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A57386 The true way to the tree of life, or, The natural man directed unto Christ by Fran. Roberts ... Roberts, Francis, 1609-1675. 1673 (1673) Wing R1596; ESTC R31779 75,604 190

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The True way TO THE Tree of Life OR The Natural MAN DIRECTED UNTO CHRIST By Fran. Roberts D. D. Pastor of the Church of Christ at Wrington in the County of Somerset JOHN 14. 6. IESVS saith unto him I am the Way The Truth and the Life No man cometh unto the Father but by me ACT. 16. 30 31. Sirs What must I do to be saved And they said Believe on the LORD IESVS CHRIST and thou shalt be saved and thine House BERNARD in Iubilo c. p. 1659. Antverp 1616. JESU Decus Angelicum In auro d●sce Canticum In ore me● mirificum In Corde N●ctar Coelicum Desidero te millies Mi JESU quando venies Me loetum quando facies Me de te quando suties LONDON Printed by T. R. for Geo. Cal●ert at the Golden Ball in ●uck Lane 1673. THE Author 's Epistolary Exhortation AND Paternal Charge UNTO HIS CHILDREN My Dear and beloved Children WHat the Apostle Paul sometimes said with great affection touching Israel his Brethren and kinsmen according to the flesh that with like affection say I now touching You My Hearts desire and Prayer to God for you all is That you may be saved O that you might be so happy as to hear that sweetest Sentence of Iesus Christ at the last day directed unto you among the rest of his Elect Sheep at his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world And that you may be where Christ is which is far the best of all to behold his glory and to be made conform to him in Celestial glory for evermore But you had need deeply to consider That there are very many great and dangerous impediments unto Sinners eternal Salvation without removal whereof the Salvation of poor Souls will be rendered not only difficult but utterly impossible A few of these principal Hindrances I shall briefly mention unto you for your information and instruction That you may praise God for your deliverance from some of them and pray to him for his effectual removal of all the rest in his due time Some grand Hindrances of poor Sinners Salvation are these viz. 1. The State of Sin and misery in which all Mankind is involved by Nature through the Fall of Adam the Common root of all Mankind whence All are by Nature dead in Sins and trespasses and Children of wrath so that they who are in the flesh cannot possibly please God 2. Man's general Senslessness and ●in apprehensiveness by Nature of the Sinfulness and wretchedness of his Natural condition All Natural men being Children of the night and of darkness Having the understanding darkned being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart And from this senslesness of their Natural malady it comes to pass that they are till God open their eyes and awaken their Consciences altogether regardless of the Supernatural Remedy 3. A Sinful course of life and wicked Conversation resulting from Mens Sinful state and condition So that they walk according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the power of the Air the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of Disobedience fulfilling the wills of the flesh and of the mind and running to all excess of riot Now these and like ungodly waies will without true and timely Repentance undoubtedly shut all that walk therein out of the kingdom of God for evermore 4. Habitual Hardness of heart and Impenitency which are most dangerous fore-runners of Eternal Death and Destruction whereby all hardned and impenitent Sinners do treasure up unto themselves wrath against the day of wrath and Reve●●tion of the righteous Judgment of God 5. That grand Soul-damning Sin of Vnbelief in Iesus Christ. Of this the Holy Ghost peculiarly and principally convincingly reproves the world of Sin because they believe not in me saith our Saviour This Sin he puts before others saith Augustine as if it were the alone Sin because this Sin remaining the rest are detained and this departing the rest are remitted Vnbelief rejects Iesus Christ the onely Saviour How then is it possible the Vnbelievers should be saved Our Blessed Saviour himself hath declared most plainly That he that believes not shall be damned Math. 16. 6. yea That he is condemned already because he hath not believed on the name of the onely begotten Son of God That he who believeth not the Son should not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him Iohn 3. 18. 36. 8. And he placeth the Unbelieving in that black Catalogue which shall have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second Death Rev. 21. 8. 6. The Embracing of any False counterfeit and irreligious Religions whether through Corrupt Education and evil Example of Parents or through Seducement of heretical Impostors and false Teachers or through the just judgment of God upon them that receive not the Love of the Truth that they may be saved sending them strong delusions that they should believe a lye that they all may be damned who believe not the Truth And chiefly such false Counterfeit Religions which are most predominant and bear greatest sway in the world are these Four viz. Heathenism Mahume●ism Judaism and Antichristianism By the poyson of which it is much to be feared far the greatest number of people in the whole world are deprived of Salvation and perish As divers of our Learned Orthodox and Religious Authors have demonstrated 7. The False Hypocritical and Conterfeit Entertaining of the onely true Religion viz. The Christian Religion leaves men still in a state of Damnation though thereupon multitudes vainly presume and promise to themselves eternal Salvation As when men make a Profession of Christianity without a sincere suitable Practice having Lamps without Oyle When they have onely a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof Having a Name to live but are dead When they attain to a Temporary Faith believing for a time but in time of Persecution falling away Become partakers of many Common gifts and en dowments of the Holy Ghost but of no true saving Graces of the Spirit So that though they may have some flashes of joy in the use of Gods Ordinances and may do many things yet walk not as the sincere Saints in all the Commandements and Ordinances of God blameless Now such Persons being meer Formal not real Christians indeed remaining ●as most in the visible Church do without effectual Calling Conversion Regeneration and true Sanctification cannot inherit the kingdom of God as the Holy Scriptures do abundantly testifie Now therefore my beloved Children I earnestly exhort charge and beseech you by the mercies of God As you tender the eternal welfare of your precious and immortal Souls As you desire to be found
in Iesus Christ and favour with God when you die and As ever you hope to be set at Christs Right hand among his Sheep and to be Sentenced by Christ with them to his Everlasting Kingdom at that great and glorious day of his Appearing That you use all possible Care diligence and endeavours by the Grace and assistance of the Holy Spirit of God against all these fore-mentioned impediments unto Salvation and all such like that they may be removed out of your way to happiness and not be any hindrances at all to your Eternal Glory and Salvation And that this may be the more effectually enterprized and performed by you Let these Ensuing Instructions sink deep into your hearts and be most studiously seriously and sincerely pursued and practiced in your Lives viz. 1. Be deeply and thoroughly Convinced of the extream Sinfulness and wretchedness of your Natural State and Condition in the first Adam How you were shapen in iniquity and conceived in Sin Yea dead in Sins and trespasses and by Nature Children of Wrath even as others And How from this Original and Vniversal Corruption of your Natures your whole course of life is answerably corrupted also Every imagination of the thoughts of your hearts and consequently every word of your mouths and every Action throughout your lives being Evil onely evil continually evil so long as you continue in your Natural state and condition So then while you remain in the flesh you cannot please God nor can have an● actual Hope of Salvation upon any solid ground 2. Hence you may evidently See and must needs conclude That there is so great a necessity of a Supernatural Remedy against this your Natural State of Sin and Misery and against all the Sinfulness of your Natural Conversation by the Application of Jesus Christ unto your Souls and the Effectual operation of his Spirit to that End upon your hearts That without such applying of Christ by Faith unto you and the operation of his Spirit in and upon you by Effectual Calling Conversion Regeneration Renovation and Sanctification you can never Enter into the kingdom of God and be Eternally Saved 3. Therefore See that ye come unto Jesus Christ by Faith without delay and Receive him as your onely All-sufficient Saviour that is able to save you to the uttermost Accepting him upon his own terms of denying your selves taking up your Cross daily and following him So Iesus Christ will be unto you Wisdom to guide you in the way to Heaven Righteousness to wash away all your Sins by his bloud and justifie you freely by his spotless Righteousness imputed unto you Sanctification to furnish you sufficiently with all treasures of Grace out of his fullness of Grace and Redemption to deliver you from all your bondage under Sin Satan the curse of the Law the Wrath to come and all your Spiritual Enemies O thrice happy Everlastingly happy shall you be if once Iesus Christ become yours and you his Then you shall be espoused to the best Husband in the world The God and Father of Iesus Christ will be your God and Father The Spirit of Christ will be your Com●orter the Kingdom of Heaven shall be your Everlasting Joynture yea All things The World and Life and Death and things present and things to come All shall be yours Then All things shall work-together for good unto you Sickness as well as health Adversity as well as prosperity Death it self as well as life Then nothing in the world shall ever be able to separate you from the Love of Christ or from the Love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Then no Condemnation shall ever befall you in this or in the world to come O happy Souls that ever you were born if you be born again and Christ be formed in you Christ is the Desire of all Nations Let him be the Desire of your Souls Christ is the chief among ten thousand L●t him be the Chief of your choice Christs mouth is Sweetnesses yea all of him is Desires O let your hearts be even ravished with him at all times Say with that faithful Minister and Martyr of Iesus Christ Mr. John Lambert as he was now dying in the flames None but Christ none but Christ In a word I say to every one of you as sometimes Bernard said unto one sweetly Let IESVS be alwaies in thine heart Let Him be unto thee thy meat and drink thy sweetness and Consolation thy Hony and thy Desire thy Reading and thy Meditation thy Prayer and thy Contemplation thy Life and Death and thy Resurrection For Christ is All in All 4. Now Forasmuch as true saving Faith in Iesus Christ is not of our selves but the free gift of God and ordinarily God is pleased to work it in the hearts of his Elect Instrumentally by the Hearing of his Word faithfully preached Efficaciously by the Co-operation of his holy Spirit by which Means also it is nourished and increased Therefore be ye all of you Diligent and Constant Hearers of the Word of Christ faithfully preached Applying things spoken particularly to your selves treasuring them up in good and honest hearts and bringing forth the suitable fruit thereof by an Vpright practice in your lives and take singular heed that you never g●ieve quench or resist the operations stirrings or motions of the Spirit of God in the use of his Word and Ordinances or at any other times For Iesus Christ by his Word and Spirit especially stands at the door of your hearts and knocks and if any will open unto him he will come in unto him and Sup with him and he with Christ 5. For the increasing also of your Inward Peace Spiritual Ioy and Comfort Give all di●igence to make your Calling and Election sure Examining your selves frequently and seriously whether Jesus Christ be in you yea or no But how shal● this be done By comparing your Hearts Lives and Experiences with the written Word of God through the assistance and guidance of Gods Holy Spirit For to this End the Word of God was written to us and the Spirit of God is given to us that we may know the things that are freely given to us of God and that we may know that we have eternal life And for your more ready help in this weighty business you may make use of many Characters marks or Notes of Tryal which I have at large laid down in sundry of my Printed Books which you have by you Take heed you be not strangers to your own hearts and Spiritual States 6. As you have received Jesus Christ the Lord so walk in him rooted and built up in him and established in the Faith Be not Christians only in Name and outward Shew but inwardly sincerely and in good earnest So live and walk as Christ
of true Repentance viz. 1. An hearty impartial self-abasing and self-condemning confession of sin to God Psal. 51. 17. and verse 1 3 5 14. Ezra 9. 6. Dan. 9. 5 6 7 8. Luke 15. 18 19. 2. Faith in Christ Mark 1. 15. Act. 26. 18. Heb. 6. 1. of which formerly 3. Penitential Desires and these vehement viz. Against sin that it may be pardoned subdued extirpated c. And for abundance of Grace to these ends 2 Cor. 7. 10 11. 4. Prayer Act. 9. 11. Even the Spirit of Prayer Zech. 12. 10. Psal. 51. 1. c. IV. Consequents of true Repentance a●e 1. More generally All good fruits and good works meet for Repentance Mat. 3. 8 9 10. and 7. 19. Luke 3. 8 9. with Gal. 5. 22 23. 2. More particularly These and such like 1. Vigilant care against sin for time to come 2 Cor. 7. 11. 2. Enlarged thankfulness for Gods mercies in Christ to the penitent and pardoned sinner 1 Tim. 1 13. to 18. Luke 7. 37 38. 3. Vehement and sincere Love To Christ for his Grace Luke 7. 47. Phil. 3. 7 8 9 10. To his Ministers for their Embassey 1 Thes. 5. 12 13. Gal. 4. 14 15. To his members for his image 1 Ioh. 3. 14. and 5. 1. 4. Singular joy in Christ and in all his wayes Acts 2. 46. and 8. 39. 5. Chearful new obedience to God in Christ. Acts 2. 42 c. Isa. 1 16 17 18 19 20. 6. Compassionateness to other sinners with desires and endeavours to gain them to Christ by Faith and Repentance Psal. 51. 12 13. 1 Cor. 9. 19. to 23. Luke 22. 32. Acts 26. 29. 7. Holy zeal to the peace and prosperity of Christs Church into which the penitent is now implanted Acts 2. 41. to the end 1 Cor. 9. 19 c. Psal. 51. 18 19. XIX Direction TUrn now unto God in Christ O Natural man by repenting Come now unto Iesus Christ and apply him by believing Delay not tarry not but make all speed all present speed in thy life in thy health in thy youth this day rather then to morrow as ever thou desirest to make sur● of life and eternal salvation by Christ Iesus Eccl. 12. 1. Heb. 3. 7 8 13 15. 2 Cor. 6. 2. To incline thee forcibly hereunto consider seriously 1. God calls for the early sacrifices and services to be performed to him As The first-fruits of the Ground The first-fruits of Dough the first-fruits of all Fruit-trees Neh. 10. 35 36 37. The Firstlings of Beasts Exod 13. 1 2. The First-born of man Exod. 13. 1 2. The First-fruits of thy dayes Remember now thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth Eccl. 12. 1. The first-fruits of thy study care diligence affections c. First seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness Mat. 6. 33. And wilt thou put off God with the last with the dross and dregs of all 2. Gods Elect have come in to Christ repented and converted speedily immediately upon Gods call and dost thou still stand off after so many calls and invitations The Apostles immediately upon Christs call came to him and followed him Mat. 4. 18. to 23. The sinful Woman presently relented upon Christs preaching that sweet Sermon Mat. 11. 28 29 30. her History is thought next in order to succeed those words Luke 7. 37 c. Zacheus the Publican was presently converted upon Christs coming to him Luke 19. 6. to 11. The Thief upon the Cross who possibly never saw or heard Christ before was immediately converted and assured that that day he should be with Christ in Paradise Luke 23. 41 42 43. Cornelius and his Company were gained to Christ as Peter was uttering his Sermon Acts 10. 44 c. The Ethiopian Eunuch upon Philip's preaching instantly believed and was baptized Acts 8. 35 c. At one Sermon of Peter 3000 were brought home to Christ and added to the Church Acts 2. 36 37 c. The Hearers of the Apostles were speedily converted about 5000 Acts 4. 4. Saul upon Christs call instantly believed and repented so that of a Wolf he became a Lamb of a Persecutor a Preacher of Christ and of his Gospel Acts 9. 3 4 c. 19 20 c. At Paul's preaching Lydia's heart was presently opened to entertain Christ Acts 16. 14. The Jaylor presently believed upon the preaching of Paul and Silas Acts 16. 30 c. The Ephesians after they heard the Word of Truth speedily converted to God Eph. 1. 13 14 15. with Acts 19. 17 18 19 20. The Thessalonians upon Paul's entring in unto them with the Gospel turned from Idols to serve the living God 1 Thes. 1. 4 5 9. and 2. 1. And what shall I say more The Colossians believed and were converted speedily the Gospel bringing forth fruit in them from the very day they heard it Col. 1. 4 5 6. Now this Catalogue of early Repenters shall rise up in judgement against thee and condemn thee for thy delay 3. The present time is of all other the very fittest time in the world for thee and for every one to turn from sin by repenting and close with Christ by believing For 〈◊〉 God saith To day if ye will hear his voice harden not your hearts Heb. 3. 7 8. 13. 15. and 4. 7. And dost thou with the Devil say Tomorrow 2. Now is the acceptable time now is the day of salvation 2 Cor. 6. 1 2. Hereafter may be the un-acceptable time the day of damnation 3. Now God may be found is near hereafter God may be afar off and may not be found Isa. 55. 6 7. 4. The present time is the time of mercy God holds out to the sinner his white Flag his golden Scepter of many precious Promises The future time may be the time of judgement and he may hold forth the red and black Flags of blood and death Prov. 1. 24. to 32. Isa. 65. 12. and 66. 4. I● 7. 13. 5. The present time is only thine Time past is irrevocably gone Time to come may never come to thee The rich fool that promised himself many years had not many hours to live that night his soul was taken from him Luke 12. 20. And then if that prove thy condition what will become of thy impenitent hardned unbelieving and Christless soul 4. Delays in this case are very dangerous For 1. While Repentance is delayed iniquity is daily increased and sin multiplied Such go on still in their trespasses Psal. 168. 21. 2. While Repentance is delayed the heart will be daily more and more hardned through the deceitfulness of sin Heb. 3. 13. 3. The more the heart is hardned the more impossible it will be for the sinner to repent Rom. 2. 5. 4. Late and long-delayed Repentance is seldom true alwayes difficult Unfit to day more unfit to morrow Long festering and rankling Sores are hardly cured if curable at all True Repentance indeed is never too late but late Repentance is seldom true Late
1 Cor. 3. 16. 17. And this Holy Spirit is the peculiar and immediate Author of Sanctification and Holiness to all Gods Elect 1 Pet. 1. 2. A Spirit of Grace Zech. 12. 10. 3 Who are grossly ignorant of the Spiritual things of God So as not to receive them but to count them foolishness 1 Cor. 2. 14. Eph. 4. 18. For The Spirit of God and of Christ is A Spirit of Truth leading unto all Truth Ioh. 16. 13. A Spirit of wisdom and Revelation for the knowledge and acknowledging of the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ephes 1. 17. c. 4 Who are not of Gods own family are not his Adopted children nor are furnished with Filial Confidence Fear Love Obedience and other Child-like Properties For The Spirit of God and of Christ is a Spirit of Adoption where he dwells Rom. 8. 15. Confirmin●g their Sonship and assuring them of their Adopted State 1. As a Witness Rom. 8. 16. 2. As a Seal Ephes. 1. 13. 3. As an Earnest of their Inheritance Ephes. 1. 14. And 4. As a first-fruits Rom. 8. 23. 5. Who are prayer-less persons wholly unable with filial faith zeal and affection to cry Abba Father For the Spirit of God and of Christ is a Spirit of prayer a Spirit of grace and supplication Zech 12. 10. enabling Gods children to cry fervently Abba Father Rom. 8. 15. and the Spirit helps our prayer infirmities when we know not what to pray for as we ought For he maketh intercession for us viz. by enabling us to intercede for our selves with unutterable groans i. e. with unutterable desires and longings of soul Rom. 8. 26 27. 4. If thou art still without the immediate fundamental and saving effects of the Spirits of God and of Christ viz. Regeneration Ioh. 3. 3 5 6 8. Renovation Tit. 3. 5. New Creation in Christ Eph. 2. 10. 2 Cor. 5. 17. Conversion from sin and Satan to God Act. 26. 18. Effectual vocation 2 Thes. 2. 13 14. 2 Cor. 6. 1 2. Ioh. 6. 44. And Sanctification 1 Pet. 1 2. 2 Thes. 2. 13. By which Gods Spirit brings sinners out of the state of Nature Then art still in the sinful and wretched state of Nature 5. If thou art still unbelieving without faith unfeigned as by Nature all are Tit. 1. 15. 2 Thes. 3. 2. And having no hope no well-grounded hope of salvation and happiness by Christ in this or the world to come as is the condition of all in state of Nature Eph. 2. 12. Then thou remainest in the state of Nature to this hour 6. If thou continuest still impenitent and un-reformed to this day not turned from darkness to light nor from the power of Satan to God Act. 26. 18. Col. 1. 13. Thou art still in thy sinful and wretched state of Nature For by repentance God brings men unto himself into a spiritual supernatural state of life holiness and happiness Act. 2. 38. and 5. 31. and 26. 18. Repentance unto life Act. 11. 18. Ezek. 18. 30 31 32. 7. If thou dost habitually and primarily mind the things of the flesh If thy thoughts contrivances designs c. are chiefly about carnal and worldly things how to grow great rich c. but seldom or never mindest the things of the Spirit how to obtain Christ how to be saved how to make thy calling and election sure how to make Heaven sure how to walk with God c. Then thou art still after the flesh Rom. 8. 5 c. 8. If thy mind and wisdom be enmity against God and cannot endure to be subject to the Law of God then it is carnal Rom. 8. 7. Col. 1. 21. The Natural mans mind is so set upon sinful principles and wicked works that it cannot choose but hate God and his Law that utterly condemn them 9. If thou art not a lover but a hater of Gods people in whom Gods image appears and shines forth He that hateth his brother is in darkness viz. in the darkness of a sinful and miserable state by Nature and walketh in darkness 1 Joh. 2. 9 19 11. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death Whosoever hateth his brother i. e. his Christian brother for God Christ Grace Godliness c. in him is a Murderer and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him 1 Ioh. 3. 14 15. 10. If thou art under the Power of darkness Col. 1. 13. The Natural man is not only Dark in the Concreet but Darkness itself in the Abstract Eph. 5. 18. He is so dark that he is all darkness and nothing but darkness therefore he is under the raign and power of it so that he cannot by any ability of his own Extricate or deliver himself out of it The Natural man is under the power of a threefold Darkness viz. 1 The darkness of Sin Sins are works of Darkness Eph. 5. 11. The State of Sin is a state of darkness Such are dead in Sins and trespasses and as dead they are overwhelmed with darkness dwelt in darkness Eph. 2. 1. 5. 2 The darkness of Ignorance This in part is that darkness that blinds the Eyes of Natural man 1 Ioh. 2. 11. So that he cannot receive the things of God they are Foolishness to him neither can he know them because they are Spiritually discerned 1 Cor. 2. 7 8 9 10 11. 14. The Gospel is hid to them that are lost the God of this world having blinded the minds of them that believe not least the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ should shine unto them 2 Cor. 3 4. 3 The Darkness of misery by reason of his Sinfulness The Scripture frequently expresseth misery under the Notion of Darkness which is very uncomfortable and dreadful As the Miseries in this life Psal. 88. 6. and 107. 10. In death Iob. 10. 21 22. In Hell wher 's utter Darkness Mat. 22. 13. and 25. 30. Blackness of darkness for ever Iude vers 13. Everlasting chains under darkness Iude 6. The Natural man being a child of wrath Eph. 2 3. having the wrath of God abiding on him and being condemned already Ioh. 3. 18. 36 may well be said to be under the power of darkness 11. If thou art under the Power of Satan hitherto thou art still in thy Sinful and wretched State of Nature For every man Naturally is under Satan's Power and dominion till he be supernaturally converted unto God Act. 26. 18. Hence Satan is called The Father of such Ioh. 8. 44. The Prince of this world Ioh. 14. 30. The Prince of this power of the Air the spirit that effectually worketh in the children of disobedience Eph. 2. 2. The God of this world 2. Cor. 4. 4. Now thou art under the power of Satan 1 While Satan blinds thine eyes so that the Gospel is hid to thee Is a mystry a Paradox to thee c. left the glorious Light of the Gospel should shine unto thee 2 Cor. 4. 4. 2 While thou art an Unbeliever 2 Cor. 4.
the world can actually have any saving share or interest at all in the Redemption or Recovery which Christ hath fully obtained for his people untill he actually accept Christ as his only all-sufficient Saviour and particularly apply to his own Soul that Redemption and Recovery from sin and misery which Christ hath procured and obtained 1 Ioh. 5. 12. Ioh. 1. 11 12. and 3. 16. 18 36. and 8. 24. And this must needs be so For 1. Christs obtaining of Recovery and Redemption for lapsed Sinners renders them only Salvable and that possibly they may be saved which door of Hope is not opened at all to the lapsed Angels but Sinners particularly accepting of Christ and applying of his merit unto themselves personally renders them actually saved and that they are indeed in the state of Salvation already Compare diligently these and like Scriptures Ioh. 3. 16 17. Tit. 2 14. 1 Tim. 1. 15. Gal. 4. 4. 5. Rom. 8. 3. which point out a possibility of Salvation by Christ and his Death with Ioh. 1. 12. 1 Ioh. 5. 12. 1 Cor. 1. 9. And such like as denote their actual Salvation by Christ who have accepted him and applied him to themselves particularly 2. Non-accepting and non-applying of Christ is so great a sin that it is threatned with damnation Ioh. 16. 8 9. with Ioh. 3. 18. 36. and 8. 24. Therefore though Christ be never so able and all-sufficient to restore and save Sinners yet none can have benefit by his Salvation without Application of him and his merits 3. The Promise of effectual and eternal Salvation by Christ is still directed to the actual acceptance and application of Christ. As Spiritual Rest of Soul is promised but to them that come to Christ Mat. 11. 28 29. Eternal life is promised but to such as believe in him Ioh. 3. 16. but to such as eat this bread of life viz. his flesh given for the life of the world Ioh. 6. 51. 57. 58. Remission of sins is promised but to them that believe in him Act 10. 43. Now how shall man he saved according to Gods promises that perform not the Condition of the Promises 4. Who ever was Restored and saved by Christ till he accepted and applied Christ not the Apostles Ioh. 16. 30. Mat. 16. 16. Not the Sinful woman Luk. 7. 50. not the convert thief Luk. 23. 43. not the Jaylor Act. 16. 31. to 35. Who ever was healed by a Plaister spread and prepared only but never applied to the wound and Sore Who ever was comforted with the richest cordial though never so accurately prepared if it were never eaten or drunk And who ever was actually saved by Christ if not particularly accepted and applied They that accept not that apply not Christ to themselves are without Christ And they that are without Christ are without Hope so remaining and go without Salvation Eph. 2. 12. 5. All Communion with Christ in his saving benefits ●lows from Union to Christ in accepting of him Ioh. 1. 12 1 Ioh. 5. 12. Rom. 8 10. Col. 2. 19. Eph. 4. 16. As the Ciour hath Communion with the Stock in its life growth fruitfulness by being united unto the stock by Ingrafting or as the Wife hath Communion with the husband in his Name state c. by being united to him in marriage or as the members of the Natural body have Communion with the head and heart in their life sense motion c. by being united thereunto by joints and hands 6. Till the Sinner accepts and applies Christ he is not throughly Convinced of the Sinfulness and wretchedness of his Natural state and of the great need he hath of Christ to deliver him out of it For Conviction is the first step to application of Christ Ioh. 16. 8 9. And where there 's not the first step of Conviction There 's no present state of Salvation 7. Till the Sinner accepts Christ and applies him he neglects and despiseth him And he that despiseth Christ how can he obtain Salvation yea how can he escape damnation See Mat. 22. 1. to 3. Luk. 14. 16. to 25. Heb. 2. 3. Direct XIIII OBserve diligently O Natural man that the Proper and Peculiar way whereby Iesus Christ is to be accepted and applied to a man 's own Soul for Recovery out of his sinful and wretched state of Nature is by true saving Faith in Iesus Christ alone Act. 10. 43. Ioh. 3. 16. and 1. 12. Act. 13. 38 39. and 16. 30 31. Eph. 2. 8. Rom. 3. 22. to 27. I. That by true saving Faith alone peculiarly Iesus Christ is accepted and applied for Recovery out of Sin and misery is evident several wayes For 1. The Nature of true saving Faith in Christ principally consists in the Accepting and applying Christ for Salvation as he is offered in the Gospel Thus I have elsewhere described it Iustifying Faith is a saving Grace wrought in the hearts of the Elect at their Regeneration by Gods Spirit and word whereby they not only know Assent to and apply to themselves the Promises Gospel and Doctrine of Iesus Christ for gods glory in their justification and Salvation but also whereby they afterwards walk as becomes justified persons There see the Confirmation and Explanation of this Description of Faith So that the Nature of saving faith in Christ stands much in Applying Christ in the Gospel and promises who is the Kernel and Soul of them 2. The Receiving and Applying Iesus Christ for Recovery and Salvation is one of the chief Acts of Faith which thus I illustrate The Acts of true Faith in Christ are 1 Direct 2. Reflexive 1 Direct and these of 2 Sorts 1. Primary As 1. Knowing Isai. 53. 11. Ioh. 17. 3. 2. Assenting to the truth of Gods record 1 Ioh. 5. 9. Ioh. 3. 33. 3. Applying of the Promises and of Christ Ioh. 1. 12. As Paul did Gal. 2. 20. as Thomas did Ioh. 20. 8. 2. Secondary As 1. Retaining Christ Received in the heart Eph. 3. 17. Col. 2. 6 7. 2. Purifying the heart Act. 15. 9. 3. Refreshing the Soul with peace and joy Rom. 5. 1 2. and 15. 13. 4. Breaking forth into good works 1 Thes. 1. 3. Heb. 11. 5. Working by Love Gal. 5. 6. 6. Enlivening the Soul Rom. 1. 17. Gal. 2. 20. 2. Conquering all our Spiritual Enemies 1 Ioh. 3. 2 3. and 5. 4. 1 Pet. 1. 9. Iam. 4. 7. Eph. 6. 16. 2 Reflexive When Faith refle ing upon its own acts sees it self believing 1 Ioh. 2. 3. 1 Tim. 1. 12. By this it appears that the applying act of Faith is a very principal act among all the rest ● or All the Acts before the Applying ast tend to make way for it as Preparatory to it And all the Acts after it result from the Applying Act especially as genuine fruits and effects of it Thus the Applying act of Faith is among the rest as the Sun among the Planets most illustrious 3. Faith is so peculiarly eminent among all
Repenters do not so much forsake sin as sin forsakes them 5. While Repentance is delay'd the sinner treasureth up unto himself the greater pile of wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgement of God Rom. 2. 5. 5. Thy life is short but Believing and Repenting are a great and long work He that hath much work to do a long journey to go had need to neglect no time but to be up early and doing For What is thy life A vanishing vapour Iam. 4. 14. A wind that passeth Iob. 7. 7. A blast or puff of breath Isa. 2. 22. A flower flourishing and fading Psal. 103. 15 16. A tale told Psal. 90. 9. Grass now growing now withering Psal. 103. 15. A flood still flowing away never returning Psal. 90. 5. As yesterday when it is past Psal. 90. 4. An hand-breadth Psal. 39. 5. A watch in the night but three hours long Psal. 90. 4. A shadow Iob 14. 2. A sleep Psal. 90. 5. An image or show Psal. 39. 6. Nothing and altogether vanity Psal. 39. 5. Now Believing and Repenting are great and long works None can believe or repent but such as are regenerate by the Spirit of God Iohn 1. 12 13. By Believing we must know Christ savingly Isa. 53. 11. Iob. 17. 3. Must assent to Gods Record touching Christ fully Ioh. 3. 33. 1 Ioh. 5. 11 12. Must embrace the Promises and accept Christ in the Promises Heb. 11. 13. Iohn 1. 12. Must purifie the heart Acts 15. 9. Must conquer the world 1 Iohn 5. 4. Must quench the fiery darts of the Devil Eph. 6. 16. And must live by it upon Christ continually Rom. 1. 17. Gal. 2. 20. Are these easie things Repentance turns from darkness to light from the Power of Satan to God Acts 26. 18. Tends continually to mortifie and crucifie sin Rom. 8. 13. Col. 3. 5. And to perfect holiness in Gods fear 2 Cor. 7. 1. Tit. 2. 12 13. 6. Death is most certain that it will come Heb. 9. 27. Sam. 14. 14. Psal. 49. 6 7 8 9. and 89. 98. Most uncertain when where or how it will come whether in youth man-hood or old age in the evening midnight Cock-crowing or day-break watch Mark 13. 35. Therefore seeing thou knowest not the year day nor hour of thy death thou hast need to be prepared for it every day every hour So true is that Verse Mors certa est incerta dies hora agnita nulli Extremam quare quamlibet esse puta I may thus English it Frail Man most certain is thy death Uncertain is the day None knows the hour of his last breath Then look for it alway In this respect Angustine's Advice is very good Let every one wholesomely think of his last day It is Gods mercy that man knows not when he shall die Man's last day is concealed from him that every day may be observed by him What Housholder is there that being certainly informed that such a week or such a night thieves will assault his house but at what hour is wholly uncertain will not prepare and watch every night lest his house be broken thorow and robbed Or what condemned Malefactor being assured that in a short time he shall certainly die on what day he is wholly uncertain but will make it his serious work to prepare for his death that he may die penitently And wilt no● thou O sinful mortal Soul who knowest thy death is certain the time when uncertain endeavour by speedy and sincere Repentance and Faith to prepare for dying well Especially considering That after death this work of Repenting and Believing hath no place no such work is to be done in the grave Eccl. 9. 10. There thine heart can send forth no sighs thine eye no tears thy tongue no confession c. in reference to thy sins There there is no knowledge assent or application of Faith to be exerted in reference to the Promises or Christ. But as the Tree falls so it lyes unalterably towards Heaven or Hell As soon as a man dies there is a great gulf fixed so that there 's no altering of his present condition from better to worse or from worse to better Luke 16. 26. 7. Finally O Natural man Repent now believe in Christ now or never 2 Cor. 6. 1 2. Heb. 3. 7. to 16. Isa. 55. 7. Eccl. 9. 10. 1. Now embrace the acceptable time now close with the day of salvation or never 2 Cor. 6. 1 2. For when the acceptable time is out when the day of salvation is ended thou canst expect no acceptation from God any more no salvation for evermore Prov. 1. 24. to verse 33. 2. Now believe in Christ and repent according to the tenour of the Gospel and Ordinances of Christ continued unto thee Mark 1. 15. Luke 24. 47. or never For if the Gospel be taken from thee or thou from the Gospel how canst thou repent How canst thou believe 3. Now entertain Christs sweetest ●nvitations and offers of Grace with all affectionateness and readiness of mind or never Mat. 11. 28 29 30. Iohn 3. 15 16 17. and 6. 37 38 39 40 50 51 c. and 7. 37 38 39. For Christ will not be alwayes inviting the obstinate alwayes offering Grace to them that do reject it The Guests that were bidden to the Marriage of the Kings Son i. e. of Christ with the Elect and rejected the invitation were invited no more Mat. 22. 2 3. and 8. with Luke 14. 16. to 25. 4. Now open the door of thine heart unto Christ while he stands at the door patiently and knocks importunately by his Word by his Rod by his Spirit c. Rev. 3. 20. or never For if Christ be still sleighted and repulsed so that he being weary of standing and knocking finally depart he will wait no more he will knock no more much less come in unto thee and sup with thee c. 5. Now while thou art in the land of the living believe repent turn to God work out thy salvation c. or never For if Death surprize thee if the Grave shut her mouth upon thee all these works will cease for ever Eccl. 9. 10. 6. Now like a wise Virgin furnish thy Lamp of Christian Profession with the oyl of true Grace that when Jesus Christ the Bridegroom shall come to the solemn marriage with his Church thou maist go forth to meet the Bridegroom or never Mat. 25. 1. to 14. For if thou like a foolish Virgin hast thine oyl to provide when the Bridegroom shall come They that are ready shall enter in with him and the door will be for ever shut against thee though thou knockest and cryest Lord open with the greatest importunity Mat. 25. 10 11 12. Then if thou beest once shut out of Heaven thou art shut out for ever if once thou art cast out into Hell thou art shut up in it for ever 7 Finally Now give all possible diligence to enter in at