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A56811 The conformist's third plea for the nonconformists argued from the king's declaration concerning ecclesiastical affairs : grounded upon the approved doctrine and confirmed by the authorities of many eminent fathers and writers of the Church of England / by the author of the two former pleas. Pearse, Edward, 1631-1694. 1682 (1682) Wing P981; ESTC R11263 89,227 94

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Ghost who was promised and sent by Jesus Christ 3. Being in some lower measure at first prepared and fitted for their Work the Holy Ghost is the prime and effectual Mover of them to exercise those Gifts which they have received in the Service of their Master in Heaven Jesus Christ And this that great and solemn Interrogatory which requires a sincere sensible solemn and serious Answer our Ordination doth put out of doubt Do you trust that you are inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost The ordering of Deacons to take upon you this Office c Answ I trust so 4. Being prepared and moved by the Holy Ghost they offer themselves unto and are called by some in a Church where a Church is constituted to exercise those Abilities received from Christ by the Holy Spirit for the Ends of the Gospel the Salvation of immortal Souls 5. All that the Bishops and Pastors of the Church are required to do or can do as Ordainers is to try their Fitness and Disposition and finding them fit to approve and separate them to the Office of the Ministry to declare them to have Authority to exhort them to Diligence and Faithfulness in their Office and to testify this to the Church 6. No Bishop or Pastors can justly refuse and justify the refusal before Jesus Christ to whom they must give an account of any Person duly qualified with necessary Qualifications for the Ministry for it is a Sin to refuse him whom Christ hath by his Spirit fitted for and excited to his Work by his Spirit 7. As long as their Gifts and Abilities are continued and the Holy Ghost doth continue his gracious Motions and Assistances so long these Ministers must continue in the Exercise and discharge of their Office for there is the same Reason to continue them as there was to admit them they continuing the same 8. Their fitness for the Work of the Ministry consisting in soundness of Knowledg and Faith aptness to teach gift of Utterance declared Resolutions and undertaking to teach and do what Christ hath commanded with Perseverance therein as a Guide and Example to the Flock are sufficient Conditions of admittance into the Ministry of the Gospel To do all things decently and in order and to Edification are necessary by the Law of Christ's Kingdom and not indifferent It may well be questioned whether any Man otherwise fitted for the Ministry should be refused because he refuseth to subscribe vow promise declare to any doubtful controverted Conditions of Admission or Continuance which are commonly invented by controversial contentious and imperious Men who do not only propose their Conceptions to others but make them a Standard and Measure to regulate other Mens Minds and Practices and not only so but think it meet that all shall be punished that disagree and dissent from them For the Confirmation of these things with the Authority of the Church of England Let us observe the Form of ordering Priests and Deacons The Preface saith The Bishop knowing either by himself or by sufficient Testimony any Person to be of vertuous Conversation and without Crime and after Examination and Trial finding him learned in the Latine Tongue and sufficiently instructed in Holy Scripture may admit him Deacon The Bishop saith to the Arch-Deacon Take heed that the Persons whom you present unto us be apt and meet for their Learning and Godly Conversation The Bishop examines them in the presence of all the People Do you trust you are inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost to take upon you this Office Do you think you are truly called according to the Will of our Lord Jesus Christ Do you unfeignedly believe all the Canonical Scripture of the Old and New Testament Then opening his Office he asks him Will you do this gladly and willingly Will you apply your Diligence to frame and fashion your own Lives and of your Families according to the Doctrine of Christ and be Examples of the Flock of Christ The other Question relates to the Government of this Church as Obedience to the Ordinary and his godly Admonitions which is a local Condition in order to their Admission under our Church-form of Government which is disputed by some of the Parties when any is presented to the Priest-hood The Bishop cautions the Arch-Deacon Take heed that the Persons whom you present unto us be apt and meet for their Learning and godly Conversation to exercise their Ministry duly to the honour of God and the edifying his Church I think them so to be Then shall the Bishop say unto the People Good People these are they whom we purpose God willing to receive this day unto the Holy Office of Priest-hood for after due Examination we find not to the contrary but that they be lawfully called to their Function and Ministry and that they be Persons meet for the same Note from this that Learning and Godly Conversation are the constituting Qualifications of a Man lawfully called to the Function of the Ministry In the Collect afterwards they pray God to replenish them with the Truth of his Doctrine adorn them with Innocency of Life that both by Word and good Example they may faithfully serve him in this Office c. Then follow the Epistle and Gospel after which the Oath of Supremacy is given and after that an Exhortation to remember their high Dignity and weight of their Charge i.e. to be Messengers Watchmen Stewards of the Lord to teach premonish feed provide for the Lord's Family to seek Christ's Sheep that are dispersed abroad and for his Children who are in the midst of this naughty World that they may be saved through Christ for ever Have always printed in your Memories how great a Treasure is committed to your Charge the Sheep of Christ Covetous Non-Residents and negligent Residents is hereby condemned and a personal Inspection required which some of our Brethren call Gossiping others Conventicling bought with his Death the Congregation which you serve is his Spouse and his Body And if it shall happen any Member of that Church take any hurt by your Negligence ye know the Greatness of the Fault and also the horrible Punishment that will ensue See that you never cease your Labour your Care and Diligence until you have done all that lieth in you to bring all under your Charge to Agreement in Faith and Ripeness of Age in Christ that there be no Error in Religion or Viciousness of Life ye ought to pray earnestly for his holy Spirit consider how studious you ought to be in reading and learning the Scriptures and framing your Manners and of yours according to the Scriptures and for this Cause ye ought to lay aside all worldly Cares and Studies we have good hope that you have clearly determined by God's Grace to give your selves wholly to this Office whereunto it hath pleased God to call you c. This is enough to prove their Fitness and their Call to the Ministry and such as are
to the Instruction Conversion Correction Direction Consolation and Salvation of precious Souls it may not be intermitted without far greater loss than a Masters Absence from his School or a careful Father Mother or Steward from the Houshold This humble Proposal for omitting the second Service hath a fair Countenance from the Rubricks There is a Supposition that the Communion is celebrated every Lord's day but it is not except in some few Cathedrals as appears by some Rubricks Rubr. the last immediately before the Lord's Prayer is this The Table at the Communion-time having a fair white Linnen Cloth upon it shall stand in the Body of the Church or in the Chancel where Morning and Evening Prayer are appointed to be said and the Priest standing at the North-side of the Table shall say the Lord's-Prayer with the Collect following the People kneeling Now I query Whether the Priest be bound to read that Service but standing at the North-side of the Table so placed so covered to answer the Title of the Service which is The Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion And the Rubricks that follow speak altogether in relation to the Communion the Rubrick after the Commandments is Then shall follow one of these two Collects for the King the Priest standing as before and saying Let us pray The Rubrick after the Nicene Creed doth suppose the Communion to be celebrated every Lord's-day or else we omit to declare Holy-days Bans c. There is a great Inconsistency in that Clause of that Rubrick and then if occasion be shall notice be given of the Communion when the former Rubricks suppose there is one then The Rubrick before the Prayer for the whole State of Christ's Church is And when there is a Communion the Priest shall then place upon the Table so much Bread and Wine as he shall think sufficient After which done the Priest shall say Let us pray for the whole State of Christ's Church I know there is a Rubrick after the Communion Service that appoints what shall be read when there is no Communion which makes a Communion-Service without a Communion Thus much in general for the Things to be done The second Thing is the Terms of Admission to the Administration For this one plain Rule may be sufficient taken out of the Form of Ordination That which is a sufficient Condition or requisite for Ordination and Admission to the Office is sufficient for the Administration Or that which is sufficient to make a Man a Minister is enough to entitle him to the Exercise of his Ministry except he apostatize and lose what he seem'd to have The Person to be ordained or admitted is first to be tried and examined The Qualifications to be tried are his Calling and his Qualifications or sitness for the Office by the Holy Ghost The Qualifications for Learning are low enough and were high enough Rubr. for a Deacon if not too high for the greatest Number at our first Reformation learned in the Latin Tongue and sufficiently instructed in the holy Scripture The Bishop doth admonish him that presents any One to the Office to present such as be apt and meet for their Learning and Godly Conversation and if there be no impediment or not able Crime objected by the Congregation he is admitted upon his taking the Oath of Supremacy and answering to the Questions I. That he doth trust that he is inwardly moved by the Holy Ghost to take his Office II. Truly called according to the Will of Christ. III. That he doth unfeignedly believe all the Canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testament IV. That he will diligently read the same unto the People where he shall be appointed to serve V. That he will apply all his Diligence to fashion his Life according to the Doctrine of Christ. VI. Reverently to obey his Ordinary Over and above these Answers he that is to be ordained Priest declares VIIly that he is persuaded that the holy Scriptures contain sufficiently all Doctrines required of necessity for eternal Salvation through Faith in Jesus Christ and hath so determined by God's Grace out of the said Scriptures to instruct the People committed to his Charge and to teach nothing as necessary to Salvation but what may be concluded and proved by the Scriptures VIII That he will give faithful Diligence always to minister the Doctrine Sacraments and Discipline of Christ as the Lord commanded IX That he will banish all erroneous and strange Doctrines use publick and private Monitions to the Sick and Whole X. That he will be diligent in reading the Scriptures and in Studies laying aside the Study of the World and Flesh XI Frame his Life and the Life of his Family according to the Doctrine of Christ and be Examples to the Flock XII That he will maintain and promote Quietness Peace and Love among all Christian People especially his charge XIII That he will obey his Ordinary and chief Ministers to whom is committed the Charge and Government over them Now I do suppose that Subscriptions will be required of all Admitted See Mr. Humphr Matter for Union And the Samaritan and the last Promise will be most scrupled Of this some Non-Conformists declare their Readiness to obey the Bishops as Officers under the King as supream Governour and is also proposed by others Matter of Subscription For the Subscription which is but some kind of Security especially in doubtful and controverted Things Query If for Peace sake it may not be sufficient if after due Examination of their Qualifications and Calling by the Holy Ghost that they declare and subscribe their unfeigned Belief of all the Canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testament that they contain all Doctrine required of necessity for eternal Salvation and that they will instruct the People committed to their Charge or any other to whom they may occasionally preach and teach nothing as required of necessity to eternal Salvation but that which they may be persuaded may be concluded and proved by the holy Scripture and that they will diligently and faithfully perform all Parts of their Office and order their own Conversations and of their Families if they have any or when they shall have according to the Doctrine of Christ We see upon what Terms Ministers are ordained What more should be required of them as Ministers but a Discharge of their Ministry according to their Trust with Knowledg Diligence and Fidelity If a Magistrate or any other Officer be made he may execute his Office without any After-Restrictions If Subscription to the Articles be still required for Satisfaction of forreign Churches concerning our Doctrine and Faith ut certius inde constet omnium Ecclesiarum concentus as Calvin wrote to the Protector and as a boundary to our selves for Peace sake as some would have our Articles to be the Number of them are lessen'd in some Proposals and expedients thought upon for the Relief of such as
People of such a rank as have an Interest in the Land I have heard some doubt whether that House of Commons were so truly their Representatives because many of them were obtruded upon the People and many indirect and unlawful ways were taken to sort them together But 2. waving that succeeding Parliaments have marked out these Laws to give them an Expiration and were it not for Fomentations and high Drops used by some to keep them in Life and Vigor they had been buried in neglect by this time 3. But granting they are in as full force as ever yet Laws are compared to the Grape which being too much pressed yieldeth an hard and unwholsome Wine as the wise Lord Chancellor ‖ Wise and moderate Discourse concerning Church-Affairs p. 37. Bacon said To press out such a Wine and force an exhausted party to pay dearly for it is not the way to nourish good Blood in such a diseased Body as ours is But having spoken of this in the Second Plea I shall add no more here but reserve something for a Postscript concerning what I said in that 3. The last Prejudice against them is that they are Men uncalled to preach Answer All of the Seniors of them had Episcopal Ordination others have another kind and most if not all I plead for have the internal and I dare say would chearfully answer all the Interrogatories in the Examnation in the ordering of Priests except a part of the last But my Answer is that when the calling of Ministers hath been doubted of or questioned as the calling of our Bishops and Ministry hath been by the Papists Our most Reverend Fathers have insisted upon one certain Rule of Trial of true Ministers and Pastors Hear what our famous and blessed Bishop Jewel preached By this therefore Sermon on 1 Cor. 4.1 2. fol. 223. my Brethren shall you soon try whether they are the true Servants of God for if they shall only disclose unto you the Will of God if they shall preach unto you the Secrets of God's Gospel and the Glory of his holy Name then are they true Servants then are they Christ's Ministers and faithful Dispensers of God's Secrets c. In these our days the Ministers of God and Preachers of his Gospel are evil spoken of among all Men some say they are unlearned they are Crafts-men Some say they preach they cannot tell what they speak against Prayer Faiting Alms-deeds and all other good Works Unto all this I say it is sufficient for us to be found the Servants of God and faithful Dispensers of God's Secrets When Paul came from Berea to Thessalonica and began to preach the Gospel there the People ran to their Books searched the Scriptures and when they found in all Points they agreed therewith then they believed Paul Even so let us do good Brethron let us examine and try their Doctrine with the Touchstone of God's Word and confer their Teaching their Discipline with the Scriptures of the Holy Ghost and then be you Judges then if you see that we teach you nothing but the Mysteries of God Folio 225 226. So Dr. Benefield de Sacerdotio Evangelico §. 43 besides Bilson c. above quoted that we disclose to you the Will of God if you see we preach unto you no other thing than the Secrets of God's Gospel esteem us to be the Servants of God the Ministers of Christ c. There are some other popular Prejudices instilled into many and dispersed to no other effect but to foment ill Nature Passion and a Spirit of Faction such is that of a late Writer who writes Defence of Dr. Stilling pag. 70. They set up Schismatical Conventicles and preach People into Scruples and Factions How knows he that by his own hearing or by hear-say How many hath he cured that resorted unto him for Satisfaction It is no wonder that People are abused into a Suspicion that their Nonconformity is but a Pretence a conscientious Disguise to cover Rebellious Principles that they began the War which was as impossible as it is historically untrue That they preach in Barns and other places out of dislike of Churches I suppose if they were offered Churches they would not refuse them But as Conventicles are counted as places of Disgrace so it 's an Unhappiness they have no better and a greater that they may not have them His Gospel who was laid in a Manger may be preached in a Barn if there be no room for his Preachers in better places The Primitive Christians were glad of any places The Waldenses preached in Barns who were glorious Confessors of the Christian Verity And to avoid both Danger and Offence some of our Nonconformists have preached in Caves and Pits to whose Honour or Dishonour be it spoken These Prejudices cast out of the way it were easy to out match these Prejudices but I will not use a hand to record what is not to be heard without Trouble but it is not unfit to take notice of so much as belongs to the Question in hand and no more than will serve to prepare Mens Minds to believe there are Complaints which should affect and move the Hearts of our Rulers to hearken to the Motions of the Reconcilers and Peace-makers And that I may handle a tender Point with as much Tenderness and Modesty even towards them that make the Hearts of Christians groan and mourn I 'll proceed by Questions 1. What had the Parishes and Congregations of England done to provoke the few but potent Managers of our Ecclesiastical Affairs to deprive them of some of the most painful vigilant successful exemplary Pastors that ever any Church enjoyed The most learned Lord Chancellour Bâcon said of the Bishops As for their easy silencing of them in such great scarcity of Preachers it is to punish the People and not them Wise and moderate Discourse p. 35. It must be confessed we all had sinned but most notoriously two sorts of People first those that could not endure sound Doctrine nor Reproofs and hate to be reformed and others who knew not the time of the Visitation were too sleepy and luke-warm and could too easily part with those who laboured to win them and bring them to God by Repentance Faith and Love Could they put in better in their rooms Was there too many and could hundreds be spared then why had some one Man many Livings Was it because there were too many or why might not many that seldom or never well could preach be rather maintained and eased Was this to do as our Saviour commanded Pray ye to the Lord of the Harvest to send Labourers into his Harvest See Bishop Jewel's Sermon on that Text. 2. What had the Preachers done to merit silencing I could fill up my Page with Queries but I will keep close to the general Point If they will not subscribe declare and swear such prescribed Forms they are judged by the Law to be mute The
ought to be restrained nor Ungodliness and Dishonesty for which they should be punished any more than the best of Men But worshipping the true God in Christ by the Spirit according to his Word c. By the foregoing Doctrine they are to be encouraged and protected There is but one thing to their Prejudice their Disobedience to some Temporal Ecclesiastical Laws requiring Subscriptions c. Hear a little further the Doctrine of the Bishops and Doctors To devise Rites and Ceremonies for the Church is not the Prince's Vocation but to receive and allow such as the Scriptures and Canons commend and such as the Bishops and Pastors of the Place shall advise not infringing the Scriptures or Canons And for all other Ecclesiastical Things and Causes Princes be neither the Devisers non Directors of them but the Confirmers and Establishers of that which is good Bilson pag. 252. and Displacers and Avengers of that which is Evil The Ceremonies in divers particular Churches are of divers sorts and that without any Inconvenience at all so they all agree in those unchangeable Laws given by the Universal Head Christ The Reverend Dr. Nowel's Reproof of Dorman p. 25. See Homil. of Fasting second Part. How easy may the Bishops if they pleased take away the Causes of our decried Schism or without any Crime of Schism permit a Diversity to them that are governed by the unchangeable Law of Josus Christ and only differ from their particular and changeable Laws To conclude If the Faith of the Nonconformists be the Catholick Faith as it is in all and every Point and Article even the same which is professed in the Church of England contained in the Scriptures if they are good Men and honest Subjects Then we are taught and exhorted to pray that the King and all in Authority under him may have Wisdom Strength Justice Clemency and Zeal to God's Glory to God's Verity to Christian Souls and the Common-wealth Let us pray they may rightly use their Sword and Authority for the Maintenance and Defence of the Catholick Faith contained in the Holy Scriptures The 3d part of the Homily of Obedience p. 69. Lond. Edit 1673. and of their good and honest Subjects for the Fear and Punishment of the evil and vicious People Object But they transgress the Laws therefore are not good and honest Subjects break the Orders of the Church c. Answ Preaching and hearing the Catholick Faith is I hope no Transgression of the Laws if it be then you do in effect say the Laws are against Godliness and the Exercise of the Catholick Faith They are good and honest Subjects that pray for the King pay Tribute live in Godliness and Honesty therefore they are to be protected and encouraged which was the Proposition to be proved I suppose no Law ought to be construed or executed which in Construction and Execution is contrary to the Catholick Doctrine of the Church of England established by Law The Faith they profess is Catholick their Worship is according to the Scripture and they corrupt the People neither with Sedition or Disobedience The Conditions of Liberty which they refuse are no Article of Catholick Faith or Practice therefore they ought not to be punished according to the Doctrine of the Church of England The second Question is Whether the Nonconformist Protestants are not to be indulged and permitted The former Discourse answers this Question If they do not deserve to be punished but protected and encouraged then they ought to be permitted and indulged while they design and act nothing inconsistent with or contrary to the Duties of good honest peaceable Subjects 2. Permission and Indulgence is the lowest degree of Favour that can be shewed to Catholick Christians and Protestants in a Christian Protestant Kingdom 1. If more be due to the Profession of Christian Religion yea of the Protestant Religion Then a Permission or Indulgence is the least Respect and Favour due to it But more is due to it than Permission therefore that 's the least 2. If Permission was due to Godliness and Honesty from adverse Powers both Jewish and Heathen and if it be due to Reformed Christians in Popish Countries then it is much more due to Protestant Professors in Protestant Kingdoms and States But the former is true therefore much more the latter Of these in particular 1. The Jewish Powers ought to have permitted the preaching of the Gospel to our Saviour and his Apostles because it was of God and God hath Soverign Power in all the World to set up his Kingdom and Laws It was the Sin of the Jews to forbid the preaching of the Gospel it was a Duty in the Apostles to preach it even when forbidden If it was a Sin in the Jews to forbid it they ought certainly to permit it yea they ought to have received and obeyed it If it had been a Duty and no Sin in the Jews to forbid the preaching of Christ it had been a Sin in the Apostles notwithstanding and against that Prohibition to preach it But it was an Obedience to God the higher Power to preach it therefore they who forbad it ought to permit it yea much more it was their Duty to believe it 2. The same Reason will hold all the World over because Christian Religion is from God and teaches the Knowledg and Obedience and Worship of God and the way to Life therefore God may send it all over the World by Men called and sent by him without the Commission of the Powers of the World And if Men knew the Gift of God they ought to esteem it the greatest Mercy and manifestation of Grace that was ever shewed to the Sons of Men. Our Saviour commands his Apostles to go into all the World to preach the Gospel to every Creature It comes among them without their Knowledg and against their Wills Ought it to be received or not if not then God ought not to be obeyed according to his revealed Will which no Man dare affirm if it ought to be received it ought to be permitted and indulged with an overplus of Reverence and Honour Godliness and Honesty was to be priviledged and protected to be cherished ard not extinguished in Heathen Kingdoms 1 Tim. 2.2 They desired to lead quiet Lives free from Trouble and Persecution the use they were to make and did make of their Quietness was the Exercise of Godliness and Honesty To this end they were to pray for Kings and all in Authority And Kings and all in Authority may venture and not fear to give Protection and Security to all that pray for them and that live in Godliness and Honesty under them If protection and Quietness might be expected from Heathens much more from Christians 3. If Refermed Christians ought to be permitted in Popish Kingdoms and States then Christians professing the Reformation may be much more permitted in Protestant Kingdoms and States and by Consequence in this Kingdom Popish Kings and Rulers