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A44592 Saints blessed for ever: or, God's people never forsaken asuring every true believer, of their blessed estate, and condition: very profitably to read, and comfortable to every believing soul that truly fears God. Being a rich portion of Gods love to his people; and worthy to be kept in memory for ever. Together with several perswasions to poor sinners, to leave their sins, and come to Christ by repentance. By Roger Hough. Hough, Roger. 1667 (1667) Wing H2914; ESTC R215375 10,941 27

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Judges 7.20 It puts to flight all those Spiritual Midi●nites and Enemies of our poor Souls So Beloved you may sée hereby what a rare thing it is to have on this whole Armour of God it Fortifies a Believer on every hand Secondly By the Example of other precious Servants of the Lord labour to strengthen your graces and nourish every Branch thereof Every tender Plant of Knowledge the Lord bestows upon you nourish it if you be sure it procéeds from a right Principle otherwise if you perceive it is not according to the Mind and Will of God and you have no strength for the same in the Arm of Faith to smite with the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God cast it away have nothing to do with such a Principle as is Erronious and Corrupt First Doth God call you to Exercise your Faith Look upon the Example of your Father Abraham who had many Tryals upon that very account and yet he chéerfully through Faith under-went all until it came to the very touch stone of all Tryals which was the Offering up of his Son Isaac of whom it was said That in Isaac shall thy Seed be called and yet Abraham goes fréely to the Altar accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the dead Heb. 11.17 18 19. Secondly Doth God call you to Exercise your Hope Consider that Faith and Hope go both together where the one is the other cannot be wanting For Faith is both the Substance and Evidence of our Hope Heb. 11.1 For what can we hope for except we have Faith to believe Thirdly Doth God call you to Exercise your Patience Look back upon the Example of good Job who undergoes the hand of the Lord so chéerfully and patiently that he cryes out at the last Though he slay me yet will I trust in him Job 13.15 If you will but look back upon some of the Lords Servants of old you may learn by them your Duties Learn with Abel to get acceptance with God with Enoch to walk with God with Noah a Preacher of Righteousness to get into Gods protection Learn with Abraham to act your Faith with Jacob to wrastle with God with Joseph rather to submit to Prison then to dishonour God with a lustful Mistris Learn with Moses Méekness with David Repentance with Solomon Wisdom with Job Patience with Jeremiah Lamentation for the Sins of the People Learn of our blessed Saviour Iesus Christ to take up your Cross and follow him séeing the goodness of God hath so appointed it that his People shall never be forsaken Oh! do not you fail in your performances Consider God hath not made his Choice of you in vain he hath Loved you Chosen you Redéemed you taken Care over you made out his Promises unto you and Estéems you above all others therefore labour you every day to be Acting in a way of holy Profession And now Beloved to apply this Truth in a way of Invitation is my whole design at this time though much might be said upon several accounts yet the main end of what I have more to say is To invite poor Sinners to come to Christ by Repentance Sinners you hear God will never leave nor forsake his own people they are his own Inheritance his peculiar Treasure his beloved ones in whom he delights And you will hear that dreadful Sentence passed against you at the last if you do not Repent and come to Christ for Salvation Mat. 25.41 Depart from me ye Cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Without Repentance there is nothing of Comfort for you but this dreadful Sentence of Depart from me ye workers of Iniquity Matth. 7.23 Luke 13.3 I tell you nay but except you repent ye shall all likewise perish As the joy and comfort the people of God shall enjoy in heaven is beyond the reach of the eye of man to sée the ear to hear the heart to conceive and the tongue of man to express So the misery of the wicked in Hell is beyond both the eye to sée the ear to hear the heart to conceive and the tongue to express Oh Sinners its indurable misery it begins with you with a dreadful Sentence but it will never end when Thousands of years are passed over your misery is never the less your Torments still endure and ye have never less years to spend your Torments will be as fresh as ever they were Oh! therefore I pray you Sinner come to Christ leave of your Sins and beg earnestly for pardon and remission of your sins the Lord hath passed a righteous Iudgement against Sinners you cannot lay the cause of your misery upon another Ezekiel 18.20 The Soul that sinneth shall die the Son shall not bear the iniquity of the Father neither shall the Father bear the iniquity of the Son the Righneousness of the Righteous shall be upon him and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him Nor you cannot lay the cause of your misery upon God Ezek. 33.11 As I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live Turn you turn you from your evil wayes for why will you die O House of Israel Oh Sinners Why will you not come to Christ methinks I hear a great Complaint against you from the blessed word of God John 5.40 And ye will not come to me that you might have life Oh Sinners Consider there is no way to be saved but to come to Christ the way to Heaven is by Faith in Iesus Christ Acts 16.31 Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy House Now that you may the better be encouraged to come to Christ and to close with him Consider these few things following First Christ invites poor Sinners to come Mat. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and you shall find rest for your Souls Sinners be encouraged to close with Christ when ever he calls defer not your times put it not off till to morrow when God calls then is your day when Christ invites be you willing to close with him for then is your acceptable day of Deliverance if you will but diligently obey Be you therefore ready to receive his offer for then is the time of Love Oh! poor Sinners when ever Christ knocks at the doors of your hearts be you ready to receive him and be sure you open to him lest he say at the great day of Iudgement Away from me ye workers of Iniquity I call'd you at such a time and the very checks of your Consciences told you that you were in a way of destruction and if you had then repented and obeyed my voice and opened unto me I would have met you and have opened unto you the everlasting gate of Mercy but now away Depart from me I know you not Secondly Consider Christs Invitation is frée it s upon frée terms Isaiah 55.1 Ho every one that thirsteth Come to the waters and he that hath no Money come ye buy and eat yea come buy wine and milk without money and without price Come along poor Sinners here 's frée Invitation for you from a blessed Master that will ever perform what he saith verse the 7th Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him and to our God for he will abundantly pardon Dost thou want Faith beg earnestly of God for it say Lord I believe help my unbelief strive with all thy strength to obtain this precious grace of Faith Thirdly Consider poor Sinners Iesus Christ hath promised That whosoever comes unto him he will in no wise cast out Joh 6.37 And you have it here confirmed That God will never leave nor forsake his people Oh! therefore be perswaded to come to Christ and to close with him and do not you think that godliness is a solitary life and dubious unto you if you will but seriously consider there is more true joy in one hour in holy company if they be such as truly serve God in all his wayes and Commands then all the World can afford thée otherwayes Fourthly Consider Sinners as you come to Christ and forsake your sins you come into the Verge of his Prayers Christ prayes for all them that are given him of the Father but he prayes not for the world Joh. 17.9 While you lye in your sins you are as dead men you cannot come to be sharers with any of the Lords Servants in our Saviours Prayers to his Father Oh! therefore be perswaded to come to Christ and to close with him Lastly Consider Sinners what Iesus Christ hath done to Redéem your souls from Hell if you will but come unto him Isaiah 53 5. He was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisment of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed Iesus Christ hath shed his precious Blood to Redéem our Souls from misery Oh Sinners therefore be perswaded to come to Christ leave your former courses destroy that Enemy of your precious Souls and close with this blessed Saviour and he will receive you into his Favour and so you will come to be of that blessed Number that shall never be forsaken To Conclude All at this time which I have to say unto you I beséech you beloved take along with you this excellent Exhortation of our blessed Apostle Paul 1 Thess 5. 21 22 23 24. Prove all things hold fast that which is good Abstain from all appearance of evil And the very God of peace Sanctifie you wholly and I pray God your whole Spirit and Soul and Body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it For the which Coming and blessed Appearance the Lord for his mercy sake grant we may all be Prepared to receive the swéet Bridgroom of our Souls unto all Eternity for evermore Amen FINIS