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A56640 The devout Christian instructed how to pray and give thanks to God, or, A book of devotions for families and for particular persons in most of the concerns of humane life / by the author of the Christian sacrifice. Patrick, Simon, 1626-1707. 1673 (1673) Wing P780; ESTC R26860 159,648 556

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made to understand thy most adorable excellencies which are far beyond the highest of all our thoughts And we have yet a more particular obligation to thee for thy marvailous love in Christ Jesus whom thou hast sent in great humility to visit us who are but dust and ashes to make his abode among us to testifie thy great love to us and assure us of thy good will notwithstanding our many offences and to make us exceeding great and precious promises to invite us to approach thee and to incourage our obedience to thee We thank thee that he hath sealed them with his bloud and thou hast confirmed them by his Resurrection and Ascension and the coming of the holy Ghost that thou hast given us so many happy opportunities to acquaint our selves with the truth and purity of the Christian Religion which comforts us in this state of mortality and misery with the blessed hope of eternal life Blessed be thy goodness for that great consolation and that thou hast shown us the way to it by his doctrine and example and assured us of the assistance of thy holy Spirit to inable us to follow after him to that glory which he possesses Blessed be thy goodness that we have felt it so often in our minds and hearts inspiring us with holy thoughts exciting in us devout affections and godly resolutions filling us with Divine Joys and with comfortable expectations of the glory that shall be revealed We thank thee that thou hast permitted us this day to attend upon thee together with our Christian Brethren in the publick Duties of thy Worship and Service And that there we have received any good instructions any holy exhortations and Christian incouragements to proceed and go forward in the course of well doing and have begun in any measure that eternal rest which we wait for with all the faithful when we shall praise and thank and love thee our heavenly Father better than we can do now whilst we are in these frail bodies and absent from the Lord. We can do no less than offer up again our souls and bodies to thee to be order'd and govern'd by thy blessed Will and not our own that so we may be every day more prepared for that happy state and draw nearer and nearer in the disposition and temper of our spirits to that immortal blessedness It is our satisfaction our security the ease and joy of our hearts to be under the conduct of thy unerring wisdom to follow thy counsels and to be determined in all things by thy holy Will who art so good and hast given us such large demonstrations of thy abundant kindness and good will to us as will not let us distrust thy tender care of us whatsoever it is thou wouldest have us do or suffer in this world O God purifie our minds and thoughts more perfectly that we may never conceive amiss of thee but have right apprehensions in all things and all our passions and affections likewise that we may intirely love thee and rejoyce in being beloved of thee and humbly confide in thee and absolutely resign our selves to thee and be filled with constant devotion towards thee our Almighty Creator and most merciful Redeemer Possess our hearts with such a lively sense of our relation to thee in both respects and of the honour thou hast done us in preferring us so much above the rest of our fellow creatures that we may ever behave our selves suitably to the dignity of our Nature and of our Religion O that we may never degenerate into a base and unworthy love of any thing here below nor be oppressed with the burden of the cares of this life nor sink under the weight of any affliction nor be vainly puffed up with the greatest fulness of earthly goods if thou art pleased to bestow them on us But assist us with thy grace to Rom. 12.9 abhor that which is evil and cleave to that which is good Dispose us to a discreet and temperate use of all the pleasures of this world Indue us with true modesty and humility of spirit that we may Rom. 12.3,10,16 not think of our selves more highly than we ought to think but think soberly according to the measure which thou hast dealt unto us Keep us from being wise in our own conceits and inable us so to order our selves that Phil. 4.5 our moderation may be known to all men Make us kindly affectioned one to another in brotherly love To delight in doing good Tit. 3.2 to shew all meekness to all men Rom. 13.7,8 To render to all their dues Tribute to whom tribute is due custom to whom custom fear to whom fear honour to whom honour and to owe no man anything but to love one another Make us so happy that we may be able to Matth. 5.44 love our enemies to bless those that curse us to do good to them that hate us Rom. 12.15 to rejoyce with them that do rejoyce and weep with them that weep Compose our spirits to a quiet and steady dependence on thy good providence that we may not Matth. 6.25 take too much thought for our life nor be careful for any thing Phil. 4.6 but by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving still make known our requests to thee our God And help us Luk. 18.1 to pray alway and not faint 1 Thess 5.18 In every thing to give thanks Heb. 13.15 and offer up the sacrifice of praise continually 1 Pet. 1.17 To pass the time of our sojourning here in fear Rom. 5.2 To believe those things which we do not see and to rejoyce in hope of thy glory Luk. 21.19 To possess our souls in patience Phil. 4.11,12 And to learn in whatsoever state we are therewith to be content Make us know both how to be abased and how to abound every where and in all things instruct us both to be full and to be hungry both to abound and to suffer need being inabled to do all things through Christ which strengtheneth us That we feeling the joys of uprightness and integrity of heart our Religion may be the greatest comfort and pleasure to us and we our selves an ornament to our Religion O that we could alway by an innocent good and useful life commend the Doctrine of God our Saviour to those who converse with us And that the light of all Christians did so shine before men that others beholding their good works might be moved to glorifie thee and heartily to believe on the Lord Jesus Send forth thy Light and thy Truth into all the dark corners of the Earth That Psal 72.11,12,13,14 all kings may fall down before him and all nations serve him And indue them whom thou hast placed in such high Authority over others with that divine Spirit which was in him that they may deliver the needy when he cryeth the poor also and him that hath no helper That
place Attend unto my cry O Lord and give ear unto my Prayer that goeth not out of feigned lips Thou art my God and I will praise thee thou art my God and I will exalt thee And I will delight my self in thy Commandments which I have loved My hands also will I lift up to thy commandments which I have loved and I will meditate in thy statutes Let thy tender mercies come also unto me O Lord even thy Salvation according to thy Word Look upon me and be merciful unto me as thou usest to do to those that love thy Name Order my steps in thy Word and let not any iniquity have dominion over me Amen A longer Prayer in the Church when there is time for it before the begining of divine Service I Cast down my self O Lord in an holy fear and humble adoration of thine incomprehensible Majesty who fillest heaven and earth but delightest to make thy self more peculiarly present to those that acknowledge and praise thee and are desirous to be filled with a constant sense of thee and intire love to thee Blessed be thy infinite goodness which hath incouraged such wretches as I am by the declaration of thy good will to us in Christ Jesus by thy most gracious invitations and precious promises and by the long experience I have had of thy kindness to approach unto thee O Lord most High I accept most thankfully of this freedom and liberty of access with confidence by the faith of Jesus and am here to joyn with the rest of thy servants in extolling and magnifying thy eternal Power Wisdom and Goodness in giving thanks to thee for thy innumerable blessings in hearing thy most holy Word and making our humble supplications for the continuance of thy undeserved grace and favour towards us Compose mine and every one of our thoughts to the most silent admiration of thee Strike our Spirits with a reverend apprehension of the surpassing greatness and glory of thy Majesty Raise our affections to the highest pitch of love and gratitude to thee bow our wills to the most chearful submission to all thy holy commands and touch us with an unspeakable joy when we read and hear thy exceeding great and precious promises Vouchsafe most loving Father the power of thy holy Spirit to attend upon me to draw my mind from all other things and to give me such a lively taste of the pleasures of thy house as may make me ever delight to attend upon thee here and walk with thee in every other place with a perfect heart That so my own 1 Joh. 3.21,22 heart not condemning me I may have more and more confidence towards thee that whatsoever I ask I shall receive of thee because I keep thy commandments and do those things which are pleasing in thy sight Psal 62.1 O my God truly my soul waiteth upon thee from thee cometh my salvation 61.1 Hear my cry O God and attend unto my prayer for the honour of our Lord Jesus and the love thou bearest to him who hath bid us ask and we shall receive seek and we shall find knock and it shall be opened unto us Let it be to thy servant I most ardently beseech thee according to his Word Amen Another more large O Lord of heaven and earth who art infinite and incomprehensible in thy being eternal in thy duration and unchangeable in thy Nature who canst do what thou wilt and delightest in doing us good By thy Power I and all creatures were made by thy Wisdom we are govern'd by thy Goodness and Bounty we are provided for under thy Soveraign Dominion we live and unto thy Majesty we owe all reverence service and faithful obedience I adore and humbly worship thee I acknowledge my self bound by innumerable tyes to fear thee to love thee to praise thee and to serve thee with all my heart and soul and strength Blessed be thy Goodness that I have any hope thou wilt accept of such a worthless thing as my love Blessed be thy Goodness I admire at the riches of thy Grace that thou dost not reject all the service that I can tender thee Nay it is to be ascribed to this alone that I am alive to worship thee and have the doors of thy house stand open to me and that I have any heart to enter into it to offer up spiritual Sacrifices by Christ Jesus O God I offer thee here my whole self which is all due to thee because I received it all from thee beseeching thee most earnestly to make me feel that I am not mine own any longer but thine by taking off my thoughts and affections from all other things at this present and filling me with such a reverend apprehension of thee such hearty devotion to thee and heavenly joy in thee that I may every day offer up my self to thee more holy and more pure more meek and merciful more humble and thankful more chearfully disposed to every good work and better prepared to bear a part in the praises and services of the glorious company above Thou knowest the weakness of our nature how soon our thoughts are tyred and apt to start aside when we direct them towards heaven Vouchsafe me therefore the assistance of thy holy Spirit to compose my mind to the most serious the most earnest the most devout and chearful attention in all the parts of thy Divine Service That I may have the liveliest sense of thy glorious perfections when I praise thee and the most delightful remembrance of thy Mercies when I give thee thanks and the most thirsty desires to be conformed to thy Will and to feel more and more the influences of thy Grace when I hear thy holy Word and present my prayers and supplications before thee Accept O blessed God of this good will and sincere affection that I have to thy service though performed with broken and distracted thoughts and with too great listlessness and dulness of spirit And help me continually to out-grow this weakness and to present thee with an heart more quiet calm and fit to receive thee more perfect and intire in ardent love to thee and more setled and fixed in thee as its chiefest joy and happiness That so all the rest of the actions of my life may be a more constant and even performance of my duty according to the command and example of my blessed Lord and Master Christ Jesus In whose name it is that I am bold to approach into thy presence believing the Power and Authority thou hast given him over all to bless us and to do for us exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think By him be glory unto thee O Father Almighty in the Church throughout all ages world without end Amen At the conclusion of Divine Service after these words The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ c. Say Amen with the heartiest and most earnest affection And add some such words as these BLessed be thy name
graciously accept such holy resolutions and certainly further and succeed them as the effect of thine own inspirations Suffer not his spirit to be oppressed under the sense of his great weakness or discouraged though he fall short of his present holy desires purposes and endeavours But bear him up in a strong perswasion that by sincere constant and unwearied diligence in well doing he shall at last obtain the victory through the power of thy holy Spirit assisting of him Make him see how reasonable it is most gratefully to acknowledge thy infinite Mercies if after much pains many conflicts and long patience he may recover a state of friendship with thee That so he may not spend his time in dejected complaints nor ever faint in his mind or despond in the Christian course but still pursue the compleat mastery over himself in assured hope that thou wilt be with him and never leave him or forsake him We bless thee for that instance of thy exceeding grace to the chiefest of sinners which thou gavest in thy holy Apostle of us Gentiles Who was a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious 1 Tim. 1.13,16 but for this cause obtained mercy that in him Christ Jesus might show forth all long-suffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting Above all we bless thee for our Lord Jesus himself whom thou sentest in our flesh that he might save sinners We bless thee for all the miraculous cures which he wrought on miserable creatures whereby he demonstrated his great charity towards us For the gracious proclamation he hath made of thy pardoning mercy and for the Universal invitation which he hath given to every one Rev. 22.17 that is a thirst to come and take the waters of life freely 1 Joh. 2.2 We thank thee for his death upon the Cross Luk. 23.34 that he might make a propitiation for the sins of the whole world Act. 5.31 2 Cor. 5.18 for his great love in praying then for his bitterest enemies Matth. 26.28 Heb. 7.25 that they might be forgiven 2.17 4.15 for his resurrection and exaltation at thy right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour to give repentance and forgiveness of sins And that he hath given to his Apostles the Ministry of reconciliation and admitted us into a Covenant of mercy and forgiveness by Baptism into his Name and hat● left us the cup of blessing whic● is the New Covenant in his blou● for the remission of sins and given power and authority to his M●nisters to absolve all those who heartily repent and unfeignedly believ● his holy Gospel We thank thee O Lord for the assurance we hav● that he lives for ever to make interce●sion for us and is able to save to th● uttermost all those that come to th● by him and that he is a merciful and faithful High-priest to make reconciliation for the sins of the people being touched with a feeling of all our miseries We cannot doubt O blessed God of thy gracious intentions and desires to pardon us and to make us better when we seriously meditate on all these testimonies of thy Divine love and on that easie and gentle yoke which thou layest on us to love thee with all our heart and our neighbour as our selves and on the promised assistance which we have hopes of from above to inspire inliven and strengthen us to all well doing and patient suffering O that this languishing soul may likewise feel the comfortable influence of all these heavenly Truths reviving and chearing his spirit into a good hope in thee that thou wilt mercifully accept the oblation which he is willing to make of himself to thee and also constantly inable him to offer himself with greater affection and more pure devotion to thy service Scatter all the clouds that darken his mind and lift upon him the light of thy countenance O give him the comfort of thy help again Psal 51.12 and stablish him with thy free spirit 143.11 Quicken him 4.7 O Lord for thy names sake 85.6 for thy righteousness sake bring his soul out of trouble 2 Thess 1.11 Put gladness into his heart 1 Tim. 1.14 and revive him again that he and we may rejoyce in thee Amen Amen O God of all grace fulfill in him all the good pleasure of thy goodness and the work of faith with power that the name of our Lord may be glorified in him according to that grace which was exceeding ahundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus To whom be glory and praise for ever and ever Amen WHen sickness arrests any person it is time for him presently in the very beginning of it to search and try his ways sorrowfully to confess the sins of which he finds himself guilty with a full purpose of amendment to advise with his Spiritual Guide and before his spirit be feeble and broken to recommend himself heartily to our blessed Saviour by receiving the Communion of his body and bloud thereing making a commemoration of his wonderful love and devoting himself again to his service And having set his house in order as th● Prophet said to Hezekiah Isa 38.1 and setled his estate to acknowledge Gods great goodness to him hitherto and to submit himself wholly to his good pleasure in such manner as followeth A Prayer in the beginning of a Sickness O Lord the Soveraign of the world who doest what thou pleasest in heaven and in earth Psal 135.6 and delightest most in acts of bounty as all thy works every where declare and art full of compassion and mercy Ecclus 2.11 long-suffering and very pittiful and forgivest sins and savest in time of affliction I acknowledge my self among the rest of thy creatures to be most deeply indebted to thee whose life thou hast prolonged to this time in much health plenty and peace together with the enjoyment of spiritual blessings in the Lord Jesus I thank thee and praise thee all that is within me blesses thy holy name to whose wise and good Providence I wholly refer my self for the time to come placing my intire trust and confidence in thy almighty Goodness Faithfulness and Truth which endures for ever I ought to receive with all thankfulness whatsoever comes from thy hand and believe that to be good for me which thy infinite wisdom and kindness orders and allots for my portion Accordingly I accept with all humble and dutiful affection this thy Fatherly chastisement I acknowledge thy care of me and submit to what thou wilt be pleased to lay upon me If thou thinkest good to exercise me with a longer sickness and to let the present indisposition of my body proceed to a greater disorder not my will but thine O heavenly Father be done I only wait on thee for the comfortable presence of thy holy Spirit to support my soul by faith and hope and patience under all the
pains I may endure Lay no more upon me O Father of mercies than I shall be able to bear and lay upon me what thou pleasest Free me for the present from all murmuring and repining thoughts and for the future make the sickness and anguish of my body a blessed instrument to purge my spirit more perfectly from all pride and vanity from all covetousness and worldly-mindedness and from all inordinate love of any of the pleasures of this life I believe O blessed Jesus that thou livest for ever who sufferedst and dyedst for us and that thou hast a great compassion towards those who would gladly follow thee though it be through sufferings Behold Lord I commend my self to thy mighty Love desiring above all things to be made conformable to thee in meekness in humility in patience in intire resignation to Gods holy will and pleasure and in perfect satisfaction in his Fatherly love and kindness whatsoever my condition be I am sensible O God that I have not employed my time to the utmost advantage of my soul and to thy honour glory but have wasted many precious hours and several ways neglected my duty towards thee * Here reckon up the sins you may have committed and been but an unprofitable part of this world so that I am not worthy to continue any longer in it But I hope thou wilt vouchsafe me thy gracious pardon and receive me to mercy if thou callest me hence for into thy hands O Father I commend my spirit who hast redeemed me by the precious bloud of Jesus Christ And that if thou prolongest my days on earth I shall serve thee with greater diligence and strictness and zeal and chearfulness to the end of my life I desire not to live but that I may perfect holiness in thy fear and secure to my self by doing more good an happy entertainment into the society of the blessed in the other world I see already the emptiness and insufficiency of all enjoyments upon earth All flesh is grass and all the goodliness of it as the flower of the field The grass withereth Isa 40.7 the flower fadeth Psal 119.50,81 But thy word standeth fast for ever In thy word therefore O Lord and gracious promises is my hope This is my comfort in my affliction And my perfect contentment I see lyes always in thy love and favour alone which is better than life it self O settle me in a certain and unmoveable possession of it by what means thou pleasest Do but love me and preserve me in a lively sense of thy good will towards me and dispose of me as thou thinkest good In the multitude of my thoughts within me Psal 94.19 thy comforts shall delight my soul Rom. 5.2 8.28 I will rejoyce even in the midst of tribulations Psal 23.3 30.10 and glory in thy holy name who makest all things work together for good to them that love thee Though I walk through the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy power and tender care they shall comfort me Accept Good Lord of these my desires and resolutions Hear me O God and have mercy upon me Lord be thou my helper for Christ Jesus his sake my ever blessed Redeemer Amen IT will be seasonable here to put the Devout Reader in mind that when he is in distress and desires Mercy of God it ought to excite his charity to others that are in misery and dispose him to shew mercy to them For though that be not Canonical Scripture which we read Tob. 12.9 Alms doth deliver from death yet this is With the merciful God will shew himself merciful Psal 18.25 Blessed is he that considereth the poor the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble 41.1,2,3 If he do not preserve him and keep him alive yet the Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing he will make all his bed in his sickness Therefore as thou recommendest thy self to God and desirest others to pray with thee so remember that Prayer is good with fasting and alms and righteousness Tob. 12.8 A Prayer to be said by the Family with the Sick person O Lord the Father of our spirits who givest to us and all creatures life and breath and all things We sinful dust and ashes blush to lift up our eyes unto heaven when we consider our vast distance from thee and reflect upon thy unspotted holiness and our impurity thy infinite wisdom and our wretched folly thy power and our weakness thy Eternity of life and our short continuance We are but of yesterday and know nothing Job 8.9 because our days upon earth are a shadow Psal 39.11 When thou with rebukes dost correct man for iniquity Job 25.6 thou makest his beauty to consume away like a moth Surely every man is vanity But so great is thy condescending grace that thou hast assured us thou wilt not despise such worms as we are Nay thou hast incouraged us blessed be thy goodness to approach unto thee with some confidence that thou wilt mercifully receive us though we have highly offended thy Divine Majesty Having sent thy dear Son into the world to save sinners to purifie our natures to indue us with a divine understanding to strengthen our weakness and to comfort us with the hope of an immortal life Behold O Lord the oblation which we make to thee of most thankful hearts devoted to thy service whose love and tender mercies have so exceedingly abounded towards us We will praise thee and glorifie thee as long as we have any being for this great salvation which Christ Jesus hath brought to light by his resurrection from the dead to an eternal Kingdom in the heavens We are humbly bold to hope in thee that thou who hast not spared thy own Son Rom. 8.32 but delivered him up for us all wilt with him also freely give us all things O thou Father of mercies and God of all comfort who hast not thought a Crown of everlasting life and glory too much to promise us we believe that thou wilt not deny us what is needful and fit for us both for our souls and our bodies in our passage through this world to that honour glory and immortality In this confidence we more particularly recommend this thy sick servant to thy infinite and most compassionate mercy Settle in his * Or her soul a stedfast faith that thou dost not willingly grieve the children of men but intendest good to him by this affliction And now that other pleasures and enjoyments fail him represent thy self effectually unto him as his true happiness and satisfaction Wherein soever he hath neglected thee or committed any offence against thee make him deeply sensible of and heartily sorrwful for his folly And as he earnestly desires pardon and forgiveness of thee so work in him a serious resolution to live more circumspectly and exactly in time to come Assist him graciously
O Lord that he may give a proof of his sincere intentions hereafter to submit himself in all things to thy will by his patient submission to thy fatherly correction now O that he may so quietly so meekly so humbly and chearfully resign his will unto thee to suffer what thou inflictest that he may be the more disposed readily to deny his own desires in doing whatsoever thou commandest For which end make him throughly apprehensive of thy soveraign power and authority over all creatures Possess him with a great reverence of thy wisdom and justice with an intire confidence in thy goodness and charity and with a thankful remembrance of all thy past mercies to him which have been innumerable That so he may the better endure what thou layest upon him at present and ever chuse to follow thy directions and submit to thy orders and love thy commandments and delight to do thy will O God Bless and succeed those remedies that are used for the restoring him to his former health that he may live to perform his holy purposes Or if thou hast otherwise appointed accept of them graciously and dispose him to return back his spirit willingly unto thee who gavest it and with great humility and deep sense of his own undeservings to expect thy mercy declared in Christ Jesus who hath so highly merited of thee Fix his mind stedfastly upon him who hath led the way through the grave unto heaven that he may not be affrighted with the approaches of death but looking beyond it to that high and holy place where the Lord Jesus is may rejoyce in hope of thy eternal glory And give every one of us in our best estate of health to consider perpetually how frail and weak we are That so we may not abuse our selves by an intemperate use of any of the pleasures of sense nor load our minds with the cares of this life nor spend our days in a vain pursuit of the honour and glory of this world But may pass all the time of our sojourning here in fear 1 Pet. 1.17 Tit. 2.12 and live so soberly righteously and godlily in this present world as becomes those who expect shortly to give an account to thee who wilt judge all men according to their works Hear ●s O Lord we most humbly beseech thee through Christ Jesus our merciful and compassionate High-priest who sits at thy right hand ●nd lives for ever to make intercession for us In whose name we continue to recommend our selves ●nd friends and all thy people to ●hee as he hath taught us saying Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy Name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that ●respass against us And lead us not ●nto temptation but deliver us from evil c. If the disease proceed to such an extremity that in all appearance the Soul is ready to depart there is a Commendatory Prayer appointed in the Publique offices of Devotion to be said by the Minister whose assistance then sure will be desired And besides the sick person himself as long as he is able may thus recommend his soul unto Almighty God A Prayer when a person is giving up the Ghost I Resign my spirit O God most chearfully into thy hands hoping to find mercy with thee through Christ Jesus I know no other name under heaven whereby I may be saved but thine alone O blessed Jesus who wast dead and ●rt alive again Rev. 1.18 and livest ●or evermore I come un●o thee O Lord confiding in thy ●ost precious promises which I be●ieve are faithful and true as thou art ●or pardon and for immortal life Accept I beseech thee of my most ●earty thanks for all thy mercies to ●e from the beginning of my life to ●his moment Pass by all my ingra●tude and disobedience Receive ●e into the company of the spirits ●f just men made perfect to give thee ●hanks for ever And as I desire to find mercy with ●…ee so I forgive all my enemies ●eseeching thee likewise to forgive ●em and to bless and comfort all ●y friends and to make thy whole ●hurch glorious and to bring us ●l at last to live together in everlasting love and joy through Christ Jesus Amen IF God be pleased to restore the sick person to a state of health publick Thanksgivings ought to be rendred to Almighty God for it And together with the Sacrifice of praise which is the fruit of our lips Heb. 13.15,16 he ought not to forget to do good and to communicate to them that are in misery for with such sacrifices God is pleased And to preserve a grateful remembrance of Gods mercy here follows a Form of Thanksgiving to be used in private by himself and by his friends that are concerned in his recovery A Thanksgiving after recovery from a Sickness to be said by the person himself who is restored to health O God the fountain of life and of all good who art continually more and more pouring forth thy benefits upon us I thy poor creature whose life thou hast mercifully spared when I deserved to be cut off prostrate my self in an humble sense of thy divine goodness to render thee my most hearty thanks and to renew my vows which I made in the day of my distress Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me Psal 103.1,2,3 c. bless his holy name Bless the Lord O my soul 34.8 118,17,18 and forget not all his benefits Who forgiveth all thine iniquities 111.1 who healeth all thy diseases Who redeemeth thy life from destruction who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercies Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the Eagles The Lord is merciful and gracious slow to anger and plenteous in mercy He will not always chide neither will he keep his anger for ever He hath not dealt with me after my sins nor rewarded me according to my iniquities But as far as the East is from the West so far hath he removed my transgressions from me O tast and see my soul how gracious the Lord is blessed is the man that trusteth in him I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord. The Lord hath chastned me sore but he hath not given me over unto death I will give thanks therefore unto the Lord with my whole heart secretly among the faithful and in the congregation I can do no less than dedicate this new life which thou hast bestowed upon me intirely to thy service resolving to employ more vigorously all those powers of soul and body which are so graciously restored unto me unto thy honour and glory For which end I most earnestly desire to have a lively sense preserved in my mind of those things which were most powerful to move my heart towards thee
hearts rejoyce that we may spend a day in thy Courts are invited to a longer attendance on thy divine Majesty in the duties of thy worship and service We are ashamed that any weariness should seize on our spirits and that it should be irksome to us to renew our thoughts and acknowledgements of thy infinite goodness Behold O Lord we are resolved again to address our selves unto thee with praise and thanksgiving for giving us such opportunities to look back to thee the Author of our being to lift up our souls towards our heavenly Country and unite them to the first and chiefest good from whence we derive whatsoever we have or hope to enjoy Beseeching thee to help us to draw near unto thee with hearts full of wonder at thy incomprehensible Majesty full of love to thy most wise and Almighty goodness full of thankfulness for thy benefits full of desires to be what thou wouldst have us and full of joy that thou wouldst have us be so happy in being made thy children partakers of a Divine Nature and heirs of immortal life We admire thy glory O great Lord of heaven and earth which shines in the whole Creation thy greater glory in the work of our redemption by the miraculous Birth Life Death and Resurrection of Christ Jesus and the greatest of all which we hope and wait for at his appearing when he shall come to be admired in his Saints and glorified in all them that believe Thou hast done great things for us already thou hast promised to do greater and thou art daily performing thy promises and preparing us for the accomplishment of them all in the highest blessedness O God of all grace make us wiser Stewards than we have been of thy manifold gifts and graces which we are intrusted withal Help us carefully to husband this sacred opportunity which thou continuest to us to the best advantage of our immortal souls Gather in our thoughts from our ordinary business Fix them on thy self and hold them in the contemplation of thy infinite mercies and of those divine Truths which represent our duty and thy exceeding love and kindness towards us Chase away all worldly affections and over-awe our spirits with a sense of thy divine presence that by serving thee with a religious reverence this day we may be disposed to walk in thy fear all the rest of our lives Having a grateful remembrance of thy benefits a deep and serious reflection upon our own resolutions and thy gracious promises an holy jealousie over our selves lest we should be unfaithful to them and a pious care in all things to approve our selves the constant and diligent servants of the Lord Jesus O that our thankfulness and good affections and zealous desires may not end with our prayers nor conclude with this day But we may be possessed with such a strong and habitual sense of thee and of our obligations to thee that we may every day earnestly and heartily serve thee in all the actions of Christian piety and be unwearied in well doing unto the conclusion of our lives Another O Most holy great and glorious Majesty of heaven and earth To whom all the blessed company above do with the highest admiration and love give continual praise and thanks and honour and worship and obedience acknowledging thou art above all that they are able to speak of thee or ascribe and render to thee Much more art thou exalted above the thoughts of such poor mortals as we who are clothed with flesh and live far remote from the throne of thy glory And yet such is thy goodness thou condescendest to admit nay to draw us to a fellowship with those holy spirits that we may thereby be made happy and called thy servants though when we have done the best we can very unprofitable What is man that thou art mindful of him what are the sons of men that thou dost at all consider them Thou hast crowned us with glory and honour here below and raised us to a Dominion over the works of thy hands Thou hast indued us with understandings to know thee and with wills to love thee whose most excellent wisdom Almighty power and surpassing goodness we discover in all thy works of wonder But what is sinful man that thou shouldest so much regard him as to send after him to seek and save him when he was lost Lord what grace was this that thou shouldest vouchsafe to speak with us and communicate any thing of thy mind to such forgetful and ungrateful wretches But that thou shouldst speak to us by thy Son and declare thy mind in such words of grace and favour and publish such kind intentions towards us and recover us with so much cost and purchase us to thy self with the precious bloud of thy Son Jesus and send thy holy Spirit to purifie us that we might have thy Image renewed in us and be made fit society for thy self again and restored to immortal life Lord how much doth it exceed all belief hadst thou not given us in tender mercy such abundance assurance of it We have those reasons to bless thee which the Angels have not We must admire thee not only as the great Creator and Preserver of all things which we heartily do and give thee the glory of all thy marvailous works but also as the Redeemer of mankind out of a forlorn condition by the manifestation of thy self in our flesh by the bloud of thy Son the constant breathings of the holy Ghost the light of thy Gospel and an unwearied patience which hath waited on us and propounded to us no less happiness than to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus who is advanced far above all principalities and powers and every name that is named not only in this world but in that also which is to come We praise thee O God we magnifie thy most holy Name we confess our selves bound to thee above all other creatures that we have any knowledge of for we are twice thy creatures and thou hast a double title to all we have O stir up all that is within us to bless thee and love thee and offer up the sacrifice of thanksgiving to thee Fill our hearts with joy and gladness that we have another opportunity wherein to recount thy mercies to us to be further instructed in thy mind and will declared by our Saviour and to be under the comfortable influences of heaven to cherish those holy thoughts affections and resolutions which are begun in us and to promote our growth and increase in all wisdom goodness and vertue Possess us with such a strong sense of thy continued love towards us that we may testifie our true and hearty thankfulness for it by attentive consideration of all that we hear out of thy holy Word and by laying it up in our hearts and esteeming it more than the greatest treasures of this World and endeavouring every day to have our conversation as becometh the
Gospel of Christ That so our praises being not meerly words but real deeds and all the fruits of righteousness we may be blessed in our deed and at last hear our Lord speaking to us in those gracious words Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world Amen A Prayer for the Morning when there is a Communion O Most holy holy holy Lord God Almighty the Father of mercies the God of peace and comfort by whose power we and all things else were created and by whose good providence we are all preserved and maintain'd Be thou eternally blessed and praised worshipped and served with the most ardent love who hast made mankind so like to thy self and ordered so many of thy creatures to serve us and chosen rather to make us anew and create us again Ephes 2.10 in Christ Jesus unto good works than let us be undone by our shameful disobedience to thee For thou Joh. 3.16 hast sent thy only begotten Son into the world adored be thy inconceiveable love that whosoever believeth in him might not perish but have everlasting life And he hath laid down his life for that end and redeemed us by his bloud from the hands of our enemies and triumphed over them all most gloriously and in token thereof ascended into heaven and possessed the Crown of immortal Life and sat down at thy right hand and obtained dominion over Angels and Men and all Creatures We have felt the blessed fruits of his Death and Resurrection and Royal Power whereby Heb. 7.25 he is able to save to the uttermost all them that come to thee by him Thy holy Spirit hath breathed often into our hearts we have been instructed in the Gospel of thy grace and thy Servants the Ministers of thy Word have not ceased to call upon us yea to importune us to follow after our Saviour to that heavenly bliss in which he lives And now again thou vouchsafest to us an happy opportunity to improve our selves in Christian Wisdom Devotion and holiness and we have received thy kind invitations to the nearest approaches to thy divine Majesty O fill us we pray thee with a lively and strong sense of thy bounteous goodness which hath been so many ways expressed towards us Fill us with pious dispositions to receive more of it according to thy precious promises in Christ Jesus Stirr up in us such thankful acknowledgements to thee such hearty resolutions to obey thee such earnest desires and longings to partake more and more of thy divine Nature such love delight and joy in well doing that our souls may be lifted up above to that glorious place where our dear Saviour is and we may comfortably expect and be truly prepared for a blessed translation thither at the great day of his appearing Our great unfruitfulness we confess in the knowledge of Christ may justly make thee deny thy gratious influences from heaven upon us But O God of all grace who multiplyest mercy and delightest in doing good pardon us and make us better both at once Quicken our souls to hear thy holy Word with greater fear and reverence to sing thy praises with greater cheerfulness and gladness to pray to thee with more earnest affection and steadiness of mind to approach to thy holy Table with the deepest humility and devotion of spirit and to receive the renewed pledges of thy love to our very great increase in Faith and Hope and Love to thee and to all the world That so this may be a good day to our souls and we may be disposed and enabled to spend the rest of our days better as becomes the redeemed of the Lord who have tasted how gracious he is and who have received the earnest of eternal life O that our conversation may be in heaven by the constant love and exercise of purity righteousness mercy and godliness That we ever studying to glorifie thee our heavenly Father by bearing much of this good fruit may have the more assured hope that thou wilt glorifie us with thy self And inspire we beseech thee the hearts of all others that meet together this day to magnifie thy great and glorious Name with the like religious affections towards thee That we may all Rom. 12.1 present our selves a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto thee which is our reasonable service Help us all to Coloss 3.10,11 c. put on as thy elect children holy and beloved bowels of mercies kindness humbleness of mind meekness long-suffering forbearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave us so incline us also to do And above all these things to put on charity which is the ●ond of perfectness And let the peace ●f thee our God rule in our hearts ●o which we are called in one body and ●ake us ever truly thankful Hear ●s we beseech thee O most merci●ul Father and after we have per●ected holiness here in thy fear bring ●s all to compleat our praises and ●hanksgivings to thee in the great ●ssembly of Saints and Angels through Christ Jesus our blessed Lord and Saviour 2 Pet. 3. ult To whom be glory both now and for ever Amen Our Father c. A Prayer at Night when there hath been a Communion O Eternally blessed Lord God the Creator of the world the Father of Angels and men the King of infinite Majesty and Power who canst do what thou pleasest every where 2 Chron. 6.18 Th●… heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee who art inthroned only in thy own greatness and crowned with the glory of thy own uncommunicated perfections There is nothing can be added to thee by us or any other creatures of whose services thou hast no need seeing thou art absolutely happy in thy self Act. 17.25 and givest to all life and breath and all things But it is our perfection and happiness to admire and praise thee whom we cannot comprehend to love thee as much as we know thee and to obey thee as much as we love thee 1 Chron. 28.9 with a perfect heart and with a willing mind for the Lord searcheth all hearts and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts We praise thee therefore O God we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. We give thee the glory that is due unto thy name and with hearty ●ove offer up our selves again intire●y unto thee whose we are and for whom we were made Justice and gratitude fear and love hope and interest whatsoever hath any power to move our hearts do all press and mightily urge us constantly to devote and consecreate our souls and bodies to thy faithful service We cannot neglect thee unless we will cast away our selves nor sin against thee unless we will be our own accusers judges and tormentors and throw our selves into the greatest miseries Thou hast been so good to us that if we should not become
to us Though we are not worthy we confess of the least regard from thee whom we have so much neglected and whose love and clemency we have too often abused yet we hope thou wilt accept of this small oblation which we make of our selves our souls and bodies with unfeigned devotion to thee Pardon and forgive us we most humbly beseech thee all our past offences the remembrance of which is grievous and bitter to us and vouchsafe us the grace of thy holy Spirit to enable us to do thy will with greater care and diligence for the time to come Let it ever accompany and assist us according as thou seest us sincerely desirous and studious to please thee in all the actions of an holy life in chastity and temperance justice and fidelity mercy and charity meekness and humility patience and contentedness ●nnocency and peace and in conti●ual prayers praises and thanksgi●ings to thee the Father of mercies in Christ Jesus our Lord. We see how frail and weak our bodies and all their enjoyments are and therefore we the more earnestly desire to have our souls inriched with those immortal treasures of thy Divine Grace O that we may never cease most zealously to seek and pursue them and that we may think our selves happy enough in the possession of them and may rejoyce in nothing so much as in Rom. 6.22 having our fruit unto holiness that in the end we may attain eternal life Suffer not our spirits to sink too deep into the love of any the dearest good that we have in this world But rather by all these earthly things which thy goodness affords to us for our support ease and delight raise our minds and hearts to those Celestial enjoyments which will yield us eternal pleasure and satisfaction Set our affections principally on things above Make us so wise as to provide our selves friends that never dye and to be still preparing our selves by all divine qualities for their company and society that so they may Luk. 16.9 receivs us when we remove hence into their everlasting habitations Thus now we commend our selves this day to thy most gracious protection guidance and blessing hoping that the same good providence which preserved us and our habitations the last night from fire and innumerable other dangers for which we thank thee will guard us this day from all evil and mischief and bring us in safety of soul and body to praise thee in the Evening Help us thankfully to receive and soberly to use all thy mercies quietly to do our own business and bear our several burdens to be just in our dealings innocent and harmless ●n our conversation well pleased ●ith the prosperity of our neigh●ours desirous of the good of all ●he world especially that they may all love and honour and joyn ●ogether in magnifying and praising ●hee our Lord and Governour whose name is excellent in all the earth More particularly we implore thy mercies towards these Kingdoms wherein we live Remember not against us our high provocations Spare us good Lord and have patience with us if perhaps we may bring forth better fruit becoming thy holy Gospel and all the care thou hast taken about us Indue our Soveraign with much Wisdom from above that he may always discern what is most profitable for us and earnestly pursue it to the utmost of his power Bless him in his Relations in his Councellors in his Judges and all other Officers in all the Nobility Clergy Gentry and Commonal y of the Realm that every one of them may uprightly and zealously do their duty to the maintenance of thy true Religion and the increase of Piety Honesty and Brotherly love among us Comfort and relieve all those that are in any distress trouble or anguish either of body or of mind And give us tender and pitiful hearts towards them ready to help and ease them according to our abilities That we following the example of our merciful and compassionate High-Priest Christ Jesus may have now the benefit of his intercession for us and at last be admitted into the high and holy place where he is In whose blessed Name and words we conclude our Prayers Our Father c. At Night WE fall down before thee O Lord of heaven and earth and worship thee in the deepest humility of our souls acknowledging ●hat we are thy creatures who stand infinitely bound unto thee by innumerable blessings and favours which thou hast conferred upon us out of thy mere bounty and goodness We owe our lives to that alone and all the comforts of them together with all the hopes we have hereafter either in this world or the other And blessed for ever blessed be thy merciful kindness for giving such glorious hopes by the Lord Jesus By his Death and Resurrection by his Ascension and being inthroned at thy right hand and by the coming of the Holy Ghost to be a witness of his Majesty and Glory We rejoyce O Lord in that great salvation which thou hast sent unto us and cannot but be still praising thee whose love hath so abounded towards us beyond all our thoughts and desires Pardon we most humbly beseech thee out of the same grace and mercy all our past neglects of thee our insensibleness of thy benefits our carelesness or inconstancy in our obedience and particularly whatsoever we have done or omitted this day contrary to those holy purposes and resolutions wherein we stand ingaged to thee And vouchsafe us the assistance of thy holy Spirit to inable us to perform those vows better which here we renew of greater gratitude and more chearful and steadfast obedience to thy divine Majesty for the time to come Awaken our minds to frequent and serious reflections upon thy undeserved and most bountiful mercies towards us Touch our hearts with such an ingenuous and dutiful sense of them that our wills may be overcome to yield themselves wholly and absolutely to thee And that we may feel them constantly provoked to love and good works help us ever to set our Lord and Master by whose name we are called before our eyes and to admire his unspotted purity his condescending humility his tender-hearted charity his meekness of wisdom his hearty trust in thee and resignation to thee his forgiveness of injuries his patience under reproaches and cruel torments his peaceable and contented spirit his acknowledging thee in all things and ever seeking thy Honour and Glory That being in love with all these and valuing them more than life it self we may never cease our indeavours till this Image of our dear Lord and Master be formed in our hearts O Lord Jesus favourably behold these holy desires wherewith our souls aspire towards thee Preserve and maintain them incourage and increase them make them restless and unwearied till they be accomplished in the injoyment of this great blessedness Thou who hast begun a good work in us finish and compleat it we most humbly and earnestly beseech
who hath taught us when we pray to say Our Father c. Another short Prayer for the Morning O Blessed God be thou acknowledged praised and loved by us and all the children of men on whom thou pourest continually thy benefits They are great and many we know not the summe nor understand the value of them The Angels themselves admired thy love to us in Christ Jesus and are become ministring Spirits to them who are heirs of Salvation We enjoy the continual fruits of thy watchful providence by which we have been kept in peace and safety the last night and are raised this morning in health and strength both of body and mind beholding all things belonging to us just as we left them with thee when we went to sleep Accept we most humbly beseech thee of this poor tribute of praise and thanks together with the hearty oblation of our souls and bodies which we here dedicate again to thy service Vouchsafe us the continued assistance of the grace of thy holy Spirit to inable us to make good those vows that are upon us of obediently keeping thy holy will and commandments and walking in the same all the days of our life Pardon good Lord all our breaches of this Sacred Covenant Deal not with us according to our sins neither reward us after our iniquities But in the multitude of thy tender mercies pitty our errors and wandrings and help us against our infirmities Give us leave this day to put our selves into thy powerful protection and to depend on thee for thy merciful guidance and assistance that we may be more faithful to thee in the discharge of our duties and never swerve from the rules of Sobriety Righteousness Charity and Godliness So shall we return with joyful hearts to praise thee in the Evening and teach those who shall come after us to continue thy praises in the next generation Amen for thy mercies sake in Christ Jesus in whose words we present the earnest desires of our hearts for our selves and all our Brethren saying Our Father c. A short Prayer for the Evening when there is not time for the longer O God we thy creatures who have tasted liberally of thy bounty many ways and been blessed in our several imployments and mercifully preserved from several dangers this day are here met to joyn together in most hearty thanksgivings to thy divine Majesty which with one accord we offer up unto thee It is the greatest happiness of all we acknowledge that we have any sense of thee in our minds any love to thee in our hearts any remembrance of thy benefits any holy dispositions to obey thee and any hopes that thou wilt pardon our sins and make us partakers of eternal life All that we desire of thee O Lord is the continuance and increase of this happiness that we may be possessed with a stronger sense of thy Majesty thy Soveraign Power thy unsearchable Wisdom Goodness and Truth and be filled with a more ardent love to thee and to all righteousness and delight to do thy Will in every thing and rejoyce in hope of thy immortal Glory As for all the things of this life in a grateful remembrance of thy many past mercies we intirely trust thee for the time to come referring our selves to thy Wisdom and resolving to be content with that portion which thy good providence is pleased to assign us Help us but to be steadfast and unmoveable in the work of our Lord to bring forth all the fruits of the Spirit love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness and temperance and we shall think our selves rich enough and well provided for in every state and condition of life In these holy thoughts and desires we commend our selves to thy gracious protection this night hoping to find them fresh and lively in our souls when we awake in the Morning and desiring withal the happiness of the rest of the world that they may know thee and acknowledge thee and be guided unto and walk in the way that leads to everlasting life through Christ Jesus our blessed Redeemer In whose powerful name and comprehensive words we continue to pray as he hath taught us saying Our Father c. Another for the Evening IN an humble and thankful sense O Lord of heaven and earth of our intire dependence on thee and of the duty we owe thee and the many promises and vows wherein we stand ingaged to thee we fall down before thee this Evening and with all reverence worship thy divine Majesty Giving thee the glory that is due unto thy Name and acknowledging thy multiplied mercies to us particularly those of this day to the conclusion of which thou hast now safely brought us with new resolutions in our hearts to continue for ever in thy faith and fear and love and obedience It is but just and reasonable and we feel likewise by daily experience that it is our happiness to keep thy Commandments and to maintain chearful thoughts of thee and an hearty friendship with thee by complying in all things with thy holy Will O pardon our folly most gracious God in forsaking at any time that perfect Rule to follow our own unruly desires Pardon us we beseech thee for we know not how to pardon our selves such ingratitude to thee and cruelty to our selves It is the grief of our hearts that we have in the least offended thee and our most earnest unfeigned desire to be preserved hereafter in an exact conformity to our Rule in every thing Yea we would delight to do thy Will O God and take such a pleasure in all the acts of righteousness mercy meekness and gentleness to our Neighbours and in praising and acknowledging thee the God of all grace and in living in an humble sense of thy bounty and our own undeservings and in a temperate and thankful use of all thy blessings that we may have the continual feast of a good conscience and the constant comfort and satisfaction of having thee alway for our friend and our gracious Father in Christ Jesus O thou who art the Inspirer of such holy counsels desires and purposes keep them for ever in our hearts Incourage strengthen and increase them that after the refreshment of a quiet sleep this night we may feel them lively and powerful in the Morning and with renewed joy we may still devote our selves to thy faithful service O that our friends and all thy people in every place may partake of the same mercies we desire for our selves and howsoever we are severed one from another in this world grant us an happy meeting at the day of our Lord in whose words we pray thee to hear us Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy Name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into temptation but
deliver us from evil c. PRAYERS For particular PERSONS A Prayer for the Morning to be said by any Person alone O Most holy blessed and glorious Majesty of heaven and earth Who art before all things because they all received their being from thee and who art of thy self infinite in all perfections Before thee who art so great and incomprehensible I most humbly prostrate my self this Morning rejoycing in this happy liberty which thou vouchsafest me of retiring my thoughts a little from this world to look up unto thee the Father of my being I adore and praise thy eternal Power Wisdom and Goodness I heartily acknowledge the duty which I owe thee both as I am thy creature and as I am a Christian I bewail all my neglects of it my backwardness unto it or coldness in it I intreat thy gracious pardon and ingage my self for the time to come more heartily and firmly to thy obedience beseeching the grace of thy holy Spirit to inable me to perform all those ingagements which are upon me And blessed be thy Fatherly goodness which hath so often prevented me with that grace I owe to it all the good thoughts and inclinations that are in my heart all those motions that I feel in my soul towards thee as my chiefest good with all the effects and fruits of them in my life and actions which incourage me to hope in thee for the constant help of it to further me in well doing unto the end O thou who hast sent thy Son from heaven to dwell among us who hast not spared his life but given him up for us all who hast raised him from the dead and made him heir of all things who hast given him all power in heaven and earth that he may bless us and do us good deny not the desires of a soul that offers up it self intirely in sincere affection to thy service But assist me so mightily from above that I may make thee my constant acknowledgements likewise for the sensible fruits of his Life Death Resurrection and Exaltation produced in my heart growing more and more in all Wisdom Righteousness Purity Humility Goodness and every other divine Vertue For which end preserve me alway in such a serious temper of mind that the sense of my duty to thee may make me always ready and forward to it and the sense of my weakness may make me watchful and diligent and the sense of my former negligence make me fervent in spirit and the goodness of thy commands may render me more fruitful and abundant in the work of our Lord and the great danger I have escaped and the blessedness before me may make me persevere most patiently in all well doing with joy and thankfulness So that I may be like to Christ Jesus my gracious Lord and Master and do him honour here in this world and walk worthy of the great priviledges he hath bestowed on me and make grateful returns for all the vast receipts I have had from thy most bounteous mercy O that all my acknowledgements and pious affections may be turned into actions of holiness and piety and all my actions may be spirited with zeal and all my zeal be regulated with prudence and my prudence be void of all guile and joyned with perfect integrity of heart that adorning my most holy faith and profession by a religious upright charitable and discreet conversation whilst I am here I may receive approbation and praise at the day of the Lord Jesus and be numbered among thy Saints in glory everlasting This O Lord is the sum of all my desires Dispose me by every thing that befals me for eternal life and it sufficeth I wholly leave my concerns in this life to the wisdom of thy goodness that thou mayst order what thou judgest to be fittest for me I trust thee with my self and all I have hoping thou wilt preserve me from all things hurtful and lead me to all things profitable for my salvation The like I wish to all the world that unbelievers may be translated out of the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of thy dear Son and they who are called by the name of Christ may depart from all iniquity Inspire all Kings and Princes of the earth with great wisdom and charity and make them like to thee the Lord of all who art good unto all and pleased in mercy Indue all our Pastors and Guides with true knowledge piety and zeal and give me and all Christian people grace to receive their instructions with a meek humble and obedient heart Thou knowest the sorrows troubles and perplexities of all afflicted persons for whom I implore thy compassionate relief Support them with a lively faith and hope in thy precious promises dispose them thereby to a more strict observance of thy holy Commands and convert their present sufferings into endless joys when they have brought forth the peaceable fruit of righteousness And whilst thou art pleased to continue to me that ease plenty and prosperity which I enjoy fill me with such a sense of thy undeserved goodness that I may be the more ready to do good to those who are in misery and by a sober and moderate use of thy blessings be prepared to endure patiently whatsoever change thou shalt be pleased to order for me into a worse condition Preserve me all this day in innocence and in love to thee and to all men And since in all my ways I acknowledge thee do thou direct my paths and teach me to guide my affairs with discretion Prov. 3.6 Psal 112.5 Thou art my hope and my confidence my satisfaction and my peace my glory and my joy therefore never leave me not forsake me but conduct me safely by thy counsel through all the businesses and enjoyments through all the temptations and troubles of this life to that blessed place where our Lord Jesus liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the same spirit world without end Amen Our Father c. A Prayer for the Evening O Lord the Creator of the world and the Redeemer of mankind Who knowest all things and canst do what thou pleasest and wilt do that which is best for thy children and hast done us a world of good already and promised to do more for us if we be obedient than we can ask or think and hast given us the greatest assurance of the truth of those promises by thy Son Jesus who dyed for us and whom thou hast raised from the dead and given him the promise of the holy Ghost which he hath poured forth abundantly to shed abroad thy love in our hearts I fall down before thee in the lowliest manner to express my fear and reverence of thy Almighty Power my admiration of and submission to thy unsearchable wisdom my hearty love and thankful acknowledgement of thy wondrous goodness my trust and confidence in thy faithful Promises with my readiness and sincere purposes to perform all obedience
art so great so glorious and dwellest in light not to be approached Adored be thy wonderful love who hast incouraged our approaches to thee by humbling thy self to look down upon us and by appearing graciously to us in our own flesh Blessing Honour Glory and Praise be eternally ascribed unto thee who didst not abhor us and utterly cast us out of thy sight when we had turned our backs upon thee but sent thy only begotten Son into the world to call us again unto thee yea to beseech us and oblige us by laying down his own life for us to return unto thee and live No thought can comprehend the unsearchable riches of thy Grace manifested unto us in the Lord Jesus who was pleased to be vilely intreated and shamefully used to suffer the reproach of the Cross and to shed his dearest bloud that we might not suffer the pain of eternal death but be restored to the dignity of thy children and advanced to honour glory and immortality together with him Thou hast found out a way to manifest thy most tender love to us without the least suspicion of approving and loving our sins and to preserve thy Soveraign Authority without destroying those who were in rebellion against it Thou hast ordered such a chastisement of our iniquities as might save and deliver us who deserved to be punished and so disposed the means of our redemption as to pardon and amend us both at once O the wisdom of thy Love which hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin 2 Cor. 5.21 that we might be made the righteousness of thee our God in him O the riches of thy Grace which hath abounded to us in all wisdom and prudence Healing us by his stripes 1 Pet. 2.24 and condemning sin in the flesh by his sacrifice for sin Rom. 8.3 and making him a curse for us Gal. 3.14 that we might inherit a blessing and receive the promise of the Spirit through faith in him I see O Lord how infinitely I am indebted to thee I behold the design of thy wise goodness in giving him for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity Tit. 2.14 and purifie us to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works I thank thee with all my soul for his bearing our sins in his own body on the tree 1 Pet. 2. that we being dead unto sin should live unto righteousness There is nothing I can more desire than by doing righteousness 1 Joh. 3. to become righteous even as he is righteous Assist me I beseech thee to attain this end of his death and passion by the power of that holy Spirit which he hath thereby purchased for us and hath likewise promised to us and is able to bless us withal I dread to think that his precious bloud should be lost and spilt in vain for me that so great a price should be cast away wherewith thou hast bought me to glorifie thee with my body and spirit which are thine O God preserve in me such a lively sense of his grief and sorrow of his pain and anguish that I may bitterly hate the cause of all his torments and look on every sin as the most fearful curse that can befal me Preserve in me a constant sense of the great value of my soul for which he paid so dearly and a great esteem of that purity righteousness and goodness for the restoring of which he made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was obedient to death even the death of the Cross And especially raise me to a great height of love and gratitude to thee and of hope and confidence in thy infinite mercies of which we have such strong assurance by his being delivered for our offences Rom. 4.25 and raised again for our justification Make me more and more in love with that lowliness of mind that tender and compassionate charity that meekness patience and forgiveness which shone in his sufferings And subdue my will so perfectly unto such an absolute quiet and ready submission to thy holy Will in every thing that my hope in thee may increase exceedingly and not only so but I may also joy in thee my God through our Lord Jesus Christ Rom. 5.11 by whom we have now received the atonement Hear Good Lord the prayers of the whole Church which thou hast purchased with thine own bloud O that every member thereof may serve thee purely and orderly in the rank and condition wherein thou hast placed them to their mutual benefit and comfort and to the conviction of those who are enemies or strangers to the Name of the Lord Jesus that they seeing our good works may glorifie thee our heavenly Father and acknowledge that thou art among us of a Truth Bless all the Ministers of Religion or Justice and endue them with a great love to the honour of our Saviour and with a great zeal to make his holy Laws understood and observed That as he gave himself for his Church Ephes 5.26,27 that he might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word and present it to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing So all that name the name of Christ may depart from all iniquity and indeavour to be holy and without blemish and be found of him in peace at the day of his appearing Now unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own bloud and hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen Rev. 1.5,6 A PRAYER ON ANY SAINTS DAY THou art to be praised O Lord of heaven and earth in all thy works of wonder which declare the astonishing greatness of thy Majesty Power Wisdom and Goodness throughout the world One generation praises thy works to another and declares thy mighty acts especially the manifold wisdom of thy incomprehensible love in the salvation of mankind by Christ Jesus who hath brought us the glad tidings of peace and reconciliation with thee and the promise of immortal life and glory if we will be obedient to thee An innumerable company of holy Souls have in all ages since most thankfully received and acknowledged this thy grace and tender mercy being obedient to the very death and leaving us an excellent example of pure love to thee and constant affection and hearty devotion and ardent zeal for the honour of our Lord and Master Christ Jesus I add my poor tribute of praise and thanksgiving to all that hath been rendred unto thee O God who in the beginning commandedst the light to shine out of darkness and hast now shone into the hearts of thy holy ones to give the light of thy divine knowledge in the face of Jesus Christ Thanks be to thy infinite goodness as for that glorious manifestation of thy self in our flesh and the eternal
present contentment and satisfaction of it hath a great recompence of reward O preserve in my mind a constant remembrance how dearly I am bought by the precious bloud of thy Son Christ how early I was dedicated to thy service how often I have since found abundant cause to determine I would be thine how I have condemned my self for the breach of those holy purposes and what great satisfaction of mind I have had in the keeping of thy Commandments That so I may never wilfully offend against so many forcible reasons obliging me to my duty but be swayed by them notwithstanding all the temptations of the world the flesh or the devil to persevere in a resolved obedience to thee for ever And by the power of thy holy Spirit I beseech thee to make them clearer stronger and more effectual that I may have the same thoughts passions inclinations and purposes now which I shall be apt to have when I come to dye For which end help me often to place my self before thy Judgement Seat and to consider that I must give an account for all that I have received for thy holy Gospel for thy divine inspirations for the counsels and exhortations of thy Ministers for all the means and helps of growing better and for all the incouragements I have even from the good things of this life which thy bounty bestows upon me That by a careful preparation for such a reckoning I may be kept close and stedfast to my duty in hope of that exceeding glorious reward which our Lord will bestow upon all his faithful servants at the day of his appearing Amen Another to the same effect O Most great and glorious Majesty of heaven and earth who art of unspotted purity and in whom there is not the least shadow of change I know that all the resolutions of thy Wisdom are most just and equal and I cannot chuse when I am in my right mind to be guided by any thing else but thy holy Will who designest I see in all the revelations thou hast made of thy self to us to make us like to thy own most blessed Nature I do here own and acknowledge most heartily the righteousness and goodness of all thy Laws I admire the loveliness of thy Image in wisdom righteousness and true holiness I loath my own deformity whilst I am unlike to thee I implore thy renewing grace as the greatest blessing I can receive from thee and I bind my self to the faithful improvement of it as the weightiest imployment of my life I am abundantly satisfied in the declaration thou hast made of thy gracious purposes towards us I renounce all thoughts and desires that are contrary thereunto and resolve that holiness and eternal life shall be my design and study I expect no pardon O my God but in ways of sobriety righteousness and godliness I hope for a blessed immortality only by patient continuance in well doing I consent to every part of thy holy Gospel and add my testimony to the truth of its words that none of thy commandments are grievous but thy yoke is easie and thy burden light I hope O Lord by thy grace I shall never contradict my self by disowning in my practice these free and serious professions But that I shall every day so call to mind my own protestations and resolutions as to continue with an unwearied diligence in stedfast obedience to thy commands and to grow still stronger in the grace of the Lord Jesus O that every such address as this unto thy Divine Majesty may leave a greater sense of thee and of my duty and of my happiness and of my manifold obligations and repeated promises upon my heart That I may always go out of thy presence with my mind more towards heaven with lower thoughts of all the injoyments of this life with a greater relish of piety and holiness and more passionate desires to become every way such as thou canst approve and love and delight in for ever And assist me I humbly beseech thee so constantly from above that whatsoever good thoughts are at any time in my mind they may grow to fixed principles and all heavenly affections may become a new nature and the constant temper of my spirit and all my purposes and resolutions may advance into a serious practice and exercise of godliness and all the actions of an holy life may grow more free chearful vigorous and full of delight till they be compleated in everlasting bliss through Christ Jesus Amen A PRAYER After RELAPSE Into any SIN I Cast down my self before thee O most holy Lord of heaven and earth with an humble sorrowful and penitent heart adoring thy infinite grace which suffers such a vile and miserable sinner to approach into thy presence I am thine indeed dedicated long ago to thy service which I have since chosen as the most perfect freedom But so much the greater reason I have to be abashed before thee and to be astonished at thy forbearing mercy which prolongs the life of such an one as I am who have been so false to thee and to my own resolutions I remember in the bitterness of my soul how many obligations thou hast laid upon me to observe and obey thee how often I have acknowledged the justice and goodness of thy Precepts and how frequently I have promised and vowed to conform my self unto them and what great and precious promises thou hast made to me of invaluable blessings And yet wretch that I am I have been drawn aside from thy ways by easie and slight temptations and for a small and momentary pleasure or gain * Here mention the particular sin have ventured the loss of thy favour which is better than life it self O God that thou shouldst have patience with so perfidious so ungrateful so senseless a creature as I am That thou shouldst permit me to see the light of the Sun and hast not condemned me to utter darkness in weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth But that thou givest me leave to look towards heaven and that I have any heart to speak unto thee and still may call thee Father saying Father I have sinned against thee and am no more worthy to be called thy son O the riches O the unsearchable riches of thy grace I can never sufficiently admire thy exceeding great long-suffering towards me in Christ Jesus Nor sufficiently abhorr and loath my self for my foul revolt from thee who art so kind gracious especially if I should still continue to abuse such tender mercy and compassion towards me Tribulation and anguish indignation and wrath I acknowledge is the due portion of those that do evil and if thou shouldst abandon me and cast me out of thy sight I must confess that thou art righteous and that I reap but the fruit of my own ways and suffer the deserved punishment of my late iniquity But thou O God delightest in mercy and there is forgiveness with thee that thou mayst
angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways 91.11 When he walks abroad and beholds all things round about him he may say as it is Psal 104.24 O Lord how manifold are thy works in wisdom hast thou made them all the earth is full of thy riches c. At Meals O taste and see that the Lord is good He filleth our hearts with food and gladness Psal 24.8 Act. 14.17 Blessed be the Lord who daily loadeth us with his benefits Psal 68.19 At Candle-light Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us Psal 4.6 Or God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us 67.1 When he goes to bed I will both lay me down in peace and sleep for thou Lord only makest me dwell in safety Psal 4.8 He that keepeth me doth not slumber The Lord is my keeper the Lord is my defence who neither slumbers nor sleeps Psal 121.4,5 In the Night season O happy souls that rest not day nor night saying Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was which is and is to come Rev. 4.8 O great God! the darkness hideth not from thee but the night shineth as the day the darkness and the light are both alike to thee Psal 139.12 My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips when I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches Because thou hast been my help therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoyce Psal 63.5,6,7 On a sick-bed or in other affliction It is the Lord let him do what seemeth him good 1 Sam. 3.18 It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord Lam. 3.26 Blessed be the Lord for my long continued health and all his other benefits Let the remembrance of thy former mercies refresh my soul and incourage my hope and strengthen my patience with quiet resignation of my self to thy good pleasure At the point of Death I have waited for thy salvation O Lord Gen. 49.18 Into thy hand O Father I commend my self who breathedst into me the breath of Life Lord Jesus receive my spirit which thou hast redeemed by thy precious bloud and sanctified by the holy Ghost When he hears a Passing-bell Verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity Psal 39.5 O teach me so to number my days that I may apply my heart unto wisdom 90.12 In a time of Plague O Lord correct us but with judgement not in thine anger lest thou bring us to nothing Jer. 10.24 In a time of War O Lord arise help us and deliver us for thy names sake From our enemies defend us O Christ Graciously look upon our affliction King Asa cryed unto God in this manner when he was going to give battle to a million of enemies Lord it is nothing with thee to help whether with many or with them that have no power Help us O Lord our God for we rest on thee and in thy name go against this multitude 2 Chron. 14.11 In any other publick Calamity Spare thy people O Lord and give not thy heritage to reproach Joel 2.17 A great Offender may often say with the Prodigal Father I have sinned against thee and am no more worthy to be called thy son And with the Publican God be merciful to me a sinner After any mercy received What shall I render unto the Lord for all the benefits that he hath done unto me Psal 116.12 Every day will I give thanks unto thee and praise thy name for ever and ever 145.1 I shall mention no more because I would not invite the Reader to make this sort of Prayer too common For by that means it will be in danger to grow cold and lose its force and efficacie by growing fashionable To that purpose I remember a devout Prelate of our own Bishop Hall somewhere delivers his judgement about this matter But if any one find that he can with profit turn his thoughts this way upon all occasions he may easily invent more Ejaculations The measure of them is as that forenamed person speaks to preserve our hearts in a constant tender and godly disposition which shall be further actuated upon all opportunites by the exercise of our more inlarged and fixed devotions A Prayer for Submission to God in case of any great loss in a mans Estate Relations or Friends O Most Holy holy holy the Supreme Lord and Governour of the world who are unsearchable in thy Wisdom unspot●ed in thy Justice and irresistable in ●hy Power whose goodness hath no ●ounds but what thy wise and holy Will gives unto it and art immu●able in these and all other perfections the great God most blessed for ever It is most reasonable and agreeable to our nature most profitable and convenient to our interest most satisfactory and suitable to our wisest choice by an absolute and ●uiet submission in all things to thy ●overaign Wisdom Justice and Goodness to declare our fear and reverence of thee our unfeigned love to thee and desires to please thee our trust and confidence in thee and ready disposition to obey thee Thou art too great I know to delight in grieving us thy poor creatures and hast other ways of procuring thy own pleasure than by our misery pain and torment And therefore in a full perswasion of thy unerring providence over us and infinite Charity towards us I here most humbly and freely resign all my thoughts and desires unto thee submitting my self intirely to thy Orders and resolving by thy gracious assistance to rest contented with whatsoever thou appointest The Lord gave Job 1.21 and the Lord hath taken away blessed be the Name of the Lord. Blessed b● thy name who hast continued to me so long the enjoyment of so many good things Blessed be thy name● that I had any thing to part withal whereby I may testifie my faith in thee and affection to thee Blessed be thy name that I have any of the comforts of this life still remaining and that they are not all taken away from me I have nothing too great or too dear to be resigned to thee from whose bounty I received all I have and who art my best and my eternal friend O that no repining thoughts may arise in my heart to disorder and discompose my duty towards thee or towards my neighbour But help me rather to think wherein I have offended thee and carefully to amend it to place my affections more stedfastly on those unmoveable things which are above to lay up my treasure and hope in heaven and to prepare my self by perfecting my purity and thankfulness and pa●ience and all other vertues to be translated thither where our life is ●id in thee with Christ Jesus I ●hank thee O Father of Mercies that thou hast given us such everlasting consolation through thy Grace in him Every day will I bless thee
him duly in our vocation with thanksgiving Help us so to employ our time in our health prosperity and pleasure that we may have nothing to trouble us in the time of sickness affliction and sorrow But we may quietly and chearfully bear what thou layest upon us looking unto Jesus who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at thy right hand O blessed Lord deny us not the constant assistance of the holy Ghost to cherish confirm and strengthen our holy resolution to succeed our pious endeavours to give us a quick sense of all thy mercies and a lively remembrance of all thy fatherly chastisements whereby we may be more and more excited to diligence watchfulness and zeal in thy service Preserve us from a slothful and negligent spirit and awaken in us such a sense of thee and of our duty to thee that we may search after thy Will diligently and believe it heartily and practise it carefully and watch against all temptations heedfully and pray fervently and frequently and ponder seriously and thoroughly all the instructions we have received from thee and our many and great obligations to thee O that it may be our choice to attend on thee and that our hearts may be still with thee when our necessities require our attendance to other things That so we may not be too deeply ingaged in the affairs of this life to the prejudice of the eternal life of our souls but we may go on to make it our great business to be truly godly according to the pattern which our Lord hath left us till we be fit to be lifted up to that high and holy place where we believe he is and see the glory which thou hast given him Now to him that holdeth our soul in life and suffereth not our feet to be moved Psal 66.9 to the God of our salvation 68.20 to whom belong the issues from death 30.11 Jude 25. who hath turned our heaviness into joy and put off our mourning and girded us with gladness to him that doth wondrous things the only wise God our Saviour be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and ever Amen A Parents Prayer for a Sick Child O Lord by whose infinite goodness I was brought into this world and by whose indulgent care I have been continued here unto this time in the enjoyment of a great many blessings of the least of which I am unworthy I thank thee that to all other comforts of this life thou hast added the gift of this child whom thou hast preserved in its birth and ever since by a marvellous providence I am sensible that all I have is thine and that I am but intrusted with this as with all other good things which I must return to thee whensoever thou pleasest Lord assist me with the grace of thy holy Spirit which I know thou art more ready to give than any other blessing that I may resign this child to thee if thou art pleased now to call for it with an humble contented patient and thankful mind believing thou knowest what is better for me than I do my self and wilt certainly recompence such meek and quiet submission to thee with as good or better enjoyments than those thou takest away But if thou thinkest good still to prolong its days and continue it with me Behold O Lord the unfeigned purpose of my heart faithfully to discharge my trust and to bring it up in the fear and nurture of our Lord. Endue me with principles of true wisdom and prudence that I may educate it aright Help me to give it a good example and to use all diligence that it may serve its generation according to thy will and at last be returned back to thee wise and pure and just and good fit for the company of the blessed in endless life Unto thee O Lord I most heartily recommend both it and my self whose wisdom knows where it is best to place thy creatures whether in this or in the other world and whose goodness designs to make us happy in both To thee the only wise and good God be all Praise Honour Glory and Thanksgiving with Fear and Reverence Love and chearful Obedience both now and eternally Amen HEre follow Prayers and Thanksgivings on sundry other occasions which we may meet withal in the course of our life In which it will be fit particularly to acknowledge God and implore his mercy towards us And let it be remembred as I said before that it is a part of Christian Piety to take care that alms and acts of Charity to others accompany our addresses to God They are then certainly most seasonable when we desire special favours from him or return thanks for them And hereby as old Tobias said 4.9,11 We lay up a good treasure for our selves against the day of necessity For alms is a good gift unto all them that give it in the sight of the most High A Prayer to be used by one that is going a long Iourney O God who art alike present unto all places who preservest man and beast for thou art good to all Psal 36.6 and thy tender mercies are over all thy works 145.9,10 All thy works shall praise thee O Lord and thy Saints shall bless thee They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom and declare thy power Blessed be thy name for the knowledge thou hast given me of thy wise and merciful providence incompassing all creatures And more particularly I rejoyce in the revelation which thou hast made of thy Fatherly love and care over us the children of men in Christ Jesus Who makes his Angels Ministring Spirits for them Heb. 1. ult that are heirs of Salvation Psal 18.30 In an hearty belief of thy holy Gospel and a sincere resolution to be obedient unto it in hope of that eternal life I commit both my soul and body to thy most gracious protection who art the defender of all them that put their trust in thee I trust thee O Lord with my self and all belonging to me I intirely depend on thy goodness to be with me and prosper me in the way that I go Give thy good Angels charge of me And especially accompany me with the presence of thy holy Spirit to preserve my soul in safety from all evil thoughts desires or passions that may any way betray me in word or deed to offend thy Divine Majesty Deliver me from the danger of any evil company into which I may fall that I may not frame my self to the humours of profane persons but by a pious and discreet behaviour rather reprove them And give me grace thankfully to embrace the company of those who are good if I be blessed with it that I may rejoyce in their society and improve it to my increase in wisdom or pious affections towards thee Bless this habitation also which I leave and all remaining in
contented and in every condition to give thanks unto thee and rejoyce in thy holy Name and in the hope of eternal life through Christ Jesus my most blessed Lord and Saviour Amen A Prayer when the time of he● Travel draweth near O God the helper and del●verer of all those that trust i● thee by whose power I was formed in my Mothers Womb by who● care I was brought from thence an● by whose merciful kindness I hav● been preserved in many dangers since I praise and magnifie thy great and glorious Name and am encouraged by the remembrance of thy mercies which have been ever of old to implore thy compassionate help in the approaching time of my need pain and danger Thou art present to all thy creatures and hearest the cryes of the beasts of the earth which all wait upon thee O be not far from me when trouble is near but hearken unto me and save me when I call upon thee Shorten my pains or lengthen my patience which thou pleasest Bear up my spirit in submission to thy will and in some humble hope that I shall forget my anguish for joy that a man is born into the world Joh. 16.21 Psal 138.8 22.4,5 Forsake not the work of thy own hand but in due time perfect it and bring forth that which thou hast wrought in secret into the light that we may all see the wonders of thy wisdom and praise thy goodness and thy power My parents trusted in thee they trusted and thou didst deliver them They cryed unto thee and were delivered they cryed unto thee and were not confounded In thee likewise do I humbly put my trust and confidence which nothing disheartens but my own great unworthiness by reason of my forgetfulness of thy benefits and unthankful returns for former mercies bestowed upon me But thou hast taken care that this should not discourage me neither by proclaiming a gracious pardon by him that was born of woman and dyed for us unto contrite and reforming sinners Accept I beseech thee of my sincere resolutions to preserve hereafter a more affectionate remembrance of thy love to me and to dedicate my self and all I have to thy service 1 Tim. 2.15 in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety Or if thou art pleased o●herwise to dispose of me I resign ●y self heartily unto thee Lord ●eceive me to a better life where all ●ghing and sorrow shall be done away and eternal joy intirely pos●ess our hearts Amen for Christ Je●us his sake Amen 〈◊〉 Prayer to the same purpose to be said by her Relations O Most mighty Lord who hast already given us innumerable ●ledges of thy love and many ar●uments to trust in thee for ever ●nd to expect with quiet and patient ●inds the issue of thy wise and good ●rovidence Thou hast respect to all ●e works of thy hands especially 〈◊〉 the sons of men and to those a●ove the rest who seek thy favour ●d give thee the glory of all thy ●ercies and are resolved to devote ●emselves and their children and all they have to do thee honour in the world We most humbly commend thy servant drawing near the time of her Travel to thy care and blessing beseeching thee to give her a gracious deliverance and to ease her of the burden wherewith she labours We our selves are monuments o● that mercy which we beg of thee Thou broughtest us into this world and didst unloose the bands wherewith we were swadled in our mothers womb We have had long experience also of thy readiness to succour us and to do us good eve● since many times beyond our desires and hopes and always beyond our deservings We dare not bu● commit our selves and every thing belonging unto us most heartily into thy hands remembring that thou hast the same power and goodnes● still by which we came into th● light of the living and that thou still exercisest them as thy wisdom thinks most meet We cannot desire to be better provided for than as thy infinite understanding and counsel judges most convenient for us Unto that we refer our selves beseeching thee if it be thy good pleasure that her deliverance may be as speedy as her cryes unto thee or her patience as great and long as her pains Thou who ripenest the fruits of the earth and then givest us to gather them to our comfort blast not our humble hopes of the fruit of the womb But after thou hast brought it to maturity deliver it into our hands as a new pledge of thy goodness to us for which we will ever thankfully acknowledge and praise thy Name Or if thou hast otherwise determined Lord give us grace to submit to thy holy will and to rest satisfied in thy wise appointments and never to distrust thy goodness and care over us Yea help us still to bless thee and to speak good of thy Name saying The Lord gave and t●e Lord hath taken away blessed be the name of the Lord from henceforth and for ever Amen A Thanksgiving to be used by those present after her safe Deliverance WE thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth for thy long continued goodness to us thy creatures who are unworthy of the least of thy favours In thee we live and move and have our being And it is only of thy mercy that we have not lived in perpetual pain and torment spending our days in sighs and lamentations but have enjoyed much health and ease and had innumerable occasions to praise thee and to rejoyce in thee who loadest us daily with thy benefits Blessed be thy Name O Lord who forgivest all our iniquities and healest all our diseases Who redeemest our life from destruction and crownest us with loving kindness and tender mercies More particularly we thank thee that thou hast heard the humble supplications of this thy servant to whom thou hast now granted a gracious deliverance and turned her sorrow and heaviness into joy and gladness We thank thee that thou hast sent her seasonable helpers and blessed their endeavours for the preservation of her and of the fruit of her womb And that thou likewise vouchsafest her all needful things for her refreshment in this weak condition wherein she lies waiting upon thee for the perfecting of thy mercies towards her Accept we beseech thee of our hearty acknowledgements of thy powerful and good providence over her and over any person here present in the like necessity which we now thankfully call to mind and desire may never be forgotten O that a lively remembrance of this and all other thy mercies may so mightily affect our hearts that we may be moved thereby to fear thee all our days and to love thee and to put our trust in thee and with quiet and resigned minds to cast all our burdens and cares on thee in a constant and chearful obedience to all thy holy commands And since thou hast begun to be so gracious to this thy hand-maid grant
betray them And fortifie their minds against the power of all allurements to sin that we may live to see them thy dutiful and obedient children and may leave the world in hope that they will continue so unto their lives end Or if thou takest us away before they come to their full age we commend them with the more ardent affection to thy never failing mercy and compassion O thou who art the Father of the fatherless Psal 68.5 be their God and let them find mercy with thee Hos 14.3 according to thy word Dispose of them so that by loving and careful governours holy examples innocent and good company pious and discreet counsels with the help of thy divine grace they may ever be secured in their duty and follow after us to eternal life through Christ Jesus Amen A short Prayer for the use of a little Child O Lord my most loving Saviour and merciful Redeemer who commanddest that the little children should come unto thee and didst take them up in thine arms lay thy hands upon them bless them Look graciously upon me I humbly beseech thee and bless me who am one of thy children dedicated to thy service Pitty the weakness of my tender age and prevent me betimes with thy grace Make me seriously to remember my Creator in the days of my youth Indue me with the fear of my God and make me always mindful of the Vow and Promise that was made in my name when I was baptized to forsake the Devil and all his works to believe in God and to serve him Make me dutiful as thou O Lord Jesus wast unto my Parents loving to my Brethren and Sisters obedient to my instructors thankful for the good counsel of my Friends humble and reverent to my betters and meek and gentle to all men That as I grow in years so I may grow in wisdom and favour with thee and with all those who are good Preserve me from all dangers let thy good Angels be my keepers and defenders and guide me by thy holy Spirit that the longer I live the better I may be to the comfort of my Parents the honour and glory of my God and my own happiness here and for ever Amen A shorter HEavenly Father who despisest nothing that thou hast made but takest care of the beasts of the earth and of the fowls of the air bless me thy child whom thou hast made in thy own Image Preserve me this day from all evil both in soul and body Give me what thou seest good for me Especially an heart to know thee early to be thankful to thee to love thee and to do thy will as well as I am able Bless my Father and my Mother and all my friends and make me a follower of those who are good for the sake of my Saviour Christ Jesus the Lord. Amen A Prayer for the use of a Child that hath lost its Parents O Lord who never failest those that seek thee but givest to the beast his food Psal 147.9 and to the young ravens which cry I cast my self upon thy infinite goodness with whom the fatherless have been wont to find mercy Be thou Ecclus. 23.4 O Lord Father and God of my life a most merciful and gracious Father unto me and provide what thou seest in thy wisdom to be necessary for me Especially bestow upon me some faithful friend that will admonish me and take care of my soul to bring me up religiously in the fear of thee my God Preserve me from all distrust of thy good providence Give me favour in the eyes of others by an humble submissive and good behaviour towards them Make me diligent and industrious in some honest calling And bless my labours and endeavours that I may not be a burden unto others But whatsoever my portion be in this world give me grace to live so piously justly and soberly that I may not miss of that incorruptible inheritance which fadeth not away 1 Pet. 1.4 reserved in the heavens for us through Christ Jesus Amen A Prayer to be used by a Widow O God by whose wise providence which I humbly adore and reverence I am left without my dearest companion and guide in this our pilgrimage and thereby deprived of the sweetest comfort of life behold the desolate and sorrowful estate of thy poor handmaid who supplicates thy tender mercy and compassion towards her Comfort me good Lord with a delightful sense of thy Divine Presence with me and draw my heart the nearer to thee in holy love and devout affection and a lively hope that thou wilt never leave me nor forsake me I ought to thank thee at all times for the many tokens of thy love towards me and particularly for lending me this blessing so long the value of which I now feel by the want I am in of its support Pardon me I beseech thee that I have not been so thankful for it and the rest of thy mercies as I ought nor so carefully improved them as I might have done O take not away thy loving kindness from me in displeasure But vouchsafe still the continuance of thy favour towards me especially the support of thy Divine Grace by the power of the holy Ghost to enable me to bear this affliction with an humble meek and patient spirit Moderate all my passions Free me from all discontented and distrustful thoughts Help me to cast all my care on thee who relievest the fatherless and widow Psal 146.9 and carest even for the strangers Fix my mind upon thy love in the Lord Jesus in whom thou wouldst have us to rejoyce always Lift up my thoughts to those heavenly enjoyments in that blessed place where he is to which I hope my husband is departed And help me to follow after him with all diligence in a pure grave and godly conversation and by a careful education of my Children to endeavour that they may be also with us in that glory Let thy blessing ever rest upon them And now that they are left to me alone give me so much the more wisdom to instruct and govern them aright and so much the more love to them and tender affection to their good and welfare Make them to be a comfort to me in my Widow-hood by their increase in godliness that we may chearfully serve thee together in Prayers and Thanksgivings and reading of thy holy Word and Communion with our blessed Saviour and all other actions of a Christian life Prepare us for whatsoever condition it is into which thou shalt be pleased to bring us that neither fulness nor poverty honour nor reproaches health nor sickness may ever separate us from thy love in Christ Jesus but we may persevere in patient obedience to thee till we receive that crown of life which he hath promised to them that love thee Amen A Prayer for the use of a poor Servant O Lord most high who ar● the Maker of the rich and
instruction Prov. 5.12,13 and my heart despised reproof And have not obeyed the voice of my teachers nor inclined mine ear to them that admonished me How swift have my feet been to run into evil and how backward and averse have I been to any thing that is good O the injuries which I have done my Neighbours the abuse of my self and of thy good creatures The prophane contempt or neglect of thee and the duties of thy worship and service * Here let him reckon up the blasphemy debauchery and violence that he hath been guilty of The remembrance of all this is dreadful the burden of it is intolerable How shall I appear before thee at whose rebuke the Mountains quake since I cannot think of appearing before an earthly Judge without shame and affrightment of spirit O Lord work in me a greater dread of thee with a greater shame and confusion of face now that I am in thy presence For which end be pleased to represent unto me effectually the wickedness the baseness and vileness of all my evil doings as well as the guilt and just desert of them O that I could hate and abhorr them more than that death * Or punishment when the crime is less which I expect shortly to suffer for them Bestow on me that ingenuous and godly sorrow which worketh repentance and unfeigned purposes of amendment of life They come too late indeed I may justly think to find acceptance with thee and therefore not without fear and trembling and a great sense of my undeservings I look up unto thee acknowledging thy infinite goodness if thou wilt vouchsafe but the smallest hope of mercy Mercy mercy good Lord cast me not quite out of thy sight for Jesus Christs his sake who gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity It is the beginning of some mercy and an earnest I hope of more that thon hast made me sensible of mine offences and that thou hast wrought in me a resolution to forsake them and some love to a godly sober and righteous life Help me to manifest the sincerity and uprightness of my soul in these resolutions as much as I am able by giving thee hearty thanks that the hand of justice hath over-taken and laid hold upon me and put a stop to the further mischief which I might have committed and by making a free and open confession of my crimes and taking the shame which belongs to me before others and by acknowledging that I am unworthy to live and by earnest admonishments to all to be warned by my example and to cease betimes to do evil and learn to do well O God that I could glorifie thee a little in my latter end after this manner And till I come to receive my deserved punishment help me to spend my time in bewailing my sins in humbling my self before thee for them in setting my heart against them in studying and admiring with the greatest affection the holy life of the Lord Jesus in calling other offenders to repentance and exhorting them thereby to give thee glory Deny me not the grace I beseech thee to enable me thus to imploy my self that I may have some taste of thy mercy and the fear of death may be abated by some hope that when my soul shall be parted from the body thou O blessed Jesus wilt receive it though so unworthy into some of the heavenly mansions Amen Amen A Souldier's Prayer that fights for his Country O Most mighty Lord the Fountain of life and strength and courage whom all the host of heaven continually obeys I prostrate my self before thee in a religious sense that the fear of thy divine Majesty a pure conscience and a strong hope and confidence in thy Omnipotent goodness will give the most assured resolution valour and boldness to our spirits in all dangers Most humbly beseeching thee to purge my heart from the love of every thing that is offensive to thee to pardon all my former sins negligences and ignorances and to indue me with the grace of thy holy Spirit strictly to amend and reform my life according to thy holy Word Many temptations I am sensible will continually assault me in this state of life wherein I am ingaged But I as earnestly beseech thee to defend me from the power of them as I desire to be defended from death and to be covered by thee in the day of battle O that no covetous desires or greediness of spoil no ambition or vain-glory no hatred or malice may push me forward in any enterprize But give me the victory over these and all other vile affections and passions before I meet with any other enemy And graciously bless and prosper our arms for the defence of our Country and the preservation of our Religion Government Laws and Liberties And whilst we fight for the preservation of good Order Lord give us all grace to be examples of it our selves That abhorring all blasphemy and prophaneness all riot and lasciviousness Luk. 3.14 and doing violence to no man accusing no man falsly and being content with our wages we may adorn both our Cause and our Religion and whatsoever the issue be we may have peace in our own hearts and living or dying may be accepted with thee through Christ Jesus the Prince of peace To whom c. Amen A Prayer for the use of one that is Aged I Adore thee O Lord of life and glory who art from everlasting to everlasting and changest not beseeching thee to look graciously upon thy unworthy servant whose hope is only in thine infinite mercy by which my life hath been prolonged to old age and which is able to make me eternally blessed I thank thee for thy inconceiveable love in the Lord Jesus who hath given me such a solid and stedfast ground of hope to suppport and strengthen my heart when all the comforts of this life fail me and likewise praise and magnifie thy bounteous goodness for those innumerable blessings which time after time thou hast bestowed upon me from the beginning of my life till this present * Let them be reckoned up as particularly as you can O my God help me always to solace my self now that the days are come wherein I have no pleasure with a perpetual remembrance of all thy past loving kindnesses to me and with those hopes which I have of thy endless love in the other world And the more my outward senses decay vouchsafe me the quicker and more lively sense in my heart of those good things which thou hast laid up there for those that fear thee Preserve me from all discontented thoughts and peevish passions Make me an example unto others of Holiness discretion temperance gravity Tit. 2.2,3 peaceableness and patience Prov. 20.29 that so I may with the more authority be a teacher of good things Ecclus. 25.4 and my hoary head may be a crown of glory being found in the ways of righteousness
waves and the tumult of the people The Lord giveth strength to his people the Lord blesseth his people with peace When Plenty is restored say Psal 65.9,12 132.15 147.14 Joel 2.23 Thou hast visited the earth and blessed it thou hast made it very plenteous Thou hast crowned the year with thy goodness and thy clouds have dropt fatness Thou hast blessed our provision abundantly and satisfied our poor again with bread Blessed be the Lord who hath caused the former and latter rain to come down for us in their season and filled us with the finest of the wheat We eat in plenty and are satisfied Praised be the name of the Lord our God that hath dealt wondrously with us But above all thy great and glorious name is to be praised for thine incomprehensible mercy in thy Son Christ whom thou hast sent unto us with better blessings to be the Mediator of our peace with thee to heal all the diseases of our sinful natures and to deliver us from the power of Satan and of Hell and Death and to restore us to an immortal life Thanks be to thine infinite goodness which hath taught us by him the way of truth and righteousness and made him an offering for our sins and raised him from the dead to the Throne of Glory in the heavens and sent from thence the holy Spirit to enlighten our minds with the whole knowledge of thy will and to shed abroad thy great love in our hearts and to be the earnest of an heavenly inheritance together with our blessed Lord who is heir of all things having the hosts of Angels subject unto him whom he hath appointed blessed be thy Name for the guard and defence the succour and help of all his faithful servants I thank thee O Lord that thou hast pardoned so many offences so graciously importuned me to return to my duty and afforded so long time and space of repentance and waited so patiently for my amendment and continued to me constantly as I must again confess so many blessings which I have abused or restored them to me after a short correction of my faults I cannot wish for any further happiness but only for an heart gratefully to resent thy love and to delight to meditate continually on thy tender mercies that so I may love thee more and thank and serve thee better the rest of my days and live in good hope to pass from all this happiness here to eternal bliss And this grace thou hast likewise promised to bestow upon me yea I feel the motions of thy holy Spirit in my heart exciting in me a sense of thy goodness and provoking me to love and to good works O my soul never forget the loving kindness of the Lord. Let his name be daily blessed and praised with a joyful heart for his goodness endureth continually Psal 52.1 To him I ought to live and not unto my self for he is my Creator and Saviour and Comforter who daily loadeth me with his benefits Therefore I ought to glorifie him both with my body and with my spirit which are his Accept good Lord of the unfeigned desires and purposes which thou seest in my heart in all things to be conformed to thy Will And accordingly assist me always with the renewed influences of thy heavenly grace that I may grow in spiritual wisdom and knowledge of my duty and that I may heartily love it and faithfully remember it and give all diligence to perform it notwithstanding any difficulties that I meet withal to oppose it In able me to maintain a constant sense of thy divine presence to reverence thy holy Name and Word and to walk before thee in all humility thankfulness patience heavenly mindedness and contentedness of spirit And help me likewise to exercise all justice charity meekness and forgiveness towards all men and to live in a sober chaste and moderate use of all the good things of this world Let thy fear always curb the disorders of my passions and thy love be a spur to my indeavours and the example of the Lord Jesus and all the Saints provoke me to zeal and fervency of spirit and the hope of eternal bliss strengthen incourage and make me constant in all the troubles and hardships of this life that persevering in well doing I may finish my course with joy and win the Crown of Righteousness which he hath promised to all the faithful Amen Amen Assist me mercifully O Lord in these my Supplications and Prayers and dispose the way of thy servant towards the attainment of everlasting salvation that among all the changes and chances of this mortal life I may ever be defended by thy most gracious and ready help through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen A short Prayer for a Student I Look up unto thee O Lord from whom cometh every good and perfect gift beseeching thee to direct assist and bless all the labours of my mind Illuminate my understanding O Father of lights and lead me unto right apprehensions in all things In due me with that humility and soberness of mind which thou delightest to reward with more of thy gifts and graces Bestow upon me a discerning spirit a sound judgement and an honest and good heart sincerely disposed to imploy all the Talents which thou hast or shalt intrust me withal to thy honour and glory and to the good of mankind For which end I beseech thee to excite my thirst after useful rather than much knowledge And especially inrich me with the treasures of that inspired wisdom contained in thy holy Scriptures which are able to make me wise unto salvation That growing in understanding and goodness as I grow in years my profiting may be apparent unto all men and I may give a comfortable account of my time to thee my God at the day of the Lord Jesus Amen A Prayer that may be used any time of the day when a person hath leisure to retire O Lord the great Creator and Governor of all things I prostrate my self before thee in the humblest adoration of thy incomprehensible Majesty acknowledging that I depend intirely upon thee praising and magnifying thy most glorious Power Wisdom and Goodness which are conspicuous every where and rendring unto thee my most hearty thanks for all the benefits which thou hast so freely and undeservedly conferred on me Thou art bountiful to the whole world All thy Works praise thee and we the children of men ought more particularly to bless thee and speak good of thy Name who have received singular marks and tokens of thy favour grace above all the rest of our fellow creatures Thou hast made us after thine own Image and indued us with reasonable and immortal spirits and given us a capacity to reflect on thee the author of our being and to be like unto thee in wisdom holiness goodness and truth But above all I ought to remember continually that great demonstration of thy love in sending thy dear Son
to live among us to dye for us and to give us an assured hope of immortal life I love thee O Lord. I renew the oblation which I have often made of my soul and body to thee I wait upon thee still for what thou seest good for both I hope in thy everlasting mercies that thou wilt pardon all my forgetfulness of thee and ingratitude unto thee And I most earnestly implore the grace of thy holy Spirit to preserve in my mind a powerful sense of thee an ardent love to thee and an holy care to please and obey thee in all things That the very same mind and spirit may be in me which was in Christ Jesus our Lord the Spirit of wisdom and understanding and the fear of thee the spirit of meekness humility purity and charity and that I may do thy will with such chearfulness zeal constancy patience and perseverance as he did I thank thee O Lord for all helps and assistances of that good Spirit which thou hast already favoured me withal That thou hast so frequently made good motions to my soul inspired me with holy thoughts and devout affections and inclined and disposed my will many ways to the choice of that which is good I thank thee for the many seasonable admonitions which thou hast given me for the happy opportunities which have been afforded me for wisdom and vertue for a good education pious examples faithful friends and all other furtherances in the way of salvation I remember likewise with my most grateful acknowledgements what abundance of good things thou hast bestowed on me from time to time for my better accommodation in this present life Blessed be thy name for my continued health and food and raiment Blessed be thy name that my bones are not broken that I am not groaning under the sorest pains that I dwell in safety night and day and that I still see my friends and acquaintance and many other comforts round about me I thank thee O Lord for these and all blessings whatsoever that thou hast conveyed to me by the Ministry of thy holy Angels unto whom thou hast given the charge of me O bless the Lord together with me ye his angels which excel in strength that do his commandments hearkening to the voice of his word And enable me every day I most humbly beseech thee O Father of mercies to bless thee better with a purer heart and a more lively sense of all thy love and a greater delight in thy divine Service and a forwardness to every good work And as thou hast preserved me hitherto this day so bless me the remaining part of it That indeavouring sincerely in all my designs words desires and actions to approve my self to thee as thy good and faithful servant I may with a good conscience present my self before thee in the conclusion of it and with the greater confidence of thy gracious acceptance renew my praises and acknowledgements and commend my self to thy blessing and hope for the continued protection of thy holy Angels through Christ Jesus To whom be glory for ever Amen A shorter to the same purpose I Prostrate my self before thee O Lord of heaven earth in all humility of soul and body I acknowledge my dependance upon thee and thy constant care and providence over me ever since I was born particularly this day in keeping me hitherto from many dangers and providing for me many good things as well for the comfort and pleasure as for the necessary support of this present life Especially I thank thee for thy exceeding great love in the Lord Jesus through whom thou hast given me good hope of better enjoyments in the life to come by following that blessed example which he hath set us of all well doing and contented suffering It is all reason O Lord that I should love thee and intirely trust in thee and most willingly serve and obey thee Accordingly I here again dedicate my self both soul and body to thee I vow my self ever to thy service I hope still in thy great mercies which have been so tender and so abundant towards me I depend upon thee for what thou seest to be profitable for me I refer my self absolutely to thy wise Will resolving to rest contented and satisfied in that condition wherein thou placest me I believe thou orderest all things in heaven and in earth and takest the greatest care of those that wait upon thee and commit themselves unto thee as I now do in confidence of thy goodness and submission to thy pleasure Especially I rely upon thee for thy holy Spirit to preserve in me these holy purposes and inspire me continually with good thoughts and stir up in me heavenly affections and increase and strengthen my faith and hope in thee and assist my indeavours to do according to my pious resolutions Blessed be thy great goodness for what I have felt already I thank thee for thy many illuminations from above for thy grace so early preventing me for the assistance and furtherance thou hast given me and the happy opportunities I have met withal of improving my self in true wisdom and goodness It is the earnest desire of my soul to grow more in both and to be made perfectly like to my blessed Lord and Saviour By whom all honour and glory be given to thee O Father Almighty world without end Amen A Grace before meat WE acknowledge thy goodness O Lord in making this plentiful provision for us Pardon our ingratitude for thy former mercies And bless us with such a discreet and thankful use of these thy good creatures that they may not hinder us in our duty but better dispose us to do thee all faithful service in our several places through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Amen Or this WE look up unto thee O Lord who givest us life and breath and all things beseeching thee to forgive us all our sins and to make us such thankful partakers of these thy good creatures that by a moderate use of them our bodies may be refreshed and made more fit to accompany our souls in hearty endeavours to do thee all faithful service through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Or this WE renew our thankful acknowledgements unto thee O Lord for making again this merciful provision for us who are unworthy of the least of thy favours Add thy gracious pardon likewise and bless the sober use of these thy creatures to the strengthning of our frail bodies And endue our souls with the grace of thy holy Spirit that we may return back unto thee the strength we receive from them in well doing and it may be as delightful as our meat and drink to do the will of thee our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ c. Amen After Meat WE return unto thee O Lord our hearty thanks for these and all other the like mercies bestowed upon us ever since we had a being especially for the promises thou hast given us of eternal
darkness and his Sovereign Dominion over all Angels Authorities and Powers whom thou hast made subject to him 1 Pet. 3. ult O God how great was thy love to the sinful sons of men which moved thee to pass by such innumerable offences whereby they had provoked thy severest displeasure How great was that love which hath honoured our mortal nature with so high a glory and committed the care of our immortal souls to one so mighty to save and so full of kindness and most tender charity toward us O the greatness of thy love which hath chosen us to be thy sons and heirs together with Christ Jesus and set such an high Priest over thy house and family to make intercession for us to dispense all divine blessings to us and send forth Angels themselves to be Heb. 1. ult ministring spirits for them who shall be heirs of salvation Who can understand the exceeding riches of thy grace in sending the holy Ghost to be a witness of our Saviours Resurrection and Exaltation and to make us abound in hope Rom. 15.13 that we shall be one day raised from the dead and carried to heaven and keep a perpetual rest after our short labours here with our blessed Lord and Master in his eternal glory O that we could begin it this day in devout Meditations of these things in unspeakable joy and satisfaction of heart in the assured hope and expectation of them and in blessing and praising thee who hast given us such good hope and everlasting consolation Lift up our minds we pray thee this morning above all these little things here below which are apt to distract our thoughts and turn away our eyes from that heavenly bliss And keep them above in the serious contemplation of it till we be in love with it and our hearts be fully bent and resolved to seek it every day in those ways wherein Jesus hath gone before us though it should be with the loss of all that we here possess It is but meet and fit that we should wholly quit our own will and devote our selves to follow thine especially since thou hast shown such unusual kindness towards us as if we had been innocent we durst not have presumed to expect from thee We are asham'd O Lord to think that ever we have disobeyed thee to whom we stand so deeply indebted both as we are thy creatures and as we are redeemed by the precious bloud of thy Son Jesus It grieves us that we have transgressed any of thy righteous and good Laws by which it is our happiness as well as our duty to be govern'd We abhorr the thoughts of ever breaking them any more beseeching not only thy gracious pardon but thy acceptance of our intire resolution to agree with thy Will in all things for the time to come We here again most solemnly dedicate all the powers of our souls and bodies to thy service desiring unfeignedly that all the thoughts and designs of our minds all the affections and passions of our hearts and all the actions of our life and conversation may be pure holy and unreproveable in thy sight For which end we most humbly implore the assistance of thy good spirit which our Lord hath incouraged us to hope thou wilt give to those that ask and seek it with their whole heart O let thy mercy be upon us according to thy word according as our hope is in thee and our hearts sincerely and stedfastly set to keep thy Commandments Psal 139.23,24 Search us O God and know our hearts try us and know our thoughts And see if there be any way of wickedness in us and lead us in the way everlasting Fill our minds with awful and reverend thoughts of thee as our Sovereign Lord and Judge Settle in us an immutable love to thee and the highest esteem of thy favour and grace as better than life it self That so we may study above all things to approve our very hearts and all our actions to thee and feel the sense of thy acceptance of us giving us greater pleasure than all the world can afford us Make it our delight to praise thee to call to mind thy loving kindness to offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving and to meditate on thy pretious promises Help us to Luk. 21.34 take heed to ourselves lest our hearts be at any time overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and the inordinate cares of this life Heb. 13.5 To have our conversation without covetousness and to be content with such things as we have 1 Thess 4.4 To possess our bodies in sanctification and honour Rom 13.9 To love our neighbours as our selves Matth. 7.12 And as we would that others should do to us to do even so to them Rom. 12.18 To live peaceably as much as in us lyeth with all men 1 Pet. 3.4 To put on the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit Jam. 5.12 To take those who have spoken in the name of our Lord for an example of suffering affliction and of patience 1 Pet. 4.16 And when we suffer as Christians not to be ashamed but to glorifie thee our God on this behalf And accept good Lord of all the praises and acknowledgements of all thy people met this day together according to thy Will and assist us to render thee still more hearty and affectionate praises in that holy Assembly to which we are going to joyn our selves O that all people on the face of the earth were united together likewise in one body to shew forth thy praise O that thy way were known upon earth thy saving health among all Nations And that all Christian Kings especially may be filled with thy holy Spirit and think it their Crown and their Glory to be the devout worshippers and faithful subjects of the Lord Jesus the King of kings and the Lord of lords Psal 132.9 O that thy priests may be cloathed with righteousness and thy Saints shout aloud for joy That all who are in distress and misery may rejoyce also in hope that all afflictions shall turn to their good and Heb. 12.11 afterwards yield the peaceable fruit of righteousness O Lord hear us and make thy face to shine upon thy servants that we may enter into thy gates with thanksgiving and into thy courts with praise that we may be thankful unto thee and bless thy Name 100.4,5 For the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations Our Father c. At Night O Lord most high the Holy One who inhabitest Eternity who only hast immortality and art most blessed in thy own incomprehensible perfections Thou art to be feared and loved and worshipped and praised by us and all reasonable creatures who have any knowledge how great how mighty how wise and merciful thou art All thy works praise thee O Lord and we more especially ought to bless thee whom thou hast
they may spare the poor and needy and save and redeem their soul from deceit and violence and their bloud may be precious in their sight Bless these Kingdoms wherein we live and as thou hast long continued to us the knowledge of thy Truth so give us grace to bring forth fruit becoming the Gospel that thou mayst not cut us down as barren trees which cumber the ground Lord save the King and establish his Throne in righteousness that we may see many happy days under his government and be Psal 90.15 comforted now after the time that thou hast plagued us and for the years wherein we have suffered adversity Prosper the pious endeavours of all those that faithfully feed and instruct thy people and increase the number of them O that the seed which hath been sown this day may take deep root in all our hearts and bring forth fruit abundantly that being not Jam. 1.25,26 forgetful hearers but doers of the work we may be all blessed in our deed Help us in all the week following to Psal 141.3,4 set a watch before our mouth and to keep the door of our lips Preserve us that our heart incline not to any evil thing to practise wicked works with men that work iniquity but we may be always 1 Pet. 3.13 followers of that which is good 1 Thess 4.1 and as we have received how we ought to walk and please thee our God so we may abound more and more Protect us we beseech thee and all our friends every where this night Grant us quiet and undisturbed rest and sleep and awaken in the morning these good thoughts and desires again in our hearts Joh. 15.7 that the words of our Saviour may abide in us and we in him till we come to endless life together with him by whom we are incouraged thus to address our selves unto thee and to continue to pray as he hath taught us in his holy Gospel saying Our Father c. A shorter form of Prayer for the Lords day Morning O Most holy eternally Blessed Deut. 10.14 The heaven and the heaven of heavens is thine the earth also with all that therein is Thou art every where and canst not be excluded from any place but art present to the greatest secrets of our souls and seest the closest and most retired thoughts of our hearts Thou knowest very well with what designs and affections we now bow our selves before thee and canst not be deceived by any words that we are able to speak in thy praise whilst our hearts are far from thy fear and love Behold O Lord our hearts are full with desires to be possessed with a mighty reverend sense of thee and all the benefits thou hast bestowed on us and to be lifted up to heaven in love to thee and joy in thee whilst we bless and praise thee and speak good of thy Name We here remember with all humility and thankfulness that thou art our Creator And acknowledge thy care and providence over thy ancient people in blessing and sanctifying a day wherein thou thy self restedst from thy works that they might cease from all other imployments and admire thy wonderful works extol thy power bless thy goodness and be astonished at thy wisdom in making preserving adorning and governing this excellent frame of the world The heavens declare thy glory O God and the firmament sheweth thy handy-work The Sun the Moon and all the host of Heaven proclaim the greatness and splendor of thy Majesty The Psal 104.24 whole earth is full of thy rich goodness so is the great and wide sea wherein are things moving innumerable both small and great living creatures There is nothing but what speaks of thee and above all the children of men whom thou hast wonderfully made and curiously wrought and impressed with thine own Image that they might understand thee and love thee in all and above all things The variety the order the stedfastness of all thy works in this great world abundantly utter thy adorable perfections But thou O Lord by thy goodness in giving thy Son for us and then raising him up from the dead and setting him at thy right hand hast given us new matter of wonder and praise and consecrated a better rest and holy-day of rejoycing wherein we should behold the glories of another world and have before our eyes the happiness thou intendest for us there together with all the excellent means which lead unto it Thou givest us occasion not only to reflect upon all the good things thou hast provided for our bodies which we can never acknowledge enough the very health and ease of one day deserving the thankfulness of many but we must also remember that we are thy redeemed ones and that thou hast done great things for our souls in thy Son Jesus who is entred into the heavens for us and gone to prepare a resting place for all those that follow him This exceeding riches of thy grace infinitely surpasses all our acknowledgements since all the praises we are able to render thee are less than is due for thy temporal blessings To this love we ●owe the knowledge of thee the true and only God our freedom from Idolatry and a vain conversation the true principles of holy living the benefit of repentance the promise of a pardon the assistance of thy holy Spirit the ministry of thy Angels the hope of immortal life and the pledges our Lord hath left us of his endless love To this we owe thy forbearance in the days of our ignorance thy unwearied patience towards us in a continued rebellion and thy earnest intreaties of us when we were passionately bent upon our own destruction Thou hast sent us in much love many holy Instructors and guides to blessedness We have had the benefit of sundry pious Sermons good Examples wholesome admonitions and serious counsels of the power of the Holy Ghost and divers restraints of fear and shame and love and thou still pursuest us with thy merciful kindness and beseechest us to attend to thy call and receive thy blessings and make thee our choice and be eternally happy in thy Divine favour and likeness What shall we render to the Lord for all his benefits towards us O help us to manifest our real and unfeigned desires to make some worthy returns to thee by our careful improvement of the holy opportunity which thou this day puttest into our hands O that our minds may be more inlightned to understand the truth as it is in Jesus that our wills may be more steadfastly resolved to cleave unto it that our affections may be excited to a stronger and more ardent love to thee and to a greater delight in thee and all the powers of our souls disposed to serve thee at all other times more cheerfully and readily in all the Duties of Piety Soberness Righteousness and Mercy So that every day may become an holy rest to the Lord by
the light of this morning Receive us likewise all this day into thy protection to which we most humbly commit our selves We trust our selves and all belonging to us with thee our Creator and Redeemer We submit to thy orders and are willing to do and suffer what thou pleasest Jude 21. Waiting for the mercy of our Lord Christ Jesus unto eternal life And we desire thou knowest the good of all mankind as well as our own especially of all Christian people that they may all walk worthy of the Gospel and live together in unity and godly love For which end we pray that all Christian Kings Princes and Governours may be wise pious just and merciciful indeavouring that all their subjects may lead peaceable lives under them in all godliness and honesty And more particularly that our Soveraign may be blessed with a religious quiet long and prosperous Reign and that all his Ministers of State and Officers of Justice may conscientiously discharge the trust that is reposed in them seeking in their several places how to right the oppressed to comfort the afflicted to provide for the poor and needy and to relieve all those that are in any misery Bless all our spiritual Pastors and Instructors succeed their labours and give us grace to follow their godly admonitions 1 Thess 5.13 to esteem them very highly in love for their works sake and to be at peace among our selves The same blessings we crave for all our friends relations and acquaintance that we may all live in perfect love and peace together doing our duties to thee to each other and to all men so faithfully that we may give a comfortable account of our selves and rejoyce together at the great day of the Lord Jesus In whose holy words we beseech thee to help us still more heartily to offer up our desires to thee Our Father c. At Night ALmighty and most merciful Father by whom we were made and in whom we live move and have our being to whose tender compassions we owe our safety the day past together with all the comforts of this present life and the hopes of that which is to come We praise and laud thee O Lord the Creator and Governor of the world We ascribe all Greatness Might Majesty Wisdom Riches and Bounty to thee whom all the host of heaven continually admires and acknowledges with the most joyful reverence We bow our selves likewise before thee and worship thee in an humble sense that we are nothing in compare with thee and have nothing but what we receive from thee Psal 75.1 Psal 43.4 68.19 Vnto thee do we give thanks unto thee do we give thanks O God our exceeding joy who daily pourest thy benefits upon us Blessed be thy great goodness for our continued health for our food and raiment our peace and safety the society of our friends the love of our neighbours and the success of our honest labours But above all things for sending Jesus Christ into the world to dwell among us to dye for us and to direct us in the way to immortal life We thank thee that we feel in our hearts any motion towards thee and that we have made the least progress in those paths of life O Lord we present our selves here before thee to be inspired with such a vigorous and full sense of thy love as may move us more powerfully towards thee and put us forward with a greater earnestness zeal and diligence in all our duty There is nothing in heaven or earth that we can desire but to be beloved of thee who possessest both and art able to make thy friends as great and happy as thou pleasest Assist us therefore still by thy grace to the recovery of such a lively Image of thee in all righteousness purity mercy faithfulness and truth that we may know thou lovest us O that Jesus the hope of glory may be formed in us in all humility meekness patience contentedness peaceableness and absolute surrender of our souls and bodies to thy holy will and pleasure That Gal. 2.20 we may no longer live but Christ may live in us and the life we lead in the flesh may be by the faith of thy Son O God who loved us and gave himself for us The remembrance of that love is most dear and precious to us We cannot often enough make mention of so great kindness as his making himself freely an offering for our sins It moves us again to offer up our selves sincerely to thee to do thy will O God as our blessed Lord and Master did We repose also an intire confidence in thee and still trust our selves with thee who hast Rom. 8.32 not spared thine own Son but given him up for us all We will humbly and reverently accept of whatsoever thou sendest us and 1 Thess 5.18 in every thing give thanks which is thy will concerning us in Christ Jesus We hope thou wilt never leave us nor forsake us but conduct us safe through all varieties and changes of our condition here in an unchangeable love to thee and an holy composure and tranquillity of mind in thy love to us till we come to live with thee and enjoy thee for ever And now that we are going to lay our selves down to sleep take us into thy gracious protection and settle our spirits in such quiet and delightful thoughts of Jesus that we may be willing to leave this world and go to him 1 Thess 5.10 Who dyed for us that whether we wake or sleep we should live together with him To his blessing we commend all mankind of whatsoever rank and condition they be high and low rich and poor that they may all be so happy as to do their several duties carefully and to enjoy contentedly whatsoever is needful for them We leave all we have with thee especially our friends and those who are dear unto us desiring that when we are dead and gone they may lift up their souls in this manner unto thee and teach those that come after to praise love and obey thee and that if we awake again in the morning our mouths may likewise praise thee again with joyful lips and we may still offer our selves a more acceptable sacrifice to thee through Christ Jesus In whose words we beseech thee to hear us according to the fullest sence and intention of them Our Father c. PRAYERS FOR FAMILIES TVESDAY MORNING ALL honour glory and praise be given to thee O Lord our Creator Redeemer and Comforter by us and by all the world Thou art worthy of all our love service and obedience being most excellent in thine own nature and of so abundant kindness to us thy creatures Who most humbly therefore prostrate our selves before thee this Morning to make thee our thankful acknowledgements for all thy benefits and tender thee our most hearty and affectionate service and wait upon thy bounty for the continuance of thy grace and mercy
thee Give us thy grace continually for our seasonable relief and succour that we persevering in well doing may have a solid and lively hope in our death of coming to see thee in that high and holy place where thou livest and reignest for evermore As for all the things of this life we most heartily refer our selves to thy Fatherly Wisdom and Goodness O Lord God Almighty trusting thou wilt order for us that which is most convenient and bless our honest diligence with such a competent portion of them that we may have the more leisure to give continual praise honour blessing and thanksgiving to thee whose mercies endure for ever Accept we pray thee of our thankful acknowledgements at this time for those which this day hath added to the rest of thy benefits which thou hast been continually heaping upon us ever since we were born And let all the people of the earth praise the name of the Lord which is highly exalted above all blessing and praise O that all the Kingdoms of the World would become the Kingdoms of our Saviour Christ and that all they who acknowledge his authority would religiously obey his holy Laws that all wars oppression and cruelty may cease among Christian people and they may live together in brotherly love and unity Make our Soveraign and all his Realms happy by a great increase of true knowledge godliness and vertue every where Bless all our friends forgive our enemies requite all the kindness of our benefactors comfort every one of thy desolate and afflicted servants and turn their mourning and heaviness into joy and gladness at the last And now that we are going to repose our selves keep us we beseech thee and all belonging to us in safety Refresh our wearied spirits with comfortable rest and sleep and when we awaken again in the morning direct our thoughts immediately to thee our merciful preserver and help us to imploy all our renewed strength to thy honour and glory according to thy will declared by Christ Jesus in whose blessed Name and Words we commend our selves to thy infinite Mercies Our Father c. PRAYERS FOR FAMILIES WEDNESDAY MORNING O Most great and mighty Lord the Possessor of heaven and earth All the Angels worship and adore thy incomprehensible Majesty with the humblest reverence and rejoyce in rendring praise blessing and thanksgiving to thee the Father of spirits For thou hast created all things and in wisdom hast thou made them all and spread thy tender mercies over all thy works It is no less our happiness than our duty to joyn our hearts and voices with that heavenly host most gratefully to acknowledge thy bounty to us among the rest of thy creatures and thy particular grace and favour in our Lord Jesus Christ our most merciful Saviour and Redeemer We can never sufficiently admire that love which gave him to dye for us and hath made him the Lord of life and glory that he may be the Author of eternal Salvation to all those that obey him All the love we have is too little to give thee to whom all our services are due by a former title Our highest praises fall infinitely short of thy most excellent Majesty and we are ashamed of the most affectionate thanks we can render to thee for those inestimable benefits which thou hast conferred on us and so long continued to us How much greater reason then have we to be abashed at our shameful ingratitude and disobedience to thy divine Majesty for which we are heartily sorry and do now most earnestly repent our selves of it unfeignedly resolving and protesting to be more faithful to thee for the time to come Pardon us therefore Good Lord and receive us unto thy mercy Accept of our renewed vows to study and do our duties conscientiously towards thee and towards all men And as thou hast excited these holy desires and purposes in our hearts so inable us to perform them constantly in the whole course of our life Our blessed Saviour hath told us thou wilt as readily give thy holy Spirit to them that ask it as a Parent will give bread to his hungry children O Father of mercies let it be unto us according to his Word Cherish these little beginnings of goodness which thou seest in our souls and prosper all our endeavours to attain a greater measure of it And since at the best we are but unprofitable servants and can do no more than was our duty to do inable us to do every thing which thou hast commanded us heartily with good will and true love to thy service We know this is all that can in the least commend us to thy free grace and favour and therefore we most humbly again dovote our selves to do thy Will with a cordial affection to it We would ever approach unto thee with delight and pleasure and feel it the joy of our hearts to think of thee to praise thee to give thee thanks and to offer our selves with absolute resignation to thee O that Mercy may always please us as it pleaseth thee that we may be strictly just and righteous may chearfully pass by injuries freely deny all desires of sinful pleasures willingly submit to thy fatherly corrections and perform the duties of our several relations with singleness of heart Render us so mindful of the great love of our Lord and Master Christ that we may be zealously concerned for his glory and use our utmost diligence to do Him and his Religion some honour in the world delighting to commemorate his Death and Passion making a joyful sacrifice of our souls and bodies to him and desiring most earnestly that his kingdom may come and all mankind submit themselves to his Government Fulfil most merciful Lord all our petitions and as thou hast mightily protected us and our dwellings this last night from fire and thieves and whatsoever might disturb our repose blessed be thy goodness so accompany us all this day with thy blessing that we may please thee in body and soul and be safe under thy defence who art nigh to all those that call upon thee that call upon thee in truth And O that all those who are forgetful of their duty to thee may be awakened to a lively sense of all thy benefits and fill the whole world with thy praises Stir up especially the minds of all Christian people to inquire after and follow the Truth as it is in Jesus abandoning all vice and wickedness and exercising themselves to have consciences void of offence towards thee and towards all men And dispose the hearts of all their Kings and Princes to make themselves the greatest examples of Christian Piety to all others Bless these Kingdoms and indue our Soveraign with such excellent Wisdom and holy Zeal for thy honour and glory that we may see many good days under his Government O that true Religion Justice Mercy Brotherly kindness and all things else that are praise-worthy may so flourish among us that we
may enjoy the blessings of peace and plenty and there may be no complaining in our streets We recommend to thee all our friends and neighbours all the poor the sick and other afflicted persons desiring those mercies for them which we should ask for our selves were we in their condition incouraged hereto by the large declarations which thou hast made of thy abundant goodness to mankind in our Lord Jesus In whose words we conclude our humble supplications unto thee saying Our Father c. At Night ALmighty and everlasting God the Soveraign Lord of all creatures in heaven and earth and our most merciful and gracious Father in thy Son Christ Jesus We most heartily acknowledge that our beings and all the comforts of them depend on thee the Fountain of all good We have nothing but what we have received thence and is owing intirely to thy free and bounteous love O most blessed Creator and to the unsearchable riches of thy grace O most blessed Redeemer To thee therefore be given by us and all creatures whom thou hast made to know how great and how good thou art all honour glory and praise all love service and obedience as long as we have any being It is but meet right and our bounden duty that we should at all times and in all places give thanks unto thee O Lord and devoutly resign both soul and body to thee to be absolutely governed and ruled according to thy holy will and pleasure We are heartily sorry that we have not done it from the very beginning of our lives till this time We are ashamed to think of our injustice and ingratitude in following our own desires so long and rendring our selves no sooner most humbly obedient in all things to thee Our hopes are only in those infinite mercies which have spared us notwithstanding and opened our eyes to see our errors and touched our hearts with some sense of our duty And we hope in them not only for a pardon which we earnestly implore according to thy gracious promises made in Christ Jesus but for the power of thy holy Spirit to further and promote those godly resolutions which we feel already in our hearts to live as becomes thy creatures and as becomes the Disciples of Jesus Christ who were early dedicated to thee and have often since vowed themselves to thy service As thou hast made us to understand the reasonableness and goodness of all thy Laws so make us more and more in love with them that they may be writ upon our hearts and our wills may cleave unto them as our very life Keep alive such a powerful sense of thee and of the love of our Lord and Saviour in our mind that we may naturally fear and reverence thee and study to be approved of thee and beloved by thee and account it our highest perfection and happiness to be like thee O that it may ever be the joy of our hearts to be Righteous as thou art Righteous to be Merciful as thou our heavenly Father art Merciful to be Holy as thou who hast called us art Holy in all manner of conversation to be indued with thy divine Wisdom and to resemble thee in Faithfulness and Truth O that the memory of our blessed Saviour and his admirable example may be always dear unto us that we may chearfully follow him in his Humility Meekness Patience Contentedness Peaceableness and Delight to do thy Will O God in every thing as he did Accept we most humbly beseech thee of these desires of our souls after thee and graciously assist and strengthen them according as we unfeignedly offer them up unto thee Accept likewise of our thanks for thy merciful preservation of us all this day by which we are come in safety to the conclusion of it and are here before thee with a new load of thy benefits upon us added to other innumerable blessings which thou hast formerly bestowed We are bold again likewise to commit our selves unto thee this night and to trust in thy merciful protection and care over us when we can take no care of our selves or any thing else belonging to us Defend us from all the powers of darkness from evil men from fire and all such sad accidents and raise up our spirits together with our bodies in the morning to such a vigorous sense of thy continued goodness as may provoke us all the day long to an unwearied diligence in well doing And the same Mercies that we beg for our selves we desire for the rest of mankind especially for all those who are called by the name of Christ O that every member of that body of which He is the head may do their duties with all fidelity according to the several offices to which thou hast assigned them That Kings may be tender-hearted as the Fathers of their Countries and all their subjects may be dutiful and obedient to them as their children That the Pastors of the Church may feed thy flock with Wisdom and Understanding and the people may all submit unto them and follow their godly counsels That the rich and mighty may have compassion on the poor and miserable and all such distressed people may bless the rich and rejoyce in the prosperity of those that are above them Give husbands and wives parents and chidren masters and servants the grace to behave themselves so in their several Relations that they may adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour in all things and being an honour to his Religion here may receive immortal honour and glory hereafter from the hands of Christ Jesus in whose holy name and words we continue to beseech thy grace and mercy towards us and all thy people every where saying Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy Name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil c. PRAYERS FOR FAMILIES THVRSDAY MORNING O Lord the high and holy One whose Psal 148.13 glory is above the earth and heaven We thy creatures prostrate our selves in the humblest adorations of thee ascribing to thee all Power Wisdom Riches Might Majesty and Dominion and acknowledging that to thee of right belongs all Worship Blessing Thanksgiving and Praise together with all Honour Love Service and Obedience for evermore Blessed be thine Omnipotent goodness which hath advanced us to such a degree of being that we are capable to look back to thee from whom we come to know thee to love thee to acknowledge thy great bounty towards us and to resemble thee in Wisdom and Goodness All that is within us blesses thy Holy Name for breathing into us immortal spirits that we may eternally admire thee praise thee love thee and joyfully render those grateful acknowledgements which we owe unto thee We can never sufficiently magnifie thy mercies towards
us especially those in the Lord Jesus in whom thy Grace hath so exceedingly abounded as to surpass not only our deserts but the largest of our desires Blessed blessed for ever blessed be thy fatherly goodness who hast sent him from heaven so unexpectedly to visit us vile wretches who dwell in houses of clay whose foundation is in the dust Lord what is man that thou art mindful of him or the son of man that thou didst thus visit him We thank thee according to our poor ability from the very bottom of our hearts for his manifestation in our flesh for the charitable testimonies he gave of his love to mankind in the course of his life for that astonishing grace in submitting himself to dye for us for his glorious Resurrection and Ascension to heaven for the Soveraign Power and Authority which thou hast given him at thy right hand for his compassionate intercession for us and the assurances we have received of his being the King of glory and of his continued kindness to us by the coming of the Holy Ghost We will never cease to bless thee for that great salvation Heb. 2.3,4 which was first preached by the Lord was confirmed by them that heard him and for the witness which thou barest to them both with signs and wonders and with divers miracles and gifts of the holy Ghost according to thy own will We rejoyce in the Light of thy holy Gospel that we see the way to be happy both by the Doctrine and example of thy Son Jesus that we have the incouragement of his precious promises and such good hope of remission of sin and eternal life in the day when he shall judge the world in righteousness O how much are we bound unto thee for that comfortable hope which thou hast given us of seeing our dear Saviour in all his glory and being there where he is and reigning with him for ever We again render thee our most hearty thanks for that everlasting consolation and good hope through grace which thou hast given us and for all those benefits likewise which thou art pleased to bestow upon us to make our stay here on earth the more convenient and delightful to us We are every way obliged to thee beyond all that we are able to express or conceive Thou feedest us and clothest us thou preservest our health and our strength thou hast delivered us from innumerable dangers and when thou hast chastised us it hath been in great mercy and clemency and not according to our deserving O that all the world would shew forth thy praise and devote themselves to the service of our Lord. Let all Kings of the earth submit themselves unto him and glory in the name of his obedient subjects High and low rich and poor let them praise the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore Accept most gracious God of these unfeigned desires of us thy servants who for our parts intirely dedicate our selves both souls and bodies unto thee Resolving in all things to walk worthy of thee who hast called us to thy Kingdom and Glory and blessed us also with many other good things which make this life to be a more easie passage to a better We will never forget how much we are indebted to thee but study to express our grateful remembrance of thy mercies by living Tit. 2.12,13 soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Favour we pray thee these holy purposes with the constant assistance of thy good spirit that we may be able to accomplish what we have begun and to perfect holiness in thy fear Help us to 2 Pet. 1.5,6,7,8 add to our faith vertue and to vertue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and to temperance patience and to patience godliness and to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness charity That these things being in us and abounding they may make us to be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ Preserve us this day especially that we swerve not presently from these pious resolutions But may give such a proof of their sincerity by our being steadfast and immoveable in all well doing notwithstanding any temptation to the contrary that we may have the better hope we shall persevere to the very end through thy continued grace in Christ Jesus in whose words we desire all that thou seest needful either for our souls or bodies saying Our Father c. At Night WE are here again prostrate before thee O Lord of heaven and earth to joyn our selves with all that holy company Revel 4.8,11 who rest not day and night saying Holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory honour and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created Blessed be thy divine goodness which hath made the children of men but little lower than the Angels and crowned us with such glory and honour that we are capable to accompany that heavenly host in giving continual thanks and praise unto thee Praised be thy name that we are now alive and that we have the use of our reason and understanding and enjoy so many of the comforts and conveniences of this present life and have attained a good hope through Christ Jesus of being immortally happy O how great was thy love which sent him into the world to direct us in the way to that happiness by his holy doctrine and life and to be a propitiation for our sins by his death and to Act. 26.23 be the first that should rise from the dead and should shew light unto the world We rejoyce in that light of life We most chearfully devote our selves to be the faithful Disciples of him the Prince of peace the Lord of life and glory It is our happiness as well as our duty to be governed by him and obey his commands We are sensible that they are all equal just and good and that thou hast done us an infinite kindness in teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live soberly righteously and godly in this present world And therefore we here again most heartily surrender our wills to thine desiring that we may unchangeably cleave unto it with the greatest and most intire love and affection to all its commands O that there may abide for ever in us such a strong and powerful sense of thy mighty love towards us in Christ Jesus as may constrain us freely and willingly to please thee in the constant exercise of piety and devotion righteousness and mercy temperance and chastity meekness and patience truth and fidelity together with such an humble contented and peaceable spirit as may adorn the Religion of our Lord and Master O God that these holy desires and inclinations may
never dye nor languish in our hearts but be kept alive in their vigour and force by the perpetual inspirations of the holy Ghost We wait upon thee for that promise of our Saviour to assist and promote our sincere indeavours to preserve our souls unblameable in the love of thee our God and of all mankind We heartily desire the prosperity and welfare of every one of them as well as our own O that they were all so wise and happy as to acknowledge and submit themselves to thee by obeying thy holy Laws Especially we desire that all Kings and Princes may become our Saviours Subjects and conforming themselves to his will may be rendred thereby most excellent examples to all other men Indue our Soveraign with abundance of the Spirit of counsel and judgement and the fear of our Lord. Make him happy in wise and faithful Ministers in loyal and peaceable Subjects and in the good success of all his enterprises for the honour of Religion and his peoples tranquillity We commend to thy mercies all our friends relations and benefactors desiring that all who have done us good may be requited an hundred fold here and obtain at last eternal life And all that have done evil to us as we heartily forgive them so we earnestly desire they may obtain thy gracious pardon Together with these we remember likewise all that are in affliction whatsoever it be either of soul or body to whom we wish ease and comfort and seasonable relief that they may rejoyce in the end for the days wherein they have seen adversity In these holy thoughts and desires we now are bold to commend our selves to thy protection this night who hast preserved and blessed us we most thankfully acknowledge all the day past We repose our selves in the belief of thy good providence with which we intrust our selves and all belonging to us We would lay down our selves to sleep with hearts full of love to thee and humble faith and hope in thee Desiring we may awake again in the same manner and find that we are still with thee Dispose us good Lord by the rest thou givest us always to serve thee more zealously with our renewed spirits that after the few days and nights we have to pass in this world we may come to thy eternal rest together with Christ Jesus In whose blessed name and words we still recommend our selves to thy mercies Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy Name Thy kingdom ●ome Thy will be done in earth as it ●s in heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our ●respasses as we forgive them that trespass against us And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from ●vil c. PRAYERS FOR FAMILIES FRIDAY MORNING O God most blessed for ever whose the world is and the fulness thereof who needest not any thing that we can give thee for thou givest us whatsoever we injoy We prostrate our selves before thee to make such poor expressions as we are able of the sense we have of thine infinite bounty to us It is but fit and meet that we should acknowledge and praise thee though we can thereby add nothing unto thee It is our happiness to have a grateful remembrance of thy goodness to us and to be knit unto thee in hearty love and dutiful affection all the days of our life We thank thee therefore O Lord of heaven and earth who hast loaded us continually with thy benefits They are great and many more than we can number both towards our bodies and towards our souls for the comfort of this life and our everlasting Salvation in the Life to come For ever adored be thy love in Christ Jesus who hath given us an undoubted testimony of thy fatherly care and providence over us and incouraged us though we have offended thee to address our selves to thee with good hope of thy gracious acceptance of us into friendship with thee again We love thee O Lord above all things We freely offer our spirits souls and bodies to thee with most sincere devotion and the heartiest affection to thy service There is nothing we desire and long for so much as to have a lively sense of thy marvailous love always possessing our hearts that may still constrain us to love thee to obey thee to trust in thee to be content with the portion thy love allots unto us and to rejoyce even in the midst of all the troubles of this life We cannot chuse O Lord when we seriously think of what thou hast done for us but absolutely commit our selves to thee intirely confide in thee for the time to come Since thou hast Rom. 8.32 not spared thy own Son but delivered him up for us all how shalt thou not with him also freely give us all things We depend upon thee especially for the grace of thy holy Spirit for the power of which in our hearts exciting these holy desires and godly resolutions we most humbly thank thy divine Majesty O that we may feel it perpetually bearing us up by the strength of our most holy faith and by the power of love and hope above all the temptations which at any time assault us That we may keep our selves unspotted from the world and no appetite of pleasure of glory or of riches may ever carry us from our duty but we may still cleave to thee in Righteousness Purity Humility Charity and all other divine vertues of which our Lord hath given us so great an example For his sake we hope for a favourable acceptance of these our praises acknowledgements and prayers For we must be still beholden to thine infinite goodness for the least regard to any thing that we can do who are but unprofitable servants And we wait upon the same goodness for thy blessing to accompany us all this day that we may do nothing but what we know is pleasing to thee and may be so prospered protected and assisted by thine Almighty power that we may return with our hearts full of love and thankfulness to thee in the evening again to praise and magnifie thy continued kindness to us Unto which we commend most heartily the rest of mankind desiring that they may all know thee the true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent whom to know is eternal life And O that all Christians would walk worthy of thy high and heavenly Calling that others seeing their good works may be invited thereby to acknowledge and glorifie thee our heavenly Father More particularly we desire the increase of wisdom and goodness to all Christian Kings and Princes and a plentiful portion of the Spirit of thy Grace to all Christian Bishops Priests and Deacons that they may be eminent instruments of thy honour and their peoples good by the authority of their Doctrine and godly Example Make our Soveraign and us all happy in each other by the faithful discharge of our several duties in the places wherein thy
to thy holy Commands There is nothing O Lord so afflictive to me as the remembrance that I have any time offended thy Soveraign Authority I am heartily sorry for the breaking of any of thy sacred righteous and good Laws I abhorr the thoughts of doing so again And protest eternal enmity to all that is contrary to thy blessed Will addicting my self with most hearty affection to thy true and faithful service Pardon me therefore most gracious and merciful Father and accept these holy resolutions which thou hast inspired me withal Strengthen I beseech thee and further them with thy continued grace that no sudden desires vehement inclinations ineffectual purposes no nor partial performances may deceive and lead me into a false opinion of my self but I may bring forth actually and with a constant spirit all the fruits of righteousness which are by Christ Jesus to the praise and glory of thee my God Possess me with such a deep and strong sense of thy supreme Authority over all of the obligations I have to thee and the great kindness thou hast done me in ingaging me to be thy servant that Religion may be the very business of my life and my greatest pleasure may be to please thee in every thing and my highest design to attain that blessed immortality which Christ Jesus hath promised O lift up my affections more and more to those things above where he is That heaven may have my heart while this world hath my body and I may have perfect contentment of mind in well doing and patient suffering and the good hope I have of being eternally beloved of thee the Lord of heaven and earth may make me rejoyce evermore Free me from all inordinate cares for the things of this life from all distrust of thy good providence from all repining at any thing that befals me and inable me in every thing to give thanks believing that all things are ordered by the greatest reason and shall work together for good to those that love thee I doubt not of thy Fatherly affection to those that study in all sincerity to approve themselves unto thee and therefore still resolve to leave my self intirely to thy wise Counsels that thou mayst dispose me into such a condition as thou seest best in this world Remember me but of my duty quicken and excite me to it strengthen me in the doing of it support me under all discouragements advise me in all difficult cases and comfort me with a steadfast belief of thy holy Word and I shall ever be giving thanks and praise unto thee who dealest so bountifully with me Into thy hands I commend this night both soul and body which have been mercifully preserved in safety all this day I repose my self in the belief of thy watchful providence and that thou givest thy Angels charge of us and art about our beds and about our paths and spiest out all our thoughts O continue these holy thoughts and desires in me till I fall asleep that thou mayst have a soul full of love to thee in thy custody and I may receive the light of the Morning if thou prolongest my life with new joy in thee and thankful affection to thee I most heartily desire likewise O merciful God the good of the whole world Pitty the follies of mankind deliver them from their sins and from their miseries Hear the groans of every part of the creature that is yet subject to the bondage of corruption and bring them all into the glorious liberty of thy children Hear the daily prayers of the Catholick Church Free her from all foul and dividing errors Let the Truth as it is in Jesus prevail and peace be in all her borders O that all Christian Kings and Governours may follow after peace and insue it Make thy Ministers the Messengers of peace and dispose the hearts of all Christians to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace Inlighten the minds of all Jews Turks and Infidels with the knowledge of thy Truth Give repentance unto sinners and increase of grace and strength to all thy faithful servants Reduce those that wander out of the way raise up those who are faln confirm and settle those that stand and grant them a steadfast resolution to persevere in faith love and obedience Relieve and comfort all those that are in any distress Make the earth to bring forth her increase in due season And let all honest and industrious people be succeeded and blessed in their labours Remember all those to whom I am indebted for my birth education instruction or promotion Thou who art rich in mercy reward and recompence their care and love Grant forgiveness and charity to all my enemies Continue good will among all my kind Neighbours Assist those who are dying and leaving this world Fit them for a better place receive the souls which thou hast redeemed with thy Sons most precious bloud and sanctified by the holy Ghost and give us all a glorious resurrection and eternal life Amen Amen Our Father c. A shorter Prayer to be used by any one alone in the Morning I Adore thee O Lord the possessor of heaven and earth who surpassest all our thoughts and dost us good beyond all our desires There is all reason that I should acknowledge thee continually that I should worship and praise and love and obey thee whilst I have my being I cannot but witness against my self whensoever I neglect thee much more when I oppose thy most high Authority by doing contrary to thy Laws For thy Almighty Goodness gave me my being and by that alone have I been maintained and liberally provided for yea it hath born with me very patiently in my rebellion and used extraordinary means to make us friends and ceases not its intreaties after many unkind denials but continues to importune me till my heart consent to yield it self intirely to thee I cannot withhold my self O Lord from thee when I consider what thou art and what thou hast been to me such a tender gracious and compassionate Father as my greatest affections cannot find words to express I must again surrender soul and body into thy hands which have been so long so lovingly stretched out towards me resolving to stay with thee and never to depart away from thee For the more I know of thee the more I find that I must needs love thee and the more I love thee the more I desire to love thee and to resemble thee and to be beloved of thee O that I may feel the power of thy love so great in my heart that it may govern the rest of my passions and affections and nothing in the world may tempt me to displease thee but every thing provoke me more to love thee and delight in thee and obey thee For whom is there in heaven that I can desire but thee or on earth besides thee who art the blessed and only Potentate the King of kings and the Lord of
redemption that the Lord Jesus obtained for us by his bloud and the power and dominion which thou hast given him at thy right hand after his Resurrection from the dead and his compassionate intercession on our behalf So for all those gifts which he gave unto men whereby he made some Apostles some Prophets some Evangelists some Pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry and the edifying of his body Blessing honour glory and praise be to thee O Father of mercies for all those great instruments of the holy Ghost the illustrious Ministers of thy grace the Embassadors for Christ and the blessed Champions of his holy Truth who have communicated the light of thy glorious Gospel to the world and overcome the kingdom of darkness by the bloud of the Lamb Rev. 12.11 and the word of their testimony not loving their lives unto the death Adored be the mightiness of that Grace Psal 8.2 which out of the mouths of babes and sucklings ordained strength Glory be to thee O Christ 2 Cor. 2.9 whose strength was made perfect in weakness Glory be unto thee who didst commit this heavenly treasure unto earthen vessels 2 Cor. 4.7 who approved themselves the ministers of God in much patience 6.4,5 in afflictions in necessities in distresses in stripes in imprisonments in tossings to and fro in labours in watchings in fastings that the excellency of the power might be of God and not of men I heartily submit to the power of that Divine Truth for which they suffered the loss of all things Phil. 3.8 and counted them but dung that they might win Christ and be found in him And I rejoyce that thou hast had so many faithful servants who have loved thee O Lord thou lover of souls more than their own lives most earnestly desiring to be inspired with the very same spirit which was in them that I may leave some example though never so small of hearty and universal obedience to those that shall come after Accept good Lord of my sincere resolution to be a follower of them even as they were of Christ in pureness in knowledge in long-suffering in kindness 1 Cor. 11.1 in love unfeigned That my rejoycing may be this 2 Cor. 6.6,7 the testimony of my conscience 2 Cor. 1.12 that in simplicity and godly sincerity 8.21 not with fleshly wisdom but by thy grace I have had my conversation in the world 1.5 providing for honest things not only in the sight of our Lord but also in the sight of all men Make me constant and couragious in the profession of thy holy Truth and to be willing to pass through honour or dishonour through good report or evil report for the Lords sake hoping that if the sufferings of Christ abound in me my consolation also shall abound by Christ Stir me up I beseech thee and quicken me that I may show the same diligence that thy Saints have done to the full assurance of hope unto the end that I may not be slothful Heb. 6.11,12 but a follower of them who through faith and patience inherited the promises 2.3,4,5 How shall I escape if I neglect so great salvation which at first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed by them that heard him God also bearing them witness with signs and wonders and with divers miracles of the holy Ghost according to his own will O continue the mighty assistance of that divine power with me that behaving my self so holily justly and unblameably as they did 1 Thess 2.10 I may rest at last together with them 2.1,7,9 when our Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels to be glorified in his Saints and admired in all them that believe And now preserve me this day from dishonouring tha● worthy name Jam. 2.7 whereby w● are called knowing how we ought to follow them 2 Thess 3.7,13 who behaved not themselves disorderly among those that believed That by this rest from my ordinary labours I may not learn idleness nor grow weary of well doing but be better disposed in my mind by all the refreshments of my body to do my duty in the place and relations wherein thou hast set me with greater chearfulness fidelity and diligence to the end of my days O that it may be my highest pleasure to attend on thee and praise thee in the assemblies of thy Saints Give me such a sensible delight and joy in reading and meditating of thy holy Word and in the remembrance of all thy mercies that nothing in this world may make me forget the sweetness of it but every thing may excite me more to praise extol and magnifie thy loving-kindness to me and to express my thankfulness in a free and ready obedience to thy commands till I be made fit to be admitted into the company of the blessed there to praise thee world without end Amen A PRAYER Upon the day of ones BIRTH O Most mighty Lord the Former and Preserver of all things All thy works praise thee and do declare thy infinite greatness wisdom and bounty and do call upon us likewise to magnifie thy Name with our continual praises and thanksgivings I humbly bow my self before thy glorious Majesty who inhabitest eternity acknowledging that it is but a little time since I was not and that I am not gone down again into silence is to be ascribed only to thy Omnipotent goodness which brought me into being to praise the● among the rest of thy creatures I thank thee O Lord by whom I was fearfully and wonderfully made Psal 139.14,15 and curiously wrought in my mothers womb 22.9 Thou art he that took me thence thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mothers breast 71.6 By thee I have been holden up ever since and most carefully provided for when I could not think at all of thy tender mercies towards me And therefore now that I am grown to the use of my reason my praise ought to be continually of thee O bless the Lord my soul 103.1,2 and all that is within me bless his holy Name Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits While I live will I praise the Lord Psal 146.2 I will sing praises to my God while I have any being Pardon I beseech thee my ingratitude in that I l●…e no earlier remembred thee my Creator in whom I live and move and who givest me all things richly to enjoy Accept of my unfeigned resolutions to preserve hereafter a more grateful sense of thy great goodness to me and to glorifie thee with my body and with my spirit which are thine Vouchsafe me the assistance of thy heavenly grace that I may return them back unto thee pure and undefiled full of wisdom and spiritual understanding full of love and devout affection to thee full of all good works and
be ●eared Psal 130.4 Thou hast sworn ●hat thou desirest not ●he death of a sinner Ezek. 18.32 ●ut rather that he should return and ●ve And hast sent thy Son Jesus ●ith the most indearing arguments ●f the greatest love to perswade us ●o return unto our duty Behold O Lord I return with grief and ●ffliction of spirit that I have offend●d thee detesting the thoughts of ●oing the like again and resolving ●o be more careful and diligent and ●rcumspect for the time to come ● let me live to the praise of thy ●mnipotent Grace inabling me to ●erform these resolutions in a more ●rict and exact obedience to thy ho● commands the rest of my days ●ercy mercy I most earnestly beg ● Father of mercies for the sake of him that dyed for me not meerly for the pardon of my sins but for a Divine Power to enable me to subdue them I desire not thy infinite goodness to bear me out in rebellion against thy righteousness purity and truth but that by thy goodness I may be partaker of them that my repentance may be accepted and that it may be hearty and stedfast never to be repented of I desire no peace quiet and ease in my heart but in a constant and resolute opposition of all the temptation of the world the flesh and the devil and in the hope I have tha● through thy gracious assistance i● shall be victorious O settle me I beseech thee in thi● holy disposition that I may preserv● an intire friendship with thee here● after by an happy agreement wit● thy will and pleasure in every thing And for that end mak● me strong in the Lord Ephes 6.10 an● in the power of his might That b●ing sensible of my own great weakness I may more earnestly depend upon thy aid from above by an humble and vigorous faith in thy Almighty goodness Maintain such a clear light in my mind that may keep me from being deceived with the vain shadows and empty appearances of satisfactory pleasure in any thing of this world Fortifie my will with the power of thy Divine love that may overcome all sensual affections that arise in me at any time against thy sacred commands And possess me with such a lively hope of those good things which Christ hath promised in the other life that may make me active ●nd zealous stedfast and unmoveable ●lways abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that my labour shall ●ot be in vain in the Lord. Thou knowest the secrets of all ●earts let thy mercy O Lord be ●pon me according as I deliberately and sincerely chuse to cleave unto thee with purpose of heart Act. 11.23 Psal 51.9,10,11 O cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy holy Spirit from me But hide thy face from my sins Psal 119.80 and blot out all mine iniquities Psal 19.13,14 Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a constant spirit in me Make my heart to be sound in thy Statutes that I may never be ashamed Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins let them not have dominion over me Then shall I be upright and I shall be innocent from the great transgression The words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart shall be accepted in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer Amen Amen A THANKSGIVING To the DIVINE GOODNESS For any hope of a PARDON After such RELAPSE O Eternally most blessed God the Fountain of all good from whence all creatures derive whatsoever they injoy They are all poor and indigent things full of necessities and wants which are continually supplied out of thy fulness But the wants of our souls are the most lamentable because besides the poverty of creatures we have made a great many needs to our selves by our wilful departure from thee in whom we live and move and have our being We stand in need of thy Pardon of thy converting grace and the greater supplies of thy holy Spirit which we know not how with any confidence to expect but that all these wants are not too big for thy infinite goodness to relieve and that thou hast been pleased most compassionately to consider our miserable condition in sending Christ Jesus into the world and filling him with all the treasures of thy grace and mercy that he might dispense them to us according to our several necessities O how excellent is thy loving kindness O God! How surpassing is thy love that will pass by the insolent offences of thy creatures against thy high authority and Soveraign goodness and not let them eternally perish without a remedy in that forlorn condition into which they have brought themselves ● Blessed for ever blessed be thy sparing Mercy which hath delivered Christ Jesus for our offences and testified thy acceptance of his Sacrifice of himself by raising him again for our justification Blessed by thy name for the gracious declaration which thou hast made that if any man sin we have an advocate with thee 1 Joh. 2.1,2 Christ Jesus the righteous who is the propitiation for our sins I most thankfully receive these glad tidings which are worthy of all acceptation 1 Tim. 1.15 that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners Thanks be to thy tender mercy which hath restored us to a possibility of recovering thy grace and favour The smallest hope of it I acknowledge is more valuable than the greatest abundance of all the injoyments and pleasures of this present life What praise therefore what love what obedience am I bound to render unto thee who hast given me such a good hope of peace and reconciliation with thee and thereby delivered me from the horror of my own guilty mind remembring that I have adventured to oppose my will to thine I ought for ever with the most zealous devotion of a grateful and obedient heart to admire and stand amazed at thy inconceiveable Grace which will not strictly mark what is done amiss but accept of our repentance and amendment in stead of an intire and constant performance of our duty to thee O the heighth the depth the length and the breadth of thy love in Christ Jesus which is the satisfaction of our heart and the joy of our lives which would otherwise be intolerably grievous and burdensome to us whilst we remember that we are sinners Fill me O Lord with a most ardent love to thee now that I here offer up my self in truth and sincerity of heart to be wholly disposed by thee Behold O Lord my will lies at thy feet I would have no will of my own but desire only that thy will may be done And fill me with an holy fear of thee that thy indulgent mercy may not make me remiss and negligent and presumptous again to offend thee But a perpetual sense of my new obligations to thee in reviving my hopes which I had forfeited in thee may render me more watchful more
of thee and of my own good as for the small and momentany pleasures of this world to hazard the loss of those great and eternal joys which we expect in the other life But enable me O most gracious God so to behave my self that when I have passed through all the imployments and occasions of this day I may bring my self back again into thy presence so pure and undefiled that I may begin those joys which are to come in chearful praises of thee and in a comfortable sense that thou dwellest in me and art leading me by thy holy Spirit to immortal happiness through Christ Jesus Amen A Prayer for serious and effectual Consideration the better to establish all good resolutions O Most glorious Majesty of heaven and earth who art above the highest of all our thoughts and much more beyond all our words But that thou art great and mighty we know by thy works of wonder which we behold And the admirable disposure and government of all things tell us that thou art infinitely wise and knowest all things We see how good thou art by the large provision which thou hast made for all thy creatures every where Thy Precepts teach us how just and holy thou art and by thy Promises we know that thou art gracious and bountiful and by thy Threatnings that thou hatest iniquity and by thy executing of both that thou art faithful and true and wilt save the godly and punish evil doers When we consider all this we may justly wonder at our selves that we should not fear thee and reverence thee and love thee and seek thy love and favour above all things by studying to please thee in universal obedience to thy blessed will which designs to imploy thy Almighty Power to make us so great so happy and so glorious And there is no other reason I see why we are no better affected towards thee but because our thoughts are exceeding short and light and vain and we so seldom consider and deeply ponder what we confess thou art and in what relation we stand to thy Divine Majesty Vouchsafe therefore O God of all grace to awaken my mind to a more lively and stedfast remembrance of thee my Creator my Redeemer my daily Benefactor and my most loving and tender-hearted Father in Christ Jesus O that no day may pass without some serious and considerate thoughts of those things which so nearly concern my everlasting welfare And by thy powerful presence with me inlighten my mind to a clearer sense of them Quicken and inliven that sense I humbly beseech thee and make it so strong and moving that it may press upon my heart and affections till it overcome me to surrender soul and body absolutely unto thee Pardon all my former neglects of thee and let them not hinder the influences of thy holy Spirit upon me by which I may be changed into thy image and likeness Sanctifie my understanding that I may rightly conceive thy holy Truths and fully apprehend them Sanctifie my memory that I may keep in mind all that I know of thee and of thy blessed will revealed to us in Christ Jesus Sanctifie my will that I may chearfully imbrace and intirely consent to thine in all things And sanctifie all my affections that I may love thee with all my heart and soul and strength and delight in thee more than in all the contentments of this life and hope more for thy glory than all worldly preferments and fear thee more than the greatest potentate upon earth and take more care for my soul and eternal things than for this body and all its momentany pleasures and hate all sin more than my greatest enemies yea help me to love mine enemies to do good to them that do evil to me to bless them that curse me and pray for them that despightfully use me For which end sanctifie all my Passions that I may be angry at nothing so much as that I have displeased thee and in an holy indignation at my self and in revenge of my former negligence and disobedience may be more strict and severe in the performance of all my duty for the time to come Sanctifie me throughout in body as well as spirit that I may possess it in holiness and honour and all my senses may administer occasions to my mind to remember thee to praise thee and to bless thee who every way so liberally providest for me Sanctifie all my conversation with others and all the imployments of this life that I may still be heavenly minded and have a respect to my last end and everlasting good Sanctifie all the blessings of health and strength and peace and plenty and friends yea and all the crosses and afflictions of this life that they may make me more serious and considerate and help more perfectly to purifie my spirit and dispose me for the happiness of the other world Raise me O Lord to such an exceeding great delight in these holy thoughts and meditations and entertain me with such a blissful sense of thee when I address my self unto thee that I may rather be unwilling to depart from thy presence than weary of conversing with thee And when I return to my other imployments again O that my mind may be often looking back towards thee my God my exceeding joy desirous to be always with thee and longing to enjoy thee in unchangeable love and perfect likeness to thee Unto which I most humbly beseech thee to bring me for thy mercies sake declared in Christ Jesus who lives for ever to make intercession for us Amen THe better to preserve a constant sense of God in the mind and pious dispositions in the heart Here follow certain short Ejaculations as we are wont to call them in which upon several occasions any man may lift up his soul to God And if he do it fervently may find it of great effect EJACVLATIONS When he awakes in the morning he may say I Laid me down and slept I awaked for the Lord sustained me Psal 3.5 How precious also are thy thoughts unto me O God how great is the sum of them If I would count them they are more in number than the sand when I awake I am still with thee Psal 139.17,18 When he is dressing himself O how bountiful is the ornament of a pure humble meek patient and charitable spirit Help me O God to put on the Lord Jesus in these and all other vertues When he goes into the Church or his Closet My heart is fixed O God my heart is fixed I will sing and give praise Psal 57.7 When he begins any business My help cometh from the Lord which ●ade heaven and earth Psal 121.2 The Lord Jesus Christ be with my spirit 2. Tim. 4.22 When he goes forth of his doors Hold thou up my goings in thy paths that my foot-steps slip not Psal 17.5 Order my steps in thy word and let not any iniquity have dominion over me 119.133 Give thy
concernment for him we are bold to recommend him to thy favour as a great object of the bowels of thy mercy which are in Christ Jesus We ought indeed above all things to admire thy most wise goodness which hath set forth him to be a propitiation Rom. 3.25 through faith in his bloud and invited even the greatest sinners to return unto thee and live Blessed eternally blessed be thy great and glorious grace which hath sent us such glad tidings of peace and reconciliation and assured hope that if we obediently believe thy holy Gospel thou wilt be merciful to our sins and remember our iniquities no more Heb. 8.12 O Father of mercies who openest the eyes of the blind Psal 146.8 and raisest them that are bowed down open the eyes of this thy servant that he may see thy marvailous love revealed in Christ Jesus Touch his spirit with such a powerful sense of it that he may both heartily and absolutely consent to be governed by thy Laws and likewise be revived with a comfortable belief of the truth of all thy precious promises Free him from all confusion of thoughts and bestow on him a clear and distinct apprehension of all things belonging to his peace And as thou hast wrought in him a fear of thy Divine Majesty and many holy desires after thee and perswaded him we hope to be willing in all things to live godlily So possess him with an humble belief that thou wilt always inable him to do accordingly and never fail to strengthen him against all the power of the enemy till he hath got the victory and triumphs in hope of thy salvation Raise up his spirit most mighty Lord by the power of a most strong faith in thine Omnipotent Goodness which delights to cherish the least gaspings and pantings in us after true righteousness Bear him up by this above all the clouds wherein he is incompassed into a clear heaven of light and joy Quiet and appease all his tumultuous passions that he may silently listen to thy voice in thy holy Gospel saying Come unto me all ye that labour Matth. 11.28 and are heavy laden and I wil● give you rest Thou who searches● the hearts knowest that he unfeignedly submits himself to the yoke o● thy Laws It is the present grie● and affliction of his soul that he is no● more perfectly subject to it O refresh him with the belief that tho● art more desirous than he that ther● should be a perfect reconciliation o● his very nature and disposition t● thee and that therefore thou wilt n● deny him the assistance of thy might● grace to help him to fulfil thy whole good will and pleasure O that he may take courage from this hope to begin to do thy will and continuing in well doing and growing more and more in strength and power to perform his duty he may be delivered from all slavish fears and jealousies and distrust of thy divine goodness Especially keep him from despair of thy mercy as the greatest dishonour to thee and to thy abundant grace in the Lord Jesus O thou who didst invite even those great sinners who by wicked hands took and crucified thy dear Son Act. 2.23,38 to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins Lift up this dejected soul to an humble confidence in thee that thou wilt not deny him the same mercy And as thou hast sworn that thou hast no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that he should turn from his evil way and live so be pleased blessed God to make him sensibly feel his soul is turning to thee since he can find no comfort and satisfaction but only in thy love and favour which he esteems better than life it self And that he may obtain thy pardon help him from his heart to forgive every one that hath trespassed against him Matth. 18.35 And if he have taken any thing from any man wrongfully Luk. 19.8 grant him grace to restore it to him 11.41 To give alms likewise of such thing as he hath Dan. 4.27 Job 33.26 and to break off his sins by righteousness his iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor that thou who art rich in mercy mayst be favourable unto him and he may see thy face with joy Hear us good Lord and give every one of us grace to walk exactly and to keep pure consciences void of offence towards thee and towards all men that so we may live and die in peace looking for thy mercy in Christ Jesus unto eternal life Amen Another for a person in the same condition O Lord the Father of spirits the Lover of our souls who ●rt pleased best in our love and hearty affection to thee and wouldst have us delight our selves in the ●houghts of thee and rejoyce con●inually in thy holy name Give us ●eave to render our humble thanks ●o thy divine Majesty for this know●edge which thou hast given us of ●hy blessed Nature and in imitation ●f it to recommend with most fer●ent charity this desolate and af●…icted soul to thy tender Mercies ●…e is filled with trembling thoughts ●…d frightful apprehensions of thee ●he dread and terror of thy displeasure hath overwhelmed his spirit He is troubled Psal 38.6 and bowed down greatly he goeth mourning all the day long O that thou wouldst be pleased so to represent thy self unto him that he may be possessed with the same sense which thou hast wrought in our minds that thou art Love and desirest to be loved and chearfully served by all that worship thee Thou hast graciously wrought in him already a sense of his duty towards thee Great sorrow overflowes his soul for his neglects of thee and offences against thee And out of this depth he sighs and groans and crys unto thee with earnest desires and purposes to live more holily for the time to come Awaken his mind good Lord to very sensible and thankful reflections upon this grace which thou hast begun to show him Bless all the pious counsels instructions which thou likewise vouchsafes● unto him to the encouraging of his hope in thee that thou who hast begun a good work in him wilt perfect it even until the day of Jesus Christ Philip. 1.6 Remember him that as thy Majesty is Ecclus 2.18 so is thy mercy and that thy power delights to show it self in doing good unto thy creatures especially to the humble the thankful and the willing persons who are ready to submit themselves to thy blessed Will O that this divine faith may banish all those fears that drive him from thee and that he may rather fear lest he should offend thy Divine Majesty by not confiding in those promises of mercy which thou hast made in thy holy Gospel to all returning sinners O that all his thoughts and care hereafter may only be to make his purpose of pleasing thee in all things serious hearty and unfeigned believing that thou wilt
in the time of my sickness O that this world may ever appear unto me as it was then represented to my mind That I may never set my heart too much upon these perishing enjoyments and short satisfactions nor ever neglect thee whose favour and grace I then sought so earnestly as my chiefest good But remembring how little comfort I could find in any thing here what a joy it was to have any hope in thee the eternal God and how that in my best estate I am but altogether vanity I may most seriously apply my self to work out my salvation with fear and trembling and give all diligence to settle a stedfast hope in thee that never may be shaken Make me often to remember that my days are but like a shadow that declineth Psal 102.11,12,27 and that I wither like the grass But thou O Lord shalt endure for ever for thou art the same and thy years shall have no end That so I may neither seek my happiness in this dying life but in thy endless love and favour nor be slothful in business Rom. 12.11 but fervent in spirit serving the Lord. Blessed be thy goodness that I feel these holy thoughts and desires still remaining in me Excite me I humbly beseech thee continually to renew them that no day may pass without serious reflections upon thy patient and long-suffering kindness towards me upon the shortness o● this life the uncertainty of all earthly comforts and the happiness of having a good hope in thee by stedfast continuance in well doing And let these thoughts be so deeply imprinted in my heart that my affections may be weaned thereby from all things here below and set on things above where Christ is at thy right hand O that I may desire and covet those heavenly things for my portion more than I do to eat and drink or enjoy any other pleasure of this life Make me to rejoyce in them more than in a whole world of other comforts and to stand in greater fear of losing them than I do to dye or endure any misery Preserve in me good Lord such a sober and considerate disposition of mind that I may never be proud who am I see but dust and ashes nor confident of my own strength and power which is but weakness and vanity nor distrustful of thee who art so gracious and merciful as well as mighty to save Suffer me not to sink under any discouragements who have the everlasting arms under me the wisdom of heaven to direct and guide me and the infinite treasures of goodness to supply all my necessities And more particularly I beseech thee to give me grace by my late confinement weakness dulness want of appetite and rest to learn to value very highly the benefits of liberty strength and quickness of all my senses and to bless thee more than ever I have done for the constant refreshments of my food in the day and of undisturbed sleep in the night together with the rest of the pleasures of life to which thou hast restored me with my health Make me perfectly contented in any state and condition whilst I enjoy so great a blessing as that which comprehends so many others in it And when thou art pleased to take it again away from me O that I may be able to be contented then also in a remembrace of all thy past kindnesses to me and of a well-spent life and careful improvement of this renewed health and in hope of thy continued mercies to me in Christ Jesus even to eternal life To which I humbly beseech thee to bring me by an unchangeable love and obedience to thee in all the changes and alterations of this mortal life for his sake who loved me and gave himself for me To whom with thy self in the Unity of the same spirit be glory everlasting Amen A Thanksgiving to be said by the Family O Most holy great and glorious God the Almighty Creator ●f heaven and earth who upholdest ●ll things by the word of thy pow●r and governest the whole world with admirable wisdom justice and mercy Thou deservest the highest acknowledgements of all thy creatures The Praises of Angels are not worthy of thee nor any of their thoughts equal to thy infinite Majestie What can we vile creatures then speak of thee or what thoughts shall we frame of thy perfections Especially of thy transcendent love which hath moved thee in much compassion to consider our weaknesses and help our infirmities Thou hast taught us by our Lord Jesus what we should think of thee having vouchsafed to dwell among us and make thy self visible unto us not only as the most Wise and Mightie but as the most Holy Righteous Gracious and Merciful Lord who designest the greatest blessings to us But now that we see thee we have the greatest reason to abhorr our selves in dust and ashes when we consider how unlike we are unto thee in those excellent qualities wherein thou hast made thy self known unto us and how unthankful we have been unto thy divine goodness which hath so strangely condescended unto us who are unworthy of the least regard from thee And yet such is thy tender mercy and pitty towards us that thou hast declared thy self willing to entertain even the greatest sinners into thy favour by making them better We our selves have received innumerable tokens of thy great clemency patience and forbearance And now ●ately thou hast been pleased to give us a new instance of thy loving kindness and of thy desire to win our hearts unto thee in rescuing one of as from going down into the grave and restoring him to health and strength again The living the living O Lord ●hall praise thee as we do ●his day Yea Isa 38.19 we will ●less thy name as long as ●e live Psal 104.33 and sing praises unto thee Psal 86.12,13 as long as we have any being We will praise thee O Lord our God with all our heart 118.14,15 and glorifie thy name for evermore For great is thy mercy towards us and thou hast delivered the soul of thy servant from the lowest hell The Lord is our strength and our song and is become our salvation The voice of joy and health is in our dwellings the right hand of the Lord bringeth mighty things to pass O that there were such an heart in every one of us as to studie seriously to know thee better to meditate continually on thy benefits both to our souls and bodies to love thee intirely and to indeavour to be like unto thee which is the design of thy goodness towards us Empty our hearts of all other things and make room for thy self to dwell there in wisdom righteousness and true holiness Dispose every one of us to follow Jesus Christ our Master in lowliness patience and charity and to be ordered by the governance of his holy Spirit Common Prayer-Book in the Commination seeking always his glory and serving
it that at what distance soever we be one from another we may all live and walk in the same spirit of Faith and Love and Holiness Give us an happy meeting together again in this place if it be thy good will and pleasure to pay thee the vows which I make of greater care and diligence in thy service and greater charity towards all my neighbours Howsoever in the end of our pilgrimage bring us all together in that blessed rest which thou hast prepared for thy people after all their travels and labours through thy mercy in Christ Jesus To which I commend my self and all mine both now and ever Amen A short Prayer in ones Inne or at the end of the Iourney BLessed be thy goodness O Lord my Creator and continual Preserver by which I have been led it safety to this place and am not only alive but sound and unmaimed To thee O God will I sing and give praise who hast dealt so bountifully with me For thou hast delivered my soul from death Psal 116.1 7.8,9 mine eyes from tears Gen. 15.1 and my feet from falling 17.1 I love the Lord because he hath heard my voice and my supplications Because he hath inclined his ear unto me therefore will I call upon him as long as I live I will walk also with a perfect heart before the Lord who is my shield and my exceeding great reward Preserve in me I beseech thee a pious remembrance of all thy mercies and of all those holy resolutions which they excite in me Take me still into thy Almighty protection Continue me in thy fear and love and faithful obedience That having finished this journey in peace I may return to the place from whence I came full of thankful affections to thee and zealously disposed to perform my vows in a careful discharge of all the duties which my place and relations require of me And inable me good Lord ever to perform them with uprightness of heart and good will as becomes the servant of Christ Jesus To the same merciful providence which hath watched over me all this day I commend my self and all my relations and friends every where this night Beseeching thee to awaken in me in the morning the same love and thankfulness and humble confidence which I now find and desire ever to have in my heart towards thee my gracious Father Saviour and Deliverer To whom be glory honour and praise everlasting Amen A Prayer in case of any hurt from Thieves or otherwise O Most merciful Father for so I ought ever to acknowledge thee without whom one of the smallest creatures cannot fall to the ground and to whom we are of more value than many of them Matth. 10.29 I humbly and meekly submit my self to this cross in my way which thou in thy wisdom hast suffe●ed to befal me I know that thou ●rt able to make even this with all ●ther things work together for my ●ood And therefore I beseech thee ●ut graciously to pardon my sins which deserve greater punishment ●nd to preserve my soul still in safety ●…om all murmuring and repining at ●y providence by a stedfast faith ●nd trust in thee and an absolute re●gnation to thy holy will and plea●ure and I shall not cease to ●less thee and to speak good of thy ●ame Help me to learn by this to live in constant sense of the uncertainty ●f all worldly hopes to set my affe●ions more perfectly on unchangea●le enjoyments and to place my ●appiness only in chearful obedience ●nd contented patience in all estates ●nd conditions of life I remember ●…at we are all but pilgrims and stran●ers whilst we are here subject to many other changes and chances i● this mortal life And therefor● whatsoever I or those I have left a● home may further suffer before m● return Lord assist us all to take tha● patiently also And as we have received so many good things fro● thee to receive likewise that whic● is evil giving thanks to thee th● Father of mercies who hast give us such a good hope of perfect sec●rity peace and joy in our heave●ly Country when we have do● and endured all thy pleasure 〈◊〉 the expectation of which blesse● state I will continually rejoyce praying thee to purifie me more a● more that I may be prepared f●… it and at last by thy mercy ent● into it to give thee eternal praise Amen A Prayer to be said for a Friend in a Iourney O God whose Almighty Power and wise Providence and Omnipresent Goodness is the security support and comfort of all those that know thee It is the highest satisfaction of our souls to have a lively hope in thee of eternal life in the other world And to be perswaded that thou lovest us and wilt take care of us and bless us whilst we continue here and that nothing can befal us without the knowledge and consent of thy infinite goodness gives the most solid peace and repose unto our spirits in all the alterations and changes of this life I rejoyce in the belief that I live in a world which is full of thee that I am always under thy eye and have thee near unto me as to observe me so to help protect and defend me And I beseech thee fill the mind of him * Or her who is now gone from me with the same sense of thee that he may carry along with him every where this stedfast faith and hope in thee as the stay the rest and the refreshment of his soul How far soeve● he be from me O that he may be nigh to thee in frequent serious thoughts of thee and hearty love to thee and perfect trust in thee and a constant disposition of mind and will to do and be what thou pleasest That travelling under the shadow of the Almighty no harm may come to him but even those things which we account the greatest mischiefs if they shall betide him may be humbly accepted by us all with fear and reverence and chearful submission to thee as becomes those who profess our selves thy friends as well as thy servants No Thieves Murderers or other evil persons or things can approach him I know without thy leave who governest and over-rulest the motions of every creature at thy pleasure to which we ever ought ●o submit our own But if thou ●hinkest good to restore him hither ●gain untouched by any of them Lord help us to be so much the more thankful to thee who dealest with us according to our own hearts desire O that the sense of ●hy goodness then may so power●ully affect our hearts that we may ●e moved thereby to a greater zeal ●nd freedom of spirit in thy service ●nd be the more forward to imitate ●hee in doing good and showing mercy to all men O that thy benefits may never slip out of our minds O that the medi●ation of them may be ●weet unto us Psal 104.34 and we may learn
will O Lord be done I commend both my body and my spirit into thy hands who art able to make the Sea give up her dead by thine Almighty Word Help me always to hold fast that hope of eternal life as an anchor of my soul both sure and stedfast Heb. 6.19,20 which may preserve me in unshaken comfort and joy at the hour of death it self And looking up to that quiet place whither Jesus our fore-runner is entred for us I may begin those Praises and Thanksgivings which I hope shall have no end but be continued for ever in the company of the blessed in the other world Unto which I beseech thee of thine infinite mercies to bring me through Christ Jesus who is made an high priest for ever Amen A Thanksgiving after it is finished and the party returned home again O Blessed Lord Thou art great and greatly to be praised for by thy word the heavens were made Psal 48.1 33.6,7 and all the host of them by the breath of thy mouth 135.6 107.24 c. Thou didst gather the waters of the Sea together as an heap and laidst them up in the store-houses of the deeps They are all at thy command and whatsoever thou pleasest that dost thou in heaven and in earth in the Seas and all deep places I have seen thy works O Lord and thy wonders in the deep For thou spakest the word and the stormy wind arose which lifted up the waves thereof And again when we cryed unto thee thou madest the storm a calm so that the waves thereof were still Blessed be thy Almighty Goodness which carried me safe through such great and dreadful dangers Blessed be thy goodness that the deep hath not swallowed me up and that I am not gone down into silence Blessed be thy goodness that neither my body nor my goods became a prey to unreasonable men but that thou broughtest me to the haven where I would be and hast now returned me home in safety O God that I may never forget the vows which I was forward to make when I was in trouble Preserve in me for ever an awful sense and apprehension of thy great power who bringest the wind out of thy treasuries Psal 135.7 89.9 and rulest the raging of the Sea Jer. 5.22 and stillest the noise of its waves Psal 120.11 Who would not fear thee O Lord who would not tremble at thy presence who hast placed the sand for the bound of the Sea by a perpetual decree that it cannot pass it and though the waves thereof toss themselves yet can they not prevail though they roar yet can they not pass over it O possess my heart with a greater reverence of thy divine Majesty that I may ever serve thee with fear and rejoyce before thee with trembling Especially make me fearful of offending thee who art so great and powerful and hast done such great things for me and canst do greater and wilt do them as thou hast promised by Christ Jesus Philip. 3.20 who hath power to subdue all things to himself Heb. 2.3 Blessed be thy infinite grace which hath wrought such a marvellous redemption for us by him How shall I escape if I neglect so great salvation How miserable shall I be if after all the dangers from which I have now been rescued I should for my ingratitude and disobedience be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone O God that all thy mercies and deliverances here may by a thankful remembrance and careful improvement of them only prepare me for that glorious deliverance at the day of the Lord Jesus And as by thy good providence thou hast saved me from the violence of storms and tempests and other hazards so by thy grace deliver me from the power and violence of all temptations and enable me stedfastly to persist in well doing and patient suffering unto the end Endue me with such a right sense of my Religion as may make it to be my delight that so I may be out of all danger of being prevailed withal to forsake that which is so sweet and pleasant to my soul O that it may be my guide in prosperity and my comfort in adversity the rule of my life and my great satisfaction in death Sanctifie every condition unto me that sickness or health poverty or riches honour or disgrace may prove real blessings to me and make me profit in piety and vertue And let a great sense of thee and of Religion intermix it self with all my employments Teach me so to behave my self that I may be acceptable in thy sight not only when I make such addresses as these unto thee But whether I eat or drink or whatsoever I do else I may abide in thy love and be approved by thee for a good and faithful servant All which I most humbly beg of thee and whatsoever thou seest good for me in the name of the Lord Jesus by whom and with whom in the unity of the holy Ghost all honour and glory be unto thee O Father Almighty world without end Amen A Prayer to be used by a woman with Child O God the Author of our being the Fountain of life and all other good who hast begun an excellent work in me which no eye but thine sees and no hand but thy Almighty power can finish I adore thy great and glorious Majesty in this and in all other thy works of wonder Thou dost great things without number but art more particularly to be acknowledged in the formation of mankind who are fearfully and wonderfully made after thy own image and likeness Be pleased O Lord in thy infinite goodness to perfect and compleat that which thou hast begun Preserve the smallest degree of life which thou hast inspired Bestow upon it intireness of all its parts and prepare a convenient habitation for an understanding spirit capable of the best wisdom and inclinable to vertue and goodness Prevent good Lord the miscarriage of my hopes and ripen them to a good issue And the nearer they come to their full growth strengthen the more my humble trust in thee and submission to thee and hearty desires to encrease the number of thy faithful people together with my own Family That ought to be the chiefest desire of my soul to be formed my self in all things according to the mind and will of thee my God that so I may be an instrument of doing good to others O thou who hast wrought many holy purposes and resolutions in my heart preserve and confirm them that they may not prove abortive but bring forth continually the fruit of good living Perfect me in Knowledge in Faith in Love and in Obedience Enable me so discreetly and carefully to discharge the duties of all the Relations wherein I at present or shall hereafter stand that I may be a comfort to them and a credit to Religion And howsoever thou disposest of me or them Lord make me well
of all those Parents or Friends that transact any thing on my behalf That they may have a respect chiefly to those things which endure for ever and settle me there where I may most glorifie thee and do most good and increase in wisdom and vertue and live in peace chearfulness and contentment to the end of my days Which mercies and all others that thou seest requisite for me I most humbly beg of thee for Jesus Christ his sake the Lord of peace to whom with thy self and good Spirit I desire to give as is most due eternal praises Amen A Prayer when a person is about to enter into the state of Marriage and may serve for any other new condition of life O Lord the Guide and Director the helper and comforter of all those that seek thee and depend upon thee with their whole heart In a serious sense that nothing can make me happy without thy love favour and blessing I humbly cast down my self before thy divine Majesty imploring thy gracious presence with me to instruct govern and assist me in that condition into which under the conduct and protection of thy good providence I am about to enter Great and many have been thy mercies towards me hitherto ever since I was taken by thee out of my mothers womb Thou hast nourished and clothed me thou hast brought me up to some knowledge of thee and of the duty I owe thee thou hast shown me the path of life and prevented me early with thy Grace to dispose my heart to walk in it And though I have not made I most sorrowfully confess such returns unto thee as I ought to have done yet it is some comfort to me to feel my heart inclined and resolved to be more thankful and and dutiful hereafter and to pass the remaining part of my sojourning here in thy fear and love and stedfast obedience Pardon me therefore O most merciful Father according to thy promises made in Christ Jesus to penitent sinners And vouchsafe me the grace of thy holy Spirit to lead me to a clear and full understanding of all the duties that belong to the state and relations in which I have now chosen to serve thee Indue me with a sincere and hearty affection to them and inable me carefully to perform them with a willing mind and a chearful unwearied spirit as long as thou thinkest fit to continue me in that condition of life Bless me with a wise and observant heart to discern and mark the nature and dispositions of those to whom I shall be joyned in any bonds of love o● duty That I may delight to please them to the utmost of my power and study their content and satisfaction and bear with their infirmities and chuse the fittest opportunities to do them good and amend what is amiss in them Free us all who shall stand related to each other from all peevishness and unreasonable passions let no mistake or causless jealousie spoil the entireness of our affection indue us with great purity of heart and a chaste conversation And bestow upon us such meek sweet and compliant dispositions that this may not prove a state of temptation and sorrow but of godliness and holiness to our mutual joy and happiness Make us ever mindful of the Covenant wherein we stand ingaged to each other especially of that sacred Vow wherein we stand bound to thee by our being baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ that we may faithfully keep and perform it Tye us so fast together in unity of spirit that we may have the same common cares and bear one anothers burdens and endeavour to increase each others joys and lighten each others sorrows and in all the changes and alterations of our condition we may religiously preserve an immutable love unto and delight in each other to the end of our days Especially help us to stir up one another to the love of thee and our blessed Saviour and to do all good offices to our neighbours that after we have enjoyed the comfort of a sweet society and been a blessing to all that are near unto us we may finally part in peace and rest in a good hope to dwell together for ever in happy friendship with thee and with our Lord and all the holy ones Amen Amen A Prayer of Parents for their Children when they are grown up to some understanding WE humbly worship thy glorious Majesty O Lord most high we acknowledge thy infinite goodness that thou art pleased to give us leave to call thee Father who art the possessor of heaven and of earth We thank thee for thy most tender care over us ever since we were born More especially for the knowledge thou hast given us of thy great love in Jesus Christ And that thou hast so timely prevented us with thy grace and inclined our hearts to thy fear and love and service Vouchsafe we beseech thee O most merciful Father to take our Children also which we have already dedicated unto thee and commended to thy care into the protection and guidance of the same gracious providence which hath been so watchful over us Thou knowest the great weakness of our nature how foolish and inconsiderate we are especially in our younger years how violent in our passions how apt to listen to temptations and easie to be seduced by them how ready to flatter and abuse our selves with vain hopes and how unwilling to believe what is contrary to our desires And therefore we the more earnestly implore thy blessing upon our indeavours to season their minds betime with a Religious sense of thee their Creator and of their duty which they owe thee and of that good in which their true happiness lyes And we beseech thee likewise to excite our hearts to the greater diligence and thoughtfulness and care to imitate thy fatherly love towards our selves by watching over them to do them good and to train them up in thy fear Indue us with wisdom and prudence to give them wholesome and seasonable instructions and dispose their hearts to receive and remember them Help us to govern exactly all our affections and passions that we may neither embolden them to any thing that is evil by too much indulgence nor discourage them in their duty by too much severity But be examples of godliness and vertue to them by a sober grave gentle humble and devout behaviour and conversation Work in them a great reverence to all their governours teachers and spiritual Pastors and bless their godly admonitions to them that they may follow and obey them Direct us also in the choice of fit persons to assist us in their Education and in the choice of fit imployments for them whereby they may prove useful and profitable members of Church and State Blessed be thy goodness that they have escaped the dangers of infancy and child-hood Good Lord preserve them from all the evil and mischief to which the rashness and indiscretion of youth may
of the poor Prov. 22.2 with whom there is no respect of persons Look graciously upon me I humbly beseech thee who here cast down my self before thee acknowledging thy Soveraign power over all and thy wise providence which hath disposed all things into several ranks and orders for their mutual help and benefit I humbly submit to the state and condition wherein thou hast been pleased to place me below many others I thank thee that I live and that I live in health and have strength of body great and invaluable blessings and that I have so much liberty as to make my requests unto thee and acknowledge thy mercies and that I have any hope thou wilt never cease to do me good till thou hast crowned all thy mercies in eternal life Good Lord pardon me if I have at any time murmur'd and repin'd at my condition or envied the higher estate of other persons Pardon all my other offences whatsoever they have been and vouchsafe but to deliver me from the bondage of sin and to make me a Servant of Righteousness and I shall not only be contented but perpetually rejoyce in thy Salvation Indue me with a right understanding of my duty in this relation wherein I stand That according to thy command I may account those whom I serve worthy of all honour being careful to please them in all things 1 Tim. 6.1 never contradicting Tit. 2.9,10 nor purloyning Ephes 6.5,7 but showing all good fidelity and with good will and singleness of heart doing service as to the Lord and not to men Help me to demean my self so humbly Collos 3.23,25 and whatsoever I do to do it so heartily that I may obtain favour in their eyes Or if they be froward and hard to please O God preserve me from all unseemly passions and disrespectful behaviour towards them And make me so much the more diligent in their business remembring that I serve the Lord Christ from whom I expect to receive the reward of the inheritance Coloss 3.23,25 If thou art pleased any other way to afflict me with sickness or pains ●n my body which may hinder my ●abour and cast me into poverty Lord still strengthen my faith and confidence in thee And help me to ●ear it with a patient mind looking ●nto Jesus who took upon him the form of a Servant and became poor and suffered much for our sake but how is therefore highly exalted to ●uccour and comfort all those that ●ollow after him contentedly in well-doing In his Name and Words I ●ecommend my self unto thy mercy saying Our Father c. A Prayer of a poor Prisoner for Debt O God who art present to us in all places and hast regard to the sighs and groans of the miserable who humbly implore thy pitty and compassion towards them Vouchsafe to look graciously upon thy afflicted servant in this place which is most desolate and comfortless unless the light of thy countenance shine upon me I confess that I have too much abused the liberty which I formerly enjoyed and did not so carefully improve as I ough● to have done those happy opportunities which therewith were pu● into my hands Many ways I am sensible I have offended thy Divine Majesty * Here acknowledge the particulars for which I am heartily sorry and acknowledg● my self infinitely indebted to thy goodness that I am not plunged into the depth of misery to bewail my sins in the bottomless pit I thank thee O Lord with all my soul that I am not shut up in the place of outer darkness and that I have any hope to obtain the benefit of the redemption which is in Christ Jesus In whose Name I beseech thee to pardon me and likewise to sanctifie these straits wherein I lye to the freeing my soul from the bond of all iniquity and the restoring me to the glorious liberty of thy children Help me seriously to follow the direction of thy Providence in this restraint and now that I am so much alone by my self to descend into my own heart to search and try my ways and unfeignedly to turn to thee my God Enlarge my spirit more than ever now that my body is confined in fervent Prayer for thy Divine Grace and in chearful Thanksgivings for the innumerable benefits that I have received from thy bounty and in tender pitty and commiseration of the sad condition of all distressed people And be pleased to touch the hearts of my Creditors also with a sense of my miseries incline them to accept of what I am able to pay and make me willing conscientiously to satisfie them to the utmost of my power In the mean time bestow upon me the blessing of a contented spirit Help me patiently to endure the inconveniences of this place And preserve me from the danger of all the temptations which I meet with in it especially from seeking a remedy of my sorrows in the pleasures of intemperance or evil company or any prophane mirth whatsoever Be thou my comfort O God my exceeding joy and the full satisfaction of my soul in all conditions And when thou art pleased to deliver me from this place and restore me again to my desired freedom O Lord make me ever mindful of the vows wherein I am now forward to bind my self Dispose my heart then to be so sensibly affected with the least of those mercies which formerly I have little regarded that I may never forget to praise thee even for the benefit of a sweeter air than now I enjoy and to acknowledge thee in the night season upon my bed and to thank thee for the coursest food and especially I may rejoyce to go again into the great Congregation to praise thee with the most ardent love for all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus Preserve in me also a grateful remembrance of the kindness of my Friends and Neighbours especially of those persons to whom I stand particularly indebted when by their charity I shall be released And whatsoever loss they sustain by my poverty good Lord make it up abundantly to them and theirs out of thy rich grace and mercy Requite their love with plenty and prosperity in this world and give them the reward of eternal life and glory in the world to come through Christ Jesus Amen A Prayer of a great Malefactor in Prison O Most holy and righteous Judge of the whole world give a sinful and miserable wretch leave to prostrate himself before the Throne of thy Grace and implore that mercy which formerly I have despised or abused I am not worthy I confess to lift up my eyes towards heaven and it becomes me in the greatest dejection of spirit to sigh and groan under the load of my sins which have been so great and many so bold so presumptuous and shameless that when with an awakened mind I reflect upon them I am ready to sink into hell and utterly despair of any mercy O God how have I hated
O how comely a thing is judgement for gray hairs and for ancient men to know counsel Pardon me good Lord that I have made no better improvement of my time and experience for the furnishing of my mind with this wisdom and with those vertues Pardon all my negligences and all my offences * Remember them particularly And fill my heart with a comfortable sense of thy pardoning mercy in Christ Jesus that having no other burden but that of age to oppress my spirit I may rejoyce in thee as long as I live and at last lay my self down to rest in peace and return my soul back unto thee chearfully whensoever thou callest for it in sure and certain hope of the resurrection of the dead and of that glory honour and immortality which thou hast graciously promised us by thy dear Son my most blessed Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus With whom I desire to live to give thee eternal praises Amen A large FORM OF DEVOTION When any person is disposed to spend a day or part of it in Devotion the usual addresses to God in the morning may be continued in this manner O Most High and holy One who inhabitest eternity and art God over all most blessed for evermore Happy are they who stand continually in thy presence and are always admiring praising loving and obeying thee and rejoycing in thy love and favour towards them The highest Angels can desire no greater bliss than to be thus knit unto thee and to live in such constant union and friendship with thee An happiness I am sensible that is above our reach who dwell in houses of clay and groan under the burden of this flesh but which we aspire towards and our uncloathed spirits hope for in the other world And blessed be thy infinite goodness we are incouraged by Christ Jesus to look up unto thee for the beginning and taste of this happiness whilst we remain here below at this great distance from the Throne of thy Glory And accordingly I humbly prostrate my self before thee at this time beseeching thee in the name of my dear Saviour who gave himself for me that thou wilt graciously vouchsafe to inspire me with such delightful thoughts of thee and such a transforming love unto thee as may fill my heart with unspeakable joy and satisfaction whilst I am in thy presence to admire and adore thee to praise thy incomprehensible perfections to acknowledge with all humility my intire dependence on thee thankfully to remember all the benefits thou hast done unto me sorrowfully to bewail my ungrateful behaviour towards thee most earnestly to deprecate thy displeasure to implore thy grace and favour and to make an absolute surrender of my self to thee with most hearty Devotion to thy service It is the unfeigned desire of my soul to spend some time in attending wholly to these duties the better to dispose me to serve thee in the rest of my life But alas O Lord what am I or what can I do unless thou wilt make thy self present to me and send down thy holy Spirit upon me My thoughts and affections are exceeding dull and heavy and they will soon flag and grow weary unless thou wilt be pleased by thy Almighty Power to raise and bear them up towards heaven I most humbly therefore again beseech thee in thy infinite mercy to touch my heart with such a lively sense of thy Divine Majesty as may fix my wandring thoughts and compose my tumultuous affections and stir up my flat and cold desires and may make me feel the power and taste the sweetness of every Divine Truth whilst I read or meditate in thy holy Word and whilst I pray to thee and praise thee and bless thy holy Name O that all other things may be shut out of my soul and that I may be so alone with thee as to be more apprehensive of thy greatness and of thy goodness and of thy purity and of my near relation to thee and the innumerable obligations which I lye under to be thine intirely O that nothing may be so bitter to me as to think that I have in the least offended thee and that nothing may be so marvellous in my eyes as thy exceeding abundant love in the Lord Jesus by whom thou hast incouraged sinners to place their faith and hope in thee Help me O my God through that new and living way which he hath consecrated to draw nigh unto thee and to throw down my self at thy feet waiting for a gracious look from thee resigning my will to thee strongly uniting it in hearty affection to thy holy Will and resolving never to rise up any more in opposition to it but to live in thy love and in sincere obedience to all thy commands So shall my soul bless thee as long as I live I will alway be speaking good of thy Name and will shew forth thy praise as well as I am able to all generations Amen AFter this short address to God for his assistance consider a while who it is to whom you have begun to speak Cast your eyes upon the heaven and the earth and think of the glory of that Majesty which fills all things and cannot be contained in any Then labour to affect your heart with your own mean vile and sinful condition For which end examine what particular sins you have been guilty of Set them down in writing before your eyes that they may be confessed and lamented And likewise consider in the same manner what particular blessings you have received that they may be most thankfully acknowledged In all which you may assist your selves and be much excited by reading some of the Psalms of David and some part of such pious Books as you are acquainted withal After which proceed to express the sense of your heart to God with the greatest deliberation in the manner following pausing a while and ruminating upon what you have said at the end of every part thereof I. O Most glorious Majesty of heaven and earth upon whom all creatures depend for life and breath and all things I most thankfully embrace and desire wisely and faithfully to improve this happy leisure which thou vouchsafest me of retiring from this world and making my resort to thee 2 Cor. 1.3 the Father of mercies Rev. 5.13 and the God of all comfort Psal 48.1 Thou art worthy Rev. 4.8 O Lord to receive from me and from the whole world blessing 1 Sam. 2.2 Psal 145.17 45.7 and honour and glory and power Job 37.23 for thou art great and greatly to be praised Psal 19.1 All the host of heaven continually praiseth thee Job 42.2 Psal 135.6 and so ought all the Church on earth 148.5,6 147.5 saying Holy 104.24,27,28,31 holy holy Lord God almighty which is which was 145.4,13 102 27. 119.89 146.2 111.1 148.13 and which is to come There is none holy as the Lord for there is
none besides thee Thou art righteous in all thy ways Job 11.7 and holy in all thy works Thou lovest righteousness and hatest iniquity and art excellent in power and in judgement and in plenty of justice The earth is thine and the fulness thereof the world and they that dwell therein The heavens declare the glory of God the firmament sheweth his handy-work The sun moon and stars praise the name of the Lord for he commanded and they were created He hath also established them for ever and ever He hath made a decree which shall not pass I know O Lord that thou canst do every thing and that no thought of thine can be hindred Whatsoever the Lord pleases that doth he in heaven and in earth in the seas and in all deep places For he is great and of great power his understanding is infinite Praised be thy Soveraign goodness and tender mercy which spreads it self over all thy works O Lord how manifold are thy works in wisdom hast thou made them all And they all wait on thee that thou mayst give them their meat in due season That thou givest them they gather thou openest thy hand they are filled with good The glory of the Lord shall endure for ever the Lord shall rejoyce in his works Thou always wast and ever wilt be the most holy powerful wise and good Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations One generation shall ●raise thy works to another and shall de●lare thy mighty acts They all pass away like a shadow but thou art the same and thy years shall have no end For ever O Lord thy word is setled in heaven Thy faithfulness is unto all generations While I live there fore will I praise the Lord I wil● sing praises to my God while I have any being I will praise thee O Lord with my whole heart whose name i● exalted above all blessing and praise For we cannot know the Almighty to perfection His wisdom is unsearchable and his ways past finding out His name alone is excellent his glory is above the earth and heaven II. O what high dignity is this tha● I am admitted into thy presence t● speak unto thee the blessed and only Potentate 1 Tim. 6.15 the King o● kings and Lord of Lords who only hast immortality O how happy ought I to think my self tha● I may draw thus nigh to thee wh● dwellest in light unapproachable who art so happy in thy own most blessed Nature and who if thou dost but open thy self to any soul and fillest it with a great sense of thee and affection to thee thou lettest heavenly joys into it and makest it happy beyond expression For heaven cannot be separated from thee but wheresoever thou art there is peace and satisfaction joy and gladness and unspeakable bliss Adored be thy divine goodness which hath made me so happy this day as to feel some sense of thee begin to shine in my soul Adored be thy goodness which incourages me still to look up unto thee that I may feel more of thee yea hath ingaged me by innumerable Mercies to continue these addresses to thy divine Majesty O how excellent is thy loving kindness Psal 36.7 O God! 139.17 How precious are thy thoughts unto me how great is the sum of them Psal 46.5 Many O Lord my God 22.9,10 are thy wonderful works which thou hast done and thy thoughts which are to me-ward they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee if I would declare and speak of them they are more than can be numbred By thee I was fearfully and wonderfully made in secret Thou art he that took me out of my mothers womb and didst make me hope upon her breasts I have been cast upon thee ever since and thou hast been my gracious God unto this moment My infancy and childhood was attended with a very careful providence And thou hast blessed my riper years with a continued health and strength of body and mind and abundance of good things to support and refresh me in my pilgrimage through this world to a better life I never have wanted my daily bread even when I was not able to ask it of thee And thou hast bestowed on me many friends and kind benefactors And prevented me likewise by a timely grace and sent me many instructors that I might remember thee my Creator and Jesus Christ my Saviour Into whose family blessed be thy Name I was early adopted and assured of thy fatherly love and tender mercy towards me O how deeply do I stand indebted to thee for all those by whose Counsels or Sermons or Writings or religious Society or godly Examples or charitable Prayers I have been helped forward in my way to heaven Blessed be thy Name for all the means whereby I have been led to the knowledge of thy great love in the Lord Jesus which passeth knowledge For ever blessed be thy Name for sending him into the world born of a woman to be a teacher of righteousness to go before us and leave us a pattern of a most holy life to dye for our sins and to rise again for our justification and then to ascend into the heavens to prepare a place for us where thou hast advanced him above all principalities and powers Phil. 3.10,11 and given him a name above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should how and every tongue confess him to be the Lord to the glory of thee O God the Father Almighty I glorifie thee O heavenly Father with all my heart and soul for inspiring thy holy Apostles and Prophets 2 Cor. 4.6 and shining into their hearts to give the light of the knowledge of thy glory in the face of Jesus Christ I thank thee for calling me to faith in thee for making such great and precious promises to incourage our hope and for disposing me in any measure to be an inheritour of them I thank thee for granting such power to our blessed Lord to fulfil his word for making him a royal high-Priest and appointing him to bless us here and eternally Glory be to thee O Lord most high who hast so often favoured me with the gracious visitations of thy holy Spirit inlightning my mind drawing my will towards thee exciting in me holy desires working many pious purposes and resolutions in my heart giving me a taste how gracious thou art setting before me the hope of eternal life and perswading me by innumerable arguments to entertain those blessings which I should have been forward of my self to have desired Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord Psal 106.2 who can show forth all his praise How often hast thou spared me when I deserved to be punished How many dangers have I escaped From how many assaults of the enemy have I been guarded And how many of his designs have been defeated by an invisible and unobserved goodness which ought for
ever to be acknowledged * Mention all the particular mercies you can remember and then proceed still to admire his loving kindness in all those you took no notice of or have forgotten III. O my God with what awe and reverence ought I to make mention of thy name who dwellest in eternity whose throne is inestimable whose glory cannot be comprehended 2 Esd 8.20,21 before whom the hosts of angels stand with trembling With what humility of soul ought I to acknowledge thy Divine Grace that thou who art so great and highly exalted wilt humble thy self to take notice of such poor things as we are Thou art to be admired with our highest thoughts thou art to be loved with all our heart and soul and strength We ought to render thee most chearful service and confess that we never serve our selves more than when we even lose all thought of our selves and forget all things here in admiring loving praising and giving thanks to thee All that is within me ought to bless thy holy Name O how great ought my joy to be in thy love and in thy Salvation who art worthy to be praised with all pure and holy praise Tob. 8.16 Therefore let thy Saints praise thee 12.6 with all thy creatures And let all thine angels and thine elect praise thee for ever It is good to praise God and exalt his Name and with honour to shew forth all his works therefore be not slack to praise him Yea to thee O Lord I ought to resign my self with the greatest willingness of heart to trust and hope in thee at all times to excite all others to shew forth thy praise and to study to glorifie thee more and more not only by my words but with my body and soul in all the actions of a sober righteous and godly life I can desire no greater honour in this world than that I may live to the praise of the glory of thy grace in Christ Jesus walking worthy of thee who hast called me to thy Kingdom and Glory and behaving my self in all things as becomes one that hath received such pledges of thy love already and looks for thy mercy unto eternal life All thy Laws I know are just and good Thy ways are ways of pleasantness Prov. 3.17 and all thy paths are peace Psal 19.10,11 More to be desired are thy commandments than gold yea than much fine gold 119.165 sweeter also than hony 84.11,12 and the honey comb By them doth thy servant shine gloriously Ecclus. 4.12 and in keeping of them there is great reward He that loveth them loveth life he that holdeth them fast shall inherit glory and wheresoever they enter the Lord will bless Great peace have they that love thy Law and nothing shall offend them The Lord God is a sun and shield the Lord will give grace and glory no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly O Lord of host blessed is the man that trusteth in thee IV. But the more O Lord I speak in thy praise the more I am sensible I reproach my self who have not given thee that honour and glory that fear and love that hearty service and chearful obedience which is due unto thee so many ways I stand condemned out of my own mouth of most fearful ingratitude to thee from whom I have received so many and such inestimable benefits How seldom have I thought of them Or how little have they affected my heart How loth have I often been to dispose my self to commemorate the greatest love of my dearest Saviour And how soon am I weary even of the most delightful imployment of praising and blessing thee With whom I profess that I desire and hope to live for ever and praise thy Name O the vanity of my mind the looseness of my thoughts the inordinateness of my desires and unruliness of my passions the discontent of my spirit the unstedfastness of my resolutions the breach of my promises the coldness of my prayers and the dulness of my meditations the loss of my precious time and neglect of good opportunities my eagerness after these worldly enjoyments and feeble indeavours after heaven I am astonished to think that ever I should distrust thy providence who hast been so tenderly careful of me or be unthankful for thy benefits which are every moment poured forth so plentifully upon me or be uncharitable to my Neighbours when I stand in so great need of mercy my self and live continually upon thy bounty or abuse any of those blessings which thou canst so easily deprive me of or wholly spoil the comfort of them And yet alas how prone have I been to deceive my self with shadows of Religion and Devotion towards thee and to content my self with the praises of those divine perfections which I have not so zealously studied to imitate O how unlike am I to the humble the meek the pittiful and the patient Jesus Yea how insensible am I of his incomparable love which made him to lay down his life for me How many ways have I injured my Neighbours or neglected to do them good I am conscious to my self of sundry offences not only against the rules of righteousness and mercy but of sobriety and godliness * Here mention the particular acts of intemperance uncharitableness or any else you have been guilty of And thou to whom all things past are present who searchest the hearts and tryest the reins knowest a great deal more My secret sins are no more hid from thee than those which are most open and manifest And they are all the more grievous because a petty temptation hath too oft prevailed to make me neglect my duty towards thee O how shameful is it that a small gain or a momentany pleasure or the good word of men whose breath is in their nostrils should be preferred before that honour which I owe to thee and those infinite treasures of thy grace in Christ Jesus and that immortal life and glory which he hath promised to the faithfull And all this against the clear understanding which thou hast given me of thy will against many holy purposes resolutions and vows of absolute obedience to it in all things and against the tastes I have had how gracious thou art and how good it is to keep thy commandments V. I blush O Lord to lift up mine eyes towards heaven To me belongs nothing but shame and confusion of face in which I ought to lye down before thee if I reflected only upon the baseness and vileness of my descent being the off-spring of disloyal parents who were rebels and traytors against thy divine Majesty This is a just reproach and disgrace to the best of us We were tainted in our first Father who hath left a foul blot and stain upon our Nature and we feel that weakness in our reason that strength and violence in our passions and that forwardness in our wills to follow
truly to get their own living and to do their duty in that state of life unto which it hath pleased thee to call them And good Lord bless the honest labours of all men among us and crown them with good success Especially of those who have any work in hand for the glory of thy name the increase of Christian piety and the peace of thy Church Reward the bounty of all charitable persons either for the honour of Religion or the relief of them that are in poverty And make the bones which thou hast broken to rejoyce Comfort all that are in a sorrowful condition and bring them out of all their troubles Send thy Angel to guide and preserve those who are in journeys upon their lawful occasions Let them that go down into the deep and do business upon the great waters observe thy providence and praise thee for thy goodness and for thy wonderful works for the children of men Forgive all that have done me any evil and requite the kindness of those who have done me any good Let their souls abide in good and their seed inherit the earth Psal 25.13 Rejoyce the heart of all my Friends and fulfil the petitions of all that have desired my prayers 106. ult Let none that wait on thee O Lord be ashamed let all them that trust in thee say continually the Lord be magnified Save and deliver every one of us O Lord our God from the hands of our enemies to give thanks unto thy holy name and to triumph in thy praise Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ from everlasting to everlasting and let all the people say Amen Praise the Lord. AFter this if the spirits be tyred it will be fit to give them some refreshment And then it will be very profitable to read and weigh seriously our Saviours Sermon on the Mount contained in the V. VI. and VII Chapters of the Gospel according to St. Matthew And such meditations may be interspersed as are most sutable to the persons condition and occasions With the addition of some of the prayers foregoing for RESOLVTION in well doing or for the DIVINE GRACE or for good SVCCESS in any business or for Friends that are TROVBLED IN MIND or are in a long JOVRNEY c. And then conclude with the following Prayer and Thanksgiving I. I Most humbly adore and worship thee O Lord most high the possessor of heaven and earth And admire thy infinite love to mankind whom thou hast thought worth the expence of the bloud of thy dear Son and the conduct and assistance of the holy Ghost and the Ministry of Angels by whom thou exercisest a most watchful providence over us and so many gracious messages from heaven wherein thou hast plainly declared that thou desirest to see us eternally happy by being made partakers of a Divine Nature When we seriously consider thy glorious perfections and thy astonishing kindness towards us we may justly wonder at our selves that we should ever refuse to be conformed to thy will nay that we should not be exceeding forward to joyn our selves unto thee in most hearty love and intire friendship with thee I am amazed at the dulness and stupidity of our Nature that there should need so many intreaties and beseechings of us to be so happy It is impossible to think of thee and to prefer any thing in our esteem and desire and choice and delight and joy before thy favour and good will towards us who art so able and so desirous to bestow the greatest bliss upon us And therefore I most earnestly beseech thy goodness that to all other mercies which I have begged of thee thou wilt add this grace to bring thy self often to my remembrance and to possess my heart with a constant serious and deep sense of thy marvellous kindness in giving me liberty to chuse so great a good as thy self and in propounding to my will such everlasting happiness and in drawing me from those ways which are contrary even to my peace and satisfaction here by such powerful motives to well doing II. Awaken O Lord awaken this sense continually in my mind Fasten my thoughts upon those unseen and eternal enjoyments Make me feel what an happiness it is to love thee with all my heart to cleave unto thee against all temptations which would allure or affright me from my duty to bless and praise thee with joyful lips to be kept in perfect peace and tranquillity while my mind is stayed on thee to be full and satisfied and to desire nothing more but to live for ever in thy love O make me more and more to conceive and remember what an infinite delight thou the infinite good canst pour forth into us how highly our Lord Jesus is dignified and exalted and that thou hast made him most blessed for ever and made him exceeding glad with thy countenance Psal 21.6 and that he will bring all thy children unto his glory Settle in my soul such strong apprehensions of these things that they may purifie my heart more perfectly and provoke me to an unwearied diligence in well doing and make me endure hardship also if need be as a good souldier of Jesus Christ who was made perfect through sufferings III. And assist me especially in these holy addresses to thee that continuing instant in prayer I may feel my heart lifted up more and more towards heaven by ardent breathings after thee And indue me likewise with such a spirit of wisdom and such sincerity of heart that I may never be discouraged though I fall short of the height of my desires but I may always thankfully acknowledge thy grace in what I have attained and labour earnestly to grow better with a quiet patient even and steady mind Preserve in me an humble confidence that thou wilt never forsake the work of thine own hands And let that confidence make me industrious but not slothful And let thy holy Spirit bless and further my endeavours and a fervent desire and hearty good will press me forward and the pleasures of Religion mightily indear it to me and the joy that thou hast set before me make me run the way of thy commandments with an enlarged heart And the nearer I come to the end of my race may it please thy goodness to present me with a clearer sight of that Crown of Life which our Lord hath promised Open to me more of the treasures of thy Kingdom and fill me with a greater joy in hope of thy glory that so I may be willing to be dissolved and to be with Christ which is best of all IV. And now O Lord what thanks shall I render unto thee for these holy thoughts desires and affections which by thy grace I feel in my heart together with all the other benefits which thou hast bestowed on me or intendest for me Great and marvellous things O God hast thou wrought for the children of men and thou hast
promised far greater if we will but be truly grateful unto thee for what we have already received Thou sendest one blessing as the earnest of another having given thy Son to us that he might give us thy holy Spirit and given him to dye for us that he might give us life Thou grantest to us thy grace that we may repent and thou givest repentance that thou mayst give us pardon and thou pardonest our sins that we may be thy children and being thy children thou designest to make us thy heirs together with our blessed Saviour Thou givest us temporal blessings that we may thirst after spiritual and thou fillest us with spiritual blessings in Christ that we may long for the accomplishment of them in immortal life There is none can declare the goodness of the Lord. We best declare our sense of it when we thankfully receive it and become as good as thou wouldst have us and inablest us to be And how great how free is that goodness which is most of all pleased when we are happy and esteems our doing our selves good with thy grace and favour the return that we should make to thy bounty Thou dost us good before we ask and thou givest liberally unto us that thou mayst move us to ask more Thou intreatest us when we are unwilling thou beseechest us that we would let thee bless us and not put impediments in the way of our own happiness thou pittiest us when we have no compassion for our selves and art still careful of us when we trifle away the richest mercies V. O the exceeding riches of thy grace to the children of men who can number all thy mercies and who can understand the greatness of those of which we make mention It is easier to speak of them than to be affected with the multitude and surpassing value of them and we can sooner be affected with them than do any thing worthy such excellent love Our Praises and Thanksgivngs consist too much in words and transient admirations and sudden passions O that I had such a serious such a considerate heart as to return unto thee the constant uniform and chearful obedience of a godly life By which I know I shall not only most praise and glorifie thee but do the greatest benefit to my self And when I have done all that I can I will acknowledge my self an unprofitable servant that hath done no more than was his duty to do I will esteem all my goodness to be the fruit of thy great goodness to me And I will rejoyce in this that thou art formed in me and that I am made like unto the Son of thy love and that I have hopes through thy abundant and undeserved mercy to live with him in his heavenly Kingdom Which I beseech thee hasten to the eternal joy of all those that love his appearing Amen Amen Let thy kingdom come that I may see the good of thy chosen and glory with thine inheritance and we may all with united hearts and affections render our thanks unto thee and sing thy everlasting praises The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communication of the holy Ghost be with me and with all thy people every where both now and always Amen A Prayer in Lent or upon any publick Fast I. O Most glorious God who art from everlasting to everlasting blessed in thy self and who alone canst satisfie the hungry soul and fillest the humble with good things In a serious sense of my own emptiness and thy fulness of my great needs and thy bounty and readiness to bestow thy benefits I cast down my self before thee worshiping adoring thine incomprehensible perfections with a great fear of thy Almighty Majesty and an humble hope in thine infinite goodness and an hearty love to thy purity righteousness and intire submission to thy holy Will believing thy gracious promises desiring to be guided by thy wisdom depending on thy providence blessing and praising thee for thy unspeakable mercies to me and earnestly beseeching the continuance of them with a continued sense in my heart of thy abundant goodness to me and to all thy creatures and of those duties which I owe to thee and to all men II. I most sorrowfully bewail my carelesness O Lord that I have had so seldom or so short or so cold and little affecting thoughts of thee and that I have performed these acts of worship and adoration of fear and reverence of faith and love of submission and resignation of supplication and thanksgiving with so little intention and earnestness of mind with so little zeal and fervency of affection and with so little humility and prostration of spirit Nothing O my God is of so bitter remembrance to my thoughts nothing is such a load to my heart as that I have loved the world at any time more than thee and pursued with greater eagerness the possessions and pleasures and honours of a dying life than the glory and treasures of thy Kingdom the joy and happiness of eternal endurance It grieves me to think that I have at any time so coldly entertained the glad tydings of salvation so listlesly embraced the loving invitations of my dear Saviour so negligently improved the helps and assistances of the holy Spirit of Grace and so faintly sought I sorrowfully again acknowledge that glory honour and immortality which Christ hath brought to light by his Gospel How little have I been wounded with the dying and bleeding of thine only begotten Son for my sake How little concern'd sometimes in his passionate desires of the happiness of mankind How little melted with the ardent flames of his incomparable love How little moved or perswaded with his importunate intreaties How incompliant with his inspirations disobedient to his commands and insensible of his precious promises and fearful threatnings III. I have praised thee alas but seldom or slightly for so glorious an example as he hath left us of an holy life for the effects and fruits of his passion and intercession and for the power which he hath obtained at thy right hand And lother have I too often been to imitate his life and to imploy that power which he hath sent me from heaven to bring my heart to a conformity with his pattern How often have I received thy good creatures without such serious and hearty thanksgivings for them as they deserve and tasted their sweetness with little sense of thee or delight in thee who art the fountain of all bliss How sollicitous have I been to please men and obtain the good opinion and praise of others rather than to please thee and to do thy commandments the praise of which endureth for ever O the little envyings that have been in my heart at my Brethrens greater prosperity and my aptness to be angry and peevish to entertain suspicions easily to make wrong or unkind interpretations to aggravate offences and to keep too long a sense of injuries I hate my self
even for these things O how vile then and odious are all those sins of injustice or unmercifulness of which I may have been guilty IV. Be merciful unto me O Lord be merciful unto me through the blood of that spotless Lamb which was shed for the sins of the world Remember not against me the vanity of my thoughts the errors and mistakes of my judgement the pride of my spirit the greediness of my sensual desires the violence and disorder of any of my passions the unruliness of my tongue the inconstancy of my purposes or the baseness and unworthiness of any of my ends and intentions O holy God and merciful Father enter not into judgement with me for the mispense of my precious time for letting slip any good opportunites or for my ill husbanding the many Talents which thou hast intrusted me withal Let not the abuse of any of thy creatures the ill example that I have given to any of my Neighbours my unthankfulness for a world of mercies my inobservance or forgetfulness of thy fatherly providences and my insensibleness of others miseries be charged upon me at the day of our Lord or incense thy severe displeasure against me in this present life O remember not my immoderate sorrow for worldly losses my excessive pleasure in the abundance of any worldly enjoyments the deadness of my grief and the scarcity of my tears for my own sins and the sins of others and the heartlesness of my joys in thee and in thy Son Christ and for all the good thou hast done to me and to my Brethren or which they do for thy honour and the comfort of thy people Let not any discontent with my condition provoke thee to make it worse nor my want of love to thee deprive me of the love of others nor the breach of any of my resolutions be punished with an indifferency and carelesness of spirit nor the abuse of any of thy blessings or unthankfulness for them move thine offended goodness to strip me naked of them V. But gracious Lord so pardon me as to give me the grace of thy holy Spirit to change and renew me throughout in spirit soul and body and to enable me daily to amend my life according to thy holy word That 's the hearty desire and purpose of my soul which longs for nothing more than a power from above to possess me with more steady and affectionate thoughts of thee and to fill me with a more inflamed love to thee and to all my Brethren and to dispose my will to resign it self in all things to thee and chearfully to comply with thy providence and zealously to imploy all holy opportunities of doing or receiving good O God deny me not this great grace though unworthy of the least but strengthen me with might by thy Spirit in the inner man Let it teach and direct me in the right way let it assist me to walk in it let it constantly incourage my progress chearing and refreshing me when I am ready to faint upholding me when I am ready to fall recovering me when I slip enabling me with fervent desires to implore thy mercy and with resolved watchfulness to strengthen my self against all temptations for the time to come VI. Preserve in me such a serious and deep sense of the worth of my soul of the weight of all eternity of the certainty and greatness of the glory which shall be revealed that they may prevail more with me than all the honours and riches and pleasures of this life Prepossess me with a clear understanding of the Gospel of our Saviour with a strong saith a fervent charity and a lively hope against all other things that press upon me and sollicite my affections that so nothing may find admittance into my heart but what shall submit to thy laws and live under the government and discipline of our Lord Jesus Instruct me how to make all my pleasures discreet moderate and useful to me that they may never take up the best of my time nor devour the strength of my mind Teach me to use the riches of this world aright and to do good to my self and others with them Dispose me to look upon greatness or honours but as greater opportunities to do thee more honour and the world more service Moderate all my passions and subdue them perfectly to the obedience of Reason and Religion O that all my conversation with others may be innocent and profitable and my private retirements more devout and heavenly and all my imployments without inordinate cares and fears or any distrust of thy good providence Help me to look upon long life as desireable only that I may have more time to root out perfectly all evil habits and dispositions to implant and increase all Divine Vertues to do the more good that I may be better sitted for an happy life world without end Amen The same prayer may be used in time of any publick calamity and some of these following prayers added as there shall be occasion A Prayer in time of Plague GReat and many O Lord are the sins whereby we have provoked thee in these Kingdoms to send all thy sore judgements upon us the sword the famine and the pestilence to cut off from them man and beast It is only of thine infinite mercies that we are not utterly consumed and because thy compassions fail not Blessed be thy goodness that we are not yet delivered into the hand of those that hate us but only corrected by thy own hand who art the Father of mercies To them we flee now in our great distress and beseech thee that thou wilt not shut up the bowels of thy tender mercy and compassion towards us in displeasure But punish us that thou maist pardon us and amend us and make us a more devout sober righteous and charitable people zealous of good works Say to thy destroying Angel Hold thy hand it is enough Or if thou art pleased to have it still stretched out against us give grace to us who are yet in health to spend our time in examining our hearts and lives in bewailing our offences in setling our purposes of repentance and new obedience in inuring our selves to delight in Prayer and holy Meditation in giving thanks to thee for thy merciful preservation of us in preparing our selves for whatsoever change thou art pleased to make in our condition and in doing good with compassionate hearts to those poor people that lye under thy heavy visitation And graciously vouchsafe to bestow upon them intire patience and submission to thy Will and enable them with unfeigned repentance and humble hope in thy mercy to resign themselves and theirs into thy hands that howsoever thou shalt dispose of any of us living or dying we may be the Lords Lord have mercy upon us all for Jesus Christ his sake Amen In time of War O God who hast justly punished our carnal security and abuse of that peace and quietness
which we have enjoyed by making us hear the sound of the trumpet and the alarm of war be merciful unto us I most humbly beseech thee and awaken ever one of our souls thereby to search and try our ways and to turn unto thee by a timely repentance and amendment of our lives Though we deserve to be cut off by the sword which is unsheathed as a foolish people that have not known thee sottish children that have no understanding who are wise to do evil but to do good have no knowledge Jer. 4.22 yet spare us good Lord spare thy people and give not thy heritage to reproach Joel 2.17 O thou God of peace who didst send thy own Son among thine enemies to make reconciliation between lost men and thy self inspire our hearts and the hearts of all those with whom we are at difference with a love of peace and incline us to hearken and consent to reasonable terms of reconciliation And for that end root out of every one of our minds and hearts all pride and ambition all inordinate desire of greatness and dominion all covetousness and greediness of wealth all false opinions prejudices and misapprehensions all anger passion and causeless jealousies and especially all study of revenge all rancour and bitterness all hatred and malice with whatsoever else is contrary to the Doctrine and Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ Possess us with the Spirit of Truth and love and brotherly affection Make us tender-hearted and to have compassion one towards another to study to be peace-makers to pray for peace to seek those things which will make for peace and not only to seek after it but to pursue it to the utmost of our power Direct to those expedients which will happily unite and tye us fast together Or if these miserable differences continue and cannot otherwise be composed go forth O Lord with our hosts give wisdom and valour to our leaders resolution and undaunted courage to our souldiers and good success to all those enterprises which are undertaken for the common good and safety of these Kingdoms O God let us fall into thy hands for thy mercies are great but not into the hands of men when they are wrathfully displeased at us And if thou art pleased to crown us with victory give us grace to use it with moderation justice and charity O that we may overcome likewise all temptations to bold and presumptuous continuance in our sins against thee and be subdued by thy favour towards us to a serious study and care how to lead a peaceable life in all godliness and honesty for the sake of Christ Jesus the Prince of peace Whose grace be with us all Amen In time of Scarcity O God who turnest a fruitful land into barrenness for the wickedness of them that dwell therein pour down upon the sinful inhabitants of these Islands a serious sense of their own undeservings and of thy righteous judgements which thou hast sent upon them That they may humble themselves before thee and repent of their wantonness and riot of their feasting themselves without fear and hardning their hearts against the cryes of the poor of their discontent and repining in the midst of plenty and their loathing the divine food of their souls which thou hast justly punished with scarcity of bread in all places Make us ashamed O Lord and heartily sorry for these and all other our offences against thy Divine Majesty And as an earnest of better obedience for the time to come dispose the hearts of those who are afflicted to submit with meekness to thy punishment and preserve them from all murmuring at thy wise providence Open the hearts likewise of those who are rich to show mercy to them and comfort them in their miseries The greater stores of provision any have treasured up against this time of want encline them so much the more to consider the poor and needy and fear to oppress them Enlarge their hearts in more abundant charity by the advantage they make of this present Scarcity And when thou shalt have turned it into plenty again Lord make us all truly thankful and soberly to use thy blessings and to bring forth plentifully the fruit of good living to the honour and praise of thy Name and the eternal happiness of our souls and bodies in that world where there is no want but fulness of joy for evermore Amen A Thanksgiving for any publick or private mercies O God most high and blessed for evermore who hast bestowed upon us the happiness to know and understand thee that thou art the Lord of all and that thou exercisest loving kindness judgement and righteousness in the earth and that thou hast said in these things thou delightest Jer. 9.24 Thou art to be worshipped and adored with my continual praises and thanksgivings who am here prostrated before the Throne of thy Grace oppressed with the great load of thy mercies and benefits which call upon all that is within me to bless thy holy Name I have often acknowledged that thou art the Author of my being and that it is thy favour which hath made my life not to be a burden to me as it might have been by innumerable miseries And now I heartily renew those acknowledgements and thank thy great goodness for my long continued health ease peace and plenty or that thou hast mercifully relieved and supported me in any sickness pain trouble or loss of worldly goods that hath befaln me Particularly I thank thee for thy late blessings which thou hast conferred upon me notwithstanding my undeservings and high provocations which I have any way given thy divine Majesty to deprive me of all good things Here mention the particulars in which you are privately concern'd and if it be the publick mercy of ceasing a great Contagion proceed thus Blessed be thy goodness which hath preserved so many of us alive in the midst of a great mortality and hath restored health again into the habitations of our Neighbours Blessed be thy sparing mercy which hath delivered us from the noisome pestilence and when a thousand fell at our side and ten thousand at our right hand didst not suffer it to come nigh our dwelling Thou hast been our refuge and our fortress our God in whom we ought to trust for ever Psal 91.2,7 After a War is ended some such words as these may be added Psal 124.1,2 c. 65.7 29. ult If it had not been the Lord who was on our side may we all well say if it had not been the Lord who was on our side when men rose up against us Then they had swallowed us up quick when their wrath was kindled against us Blessed be the Lord who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth Blessed be the Lord who hath caused wars to cease and made our enemies to be at peace with us It is the Lord that stilleth the noise of the Seas the noise of their
life by thy Son Christ Enable us we beseech thee to continue so patiently in all good works that at last we may attain it And bless thine Vniversal Church these Realms the King the Queen and all the Royal Family and grant us thy grace mercy and peace through Christ Jesus Amen Or this BLessed be thy name O Lord for our continued health and food and raiment and friends and all other good things whereby thou maintainest the comfort of this present life Above all we thank thee for thy love in Christ Jesus and the hope thou hast given us by him of better things in another world Vnto which we beseech thee to bring us by hearty obedience to thee all our days Save thine Vniversal Church c. Or this WE thank thee O Lord that we are alive and that we live in health and peace and the enjoyments of all good things that are needful for the support of this present life and for the attainment of a better Continue them we pray thee unto us and continue in us such a thankful sense of thy love that we may live unto thee by whom we live Save thy Vniversal Church c. THE TABLE Prayers for Families ON the Lords day Morning Page 1. At Night 11. A shorter form for the Morning 21. Another at Night 27. A Prayer for Afternoon 34. Another 39. On a Communion day Morning 44. At Night 49. On Munday Morning 57. At Night 62. Tuesday Morning 69. At Night 75. Wednesday Morning 81. At Night 87. Thursday Morning 95. At Night 101. Friday Morning 109. At Night 115. Saturday Morning 123. At Night 130. A shorter form for any Morning 137. Another 140. A short Prayer for the Evening 143. Another 145. Morning Prayer for a particular person 149. For the Evening 156. A shorter for the Morning 163. For the Evening 166. Prayers in the Church A Short Prayer before Divine Service begin 171. Another 172. A longer for that purpose 174. Another more large 177. After Divine Service 182. Prayers at home before Morning Service 183. After it is done 186. Before Evening Service 188. After it is done 190. On any Festival in remembrance of our Saviour 192. On Good Friday Morning 199. In the Evening 206. On any Saints day 215. On ones Birth-day 222. For Resolution in well doing 229. After Relapse into sin 238. A Thanksgiving for hope of Pardon 245. A Prayer for Divine Grace 250. Especially in dangerous temptations 255. For serious consideration 258. Ejaculations on several occasions unto 264 272. For Submission to God in case of any loss 273. In trouble of Mind 277. A Prayer to be used by others for such Persons 283. Another to the same use 289. A Prayer in the beginning of a Sickness 298. A Prayer to be said by others with the sick Person 305. Another at the point of Death 312. A Thanksgiving after Recovery 315. Another to be said by the whole Family 321. A Prayer for a sick Child 327. A Prayer before a Journey 331 In it or at the end of it 334. In case of any hurt received in it 336. For a friend in a Journey 339. A Thanksgiving after a safe return 342. A Prayer for one going to Sea 347. Thanksgiving when he is arrived or return'd safely 351. For a woman with Child 356. When her Travel is near 358. Another to be said by her Relations for her 361. A Thanksgiving by the Company present after safe Deliverance 364. Another by her self alone 369. A Prayer for good success in extraordinary business 373. For one that intends a single life 377. For one that deliberates about Marriage 386. For one that is entring into it 390. Parents Prayer for their Children 395. A Childs Prayer 399. A shorter 401. An Orphan's Prayer 402. A Widows 403. A Servant 's 406. A Prisoner's for debt 410. A Malefactor's 414. A Souldier's Prayer 419. An Aged persons Prayer 421. A large form of Praise Thanksgiving and Prayer when any one would spend a day or part of it in Devotion 425. In twelve Parts First part 431. Second part 434. Third 440. Fourth 443. Fifth 446. Sixth 449. Seventh 453. Eighth 455. Ninth 457. Tenth 459. Eleventh 463. Twelfth 465. The same Devotion continued after the same form 472. In five Parts First 473. Second 475. Third 476. Fourth 478. Fifth 480. A Prayer in Lent or upon any publick Fast In six Parts First 482. Second 483. Third 485. Fourth 486. Fifth 489. Sixth 490. A Prayer in time of Plague 492. In time of War 494. In time of Scarcity 498. A Thanksgiving for any publick or private Mercies 500. Particularly for Health 502. For Peace Ibid. For Plenty 503. A Students Prayer 508. A Prayer at any time of the day 510. A shorter to the same purpose 514. Graces before Meat 517. Graces after Meat 519. Some new Books Printed for Richard Royston THe Christian Sacrifice a Treatise shewing the necessity and manner of Receiving the Holy Communion together with suitable Prayers and Meditations for every Month in the Year and the Principal Festivals in memory of our Blessed Saviour in 12. By the same Author A Friendly Debate between a Conformist and a Non-conformist in 8º the first and second Part. Toleration disapproved and condemn'd 4º By William Ashton of Brazen Nose College War and Peace reconcil'd Or a Discourse of Constancy in unconstant times in 8. The End