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A42315 The old Roman Catholik, as at first he was taught by Paul, in opposition to the new Roman Catholick, as of latter he is taught by the Pope the one being apostolicall, the other apostaticall : derived and proven only out of the Epistle of Paul to the Romanes : whereunto is added a clear probation that the same also was the doctrine of the primitive bishops of Rome ... discovering to all clearly the apostasie of that church from the ancient Roman fayth and puritie thereof to the noveltie of gross heresie and idolatrie, and sufficient to convince, if not convert, any papist that is not wilfully obdured / by W. Guild. Guild, William, 1586-1657. 1649 (1649) Wing G2210; ESTC R30326 38,314 116

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That it can not be subject or what fore-going preparations in him were I pray you to this same Apostles conversion Act. 9. 1. 2. Wherefore sayeth Fulgentius the elect GOD preventeth with grace being otherwyse altogether vnworthy of mercie 6. That the first conversion of a sinner is a work only of GODS meer grace and not partly flowing from mans Free-will ROM. 7. 18. For I know that in mee that is in my flesh or vnregenerate part there dwelleth no good thing and if no good thing Then it followeth That in the vnregenerate and carnall man there is no inclination of his will to bee subject or obey GODS will because as is sayd The carnall mynd is eninimitie agaynst GOD and is not subject to the law of GOD nor indeed can be till GOD work in vs as the Apostle speaketh else-where Both to will and to do Wherefore sayeth Bernard they are not my words but the Apostles that any good that can bee whether to think or to will or to do the good which hee willeth hee ascryveth all to GOD and no wyse to his own free-will 7. That wee are not justified before GOD by works or anie inherent Righteousness in vs but of GODS free Grace and by Fayth onlie ROM. 3. 24. Being justified freely by His Grace thorow the redemption that is in IESUS CHRIST Rom. 11. 6. And if by Grace then it is no more of works otherwyse grace were no more grace c. Rom. 3. 27. Where is boasting then It is excluded By what law Of works Nay but by the law of fayth Rom. 3. 20. Therefore by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in His sight Rom. 3. 28. Wherefore wee conclude sayeth the Apostle that a man is justified by fayth without the deeds of the law Behold then here by this deduction of the Apostle and his conclusion in end That the poynt is clear that wee are not justified by works but of grace and by fayth only Whence it is that thus sayeth Ambrose This is my good that we are not justified by works Therefore I haue not whereof to glorie in my works And therefore I will glorie in CHRIST I will not glorie then that I am righteous but that I am redeemed and not that I want sinne but that my sinnes are forgiven mee c. 8. That Fayth is a sure Confidence in GOD and a full perswasion of the performance of His Promises and not an vncertayn conjecture ROM. 4. 12. Walk in the steps of that fayth of our father Abraham which he had being yet vncircumcised And what a fayth this was the Apostle subioyneth saying Rom. 4. 20. 21. He staggered not at the promise of GOD through vnbelief but was strong in fayth giving glorie to GOD being fully perswaded that what Hee had promised Hee was able to perform Whence it followeth That the nature of a true and saving Fayth where ●nto we are exhorted after the example of the godly before vs is not an vncertayn conjecture or probable opinion only but a full perswasion without staggering or doubting which the Apostle calleth vnbelief as contrary to fayth and which full perswasion of the performance of GODS Promises to a penitent believer is so farre from sinfull presumption whereby GOD is offeuded That on the contrary the Apostle declareth that GOD is thereby glorified and acknowledged true in His Promises And that on the other syde doubting of the performance of GODS Promises to vs is rather presumption for thereby wee make GOD a liar Wherefore Augustin speaking of this perswasion sayeth Neither is this presumption but fayth sayeth hee for to tell what thou hast gotten is no presumption but devotion 9. That the godly therefore may be assured of their Salvation and should not doubt thereof as Romanists teach them to do How-so-ever thorow infirmitie they may so often tymes ROM. 8. 16. The spirit it self beareth witness with our spirit that wee are the children of GOD The Apostle speaking here not of extraordinanary revelation but of GODS ordinary dealing with His Sayncts Whence it followeth If the Spirit of GOD witness to our soul or spirit that we are GODS children then hee witnesseth that we are heirs of Salvation and consequently if he witness this we should belieue his witnessing and rest assured of the certainty thereof because Hee is true Which is not presumption as Papists teach but as hath bene sayd it is rather presumption to doubt of the Trueth of this witnessing of the Spirit Agayn Rom. 8. 38. I am perswaded sayeth PAULL that neither Death nor Lyf nor Principalities nor Powers c. shall bee able to separate not mee an Apostle but vs speaking of all the Godlie from the Loue of GOD which is in CHRIST IESUS our LORD Remark then The Apostles full perswasion of his own salvation and of all the Godlies without any doubting or staggering in his fayth And yet I hope no man will call this Perswasion Presumption in the Apostle Paul 10. That no implicite Fayth doeth saue ROM. 10. 9. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the LORD IESUS and shal belieue in thy heart that GOD hath raysed Him from the dead thou shalt bee saved c. Whence it followeth Seing we must belieue with the heart and confess with the mouth the express Articles of the Christian fayth Especially CHRISTS Death and Resurrection if we must be saved Therefore what we belieue we must distinctly know and not rely on an implicite fayth to be saved thereby 11. That no man can perfectlie keep GODS Commandements let bee to Supererogate ROM. 7. 13. But I see another law in my members warring agaynst the law of my mynd and bringing mee into caeptivitie to the law of sinne which is in my members O miserable man then that I am Who shall deliver mee from this bodie of death Whence it followeth That if so great an Apostle could not perfectly keep GODS Law and so be free of sinne Then what is hee that can claym to a greater then Apostolicall Perfection Wherefore sayth Ierom If thou canst show mee but a man who hath fulfilled the Commandements Then thou mayest show mee a man that needeth not GODS mercy 12. That our good works are not meritorious of Eternall Lyff ROM. 6. 23. For the wages of sinne is death But Lyff Eternall is the free gift of GOD through IESUS CHRIST our LORD Where wee see That death is called the wages of sinne because merited thereby But so is not lyff everlasting called the wages of righteousness But the free gift of GOD that thereby sayeth Augustine wee may vnderstand that it is not for our merits but according to His own Mercy that GOD bringeth vs to Eternall Lyff Agayn Rom. 8. 18. For I reckon that the sufferings of this present tyme are not worthy to bee compared with the glory which shall bee revealed in vs Whence it followeth That if the ve●ie sufferinges of Martyrs meriteth
they call the Virtuall Church de facto hath erred Ergo hee and the Church following him may erre The Antecedent is proven by the testimonie of many famous Romanists themselues as Nilus Gerson Almain Alfonsus à Castro and which is to be noted Pope Adrian himself as Bellarmine acknowledgeth lib. 4. de Pontif. Rom. c. 2. The lyke doeth Cardinall Cusanus witness Ambrosius Catharinus Lyra Erasmus and the Councell of Basill who in their 34. Session deposed Eugenius the fourth as hereticall So did the sixt Generall Councell of Constantinople condemne Pope Honorius as a Monothelite as Bellarmin confesseth lib. 4. de Pont. c. 11. That Pope Liberius also was an Arrian and Pope Anastasius an Nestorian no man will doubt sayeth Alfonsus à Castro who hath read histories also that Vigilius was an Eutychian that Zepherin was a Montanist and that Iohn the 23 denyed the Resurrection is evident by most famous Histories of their own witnessing 2. Lykewyse to come to poynts of Doctrine wherein by their own confession they haue erred and departed from the Ancient Fayth I will instance first the Roman Churches prohibition of the people to reade the holy Scriptures And if it be asked whether in this poynt shee hath erred and departed from the fayth and practise of the Primitiue Church Their own Bishop Claudius Espencaeus on Titus 2. will tell them saying It is manyfest by the doctrine of the Apostle Col. 3. 4. And by the practise of the Church sayeth hee that of old the vse of the Scriptures was permitted to the people Here then a confessed departure from the Ancient Fayth 3. The Roman Church hath decreed That all publick Prayers and Worship bee in a tongue vnknown to the people And if it bee asked Whether herein shee hath erred and departed from the Ancient Fayth Their own Cardinall Cajetan will tell them saying By the doctrine of Saynct Paull it is to bee held that it is farre better for the edifying of the Church that the publick Prayers which are vttered in the hearing of the people bee sayd in a language that is common and known both to Clergie and people And that this was lykewyse the practise of the Primitiue Church This both Lyra and Aquinas testifieth Here then agayn a confessed departure from the Ancient Fayth and practise of the Primitiue Church 4. The present Roman Church teacheth Invocation of Sayncts And if it be asked Whether in this they hold the Ancient Fayth taught by the Apostles or hath departed therefra Their own Eckius Luthers great Antagonist will tell them saying Besydes that we haue nothing hereof in the Old Testament In the New lykewyse the Apostles nor Evangelists neither taught by word sayeth hee nor left any such thing by writ that the Sayncts departed should be invocated nor would the holy Ghost by whose inspiration they spake suffer them so to do sayeth he and yet as Paull testifieth they taught the whole Councell of GOD Whence it followeth that the Invocation of Sayncts is no part thereof And consequently a departure from the Ancient Catholick and Apostolicall Fayth and practise Iustly accursed by GOD For if an Angell from Heaven sayeth the Apostle teach any thing besyde that which wee haue preached vnto you let him bee accursed 5. The Church of Rome now teacheth That the people should not participate of the consecrated cup in the Communion And if it be asked If herein they follow CHRISTS Institution or the practise of the Primitiue Church Not only doeth their own Lyra and Aquinas ingenuously confess That shee hath departed therefra But also the whole Councell of Constance holden anno 1414. Sess. 13. confesseth clearly That CHRIST indeed instituted this Venerable Sacrament in both kynds of bread and wyne and gaue it so to His Disciples As also that in the Primitiue Church say they the same was receaved by the Faythfull in both kynds And yet for certayn causes the Roman Church hath ordayned the contrary Here then a clear confession of a gross departing from the Ancient Fayth and practise of the Primitiue Church 6. The present Roman Church teacheth Transsubstantiation of the bread into the Body of CHRIST in the Sacrament of the LORDS SUPPER And if it bee asked If this bee the Ancient Catholick and Apostolick Fayth 1. The Apostle 1. Cor. 11. 26. will teach them the contrary affirming That after Consecration the bread remayneth in substance Even when it is eaten And if next to the Apostle they will heare one of their most ancient Popes whom they say cannot erre Gelasius will tell them playnly saying tho the Sacrament bee a divyne thing becauss therein wee receaue the body and blood of CHRIST yet the substance and nature of the bread and wyne ceasseth not still to remayn sayeth hee And as for the Words of CHRIST whereby they would proue Transsubstantiation if they will hear the exposition of them out of their Popes Canon Law it will tell them saying The Heavenly Sacrament which truely REPRESENTETH CHRISTS FLESH is called CHRISTS BODIE but improperlie So that in this mayn poynt we see they haue departed from the Ancient Fayth which was taught by the Apostle and believed by their own ancient Popes and Canonists 7. The present Romane Church teacheth That after this lyf for soules of them that are saved there is a fyre of Purgatorie And if it bee asked If this was the Ancient Fayth of the Catholick Church Their own Fisher Bishop of Rochester will tell them That in the Western or Roman Church it is but Sero cognitum or lately only known And as for the Eastern or Grecian Church even vnto this day sayeth hee they never did belieue Purgatorie Here then a clear confession that the present Roman Church holdeth not the Ancient Fayth of the Catholick Church Eastern nor Western but hath swerved therefra 8. And if by farder witnessing they would be informed of the defection of the Church of Rome by Fathers others a matter indeed wherein they are lyke to Thomas hard of belief let Ierom testifie what progress it had made even in his tyme which was a mystery of Iniquity working even in Pauls dayes who about the four hundreth year of CHRIST wryting to Paulinus sayeth thus When I was in Babylon calling Rome so and lived an inhabitant of that Purple Whore I desyred as it were to prattle somewhat of the holy Ghost and to dedicate my work to the Bishop of that Citie to wit Damasus and behold the Assembly of the Pharisees there cryed me down amongst whom there was not any learned Scrybe but the whole faction of ignorance conspyred agaynst mee as if I had proclaymed some Doctrinall Warre agaynst them c. Which words even vnto admiration calling Rome Babylon the Scarlet Whore The Clergie whereof were a faction of blynd Pharisees who cryed downe all Godly and Learned Men for advancing themselues only and their own credit would seem
sinne of vnbelieff Whom els where * the Scriptures are sayd to haue concluded vnder sinne Whence it followeth That the Authoritie of GOD and of the Scriptures is all one Therefore if GODS Authoritie bee aboue the Church then the Scriptures Authoritie must bee so lykewyse and not the contrary And who believeth not GOD speaking in the Scriptures otherwyse then for the Authoritie of another That is the Churches hee believeth the Church more than GOD and so believeth not GOD simplie for himself but as is sayd 1. Iohn 5. 10. maketh GOD a liar Therefore sayeth Augustine being sure and secure of the Trueth of holy Scripture I will reade the same as being placed in the very highest and most heavenly top or pinnacle of Authoritie 4. That the Scripture is perfect in it self without vnwritten traditions ROM. 15. 4. Whatsoever thinges were written aforetyme were written for our instruction that we through Patience and Comfort of the Scriptures may haue hope Whence it followeth That if the Scripture serveth as sayeth the Text both for instructing in thinges intellectuall and begetting in vs all saving graces as things morall and which are able to vphold vs in deepest distresses as is Patience Comfort and Hope That therefore the same is perfect contayning all doctrines in it needfull to Salvation Whence it is sayeth Augustine in these places which are clearly set down in Scripture All these things are found which contayn both Fayth and Manners CHAP. II. Of the CHURCH SECTION 1. That the holy Cotholick Church spoken of in the Creed is only of them who are predestinated to eternall glory ROM. 8. 30. Moreover whom Hee did predestinate them also He called and whom He called them also Hee justified and whom Hee justified them also He glorified Whence wee reason thus The holy Catholik Church of CHRIST is that which at last is to bee glorified But none are to bee glorified but the predestinate c. Therefore the predestinate only are the holy Catholik Church of CHRIST Whence it is That Pope Gregorie the first sayeth well The Church is rightlie called a Garden inclosed sayeth hee because on all sydes it is fenced with the hedge of Charitie lest any reprobate should enter in amongst the number of the Elect. And yet for this poynt was Iohn Huss condemned burnt at the Councell of Constance because he defyned the True Church of CHRIST to bee the company of these who are predestinate elect vnto Eternall Lyf 2. That the Church of true Professours is not alwayes to all conspicuous ROM. 11. 2. 3. 4. Wot ye not what the Scripture sayeth of Eliab how hee maketh intercession to GOD against Israell saying LORD they haue killed thy Prophets and digged down thyne Altars and I am left aelone and they seek my lyf But what sayeth the answer of GOD vnto him I haue reserved to MySelff seven thousand who haue not bowed the knee to Baall Where wee see that the true Church in Israel that consisted of such a number of true worshippers was not visibly conspicuous even to the true Prophet of GOD let be to her persecuting enemyes Ahab and Iesabell Whence it is That Augustin sayeth Sometymes the Church lyke the Moon may be hid and obscured that her own very members may not know one another 3. That true doctrine is the essentiall note of the true Church ROM. 16. 17. Now I beseech you brethren mark them who cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which yee haue learned and avoyd them For they that are such serue not the LORD IESUS Whence it followeth If they should bee avoyded as no true servants of CHRIST IESUS or members of His Church who teah or practise Contrary to true doctrine That on the contrary these therefore who teach and practise conform to true doctrine contayned in the Scriptures are the true servants of CHRIST IESUS and members of His Church and consequentlie that true doctrine and practise in GODS worship conform is the essentiall note to know CHRISTS Church thereby Therefore there is the true Church sayeth Ierom where true fayth is and they are good catholicks only sayeth Augustin who follow the right fayth 4. That vnity is no note of the true Church except in the trueth and profession thereof ROM. 15. 5. 6. Now the GOD of patience and consolation grant you to be alyke mynded one towards another according to CHRIST IESUS that yee may with one mynd and one mouth glorifie GOD Whence it followeth That the vnitie which the Apostle prayeth that it may be in this Church of Rome and whereby they may bee knowne to bee the true Church of CHRIST is the Unitie of trueth according to CHRIST IESUS being of one mynd in believing and of one mouth in professing the same to the glory of GOD 5. That Multitude is no Note of the True Church ROM. 11. 3. 5. LORD they haue killed thy Prophets and digged downe thyne Altars and I am left alone and they seek my lyf c. And even so at this present tyme also there is but a remnant according to the election of grace sayeth the Apostle Whence it followeth If at this tyme whereof the Prophet speaketh in this Church of the Iewes there was such a paucitie of true worshippers that Elias thought that hee only was left alone the multitude having made defection to idolatrie And that at this tyme also whereof the Apostle speaketh in the Christian Church was but a remnant only according to the election of grace in comparison of others Therefore it followeth clearly that multitude is no evident note of the true Church Wherefore sayeth Ierom the multitude of associates shall no wyse show thee to bee a Catholik but rather an Heretick 6. That the Church of Rome is not infallible but may erre ROM. 11. 20. Because of vnbelieff they were broken off to wit the Iewish Church and thou standest by fayth be not highmynded but fear Whence wee see 1. That any such highmyndedness is forbidden to the Church of Rome as to say that shee cannot erre and 2. Altho for the present she stood by fayth yet shee is exhorted to fear lest shee fall from the Fayth Which exhortation were altogether needless if shee could not erre or fall from the Fayth And agayn sayeth the Apostle Rom. 11. 21. 22. For if GOD spared not the naturall branches take heed lest hee spare not thee Behold therefore the goodness and severitie of GOD on them which fell severitie but towards thee goodness if thou continue in his goodness otherwyse thou shalt also be cut off Whereby the Apostle showeth That the Church of Rome may fall away from the Trueth and bee cut off as well as other Churches otherwyse if shee only had bene priviledged with infallibility this exhortation fore-named and this commination subjoyned had bene altogether needless neither should he spoken conditionally thus If thou continue but particularly excepted her as one that could