor or to keep children or fools in awe but wise men knows as aforesaid that one generation passeth away and another cometh in its room and so it will be for everlasting 28 Thus you that are truly spiritual do or may know that the spirit of every man naturally is so cursedly proud that rather then men should finde him a lyar in the name of the Lord of Hosts even against his own rational light he is apt to say there is no other God or shame or world to come but the Elements of air water earth and fire of this perishing world though these and such like sandy foundations are the pillars of cursed Cananites yet I know that you blessed ones have not so learned Christ 29 The fourth and last sort of deceived men are so far from acknowledging Christs personal raign with his Saints in any kinde whatsoever that they blasphemously affirm they are all Gods or Christs themselves 30 These are those which say that God is a Spirit and that his Spirit and their spirits are but one spirit onely 31 Moreover to strongthen themselves in this their Serpentine Sophistry they can tell you from the Records that Christ is the head of his Church and his Saints are his body 32 Also this sort of men pretend such a union with the divine Majesty that they do not onely attribute to themselves his Holy Names or Titles but Lucifer-like they will tell the simple and fearful soul that they are set down in the Throne of Glory with Christ already 33 Furthermore though this sort of Saints in their own account are all Kings Priests and Prophets unto God yet if you should ask them a sober question concerning any spiritual thing after death they are so dead drunk with their notional witchcrafts that they count all men in darkness that see not themselves in the throne of immortal glory already as aforesaid 34 Again they also seem to be full of Hymns or Spiritual songs in reference to the present glory they enjoy with the eternal Spirit when the Lord knoweth they acknowledge no divine Majesty or God at all but those imaginary Siren songs and their own natural blinde-born spirits from whence they proceeded 35 This sort of seeming glorious Saints do imagine their spirits so divine that they think it impossible it should ever see death but they like unto children or fools conceit their bodies turn to dust for ever but their souls ascend into an unknown spiritual glory 36 Therefore if a man speaks of a personal God or a personal glory in a life to come they will tell him he troubles himself above a simple carnal God and Glory that is not 37 But if he knew what it was to be possessed with divine light life or glory in his own soul as they do he would no more trouble himself in the least concerning a God or glory to come at a distance 38 There are some among these of a more purer sort which speak many sweet truths and according to their light they live in them onely poor hearts as yet they are ignorant of the fountain of glory from whence their spiritual streams proceed 39 Moreover though they cannot close with a personal God and personal glory of the elect in another durable world and a personal shame of Reprobates in this world to all eternity yet the secret love of God preserves their merciful spirits from that error of the wicked I mean from despising things that are hid from them 40 Therefore I make no question but in due season they shall be revealed to them unto their everlasting joy and glory in the highest heavens as aforesaid 41 Furthermore though these elect vessels at present understand no other God but what is within them yet they are afraid to call themselves God or Christ or Creator or the like lest there should be a divine Majesty to own those titles himself 42 Again all those simple hearted souls which are appointed to eternal glory are not so rivetted in their present light but if a more clear manifestation appear their spirits are both ready and willing to embrace it 43 But of the contrary all cursed Cananites are fully resolved to remain where they are though never so glorious a light should appear 44 Moreover those that are the blessed of the Lord are very tender of condemning any men of what appearance or opinion soever if they see never so little of the pure light of life eternal appearing in them 45 But of the contrary the unmerciful reprobate condemns all men as in a bottomless pit that are contrary unto his fleshly opinion 46 Furthermore the blessed of the Lord are made willing to yield all spiritual obedience unto the unknown God till they know him and shew mercy unto all though he perish this is a Job-like spirit who said though thou kill me yet will I trust in thee 47 But of the contrary the hypocritical Cananites love to make a glittering shew before men but as for any inward purity of spirit towards God and mercy unto all men they are so far from any such principle that they count it a delusion in them that enjoy it 48 Many of the blessed of the Lord do know that all the desires of men or Angels cannot prevail with the divine Majesty to perswade him to set the se●l of his love upon any mans person until he is graciously moved unto it of his own pleasure according to those sayings of Holy Writ I am found of them that sought me not and before they call I will answer when they were in their blood I said unto them live and of that notable saying in the 15. Chapter of the Prophet Jeremiah Then said the Lord unto me though Moses and Samuel stood before me yet mine affection could not be toward this people cast them out of my sight and let them depart 49 But of the contrary the formal Hypocrite is so dark in this divine secret that he thinks himself the blessed of the Lord for his much babling and counts those men cursed that are not of the same minde with him 50 My beloved spiritual friends though I have branched these men into four several heads yet in the main they are all of one spirit my meaning is this they are all ignorant of the glorious God being in the person of a man CHAP. XLII 1 A further Discourse concerning the Error of Christs personal reign 2 The interpretation of the three last verses in the 12. of Rev. 3 Concerning the Dragon and the Woman 4 Of the binding of the old Serpent Dragon for a thousand years 5 When they expired 6 Of the worship of the beast 7 Of Satans being loosed out
Formalities of the persecuting Powers and Priests of this perishing world 19 This was that shutting up of the Serpent Dragon Devil in the evil powers aforesaid from deceiving the Nations any more until the thousand years of their ten bloody persecutions of the Saints was fulfilled 20 Again it is written And I saw seats and they sate upon them and judgement was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God and which did not worship the beast neither his image neither had taken his mark upon their foreheads and they lived and raigned with Christ a thousand years My spiritual friends what judgement-seats were those which John saw and who were them that sate thereon in judgement 21 Those seats of judgement were the accusing consciences of the bloody persecutors aforesaid and the preaching or publishing of the glorious truths of our Lord Jesus Christ through the Commissionated mouthes of the chosen Apostles Ministers or Saints was that judge of life and death reigning in the consciences of the aforesaid spiritual Tyrants Do ye not know that the Saints shall judge the world Know ye not that we shall judge the Angels 22 My spiritual friends what ever men shall imagine of these literal Records as sure as the Lord liveth those Angels spoken of by the Apostle Paul were the Tyrannical Magistrates and their bloody minded covetous Priests which committed spiritual wickedness together in high places 23 Again you chosen ones may know though the bodies of the Saints suffer imprisonment or death for the truth of Christ yet their spirits are in pure peace and at perfect liberty in life and death 24 But of the contrary though the persons of the cruel persecutors be at perfect liberty in their temporal heaven yet their spirits are close prisoners in their own bodies and void of all heavenly peace whatsoever through that envy in them against all divine purity 25 And that blood spilt upon the earth by them for the testimony of Christ that was the shutting up of the door of all true hope from them and sealing up their bloody spirits unto an eternal vengeance at the great day of our Lord Jesus Christ with his mighty Angels 26 Again seeing John by a divine light saw the souls of them that were put to death for bearing witness to the word of God or spiritual truth of Jesus reigning with Christ over the raging spirits of their bloody persecutors that thousand years time of the Ten persecutions aforesaid My spiritual brethren what was that worship of the beast and receiving his mark in their fore-heads and hands which they were preserved from in the thousand years reign or time of their fiery tryals for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that is they were delivered from that idolatrous worship proceeding from the beastly imagination of their spiritual bloody Tyrants as aforesaid not daring in the least to handle any carnal weapons in defence of their cursed inventions what sufferings soever they endured 27 This I would gladly have you to understand that the commissionated Witnesses of the Lord of Glory are for the most part appointed unto the greatest tryals at the hands of Cananitish devils or perishing gods of this vain glorious world because of the reward of that transcendent glory which the Lord Jesus hath prepared for them with himself above ordinary Saints with his holy Angels face to face 28 Again it is written But the rest of the dead men shall not live again until the thousand years be finished this is the first resurrection blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection for on such the second death hath no power but they shall be the Priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years ●nd when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison My spiritual brethren who were those dead men that lived not again until the thousand years were finished You know in holy Writ it is said ye that were dead in sins and trespasses hath he quickened 29 So likewise you may also know that those dead men there spoken of were the remainder of the Saints and chosen Witnesses of the eternal Spirit that were to appear in these last days to bear record unto that glorious Truth which the Prophets Apostolical Ministers and Saints sealed too with their blood as abundantly beforesaid 30 Again you know it is written that Satan shall be loosed out of his prison for a little season when the thousand years are expired to deceive the people which are in the four quarters of the earth even Gog and Magog to gather them together to battel whose number is as the sand of the Sea and they went up in the plain of the earth and they compassed the tents of the Saints about and the beloved City but fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them 31 Again you may remember that from an unerring Spirit that sent me to declare divine secrets that I have already demonstrated unto you what that Satan is and that prison of his thousand years abode 32 It remains now that I should write somewhat concerning his being loosed out of his prison that you may the better understand the truth in relation to the dead men aforesaid 33 Moreover you that have been well acquainted with spiritual conditions cannot but know that no men in the world are in such a deep prison of raging darkness as those men that tyrannize over the consciences of innocent souls which cannot bow down to their imaginary divine ordinances 34 Furthermote you may also know that when the Magistrate and his pretended Prophets were prevented from persecuting mens persons in reference to their consciences towards God then and not till then was Satan loosed out of his prison 35 This was that loosing of Satan for a little season out of his unspeakable prison in the temporal powers when the innocent professors of Christ had freedom of conscience in reference to their faith in the Lord of Glory through which the Christians were multiplied again in the earth 36 Again you may know that it was but a very little season since Christ was glorified that the Saints possessed any such spiritual freedom in any kingdom under heaven 37 Therefore the persecuting spirits of Satanical Prelates in the Civil Powers have had but a very little season of resting from shedding the blood of Gods innocent people in the whole world 38 Moreover though the name of Christ was almost extinguished from the face of the earth in the thousand years spiritual reign of the Saints and raging of the serpents as aforesaid yet you may know in that season of liberty of Christian conscience that the Saints were mightily increased again in the world 39 Furthermore you may also know that those Saints are the dead men that lived not again until these last times of the invisible teachings of
the divine Majesty himself wherefore you spiritual ones may also know that that Gog and Magog that are gone forth to battel in the plains of the earth compassing the Tents of the Saints and the holy City are those Heathenish Magistrates and their bloody Priests that proceeded from cursed Cain through the loins of King Herod and his Priests and Scribes as beforesaid so that the dead men that lived not again until the thousand years were fulfilled are those Saints and holy City of God which at this time and to the end of all time do suffer cruel persecution for the testimony of a good conscience in all the Nations of the world 40 My beloved Brethren this is that spiritual raign of the first resurrection with Christ on this earth appointed in some measure for all men to drink which are delivered from that second death which is treasured up for all bloody minded Tyrants whatsoever 41 Thus you that are sober may clearly see that it was not a visible personal raign of Christ a thousand years with his Saints on this earth that John aimed at as many men have long imagined but it was a spiritual raign or suffering with him for his truths sake upon earth that when he appeareth in his glory with all his holy Angels then to raign with him in his Throne to all eternity in the third heavens 42 Now brethren I shall go on to prove his personal coming in glory according to the intent of his most holy Spirit from his own words CHAP. XLIII 1 Of the personal glory of Christs coming to judgement 2 No man hath so much faith as a grain of mustard-seed but Christ onely 3 Of spirits finite and infinite MY beloved brethren in the unerring spirit you may know there is a twofold appearing of Christs glory in his chosen ones as the glory of the Sun excels the glory of the Moon so these two glories transcend each other 2 Moreover you know the Moon appears in the brightness of her glory at one time and at another time she appears altogether like unto darkness or shame 3 So likewise it is with Christs appearing in glory to mens souls in this life sometimes by vertue of the in-comes of his eternal spirit the soul of man for a moment is transmuted into the glorious likeness of the divine Majesty himself 4 But at another time you know when none of these spiritual lightnings appear through some fleshly guilt the poor soul seems to be full of fearful darkness horror and shame as if it had never seen any light or life at all 5 So that you see all the glory of Christs appearing unto the spirits of men in this life is but a changeable Moon-like glory at the best 6 Therefore it can be but a spiritual type of this personal appearing of Christ in his judgement-seat glory with all his mighty Angels 7 Again you know the Sun is no way subject to change in the least but Gyant-like runs his course in four and twenty hours through the whole heavens and in one place or other appears in his glory unto the end of all time 8 So likewise you may know it is with this personal appearing of Christ in his glory with his holy Angels for in that day of his appearing the persons of his redeemed ones shall be nothing else but Sun-shine like divine glories in themselves and so run their heavenly course even to all eternity 9 Who ever thou art that is ignorant of this personal glory of Christs coming in the clouds or air with his elect Angels to make an eternal separation between the persons of the blessed Israelites and cursed Cananites though thou art full of seeming glorious expressions concerning a God or Christ living in mens consciences yet thou canst never be firmly established until thou knowest that personal God or Christ sitting in the throne of his infinite glory in the high heavens without thee from whence alone all inward light or life proceeds 10 I confess if a man become an innocent merciful spirit he may be able to speak such a language from a supposed God or Christ in mens consciences onely that may confound the seeming holiness of all Church fellowships in the world 11 But what advnatage is this to himself or his heirs except when he is confounded in the room thereof he doth not onely declare the effects of Christs truth in the minds of men but is able to demonstrate in some measure the personal appearing of Christ in his glory in the world to come 12 If the visible appearing of a glorified God or Christ in the person of a man be such a choak-pear unto thee or seem low or carnal because the national Priests confess such a like thing 13 I would fain know of thee by sober speaking or writing where thy God or Christ is become when thy soul and all thy light or life for a moment is become silent death or darkness with thy body of dust 14 Moreover if thou understandest not a personal God or Christ too transcendent glorious for Heavens Earth Angels or Men to be capable of the indwelling of his eternal spirit what is thy inward God or Christ thou discoursest so much about but pleasant words or perishing nature onely 15 Furthermore if thou knowest this wonderful secret concerning what a spirit is then wouldst thou certainly know how impossible a thing it is for any spirit whatsoever to possess a living being without a distinct body of his own 16 Again of what bigness dost thou think a spirit is whether it be finite or infinite give me leave to write a little of this strange thing from those sayings of Christ to his disciples in the 17. Chapter by St. Matthew the words are these For verily I say unto you for if ye have faith as much as is a grain of Mustard seed ye shall say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be unpossible unto you Behold is not a grain of Mustard seed a very little and yet you see Christ saith nothing should be unpossible unto that man that hath such a quantity of spiritual faith in him 17 Again it is written with God nothing shall be unpossible who then is capable to possess so much faith in him as will contain the quantity of a Mustard seed but Christ Jesus the God of Glory himself unto whom all things are possible that he is moved unto by that seed of faith which is the eternal spirit of his glorified person 18 Moreover if a spirit be in its quantity but as a grain of Mustard seed or a spark of fire how then is it possible for the Spirit of God Men or Angels to possess any sensible light life joy or glory but in their own bodies onely 19 Furthermore if this description of a spirit seem strange be it known unto thee the Lord hath made me to declare it for the confounding of that cursed error
know the whole earth and all things therein had a curse upon them in one kinde or another 3 Furthermore you may know that this curse did in some measure extend unto the very souls and bodies of all creatures with the whole world throughout 4 Some men may say unto me Seeing the divine nature is all purity it self what was that curse upon the while Creation or whence came it seeing they were uncapable of sin or evil in the least From the unerring Spirit to this I answer It was not an infusion of any curse or evil into the natures of any thing by the Creator but it was a withholding the motions of its first created blessedness through which naturally it became barren or cursed in it self this was the fruit of unlawful lust 5 Moreover that you may clearly understand wherein the blessing or cursing of the Lord consists you may know that when he wholly denies the heavenly motion of his holy Spirit unto a man immediately that soul becomes nothing but cursed envy against all spiritual or natural purity whatsoever 6 So likewise when he denies the natural motions of his blessed Spirit unto any thing that he hath made it becomes subject to all kinde of putrifaction whatsoever this was that cursing of the Jews natural blessings and hardening of Pharaohs heart by the Lord spoken of in Holy Writ 7 Thus you that are sober may clearly see the ground of all spiritual or natural cursings in the whole Creation for though it was pronounced through the spiritual mouth of the Creator himself yet it could not possibly proceed from that word of the Lords speaking because of the glorious purity of his divine nature but that curse rose out of the natures of the creatures themselves for want of the motions of the spirit of God in them as beforesaid 8 Again you that are spiritual know that immediately after the Lord said an end of all flesh was come before him when Noah and his family and the Creation were entred into the Ark the whole world of lustful men and women and the glory thereof were destroyed by water now you know all that was in the Ark was secured from the raging waters through their ascending above the waters 9 Moreover you may know that the Ark and those creatures therein were not onely preserved for the increase of a new world but they were also a figure of a world to come 10 Furthermore the Ark it self had relation unto that Kingdom of Glory in the high Heavens which is too sublime to be overtopped by any natural water or sire whatsoever 11 The person of Noah who was made a Preacher of truth and righteousness to the unbelieving world did represent the person of that spiritual preacher of all truth and righteousness in the heavenly Ark beforesaid 12 Furthermore the other persons and creatures in the Ark had reference unto the salvation of the elect of God and the whole creation that are in being at the personal appearing of Christ in his Glory with his mighty Angels 13 The drowning of the whole world of ungodly men and the rest of the creation had relation unto the eternal condemnation of all Reprobate men in this world 14 The burning up of their natural delights wherewith they sport themselves in excess of riot and drunkenness little thinking of that eternal vengeance coming upon them 15 Again righteous Noah represented the divine judge of ungodly men in this because he entred into the Ark and by vertue of a great light in him he was made to sit as a judge in the consciences of wicked men when the waters rose upon them in the remembrance of their laughing him to scorn about his Ark and knowing his security in the Ark and their present destruction by water having no Ark of refuge to deliver them 16 Moreover as they sported themselves in fleshly filthiness and vain glorious mirth about him his Ark pure language and life 17 So likewise as a mighty Prince in his Chariot tramples rebellious subjects with delight under his horses heels he rode in his Ark as in a Chariot triumphing in the Lord for his own deliverance and their destruction under the feet of his Ark as a just recompence of their unrighteous deeds and despising the Lord and his truth which he had declared to them for a long season 18 As sure as the Lord liveth thus it will be very suddenly with this lustful bloody world that sports themselves about the resurrection of the dead and judgement day saying it is past already or there will never be any such thing for that righteous Noah the King of Glory will open the Firmament of Heaven and stand in the air with his mighty Angels surrounding his person and by the power of his word speaking as he raised Lazarus out of the grave 19 So likewise I affirm against men or Angels the very same person and no other which did that deed is that God that will by his word speaking command all his righteous Noahs both dead and alive bodily to a ascend into that holy Ark of eternal glory in the high Heavens and when they are safely arrived with the whole creation which according to their kinde groaned long for deliverance then as beforesaid that mighty God the man Jesus in glory with a flood of fire will burn all the beauty or glory of this world to ashes leaving all cursed Cananites bodies and spirits burning together like fire and brimstone upon this earth in utter darkness answerable unto their former burning lusts in their natural conditions 20 Moreover those men and women that glory of a God or Christ within them and what ever filthiness they act charge the most Holy Spirit with it I say from the Lord Jesus Christ though they scape the vengeance of men by their Satannical subtilties yet in the remembrance of their despisings of a glory or misery to come in that day the divine vengeance shall burn more fiery hot in their souls and bodies then all other men whatsoever 21 Then those that are ascended into the Ark of eternal glory with the Son of Man and his holy Angels shall sing that new song of all honor power praise and glory unto the Lamb that sits in the midst of the Throne for ever and ever not onely because they are delivered from the eternal vengeance 22 But also because the most Wise and Holy God hath rewarded those filthy despisers of his glorious truths according to what they did and would have done unto Christ and his redeemed ones 23 O blessed are those men and women that are not offended with these plain truths CHAP. XLVI 1 The last commissionated Prophet come into the World 2 No calling of the natural Jews to the profession of the true Jesus 3 Two sorts of Jews 4 Some remarkable signs of the approaching of the day of Judgement IF there be such a dreadful day of Christs personal appearing in his glory with his mighty
God of their own reason onely with all their rebellions against it shall be that dreadful Judge sitting in their fleshly consciences with an eccho of everlasting torments in utter darkness 6 Thus in some measure I have been made to declare unto my spiritual yea and fleshly brethren also the sudden glorious and dreadful appearing of the most high and mighty God-man sitting on the Throne of his Glory with his elect Angels to judge both the quick and dead according to his own sayings in Holy Writ 7 And now as a conclusion unto this Epistle I shall speak a few words to all that may peruse it in the name and power of our Lord Jesus by whose most blessed spirit I was inspiringly moved to write it 8 My beloved Brethren that hath the least hopes in you of a glory to come I confess through unusualness of such a language many sayings in this book may seem to your reason very absurd at the first 9 But if the light of life eternal qualifie you with a meek and patient spirit they may be as plain and easie to your understanding at the last as the Lord hath made them to me his poor despised messenger 10 I know if I were an University man possessing perishing wealth or honor among Princes your rational spirits would be as subject to erre on the right hand as now they are on ●he left 11 O forget not that the wisdom of God seeth it most advantagious for his glory to choose base and despised things to confound the honorable and eloquent things of this vain glorious world 12 Again if some men should say unto me that I have written many sayings without book concerning the crea●ion of Angels and such like I would fain know of them whe●her Moses had any books by him when he wrote of the creation of this world and the things therein 13 Though the holy Prophets Christ and the Apostles aluded sometimes to the former Prophetical writings to convince gain-sayers yet you know they spake by inspiration of the eternal spirit onely according to that saying in holy Writ All Scriptures was given by inspiration and holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost 14 Moreover if you should ask me how shall you know whether I write by true inspiration or no as to that if you had the spirit of the Scriptures no man could deceive you 15 Furthermore unless you have a light in you that can clearly convince me of error in my Epistle in questioning the truth of my writings you also question the truth of Holy Writ 16 If I should write nothing but what is exactly set down in the Scriptures I should then write nothing at all because they are other mens works and you have them already besides many eloquent men to play upon the harp of those records very harmoniously unto your carnal ears which godliness of theirs is very gainful unto many of them as you well know 17 If I should write nothing but what is recorded in Holy Writ there would be no need of any other witness to prove me a lyar but my book onely and so I should be bound together in a bundle of literal tares and burnt with unquenchable fire at the appearing of the Son of Man in his glory with h●s mighty Angels because I have declared my self sent forth by voice from the Lord of Glory himself to demonstrate some secrets to his chosen ones that hath not been revealed since the world began 18 And now I desire no other witness to bear record in the consciences of men to this Epistle whether it be truth or no but the everliving Jehovah or eternal spiritual Jesus himself with all his holy Angels Even so come Lord Jesus come quickly Amen Amen John Reeve and Lodowick Muggleton the two last immediate Commissionated Witnesses or Prophets by the eternal Spirit of the man Jesus glorified in the Throne of Eternity which is far above all Gods Heavens Angels and Men. FINIS